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By popular(?) demand, it continues.
The Caretaker Quest shall move forward!


“Well, we have to work tomorrow, i think it's best if we keep it light for tonight”

“Aww come on, please don't ask for Butterbeer, that's no fun!”

“We can't go back drunk to Hogwarts, Olivia…”

“yeah yeah i know, you guys are boring…hey, i´ve got an idea!”
She quickly walks to the backroom, the sound of some glass bottles falling and rolling can be heard and just like that, she comes back.

“How about a middle point?” She pulls out a small crate with a cold mist leaking out of it.

“Vat is zat?”

“Just my special reserve for day drinking! a nice cold crate filled with nectar of the gods! Mulled Mead! Definitely stronger than Butterbeer, but not strong enough to get you shitfaced like Firewhiskey does. This thing has saved me from the slower days more times than i can count.”

She pulls out a big crystal bottle in the shape of a viking cup, the golden liquid gently swaying inside.

“I don't know…what do you say?”

“I say ve can take it! give me some!”

“That's what I'm talking about!”

Olivia takes out a couple of smaller glasses and pours the thick liquid out of the bottle, not only does it looks like honey, its moves and smells like honey.

“Fine, sounds decent enough”

You take your cup and make a toast with Willow, Olivia joining in too.

“For a nice first day of school!” Willow says cheerfully

“For new friends” you say, feeling a bit lame for saying that, but also a genuine bond forming between you and her.

“For alcohol!” Olivia barely finishes before she starts drinking in.

The sun finally completely disappears behind the mountains, letting the stars shine brightly, but you feel like your day is just starting.
At first, you still felt a bit shy, this was your first friendly outing since you had memory, so you weren't entirely sure what to say or what people were even supposed to do in these situations.

The alcohol made sure you came out of your cocoon just enough to help you have a great time.

Olivia made sure to steer you in the right direction and wasn't afraid to give you a nudge whenever you needed it.

She kept brightening up the mood and pulling out fun ideas to help pass the time. Eventually splitting away for just a bit to attend to the few patrons that came to the Inn for a quick drink before joining back.

By your 3rd glass of Mulled Mead, you are starting to feel a hint of drunkenness, your world feeling just a bit slow by the smallest of amounts.

Willow isn't much different either, she is throwing darts and laughing with Olivia, both laugh at you when your turn comes and completely miss the shot, landing on the lit fireplace and incinerating the dart.

“Welp, that looks like a sign to me, I think it's time to go back.”

You walk to the tinted windows of the Inn, seeing the completely deserted and dark streets.

“How odd, I would had imagined there would be at least a couple of lights still on by now, it's not THAT late” You think to yourself.

Olivia looks crossed with your idea, but Willow seems to agree.

She stretches her arms and grunts with a slightly tipsy and sleepy voice.

“Yah, i zhink ve should go back…Ich bin müde”

“Ugh, fine, i guess it's time to close the bar anyways, i´ll just-”

Suddenly, every light source in The Three Broomsticks disappears, plunging the Inn in almost absolute darkness, the only thing saving you from being blinded, is the tinted moonlight that enters through the windows.


“That wasn't me” She says while standing very still.

A red bolt comes crashing through one of the windows, breaking it into hundreds of pieces and then flipping one of the heavy tables and launching it into a wall with a deafening crash.
Olivia and Willow scream at the suddenly destroyed table, while you instinctively pull out your wand and lie down on the ground covering your head.

“Everyone! get down!”

Olivia hides behind the counter bar and Willow also pulls out her wand and dives next to a storage barrel right as a couple of bolts destroy another pair of windows.

You crawl on the floor towards the window to try and peek outside, but as soon as you get your back to the wall, you hear the sound of heavy footsteps running across the street. A young, scared, panting voice accompanying the footsteps.

It's barely noticeable, but it sounds like a boy.

The moonlight gets blocked for just a second as it goes running through the streets, casting its shadow across the inn.

You held your breath the moment you saw the shadow.

“Help!” you hear a female voice screaming. It sounded…older

Again, you try to peek out the window but another set of heavy footsteps makes you think twice and stay behind the wall.

It blocks the moonlight once again and disappears just as fast.

A few seconds pass and no new spells or sounds can be heard, it looks like they are gone for now.

“Are you alright?”

“I'm fine,” Says Olivia, still hiding behind the bar.

“I'm fine too” Willow says while stepping out from behind the barrel.

“Stay here, i'm gonna go help”.

“Help whom?!” Olivia peeks out of her hiding place, looking at you as if you were mad.

“They were screaming for help! did you not hear?”

“Brandon, nobody said anyzhing, zhere vere just running zteps!”


“I didn't hear anything either, I think it's better if we just stay here for a bit longer, this sounds dangerous.”
“No, I clearly hear a woman screaming for help!”

Willow and Olivia look at eachother, worry across their faces.

“Are you zure of zis?

“Pretty sure”

“Sigh, fine, letz go”

“Uh uh, you are not going anywhere, stay here and-”

“Brandon! i amz NOT letting you go all by yourzelf and zats it! ok?”


“Do you truzt me?”

>”...i trust you, lets go” (Take Willow with you)
>”...i'm sorry, i won't risk your safety” (leave her and run)
>>”...i trust you, lets go” (Take Willow with you)
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>”...i trust you, lets go” (Take Willow with you)

Fuck it, lets goooooo! Fit German girl get! Rock and roll bitches!

Time to strech those Charms and Transfiguration muscles.
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Rolled 85 (1d100)

>”...i trust you, lets go” (Take Willow with you)

Lets go lets go.
“Olivia, stay here and lock everything up, make sure the place is safe, we'll be back as soon as we can”

“Don't have to tell me twice!”

You look at Willow and nod, a silent agreement is shared between the both of you.

You open up the doors of The Three Broomsticks and jump into the darkness of the night.

The 1st thing you noticed is how remarkably cold the air feels. After spending some time inside a warm bar next to a fireplace, it's only natural you would be pretty warm compared to the outside weather.

You simply shake off the cold, thanking you stale sense of fashion for always making you wear the same coat (not like you have any choice really, you never could afford many changes of clothes, so you always stuck with what worked for you)

The 2nd thing you noticed, are a bunch of red flashes nearing Hogsmeade´s main entrance.

“They are moving quite fast, no way we'll reach them by running”

“Can you apparate?” Willow asks you while looking around, probably trying to find a fast way of getting there.

“I took the class, but for some reason i could never make it work, it's one of the few things that never clicked for me”

“Ugh, of courze…”

“Although…quick, you wand!”


“Your wand, give it to me”

She hesitates for a second but does so after warning you to be careful with it.
You hold it in your extended palm and point at it with your own wand, then focus.

“magicum baculum ad scopa!”

A bunch of yellow sparks come from the tip of your wand and envelope Willow´s, transforming it into a broom of roughly the same size.

“Impressive, but…a bit zmall zont you zhink?”

“Zat should vork”

You and Willow ride her “broom”, rising up into the air, being able to see all of Hogsmeade from the sky.

“You have to teach me zis spell”

“Sure, just be aware that this took me months to perfect”

A big green flash catches your attention near a river close to the entrance of Hogsmeade, a small stone bridge surrounded by water and empty but hilly fields being the battle arena of 2 wizards.


You dive in, pushing the “broom” to go as fast as it can, but struggling a bit due to the added weight of an extra passenger, you don't go nearly as fast as you expected you would, but it's still way faster than running.

The 2 wizards seem to be locked in battle, or rather, the taller wizard is, the smaller one seems to be trying his hardest to block and deflect as much as possible.
He seems to struggle quite a bit, you see no sign of an attack coming from him due to being forced into a defensive state, his moves quickly becoming sluggish and the incoming attacks getting closer and closer to hit.

“Willow, we are protecting the small one!” You shout trying to make your voice heard through the rushing wind.

“Vhy him?!” She shouts back.

“He hasn't thrown a single attack, he is clearly defending himself!”

“Vait! vhat about the female voice you heard?!”



“Trust me! just focus on defending!”

“I swear if you get us killed i vill kill you!”


You lower as much as you can to the bridge and undo the transfiguration, launching both of you through the air across their battlefield.

Willow falls onto the bridge and gracefully slides across it and in between the tall wizard´s legs, knocking him down and sliding to a stop in front of the smaller one.
Your landing is less graceful and you roll across the bridge until you stop a bit further than intended but still relatively intact.


You throw her wand and she catches it, quickly casting a wide “Protego” that goes from one side of the bridge to the other, creating an invisible wall in between the wizards.

You try standing up and running towards the small wizard, but fall to the ground once again, you notice that your prosthetic foot came loose due to the impact.

“Ungh! God dammit! Kid! Over here!”

The small wizard turns around to look at you, confirming that he was indeed a kid, 15…16 years old, tops.

You see a few red flashes in the background, the other wizard must be already up and attacking, but it quickly becomes background noise as you lock eyes with Elliot Hallaster.


You see his unusually bright and shiny blue eyes…most definitely not his regular ones.

You hear him talk, but his lips won't move.

You hear the voice, but it's not his.

“Please! Help! I can't hold on for much longer! Protect him!”

It's the female voice you heard back in the Inn.

The same voice you heard when you accidentally punched Elliot

It fills you with a sense of warmth and softness but also of urgency and danger.

It's a scary feeling, hearing a voice that you don't know how you are hearing, but you feel no ill intentions from it.
You feel a sense of trust and truth.

“We'll do our best, you can let go now”

There is a gasp coming from that voice

“You can actually hear me?!”

And then Elliot goes limp.
He falls on the hard rock that the bridge is made off and doesnt move.

You shake your head, a small dizziness you didn't know you had quickly disappears.

You quickly fix your loose foot, cast a “Protego” over Elliot and rush to Willow´s side.

“Finally you are here! Zis guy is good! Too good!”

She deflects a red bolt that was heading towards you and notice that her wall has been broken, its now you and Willow versus the wizard.

You take a quick look at the masked wizard, he is wearing a hood and dark leather clothes, the mask covers his entire face, a plain white porcelain looking mask with no visible features whatsoever.
The only reason you can tell is a wizard is because of his voice.


Willow moves aside, dodging the slicing spell.

“Vhat do you vant?!”

“Give me the boy. You filthy mudblood!” He shouts, his voice filled with disdain and disgust towards Willow.

“Hey now!” you shout back. “Be nice…”

You adopt a dueling stance, wand at the ready.

“...How curious…A pureblood…son of squibs…defending creatures lower than dirt…”
He tilts his head with curiosity, his white mask shining with the moonlight.

>Roll 1D100+20 (-10 for your physical problems with your foot, +5 for charms expertise, +25 for Willow´s Help) Beat 2 out of 3 rolls.
what the fuck? WHY the fuck?
Rolled 39 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Time to show this guy why you don't mess with a Charms expert.
Accio, Depulso, Engorgio galore. Epoximise, Duro, Obliviate and more.
Rolled 76 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Fuck him up, Brandon!

Update made me smile.

You do it like this.
Because everyone here is kinda fucked in the head. At least, I only post writefag shit.
Rolled 23 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

If none else shall roll, I'll roll again.
Feel free to ignore it if a third guy comes along.
Please let one of the other anons come by.
well, you guys have until later tonight, if no more rolls are rolled, i will take these into account
Yeah, like I said, it's only because nobody else came by yet. I think a day is plenty of time to wait for a third nigga.
i already asked in /QTG/ for someone to come and roll if possible. now we can only wait
Rolled 10 + 20 (1d100 + 20)


Ay, saw you /qtg/ post. Best of luck on your quest !
much appreciated! now we can continue!
Rolled 39, 34, 6 + 25 = 104 (3d100 + 25)


good luck anons, lets see what you are up against...

damn, it was VERY close...
Jesus. The dice hate both Brando and our opponent in equal measure.
Rolled 98 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Sorry for being so late
Fuck. Sad this wont count.
sorry for the long wait, writing a magical fight scene is way harder than i thought.
HeadQM definitely has my respect for being able to do this so often.
in any case, update is pretty much done, will post in a bit
Nifty! And since I am on a binge, what color are Brandon's eyes?

Also have about a half page of BrandonxWillow done but writing her accent is hard.
well now, i am flattered that my silly quest managed to get one of your fanfics! much appreciated!
regarding Brandon's eyes, they are gray
All 3 of you stand there, waiting for anyone to make the first move.

You try your best to recall what you learned in your dueling classes, but it feels different. You knew that despite everything, you were safe at Hogwarts…This…this has bigger stakes and your health is in actual danger.

You feel nervous…you ARE nervous.

You give Willow a quick glance, she looks focused, a serious expression on her face.

“You can do this, don't let anyone dow-”

Your mental monologue is rudely interrupted by a white bolt heading your way.

You jump out of the way, seeing the world move in slow motion and the white bolt taking a curved form, it slashes the rock of the bridge, leaving a big gash across its way.

You land with a roll and shoot back with your own spells as soon as you get up.


The battle begins.

You start by trying to disarm him, launching spells that will either throw him off his feet, throw his wand away or stun him, but they all either get blocked or dodged.

Willow helps with covering fire, creating shields and attacking whenever she has the chance, but the wizard proves to be too good.

He “dances” around the spells, parrying and completely blocking everything that manages to hit him, coming up on top, completely unbothered.

You start to panic a little bit, with each spell he blocks, he manages to counter attack, each time taking a step closer.

Soon enough, he is crossing the midway point across the bridge and keeps walking with each counter attack.

Before you know it, you and Willow are starting to retreat step by step. Slowly being pushed back by the wizard, until you feel yourself back to back with the shield being casted over Elliot´s unconscious body.

You touch the shield with your free hand to quickly support yourself.

And you feel a sudden tug inside your chest, like your heart or your soul is trying to jump out of it.

It makes you drop your wand.
It falls on the hard bridge with a small “clack clack”.

Your heart feels like it's about to explode out of your body, but for a brief second, that becomes the last of your worries. You look up, expecting to see a green bolt of lighting headed your way.

But instead see that the wizard also took his hand to his chest and kneels down, just like you do.

You feel a breeze make your cold sweat even colder. It almost feels like it's reacting to your heart palpitations, every time you feel it pump, the wind picks up for a moment.

Willow remains unfaced though, not noticing you kneeling on the floor, she takes the opportunity.


A direct hit, the wizard takes the explosion to the chest and is sent back crashing to the side of the bridge, slamming against the guard rail.

That definitely knocked the wind out of him.

Willow finally notices you kneeling on the ground and rushes to your side.

“Brandon! Are you ok?!”

You try to answer back, but your throat feels too dry, instead you point behind her and let out a dry gasp.

She quickly turns around, but is not fast enough to move away.


She screams like you know she has never screamed before, concentrated pain coursing through her entire body.

She falls to the ground, her high pitched screams dying in her throat only to become agonizing moans and then, they flare up back again, howling at the night, carrying across the empty fields outside of Hogsmeade.

You reach for your wand lying just in front of you and force the words out of your mouth, using all your energy to cast the spell as strongly as you can.


