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The Eternal Empire has stood for 14 millennia and has endured hundreds of wars, calamities, and rulers of every type. For the first time under the reign of House Heinrich, an armed expedition has been sent into the Lost Reaches.

Far from an exploration attempt, it's chasing the promise of piratical treasure.

>Previous Threads:
You are Alphonse II, fourth son of Emperor Otto, and brother of Emperor Ferdinand. More than that, you are a proud top-graduate of the Astronomicon Academy and descendant of Emperor Alphonse, whose heroic uprising lifted the Eternal Empire from its wretched stagnancy under the tyranny of House Vonduul, and ushered in a new, honourable paradigm for Mankind. All the sons and daughters of old Earth, united in righteous hierarchy as they were meant to be. The nobility rules as the masses serve, in tireless pursuit of duty!

The taint of egalitarianism has dwindled, of late. It lurks still and shall lurk longer, because House Heinrich will not tolerate anarchic rabble tearing down the work that generations have built! Of that, you are certain, and of that, you are proud. Finally, with the fall of the Merchant Holdings, the Federation of Uvarth, and the Reaver Clans, there is space for stability. Now, precious little presses against the Eternal Empire’s borders beside unenlightened (and thus inferior, though you do not begrudge them their ignorance) alien species and the Chavenac Kingdom, who have committed treason against the throne but at least recognise the need for a throne, and can therefore be tolerated for the time being.

Perhaps. You’ve considered the logistics of waging a campaign against their petty King and returning their prosperous planets to the fold, but you are now facing a logistical challenge on a scale that defies comprehension. At the behest of your brother, Emperor Ferdinand, you have been declared High Admiral, and sent off to embark on a journey into the Lost Reaches. You go there to retrieve the hidden treasures of Clan Skullstacker so that they can be used for the betterment of Mankind, rather than the defilement that the pirate scum no-doubt intended them for.
Frankly, you are as impressed as you are disgusted by their resiliency. It has been more than two decades since the fall of the Reaver Clans, and yet, they persist, infesting the underbelly and backways of the civilized territories. Not only that, they’ve managed to best House Nightshayd at their own game. You suspect that they may already be aware of your intentions. Fat lot of good it will do them, when their void strength has been shattered and you’re in command of the heaviest-armed expedition Mankind has seen in nearly a millennia. It is also the heaviest-supplied, and for good reason.

You are going deep into the Lost Reaches, space either abandoned for some combination of necessity and decay, forgotten by the Eternal Empire, or worse, never claimed at all. The memory of old Earth has no sway here. You have no idea what to expect. You’ll have to rely on your aristocratic discernment and massed cannons to carry the day. You’re honoured to know that Emperor Ferdinand felt you were up to the task.

You turn your attention from speculation to the matter at hand. You take the measure of the fleets in array.

>The Expedition:
>It will take 10 years to reach No-Tongue’s coordinates at standard speed, assuming no delays.
>Total Supplies: 120 Supplies in Reserve.
>Armada Maintenance: -6 Supplies, Annually.
>Imperial Fleet (Alphonse II, Heinrich): Yours truly, a gifted though untested admiral from the royal bloodline. It is a selfish ambition, but you quietly hope to make a name for yourself as more than just the second Alphonse.
>Cohesion: 12/12. Rolls 1d12+4. +2 (Armada Flagship), +2 (Military Training [Professional])
>Cargo: (10 Capacity) 10 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -1 Supplies, Annually.

>Imperial Fleet (Ulrich): A commoner with a brain deformity that happens to render him an exceptional admiral. House Junger saw no fault with his conduct, so neither will you until given due reason.
>Cohesion: 12/12. Rolls 1d12+2. +2 (Military Training [Professional])
>Cargo: (10 Capacity) 10 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -1 Supplies, Annually.

>Arthen Fleet (Tierney Arthen). An honourable knight of House Arthen, both chivalrous and as far as reports go, clever. If the holo-simulators are even half accurate, this retinue will be worth its weight in nanomaterials.
>Cohesion: 16/16. Rolls 1d12+6. +2 (House Retinue), +2 (Martial Tradition), +2 (Military Training [Professional])
>Cargo: (10 Capacity) 10 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -1 Supplies, Annually.

>Ranger Fleet (Leland): A commoner who climbed to the top of the Order of Rangers by merit. You aren’t sure how you feel about his obsession with Emperor Albin, but he was in the Empire’s top-five historical sovereigns, so you’ll tolerate his foibles for now.
>Cohesion: 12/12. Rolls 1d12+2. +2 (Military Training [Professional])
>Cargo: (10 Capacity) 10 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -1 Supplies, Annually.
>Heinrich Fleet (Viktor Heinrich): An ‘open-minded’ entrepreneur from the royal bloodline and second-cousin of yours. You know that he’s ruthless in matters of business and no stranger to smuggling, but you should be able to rein him in.
>Cohesion: 6/6. Rolls 1d6+0. Rolls 1d12+0 if Fleeing.
>Cargo: (20 Capacity) 20 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -0.5 Supplies, Annually.

>Soluton Fleet (Cassius Soluton): An ocean hauler turned starfaring merchant through diligence. His tolerance for struggle should serve him well on this venture.
>Cohesion: 6/6. Rolls 1d6+0. Rolls 1d12+0 if Fleeing.
>Cargo: (20 Capacity) 20 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -0.5 Supplies, Annually.

>Crown Corp Fleet (Roald Heinrich): A meticulous executive of the royal bloodline’s company, with a fine track record. He’s competent but lacking in willingness to seek risks, which, while ideal for appeasing shareholders, is why he’s not an admiral.
>Cohesion: 6/6. Rolls 1d6+0. Rolls 1d12+0 if Fleeing.
>Cargo: (20 Capacity) 20 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -0.5 Supplies, Annually.

>Trader Fleet (Harvey): A commoner so overfed and slovenly you can’t bear to look at him, reputation for results or not. You can’t bring yourself to have anything but scorn for someone who’s so thoroughly let himself go, but Emperor Ferdinand saw potential in him, so you’ll tolerate his presence.
>Cohesion: 6/6. Rolls 1d6+0. Rolls 1d12+0 if Fleeing.
>Cargo: (20 Capacity) 20 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -0.5 Supplies, Annually.
The expedition is vast, exceedingly well-equipped, and exceedingly well-provisioned. There are no more preparations to be made and nothing more to be done. The fleets under your command rally at the Empire’s easternmost point, near where the Reaver Clans once held sway.

At your signal, thousands of ships filled with millions of dutiful subjects of the throne on Mars depart the Empire, leaving its borders behind for years to come. Possibly forever.

How fast have you commanded the expedition to go?

>Burn Thrusters. The armada will move as fast as possible, going straight for the given coordinates. This will reduce travel time by half, at the cost of a heightened risk of disorientation and minimal exploration.
>Keep a Steady Pace. The armada will move at a moderate swiftness, stopping to reconnoiter only occasionally. This is the projected travel time, with no particular haste or hesitation.
>Search and Clear. The armada will move slowly, investigating each system it passes through. This will double travel time, with a lowered risk of disorientation and no left stone unturned.
>Keep a Steady Pace. The armada will move at a moderate swiftness, stopping to reconnoiter only occasionally. This is the projected travel time, with no particular haste or hesitation.
Good to have you back QM.
>Keep a Steady Pace. The armada will move at a moderate swiftness, stopping to reconnoiter only occasionally. This is the projected travel time, with no particular haste or hesitation.
>Keep a Steady Pace. The armada will move at a moderate swiftness, stopping to reconnoiter only occasionally. This is the projected travel time, with no particular haste or hesitation.
>Keep a Steady Pace. The armada will move at a moderate swiftness, stopping to reconnoiter only occasionally. This is the projected travel time, with no particular haste or hesitation.
Glad you're back QM!
>>Keep a Steady Pace. The armada will move at a moderate swiftness, stopping to reconnoiter only occasionally. This is the projected travel time, with no particular haste or hesitation.
>>Keep a Steady Pace. The armada will move at a moderate swiftness, stopping to reconnoiter only occasionally. This is the projected travel time, with no particular haste or hesitation.
As much as I want to go SANIC SPEED, GABEN FEED, cooler heads prevail.
>Search and Clear
>Keep a Steady Pace. The armada will move at a moderate swiftness, stopping to reconnoiter only occasionally. This is the projected travel time, with no particular haste or hesitation.
I almost want to Burn Thrusters but we do want to have some idea of how to get back. We should leave the in depth exploration for the brave adventurers of the future, for now we have a mission.
i think the plan should be, for the first 8 or 9 years:
>Keep a Steady Pace. The armada will move at a moderate swiftness, stopping to reconnoiter only occasionally. This is the projected travel time, with no particular haste or hesitation.

but as we get closer to the target, it will be better to take our time:
>Search and Clear. The armada will move slowly, investigating each system it passes through. This will double travel time, with a lowered risk of disorientation and no left stone unturned.

then on the way back we can go as fast as needed
Rolled 5, 2, 2 = 9 (3d6)

The expedition keeps a steady pace, moving from system to system without pause, but taking the time to run simple scans and carefully coordinate their next voyage. Without the intricate, tried-and-tested navigation charts of imperial space for reference, the fleets must rely on their own shackled terminals and expert savants to keep their bearings. Stellar drift alone is perilous.

Fortunately, there are extensive protocols and procedures in place to minimize risks. You have no reason to doubt the expertise of your subordinates. So it is that your expedition moves along the shortest projected route to its destination, no valuable time wasted, no unnecessary risks taken. Its efficiency is a testament to the discipline of the Eternal Empire.

