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AKA: “Meguca Royale: UK Edition”, because why not.
Questions & Answers:
>What the fuck is this?
This is a “spin-off” of Based Antientrophy Palico’s (A.K.A. Lumina Canima’s) Meguca Royale Games.
His Meguca Royale games are here:
And his current (small) game is here:

You will play as Puella Magi in the world of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, in this case, in the U.K.

>Is this Multiplayer?
Yes, this is multiplayer. I am going to accept three (3) players for now because this is a new system. And I am likely to accept more later if I believe I can handle it.

>What about the VTubers?
I will not be using VTubers as stand-ins for Puella Magi; Not because I think they’re cringe, but because I know nothing about VTubers other than the fact they show up in my recommended feed sometimes.

>What are the Mechanics?
For now I will say that the mechanics will be very similar to GURPS. In most cases you roll a 3d6 VS. your relevant stat and try to get under it. Some other mechanics use D100s and work differently however…

>Are you even a good writer?
Whoa, you can’t just ask questions like that! But seriously, I’m good enough that I made a different quest in a niche forum and some people still come over to play. If I suck, then tell me I suck and how I suck so I can stop sucking.

>What happens if a player drops because life/got bored/etc?
The character they were playing becomes an NPC until they come back if they ever do.

>Okay, but who are you?
I am/was “๑ Marie-Antoinette Désiré ๑” in Lumina’s Osaka game. Also known as “Nigger”, “Trespasser”, and “Black Mami”.
All that clear?

Now we just need to go through Char-Gen.
Yes, a scary word, I know. But I’ll keep it simple. You just give me the skeleton of a character, and I will attempt to give them the flesh of their background and (maybe) family if you don’t specify.

>Name: (The name of your character. Shameless Self-Insert or not)
>Appearance: (The garish looks of your character. Clothing descriptions are also welcome.)
>Quirks: (Personality traits, how they behave. Examples of how they act in specific situations are good. This space is vague intentionally, but remember: Simplicity is power and Brevity is the Soul of Wit.)
>Wish: (The Wish that you made with your Incubator. Your magical ability and theme is influenced heavily by your Wish. Make sure to be careful, some wishes have unforeseen consequences.)

I cannot guarantee any promises as this is my first quest on the Chans. But I will try my best to make something good with what you give me.

A small warning: I will go by Lumina’s precedent and choose characters that I think will go together well. That doesn’t mean that the character(s) I don’t pick are bad, it means that I think it will be easier to put the character into the current state of the story.
Also, while you are the conscious of the character, I am the sub-conscious. If you decide to confess your love to every single girl you meet, then I will make her roll to fight against the fear of rejection. (Unless your name is Lucinda Newhorn)
Best of luck with this!
>>Name: Alex Holmstead
>>Appearance: Short, slightly pudgy from lack of activity, long unkempt but clean dark brown hair that hides face for the most part
>>Quirks: Quiet from lack of volume but not lack of words, verbose, predisposed to go on tangents and ramble
>>Wish: To be able to give their family a life with all their needs and desires met
>Name: Stephanie Smith
>Appearance: tall and skinny, with a pronounced slouch. Black hair styled in a messy ponytail. Wears thick prescription glasses. Doesn't own many clothes aside from a pair of school uniforms.
>Quirks: an orphan, Stephanie puts on a jaded, cynical, and self-serving exterior—aided in no small part by a rather foul vocabulary—, while in truth being quite soft and sensitive. Though loathe to admit it, she will go to great lengths to help someone she even remotely considers a friend.
>Wish: To have a loving family, loyal friends, and a place to belong. Maybe a pet dog. Or a cat? Both?

time to become meguca, innit?
funny how the very first two both asked for wishes for their family, some creativity gotta be exercised to implement in interesting ways for their guca form (and also distinguish from emma)
flex those writing skills, marie!

-your fellow guca from osaka
Well, damn, if that's how it is, I can change things around a tiny bit. Don't want to make things stale and/or overly difficult for the QM. It's his first go at it, after all.

What do you say?
I personally have no problems with Wishes that are very similar.
This is hardly the first time two people had similar (or even the exact same) Wish. It might even make things more fun to see how people with similar Wishes diverge.
Alright, if you say so. That said, it wouldn't be too much trouble for me to change the Wish to something along the lines of "money, power, and the adoration of peers", if that would make things more fun on your end.
>Name: Abigail Fulson
>Appearance: Long, brown hair that is let down and not styled in any particular way, standard build, many freckles, likes to wear long dresses and otherwise modest clothes.
>Quirks: Shy, sometimes with a slight stutter, but with strong passions beneath the surface.
>Wish: "I'd really like it if Oliver was my boyfriend..."
>>Name: Viktoria Walker
>>Appearance: Massive golden hair. Somewhat short stature. Permanent resting bitch face.
>>Quirks: Born in the Victorian Era's elite nobility, she was endowed with bafflingly high standards of personal conduct and morality. Knows nothing of the current era, she will impose her views on others regardless. VERY picky. VERY annoying.
>>Wish: Feline, send me two hundred years into the future.
nah, you should wish for what you want, i didn't mean anything by the comment, just pointing out the funny coincidence
marie can handle it, and there's already an out in place where the qm can choose what the qm wants
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Yew gowt a bloody loisence for zsat there quest yewr runnin' m8?

As a senior on the matter of magical girls and this quests overarching lore, as well as an actual resident of the UK; I will be invigilating this quest closely...............lol
Damn, Viktoria has a more solid base and a more unique storytelling opportunity. Take it over Alex.
The maniac actually did it.... shine on, you crazy diamond. Can't wait to see what autism will be cooked up in Jolly Ole England
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im so fucking hype right now. more gucas!!! but! more than anything, i want marieanon to have fun. everything else takes second place, so don't worry too much about the quest sucking balls or not cause i won't care as long as you are writing about what /you/ like
Today the UK..... tomorrow the WOOOOOORRRRLLLLD
>Oi mate, you got a license for them menh- wait, the joke's already been said.
Have fun everyone and don't forget, being meguca is suffering!
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Ooooh, MagiGirl quest... Question! Is 'magical Girl' more of a general aesthetic? Can a magical Boy(soft~) pass, if designed in a sensible(non-fetish) way?

Needless to say, no pressure QM. If it's against the lore or out of the scope of what you want to run, 'no' is a perfectly valid answer. Good luck running as well!
These are tiring times; have a (You), QM!
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Alright, these are our girls!
As per Alex’s request, I am taking Viktoria over her. Good luck next time!

Now for another decision: Territory Choice
Choosing where you will start. Because when I said “In the U.K”, I meant In the U.K. Not just London or England.
Is this choice important? I would think so, yes! Each location has a different… “Territorial Environment”, so to speak. I will give a few details soon.

You can either choose regularly or, if you are indecisive, roll a 1d7 and choose the associated location in Pic Related.
Territory in the U.K Guide: Made by £&!*@ *&"^^#@<

London is a very cramped place. This leads to every type of Magical Girl and Incubator being found in any Borough. This also means that London is a dog-eat-dog place, with a shortage of Witches being common, Puella Magi need to ration and/or steal from others. Groups are created usually out of necessity, having a group of people backing you up makes others think more carefully about stealing your kills or trying to corrupt you. But other groups are also made with a mix of necessity and a sense of “Family”, similar to an organised crime group.

So with all this said, why live in London?
The first answer is opportunity. London has a lot of people, and therefore a lot of resources. It also contains the largest opportunities out of all of The U.K and the largest possible chances for connections. And due to how dense it is with people along with all the fingers in its metaphorical pie, if something big happens, it’s going to happen in London. It’s a High-Risk, High-Reward area to live in, where cut-throat behaviour is the name of the game.

The Countryside. Birmingham, Nottingham, Manchester, York, et al
The farther you get into the countryside of England, the less cut-throat it gets. But another problem soon develops. Due to the decreased population of the countryside, Witches become a legitimate threat that must be eliminated, but there are not enough Puella Magi in the area to deal with them. As a result, some Puella Magi from the countryside have to (reluctantly) barter with the Londoners for reinforcements to “cull the herd”.

Why live here?
Well for one thing, it’s more calm than London for sure. You can actually catch a breath without wondering if someone is going to kill you in your sleep, you can hone your craft and magic at your own pace. It is an area where the main threat are Witches, and hunting them down is for the good of everyone.

Scotland has an interesting situation: There are a low amount of Kyubeys. Instead, Human Incubators seem to have made shop there. This creates an environment similar to Osaka, Japan: Due to all of the candidates knowing the risks involved in being Puella Magi before signing, there is a shortage of Puella Magi. As a result, every one of them work hard to keep peace with minimal infighting. Coordinators are a rarity, however.

This is an area where human connection is the most possible. It’s likely the most calm area, but that also means that it has the least opportunities for growth other than the aforementioned connections. It is jokingly called a “Retirement Home” by the Puella Magi community due to the lack of activity and amount of people keeping watch making life easy, but cushioned and unfulfilling.
Ireland is “normal”, in that the Puella Magi population and situation is what many Puella Magi in other countries are experienced in. Kyubey makes contracts with (often desperate) girls and they become Magical Girls, etc. The Irish Puella Magi are intensely territorial, more so than the Londoners. The Witch population is “normal”; there’s enough to sustain a group of girls if they ration, but just enough scarcity that they will eventually Witch Out without help. An outsider getting into Ireland is difficult due to their territorial nature, so the Irish Puella Magi feel a bit isolated; They have to resolve all of their problems by themselves, with minimal trust between Magical Girls from other groups.

If you want a group of people who will ride or die and know how to make do with anything, this is the place. Groups made here often don’t go down easily, killing one member makes the other ones stronger and they don’t Witch Out easily for some ungodly reason. Loyalty is a big thing here though, they expect you to stay with that one group for life. Leaving or other similar actions are seen as betrayal, and heavily damage your reputation among every one of the Irish.
I'd ideally like something in the countryside, not much preference for where that is exactly, with a secondary preference for Ireland. I like the idea of Witches being the main threat rather than other magical girls. I would be least receptive to London.
Here' s an idea. Let's all start in Ireland and be together from the start and also >>6085606 I forgot to mention that Viktoria is also endowed with bafflingly big Breasts. What a detail innit.
Why thank you! No chance to make it 4 players KyubeyQM? Also >>6086524 is interesting.
I don't wanna do Ireland. Feels a bit too restrictive and "normal". Scotland is a little too weird. Let's do London or countryside/other cities. I'm down for either meguca bloodbath in the former or total witch death in the latter.
Fine with me
Oh, with Steph actively not wanting Ireland I think it might be better for us to do Countryside. Viktoria what are your opinions on Countryside?
Sure. I'll take Countryside as long as we are together. Scotland is lovely too. Slice of life lots! But, Countryside, yes.
Great, looks like we're settled for Countryside then.
I was thinking of going solo for some character development before grouping up. I'm open to being sold on starting grouped up, however. There's potential for loads of fun RP in meeting one another for the first time and I feel that it makes the eventual joining of forces more earned. That said, starting grouped is in no way a hard "no" for me. I'd like to hear your takes on it.
I don't have strong feelings one way or the other. I could see both being fun, though wouldn't starting separately be more of a load for the QM? They would need to narrate for three separate situations rather than what would be just one much of the time, no?
Point. It might be.

What do you say? Would you rather we start grouped up? I'm all for making things easier for you.
My take is that meeting may take a long time, that we could have those cool introduction regardless, and that we could cover for each other right off the bat. Also >>6087470 Abigail raises a good point. Let's not scare our writing Kyubey!
Ok, that's a good point about it potentially taking a long time. I suppose we could start off with the introductions and such. Don't know how exactly it'd go, but that's for the QMbey to puzzle out. Let's start grouped.

Thank you so much for witnessing the beginning of this Meguca Conquest. Spectating this is going to be a ride.


While I would actually allow this in a different setting, as far as I know, Magical Boys do not exist in PMMM. Maybe next time in a different game, man. Good luck.
Anyone else eagerly awaiting? <3
i'm eager to see where things go as a reader!
I'm interested in the multiple characters aspect. Even if I know little about the series.

I have no problems with all of you grouping together in one place. However, I will be a surprisingly transparent QMbey and tell you the Pros and Cons.

The main Pro is, as mentioned before, you can meet up much more easily and cover each other's bases if possible. Fun RP times are easier, and fighting Witches with a team that is likely to be amicable is much better. Having a tight-knit group ready to go is great for the early life of Puella Magi.

The main Con is Information Asymmetry. If you all start in one place, then you will generally only know what is happening in that one place. This is an issue because events that happen in other areas (especially London) can have an effect on your area. Not knowing why there is a sudden influx of Witches or why there's a new group coming into your territory can be really bad.

Of course, none of these are problems for me. My job is to make sure that being Meguca is suffering in the best way possible. But it's best to make a slightly educated decision after the uneducated decision of your Wish.
Good to know. Being blind to Londoner guca shenanigans and witch stuff happening up there is suboptimal. That said, going solo in London might be more meguca suffering than I'd be willing to sign up for. Would starting solo in the countryside ameliorate some of the cons of information asymmetry? If the other two start grouped, we could potentially have a middle ground between being consolidated and having situational awareness.
Yes, it would.
Generally speaking, the further away you are from a location, the slower it takes for information to travel between you and there. Common sense, really. Puella Magi in the U.K don't have a wide-spanning information network yet.
Ok. I'll start solo somewhere that's not London, then. Just not too far from where the other two start. E.g, put me around about Brighton if they start in Dover or somesuch.
idk if I like the idea of two of us starting together and the third separate. Could make it like the third is being excluded or the first two would be closer or something.
It's something I can live with. Especially so if it results in us getting some advance warning regarding something big.
In my humble opinion, you are making information asymmetry a bigger problem than it will be. Consider, also, that there will be many more areas that we won't cover regardless of whether you split or not. Look, we deal with things as they come. No big deal. Come join us!
Point. Ok, let's start all together. Surely, the power of friendship will see us through.
Another fair point I have: we would be uncommunicated regardless in-game. We won't know of each other, so there would be no reason to share intel. We'd learn about what the other party is going through by reading their part of the story from here. But doesn't that strike you as unnatural?
There you have it QMbey. Where we landing, in York?
Good to see we have a consensus.

York does seem like the area that fulfils your wants.
A Countryside area that's just far enough to not have Puella Magi swarming the place but close enough that information will not be too slow to get to you.
Everyone will start in York.

Is that alright?

And of course the well-educated Victorian Elite would persuade others and get her way.
York is fine by me, yeah.
That works.
>Magical Boys do not exist in PMMM.

All fine, QM.

Anyways, multiplayer quests are quite novel to me, so I'm excited to see where you guys will go with this! Will we witness betrayals (maybe)? Suffering (bet)? Yuri-undertones? ...or overtones!? Oh my! Oh no! girls mustn't kiss girls!!! *Runs away*
you could always wish to become a boy, if you had been there earlier at least
I'm nowhere near smart enough to figure this trick out, I fear. tho, Noted for the future!
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Tragedy strikes again. My rage is immeasurable. This is the second time I miss a PMMM quest because I'm an absolutely blind bastard who cannot read. Good luck, gucas. Suffer for our entertainment.
Alright, we're all going to York! Writing!

Maybe next time, man.

Oh yeah, I absolutely already planned for someone to make the "I want to be a boy" Wish.

There's always next thread. Or maybe after a few days.
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Just gotta sit tight until I put together Meguca Royale: LOS ANGELES
>Made by £&!*@ *&"^^#@<

! wond£& who th@t #@y b£.
Genius, I didn't even think about it until you pointed it out
Well she is Erika Kruppman.
not before i finish Meguca Royale: Favelas do Rio De Janeiro
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I was thinking about:

Italy Meguca Royale: Gangsters Paradise Edition.
I feel like I Derped so hard on this Quest in general. Had an idea for a blindly/stupidly idealistic paramedic/support Meguca but thought I will give the boy a shot before I count her in...

