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Once, the land of Pavilion was nothing more than a barren land, of empty waste and rock. Then the spark of life flared up. Roots rendered rock into soil. The hot lands cooled and rain fell. Great rivers rolled from the mountains, filling the great lake at the center of the land. Thick swamps, great forests, and expansive grasslands filled the land. Soon after the people of Pavilion rose up, each stranger than the last, guided by gods and spirits, wielders of magic and metal. Tribes became nations, nations became empires, and empires became tribes once again. The current age opens on a collection of tribes and nations poised at the beginning of a new era, where they may rise into great empires...or fall into oblivion. Shepherd your people, make love or war, and create a nation that stands the test of time!

This is a freeform NRP. The rules are minimal and mostly QM-determined. The emphasis is on roleplay and characterization. QMs reserve the right to change judgements, make final decisions, and forbid further argumentation. If you have questions, feel free to ask them here or in our discord using the invite code: F2Patcf

Remember, losing is fun and winning is gay!

Submissions are open to all, with a maximum player count of 17. To submit a nation, please use the following template:

>Civilization/Race Name:
>Capital Name:
>Brief Summary of Nation:
>Optional Fluff:

Please also attach an image of your preferred starting location

You receive two actions per turn, including this one. Boring turns will receive boring responses. Turns are processed in the order they are submitted. RP and diplomacy are both free and encouraged.
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>Nation Name: Kingdom of Barzaentines
>Race: Human
>Capital: Barzaenium
>Long description:
The hills and mountains were once home to thriving cities and culture. It was that way even before the old empire conqured these lands, took their culture and gave some in return, then went further beyond. That empire, and the Polis which came before are long gone now. Our, or rather, their pagan gods retreating with the empire's armies back to their heartlands from which they have not since returned. But this matters little anymore. The chaos of those times has waned, and civilization has waxed once again.

We barzaentine have retained some of that old nobility, that antiquated Imperial stubbornness and desire to grow. At the same time, we continue to hold within us the spark of culture, philosophy and belief. While the old gods have left these lands, we have found salvation anew; the Luxosophic faith has long persisted in these lands after the execution of the Son of God, Luxos, in spite of his peaceful and giving ways. It is his willing sacrifice to remind us of those core values any man should have; humility, wisdom and charity, which kept the light of true culture alive.

While faith is important, so too is the magic which lingers in these lands. Geomancy, the calling and shaping of the soil, stone and minerals which lie within the earth, has been in the blood of Barzaentines since time immemorial. The many ruins of Polis and imperial forts which dot these lands were mostly shaped by the Geomancers which call this land home, as there is no stronger wall than one of a single stone, no crop richer than one in soil enriched by the arcane, no blade purer than one forged under the wisdom of a Magos.

Vasileus Domianus Stratioticus II has ascended to the throne in Barzaenium, and with his reign comes new ideas and motivations. The kingdom must prosper, and so must its people whomever they may be in time. Come peace or war, things shall change.


1. Reclamation:
The time has come to venture past the great walls of Barzaenium and reestablish the rule of the Vasileus over the surrounding countryside. Villages must be reintegrated, farms put to the production of foodstuffs and utility crops, and order restored to the land.

2. Pourable stone:
The people of the old Imperial heartland did not have the same aptitude for the shaping of the earth by magical means as our people do, but what they did have is Concrete. Semi liquid, easily shaped and highly resilient. While the mystery of its creation was unknown for a time, documents in the capital’s library dating back to our time as an Imperial province have revealed the nature of this substance. While Geomancy is still the preferred way of building, not every man is a magos, and the magi cannot be everywhere at once.
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Civilization: Habituns (Svartalfs and Shadows)

Capital Name: Fuaha

Brief Summary of Nation: Doomsday Svartalfs (think a cross between drow and dwarves) prepping for the death of the sun by adaptation-rushing the one (fun) place where light never reaches: underground.

Optional Fluff:
>In the beginning, there was darkness. From darkness we come, and to darkness we must return. The sun, pox upon existence, shall die in time. "But whyfor", our ancestors asked, "must we wait?" For once blessed Tenebrae comes upon us, then all shall be equal under her dusky gaze. "Nay" sayeth the ancestors, "we shall not be equal to they who spurn inevitable salvation until it is upon them!" And so started our burrow, to prepare for what will come.
>In towns of everdusk you shall find the Svartalfs, within ever-shadowed valleys and aboveground caverns. They endure the loathsome light and its sources, to deal with the ignorant lightdwellers, and collect us what we need for the burrow.
>And underneath, through wells and cracks, pits and geysers, you may find the Shadows. Eschato-Svartalfs in their element. Whilst unable to exist in any light but that of warm terra, they are shapeless when they wish, and swifter than any when none can see. They study and perfect our future dwellings, and the bones of our future glorious empire.
- Nursery Tender Erika Mura'Bya,
"Chronicles of Our Origins"

Actions 1 and 2: Expand territory
>Our river mouth was our lifeblood, but we needed to know its extent. To that end, we sent contingents of our scouts through the forests to secure its surroundings, clearing out predators and staking claims. On its end, we found a lake. We would name it lake Supkha, for its greenish color.
>One of our scouts got slightly lost, and found himself a spring. A great find, and a secondary source of waters for our peoples.
>To the west, we dug and traversed the mountains, logging any and all habitable caves for our shadows. We also found an ocean. Name to be determined.
- Scoutsmaster Ivar Buraq,
"Scouting Logs: Chapter 1"
Nation Template
>Civilization/Race Name: Vitruvia
>Capital Name: Hohenholm
>Brief Summary of Nation: A nation composed of Homunculi, artificially created lifeforms originally made as servants for a vanished society of advanced alchemists who sought to uncover the secrets of life. With their masters gone, the various bizarre artificial lifeforms have banded together to eke out a living, taking charge of the odd crucibles that spawn more of their kind and heading out from their chambers.

>Optional Fluff: The Homunculi of Vitruvia come in four common forms, though Homunculi exist that do not fit into any of these categories.
All of them are created out of alchemical crucibles, left behind by the Smoke-lit Masters of old.

Very similar to humans in appearance, pale and generally about 5 feet tall. Come in male and female sexes, but universally sterile and unable to reproduce. They were created as generalised servants able to attend to a wide range of tasks.

Polymyria: Hunched over, pallid and equipped with many firm and powerful limbs, the Polymyria have odd internal biologies and look in no way human. Their specific number of limbs, eyes and legs is variable. They were created to perform menial labour at efficient rates with their many limbs.

Cavia: Intelligent animals with humanlike or superior intelligence, sometimes with limited alterations to their bodies. Production of Cavia requires an animal to be uplifted, and cannot be assembled from scratch. They were created as familiars, assistants to the Masters of old.

Seeria: Possessing huge mono-eyes, squat bodies, swift forms and bad tempers, the Seeria have excellent vision and enjoy loudly declaring aloud everything they see. They were created as sentries to overlook various experiments and keep order.

Devia: An extra class to group non-generalised Homunculi that are not mass produced like the others. Many Devia are outstanding in some way, size, strength, unusual abilities, though this is not universal.

Actions: Expand to the marked borders
# Nation Application
**Nation Name:** Free Association of Tagagaya
**Race Name:** Changelings
**Capital Name:** Bahay
**Brief Summary of Nation:** Having spent much of their history as a caste of wanderers and exiles, the changelings have called many nations their home at one time or another, and have come to recognize the folly of nations as a whole. Rejecting the aristocratic ideas of borders, castes, and lineages, the Tagagaya people organize themselves loosely under a council of elders, wherein few laws exist, with much of society instead being organized by a code of honor, philosophy, and idealism. (Culture-Based Nation)
**Optional Fluff:** Even the notion of a national army is too centralized for the fiercely independent Tagagaya people. The nation does however obey an ancient code of law written by the original founders of Tagagaya which includes such basic laws as the criminalization of violence and theft, but also more sophisticated laws such a recognition that land cannot be owned by an individual, and instead must be leased from the local community.
Nation Template
>Civilization: Principality of Zeolheim
>Race Name: Murostats
>Capital Name: Göm
>Brief Summary of Nation: The Principality is a militaristic nation exclusively inhabited by Murostats, 'Gigantic'(up to the GM's to decide) Silicate type lifeforms Molluscoids that uses a chitin like Biometal (texture wise... otherwise its just chitin) exoskeleton with a humanoid bodyplan to allow them to survive on the ground and thus establishing a civilization on land.
>Nation Style: Germanic European
>Optional Fluff:

Murostats are genetically coded as males organisms, and thus to reproduce they have two ways to do so... Either they can reproduce by mitosis, and or by reproducting with a female organism, which would cause the female organism to slowly be overtaken by the parasitical larvae forms of the murostats untill the Larvae morph into their juvenile Murostats and make their way out of the organism.

Murostats ancestors were highly aggressive yet social aquatic giant silicone like snails organisms that preyed on aquatic mammals and or sharks, and overtime took a more humanoid bodyplan as it was actually more effective and allowed them to move with much eases on the ground, extending their hunting ranges and overtime evolved into the current Murostats

Compared to popular belief, Salt WONT kill a Murostat,instead the salt will be consumed to help in the development of their exoskeleton.

Murostats tend to sleep a LOT, with them often sleeping for more than half a day, or more depending on some variables, thus explaining their lack of religions


needing more territories for our great nation, we would send settlers to the east of our land to gain more territories to assure that our nation has enough space
> start me in the swamp near the center of the lake

Civilization/Race Name: Magôkre Federation/Kankrajô

Capital Name: Bbôngab

Brief Summary of Nation: The Kantrajô are the ancient inhabitants of the Magôkre Swamp. While geand sunken cities and giant ancient monoliths dot the Swamp the Kantrajô seem to have spent a long time living a more primitive tribal lifestyle. As civilised nations form around the world the Kantrajô formed a federation to protect themselves hoping to relearn the ancient arts of carving and moving stone and to build grand fotresses to preotect their swamp.

Optional Fluff: The Kantrajô are an all female species, but ancient history says it was not always the case. They worship something they call the "Amphibian Crucible" and it is believed their current form is a result of their longtherm interaction with the Crucible and using it's powers. (manifesting strengthened versions of Amphibian traits). The Kantrajô are generally 1,30 m to 1.50 m tall.They can jump far, hold their breath for a long time and have long tongues. They can use Crucible manifestations to boost their Jump, secrete deadly poison from their skin, shoot out a large tongue to use for gripping or pulling things towards you, manifest a large air filled throat pouch, shoot out poisonous projectiles from their back, or regenerate wounds. (QM pls tell me with which of these I can reasonably start and which I need to research via actions)

Bonus: I will probably through the course of the game look for other Crucible fragments like mammal, reptile, bird, fish, plant. Would I need discuss anything with the QMs on that?
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>Nation Template
>Civilization/Race Name: The Adenai Confederacy / Humans and Half-Elves
>Capital City Name: Adenai
>Brief Summary of Nation: A loose coalition of aristocratic houses support the oligarchic council that rules the Confederacy, almost exclusively for the opportunity to at some point get a member of their dynasty a seat on it.
Founded by 4 Messianic Elven figures centuries ago, they each shared their blood with 3 local counts, creating dynasties of half-elf aristocrats, and ordained the right to rule upon their descendants. Despite the clear power vacuum this might seem to incentivize, the blood of the elves is long since sparse and diluted after their sudden disappearance. This leaves little room for court violence and intrigue, as nobody is willing to risk spilling what elven blood still remains.
>Optional Fluff: The best way to determine the amount of elven blood an Adenni human possesses is the colors of their eyes. The original elves had variable skin colors ranging from olive to snow white, but all shared eyes of pitch black pools occupied by a ring of crimson. The darker the sclera, and the more red the eyes, the more elf blood that human possesses. This is generally a heuristic, however, in legal proceedings and official state documents, convoluted lineage receipts are far more valued, leading to an intense focus on the preservation of verified documents detailing ancestral lineages.
>Preferred Color: Orange

Action 1: Expand (See attachment image)
Action 2: Prospect for Resources
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>Civilization/Race Name: Orcmanie
>Race: Half-Orcs
>Capital Name: Rooin
>Brief Summary of Nation: 'Norman' Half-Orcs
>Optional Fluff:
The Orc Warlord Gorbash was one chieftain out of the hundreds descending upon a flailing Human realm, but he was one who could demonstrate both personal strength and the strength of his clan; yet also the one who was prepared to listen to diplomatic overtures and find them enticing enough to keep. The Orc Warlord and his followers would get desolated land and wives to make their own; and in return the human Kingdom would get a bulwark on their borders; a Warlord-Protector who would throw back further waves of invaders to defend his new realm, legitimacy and family.