>Roll eight 1d100 for the fleets to navigate, in order. On 1-5, that fleet suffers an error. On 6-100, that fleet keeps pace with the rest of the expedition.
>Feel free to roll 2d100 or so per post, there'll be plenty of these in the future.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Easy peasy.
Rolled 69 (1d100)

Rolled 11, 41 = 52 (2d100)

Wonder what those 3d6 mean...
Rolled 93, 18 = 111 (2d100)

To adventure!
Rolled 40 (1d100)

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Rolled 52 (1d100)

What do the d6's mean, what disaster awaits us?!
The expedition keeps admirable coordination in the first year, with not a single frigate veering off-course. This is a good start and spirits among the commanding officers are high. However, as months go by and the vessels get increasingly far from civilization, some concern is warranted. Your supplies are finite, after all.

Things seem to be well in order on a routine check.

>The Expedition:
>It will take 9 years to reach No-Tongue’s coordinates at standard speed, assuming no delays.
>Total Supplies: 114 Supplies in Reserve.
>Armada Maintenance: -6 Supplies, Annually.

>Imperial Fleet (Alphonse II, Heinrich)
>Cohesion: 12/12. Rolls 1d12+4. +2 (Armada Flagship), +2 (Military Training [Professional])
>Cargo: (10 Capacity) 10 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -1 Supplies, Annually.

>Imperial Fleet (Ulrich)
>Cohesion: 12/12. Rolls 1d12+2. +2 (Military Training [Professional])
>Cargo: (10 Capacity) 10 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -1 Supplies, Annually.

>Arthen Fleet (Tierney Arthen)
>Cohesion: 16/16. Rolls 1d12+6. +2 (House Retinue), +2 (Martial Tradition), +2 (Military Training [Professional])
>Cargo: (10 Capacity) 10 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -1 Supplies, Annually.

>Ranger Fleet (Leland)
>Cohesion: 12/12. Rolls 1d12+2. +2 (Military Training [Professional])
>Cargo: (10 Capacity) 10 Supplies, 0 Vacant
>Maintenance: -1 Supplies, Annually.

>Heinrich Fleet (Viktor Heinrich)
>Cohesion: 6/6. Rolls 1d6+0. Rolls 1d12+0 if Fleeing.
>Cargo: (20 Capacity) 19 Supplies, 1 Vacant
>Maintenance: -0.5 Supplies, Annually.

>Soluton Fleet (Cassius Soluton)
>Cohesion: 6/6. Rolls 1d6+0. Rolls 1d12+0 if Fleeing.
>Cargo: (20 Capacity) 19 Supplies, 1 Vacant
>Maintenance: -0.5 Supplies, Annually.

>Crown Corp Fleet (Roald Heinrich)
>Cohesion: 6/6. Rolls 1d6+0. Rolls 1d12+0 if Fleeing.
>Cargo: (20 Capacity) 18 Supplies, 2 Vacant
>Maintenance: -0.5 Supplies, Annually.

>Trader Fleet (Harvey)
>Cohesion: 6/6. Rolls 1d6+0. Rolls 1d12+0 if Fleeing.
>Cargo: (20 Capacity) 18 Supplies, 2 Vacant
>Maintenance: -0.5 Supplies, Annually.
In an insignificant star system, two gas giants orbiting a red sun, scanners find an anomaly that sends you on high-alert. Several beacons are in the outermost gas giant's gravity well, loudly broadcasting information in a recognizably human dialect, the Vrakak tongue, and a third, stilted language the scholars don't recognize. The message is of coordinates covering a modest square of space, a few months of Hypershunt travel in either direction, postfaced by a terse statement that raiders will be purged with extreme prejudice. It is signed by the 'Plurinational Accord of Notrabos.'

By the wear-and-tear, these beacons seem to be of recent manufacture, fashioned in the last century at the earliest. The technology itself is nothing exceptional but seems to be of human make, with no alien influences and at least rudimentary standardization. The given coordinates are directly ahead of your path. If you don't want to go straight through, you'll need to make a detour and reorient yourselves, which will cost valuable time. Possibly a year. Possibly less, possibly a little longer.

Consulting your fellow admirals yields a wide range of perspectives. Tierney argues the expedition should proceed, as the ships demonstrably aren't of Reaver manufacture and have nothing to fear. Ulrich, after much fidgeting, suggests a merchant fleet should be sent ahead to relay the expedition's positive intentions, as any lone ship won't have the supplies to manage the journey. Leland, in contrast, is convinced there's no need to risk trading blows with a possible breakaway state when the expedition can just as easily go around.

You aren't certain what to make of it. If there is a spacefaring civilization here, it's most likely a petty one that's suffered from its relative proximity to the Reaver Clans. A 'Plurinational Accord' could encompass any number of ethical paradigms, but does not bode well for the possibility of a unified, coherent state. In the worst case scenario, you could be dealing with some sort of trick or, the cosmos forbid it, the festering rot of the democratic process. An exhaustive search of the system reveals nothing else of interest.

As High Admiral, the duty falls on you to decide your collective next course of action.

What should the expedition do?

>Proceed forward, as planned. Your armada has nothing to fear, the best of intentions, and if pressed, the best of munitions.
>Send a civilian fleet ahead and wait. The armada can afford to lose a few months of travel while they hash things out. (Which one?)
>Go around the coordinates. The armada has no need to risk conflict so early into its voyage, even if it is more than capable.
>Do something else. You were selected as High Admiral for good reason, and see a solution none of your subordinates suggested. (What?)
>Proceed forward, as planned. Your armada has nothing to fear, the best of intentions, and if pressed, the best of munitions.
Fascinating. Proceed.
>Proceed forward, as planned. Your armada has nothing to fear, the best of intentions, and if pressed, the best of munitions.
How curious. We can play the part of coming from a benign fellow human polity. I doubt they have a readily available fleet strong enough to match ours let alone surpass it, why waste time and resources on a detour?
>Proceed forward, as planned. Your armada has nothing to fear, the best of intentions, and if pressed, the best of munitions.
>Proceed forward, as planned. Your armada has nothing to fear, the best of intentions, and if pressed, the best of munitions.
Of the three admirals, you see the most sense in Tierney’s proposal. You are High Admiral of the Eternal Empire, not a petty mercenary who needs to skulk in the shadows! The expedition will proceed on the charted course at once and make no attempt to conceal its presence. The fleets under your command are eager to obey. Once you’ve made your decree, it is a matter of mere hours before thousands of ships have deployed their Hypershunt Reactors, and weeks before you’ve touched down on a gravity well WELL within the beacon’s coordinates, as was planned over a year ago.

You detect signs of habitation in this system. Of this pale star’s three barren planets, two feature scant outposts. Of them, the farthest from the system’s center has a number of satellites reminiscent of the beacons and a pithy, though notable degree of traffic from small ships. Upon the arrival of the expedition, these ships almost immediately flee and both planets make no effort to hail your vessels. Perhaps they fear for the worst? No matter, they aren't actively obstructing the will of the throne, and thus, are beneath notice.

The expedition takes some twelve standard hours to orient itself and then departs once again. The next system it encounters is much the same, with four planets, one of them featuring a jutting stardock and a motley garrison which makes no effort to confront your armada. You embark once more, on the planned route, and this time, is faced with a nostalgic star system, featuring a yellow sun with a molten rock, a red ocean world dotted with a pittance of urban sprawl, and a distant pair of gas giants in rotation. It is the second planet which is of interest. More specifically, the petty war-fleet over it which has rallied to meet your own.
You recognize its design immediately from a youth spent in the Astronomicon Academy- these are archaic Mars-pattern variants. You recoil as well, as it has fallen into a shameful condition of disrepair. This is a junker-grade fleet if you’ve ever seen one. For the first time, your armada is hailed on most human standard frequencies, and a few that are not. You observe that they at least have sufficient technology to make holo-transmissions in real time.

An old, craggy-faced man in military fatigues greets you with a salute. You observe as he begins to speak, with surprisingly little trepidation. “Hail, foreigners. I am Commodore Petricles Vassou of the Plurinational Accord of Nostrabo, and you are hereby trespassing on sovereign territory. I wish to clarify on the behalf of my people, we are grateful that you’ve restrained your turrets and do not seek conflict with you or yours, but know that we will not hesitate to defend our space if you seek aggression.” You wait a moment for the sake of etiquette, and respond.

“I am Alphonse II, of the illustrious House Heinrich, and High Admiral of the Eternal Empire. You are wise not to have interfered with imperial business more than you already have. Further…”

>”...I hereby demand your immediate capitulation to the throne on Mars.”
>”...I request a meeting with your superiors, at the soonest possible convenience.”
>”...I do not intend hostilities, nor will my fleets be lingering in your territory for long.”
>”...I see no need to continue this conversation.” Cut transmission and leave without any additional fanfare.
These people are *far* out of the way.

Trade, certainly, but conquest or vassalage seems like map painting for the sake of map painting.

>”...I request a meeting with your superiors, at the soonest possible convenience.”

But trading some Supplies to know more about the journey ahead is surely invaluable.
>”...I request a meeting with your superiors, at the soonest possible convenience.”
Being friends with the locals is useful and especially in situations like these, so far from home.