I really am dumb, am I? eh... The realization, holy, it stings. it stings.
If meguca wished to be a boy (s)he would get some sort of transformation related magic. Not necessarily gender bending related which might be useful for support
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>I wish to be a boy!
>Wish changes the past so that she is a he
>power is picrel
Another tragic tale.
Come to think of it - we are the Real players here. We privileged few suffer first, and will keep on suffering. A veritable sorrow of loss unending. The most unenviable plight of stumbling before the gun is even raised...

Could there be a more authentic way of experiencing a PMMM Quest than our own? Perhaps. Perhaps, just perhaps, we are the very first Witches?
one of our players there at the mini thread vanished without warning. been a week. we npc'd the character, tamako, but if someone wants to take the reigns go ahead. the player hadn't even issued an action yet
...Magical Boy-anon... Go on, your time has come. Do what must be done. Bring glory to the name of Tamako.
That's a stupid bow, Meduka, you don't use a bow, you've never used a bow. Lying little shit with your bullshit bow. Fuck you.
Stephanie Smith

Stephanie’s last day was strange, but normal at the same time.

No-one had adopted her, as usual, and she had to bring justice for a flatulence-related incident into the Orphanage in her own way. After a fellow Orphan immediately put a damper on her mood by asking her about any potential Adopters, she decided to mope in her bed. Until she was approached by some White, fox-cat chimera that asked her to make a wish.

Her mental state was not in the mood for asking questions, so she made her wish on whim. ”To have a loving family, loyal friends, and a place to belong. Maybe a pet dog. Or a cat? Both?”

She fell asleep soon after, not really taking the whole situation seriously because she thought it was a hallucination or some other orphan pranking her. Now she has a green necklace that’s way too expensive-looking for someone like her, and a weird sense of emptiness.

Going through her usual dental care and showering didn’t put the feeling that something weird and serious is happening out of her. She walks into the main hall where everyone is having breakfast, as usual, and sits down next to a girl that some would mistake for her sister, as usual.
>What to do on an empty day?
Abigail Fulson

Abigail’s last day was harrowing.

She went to school and wrote down extremely detailed notes about all the subjects she was taught. But academic success was never a worry for her, it was a foregone conclusion that she would succeed there. Instead it was romantic success.

Abigail talked to Oliver during her breaks, he had passions that blazed outwards and often showed her things that he made. But she could just never actually ask him out! When talking to him at the end of the school day, she stuttered and froze before excusing herself to the toilet.

While almost breaking into tears on a toilet seat due to her own mannerisms, Abigail was approached by some weird creature that said she could make any Wish and have it granted to become a Magical Girl. That sounded like a great way out at the moment, so she quietly said her Wish: “I'd really like it if Oliver was my boyfriend..."

She couldn’t really sulk after such strange circumstances, and went home soon thereafter. While taking off her clothes, she found a blue bracelet inside one of the compartments in her bag… Strange. But no time for thinking with how exhausted the events of the day left her.

Now that it’s a fresh Saturday morning, Abigail has plenty of time to think. She just made a wish with a weird, probably supernatural, creature to have Oliver as her boyfriend. Will that Wish actually come true? And what’s with this blue bracelet?

>What to do on a hopeful day?
Viktoria Walker

Viktoria’s last day was extremely strange.

She was leaving her school, which had recently taught her advanced Mathematics and Logic. This was kept a slight secret, girls like her should not have been learning such things, but she had the privilege of learning such things.

While Viktoria was learning of these subjects, she knew that she was simply at the tip of the iceberg of what was currently being experimented with. It was a bit frustrating, from what she was taught, the future of technology was broadly figured out already. It was exciting to think about, but in the same way a new publication of a beloved book were “exciting”. New developments would expand humanity’s demesne, and bring better quality of life at the least.

But things like technology didn’t interest her much, despite what she was being taught in school. She was more worried about morals and ethics. Would the tools Humanity will develop be used to liberate the common man? Would they protect the children less fortunate than her? Would women still dress like she did? These were all questions that constantly swirled in her head when she learned more of the Academic Fields.

She ducked into a closed off alleyway to adjust her clothing. She dressed very modestly, like any good girl, but clothes were always tight around her chest, much to her chagrin. When she was done, she looked at the way she came and saw a… White Feline? While any other person would have probably shoved it out of the way, Viktoria’s parents were in the process of making undue cruelty to animals a punishable crime, and she’s not a hypocrite (surprisingly, some would say).

They had a short talk about Viktoria’s worries of the future, culminating in the Feline saying that she could become a practitioner of magic and make a Wish, such as being transported into the future. Viktoria’s question was if this Contract would turn her into a witch, to which this Feline (who said to call it “Kyubey”) said, verbatim, that she would be fighting Witches. With that, she was convinced and made her Wish: “Feline, send me two hundred years into the future.”

The Feline just said “Wish Granted” and walked away. Viktoria sure didn’t feel like she was in the future, and so went home and to bed.

Waking up in the morning, she’s still not impressed. She did find a purple hair brooch near her in bed, but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. She sure hopes that event in the alleyway wasn’t a charlatan making her a boob.
>What to do on a brand new day?
I had to make the entire background while nursing a multi-day headache, so that was fun.


Go, my fellow Puella Magi. Achieve World Domination.


Don't worry, others will experience more Despair and Grief in a moment than you will in a lifetime. I will make sure of it.
And so the Guca suffering begins.
kouhais, if you're scared of fucking up, don't be
you could (probably) consider these first choices as semi-extended char gen so marie can get a better idea of how your guca acts and write accordingly, you're not gonna die instantly (probably)

Yes, it is exactly this.
Even from the perspective of a sadistic QM, extending and prolonging the suffering is much better, no?
Killing them off now would be very strange and counter-productive.
Venture out to the edge of town with a notebook and pencils. This last attempt was especially bad, I need to take my mind off things by practicing my drawing, taking in nature, maybe get a chance to hear some uncommon birds... I suppose I can try this bracelet out? Did that cat give it to me? Maybe it just couldn't fulfill my wish and gave me it as a consolation prize. I mean, how was a cat, even a talking one, supposed to make Oliver return my feelings anyways? Shame, I should have asked for something more realistic, like a new dress. I was never a "bracelet" kind of girl, but it would be rude to not use a gift, so I guess I'll wear it for now.
Grab thee purple hair brooch, wear it, partake in daily morning rituals (relinquish every necessary second in refining looks), and then take a walk to pursue cherished novelty. Must look to part to greet the future, as to not look out of place.
"Just another one of those days, int it? Not like there's owt to be done about that..."

It is precisely on the days when you feel empty and sapped of will that you have to get out there and just do it. Though this time feels somewhat *off*, Steph knows the drill at this point. Idle chatter over breakfast keeps one grounded, while secreting away a portion or two to feed stray animals—kindred spirits, one and all—never fails to warm the heart. School isn't out yet, so there's not exactly shortage of mindless drudgery to pass the time. When that's over with, it's not as though there aren't things to do at the house. The staff's short-handed and, frankly, doesn't care enough. Is there really much need to do anything different because she woke up feeling a little blue?

After all, this is a day like any other; it just requires a little more effort to get through. Who knows? The bad feeling might even clear up before it's through. What is certain, however, is that time and tide wait for no one. Adulthood, ever encroaching on the horizon, promises greater difficulties than feelings of emptiness and, as difficult as it might be for someone in Steph's position to believe, this is still the "easy part" of life. Come on then, Stephanie Smith, prove to the world and—more importantly—yourself that you're hard enough. Steady as she goes.

As for the mysterious jewelry, best tuck it in. Don't want the fellow orphans or, worse yet, the staff getting any ideas.

Just to assuage any worries: I am writing!
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Was worried there something had happened. Suffering needs time.
I never doubted you QMbey. Keep at it for as long as you feel is needed to deliver premium grade-A suffering.
Abigail Fulson

Abigail: “Okay, Abigail. Think happy thoughts…”

She tried to put the events of yesterday mostly behind her. Wallowing in her failure would get her nowhere, she knows this from experience. A lot of experience. And from that experience, she knows that immersing herself in her interests is a sure-fire way of getting over another failure.

While Abigail is packing her art supplies, she looks at that bracelet she got today. It being there is strange, she never bought a bracelet. But she did meet a white talking cat yesterday, so those two things are likely linked. She made a wish to have Oliver return her feelings, but that hasn’t happened, at least not yet.

Maybe the bracelet can help her with Oliver, maybe it’s an expression of her Soul that he can see; Blue, bright and shining. Or, much more likely to Abigail, it’s a consolation prize for that cat not being able to fulfil her wish…

No! Abigail needs to get out and draw before she bawls her eyes out. She goes downstairs, her bedroom is on the first floor and the kitchen is on the ground, and sees her Dad in the kitchen drinking a coffee.
His regular shift is at night, but he often pulls overtime in the morning as well. Abigail actually doesn’t have a good idea on how much he even gets paid for working such arduous hours.

Abigail’s Dad: “You look like you’re going out somewhere. Where to?”

Abigail: “Oh, just to the edge of town. I want to practice my art today.”

Abigail’s Dad: “…”
He knows that she often does this after another failed confession

Abigail’s Dad: “Well, stay safe. There’s a sandwich in the fridge, it has everything you like in it.”

Abigail: “Great!”
These are the small things he does with the time he has, and she really appreciates it.

Abigail leaves her house and decides to walk to the edge of town. It’s moments like these she’s very thankful for both the size of York and the existence of the Green Belt. She could not imagine how difficult it would be to find good, developed woodlands and nature in London or something.
While walking, she inspects the bracelet a bit. It looks really expensive, if the cat did give this to her, how did he(? She? It?) get it? It’s not like cats rob stores for jewellery. Hmm, maybe there’s some other reason-

Abigail: “Wah?!”

The bracelet just transformed into some… gem? It’s blue, just like the original bracelet, and shines brightly. But more importantly, how does she turn it back to normal?!
Abigail: “Uh, okay, maybe if I concentrate really hard it will turn back to normal?”
Defying all basic logic, that actually works. The Gem turns back into a bracelet with a small spark of light. From now on, she’s just going to wear it and not think about it.
Later, she makes it to Stockton-on-the-Forest. Not to be mistaken for Stockton, California or Stockton-on-Tees. Due to the extremely low footprint of the village (It only follows one main road) it has very little impact on the surrounding nature and there is greenery surrounding the place. A low population compared to other areas and a small footprint make it good for just immersing yourself in nature and drawing what you can see and imagine.

She rolls a picnic blanket on the floor and gets started on drawing the surrounding trees, leaves, and bushes. One thing that she does have confidence in is portraying her surroundings. Strangely, there is much less wildlife than usual in the woodlands today. As if someone has been hunting them.

Before Abigail can think of whatever omens that spell, she hears some rustling in the bushes. She immediately goes on guard, people have stolen her art supplies before, she even has a Drawing Tablet just in case.
When she sees who it is she drops all fear, and it is replaced with affection.

Abigail: “Oliver!”

Oliver flashes Abigail a heart-stopping smile.
Oliver: “Oh hey, Abigail!”

Abigail: “W-what are you doing here?”

Oliver: “Oh, it’s nothing serious. Some people at the Church asked me to do some repairs and said they would even pay me. Money’s tight, so…”

Abigail: “Right…”
Abigail knows for a fact that money is tight for a lot of people recently. That’s why her Dad is working overtime.

Oliver: “I don’t need to go there immediately though, which brings me to another topic: Yesterday, it looked like you had something really important you wanted to tell me. What was it?”

Abigail: “A-ah, w-well, I-”

Oliver raises his hand towards Abigail as if to say “Stop”.
Oliver: “Eh, don’t worry if you can’t say it now.”

Oliver: “Oh, but I do have an offer for you. In a couple of days, I’m going to a party later with some friends and I can invite anyone I want. I was thinking that you would make the perfect plus one!”

Abigail: ”Wait, why was he thinking of me when inviting someone to a party?!

Abigail: “W-wait, that sounds an awful lot like you’re inviting just me to the party.”

Oliver: “I am.”

Abigail: “Oliver, if you bring just me to the party then people are going to think I’m your… g-girlfriend!”

Oliver: “What if I want people to think you’re my girlfriend?”


Viktoria Walker

Viktoria decided to focus on the most important thing here: Hygiene and Self-Care.
Who knows when she could suddenly drop dead from measles or something. Of to the bathroom she went.

The bathroom was the first difference she saw.

The bathtub, instead of being metal or something similar, was made out of some sort of white, hard material. Viktoria would compare it to stone, except she can tell that the material doesn’t have the consistency of stone by sight. Touching it with her hands confirms it outright.
It also confirmed that this tub was completely clean.

Viktoria tears her eyes away from the tub and directs it to the soap. It’s not a bar, but rather some sort of viscous liquid. She took a look at the list of chemicals inside and breathed a sigh of relief. They finally got rid of all of the ridiculous carcinogens and other such things! But now the problem is that she has no idea what any of these chemicals are. She guesses that she now has to trust in the goodwill that authorities must have gained over time.

Despite being a member of the Elite herself, Viktoria doesn’t feel very comfortable.
But it’s either using the soap or not being clean. She knows the correct answer to this crossroad: Cleanliness is next to Godliness!

Viktoria strips, throws her clothes onto the bed (there were no hangers, unfortunately), and inspects the next difference in technology: this metallic nozzle hung up next to the bathtub. Unlike the black box of chemicals that was the soap, Viktoria has a decent idea of how the nozzle may work.
It taps into the water system surrounding the building and manipulates the water flow to spew water into the tub or at the person at high speeds. A shower of water, if you will. It would theoretically be faster than a bath, that is for sure, especially if Mister Bazalgette was able to clean up the sewage and River Thames then spread his influence. Viktoria briefly wonders if the Bazalgette family are still around in some form.
There are two knobs in the bathtub, one is red, the other is blue. As a test, Viktoria twists the red knob. As expected, water comes out of the nozzle. The temperature is a bit unexpected.

Viktoria: “Oh, it is warm water- £+!=

She twists the knob in the opposite direction after making a ghastly sound. Why was the water that hot?! Were they expecting to cauterise wounds in this tub?! Maybe Viktoria will have more luck with the blue knob.
That guess was correct, it seems. The water was refreshingly cold instead of scalding hot.
She squeezes the soap onto her hands and rubs it into a white lather, but it gets washed out of her hands quickly by the shower. She needs some kind of porous sponge…
And how serendipitous! There’s a yellow porous sponge right next to her in the tub! These future conveniences are great!
The shower went by just fine after that. Viktoria had a bit of a panic with the new hair conditioner she found (the only chemicals she knew in that thing were Glycerine and Coconut Oil), but she followed the same logic as with the soap: There is no way she’s going to let her beautiful hair have less than stellar treatment.

While putting on her clothes and tying her hair up with the brooch, Viktoria ponders upon a question that may be important: Why is her room perfectly preserved in the time period it came from but the bathroom has advanced by years?
That can be answered later. Now is the time to explore an entirely new… Time.

When stepping outside of her Manor, the first thing Viktoria noticed was the air. It felt lighter than the air in Queen Victoria’s reign. It smelled as clean as herself after the shower, a sign that much of the Miasma covering England must have been cleared somehow. But how could they have done that? Even if everyone was brought up to the same hygienic standards as her, Miasma is impossible to avoid as long as people die. Unless… people die less often in this time period? That sounds almost utopian to her.

The second thing Viktoria noticed was the architecture. It looked familiar but different in many ways. Like the buildings were the same ones from her time period but were just renovated and refurbished over time. It feels nice that they still appreciate the work of her time, but surely the British of The Future made something of their own, right? She sure hopes so.

Viktoria decides to walk out through the main gate and into the streets of York proper. Hopefully she can find-

???: “Holy shit, someone actually lives in there?!”

Well, that was uncouth. Viktoria turns toward the source of the voice and sees a girl, seemingly the same age as her, with messy dark brown hair, fair skin, and an average build. She was riding a bicycle and stopped on a dime right in front of Viktoria.