The wizard´s head slams down on the ground, hard enough to break his mask in half.
He immediately takes his hands to his face, tries to get up and stumbles in a dizzy state.

Not the best results, but it got the job done, his casting of the Cruciatus curse stopped.

Willow still screams though, the lingering pain of the curse still being felt all over her body, shortly after, she stands very still, passing out from her agonizing torture.

It gives you just the right amount of time for you to find the extra energy you need to get back up despite the heaving palpitations in your chest and cast one final spell.


The spell lands its target, his wand goes flying and falls off the bridge, getting lost in the small river.

You hear the mask fall off his face and break into pieces on the ground with a ceramic crash followed by some slow steps heading your way..

You try to look up, but the palpitations get stronger and you feel yourself grasping at your consciousness.

You kneel down one last time as your vision becomes dark.

The last thing you hear is your last spell, the Protego shield around Elliot, breaking and the snapping sound of another wizard Apparating close by.


You scream as you wake up, kicking away the weighted sheet draped over you.

There is a scream close to you, a woman that looks slightly familiar. She is wearing a lime green dress with a white apron, a small tray on her hands close to her chest.

Wait, you remember this place.

You look around for a moment, a light gray room that is starting to look a bit too familiar, several beds in a row…St Mungos.

Once you realize where you are…again, you allow yourself to relax for a second.

“Sir?” The healer witch says. “Are you alright?”

“I think I am…how bad was it this time?”

“Sir, please lay back down, you have been in a magically induced coma for 3 days”
Your blood runs cold after hearing that.

“3 days!? how did-” Then you remember the fight you were in.

You feel your heart speeding up again, but this time no extreme palpitations, just a dose of adrenaline running through your body.

You step down from the bed, much to the healer witch´s disapproval and look around the room once again, this time focusing on its inhabitants.

There is you, the healer witch (who is casting something with her wand), a couple of sleeping witches and wizards, and a kid in the far back of the room.

“Where is Willow?”

“Sir, please go back to your bed, i assure you, everything is fine”

You want to run and look for her, but against your instincts, you take a deep breath and force yourself to calm down.
You won't lay down though, sitting at the edge of the bed is as far as you will allow yourself for now.

After a couple of seconds of deep breathing, you ask again.

“Where is Willow?”

She gives you an understanding but slightly annoyed look.

“She is fine, she is fully recovered and resting in another room at the moment, you can relax”

That does help you relax, you finally comply and lay back down on the bed.

“i´ll let her know you are awake, she has been asking for you too”

She walks out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and a bunch of sleeping people.

While she is out, you pick up the weighted sheet and cover yourself with it. The room feels pretty cold.

It takes a bit longer than you expected, but the healer witch finally comes back along with a higher ranking healer wizard and Harry Potter.

“This is the 2nd time in less than 2 months that you've ended up here, Brandon. You are lucky you are good at your job”

Oh boy.
After some quick tests by the healer wizard and witches, and confirming that you are in fact ok, you are finally left alone with Potter, who is looking at you with curiosity.

“So…” Potter begins. “I get a tip from the Ministry about the whole…”
He looks around the room, noticing that all the patients besides you are asleep.
“...thing…with the seers…and when i come back, i find an untraceable letter on my desk about how one of my students might be in danger, try my hardest to find out who it is…only to eventually find Elliot, unconscious, next to 2 of my employees, ALSO unconscious and a dark looking wizard that managed to disapparate as soon as he saw me, leaving NO TRACE OR CLUE about who they are, is all of this information correct?”

“I know nothing about an untraceable letter, but the rest checks out”

“hmmm i see…”

He paces around the room, slowly, eventually sitting next to you, just like he did last time you were here.
He stares at you, like trying to read some hidden text on your skin, face contorted with both focus and confusion.


He locks eyes with you and you feel an itch in your brain, like a small insect crawling inside your skull. You are…confused.

You scratch behind your head, this seems to break his concentration somehow.

He says nothing for a couple of very long seconds, then stands up.

“Tell me, Brandon. Are you…trained in Occlumency?”

“The thing that blocks Legilimency? no sir, i'm not…why?”

He looks visibly perturbed at your response.

“...No reason…try getting better fast, the castle is getting a bit dirty, i need you back there as soon as possible”

After that, he leaves in a hurry. Shortly after, Willow enters.

“Brandon! oh zhank goodness you are ok! I vas so vorried about you!”

She hugs you and sits next to you on the bed.

“Vat happened back zhere?”

You sigh and begin to explain, leaving out the details she is not supposed to know…for now

“So it vasnt a dream…”

“I'm afraid it wasn't, you got hit by a Crucio curse, shortly after that, you passed out, can't blame you for it though, passing out seems like its a pretty effective way of getting rid of the pain”

“Ugh! I hope we get him next time! I vant another shot at zat bastard!”

“Next time? you still want to tag along?”

“Of course I do! i'm not going to let zat…zat…”Stück Scheiße” get avay vit it!”

You don't know any German, but whatever she said feels like an appropriate way of describing that wizard. You chuckle a bit at her small flare up.

“Sigh…zhank you for protecting me as much as you could back zhere”

“I should be thanking you, you protected me equally as much, if not more”

She lets your hand rest on top of yours for a bit and smiles at you, a small hint of a blush on her cheeks.

You smile back, feeling a bit warm yourself.

Knock Knock Knock

There is a knocking on the door of the room and a healer witch lets herself in.

“Excuse me, Mr. Tedmon, you have another visit”

You look at Willow in the same puzzled way she looks at you.

The healer witch steps aside and pushes the door wide open, letting Elliot walk in.

The moment you see him, you know something big is about to happen, you feel your heart start racing again, not as bad as it was in the middle of the battle, but still pretty strong.

“Willow, could you…”

>”Step outside for a bit, this might be a bit…complicated.” (spare her the problems and don't get her involved any deeper into this)
>”Stay with me for a bit more, i trust you enough for this and you deserve to know after helping me with that battle” (get her fully involved into this whole thing)
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>”Stay with me for a bit more, i trust you enough for this and you deserve to know after helping me with that battle” (get her fully involved into this whole thing)

Fuck it, we ball.

Pretty good battle writing. Trying that out in one of my older fics was satifying for me, I hope you enjoyed it too.
>”Stay with me for a bit more, i trust you enough for this and you deserve to know after helping me with that battle” (get her fully involved into this whole thing)
>”Stay with me for a bit more, i trust you enough for this and you deserve to know after helping me with that battle” (get her fully involved into this whole thing)
Not even a question. We're both in it to win it now.
Here is a DHQ CTQ cross over fic for a few minutes of battle, since it was on my mind.

https://rentry dot co/erupvfui
holy shit!
alright, you made my night, it was a simple and short one, but man did that felt good!
thanks a lot for this! it definitely fuels the writer fire!
i hope my quest gets better so you can make more of these!
Have about a page of one with Willow and Brandon, just need to get her accent down and learn if they actually want to fuck before I do much more… You make my day when you check these out.

Your writing is fine, getting better even by the comparing the first post. Knock out a couple of pages of our boy and girl fucking if you need, I think you mentioned a fanfic at one point. Helps clear my head at minimum.

And now after a couple of these, Mr. Tedmond is now anime. Cute, even if I am not a faggot and it is not correct.
And I am retarded, forgot pic.
>get her accent down
make sure to change W´s for V´s and words with TH´s need a Z added somewhere at the beginning, try thinking of it as a weird combination of german and french and type that down, thats what i do anyway.

>make my own fanfic
need to make some extra time for it, but i might give it a try soon, just gotta organize myself. too much stuff going on at the moment

he looks gorgeous...too gorgeous perhaps?
i consider the OP pic to be how he canonically looks, but i can definitely see him looking like this when he was a bit younger and not broken by the world yet
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Here is a section of Rowena X Raven. Just a preview before the fucking begins, since I want to make it longer now since I got some good news today and had a nice afternoon without work.
oh hell yeah!
i´ve been waiting for this one for a while! this gonna be good!
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ok, sorry for the long wait but you´ll have to wait just a bit more, i wrote myself into a corner but i finally managed to solve it, sadly, i need more time to make it fit the narrative since after this update we will now be officially interacting with Disappearing Hogwarts timeline.
Update tomorrow. stya tuned
“...Could you…stay for a bit? After you helped me with that fight, I realized I can fully trust you and I don't want to keep secrets from you.”

“Zecrets? vat zecrets are you keeping?”

“That's the thing, I'm not sure…” You turn to look at Elliot, who keeps looking between the both of you.
“But I feel like we are about to find out…”

Elliot looks nervous. He clenches his fists tightly, like he is debating if being here in the first place is a good idea.

“Sir? Mr. Tedmond, i wanted to-”

“Call me Brandon, we aren't at the school right now”

“...Brandon…i wanted to say thanks, for helping u-me, helping me back at the bridge, you too Miss Willow, i don't think i would be here if it weren't for your help”

“You are velcome, Elliot”

“Don't mention it, kid. But I got to ask, why were you being chased? Why was a dark wizard hunting you down in the middle of the night?”

This catches Willow´s attention.


“I-im afraid i can't tell you that”

“You do realize she talked to me, right?”

Elliot looks at you with the biggest eyes you´ve ever seen, you can't help but smile at his reaction.

“Like, she pleaded to me to protect you, if it weren't for…that voice, you wouldn't be here right now, so tell me Elliot…who is that?”

“Voice? you mean, zhe voice-”

“The voice I heard screaming back at the Three Broomsticks, yeah. Whoever or whatever that is, it has everything to do with our friend Elliot here”

Elliot looks lost for a bit there, like if he were having a conversation with himself or…whoever that voice is.

“We…we don't know who she is yet, but we agreed on the name, Faith…”
“Faith, huh? That's a pretty name, bit unusual but wizard names tend to be weird like that”

Nobody says anything for a few seconds, not really knowing how to continue.

“mmokay…so…what now?” You ask him, he probably knows a lot more since he is the main target of whatever Potter´s conspiracy is

“I-i dont know, i´ve only really starting hearing her voice like a few days ago…i think”

“Vat do you mean “You zhink?””

“I mean like, everything moves too fast sometimes and sometimes it feels like a day takes forever to go by”

“Are you sure that's not just school life? i know it felt like that when i was in Binn´s history class”

Elliot stifles a chuckle. Good, if you manage to lighten the mood, maybe you could get some more info, you aren't THAT much older than him, you could still relate.
“No, it's not that” He lets out a big sigh, trying to think of how to explain it

“I mean this in the most literal way possible, I managed to read the entirety of “Magical Drafts and Potions” in a single hour…other days I wake up, unwrap a chocolate frog and before the chocolate leaves my mouth, it's already night. I no longer have a proper sense of time”

“Huh…have you talked about this with anyone else?”

He shakes his head.

“Good, keep it that way, strange things are happening and I feel like this is all connected.” You say as you sit back up on the bed.

“How could you possibly know that? you haven't seen…what i've seen”

“Somehow, I think you are wrong on that, does a big black mass of…nothing…sounds familiar to you?”

You see the shock on his face and hear that female voice again, gasping.

“Ahh, she is listening too, isn't she?”

You turn to look at Willow, trying to look smug about your “detective skills” but she only looks incredibly lost, not getting any of the information into her head.

“Right, I'll explain everything in a minute, just gotta figure out what is going on here”

“Tzake your tzime, i guess…”
You turn your attention back to Elliot.

“Is there a way I can speak with her?”

“Faith? i don't know, i can't even speak with her properly, not yet at least, only through dreams”

You then feel a strange but powerful…something, it feels like magic but…older.
Elliot seems to be lost in thought for a few moments.

“...She says it's the eyes”

“Excuse me?”

“The eyes…Can I try something with you, Brandon?” He says while getting closer to your face.

“Bit awkward but if this helps, then go ahead”

Elliot stares at you, locking his eyes with yours.
Your mouth wants to tell a stupidly inappropriate joke right now, but your mind tells you to shut the fuck up and focus.

A few seconds pass, and just like it happened in the Great Hall, the colors of the world start getting muted and dull, you begin to see that black fiery thing dripping out of Elliot’s face.

Before you know it, you are connected to Elliot through that black tendril you’ve seen before.

You hear something, a voice, far far away.
Then the sound of water, like a small creek with its current moving along gently.

One second, you are staring at Elliot’s eyes, then, after you blink once, you find yourself in a dark place, it's not the void you’ve seen before though, this one is different.

It's not pitch black, you don't see the cosmos or infinite galaxies and universes in the sky, no.

You are in the middle of a…forest? It feels like a forest.

It feels…inhabited.

“Hello?” you stumble a bit while taking your first step forward.

Your vision slowly adjusts to the darkness, you find the small creek you heard before.

You follow it.

You keep walking in the slowly disappearing darkness.

Slowly, you begin to make out the shape of trees, like you are getting closer to a source of light.

You jump across the creek a couple of times to move around some of the bigger trees, but eventually you see it.

A small campfire in the middle of a small clearing.

You can see a stump and what seems to be an improvised but comfy looking bed made out of leafs and branches.

A bit further away, there is a puddle, big enough to be used as a somewhat reliable source of water..

Nobody in sight though.

“Anybody here?”

“One moment! im almost there!”

You almost jumped out of your skin when you heard the voice again.

You sit on the stump, trying to calm your nerves.

And then you see the owner of the voice you have only heard so far.

A beautiful woman with silver-blonde long hair, large blue-green eyes, her silver dress hugs her form tightly, showing off her slender but curvaceous figure.

She is coming from the treeline, carrying a bundle of sticks.
When she makes it to where you are, she drops the sticks near the firepit and sits on the ground.

She looks gorgeous, you feel your mouth hanging open and quickly close it before you start drooling.


“Mr. Tedmon i presume, pleasure to meet you”

It's weird, she feels like…royalty? no, not royalty, but something pretty close, greater perhaps. So you bow.
You can't tell why, but it felt appropriate.

“The pleasure is mine”
Both of you stay there, looking at each other through the small fire, not really sure how to start, not that you can blame anyone for it, how do you even start with this?

“So…what are you?”

She slowly hugs herself in a melancholic way.

“I-i…we don't know, i don't have many memories and whatever little i can recall isn't exactly useful to answer that”

“oook, in that case, what CAN you remember?”

“For the longest time, I could only see…feel, darkness. Then, after goodness knows how long, I suddenly felt…”
She gestures to her surroundings
“...this, I saw the light of this same campfire after an eternity of darkness…”

She picks up a stick from the bundle and pokes the fire with it.

“Slowly, i began manifesting inside Elliot´s dreams, that's how we have been talking for a bit, our bond isn't strong enough yet”

“Bond? what type of bond?” you ask.

“The more Elliot talks with me, the more i lend him my power, the stronger our connection gets, i can feel it growing stronger, like a muscle that you train or an ability you practice…with time, we'll be able to communicate freely with each other, but until then, we can only dig up so much information about me while im in his dreams”

“If that's the case, then how are WE talking? I don't remember ever having something like this in my brain, or dreaming of beautiful women in tight dresses…at least none that looked as good as you”

She smiles and blushes.