Map painting is not even the issue, more that we're not in a position to enforce such a thing.
>”...I request a meeting with your superiors, at the soonest possible convenience.”
I wonder if dad passed through the area.
>”...I request a meeting with your superiors, at the soonest possible convenience.”
>”...I do not intend hostilities, nor will my fleets be lingering in your territory for long.”
It's very easy to see how meeting with their superiors can go wrong. We need only leave a mark that we exist and mean no harm, and continue on our way.
>”...I do not intend hostilities, nor will my fleets be lingering in your territory for long.”
>”...I request a meeting with your superiors, at the soonest possible convenience.”

both of these. our priority is to go on our way to our main objective, but it's worth it to wait a few weeks in order to get information about who they are, and let them know who we are too. we or our emperor will want to integrate them into the empire sooner or later, maybe it can even be done peacefully in this same trip
>>”...I request a meeting with your superiors, at the soonest possible convenience.”
>”...I do not intend hostilities, nor will my fleets be lingering in your territory for long.”
"...I request a meeting with your superiors, at the soonest possible convenience." It might be worthwhile to acquaint yourselves with this remote faction.

Though the Commodore is visibly sweating, his composure is no less rigid than when you first saw him. "That can be arranged."

You think for a moment, and continue. "I do not intend hostilities, nor will my fleets be lingering in your territory for long." Much of the tension leaves him as he breaks decorum to wipe his brow, and hesitates before answering. "...Understood."

While you can't tell him your mission parameters, there's little harm in informing them that this expedition isn't an invasion. Some of their Commodore's fear seems to have been defused. "I'll contact you again shortly. Just wait here and broadcast your coordinates. If- If it suits you." Hmm. That's the standard protocol for diplomatic vessels in civilized space, so you see no harm in it.

At that, the junker fleet cuts off the holo-transmission and burns thrusters for this ocean world of theirs. Merely three days later, a lightning fast speed for system-scale communications, you are hailed on standard frequencies. You accept and are faced with a group of six men, most elderly, in tailoured suits of the type that are common among the merchantry. Bah. They all appear to be terrified. That indicates they possess some common sense.

One of them, with prominent jowls and round glasses, speaks. "Greetings, Adm- High Admiral. I am Mnesus Stimilis, Elected Speaker for the Circle of Oligarchs. On behalf of our proud nations, we invite you and your... crews to a banquet on our administrative capital in Nostrabos, in this very system. I hope you'll forgive our lack of decorum. It has been a... considerable... amount of time since we've received peaceful outside contact."

Curious. A banquet? You've heard of all manner of ambushes and assassinations under similar circumstances, but they might well be genuine.

How should you answer this "Elected" Speaker of theirs?

>Accept the invitation. You'll be having dinner on their ocean planet and getting to know your hosts. If their offer isn't treacherous, it would raise relations and likely morale. If it is, it would be risky for the Empire, to say the least.
>Counter the invitation with another. You'll invite this Circle of Oligarchs and a token bodyguard onto your flagship instead. This puts them at-risk while demonstrating the Empire's martial power. Of course, there would be some tension but you might be able to resolve that, or if you saw fit, encourage it.
>Waive the invitations altogether. You're already exchanging holo-transmissions and there's no reason you can't say what needs to be said without delays. You aren't interested in wasting the Empire's valuable time.
>Counter the invitation with another. You'll invite this Circle of Oligarchs and a token bodyguard onto your flagship instead. This puts them at-risk while demonstrating the Empire's martial power. Of course, there would be some tension but you might be able to resolve that, or if you saw fit, encourage it.
We have to show that we have the upper hand. Dick move but kinda needed to show while we have goodwill we do not trust them (yet or never it will be found out if these oligarchs are similar to nobility, merchants or actual "democracy".)
>Accept the invitation. You'll be having dinner on their ocean planet and getting to know your hosts. If their offer isn't treacherous, it would raise relations and likely morale. If it is, it would be risky for the Empire, to say the least.
I doubt it's treacherous since, if it was, our fleet could fuck up this whole system. We're just not worth provoking.
>Counter the invitation with another. You'll invite this Circle of Oligarchs and a token bodyguard onto your flagship instead. This puts them at-risk while demonstrating the Empire's martial power. Of course, there would be some tension but you might be able to resolve that, or if you saw fit, encourage it.
I don’t trust them yet. Safest option is to invite them up and guarantee their safety. We don’t have to ask for all of them just a few officials should be enough to show our intentions.
We've show that we have the upper hand with the massive shiny fleet we have anon, inviting them isn't gonna add to that.

I don't trust them either, but this matter doesn't require trust since we have their fear.
>Accept the invitation. You'll be having dinner on their ocean planet and getting to know your hosts. If their offer isn't treacherous, it would raise relations and likely morale. If it is, it would be risky for the Empire, to say the least.
Continue the Heinrich's destiny of human reuinification. This is the first, very small step into the unknown. We will of course bring a small, but impressive contingent of soldiers with us down planetside. You know, for show.
>Accept the invitation. You'll be having dinner on their ocean planet and getting to know your hosts. If their offer isn't treacherous, it would raise relations and likely morale. If it is, it would be risky for the Empire, to say the least.

Yeah no way they risk pissing off an armada sitting on their doorstep. Also is a first step towards peaceful reintegration.
>Counter the invitation with another. You'll invite this Circle of Oligarchs and a token bodyguard onto your flagship instead. This puts them at-risk while demonstrating the Empire's martial power. Of course, there would be some tension but you might be able to resolve that, or if you saw fit, encourage it.
explain that we are on a tight schedule (which is actually kinda true) and the meeting must be on our ship so we can be on our way as soon as possible. on our way back from our mission we might be able to spend more time here, or maybe leave a token delegation

i think to accept having the meeting in their capital would be fine, but having it in our ship is better and saves ourselves the minor risk of leaving our fleets. it keeps them on their toes and makes clear our position of power, and also when we explain that we don't have bad intentions they will be even more relieved and happy about it.
>Accept the invitation. You'll be having dinner on their ocean planet and getting to know your hosts. If their offer isn't treacherous, it would raise relations and likely morale. If it is, it would be risky for the Empire, to say the least.
>Counter the invitation with another. You'll invite this Circle of Oligarchs and a token bodyguard onto your flagship instead. This puts them at-risk while demonstrating the Empire's martial power. Of course, there would be some tension but you might be able to resolve that, or if you saw fit, encourage it.
While they seem smart enough to understand that their planet gets glassed if we do visit and anything happens to us, trusting non-imperials is what got Alphonse the First killed.
Because those people had a grudge against Alphonse and felt like they had nothing left to lose.
Sure, but we don't know these people and their possible grudges at all, and it's not impossible they might think that slaughtering our escort and taking us hostage might save them from retaliation, or something equally foolish.
>Sure, but we don't know these people and their possible grudges at all
How could they have a grudge against us when we just met?

>and it's not impossible they might think that slaughtering our escort and taking us hostage might save them from retaliation, or something equally foolish.
I would only expect this if we threatned them with subjugation, like an animal backed into a corner, but the situation is not that desperate and fear is the most reliable of human emotions.
>>Accept the invitation. You'll be having dinner on their ocean planet and getting to know your hosts. If their offer isn't treacherous, it would raise relations and likely morale. If it is, it would be risky for the Empire, to say the least.
Meeting them on their turf is fine, they have nothing that can threaten us anyway since we have total space supremacy.
>Counter the invitation with another. You'll invite this Circle of Oligarchs and a token bodyguard onto your flagship instead. This puts them at-risk while demonstrating the Empire's martial power. Of course, there would be some tension but you might be able to resolve that, or if you saw fit, encourage it.
>Accept the invitation. You'll be having dinner on their ocean planet and getting to know your hosts. If their offer isn't treacherous, it would raise relations and likely morale. If it is, it would be risky for the Empire, to say the least.
>Counter the invitation with another. You'll invite this Circle of Oligarchs and a token bodyguard onto your flagship instead. This puts them at-risk while demonstrating the Empire's martial power. Of course, there would be some tension but you might be able to resolve that, or if you saw fit, encourage it.
>Counter the invitation with another. You'll invite this Circle of Oligarchs and a token bodyguard onto your flagship instead. This puts them at-risk while demonstrating the Empire's martial power. Of course, there would be some tension but you might be able to resolve that, or if you saw fit, encourage it.
>Accept the invitation. You'll be having dinner on their ocean planet and getting to know your hosts. If their offer isn't treacherous, it would raise relations and likely morale. If it is, it would be risky for the Empire, to say the least.
>Counter the invitation with another. You'll invite this Circle of Oligarchs and a token bodyguard onto your flagship instead. This puts them at-risk while demonstrating the Empire's martial power. Of course, there would be some tension but you might be able to resolve that, or if you saw fit, encourage it.
>Counter the invitation with another. You'll invite this Circle of Oligarchs and a token bodyguard onto your flagship instead. This puts them at-risk while demonstrating the Empire's martial power. Of course, there would be some tension but you might be able to resolve that, or if you saw fit, encourage it.

We hold the upper hand here
>Accept the invitation. You'll be having dinner on their ocean planet and getting to know your hosts. If their offer isn't treacherous, it would raise relations and likely morale. If it is, it would be risky for the Empire, to say the least.
What could possibly go wrong when dining with oligarchs?
I'm going to lock the vote here and update.
>Counter the invitation with another. You'll invite this Circle of Oligarchs and a token bodyguard onto your flagship instead. This puts them at-risk while demonstrating the Empire's martial power. Of course, there would be some tension but you might be able to resolve that, or if you saw fit, encourage it.
On one hand if they do try anything that's a casus belli we can use to conquer them. On the other hand it could kill Alphonse II.
Fuck didn't see this.
Sorry QM.
It's all good, hahaha, Counter won either way.
Glad it didn't cause any problems at least ha
You reflect for a moment. While these men would have to be suicidal fools to lay a hand on any delegation, that was true for the Brand Loyalists as well. You admire your progenitor Alphonse I greatly, but you don’t want to emulate his untimely end. You wave a hand, dismissing Mnesus’s concerns.