Brown-haired girl: “Can I ask who you are? I’ve never seen anyone come out of that manor in my entire life!”

>What to do in front of a curious girl?
Stephanie Smith

Stephanie decides to swallow her grief and just follow her usual routine. Other people are probably going through the same empty feeling as her, especially the adults, and they go on with life as always, just like she will.

Stephanie walks over to the cook and asks for breakfast. She gets what everyone else gets: The Classic English Breakfast: Bacon, eggs, sausages, baked beans, and toast. She knows for a fact this is why every one out of two Northerners you see is fat.
Next, she tucks the green necklace into her unmarked school uniform just in case someone, like other orphans or, God forbid, the Staff decide to steal it for some dosh. Then she shoves some of her breakfast into a heat insulating container that she saved up for. That container has been one of the greatest investments of her life, as she can store food for herself, her friend, or for the stray animals.

Speaking of her friend, her human one anyway, the moment Stephanie sits down she tries to start a conversation.

Megan: “So, Steph, how was yesterday night?”

Stephanie: “Not very good.”
She says this not because she’s trying to put up a tough exterior like always, but because her sleep was just bad and Megan deserves to know.

Megan: “Yikes, that’s unfortunate. Was it because of Callum?”

Stephanie: “Callum’s farts are the least of my worries. It was actually because of you.”

Megan: “M-me?”

Stephanie: “Yeah, when you asked me if anyone was interesting in adopting me, it got to me. I just lied in bed, awake the whole time until midnight.”

Megan: “O-oh wow. I’m really sorry.”

Megan: “I will tell you, out of all of us, you deserve to have a family the most. Even with how you act, you clearly care for me at least. And don’t think I don’t notice you sneaking out to feed the strays.”
Damn, she’s observant.

Stephanie: “Mhm, thanks. I hope you get a family who loves you as well.”

Megan: “Best case scenario is that we both get adopted together. Hell, we already look like sisters.”

Megan wasn’t joking when she said that. Both Megan and Stephanie have black hair, both wear glasses, and are roughly a similar age, with Megan being two years younger. The only visual difference between them is that Megan’s hair is in braids. Many would mistake them for sisters if it weren’t for the context of them being in an Orphanage.

Stephanie: “Like that would ever happen, don’t be daft.”

Megan smirks smugly.
Megan: “You’re just saying that to avoid thinking of me like a sister rather than a friend. I can see right through you~”

Stephanie does a fake shocked pose.
Stephanie: “Now you’re just barmy! I can’t believe you would say that about me! I always act very polite to- fuck I can’t even finish that, haha!”

Megan: “Pft, alright. But seriously, I think you would be a great sister.”

Stephanie: “You can keep thinking that if it makes you happy. Especially if it makes you happy.”
From there, the conversation tapered off as they both realised they should eat their food before it becomes cold.

As Stephanie was dumping the leftovers into her food container, the head of the Orphanage came in.
The woman looked like she belonged more in a Church than an Orphanage, but she ran the place as best as she could. And with the budget she had? She performed miracles greater than any Saint, that’s what the orphans think.

Orphanage Head: “Stephanie Smith, Megan Taylor, Come into my office now!”

Stephanie: “Oh, boy. I wonder what I’m in for.”

To contrast Stephanie’s blithe thoughts, Megan looked at her with a truly worried expression before walking towards the Orphanage Head. Stephanie followed her lead.
While walking to her office, Stephanie wondered what this could even be about. She’s been on good behaviour comparative to the past. Why is she going to be punished?

The Orphanage Head offered them chairs when Stephanie and Megan walked into her office. They obliged.

Megan: “Miss Webster, why have we been called here?”

Webster: “Well, I have very good news for the both of you.”

Stephanie: “What, are you getting more funding and we happen to be lucky girls who hear about it first?”

Webster: “Oh God no, that’s a miracle that can’t be granted with a thousand prayers. Though, I’ve accomplished a different kind of miracle.”

Stephanie: “What could she be talking about- No way.”

Webster: “I would like to introduce you to your potential new parents!”

A man and a woman both come in from a side door.

Stephanie: “No fucking way”

Black-Haired Man: “Hello, my name is Jakob. I hope I can take of you!”

Black-Haired Woman: “And my name is Heather. Don’t worry, you can trust us. We don’t bite~”

Webster: “These are your prospective new parents! What do you think?”

Megan: “W-well, they seem nice just by looking at them. And I do really want to be adopted… Stephanie, what about you?”

Not only were they willing to adopt both Stephanie and Megan. They looked just like what her parents could look like. Black hair, tall, skinny, all they were missing was the slouch but they probably have better posture than her. This is way too much. This can’t be coincidental. Are they her biological parents or something?

Stephanie: “W-what’s your surnames?”

Jakob: “Ah, my family name is Imeredala. You can choose to have it or not, I won’t judge either way.”
So it’s not Smith… God, this situation is so strange.

>Are these your new parents? What do you do?

>Instantly go full red in the face
>Brain goes into defcon 1
"O-o-oh, w-well, in the- that- are you su- ah- *cough* uhm- m-me?? G-girlfriend?? Well yeah I guess I'd like to be you- wait no- YES!! Haha. Um. To the party. (getting quieter) with you. yes please i-i'll go with you to the party."

>Avert gaze in confusion, horror at self, and disbelief
What the hell is wrong with me. Please form an actual sentence for once in your life when your dreams are coming true.
Oh gosh what am I going to wear?!?!? I'll have to talk with dad, he always picks the best clothes.
I really hope Oliver isn't disgusted with me. That was probably the stupidest string of words I ever put together in my life.
Why is it so hot out here? Oh my goodness I'm so sweaty. I hope I don't smell. Please don't notice Oliver.
Does Oliver like me?? What is he doing? What does he MEAN 'What if I want people to think you're my girlfriend?' Is that a scheme? Is he making fun of me? Where are the cameras?
What type of party is this? Is it a dance party? Is it a drinking party? Is it a birthday party? I should ask about this.
Wait why am I looking at my phone? Oh that's funny, there's a contact with the name Oliver and a phone number attached to it.
Wait where did Oliver go?
"O-oh...w-wow...that's...uh...that's bonkers, th-that is...hehe..."

Off to an excellent start, Steph. Joy and a sense of foreboding mingled in her mind as she tried to take in the situation. This wasn't real. It couldn't be real. An absolute miracle. Things like that didn't happen, though. It was too perfect. Maybe this was all a dream? Stephanie recalled the white fox-cat thing and the wish she had made to it. This could still be a dream, then. One of those weird dreams where you wake up and go about your day none the wiser before waking up again, for real this time. She considered pinching herself or asking Megan to pinch her, but that would be a real weird thing to do. Doing weird things in front of potential adopters (and especially these two) was obviously ill-advised. Her eyes darted around the room, frantic.

Steph's composure, laboriously crafted and maintained, cracked and then collapsed.

>Mumble something and stare at the ground.
>Tug on Megan's sleeve. She needs to take the wheel on this one. Now.
>Try not to cry.
>Goddammit, don't cry.
>Try really really really hard not to cry.
Bask, without worry, in thee refreshing clean air, evidence of humanity's progress. Murmur well-due farewells to old lady Victoria, now is the time of Viktoria. Dance towards such fascinating stranger and inspect her, giving particular attention to her light clothing. Inquire as to the habits of the current youngsters. Offer to employ her in my servitude. *Insist* to employ her in my servitude... as I may be sort of helpless in these, hopelly glorious, and compassionate, times.
Rolled 56 (1d100)


I'm writing.
Also, this is a perfectly normal roll and nothing bad is going to happen.
>nothing bad is going to happen
Suuuure, QMbey. I trust you~
Picking up the pace I see. And here I was, just wondering about how rolling going to work?
All good, QM?
Thiiiis may come off as mean, but it's safe to say that this quest won't pop off. It's about to be a month but we haven't even started yet. One update a week is not enough.
Have a little faith. Real life might've gotten in the way. QM will be back, I'm sure.
Abigail Fulson

Abigail’s face turns as red as a ripe tomato.
"O-o-oh, w-well, in the- that- are you su-”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“ah-” cough “uhm- m-me?? G-girlfriend??”

“Yes. You. Girlfriend.”

“Well yeah I guess I'd like to be you- wait no- YES!! Haha. Um. To the party.”


“with you. yes please i-i'll go with you to the party."

“Of course. I’m going to need your phone number so I can call you when the party is happening.”

>Avert gaze in confusion, horror at self, and disbelief

Abigail looks away after that embarrassing stammering. Just what was that exchange?! How many complete words did she even manage to make?!
Oliver, seeing this, just chuckles and puts a hand on her shoulder.

“You can just hand me your phone and I’ll put in my phone number.”

Abigail absent-mindedly obliges and ruminates on her current failure spiral.
”Oh gosh what am I going to wear?!?!? I'll have to talk with dad, he always picks the best clothes.
I really hope Oliver isn't disgusted with me. That was probably the stupidest string of words I ever put together in my life.”

Oliver looks up from Abigail’s phone.
“It’s okay if you can’t put your thoughts into words at the moment, it’s the thought that matters. I know you care about me. Also, you can wear whatever you want, other people judging you doesn’t matter.”

Abigail’s nerves almost explode while she’s stuck in her head. And she still can’t say anything! What’s wrong with her?!
“Why is it so hot out here? Oh my goodness I'm so sweaty. I hope I don't smell. Please don't notice Oliver.
Does Oliver like me?? What is he doing? What does he MEAN 'What if I want people to think you're my girlfriend?' Is that a scheme? Is he making fun of me? Where are the cameras?”

Oliver hands Abigail’s phone back to her.
“Abigail, I like you. I would like it if at least other people thought you were my girlfriend. It would make me… really happy for sure. I’ll see you later!”
With that, Oliver walks away.

Abigail doesn’t even notice him walk away or the fact that she has her phone back, her mind is on a fast track to a meltdown.
“What type of party is this? Is it a dance party? Is it a drinking party? Is it a birthday party? I should ask about this."
"Wait why am I looking at my phone? Oh that's funny, there's a contact with the name Oliver and a phone number attached to it.”

Abigail looks around.
”Wait where did Oliver go?”
Abigail decides to interpret having Oliver’s phone number in her phone as a “Mission Success” in having Oliver as her boyfriend. Or, at least a step towards a mission success. Fantastic!
She’s guessing that weird talking cat influenced this in some way. Is that creature magic or something? Does magic even exist? She’s never needed to ask that question but now she has to wonder…

“Eh, whatever.”

Regardless of whether magic exists or not, she’s finally getting closer to Oliver! Now all she has to do is ace the party. Just ace the… very crowded, public, loud, and active party…
No![/i] She can’t stutter and stop here! Oliver deserves to have her at her very best, she needs to summon what confidence she can and go forward!

She decides to bolster her will with more art. She notices that she’s working much more efficiently after meeting with Oliver.
Even with that self-esteem boost, she can’t put the feeling out of her mind that something is off here. Usually there would be at least a few animals in these woodlands, but the place is barren.

Just then, she hears the first bird in hours, finally-
Abigail: “Wah!”
And an arrows flies past her right after.

The sound of the bird chirping is cut short, and replaced with… a Parakeet? Abigail swears those aren’t native to York.
Abigail heard footsteps, human ones, in the distance. They were getting closer.

"Wh-who's there?!"

The girl that appeared from the bushes looked to be around the same age as Abigail, average looking, not very flashy clothing. She would admit that they were very similar except this other girl was Asian (Japanese?) and, oh yeah, she has a bow and arrows!

"You should relax." the archer said while walking past Abigail.

"Relax?! Y-you almost s-shot me with an arrow!"

"I wasn't aiming for you, I was aiming for the bird behind you. Besides, I feel like if you got hit by an extremely telegraphed shot wherein you aren't even the target you deserve what happens to you."

Abigail was absolutely flabbergasted at this girl's lack of care for almost cutting her life short.

"L-look, I'll leave if you want me to-"

"Don't worry, I'm just hunting. You're not really a bother."


As the archer walks towards the dead bird, Abigail notices the green earring she’s wearing. It shines brightly. Too bright, the trees cover them from sunlight, there’s no way any gem should be shining like that naturally.

A parakeet lands next to Abigail. She feels like this archer girl would have shot the bird on sight if the prey was a target. Is the Parakeet this girl’s pet? Probably.

>Or maybe you could ask her some questions?
Stephanie Smith

”O-oh holy shit.”

This is happening? No, it can’t be. This isn’t real.
”This isn’t real.”

“What was that, Steph?”
Damn it, she’s vocalising her thoughts.


Stephanie looks towards the ground with an unreadable face, and tugs on Megan’s sleeve. She gets the hint immediately, the pros of having a friend (soon to be a sister) that sticks by your side.

“A-ah, don’t worry. She’s just so happy to be adopted that she’s at a loss for words.”

“Really?” Unlike what you would expect, the soon-to-be-adoptive-father asks that question with no sarcasm.

“Yes! I can guarantee you that she’s just jittering in joy!”

While looking at the ground, Stephanie is trying to hold herself together. For some reason her eyes can’t focus despite looking at a plain surface, and she has a really sore feeling in her chest.
This has to be a dream or something, right? Good things don’t happen to her. Good things don’t happen to Megan. Good things don’t happen to people like them.
But how does she prove it’s a dream? Pinching herself? That’s going to look very awkward if it isn’t a dream and she just embarrassed herself in front of her new parents. Maybe this was one of those dreams where you wake up when you go to sleep in the dream?

“Just a question, do any of you have any Dog or Cat allergies?”

“Uh, as far as I know, I don’t. And it would be weird if Steph had any considering that she hangs out with- Uh, nevermind.”

“Oh no, tell us!”

“...She gives food to stray animals.”

“So that’s where some of her food allowances go…” Webster mumbles.

“Wow, how generous of her!” The Mum- Her Mum isn’t even perturbed by the fact that she hangs out with stray animals?!

”Okay, okay. Keep it together. Keep it together Steph.”

“We asked about allergies because we have a dog and a cat at our house!”

Stephanie starts bawling once hearing that.

“Is she really ok-”


“Oh, wow. She really is excited. Though, crying is going to wear her out. Can I give her a hug?” Heather spreads her arms.

Megan nods slowly. “Let’s both give her a hug. She probably needs it.”
A couple minutes of hugging later, and Stephanie is recovered to sniffling instead of crying. She wiping her tears with a cloth that Megan conveniently brought, like she knew this was going to happen.

“Okay, last thing: We do have another sibling back at home. Her name is Elizabeth, Liza for short”

“Oh, you already have a kid? Why adopt us?”

“Well, we’ve been having… trouble lately. But we wanted a child and even Liza wanted a brother or sister. Adoption seemed like the most obvious choice.”

“How convenient for us. We get to be part a big, happy family. Isn’t it great, Steph?”

“Y-yeah, it’s great.”

Webster clears her throat. “Now that we’ve let the two parties meet and the two children have shown enthusiasm for having an adoption opportunity, we can get them ready to leave the Orphanage.”

“Are there any last things you want to do before leaving this drab place, Stephanie, Megan?”

“O-oh, uh, I have something that I need to pack away. It’s really important to me.”
With that said, Megan actually runs out of the room. At full speed. Uncharacteristic of her for sure.

“...Alright. And what about you, Stephanie?”

Well, she already has her stuff packed in a bag, she just has to go grab it. There’s also the fact that her only clothes are unmarked school uniforms and she doesn’t think the Imeredalas will just have clothes in her size prepared, so she could rectify her clothing situation now.

>This will be the last preparation to have before a new life.
Viktoria Walker

Viktoria takes a few seconds to breathe in the air. So clear! How luxurious! Truly a sign that things are better now, the Miasma is cleansed from this land at least.

“Uh, hello? Earth to lady?”

Upon being beckoned by the girl near her Viktoria glances and prances in her direction. Hmm, very light clothing on this girl. Her legs are completely exposed and her shoulders are bare. Do all ladies dress this way now? What do they do when their clothing is damaged? Do they just acquiesce to being indecent?
Viktoria decides to levy all of the questions swirling in her mind onto the modern girl in front of her.