Several centuries have now passed since Gorbash's Warband were granted the borders. In that time they have traded with and adopted traits from the Human Kingdom, the Orc bloodline Hybridised with that of Humanity to produce something with qualities of both. Now, Guyard de Gorbashe stands as the Duke of the Orcmanie, leading a real famed for the Strength of their Half-Orc Knights and military prowess; one from which a growing number of adventurers is starting to spill to build new castles at the fringes, and bold adventurers head off from to fight in the continental wars in the hope of claiming kingdoms of their own.

Action 1& 2:
Expand toward the borders of the Orcmanie

The territory we were granted is the territory that we keep, and we must be sure that our claim on the majority of our lands is secured before all else.
```# Nation Template

>Civilization/Race Name:Those Of The Uncrowned Depths.
>Capital Name: The Upper Depths
>Brief Summary of Nation: Pint Sized, Semi-Aquatic fairy's gathered around a great religious eldership known as the deep speakers. Survivors of a flood long ago, last of their kind & finally reaching out once more, with the help of insectile friends.
>Optional Fluff: Long ago, far more of the world was dry. We were big & strong & tall & knew no fear. The spirits of the land were our friends & we loved them. The flood came unexpectantly, a great rise that none could have predicted.

It ended us, it drowned our people. It forced us into caves that we sealed off, yet flooded still. Within deep, dank caverns, half-flooded? Desperation was all we had, malnourished, starving, we degenerated for generations. Until an equilabrium was found, enough fish, enough algae, enough kelp. Scattered community's that reached out to one another through flooded tunnels. We found him, he found us. That god of the depths, in the primordial earth. That being that showed us life still remained, those small & insignificant that we nurtured into friends. Spirits of the caverns, the god of the depths children sang out to us. Guided us, spirits of water tempted us & yet gave us life.

The Elders amassed knowledge, we gained hope. Many of us now, fungus & algae & sickly fish. Our lungs filter it, this water, we reach beyond. The sun, gone to us for so long. Will be ours, the depths shall spread outwards & we will reclaim all that was lost.

Thankful to the dark, to the depths, to the spirits who gave us the knowledge, the hope to keep going.

>Spread southwards, the shore brings with it promise. Hope, a chance for change, for the first time the Uncrowned see the outside world again.
>Spread the bloom, have algae spread around the coastline & in the ponds & small lakes. We need food and will need to sustain ourselves.
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Mistook rainforest for swamp. Switching possition.

Racoail info:
- shorter smaller and weaker than humans
- can't survive in dry enviroments needs to be moist
+ can jump strongly
+ can dive for a long time
+ can sweat mild poison

>Action 1
By the divine grace of the Amphibian Shard of the one Divine Crucible the Magôkre pray and comteplate, for new powers need to be derived from the divine Crucible. The streangth of the most deadly poison so it may grace their their form.

The Poison Blessing of the Amphibian Crucible shall make the Bbôngab skin blisten and shimmer in patterns found on poisonous tropical frogs as they produce a viscous poisonous substance. The Poison can be various types of poison the wielder can controll, but most basic is a neurotoxin that parlises the muscles and lungs of a target killing them

>Action 2 - Looking for nice things
With the tribes at peace and a joint confederation the various tribes send their young women outward to look for interesting things to swipe and steal. Bbôngab scouts shall hide among the reeds and breathe through snorkle-tubes scouring the coasts and shallows of the great Lake. (Find other players and tell me interesting stuff that they may have that'd be worth stealing.)
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>Color: Black or dark blue
>Civilization Name: The Domo
>Race: Ashy-stony humans with some yuan-ti (snakemen and snakewomen) and gnolls
>Capital Name: Koll'naud
>Brief Summary of Nation: A nation of Orks in the guise of men, snakes, and dogs trying to recover their reason after getting fucked up and fucking up the old empire.
>Optional Fluff:
Of the isles on the west, we who were not Domo lived peacefully under the watch of Marlen and Urmest, and their children and children's children. Then, man of weird make came upon the isles on great wood ships and sought entry into our courts. We welcomed them as is our way and our gods welcomed them so, yet only blood filled their eyes. They killed our gods with their starry spears and our homes burned with green-ish fires. In that smoke and mist, we were lost.

Yet, we came to realize, and we followed great Manumanu who was wise of Kholan's dark ways, and murdered them as well in return. He said to us, that the isles are sinking, that the old ways have been eaten by something greater, and that the people must change. We believed him so we followed him and his new ways. With his words, he hollowed the mountains of old and carved them into pieces and told them to bring us to a new land.

Here, we follow his whispers in the air. That we shall be free. That we shall be mighty. That we shall be "Domo".

>Action 1 & 2: Call of a mother to gather her children. (Expand 2x in the area marked by An'naud and Enkarn)
There are still many of our kindred drifting in a sea absent of Urmest. We must call them here, show them our way and convince them of our right. We must gather atop the highest of trees and scream with our loudest tongues, so that they may hear us and see where we stand and convince their ships to break from stillness.
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Image for territory was incorrect. Attached image contains the fix. Sorry about that, QM's. It won't happen again.
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>Civilization Name: The Blessed and most holy Peaks of the Divine Republic of Guliseare (The Divine Republic of Guliseare or just Guliseare for short)
>Race Name: Aripan (Plus an Anelk minority)
>Capital Name: Sonistia
>Brief Summary of Nation: Zealous theocratic "republic" with caste system and slavery.
>Completely unbiased history: The story of Guliseare begins long ago. The twin goddess of blessed Aelelox and the vile traitor Kaenum created this world. Initially, they cooperated, as Kaenum lit the torch that created the stars, then passed it to Aelelox whom turned it to a lantern that formed the sun. Aelelox took from herself a radiant plume that was rolled and formed the moon, while Kaenum an antler that created the earth. Yet, both were barren and desolate. And so, they took a piece of both and created the home of the Aripan and Anelk, Torona, the blessed second moon that once graced the sky. This blessed world was then bestowed the high mountain peaks, skies and clouds by Aelelox while the valleys, rivers and lakes were made by Kaenum. Then, Aelelox created the trees, the grass, the flowers and all other plants while Kaenum created the fish, the birds and the animals to inhabit this world.

Yet, both felt something was missing. Aelelox desired for something capable of appreciating the blessed world they created. Kaenum desired for something capable of merely interacting with this world. As such, Aelelox created the Aripan, the Consecrated, the Blessed and the Acolites of her divine truth. While Kaenum made the Anelk, a simple and weak people for her cruel entertainment. For a time, there was peace and the Aripan lived upon blessed Torona in prosperity under the doctrines and rules of Aelelox while the Anelk languished under the lack of guidance from Kaenum. However, Kaenum slowly worked in the shadows, working further on her original accursed creation. While away, the Anelk were approached by the Aripan and given the guidance they desperately needed.

When Kaenum returned, she was shocked at the order that had risen in her absence. She argued with Aelelox, demanding chaos rather than order while Aelelox rightly pointed out the world she had created herself. Yet in her greed, she struck at Aelelox, the two engaging in battle that lasted for one hundred nights and days. Weakened, Kaenum lashed at the moon that was their joint creation and sent it to shatter against the earth...
>History Cont
After this great catastrophe, the moon that was once the blessed Torona became the mountain range the nation gains it's name from, Guliseare. For a long time after this great catastrophe, the mountain range was filled with primitive and unconsecrated Aripan whom lacked guidance and the divine blessing of Aelelox, along with some of the tainted Anelk, many of whom abandoned the home they were blessed with. They lived simple lives, some raiding the lesser peoples of the valley or fighting amongst the other Harpy tribes. Others simply keeping to themselves and sustaining off the blessed peaks. For years, nothing changed for those of the mountain, yet the lessers of the valley developed, utilizing metals and tools to supplement their frail bodies. And, with these, they started encroaching upon our holy mountains, forcing our people back. Some even willingly joined these invaders and learned how to utilize their tools. Worse, the heretic messiah Thessa, a unforgivably corrupt Anelk, started spreading her disgusting faith.

Yet, this would change when the first Consecrated in years came, the great prophet Cyra came. Her strength was unmatched by any, and quickly she went on a path of conquest, forcing all of the matriarchs to bow to her while enlightening them of Aelelox. The sacrilegious corrupted by Thessa and recalcitrant were forced to vow and repent, the heretics and defiant whom refused to try and purify their souls of sin had their wings cut and were thrown from the mountain. The tools and weapons the lessers had made were ill suited for the Aripan however, and as such the metal was reforged into more suitable weaponry and armor. And after an attempt by the lessers to gain further of our blessed mountain, Cyra's might in mind and body devistated them along with the united Aripan tribes and took control of a significant portion of the valley that had been corrupted by Kaenum and her chosen's vile words. The tainted few Anelk and the many Humans there were put into service of a greater purpose and penitence, for in Aelelox's mercy the tainted could be purified, for the Anelk were once made into loyal followers on our missing moon. No mercy would come to the unholy Thessa, whom was burnt alive, and her ashes locked away.
>Final history cont
With this complete, the rest of the mountains would soon fall under our control, after which the penitents would be made to work in their old mines and search for new ones, all the while the homes of what were once the tribes became more developed, becoming proper towns and villages. Meanwhile, more blessed came to be, joining Cyra whom soon formed a council of the blessed whom would, once she passed, vote upon the new Noreusper and whom would serve as councilors for the new divine republic. Naturally, given their location, plenty of work needed to be done to solve the issue of building upon the mountains, yet this would be solved quickly, and after, many temples, churches, monasteries and grand statues would be constructed upon the mountains. With these, places for the lessers to repent would be had, allowing them to purify their tainted souls and pray for Aelelox's blessing in their next life, and ward off Kaenum's insidious influence.

Aeleloxan View: The Aeleloxan faith is the main religion in Guliseare. They believe in a number of strict rules, including praying to Aelelox at least four times a day, penitence once a week for Aripan in the form of secluding themselves for a full day and abstaining from food and drink during that day, and twice a decade visiting Sonistia among many other more minor things. Those whom die in fighting heretics, infidels, and lessers are martyrs whom will surely be blessed by Aelelox in their next life, for Zeal and Wrath against the sinful and infidel are virtues to be praised for the Aripan. For the lesser peoples, the rules are even more strict. Penitence in the form of two lashes every day common, while particularly sinful can have a chance at redemption through purity of fire, either burning themselves with some lesser sins or even letting flames completely consume them for greater ones. Some even request the latter when they come close to the end of their life, a request which is often granted for the old and sick whom have proven themselves as truly faithful. Humility and temperance is a virtue for the lesser peoples, and should they prove themselves they shall be blessed in their next life, sure to be cleansed of the taint upon them and reborn as an Aripan.
Kaenumite View: The Kaenumites are heretics whom the church despises and whom they often blame for any problems plaguing the country. In reality, they are simply a minority that hides their faith in the Goddess Kaenum while viewing Aelelox as the one to destroy Torona in an attempt to spitefully destroy both of their most important creations. They believe that Aelelox wishes for a strict, unflinching and tyrannical order for all living things with every living thing having a strict purpose in her eyes. Meanwhile Kaenum's only purpose for them or any other is to pass the torch of creativity, hope and beauty to the next, much like how initially Kaenum passed it on to Aelelox. How one does this is for the individual to discover. They also hold the belief that Thessa was reborn and rose from the ashes and escaped her prison, freeing the Anelk that were enslaved and guiding them far, far away, with those that still live in Guliseare being the unlucky whom were recaptured or whom were enslaved later on. They also view Cyra, the Noreusper's and their council as twisted iron fist pariahs whom choose oppression rather than the kindness of a benevolent god. The greatest virtue to them is kindness followed by charity, while the arts and philosophy are very much respected.