“To the contrary, it’s a refreshing change of pace from the courts in Sol. It’s abundantly clear to me that your people have long suffered in isolation, and it would be remiss of me to neglect a chance to remedy that. To wit, I must reject your offer and instead invite your Circle of Oligarchs to board my flagship, the Emperor’s Judgement, where we’ll have a more modest dinner.”

Their Elected Speaker gets pale in the face but is quick to respond in an impressively authentic faux-jovial tone. “A generous offer. On behalf of the Circle of Oligarchs, I am eager to accept.”

You grin. “Splendid. I’ll let my staff know and have suitable arrangements made. We’ll convene in, let’s say, eight hours. Sounds good?” His pause to dab the sweat from his brow tells you everything you need to know, but he still says the obvious. “Y-Yes…”

In a vulgar show of theatrics, you clap your hands. “Excellent! Feel free to bring along a reasonable bodyguard. I’ll see you then.” The holo-transmission is kept up a few seconds longer than necessary, then shut down. The rest of the crew on the bridge are in almost as good a mood as you are. It isn’t too often the Imperial Navy gets a chance to flex like this.

You inform your personal chef, Lewis, a longtime servant of House Arthen who was proud to make the switch when you married Niav, that there’ll be a state dinner onboard the Emperor’s Judgement in circa eight hours. Like almost everyone raised under the aegis of Arthen, he’s eager to rise to the challenge. Minutes after your announcement, the kitchen is akin to an imperial warzone: swift, disciplined, and ruthlessly efficient.
Unlike some of the nobility, you’ve always given your household servants a fair amount of leeway in precisely how orders are to be followed. Sparring duels and naval exercises may as well be an open book for a swordsman and officer of your caliber. You take your surprises where you can find them. The rest of the admiralty is informed that a dinner is about to be held, including the merchants involved in logistics, in the event that these Oligarchs should turn out to be of a Corporate bent.

You use the eight hours leading up to the event spending some quality time with your wife and running through the standard complement of exercises. High Admiral you may be, there’s no excuse to neglect the maintenance of family or physicality. For the dinner itself, you opt to wear your uniform, as your fellow admirals no-doubt will. Like yourself, they spent a lifetime fighting to earn them.

The dinner itself is held in the officer’s mess hall. It is a vast chamber, illustrating the cultural significance of Mars and the very throne. Compared to a proper estate, it is spartan, but House Heinrich has long insisted on a strong medieval aesthetic. Something much appreciated by the representatives of House Arthen, officers here to dine and warriors here to watch the proceedings alike. The attendees from the Circle of Oligarchs are more numerous than you expected, nearly two-hundred soldiers and functionaries in a variety of suits and uniforms, all bearing the same golden clasp on their chest, presumably indicating unity.

All-in-all, it is a feast. Fortunately, Lewis and company pulled through with a panoply of food, House Heinrich’s standard fare, with an ingenious twist here and there. It is hearty, filling, and above all, healthy for the promotion of growth, strengthening body and mind alike. You sit at the head of a table, alongside your fellow admirals, and the most significant visitors. You note that they are unanimously impressed at the dinner and accommodations, some staring slack-jawed or struggling to restrain themselves from digging-in faster than is polite.
Their bodyguards are in archaic ceramic armour, and seem to be equipped with primitive kinetic rifles. You have full certainty they would evaporate in short order in actual conflict against your noble retinues. It is almost depressing to see. You can only assume they’ve regressed far from the imperial standard. Their Elected Speaker, Mnesus, sits next to you and is easily the most composed of their leadership. The two of you strike up a conversation between spoonfuls of rugged delicacies and swigs of aged wine.

He cuts through the formalities like a knife through hot-butter, which you appreciate as a military man. This is a rare opportunity to learn more of a foreign civilization, and make a valuable first impression for those who will come after. Curiously, you note that he keeps referring to his planet as “Nostrabo,” yet the documentation you’ve seen so far called it “Notrabo.” Lingual drift? He does have something of an accent, but it’s quite comprehensible, considering the time and distances involved.

Firstly, how do you want to present the Eternal Empire?

>An unrivaled military power. The armada which they’ve seen so far is but a fraction of its true might, and quite replaceable through refined shipbuilding techniques.
>A beacon of authority and stability. The common masses are not only content, but productive in their niche and enthusiastic in their wide support of the great noble houses.
>An enormous economic juggernaut. The Mega-Corps of yesteryear have been subdued and leashed, dogs in the Emperor’s grip, and tirelessly compete amongst themselves to enrich every planet.
>A burgeoning utopia of Mankind. The masses and nobility coexist in thriving symbiosis and push forward not only culture, but technology and enlightened comprehension of the cosmos.
>An enduring legacy of old Earth. The Eternal Empire is just that, eternal, and has not only preserved the memory of Mankind’s birthplace, but built on it, adding to an ever-greater whole.
>As it is, no more, no less. The masses are at times unruly, the noble houses are far from a singular force, and the ruling dynasty rose to power only a century ago, but it is the best Mankind has.
Secondly, what do you want to ask Mnesus about? (His trust and time are limited, you suspect you could get four solid answers. If you pushed harder, you could possibly get more, but it would be a gamble.)

>The origins of the Plurinational Accord. It’s an unusual structure yet they seem to have enough centralization to present a unified front to outsiders, which indicates some history.
>Their overall governmental structure. They’re a Circle of Oligarchs yet have an “Elected” Speaker, which leaves you at a loss for whether or not they have a sane, orderly hierarchy or are just another mob.
>The constituent nations of their alliance. If it is a Plurinational Accord, there must be several nations which might correspond to the noble houses in the Empire, proper.
>The strength of their military, both void and ground. From what you’ve seen so far, you strongly doubt that it’s anything worth worrying about but it’s important information, nonetheless.
>The prosperity of their interplanetary economy. An enormous amount can be extrapolated from the well-being of their finances and industry, or the lack thereof.
>The conditions of their interstellar isolation. This must have had a tremendous impact on every aspect of their civilization, and prying into it may yield worthwhile insights.
>The apparent regression of their technology. The condition of the junker fleet was poor enough, but their best men being armed with kinetics is outright abysmal.
>Their past conflicts with the Reaver Clans. It’s a certainty they’ve had violent encounters historically, and they may be pleased to hear that they’ve finally been subjugated.
>Their previous encounters with Vrakaks. Their transmission of the Vrakak tongue is a tad concerning, as this system is far to the east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to the Empire’s south and southwest.
>The third, unknown language in their transmissions. It’s likely that they’ve had contacts with an unknown alien species, which has deep implications for the Empire itself.
>Their hesitancy to contact the expedition. None of the outposts or vessels your armada detected during its travel through their space made an attempt to hail you, until you met their military proper.
>The seemingly red oceans of Notrabos. That is unusual and warrants mentioning, as it’s unheard of in the Empire outside of historical, now-outmoded pollution.
>Their thoughts on the Eternal Empire. This is their first encounter with House Heinrich but the Empire is ancient, so it’s likely they’ve had some contact with it and opinions derived from that in the past.
>Their thoughts on the dinner itself. You’ve noticed that the Oligarchs are quite impressed with the meal, and would like to know precisely why, as well as what exactly they intended to serve you in this banquet of theirs.
>A beacon of authority and stability. The common masses are not only content, but productive in their niche and enthusiastic in their wide support of the great noble houses.
Join the Empire! We have cookies.

>The origins of the Plurinational Accord. It’s an unusual structure yet they seem to have enough centralization to present a unified front to outsiders, which indicates some history.
>Their previous encounters with Vrakaks. Their transmission of the Vrakak tongue is a tad concerning, as this system is far to the east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to the Empire’s south and southwest.
>The seemingly red oceans of Notrabos. That is unusual and warrants mentioning, as it’s unheard of in the Empire outside of historical, now-outmoded pollution.
>The conditions of their interstellar isolation. This must have had a tremendous impact on every aspect of their civilization, and prying into it may yield worthwhile insights.
>As it is, no more, no less. The masses are at times unruly, the noble houses are far from a singular force, and the ruling dynasty rose to power only a century ago, but it is the best Mankind has.
Truth has a power all of it's own. And this doesn't lead to any undue expectations.
>Their thoughts on the dinner itself. You’ve noticed that the Oligarchs are quite impressed with the meal, and would like to know precisely why, as well as what exactly they intended to serve you in this banquet of theirs.
Innocuous and good ice-breaker.
>Their hesitancy to contact the expedition. None of the outposts or vessels your armada detected during its travel through their space made an attempt to hail you, until you met their military proper.
Why fear friends after all?
>The third, unknown language in their transmissions. It’s likely that they’ve had contacts with an unknown alien species, which has deep implications for the Empire itself.
Could tie into said hesitancy.
>The origins of the Plurinational Accord. It’s an unusual structure yet they seem to have enough centralization to present a unified front to outsiders, which indicates some history.
Who are you?
>An enduring legacy of old Earth. The Eternal Empire is just that, eternal, and has not only preserved the memory of Mankind’s birthplace, but built on it, adding to an ever-greater whole.
>As it is, no more, no less. The masses are at times unruly, the noble houses are far from a singular force, and the ruling dynasty rose to power only a century ago, but it is the best Mankind has.
Anything else would be revealed as hollow once they visit, like family, they have problems but you love them nonetheless.

