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File: Far From Terra 4.png (654 KB, 510x511)
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This is a fanfiction continuation of Far from Terra by ASS from where it left off. Blame /qtg/ for awakening my nostalgia. Yes, it's been four years. I'm attempting it anyways.

You're Fern, a pipsqueak of a human from the acid oceans of Ghast with huge balls, joined by your gorgeous Amazonian squeeze Dijana, your Tyranid dog-gun Bubbles, and a pair of Servitors.

Archives of the original: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=far+from+terra


>20: Suprise
As you fly off in your miniature voidship, the Manta, trying to get to Ojal-Prime the casino-moon, the vessel tries to sink itself into the warp with its archeotech. But something happens, the ship midway through the thundering, fleshy gash in reality.

"Error- Recalculating" flashes holographically on the windows, as it continued to hurdle through the deep, cavernous portal of mixed dimensions by its own momentum. "Recalculating - Recalculating - Recalculating"

"New destination found. Emergency reroute."

"What happening?" Dijana asked with a thick foreign accent as she hugged your arm a bit harder than you could handle.

"We're going somewhere else." you explained, and leaned into her embrace as you kept your hands on the driving wheel. "Something has gone wrong with the ship."

The autonomous ship suddenly barrel-rolled in the eldritch gunk of the Warp, and just as quickly tore itself out of it, flinging itself into the vast and empty realspace near a round, orange-yellow planet dotted with islands.

It was Ghast. Your home.

"Arrival successful." it blared. "Approaching surface."

"Minor damage detected in fuel tank. Promethium leaking."


Suspended high above Ghast's vast, shimmering piss-yellow ocean, you gazed out at the horizon. The planet's surface was a patchwork of desperation and decay: ramshackle city-ghettos clung to what little land remained, while makeshift islands of compacted refuse dotted the acidic sea.

"Promethium leaking" the Manta insisted.

Dijana pressed her gorgeous face against one of the windows "This... Home, of Fern? Many... hm... water."

"Acid," you corrected grimly. Your ears strained for any sound that might betray the leak's location. A voidship can't be that different from a regular ship, right? Maybe you could just... plug it somehow?

You ran a hand through your hair, frustration mounting. Who were you kidding? You knew shit about voidships.

But you did know that you were about an hour or so from your home archipielago. You also knew that landing with a ship *this* fancy in the shithole that was Ghast was basically begging to get assaulted and robbed.

> Get your servitors, Dijana and Bubbles ready for combat and land right here.
> Drive off to your home archipielago and try to land at some place with the least problematic people.
> Try to find some uninhabited island, floating heap of trash, anything - and park there for now.
> Write-in
> Try to find some uninhabited island, floating heap of trash, anything - and park there for now.
> Try to find some uninhabited island, floating heap of trash, anything - and park there for now.
> Try to find some uninhabited island, floating heap of trash, anything - and park there for now
> Get your servitors, Dijana and Bubbles ready for combat and land right here.
Oh hey I remember this.......

And its dead again so soon...
Sad! Many such cases.

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