“Excuse me, but do all girls your age dress like you do?”

“...Yeah? Why are you asking me this, you look the same age as me.”

Viktoria feigns clearing her throat.
“I am not a… normal girl. I am new to this place.”

“Wha- new? You just walked out of a manor that’s older than my grand-dad.”

“Yes, I live there.”
“Now.” Viktoria appends hastily.

“But enough about me, I’m boring. Tell me more about yourself, do you have any hobbies?”

“What is this, a job interview?” The girl makes an about face.
“Ah, sorry for being rude. I do have a couple hobbies. I mainly exercise by running and cycling, and forage for food in the woods.”

“In the woods?! Is that not dangerous?”

“Not really, if you know what you’re doing. I’ve been doing it for years now so I’ve at least been better than the newbies who poison themselves after looking at a Tiktok video.”

Newbie? Tiktok?
Regardless of what is no doubt slang that she doesn’t know yet, Viktoria is surprised to hear that a girl her age is skilled enough in foraging that she can feed herself reliably. Hopefully most of the youngsters her age are just as skilled as the example here.
Speaking of skilled people, Viktoria realises that she’s in a bit of a predicament. She’s in the… 2020s? Not exactly 200 Years into the future (she considers this a scam from that feline) but far enough that she is likely woefully out of depth on everything in this time period. She needs at least some sort of guide, but the only person she’s met is this girl in front of her and there’s no way she’s just going to agree to working under her… right?
“Young girl, I have an offer for you.”

“And that is?”

“I want you to work under me.”

The girl looks at Viktoria with a face of pure confusion.
“Huh? Was this really an impromptu job interview?”

“Yes!” Viktoria lied as easily as she breathed.

“Uh, hmm… Yeah, alright!”

It was that easy?!

“My schedule is really empty and I need some extra money, so why not?”
“Speaking of, can you pay me? How?”

Viktoria puffs out her chest in pride, somehow making it look even bigger.
“Y-yes, of course I can pay you! I come from a very prestigious family!”

Viktoria follows that statement with a completely unnecessary hair flick and an invitation
“Follow me into my manor and I will show you what I mean.”
She walks into the manor as if it were a foregone conclusion that the brown-haired girl was going to follow her inside.
Said girl, for her part, was surprisingly willing to walk into the house of a complete stranger.

“My name is Harriet, by the way.”

Viktoria was distracted by her own manor. Even though she had lived here for years, many things were different, and some things were kept exactly the same. She took a peek into the kitchen to find that it was completely modernised, with all sorts of gadgets that she hadn’t the foggiest idea of how they functioned. But she when she walked into the main hall it was kept exactly the same as back in Victoria’s reign. Some rooms still had candles and chandeliers while others had this sort of bright yellow light encased in glass.

“I have to say, your house is super weird.”

“I concur…”

Viktoria distracted herself by focusing on her main task at hand: Finding the treasury.
Once this Harriet gazes upon the wealth of her family, she will no doubt be clamouring to work for Viktoria. Then she can have a guide in this new time-period. This plan is flawless!
It was flawless, but Viktoria was still surprised.

“Holy shit, you guys are loaded!”

The treasury was still in the same place despite all the changes made to the manor. The contents of the treasury were incredibly different, however. It turns out that her family had an uncountable amount of Pound Sterling stashed in this room. Viktoria knew this, but she also knew that her family did not have this much.
The appearance of the money itself was also an enigma to Viktoria. Banknotes from the Bank of England have faces of men and women Viktoria knows nothing about on them. She supposes that she should just be happy that she has kept her wealth, but the curiosity within her is supercharged upon the sight of so many new (and probably important) faces.

“You’ve definitely got a servant in me. Whaddya want me to call me to call you? Ms.? Ma’am? Mistress?”

Viktoria is brought out of her money-induced stupor by Harriet’s question.

>What is with this time period?
Abigail was very lucky that roll was above 40, or something bad could have happened.

Onto more important things:
Why was I so slow with this? That's a funny (read: frustrating) story. My laptop is an old fossil (it's literally discontinued and unsupported) and it started overheating during completely regular writing sessions. I tried getting some new thermal paste, but it came to me completely empty.
The result is that I had to write most of this update on my phone, which is an unenviable position.

Tl;dr: Amazon is now my most hated enemy behind Entropy.

This isn't an excuse for being slow though, I will speed up the updating schedule with slightly smaller updates.
And he's back! Amazon be like that sometimes. Let's keep it rolling.

Seeing as there wasn't much packing in store for her, Stephanie stuck around to apologize to Webster and the Imeredalas (strange name. Wonder where they're from? That and other questions could most certainly wait, though) for making a scene. With that done, it's time to finish packing and leave this place for good!

Despite bursting at the seams with joy, Stephanie managed to compose herself upon walking back out into the hallway. Excessive celebrations after being adopted were bad form, after all. She remembered how some kids gloated over it to her, complete with the implications that it was something she'd never experience. Though she wouldn't wish on them to end up back in the system or to have been adopted by bad people, Stephanie did very much hope that those little shits stubbed their toes very painfully with greater regularity than average.

>Apologize for making things awkward. It usually isn't like that (back me up, Webster!).
>Head back to the room to grab what meagre possessions there are.
>What's up with Megan? Best check in on her before we go.
Take yet another deep breath to savor this triumph of humanity's. Ask thee Harriet girl if indecency has become thee norm, and about thee current moral standards regarding decorum and restraint. Demand of her to refer to me as 'Lady' first and foremost. Of course, give Harriet one of my calling cards.

As for thee currency: appreciate it. Ask of my servant to evaluate its value. If it proves enough, then we shall have a feast to celebrate my arrival into the future, organized by my servant with the delicacies of thee new era. Either way, ask Harriet about thee current humanity.
>This isn't an excuse for being slow though, I will speed up the updating schedule with slightly smaller updates.
Much appreciated. It is painful to wait whole weeks for progress.
"Is that parakeet your pet? It's certainly not wild here. How do you get it to not fly off?"

"Is your earring glow-in-the-dark or something? It's surprisingly bright for how shady this area is. My friend Oliver is really smart and works with materials and he-"
>Start blushing again
"he-he-he... d-doesn't, glows, know, uh. A-actuallyIHaveSomethingImportantToGetToNiceMeetingYouHuntressEarringLadyBye!"
>Hastily and sloppily pack up my things and speedwalk home.
I need to think, plan, make some checklists, talk dad's ear off for approximately 83 minutes, and scream into my pillow, and ruminate long and hard on the precise wording I'll text Oliver with asking about the... party, or even if I should text him at all, or should I call him, or should I ask him in person (wait not that's stupid he gave me his number!), are messenger pigeons in style?
Stephanie Smith

Stephanie chuckles a bit.
“I promise I’m not usually like this.”
Webster corroborates. “Yes, usually she has more snark than emotion.”
“Hey! I wanted you to back me up, but not like this!”
Webster grins. “Perhaps you should’ve thought about that before being a scamp. A lovable one, but still a scamp.”
“Well, at least she’s a lively one. She’ll probably take to Liza quite well.”
“Ah, but before we talk about how well you’ll get along with our daughter, you should pack your things. We have a suitcase for you right outside the door.”
Stephanie took that as her cue to leave. Both because she really did need to prepare, and because she wanted to check up on Megan.

Stephanie packed her clothes, just more sets of unmarked school uniforms (why did she have so many of these?) and briefly checked to make sure she still has her necklace, having it stolen would put a big damper on her otherwise great day.
While there, she checked on Megan. She was also packing all of her things, but otherwise was much calmer than the sudden exit had implied.
“Yo, Megan. What was up with the exit?”
“Oh, I thought that I left something important back here. I needed to make sure I had it before leaving.”
Stephanie noted how vague Megan was being with her words. Oh well, she doesn’t want to ruin the mood by prying into her business yet.
“Come on, then! We’re finally getting out of this hell-hole.”
The farewells from the other orphans were surprisingly wholesome. One would expect envy to be common but it turns out that all of them were happy that both Stephanie and Megan were able to find a family that would value them. Cheers were abound while they were walking to the car.
The trip to their home was longer than either Stephanie or Megan were expecting. Was it traffic or something? Either way, they made it the Imeredalas’ abode, late or not.

Unpacking everything and getting into the house was a very fun time. Mostly because Stephanie got to see her new house. It was a very modern house for York, and had two floors, which is something that she swears to others is a luxury.
The room she was staying in was also novel, mostly because she had a room to herself now and didn’t have to share space with others. The room itself was very spacious, the bed barely covered an eighth of the space, leaving plenty of room for the wardrobe, drawers and a stash of the random things that Stephanie happens to grab. She even got a new set of clothes that aren't school uniforms! The future is blinding.

Somehow Stephanie never ran into Liza after dinner. Maybe she’s the type of person who likes to stay in her room? Whatever it is, she can’t just ignore a member of her new family.
She could check on how Megan is adapting, or try and find Liza somewhere. Or maybe discuss her place in the family with her new parents.

>What to do in a new family?
Viktoria Walker

Viktoria holds the banknotes close to her chest. It is good to know that even in these times her family, wherever they are, are still wealthy. But she sets sight on her priorities. She came here not just to check the prosperity of future Humanity, but also the morals and conduct of them.

“Harriet, is indecency the norm nowadays?”
“Whatever do you mean, my…”
“’Lady’. You may call me ‘Lady’”
“Your clothes are rather… Skimpy. Your legs are completely exposed and your mid-riff is right out. I would have gotten a thorough scolding from my parents if I dressed the same way you do.”
Harriet looks at Viktoria for a second, then guffaws.
“Oh, you’re one of those people. Yeah, ‘Indecency’ is really common right now, especially in this weather.”
Viktoria did notice that it was quite warm outside, but she can endure with it even in her rather body-obscuring clothing. Why could others not just take a moment of suffering for a lifetime of grace?
“A shame. Are there any other changes in decorum and restraint?”
“Compared to what? What are you comparing this to?”
“...Oh dear.”

Viktoria explained the standards she was brought up with. The proper way of dressing, proper dining etiquette, conversational etiquette, everything to do with the “Proper” way to do things and “Etiquette”. All of these standards were suspiciously similar to Victorian Era ones, but Harriet was a useful fool and simply thought that Viktoria’s parents were Traditionalists.

“My Lady Viktoria, I feel like it is a serendipitous thing for me instead of your parents to be taking care of you now.”
Viktoria clutched her chest. “Excuse me? My parents treated me nicely and gave me the best education they could.”
“Ah, but I don’t want to ruin this grand occasion with a petty squabble. Let’s talk about your pay: Will the currency in this chamber suffice?” Viktoria gestures in the general direction of the large stacks of banknotes.
“Definitely! It’s enough to buy out a part of York.”
“Wonderful! Let us celebrate your employment with a feast!”
“Oh cool, do you have food prepared?”
Viktoria scoffs. “Preposterous. Me? Preparing food? That is your duty, my dear servant.”
Harriet has a troubled expression. “O-on it, my lady.”
Viktoria is sitting in a dining hall, which is still as grandiose as the one in her old manor back in Victoria’s Reign, but slightly modernised. The paintings on the wall are pieces she knows nothing about, and the chandeliers hold some sort of incandescent globe instead of candles. She briefly ponders on how such heat could be contained in a small glass globe, but that is a question she can ask Harriet.
Viktoria also briefly looked in the kitchen to make sure it was in order, she can’t have her servant injured to due a poor workplace environment. Unfortunately she couldn’t help much due to the fact that the entire kitchen was modernised, full of inventions that she had not the first idea how they worked. Harriet said that the kitchen would be enough to work with, and so Viktoria decided to put trust in her servant to stay safe.

The door bursts open and Harriet comes in with multiple large plates loaded with food. Viktoria pays more attention to the outfit Harriet is wearing than the food.
“Harriet, where did you find that uniform?”
Harriet is wearing a Victorian Era Maid’s uniform, and it somehow fits her perfectly no less.
She performs a twirl and grins. “Do you like it? I found it in one of the pantries.”
“Well, at least you are more properly dressed. Both for your vocation and in general.”
Harriet pouts, that felt like a slight jab. “Well thanks, boss. Let’s just enjoy our food.”

The food was almost completely foreign to Viktoria. One was a hot dish of boneless chicken chunks in a creamy orange sauce. Another was a dish that she could compare to Italian Spaghetti, but it was far too thin to be that. The last dish was just steamed fish, so there was at least one dish here she could trust.
“Harriet, my dear servant, could you tell more about the times we live in?”
“My Lady, what could be special about the times we live in?”
“The people, Humanity, how do they behave?”
“...That is a complicated question to answer, Viktoria.”
“Try your best! I’m very much out of my depth here, part of my reason for requesting your servitude was because I needed a guide in these times.”
“In that case, I will try.”
“The current Humanity is prosperous physically, but destitute mentally and spiritually. Many people have luxuries that citizens of the past, and even today, would envy.”
“Oh?” Harriet’s wording peaked Viktoria’s interest. “Such as?”
“Well, we can all communicate with each other over long distances with almost no delay at optimal speeds-”
“What?!” Viktoria was absolutely not expecting this.
“...Yes? This is not a new development. The electronic telephone was invented more than one-hundred years ago. We later figured out how to create phones that could be carried in our pockets, Mobile Phones.”
“Wait, so you have a machine in your pocket that you can use to communicate with someone in the Americas from here?”
“Mhm, yes.” Harriet reaches into her apron and pulls out a slate made of some sort of metallic (or plasticine?) material, with one side covered in glass.
“This is what we call a ‘Smartphone’ due to the fact that it can use many operations independently while also sending and receiving calls to and from others.”
“Ah, speaking of calls: Here is my Calling Card.” Viktoria hands Harriet a card with an illustration of her manor on it, and the address of said manor.
“My Lady, Calling Cards these days have a phone number on them.”
“Phone Number?”

Harriet looks at the clock, she she needs time to deliver all of the information necessary. Unfortunately, that time is not available in this day as it is already evening.
“My Lady, it is probably for the best that we retire for now. I need rest if I am to answer all of your questions accurately and you need rest so you can ask good questions.”
“I-I understand. This is all a bit shocking to find out.”
With that, Harriet leaves.

What did she mean when she said Humanity was “destitute mentally and spiritually”? That was awfully nearing philosophical talk for a girl she just grabbed off the street. And what else did Humanity create besides these “Phones”? These are all questions she might have to ask tomorrow.
But for now, she is alone in the Dining Room. She could try to sate her curiosity herself before going to sleep…

>What to do before going to sleep?
Abigail Fulson

Abigail coughs, before indulging her curiosity in an attempt to get over the fact she was almost shot.

"Is that parakeet your pet? It's certainly not wild here. How do you get it to not fly off?"

The Huntress picked up the freshly killed bird and dumps it unceremoniously into a burlap sack.
“Yes, he is my pet, his name is Pax. He doesn’t fly off since his wings are damaged and he doesn’t stray from me after a… grave incident occurred.”
“Oh, huh… I definitely know that parakeets aren’t native here, it’s pretty strange you found him out in York.”
“I didn’t find him in York. I actually live in London and found Pax there.”
“Wait, London? Why did you come all the way out here? Wouldn’t you want to stay in the city, where everything is familiar?”
The Huntress examines the arrow she used, not even looking at Abigail while responding. “I already told you: I’m hunting.”
Abigail was still confused by the terms she was using. “Yes, but can’t you just hunt in London? There are small woodlands there.”
“Hmph. The prey in London are becoming easy pickings, I came out here for a fresh habitat to stalk. Novel experiences are the greatest seasoning to the feast that is the circle of life.”
Abigail doesn’t think that she’s talking about animals-- She needs to change the topic before she starts to believe that she’s speaking with a cannibal.