>The origins of the Plurinational Accord. It’s an unusual structure yet they seem to have enough centralization to present a unified front to outsiders, which indicates some history.
>Their overall governmental structure. They’re a Circle of Oligarchs yet have an “Elected” Speaker, which leaves you at a loss for whether or not they have a sane, orderly hierarchy or are just another mob.
I believe these two should be freebies if we tell him our history.

>Their past conflicts with the Reaver Clans. It’s a certainty they’ve had violent encounters historically, and they may be pleased to hear that they’ve finally been subjugated.
>Their previous encounters with Vrakaks. Their transmission of the Vrakak tongue is a tad concerning, as this system is far to the east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to the Empire’s south and southwest.
>The third, unknown language in their transmissions. It’s likely that they’ve had contacts with an unknown alien species, which has deep implications for the Empire itself.
Most impactful right now, everything else can be discussed later.
>An enduring legacy of old Earth. The Eternal Empire is just that, eternal, and has not only preserved the memory of Mankind’s birthplace, but built on it, adding to an ever-greater whole.
>As it is, no more, no less. The masses are at times unruly, the noble houses are far from a singular force, and the ruling dynasty rose to power only a century ago, but it is the best Mankind has.
>An enduring legacy of old Earth. The Eternal Empire is just that, eternal, and has not only preserved the memory of Mankind’s birthplace, but built on it, adding to an ever-greater whole.

>Their thoughts on the dinner itself. You’ve noticed that the Oligarchs are quite impressed with the meal, and would like to know precisely why, as well as what exactly they intended to serve you in this banquet of theirs.

>The conditions of their interstellar isolation. This must have had a tremendous impact on every aspect of their civilization, and prying into it may yield worthwhile insights.

>Their previous encounters with Vrakaks. Their transmission of the Vrakak tongue is a tad concerning, as this system is far to the east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to the Empire’s south and southwest.

>The third, unknown language in their transmissions. It’s likely that they’ve had contacts with an unknown alien species, which has deep implications for the Empire itself.
>As it is, no more, no less. The masses are at times unruly, the noble houses are far from a singular force, and the ruling dynasty rose to power only a century ago, but it is the best Mankind has.

>The origins of the Plurinational Accord. It’s an unusual structure yet they seem to have enough centralization to present a unified front to outsiders, which indicates some history.
>The conditions of their interstellar isolation. This must have had a tremendous impact on every aspect of their civilization, and prying into it may yield worthwhile insights.
>Their previous encounters with Vrakaks. Their transmission of the Vrakak tongue is a tad concerning, as this system is far to the east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to the Empire’s south and southwest.
>The third, unknown language in their transmissions. It’s likely that they’ve had contacts with an unknown alien species, which has deep implications for the Empire itself.
What primarily concerns us that we don't have good answers to I believe is who they are, why they are here, and who else is out here. I think we can make educated guesses on the rest.
>A beacon of authority and stability. The common masses are not only content, but productive in their niche and enthusiastic in their wide support of the great noble houses.
>As it is, no more, no less. The masses are at times unruly, the noble houses are far from a singular force, and the ruling dynasty rose to power only a century ago, but it is the best Mankind has.
Heinrich has always been humble so lets continue that. Besides we are usually pretty good at keeping the economy afloat and maintaining stability. We are also the largest state of mankind and also the closest to unifying them all.

>The prosperity of their interplanetary economy. An enormous amount can be extrapolated from the well-being of their finances and industry, or the lack thereof.
So we can figure out trade
>The conditions of their interstellar isolation. This must have had a tremendous impact on every aspect of their civilization, and prying into it may yield worthwhile insights.
To see how willing they are to trade
>Their previous encounters with Vrakaks. Their transmission of the Vrakak tongue is a tad concerning, as this system is far to the east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to the Empire’s south and southwest.
To see how far the Skaven have gone
>The third, unknown language in their transmissions. It’s likely that they’ve had contacts with an unknown alien species, which has deep implications for the Empire itself.
To see if they want to trade too
>An enduring legacy of old Earth. The Eternal Empire is just that, eternal, and has not only preserved the memory of Mankind’s birthplace, but built on it, adding to an ever-greater whole.

>The origins of the Plurinational Accord. It’s an unusual structure yet they seem to have enough centralization to present a unified front to outsiders, which indicates some history.
>Their previous encounters with Vrakaks. Their transmission of the Vrakak tongue is a tad concerning, as this system is far to the east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to the Empire’s south and southwest.
>Their thoughts on the dinner itself. You’ve noticed that the Oligarchs are quite impressed with the meal, and would like to know precisely why, as well as what exactly they intended to serve you in this banquet of theirs.
>Their thoughts on the Eternal Empire. This is their first encounter with House Heinrich but the Empire is ancient, so it’s likely they’ve had some contact with it and opinions derived from that in the past.
>An enduring legacy of old Earth. The Eternal Empire is just that, eternal, and has not only preserved the memory of Mankind’s birthplace, but built on it, adding to an ever-greater whole.
>As it is, no more, no less. The masses are at times unruly, the noble houses are far from a singular force, and the ruling dynasty rose to power only a century ago, but it is the best Mankind has.
>The origins of the Plurinational Accord. It’s an unusual structure yet they seem to have enough centralization to present a unified front to outsiders, which indicates some history.
>Their overall governmental structure. They’re a Circle of Oligarchs yet have an “Elected” Speaker, which leaves you at a loss for whether or not they have a sane, orderly hierarchy or are just another mob.
>Their past conflicts with the Reaver Clans. It’s a certainty they’ve had violent encounters historically, and they may be pleased to hear that they’ve finally been subjugated.
>Their previous encounters with Vrakaks. Their transmission of the Vrakak tongue is a tad concerning, as this system is far to the east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to the Empire’s south and southwest.
>The third, unknown language in their transmissions. It’s likely that they’ve had contacts with an unknown alien species, which has deep implications for the Empire itself.
>An enduring legacy of old Earth. The Eternal Empire is just that, eternal, and has not only preserved the memory of Mankind’s birthplace, but built on it, adding to an ever-greater whole.
>As it is, no more, no less. The masses are at times unruly, the noble houses are far from a singular force, and the ruling dynasty rose to power only a century ago, but it is the best Mankind has.

>The origins of the Plurinational Accord. It’s an unusual structure yet they seem to have enough centralization to present a unified front to outsiders, which indicates some history.
>Their overall governmental structure. They’re a Circle of Oligarchs yet have an “Elected” Speaker, which leaves you at a loss for whether or not they have a sane, orderly hierarchy or are just another mob.
>Their previous encounters with Vrakaks. Their transmission of the Vrakak tongue is a tad concerning, as this system is far to the east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to the Empire’s south and southwest.
>The third, unknown language in their transmissions. It’s likely that they’ve had contacts with an unknown alien species, which has deep implications for the Empire itself.
>An enduring legacy of old Earth. The Eternal Empire is just that, eternal, and has not only preserved the memory of Mankind’s birthplace, but built on it, adding to an ever-greater whole.

>The origins of the Plurinational Accord. It’s an unusual structure yet they seem to have enough centralization to present a unified front to outsiders, which indicates some history.
>The third, unknown language in their transmissions. It’s likely that they’ve had contacts with an unknown alien species, which has deep implications for the Empire itself.
>Their past conflicts with the Reaver Clans. It’s a certainty they’ve had violent encounters historically, and they may be pleased to hear that they’ve finally been subjugated.
>Their previous encounters with Vrakaks. Their transmission of the Vrakak tongue is a tad concerning, as this system is far to the east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to the Empire’s south and southwest.
Qm can we get a system map? Of where everyone is compared to the empire?
>An enduring legacy of old Earth. The Eternal Empire is just that, eternal, and has not only preserved the memory of Mankind’s birthplace, but built on it, adding to an ever-greater whole.

>The origins of the Plurinational Accord. It’s an unusual structure yet they seem to have enough centralization to present a unified front to outsiders, which indicates some history.
>Their previous encounters with Vrakaks. Their transmission of the Vrakak tongue is a tad concerning, as this system is far to the east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to the Empire’s south and southwest.
>Their past conflicts with the Reaver Clans. It’s a certainty they’ve had violent encounters historically, and they may be pleased to hear that they’ve finally been subjugated.
>Their thoughts on the dinner itself. You’ve noticed that the Oligarchs are quite impressed with the meal, and would like to know precisely why, as well as what exactly they intended to serve you in this banquet of theirs.
Could that third language could be a human language?

seconding this
My heartrate's been weirdly rapid off and on for the last half a week and I've been tired with headaches. It's not an urgent problem, the first time I noticed something was around two months ago and figured it might've just been in my head until recently, but I went to the ER yesterday and a scan found my heart was in perfect health and I know for a fact it's not hyperchondriachism because I've taken my heartrate regularly since I've started noticing this, which makes me think I might be coming down with hyperthyroidism. Almost every single woman on my mother's side of the family has gotten it at some point, no men, but I might be "lucky" enough to be the first, kek. I'm working out an appointment with a cardiologist to find out what's going on. Updates are likely to be a little more sparse than usual the next few days but I'll be posting when I can. I'll let you know how it develops.

