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Welcome into the Bronze-Clay age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in The Crack, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains, struggling to cleanse the rot of a Nurgle-backed demonic invasion.

The WindPsykers, claymakers and locust of bad luck of GrassGreen
The Isolationist, God-among-hunter-walking of Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters, masters of the biggest spans of land, lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch opportunists of Jupiter
The Archers, Merchants, Slavers and Warptrailers of BadBack
The Farmers, one-with-the-Drifters of Whitemane
The scholars of Cerulean wise in the ways of gods and research

This should be the last thread of the Skirmish-tribe phasis thing.

Last thread : https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6037069/
Pastebin : https://pastebin.com/LLBm1mjj
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The drums of war are rolling.
For the first time of Hunter history, all the tribe are moving forward with a common goal.

>BurningGrass : 2d100+30
>Badback : 2d100+23
>Breathless : 2d100+13
>Whitemane : 3d100+29
>GrassGreen : 1d100+12
>Jupiter : 1d100+17 (Opportunist)
>Ghostclaw : 2d100+39

Grassgreen also have a -9 to one poor bastard that I will "play" optimally. The poor nurglite getting ganged North by the 3 of you also suffers a -9 from BadBack's turrets.

You might have to negociate on how to share conquested land among GrassGreen, BadBack and Whitemane
Rolled 4, 75 = 79 (2d100)

ho boi!

here we go.
btw. did my siege tower go to the front as well? Or am i just rolling for mercenaries?
As you're using your regular army (and everyone else is) I'm ruling no mercenaries. 1st roll is your battle-hardened veteran mercenary. Second is the Siege Tower division.
sounds good to me.... well my regular army is getting crushed. but the SIege Tower Division is doing well.

i was just wondering.
Rolled 96 + 12 (1d100 + 12)


Purge the corruption!
RAAAAAAAHH!!!!!! Fuck Yeah.
Rolled 34 + 39 (1d100 + 39)

During this week i will not be able to make images. An unfortunate thing both for rolls and making something I like to do despite how long it takes.
You rolled only once instead of twice.
Rolled 97 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

I ll roll another 1d100 if its not a problem or do you prefer i just redo a 2d100 ?
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Just in case only one is needed.
Rolled 36, 100 + 30 = 166 (2d100 + 30)

Here we go
Oh shit my first real crit.
Also a fake 66 (slannesh must be pleased with me
Rolled 86, 58, 85 + 29 = 258 (3d100 + 29)

we'll talk territory after we drive them back
Yeah. We can do that
we only missing our Cerulean Watcher i take it?
I think so. He warned he was not available early this week.
Rolled 33, 48 + 13 = 94 (2d100 + 13)

Kane lives in death
Rolled 44, 84, 58, 73, 55, 27, 77, 46, 31, 44 = 539 (10d100)

So we got everyone. Rolling for Chaos.

Won't have time to update in the next 12 hours at the very least.

First 2 are Cerulean target. Next 2 are BurningGrass. Next three are Jupiter/BurningGrass/Jupiter. Then the northern one, then the one getting shreded by Badback/Whitemane/Grassgreen and finally the Ghostclaw invader
so it's my 66 and nat 100 vs 58, 73, and 27?
Yeah. My regular army is getting annihalated. But the siege Tower is completely fine. Rain on fire my beautiful beautiful warmachine
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This era will be remembered as one of total war and unity.
War against Chaos. Chaos fought by Hunters in the North, and in the South-West.
In the North-West, Cerulean takes around as much land as it loses - its army built around the mighty Siege Trebuchet Tower routed and rotted.
However, in the vincinity, large and large sways of lands are cleansed by the Chaos Fighters of BurningGrass.
The military is very much involved in the killing-all-monsters plans of the matriarch.
So much that they take back the land that was Cerulean not so long ago. The defeated War Tower was recovered. Repaired. Kept by the BurningGrass military

>66 vs 73
Easter, the BurningGrass offensive struggles...
>Cursed Warriors turns into a Grassgreen success!
Until an exiled, unlucky blank wanders around, followed by a battalion of Curse Retainers.
Then, decades-old perfectly fine and coexisting heaps of toxins start to mutate and melt, BurningGrass Fourbeaks break lose and slay a few more colossus while being skittering deads due to the diseases, and BurningGrass forces disband because of the sheer spite nothing at all working generates.

Jupiter's warrior, using the tunnels to send coordinated Guerilla warfare attack, sapped perfectly the towering hulks of rot.
Good. Very good. A great thing is coming for your species. This is your last chance : Find out how to have the greatest power of them all.

South, the Ghostclaw clan sent Avatars as pure bait and rotmeat while the Fighters of the clans circled, slayed the colossus advanced. Shamans cleansed methodically the corrupted ground.
Soon, the "second invasion" as the isolationist will remember, is a distant bad memory.

Eastmost, three Hunter Armies get out of the Crack to take down the existential threat.
GrassGreen, Whitemane and Badback advance, slay, conquer.
In the end, Grassgreen's effort let them secure the border - and find a new supply of Snowrock, green this time. The kiln will burn anew.
Whitemane's warring effort lead to the creation of a Third Archeon - another powerful being able to demultiply the power of the Hun-Hun armed cavalry and their Psyker Supports.
Badback, after a demographic-crunching defeat, chased and slayed the last Rotted Kaijus.
There, in the Far North : they make a discovery : the hulking masses of a herd of Scissors Hunter, perfectly preserved in crystal-clear ice.
This is an unique opportunity to revive an extincted species - but how?

All of you have shifted into War Economy :
Military service have became, one way or another, important for your people. Be it a necessary condition to reproduce, acquire land, a moral duty, a dedicated caste, the result is the same :
Each turn, you can take a Development action and a Military action.

With the Chaos Incursion menace thiner and thiner, remains a question:
>What's next?
And I messed up.

Here's the correct map - including 25% more GrassGreen land
Envoys will be sent to Burning Grass, Offering the services of my warriors in battle against the Rotting Monstrosities in return for help of some of their biomancers with excavating some of the frozen hunters and starting experimentation on them to see if they could possibly be revived.

Military Action: Fight the Rot colossi in their last surviving pocket if Burning Grass agrees.

Start trying to develop our own source of psykers that could help with cleansing disease in future and better understand hunterkind anatomy. essentially a form of biomancy.

i dont really care much for the land in the far north. so i would be willing to relenquish total control of the territory so long as i receive exclusive rights to trade there(with my fortresses essentially building an enclave) and study the Scissor Hunters.
I don't have biomancers. hell I don't even have medicine or anatomy

did that nat 100 at least give me something special in the field of daemon?
wait... was it cerulan then?

then please disregard that part. who had biology and some flesh crafting. i still want those biomancers.

however for basic medicine. something we could maybe remedy. at least against nasty puss infections.

> War
The warriors of GrassGreen march on the last patch of Chaos with whomever will stand by them. Every last piece will be stamped out and burned to ash.

> Development
The psykers of the tribe turn their attention to the chaotic maelstrom of bad luck that surrounds Cursed Warriors and begin studying it. The theory is simple enough, in a halo around every Cursed Warrior there must exist a Blessed Ring of good luck, luck that could be extracted and used to more noble means.

Probably. No one is all that eager to get close enough to check.
It gave you several tiles, got you to steal/recover cerulean Siege Tower effectively turning your War action into 3d100, and a surprise boon I'm keeping for later.
>Civil Action: Architectural Wonder: Create a Bio Forge Complex dug into the cliffs at the NW corner of the Theocracy. Using both the dreams of the Eightdreamer and the Architectural talents of the Dreamslayer.

>Military Action: Send the Fourbeak to invade the final Poxhex from all sides and recover the Gate-Temple. Invade through the gates as well.

>Science Action: Develop the Philosophy of Law. Hobbes, Locke, Rosseau, Aquinas, etc. Why do the powerful deserve to rule? Why should the social hierarchies be obeyed? Why should hunters act opposed to their immediate best interest for the good of society?

The Cerulan don't control territory adjacent to Badback enclaves and also do not wish for enclaves of their own. They prefer their enclaves within the wider territories of others, serving an ecclesiarchal and educational role.

If Burning Grass allows, the Flockwing travel through their territory to offer their services to the GrassGreen. If GrassGreen also allow, they will travel to Whitemane to offer their services.
>military: burning crusade VI. destroy the last of the Rot Beast

>civilian: Writing. seeing the need for administrators to oversee the large expanse of the Empire. originating from scouts and commanders during the Burning Crusade when delivering orders from across the front. The style of the writing is similar to the carvings of the burning grass. a flowing natural script of polygrams.

I'm not going to deny warriors to the fight. already said earlier about allowing warriors fighting the chaos infection through my lands.
Scissor Hunters… what strange creatures. What do they look like in the Astral Sea? Are they vacant vessels? Are the bodies soulless? They are still quadrupeds right? And merely sentient? Most we could do to revive them is fill them with Whitemane souls, but who would accept the transfer? They would live shorter lives, their children will be muggles and live probably even shorter, with animalistic minds…

(You know who no doubt wants and knows how to revive them? Tzeetch)
>military: Join the cleansing against the last of the Rot
>Development: Breed the Shaggy Dahu
no territory close......

you have a Portal to my territory from where i can pick your dudes up on my pathways and get them there in a short amount of time for research. you dont need enclaves of your own up there.
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Occupy territories to connect our western holdings

'Find out how to have the greatest power of them all.' Whatever that means, our god has given us a direction, no matter how cryptic. Our most religious and intellectually minded convene at the temple to determine what our Lord meant.
I think we're still missing Ghostclaw
i have been occupied this days.
At the moment i have nothing, i ll see what i can make today
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It was not a blame.
You lot dedication for such an high-effort thread is remarkable
Especially with what I'm planning once Nurgle Incursion is over and we enter into Wrapping Up phase
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negotiation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor, Sweeping Horde (as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain), Njate Ake (High-Family/ 4 of them + 4 values), Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Makers Workshops, Written History, Magical Staff


>Military : Establishment of the La'Kaw"Dae (Order-Devil-Killer), an holy order of elite warriors.
>"With the end of the Third Holy War and the destruction of all those devils Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw) has deemed necessary to ensure warriors are better prepared against future devils wars. As such, with the patronage of the gods and the avatars, an order of elite holy warriors shall be established. All of them will be zealots, and they shall be among the skillest in the Holy Realm since each Njate-Ake sending some of their own to expand their ranks. Praise be to the Aki-Jar, Praise be that the gods that they may watch over them and their strength. Njate-Ake Ghostclaw will see directly that the La'Kaw"dae is properly made."

>Civil : Poetry
>Much mourning has been done, and many died when the Golden Age was ended. Some scribes have started to create group of words that talk about this, they talk about the loss suffered and how many joined the venerated ancestors and the gods in Meda"Uyd-Nhit-Khas'Bger, they make sure that their memories is not just placed in tombs and catacombs but in their written works too. And thus they honor the fallen, the innocent and the wounded land."
(The armors of the La'Kaw"Dae is just a variant different in style to the usual warriors one).

I have to invalid that military action - this would be a development.
The idea is letting you move your troops on the map while still doing stuff.
Fair enough.
Since is half of an image can i keep it for next development ? I don't have anything to fight so i didn't want to expand soon. Its just expansion ?
By move troops i recon you mean just conquest.
it is. Show me on the map where you're going.
change military to
>Expand north of 2, Fourth Holy War is launched ! Praise the Aki-Jar !

And keep Poetry. I will do the La'Kaw"Dae later since the image is there. I can't think much on this, i don't really like it at all though but i will do it since it sounds like a default option.

Answer my other question.

Badback : Biomancy
Cerulean doesn't look like he wants to help much.

Grassgreen : Blessed Ring of Good Luck

Cerulean : Bio Forge Complex - 1d100 +5

BurningGrass : Read Nigga Read

Whitemane : Shaggy Dahu

Jupiter : Understand how to win the game

Ghostclaw : Poetry

>BurningGrass : 3d100+30
>Badback : 2d100+23
>Breathless : 2d100+13
>Whitemane : 3d100+29
>GrassGreen : 1d100+12
>Jupiter : 1d100+17 (Opportunist)
>Ghostclaw : 2d100+39

>University : Philosophy of Law
Each willing to participate roll d100 - including their answer to
>Why do the powerful deserve to rule?
>Why should the social hierarchies be obeyed?
>Why should hunters act opposed to their immediate best interest for the good of society?

I'd appreciate if every one of you could contact me through my /qst/ dedicated burner email

I want to give every of you a private note regarding your tribe objective and "condition of victory". You'll be free to share (or lie) on the thread to help you accomplish your goal.
Rolled 48, 25, 26 + 30 = 129 (3d100 + 30)

I'd be pretty funny if I got 99 for writing
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Rolled 8, 74 + 39 = 121 (2d100 + 39)

doesn't seem so.
over 100 means 3 tiles taken.
Rolled 10, 20 = 30 (2d100)

1d100+5 for Bio Forge Complex
1d100 for Philosophy of Law

The Cerulan Answers:

Q: Why do the powerful deserve to rule?
A: Conflict is in the nature of the Hunter. If the weak ruled over the strong, the strong would be tempted to usurp the weak. Allowing the best to rule maintains social order by limiting the ambition to overthrow the rulers.

Q: Why should the social hierarchies be obeyed?
A: As Fourbeak teaches us, this increases efficiency. We are tools to change the world to suit our ideals. We shape ourselves to be good at certain tasks, just as we shape our other tools. The social hierarchy allows us to fulfill our role. Cutters cut. Bashers bash. Stabbers stab. They can do other roles, but the best outcomes come out of using the right tool for the right purpose, and the crafter doesn't need to shape a multitool.

Q: Why should hunters act opposed to their immediate best interest for the good of society?
A: Deus Vult. Also, as Flockwing teaches us, we are all part of the greater whole. Just as your finger is a part of you, you are part of society. If you must lose a finger to protect youself, so too must you sacrifice yourself for the social body. All Hunters die in time, but Civilization lives on.
Rolled 12, 34, 80 = 126 (3d100)

WAR, Blessed Ring of Luck, Philosophy of Law

>Why do the powerful deserve to rule?
Much wisdom can be found in the nature flames. The strongest among us are like the brightest flames, their power can serve to kindle others to greatness as well. A powerful leader, like a powerful flame, can spread warmth and transformation farther than a weak one.

>Why should the social hierarchies be obeyed?
As there is wisdom in flames, so there is wisdom in the guilds. No one hunter knows all things, can be all things. A leader has wisdom earned, wisdom other hunters can benefit from without the trial of earning it themselves.

>Why should hunters act opposed to their immediate best interest for the good of society?
Are not all hunters joined together? Egg and testical, in unbroken chains across time. When a hunter stands for her tribe instead of herself she stands for her future, for the might of hunters who might be. All hunters must die, but the tribe can endure forever.
Rolled 70 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Considering my only email also has my real name and I ain't making a new one just for one quest. I don't mind if you just reply with victory condition spoilerd.
Rolled 22, 70 = 92 (2d100)

First is Biomancy

Then my regular army. Dont think i can get a siege tower there due to lack of pathways.