"Is your earring glow-in-the-dark or something? It's surprisingly bright for how shady this area is. My friend Oliver is really smart and works with materials and he-"
Abigail remembers: The Party! She starts packing all of her art supplies, and stuffs them at an impossible angle into her bag.
“You don’t know why my earring glows? Aren’t you also-”
“he-he-he... d-doesn't, glows, know, uh. A-actuallyIHaveSomethingImportantToGetToNiceMeetingYouHuntressEarringLadyBye!" With that, Abigail storms off without looking back.
“… Bye to you too, Artist Lady.”
Abigail’s mind was moving as fast as her feet while going home, there were so many things to think about: The party, what Oliver said, what she’s going to wear, how she’s going to respond to Oliver, what Oliver said, she needs to ask her dad about this!
Abigail opened the front door with the grace of a hippo on Ritalin and walked directly to the kitchen. Her dad was still drinking a cup of coffee, or maybe he brewed another cup? He should cut it a bit, but there are more important things at hand than her father’s diet.

Abigail’s dad raises his hand, and she understands that cue. Sometimes, when she’s nervous or excited, she rambles very fast.
Abigail takes a deep breath. “Dad, Oliver just asked me to go to a party with him!”
The father briefly chokes on his coffee and responds. “What? Really?”
“Yes, really!”
Abigail then gets to see one of the rarest treasures on Earth: A big grin on her father’s face. He pulls out a notebook like he’s been ready for this day his whole life.
“Well then, time to prepare!”

Abigail and her father went through a list of requirements. Clothes? Prepared. Grounding so she doesn’t freak out during the party? It was tough but they figured something out before Abigail’s dad left for work.
Abigail was still not calmed down over the fact that she has a date(?!) with Oliver soon, and screams into her pillow while trying to figure out how to ask Oliver about the date. Texting? Seems a bit impersonal for the love of her life. Going to him in person? Sounds stupid because he gave her his number. Calling? Seems good enough, maybe not seeing his stupidly cute face will help her not implode her nerves. What about messenger pigeons? Nah, that was probably phased out.

But while she’s trying to figure out what’s the best method of communication in the 21st Century, time before tomorrow is running out.

>What to do before going to sleep?
Investigate my surroundings. Tinker with these foreign elements from thee future. Press buttons. Find uses. Bite things. Discovert thee bounties of the future first-hand. Then, attempt to employ this plasticine slate girl Harriet bought to my attention by establishing communication with, well, anyone. Basically, simply experiment with any trinkets of this era I can find. Mourn modesty.
Ok, ok, no messenger pigeons, I'll need to *use the phone*. I should contact him before he falls asleep, I certainly won't be getting much tonight. What time is it? 8 o'clock? Great, I have some time. Should I really be *calling* him though? I made such a mess of myself today with my word soup, I CANNOT risk that happening again, I need to be a proper human being. So texting him then. But if I text him, aren't I basically telling him he's just a friend and I don't really care that much about him?? Texting him would basically be a rejection! No! Not happening. So calling him then. I really want to hear his voice again... he was so confident when he talked to me today, like it was nothing. I wish I could be like that. Wait, what am I gonna do if he paralyzes me with his voice again? I be he's doing it on purpose to make fun of me, that jerk! Wait no shut up Abigail that's absurd. Maybe if I memorize exactly what I'm going to say to him. That's brilliant! Yes, I'll just predict exactly how the conversation will play out, I won't need to think of what to say! Said no one ever, I've tried that already in person, it doesn't work! Ok, just calm down, I still probably have plenty of time, I can think of somethi- NINE FOURTY-FIVE?!? No No No No No

>Hastily call Oliver

"H-hi Oliver, uh, how are you?

I'm doing well, how are you?

Oh. Haha, well, just a joke. So......"


"Oh, you won't believe what I found today! There was this super weird lady in the woods! With a parakeet of all things! She said she was there to hunt, and birds of all things, and that she got bored of hunting 'easy prey' in London. Since when did people hunt birds in London? She had this crazy green earring that glowed really bright even though we were in the shade! Do you know what could do that?

She was so nice too, except SHE ALMOST TOOK MY HEAD OFF WITH AN ARROW! Oh my GOSH how did I forget that? She's such a maniac! She doesn't control where she aims!! Can you believe that! I swear it went right past my ear! I could have DIED."

>Proceed to have a normal fun conversation with Oliver that I always do when I'm not working myself into a mess
>Completely forget why I made this call in the first place
Wow, there's so much to do.

I am The Big Sister™ now, so I have to get a handle on how Megan's settling in and get to know this Liza (yes, I am The Big Sister™ even if Liza is older. This is because I'm taking initiative and acting like The Big Sister™. Age has little to do with it). Exploring this massive house is also something I'd like to do, as is sorting out arrangements with the Imeredalas like school and asking them some basic questions (like what they do for work and where they're from). Also, I should probably hit the wardrobe and do something about my atrophied fashion sense. Mostly wearing school uniforms that come free with being enrolled has disastrous consequences on a teenage girl's life outlook; perhaps I can still be saved.

Right, I think that'll be—...

It pleases me that we all answered so fast. QMBey, I am quite enjoying the little details.
I am writing.

> Press buttons. Find uses. Bite things. Discovert thee bounties of the future first-hand.

You, my dear girl, have the explorer's true spirit.

>SHE ALMOST TOOK MY HEAD OFF WITH AN ARROW! Oh my GOSH how did I forget that? She's such a maniac! She doesn't control where she aims!! Can you believe that! I swear it went right past my ear! I could have DIED.

You were a bit lucky that roll beforehand was >40 or something bad would have happened.


I actually rolled to see whether or not you would get a Cat, Dog, or Both. And I happened to roll Both.
Viktoria Walker

A curious girl is kept alone in a room full of things that she does not know about. The next events are a foregone conclusion.
Viktoria starts by looking up at the chandeliers with those incandescent bulbs. She is not going to climb on the table or walls to look closer, she is not a footpad, so she just looks from afar. She realises now that the heat can be contained by the glass if it was treated in a specific way. But now the question is how they managed to keep whatever is inside heated for so long without it bursting into flames or being burnt out immediately? What is inside is not fire.

Viktoria decides to put a hold on that question to answer easier ones. She investigates the kitchen nearby thoroughly. Inside she discovered a large container that was radiating coldness and had a stash of food. She then found an even colder box that had ice forming on the edges. She called the former a “Cooler” and the latter a “Freezer”, fitting names.
Another box that interested her was a small one that had nothing inside and a lot of buttons on it. There was a display showing what she believed to be the current time. What could this thing be for? There were already plenty of clocks in the manor so having another one would be the height of redundancy. Unless… The other containers kept things cold, so maybe this one warms things?
Viktoria pulled the leftovers of the meal out of the cooler and into this mystery box, then pressed the “2” Button and Start. Two minutes later, the box stopped making that strange sound and she opened it to find the meal warm. With this it would make reusing leftover food so much easier! Not that her family were ever found wanting for food.

But the final thing she wanted to figure out before going to sleep was this plasticine slate that Harriet called a “Phone”. According to her, this trinket allows people to communicate over large distances. From York to New York, a voice will be heard. This sounded the most mystical to her, long distance communication was often limited to letters, strings, telegram and pigeon post.

Viktoria sneezes. For some reason she feels like someone is speaking ill of her.

Regardless, she is going to figure out how this Phone works. The possibilities are too numerous to be ignored. She inspects the slate and finds multiple buttons on the side, pressing one of them causes the glass pane to light up.
A colourful image greets Viktoria, and her eyes dart over to a symbol with the word “Calls” under it. Pressing on it with her finger leads her to a list of a lot of people, but “Harriet” is the one that catches her. If she is going to call a person then it might as well be the one that is the most familiar with her.

Viktoria touches the name and waits.
The voice of Harriet voice is projected from the phone.
“Hello? Is that you, Viktoria?”
T-that is actually her. It is her voice!
“Yes. It is me, Viktoria.”
Harriet chuckles and Viktoria can somehow hear the grin in her voice. “I see you are already experimenting with the phone I left for you. I expected this, considering how naturally curious you are.”
“Hah, looks like I made a good choice picking you as my servant.”
“My lady, you didn’t really ‘choose’ me, considering how little you understand of the world we live in you probably just grabbed the first person you could.”
Viktoria took a deep breath. She needed to stay calm, even if what she said was definitely a thinly-veiled insult, it was true “...Yes, that is true. But you could not use such potentially hurtful words in to your charge.”
“Yes, My Lady. I apologise, My Lady.”

“Onto more important things: Can you tell me all of the functions of this ‘Smartphone’?”
“Yes, but I recommend you get to bed first and be prepared to not have all of your questions answered. I’m tired, and you will soon be tired. I do not want you to suddenly fall asleep inside the dining room or kitchen, that would be very disgraceful for us both.”
“That is true…”

The conversation over the phone was dense afterwards. Viktoria spoke with Harriet about the technology in her hands extensively. This thing could allow someone to play games, view films (or rather, what she called “Videos”), immediately save images in its intangible storage container, honestly this thing was a jack of all trades!

Viktoria tried her best to fit as many questions she could while in bed, and Harriet tried her best to answer them, but eventually sleep took both of them...
Abigail Fulson

Okay, she has to use the phone. Messenger Pigeons were probably phased out during the Victorian Era anyway.

She feels like someone, somewhere, is sneezing.

She pulls out her phone and-
Hesitates. What is she even going to say?! She can’t act normally in any conversation involving him! What if she tries to predict exactly how the conversation goes so she doesn’t need to think? That works-
It’s never worked.
Okay, what if she texts him instead? Then she won’t get swooned by his voice! That stupid, sexy, cool voice.
She briefly thinks of what to put in the text and realises that a text is way too impersonal for something like a date. Oliver might think that she thinks of him as just a friend, and she doesn’t want Oliver to think that she thinks that!

Back to square one: The Phone Call. She can think of a way to stay calm, all that’s important is she does it before Oliver falls asleep.
She looks at the time on her phone.

It says “21:45”.

9:45 PM! Shit, she’s going to call him and hope that she doesn’t spill her spaghetti!
The phone call commences. She waits 1 second. 2 seconds. 3 seconds! Oh God, is Oliver already asleep, is she too la-

“Hello? Abigail?”
Abigail hurriedly snatches the phone. "H-hi Oliver, uh, how are you?
“I’m doing okay. A bit tired, considering the time, but that’s natural. And you?”
“I'm doing well, how are you?”
Abigail hears Oliver chuckle on the other side. “Abigail, you already asked that question!”
“O-oh. H-haha, well, just a joke, so…”

She starts breathing heavily. Why did she even call him?! Okay, just say something, saving face is more important at this point!

"Oh, you won't believe what I found today! There was this super weird lady in the woods! With a parakeet of all things!”
“A Parakeet? Those are pretty rare everywhere around here.”
“Yeah, she wasn’t from here. She said she was there to hunt, and birds of all things, and that she got bored of hunting 'easy prey' in London. Since when did people hunt birds in London?”
“Hmm, yes. Usually people would do exactly what she did and go out here further into the countryside where there’s more wilderness. But the way she worded it makes it sound like she had been hunting in London for a while before coming here.”
“Right?! And she had this crazy green earring that glowed really bright even though we were in the shade! Do you know what could do that?”
Abigail hears Oliver thinking about the answer.
“Hmm. Most gemstones only glow when rubbed or heated. Unless she rubbed it before approaching, which is unlikely from what I’ve heard of her, or was wearing a burning hot earring, equally unlikely, there’s no normal explanation for her glowing necklace.”
Rolled 65 + 40 (1d100 + 40)

“She was so nice too-”
“Oh nice-”
“-except SHE ALMOST TOOK MY HEAD OFF WITH AN ARROW! Oh my GOSH how did I forget that?”
“Wait, she what?!
“Yeah, she’s a maniac! She doesn't control where she aims!! Can you believe that! I swear it went right past my ear! I could have DIED."
“That would have been a travesty! I don’t think anyone could replace you. You’re priceless.”
“Ehehe. Oliver, you charmer, I’m not that special.”

From there, the conversation veered away from life-threatening or heart-pumping topics and towards more casual ones. Oliver asked her about her art, she asked him about his engineering and tinkering, and Abigail was able to enjoy her time in bed with Oliver. This reminds her of why she likes him, It’s partly because he’s so cool that she feels like she can share things with him and he can take it. Everything except the feelings in her heart.
Despite what Abigail expected, she falls asleep while on the phone. And she still has no idea about the party details...
Stephanie Smith

Okay, there’s a lot to do now that Stephanie was in a new home.
First, she should check on Megan. Megan was calmer than Stephanie for sure, but she could be putting on a front so Stephanie herself could acclimate faster. Getting a handle on how Megan was settling in was a duty she now had as The Big Sister™.

Megan’s room was on the first floor, the same one as Stephanie’s own. It was a similar size to Stephanie’s with plenty of space to setup, the bed barely took half the room and the wardrobe didn’t take up much space. Megan was always more partial to writing than anything else, and she somehow managed to stack all of her notes onto one table while writing one of her fantasy stories.

“Hey, Megan.”
Megan looked up from her book. “Hmm?”
“How are you doing? In this new house I mean.”
“It’s barely been a day. It’s going to take a little longer to get used to a new environment, but I do think this place is comfy. It’s going to be no time before I make this place my own.”
“Great, as The Big Sister(™) I need to make sure you’re okay.”
Megan snickers. “Big sister? I’m pretty sure Liza is older than us both.”
“Is Liza in the room with us now?”
“Well, no, but-”
“So I’m The Big Sister(™). I’m the one taking initiative by making sure you’re settled into this house. Age has little to do with it, it’s more to do with how your relationship dynamic is with others around you.”
“...Those are some strangely deep words coming from you.”
“Hey! I can be ‘deep’ plenty of times!”
“Yeah, yeah, of course Ms. Philosopher.”
“But seriously, it’s nice that you’re still with me. All of those years in the Orphanage, I knew I had at least one person who would watch over me and stay by my side. I can’t thank you enough for being with me.”
Stephanie chuckles nervously. This is getting pretty emotional for what was supposed to just be a check up. “It’s no problem, really. I just care about you so I wanted to protect you. I would do the same for anyone else I care about.”
Megan clutches her chest in faux agony. “Stephanie!? You would protect other people? I thought we had something special!”
“Hah! You wish. I would absolutely protect anyone I care about, you’re just lucky that I happen to mainly care about you.”
“Yep, luckiest girl in the world. But speaking of “Big Sister” stuff, you should probably go check on Liza. She’s usually inside her room from what I heard from Mum and Dad.”
As Stephanie was walking towards Liza’s room on the top floor, she started hearing something:
Shouting. And Swearing.

“God, you suck ARSE at this game! Why would you facecheck into a room without looking around, you retard?! Oh- no, don’t try to say this is my fault.”
Wow, she’s arguably more crass than Stephanie.
“Look, you cyka, I’m not the person who decided to take a sniper rifle to an indoors shoot-out, I brought a shotgun like everyone sane. No- No, I don’t care how good your aim is with that thing, the ADS speed is ass. I could fuck your mum and get back to my house before you fire that thing.”
Stephanie now realises how lucky she was to not at all be phased by “Your Mum” jokes. And now she’ll have to deal with those.
“Okay, I’m clutching us a win. You owe me a fat one when we get to Champion Rank.”
A triumphant fanfare plays shortly after, and Stephanie thinks that it’s safe to go in now. She knocks on the door before entering just to make sure.

“Sis? Liza?”
Liza takes off her headphones and swivels in Stephanie’s direction on her office chair.
“Oh, it’s you! My new little sister!”
She practically lunges at Stephanie and grapples her into a hug. She’s… pretty muscular.
“Hey, a bit too hard.”
“Ah, sorry.”
Liza takes her hands of Stephanie, and she can finally get a better look.
Black hair, taller than Stephanie, and more muscular, she’s intimidating even with a wide smile on her face. But for some reason Stephanie knows Liza wouldn’t hurt her.