Certainly, I'll sketch something from my notes soon! I was planning on having a map be a project down the line due to the scales involved, but relative distances is something Alphonse I would've been aware of from the start of the dynasty. It just hasn't been too impactful until recently.
sheeeet. Get well soon man.
No need to rush.
Health goes first.
The QM curse strikes again
Get well soon QM, stay safe
Damn, QM curse is real. Good luck QM, hope it's nothing.
Thanks anons, it means a lot. I've been distracted with seeing a doctor and getting bloodwork done for the last few days and lost track of time. The update will be coming in later tonight, and is shaping up to be a fairly lengthy one.
You present the Eternal Empire as is fitting: factually, with neither embellishment nor bias. Any less is unbefitting your status as a son of Emperor Otto. An abridged history is given. Granted, there’s not as much time to cover as with some bloodlines, but much has happened in the mere century your dynasty has ruled. Throughout, you emphasize the profound importance that the legacy of old Earth has had on every strata of your society, and of the necessity of upholding the foundational traditions of Mankind.

The Elected Speaker is left in a subtle daze, either impressed or intimidated at the scale. Intrigue never was your strong suit but both amount to the same in the end. You segue from the renewed glory of Mars into an inquiry of Notrabo, with wording so slanted that the momentum shifts and he’s speaking almost before he realizes you’ve stopped. “Three millennia ago, Nostrabo was an outlying colony of your Empire. It was under the control of House Abaris and its household troops. The records aren’t certain of their motives but we suspect they intended to make a fortress of the system before the then-Emperor decided it wasn’t worth the cost of logistics. They withdrew with as much as they could carry and sold the planet piecemeal to lesser nobility.”

“Nostrabo lost most of its offworld traffic. Requests for aid and material went ignored while the burden of taxes increased, and the only beneficiaries sat in the imperial core. The planetary garrison took matters into its own hands. Once couped, the nobles were offered an ultimatum. Take what they could carry and leave, with reasonable compensation for what they left behind, or forsake their titles and serve as part of our new administration. Most chose the former. The few that didn’t were part of our early backbone. We expected a retaliation but it never arrived.”
“The garrison commanders, leftover nobility, and local figureheads couldn’t agree on how things ought to be run. Instead of fighting over it, they agreed to carve up the planet into six nations, one for each of the power blocs, and declared a perpetual accord of mutual assistance. Scarcity and the balance of force have kept it remarkably stable ever since.” He beams with pride as he speaks. “To this day, our administrations haven’t fought any skirmishes larger than a continental scale, and we've bootstrapped the human colonization of no less than eight systems!”

An interesting history. Although eight systems over three millennia seems paltry, at best. Perhaps additional factors are preventing them from progressing? It's of little importance to your given mission. Still, curiosity is a virtue and you choose to pry further. “Isolation of this magnitude must have harshly limited your industries. Tell me, how have your people fared without any contact with the rest of Mankind?”

Mnesus sighs, cutting into a steak with pointed determination. “To tell you the truth? Poorly. Nostrabo's surface lacks any accessible ores and House Abaris stripped all infrastructure in their departure. Our forefathers were forced to improvise. It took centuries to return to casual spaceflight, and almost as long to colonize the rest of our system and rediscover the means of manufacturing the Hypershunt Reactor." His hand freezes for a second. "Do… Do you still use those?" You nod. "As we have for millennia."
The man seems relieved. "Then we aren't that hopeless. Our Accord hasn't been fully isolated from the rest of Mankind." You interject. "The Reavers." He breaks decorum in scowling. "Mmhm. Bastards. They and the rest of the savages." That prompts you to raise an eyebrow, which he notices. "Ah. I'll hazard a guess you don't see much of them in the core?" You move on to the peas. "No, not quite." Mnesus continues. "Tribes, clans, fiefs, all the same. Primitives given technology beyond their means and abusing it for primitive aims. Most of them are negligible. A few have been strong enough to impose themselves over the years, but thankfully, none saw fit to risk conflict when we were willing to give up tribute."

Your curiosity is, dare you say, piqued. "Truly? These primitives of yours, are they common?" The Elected Speaker shrugs. "Not in this stellar region. Most, the Reavers chased them off or took them in. The rest are nomads after scrap and pillage or much like us, too small and quiet to be of notice. We aren't aware of any other major human polities. Or, we weren't, until now." Fascinating. You know your father confronted men of similar description in his prime, technobarbarians. It seems that wasn’t an isolated incident.

You drop an atomic bombshell. "Are you aware the Reaver Clans have been brought to heel by the strength of House Heinrich?" The old man drops his cutlery on the table, a serious faux-passe, but you aren't inclined to take umbrage. He's at a loss for words. "...Truly?" Your stare tells him all he needs to know. "The Circle of Oligarchs is grateful for your bloodline-" He corrects himself mid-sentence. "-for House Heinrich's contribution to ensuring interstellar security. Without them breathing down our necks, we'll finally be free to develop our shipping lanes as they should be!"

You opt to change subjects before he goes off on a tangent. "I noticed your beacon was transmitting the Vrakak tongue. This is curious, given the Plurinational Accord of Notrabos is to our east, yet the Conclave of Vrakak Clans is to our south." The Elected Speaker's elation fades into contempt. "Vermin. They're an infestation digging into perfectly habitable planets, leaving archaic stripmines and slums in their wake! You say there's a polity to your south?"
You choose to reveal as little as possible, to see what he'll spill. "As I recall, it is in excess of fifty stars." Mnesus grows pale. "Horrific. The warrens we've seen here are seldom larger than a few hundred thousand." From a personal perspective, you’re relatively neutral on the alien question but after reading testimonies of the Federation-Conclave war, have little fondness for the Vrakak. You ask. "How abundant are they?" The Elected Speaker reflects for a moment. "Rare, by our efforts. The Plurinational Accord has a policy of extermination via sterilization if their infestation is in the early stages, bombardment and quarantine if not. As far as we're aware, the primitives are even more expedient."

Xenocide? They should count themselves fortunate they aren't speaking to Emperor Albin. As is, you'd like to know more. "Why bother?" Your guest takes a long sip of his wineglass. "They're an exponentially worsening nuisance and incompatible with higher civilization. Both attempts to integrate them into different nations of our Accord ended in disaster. Every step closer to their extinction is a service to future human generations. To hear that there's a full stellar nation of them is..."

He's shifted from sipping to guzzling. Perhaps understandable. "...we'll need to double our shared defense budget, step up on patrols, the works." That's an intriguing perspective. One that warrants consideration, or condemnation. The dinner's slowing down but there's still one more thing you wanted to hear. "Can you tell me anything concerning that third language on your beacon? Our databanks don't have any tongue corresponding to it."
Mnesus, jowls now flushed by his failure to pace himself on the drink, shrugs. "That'd be the Ksud.” When he sees the lack of recognition on your face, he clarifies. “Worms. Disgusting annelids with their own territory. As far as the Circle’s can gather, it’s some breed of theocracy but lacks any recognisable hierarchy and the theology is as obscene as it is inscrutable.” An undiscovered alien species? That could be well-worth the journey on its own. “What else is there to say about them?”

He thinks for a moment, comporting himself with a clumsiness that would’ve brought shame to the scion of a Major House. “Their physiology is bizarre, with alloyed, near-metallic bones and a slew of organ redundancies. They’re murderous on a man-to-worm basis but the species as a whole seems sedate and content to stay in its space. Our Accord in totality has never had any conflict with them. A few centuries ago, one of our constituent nations attempted to oust them from a choice moon of theirs and started a brief land war. The worms rose up en-masse, tore the infantrymen apart, and tortured whoever couldn’t evacuate in time. Then when the fighting was done they went right back to regular diplomacy, like nothing had happened.”

The inscrutability of the alien mind... “Strange.” The Elected Speaker agrees. “Very. We’ll have our people give you their coordinates to make use of if you’d like, though I don’t see why you’d want to bother. They’re even farther out of the way than we are. Most of the contact we’ve had is in what we’re assuming are scouts of theirs.” You shift the conversation from aliens to ask what’s been on your mind. “I’ll take it into consideration. Has a dreadnought piloted by a cyborg called Otto passed through here in recent years?” Mnesus shakes his head. “No, only Reavers. Though depending on when the Reaver Clans fell, they could've been remnants of the Reavers.”
Hmm… “Which?” He fidgets at the cuff of his suit. “Clan Yellabones. They took their standard allocated tribute and went on their way, bound north. That was the last pirate armada we saw, but we didn’t know it at the time. In retrospect, we should’ve suspected something when they weren’t traveling back to Reaver space.” Bound north? That may mean that Clan Yellabones’ supposed holdings aren’t so fictitious after all.

Assuming it wasn’t a trick to mislead the locals. You’ve read the records of ‘No-Tongue’s fluke victory against the Imperial Navy and of the traps they set in their abandoned home systems. You underestimate the scum at your peril. The conversation between the two of you tapers off into small-talk after that and you get a grasp of how the Notroban communicates. His manner of speech is formulaic yet crass, with its total dearth of formal noble etiquette. If he was chosen for the position of “Elected” Speaker, he must be reminiscent of the Oligarchs, and you can assume the rest of them have a somewhat similar diction. As language informs the structure of thought, you can assume they think likewise.

In another hour, the dinner comes to a conclusion and you are left mulling over what should be done with the Plurinational Accord of Notrabos.