Aripan: There are three kinds of Aripan in Guliseare. The Acolytes, the Blessed and the Consecrated. The acolytes are the lowest of the Aripan in Guliseare. Oft short and small, about the size of a human or a bit smaller, they are the most numerous, weakest and most fragile of the Aripan. The Blessed are taller, usually a bit under twice the height of humans. Unlike the Acolites, they are quite strong, and aren't fragile. Also unlike them, they actually struggle to fly long distances. They are also far less numerous. Lastly are the Consecrated. They are beacons of power and authority with their size and might alone, yet are extremely few in number. Aelelox has graced them to be durable, strong, and always magically capable, ensuring that they can carry out her will with ease. Regardless of what caste/sub species an Aripan is, they all have winged arms with talon like hands, though there is obvious issues with holding anything with them while flying given this. Their talon like feet however can be used in flight.

Anelk: The people Kaenum made. Unlike Aripan, they have wings upon their back rather than with their arms. Further, they oddly have antlers, usually of modest size. Much like the Aripan were made in Aelelox's image, the Anelk were made in Kaenums. Despite their wings, they can only use them to glide. Interestingly, their hands are more (read, entirely) akin to that of a humans, yet their feet are still avian in nature.

Lessers: Everyone else. Including those odd creatures that call themselves humans whom look like featherless versions of ourselves.
>Action One. Secure our holyland.
With the proper centralization of the Divine republic, formation of the council and so on, it was of vital importance to ensure that the recent conquest and formation of these vital mountains remained such. The creation of a number of fortifications to aid in defense from savage heretics on these mountains on high at key locations would serve well to ensure security and aid in future, rightful reclamation of Aelelox's most holy of lands as staging grounds for our strikes. Most importantly, however, it would also ensure greater difficulty of the unworthy and unfaithful lessers whom sought to flee their holy duty due to Kaenumite's tempting whispers of freedom in this life rather than the next.

>Action Two. Bounty from our homeland.
The mountains are holy and blessed. This is true in far more ways than one. Some of the lessers had formed various excavation's of the mountain and it's materials before our conquest. Properly examining these and seeing what materials they had will allow us to repair, expand and create true mines that will extract the prosperity Aelelox indented for us. Further, it will give a place for more difficult labor that would be far better suited for the lessers where the heretics among them would struggle to find a way to escape, especially those of the Anelk. While it will take time before these mines can properly be set up, it will surely be worth it once we know what exactly the mountain has for our bounty.
>"As the westmost hill was being scouted, we found a camp of strangers under a bluff. I attempted to get a better look, but Terra desired my meeting be hastened, and so she slid a rock from my footing, and guided me gently into their center. The pointed tusks and greenish hues of their skins led me to believe they were orcs, from the canons[1]. They'd ravaged the lands of humans long ago, but steered clear from our mountains so far. It was this meeting that would decide our future with them: allies under Solaire, then spoiled pets, or enemies whilst we burn under the tyrant's gaze, and then slaves once the tyrant is dead?
>Outwardly, I suppressed any such thoughts, and expressed a gruff greeting, assuring I meant no harm. I asked if they would like to exchange some food, my ash cakes for the meat they had on a spit...
1. "Chronicles of Our Origins"
- Scout Gorm,
"Scouting Logs: Chapter 1"
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Borders established
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>Civilization/Race Name: The Krovian Bands
>Race: Shark people: Klykzub
>Capital Name: Zhelezo [Gold Hex. Cyan are claimed lands]
>Color: Cyan
>Brief Summary of Nation: Savage semi-aquatic shark people with a penchant for blood sports, feasting and raiding.
Different breeds of shark stalk the land in roving bands, hunting, feasting, fighting and fucking to their hearts content. Might makes right, for the most part, but they have at least escaped the clutches of true barbarism, and the smartest sharks can rise to Chieftain and curb the other's bloodlust long enough to get some research, construction or art done. As long as the average Klykzub is well fed, they can actually be fairly docile.
Blood is central to Krovian culture, being the core of spiritual, culinary and magical practices.

Action 1: Expand into cyan hexes.
A tide of grey skin and black eyes pours forth from Zhelezo, staking claims on empty wilderness. Soon the hunt will begin, and the Klykzub who venture out eye the local wildlife with an appraising eye and a salivating mouth.

Action 2: Construct a port in the capital.
New and exciting meat is all well and good, but sometimes you want a memory of home, you know? A nice fish ends a day just right, and reliable access to deeper waters will make fishing that much easier.
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Ok so I can't delete post so here's the correction anyway. One more hex claimed on the western side.
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>Name: Ordalan
>Colour: Blue
>Capital: Sturnes
>Leader: Queen Leutgard Siglinda
>Government: Elective Monarchy

>Race: Nix(en), humans cursed with weak males, thus women have to pick up the slack.
Once mighty warriors, a curse renders them unable to have strong sons and cannot interbreed with other humans. Women have thus taken over all the jobs, as best they can.

>Religion: Orda Nixglau. A pantheon of 4 gods, but the two war gods are in conflict.
The Nixen had 3 gods before the Tellden conquered them, two were syncretised into Diloter (wine, plenty) and Hilda (humility, death), but Schwaerz (fire, war) became a symbol of the old ways. Thus Janos (heavens, war) became a symbol of Tellden ways, opposing Schwaerz.

>Culture: Early Merovingian aesthetic. Highly pious.

The Nixian Tribes were mighty warriors, and though the Telldan Republic defeated them, they took to recruiting their men as auxiliaries. As the Republic became the Telldan Empire they had become reliant on the Nixen, their own people growing soft. But during one of their campaigns, a terrible curse was put on the Nixen, so they may no longer bear sons. When the Empire noticed, they raised their levy, and with a series of aggressive wars sought to eliminate all their rivals. But a new enemy struck, razing the Empire's greatest cities, ensuring the Empire's fall. The Nixian warriors would keep fighting, but with no Empire to fight for, they soon started their long walk home.

When the Empire fell, the neighbouring barbarians invaded the Nixian lands, but realizing their inability to bear sons, they exterminated any Nix they caught. This put the Nixen into a war for survival, and without any new sons for the army, women started being levied instead. It was a losing battle until the veterans of the Empire returned, but when they captured any barbarians, they repaid them in kind, slaughtering them all.

The war killed so many people that the dead started to rise, as necromancers were drawn to the death. With this, the barbarian invaders fled, while the Nixen fought, even as their Empire veterans were becoming too old to keep fighting. When the last of the dead wes put to rest, warchief Leutgard Siglinda called an assembly of the Nix chiefs. By unanimous vote they agreed to unite, forming Ordalan, and the warchief was of course chosen as queen. Together they started the long process of rebuilding.
Due to information I received recently, replace the 2nd action of prospecting with expansion.
Sitting astride a tall destrier, the rider looks over as an unannounced arrival appears near their hunting party, the deer roasting on the spit giving off a great smell of venison which his dismounted companions are already carving off. A hauberk covers his broad chest, his skin tinted a pale green as he raises his hand to signal the stranger. "Hail, fellow." He looks the figure over, assessing. "I do not know your 'Ash Cakes', but we have meat enough for you to share some this eve. I am Tancroth de Grimshadé; and you are...?"
>Action 1 (Infastructure) Walls
Though a peaceful people, the Tagagaya are not fools. In order to defend themselves against more hostile groups, great Walls are erected to guard the province against invasion.

>Action 2 (Culture) Rhetoric
Where boys of other cultures study the blade, the Tagagaya study the pen. Rhetoric is a prized skill to be taught and improved upon. The most masterful orators wield great influence and prestige, teaching their ways to the next generations.
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[this is lux please place me in grassland]

By the great grace of our Lord Aagen,
who has granted us this tyrn of thee sun, I, King Uhgul of the Vencs do hereby order;
>Expansion of mine own grasp across thee plains of Rudam as far as His magnificence of light stretches
>The settling of peoples to toil these lands for the growing of grain and rearing of sheep
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>"And so I introduced myself. First name obviously, my kin would let them know the last if they were my last. No need to give them the first ingredient of a bloodline curse yet. Though the chronicles were vague on their magics, I preferred playing it safe."
>"The ash cakes[1] were luckily honey-glazed, which was received as a delicacy by the plainsfolk. We should place more emphasis on our mountain beehive keeping if we wish to establish trade with the lowlanders."
>"Words were exchanged. Their large beasts of burden were quite the fearsome sight, and I expressed as much. If we are to maintain an advantage, we should never meet them on any flat land with no obstacles. I suggest we stick to the rocky hills and tight taigas where they would be unable to be as threatening"
>"I drew a simple map indicating where we were, and attempted to get an idea of where our borders and theirs would intersect. I neglected to indicate the exact size of our lands, partly because I'd yet to return to Fuaha[2] to read the other scouts' reports"
>"As a scout, I could make no promises beyond sending a delegate who could speak at a greater capacity to how our nations could interact henceforth. I answered any questions they asked that did not go against the Habitun creed..."
1. Ash-baked bread from the "10 Recipes For The Homesteading Shadow" carvings.
2. Capital of the Habitun and their only city at the start of the Dawn age.
- Scout Gorm,
"Scouting Logs: Chapter 1"
>Civilization Name: The Most Serene Republic of Vizari; or commonly called the Republic of Towers
>Race Name: Human and others; with created creatures and golems for labor and combat.
>Capital Name: Vizari
>Color: Gold
>Brief Summary of Nation: A Venice style city built with magic and run with a focus on trade, arcane research, and cultural advancement.
>Optional Fluff: During the age of the old empire there was the Coligia Arcana, an entity dedicated to training magi for the empire and researching the arcane secrets of the world. During the final days of the empire a well respected magic researcher, Vizari Aelfcar, lead other researchers to evacuate as many magical tomes and records as possible before the sacking of the Coligia by barbarian forces. Fleeing to a swampy coast the mages petrified mud to stone and created channels to build a city of towers, great buildings, and canals. As their leader, and the first Archmage in the city the name Vizari became the name of the city itself and it was he and his advisors that created the 13 towers.
The Republic of Towers in today's age is a nest of political machinations bound by the prime decrees of Vizari preventing towers from fighting each other lest they bring the city to ruin; for while the 13 towers rule the city as many towers exist as there are types of magic that can be focused on. Some lesser towers get consumed by larger ones, as is the case with the Black Tower, and others split from greater ones, as with the Tower of golems. To take over the seat of a seated tower you must get a majority of the other seated towers to support you, no easy task, and usually requires both a large amount of prestige and money. The title of Archmage is given to the oldest sitting member of the council and has the power to decide what issues gets brought before the council.

Location: along the coast of the southeastern bay.

1. Expand along the coast.
2. Prospect for resources
Civilization/Race Name: Da Gorehorn Mob

Capital Name: Da Krumpa's gatherin' (Nomadic Camp)

The Slaug are a brutal and nomadic race that roams the vast, unforgiving grasslands. Their skin ranges from a sickly pale to a mottled gray, marked by scars from countless battles. Tall, muscular, and fearsome, they possess jagged teeth and blood-red eyes that reflect their violent and predatory nature.