I will give a philosophicql answer later uf that is alright. I have to take care of a trainee today. So early start and more demanding that usually on this day
fuck forgot name

so that means you are getting into contact with my pathways. so "first contact" is getting innitiated.
Rolled 81 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

Why did you roll again? Did you want to participate at the university?
there was some fucking around with copypasting and losing posts, i am not sure i wanted to mess with it further
Do you have discord maybe?
Rolled 28 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

I’m getting those textiles. We will be the wig-nation
Rolled 55, 68, 95 + 29 = 247 (3d100 + 29)

War time, the thing we are good at
I do
My username is viclaterreur
Rolled 72 (1d100)


>Why do the Powerful deserve to rule?
Raw strength or Psyker might is not what Power means to our tribe, rather it is skill. To master a “trade” as the other tribes say. Herding, building, HunHun tricks, cooking, magic and so on, to be the best at something means a seat on the council so that your wisdom and experience can be used by the tribe. Power can be challenged, but wisdom can’t be questioned by those who aren’t a master themselves.

>Why should the societal hierarchies be obeyed?
Council members are the best at something. Some aren’t the best in the immediate territory but the best in the whole tribe! To deny their wisdom and guidance implies you only follow strength, making you no better than the feral packs. Strength is not the answer to everything and we do not ask you to obey the Strongest, but the Most Skilled.

>Why should Hunters act opposed to their immediate best interest for the good of society?
The Whitemane tribe has been around for a long time. In that time we have become one with the Dahu, we have tamed the Stove Grove, we have mastered rope weaving, we made the strongest, most airtight pots and jars, we invented a form of language that can only be interpreted through powerful bursts of colorful light, we even conquered mortality. Many Hunters had to die or dedicate their entire life to invent or discover these wonders. These inventions were not done for their need to hunt or procreate, but for the good of the entire tribe, for all Hunter kind. The Council exists to encourage such remarkable Hunters to show themselves, to stop living in obscurity and embrace their destiny as those who will forever change the tribe. If you want to be hailed as a hero tomorrow, then you must dedicate yourself to the tribe today.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

>Why do the powerful deserve to rule?

It is not that the powerful deserve to rule. But to be great in body, mind and deed is what grants the right to rule. A sound body allows the mind to flourish with great ideas. A healthy body allows those ideas to mature into deeds that raise these Hunters to the top of their social hirarchy as the next shining star. But once their light starts to dim another one will rise to take the reigns and propel Society to ever greater heights, guided by the wisdom and knowledge of the stars coming to the stage before them.

>Why should the social hierarchies be obeyed?

Many talents are specific to certain fields. Specialisation allowed our civilasation to grow into what it is today and it will elevate it even higher. Only in such an enviorment can talents been found and polished to perfection. As such it is in everyones best interest to compete and compare, to improve upon ones talents and strive to become the best within society to rise to the top to become the next guiding star of the tribe.

>Why should hunters act opposed to their immediate best interest for the good of society?

Immediate best interest leads to a culture of craving only for the next high. Instead it is much better to follow plans that will lead to much better long term results. Trading fleeting pleasures and achievements for longer lasting glory and recognition from all the tribe is the preferable alternative. Especially when it leads to advancement in the hirarchy. And these bigger achivements will help all of society to develp into even better version of themselvs and even better results for the future and ones descendents.

>Basic rights for Underhunters.
Two Leg-Hunters are never to be made into slaves. Four legged hunters integrated into society are also protected from slavery. breaking this decree will lead to execution and being soul fed to an Archon.

not sure this is coherent enough for the university.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

>War Die for the final push.
Breathless, I think you're the only one that haven't reached out to me for getting your late game objective.

For all the other, I hope it is clear for you. I remain available for questions
Once Breathless get in touch I'll post the next update
BurningGrass, I got your 3d100 of war but missing your 1d100 of litteracy
Rolled 54 (1d100)

oh, sorry. time to learn to read like the majority of 4chan.
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>War action result
It was inevitable. So many Hunter united could only win that fight. The question is : who slayed the last beast, and thus got a legitimate claim on the land?
The biggest contributor of this war is unclear. It is true that Badback worked on logistics, setting up warptrail and a fortified depot, supplying all fighters. But Whitemane's Archeon, immortal fury incarnated on a battlefield, where the fearsomest force. Thus, the warriors and leaders agreed of the mounted fighter's claim on that historically-unstable spawn of land.

Meanwhile, Jupiter and Ghostclaw both expanded their footings upon the sparser and sparser unclaimed land

>Development actions result

While Cerulean attempt at biolab fails due to some of its people fearing it will bring back rot monster, and thus riot until the project is abandonned,
Badback knows it doesn't knows and doesn't try to bring back the Scissor Hunter for now, trying hard on frozen dahus, crawlers and fatty and failing again and again.
The Grassgreen tribe discovered a side effect of the bad luck brought by Cursed Warrior : a shifting, hard to predict for anyone barring said Grassgreen halo effect indeed exist around them.
>Blessed ring of luck :
Success by 3 - You can either debuff by -9 someone or get a +3 for yourself. Cumulate in case of War (debuff ennemi/buff yourself safely behind in the ring)

Sensible hunters and warrior souls are touched by the great sorrow exprimed by Ghostclaw poetry.
This development proves to the world what was already known by the southern easterlings : Ghostclaw's civilization, although independant for eras and eras, is superior to all other - in raw culture, at least.
This bolster the BurningGrass, deeply wounded in their pride, to develop their own script and writing practices.

Jupiter is planning for what's coming next in a shifting world. Whitemane's breeding toward wool fails once again.

Philosophy of Law :
Most convincing is Grassgreen school of "Flames of Wisdom"
proning betterment through elitism, greater good, respect of expertise

Second most convincing is Whitemane's school of thought, the Ultimate Argument of Authority, saying Skill is the highest trait of culture.

Badback is mid : Healthy body is important, however with the muscle-pack anatomy and strong regen, Hunters are a homogeneously healthy species.
A great point is made for anti-slavery of 'Two-leg' - said point dimmed ironical as most of Badback's slave, testicle gobbled by two leg and eggs given back to slave to raise, are perfectly able of bipedism but are shun and reminded that their place and natural order is quadrupedism like the feral they still inherently are.

Cerulean, originating the debate, doesn't convince much with his theological arguments and inversion of morality. This is a great blow to their scholarly reputation.

We're in the endgame. What next?
With how inherently political and (potentially) antagonizing the actions can start to be, you're of course free to request your turn by mail.
Thus, some players turn will be disclosed at dice-roll prompt.

Also, you are free to negociate and discuss among yourself. Private negociations (read : outside of the thread and even my omniscient gaze) are allowed.
Well I still want to try to keep breeding for new Dahu types, but we must also address the Meat fatty in the room: our territory, everyone’s territory, which now spills over everywhere, be it the Crack, the Frozen Waste, the Northern Mountains, there’s no logic to it, the after effects of a rampant cleansing.
While we could reorganise and switch the land around to be given to those whose native land is closest, that is not how Under-Hunters do land expansion. All this land, logistically improbable though it may be was earned through rite of conquest. It belongs to the tribe who owns it by law… so I propose a different way to connect our lands. Badback, you have indeed proven yourselves as great stewards of the Warp-trails, for indeed no monster can walk the path without your consent. So let’s make a deal.
You might have the trails, but you do not have the means to support your empire’s food needs on your own. The food will rot before it would reach the more isolated pockets, nor can my people survive in lands that aren’t capable of sustaining stove groves and Dahu. But I do have canning. So what if we made an alliance? What if our settlements were to build communal stockpiles of food and communal herds? If these Complexes are large enough and indeed, with your land added in the mix we can make herds of ludicrous sizes, we can not only feed both of our kingdoms, but have enough left over for trade of precious resources with other tribes!
The reason I wish to strike this deal with you, is because your trails now stretch over half the map, you have the potential to be a merchant lord. Connecting all the tribes in a chain of inter-dimensional trading hubs, but what’s more valuable to trade, other than food? Especially after everyone is recovering from a large war?
What do you say? Partners?
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negotiation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor, Sweeping Horde (as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain), Njate Ake (High-Family/ 4 of them + 4 values), Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar, Poetry

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Makers Workshops, Written History, Magical Staff


>Military : Fifth Holy War
>"The north calls and it will be taken by the Holy Realm. Njate Ake Snow Moon with their CORE OF VALOR shall lead this conquest. The Aki-Jar will expand further, and the magnificence of their gods will be shown, the barbarians of the north will be made to bow and be converted. They shall know Gavdai, Agaar, Ior, Lramd and Keer. And the sins of the renegade Rarn"Aeea. Praise be."

>Civil : Establishment of the La'Kaw"Dae (Order-Devil-Killer), an holy order of elite warriors.
>"With the end of the Fourth Holy War, the now old Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw) has deemed necessary to ensure warriors are better prepared against future devils wars and not only barbarians. As such, with the patronage of the gods and the avatars, an order of elite holy warriors shall be established. All of them will be zealots, and they shall be among the skillest in the Holy Realm since each Njate-Ake sending some of their own to expand their ranks. Praise be to the Aki-Jar, Praise be that the gods that they may watch over them and their strength. Njate-Ake Ghostclaw will see directly that the La'Kaw"dae is properly made."
Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw) sends a message to the Grassgreen Tribe, willing to give a small amount of kindness to this other "civilized" people like Lramd did and does to the entire world. If any Underhunter live is thanks to her and the Aki-jar. She offers an accord : to wage war against the barbarians, the Holy Realm of the Silent Faith from the south and the Grassgreen Tribe to the north. She will treat Grassgreen with some respect if they agree, though, they are not kin and neither faithful. But they can prove themselves and decide, if they wish to agree to the claw open in front of their eyes or negate it. The lands of the barbarians of course shall be split between the two of them.

If they see this truth they could see more.
If they refuse, the Holy Realm will conquer the barbarians has they fit. All those they can conquer preferably, has all should seek the Silent Faith.
In regard to the other realms, tribes or empires, the Holy Realm simply greets them for now. Not showing much preference, sympathy, or interest. A statement is sent to Badback that they will allow them to keep this "trade" practice going while they look over it, since it passes at the border of their holy lands.
These communal stockpiles you say are already grtting implemented with the trade fortresses. Which also serve to defend us in times of crisies.

Working together though would probably be adviseable. You would find more takers of your goods and my trade volume would increase. Therefore i think i can agree to your proposal. Also some complementary mercs might be needed soon
Grand! You’ll see, with both our lands joining in this food and shelter pack the splintered land will be no bother!
well your "Delegation" receives a small care package after they told us that the trade would be tolerated. Some pamphelts carved into stone with a short collection of notable Badbacks through the ages. Canned goods and some perishable things for the road to snack upon. a Steel tool meant to carve rock and some survey forms if they have any complaints about our products and services and how they think they could be improved.

Ahh look at that clean map. Beautiful. Just beautiful. My fellow hunters we've done a beautiful thing. May the lands remain clean and beautiful.

This offer pleases and may it be the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship. Let the mountains fall under our domain! GrassGreen will ride to war with you until none of the barbaric ferals remain between us. Good luck to our people and a thousand curses on our enemies!

> Jupiter
Brother Jupiter! Defender of our lands against the blight! I propose a trade of land rights I shall refer to as "This Border Gore is Fucking Ugly and I don't like it". (See Picture)

> War
Ride with Ghost Claw and bring civilization to the wilds!

> Development
A proposal fellow hunters! Long ago strange red winds brought our people together for the first time! I propose we construct a fortress/temple together where we might meet more regularly, to both extol the virtues our our people and gods and discuss the future of Hunter Kind.

The purpose of this fortress temple is threefold. Firstly, as a place of safety to protect our lands against future invasions of chaos beasts. Second as thanks to our various gods who have protected us! And lastly, and perhaps most important, as a meeting place where a council of hunters from all tribes might meet to address issues of grave importance. Like god-damn imperials descending on us like a swarm of locusts

I am unsure however of which tribe should host such an important structure where a Council of Hunters might meet. Who feels they have a good location? The two tower tile on my land might serve well, it is already well defended, and the local food is good stuff.
It has to be somewhere near the warp trails so its easier for everyone to gather. The idea of a defense council sounds good, a neutral ground and higher authority no individual tribe can question. If the Council of Survival orders it, it is for the good of all hunters
hey Burning Grass. i would like to adopt your currency system. Seeing it as a good medium for trades that is less susceptible to individual bias of certain goods and isnt really perishable like many things. i could see about setting you up with some nice discounts for the near future on certain goods.

sounds like an interesting idea that council. and i agree with Whitemane. Somewhere close to the warptrails. not sure how i will expand them later.

however it might be interesting to do it in the eternal blizzard to be safe from outside interference. but might be too much hassle for that. instead i think the place you pointed out might be good since its rougly equally far away for everyone with how the trails are shaped right now.
yeah, i don't mind letting you grabbing it. in fact I'll even show you how to make it. I like the idea of my friends using my currency.
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>Military action: Expansion- for the first time in a long time the empire is free from the immediate threat of chaos so the empress has decided it's time to explore and expand the borders. (as always orange is preferred and green is secondary).

> Development: Accounting- with plans to connect the economies of the Empire, BadBack and the Cerulean. Economics has greatly expanded over the years and has required the ability to count past the number of claws an underhunter has.

seeking greater unity and friendship a delegation of Lightning Fur merchants and Under Snow artists arrives at both of your doors seeking to turn you from a food-based barter system of economics to a currency-based one. They seek to teach you how to make currency and also teach you our system of writing so that we can communicate without needing to be face to face.
The Cerulan, especially the Flockwing Cult, have been using Buring Grass coin for some time now, and have tried to extend its use via the temples. Ever have the Cerulan supported the Stone Kings in such things.

I'm on board with building a great joint temple. Jupiter probably want it where Tzeentch told them to put the great city.

>Academy Action: Scientific Method. A refinement of what Flockwing teaches.

>Military Action: Fortify the gates.

>Development Action: Formalized Education - The Cerulan temple schools evolve into a formalized educational network which shares training techniques and uses a common curriculum. They teach basic fire starting and survival skills, the traditional songs, mathematics, grammar, philosophy, history, science, critical thinking, and memorization techniques. More experienced students are taught more advanced science and hands on engineering, and the more advanced socio-political topics. Everyone is taught the dangers of the warp, and psychers are taught basic self control techniques. The schools and teachers are funded by the Temple Taxes in Cerulan lands. The Flockwing cult are willing to build these schools in the lands of anyone who trades with them and will teach the youth how to math properly. If one of the other nations wants to share their writing system, the Cerulan are willing to teach their writing system as well (for their part the Cerulan use primitive glyphs rather than a real writing system).
Grand. With such information in Hand the Badback Matriarch calls for a conclave of the Corporations to gather in their Heartlands.