>Offer the PAN a formal alliance with the Eternal Empire. This is a rather extreme offer, and one you technically lack the authority to give, but you see a chance to expand the reach of the throne on Mars when you see one.
>Inform the PAN of the Eternal Empire’s shipping lanes in exhaustive detail. If they were able to slip a long-distance merchant flotilla or two into the orbit of Mars, both sides could benefit.
>Suggest that the PAN restore the tradition of nobility. It would bring them closer to Mankind’s natural condition and benefit the Oligarchs in the long-term, even if there will be a few hiccups in the short-term.
>Demand that the PAN capitulate to the throne on Mars. The utility in this is questionable, but your naval upbringing has you aware of how easy a victory would be to gain, even if maintaining it while on an expedition will be tenuous, to say the least.
>Ask the PAN for material assistance on your journey. If Mnesus’s gratitude for the destruction of the Reaver Clans was so deep, you may be able to resupply without any risk to yourselves.
>Forget the PAN and move on without fanfare. Your expedition has a mission to accomplish, and this nation has been little more than a speedbump on the road to get there.
>Inform the PAN of the Eternal Empire’s shipping lanes in exhaustive detail. If they were able to slip a long-distance merchant flotilla or two into the orbit of Mars, both sides could benefit.
>State that while nobles are at the top of the empire other things are allowed as long as it is not democracies and republics. State this as a "Hint" if they want to deepen ties they should maybe look into strengthening the noblitiy.
>Ask the PAN for material assistance on your journey. If Mnesus’s gratitude for the destruction of the Reaver Clans was so deep, you may be able to resupply without any risk to yourselves.
A simple trade, with a suggestion that they can do something with or not.
I'm not sure if this is covered under the second choice, and I'm not very interested in starting trade before diplomacy proper, so I'll just write it in.
>Offer to transfer navigational charts to Imperial Space to the PAN, so they may begin reconnecting with the rest of humanity if they so choose
Leave the ball in their court, we're on a different mission. Give them the choice of establishing relations or not, and if they do let Ferdinand decide if they're worth the Empire's time. They're weak economically and militarily, so if they do make contact with the Empire it should be very easy enforce change and integrate them via diplomacy.
Supporting this
>Offer to transfer navigational charts to Imperial Space to the PAN, so they may begin reconnecting with the rest of humanity if they so choose

I would suggest putting nobles in power, but that would probably fuck over their balance of power too much. Maybe we could ask for volunteers from their shitty navy and nobility to join us in our adventure as a sort of cultural exchange so they can talk about how much better we are than them when they come back in a decade or two.
>Inform the PAN of the Eternal Empire’s shipping lanes in exhaustive detail. If they were able to slip a long-distance merchant flotilla or two into the orbit of Mars, both sides could benefit.
>Suggest that the PAN restore the tradition of nobility. It would bring them closer to Mankind’s natural condition and benefit the Oligarchs in the long-term, even if there will be a few hiccups in the short-term.
>Ask the PAN for material assistance on your journey. If Mnesus’s gratitude for the destruction of the Reaver Clans was so deep, you may be able to resupply without any risk to yourselves.

those three options are what best sound like what i think we should do, in my own words:
- suggest to them that they should reestablish contact with the empire both economically and diplomatically, so they should send a formal diplomatic mission to mars, so that the emperor can do as he sees fit in regards to them. the emperor would also be very interested in all the information they have on their neighbours, aliens and so on. they can also wait till we are back although it will be several years
- point out that nobility would be better for them if they hope to cause a good solid relations with the empire (it's another matter if then the emperor wishes to absorb them or let them be independent but don't mention any of that)
- let them know that we would be interested in support in the form of information (all the map charts they have, specially info about what is ahead of us), someone to accompany us as counsel or other kind of support (even military) in our mission if they think it would be of help and resupply (this last one is the least important)

an option is if they want to send someone with us to help, and also implement nobility and maybe prepare in some other way, they can wait until we are back and their diplomatic mission can hitch a ride with us to mars. but not sure if we want to sell that, i don't know if it's better than they just contacting the empire right now on their terms
>Inform the PAN of the Eternal Empire’s shipping lanes in exhaustive detail. If they were able to slip a long-distance merchant flotilla or two into the orbit of Mars, both sides could benefit.
Leave the ball in their court though.
>Suggest that the PAN restore the tradition of nobility. It would bring them closer to Mankind’s natural condition and benefit the Oligarchs in the long-term, even if there will be a few hiccups in the short-term.
Basically tell them their options for their future and the consequences of each one. Become a corp/join a corp, become the holding of a new minor house, become the holding of an existing house, become a holding of Heinrich/an integrated vassal of Heinrich. The nobility's exorbitant tax rates and the imperial household's power should be rather convincing of which one is best.
>Ask the PAN for material assistance on your journey. If Mnesus’s gratitude for the destruction of the Reaver Clans was so deep, you may be able to resupply without any risk to yourselves.
A forward resupply base would be extremely useful, do not take them for granted however. Try to help in our own needs.
I like this guy and we learned a lot
>Inform the PAN of the Eternal Empire’s shipping lanes in exhaustive detail. If they were able to slip a long-distance merchant flotilla or two into the orbit of Mars, both sides could benefit.
>Suggest that the PAN restore the tradition of nobility. It would bring them closer to Mankind’s natural condition and benefit the Oligarchs in the long-term, even if there will be a few hiccups in the short-term.
>Ask the PAN for material assistance on your journey. If Mnesus’s gratitude for the destruction of the Reaver Clans was so deep, you may be able to resupply without any risk to yourselves.
Basically what everyone else is saying
Support also map trading
Why are we asking for supplies from a nation that is by all accounts extremely impoverished when we don't need it? We just left Empire space a year ago, we have enough supplies to last the journey. Mnesus clearly stated that theyre doing poorly, they need all the scraps they can get while we don't. We take any supplies from the PNA, they're going to starve. Are we instantly going to tank our first easy diplomatic annexation of a deep space imperial remnant because being down one point of supplies is 'too scary'?
Im not voting to take supplies, more to ask to use this system as a place to rest, refit and purchase supplies if needed. "Material assistance" can be interpreted that way no?
ok i agree that we don't need supplies and it's not even worth it to mention it to them. but i do want to ask for help in the form star charts and other information they might. maybe they know of some place ahead of us that we should avoid or make sure to go through. and if they have some explorer or someone who has travelled in that direction, it might be useful for us and it would help make us friends

we obviously shouldn't ask like if we depend on it, just let them know that we could make use of this if they are interested in being friends with us. it's an opportunity for them as much as for us
>Offer to transfer navigational charts to Imperial Space to the PAN, so they may begin reconnecting with the rest of humanity if they so choose
>Offer to transfer navigational charts to Imperial Space to the PAN, so they may begin reconnecting with the rest of humanity if they so choose
>Inform the PAN of the Eternal Empire’s shipping lanes in exhaustive detail. If they were able to slip a long-distance merchant flotilla or two into the orbit of Mars, both sides could benefit.
>Suggest that the PAN restore the tradition of nobility. It would bring them closer to Mankind’s natural condition and benefit the Oligarchs in the long-term, even if there will be a few hiccups in the short-term.
>State that while nobles are at the top of the empire other things are allowed as long as it is not democracies and republics. State this as a "Hint" if they want to deepen ties they should maybe look into strengthening the noblitiy.
>Offer to transfer navigational charts to Imperial Space to the PAN, so they may begin reconnecting with the rest of humanity if they so choose
Also ask them if there's any place we should avoid when going forward.

I hope you're doing better QM.
>Inform the PAN of the Eternal Empire’s shipping lanes in exhaustive detail. If they were able to slip a long-distance merchant flotilla or two into the orbit of Mars, both sides could benefit.
>Suggest that the PAN restore the tradition of nobility. It would bring them closer to Mankind’s natural condition and benefit the Oligarchs in the long-term, even if there will be a few hiccups in the short-term.
Don't ask them for material assistance, ask for star charts, information, liaisons etc, as other anons have suggested.
>Inform the PAN of the Eternal Empire’s shipping lanes in exhaustive detail. If they were able to slip a long-distance merchant flotilla or two into the orbit of Mars, both sides could benefit.
>State that while nobles are at the top of the empire other things are allowed as long as it is not democracies and republics. State this as a "Hint" if they want to deepen ties they should maybe look into strengthening the noblitiy.
Leave the material assistance out, we don't need any and we can come back if we need something later.
>Inform the PAN of the Eternal Empire’s shipping lanes in exhaustive detail. If they were able to slip a long-distance merchant flotilla or two into the orbit of Mars, both sides could benefit.

Honestly a oligarchy is pretty much just a less fancy monarchy when you think about it
>Inform the PAN of the Eternal Empire’s shipping lanes in exhaustive detail. If they were able to slip a long-distance merchant flotilla or two into the orbit of Mars, both sides could benefit.
>Suggest that the PAN restore the tradition of nobility. It would bring them closer to Mankind’s natural condition and benefit the Oligarchs in the long-term, even if there will be a few hiccups in the short-term.
>State that while nobles are at the top of the empire other things are allowed as long as it is not democracies and republics. State this as a "Hint" if they want to deepen ties they should maybe look into strengthening the noblitiy.
The most important goal regarding the Plurinational Accord of Notrabos must be its noble enlightenment, if not reunification with the Eternal Empire. You've found little fault in their conduct so far and don't believe their shared institution is a true democracy, or at least, enough of one to warrant pacification. They are worth reaching out towards, and you have the tools to do so.

At your command, the Circle of Oligarchs is sent a bundle of data- starcharts of the Empire's most recent economic shipping lanes, and of supply and demand throughout imperial space. If they don't see fit to continue their long-standing isolation, they may be able to increase their prosperity while contributing some small part to the memory of old Earth. If they do, it will serve as a gesture of trust.

