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you wake up groggy on a dusty granite floor of an enclosed chamber, balmy air assails your nose as you rise up and your thoughts begin to untangle, despite that you've no clear idea as to how exactly you got there. YOU DO KNOW ONE THING: you're really hungry and dehydrated right now.

what will you do?
Check out the backpack
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you take a cursory glance through the blue backpack not much in there all things considered, a disposable camera, your old Waring Gears wallet and a refreshing bottle of something resembling water, but is fizzing and bubbling
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at the bottom of the bag however, is a hammer and chisel, but you don't remember packing this for the sake of exploring ancient crypts.
so in summation:
you've got a chisel+hammer, a wallet, one bottle of fizzy drink and one disposable camera.
not sure what else to do, you stow them back in the backpack and put it on.
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We boy or girl?
Try to read the ancient text
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>Try to read the ancient text

You give the ancient plaque a look over. You're gonna be perfectly frank:
you've no idea what the heck these symbols mean, though you have a sneaking suspicion that they feel like they're modeled after Egyptian hieroglyphs.
the ancient text is basically engraved onto the giant slab of stone, but the etches feel almost marble smooth. masterfully crafted with a really precise tool.
maybe this room was used as a sort of alter?
hell if you know, this is just going off experience watching adventure movies.
>Photograph the text with the disposable camera
Might need it for later.

>Look through the rectangle shaped hole above the text
What's on the other side, is it the outside, is it where we came from?
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>Look through the rectangle shaped hole above the text, What's on the other side, is it the outside, is it where we came from?

you climb up on top of the glyph stone after snapping a shot of the symbols. you peak between the window gap and...

welp... It's certainly not Kansas anymore, that's for damn sure.
it looks like we're inside some sort of temple, in the middle of a jungle. which jungle you're not too sure. but it sure does look pretty.
Can you use the hammer and chisel to increase the size of the hole?
>Can you use the hammer and chisel to increase the size of the hole?
whilst a nice idea, unfortunately this is a very narrow hole carved out of a temple with very thick building materials. it would take almost 3 days to carve a gap big enough for you to squeeze through. That and you're still hungry and very thirsty, so not a whole lot of energy and not enough time.
>Inspect the square in the lower left corner.
It stands out, can the block be removed?
It appears that you CAN pull the block out from the wall, there are scratch marks on the ground from where something was scraping against it and or catching on the floor. your guess, secret cubby-hole. though it's pretty dense and heavy, you're gonna need some leverage to pry it out
Would it be possible to jam the chisel into a gap pry it out of the wall with that?
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Looks like you can, shall we give it a try?
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Fixed art**
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Using a little jimmying with the chisel and hammer, you creak open the secret compartment and look inside.
Take the book and statue out
Does the symbol on the book match the one on our right hand? Do they glow or vibrate when near each other?
Pick up the book and statue and examine their exteriors. Pay attention to any symbols or shapes on their surface.
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the book's front fixture is similar to that golden trinket on your right hand. only difference is, your hand jewel glows in rythem to your breathing, while the jewel on the cover of the book is dark and apears to be keeping the book closed.
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you take a gander at the recently plundered treasure, one is an idol made of smooth polished emerald green stone, but it also seems to have groves in the design filled with a faint golden materials, like there are circuits inside,
on the other hand is the book with the golden latch over it. upon closer inspection, you can see the same four symbols that are on the fall, etched faintly into the cover, just faint enough that you can see them when the depressions in the leather catch the light
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to anyone curious about it, you can suggest shits and giggles commands for the protagonist, alot more entertaining to play with
In addition, you can ask to change the room view, turn view right, left, to see more things about the environment and I'll draw as quick as i can to compensate the request
now that you mention it, you feel a slight magnetic pull coming from the metal box grafted on your hand, like something is pulling it closer to the book.
Wear both book and idol as a hat
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yes! YES! your are invincible!
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try to take a bite from the idol as if it were a giant green gummy bear
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wait.. You drifted off for a second there, what were you doing?
What's that little square next to the door with text underneath, can we take a closer look?
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wow... this hunger is doing funny things to your head... the idol is so smooth and shiny it looks almost gelatinous... like you could.... bite right into...
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god dammit. there go those intrusive thoughts again.
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You inspect the hole by the door with the strange text underneath. just like the symbols behind you, the letters are etched in using some kind of precise cutting tool or maybe etched in with some kind of chemical... you feel your golden graft gravitate towards the symbols as well.
See if the book activates anything with the symbols in the hole, Im not exactly ready to put our hand in an alcove that might cut it off when activated.
I more feel like the idol is supposed to go onto the circle shown here.
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You place the idol into the chubby hole.. but nothing seems to happen
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wait... that makes more sense
Adding onto that, if the edges line up perfectly, you might need to twist it like a screwdriver.
I figure it will open the door. In case it doesn't do that... is the block from the corner in the wall liftable, if so, can we try to smash the door open with it?
Try to see if you can open the book holding the gem on your hand close to it
Could also try using the statue on the gem, see if it's the key to that
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these intrusive thoughts are going nowhere, So You pick up the book and.. AH! HOLY SHIT!
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the book is... open... man that stung.
reading time
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you pick up the book and.... holy... you cant believe your eyes, you cant believe what your seeing. you just CANT believe it!
If it's loss, burn the book!
>inspect gold thingy on hand
It's a translation dictionary between German and the ancient symbols found on the walls here!
It comes bundled with a sealed cd-rom with encyclopedia software for windows 98, you think...
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The book. is creating print, rewriting the alien alphabet to adapt to English. sentances and pictures forming from glowing circuits in the paper
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It feels like the CD-rom might already be running inside this thing.
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it's fused to your hand, lightweight and currently buzzing with a faint energy, there are scars on your skin where the contraption meets the back of your hand, which suggests that it's been there for a REALLY LONG time.
looking closer at the gemstone. it looks like it might not be a gemstone at all. veins under the glossy surface pulse with visible motes of power, going from the center directly into the sides of... whatever this thing is.