“You are quite forward, aren't you?”

“Only with beautiful women like yourself” You flirt.

“Oh stop it you”

She then deflates a bit, her smile disappearing.

“But I suspect…we can communicate because we are in…similar predicaments.”

“Could you define “similar predicaments” please?”
She stands up and walks towards you, when she is face to face with you she places her hand on your chest.

You feel your heart and soul beating hard, just like it did in the battle of the bridge.

The corner of your vision goes blurry and you feel how the air fails to reach your lungs.

Faith removes her hand and gasps for air too, looks like she was feeling the same thing.

“You…you are also carrying someone…something inside you!”

“What?! what is it?!”

“I-i don't know, i-i-its powerful, it's there, but its not complete”

“What do you mean its “not complete”!? what's not complete!?”

As soon as you finish your question, a loud rumble could be heard across the ground. It shakes the trees, the sticks of the campfire shake and fall on itselves.

Then, a bestial growl, the sound of something thats not a magical creature, or a creature at all, its not human either, its something you can only identify as “the wrath of something unnatural” something that should not exist.

And you feel it growling inside your soul.

Faith looks at you with fear in her eyes.

“It's back! You have to get out of here!”

“What is back?!”

“Don't waste time! we cannot allow it to be complete again! Go!”

“Wait, before I go…”

You only have time for one question, pick one:

>”Can I use this thing inside me like Elliot uses your power?”
>”Can I help from the outside?”
>”Are there more like you out there?”
>Other (Write in)
again, sorry for the long time in between updates, but life has a way of fucking everything up.
>Don't waste your precious time on a question. Give her your wand - it's just a mental copy, but you're sure she could use it here. Hopefully you'll still have your real one when you snap out of it.
gonna need more than 1 vote guys...still waiting
>>”Can I help from the outside?”
>”Are there more like you out there?”

I guess we have a merlin frament in us? It is almost Halloween time so that update did give me a slight tingle so good work, good job..

>"wanna fuck?"

Kek. If we had a differnt protag... but I am all on the Willow train now.
“Can I help from the outside? Is there anything I can do to make this easier for you?”

“Yes, stay away from Elliot. The closer you are, the more chance IT gets”
She turns and runs towards the treeline, quickly disappearing in the many shadows of the already dark trees.

That was not the suggestion you were expecting, but there is nothing you can do now.
You turn around and run back to the opposite direction, also disappearing in the shadows of the trees until you suddenly see a bright flash and close your eyes.

You blink and see the face of Elliot, contorting in pain, bending over and clutching his chest with both hands.

The sound of a repeating chime rings in the background, you are not entirely sure where it's coming from nor care for it.

It takes a second, but you also feel that cold pain in your chest, you even manage to see some steam coming out of your mouth.

Willow, who was sitting on your bed looking bored while you were staring into each other's eyes, suddenly jumps when she sees both of you bend over in pain.

“Vat?! Vats going on?!”

“Willow! get him out of here! the furthest the better!”



She quickly casts a “Vingardium Leviosa” on Elliot and goes out of the room, taking him with her.

As soon as the door closes, you feel a big change in the pain in your chest, no longer an excruciating pain but still enough to cripple you for the duration of it.

Your heart and soul keep pounding though.

A moment later, the door opens again, letting in a healing wizard and witch, most likely they were called by that ringing chime, some sort of alarm system.

They ask you a couple of questions but you are unable to answer, the pain still managing to shut your brain down.

They began casting everything they could to ease your pain, shoving potions down your throat, even trying a couple of something you recognize as Muggle meds, but nothing worked.
It felt like hours, but a quick look at a hanging clock at the end of the room shows that merely 3 minutes have passed.

The pain suddenly disappeared. You were covered in sweat, your skin had a pink-ish tone to it due to the heat radiating from you, yet you felt cold.

Your mouth tastes like some weird cocktail of medicine and potions.

More importantly, you think you hear some kind of whisper, way deep in the back of your head.

You can't make out anything of whatever you think you hear, the whisper is too weak.

The healing wizards and witches are all confused, it was like you had nothing at all and all the pain you just went through left nothing to prove its existence.

As far as the hospital staff's concerns, you are more than ready to go.
Sadly, your weird episode of “unexplained pain” was enough of an excuse for them to keep you under surveillance for another 2 days.

Coming back to Hogwarts after your small “vacation” feels like coming back to a minefield.

You never realized how dirty the castle can get in such a short amount of time, even with its self cleaning capabilities.

There are stains all over the floor of the Main Hall, leftover food and rubbish on most stairs, the corridors near the potions classroom have puddles of spilled concoctions all over the floor.

A couple of ghosts are trying to clean whatever they can, but their results are minimal when they can barely interact with the physical world.

Some students you recognize as prefects and the head boy are trying their best to clean up and keep everything under control, a certain head girl seems to be absent.

Even the professors are trying to help, they easily make the biggest impact, but you know that's not something they should be doing.

As you walk back to your room, you are intercepted by McGonagall.

“Brandon! oh thank goodness you are back!”

“It's good to be back professor, i see that my absence was…noticeable”

“Yes, indeed it was, and while i am glad to have you back, i'm afraid that right now we need to deal with the consequences of your absence”
“Don't worry professor, i'm on it, just let me get changed and this castle will be back to its former pristine glory”

“The cleaning can wait, we need you for more pressing matters”

“More pressing ma- whats going on?”

“Brandon…Professor Willow has been kidnapped”

Suddenly, you feel like getting a shower and clean clothes isn't important at all.

You feel the strongest sense of worry that you have ever felt and a blind rage that you barely manage to contain.

“Any idea where she is?”

“W-we do actually, she is being held hostage in the Ravenclaw common room”

You are not sure if that calms you down or makes you even angrier, how is she being kidnapped while still being inside the castle?

“Then what are we waiting for? lets get her out of there!”

“We´ve tried, but Peeves is no longer listening to any of us…”

You feel your blood run cold at the mention of his name.


“It's Peeves, Brandon…Peeves is the one holding her hostage. Says the only way she'll get out alive is if you surrender yourself”

“What does he want?”

“He won't say, all he screams is that you two have “unfinished business””

You swallow the pool of saliva that formed in your mouth, it feels rough against your dry throat.
Nobody had seen or heard anything about Peeves since he took your foot and suddenly, it looks like he came back with a vengeance.

“Take me to him”

McGonagall escorts you to the Ravenclaw tower, every student and professor steps aside when they see you walk with determination until you are standing outside the common room´s entrance door.

It feels like decades since the last time you entered your old common room, yet, you still remember the necessary steps to do so.
You stand in front of the knobless door and grab the eagle head shaped knocker, making it sound 3 times.

“I remember you, a former student on a sudden mission, and although I recognize the urgency, the rules are here for a reason” The eagle knocker says, its voice deep and commanding, just how you remember it.

“Please, let's make this quick, Willow is in danger”

>”Answer the riddle and be granted access, get it wrong and you´ll lower her chances…”Your only tool for this encounter, a cat endures it several times, a phoenix is unaffected and love is its counter”
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The fuck Peeves. Are there still kids like 11 trapped in there? Hufflepuff's have food in the common rooms at least, but how is Peeves powerful enough to override the headmaster's control for so long. Where the fuck is Flitwick right now.

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What they said
Hey, kektus.

Was Brandon ever a prefect by chance during his days as a student? I wanted to have a brief cameo/Easter egg in my quest of him and figured he might have been since that is kind of similar to what he is doing now.
you know, i never really thought about it.
im gonna say that he was a prefect and was briefly concidered for Head boy but lost the position to someone else

also, update later tonight
The answer leaves your mouth almost instantly as soon as the knocker is done.


“I also would have accepted the name of the Killing Curse, well done, welcome back”

The door pushes itself away from you, opening widely.

“And Brandon…”

You look at the knocker, a bit perplexed. The knocker isn't really known for making conversation or referring to people by their name.


“Fuck him up”

McGonagall looks quite taken aback by the sudden foul language coming from the knocker, but you can't help but smile at it, those 3 words really hyping you up for the rubbish you are about to deal with.

“My pleasure”

You step in as you pull out your wand.

McGonagall seems to stay behind for a reason, though.

“You are not coming, professor?”

“Go ahead and stall as much as you can, i´ll go get some back up”

“Don't take long”

The door closes behind you, cutting you off from the rest of the world.

You see 2 stairways, 1 on each side of a wall, curving inwards as they rise.
As you climb, you see the windows looking out into the many gardens and fields of Hogwarts, letting the sunlight in, tainting it a blue color as the rays go through a few of the windows with stained glass.

When you reach the end of the stairs, you encounter a familiar but now vandalized statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, her usual white marble form was now covered in what you could only hope was chocolate, had googly eyes and big glasses drawn on its face and had several party hats at the same time on its head.

“The disrespect…”

As you turn around to see the rest of the damage that has been done to the common room, you see a few students tied up to some stairs rail guards posts.
Some look bruised, one has a black eye, another has the same party hats that the statue has, outside of that, most of their damage seems to be superficial, most of them seem to have passed out or are at least too exhausted to lift their heads.

Your first instinct is to get them safe.

“Renodo” you whisper the spell, untying them from their posts, followed by a “Rennervate” to wake them up or give them enough energy to stand up.

“Quick, help me here, but be quiet, we don't want to get his attention” you say to the first girl you wake up.

She has a panicked face for a second, but after you explain to her what you are doing, she quickly helps you get the rest of the students out of the common room.

After freeing the last of them and hearing the door of the common room close behind you again, you hear a mad cackling far below, at the bottom of the stairs leading towards the dorms.

“I'm coming for you, you son of a bitch, hang on Willow”

You cast “Silencio” on yourself as you descend the big wooden stairway, praying for the wood not to creak loudly with each step you take.

You peek inside the dorms of the first floor, luckily finding them empty.

On the second floor, you find a passed out student on his bed, after a quick waking and making sure he has enough energy to walk out, you continue down the stairs.

On the third and last floor, you find more empty rooms and beds.

This leaves only the bathrooms as the last place to investigate, coincidentally, that's where the mad cackling was coming from.

Without dropping your silencing charm, you cast the Disillusionment Charm on yourself like you have done so before, hoping it will be enough to walk into the exclusive Ravenclaw bathrooms.

Just to try to increase your odds of success, you held up your breath when you opened the door to the big white room.

Luckily for you, Peeves was currently busy looking away while he was setting up a big fire pit in the middle of the room.
Willow was hanging from her wrists in the middle of the pit from an improvised stake made out of some trashed beds and pieces of chairs.

It took all of your restraint not to drop your spells and unleash everything you have on Peeves, but you know that would be a waste of energy and of your current stealth advantage.
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So instead, you try getting close, as long as the pit isn't lit, she is relatively safe, but you don't have much time, he could light it up at any moment.

You look around, trying to find anything to use for your advantage.

Behind you is the door you came from.
Right in front of you is the firepit where Willow is currently hanging in the middle of 2 big pillars.
Peeves is next to her, looking away while messing around with some loose pieces of wood.
Behind them is a inward curved wall with several wash basins in a row.
On the left side of the room, there are several bathroom stalls with green doors for privacy.
On the right side, the same amount of bathtubs sit behind curtains.
There are towels on top of some small tables and several hanging racks for clothes and robes across the walls.

You could cause a small distraction across the room with all the stuff around you and quickly free Willow while still invisible.
You could drop your stealth spells and go wands blazing free Willow in the middle of the chaos.
You could try to reason with Peeves or you could even try to fight him directly.

There are many options and many ways this could go…

>What will you do? (Describe what and how you want to free Willow and roll a 1D100+5, then pray)
Rolled 16 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Alright lets think about this.

McGonagall went to get back up which I assume refers to the Bloody Baron since he is canonically able to get Peeves to stop fucking around, and asked us to stall. The two spells that the wiki said canonically to affect poltergeists are langlock and Waddiwasi, the latter launches a small projectile like a piece of gum though other jinxes can likely affect them.

Poltergeists seem to be bound by any deals/contracts they make, like fey.

We need to make sure Willow is okay. There is a spell the witches of old used to keep from burning at the stake, Brandon would know and he is able to use non-verbal magic and is good at charms.

Poltergeists can be harmed but not killed, but do seem to experience pain or physical discomfort.

So what I have so far is we silently cast the Flame-Freezing Charm on our GF silently, then announce ourselves to Peeves. He could still hurt her in other ways but he went to all this trouble to burn her at the stake, so that would probably be what he goes for first and this helps keep her from being used as leverage to a degree.

Attempt to keep him talking. Possibly strike a bargain with us. If we have any gum stick it in our mouth since having some shot up his nose drove him off once in the books.

As a last ditch crucio him, he is amortal so we should not get in shit for using it.

Will think more when not falling asleep at the keyboard.
And my dice are shit as normal. I swear if we lose another foot from this shit, I will samefag till Brandon makes it his life's goal to find a way to get rid of Peeves for good.
Rolled 60 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Try to come up with a new avada kedavra variant on the spot, channeling all your rage into it, to end Peeves for good. AVADA KEDAVRA POLTERGEISTA MAXIMA!!!
last time we directly confronted him we lost a foot
Yeah which my plan 1 is silently keeping the waifu from ending up extra crispy, then stalling like MickyG said. Crucio or other spells are a resort if negotiations break down.
btw, forgot to say
if you guys consider some other anon´s plan to be something that could work and want to support, simply reply to it with a +1 + your dice roll

brandon isnt currently carrying anything like that, but you are in the bathroom, maybe there is something in the trash can or stuck under a wash basin, you´ll have to check first
Rolled 6 (1d6)

mmk, i wanted to give you guys some time to come up with something, but it seems like we have reached the limit of options and players...

We have a more elaborated plan with a shitty roll and a more direct and improvised plan with a more decent roll...since this is technically a tie when it comes to options, here is what im gonna do:
im gonna roll a D6, for equal opportunities, the result options are gonna be weirdly spaced, but it should balance everything equally.

>if 1 or 4: we used the elaborated plan.
>if 2 or 5: we used the improvised plan.
>IF 3 or 6: i´ll combine them and i´ll ask for 2 more rolls, with their combined results being used for it
good luck, fellas
lucky bastards...you get a new chance to save this.
Very well!
Im gonna combine the two given options and im gonna request 2 more rolls of a 1D100, this time WITHOUT the +5
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Sorry, I just didn't have much for it than distract + Frizere on willow. Peeves already kicked our ass once, otherwise I would have been all for going in and ghost bustering his ass.
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Well then, my horrid rolls continue. Yall should have a field day in fights in my game.
Rolled 33 (1d100)

can we do it?
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No, we can't!
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I neeeeed a heeeroooooo! Im holding out for a heroooooo.

Maybe we need to get Brandon a nick name like "Dark lord Hallaster", to get good rolls?
already got the magically disfigured body to go with such a title
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Make a peg leg out of the wands of all the people he has killed!