“So, what brings you to my room?”
“I just want to know a bit more about you, we’re going to be living together, after all.”
“Ah, alright! I’m not that exciting, I go to Secondary School like any other girl, I play video games, though they can be pretty frustrating.”
“Yeah, I heard.”
“Sorry about that, I swear I’m not usually so angry. But when teammates are acting like jackasses you have to put the hammer down.”
“Understandable. I’ve been irate at idiots back in the Orphanage. There was this one kid, Callum, who made the entire lunch room smell with his farts. I called him out, then I forced him to do everyone’s laundry.”
Liza looks shocked. “And they let you do that?”
“Yeah, it was a pretty good punishment. A person has to do something they don’t want to do and everyone’s laundry is cleaned.”
“Hmm, maybe I should force you to do that when you act up. I have to impart proper responsibility as The Big Sister(©).” Liza says jokingly.
“Wha- I’m The Big Sister(™)!”
“Well then, I guess this means we are in a competition for the position. But seriously, it’s good to have someone else with a good head on her shoulders.”

“Hey, do you know where the pets are. I heard you guys have a cat and a dog.”
“Oh, they’re in the living room. They know how to get to their resting spots.”
Stephanie practically runs out of the room.
“Wow, she must really like animals.”
The moment she sees that Savannah Cat and Bloodhound, she squeals.
“Oooh, who’s a good boy and girl?”
Barks and meows answer her, and she can tell they’re saying “We are!”
Stephanie pulls out the container of leftover food. She could feed any strays in the area, but for now these two need some food. Mainly so Stephanie can ingratiate herself to them.
While feeding them, she looks at their collars. The cat is named “Fate” and the dog is named “Opportunity”. Weird names.
She continues to feed them, groom them, compliment them, and they lavish her in attention in return. The cat even bunted her! That’s a sure sign that at least she likes Stephanie.

After meeting the cute pets, she rests in her room. The wardrobe was filled with different styles of clothes, and now that she could express herself in more than just faded school uniforms she was spoiled for choice. She had an actual comfortable bed to herself. A loving family, a place to belong, a cat and a dog. Does Megan still count as her friend? She is her sister now.
Whatever, she can think about that tomorrow...
>Rolled 65 + 40 (1d100 + 40)

That's a yikes.
Going to be making the posts for the next in-game day.
I assume no vote is required? Since there is no prompt.
Yep. But this one is important.


Viktoria Walker

Viktoria woke up on a lazy Sunday morning. Her mind was still blazing with questions about the 21st Century, but only her natural exploration and her dutiful servant could answer them.
She starts the day with the usual rituals: Cleaning, hygiene, dressing.

Breakfast is when things become unusual.
She would expect her servant, Harriet to be making breakfast. But she was nowhere to be found ever since the start of the day. She had to put the leftover food from yesterday into what Harriet called the “Microwave” to have a meal, which is a big step down from her usual luxury.
While Viktoria is trying to figure out what is going on with Harriet, the phone in her pocket rings.

And Harriet is on the other side.

Viktoria answers the call immediately.
“Harriet, what is going on? Where are you?”
“I’m getting to that, Viktoria.”
“Right now, I’m stuck in the woodlands. I woke up before you and was foraging for more food that I could prepare for your meals, but… These woods are trapping me.”
“Trapping you? How can woods trap someone?”
“It’s a complicated situation that you won’t understand at the moment. All I want you to keep in mind is that you are potentially the only person who can help me escape.”
“What would I need to do?”

“There is a function on your phone that allows you to track my location. Use it and come to me, we can eventually escape together. And don’t bother calling Law Enforcement or anything. Trust me, they won’t help.”
Viktoria was in a bind. Her Servant, her only way of understanding more of the Modern Age, was lost in the woods and telling her to not call Law Enforcement. While also saying that Viktoria is the only one that can help her. What should she do?

>What CAN she do?

Abigail Fulson

Abigail woke up on an exciting Sunday morning. She forgot to ask Oliver about the party, but her life was about to become much better because she was going to a party with Oliver!
Wait, she still doesn’t know any details about the party, she can still screw it up!
No, no. She needs to calm down and just go through the morning regularly. She’ll get through this!
She went through the usual: Hygiene, Bathing, Breakfast with her dad.
Soon after breakfast however, the doorbell rings. Abigail decides to answer the door.

That crazy huntress girl with the weird earring is on the other side!

“I’m not opening the door!”
“Do you want your boyfriend to die?”
Abigail opened the front door.

“Your boyfriend, that guy that was in the woods with you yesterday, is going to be attacked by a Witch soon. You should help him.”
“A Witch?! Look, you caught me off-guard by saying that Oliver was going to die, but if you’re going to say crazy stuff like this then I’m just going to close the door on you.”
“Oh, I see what’s happening now: You’re fresh meat.”
“Abigail, what I’m going to say sounds weird and crazy but you need to believe me: You are a Magical Girl, a person who can fight Witches that terrorise the innocent. You must have met a weird talking cat thing before, if you made a wish with it then you are a Magical Girl whether you like it or not.”
“Y-yes, I did meet a weird talking cat. But why should I believe anything else you’re saying?!”
“Abigail, you can shut the door and go back inside if you want, choose to believe that I’m just an insane girl trying to trick you. But if you do that, and I turn out to be right, then Oliver will die and it will be your fault.

She is correct there. If Oliver really is going to be under attack from a “Witch” then his death will be her fault for not trying to help him when it’s possible to do so.
But is she really going to believe the ravings of this girl that nearly killed her?
“I will tell you right now that I’m not affected at all by whether or not Oliver dies, I’m just telling you all of this because I know what it’s like to lose someone important to you. I can lead you to the Witch if you want.”

>Are you going to risk losing something important to you?

Stephanie Smith

Stephanie woke up on a strange Sunday morning.
She did the usual: Shower (now with an actually great bathroom!), Hygiene (with some good toothpaste and brushes!), and Breakfast (that came from a family and not a communal canteen!). But she couldn’t enjoy it much because of one issue:

Megan was nowhere to be seen.

Liza didn’t see her anywhere, her new mum and dad didn’t see her anywhere, and Stephanie herself had no idea where she was. Stephanie was getting worried, Megan was one of the few friends she had back in the orphanage, and she’s her sister now. She needed to protect her in case she was somewhere dangerous.
Thankfully for her nerves, her phone started to ring.

And Megan was on the other side.

“Megan, we were worried about you! Where are you?!”
“I’m… somewhere in the woods. I’m probably going to be okay though, I’ll be back home later. Probably in the afternoon.”
“Can I at least come to you so I can be sure that you’re alright?”
“...I would say no. You can come, but it would maybe be dangerous to you.”
“Wha- Why?”
“I can’t say why, I’m really sorry but it would put you into too much trouble.”
“Megan, why are you being so evasive? Why can’t you tell me what’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m being this way but you should just stay where you are and not find me.”
And risk her getting hurt? What is she saying? Megan has never been so evasive about stuff before, sure she leaves sometimes but she always says where she’s going.
Can Stephanie really just leave Megan in a random place while she’s being so cagey and left so suddenly?

>Is she going to let her get hurt?
Simply go and assist my assistant. No hesitation. I lack information to make an informed choice, so there is no choice. However, I shall indeed take half of thee treasury hidden with me, and hide the rest of it in thee most absurd place I can think up quickly. Riches, I assume, remain coveted even in these evolved times.
This is fishy. I don't trust this huntress. How does she know a "Witch" is going to attack? What the heck is a magical girl anyways? I certainly don't feel very magical. How does she know our names, was she eavesdropping on us? What a creep. But... even if she is very sketchy, I can't just do nothing when someone says Oliver is trouble, in danger of death even! Wait, she could just be some kind of kidnapper or human trafficker, I could be taken away and never come back all on some lie about someone I care about. She did say she was hunting in London... was she hunting... people? Taking girls away from their families?? Oh no, this is making too much sense. But she also knew about the cat thing! Would a human trafficker know about a weird talking cat that somehow granted my wish? What is going on?!?

Oh no, no, no, no, no, this is so bad. It's bad whether she's lying or whether she's telling the truth! Either Oliver is in huge danger or I'm in huge danger! I don't know what to think... if only Oliver were here, he knows what to do in stressful situations. If I were Oliver, what would I do... Well, that's obvious - he would go. He would never in a million years leave someone that needed help. I have to help him.

"Just a second."

Close the door and go to the kitchen and... get a knife. Wait... this dress doesn't have any pockets!!! AHHHHH! How am I supposed to protect myself if I can't hide a weapon! It won't be worth anything if she knows I have it! And it's not like I can just keep a knife in my sleeve, I'd just get cut or it would fall out. Oh no, I'm really going to go with this lady... I hate this so much. I hate that I hope Oliver really is in trouble, and I never want to think this again.

Stern, determined, and very afraid, I go back and open the front door.

"Let's go."
How is that even a question? Of course, I'm not going to let her get hurt! I'll briefly excuse myself from the rest of the family and have some straight talk with my little sister.
"Listen to me, Megan. Cut the crap. It's too dangerous for me to even come see you, but you'll be back in the afternoon? I'm coming to get you and I won't stop looking until I find you. You can count on that. Send the location. I'm coming."
Before hanging up, I'll add, "Oh and by the way, I'm gonna have you doing my laundry for months just for the cheek of pulling this sort of shit right after we get adopted. See you in a bit."

I have no idea what it is that Megan's mixed up in (she very much isn't the sort), but, whatever it is, I'll get her back home. It'd be a lie to say I'm not scared or worried, but I wouldn't be much of a Big Sister™ if I let that stop me, now would I? So, final checklist before I set out,
>Sturdy, functional clothes
Feels good to finally have proper clothes, eh? Oh and I'll grab an extra pair of socks in case Megan stepped in a puddle or something. She can be a real crybaby about that sort of stuff.
>Food for the road
In my trusty heat-insulating container. Oh, Mr. Heat-Insulating Container...what would I do without you?
>Dog and cat
Petted. Given scratchies.
"Megan went on a walk, got lost, and doesn't want to be a bother. She gets silly like that sometimes. I'm going to go and get her, alright?"
The question is a somewhat rhetorical one, since I don't intend to stick around to hear any objections.
>...am I forgetting anything?
Oh, right, the necklace. I check if I have it on me. I've this feeling that it's going to be important, for some reason.

Viktoria, Stephanie, roll a 3d6. Roll under Target. Abigail auto-succeeds because she's with an experienced huntress.
Viktoria's Target is 16 (14+2)
Stephanie's Target is 16 (12+4)
Rolled 3, 6, 4 = 13 (3d6)

Let's get it.
Rolled 2, 4, 2 = 8 (3d6)

Oh me oh my!

Alright, these are both successes, but probably not for what you are expecting. I am writing.


Good to know that we have the "Would rather do than think" and "Would rather think than do" duo. Now all we need is the "Would rather not think" person and we'll be one-for-one on the Osaka Trio.
>I’m going to a party later with some friends and I can invite *anyone* I want.
>And she still has no idea about the party details...
>Your boyfriend, that guy that was in the woods with you yesterday, is going to be attacked by a Witch soon.
A very bold assumption, since I lack evidence... But this almost reminds me of how Hitomi was acting in ep4, when under the witch's kiss, then beckoning Madoka to follow her. I wonder if the people who made their way to the woods were lulled in through the witch's kiss. Though, Harriet & Megan seem to be in much more 'control', so it might eb affecting them subconsiously..? Again, a bold guess. Kek. Glad I came back to check on the thread.
Megan is definitely under some kinda influence, that vagueness is strange, Harriet I'm not sure
Either way, we may be about to see some vigorous dice-rolling
Mighty curious on how that's going to work.
All good in the hood, QM?
I recently had a surgery in an eye that causes my vision to be blurry and makes my eye sensitive to light.

All light.
Including the one from my laptop.

I am swallowing my pain (using painkillers), and I am writing right now, as we speak. I'll, no joke, get this done tomorrow at least, may Madokami help me.
Dear, no. Just don't do it. It is that simple. Between a week and eight days there isn't enough difference. Not to mention, we are plenty used to waiting at this point.

Viktoria Walker

What can she do…
She can assist her assistant. There is no real information she has other than the fact that Harriet is in danger, and therefore the only action to take is to help her.
But first: A countermeasure.

If her servant is potentially assailed then Viktoria herself is also at risk. The only reason she can think of for being a target is her wealth, so the best thing to do would be to hide most of it.
It is to this end that she decided to take a shovel and a large sack. It was a bit unladylike to dig up the dirt but it is entirely ladylike to ensure your riches will not be stolen. Half of her treasury is now stashed nine feet underground in the garden at the back of her manor. She also informed Harriet of its whereabouts to future-proof this plan.

Speaking of: Viktoria still had that call with Harriet active. She was guiding her through the phone to activate the function of tracking her position. Eventually Viktoria managed to get it active and saw a red spot on a surprisingly in-detail map for such a small screen.

“That red spot is my current position. Make sure to keep track of it relative your current one.”
“Affirmative. It will take me roughly ten minutes and twenty seconds to get to you.”
“Ten minutes and twenty seconds? How do know how long specifically? So fast and to the second?”
“...I actually do not know how. I just know this instinctively.”
“Interesting, we might talk about this later. But for now-” Viktoria hears the sound of flesh ripping apart on the other side of the phone. “I need you to get here, fast.”
“It will take me… Thirty seconds.”
“W-what? Wai-” More flesh sounds and… a roar?
“Yes, I seem to have been moved closer to you since that last statement.”
“Where were you before?”
“I was outside in the garden of the manor. But-”

Viktoria looks around again. This is definitely not the manor garden, it was far too dense in trees, and the sky was a strange shade of purple. Not to mention that she could feel an awful, predatory gaze on her.

“-I do not seem to be in the garden. I am most likely in the exact same woods you are lost in, and I can see how you managed to be lost.”

>>? (M1 Perception メ Roll: 8 (Target: 16) = 8 Successes)<< (Detect the Labyrinth of the {%<<£{=!%< Witch.)

“Well, at least we’re lost together.”
“Not for long, I am nearing your position.”
Viktoria’s gait was a combination of a rushed jaunt and a calm run. Striding with confidence towards the red spot, she finally makes it past some bushes to a clearing where she sees the strangest sight in her life...

Abigail Fulson

Okay, weird girl who almost killed you with an arrow is outside your door saying your boyfriend is going to die? Definitely fishier than a river.
Not to mention that she somehow knows both Abigail’s and Oliver’s names. How does she know that? Has she been stalking them? There is way too much risk in taking this huntress’ words at face value. She could be a human trafficker who stalks young women to collect information ten uses it to lure and trick them! A-and when she said she was hunting in London, she could’ve been talking about people!

B-but the alternative is her being right and Oliver really is in danger! And then there’s the fact that she knows about the weird talking cat thing Abigail spoke to! Even if the huntress was stalking her, she was in the toilet bawling her eyes out when that happened.
It’s either she’s right and Oliver is in danger, or she’s lying and trying to kidnap her, it’s bad either way!
”Gosh, if only Oliver were here. He always knows what to do in stressful situations. What would Oliver do right now?
What would Oliver do if she was potentially in trouble but didn’t know with absolute certainty? He would… probably go and help her. He wouldn’t leave someone in danger just because it poses some risk to himself.
Today, Abigail needs to be just as brave as Oliver. For his sake!

The Huntress has been watching Abigail change facial expressions for a while now.
“Are you okay? What’s your ans-”
“Just a second.”
Abigail closes the door on The Huntress and rushes back into the kitchen. She immediately starts rifling through the utensils cabinet.
Her father, who was still drinking his cup of tea (not coffee, Abigail notes, an improvement) notices her shoving her hands into a place full of sharp objects.
“Abigail, sweetie, what are you doing?”
He raises his hand.
Abigail takes a deep breath. “I need a knife to protect Oliver and I.”
Abigail’s dad makes a face of consternation, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a ratcheting knife that’s larger and probably deadlier than anything else in the kitchen.
“Take it. You need it more than anyone else at the moment. Be careful with the edges.”
Abigail gingerly takes it into her hand. It’s surprisingly heavy, but somehow she feels more safe with the weight in her hand.
“Thanks, dad. But… I don’t have any pockets! How am I going to hide this thing?”
“Get a handbag or something.”
“There’s no time for that, I have to go!”
>Abigail now has a knife that would be illegal to pull out in many places within England.