The new currency is being presented and eagerly accepted, does it make the exchange of goods and services easier and it had already been somewhat accepted as a trading method near the Borders of Badback and Burning Grass.

But this is not all. Seeing themselves with a new influx of food and coinage the Matriarch fears that such a system might collapse again if Hunters dont have any trust in it. Therefore she proposes the creation of a central institution with branches in all mayor badback Cities and Outposts where currency can be exchanged for larger and smaller denomenations as well as securities being registered to transport large amounts of money more easily since not everyone is a Burning Grass Hunter with their enormous strength. As such excitement grows amongst the corporations as its clear that they are all supposed to bring forth ideas, how such an institution could be built and where learned Underhunters could be acquired that were able to read all the scripts now in existence.

might draw something later. gonna have to go to work now.
Another civilisation falls prey to banking and economics and the orks inflation-free currency system stays winning… maybe we’ll adopt it one day if we ever interact with greenskin
An honor that you would consider we the Pongo to be acceptable hosts for the seat of diplomacy. We would in return be willing to work on extending the warpway network into you territory if you would vouch for us, either from the north route or through a new route to the east, at your direction.
I am willing to forfeit some lands to the east, but not for free. And the valuable resource of snowrock will run quite the cost indeed if you wish to control that deposit.
I do think your idea of a central, neutral home of diplomacy is an idea with merit, so much so that my vast nation will come together to work enough snowrock to tower into the heavens and stand against any storm. I have 3 potential locations.
1) In the western mountains. This is as of yet unclaimed territory, and rapidly becoming ideal living land and is inherently neutral, though one must travel through my territory to reach it.
2) My holy city. It has much room to expand and is built upon a snowrock deposit so it will be easy to accommodate any who wish to migrate quickly. I know this is certainly within my territory but it is a neutral place, where any god may be worshiped without judgement or exclusion. I have not and will swear not to accost believers of different faiths within the holy city.
3)The eastern mountains. This is the birthplace of the true race of Underhunters, where the corpse of the Allmother lies. There is, I believe, a location that we all suspect is her resting place that has not been colonized, and is another prime location for the diplomacy city. The eastern mountains are very diverse and well connected, so this may be the best option, but it will be more difficult for us all to build there.
Do not forget that while our honored allies the Badbacks have pioneered the warpway, the Jupiter tribe has built just as many miles of path and has the same rights to travel as the ingenious originators. I would also like to share research of food preserving, with our knowledge of fermenting and cheesemaking. Additionally, we notice your lands are sparse and disconnected, and seeing as we are about to pour our nation into an immense building effort, I would offer you our assistance if we could work out some kind of alliance. What do you think?
Improving the canning and fermenting business, when dairy and meat products are our primary diet, would be greatly appreciated. Building our communal herds and stockpiles in your lands as well, while also developing cheese and ice cream sounds like a sweet deal for both our tribes
The gift is accepted, Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw send her thanks for the gesture.

The Aki-Jar will see us destroy any in our war, the barbarians shall not stand.

In regard to the council proposal, the Meda'Nsa does not seem interested in it. Not understanding the sharing of such place and how it would defend land beside the land nearby it. The acceptance of having multiple gods of different faiths in one place also doesn't sit well, something the Holy Realm does not approve of. They see little point in the council idea, has Ghostclaw rule is not even similar to this and has no desire to be like this.
Fear not, we have offered a trade of locations both of which contain snowrock deposits. And you would end the trade with Green Snowrock, a fine color many of my people will pay a high price for. GrassGreen simply has no desire to be so separated and far flung.

Certainly no one dares to suggest how you manage your own people. GrassGreen also has no desire to be manipulated by far flung people who do not know the mountains as we do. Even if you have no desire to pledge forces to the communal defense against Fel Threats, we would ask you attend as a Witness, that you may know of any threats that approach our people.

A communal meeting place and temple might serve well for you to spread your superior faith as well. What begins as a temple to many faiths might end with a greater truth of lesser gods being revealed as aspects or servants of a greater one. Only time can tell though.
Maybe the confusion spawn from the lack of shared picrel of post >>6086216
Oh hells bells I forgot the picture
Alright. I'll try to summarize your actions

Feel free to point out what i've missed


Ghostclaw and Grassgreen are ethnically cleansing ferals in the East.

BurningGrass is doing so in the crack

Breathless, >>6086775 this can be interpreted as a "Defensive" Action meaning if someone tries to invade you (or another) using gates, you'll get a right to roll in opposition

Badback : sent privately
No more War action recensed.

>Ghostclaw : Order Devil Killer

>Grassgreen : Council of Survival Fortress-Temple
[location to be agreed upon]

BurningGrass : Accounting

>Breathless : Curriculum
Anyone wants to put their Writing in the Curriculum?

>Badback : Central Institution for Food And Coinage
I'm interpretting this as your Civil action?

I think I'm missing developments for Whitemane and Jupiter.
Whitemane, your joining up with Badback is diplomatical.
Jupiter, you also need to sort out things with Grassgreen
Scientific Method
i guess my writing techniques could be used. i guess it has at least somewhat diverged from Jupiters style over the generations due to me having other requirements than them.

and yes that central institute is my civil action.
Wrong nametag, I don't think you're a chaos agent in this thread
or... ARE YOU?
what if i AM?

it might happen more often if the Warlords quest gets going again ^^°
And a small contribution for how i imagine the center of this institution to look like. Its center crowned by a dome of forged Steel to show the prosperity of the Badbacks. Stone blocks hundreds of hunters in weights, protect its vast halls, coinage and stockpiles of preserved foods.
Then it would be wiser to contain your chaosness in private chat but if you want to reveal your cards in the open, who am I to stop you?
We will join. Your teaching of the sciences and standardization of jobs will improve our overall skill level and allow older generations to better impart knowledge. Psyker training techniques being developed with the experience of two tribes instead of one is logical, finally, adopting your writing system would allow our Spark-Code to become much more sophisticated

>For my own development I would like to investigate fermentation techniques and preparation methods for Dahu Milk. Lets invent cheese, yogurt and ice cream
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i really wanted those Dahu textiles, man. Maybe I'll work with the biomancers to try and even the odds. Afterwards? My bucket list is kinda complete
I will hand over territories shown with green crosses if you agree to become a protectorate of the Pongo. You will retain all independence, and you don't even need to help with my projects if you are busy, but you will always come to our defence no matter the situation and I will always defend your lands whenever you are under threat.

Military, I want to take this one tiny tile in the west, maybe use what forces I can to assist in connecting my holy city to the warpway.

Development, the warpway expansion and create immense brickmaking workshops at all controlled snowrock deposits, and experiment with additives to create mortar or fixatives so our freestanding structures are more stable, as well as prepare resources for our infrastructure push (glorious five-season plan)

Also would like to know what the underhunters thoughts are on diplomacy city, for it will be going ahead but we Jupiter truly wish for all to benefit.
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This is an acceptable arrangement.

> City Location
I'm not fussy about the spot, but connected to the warpways and fairly central is ideal.


>Ghostclaw : 2d100+39
>GrassGreen : 1d100+12
>BurningGrass : 2d100+30
>Badback : 2d100+23
>Jupiter : 1d100+17

>Ghostclaw : Order Devil Killer

>Grassgreen : Council of Survival Fortress-Temple
1d100+20(each snowrock deposit gives you +10 for construction)

>BurningGrass : Accounting

>Breathless : Curriculum (including Badback writing, Whitemane Spark Code

>Badback : Central Institution for Food And Coinage
1d100+10 from Merchant

>Jupiter : Infrastructure IV - improved materials
(remainder of what you already got : Walls+shitty roof. Made by melting ice and using it as concrete. Think boxes with sloped roofs.
Tier 2 : Waterproof Mortar. Stone houses, tiles, suspended silos.
Tier 3 : Crackaforming of Western peaks resort - Turning every Jupiter controlled tile into Vertical terrain)

Whitemane : Dairy time
Since you've really been wanting this + you still have a bit of the "spoiled" sample from Nurgles invasion including micro-guest literrally out of this world... Bo2d100+2!

Roll if you want to partake in Scientific Method. Jupiter can't with Lands Gibs to Grassgreen
WAR, Council of Survival, Academy

No strong preference on location, just somewhere on the warpway. Will tiebreak toward most accessable location.

GrassGreen hasn't done much for the world, but maybe I can help us survive what's to come.
Rolled 96, 9, 65 = 170 (3d100)

Ok, I though I put dice in that field...
Lol, welp, so much for that.
Rolled 15, 5, 77, 94 + 30 = 221 (4d100 + 30)

I'll join in on the university
So the first 2 are war, then 1 for accounting, and one last one for (yeah) science
Rolled 14 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 5, 83 = 88 (2d100)


I am interested in the council. Would prefer the coucil near whiteman betwen the two trade fortresses im grass green lands.

Will roll again for scientific method
Rolled 9 (1d100)

Damn.... this is pretty bad in most things I really wanted to succeed at. Welp. You live and learn. O have my archives
There might be a miss of 1d100 for war. Bad call from my side.
Rolled 48 (1d100)

So apparently no rolls needed for the curriculum. In that case, lets Science! methodologically.
Forgot to prompt you to roll 1d100...
But yes, please roll 1d100 for your Curriculum.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Rolled 37, 59 + 2 = 98 (2d100 + 2)

Dairy first

I like the bottom left corner for a neutral ground for Council. No one lives there, just a Warp-Trail and the village guarding it, perfect spot
>but its so far away from me!
You can teleport with Psyker Heart and you have a warp trail
Rolled 74 (1d100)

education check
If only Pride-Spark could see me now... We Can Read!!!
Rolled 74 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

What am I rolling for Development?
>Development, the warpway expansion and create immense brickmaking workshops at all controlled snowrock deposits, and experiment with additives to create mortar or fixatives so our freestanding structures are more stable, as well as prepare resources for our infrastructure push (glorious five-season plan)

Thus Infrastructure IV
Rolled 44, 76 + 39 = 159 (2d100 + 39)

??? Explain
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Another 1d100 for war
Rolled 45 (1d100)

I think I have specified already for the council

Order roll
+10 since the image was half poetry and half order
I will specify though that I dont want the council near my lands or in my lands, or in lands that i said i will conquer and split with GrassGreen.
I should not post when tired. this was originally a message for BurningGrass, which have 3d in war events. Sorry for the miscommunication
I also forgot a +10 from draw-in

Sadly not enough to cross the thresh of success.
yeah. its sadly not enough....

oh well. i can make a new plan later. with another draw in. and a +4 from my archives then. its been a while since i failed a development after all.
Or would you accept extra extra credit with for some more pictures of painted plastic crack? ;•)

Real tired now. Went to swim for an hour and then went to my sisters for a barbacue.
Nice try. But no extra credit.
Rolled 21 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

Oh okay
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The Ghostclaw/Grassgreen joined effort lead to taking the landspawn marked in black. But how will you share those lands?
The Badback confederation expanded south. Jupiter conquered west, and tiled more Warpway on their home.
BurningGrass took over their western border.
However, their expansion is stopped right in its track by the great Wall of the Crack itself.
The amount of effort to provide to create a pathway East is far from trivial, and the conquest forces are stopped by Nature itself.


The Ghostclaw trained a special host of warrior, the Devil Killers.
Those are trained to fight against fearsome foes. In the end, the specialize order gives Ghostclaw a force of better troops. Pushing so slightly on their already incredible military.
>Effect : +3 for Fight rolls.

The Grassgreen tribe sent emissary to all Hunters, asking them for participating in a great Hunter Survival council. A building of temples of all faith and letting Hunters discuss Underkind-menacing matters
Whitemane, Badback, Cerulean and Jupiter seems eager to join.
BurningGrass and Ghostclaw, not so much, the latter even speaking against the temples being erected near his border.
The time was most spent finding a suitable location, and starting drawing the plans.
>Any of you can re-take the Survival Council-Temple action next turn. It will be built in the Western mountain range, near Jupiter's luxuous resort.

>BurningGrass : Accounting
Having someone to share Currency made the Lightning Fur reflect on money, and how to better keep track of it
Using their written language as a basis, this new development perfectly fits the empire's logistical needs.
On the other hand, Badback's tribe attempted to create a common reserve of food and coinage.
This backfired, as they aren't able to mint BurningGrass's money - based on the Lightning Rocks only present in their territory.

>Breathless : curriculum
The great Breathless academy formalized training for young Hunter.
Such training of course includes the previous research matters of the university, as well as the writings of the Badback tribe and the flare-code of the Whitemane tribe. This lead to an efficient way to provide knowledge to their youth, letting the young CeruleanAndLilac hunter directly benefit from the high concentration of wise Huntress and Hunter in the academy.
>Jupiter : Infrastructure IV - improved materials
Using the interconnected Hunterkind, Jupiter made several attempts to improve their building strategy.
It turns out a balanced amount of Green snowrock, Yellow snowrock, Red Snowrock and ash lead to a stronger mortar than the one you use.
However, this one is frail to the icy air. This is resolved by using Fatty Glue and Leathery hides of Gliders as an intermediary layer, before applying the traditional mortar of your people. This contraption turned out a better isolant than the previous techniques.
Furthermore, your test lead you to learn that rods of metals, like bones of an Hunter, improve drastically the capacity of your mortar to hold up weight.
This opens to you the possibility for the first Superstructures (Skyscrapper-sized building), the first and only example of which is your Holy city
For now, ordering the metal to Badback and trading the snowrock with Grassgreen lead the cost to be too prohibitive for more of them.

>Whitemane : dairy products
A new delicacy. From the Lunar Dahu's milk, Whitemane finally created a new range of food.
Those Dahu Cheese is more pungent and salty (contrast with the sweetness of Jupiter's Crawler Cheese). Both the Cheese and Ice Cream needs to be heated quite much.
For the sub-zero being that is the Under Hunter, an ice cream is a warm treat. Their smooth texture and the sweet taste of Ivy berries crushed into a slurry and mixed with Milk is extremely pleasurable for the Hunterkind. However, letting the ice cream get completely frozen, then reheated spoils the texture. Thus, despite canning and fast transportations, the original taste can only be fully appreciated at Whitemane's Ice Zigguraths.

A new research in the academy : the Scientific Method.
The favored way to do so have been introduced by a BurningGrass Veteran. Treat research as a battle.
Your hypothesis are your lines. Experiments cost time and ressources, as do battles. Thus, they must serve a strategic objective.
Experiment should take the unknown and either pushing back by succeeding, or baiting the enemy forward in a easy-to-pinch sailient when failed - meaning learning in every cases.

And now, for the age old question...
What's next?
A/N : don't forget to check your mail/discord as I sent fresh info to several of you.

> Keep on building that Survival Council
Hey! Who left a Cursed Warrior near the conference room!? Shoo him away, we have things to get done, and all the chisels keep breaking!

> Land Division with Ghost Claw
Give you the spare tile (see image) if you send a Witness to the Survival Council.