Despite their intimidating appearance, the Slaug are deeply bound by honor, particularly when it comes to agreements and pacts. They are known for their exceptional sense of smell, enabling them to track prey and enemies across the open plains. They wear crude, barbaric clothing made from the hides of their prey, adorned with bones and trophies from those they have slain.

Among their more peaceful pursuits, the Slaug have a surprising passion for cheese-making, stone throwing, and wrestling, all of which are cherished cultural practices. Additionally, the Slaug ride and care for massive creatures known as Gruumtusks, which double as both mounts and beasts of burden. These creatures are considered part of the clan and are treated with great reverence.

Brief Summary of the Nation:
Da Mob is a loosely united collection of clans, each bound by deep familial ties and a code of honor that governs their interactions with each other and with outsiders. Known for their insatiable appetite for bloodshed, slavery, and conquest, the Slaug are also fiercely loyal to their word, viewing any broken agreement as a stain on their honor. The clans are constantly on the move, following the herds they hunt and the enemies they seek to dominate.

Optional Fluff:
Wrestling is more than just a sport for the Slaug; it is a rite of passage, a way to settle disputes, and a method to demonstrate strength and endurance. Competitions are held regularly, often in the center of the nomadic camps, with warriors grappling amidst cheers and throat singing from their kin. Victors earn great respect and are often granted the honor of leading hunts or battles.

The Gruumtusks are equally revered, and their relationship with the Slaug goes beyond mere utility. These powerful beasts, with their thick hides and massive tusks, are considered part of the clan’s identity. Young Slaug are often paired with a Gruumtusk early in life, forming a lifelong bond. Gruumtusks are celebrated in Slaug songs and stories, and they are decorated with war paint and trophies, just like their riders.

1st Action: Expand Da Mob’s Hold Northeast
Don Skullthumpa orders the Mob to push northeast, seizing new territory. The clans move swiftly, driving out any opposition and claiming the land for their own, showing the ever-growing power of Da Gorehorn Mob.

2nd Action: Make Da Boyz Get Into a Proper Scrap
To keep the Mob battle-ready, Don Skullthumpa commands the boys to organize a series of fierce skirmishes.
Slight adjustment I will be choosing to spawn into western grasslands instead
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As the sun shines upon Ordalan, it is... quiet. No roaring savages or chattering undead, just the sound of Nixen going about their day, then the call comes out for the morning service, where Queen Leutgard kneels alongside her fellow burghers in prayer to the four Nixian gods. Schwaerz gave us the drive to fight, Janos gave us discipline, Diloter gave us bread to eat and Hilda took care of our fallen. But after this, Queen Leutgard adresses the people, we have learned from the past, now it is time to use those lessons for the future. She issues the Ordalan Restoration Decree, to expand, reclaim lost land and return to glory, as well as finishing the fight with our barbarian invaders.

>Action 1: Reclaiming of the Heartlands (expansion).
The Nixen set out from Sturnes, going back to their ravaged homes out in the countryside. They are also rewarded for doing so by the queen, who give them a stipend and set of tools to help in the rebuilding. It does strain Ordalan coffers to do this, but all the nobles agree with the decision, though they have disagreement with how far they are to expand.

>Action 2: Found the Spears of the Ashen Dawn military order.
As Nixen return to the countryside, they inevitably encounter undead and bandits, remnants of the war. This inspires followers of Hilda to form a militant order. With church funding these women need not concern themselves with working the fields and can dedicate their time to training and patrols. Bandits soon learn to fear the banner of the Ashen Dawn, as even when the Spears don't outnumber them, each one is a hardened soldier fighting without fear of death, as they know Hilda favours them.
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Pls place me on the northwest side of lake hylia I mean pavilion. The deepest chasms of our capital will be deep within the mountain range, and we're already digging underneath most of our tiles. Pic related: this spot is kinda close by, but it's not the one I mentioned. Kinda want to dig under the lake and get here by some point tho.

Nation sub:

>Civilization/Race Name: The Krawl
Color: much darker purple
>Capital Name: Deep Fungal Garden of the Krawl
>Brief Summary of Nation: hatching from an ancient asteroid impact, the krawl have been cell-dividing and amassing under-ground for some time now, along with a diverse range of giant fungi. The cells of their hollows pierce the earth in rounded, nonsensical, mostly not transversible (on-foot) intersections into deep chasms of negative space, with very few natural supports left between them. They seem to use as little of the entire space as possible to keep what's left on the surface supported. From deep within grows the fungal garden, stretching its mycelium and fruiting bodies up and up until they too can help the network benefit and feed from decaying biomass and sunlight above. Bioluminescence litters the highly populated gardens below. At the bottom, guarding the Xelles fungus is the garden's maiden, Maja, the lone high krawl of this colony
>Optional Fluff:
Foot soldiers and drones made of krawl and world matter and fungus. Krawl is like a living, malleable muscle and a bunch of intelligent brain-like cells which makes up their own sort of jellyfish amoeba organism. It will make matter and others into part of itself. It can do anything, so it takes many forms. More importantly, clumping together and using their combined mass to slip into black vortexes for omnidirectional travel at the speed of high wind. High krawl do this by themselves at will, and have varying abilities based on their personalities and physical abnormalities given to them by their krawl forms. They tend to take a somewhat human appearance, but change drastically in combat.

Battle tactics are specific and fortress-like, comprised of a malaise over an area or a set of giant, anchored vortexes, which spawn more as they pick up matter around them. They and their inhabitants/creators need to be fought from the inside, in an arena, in the black vortex.
Whoops, it's me, not anon.
Alright I think that makes 17, so we're full.
Capital goes precisely here.

>1: expand
I have been told there are 8 tiles for me to claim in the immediate area? Let's do that! Expand wide towards the lake, and small into the southwestern plains.

>2: Fungus nurture
At the deepest point lies the Xelles, feeding off the heat from an active flow of pavilion magma, miles downward. Localized krawl within the hive are to do regular business with it, in taking its spores and spreading them in this colony and on themselves with all their rich, healthy nutrients. Not only will this create new Xelles specimens in other places in the subterra, but the spores should also be nutrient for most other fungi. Thus is the nature of the Xelles: it allows all specimens to grow much larger, what with the vast amounts of nutrients in the spores. This goes for fungi and krawl alike, as both of them seem to simply regenerate more biomass more rapidly under their effects.
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Civ name: Skrit Colonies
Capital Name: Central
Color: Purple

Brief Summary: Skrit are a class of insect species similar to ants. They are varying in size. Most casts are diminutively small, with the largest casts being just a little smaller than a human's foot. They are, in affect, just dumb bugs. The colony as a whole, however has invertedly become a collective "living computer". The Central colony has no sentience or consciousness to speak of, but is a cold intelligence that, through generations of cycling through numerous inputs and outputs, has reached a knowledge base akin to that of medieval times.

Actions 1 and 2
>Expand like a bugger
It doesn't happen over night. For decades, the Central colony slowly started to creep outwards, extending its reach. Numerous other independent colonies fall one by one to Central's control. As it gains territory, and victories, the swarm's number and knowledge swells. With each colony absorbed, the Central colony's knowledge base expands, gaining the scraps of knowledge each of the colonies accidentally learned over the long years of their autonomous existence.

Agriculture, metallurgy, architecture, mathematics. Different colonies had developed different niches, but it was Central, the colony that developed the most advanced warfare tactics of the skrit species, that would blindly begin uniting and incorporating these scattered concepts into a collective whole under its relentless march.

Now, Central is the largest skrit colony to ever exist, and it will only continue to swell under the guidance of its cold intelligence.
Fuckin shit, guess nation goes here. Same shit applies, we dug deep under ground, hit magma, and are using it to feed our fungi gardens with the xelles.

I was always meant to be in tha swump, probably
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Made an approximation of the map so far, based on claims (some imagined some explicitly stated)
Due to the fact that I was boxed in by the newest player (and he borders me) I am changing my scouting action to a militarisation action.

>Action 2 (revised)
Militarise the nation. Monsters have appeared in the east. They have terrorised our bretheren and made them flee their swampy homes. Crawling malignant fungus screading like a cancer through our swamp with vile beasts serving it swamwing from it's rotten flesh.

The soldiers need to be taught to fight. A great army is to be raised to fight this foul infestation. (raise soldiers and train them)

>Diplo/War: Declare war on the Krawl
Our armies shall move during the day under the cover of morning mist. With poison tipped blowdarts they shall strategically clear areas first killing off drones then shooting and poisoning the fungal infestation itself.

Areas where controll was established shall be secured with tree-forts. Wooden forts built high in the trees to which frogkin can easily jump and shoot poisoned arrows from, but the infestation and it's minions would have a hard time climbing up too.

Lastly if the infestation and it's minions are unable to breathe underwater the tribal warriors shall use waters to hide and launch blowdart ambushes from making or advance safer.

If the enemy attempts to attack out capital the invading troops shall attempt to cut off the advancing front from supplies to surround them.

The attack shall be a surprise attack if possible.
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Fucking gonna
Nevermind. He moved afterall. So I'll retcon the action revision.
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"You see the hills as your borders?"

As one of the companions at the fire munches and chews loudly upon an Ash-cake, the Half-Orc rider looks at the drawn map as if to study, then claps armoured gauntlets together, the sound heavy, and gives a snorting laugh. "Then it seems as though we are in concurrence; for the grant of the Orcmanie ends just past the bounds of the forest at the upland's edge."

He nods a few more times as matters are discussed, giving the stranger a vague depiction of the frontier with his own lands; though neither he nor his fellows have bought any spare documentation out on their hunting excursion, so they cannot grant the shady Dwarf much more then a vow that they will offer this envoy a welcome, upon their arrival at some future time.
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>"... surprisingly forthcoming. Not like the orcs of the chronicles. They either mellowed out through the ages, or I met hunters rather than soldiers -the latter a much more worrying thought, for if that were their hunters, how much more fearsome could their warriors be?"
>"From my understanding, their territory is lowland forests. Lesser trees, lesser ores, but greater wildlife. Perchance that could be our key for negotiation?"
- Scout Gorm,
"Scouting Logs: Chapter 1"

>"Excess resources estimate: Twelve sixty fot long twenty tomme thick firs, six hundreds ort of quarry rock"
>"Needed resources estimate: Twelve hundreds pund of meat, six hundreds punds of fat, twelve kvadrat rode of tanned leathers of acceptable quality, and thirty hundreds of feathers no shorter than twp tomme and no thinner than one tomme"
>"Current shared neighbor: Strange belligerent bird-likes of domineering attitude and altitude. Unable to conquer, but more than capable of harassment"
>"Suggested measure: A trade of our excess resources for needed resources, at twelve installments a year. In addition, a signed treaty for the event that, should the shared belligerent neighbor intrude upon the territory of the other, the yet to be otherwise militarily engaged would drive a wedge into the belligerent's territory until hostilities cease"
>"Measure can continue until canceled, but no lesser than five decades at a time"
>"What say you, o' lord of Orcmanie?"
- Ambassador Frode Haddar, mistakenly addressing the Rooin captain of the guard,
"Farces And Triumphs In The Arts: Vol 1"
Damn this filled up before I could even see it.