"Dark Peg" Tedmond! Dark Gimp Brandon! Dark Disability Broom Parking Brando!

If the next thing he magically removes is our cock, this just turned into a Peeves Revenge Quest. Fuck Elliot, Fuck Lily, Fuck saving the world. All so we can fuck Willow.
Rolled 85 (1d100)

for a total of
alrighty then, please, ignore this roll...
update tonight
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“Ok” you thought. “First step, make the fire safe, then, negotiate with Peeves despite me wanting to kill him…then stall until reinforcements are here, sounds easy enough”.

You tiptoe your way closer to the fire pit, you are not taking any chances on this one, it HAS to be perfect.

You start waving your wand above your head, doing the hand motions necessary to cast the charm, however, you forgot a crucial detail.

It generates a very bright light from the tip of your wand, too bright to be contained by your Disillusionment charm.

“What?!” Peeves shouts and turns around when he sees the hard shadows being casted on the walls of the bathroom.

“Aaaahh! Brandon! You finally came, let's hope your girlfriend enjoys the flames!”

He makes a finger gun and a small ball of fire shoots out pathetically, but that's the only thing necessary to ignite the grease and wood from the fire pit.

It was just a moment, it took you just a moment to react after protecting yourself from the intense heat that radiated from the pit. But that was more than enough to ingrain Willow´s scream into your mind forever.

Half a second is probably too much to measure the time it took you to cast the charm into the fire, turning it into an inoffensive lightshow, her screams quickly stopped, but you knew she already took some damage.

“Now! while your girlfriend cooks let's talk about some missing loot”

“Peeves! I'm going to kill you!”

“Hahahahaha! bring it on trash boy! I need both of your feet for my treasure keep!”

And just like your fight in the Great Hall, he quickly puts you on the defense.

After a quick cast of a few offensive spells, he starts chucking pieces of flaming wood at you, forcing you to defend and deflect but not to attack.

“Silly caretakers, you will never learn!” He goes towards Willow and lifts her from the flames.
“Against little ol´ Peeves you never stood a chance!” And he throws her at you like if she were just another piece of wood.

You think it was the adrenaline finally kicking in at its max capacity. You see the world slow down, as Willow flies towards you and Peeves does too, speeding in the air as he floats with his hand raised in a flaming fist directly aimed at your face.
You have never felt everything move so slowly before.

You see Willow´s hair swaying in the air as she screams, her voice loud and high pitched but slowed down.

You see the bells on Peeve´s hat wiggling from side to side as he dashes towards you.

You see the heatwaves from the fire distorting the area around them.

Your senses are honed and working at their maximum capacity.

You feel the world come to a stop, as you decide what to do next. Your eyes wander from Willow to Peeves and Peeves to Willow, looking for the correct angle to do this and save Willow from any further damage.

You feel…a voice…in the back of your head, getting louder and louder, demanding…no, taking all of your attention by force.

“E N O U G H”

The world around you dulls and becomes gray.

“I H A V E W A I T E D T O O L O N G N O W, I S H A L L W A I T N O M O R E!”

You look for the voice inside of your head, but see nothing, you look around the slowed down room, but a falling Willow and berserker Peeves are all you see.

You want to respond but your mind is not yours to control, not now.

Flashes of your life come and go, like flipping through a big tome in a hurry, you see every spell you have learned, the useful ones, the useless ones, the ones you have forgotten because you could never find a reason to use them or became obsolete.

You don't know why any of this is happening, it's not you looking for something in your memories, it's someone else and it's looking for something that's not there.

Suddenly, something pops up in your brain, something that's not yours and have no idea where it came from, but now you see it clearly, like it was something you have lived before.


A new memory that isn't yours.

A new spell.
“P U T A N E N D T O T H I S W A S T E O F T I M E”

You see the world slowly recover its colors.

Willow´s hair sways faster and faster as it goes back to its regular speed

You feel your leg muscles scream as you force yourself to jump and dive to catch her.

You take Peeve´s flaming fist to the face.

But you don't care, the fire you felt in your soul when you saw Willow hanging from the stake comes back stronger than ever.

So you just ignore the pain.

Still, you are sent rolling across the ground while trying your best to protect Willow from the tumble until you reach the wall with a thud.

You take a look at her now that she is in your arms, the ends of her hair are scorched, her skin is dirty, bruised and shows signs of reddening because of burns.

It looks like the tumble was too strong for her or she was too weak to endure it, either way, she is unconscious.

You quickly but carefully lay her down on the floor and stare daggers into Peeves.

He is laughing.

You point your wand at him with an iron grip. You have a new spell to test.


You begin.


Peeves recognizes these words.

They terrorize him.


>Roll 1d100+50 to beat Peeves DC of 100
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Rolled 52 + 50 (1d100 + 50)

I call on the power of the fuck ton of hydrocodone I have ingested TO END THIS!
Rolled 25 + 50 (1d100 + 50)

Rolled 39 + 50 (1d100 + 50)

uhh are we doing more rolls than one? Eh, DC already met but w/e.

The dice gods hate Brandon for his huge horse cock. Seriously average for Bo3 d100 is like 70 and we get stuff like this.
my bad, forgot to mention it was just 1 roll per player and biggest roll wins. but like you said, DC was already met...barely
im honestly surprised than even with a +50 you guys BARELY managed to beat the DC, i thought i wsa being quiet generous with that bonus, but it looks like the dice gods think otherwise...
You were, but fuck they despise Brando. But hey, we did do something no other wizard in recorded history has done and create a way to permanently deal with poultry ghosts. Our name is going in the books for that.
>poultry ghosts
I knew those spectral turkeys were going to be trouble
Not with the Brandon special they won't be. Their goose is cooked!
Unfortunately, so is Willow
only slightly burned
only a lil crispy, enough to just start turning golden brown with a still-fluffy interior. Just like my roast potatoes.
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Hey Hanako was my favorite girl in Katawa Shoujo. This is fine.

Besides, magic healing is OP, she'll be fiiiiiine.

Should we call her our little roastie, kek, in bed. Our little fried potato? Our rare seared fillet mignon?

Can't wait to see how fluffy her "interior" really is.

Also, is Brandon gay now? We fucked Lily and it seemed like he was at the helm; did he make us a faggot? Is he gay if he is fucking men in a girl's body?
are you on your meds again?
Maaaaybe? I take quite a few, you are gonna need to be more specific lol.
it doesn't make us gay since we were techincally being mindcontrolled
You consider yourself…no, you KNOW you are pretty good at spell casting, you have the knowledge, the ability, the power, to cast pretty much every spell that you have learned in your time at Hogwarts plus some other stuff that even more experienced and powerful wizards and witches couldn't even begin to cast.

But this spell…this is something else.
It feels like you have just casted something that is not supposed to be possible.
Something ancient, something that used the foundations of magic, not the “foundations” that are taught at school like “intent” or “will” or whatever other metaphorical or spiritual or academic concept is used to learn magic.

No, this was casted using the actual foundations of magic itself, something primordial, without name.

It drains you, something you only felt a couple of times when you were in your first years as a student and tried to master a spell within the day, you ended up exhausted, your body ache, your spirit was tired, your magic was begging you to stop. You never expected to feel this again.

You expected this to be loud and flashy, and it certainly delivered.

The black bolt that comes out of your wand flies across the room instantly, hitting Peeves straight in the chest.

Yes, it actually hits him and most importantly, he feels it.

Peeves screams in fear and agonizing pain as the thunder surrounds him and locks him in place by arms and legs, like he was being shackled.

You feel your energy running dangerously low but push through it, you feel your eyes slowly closing but a new presence catches your attention and forces you to stay awake.

“Good heavens!” You hear professor McGonagall scream from the entrance of the bathroom, Professors Flitwick, Antonio and all of the leader House Ghosts, The Bloody Baron, Nearly Headless Nick, The Fat Friar and even The Grey Lady, all stood by (and floated through) the door.

“Brandon! what is going on!?” She shouts at you through the thunder coming from the spell, but you can't focus on her, not right now.

With one last effort, you give it your all and feed it enough magic to finally complete the casting.

Your wand falls off your fingers and you land on one knee on the floor, using the remaining bits of energy you have left to stay awake.

There is another loud and thunderous crackling and then you see something very familiar. Silver colored runes and white tendrils show up around Peeves.
The glowing tendrils lash and wrap around Peeves.

They pull him into the runes, splitting him into pieces and each tendril thrashing around with his severed limbs.

Peeves just screams in horror and pain.


You see something leaking out of his torn arms and legs, it almost looks like blood, but it floats and sparkles away into nothingness.

His magical essence, its being destroyed into nothingness, disappearing in the air.

Then there is a thunderous explosion, it fills the room with a bright white light, forcing you to close your eyes and turn around, everyone does.

You are frozen in place for a long time, at least that's what it feels.

It takes quite a while for anyone to dare to open their eyes in fear of the bright light that threatens their vision, but after the loud ringing in your ears stops, you are the first one to examine the room around you.

The other professors and even the ghosts are still covering their eyes and ears.
Willow is still unconscious behind you.
You catch the runic portal and its tendrils disappearing into the air, imploding into itself until it all goes back to normal, as if nothing ever happened there.
Finally, there is a very notable absence of the obnoxious poltergeist, but you don't mean it in the physical way. Yes, you can not see it around any more, but it's like something else is missing, like, that wasn't just a poltergeist that you deleted.
You can't put your finger on it right now.

As you are about to turn your attention back to the unconscious woman on the floor, you notice the ghosts are now staring at you, eyes sunken in fear.

Just as you are about to speak up, they float through the walls in a hurry, their cold aura disappearing with them as they exit the room.

It seems that the other professors take this as a sign and finally look around.

They stare at you in shocked silence.

“Hey professor, i-ah, i took care of it”
After a quick trip to the infirmary and leaving Willow in Madame Chiara´s hands, McGonagall requests your presence at her office, a small room hidden behind a bookshelf in her transfiguration class.

The room feels a bit claustrophobic with every corner filled with tomes, scrolls and books of different sizes. It lacked windows but it was still very well illuminated thanks to some charmed candles floating around. Her desk is the only thing in between you and her.

She pours you and herself some steaming tea in a couple of small porcelain cups with small floral decorations.

You take it and blow on it gently, then you slowly take a sip from it…spearmint and chamomile.

“Mr. Tedmon. Allow me to be the first one to formally thank you, in the name of the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, for finally freeing us from the menace that was Peeves, you can be sure that your name will be forever immortalized in Hogwarts history”

“I'm just doing my job ma´am” you raise your small tea cup and take another small sip from it.

“Y-yes, you did a very good job, a remarkably good job…”

Before you know it, the chair you are currently sitting on becomes impossible to escape.
The wooden armrests split open and close around your arms, capturing them and locking them in place. A similar thing happens with the legs of the chair, they split open and wrap around your shins and up to your legs.
It takes a moment for you to be stuck in a chair without any real way of escaping.

“...An impossibly good job…”

“H-hey! what's going on!?”
You try lifting your arms and kicking your legs, but you find yourself completely immobilized.

“I apologize Mr. Tedmon, but i'm afraid i must do this”

She pulls out her wand and places the tip on your temple.

“Now, I need you to remember…how did you learn to do that? Who taught you that spell?”

You try to thrash around as much as you can to avoid the memory spell.

>Don't resist and let her know the truth and nature of the spell.
>Write down a fake memory of how you learned that spell and roll 1D100, Best of 3
i apologize for the extremely delayed update.
i dont really have an excuse, this time i simply got a severe writers block, hopefully this wont become a recurrent thing.
the good thing is that i prepared a good set of possible outcomes for this, so i should be able to update the next part a bit faster depending on the results.
good luck
>Don't resist, but keep quiet and see what happens. Potter asked if you were an occlumens, so maybe you'll learn if you're naturally unreadable or not.
>write down a fake memory
i dont know why "write" is there, its supposed to say: THINK of a fake memory

I will support this.
this, even brandon doesn't know the origin
Alright! the next update is 75% ready.
i wanted to post it tonight but its already 4am, so be ready for an IMPORTANT update tomorrow.
big stuff is happening!
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Looking forward to it boss.
“Please Mr. Tedmon, i'm not any more of a fan of this than you are”

You stop your thrashing for a moment.

“Wait, so, you just want to know about the spell?”

She stops for a moment while still keeping her wand in your temple.

“Yes, you are a smart person, i think you'll agree that knowing the nature of this spell should be nothing but beneficial for all of us involved”

You take a moment to think about it and agree, even you want to know exactly how that worked.

“Very well, i can tell you in detail how i came across that spell”

“Ahh, we appreciate your support with this Mr. Tedmond, however, while we know you don't really have any reason to lie or skew information, we think it's better if we “see” this directly”

““see it directly?” ooh, you mean-”

“Correct” She removes her wand from your temple and waves it in direction to her desk, after a swish and flick, it splits open and a shallow, silver basin comes out of her desk.
“A pensieve. There is no hiding anything from it, we will know details not even you were aware of.”

“A foolproof way of knowing every detail…excellent. Go ahead professor, i'm ready”

You close your eyes and relax to let McGonagall do her stuff.

The pressure in your temple gets a little annoying but it ends up quickly enough, you feel your head getting lighter and a cool and misty sensation coming out from where the tip of her wand was pushing on your skin.

“Ahh, there we go…huh…that's curious…”

You open your eyes and see a silver strand of mist hanging from the tip of her wand, you have never seen these before, only read about them, but even without any previous experience you can tell something is wrong here.

“What does that black strand mean professor?”

“I…don't…know, but we will find out”

She heads to the pensieve and drops your memory in it.

You feel the chair finally letting go of your hands and legs and stand up from it.
She fixes her hair, making sure it won't get loose and slowly dips her head into the misty liquid of the pensieve.

You are not sure what to do now, you know you could dip along with her, but maybe it's better if you don't?...Nah, it's your memory after all, you have more right than anybody to see what's happening there.

You walk around the desk and stand next to McGonagall, yet, you can't avoid feeling like something doesn't fit here.

“we appreciate your support”
“we know you don't really have-”
“WE think it's better if WE “see” this directly”
“WE will know details not even you were aware of”
“WE will find out”

She is a formal lady, but not THAT formal, is that a royal “we”? she isn't that stuck up…

“Who is “we”?”

“Petrificus Totalus”

Your body suddenly gets stiff as a statue and falls to the ground, you feel the wind rushing out of your lungs as you fall directly on your back along with a painful grunt.

You move your eyes frantically, trying to find whoever casted the spell.

“Sorry for the rough landing…”

You can't see the source of the voice, but it sounds very familiar.

“...But i'll be taking that”

A green bolt comes out from the corner of your vision, hitting McGonagall, who was fully distracted with her head submerged in magical memories, and suddenly goes limp. Knocking down the pensieve and spilling the memories all across the floor and falling next to you, her eyes still open and mouth slightly ajar.