> War
Claim the purple tiles. Clear out the ferals, the future is coming in hot.
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Gosh durnit to heck forgettin image
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i wanna expand my domain ever more southwards and push beyond the crack there with a military expedition to find more and rarer resources. The Tower will stay at home since it will be all but useless against potential tribals. only when organized resistance could be met would i even consider sending it out.

As for civil expansion. i will refine my plans for that currency institution since my matriarch made it her goal to see this completed in her lifetime, willing to use large amounts of her own ressources to overcome the stalling of lesser minds and petty squabbles of the smaller companies.

will send some pics of what the new plans look like later after work.

if you wanna expand towards the mountains i would be willing to let you use the pathways so long as you provide me with a large amount of Lightning Rock. I wanna create a masive Lightglobe for the assemblys main hall. and that will require a lot of Lightning Rock.
I propose a new curriculum at the Academy: Agriculture. Our numbers keep increasing and it is inevitable that we will face a famine soon if we do not learn how to improve the proliferation and harvesting of fruit-bearing plants and tubers. Plants, much like Hunters, are very resilient and can handle “fleshcrafting” but it requires a different approach to yield results. Spreading Stove Groves across the entire Warp-Trail won’t be enough, if we don’t know how to modify the plant itself to better suit us
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I also wish to perform a War action, to claim and consolidate my territory.
That can freely be arranged by a "Diplomatic" action with Breathless
(i see you have made a blue line and a green line, can you clarify which of this is the spare tile ? The center one ? Another one ? All of the lines ? The blue line ? Don't consider this clarification an answer.)
You would get the blue ones and I would get the green ones. Two green, three blue.
Rolled 2 (1d4)

Meda'Nsa Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw was clear in the accord made.
We do not approve such an action on our accord GreenGrass, still the Meda'Nsa in her benevolence is willing to consider your proposal even if we do not like this council idea, if you do not make such action again that is. If there will be future accords, you will not place more conditions on them after they are made. We shall do the same, the Aki-Jar being our word.

A Witness will be sent to this council if only you accept our conditions. If you do not agree to this conditions, then you may keep that central piece of land and we don't join this council while we take the lands in the west.


None like this "Witness" position in the Holy Realm (a far away role among outsiders all unfaithful, with only some guards and few members of their own Njate-Ake to keep company), in fact there is no volunteer at all for it and mistrust has only increased about outsiders and this nonexistent council, even if not born it is already annoying. They are not kin and they are unfaithful, some say such actions are what you can only expect of them. The Njate-Ake chosen to send a Witness will be up to what the Meda'Nsa wants......

Ghost Claw
Snow Moon
Ice Boulder
Bone Storm
If GrassGreen will accept our good conditions, a Witness from Njate-Ake Snow Moon will be sent followed by guards and other members of the Njate-Ake. Snow Moon have the CORE OF VALOR has their teaching, if there will be more Devils that invade the world or barbarians then such "Witness" will be ready for aid at the Meda'Nsa word to ensure the glory of the Holy Realm and the magnificence of the Adi-Jark banishes any of them.
A pleasing arrangement, and apologies for the troubles.
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negotiation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor, Sweeping Horde (as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain), Njate Ake (High-Family/ 4 of them + 4 values), Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar, Poetry, La'Kaw"Dae (Order-Devil-Killer, +3 for Fight rolls)

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Makers Workshops, Written History, Magical Staff


>Military : Sixth Holy War
>"The Fifth Holy War was successfull. Another one is called, has more lands are near in our mountains that must be taken. The Aki-Jar will take this lands. No barbarian shall be left against our Holy Realm. Gavdai, Agaar, Ior, Lramd and Keer are with us. Keep us away from the sin of Rarn"Aeea. Praise be."

>Civil : Kakro-Noaa (Wound - Maker)
>"The Old Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw), has asked her Warriors and Makers to craft a new weapon. The experiences gained from the many wars done, should be used in a constructive way she says. And so Makers and Warriors work together. The Holy Realm of Ghostclaw already has the Stone Bleeder that pierces, while the Morningstar crushes. A new runic stone weapon with many incastonated claws of Holey Moley is made, it is capable of tear and cut through fur, skin and muscles. The razor edge series of claws will tear and cut both in depth and width, with the strength of the wielder and the weight of the stone further helping such process, and the runes providing a further devastating punishment. Praise be to the Aki-jar, Ior and Agaar will be pleased in this new tool."
Good, Gavdai approves of such wisdom and apologies.
nah that's fine I want to try something else. if it works it will be cool as shit.

>Civil Development: Undercities- The empire's expansion was halted by the Great Wall and the Empress was incensed. To her it is just another challenge to overcome, a point of pride! if one can't go over it the empire would go through it. The mountain would move before the empire did. Through their psyker powers, the ice would move. Through their strength, the rocks would move. Through their perseverance cities will be built in the mountains and the empire will conquer.

>Military: Defend the empire- I guess just defend myself if attacked.
Sixth Holy War on map
i was thinking of a macuahuitl when making it. The difference is that a Kakro-Noaa is a weapon meant to be used for war and by a Under Hunter.
>War Action: Colonize the crack to the NW
>Development Action: Build Rural Schools. Build them outside of Cerulan territory as well in any nations willing to fund them. The old Temple Schools begin to shift towards teaching the rich and powerful.
>Academy: Interchangeable parts.
I would like to take control of the contested tile between the Pongo and the Badback, and test our new (valuable) construction techniques on a series of fortifications in that land.

I will also use whatever we have spare so far to assist Breathless in their construction effort, if they agree to become a protectorate under similar terms to Grassgreen.

Finally, I wish to invite both the honorable and fierce Ghostclaw and Badback to agree to having a presence in the soon-to-be capital of civilization. Ghostclaw is a powerful and wise tribe, with much to teach in many arts, and the Badback are old and treasured allies who continue to impress with their ingenuity, despite their insistence on enslavement.
As you wish. If you wish to buy tools to ease the work of shifting enormous amounts of rock you know where to reach us

I could probably errect one of my trade fortresses near that place. Probably grander anf more fortified due to higher trade volume near such an important place. And a suitable abode for the Matriarch and her representatives when things need discussing
Would you be willing to contribute metal for construction?
Some. Most of it will be going into my own civil project. I will have my metal dome and pillars yet.
All that you can be spared will be used carefully and remembered well.
I can consider a "surplus" amount of metal supplied.
You'll still need to get Yellow+Green snow rock.
Wise friends Grassgreen, you will allow your Protectors access to the clay? would you be interested in helping build the new city?
I don't mind, but I'm not sure I have anything to spare at the moment with my own construction going on. (And heaven knows my development rolls need all the help they can get).

Proposed Floorplans for the Arda Shak(Monument of steel) as the home of the newest Bad Back Institution. After the previous failure seeking to grow too much into the skies this time it will be wider to distribute weight better and the geound will be mor ethoroughly surveyed. The outside was proposed to be decorated with stove groves, Rock Ivy and Lightmoss. The Rock Ivy was rejected as it would be making breaking and entering too easy.

Instead the outside perimeter was turned into a wall surrounding the entire compound with small Stove Groves being allowed to grow inside to make approach on foot except for assigned path near impossible. And an unnoticed approach completely impossible
Very well. Interchangeable parts can wait.
>Switch from Interchangable parts to Agricultural Development. Many nations already have agriculture. This will allow the wise to share technologies and develop new ones from the combinations.
>Cerulan proposes the inclusion of a Waygate on one of the Shipping floors to connect to the wider Waygate trade network. Cerulan also offers to set up Flockwing temples in the lands of those who have yet to accept the Flockwing. These temples house waygates and allow rapid trade across the waygate network. No tariffs or tolls, although the Flockwing priests request your refuse that they can use it for mound agriculture and recycling.
I dont think i can allow such technology into my heartland. Never mind the heart of my newest institution.

You already have a suitably secured portal relatively close by. No more than a couple hours via Warp Path.

It might be more convenient. But in this case security concerns and integrity of the currency we are using has priority. I am very sorry to tell you that your proposal can not be included.
>Be me
>State to one player this could be a free action
>Still get picked.by a second player

Okay then.
Maybe he’s double dipping. Academy roll AND separate agricultural research
The schools can teach Agriculture in Whitemane lands, sure.

I'll still have the Academy do advanced agriculture for now. More food = more people = bigger economy.

Grassgreen conquest
Badback conquest
Ghostclaw conquest
BurningGrass : Defend against Jupiter
Breathlesss : conquest
Jupiter : Claim contested tile
Whitemane : Conquest

Grassgreen Council
Badback Second attempt of centralized banking
Ghostclaw Wound-Maker
Breathless : build Rural Schools
Jupiter : Help Breathless if protectorate accepted


Whitemane's development - Farming will be the university roll, please pick something else
Breathless answer regarding Jupiter's proposal
Maybe some email/discord secrets

The dice prompt will require to answer the following question
>Do you accept the Breathless schools in your lands?
I am pro-school system. The theocracy can build their palaces of knowledge on our lands. Their faith is not a threat to us, for we are beings of ambition and found our own way to protect ourselves from the Warp. Any converts you see are probably just trying to impress male priests.

>Development: Psyker Power Channeling. Lunar Dahu are not standard steppe cabalines, they require hilly, mountainous terrain to be effective but our new lands are too flat.
We shall use the Archeons as conduits for the tribe’s psyker power. Our tribe mates will pour power into the Ice Warp-Immortal and they will cause a Shape Ice spell of cataclysmic proportions. We will birth mountains.
We can also flatten mountains and icebergs if you don’t want verticality 4rpsd
Don’t worry I’ll probably roll bellow 40. Unless it’s Opposite Day… and I roll above 80
And, you know, a terraforming spell DC not being 40.
I’ll try to draw something, maybe some Hunters meditating near a Archeon to give it power
I will accept some of these institutions under a provisional statute and test period to be errected in some of my larger settlements. Test settlements without those institutions will be placed in a competition and by the end of the matriarchs life will be compared which system is superior. The normal style of apprenticeships within family and company or these new schools
No thanks. I'm not going to promise war against the other tribes. I would prefer to remain either neutral or pro-Burning Grass on account of them accepting the Cerulan from the beginning. The Flockwing position though is to bring all the tribes together into a greater shared civilization capable of acting in concert against the hostile forces of this hostile universe. Raiding and competition are good, since they hone skill. Destroying the cultures of other is not, as it destroys options to help with potential future threats.

Also, I can't get in to the email account. It is asking for a phone number to let me in. What burner email system do you all use?
Breathless Schools would be welcomed and locally treated as a new guild institution.
you're missing my undercity civil development here
Sure. Welcome to the world of free public education. Flockwing approves of the competitive spirit.
I'm using an alternate gmail. One click from my regular mailbox.
Let me know when you made a new one.
Thanks for the catch.
I think I'm only missing Jupiter's development as Breathless reject his offer.
That, and breathless to reach out to me. Discord also works.
Ghostclaw will see in the future, if they wish to do anything in this capital.
>Do you accept the Breathless schools in your lands?
No, education is a matter that can be only in the grasp of the Holy Realm.
Fortify border along BurningGrass
Here we go


Grassgreen conquest 1d100+12
Badback conquest 2d100+23
Ghostclaw conquest : 2d100+29
BurningGrass : Defend against Jupiter - 3d100+30
Breathlesss : conquest - 1d100+13
Jupiter : Claim contested tile - 1d100+17
Whitemane : Conquest - 3d100 + 29

>Grassgreen : Council of Survival Fortress-Temple
1d100+20(each snowrock deposit gives you +10 for construction)
>Badback Second attempt of centralized banking
1d100 + 29; DC at 60
>Ghostclaw Wound-Maker
1d100+17(draw-in,runes, amulets)

BurningGrass : Undercity

Breathless : build Rural Schools
1d100+10(scientifc method write in of Badback regarding your school efficiency)

Jupiter : Fortify your border!

Whitemane : terraforming

Farming - 1d100 for joining
Rolled 88, 45, 64 = 197 (3d100)

First two dice are for Conquest with +23. Last Die for building with +29
yes.... Yes.... YES.... YES!!!!!
Rolled 29, 40 + 29 = 98 (2d100 + 29)

Rolled 95 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

Rolled 51, 53, 100 = 204 (3d100)


WAR, Development, Agriculture
Rolled 73, 5, 12 = 90 (3d100)

Rolled 84 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Rolled 39, 40, 68 + 29 = 176 (3d100 + 29)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Schooooool System
That's Agriculture. Rural Schools are breathless failure.
Rolled 8, 74, 35 + 30 = 147 (3d100 + 30)

This is for the war and I'll drop another roll for my civilian thing in the next post
Rolled 41 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

It's not likely but I'm hoping for a crit
Why yes, my thumbs are literally green.
Green they are. Let's discuss what boon you want.
Man, what a great turn. A new age for Whitemane
It truly has. Hasnt it.

As for me. I would offer to set up branches of these new banks to ease the payment of larger amounts of goods as well as storage capacities for more dispersed shopping centers.
I think I'm still missing Jupiter's rolls.
Jupiter we summon thee. It is time to roll
we believe in you jupiter
Jupiter more like Gonepiter
went to the store for milk :(
Maybe he's bann for a few days and watching us?
Anyway, he hasn't reached out to me by mail since roll prompt.
Rolled 45, 96 = 141 (2d100)

Alright Jupiter contacted me. He's been rangebanned; rolling for him

First die is war against BurningGrass. Second is Fortifying border
I'll try to update in the next 24 hours. Will be hard to do tonight.
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Despite delays, 2 global infrastructures emerged from the earth.
First one is the Council of Survival Fortress-Temple, where Hunter of all tribes can communicate dire issues to Hunterkind.
Second one is Badback's new headquarters, a great storage of food and lightning rocks currency.
Those are two huge step forward an Hunterkind united through common structures and institutions.

>Ghostclaw Wound-Maker
Crit success!
Another weapon in the Ghostclaw Arsenal. This one is especially efficinet against unarmored foe
Effect + 12 in fight against unarmored foe (doesn't stack with morningstar)

BurningGrass : Undercity
The stonecarving have been adapted as a building strategy to carve troglodyte habitates, letting your species get the most out of 'vertical' tiles.

Breathless : build Rural Schools
Hunters of other tribes are not really interested in education. Younglings are bored out of their mind, adults of various tribe partaking in the experiment feel the kids learn less than partaking in their cultural "sticking around the one who knows"
Rural schools are a complete failure.
However, the expeditions of the scholars of the clan further and further North, where the cold is unbearable and food unbelievably scarce lead them to a discovery.
A kind of Fourbeak, but without their namesake metal-plated beak, instead covered in spiky plates, live in the freezing hell of the end of the world.
That's right : Tripods escaped extinction, by one meager survivor founding its way where no sane Fourbeak or Hunter delve, and manage to find enough scraps to make it through the ages.

Jupiter : Fortify your border!
Learning the lessons of the bitter defeat, Jupiter spend a great deal of effort preparing the borders of their territory for upcoming conflict.
Effect : +10 in War roll involving defense of territory.