***Turn One***
A rudimentary slurry of sand and scrubstone from the nearby hills results in a paste that can be slathered between rocks to form a strong bond between them. It’s not quite the poured stone the Barzaentines’ seek, but its utility for robust construction quickly becomes apparent. The material allows wealthy Barzentines to build taller, more opulent homes and shops. Soon, the raw components of the mixture are in high demand.

Svartalfs flit betwixt creeping shadows, exploring uncharted territory or building settlements for their people. While a hostile environment for ordinary mortals, these arctic forests are perfect grounds for the Habitun. The long shadows offer shelter and protection alike, while the cold may be banished through the combustion of the fuel that is so plentiful in these lands.
The southern territories border two other civilized nations. To the southwest, a nation of brutish warlords squabble amongst themselves for loot and sport. The southeast hosts clans of avian creatures who seem to vary drastically in appearance and demeanor. To the northeast, smoke rises from the horizon, though its source cannot be discerned.

The Vitruvia pour from their alchemical cauldrons, spreading across the hills and mountains. The harsh climes of the mountain ranges take their toll, however. Many homunculi perish to the ice and snow of the highest mountains, while others find themselves set upon by the fierce rocs that inhabit the mountain’s highest reaches.

>Principality of Zeolheim
Murostat’s are not the prettiest of creatures--in fact, most races would be revolted by their warped anatomy. Their exoskeletons strain to keep shapeless flesh contained in a humanoid form, giving each molluscoid the distinct appearance of a pustule moments from popping. Still, what the Murostat’s lack in grace they make up for in sheer expansive efficiency, and soon their empire bridges land and sea alike.

>The Adenai Confederacy
The present era of peace leads the Adenai to turn their restless energy outwards. Settlers venture out from the capital city, following riverbank and coastline to untouched lands. To the west, a sirocco wind leaves the ground parched and barren. The packed sediment here is cracked under the baking sun, and not even the smallest creatures dare to stir in the midday heat. The lands along the riverbank prove to be far more hospitable, with broad-leafed trees
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>The Adenai Confederacy
The present era of peace leads the Adenai to turn their restless energy outwards. Settlers venture out from the capital city, following riverbank and coastline to untouched lands. To the west, a sirocco wind leaves the ground parched and barren. The packed sediment here is cracked under the baking sun, and not even the smallest creatures dare to stir in the midday heat. The lands along the riverbank prove to be far more hospitable, with broad-leafed trees shading rich, moist soil. The headwaters of the river emerge from a karst warren of crevasses, sinkholes, and caves. Explorers venturing into the depths find iridescent jewels concealed within the soft, porous bedrock.

Lords and their knights sweep out to retake their old territories and homes, heading south until they reach a wide lake and north until they find rocky cliffs overhanging the ocean. On the far end of the lake, the lights of a city can be seen, a sturdy wall slowly rising around it. From what can be seen they seem a human race, but occasionally someone can be seen to change abruptly and inhumanely, often to accomplish some simple task better served by an unnatural twist of an arm, or simply the advantage of height. To the west, high in the hills, are a people of wing and claw, staring down with disdain from a distance.

>Uncrowned Depths
As the Uncrowned emerge from the depths, they shade their eyes against the bright light. The myths their ancestors passed down tell them not to stare at the glowing disc in the sky, so these first explorers walk with a stooped posture, gawking instead at the odd plants that cover the shore around them. Breathing, too, is a strange experience. The Uncrowned slather clay on their gill plates to keep them shut, redirecting air into their underdeveloped lungs. The atmosphere is thinner and drier than the underwater caves that were their people’s refuge, and the Uncrowned find their lips chapped and skin reddened and peeling after just a few hours above the water’s surface. All these combined limit the Uncrowned to the immediate lakeshore, close to the life-giving safety of the depths.

>Magôkre Federation/Kankrajô
The queen gives the order. New warriors will receive the blessing of powerful poison that numbs the body and leaves attackers choking on their own breath. Scouts, blessed with this new power of the crucible, set forth into the night, seeking distant lands and new shiny things to take. What is found is more than a little disappointing though. To the west are strange tiny folk whose homes might serve as curious headdresses, but certainly have little value to steal from, a people of insects and dank caves. Farther to the south is a disturbing sight, vast swathes of fungus grow, corrupting the land. If the fungal blobs have any intelligence, it likely isn't used for producing things of value.
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>The Domo
From the forest to the desert, the people of Domo spread out, following the coastline. Our scattered people are regathered, pulled back into one mighty whole, ready to be free and mighty. To be Domo!

Aripan and Anelk alike spread across the high mountains and hills of Pavilion. Soon nests fill every nook and cranny of the cliffs. Towering over them all is a stone fortress where Aripan keep careful watch on the surrounding lands. Lessers prowl in the forests below to the west, but more concerningly a motley collection of strange (even for lessers) creatures have scaled the cliffs and mountains just to our south as well. Some have many limbs, others large eyes, and still others are tiny, frail and timid, with many animals among them.

>The Krovian Bands
The Klykzub are a savage people, of might and bloody rituals, but all people enjoy a good meal. While some sharks spread out across the grasslands and run down the herds of bison and antlered beasts to be found there, others turn back toward the sea. Soon, a fine new port stretches out into the ocean, built from the scarce copses of prairie trees that can be found and harvested. The first boats are consecrated with patterns of blood, adding savage and toothy grins to their prows.

High walls rise around the capital, stone by stone until a changeling must extend their legs awkwardly to see over the top. Soon, it becomes a tradition that a boy cannot be considered a scholar until they have walked the length of the walls arguing with their teacher, proving their grasp of rhetoric and debate. Scholars hone their skills in competition with one another, polishing their minds as soldiers sharpen their blades. Out of this thriving competition arrives the first great Tagagayan fable, a hero’s epic, telling tales of mystical lands far beyond their borders.

King Uhgul has given the orders and thus they are obeyed. Young adults of the nobility are granted new lands and funds from the royal treasury and sent across the great grasslands, carving simple dirt roads and fencing in pastures and farms. Soon, serfs can be found tilling fields and tending sheep for miles in all directions from the capital.

With lab-born abominations and dull-witted stone men pulling the carts, caravans set out along the coast, from the sandy dunes of home, through grasslands, and into thick and ancient forests where progress is slow as simple dirt roads must be carved through the forest, only to be reclaimed before the season is up. Far to the north is the telltale sign of smoke rising into the sky. More concerning are the tribes spotted to the southwest, large nomadic warriors with red eyes and skin like ash, accompanied by large beasts of burden. All along the sandy coast rust red outcropping of iron are discovered, corroded by the salt spray. Many fear this new reserve of iron will be needed soon.
>Gorehorn Mob
First comes the ritual battles, as the mightiest of the Slaug wrestle for dominance, wagering slaves and reserves of cheese and breeding rights with their finest gruumtusks. Then the greatest warriors gather into packs and mobs right and begin the skirmishes, vicious mock battles waged in hand-to-hand combat, taking and defending hills, guarding a prized Gruumtusk, and carrying a cask of yogurt through a crowded melee. For a full month, the art of war is practiced to the deep sounds of throat song and the bellow of gruumtusks. Then, like a great tide, the Gorehorn sweep across the land, seeking new territory, new slaves, and new warriors to fight! What is discovered is a disappointment though, a city of humans too posh to wipe their own asses, relying on creatures of stone for labor instead of their strength. Scholars, researchers, and sorcerers. Pah! Weaklings!

Nixen families flock out of the Sturnes, seeking to reclaim old homesteads from the ravages of barbarian, bandit, and necromancers alike. Of barbarian and necromancers none remain, but banditry has sprung up thick in these parts. The church of Hilda grants funds to form a local militia, the Order of the Ashen Rose, who soon drive out the parasites. What few prisoners are taken speak of a cruel bandit lord, a barbarian sion that survived the purges.

Deep beneath the earth, Krawl drones discover something frightening and devastating, a vast flow of magma. Waves of heat dry and cripple moist fungal bodies, but Maja, supreme intelligence of the Krawl overrides them, seeing an opportunity. Tunnels are woven into the earth toward the ocean, allowing a controlled flow of seawater to rush in on the magma. The resulting waves of steam, warm moist water, rushes up through the caverns, creating ideal conditions for Krawl fungal farms. The resulting explosion of population sweeps across the forest and plains, driving out local wildlife and replacing it with eerie Krawl structures.
Once, when people lived in the northern forests, there were stories of ‘witch bugs’. Strange insects bewitched by sorceries to act as slaves, carrying out mundane tasks with the might of a thousand, or sometimes a hundred thousand insects. The stories go that a man could find a valley, and in that valley would be hundreds of insects the size of one’s hand, furrowing the earth, diverting streams, carrying dewdrops, and tearing apart any weeds that dared to poke their leaves into the sun. Insects tilling the earth! Such a tale would get you a round of laughter in the tavern and cut off from the ale.

Still, anytime such a story would be told, a somber man might speak up about finding a cave where ants, sizable ants, but ants nonetheless, were hauling bits of coal and wood into a blazing furnace. A swarm of ants would pull a glowing ingot from the forge on a long-handled stone platter, and then another swarm marching along the ceiling would start to drop, with startling precision, heavy stones to beat the hot metal into a shape. Ting. Ting. Ting. Like a patient smith. What does an ant need an axeblade for though?

No people live in those woods now. But the fields are still tilled, and the forges still operate.


The Skrit takeover is swift and complete. Vast acres are scouted and secured with remarkable precision, with small scouts scurrying up trees and surveying the land. Minor colonies are swarmed and absorbed, transformed into extensions of Central’s will. Central becomes aware of more than the forest. A vast lake to the south and the beginning of a prairie to the east. What few scouts cross the lake and return bring sights and smells of strange winged creatures who have a kinship with insects.
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------------END OF TURN ONE------------------
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Action 1: Expand
>At further examination, "lake" Supkha seems closer to an ocean, with borders we've yet to grasp.
>Decision was made by the elders to set up watch posts on as much of the forests as we could, to provide a buffer zone should our southern neighbors become cocky, pending seeding efforts to render the forests thick enough that no sunlight falls under them. Reports arrived of a different kind of neighbor to the southeast, settling parcels of land. Orders so far were to not interact until an envoy can be dispatched.
>Lost scout's spring was followed north to a lake. Do not recommend continuing further north until we learn more of the snowy land that would await, and how to survive it. Our thickest coats are not enough. Perhaps the leathers from the Orcmanie[1] would prove useful?
1. Nation of orc-descendants located to the west of Habitun.
- Scoutsmaster Ivar Buraq,
"Scouting Logs: Chapter 1"

Action 2: Dig
>Our Shadows had tired of the sunless valley and multitude of caverns of Fuaha. They longed for the depths they were promised.
>And so they began to dig, dig, and dig some more, starting from Fuaha, and slowly expanding through the earthen mountains and hills. They would prioritize grounds where veins of metals could be seen, for the more they could find and deliver to their Svartalf halves, the less they would need to interact with the abovegrounders, and the more they could aid them in the burrow to Terra's embrace.
>The zeal was considered disturbing by some, but romanticized by others. I am of the latter.
- Nursery Tender Erika Mura'Bya,
"Chronicles of Our Origins"
Action 1:
Expansion. The Kingdom must breathe, our people must be allowed to expand if the Barzaentine nation is to ever become half as influential and powerful as the old Empire was.
[Claims are on tiles marked]

2. Infrastructure: Farms
The people must eat! No nation of men was ever mighty without crops to feed its workers, soldiers and nobles. There are plenty of those in the Capital just itching to claim fertile lands to lord over, and the Vasileus has no reason to deny them this...so long as their contributions are paid as due to their liege.
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>Lore Fluff
It has been 100 years since the Battle of the Four Leagues, and 200 years since the disappearances of The Four Branches. In the fallout of these catastrophes, it the Adenni were shaken to their very core.

The balance of powers amongst The Twigs (Aristocratic Dynasties) became tilted, first in favor of the Dyne Isle Twigs, for their leading oligarchs were all left standing after the League Wars. They brought the Confederacy into a period of isolation, reducing the influence of the City in the surrounding countryside to almost nothing, and then truly nothing.

Decades of stagnation weighed heavily on the city of Adenai, rotting the power base of the Dynes, giving room for the ambitious Esphi Isle Twigs to swing back a majority control. They used their power to invert the economic downturn of the city-state, investing in and invigorating the local fishing, lumber, and production industries, ensuring the survival of the Adenni people.

Bitter from being sidelined and humiliated by the pragmatic and altruistic policies of the Esphi Twigs, the Dyne Twigs agreed to hold a minority position in a coalition with the Peninsular Twigs to nullify the majority minority the Esphi Twigs held for close to a century.

Now holding the reigns of government, the Peninsular Twigs mobilized their houses for expeditions back into the continent, supported financially by the Dyne Twigs.

>Action 1: Expansion (See Attachment)
>Action 2: Military Reform, The Ashkeni Company
The wealthiest Penninsular Twig, the Ashkeni, spearheaded the anti-isolationist policies, pouring vast sums of wealth from their own coffers (as well as those coerced from the Dyne Twigs) into the outward expeditions, as well as leading them. While not necessarily a deliberate attempt to create a military force, these expeditions evolved into well trained, equipped, and armored arms of the Ashkeni, backed by the force of law by the current majority in the Confederacy.
Correction, marked one too many tiles. Let's not get too greedy and be smote by the GM.
The Homunculi go out into the world. Many, misshapen and gross, perish to the elements. Some are confused and wander off and out and never return, some stubbornly cling to the halls their masters once roamed, insistent that they will return some day.

It is no matter. For every one of us that perishes, the Crucibles will manufacture another. And another…

Order comes eventually to this mass exodus. The natural barriers that keep us confined are found, terrifying mountains and great bodies of water. Scary figures across what seem to develop as our borders permit further movement in those directions.

Order comes eventually. Elderly Cavia, clever but eccentric, take charge of things in the confusion and organise the developing nation, establishing roles and tasks and giving orders.

The familiar embrace of authority and tasks to complete seems to soothe most, the Menia particularly content once more at being told what to do.

Action 1: Expand again to the marked borders
A directed advance rather than a maddened flurry, small rafts are sent outwards to explore the waters. Simultaneously scouts (equipped this time with food, clothing, basic supplies and good leadership) venture forth as far as the northern Taiga forests, witnessing the beautiful sight of the trees trapped in eternal winter.

Action 2: Prospect the tile with the X marked upon it.
A newly established informal nation state composed entirely of affronts to god requires one important thing. Resources.
The nearby snowy peaks of the colossal mountain range may have something of note to exploit.

Go on over and have a gander why don’t you, and do be sure to come back or we’ll need send someone else.
Correct map with the prospecting location on it.
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The strange lessers to the south was of concern to Cyra, the first and current Noreusper and the Aripan whom formed the nation. Patrols would be ordered to keep an eye on these particular lessers and find the extent of the lands they tainted with their presence. So long as they didn't do anything against the Republic of Guliseare and it's holy people, they would be left alone. For now, at least.

>Action One. Secure the untainted lands of our holy mountains.
There were many, many lessers beyond the mountains, and unfortunately, many more who had laid claim to some of them. We must ensure that the lands not currently infested with Kaenum's influence stay that way, especially those of our holy mountains. Moving to claim as much as we can is of importance. However, we know our limits. The lands were Kaenum's influence already has taken root will be left alone, for now. It was not that long ago we conquered and purified these lands. We can bring the righteous blade of Aelelox's will upon the lessers once more at a later time.

>Action Two. Prospecting.
While attempts at exploring the old mines and the mountains and hills untouched by the lessers we have forced under our will, focus on the construction of the fortifications of our lands resulted in not enough Aripan assigned to the task. This will be rectified now so that we may be able to properly make our own arms and tools at a steady and consistent rate rather than merely utilizing the materials that were left over from our conquest.
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>Action 1 - Expand into cyan hexes
No wood!? Chief Drevino, a hulking brute of a Sandbar Shark, cannot abide this excuse from his lessers. The shoddy construction of the Port is met with beatings and chompings, and he sends his boys forth to the wilderness to bring back some ACTUAL lumber, blood damn it.

>Action 2 - Build farms
Oh, the joys of farming. The heady scents of rich earth, the crunch of root vegetables and the crisp sweetness of greens...
We just grow this shit to feed the ACTUAL food! Carrots and potatoes go into a piggy pen, and out comes delicious bacon!
The Klykzub relish in the diversification of their meaty palette, and the beginnings of culinary experimentation [wrapping everything in bacon] take root.

A rowdy group of young hunters gather their brothers, cousins, and everyone else they can convince to tag along. Chief Drevino has sought them out with an important mission! There are strange animals to the north, or so the Klykzub thought. Chief Dravino thinks they may be MORE, so he sends a 'delegation' to approach them in the traditional diplomatic way...
Thanks for checking the thread out, and apologies about the lack of space. Unfortunately, we are at the cap at the moment, but we'll announce in the OP if/when spots open up.
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>Change due to the fact all actions are first come first serve with expansion.

The reports of the sudden and rapid spread of the lessers into the holy mountains caused quite a bit of wroth in Cyra. At the very least the settlers could be redirected to prime hunting and farming grounds in the valley...
1. Construct an iron mine
With old imperial lands left, mostly, scarce in civilized population and and maintained infrastructure. While new weapons and armor will need to be made to create soldiers tools will also be needed, not to mention the potential trade.
2. Construct Lumberyard
Speaking of infrastructure the need for lumber for ships is also present. A strong navy and merchant fleet will allow us to seek far and wide for trade partners while protecting our trade routes.
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[sorry about the confusion of my first post. this turn supposes I have been shifted to my new position in the north as mentioned. names taken from the map shown in channel]

By the great grace of our Lord Aagen,
who has granted us this tyrn of the sun, I, King Uhgul of the Vencs do hereby order;
>That lumber be gathered by men of good name in the northern forest of Dunweld, our own woods being much thinned and overmanaged by time
>That also the white stone of Whitness be quarried and transported to the city in due time
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I expand twice
>Action 1: Farming on the Sainac
The River Sainac flows across our lands from lake unto shore. And whilst Hunting and the gathering of berries and mushrooms will always have a place in our diet, it is through farms that the Orcmen must grow crops and raise lesser beasts for the bowl and the spit.
Clear some of the forest for agricultural land, and build farms across the river from Rooin so that the Orcmanie can be kept fed!

>Action 2: The Breeding of Strong Horse
The humans of the land of old kept powerful forces of cavalry, which the Orcmanie has adopted into our own traditions. But to seat an Orcman Knight you need a horse of greater strength and prowess then that which seats a mere man, and a resolute nature that will not have these steeds flee or flinch but at their rider's command. But just as our merged form has produced something greater then our parent-lines, so shall the meticulous rearing, breeding and crossing of lines of Stallions and Mares be tuned to produce steeds of a greater strength and nobility for our Knights to boldly ride into battle!

"Trade and a pact for the mutual defence against our mutual neighbour should they invade? I am sure my Captain will agree with that. As will I, if the proposal comes to me. Though we will need to first develop an excess of resources to see what we have spare... but the merchants will work that out among themselves."
- Guyard de Gorbashe
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>Expand and Expand some more!
In the far North of the world, the great war rages onward. Ant slays ant, and battles ravage across the landscape from Wes to East. Central's dominion continues to expand, land bought by the blood of innumerable lives. And yet, neither victor nor victim feel any remorse or lamentation. Victories and defeats are born everyday, but both are as cold as the farthest North.

There are no celebrations. No burials for the dead. No reflection or thought spared for what has come to pass and what will be. All that rings out across Central is "More". It knows not even what it wants, and it especially knows not why it wants it. It, in fact, doesn't even know what it already has. But it wants more, and more it shall have.
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Changing my expansion to this.

The single he'd in the water is a raiding outpost constructed on top of Lily pads of off the fairy coast
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>I beseech your aid for Terra has seen fit to test me with Ants of unacceptable size! They harass my children, harvest my crops, and use my hearth as if it were theirs! I kill one and ten more show up in its place!
- Homesteader Frida Tabana,
Note transcribed in the "Records of Huntsmen Dispatch, Log#84"

>Burrow was quiet on approach. Homesteader was hiding in a well. Proceeded to ant-covered burrow.
>Entered burrow and found infestation attempting another nest construction. Applied cleansing salts to surfaces in a herding fashion, slowly allowing the ants to filter out of the burrow. Handed homesteader a sackful and instructed to reapply each week or after rainfall.
>Fifth case this month. We need to make a statement of sorts.
>Left them a surprise in the pots[1].
1. Added in the margins next to a question mark asking about the expenditure of multiple sackfuls of salt crystals.
- Captain Bjorn Sayyad of the Huntsmen,
"Records of Huntsmen Dispatch, Log#84"

>"Take me to your leader! I've a proposition for him or her!"
- Ambassador Aksel Durbawey addressing an ant carrying his traveling pack away,
"Farces And Triumphs In The Arts: Vol 1"
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>Signet rings are one of the main obstacles to a good forgery. They've many a detail that would require otherwise excruciating efforts to replicate, but the Habitun take it to an entirely different level.
>Observe on the page opposite, a rendition of one of the cult's wax seals. A multilayered lattice of different colors and minute details that took days of the most masterful of artisans continuous efforts to replicate on the book, and bear in mind that it is but a distorted reflection of the details found on a ring not even a thumb across.
>We can only presume the colors and details were achieved through a multi-stamp process using different rings and waxes, which brings us to the truly stymying issue: no two seals are alike. This was discovered through a truly harrowing experience by one of our more adventurous agents[1], as his attempted forgery was found instantly despite being a perfect replica. Through another agent, we learned from the Habitun ambassador[2] that "The date was wrong", which stumped our scholars for ages. The most popular ongoing theory was that the signet ring holds details that change with the times at the very least, and can be deciphered only by a Habitun official.
>Infiltration of Habitun's archives may just be the only way to truly learn how to crack their signet rings.
1. Jacobo Bondares in "From Orcmanie, With Love".
2. Frode Haddar, ambassador from Habitun sationed in Rooin.
- Giustiniano Agoy,
"Art Of The Change"