you still have no idea what in the fresh fuck is going on and answers would be really nice right now.
Lick the golden thingy
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tastes like copper
Use the chisel in an attempt to remove the golden contraption from our hand.
the golden contraption has been helpful thus far, So It feels as if peeling off this jewel laden electro gadget would be counterproductive as well as counter intuitive. Besides, there's a golden triangle on your palm which feels like it goes through your hand acting as a sort of fastener
Remember fellas
>it helps when you use green-text commands
Guess it's not sentient, otherwise it'd have protested.
Time to follow the book's instructions and place the totem on the "docker".
Weird that they'd hide the key in a hole in the wall.
Or that the book would have instructions directly pertinent to your situation.
>Go see if the book can help translate the text on the wall
>dance a merry jig
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>dance a merry jig
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feeling better after some silly dancing, you put the Smooth emerald Idol into the Chute
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With the rumble of weights shifting behind the stone and the sudden glow of glowing veins in the masonry, the door out of the room lifts, into a darkned hallway beyond.
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The way out is now accessible. but before you do that, you turn around and give the symbols on the wall a quick look-over.
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>Go see if the book can help translate the text on the wall
you hold the book up to the 4 symbols on the wall. the pages glow with blue energy and the text materializes before your eyes
>Check the inside of the broken jar
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It look like it's not a jar, But rather a shattered pillar, however, it IS hollow on the inside. upon checking it. you find:
Practice your swordeating skills
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>Practice your swordeating skills
Alright time to check outside if the coast is clear
If one pillar is hollow, why wouldn't the other one be?
>Use the chisel and hammer on the other pillar
Hope it's not load bearing.
the previous pillar was smashed by something far more stronger than a chisel or even a sword. it would take a month of non stop work to get through the dense stone.
>check wallet
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>Alright time to check outside if the coast is clear

seems clear, you enter into the hallway and come face to face with a wall ladder. it looks like it leads out of the chamber.
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>check wallet.
a quick inventory of your Waring Gears wallet:
some loose change. a receipt from yesterday. a school ID from a few years ago and a hospital wrist tag.
>Use the book on the dollar bills
Finally! We will learn the secrets of the illuminati!
Check if the ladder rungs are secure
>Check if the ladder rungs are secure
first few rungs are secure, now the second, the 5ht, the 10th and before you know it, you're climbing up the ladder, hand over hand.