“A shame, really, but she was getting to close, i'm going to miss her”

The man crouched down next to you and picks up your very distinctive memory from the spilled mess, placing it inside a small glass vial where it floats idly.
You would scream his name, but the spell won't let you do anything more than moving your eyes around and blinking.

Just like you tried when you were trapped in the chair, you try thrashing around to break the spell, but all you can muster are small twitches and low mumbles.

“Shhhh shh shh shh shhhh, its ok, its ok, you don't have to worry about any of this”

He stands up and walks behind you, out of your field of view.

“Matter of fact, you won't have to worry about anything for much long…”

You hear something small but familiar, the sound of something being unscrewed, it sounds…plasticky.
Then, a small “plok” sound on a wooden surface.

“Aahh, now, where were we? oh right. “Pestis Incendium””

The wall in front of you lights up with some strong and shifting orange and yellow colors.
There is a strong and fast approaching heat getting close to you, just when you think you are about to start melting or catching fire due to the heat, you see it, a long shifting flame that looks like some sort of snake.
It sliders around the room, getting dangerously close to you.

It opens its fire maw and just as it's about to lunge at you, Potter shouts.

“Hey, not him! her!”

The fire snake stares at you for a second while closing its maw, only for it to suddenly lunge at McGonagall's lifeless body next to you.

The fire engulfs her and burns her, first her clothes, then her skin, her bones go away next and finally, not even ashes are left in the end.

Then, the fire is gone.

You are sweating, not just from the scorching heat that was just in front of you, but out of fear and ire, Professor McGonagall was gone, just like that, from a cowardly quick green bolt to her back and what you suspect was fiendfyre to dispose of the evidence.

“Don't be afraid, you are my key. So consider yourself lucky i still need you alive”

You feel his wand poking at your cheek, slowly dragging it across your face.

“But the last thing I need right now is you hunting me down. So for now…Obliviate”
You wake up back in your bed, a lonely candle barely lights up your room and a headache makes what little you can see spin around and sway from side to side.

“Ugh, my head…i think Peeves messed me up more than i thought…good thing i managed to make him sign a contract and leave the castle for good”

That's right, you had a fierce battle with Peeves that ended up with you making him sign up a contract in exchange of eventually having a duel with him in whatever field he wants. You are not looking up to that eventual duel…but for now, the castle is safe.

You are not so sure of how long you were out of it, but for by looks of it, it seems to be late at night.

You think it would be understandable if you sleep off the rest of the night.

But then again, you haven't done your night patrols in a bit and besides your headache, you don't feel bad or sore enough to skip it, somebody has to keep the school safe after all.

What will you do tonight?

>Sleep it off and get some proper rest.
>Night patrol is essential and you’ll feel more accomplished in your job if you do it regardless.
>Other (Write in)
Go check on willow
didn't expect McGonagall to get blasted by "Potter"
welp, looks like one of our other players (IlvermonyQM) got fucking banned.
if there are any lurkers or people that hasnt voted, i recommend voting now, otherwise we are gonna be waiting for a long tome
>>Night patrol is essential and you’ll feel more accomplished in your job if you do it regardless.
How did that happen?
>Night patrol is essential and you’ll feel more accomplished in your job if you do it regardless.
apparently he had to get an irl friend to post for him, curious what that conversation went like lmao
You get out of bed and stretch, you hear something “pop” in your lower back and relax for a second.

“Aaahhh, guess I can do some patrolling now, feeling well rested enough.”

You change into your usual clothes and coat, grab your usual equipment and leave your room, lighting the way with your wand across the dark hallways.

As you are walking, you suddenly hear something else, footsteps 2 sets of them.

Something that shouldn't be happening since everyone should be in bed, it's almost 1am.

“Oh, not on MY watch…”

You turn off your “Lumos” spell, hide in the shadows and wait for the footsteps to come closer to you as you lean over a statue.

After a few seconds, you see a couple of students, 2 male Gryffindors walking side by side, they seem to be whispering as they walk.

“No, man, I'm telling you, getting this book is gonna be a HUGE help, we can even “rent it” and make easy money out of it once we are done with it!”

“Won't they notice it's gone? it came from the-”
the other student looks around before talking and lowers his voice even more than before
“-the restricted section, they must have a way to figure out who took something from there, if they find out it was us, we'll be expelled for sure!”

“Shh! not so loud! Besides, you worry too much, i´ve done this for 6 years now and they haven't found me once”

“What even is that book about?”

“Advanced combat spells and how to master them, they´ll be amazing for the upcoming battle classes that Potter mentioned, I hope I get to be a commander!”

“Battle classes, huh? That sounds like a lot to clean up…” you thought. Guess you´ll have some heavy duty soon, but for now, it seems that you have a couple of contrabandists who are just coming from the restricted section with a valuable haul.

You could:
>Stop them right there and get them to the Headmaster, you have enough evidence to get them expelled.
>Say nothing and follow them, a bit more info never hurt anybody.
>Cut them some slack, you used to sneak a lot back in your day too, maybe try to get the book back.
>(Other) Write in

These few next posts will be shorter than usual, but i plan to update daily, each one will have a decision to make that will affect the next big update, so make sure to vote before the time windows closes.
>Say nothing and follow them, a bit more info never hurt anybody.
>1 vote
yeah i should have expected this, alright, i'll give it another couple of hours before i close the voting, gonna ask for votes in /qsg/ again.
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At least you are getting updates out. I have been stuck on one for like a day, deleted like 2 pages because I ended up not liking them when I reread them after returning from a quick job, heh. You were right when you mentioned 1 update a day is hard to manage. Keep heart; at the very least I am going to keep checking your stuff out, though I have no clue how evil Harry is going to hide one of the most well known witches in Britain being killed by him, if that was him and not Lily polyjuiced or something.

>You hear something small but familiar, the sound of something being unscrewed, it sounds…plasticky.

Anyone got a clue what that is? Might try to reread some since it sounds important.

Also this chick from Hogwarts Mystery reminds me a crap ton of Arty. Cute.
welp, votes are closed.
i said i was going to post daily and im keeping my promise, i dont care if its just one player right now, update is almost done
You decide that having a bit more of information about the school contraband operations isn't such a bad thing to learn, after all, knowledge is power and as a former Ravenclaw, you like that kind of power, maybe you could even use it to blackmail some students into working for you and make things a bit easier…that hat DID considered Slytherin for a brief moment after all.

As you follow the students back to their common room, crossing hallways and sneakily opening doors they just closed, you keep an ear up for whatever they are talking about.

Sadly, besides planning a couple of pranks (one of them targeted at you, so you made sure to file that up under the “very important” folder inside your brain) and general chit-chat, they don't mention anything interesting regarding Hogwarts contraband scene, they did, however, mentioned a rumor that made you curious about the staff´s happenings.

“Oh hey, did you remember to do your parchment for McGonagall's assignment?”

“Dang it, i knew i was forgetting something, i'm gonna have to stay up finishing that, maybe i could ask her for an extension tomorrow…have you seen her at all today?”

“Actually, now that you mention it, i haven't, not since the whole thing with Peeves”

When you hear about Peeves, you freeze in place for a second, the usual goosebumps that come with the mention of his name present as always, however, this time, something else is in there, something in the back of your mind, something that feels like a repressed memory wanting to come out but you just can't remember properly.

You decide to shake it off for now, if you forgot then it´s probably not that important.

A couple of minutes later, you reach the Hallway that serves as the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, due to the late hours of the night however, the Fat Lady was currently sleeping.

If you were to do anything, you had to do it now, once they cross her portrait, there is no way of getting in without alerting everyone due to the ruckus the Fat Lady is known to do when people wake her up late at night.

You stand by the corner quickly figuring out your options, when out of nowhere and without a password being spoken, the portrait swings open.

Instinctively, you hide behind the corner and prepare to cast your usual disillusionment charm, when you hear a familiar voice.

“What exactly do you guys think you are doing?”

“AAAH! LILY!” Both of the students scream.
For the next couple of minutes, you hear an obnoxious, monotonous, obviously rehearsed and hypocritical speech about being out of their common rooms so late and about her responsibility as Headgirl to report them.

“Hey, what is that?” She says.

“Oh nothing it's just-”

“Hey i recognize this…this is from the restricted section!”

“No! Lily! it's not! i swear is-”

“Give me that!”

You hear some sort of small shuffle.

“Is this…Do you have ANY idea of the trouble you are in?”

“No! Lily i swear! we didn't-!”

“Shut it, after I get this back to where it belongs, we´ll have a talk, now go back to bed!”

Shit, now she is walking your way.

You cast the disillusionment charm on yourself and hide behind one of the many pillars that ornate the halls.
It's weird, you feel strangely…hot…when you look at her walk, but you don't know why, best to keep your distance for now.

You keep your distance as you follow her, making sure to stay way behind but paying attention to every turn she takes.

You know she is headed towards the library, but best to be careful, don't want to be caught creeping on a female student in the dead of night.

You keep following her until she stops in some random hallway. Or so you thought.

She is standing in front of a slightly open door, curiously studying it and sliding her fingers across the wood it's made of.
She twitches a bit, as if debating with herself about what to do with it, but ends up shaking her head and closing the door, only to continue walking towards the library.

“What was that about?” you think as you make your way to the door.
“It's just the Transfiguration classroom…”

>”I should take a look around in the classroom, she was obviously interested in it.”
>”I should keep going, don't want to lose her”
>>”I should take a look around in the classroom, she was obviously interested in it.”
>”I should take a look around in the classroom, she was obviously interested in it.”
>”I should take a look around in the classroom, she was obviously interested in it.”
Well, you know where she is going, you don't HAVE to follow her every step, so it's fair to say you have enough time for a quick detour.

You wait until she takes her next turn and disappears from your view, the library is still far away, so there is no risk of her showing up unexpectedly.
Just to be sure, you wait another 30 seconds before you open the door and close it behind you.

So far, it's just the regular transfiguration classroom, several rows of long tables, bookshelves on the walls and McGonagall´s desk front and center of the class.

You walk around the desks in the front row, a place where Lily would probably sit by since she is such a tryhard, but whatever you are looking for simply won't show up.

“Cmon Brandon, you are a Ravenclaw, she was interested in this place…why would she be interested in this place…”

You walk up to the professor's desk and sit on her chair.

Funny, you have been in this same classroom for years and never noticed how sitting from a slightly elevated platform gives you a whole different view of the room.

No wonder she was so good at catching people cheating in her class, you can see everything from this position.

Yet, you can't seem to find whatever you are looking for.

You sigh and lean back on the chair, making it creak while you do so, but just as you are about to stand up from it, you take a quick look to your left, a small sparkle catches your attention on a bookshelf.

You notice a small light coming from behind the books, so small you wouldn't have seen it any other time of day, but the almost pitch black of Hogwarts rooms at night gives it away.

Using your wand, you move the bookshelf away, letting you see a slightly open door behind it. You notice the light is actually a floating candle with maybe a couple of minutes left of life.

You start feeling a small stinging pain in your head along with a nagging feeling you have been here before.

“Must be McGonagall´s private office”

You keep trying to remember “something” but it still eludes you.

As you walk around the room, you keep getting some blurry flashes in your brain, you don't recognize any of it ever happening, but the room does seem familiar.
You step on a dark stain on the floor, it still smells of fire, but there is nothing left to indicate what was burnt, just a long non-descriptive dark stain.

“Huh, maybe a spell gone wrong, i guess even professors can make mista-”

There, almost completely hidden behind the open door, on top of a wooden side table, it's your old Thermos cup, the one you lost in the lake several weeks ago.

Your blood runs cold for a moment as you get close to it.

“Did she find it? When did she find it? HOW did she find it? the cup was gone when I came back looking for it that same night” Those and many more questions run through your mind.

“No, wait, impossible, nobody was following us, Potter made sure that he wasn't being followed and I did the same…except…”

The memory comes crashing down on you.

“” “Lily, is that you?”” ”

“” “Yeah, it's me, you ok?...” “”

“” “...-I thought something was wrong and decided to follow you-…” “”

“She found it…”

You hold the cup in your hands and slosh it around, it still has something in.

As you unscrew the lid, you hear the scraping sound of the plastic top across the metal bottle and finally a “pop” when you remove the top.

Immediately, you are hit with a strong but surprisingly “warm feeling” smell and a barely perceptible golden glow, most definitely not leftovers from your “Irish coffee” you always filled it with.

This was recently used but not consumed completely, there is still one or two swigs worth left.

>Drink it
>Find out what it is later
>Bring it to the Potions teacher. If anyone would be able to tell you what it is, it's them.
I forget who this would be.
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>Also this chick from Hogwarts Mystery reminds me a crap ton of Arty. Cute.
dont let yourself be fooled by the AI, that things is WAY too generous with her...she also went to Azkaban for some unknown crime
usually, around this time in the OG canon, it would be some random "smoky eyed" female professor.
but since this is using the Disappearing Hogwarts canon instead, the professor here is Horace Slughorn

Ah my fucking eyes!

Yeah. Just going to stick to Merula and Penny. Maybe Bea.
Please keep in mind that is around 1:30 am and you are still technically in the middle of a "chase"
if you do go with this option you might end up missing some stuff if you do it now.
You could also opt to do it later and continue the chase at the cost of some rolls with disadvantage.

What´ll be?

>Go find out what that liquid is at the cost of risking missing whatever might happen at the library (might have to beat a BIG roll and its consequences)
>Continue the chase with some smaller disadvantages and find out tomorrow.

Changing vote to:

>Continue the chase with some smaller disadvantages and find out tomorrow.

Ah. This is probably better, and I didn't read very well since I had to get ready to do a few things, do some work from home.
>Continue the chase with some smaller disadvantages and find out tomorrow.
Right, sorry.
But at least we have a plan on what to do with it tomorrow.
I do think we should hide the flask somewhere instead of taking it with us, for now.
I can support storing the flask some place we know of which is secret. Probably smart.
Very well, we´ll go with this
thanks for the fast response, update later tonight!
You contemplate drinking it for a moment, but you are smart enough to realize that's a stupid and probably dangerous idea.
So instead you opt for keeping the cup for now, you’ll have to keep it somewhere else though, this thing could probably get you in a lot of trouble if they find you with it.
For now it’ll be safe inside one of your coat’s pockets.

You take a couple of deep breaths, but the fear and slight panic attack you have aren't going away, so the next best thing you can do now is to be unnoticeable.

You cast your signature disillusionment spell and become as invisible as you can make yourself be.

Now, you have to go get some answers.

You exit the Transfiguration classroom and follow the most direct path to the library, without any more distractions and obstacles to impede your progress, it doesn't take long for you to reach the entrance, a small, almost indistinctive door in some random corridor, if it weren't for the more elaborated book and scrolls themed engravings in the door´s frame, you wouldn't know it was the entrance.

So far, no one is around, but you know better than to tempt fate, so you make sure your disillusionment spell is properly up, you cast “silencio” on the door and gently push it open to avoid any creaking that could give you away.

Almost immediately after you close the door behind you, you can hear some faint and distant voices.