Whitemane : terraforming
The psyker of your tribe discovered a new branch of Psykering : Geomancy!
This powerful magic is notoriously slow.
Can turn "Plain" tiles into Mountain Tile at the cost of your War action. This will be auto-colonized if able.
Frozen Hell tiles can not be turned. Tile must be adjacent to a Mountain (and in the grid plz)

A great news for Hunterkind development is Grassgreen's contribution of Terrace Farming for planting forrests of Stove Grove without cooking directly hunters attempting to harvest Fire Ferns. This result of ample stocks of Fern Roots and grove, adequate food for Meaty Fatties and Dahus in addition to Hunters
Granted there is a Hunter-adequate environment nearby - and collaboration from Cerulean's scholars - starvation can become a far-away nightmare.

Alternate thing : VERY IMPORTANT info will be sent to some player privately.
And now...
>What next?
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Oh, you know what’s next…
That’s right, Shaggy Dahus

And a question: you say frozen tiles can’t be terraformed, but what about slowly moving the mountain OVER the frozen Hell tile? What if I just uproot the guts of the mountain tile and make it spill over the frozen tile?
It would probably take more than one war action, but it’s not like there’s anyone I have beef with
Would this destabilise tectonic plates, ruin unknown underground ecosystems and drown precious metals and minerals in heaves of rock and ice?
Yes. That’s why my people don’t go spelunking
Doesn't work because I said so :>)
Simple as.
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Well what can I do then? These parts of the mountain aren’t hexed, can I conquer them?
Yes for the two half-hex on the grid.
No for the other one for my sanity sake
I take them with ice and Hun-Hun

Just filling out tiles at this point, civilizing the savages.

> Development
GrassGreen Aeromancers attempt to create the Windsong Spell, a piece of pskyercraft that carries songs over long distance. The hope is that it will facilitate easy communication over long distances, allowing many Hunters to coordinate quickly and easily.

And make for bitchin concerts.
I have a bad news for you (and every other players)

There are two kinds of tiles (mostly) left on the map.
Frozen plain and Frozen Hell. The 3 you selected? Frozen hell. Nothing much you can do to colonize. Frozen plains on the other hand? No one scouted them efficiently - like you did with the storm.
Speaking of the Storm, you are one development away to be able to build things inside.
It's more difficult for the others.
making it
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negotiation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor, Sweeping Horde (as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain), Njate Ake (High-Family/ 4 of them + 4 values), Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar, Poetry, La'Kaw"Dae (Order-Devil-Killer, +3 for Fight rolls), Kakro-Noaa (Wound - Maker)

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Makers Workshops, Written History, Magical Staff,


>Military : Seventh Holy War
>The Seventh Holy War is launched, this lands shall be ours.
(grabbing that one tile with nothing in the east, i'll make something in paint later)

>Civil : Martial Arts
>Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Asd'hre Ghost Claw (She-Stone-Death Ghost Claw) has passed, but she has decided to give her blessing to an initiative of Njate Ake Bone Storm. The creation of martial arts is an endavour born out of the martial experience of Ghost Claw and their meditation tradition. The body, the spirit and the mind must be refined in equal measure in both skill and strength. Praise be to the Adi-Jark for reveal us this path. The initiative is also approved by the new Meda'Nsa.
>Academy - Interchangeable Parts
>War - Reclaim the hex to my east with the portal
>Development - The Flockwing Inquisition: Develop & send the Inquisition to investigate these recent events. Likely some sort of cult or troglodytic attackers. Flockwing has always told the cult to ask questions and find answers.
Hmm, well not much else to handle then unless I can have the war machine do another scouting run on the storm.
Sad news : Jupiter officially had to retire from the quest. I will handle his character as NPC for the rest of it - don't worry, we're in the endgame now.
Just too busy or another reason?
No details given.
And with how long this high-player investment skirmish thing have been, clearly won't blame him for whatever lead to his retirement.
press F to plan respect.

sad to hear. but such is life. i take hit they left general instructions for you to follow?
sad to see him not here anymore. He has contributed a lot with his Tribe.
been wondering will the species continue evolving physically or has the timescale slowed down so much they will be like humans who biologically froze beyond shrinking brains and some varied display colors?
well we did mutate longer lifespans by a factor of 15. And one of us is nocturnal. Warp storms can also cause mutations and they are very common here
idk but on gut feeling ?
Certainly million of years aren't passing anymore at this point. So i expect us to not change extremely at least, if we are thinking about natural evolution.

There is of course the matter of gods to consider and the warp (like Prideful just mentioned), AND technically that happened already with the Adi-Jark gods doing it with their Avatars, Prideful deciding to make the Archons and Tzeentch giving a direct gene changing blessing to the whole of Jupiter.

Right now main difference is, having different noses and the main genetic of each cultural group have a quirk of their own. Some are stronger, some more intelligent etc...
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here have a blank underhunter sapien
no nose and i drew the legs more closed then they can actually position it as they have hips like a lemur
Nice art.

I think I'm still missing Badback and BurningGrass action.

Jupiter :
>Will share informations at the security council
>Development : Population motivation
>Will partake in Academy
Civil action: Create a new weapontype.

These will be called the Breakermauls, Large Chunks of refined Iron tip rods made from Steel. One Side has a spiked tip to penetrate armor of hunter and beast alike while the other side is a bludgeon capable of pulverizing the bones of an underhunter with a single swing.

art will come soon tm. I am a bit busy this morning and was sick all day yesterday

As for military action. My Siege tower will protect my heartlands while an envoy is sent to Whitemane offering the services of my main army to defend their lands.
I mean, thanks, but, for now, no one made a grab for my mountainous forests
But I would like to make a deal for some of your metal, I plan on creating more forms for the HunHun and making them out of metal might look more impressive
the sale of some metal can be arranged i think
okay sent
A bit of art for my new mauls

Caption written out:
Non Disclosure Agreement. Kay 4 now
Here's Jupiter's plead to Hunterkind

"Fellow Hunters,
The Jupiter's tribe is under attack. As was stated by the Breathless, we suffer the same ilk : corruption of our owns.
I will purge my own corruption this turn. And I suspect that the corruption's source is our neighbour, BurningGrass.

This is a plead to our allies, Grassgreen and BadBack, to stand on our side while we purge the evil within. We plead Cerulean to have a mutual stand against aggression."

I think I have everyone's turn; will try to prompt the roll in 24 hours - life too crazy for me to do it sooner
the pure audacity to first attack me. after single-handedly holding off the chaos invasion for like 6 turns (don't know how long a turn is in the universe). after only promising protection to the smaller nations if they agreed to be their vassals. To blame me for the corruption and try and turn my closest allies against me. that takes some brass balls.
My Inquisitors will happily assist the rulers of any nation which hosts the Flockwing Temple-Schools in their efforts to root out any mischief within their territories.
Hunterkind Unity is for some reason being challenged due to greed. All this is gonna do is leave free territory for the bystanders to quickly take over
i am gonna have to refuse this call to action while we investigate internal matters.

this fighting was started by the Jupiter and our arrangement is purely defensive in nature. As such the Bad Backs refuse to be involved in this spat.

However i would not allow you to be wiped out so i request that hostilities cease as soon as possible.

Grassgreen Scooting the Storm 1d100+12
Badback - Mercs for Whitemane 1d100+23
Ghostclaw conquest : 2d100+29
BurningGrass : War according to plan - 3d100+30
Breathlesss : Fight against internal trouble - 1d100+13
Jupiter : Fight against internal trouble - 1d100+17
Whitemane : Conquest - 3d100 + 29

Badback : Mauls (+10 from draw-in) 1d100
Whitemane : Shaggy Dahus 1d100+2
Jupiter : Population motivation 1d100+5
BurningGrass : Stone Guard 1d100+10
Ghostclaw : Martial art 1d100+10
Cerulean : Flockwing Inquisition - 1d100+20 (10 from contex like BG, 10 from pre existing cult)
Grassgreen : Windsong Spell
with the Warp presence and your aeromancer, DC 40
Rolled 16, 26, 37 = 79 (3d100)

War (1d100+17); Propaganda (1d100+5); Academy (Interchangeable parts)
And I received a mail from Ghostclaw which unfortunately can't post in the next 2 days
Rolled 72, 45, 72 + 30 = 219 (3d100 + 30)

Here is my war rolls
Rolled 24 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

And my stoneguard roll
Rolled 45, 96, 6 + 29 = 176 (3d100 + 29)

this is the part where i win
Rolled 50 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

this is the part where i lose
also i can't believe even after all this time my bonus is so small... maybe its time i change that
Rolled 63, 35, 83 = 181 (3d100)

Random number generator, generate me some nice random numbers.

1. War
2. Inquisition
3. Interchangeable Parts
Rolled 63, 25, 72 = 160 (3d100)

War, Dev, Academy
They're good rolls, but :( at no Wind Song.
Rolled 10, 16, 11 = 37 (3d100)

War with +23, Mauls with+10 and Academy straight roll
Some fuckery is afoot
I think I still need to roll for Acedemy right? Since it’s tradition for my people to participate..
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Rolled 95, 50 + 29 = 174 (2d100 + 29)

Rolled 51 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

"The new Meda'Nsa is not interested in joining a war on the side of either the tribe or the empire. She sees this has a continuation of the wars this two peoples had in the past, since after the holy war against the devils no other sign of them has been seen. While the Holy Realm of the Adi-Jark is not interested in this war, they see this has another failing of the so called council, that seems to desire little peace if one of the members that wanted it is so badly goes to war against another member soon after. If this is the way to build their "Unity" for all Hunterkind, then its nothing but dust in the wind !"

"The Witness of the Holy Realm present at the council, declares that if true corruption and devilry is present, it would be unjust to simply look at BurningGrass has from what they have heard all the peoples have fought against devils. Burning Grass and Jupiter should be both looked upon and judged by others. Then we will see if any corruption or devil is present, and which side is pure."
"Of course the Holy Realm believes the only way for do so, is for them to be judged by the Adi-Jark, something only their Avatars and Shamans can do. And of course the zealot warriors of the La'Kaw"Dae are ready to kill any devils if present, ensuring true safety and integrity."
Rolled 91, 83, 56 = 230 (3d100)

Update coming today.

But I'll need this first
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Grassgreen sent their new generation of military in the storm - and discovered a previously-unseen colossus delving the storm.
The Leviath have no right to be so big - it exhale a concentrated flame, burning bright and long - but somehow sparing the eldritch Suspension Plants
The warmth and wetness of the storm is still too much to bear - but the sheer amount of ressources seems worth the creation of means to colonize it. Maybe the Suspension Plants, once believed to be spirits and told to be the Aeromancer's totems, hide the secret to colonize it?

Jupiter sent various missive to all Hunterkind. However, the lack of information network, missing the knowledge of several of Hunterkind's written languages lead to the missive to be directly ignored - or directly burned as a bundle of falsehoods.

BurningGrass got massive land gets - partly thanks to Badback's mercenary employed as a betrayal to their long-term, steadfast Jupiter allies. Sadly, stoneguard initiative failed.

Whitemane get hold on what could remain of the mountains - the campaign is even massively succesful in that it lead to the capture of a new Glacier Drifter and the ritual-making of the third Archeon.
Sadly, it might be the last one - the circumstance of war and conquest necessary for one to be in the mental state to bound with the fearsome warpbeast is, to say the least, complicated without outgoing conflict and the lack of wilds suitable for creating such conflicts.
Moreover, a long-time selective breeding initiative of Whitemane bore fruits : the Shaggy Dahu is no longer a project.
Single-horned, they have longer wool (extending), as well as a small amount of a milk fatter than the crawler's one.
That is, in a great deal of generations - for now the excess milk is all but a modicum amount and the wool extend no longer than half a claw. Time will have to grow this phenotype.

Breathless failed to reclaim their land by force. However, the stench of foolery lead their theologists to develop an often overlooked branch of their faith : Flockwing Inquisition. Those are trained to ask question and get answers - some of which you get.
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Ghostclaw conquered what was takeable in the Eastern Mountains. Moreover, the new tradition of Martial Arts held well - a good fifth of the tribe's non-warrior Huntress hone their body and their mind in their leisure time, which is seen as both honorable and desirable for the males.

Nothing much to say regarding Badback : Mercs did what they were paid for (and surprisingly succesful), their mauls were too brittle to be effective.

Finally, an initiative for Standardisation is borned in the academy - a will to create things of the same width, of the same heights.
All those that partake think that it is the greatest of ideas - improving future trades and development to profit all Hunterkind. The idea is even proposed at the council of Survival.
Even though dismissed at first by Ghostclaw as "non-imperative for Hunterkind salvation", the Cerulean scholar made a compelling point on how shared development will accelerate development and might be the tipping point preventing extinction in a future confrontation.
However, the low technological level of Hunterkind means there will be no effect from now - but it will impact future developments.
>Jupiter, Whitemane, Breathless, Badback, Grassgreen will share the standard
Ghostclaw and BurningGrass, here's a chance to join the Standardized initiative. You can, of course, Agree or Refuse.

>What next?
mr QM, thats my 4th, I already had 3 Archeons. Its why the Shaggy Dahu was so important, they need clothes and wigs to individualize themselves
Speaking of:
>New Development cloth skirts and capes and wigs using Shaggy Dahu fur, dyed in wild colors with whatever is handy. especially important for Archeon wigs is the use of Fatty glue
The Age of Fashion

> Joint War-Development Action

Under guard of their best soldiers, scholars and Psykers set forth into the storm, seeking to study and understand this strange ecosystem before them.

The vast Leviath, bobbing float plants, and the lumbering many tailed oxen below them all raise many questions. The ecosystem of the storm seems to go UP as much as it does out. How does it work? What does each creature eat, where do they shit? How do they breed and rest and perhaps even play? How do they react to the presence of Blanks and Cursed Warriors? What is their astral nature? The GrassGreen have no word for Ecology, but the science is being born as they marvel at the world of the storm.
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negotiation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor, Sweeping Horde (as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain), Njate Ake (High-Family/ 4 of them + 4 values), Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar, Poetry, La'Kaw"Dae (Order-Devil-Killer, +3 for Fight rolls), Kakro-Noaa (Wound - Maker, + 12 in fight against unarmored foe (doesn't stack with morningstar), Martial Arts

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Makers Workshops, Written History, Magical Staff


>Military : Eight Holy War
>The Eight Holy War begins, for the glory of the Holy Realm, our ancestors and the gods, the last barbarians shall be vanquished ! Praise be to the Aki-Jar !