your name is nathan fowler
To quote your favorite text adventure game:
ruby quest.
"congratulations! you've escaped the first room!
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You'll try it when you reach the top.
>Check the receipt.
If we know it's from yesterday, then I suppose it should be nearby? Maybe we can try to recall what events happened since we paid for whatever is on the receipt.

>Inspect the hospital wristtag.
If there is any information on it like hospital name or department, we can use it in addition to the receipt for trying to recall events. I spot some sort of barcode aswell on it, maybe the book can decipher it for patient information?
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>Inspect the hospital wristtag.
You state the numbers on the wrist tag, but as you hold the book open for over a minute, nothing happens, only visual cyan blue static amidst the pages circuits
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>Check the receipt.
nothing much to say, you remember going to school for the last time, getting some snacks to sit through graduation with... getting on the bus to get there and... you guess you fell asleep and woke up here?
that... doesn't make any sense..
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>Maybe we can try to recall what events happened since we paid for whatever is on the receipt.
you recall.. just barely, something happened that sent you to this... hospital. you came back because of some... condition. it was the last week of school before graduating. you brought snacks on this bus to take you to the ceremony.... but then... something happened on the bus...
you can barely grasp your own memory, like trying to catch a wayward balloon on a windy day.
you can almost grasp what happened. until-
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A high decile sound of a female's blood chilling scream jerks you from your daze of remembrance. followed by the chilling metallic reverberating crash of something large and heavy hitting the ground.
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Head back to the ladder and jump down with a backflip
>Peek into the doorway to the left
If it's dark.
>Use the flash of the camera as an improvised flashlight
Sounds like someone might have been crushed. Better steel yourself, whatever is ahead might not look too pretty.
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on the contrary, it's super pretty, beautiful even.
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you step into the room to find a strange looking woman, plastered to the wall by some sort of giant, human sized fly swatter trap, she's being held over what look like trap doors and the wires on the swatter look thin but sturdy, like chain link fencing
and on the wall next to you looks like a set of dials set to different icons, one of those dials appears to have been pulled out and is now missing.
(sorry it's been a while, job and college gets in the way)
Grope the creature, for science
>Check the garbled two other options on the top dial. Were they scribbled over or scratched? Scribbles might be wiped out
Also again, when you get a chance
>Use the damned book to decipher the illuminati messages on the damn dollar bills!
>Use your camera to take a picture of the woman trapped under the fly swatter
For uh, science? Maybe it's something comical we can look back on later.

>Pull out the other two dials to see what happens
We could place a dial back to where one is missing if needed eventually, but for now see what happens when removing the remaining two.
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>Grope the creature, for science
as intrusive thoughts go, this one feels the weirdest
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>Use your camera to take a picture of the woman trapped under the fly swatter
though this one, you act on
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oh dear.. what did you just do..
the green finny girl just stares at you vacantly
>Take a selfie with her in the background.
Avoid further embarrassment by jumping into the spikepit
ask her how she ended up like this and accuse her of lying right after her response. An interrogation starts, every lie told will bring tickling
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>Pull out the other two dials to see what happens

you check out the dials and reach over to try and touch them, but the green woman screams: "STOP! DON'T TOUCH ANY OF THEM!, TURN OFF THE WALL NET AND I FALL INTO THE TRAP BELOW! tried dodging the floor spikes by jumping across... it didnt work out."
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>Take a selfie with her in the background.
after she says that, you snap a shot! cuz why the heck not?
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"tell me how you got here! dont lie to me! any lies will result in tickling!"
she gives you the most incredulous look that says, could this swatter trap let go any faster?
either that or.. how did you wind up in this temple, on ACCIDENT?
she looks at you then says "We came here looking for an artifact, something our employers say will pay us copious amounts of scryp for us to go get, my partner And I got separated so he's somewhere beyond this maze of ancient temple. question of the century is.. how did YOU get here?"
(Go ahead and recommend a response)
"So you must be the one....