“Have you checked the Wand?”

“Still in Dumbledore's hands.”

“Right. Any plans?”

“For today, take you to your Common Room and make sure you go to sleep.”

You then start hearing echoing footsteps going your way, they muffle all sounds and make what they say next to incomprehensible, after a bit though, they step out of the restricted section and lock the entrance to it at the end of the room, you can clearly see them, The Headmaster and his daughter.

“And the day after…” Potter continues. “I restart Hogwarts’ Battle Classes. If another storm is really coming, I want to make sure we’re prepared. Then I go to the Department of Mysteries to see if they have anything that can help us. Now come on, we’re leaving.”

He kneels down and picks up some ugly as sin piece of fabric from the ground.
Now they are coming your way.

Ah shit.
You try to slowly move out of the way as fast as possible, the paradoxical challenge doesn't evade you.

You try to tiptoe away and you manage to do it without much problem.

Potter and Lily walk on one side of the main corridor of the library, the only thing separating you from them are rows of long but thin study tables that fill the room as you walk on the other side of the same corridor.


…As you walk around one of the many long tables and they are about to reach the exit door.

You bump into something that you can't see.

you hear a small gasp coming from somewhere right in front of you, but can't see any source for it, you could still feel it when you accidentally kneed it.

The sudden bump, pain in your knee and gasp that came out of nowhere, all happening within a second.
You feel the adrenaline immediately kicking off at max capacity.

You feel the world slow down in an instant as you turn around to see if Potter or Lily noticed any of it.

It looks like they haven't noticed anything yet, but that doesn't mean you are free yet since you are now currently falling over some invisible lump of something that you also knocked over based on the pain on your knee and are both about to land on the very squeaky and creaky wooden floor of the library

>Roll 1D100-25. Best of 3 to beat a DC 60
Rolled 44 - 25 (1d100 - 25)

Rolled 31 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

Big dick rolls!
yikes, the dice gods are not being kind this time...
one more roll, you have one last chance before things get ugly
HP quests are doomed to always have crap rolls, unless it is something relatively unimportant. This is known. Read a couple other ones in the archives and the rolls were mediocre at best.

Maybe some Meru will bless the third person with a nice roll.
Rolled 38 - 25 (1d100 - 25)


I guess we lose the other foot or something IDK. Fuck.
Jesus christ, those rolls are abyssmal...
alright. i had planned for a defeat just in case, but i wasnt expecting it to be this bad
we have:
6 (funny because you got it wrong and added instead of removing the 25)

update later tonight, Brace for impact
I mean, the odds of success were <40% and odds were on to lose quite significantly
yeah, i guess you did have a pretty hard roll there, i just find it funny because im using either the exact same or similar DC´s to Disappearing Hogwarts when it comes to familiar settings, rolls we beated in HeadQM´s quest but not here, parallels.
really brings to life the idea of alternate timelines
Rolled 67, 17, 53 = 137 (3d100)

ugh, i wanted to post the full update tonight, but i got suddenly drained of all my energy after coming back from work, for now tho...
Please roll 1D100-25. Best of 3 to beat the opposing rolls
this will help me skip the waiting time for the NEXT update AND help make a bigger update
>best of 3
sorry, i meant 3 different rolls to beat those rolls i just got
Rolled 69 - 25 (1d100 - 25)

Rolled 16 - 25 (1d100 - 25)

Surely I can beat a 17 he said while rolling a 1.
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Are you fucking kidding me? What did I do to you, god?

A-at least we got the sex number here? Hahaha...ha.

welp, i dont think we are getting another roll, and even if you beat the last roll, thats still an L...writing
You fall to the ground and the floor creaks and squeaks along then with the heavy “thump”.

Potter is already out by the time you fall and notices nothing, Lily does.

She immediately turns around as her dad walks out and then quickly turns back to him.

“Hey dad, one second, i forgot my bag in the restricted section”

“Are you kidding me right now, Lily?”

“I know, i know, im sorry, i´ll be quick, i promise”

“If you take more than 5 minutes, I swear I will ground you until you are out of Hogwarts, got it?”

“Yes dad, don't worry, this´ll be…fast”

And she closes the door behind her.

The surprise of bumping into something else in the middle of the library was enough to make you lose concentration in your disillusionment spell, so you are now lying on top of…Elliot Hallaster? What is he doing here?

Whatever, that's not important…actually, it is VERY important, but not your priority right now, not now that Lily is standing right in front of you.

Even worse, you are staring right into her eyes and now everything looks purple.

Suddenly, your body feels extremely hot, so hot that you remove your coat and start lifting your shirt, but before you could go halfway, Lily herself stops you.

“Wait, not here, not now, not with HIM here”

The inexplicable lust that takes over your body is strong, the orders of your “Mistress” are completely ignored so you continue.

Her surprised eyes tell that she wasn't in control, her entrancing charm being the one in charge.

She seems to realize what is going on and quickly hits you with a “Petrificus Totalus”

You fall to the ground.

“I almost forgot about that stupid spell…oh hey “Little Elliot” what…are.you.doing.here?”

She licks her lips in that weird way again.
“Oh! umm, hey, hi Lily” Elliot says with a guilty voice. He probably feels very busted right now that he is in the middle of the library, in the middle of the night, right next to a petrified Hogwarts staff by a very imposing and oddly menacing and big Head Girl.

Then you hear something (muffled due to the entrancing spell) that you certainly weren't expecting.

“Hmm, i was expecting to meet you later, but now that you are here, tell me, “Little Elliot” would you like to be my friend?”

“Huh? wha-”

“Tell me, have you heard anything about “The Last Light?””

You have no idea what she is talking about, but Elliot seems VERY worried.

But you don't care, the lust in your body seems to be overpowering your mind but your body is still struggling to move at all.

“Cmon Little Elliot, tell me your secrets”

Then a flash that blinds you.

You feel…calm, relaxed.

Like you no longer have any responsibilities or worries.

Your mind feels light and at ease.

The lust is still there, but it's far away, like you somehow managed to get it under control and send it to the back of your mind, to a place where it's in check and it won't be a bother.

A darkness envelops you and before you know it, you wake up in your room.

“Man…that was a great restful night”

You stretch and feel your bones “pop”, sending a nice feeling all over your body.

– “w a k e - u p!” –

“Hmm, i'm hungry, better hurry to the Great Hall, don't want to start a busy day with an empty stomach”

You put on your clothes and head towards the Great Hall, where most of the staff is already having breakfast and having small chit-chat.

“Ah! Brandon! good to see you” Potter says while eating some sort of bread.
– “w a k e - u p!” –

“I was wondering if you would help me with something later today”

“Sure thing professor, what can I help with?”

“I need you to help me test some trials and challenges for the new battle classes im setting up, i feel like it's finally time to prepare the students and teach them how to defend themselves, now that we are no longer under any direct danger here in the magic world, having them prepared for anything should be something essential, just in case, what do you say?”

“Well, I was never much of a fighter or a physically active student, but sure! I'll be glad to!”

– “w a k e - u p!” –

“Excellent! please come to the DADA classroom after today´s morning announcements”

You take your seat on the teachers table, next to an empty seat and Professor Antonio, who is looking at you with an odd expression, as if waiting for you to say something.

You look at the empty seat then at him, but you have nothing to say.

You eat and after you are done and without saying much more, you leave to do your morning routine.

– “w a k e - u p!” –

After cleaning a few spills in the potion classroom, after undoing some botched and unauthorized transfigurations by some students in the hallway leading to the transfiguration classroom, after finishing polishing some of the statues in some random hall, it's time for you to meet Harry Potter in the DADA classroom.

“Ah, there you are Brandon, thank you for joining me, i'm sorry for taking your time with this, i know Hogwarts requires very around-the-clock maintenance”

“Don't worry, nothing I can't deal with. Now, how can I help?”

“Well, these classes won't be like anything you learned in your time as a student, there won't be any rules, or protocols or fairness.”

Huh, that sounds interesting.

“If you can use it, without endangering the lives of the students, then it's fair game”

“What about physical contact?”
– “w a k e - u p!” –

“Everything is allowed, especially physical contact. Any questions?”

“Just a couple, why not ask professor Flitwick for help? isn't he like some sort of dueling champion? and why me?”

“Well, you are correct, Fillius Flitwick is a dueling world champion, but i'm afraid his dueling days are way past him, which leads me to you, you are the closest to a student that the Hogwarts staff has, your skills will be a perfect reference point to the actual students, i can make fair adjustments based on the result of out duel”

I'm sorry, did he just say “our duel?”

“I'm sorry professor, did you just say “our duel?””

“Why yes, i did, now c'mon, stand over there, once i give the signal you can do whatever you want and use anything in the room to try to beat me, just a warning though, i'm trying to teach them the reality of magical fights, i wont pull back any punches and neither should you.”

– “w a k e - u p!” –

“I´ll try my best, professor”

– “w a k e - u p!” –

“Wouldn't want it any other way”

– “s t o p!” –

“ready? set…

–”S T O P!” –


– ”G O D - D A M M I T! - W A K E - U P!” –

>Roll 2D100. One for “waking up” (this one will have an automatic +10 bonus added) and one for fighting Potter (this one will have an automatic + 5 bonus added) Rolls will be in order.
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Rolled 61, 22 = 83 (2d100)

Rolled 15, 36 = 51 (2d100)

Wake up this dick, son
Rolled 79, 42 = 121 (2d100)

Rolled 67, 49 + 20 = 136 (2d100 + 20)

>71, 27
25, 41
89, 47

lets see how it goes
Harry gets a +20 for his fighting bonus, the other roll is raw
good luck
Waking rolls
>DC: 67
>Brandon: 89

Fighting rolls
>Harry: 69 nice
>Brandon: 52

>One was expected, the other is a nice surprise.
finally, the luck of your rolls starts to change, bit late to work on the update right now tho, update tomorrow
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>Meru is a red shirt


Maybe our luck is finally going to begin to turn around some.
Potter starts you off easy…with the strongest “Depulso” you have ever taken to the chest in your life.
It sends you flying all the way to the back wall and knocks the wind out of you.
Immediately, your vision is blurry, your head is spinning and it hurts to breathe, but you power through and stand up, flip over a table and shoot back a couple of “Depulso´s” of your own.

– “w a k e - u p!” –

You hide back, keeping your back close to the table and take a couple of quick breaths. Once your resolve and energy is back you stand up and try casting a powerful “Bombarda” but end up standing still when you see nobody else is in the room.

You take a couple of quick looks around but there is no sign of Potter.

“Oh, it's really like that, professor? Very well…Fumos!”

A stream of gray smoke comes out of the tip of your wand, quickly covering the entire floor as it moves out towards the walls. And that's when you see him.

The smoke gets stuck in Potter's invisible form near the professor's desk, revealing exactly where he is standing. You immediately attack with “Bombarda”

“Ah nicely done, Brandon! This is exactly what I want! be creative with your spells, make anything you know and own work in your favour!”

He drops his invisibility and dodges the exploding desk with a roll and a counter attack.

You keep this dance for a bit longer than you expected, much to your bemusement, you certainly weren't expecting to last this long, but you lack any form of actual combat training since you never really expected to be a fighter, so now you are getting tired and quickly.

– “w a k e - u p!” –

After a particularly big and aggressive “Bombarda” from Potter, you hide behind a desk and just like before, you lose sight of him.
You are about to do the same trick as before when something hits you in the side of the head.

It hurt, but not THAT much, it certainly got your attention though.

“What the hell?”

It's a shoe

– “w a k e - u p!” –

And just like that, you are out of combat but strangely, not unconscious.

You feel how your body is unresponsive, you try to move but everything feels like jelly, so you give up trying to move for a bit.

– “W A K E - U P!” –

“huh? What was that?”

– “W A K E - U P!” –

“is that…?”

– “W A K E - U P!” –

You feel a surge of energy coming from somewhere inside your brain that runs along the rest of your body and suddenly, you notice some sort of fog disappear from your vision, you never noticed it before, but now that it's gone, you can see everything crystal clear.

“What was that?”

“T H A T - W A S - I M P E R I O”

“What?! who is there?!”

“W E ´ L L - T A L K - L A T E R”

“Wait! hang on!”

But the voice disappears from your mind.

“Elliot? Did I hit you too hard?”

Ah, right, you were in the middle of a duel with Potter, perhaps you could use this opportunity, he sounds worried.

You stay on the ground as Potter comes into your field of vision…there he is.

You take your shot

“Petrificus Totalus!”
He barely manages to sidestep and fires back with his own, leaving you petrified on the floor.

“Nicely done, Brandon. But next time try with something that's harder to react to, it takes quite a bit to say “Petrificus Totalus” and shoot the spell”

He undoes the spell and helps you stand up.

“The battle was definitely in my favour…as expected…but that last attempt was certainly close, finishers like that are always worth going for if you have ran out of options”

“I gotta say professor, I certainly wasn't expecting to last THAT long, especially against you.”

“You did pretty well for somebody i do remember skipping most of dueling classes”

“Yeah, well, i was going more for the “scholar” type of wizard, never really expected to use combat magic that much, if at all”

“Well, that's exactly why i'm reintroducing these battle classes, it's never too late to learn how to defend yourself”

“Shame i'm no longer a student, i guess i could use those classes”

To this, Potter stays quiet and contemplative for a moment.

“Hmmm…perhaps…i think you just gave me an idea, Brandon. I´ll come back to that later though, for now, thank you, you have given me some extremely valuable data, this will help us with the curriculum of battle classes.”

“Glad i could be of help professor.”


“Hey, why don't you take one quick view at the castle and then take the rest of the day? i know you of all people certainly deserve it”


“Especially after the whole deal with Peeves”

“Ahh, right…”

“...You haven't noticed, have you?”

“Notice what?”
“What do you know about Peeves's origins?”

“As much as anybody, I guess, some say he “came” with the castle, some say he was the manifestation of…”
And it slowly hits you.
“...the students' mischief”

He looks at you like saying “there you go”

“I don't know the details yet, by the way, I'll make sure to have a conversation with you about that later.” He says like he just made an appointment with you.
“And I don't know how you did it, but you didn't JUST cast Peeves out, you CHANGED the school.”


“Take a good look in your next patrols, the students are more well behaved, the hallways are quieter, accidents have almost entirely disappeared and it's a very noticeable thing just in this short time that we have been without Peeves”

Now that you think about it, the school did look unusually clean this morning.

“I´ll be in contact with you, make sure you make time for a long conversation soon, but given how a big chunk of your job just got easier, it shouldn't be hard to make some time, now go, i´ll take care of the classroom”

“..Y-yes sir”

Is it true? You are still not sure exactly what you did. You need to figure it out soon.

You leave the classroom and head towards the Great Hall, it's around 3 pm now, you are getting hungry.

The Great Hall isn't full, but it isn't exactly empty either, several groups of students roam around the tables, you see groups of friends laughing, some loner students eating quietly, you even stop a 1st grade student bullying another 1st grader with a strong slap on the back of the head. (Oh hey, is the supremacist kid from the first day, you wonder how his punishment is going).
At the end of the room, you see several staff members getting some food served by some elves.