>Civil : Dance
>Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Tfa'hre Ghost Claw (She-Friend-Death Ghost Claw), the new Meda'Nsa has show promise already in her early rule after her mother passed. Due to such thing, and by the consideration of the Shamans that believe this will be a good time for the Holy Realm, the Meda'Nsa has decided to aid a new initiative. A set of moves to do with the body for honor the gods, an idea coming from the late Land Warden Gaa"Uyd'Asd Bone Storm (She-Dark-Stone Bone Storm), of Njate-Ake Bone Storm. This is different from martial arts, the Land Warden explains this is more for the spirit of an Underhunter and for please the Aki-Jar with pleasant, elegant and peaceful moves. The Meda'Nsa doesn't quite get what the Land Warden is saying, but approves the idea if it can please the gods then this is good for all the Holy Realm. Lramd will be pleased the most of the gods.


After much thinking even if the Cerulean scholar is a pagan and not kin, the scholar made a good point. It might be of some use, at least for Makers. Ghostclaw decides to agree to just this initiative.
I wonder if Cerulean Watcher is up for a trade, since we are so close to one another (because of the Portal hex my shepherds guard). I’m even down for a sampling of each other culture. Your theocracy and my council-based meritocracy could bring some unique ideas if we interact a bit.
Your rural teacher-priest lead school ideas sounded fun for example
Sure. The Flockwing agenda is knitting society into a coherent whole capable of competently dealing with outside forces without being destroyed from within or without. Expanding trade and educational networks is part of that. Cerulan society is more darwinian with ideas that work being used and ideas that don't falling into obscurity. Collaboration is good, but so is competition and especially experimentation.
Our inquisitors say that whatever this blight is is traveling east from our lands into yours. The Church recommends taking action to contain or destroy whatever it is before it establishes a foothold in your lands. The Inquisition stands ready to assist if desired.

Military Action: Send waves of troops and priests to reclaim the lost portal to our east.

Civ. Action: Assembly Line/Mass Production: Build Rome-style factories where each laborer works on their own part. Preferably begin this practice in Burning Grass lands mass producing armor for their military before taking the profits to reinvest in factories in the homeland.

Academy - Develop long distance exploration to see what habitable lands lie beyond the ice sheets surrounding the Crack. Surely this is not the only habitable biome on the planet.
Turns out over the millions of years we’ve been evolving, the Chaos Gods have been shaping the planet into a flat surface and this is all we have.
>Chaos god smoothed up my planet
>Can't have shit out of The Crack
i wanted to see if i could scrape something together for art but i dont have the energy right now.

So. Seeing that the metal warhammers were a failure due to bad materials and a general failure of the smith caste the Matriarch sees much need to clean up her house and nation.

A new culture of excellence and perfectionism is being promoted. being the best and lifting others out of mediocrity is rewarded with new landgrants and preferential treatment in trade negotiations.

As for the military. The warnings carried by mercenaries and Messenger alike have unsettled several of the high ranking members of the Megacorporation. They are calling for the military to police internal matters, to seek creatures of the immaterial and banish them before they can corrupt hunters.

very good. my own scouts did not return with much knowledge or at all from the far south. This might be helpful to find far flung lands and new materials to fuel the Rise of Hunterkind.
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I don't see a reason to refuse standardization. so I'll accept the proposal.

I had received reports of nobles being killed and replaced Cerulean coloured individuals. I take it they were traitors fleeing your land? if so the assistance of your inquisitors in rooting out the insurrection and traitors on our borders (the hex with the purple X). I hope that your inquisitors can show me their methods so that we can prevent any more outbreaks like this in the future.

I will be purchasing more of your warriors this turn. I will of course be paying in the form of coins.

>War: Crush the enemy, Crush the traitor. Conquer the last Jupiter holdout in the northeast then turn on the traitors in the east and northeast with the help of the Cerulean (if their assistance allows me another attack)

>Civil: Household guards. The rebels' go-to strategy is to kill and replace the nobles. To prevent this the empress decrees that all houses form a private force (preferably made of Egg Carer warriors) with the sole purpose of defending their charges.
You have 3 attacks on your own - army anywhere at 1 hex of your borders, and 2 siege towers.. Your siege tower can't do much more than what they already plan as you are allowed to move them by only 1 hex each turn
As you have 5 targets, I assume the purple one would be with Cerulean help and one of the Douth one with Badback's help?
In that case I guess not attack the city built in the cliffs.

The purple hex doesn't seem like the 'east' that I was told by the inquisitors, but feel free to deploy them however you wish. The Flockwing are happy to share the techniques of Inquisition. After all, betwixt asking questions and finding answers lies Flockwing's domain of experimentation.

The Cerulan inquisition has been very cagey about describing the situation, merely describing it as 'the corruption' and after interrogating the inquisitors as 'carried by Hunters' without any explanation of phenotypical expression such as coloration (though they were explicitly asked), physical alterations, or corrupt practices. Only that they are well hidden. It may be best if your forces have the Inquisitors locate the corruption and bring them examples as the Cerulan seem to have a severe lack of understanding of what the corruption is or how the corrupt are different from the non-corrupt.

Is it a disease? Is it a cult bearing silver moon pendants? Geneto-fashionistas who have decided that 3 is the correct number of eyes? Questions have been asked. To date, answers have not been forthcoming. If the situation persists, the Church may need to get innovative. Maybe conduct some proper scientific dissections or enhance their interrogation practices.
Out of curiosity, how are the nobility being replaced by those wearing the skin of priests and northern barbarians? It would seem like an obvious change. Were they wearing paint or covering themselves in heavy armor to hide their faces? The Flockwing would have used shapeshifters or skinshifters who would not have carried the Cerulean coloration.

I get the impression that these are not so much traitors (the Cerulan don't really have a concept of betraying society as such. You can betray your family or your mother or your 'guild' or your blood-brothers or your employer, but the Cerulan aren't organized as a Queendom. The Eternal Queen is dead and trapped in ice and the Church speaks her eternal will. I guess you could betray the unending Queen by saying mean things about her, but honestly, I haven't been told why the corrupt are bad, only that they are. Well, I guess that they stopped paying taxes, cut off communications, and murdered a priestess. Anarchists is what they are.

And actually, after closer reading I was told that they were Cerulean pheno-typed. So I just don't know yet how we know that they are corrupt. Maybe it's just a mind poison and we can't tell from looking at them or cutting them open.
i smell demons of change
capture some and bring them to me, I would like to take a look at their souls
yeah, it would make sence when they first showed up in my lands it was from the east and south. the southern ones looked like badback Underhunters. I figured that it was a Jupiter false flag attack to worsen relations and drag them into a war with me.

all I've figured out is that kill the nobles in charge of the territory and look like people of neighbouring nations.
Your people are the beastmasters, correct. The Cerulan have thus far only tamed beasts of death. Your trackers and beast-catchers are welcome to join the inquisitorial bands. Multiple elements of Cerulan society are interested in understanding this new murder-cult through experimentation on its members. They're two legs though, so maybe the Cerulan tradition of dismembering rather than killing may work better than the Whitemane beast wrangling traditions? Feel free to surprise.
We are astral walkers, Faith-Hunter. 4 of our kind live in immortal daemon-like ice elementals that feed and sense souls. Our methods are quite crude, for this magic is young and hard to develop. But, besides Ghost Claw’s gods, no one else is as knowledgeable about souls as we are, for we were the only ones brave enough to practice possession
I’m not gonna wrangle them, I’m gonna sample them and Blank expose them
test, again.

Ghostclaw : Won't make you roll for the 3 square cm of valid target
Cerulean : reclaim lost ground
Badback : protection of immaterium + mercs for BurningGrass - 2d100+23
BurningGrass : 3d100+30
Jupiter : reclaim its Moss Lake land taken by BurningGrass - 1d100+17

Whitemane : Fashion - 1d100 + 2
Grassgreen : Joint war-development - storm study Bo2d100
Ghostclaw : Dance - 1d100+10
Cerulean : Mass production - 1d100 + 10 from standardised parts.
Badback : culture of excellence - 1d100 + 10 from barter system
BurningGrass - Household guard - 1d100 + 15 (I'd advise to roll well)
Jupiter - Honest and truthful news outlet for all hunterkind - 1d100+5

ACADEMY : Long-distance exploration - special case, we won't roll for this one
Rolled 73, 50 = 123 (2d100)

War then Newsthing
Rolled 5, 62 = 67 (2d100)

War roll with+23 to each
Rolled 63 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Development roll

Its getting late. I am apperantly incapable of writing correctly now
Rolled 33, 47, 88 + 30 = 198 (3d100 + 30)

First 3 are war the last is development
Rolled 25 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

Shit forgot the last dice
Well at least I have the inquisition tech from last turn
Rolled 56, 65 = 121 (2d100)

War then Industry
Rolled 99 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

The GOD of Fashion
Only Two-Legs have the 15 year lifespan mutation?
Rolled 96, 92 = 188 (2d100)

Yes, but redondant question - four legs have virtually all been sweeped and replaced.
That's like 2 crits for a Bo2 situation. Let's discuss in private
Rolled 53, 89, 48 = 190 (3d100)

Needing this.
Rolled 97 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

dancing time
the Aki-Jar approves of this dance
What about other animals? Dahus, Moleys, fatties, etc?
The first Archeon is still alive generations later, I’m curious if Under-Hunter Lifespans are an outlier and everything else lives longer
Fatties and moley are short-lived. Dahus are medium-lived. Glacier Drifter are insanely long lived.
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The same scene unfold among all Hunterkind : a Badback trader talks to a crowd gathered to listen what happens High and Low in the world

"Your news... But first, three words from the Outpost Congregation :
For a Limited time only. Extra Juicy Crack-Moley Tail Skewers. Soaked in Crawler milk and roasted to perfection. Get them while their hot and sweet before they are all gone.
Tired of stalking a half dozen markets only to realize you still didnt get everything you wanted? Come to Har'Kalas Trade Fortress. Only the best products on sale for a reasonable price and everything you could ever need under one roof with the Badback Guarantee of Quality.
Tired of breaking your Backs carving away at your next Masterpiece? Come find your new best friend in the best Chisel the Firebreaker Company has ever developed. Forged from the toughest Crack Moleys in the entire World these chisels will make you feel as if you were carving snow.

And now... Time for what you gathered for - Peak's heights and Crack's low, the hard investigation of the independant minds!
First, we won't spare you the grim reality of Hunter on Hunter conflict : the barbarian of BurningGrass continue their unprovoked attack on the Jupiter's hard-won land of a long past time of Hunter unity against demons of rot, effectively wiping clans present since the end of the war and shamelessly taking their lands away.
We, independant reporters, warn you : they are coming for Jupiter, but won't stop there. Appeasement doesn't work against bullies. Please, stand for Jupiter.
Howver, all hope is not lost for the Free Hunterkind : first, the brave Jupiter Warrior took backtheir historical land of greater signifiance.
And barbarian one day, barbarian forever : an internal struggle is reaping through the BurningGrass ranks. Fighting have been reported "succesful" in the east, but reports from the Badback's mercenary say that not only their paid forces where pushed back by rebels, but said rebels took the Lightning Rock region - a chance for any bold tribe to "help" burningGrass in their trouble and snag a prize on the way!
Cerulean reported fighting against the same kind of trouble, to no avail. At least the Burninggrass rebel didn't claimed more lands of the esteemed scholar of the North.
Speaking of the Crack's keenest, they change their way of producing goods - massively. Of course, they might be cheaper and make as much as your esteemed Badback's tribe in raw amount, but the PHCL independant trial shows that the mercantile tribe's focus on quality is paying off massively - each and every product you can find on the outpost are of the finest crafthuntership.
As the envoy of the Badback tribe, it is my duty to inform you dear customers that, sadly, no deal have been striken yet among Cerulean and Badback tribe regarding the distribution of those said goods. But let me return to the news.
As many of the influents huntress among you know, the Cerulean produced a new thing : the Explorer's circle. This congregation regroups Hunter dedicated to go above the known limits.
Why doing that, should you ask? After all, Hunters like rooting in a space, patrol it and mastering it... But what of another attack like the Rot age? We might need new places to fall back.
Speaking of, the most influent members of the Explorer's circle are easily the Grassgreen's Stormdweller. That's right, the mythical storm between the Crack and the Easter Peak has been settled in.
Glueing together the skins of the first aeromancers, the Green Motes, Grassgreen created a shelter where its Psyker are able to maintain a low temperature sufficient to avoid the dreaded heat of the storm. There, they shared those findings with Hunterkind.
The Green motes actually generate heat and wind, which might explain the storm's permanence in the first place. Those motes are grazed by small Flyfishes, living in schools.
In turn, those are the preys of either the already known Cloud Whale, or the other school-grouped animals known as Flyrannhas. Recently, the Glacier Drifter-like LeviathSnake, breathing Fire, have been discovered.
However, the presence of two more species have been confirmed : first is the Shellback Phoenix Frond - a stone-like oddity, which awaits for the Leviath's breath to sprout and get fling somewhere else, spreading small pebbles on the way. The second one feeds on carrion and dead things, unable to maintain flight. A leather-thin Snowcrawler, flat thing colored as the snow and lightly spotted, that cover the fallen to digest them.
To alleviate the hard conflict's harshness, we'll end this report with two hopeful development, both of which we believe will define Hunterkind's refinement.
First one is to take with caution, with how elusive and wary of our investigator the fascinating Ghostclaw tribe is : Some of its member can be sometime seen moving by their own.
Is it a kind of folly? Of secret training of the East? We sadly don't know more than how enticing those motion are.
Second one comes from our dear Northern friend of Whitemane. According to their council, their Selective Breeding of the Shaggy Dahu led them to a new fiber source they dubbed 'Wool'.
Those coiled fibers are died, meshed with decorative stones, sculpted ice and small Stove Grove lianas resulting in what they call "Garment"
We haven't understood the function of said things, but one thing is sure : this made our two Male receptionnist eject testicles while giving your esteemed reporter a craving for giving an egg to an otherwise not-so-handsome male.

As a last word, please remember that our independance is linked to our survival as members of the Jupiter tribe, and once again plead to stop the BurningGrass eradication of our peoples.

And now...
>What next?
A/N : thanks to Grassgreen for the creation + art of the Shellback Phoenix Flower!
thanks for noticing my message regarding my actual Archeon count, mr QM.

My Hunters will probably need to mobilize soon, regrettably. Cerulean's land has been pushed back to a measly 7 hexes, while Jupiter is down to 8 and cannot expand into the western mountains because it is neutral ground.
I will not declare war on BurningGrass, but I will not allow them to press deeper into the Hearthlands of the other tribes.
BG cannot cross through the Warp Trail without BadBack's will, so I will mobilize my forces to guard any Warp Trail on the edge of Burning Grass' land. Another attack into the hearthlands and I will make the mountain come down on him.
This is my War Action
The land you oh so cherish, that you are spilling Two-Legs blood over to own... I will make the earth heave and quake and bury the Crack under rubble. Every Tribe, but yours, can access the Warp Trail. Every Tribe but yours can leave in time.
Doing my best.
Thank you all for your involvment with that game.