Here's the good news. Your partner found his way out. But unable to find you on his own in this maze he reached out to me for help.
Here's the bad news... that was three months ago. He sent me here to collect your remains, but it seems that time flows differently in this particular room..."
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roll me a 1 d10 on a 7 she buys into that.
>>Check the garbled two other options on the top dial. Were they scribbled over or scratched? Scribbles might be wiped out

the icons on the top section of the diagram appears to have been scratched out with a chisel, if you could find out what the icons looked like before their desecration, you could be more informed on what traps lay in waiting here.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

MC is now a canonically confirmed royal gaslighter
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with two successes against your one success she straight up does not buy that BS
"You are the strangest human I've come across on this particular planet in my entire life. I've never heard anyone come up with a lie like that since kindergarten."
Chisel is probably yours. You didn't want anyone to figure out what the two options say. The question is, why?
>Place the book in front of the symbols (out of the rude alien's view) and see if the circuitry in the walls works just as well as in your awakening room
>"You better believe me or I'm touching that dial."
>Take another selfie with her in the background.
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>"You better believe me or I'm touching that dial.">Place the book in front of the symbols (out of the rude alien's view) and see if the circuitry in the walls works just as well as in your awakening room

you say this to the rude alien while holding the book out of sight to see if it reacts to the wall diagram
"pfft, if you kill me I'm pretty sure you wont be able to find your way out of this temple alive, I barely got this far by the edge of my scaley skin." she says back to you as you wait for the magic book to produce a helpful article.
>"You're talking a big game, but which one of us is stuck in a trap here? I'd say I've got just about as good a chance to make it out without you as with you. You got any proof that you'd actually increase my chances instead of being an extra load?"
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>"You're talking a big game, but which one of us is stuck in a trap here? I'd say I've got just about as good a chance to make it out without you as with you. You got any proof that you'd actually increase my chances instead of being an extra load?"

she looks at you, almost impressed.
"interesting, you seem like a tard with no self control, but that retort was pretty sharp... remind me: how'd you get here?"
>"I might tell you if at any point I figure it will help me, for now you can keep guessing how I did. But sure, entertain me and tell me your best guess as how I did."
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"I might tell you if at any point I figure it will help me, for now you can keep guessing how I did. But sure, entertain me and tell me your best guess as how I did."
"wait.. ME BE AN EXTRA LOAD?! you snapped a picture without my permission, threatened to touch the dials without knowing what they did and even lied to me about how you got here and now you're telling me to keep guessing how you- *sputtering* the audacity!"
>Pull out the wallet and flash it like if it were an FBI badge
>"Okay I will give you this, I'm an elite agent of the COG unit. It's top secret so you've probably never heard of it, but you better know who you're dealing with before accusing me of any 'audacity' again."
Oop, book's running low.
>Close the book before the battery fully dies. Let's hope this minx lets slip where we can get batteries or a charging station in this place.
>Low power?
That book runs on batteries?!
Are we gonna need to look for more?! How do we recharge it?!
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>Pull out the wallet and flash it like if it were an FBI badge
>"Okay I will give you this, I'm an elite agent of the COG unit. It's top secret so you've probably never heard of it, but you better know who you're dealing with before accusing me of any 'audacity' again."
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>Low power?
You look around the book, gazing up and down for some kind of flap, button or switch to show you how to recharge this.... E book.
the alien girl looks on with a suprised expression.
"you found it... YOU FOUND IT!!!!"
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I found it in a secret compartment a little back and down the ladder
>"Okay, full disclosure, I have amnesia and no idea how I got on this 'planet'. You have one chance to convince me to trust an alien with piranha teeth, starting by explaining what 'this' is and why I should share it with you: Go"
Might as well rip off the bandaid, we're way out of our depth here.
btw what's our stat sheet like? I'm seeing WoD skill names.
>"Okay, full disclosure, I have amnesia and no idea how I got on this 'planet'. You have one chance to convince me to trust an alien with piranha teeth, starting by explaining what 'this' is and why I should share it with you: Go"
Might as well rip off the bandaid, we're way out of our depth here.