>Measure partially accepted. Pact secured, trades to be finalized upon further accruement of resources.
>Meantime suggest focus on stockpiling of pertinent resources. Beasts of theirs could be key to northern explorations.
>Am being watched, and not by just half-orcs. Last communique was altered. Shade guard may be necessary.
>Corollary: Further suggest quickening of venture "Smoke and Mirrors". Much can be achieved outside our borders.
- Ambassador Frode Haddar,
Communique Archives.
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The reports from the heartlands is promising, the barbarian and undead presence is all but gone, save for that barbarian scion. The banditry is an issue though, as bandits are a slippery bunch. Still, these lands shall soon feed us, and there are some veterans that may prove useful. Queen Leutgard Siglinda trots around the countryside, paying a visit to the halls and temples of the reclaimed lands, assuring the people that she is there for them, that we shall not lose this land ever again.

>Diplo with Barzaentines. First contact established.
Reports come in from captain-sister Ida in the east, a kingdom in the mountains called Barzaentines. Despite the Nixian unease, the encounter was cordial, the Barza has yet to show hostility. Hopefully it remains so.

>Action 1: Establish Hunting Grounds Northeast of Sturnes (capital of Ordalan).
Despite the reclaiming of the heartlands, the hunger pangs persist. Farming takes time, and there is much to rebuild. However, the lands have grown wild in our absence, so the forests are rife with quarry. Not only that, but there are a plenty of veterans eager to hunt, as skirmishers take relatively few casualties. Thus, hunting grounds emerge, and would immediately see food adorn the tables of Ordalan. The hunters do have to sell their wares cheap, as the hungry masses simply don't have much to offer, but they are able to negotiate for minor titles from the church, which will help them if any lesser nobles decide to mess with them.

>Action 2: Develop Archery.
As the hunters ply their trade, one weapon excels, the bow and arrow. It is a versatile weapon, as hunters become stronger they can use heavier bows, suited for larger game. These heavy bownix soon get offers to work for the Ashen Dawn, helping to track bandits, and their heavy bows are useful in killing bandits, able to pierce weaker shields and armour. These archers are an odd bunch, as even though they are ranged units, they wear chainmail more often than the Spears do, because their pay allows it. This makes them a difficult force to engage, as while they are no match for formation of spearmen, if the spearmen go out of formation to chase them, those who advance too far will be surrounded and cut down, thereby making it difficult for them to chase down the archers, allowing them to skirmish.
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>Action 1 (City): The City of Urong
Existing in a city state that makes no territorial claims of the land beyond its own province, the Changelings have a much more condensed population than many nations. Hoping to gain additional room and acquire new economic opportunities, a group of volunteer changelings from each clan are assembled by their elders and granted the provisions necessary to traverse a great distance to found a new coastal city.

>Action 2 (Resources) Looking for Something of Value
Not necessarily interested in exclusively metals or gems, the changelings search their land for the most valuable thing within their province that could be produced or extracted in great enough quantities to become a trade good.
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>Civilization/Race Name:Those Of The Uncrowned Depths.
>Capital Name: The Upper Depths
>Brief Summary of Nation: Pint Sized, Semi-Aquatic fairy's gathered around a great religious eldership known as the deep speakers. Survivors of a flood long ago, last of their kind & finally reaching out once more, with the help of insectile friends.
>Optional Fluff: Long ago, far more of the world was dry. We were big & strong & tall & knew no fear. The spirits of the land were our friends & we loved them. The flood came unexpectantly, a great rise that none could have predicted.

It ended us, it drowned our people. It forced us into caves that we sealed off, yet flooded still. Within deep, dank caverns, half-flooded? Desperation was all we had, malnourished, starving, we degenerated for generations. Until an equilabrium was found, enough fish, enough algae, enough kelp. Scattered community's that reached out to one another through flooded tunnels. We found him, he found us. That god of the depths, in the primordial earth. That being that showed us life still remained, those small & insignificant that we nurtured into friends. Spirits of the caverns, the god of the depths children sang out to us. Guided us, spirits of water tempted us & yet gave us life.

The Elders amassed knowledge, we gained hope. Many of us now, fungus & algae & sickly fish. Our lungs filter it, this water, we reach beyond. The sun, gone to us for so long. Will be ours, the depths shall spread outwards & we will reclaim all that was lost.

Thankful to the dark, to the depths, to the spirits who gave us the knowledge, the hope to keep going.

Action 1:Expand
>Spread south, ending our expansion at the river, our lungs struggle far away from the moistness of the depths. Where we were used to the cold & the minerals that filled our gills, our bodies crack & weep & to go further will make relations sour.

Diplomacy: Allow the Magokre Federation to go through our territory to expand. If a tile needs to be ceded for them to do such. Do so! A brief conversation, a first between Magokre & Uncrowned resulted in shared theological ground & curiosity after a near fatal accident for an uncrowned child. Hope for peaceful coexistence is on the mind!

Action 2: Militarize.
>This world may yet be dangerous, we are small, feeble & have litlte. But, all that we do have is precious. The Uncrowned set about making makeshift village miltia's, utilizing our insectoid friends & primitive unforged & stone tools. We hope to be able to defend against attack in our small settlements & especially hope to defend the caverns to the upper depths.
>When one wishes to camp through the Sunless forests, one must take care to store leftovers away from where they sleep, buried if possible. Otherwise, wildlife such as bears and cougars could be attracted by the smell.
>It is said that the first encounter betwixt the Habitun and the Vitruvians[1] involved a particularly peckish Cavia[2], who'd made its way to a scout camp during the early days of expansion.
1. Nation of artificial lifeforms located to the southeast of Habitun's borders during the early years of the Dawn age.
2. Vitruvian variant subspecies, taking the form of an otherwise mundane animal, but with near-elvish capacity for speech and reasoning.
- Scoutsmaster Ivar Buraq,
"Wandering Through The Realm, A Guidebook"

>The snake mouse is a curious, usually harmless beast. It will attempt to slither into your domicile and eat your rations if left unchecked, and is far less shy around creatures closer to its size that it believes it can take on in a fight. Venomless, with claws and teeth that can cut skin and cloth. Easy to spook, but far more rewarding to do so in a controlled manner that shows it the only path away is away from you, rather than deeper in your pantry.
>While edible, they are best saved as emergency rations, as their rank smell persists through many hours of cooking, past what would be worthwhile for such a small morsel, though some[1] believe they'd found a remedy for such.
1. Stinky Animals from "100 Recipes For The Traveling Svartalfar" scrolls.
- Scout Arvid Murawid,
"The Beasts We Tame: Aboveground Edition"

>Arvid and Erik argued about whether this new beast would taste better roasted or boiled while I chatted with it. It was an easy catch, apparently having never met other intelligent creatures that were capable and willing to eat it. All it took was a few scraps of bread and meat into a bag.
>I'd decided that rather than tell the two gluttons to stop arguing about what would never happen, I would use them as a threat in case the beast was uncooperative. I'd explained to it that we were scouting the woods and laying our claims, and wondered if its entire race was capable of speech and foolishness in equal measure, or if it was blessed by Terra exclusively.
>The beast's mention of companions put our party on edge. We were not equipped for protracted fights, our doctrine being to retreat until reinforcements arrive. Erik took to the trees to keep watch for any further approaches, while Arvid began packing our equipment and laying traps in the vicinity.
>I did not let the beast out of the sack. If its allies were fearsome, its life might buy us the time we need to scarper.
>A few more minutes of questioning ensued, regarding its explorations, the source of its abilities, and what its companions were like.
>"Kinder" the beast called his own. A proxy word for weakness, so the doctrines say. We were no longer worried about an attack from the "Minks".
- Scout Gorm,
"Scouting Logs: Chapter 1"
>Erik maintained his vigil, but Arvid would unpack the foods again. Perhaps we could eat with the beast's family when it would arrive. For the moment, I'd released it from the sack, and tossed some berries its way
>While I did not expect much benefit from dealing with the Minks, it would not be my call for how we would deal with them if they were less than hostile. The fact that they were not very friendly with the "birds" meant we could share a convenient enemy
>Beast immediately scarpered, and we followed on foot, with Erik continuing tree branch to tree branch several hundred fot behind. We gave it enough distance to think it was safe, and hoped it would lead us to an interesting location
>We found an interesting place alright. "Monsters" would be an apt term for these Minks. There were beasts too, but the most noteworthy were the ones that looked like some mad artisan took an elf apart and put them back together wrong, with more parts here, less parts there
>And then they noticed us. The ones with the huge eyes must have had ability beyond ken to see through our approach. Luckily, they did not seem to have spotted Erik, whom would follow doctrine and circle around to their flank. In a pinch, he would make it seem like ten times our number was in the trees
>Their lack of initiative proved that the beast did not lie about their weakness. Not wishing to allow them to ponder about how they outnumbered us, I stepped forward with confidence I did not feel, but carried nonetheless. I asked them if they knew the Sunless forests were Habitun territory
>Like children
>That's what they seemed like. Can't explain it
>They called my bluff, pushed me for details about us, even caused me to take a step back. I debated announcing that they were surrounded and having Erik fire a warning shot, but... not my call. I also didn't want to miss dinner
>I gave them the spiel, about Solaire and Terraria, the fall, the death, return, thousands strong, so on and so forth
>When Arvid signaled me that Erik ensured these were all the forces they had in the area, I moved onto the ultimatum: they would tell us of their purpose in our forests, or things might get messy
>Laying a border claim was their answer
>I briefly debated slaughtering them then and there, laying down some bear trails, and allowing their masters to formulate their own dimwitted assumptions
>But then I realized they could serve well as an alibi. Any belligerent neighbors stray too far in, we kill them and slip them into the inches of the woods the Minks resided in. Any grievance would be towards the Minks, and should a war between them begin... we could provide them what aid they require, in exchange for generous donations of mountains in return
>So yes, I made the call. We would be kind, we would be generous, and all it would cost us is a few leagues of the forests. Not like any beasts they'd send to spy on us would be blocked by a treeline
- Scout Gorm,
"Scouting Logs: Chapter 1"
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The thread of events would have naturally flowed into a slow expansion of An and Koll into the forests, perhaps the christening of An'naud itself as sister city to Koll'naud. In the south, the Enkarn would discover the plains and snaked in to discover their orcish brethren-by-way. All this may come to pass, but-

>Continental Pulse (Research / Auxilary Establishment / Schizophrenia?)
It took the heartbeat of Marlen to animate the first of those who were not Domo, and while her absence is felt, it is bearable. Still, there are new life, new creatures clearly not created by her here, and with our ears on the ground, there lies someone else's heart beating somewhere in the continent. We must welcome it and let it shape our forms into accordance with the continent. (Why are the life here so large? Even the hounds that haunts the forests are bigger than the breeds we had from before.)

>Seize the Heart (Expand 1x into Region bordered in blue)
Most of our settlements are still small coastal homesteads, meant for continually being filled in as generations pass, but there has already been those attempting to grow the isle's staples and adapt this land's plants for our consumption in some of the cleared out patches of land near Koll'naud. Securing the inland for this effort is to be done shortly, especially as the foreign encroaches upon us.