> War / Development
Settle the storm! Carve a network of settlements and towns across the wild lands.
>War - Continue to try and reclaim the lost portal to the east
>Civil - Scour the land for a good fuel source to power the industrial empire that is rising in the Cerulan and Burning Grass territories.
>University - Optics

Does anyone else welcome the Cerulan industrialists into their territories to build factories? What tasks do your people need industrialized.
I'll allow this to only be your war action with how your development went.
Could you give me something specific for said developmetn?
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negotiation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor, Sweeping Horde (as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain), Njate Ake (High-Family/ 4 of them + 4 values), Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar, Poetry, La'Kaw"Dae (Order-Devil-Killer, +3 for Fight rolls), Kakro-Noaa (Wound - Maker, + 12 in fight against unarmored foe (doesn't stack with morningstar), Martial Arts, Dance

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Makers Workshops, Written History, Magical Staff


>Military : Explore the storm to the north with a group of experienced travelers.
>Praise be to the Aki-Jar !
>Civil : War Leaders (Military Ranks)
>Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Tfa'hre Ghost Claw (She-Friend-Death Ghost Claw), after the end of the Eight Holy War decided to reform the army. It would become better organized, in this case with a better subdivision of leadership through the ranks of the warrior class. While it had been so far enough to be led to war by the Meda"Nsa, the Avatars and the Land Wardens in this new age things should change. The Holy Realm had grown in size, and so did the army. (i will add the ranks in the pastebin, and finish the image tomorrow)
Sure, let's take another crack at the Windsong Communication spell. Global communications network should be handy for future hunterkind.
With a proper culture instilled in her people the Matriarch seeks one more grand development before she retires. She holds a Grand competition, seeking the best of the best craftsmen. A Grand prize of wealth and status is promised to the one that finds the most valuable and useful materials to cover the forms of the Badback Hunters. The Wool of Whitemane, the silken scarfs from Grass Green have been inspiration but can plants themselves be used to create clothing.

this is a try to create clothing, trying to make use of the competitive spirit and culture of excellence bringing reward.

and if my military could be used to strengthen my borders and internal traderoutes/ Pathways i would like to put them aside for that.
i need a bit more time
>Military: crush the rebels. Start moving the siege engines back to the heartland.

>Civilain: Taking inspiration from the Cerulian inquisition our own inquisitors (they taught me the tech) will scour the land of the Empire and will route out any more traitors. They will also hopefully find the source and put a stop to it.
Cerulan supports Burning Grass in their inquisitorial efforts. Good luck neighbor.

I'm still waiting for one of you to answer a backchannel diplomatic negociation.
In the meantime, I'm broadcasting Jupiter's action :
>Development : find the secrets of psychology
>War : retake the ravine's arm, historically conflicted land among Jupiter and BurningGrass

Breathless, Jupiter will accept the Factory for building materials.
I think I’m fine with Jupiter reclaiming 2-3 Hexes? Crack Hunters sure are war loving
change military to
>Military : Proceed has usual in peace times. Training, War games, marching. Those things.
>Praise be to the Aki-Jar !
GrassGreen wakes up every morning wondering what the hell is going on in the crack. Wars and inquisitions and shapeshifters. Makes a hunter glad to be able to wake up and drink their frost coffee in peace.
I think we're good.



Cerulean : reclaim lost ground - 1d100+13
Badback : Mercs for Jupiter - 1d100+23
BurningGrass : 2d100+30
Jupiter : reclaim its Contested Ravine Arm - 1d100+17
Grassgreen : stormsettling - 1d100+12 (last turn success, battle-psychers) DC 40/80/???
Whitemane : "experimentation" - 1d100 + 30 (+10 from the less able psycher thihng, also granting you +5 from each Archeon). DC 60/80/crit
Ghostclaw : War ranks - 1d100+10
Cerulean : Fuel research - 1d100 DC 60
Grassgreen : Windsong - 1d100 DC 60
Badback : Trader clothing 1d100
BurningGrass - Inquisition - 1d100 + 15 (Cerulean Teachings) DC 40/80
Jupiter - Art of persuasion - 1d100+5

Optics - Join if you want
Rolled 18, 21, 26 = 65 (3d100)

Mystery roll!
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Its time for mercenaries to do their work
Rolled 100, 53 = 153 (2d100)

First roll is for clothing. second for university.

damn they are doing badly.
okay. nat 100 for clothing. damn. THis is the start of THE Fashion industry.
Rolled 47, 37 = 84 (2d100)

Jupiter's war (+17) then development (+5)
Rolled 37 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 52, 7, 77 = 136 (3d100)

WAR, Windsong, Optics

We could build a lovely mountain top observatory you know.
One day windsong! One day! Unless I get distracted or something and build an observatory instead?
nooo :((((
you still succeeded your development. its usually a 40+ for a success. an 80+ for added things.
Rolled 1, 30, 84 + 30 = 145 (3d100 + 30)

the first 2 are for war, and the third is for the Inquisition.

come on give me a 88
welp game over for me guys it was a nice ride.
Rolled 32, 2, 93 = 127 (3d100)

war, fuel, science
Rolled 91 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

We can do this! We can make moves!
Rolled 98 (1d100)

*freezes sweat*
Ok! Ok I can work with this! Project Death 2: Revenant is a go!

>University Roll: Optics. The Matriarch is gonna be honest on this one, she just sent her daughter to Uni because she needed to make sure she had SOMETHING to be proud of
We should probably talk about that, yeah.
I was actually gonna post how Whitemanes handle and view Fashion, this is the perfect Segway
> Hello, I wanted to drop something regarding the purpose of Fashion, in Whitemane culture.
Since the creation of the second Archeon, individualism has been a hotly debated concept by the Immortals and the other tribekin. Whitemanes value skill and the ability to judge a book by its cover, to know someone is special, because they look special, it is seen as a form of respect to look unique, because you've done something, contributed in some way that no one else had.
Archeons remember, Archeons live, Archeons experience, Archeons accomplish more than any other Under-Hunter would ever, but they all look the same. With the birth of the first Shaggy Dahu calf, our namesake can finally be invoked in a visual manner. Shaggy fur is string-like and easy to weave into a dread-like spiral. It is easily dyed and quite resistant to knot making, making sticking bits and bogs of ice, rock and bone a non-issue for integrity. Simple skirts and capes are common, as are arm bandanas. But the most important fashion identifier is the Wig. Large, dread-like with a white primary color, it is the symbol of the Whitemane tribe and the primary form of individualism for Archeons. Every Archeon adds highlights of color to their wig, which are then emulated by their attendants in their bandanas and skirt colors. There are even showcases of the newest, most striking, color combos that the Archeons have come up with for their attendants, with the winning "fashion designer" getting to personally design the outfit of the next Matriarch.
Indeed, because Archeons live for so long and, in some ways, are burdened with the task of being the tribe's memory bank, only they have the knowledge of past fashion to property introduce a new age of fashion for the following generations
You didn’t attack anyone, you were fighting rebels. Remember that, if they start to stage a revolution or something similar, my people are right next to your border. And we can tell them to either quiet down and find a different way to protest or get buried alive under rubble
if you wish for military aid i willl gladly help you out. i would rather keep you in power than the rebels. The devil you know and all that.

that can be your thing. my fashion will probably focus on shapes and functions, based on the maximal utilisation of all available materials and their derivatives.

with a splash of color for emphasizing ones station and wealth. There might also be a fashion stage in some villages, centralized around my home turf.

From here excellent quality outfits, that factories just cant replicate, can be shipped to every part of Hunterkind for a tidy profit.
that would be greatly appreciated.
The Flockwing and Cerulan generally will also support the Burning Grass in their efforts. While the People's military might is still engaged in a generational war to reclaim the portal, the beastmasters, scouts, and fartalkers support the Burning Grass military as they always have. Such logistical aid was one of the promises that the Flockwing cult made when setting up temples in Burning Grass territory, and they will not abandon their ancestral obligations.
For some reason my email is giving error so I’ll just broadcast my response, regardless of secrecy. Since the roll was a success
> The quest is being really hard to manage, so it will mainly be flavour for next phase.
>Soul Guardian means that a Whitemane Warrior will re-soul her Dahu time, time and time again, letting the Dahu's reincarnated soul to build up in power over generations (if catched and rehatched)

Ehh, I don’t believe Whitemanes would recycle souls like that. They have a certain understanding of what souls are and how they are meant to undergo their “lifecycle”. Dominating the demonic Glacial Drifters is one thing, but messing with actual living things, pushing out and combing the souls of Dahus, just to get stronger Dahus over generations, instead of just giving your favourite Dahu one last glorious ride in Undeath before the soul leaves for the Path…
I fear Soulguardians would lead to a path obsessed with immortality. Golemism should be enough for our people

Also I still hope you are having fun with the quest. Even if it’s proving a handful (I imagine needing to manage a player’s tribe is not easy)
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Coming to you from the Center of Badback Culture is the newest and greatest statement in the world of fashion. Created from only the highest quality Dahu Wool and Storm Floater Veils is this dress something to give to the Huntress of your dreams.
With excellent form that leaves her full room to move, while accentuating her fur colors to look their best even under the worst Warpstorm. And the best part. It will be handmade within minutes by the best crafters in your local Trade Fortress for prices no one can beat.

Tired of always the same tired leather and straps? Wanting to spice up your harem time with a something a bit exotic? Find us at the Gar'el Has Trade Depot for a personalised consultation for your perfect outfit. Make each second spend with your signifacnt others truly special.

Some say a hunter is born when the female gobbles up a male testicle. Some say they are born when the eggs are coughed up. Other claim its when they finished their trials. They are all Wrong. What seperates any self respecting hunter from a savage is only the best, personalized fashion the Bad Back Corporation can provide.
Coming from a long line of perfectionists our best seamstresses can be hired. No self noble ruler could claim to be at the pinnacle of their tribe when clad in rags that are so clearly inferior when not styled and crafted by a Bad Back Seamstress. Trained for uncounted hours in their craft only they can bring out the best in you.

And now... Time for what you gathered for - Peak's heights and Crack's low, the hard investigation of the independant minds!
First section concern, once again, Huntericide war. Troubles are still brewing in BurningGrass' heartlands. Strange alliance of the BurningGrass military with Whitemane's matriarch and Badback's warptraveler lead to a repositionning of one of the two remaining, mighty, giant-slaying Siege Tower.
This is extremely concerning to the Jupiter's civilians, in particular the recently-liberated plains East of the historically annexed by BurningGrass ravine.
We'd like to put a little word : although independant, most of your Journal's staff remains of Jupiterian hide color. Our mother's mothers have suffered under BurningGrass conquest of the Lightmoss region, the Huntress-warrior coercing our greatfather to give testicle and nurse eggs of the invader blood to replace our colors by their in the people. At the second the barbarians will sort out their internal matters, they'll come for the one they percieve the weaker. We'll need to create a common front against that threat.
Sadly, those are not the only concerning military matters : despite not being in conflict, the isolationists of the Ghostclaw tribe are ramping up their War machine, investing time and effort to reward their best element and put together a strict structure among their ranks. Our investigator discovered louder and louder whispers of an incoming attack on one of their Northern neighbour.
Speaking of North, There are tales from the mountains about Ice trinket getting brought to life. What purpose does it serves? Has the Whitemane tribe compromised itself with eldritch power? Only future will tell. The Grassgreen tribe is keeping their effort on conquering the Storm, resulting in more exotic ressources our tailor craft for you to wear.

The scholars of the Cerulean Academy have created a new contraption : the Lens. A round, concave sheet of Ice magnify light and improve focus.
The Under Hunter always relied more on ear than sight. The contraption helped put in evidence the mysterious ballet of our ample collection of moons, which sides are now estimated as crack-big spheres despite looking so small.
The exporer circle can't help but dream of trying to sample the previously-believed fist sized objects.

With this informations fresh in mind, our team hope the matriarch will take the best decisions for the future of Hunterkind.

Afternote : this is not stated in the update, but Jupiter being the main provider of quite-accurate facts and news as well as their mastery of Hunter's psychology lead them to create a positive Jupiter Sentiment among the global Hunter population. Thus, a direct act of unprovoked aggression on Jupiter will suffer a malus, except for BurningGrass which holds a era-long grudge.
I see we're on page 9.

I'd really like to wrap up the quest without launching a new thread. So be careful : any turn can be the last with the current state of the game.
I'd advise to keep the focus on your secret objectives.

Why do I want to stop?
I really love the Crack and our crafted ecosystem and society. But I feel I explored what I wanted in the Tribe phasis, barring the current wrapping up we're doing.

Plus, real life is getting in the way - on the good side.
I bought a house this summer. It comes with a fair deal of maintenance so far have sanded 55 square meters of wood floor, remade the wall, plumbery, electricity of the to-be kitchen, currently repairing walls of my to-be chamber as well as putting down tiles on the rest of the floor, nothing is livable as-is and I need to focus my evenings on sanding drywall's plaster and scraping excess tile adhesive, to prepare for painting underlayerment of wallpapers...
So despite how good for my autism getting you guys to squirmish is, I'll sadly have to play less for a bit. But we'll round things up properly.

> Development
An invitation is extended to the other tribes, for a great hunt within the stormlands. A strange beast was recently encountered within the storm and slain, some sort of strange winged descendant of the fourbeak perhaps? (Sketch based on description attached). GrassGreen Aeromancers would lead hunting parties into the storm seeking glory and kills of the strange and exotic creatures within, perhaps the mighty warriors of other tribes will even strike down one of the mighty sky dragons!

> War
Efforts continue to settle ever more of the stormlands, exploring its natural bounty.

> of an incoming attack on one of their Northern neighbour.
Lol, fuck all I could do about that if it happened.
We’ve always been allies GG, I will always have your back, in my eyes, your nobility always had a seat on the Council, an attack on GrassGreen Lands is an attack on Whitemane Lands. And Whitemane will gladly flatten mountains and crack the earth to protect our lands
>War Action: a Warband of Hunters equipped with Ice Sculptures, both Dahu and Golem, lead by an Archeon, will accompany your expedition into the stormlands. Expansion is pointless as you already control most of it, so we’ll join in the hunt.
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negotiation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law, Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae, The Hre"Adi-Jark - Stone of the Silent Faith (Religion/Avatars), Runic Stone Armor, Sweeping Horde (as long as you keep gaining hex, you won't suffer from logistic strain), Njate Ake (High-Family/ 4 of them + 4 values), Celestial Temple of the Aki-Jar, Poetry, La'Kaw"Dae (Order-Devil-Killer, +3 for Fight rolls), Kakro-Noaa (Wound - Maker, + 12 in fight against unarmored foe (doesn't stack with morningstar), Martial Arts, Dance, War Leaders (Military Ranks)

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Makers Workshops, Written History, Magical Staff

>Development Action: Start a secret Math Cult in GhostClaw territory. The dreamers say that a great apocalypse is coming, and that the Cerulan were given one of the keys to avoiding it, said key being to teach all the lore of numbers. When the time comes, may they have those who know how to harness these immaterial concepts. No other tribes denied education. Use skin-shifting, oral traditions, and long integration into foreign cultures to establish this cult.