"okay then, things are starting to fall into place for me. as for that little book there, it's a valuable treasure left behind by either an unknown civilization or by the gods.
it's.. or rather, might not be anymore...my job to seek the truth about these things...

it's a Grimoire
a book that speaks to you and reveals ancient truths.

as to how you were able to open one...
Could you show me your right hand please?"
>Show the rude piranha alien the gold thing
>"And what do you plan on doing with this... truth?"
>Hide your hand for now. Last thing you want is to give her an idea of how to best chop it off if she makes it out.
"And what do you plan on doing with this... truth?"
>Hide your hand for now. Last thing you want is to give her an idea of how to best chop it off if she makes it out.

"I'm trying to give them whatever artifacts are inside but keep the records. my partner fences off the trinkets while I keep the books/scrolls, then decipher them.
it's not what I'm going to do with it. it's How I'm going to find it, to know it. it's why I became an antiquarian."
>"Right, I'll help you if we work on a finders keepers sort of deal. Also if you help me fill in any blanks in my memory on the way"
>Use a foot to gingerly step on the floor ahead without putting your full weight on it, check to see if it activates a slide trap. Gotta start figuring out a way to get close enough to the piranha alien to free her with the chisel.
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>Show the rude piranha alien the gold thing
you show the alien archeologist the golden fixture.
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"You're one of them... you're one of the god's angels..."
>>"Right, I'll help you if we work on a finders keepers sort of deal. Also if you help me fill in any blanks in my memory on the way"

"anything to help you on you're holy mission!" she nods her head.

it's pretty clear you've been isekai'd to an anime. which one you're not sure.
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>Use a foot to gingerly step on the floor ahead without putting your full weight on it, check to see if it activates a slide trap. Gotta start figuring out a way to get close enough to the piranha alien to free her with the chisel.

You gingerly step atop the floor with the crease, it falls away quickly revealing a bed of spikes at the bottom, too numerous and serrated on all sides, like the predator's weapons from that movie AVP. and too far to jump across without ending up like the fish lady
Correct me if we’re wrong, but the trap dials look like they have the same symbol on the corresponding corners,
Turn the dial on 1 to activate the trap, trying to deactivate the traps on corner 2 reactivates trap 1 and dial 3 turns the turns trap 1 off but trap 2 on again
Is that what you were going for and why the icons are etched out?
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To clarify
I started this thread with no particular goal in mind, but I'm hoping some of you will still like to see this story through, hoping to model this like ruby quest mixed with Jak and Daxter meets WW1 treasure planet

but the premise will be exploring and solving puzzles along the way..

so I'm gonna lay down this game's rules proper:
I'll roll and draw whatever commands you give me (or ones that seem funny)
though your bread and butter of this game will be
>face left
>face right
to change the room view.
>Use X on Y
and most importantly
>Activate (Use Graft On X)
(depending if this thread is still active, you'll unlock two extra options)
and If you free the alien girl or recharge the book: >ask for advice/hint.

so for that question, let me say this: that panel was for shits and giggles. but I'll throw in this idea, even though this may not work for very long, so we'll see how this goes. there will be an optional WOD mechanic

>command + >roll attribute.