Professor Slughorn being among them, you remember that you wanted him to check that weird liquid for you.

You sit down next to him.

“Professor Slughorn, i was just looking for you”
“Aaaah, Brandon! I was also looking for you”

“Oh? you have? what exactly for?”

“I know we haven't really talked that much…or at all since the school year started, but i´ve already heard enough about you to give you an exclusive opportunity!”

“What…kind of opportunity?” you ask having no idea to what he might be referring to

“If you keep up what you are doing, i´ll be more than glad to invite to this year's Slug Club Christmas party”

The Slug Club, you have heard about it, some sort of very important social event or club, though that sounded more like a Slytherin thing than Ravenclaw.

Through his years as professor, Slughorn hand picked favorites at Hogwarts, sometimes for their ambition or their brains, sometimes for their charm or their talent, and he’d always had an uncanny knack for choosing those who would go on to become outstanding in their various fields. The Slug Club, His club, obviously, had him at its center, making introductions, forging useful contacts between members, and always harvesting some sort of benefit in return.

You don't really know anything about it, but you´d be a fool to ignore such opportunity.

“Oh, i´d be more than glad to be considered for such an invitation, sir. Thank you.”

“Pull off something like that again and you´ll have a guaranteed spot, m´boy”

“I'll try my best”

“That's what I like to hear, now. What was it that you wanted to see me about?”

“Ah, right. See, i…”
Wait, best to not say that it's your own cup, who knows what's inside it and you don't want to be linked to it.
…found…this bottle, it has some strange liquid inside, it smells of “warm feelings” and has a golden glow to it. I suspect it's a potion but I have no idea which one it could be, potions were never my forte. Think you could help me figure out what it is?”

“Hmm…Golden glow…”Warm feelings” smell you say? that's a tricky one, tell ya what, i gotta go in a bit, why don't you bring me the bottle when i come back next week? i´ll be more than glad to help”

“Next week? no, sir, you don't understand, i don't think the potion will last much longer, more than a couple of days and it will completely spoil, it's already losing its glow, i need to figure out what it is now.”

There is a small ringing sound and Slughorn takes out a small pocket watch.
“Oh, sorry m´boy, i'm afraid i have to go now, i'm already late as it is”

He stands up and removes the napkin on his neck.

“But if you can get me that bottle in the next…” He looks at his watch again “...3 minutes, i'll do my best to find out what that potion is while i walk out of Hogwarts, i'm afraid i got no time to waste!”

“Is he fucking serious?” you think.
Like you said before, potions wasn't your field, you are not sure how long it could take to identify a mysterious potion, but surely it can't take that long, right?

“I, but, i mean-, you…fine”

You stand up just as an elf is serving your food and make a mad dash to your room where you left the Thermos cup, Slughorn already walking away.

“I can't believe this shit!” you scream internally.

Your room is near the opposite side of the castle, there is no way you´ll be able to run there and back in just 3 minutes, but you gotta try.

“What kind of rude, full of himself, pompous person does he think he is?!” you mutter to yourself as you run through the hallways.

You keep silently cursing Slughorn as you run and almost fail to notice you are passing the door to the infirmary wing, not just that, but the door is open and a Willow with slightly pink-ish skin and hair a bit shorter than you remember is walking out of it.

She notices you and calls out your name.

“Brandon!” She waves at you.

You lock eyes with her and you can't help but smile as you run, it warms your heart knowing that she is fine and walking with nothing but a botched tan…it almost feels like your worry for her was…”special.”

She locks eyes with you and you can tell she is feeling the same, that kind of smile is not one you see every day, it's the kind of smile that student couples have on their faces when they finally meet after a long and slow day.

You think you know what that is…but…there is no time…is there?

>Keep running, you HAVE to find out what's in that cup before it spoils or it will be impossible to figure out later.
>Stop and make sure Willow is fine, your heart is telling you it is worth it.
>Other (Write in).
>Maybe our luck is finally going to begin to turn around some.
lets hope it does, you are going to need it soon enough,
ok, big update!
after this next update, some hints, clues and pieces should start falling into place to those who have been paying attention
or at least i hope it does, i hope everything i´ve done pays up as i expected it would
>Keep running
Potions before pussy!
>Keep running, you HAVE to find out what's in that cup before it spoils or it will be impossible to figure out later.

>Yell "Super I'mportant, fate of the world stuff. Come if you can run, otherwise I I will see you soon!"
Also, I keep forgetting we are a fucking wizard... Even if she is still to infirm to run, we can just mobilicorpus her and levitate her along with us.
>“Elliot? Did I hit you too hard?”
oh wow, how did this slipped through the revisions? this was a massive mistake from my part, thats what i get for writing at 2am
Lmao, I vote for this
Just as you are passing the door, you take out your wand and cast “Mobilicorpus” on Willow, she screams in surprise when her body suddenly stops obeying her and is now floating alongside you as you run through the halls.

“Brandon! Vat are you doing?!”

“Hey Willow! Sorry about this! I'm in quite a hurry but didn't want to just run by past you without saying hello!...”Hello!””

You weave between a couple of students who keep staring at you as the floating professor of muggle studies is following right behind you.

She laughs after hearing you say that.

“Hahaha! you are crazy!” then screams as you take a sharp turn on an intersection and down some stairs “AAAAH!”

“Vats got you in such a hurry anyvays?!”

“Mysterious potion! Almost spoiled! Short time! Slughorn almost gone!”

“Ahh, i zhink i get it”

You finally reach the hallway where your office/room is located and end the spell, leaving Willow standing next to your door as you look for your keys.

“You know, you could had just said you vere busy as you vere running”

“I know, but I missed you and was worried about you, there you are!”

You find the key to your door and unlock it, completely missing the moment Willow blushes when you mentioned that you missed her.

You look under your bed and pull out a shoe box, from it, you pull out your old thermos cup and put it inside your pocket.

You step outside and lock the door again.

You were about to cast “Mobilicorpus” on her again, but she notices what you are about to do and stops you by grabbing your wrist.

“I zont zhink so, mister. Go ahead, i´ll meet with you in the Great Hall, i'm hungry anyvay”

“Ahh, right, sorry about that”

“Hehe, Shut up. Now go”

And she gives you a small kiss on your cheek while smiling meekly.
You were about to burst into a sprint, but the kiss petrifies you better than the spell Potter hit you with.

You touch your cheek for a second and turn only to see Willow already leaving in a brisk walk.

It would have taken you a bit longer to react if it weren't for a group of students “ooooooooooooo-ing” at you, the pale Slytherin girl with the long black hair in particular seems rather amused by it, you have seen her before hanging around with that Elliot kid.

“Yeah yeah yeah, i know, shut up kids”

And you are off, sprinting again, heading towards the entrance of the castle.

Halfway through the castle you started having a stinging pain in your prosthetic foot, looks like stomping too hard makes it wobble a bit more than what you are used to, but outside of a small limp, nothing else happens and you actually manage to catch up with Slughorn halfway through the main front gardens.
He seems to be carrying a bulky briefcase that's slowing him down.

“Professor Slughorn! hold on!”

“Ahh Brandon! M´boy! you made it! I suppose you have the potion with you?”

“Y-yeah, here-ahhh-here it is”

You hand him your thermos cup and he opens it.

“A muggle thermos cup? this is no proper way to store a potion, they spoil incredibly fast!”

“i found it like this, i have no idea who made it or why they store it like this”

“Well, whoever did it wasnt planning on keeping it for long, i can smell it already spoiling and that glow you mentioned before is almost completely gone”

He shakes it a bit and takes a big whiff from it.

“Hmm curious…i dont have the proper tool to identify what this potion is, but…”

And he chugs the entire thing down.
He smacks his lips a couple of times and makes a sour face

“Mmm, yeah, already spoiling, but i believe i know what this is”

But you don't need him to say the name of the potion anymore when a world famous scar appears on his forehead along with dark brown hair on his balding head. Polyjuice Potion
Polyjuice potion made to transform the drinker into Harry Potter.

“Hmm the making is decent, Bicorn horn wasn't properly crushed…needs a bit more lacewings but otherwise, just a regular Polyjuice potion, tell me, who did I transform into, somebody with strong glasses I presume judging by this awful and blurry vision”

Just as you are about to mention the name, the transformation reverts and Slughorn goes back to looking like his normal self.

“Are you ok professor?”

“Ahh, yes yes, nothing to worry about, potion was reaching its useful life anyway, for it to last that short is only natural, oh well, i hope i was able to clear any doubts you had”

“Yes you did, thank you professor, I appreciate this.”

And with that, he leaves.

As you put the thermos back in your pocket and begin to walk back to the castle, your mind starts connecting dots with a red string.

“Lily was the one who found the thermos, the thermos had polyjuice to look like her dad, she killed McGonagal while looking like Potter but left me alive because" I am her key and she needs me alive”...needs me alive for what?”


“You again?!, who are you?! what are you doing in my head?!”


And you suddenly feel your legs walk in the opposite direction.

“Hey what the fuck?!”

>Roll 1D100+10 to recover the control of your body, Best of 3 VS an opposing roll
Rolled 45 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Big Dick Rolls!
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1.28 MB
1.28 MB PNG
Tiny pee-pee roll...

I think I kinda see were this is going and have a guess to who our mind buddy might be, but we will see. His diction is familiar from DHQ, I think.
Rolled 15 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 64 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 49 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

oh man, tough rolls, looks like our best roll is >>6114044 with a 64 + 10 for a total of 74.
lets see if thats enough to beat it, good luck
holy shit! you guys actually did it! update later tonight
ok, bit more than i could chew today, update tomorrow.
should i do the BOSS now or in a new thread?
Late rolling for the hell of it
Rolled 55 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Wtf wheres my roll
You probably have at least like2 weeks left on this thread. They tend to last like 30–40 days. Up to you. A new thread that bumps might get a few more players just B/C of being at front of catalog and this one is far enough in the back I don't think it would be rude to make a new one.

Just my 2 cents.

Wrist is finally fucking feeling better out of brace some. Yay.
The voice in your head controls your body as you walk across the fields of Hogwarts with no clear indication of where exactly you are heading to.


“Why-HOW are you doing this?!”


“Is this like, the Imperius Curse or something?”


“I almost forgot about that…you broke me out of the Imperius Curse…why?”


“WHO are we talking about?!”


Somehow you manage to take back control of your legs and make a hard stop. You notice that you are near the lake before your attention goes back to the conversation happening inside of your head.

“Slytherin? THE Salazar Slytherin? one of the four FOUNDERS of Hogwarts?”


“-Is supposed to be dead! by like, hundreds of years! how is he even doing that?!”


“Lost? Stuck? WHERE?!”


“Wait, hold on, back up…WHO THE FUCK are YOU?”

Your brain short circuits for a moment.



“I'm sorry, I'm trying hard not to have an aneurysm or something, you mean THE MERLIN?”


“No no, well…at least not to my knowledge, no”


“Ugh, you know what? nevermind, i think im making peace with this rather quickly…” You say annoyed.


“ah ah ah ah, not so fast” You sit on a rock near the shore of the lake.


“First, i need some clarity on this whole…whatever this is, clear my doubts and i might even willingly help you”



>Now, as we know, this quest was created as a “side quest” for “Disappearing Hogwarts” so most, if not all of my players should be somewhat familiar with the overall plot so far if they have been keeping up with the “Main quest”.
>This marks the point of no return in this side quest, a point where this becomes a bit more of its own thing while loosely sticking to the main plot.
>Should you have any doubts about the situation or want clarity on something, NOW is the time to ask, Merlin will try his best to answer as clearly as he can.
>You can ask whatever you want or suggest whatever you think might be useful.
>Ask the proper questions and you might even get special bonuses or perks.
>You are a Ravenclaw after all, you are smart.

>what will you ask Merlin? (Write in):
>Can you speak at a normal volume instead of shouting at me?
>What was that black thing I saw before?
>Who used the Imperius curse on me? What did they look like?
>Were any other curses or hexes or the like used on me?
>What was the spell you had me use on Peeves?
>Where are all of your components right now, to your knowledge?
>Who can I and can I not trust?
>Will Mordred be a problem?
>Is Geas the ancient form of Imperius?
>Where or how can I repair the damage done to my body or gain an even better replacement for my missing limb?
>Where is your wand located?
>Do you know why the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts is cursed?
>Can you tell me about all the secrets of Hogwarts?
>Do you still have a valid bank account somewhere? Because that would help a lot with this quest.
>Do you have any books stashed away somewhere that probably haven't been stolen or moved?
>Do you have any requests since we're body buddies for now? Food preferences, things you want to do when we're not busy, stuff like that?

Sure we can go with this. Lore knowledge dump time.

Happy to see how the plot of this diverges from the "canon"! Maybe Merlin is less of a dick in this time line.
Immediately, your brain gets flooded with an enormous amount of questions, both relevant and irrelevant


“Right, right, sorry, i think i got lost in the hype for a bit there, not everyday you get to ask Merlin Himself anything”


“...Rrrriiiiight…anyway, i guess the first thing i will ask is:
Can you speak at a normal volume instead of shouting at me?”

“WHAT!? I AM NOT SHOUTING!” he most definitely shouts

“Yeah, ok, could you at least be IMPOSING and GRANDIOSE in a lower volume? you are starting to give me a headache”

There is a very palpable annoyance in his voice after he clears his non-existent throat.

“AHEM…Fine, i shall try to be a bit more conscious of my volume”

“I appreciate that, thank you, now, next question:
What was that black thing I saw before?”

“I suppose you are referring to the black fire you have seen multiple times? that would be traces of ancient magic, Ancient magic is a primordial force that has existed long before i did, it requires a certain natural ability and and power to even be able to see it, an ability that you posses”

“Ancient magic? awesome! Can i use it?”

“Not yet, it would be unwise to even attempt to get close to such sources of ancient magic at this time, you simply don't have the proper control over it, it's honestly a miracle you were not blown to piece when you touched it in that empty classroom”

“...How do you know that? you weren't in my brain at that time, were you?”

“Maybe i was, maybe i wasn't, not even i can be sure of that, but right now i can see everything in your mind, there is nothing you can hide from me, if you know it, i know it”

“Hey! what the shit?! stop snooping around in my brain!”

You start thinking the most obnoxious things you can think off, from those annoying yellow characters from those muggle movies that are oddly fond of bananas to your time being stuck next to a group of gossiping girls in 3rd grade, and even the concept of white noise, everything you can think off to create some sort of barrier in your brain. You have never had “Occlumency” classes before, but you have heard rumors of how that works, you can only hope it works well enough for now.

“Hey man, look, if you want any of my help and maybe even somebody else's help you can't just go abusing your power like that, that wasn't cool before and it certainly isn't cool now”

“How could the temperature be relevant to any of this?”