Abigail opens the front door again. Armed, determined, hoping for the first (and likely only) time that Oliver is in danger.
“Let’s go.”
The Huntress stares at Abigail and grins. “You got a knife?”
“Yeah, I have to protect myself from this ‘Witch’.” She purposely omits that she wants to protect herself from the Huntress as well.
“You have the spirit, at least.”

As the Huntress leads Abigail, they both elaborate on some important details.
“My name is Riko Inuyama. I’m a Magical Girl, just like you, but more experienced.”
“U-uh, hello? It’s a bit late for introductions…”
Riko chuckles. “Yes, I do know more about you than you do about me. I was ‘stalking’ you, but that’s only because I sensed that a Witch was going to be born here, and you would be one of the candidates.”
“W-wha- me?! Become a Witch?! How would I even do that? I don’t even know about magic!””
Riko sighs. “That’s something I will explain later, I can’t afford to have you hesitate now.”
”Why would I hesitate at this point?”
The duo run into the nearest woodlands, then Riko stops.
“Huh, why are we stopping? If Oliver is in danger then we need to hurry!”
“Abigail, we’ve been in these woods before, right? Does this look familiar to you?”
Abigail looks around for a moment. She’s especially suited for this considering how much time she’s spent drawing these woods.

Everything looks off.

The trees and branches are growing in ways that are unnatural and impossible. Some trees are even non-euclidean, as if the gardener who planted them could use hyper-geometry.
That isn’t even going into what the trees are made out of, because Abigail knows it’s certainly not wood. It’s some sort of mix between flesh, ribbons, and string.
“Y-yeah, none of this looks familiar.”
>>?? (M1 Perception メ Auto-Success)<< (Detect the Labyrinth of the {%<<£{=!%< Witch.)

Riko and Abigail run through the forest, though Abigail gets antsy because she still doesn’t know whether Oliver is in danger yet.
“Where is Oliver?”
“Wait for a moment.”
Abigail does, and soon she runs past people. All roughly her own age, wandering aimlessly in the woods completely isolated from each other, not only that but…
“Do you recognise them? Any common trends?”
“Yes… They’re all students in my school.”
“Hmm, if they’re all students, then Oliver could have also been snatched away and put under a Witch’s Kiss.”
“W-wait, the Witch kissed Oliver?!”
“It’s a figurative kiss, Abigail. Don’t worry, you only have to worry if he’s dead, not if he’s taken.”
“...I’m conflicted on how to feel about that.”
“Regardless, We’re heading to the place with the highest density of Magic, so we should be-”
“What the-”
The sight that greeted Riko and Abigail was awesome for Riko and disturbing for Abigail...

Stephanie Smith

Stephanie had very little patience for bullshit, even if it came from her friend-turned-sister. In fact, there should be less bullshit when her sister is potentially in danger.

“Listen to me, Megan. Cut the crap.”
“-Wait, you don’t-”
“It's too dangerous for me to even come see you, but you'll be back in the afternoon?”
“-Look, I know it sounds weird but I can-”
“I'm coming to get you and I won't stop looking until I find you. You can count on that. Send the location. I'm coming."
Stephanie hears a sigh on the other side. “Fine, I’m sending my location. But I want you to know that you’ll understand why I didn’t want you to come here when you make it.”
“If you say so.”
Stephanie starts to walk towards her room, then adds an addendum. “Oh and by the way, I'm gonna have you doing my laundry for months just for the cheek of pulling this sort of shit right after we get adopted. See you in a bit.”
“W-what?! Come on! I don’t even know if you’ll live through this!”
“If I’ll live through this?”

Stephanie stands at the front door and takes stock of her supplies.
She took full advantage of her new wardrobe and got a set of sturdy functional clothes, a far cry from her faded school uniforms. A thick jacket and button-up shirt with durable trousers and boots, ready for a trek.
She packed some food. She knew Megan was somewhere in the woods (why did she even go in there?), and she would have to pack some food. Both for Megan in case she was hungry, and herself if she got lost in there herself. This heat-insulating container once again proves itself to be the best investment of Stephanie’s life.
She gave Fate and Opportunity pets and scratches. The most important step of all.
She fed her new parents a slight fib that Megan got lost and that she’s going to look for her. Heather and Jakob expressed worries, and Liza wished her good luck and went to her room.
Anything else she’s missing… Right.
She reached into her shirt and pulled out that green necklace. It feels important in this situation for some odd reason.

Just as Stephanie is about to step outside the door, Liza calls out to her.
“Hey, you should have this.” Liza hands Stephanie a long object wrapped in cloth.
Stephanie unwraps it, and is instantly shocked. “W-what the fuck?! Why do you have a sword? Why are you giving this to me?”
“I do HEMA in my free time, it’s real fun but I have some blades that are becoming useless. You said that you were just going out to look for Megan, but considering how much preparation you’re doing, I bet it’s more than just that. If it turns out I’m overreacting, just think of this as an early Christmas present!”
“Uh, ‘kay.”

>Stephanie now has a fucking longsword. What the fuck.

Stephanie runs through the street, glancing at the red spot on her phone’s map occasionally. Eventually she runs into the nearby woodlands, and gets a bit lost.
These woods are really strange, she’s pretty sure the trees shift around when she not looking, as if trying to trap her. Not to mention that the trees look weird in general.
As if that wasn’t strange enough, Stephanie occasionally runs past some people wandering around the woods. It’s weird enough that they’re just around here in the morning, but she’s pretty sure that most of these people are from one of the schools she enrolled in.

One thing she knows for sure is that this place is made of bullshit.

>>? (M1 Perception メ Roll: 13 (Target: 16) = 3 Successes)<< (Detect the Labyrinth of the {%<<£{=!%< Witch.)

As Stephanie wanders in the woods some more, she briefly worries that she has become lost as well.
She quickly swallows her fear and continues. She needs to find and protect Megan if she’s in trouble! She needs to have a straight talk with her as well for pulling this shit immediately after they got adopted, and for being so cagey.
As she wanders, trying harder to get to Megan’s position, she finally makes it to a clearing. With a horrifying sight at the other side.
“...What the fuck is this?”
Viktoria Walker
Abigail Fulson
Stephanie Smith

These three girls walk into the same clearing and see the same thing but with different context, all interpretations of this sight is that it is strange.
A girl wearing a blue suit of armour and wielding a sword is standing on a pile of corpses with a girl wearing a Victorian Era Maid’s outfit wielding a spear.
The corpses are of animals that none of the trio recognise and one of them is sure aren’t even real animals found in nature. Some seem to be some combination of a lion, a goat and a snake. Others are some twisted mix of wolf and man. Others seem to be a chimera of a bird and cat.

Viktoria recognises the maid as her dutiful servant, Harriet.
Stephanie recognises the knight as her friend-turned-sister, Megan.
Abigail doesn’t know who any of these people are!

“What the-”
“What the fuck is this?”
Megan notices the girls and turns towards them.
“Oh, you arrived, Stephanie. Even though I really didn’t want you to-”
“Holy shit, it’s Riko Inuyama!”
Abigail whispers to Riko. “Do you know her?”
“No, but my reputation precedes me.”
“Riko, you’re here to kill the Witch, right?”
Riko grins. “Yes. What else would I be hunting?”
“You know what else, you squalid bitch.”

“Enough about this Riko chick. What’s going on here, Megan? Why are there animal corpses all around you?”
“That’s a question that’s difficult to answer and have you believe me, Steph. After all, you’re not...”
Megan pauses, and approaches Stephanie. She then stares at her chest and pulls on her necklace. The green, glowing necklace.
“So you are one.”
“I’m a what? Stop being so cryptic, Megan, it’s pissing me off.”
Megan has a deep breath. “Stephanie, this sounds absolutely ridiculous, but you’re a Magical Girl. You can fight Witches. And you see all of these corpses around us? I did that with my power, and you have power as well.”
“W-what are you talking about? You’re saying really weird things.”
“Yes, I know I am. But all of these things are true, you have to believe me. Your life literally depends on it.”

While Megan is explaining her conundrum to her sister, Harriet attends to her lady.
“How are you, my lady?”
“I’m fine, I’m more worried about you. How are you? I see you made a mess around here but it can’t be helped.”
“I’m fine. That girl over there, Megan, is another Magical Girl.”
“Viktoria, you are likely also a Magical Girl. Did you meet a white feline, named Kyubey, perhaps? It said you would gain a Wish and fight Witches?”
“Yes… You seem to know a lot about this, Harriet.”
“Indeed, unfortunately I know a lot about this world.”
“Riko, why did you lead us here?”
“This was the area with the highest density of magic. I was looking for the Witch, if we kill it then everyone, including Oliver, would be free of the Kiss. It would be the fastest way to resolve this situation. I can guess that all of these dead Familiars must be responsible for my confusion.”
“Well, what are we waiting for then? Let’s go and search for the Witch!”
Abigail runs towards the bushes, and immediately senses that it was a mistake. Something is watching them.

Stephanie grips her longsword tightly. She doesn’t know how to really use it, but it’s the only form of weapon she has.
Abigail does similar with her knife. That thing is likely her only lifeline.
Viktoria walks behind Harriet. She has a spear and is at least partially responsible for the corpse pile, so she should be a good guard, right?
>>? (M3 Perception メ Roll: 8 (Target: 16) = 8 Successes)<< (Detect the Familiar.)
>>? (M3 Perception メ Roll: 13 (Target: 16) = 3 Successes)<< (Detect the Familiar.)
>>?? (M3 Perception メ Auto-Success)<< (Detect the Familiar.)
A beast, some combination of the lower half of a cat, the top half of a wolf, with a snake as a tail, lunges out of the bushes and pounces towards Riko.

Which was its first mistake


Riko’s earring shines bright, until a green glow surrounds her entire body
Her clothing, previously just a drab brown dress, transforms piece by piece. Her upper body is covered in pelts and leather, with green cloth covering the rest of her chest.
Quivers of arrows adorn her body, and her bow seems to grow in size. From there, other weapons are created around her. A spear, a knife, a machete, all weapons for hunting. And what seem to be trophies of previous hunts accessorize her outfit.

This clothing change happens in a near instant, and Riko reacts as if she just took a breath.
She responds to the imminent danger by doing a completely unnecessary backflip out of the way of the chimera’s pounce, before looking back at the girls who are rather shocked by the evidence of real magic right in front of them.

Riko: “Come on, you’re all Magical Girls! You can all transform! Unless you’re all fresh meat!”
? Steph: “Look, Riko, we’re all kind of new to this thing. I just found out that Magic actually exists right now.”
? Abigail: ”TheresAGiantMonsterTheresAGiantMonsterTheresAGiantMonster.”
? Vikkie: “Servant, can you fight?”
Harriet: “I heavily recommend that you learn how to transform. Both because I am unsuited for combat, and because I may not always be able to protect you.”

Megan: “Just reach out for your Souls and remember the reason you made your Wishes! Say a chant or a speech if you have to, just pour out your heart!”
“I will warn you now though, your Souls are not inside your bodies.”

>Just reach out for your Soul… Regardless, there’s a monster that needs killing.
Fun-fact: Riko has a whopping 8 Charisma, which is the lowest I am willing to give a character at Char-Gen. So if she sounds weird, or insane, or both, then that's partially why.
Not inside-?! Oh what a load of nonsense all of this is!

I remember how I felt when I couldn't tell him after he won the science fair. I remember how I felt when I couldn't get it out on my birthday. I remember how I felt when I couldn't even pass him the note. I grit myself and resolve that I never want to feel that helplessness and regret ever again, not now most of all when it matters most! I don't understand what's going on, but I do understand that it's my time to act!

I plant my feet shoulder length apart, clench my eyes shut, turn my head down and to the side, pull my left hand into a fist by my side, and reach my right hand up as far as I can stretch it, grasping for my soul (however that's possible).

"I won't back away, not anymore! Oliver, I'm coming for you!"
>>? (M3 Perception メ Roll: 8 (Target: 16) = 8 Successes)<< (Detect the Familiar.)
>>? (M3 Perception メ Roll: 13 (Target: 16) = 3 Successes)<< (Detect the Familiar.)
>>?? (M3 Perception メ Auto-Success)<< (Detect the Familiar.)

May I ask what this is?
The rolls that you made were a Perception Check and pulled double duty, both to sense that you were in a Labyrinth, and to Detect that Familiar before it pounced to put your guard uo
"M3" in this case means that you needed to roll at least 3 Below the target (i.e. 3 Successes).

If you're wondering about what your stats are, you're going to find out very soon.
literally came here looking for MGNQ shit thanks anon.
I mimick how Abigail's body moves while loudly chanting **None of this makes any sense!! None of it!!**. That certainly is what pour out of my heart.
"Ok, so magic's one thing, but souls being real I can get on board wi—...not inside? Not inside? Where the fuck else would it—...ok, we'll sort that shit out after. Transform, huh?"

I grip my sword tight. Strange, but thinking about my wish makes me so damn angry now. Years upon years in that damn dreary orphanage without even an inkling of who my biological parents were. Sure, the essentials were provided for, but neither government funding or charity can deliver familial warmth. Endless colorless days, where everyone you see on the street or at school has the one thing you want more than anything in the world and they don't even appreciate it! Would it be naïve to say that it doesn't change you? I thought it was already too late for me, but now, as I finally have what I always wanted—a chance to love and be loved unconditionally—some cockgobbling twat of a witch is going to try and take it away from me?!

My nails dig into the longsword's grip. This weapon, given to me by my (other) new sister, is therefore borne from my wish, so it is only fitting that I use it to defend what's mine. To destroy anyone and anything that threatens it. Anger burns throughout my whole being and I let it pour out in a scream.

"Come on, then! Come and let's have a go if you think you're hard!"
Rolled 4, 3, 1, 2, 6, 4, 5, 6, 4, 3, 6, 1 = 45 (12d6)


A rousing call of action from all of you. Especially you, Viktoria.

Abigail, give me a 3d6 (Dexterity, Target: 12)
Viktoria, give me a 6d6 (One set is Dexterity, Target: 8. The other is Perception, Target: 14)
Stephanie, give me a 3d6 (Dexterity, Target: 14)

The rolls on this post are for the other participants in combat.
Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d6)

>5, 6, 4
Who's the poor fucker that got 15?

Alright, Dex vs 14 (wow, high Dex. Nice).
Rolled 5, 5, 1 = 11 (3d6)

me btw
Rolled 1, 4, 2, 4, 6, 3 = 20 (6d6)

I am quite so lost.
Looking great actually
I am lost as to where all these numbers keep popping off from.
It appears that whenever we do an action, we roll against the relevant stat we have (soon to be revealed to us according to QM), and depending on the difficulty of the task, there will be a number of "successes" required in order to successfully do the action. For example, in this previous action to detect the familiar, we each had targets for perception based on our perception stat, but needed 3 successes to actually detect the familiar. Though looking at ti now, I don't think we actually have 16 Perception? That would be really high. Maybe QM can clarify.
You are correct with everything you say.
The previous Perception targets were 16 due to some advantages they had. Viktoria and Stehpanie both had the exact positions of who they were looking for.

If in doubt, just think of GURPS.


All of these combined are a success, luckily. Writing

>Who's the poor fucker that got 15?
You will not like the answer.
Are we still on, QMbey? You doin ok?
I fucking got sick. Every few minutes I cough out phlegm and a piece of my throat.