To makes things harder, funnier or to try your hand at a left field-esque solution to a problem. this is completely optional on your end. but it gives you the chance to have sillier or darker outcomes depending on the context of the situation.
If you complete a small mission or do something spectacular. I'll reward 2 dots you can add to any character's character sheet.
(you can discuss and vote where they'll go)

ask lots of questions and don't
be afraid to be bold here.

and I hope I can make this fun for everyone and that this thread inst boring everyone to tears just yet.
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also, here's a waifu pinnup of the piranha alien
Ooookay guess I got the genre wrong.

Might be onto something, since the bottom left most trap seems to be a rising spiked floor.
There's no way for us to reach her with the spiked floor, so we'll have to either
1. Take our chances with one of the scratched out traps and hope our reactions are fast enough to cut her out of the fly swatter with the chisel.
2. Switch the bottom left trap to the swinging blades then disable the floor spikes and hope the designers of this crypt designed it such that their fly swatter doesn't just get destroyed by the swinging blades by placing them at the beginning and end of the hallway instead.

I'm leaning to 2, but there's also the possibility that the X in the center of the control panel isn't just decoration and is a clue to making the hallway fully safe to traverse.
In the meantime, we might as well ask her
>"Do you know of a way to recharge this tome's power? It might be the key to getting you out"
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"... you've used up it's power source......
right... Just push the jewel of the book, click it and you'll see it's power compartment."
>Do that and hope it doesn't self-destruct
do this but stand closer to her so she blows up too if she's trying to trick us
How are we getting past the spike pit for that?
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>Do that and hope it doesn't self-destruct
you click the jewel and out pops a crystal lodged in a compartment at the top, it flickers for a moment with a brilliant cyan blue light then dies out. turning deep dark navy blue.
>"Looks dead to me. You don't happen to carry a spare on you do you?"
"So is this one of them J.O. crystals i gotta power up by rubbing one out?"
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>"Looks dead to me. You don't happen to carry a spare on you do you?"

"If you can get me down from here, My partner has some in his hip bag, I can help guide you out of this place easy"
>"Right, so that's adjourned for now. If you have no better ideas, I'm planning on switching the bottom left inactive trap to the swinging blades, then disabling the floor spikes. With any luck, whatever gods that made this place were big on cost efficiency and didn't place their swinging blades to break their fly swatter just to slice anyone who was possibly caught in it. After that, it'll be up to my agility to get past them to get you down from there without skewering us both"
>"Unless you have a better idea?"
"Right, so that's adjourned for now. If you have no better ideas, I'm planning on switching the bottom left inactive trap to the swinging blades, then disabling the floor spikes. With any luck, whatever gods that made this place were big on cost efficiency and didn't place their swinging blades to break their fly swatter just to slice anyone who was possibly caught in it. After that, it'll be up to my agility to get past them to get you down from there without skewering us both"
>"Unless you have a better idea?"

"that.... actually might work, just say the word when you're going to do it. will you catch me?"
>"Ideally, I won't have to. But if you mean your foot's asleep, I can give you a shoulder to lean on until you get your circulation back"
"Yeah I'll def-"
>Pull the lever
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"Yeah I'll def-"
>Pull the lever
you flip the dial just as she asks to catch her
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the fish woman pressed to the net, clings to the steel wire mesh, with only a fraction of a second to proccess what just happened.
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>"-initely catch... the hell?!"
Probably time to panic...
so uh, as quickly as possible what was the configuration of the dials now?
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>"-initely catch... the hell?!"
>Probably time to panic...
oh ya think?
the woman lets out a blood curdling shriek as she plunges towards to bed of spikes
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Well uh, it's whatever scratched out traps there are on either side, or instant spiky death.
1. Left scribbled trap
2. Right scribbled trap
>Switch the upper lever to the left hidden trap.
>switch the top knob towards the middle just like the bottom left dial
That should deactivate the spike trap
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just to make it clear the small circle on the periphery of the dial should be facing the X
Wait, it's that simple?
I'm hoping it is at least. some of the symbols have been changing so that kind of makes it confusing.
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Oh, you're right, Seems they changed. Do they randomize whenever we adjust any of the switches?
Yup, that's about right, but if a side with the same symbol is dial to X, it will do the opposite and turn the trap back on.