You have your subordinates put together a polite suggestion that the Circle of Oligarchs consider legitimizing themselves in nobility. As things stand, they're a nebulous group of petty micro-states without any aristocratic ground to stand on. If they want to earn the respect of the Major Houses, they'll need to consider some degree of reform. You do not hold their poverty against them. It is not the circumstances of wealth or prestige that make a noble, it is their strength of will and ineffable right, and duty, to lead the ignorant masses below them to a far greater whole they ever could've accomplished on their own.

Last, you let them know that you would be grateful for any support they're willing to spare, though your cargo holds are full and it is in no way urgent. You are surprised to learn that Notrabo is not lacking in supplies. Far from it, the brunt of their ocean planet is dedicated to aquaculture, ostensibly for tribute, with a sheer, bulk-output that rivals that of any imperial core world. The variety is scant but these generous tons of frozen shrimp and saltwater cod are appreciated, nonetheless.

>+6 Supplies
It seems House Heinrich's disposal of the Reaver Clans has gone over exceptionally well. Your request for nearby star charts is well-received and they are quickly forthcoming. There are a few noteworthy locales, but you're met with another offer, one apparently unanimously agreed upon by their Circle. Their eight system alliance has a fair amount of freighters transporting ores and rations between Notrabo and its colonies, and they are nigh-universally state owned. In a show of trust and reconciliation with the Empire, they're willing to commit nearly half of their interstellar freighters to your cause, if you're willing to wait a few more months for them to gather.

That amounts to a small fleet. As near as you can gather, they're under the impression that this is a garden variety, long-distance exploration mission. You suppose they're only partly wrong. You examine the schematics and their commander's service record.

>P.A.N. Fleet (Tasos Vassou) A surly veteran of the Accord's garrison fleet and one of the few that's seen combat against pirates, now resigned to a logistical role after the loss of a leg.
>Cohesion: 6/6. Rolls 1d6-1. -1 (Junker Fleet). Rolls 1d12-1 if Fleeing.
>Cargo: (10 Capacity) 10 Supplies.
>Maintenance: -0.25 Supplies, Annually.

These ships are... unimpressive relative to the imperial standard. That said, a freighter is largely a freighter and their junker status means corners can be cut on maintenance, in most part because those corners are already rusted or gutted to nothing. If you took the P.A.N. fleet along with your expedition, it would become a joint-venture between the Empire and the Accord, with all that entails.

They'd need to be informed of what the mission is for, they'd feel entitled to receive a share corresponding to their efforts, and their security would then become your responsibility. There's a number of benefits and detriments here. You are reasonably certain their Circle of Oligarchs won't be offended either way your verdict goes.

What should be done with the P.A.N.'s offer?

>Accept it. Your expedition could use the lessened logistical strain and you are more than comfortable with the risks involved.
>Reject it. Your expedition can't be weighed down by defenseless foreigners, even besides that you don't want to endanger potential future allies.
After that's taken care of, there's the matter of the star charts. Some locations are opportunities they've been unable to pursue for their lack of military strength, others they never deemed worth the effort.

Where should the expedition travel?

>The Ksud Territories, two years out of the way at standard speed. Contacting an undiscovered alien species is worth the detour, even if you aren't certain what to expect.
>Vyke 9B, in the Hecceshan Rift, three years out of the way at standard speed. This junkyard of a world is a historical center for human savages, which may be worth subduing.
>Suspected Clan Yellabones Outpost, four years out of the way at standard speed. An insignificant desert world the P.A.N. has brought tribute to in the past, the reavers might still have a presence there.
>Forward Bound, keeping the current pace. You have your mission and see little reason to indulge in time-wasting distractions.
>Accept it. Your expedition could use the lessened logistical strain and you are more than comfortable with the risks involved.
Guy knows the region better and has seen combat.
>Forward Bound, keeping the current pace. You have your mission and see little reason to indulge in time-wasting distractions.
We can do detours once we start returning back or have made a foothold in the ex Oligarch Circle.
Suggestion for their nobility name: House Notrabo. Other suggestions I would like those to be mentioned.
>Accept it. Your expedition could use the lessened logistical strain and you are more than comfortable with the risks involved.
A joint venture will do wonders to legitimatize them as nobility and bring them into the Imperial fold.
>Forward Bound, keeping the current pace. You have your mission and see little reason to indulge in time-wasting distractions.
Exploration on the way back.
>Accept it.
>>Forward Bound
>Reject it. Your expedition can't be weighed down by defenseless foreigners, even besides that you don't want to endanger potential future allies.
No need for it but decline politely
>Forward Bound, keeping the current pace. You have your mission and see little reason to indulge in time-wasting distractions.
If the PAN sees a resurgence in pirates then the imperial navy can be dispatched but we still got our mission
Also gotta establish diplo with the worms too for that sweet trade money but that is for another mission
>Accept it. Your expedition could use the lessened logistical strain and you are more than comfortable with the risks involved.
>Forward Bound, keeping the current pace. You have your mission and see little reason to indulge in time-wasting distractions.
>Reject it. Your expedition can't be weighed down by defenseless foreigners, even besides that you don't want to endanger potential future allies.
I don't want to have to share the bounty with these guys, and I don't anticipate this contribution being that impactful anyways.

>Forward Bound, keeping the current pace. You have your mission and see little reason to indulge in time-wasting distractions.

We can do stuff later after we don't starve to our initial location. Plus we need our fighting strength vs yellabones.

After we get to their main spot we can burn everything on our way back.

>Suggest they send an ambassador to our brother. And a trade detail to crown corp. Let's rebuild their shit and make money on it. We finance and build stuff for partial ownership stake.

Basically what the Chinese are doing in Africa with building ports and other infrastructure. We then can easily fold then under us as a hard-core vassal.

>Finance a large defensive space station and orbital works. Make it a joint venture between crown corp, solutions and hookware. We can then split the costs in thirds. Crown corp focuses on building auxiliary stuff and equipment for the system, solutions can build bespoke warships and other high end stuff, and hookware can make cheap freighter and warships.

Let's make this area a Fortified outpost position.
>Accept it. Your expedition could use the lessened logistical strain and you are more than comfortable with the risks involved.

>Forward Bound, keeping the current pace. You have your mission and see little reason to indulge in time-wasting distractions.
>Reject it. Your expedition can't be weighed down by defenseless foreigners, even besides that you don't want to endanger potential future allies.
>Forward Bound, keeping the current pace. You have your mission and see little reason to indulge in time-wasting distractions.
Time waits for no man.
I hope OP is ok.
I'm sorry about the radio silence over the last two weeks, anons. I'd like to have a detailed explanation as to why, but I honestly just got distracted and the quest slipped my mind for a few days, then I caught a banal sense of "posting-paralysis" when I remembered. That's not a good word for it, but I'm not sure what else to call it. It's not a big deal to post, or shouldn't be, but it's one of those things that gets harder the longer you wait, and I waited longer than I should have. The quest will be resuming as soon as I can sit down to hash it out. I'm on the docket to be making some brisket with my extended family for most of today, so it'll be either later today or possibly early tomorrow.

I appreciate it. It turns out my thyroid's perfectly healthy and my gallbladder looks like it's in good shape, but I'm going to be getting an HIDA scan to make sure of it sometime in the next few weeks. We're not sure what it could be but my heartrate's gone back to its normal consistency for the most part, with intermittent pressure once or twice a day, but that's abnormal and I want to figure out what's happening. The issue's that there's more possible explanations for something like this than there are macro-scale tax policies for the Eternal Empire, kek. I'm certain it'll all work out, I've got a good feeling about it.
Phew, I was worried you were hospitalized or died or something. The longer I've been on /qst/ the more I've come to fear for QMs' safety.
Good to see you're okay, QM.
You feel little need to bring a foreign fleet along on a mission of the utmost importance, but less to leave them to languish. The P.A.N. fleet joins the armada. Ulrich isn’t sure this was necessary, but Viktor and Cassius reassure you that your verdict was a wise one. Given their aristocratic blood and lack of martial experience, you feel somewhat divided on whether their counsel is sound. The commoner, on the other hand, was held in highest esteem by House Junger and had a respectable career in the Imperial Army.

You suppose that gives their advice equal weight, in context. You try not to let your biases influence you, save for when they’re sensible. As a son of Emperor Otto, you can do no less. In a real sense, you are the foremost representative of the Eternal Empire in this distant space and everything you do here reflects on the honour of the throne on Mars. That includes setting a firm, just example for humans who've yet to reenter the fold, no matter how contemptible or praiseworthy you or any of your advisors might find them.

The journey continues.

>Roll nine 1d100 for the fleets to navigate, in order. On 1-5, that fleet suffers an error. On 6-100, that fleet keeps pace with the rest of the expedition.
Rolled 39 (1d100)

Rolled 27 (1d100)

Time to suffer.
Rolled 63, 51, 85, 20 = 219 (4d100)

>Roll nine
i'll roll 4 more to speed this up
Rolled 25, 43, 14 = 82 (3d100)

Gotta plot the course of the remaining three fleets before we end up with another two week hiatus.
Rolled 3, 2, 5, 2 = 12 (4d6)

I hate it when you're right, Anon.
RIP Simple Space Empire, and RIP QM.

I archived this thread just in case.
Right, since QM has been absent recently I'll post this

I actually do talk to the QM of this quest and he hasn't given up on it, though he did tell me he wanted to start a hiatus.

Reason for this is he got distracted by CYOA madness. He's currently really into making a specific CYOA.

Regardless, no clue when he'll come back to this but it's not dead(hopefully).
That's good to hear at least.
Why couldn't he say so himself though?

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