I'm still writing, of course.
Dang, you're a real trooper. I'll stay tuned no matter how long the next update takes. Don't overexert yourself. It'll help you get well sooner.
Boredo took me to look at the other QMBey's quest. The chargen there was much similar to ours and later on allowed for specialty points to be distributed. Will the same happen here, and should I be giving it some thought?
Yes. Definitely.
Will it be the same? Also I do have to commend you for remaining consistent in your state, despite the updates being only once a week. So, good job. Ho ho ho
It will be the same. Albeit with a different amount of points, due to stats working differently.
Also, trust me, consistency is the least I can give all of you. Speed is the next.
Do not raise my expectations in vain, you foul white creature, because I am very demanding. But I will believe.
ᛗ The Trio, et al

The girls are slightly confused and a bit shocked at the last part of Megan’s statement. What does she mean when she says their souls are not in their bodies? Where else could they be?
But that question is quickly put to the side when the Familiar lets out a roar and begins rushing towards them.

>>? (Dexterity 彡Roll: 8 (Target: ??) = ? Successes)<< (Take the Initiative)

Riko, being the most experienced and prepared, moves to intercept first. Quickly followed by Megan.
The Huntress looses a bolt from her bow, and it dings off the Familiar’s body like it was a wall. Megan lunges at it with her sword and gets some success, the sword is imbedded into the Familiar’s torso.
And doesn’t come out.

This Chimera did not like being assaulted like this, and retaliated by flinging one of its claws at Megan, who’s too slow and catches a face full. Megan launches across the clearing like a ragdoll and crumpling upon landing.

“Shit, Megan!”
Stephanie was distraught, to say the least, but that quickly boiled over into anger.

She grips her sword tightly. A flash of memories go through her head. For so long she lived in a colourless world where the one thing she wanted and others had was denied to her. She was fed, and she had a roof over her head, but nothing could possibly replace knowing that there is someone, anyone, willing to hug you and say “I love you. I will always care for you.”

Just when she thought that she was doomed to always have a hole in her soul, she was given it: A family that cared and will care for her. A sister who was willing to help her. A cat and a Dog!
And now some fucking cockgobbling twat of a Witch was going to snatch it away from her?!

“I won’t let you get away with this!”

Stephanie wanders about the colourless world that she had lived in for as long she remembers. Other people walk past her, but they are all grey and faceless.
They do not understand her strife nor care, for they have never had want for what she lacks. For all they know, she is invisible. A statistic not worth paying attention to.
Her necklace glows, and its luminescence gives colour to the world. She looks around and sees her family, her new one walking towards her for a group hug.
This colourful world, where filial love is given freely, was the manifestation of her Wish. She will fight for it with her life, and hold on to it forever.

Stephanie rushes towards the Familiar with death in her eyes, sword in hand. Sure, it’s a monster that just injured her sister. But it’s also a monster that injured her sister. She’s going to kill it, or at the very least go out protecting what she never had.
As she strides, her clothes shift. The utilitarian clothes previously meant for a long hike become more flagrant. The fabric becomes smoother, the colour goes from a dark brown to a dark green hue. Gold embroidery decorates a green vest, with a brown cloak draped over her shoulders. The lower part of her outfit seems to blend and adapt to the flesh and blood-covered ground.
Well-made clothing suited for an affluent noble, rather the unmarked clothing of a peasant.

"Come on, then! Come and let's have a go if you think you're hard!" Stephanie’s words are as crass as always, however.
As she winds her blade for a strike, a strange phenomenon occurs. Usually this blade would collect discrete and similar matter to make itself larger and cause other modifications. However, the only matter in the clearing is flesh and blood, so the blood coagulates into a hard gel and the flesh clumps onto the blade’s edge. Creating a garish slab of flesh that no regular person would be able to swing properly.

Stephanie swings it like a regular longsword as always.

>>ф (Dexterity 彡Roll: 6 (Target: 14) = 8 Successes)<< (Intercept the Familiar)

Stephanie’s blade of flesh and bone cleaves through one of the Familiar’s legs, leaving it disabled. She then takes the opportunity to pick up Megan.
“Megan, are you okay?!”
Megan does a beleaguered chuckle. “I’m fine. My Wish came true.”
“W-what do you mean by that?”
“That’s for later. For now, we have a Familiar to kill.”
Viktoria and Abigail were stunned at Stephanie’s transformation. Abigail was stunned out of awe while Viktoria was stunned out of bafflement. This girl just changed her clothes in an instant and swing a super-massive sword!

Abigail acts on the advice that Megan gave them. Reach for your soul (that’s not in your body?!) and invigorate yourself with the reason you made your Wish…


Abigail remember how she felt when she couldn't tell him her feelings after he won the science fair. It was like a constricting fever in her heart, and her throat was full of rocks.
She remembers how she felt when she couldn't get it out on her birthday. She thought she was an adult, but her soul was too small.
She remembers how she felt when she couldn't even pass him the note. Her hands were trembling, and she was constantly fearful of failure.
All of these memories were full of Regret.
She grits herself and resolves that she never wants to feel that helplessness and regret ever again, not now most of all when it matters most! She doesn't understand what's going on, but she does understand that it's her time to act!

She plants her feet shoulder length apart, clenches her eyes shut, turns her head down and to the side, pulls her left hand into a fist by her side, and reaches her right hand up as far as she can stretch it, grasping for her soul.
Her blue bracelet transforms into that weird gem from last morning and starts glowing. So this is where her Soul was…

"I won't back away, not any more! Oliver, I'm coming for you!"

Abigail runs forward, unfettered in heart and soul. She grips the knife her father gave her and makes a vow: She will have her heart connect with Oliver’s!
She knows that Oliver is stuck here somewhere, considering everything else Riko said has been true so far, and this monster is stopping her from finding him. It needs to die so love can bloom!
Abigail’s modest, mundane dress is modified into a green apron with a white undershirt. A large paintbrush the size and shape of a spear manifests itself in her off-hand.
An Artist of Human Connection. With a Heart clad in steel.

Abigail does a leap that she wouldn’t be able to do mere minutes ago and swipes the monster’s eyes with her ratcheting knife. Unfortunately, she misses the eyes, but the monster jumps back in fear.

>>𐤌 (Dexterity 彡Roll: 11 (Target: 12) = 1 Success)<< (Intercept the Familiar)
Viktoria was following the same motions and dramatics as Abigail the whole time. The dancing and etiquette lessons she had were coming in handy.
Right up until Abigail’s Bracelet turned into a gemstone and started glowing. All of the things she previously thought governed nature was overturned at that moment.
None of this made any sense to her. Her Soul was outside her body? And these people were changing into completely different clothes in an instant?! What in the blazes is going on here?!

”I know for a fact that all of what is happening here cannot be normal, even for this time-period.”

This period was strange and wonderful in many different ways. People could communicate with each other over large distances, new names were written in history books, and new technology was esoteric as it was exciting.
This new world far past Victorian reign was confusing, but she Wished to be here. Even if the world looks strange, it can be understood.
She pulls the hair brooch out of her locks and focuses.
[I]!That girl, Abigail, was able to turn this thing into a gem, which facilitated her transformation. If I follow similar steps, then I should be able to the same results.”
Her brooch transforms into an egg-shaped gem, and she inspects it carefully. Even though it is purple, it still illuminates her face under its glow. A curious object. Now, what were the next steps…
”Invigorate myself by remembering why I made my Wish.”
Viktoria sits in a classroom back in Victorian Reign. Due to her high pedigree and her family’s wealth, she was given a grand education beyond what many people her age and sex were allowed.
In this classroom, she learned of many technological developments in progress. A man named “Charles Babbage” was creating something called the “Analytical Engine”.
A Chemical named “Cement” was being made, originated by one “Joseph Aspdin”. It was said that this chemical would make the creation of buildings much more efficient.
”There were even whispers of some man, “Bazalgette”, who was the best chance Britain had at finally getting rid of the Stink in the Thames!
All of these developments were set to elevate the lives of Men. But what would come after these developments? Would Man continue to improve in the future? Would they improve in culture as well as technology?

”I will study the progression of Mankind and their new crafts. I will safeguard the culture of our kind.”
The dress shifts into a naval officer’s uniform and her hair brooch turns into an admiral’s cap. With the gem creating a symbol on the front.

Viktoria looks at her outfit. A bit too military for her liking but a nice fit and modest. She then look at something that materialised in her hands. A compass, that also looks a lot like a stopwatch, and- A cannon?!
That’s just an entire Naval Cannon she’s carrying in her arms?! What?! How is she-
You know what? Questions can be answered later,

>>Ө (Dexterity 彡 & Perception メ Rolls: 7 & 13 (Targets: 10 & 14) = 3 + 1 Successes)<< (Dodge the Familiar)

Viktoria looks at the Familiar pouncing and feels a rush of calculations in her head. She knows exactly how fast this fiend is going and exactly when it will reach her position along with how fast she needs to be to get out of the way.
She uses this knowledge and exerts the least amount of force to dodge the Familiar’s pounce. The Familiar, missing a limb and not expecting a quick reaction, ends up falling on the ground.

It’s wide open. Megan is on the floor with Stephanie tending to her. Viktoria, Abigail, and Harriet are still prepared to fight. Though now they have a whole bunch of powers they aren’t fully explored with. But they do have an idea…

>The Trio is ready!
>ф Stephanie Smith ф

>£ Physical Affinity: 12
>λ Magical Affinity: 12
>彡 Dexterity: 14
>メ Perception: 12
>⸫ Wisdom: 10
>π Intelligence: 10
>ღ Charisma: 10
>φ Mind: 14
>Ω Constitution: 14

Stephanie can be able to make herself, objects, and other people, adopt qualities from other matter nearby. She can make her body as hard as a steel wall and a rock as soft as a pillow. Turn her body into fire or water.
But she has to be wary of the consequences. If you turn your body into water, how will you hold something?
Stephanie can use Physical Affinity to force objects and people to gain the qualities of other objects. If the target is against the change being done, then Stephanie’s PA Vs. Target’s Con will be tested

Another subset of this is that Stephanie can manipulate similar, discrete matter. A large pile of rocks can be freely manipulated. As can water, blood, flesh, and others that your imagination can think of.

>𐤌 Abigail Fulson 𐤌

>£ Physical Affinity: 10
>λ Magical Affinity: 14
>彡 Dexterity: 12
>メ Perception: 14
>⸫ Wisdom: 10
>π Intelligence: 10
>ღ Charisma: 12
>φ Mind: 14
>Ω Constitution: 8


Abigail can link her mind (and soul) to another person. When this link is established, each person knows exactly where the other is at all times, and each person can communicate past all language barriers. Including, relevantly, stuttering and mutism.
Abigail can scan the thoughts and memories of a person she is linked to with an MA check.
Abigail always has a link to Oliver that can never be broken.

This connection can be made easily if there is consent between both participants. In the event where a non-consensual connection is made, Abigail’s MA Vs. Target’s Mind will be tested.

>Ө Viktoria Walker Ө

>£ Physical Affinity: 16
>λ Magical Affinity: 8
>彡 Dexterity: 10
>メ Perception: 14
>⸫ Wisdom: 14
>π Intelligence: 14
>ღ Charisma: 14
>φ Mind: 10
>Ω Constitution: 8


Viktoria can freely manipulate time within an area. Time can be stopped, accelerated, and rewound at any moment using a PA Check. The maximum area of this Ability only potentially covers her whole Manor. (currently)
A side-effect of this ability is that Viktoria always knows exactly what time it is at all times, even through time-travel and manipulation. She is also immune to any kind of Time Manipulation that does come from her. She knows exactly where she is relevant to any known location, and how fast any object is going.

Due to all of this knowledge about locations, timing, and speed, Viktoria uses Intelligence in addition to Dexterity whenever a Dexterity Check is made
Okay, now it’s time to explain all of the basic mechanics!
Starting with the stats and what they govern.

£ Physical Affinity: Dictates your capability of inflicting damage upon and manipulating the world and/or enemy. It doesn’t matter what weapon you’re using, Muskets, Bows, Wands, Talismans, or Glaives, you use this stat if you’re going to damage something.

λ Magical Affinity: Dictates your magical abilities. How easy they are to use and how powerful/versatile it is at the moment. This doesn’t directly translate to combat capability, Personal Magic usually acts as utility. But it can make offence or defence easier. This is mainly about manipulating the intangible, Concepts, minds, other things that do not directly affect the physical world.

彡 Dexterity: How agile you are. Dictates fine motor skills, and how much you can do or move within a time-frame. All Magical Girls are roughly as fast as each other when transformed, Magic notwithstanding, so the difference comes in how to use that speed efficiently. Especially dictates how fast you can bash someone’s head in before they react, and how fast you can run away before someone bashes your head in.

メ Perception: How much you can spot in a short time frame. How good you are at spotting clues and investigating. How good you are at identifying objects. Dictates how well you navigate Labyrinths. Even if you arrived at the location that Witch is haunting, you may not spot it until it’s too late.

⸫ Wisdom: Used for discerning intentions of actions or spoken words. Also used to identify the likely purpose of objects. It also allows you to figure out what the hell is happening easier, which is good when you need to spring into action before someone else.

π Intelligence: The raw smarts. How well you can think outside of the proverbial box. The most complex stat, as intelligence can come in many forms. This dictates creativity and how well you can get away with doing something batshit insane. Remember that there will always be a power gap between you and Erika Kruppman.

ღ Charisma: Confidence. Used for lying, asserting yourself, and getting friends. Having a good circle of friends is often conducive to living a (relatively) long time as a Puella Magi, so don’t discount this.

φ Mind: How Zen you are. Decides how easy it is to make you slip into despair, and therefore how easy it is for your Soul Gem to become impure. It also judges how easy it is for you to justify actions that go against your moral principles. Think about it: Everything that involves you retaining your sanity and not Witching out despite misfortune is dictated by this stat.

Ω Constitution: How tough you are. Dictates how well you take hits and aren’t perturbed, despite your armour or lack thereof. Usually decides how likely a chance of a direct shot into your Soul Gem (instant death) is. Remember that there will always be a power gap between you and Jimena Gimenez.
As previously said, this is essentially GURPS. Whenever something is uncertain, like whether or not you’ll find your Servant, or if you’ll dodge an attack, you roll a 3d6 with the aim of rolling below your relevant stat.

For example: Dodging and Taking Initiative (Being faster than the other team) is a test against your Dexterity. Sensing something, like a Labyrinth or Familiar or Witch, is a test against Perception.

However, Magnitude is where things become difficult. Some actions or reactions have a Magnitude, or just “Mx”. This means that in order to properly succeed, you need to gain equal or more successes than the Magnitude. For example: An M3 test would require you to gain at least 3 successes (roll 3 or more below the tested stat).

In this case specifically, all you needed to do (as a group) was gain more successes than the Familiar's Dexterity Check.

The Familiar's Dexterity is 16 and he rolled an 8 (8 Successes) (Viktoria now knows this due to her ability), so all that was required was for all of the pooled successes between all allies to go over 8. Stephanie alone was able to intercept.
Rolled 5, 5, 5, 1, 5, 1, 1, 6, 5 = 34 (9d6)

I seem to have come upon fantastic magical powers. Even now I can sense the presence of Oliver in my mind, briefly listening to the link to see if he's ok, causing my heart to flutter a bit before I shake my head and refocus on the situation at hand. The others must also be capable of doing fantastical things, but even though I don't quite know what now, I can still create a broad plan of action and efficiently communicate it.
>Briefly probe the link with Oliver to see his condition
>Come up with a plan on the fly to take down the monster (Intelligence 10)
>Link with Viktoria, Harriet, and Riko and coordinate with them though the link what to do and when to strike (Perception 14 + Charisma 12)
The attributes are pre-set in the end so my research was pointless. Such is life.
Had to take my time to absorb all this but I came up with a question in the end. As far as I understand, my magic can manipulate time in specifc areas, and I shoot cannonballs for some reason. Now, hear me out. If I make it so the area between me and my target follows a much faster timelapse, and I shoot a cannonball through said area, would its speed be increased once it came out of the other side? Would this be valid to make my attacks harder to dodge?
I do not understand how Intelligence works beyond my passive which adds it up to Dexterity.

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