A consistency retard moment on my end. I'm sorry about that. but the recent diagram I gave WONT change. I promise.
>the same symbol
What symbol? I get the feeling I'm missing something obvious here.
so as far as I understand it each symbol refers to a trap. if the symbol appears as a choice on more than one dial then it is deactivated if one of the dials containing that symbol is oriented towards the X but if two dials containing that symbol are oriented towards the X then it is reactivated. Since the swinging blades does not look like it started when we moved the dial towards the X that means that the bottom right dial had one of the traps selected before it was removed. So if we move the top dial towards the middle we shouldn't have to worry about re activating the pit trap because the other dial containing the pit trap symbol should not be Facing X. Something that is a problem is that we don't know if the dial is pointing at the blade the "swatter" or the pit. We also don't know is if the other dial being on x disables the symbols or if it is overwritten if the other dial has that trap selected. if that is the case, then if the missing dial was on the pit trap before it was removed. If that is the case then the pit trap wont be deactivated.
Right so assuming there's only two symbols per trap type at maximum, the top would probably have wall spikes and one other trap, so putting both the top and bottom left at X will probably activate the wall spikes and have a high chance of killing her.
I say we switch the bottom left to the fly swatter and then switch the top to X, that way she's caught in the net, but we can file through it and free her normally.
>turn the symbol towards the X to close up the trap door?
Top symbol, yes.
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The trap door shuts closed
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The fishy's back is broken.
or you feel like it is, you could practically feel that fall from where you were standing.
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The archeologist is now free
>Count to five just to make sure there's no swinging blades incoming.
>"Did that hurt? Because if it didn't then your spine is probably broken"
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>Count to five just to make sure there's no swinging blades incoming.
>"Did that hurt? Because if it didn't then your spine is probably broken"

"you... you asshole."
>"I have the control for the trap doors right here, you sure about those words?"
>"Oh thank god, I read somewhere you're not supposed to move someone with a snapped spine"
>Get closer and drag her to the other side of the pit, keeping your hands clear of her teeth.
Let's hope she has a short-term memory where pain's involved.
>>"Oh thank god, I read somewhere you're not supposed to move someone with a snapped spine"
>>Get closer and drag her to the other side of the pit, keeping your hands clear of her teeth.
>Let's hope she has a short-term memory where pain's involved.

"you must've been some kind of comedian from where all the gods come from."
she says as she crawls over to you and allows you to help her up.
File deleted.
> "there are other gods?!"
>"Where do we go from here?"
>"are there other treasures in this temple?"
>"As your god, I demand you make the E-book work again!"
or, recommend and action
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>"There are other gods?!"
>"As your god, I demand you make the E-book work again!"
She already said her friend has the batteries >>6105835
>"there are other gods?!"
>"there are other gods?!"
"Uh..Yes? much like you, that gold crest on your hand identifies you as one."
>"Do you see many of them, or are they very rare? I'd like to meet one if possible"
>"Do you see many of them, or are they very rare? I'd like to meet one if possible"
"well, they're pretty rare, but they all have golden crests on their right hand. many different colors, their motives differ but they all can do incredible miracles or cause devastating blights
You're the first one I've met who speaks the same language as me though."
>"I see. Interesting that our languages match, unless my crest somehow has a translation function other gods' doesn't. I'll ask you more questions when they come to me later, but for now can we try to find your friend? I don't like my tome being powerless"
>"By the way, what's your gear like? It might help us resolve further situations as they arise"
>Share our gear's contents in return.
>"So do they try to speak or do they just not communicate?"
She specified "same language as me", so I'm guessing they do speak in an incomprehensible tongue.

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