>Martial: Go dragon hunting with the biomutants in the storm.

>University: The Cerulan scholars have predicted the arrival of great strife and change, worse than those which came before. Already the world has an integrated economy, a conclave of knowledge, a conclave of peace, and only the small struggles which help neighbors hone their warcraft. They have food storage, agriculture, industry, and fortifications deep beneath the earth. The only path from which not all the tribes can defend is the Dreamland, the Immaterium. So the scholars suggest developing null projectors to provide localized areas which disconnect the land of dreams from that of waking and give the warpspawn no fertile ground on which to grow.
>Our investigator
I will interpret this as Badback Underhunters having spied on my military in my lands. Grassgreen hunt invitation will not be seen as pacific.

>Military : A breach of trust has been done by another council member against us, due to claiming we wanted to attack an ally and the other lies spread against us the Council will not be considered important anymore. If we can't improve our army and our affairs are so judged, and attempted to be manipulated then we shall not have it. The Council it self is considered an irrelevant entity at this point. It creates no unity and spreads only poison between each other, and now against Ghostclaw. The Holy Realm will be ready to defend it self against them and begin to be full isolated, no one shall enter without Ghostclaw say. The Witness will now be near Ghostclaw border, and not in the Council capital, such is the mistrust.
>Praise be to the Aki-Jar !
>Civil : Theatre
>Meda'Nsa (Great Speaker) Gaa"Tfa'hre Ghost Claw (She-Friend-Death Ghost Claw), is satisfied deeply with the military reform. A strong and zealous army must exist for defend the Holy Realm and expand it if needed, the Aki-Jar desires a protected home. This has been proven true with the Council instability and tendency to lie and wage war on each other. This is even more true with the rumors of many of them being demon worshippers, and now this is truly true with the lies against Ghostclaw. For this reason she has taken actions for keep safe the Holy Realm. But enough about those actions, Njate Ake Bone Storm and Njate Ake Ice Boulder proposed a new fantastic cultural initiative for the realm, and that further glorifies and honors the gods too ! The Theatre, an open structure for the Ghostclaw people to enjoy stories of faith and the four CORES (Duty, Valor, Patience and Integrity) of the Njate Ake of the Realm. Its created through the words of their Poetry, the movements of their Dance and the discipline of their Martial Arts. Many of these stories are in the past Holy Wars, but also narrate of their great works.

"Your invitation after the lies spread against us is seen with great suspicion by us. My mother never made war against you. And neither did i in my shorter reign. Is this the "unity" you speak of, the safety ? The ones that shouldn't watch or meddle in the affairs of others ? We will not partecipate."

"This is what you repay us with after we allowed the existance of your trade. We do not like this lies."
Sisters of the south, we are filled with sorrow at the lack of your presence, and indeed the lack of your might will be most missed should we engage one of the great dragons! Nonetheless, know we hold no suspicions of you. No fortresses rise on our border, no towers are being built, no bricks for walls are being laid.
WIth a large influx of materials due to work and improved methods it is time to turn a bit more inward. Having seen the resorts of the Jupiter, far off Trade Fortresses and stonework of Burning Grass the builders of the Corporations have long expressed their wishes to turn every dwelling and every into a Hunters personal castle. No longer shall the houses require natural walls, when hunter made ones would be fully sufficient and sometimes even better.

Using Cranes and hoists, long used to erect walls have new techniques been developed to make housing and the general infrastructure more sturdy and liveable for all hunters, while underground channel are carved for waste disposal. Seperate Networks are carved to bring fresh water into even the densest urban center, to reduce travel times even further and encourange mingellin in local communities.

general upgrade to infrastructure and housing.

Military Action: The normal army is sent into Burning Grass territory to link up with their units and stomp out the rebellion they are currently suffering from.

A Detachment of Mercenaries bought by the Matriarch herself shall accompany you on this hunting expedition, to claim the most worthy trophies and lay claim to prime spots for trading in her name.

We have never lied to you. The Matriarch did not order any spycraft on your lands and such things would be impossible to find with just observation. If you wish we will perform an internal audit to find our innocence. You may send oberservers if you wish to go through our records yourself we dont have anything to hide about what we are doing in your territory.
>Recall the army from Dragon Hunting. Redeploy to assist Burning Grass in defense of their lands. Allow Burning Grass forces passage through the temple portals if they are accompanied by a verified Noble. When doing so, accompany the Burning Grass forces with a small contingent of Flockwing temple guard to guide them and prevent mischief. Anarchists are still running around in Burning Grass territory and the Flockwing are wary of infiltrators impersonating Burning Grass soldiers and causing mischief.
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Don't forget to check your mails. I'll try to roll prompt today.
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Wait I don't think I'm included in any of those backroom deals
Oh you are part of it. The “Deal” itself, if you will
>Grassgreen : settle in the storm - 1d100 + 12
>Whitemane : help Grassgreen chasing pipe dreams - 4d100+29 DC : Crit
>Breathless : Help BurningGrass defence
>Badback : Help BurningGrass internal troubles
>Ghostclaw : border patrol
No roll needed
BurningGrass : Follow battle Plan
3d100 + 30
Jupiter : follow battle plan
Development will be asked independantly regarding war result
Rolled 13 (1d100)

Game winning roll?
Rolled 58 + 12 (1d100 + 12)

Ahh, love a good storm.
Rolled 100 + 23 (1d100 + 23)

Rolled 17 (1d100)

A tie against Jupiter anyway.
Rolled 65, 31, 86, 55 + 29 = 266 (4d100 + 29)

Pipe chasing
Rolled 56, 100, 43 + 30 = 229 (3d100 + 30)

I should be fine as long as I don't get a nat 1 again.
it seems the dice gods are fickle this round.
you are good at following plans
I have everything I need.
Starting to work on that phasis last post.
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While the Ghostclaw falled to Jupiterian divisive propaganda, Whitemane and Grassgreen are chasing a fever dream, the future of Hunterkind is playing where it started : the Crack.
BurningGrass sent a crusade in retribution for the source of rebellion and trouble. That is, of course, the Sacred City of the Jupiter tribe.
With the help of Badback's logistic and mercenaries, the Lightning Rock quarry is purged of the rebellion.
At the heart of the corruption, BurningGrass Hunters faced a thing they never saw before (but have created the myth of the Storm Dragon) : a one of its kind, smart, cunning psyker thing. Blue with beaks like those of the fourbeaks, strange appendix a bit like the glider skins of several flight-able species but around long bones instead of covering a greater body surface, covered in small blue bone spur with blue hairs sprouting from them.
Future Understorians will likely link the two events and speculate heavily on how the GrassGreen excursion probably saved the BurningGrass empire.

The Cerulean came in help, in charge of defending the Ever Ice Keep. They hold the Jupiter squad ready to take down the matriarch in a surprise assault.
Meanwhile, the BurningGrass led an unrelentless assault west. Taking the Lightmoss bed, then walking to the suspended city, their progress could not have been done without Badback's support : strikes from the Warpway are not allowed, but the logistic gains of moving troups over conquered territory instantly is incredible.
Jupiter fought of course, but their matriarch is killed, warrior enslaved by the Badback corporation and males taken and redistributed for the fighter to dispose of.


BurningGrass imposed military dominion and became the de-facto Military Superpower of Hunterkind.
BadBack, securing an access to the Lightning Rock Mines and being well-implemented almost everywhere,

Ghostclaw have made only one concession dangerous for its autonomy : the standardised parts.

Cerulean, despite failing becoming the Hunterkind only source of knowledge and education, piggy-back the previous two victory

Whitemane and Grassgreeen failed to unite in a hunterkind-gathering council

Jupiter's tribe is all but dispelled. Their territory is reduced to scraps, their Matriarch line is dead and most Hunterkind resent them from the allegated consort of their ancestor with ruinous power.


Next thread will most likely have to wait 2025. Next time, we'll play as one Under Hunter that will be especially influent for Hunterkind.
Once again, I can't state how much I am grateful to retain the attention of the seven of you for so long in that skirmish kind of thing.

Crunch was seriously getting out of hand. In addition, my personal life doesn't let me as much time to run.

You opened quite a few options for the next phasis. You might play one Explorer of the circle, a Chemist, a Jupiter trying to restore the Peak Height and Crack Low newswork, or any other idea we can pitch in the end of this thread.

We can also come with Racial Slurs!
I, for one, is eager to call the Pongo "The Jus", a scheming kind of people with villainous interests at mind.
Said Jupiter will call the Badback "greedy betrayers"
Blue feathers or beak-things also works.

But I have to say, even if I failed to unite with GrassGreen, because he was expanding and exploring instead of looking inward or geopolitically, I still consider my tribe successful
O invented new spells, including the first terraforming spell. I domesticated the Dahu and the stove grove (but could not invent new types of the latter). I invented the best robe making material and made a fighting style based on tying tongs to ropes. I invented 2 methods of long distance communication, the signal flare and astral projection. I invented fashion, creating the wig, skirt, cape and bandana. I invented canning and most dairy products. I studied the soul and Warp and invented ways to ward demons as well as rituals to revive the dead and turn my people into ice elementals. I created a meritocratic council based society, where being successful and ambitious is the main way of distinguishing yourself.
My culture and discoveries will survive until the 40th millennium.

It was an honor to lead the tribe of white and black.
One question, did I figure out what happened to Jupiter and all the rebels? We know it was the ruinous powers, but how they did it?
Some of the player were proposed a deal at the endgame phasis
Get to control some Chaos Demons as special Units with "consequences".
Jupiter before dropping requested his demons to fuck up with BurningGrass. Did my best to plan, misdirect and false-flag while giving myself less elbow room as the Gamemaster turned player than any of you would had get away with.

Grassgreen hunt killed the demon that was sending attacks from the storm.
well thanks for running. sad i didnt get any Khornate demons to control, considering my alter Ego. but what can ya do as a humble merchant.

it was a good game though.i might have metagamed a bit what with Jupiter being followers of the indecisive mollusk.

in the beginning i just wanted to be a humble merchant. But these hunters had a mind of their own what with becoming slavers.

for the next session i would like to be able to maybe lead an equality movement or maybe an exodus of slaves into the far south to free the slaves. leading to another nation of the liberated with more equality and egalitatrian ethics, compared to these pretty centralized autocratic hierachies.
a question though. were there more strategic resources to uncover out on the map? or more in the brutal harsh unforgiving snowlands splitting the continental masses from each other?
Thanks for running!

Well that's pretty funny. Good to know I was up to something useful.

More importantly, did we take down a Leviath?

I definitely just called it good enough on victory conditions once I got the survival council temple built. Getting Ghostclaw to sign on was an impossibility anyway.

How about a survival council agent investigating threats to hunterkind?
we still needed to officiate the full union of our empires, since that would've put enough pressure to convice the others to take the survival council seriously.
Playing a Council Agent trying to keep the tribes from backstabbing each other would certainty be interesting.
Did the survival council do anything?

I think that the Grand University was the real unifier of Underhunter kind. I believe that most if not all tribes participated.
We never had an obvious threat that called for its use. I suppose post this turn meeting up and having the "wtf are these not-four-beaks" conversation would have been prudent.

I was having more fun poking the storm than anything frankly. Getting the long distance communication spell would have been nice, but lol at dice. I was lucky to build the building with a +20 bonus.

...did I pass any development rolls except the survival council?
Ah, looking back I passed the ring of luck and storm settling as well. I suppose storm settling did directly result in murdering a servant of ruinous powers, so hey, points.
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thanks for the quest, and see ya next year Dragon. Same for everyone else.

I was a bit ill and occupied these days, but i am glad the game ended. Sorry for not answering in time to that. Its somewhat fitting to not answer IC, since the Holy Realm was beginning to close it self again and had a very low trust at that point of other underhunters. But OOC, my bad both for Dragon and Whitemane.Though i am not sure i would have accepted it, unlikely with the stance i took then.

I had fun, even if it wasn't perfect i think it turned out good. Ghostclaw managed to rise from a savage tribe living in caves to a Theocratic Empire of great clans, with a strong faith, strong culture, strong army and gods. And i made it quite the isolated guys, didn't initially plan for that. And now they isolate themselves again at the end. I was surprised they managed to survive Nurgle invasion on their own, but their faith was just that strong. Strong enough to spawn something real, and i suppose that means stuff like Meda"Uyd-Nhit-Khas'Bger (Great Dark Ice Land Above) actually exists and the Chaos Gods are probably salivating at the thought of getting there somehow. War certainly awaits them there. Its quite funny that Ghostclaw first totem is kept inside their big temple, while the first tomb they ever did is somewhere and nobody knows where.

I have write quite a bit, and made plenty of images too. It was nice.

In regard
to the two answers i had in mind for Grassgreen and Badback that i didn't answer soon (sorry for that), for Grassgreen it would have been "If you hold no suspicion, remember the alliance and pact we made then. We made it for the benefit of our peoples. And now know that we will begin a new isolation, ally." while for Badback "Who then ? Someone made those false words and spread them. We leave that decision to you, but let it be know the Meda'Nsa Gaa"Tfa'hre Ghost Claw has proclaimed a new isolation for the Holy Realm."
i will think of some ideas and racial slurs. Maybe i will make a last image even. I ll be around for anything else too.
Rockhead, Ice Eater, Jabbertalker (Jab), Dahu, Monochrome (mono), Forknose (forky), Mudpresser (muddy), Slaver, Wind Tickler

Just some thoughts.
funnily enough about that. qm offered me the chance to go khorn worshiper with all of the calls to khorn while rolled but I refused.

the problem with false flags is that it doesn't work when you have a very obviously hostile neighbour known for being tricky schemers, a close ally that owes their existence to me, and a relatively neutral party that has been falling out with your hostile neighbour. there aren't really many options on who it could be.

I can imagine those who don't like badback could call them Greese backs or slick backs.
Total lack of ruinous powers offering me deals! Do I smell bad or something? I don't think anyone invented indoor plumbing unfortunately.
I am proud to say my people stood true to their souls till the end. Although we might be vulnerable to Slaanesh in the future, should my people decline into utter decadence and treat their bodies (ice or flesh) like clothes. Hopefully, the Archeons will bonk those who try that. And since we don’t mind religious preachers in our lands, hopefully Cerulean choir boys set us straight
Well, yes. You're a blank. And Tzeench already picked his chosen blanken.
>How about a survival council agent investigating threats to hunterkind?
This could go on the list; however the goal of next quest will be to witness/be the actor of a technologically-defining transition of Hunterkind and we've already told the story of corruption, demons and necessary unification the time to repel monstrosities.

See ya next year
Well, I'm still participating in the QTG and if you miss my ESL writing skills and the dice-dictated grind, there's always the Normal Cultivator Quest I'll keep running in the meantime.
to be fair. i did consider some false flag attacks myself using my mercs. but things chugged along well enough without interference so i let things be good and didnt meddle.


In regard to your answer my answer would be a pamphlet.

"See ya the next time you want some excellent craftshuntership. Life without our wares is possible but pointless."

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