“No-not cool like that i mean-ugh, we might need to have some modern communication classes later. Look, just, don't go snooping around like that in my brain and everything should go smoothly for both of us, can you promise me that?”

“Fine, just don't do that again, it was incredibly bothersome and obnoxious…”

“Thank you, now, let's continue:
Who used the Imperius curse on me? What did they look like?”

“You need to be more alert if this whole teamwork thing you are proposing is going to work, boy, I already told you, Salazar Slytherin, though now I presume he is residing inside the mind of that poor girl, what did you call her? Lilian?”


“Right, Lily. she is most likely nothing but a puppet to him now, he has a history of brutal and morally outlandish methods, even back then when he was in the physical world he was a controversial figure and his disdain for muggles, something we always argued about, was something he was very well known for. If she has been under his control for even half the time I suspect she has, then we can only hope her mind gave up long ago and her body has been nothing but a broken husk, at this point that would be a mercy.”

You stay quiet for a bit, you never really knew her, but you feel like maybe you could have done something about it before, now, if what Merlin says is true, then you´ll never know.

“I truly hope you weren't too attached to her, Muggle or wizard, no one deserves that kind of torture”

“No, i…i never really knew her that well but…let's continue…”

“I understand…”
You take a couple of deep breaths and try to push all thoughts of Lily away

“Were any other curses or hexes or the like used on me?

“I only checked for the Imperious curse because that was my main obstacle at the time, i have not checked for anything else, but, if you grant me permission to observe your mind i might be able to find something”

“Sure, go ahead”

“Allow me a moment…”

You feel something move around in your brain for a few moments, like some sort of itch that you can't scratch, until…

“I found something”

“Wait, really? oh god, what is it?!”

“An entrancing spell, something that makes you infatuated with a particular target, if i were to guess and given the evidence that we have so far, i would say that Lily girl, or rather, Slytherin was responsible for it”

You can't help but to feel sick.

“I concur…i would not be comfortable with that either, luckily, it's a rather easy spell to break, you already know how to, the problem with these spells is always finding about them in the first place, given their mind altering properties”

“Ugh, one second, i need to get this taken care of, right now”

“Be my guest”

You take your wand and aim it to your face.

You make the spiraling wand movement necessary for the spell, followed by the incantation.
And you feel a misty sensation lifting from your body, like wind removing dust or sand from your skin and a purple tint in the edge of your vision that you are finally noticing, disappears.


You shiver after you feel the spell being removed from your body, still, you can't avoid feeling dirty and used like a mere living sex doll, you are not sure how many times you fell victim to it, but you know a long and warm bath is in order.
“Let's move on, I don't want to dwell on that for long…
What was the spell you had me use on Peeves?”

“Finis Absolutus Spectris, a powerful spell that i was working on before i got lost and trapped in the nothingness, Peeves was a bother back then and it appears he continued being one until not long ago, always had a thing against caretakers for what i´ve heard. He disrupted many important researches while i was a student at Hogwarts, one of my many regrets was never giving that spell the priority it deserved…”

“Yeah, well…thanks for teaching me that, now we no longer have to worry about him…Next question:
Where are all of your components right now, to your knowledge?”

“Regretfully, not even i know the answer to that question, i KNOW they are here…somewhere, but at the same time they feel like…they aren't, i require more time to look into that and research, keep an eye for ancient magic, if you find some, then my components are bound to be somewhere close”

“I´ll keep an eye on that…:
Who can I and can I not trust?”

“I have not been “awake” for that long, up until a couple of days ago i was not fully aware of your surroundings, so i can't really tell with certainty”

“oh, that's a bummer…”

“However, that young woman with the unusual accent”

“woman with the…Willow?”

“Yes, Lady Willow, i have a nice feeling about her, keep her close, i know you want to anyway”

“I-i-i don't know what you are talking about…”

You blush and cross your arms while turning your head away from…nobody

“Hmhmhm, young love, always charming”

“Moving on!”


I´ll leave it here for now and post the rest of the update tomorrow, i gotta go to bed...
Very good! A shame he didn't find the obliviation...yet. But that infatuation being gone and something we know about is fortuitous. Wonder if we can use it to get Lily in a compromised position...
“I´ve heard about Mordred, will he be a problem for us?”

“I have not heard that name in centuries…but unless he managed to find immortality, i doubt he will”

“Fair enough, guess immortality isn't such an easy thing to come by”

“You have no idea, but even then…immortality comes with a heavy price, everyone thinks they are ready for it, it is not so much what you lose to gain it, but what comes with it that nobody ever thinks about, even if he managed to obtain it somehow, i do not think we shall cross paths”

“Eesh…ok, next one:
Is Geas the ancient form of Imperius?”

“Not Imperious but the Unbreakable Vow, the Imperious curse is used to force people do whatever you want, the Unbreakable Vow appears to be a more refined version of Geas, it is used to force people NOT to do something”

“Got it, nex-”

“How many questions do you have left? this is starting to be bothersome”

“Not many left, just want to be thorough”

“Fine, continue”

“Where or how can I repair the damage done to my body or gain an even better replacement for my missing limb?”

“There are several places with ancient magic that could do such thing, The fountain of youth, Atlantis, the Pyramid of the Magician, to name a few, but reaching most of those places is a rather complicated odyssey, your best option right now would be to find what you call The elder wand, also less known as MY wand, that should be powerful enough to mend your missing limb”

“The elder wand was yours at some point?”

“Mine at some point? i MADE it! along with a set of complementing magical artifacts, i specifically remember making them during a rather…dark phase in my life…not entirely sure of the details at this moment, my memory is still disorganized”

You have heard the story about the creation of the deathly hallows, obviously something wasn't matching here. You decide to put a pin on it for later, there are some implications here that could rewrite history if this turns out to be true.
“I think this actually answers my next question, so let's skip that for now…
Do you know why the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts is cursed?”

“I am unaware of such curse, however, what little information i managed to obtain from your mind tells me that said curse was broken over 20 years ago, perhaps you should focus on studying your recent history ”

“Huh, that does ring a bell, I guess I forgot about it…next question:
Can you tell me about all the secrets of Hogwarts?”

“I could, but i shall not unless they are necessary, untold secrets must remain so for a reason, but should we ever have need of them, i will let you know”

“Awesome! next one:
Do you still have a valid bank account somewhere? Because that would help a lot with this quest.”

You know you can't see him, but you feel a pair of eyes staring at you from inside your mind…they do not look amused.

“I-im serious! fortune has become a rather essential thing in these modern times, the more you have, the more powerful you are”

You can still feel the unamused stare.

“I know part of what you say is true, and I do have…or at least I think I still have, my personal fortune hidden somewhere, but I doubt it remained intact after centuries of explorations and treasure hunters. The concept of banks was not a popular thing back then so everyone had to keep their fortunes close by. regardless, you will not see a single piece of it, i have no need for it right now, but i might need it later, look for your own riches!”

“Fine, fine, geez…next question:
Do you have any books stashed away somewhere that probably haven't been stolen or moved?”

“Ahh, knowledge is something i am willing to pass on and i believe some of my personal notes and books should still be here at Hogwarts, regretfully, i still do not remember everything, but i shall let you know when i do”

“Excellent! we are almost done here, this is the last question”

“Oh great, finally!”

“Do you have any requests since we're body buddies for now? Food preferences, things you want to do when we're not busy, stuff like that?”
The voice in your head stays silent for a bit.


“I apologize, i…i was not expecting that from my host, i thought you would be more opposed to this mental invasion and was ready to take over your body at the first possible time, but…i see it in your mind, you are truly trying to help me…i suppose i jumped too fast to conclusions and for that i owe you an apology”

“Ehh don't worry about it, as long as your intentions are good it would be an honor to work alongside Merlin himself…speaking of, what exactly is your goal here? how did you end up in my head?”

“I suppose that since you are such a willing host, an explanation is in order”

At that moment, you hear a loud growling, it sounded like a powerful beast and you felt a stinging pain in your stomach, were you being attacked? Is Merlin causing this? Where is that terrible growling coming from?

“perhaps we could talk about it over some breakfast, i can feel your body getting weaker”

Oh…turns out that growling was in fact your stomach and you now remember you haven't had anything to eat since the morning. After having battle training with Potter and that small marathon through the entire castle to figure out what was in the thermos cup, you are now feeling quite famished.

“Yeah, that actually sounds like a good idea, anything you would like to try? the elves can make pretty much anything”

“I do not think i can taste anything at the moment, my connection with you is such that i can control your body with a great deal of effort, but such intricate details like being able to feel what you feel are still far away from us, but if you would indulge me…a nice piece of soft, warm, bread with grapes and red wine…if i were able to savor that once more…”

“right, you haven't had a body since the early days of Hogwarts, if you can taste stuff, then i might have some nice surprises for you”

You stand from the rock you were sitting and head towards the Great Hall.
and with this, we are done with the list of questions you had.
no interactive votes or rolls for the moment, due to the size and intricacy of this particular update i could not come up with something that would justify such interactions, but dont worry, that will come in the next update and its gonna be a BIG one, so stay tuned!
i hope you guys are happy with the answers you got, because some of the stuff here helped me prepare for some other stuff in the future, so keep an eye out for that
It's a quick and uneventful trip back to the Great Hall.
Most of the staff are done eating by the time you sit down, Willow and the few professors that remain are doing small chit chat and you start eating a BIG sandwich with grapes on the side. Sadly, the elves said it was still a bit too early for wine, so you make due with your classic “Irish coffee”.

“So…” Willow begins “Did you find vhat you vere looking for?”

“Oh yeah” you say after swallowing. “You could even say i got more than i bargained for”

“Really now? Zat sounds oddly suspicious…”

“Come by my room before i start my nightly patrol, i´ll fill you in”

She suddenly starts choking a bit while trying to stifle a laugh

“Wow, just one date and you already want me in your room at night to “fill me in”? zont you zhink you moving a bit too fast?”

You see her laughing but also blushing and trying to hide a smile.
That was a surprise, you certainly didn't expect her to do that kind of jokes, but to be fair, you still have plenty of things to know about her.
However, a bigger surprise comes in the form of the voice in your head also chuckling a bit at her joke.

“I thought Merlin would be above that kind of jokes…” You say inside your head.

“You would be surprised, there might be centuries between our living times, but those jokes and banter have been part of humanity from even longer than you can imagine, the words may change but the intention is the same, i only hope they haven't found out about the…”wild parties” i attended to”

“Nnnnoooo but now that you mentioned that, i will be asking later about those”

“No you won't”

“Oh yes i will, now rest up for a bit, we already figured out you can't taste food yet, don't waste too much energy hanging around, i´ll call you when the coast is clear and we can have a proper conversation”

“That sounds like a fine idea, maintaining communication like this for long periods of times is exhausting in ways I wasn't aware were even possible. Do try your best to reach out for me when you get the chance, there is something i would-”

Then the doors of the Great Hall open up and the headmaster walks in with his daughter walking behind him.

“...Actually, hang on for a second.”
They seem to be talking about nothing relevant to you, just a regular parent and daughter talk…well…”daughter”.

Halfway through the hall, you can see “Lily” stares at you for a brief moment, it was for a second, but you already can tell she is planning something.

“Not this time” you think.
“Merlin. Sir, I don't think “he” knows that we know about “him” yet. Should we do something? He already imperio´d me once and I'm almost positive whoever casts that curse could feel it when its being broken, it's only a matter of time before he attacks us again.”

“Yes, whenever a curse is broken, the caster can feel its connection ending, Salazar most definitely knows you are free from the Imperius curse…however, i think we still have a way of turning this in our favor”

“What's that?”

“They most likely don't know about the entrancing charm also being removed from you, perhaps, if your interpreting skills are good enough, you could lure him into a false sense of control and…dispose of him.”

“...define: “dispose”...”

“I want you to kill the host of Salazar Slytherin, the body of the girl once known as Lily.”

“Sir, with all due respect, that's technically still the daughter of ”The boy who lived” the person that killed the most dangerous dark wizard of our time, not only will Potter kill me the moment he finds out i laid a finger on her, he most likely taught Lily how to defend herself too, plus, who knows what Salazar can do now, it feels like a massive risk…also, i could get fired.”

“It is a risk, but not taking this golden opportunity could mean giving Salazar more time to plan ahead and act, this is a perfect chance to get ahead of him before he even realizes what hit him. Do this and we could have more time to accomplish our goals in the future.”

Willow seemed to have noticed your inner monologue.

“Brandon, are you alright?”

>”I don't think I am…I might do something incredibly stupid (act like you are still under the effects of the entrancing charm and lure “Lily” into a trap. Roll against an opposing roll. Best of 3)
>”Yeah, im fine, just…had some intrusive thoughts (Do nothing and maybe plan something else: what?)
>”I don't think I am…I might do something incredibly stupid (act like you are still under the effects of the entrancing charm and lure “Lily” into a trap. Roll against an opposing roll. Best of 3)
Kill, no...but Obliviate, I feel that Obliviate could work against both Lily and Salazar. And if we use a good enough one, that'll definitely throw a wrench in Salazar's plans, set him back when he can no longer remember what he was planning. In fact, if we target it correctly and try to make Salazar forget everything about Salazar Slytherin and Controlling a Host, we might be able to give Lily more control. Reset him for a while and all that. Maybe go ahead and make both of them forget all about US as anything other than a completely unassuming and ordinary caretaker.
huh...looks like our other players arent available right now, i´ll try summoning for votes in /QTG/. but if there arent many, we might have to go with your vote alone.
could you give me a 1D100 please?
>”I don't think I am…I might do something incredibly stupid (act like you are still under the effects of the entrancing charm and lure “Lily” into a trap. Roll against an opposing roll. Best of 3)
Rolled 25 (1d100)

trying that again
page 10 bump
Rolled 93 (1d100)

Sure thing, boss!
>lucky 7´s
>that roll
holy shit! i think you just gave me enough to work with for a final update for this thread before dies, i´ll update tonight and then i´ll make a new thread tomorrow.
thank you for rollin!
Also not sure why it gave me a new ID but whatever!
Time to reset the clock on sally.
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I apologize for not being around for a bit. Went through a spell of my own writes block, a touch of depression, some IRL stuff including my heart rate jumping so high, no drugs involved even if you are young, if it hits like 160-70 and your BP like 180/140, go to the hospital. I am an idiot and have enough Rx pills to treat the symptoms, but you need blood work, and EKG, ect. No, it does not matter if you are like 30 and in good health. Also gonna run through the whole quest again after grabbing a six pack in a while.

You are decent enough writer and contributed much the the Game which inspired both of us.... Have made fun characters and have a far better update schedule than I.

I might want to make some AI slop later. What colot id Wllow's hair again?
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>What colot id Wllow's hair again?
she has a jet black hair, this is a close approximation that AI did of her, face is missing but open to interpretation, she is supposed to be a bit "street beautiful" a bit rugged but still pretty nice to look at
>literally last in the catalog
welp, i was going to post the next part here, but i'll make a new thread and post it there, keep an eye up for it in the next couple of hours

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