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Let Us get some things straight. Krawl structures are metal and geometric. They are difficult to construct because of this, and their designs are inherited from Our, Maja’s, ancient knowledge of what exactly We are or where We’re from. Any and all other structures formed by the krawl in the field would be larger, stationary black vortexes that cell multiply and spawn more as they pick up matter around them. The only krawl structures We are aware of is in the colony, at the capital. To knock over, disperse, a krawl vortex, one must battle all the krawl inside.

Tl;Dr, krawl mass is never ever a stationary structure. It’s always a living creature.

Thankfully, considering the capital is in a field of chasms, and We’re still making more of them with how far We spread that, even with the lacking defensive structures, We feel as though We’ll be okay. That said, Our offense will be plenty…

>1: Mobilize Military Action!
There appears to be intruders in the south-west, shark-creatures by the looks of them. They are powerful warriors, diplomatizing with violence right off the bat. We admire this, but won’t give them an audience until they prove themselves, since they feel like taking THAT route with Us.

They must be assembled quickly! A krawl form like Iwadogan is made of massive, hulking boulders or repurposed stone structures. It will do very well to crush them under fists of rock.

We also assemble levitating troops, with sharpened shield carriers to accompany them. This beast would use said shield like a sword attached to its arm. Its name is Zacht.

Both of these forms are very large, and in pic related, standing between 9 and up to 12 feet tall. They travel in groups of up to 6 in their mobile vortexes, and will exit to attack directly when they reach the rally point. It’s likely these forms will be used a lot, so production should be continuous. Smaller forms may accompany them, should they so choose.

>2: make more chasms surrounding the capital
Eat resources and bring some back, bros. Not like We aren’t doing that all the time already. They’re like big loot carriers, every last krawl, except Us.

>War: attack the sharks on our turf with the forms and troops mentioned in >1
>Action 1, Expand to the north
nuff said
>Action 2, land survey to find a possible area for a mine
nuff said
At the river’s headwaters, a deposit of fine white crystals is discovered. Growing where water wells forth, the crystals possess a strong sweetness which improves the palatability of food and wine alike. Blacksmiths further discover that the white powder may be further refined into a heavy metal that is soft and easy to cast into various shapes. As more of the crystals are harvested, the waters of the river acquire a subtly sweet taste, one which influences Habitun’s culinary tastes.

Settlers pour out into the surrounding wilds in all directions and the kingdom expands, just a little, but in many places at once, hacking back deep forest and transforming it into farms of oats and corn. To the west is a strange land, well patrolled but oddly only by women. To the east is a vast rolling grassland populated by simple people whose ancestors may have been cows, though they seem gentle enough. Still, just nearing their villages places the geomancers on edge for some unknown reason.

Seeking a path to greater power and influence the Ashkeni Company set forth to scout the land and clear it of threats, blazing a trail for settlers to follow and set up homesteads all along the coastlines. Service in the company rapidly becomes a straightforward path to a higher station in life, with many veterans of the service opting to take their pay in the form of land rights in the new territories they helped to map. Of these territories to the north is a great walled city of common humans, and to the east is land that is well patrolled, though seemingly only by women. What sort of land must depend on its mothers and daughters to keep the roads safe?

The abominations of Vitruvia set out once more for new lands, taking care to include a gray haired grizzly bear cavia in their ranks to lead the group with wisdom, or at least provide something fuzzy to huddle against the cold weather. To the north amidst the cold trees a few distant fires are spotted, highlighting tall humanoid people who flit from shadow to shadow. To the east the smallest portion of a vast lake is explored, yielding a pleasing bounty of crayfish and mussels. An old devia with long, pointed fingers and over large eyes perches by the lake shore and refuses to leave, jabbing any fish who come near and flicking them onto the shore with startling efficiency. Polymyria toil in the snow, digging at random until by chance one recognizes a seam of coal that saves them from a frigid death. A decade of maintaining the master's boilers has paid off.
Aripan descend the hills and mountains, taking stock of the green forests below, ripe with prey and lumber, so useful and scarce in the mountains above. With Aripan enjoying the pleasant forests below it low-class Anelks who do the dirty labor of scouring the mountain for useful ores. A sharp cliffside is discovered with wide rust-red stripes of iron. Surely a blessing from Aelelox, sent to aid us in defending our rightful lands from the lessers!

>Krovian Bands [Shark]
Krovians push out once more, always hungry for new lands and new things to hunt. The neighbors to the west, a people with the ears of cows might fit the bill nicely. Until that raid can start though more forward-thinking sharks take the time to till the earth and build a few pig pens, though more time is spent fighting off hungry sharks who’d rather eat piglets today than bacon tomorrow.

Raid: A school of Krovian sharks descended onto the outskirts of Krawl lands, invading and destroying black vortexes, killing workers, and generally looting, pillaging, and consuming any they could catch. Krawl defenders were rapidly assembled and rebuffed the assault before any lasting damage could be done, killing a handful of the Krovians before driving off the rest. The lasting impact of the raid is more culinary than anything, while Krawl flesh is foul at best, harder bits lend a zesty tang to other meats cooked with or within it. An intact shield ripped from a Krawl Zacht finds use as a prized roasting pan. Krawl flesh rapidly dehydrates to a fine powder, which can also be used to add a delightful zing to food. The opinion of Krovia is strongly in favor of a repeat visit.

Wizards, laborers, and golems all get to work on expanding the vital infrastructure of the nation. Soon enough a steady supply of iron ore is feeding the forges, which in turn feed a steady supply of blades for the lumberyard, the guard, and a small cadre of iron-banded golems. A bustling industry of golem maintenance soon develops to keep the heavy resources moving where they need to.

As before, the nobility and their peasantry spread across the land, taking up axe, shovel and pick to pull essential resources from the land. Soon any number of thriving taverns spring up around the new quarries and lumberyards, providing drinks to thirsty workers in desperate need of unwinding after a hard day's work. To the south and east are reports of roving bands of ferocious-looking shark men, geared for war, moving to the north, then returning with many wounded a few days later. Does some conflict brew to the east?
>Magôkre Federation/Kankrajô
Like the soft footed predators they are, the Kankrajô spread out across the swamp, taking over or eliminating any stray groups of their tribe. Their backyard secured, they turn their eyes farther afield, paddling lilypad coracles of supplies out to build a distant floating outpost from which they might launch attacks further afield. It soon becomes apparent that the Kankrajô are not the only life on the water though. Vast numbers of the ants, some as large as a rat, others quite small, have set up on these waters too in large heaps of floating brushwood. With a little experimentation they find the ants fairly easy to manipulate, and oddly accepting of simple trades of one supply for another. They don’t even seem to mind the occasional one being eaten!

The people of Orcmanie put their strength to good use, clearing land, tilling fields, and building out sizable pastures. No pastures are larger than those dedicated to the Orchish War Horse, a foul-tempered and massive breed. One of the first tests of every knight is convincing one of these belligerent beasts to allow a rider, and many a knight has suffered a broken bone in the attempt. Once the beast's respect has been earned though, it makes for a proud and powerful mount. The Habitun count themselves lucky to possess such a potent ally.

>Skrit Colonies
The reach of Central expands ever farther. To the east this is nothing of note, though one isolated nest that is absorbed does confer a useful measure of textile weaving. To the west things become more interesting, with the Skrit butting heads with colonies of humanoids. A name eventually reaches Central, Svartalf. A useful tool? Or an existential threat?
While the potential for coexistence exists in the future, the expansive energies of Skrit colonists focus on the plentiful uncontested lands to the north and east for now.

Bows go twang at new hunting grounds. Elk? Rabbit? Jackalope? All fall alike below the watchful eyes of Ordalan hunters. The meat acquired in this fashion is a bit rarer, though far more varied and flavorful, than the grain-fed chicken or goats that make up the traditional Ordalan subsistence diet. As such, those skilled at hunting with a bow and arrow can make a respectable living for themselves, raising the stature of hunters and archery as a whole in their communities.
The rising star of archery naturally brings more expertise to the fore. An Ordalan who can thread an arrow through the eye of an axehead is renowned as a great bowman and entitled to a free drink and meal at the tavern. This custom leads to the rise of a new class of errant bowmen who travel from town to town, making their living selling game meat and performing feats of skill for crowds of townspeople.
>Free Association of Tagagaya
Where dunes of sand meet the swells of the open ocean, the Tagagayans see fit to establish a second city. A persistent easterly wind dries out the land here, making the sun seem to shine far hotter than it did in the old city. Perhaps as a result, the citizens of Urong develop a culture a bit more relaxed than their Bahayan counterparts. More emphasis is placed on leisure and the creative arts, as opposed to a single-minded pursuit of rhetorical prowess.
Along the shores of the Great Lake grow meadows of a white-flowered plant. Similar to cotton, its fluffy blossoms may be spun into thread and woven into fabric. What sets moon cotton apart is the brightness of its white hue in sunlight and its pale shimmering glow in moonlight. It is no surprise, then, that clothes made of moon cotton are among the most valuable in Bahay and Urong alike.

>The Domo
A Domo boy stands transfixed, locking eyes with a creature of tooth and claw. Far larger than a southern wolf, the animal's midnight fur ripples with tension. After another silent heartbeat, the beast lopes away, disappearing into the trees. The boy looks down at his hands to find they are covered in black fur and tipped with fearsome claws.

>The Krawl
The Krawl hollows out the earth, crisscrossing the land with deep crevasses and hostile terrain. At the same time, scores of Krawl abominations are mustered to defend the homeland from marauding beasts. Zacht sword and board, Iwadogan boulder golems by the regiment, all assemble as one to beat back the menace.

Raid: A school of Krovian sharks descended onto the outskirts of Krawl lands, invading and destroying black vortexes, killing workers, and generally looting, pillaging, and consuming any they could catch. Krawl defenders were rapidly assembled and rebuffed the assault before any lasting damage could be done, killing a handful of the Krovians before driving off the rest.

>Principality of Zeolheim
The benthic seabed is a quiet, desolate place. The organisms here are accustomed to silence and stillness, where even a worm trail may be preserved for centuries with neither wind nor tide to wipe it away. Today, however, such tranquility is not to be. Clouds of sediment are stirred up by the Murostat industry, searching for iron nodules. The waters here are far too deep for light to penetrate, but darkness is little obstacle for the molluscoids. Their wet skin is exquisitely perceptive in water, able to pick up the faint scent of metal ore from fathoms away. They unearth the nodules of iron ore, manipulating them so they weakly attach to one another before whisking clusters away to the sea surface.

1. Expand into what tiles remain around our lands; outside of the one bordering the Nixen by the river.
2. Task the Magi with searching for sources of Iron.
> Gorehorn Mob
The Gorehorn spread to the west, finding good grazing for the Gruumtusks and thick forests of ancient trees. Along the ocean’s edge are great stretches of dunes and scrubby grass, though those with good eyes see the occasional large fish leap in the far distance. Occasionally a rough people, with ashen gray skin and a motley mix of scale and fur are spotted in the distance.

--------------------------------END OF TURN TWO--------------------------------------------
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>Action 1: Farm Development (See attachment)
>Action 2: The foundations of a Citadel (Build city walls)

The people sally forth, following the footsteps of the Twig nobility who led the reclamation of the surrounding lands, breathing life once more into the temperate forests and plains. These new homesteaders do not seek out new lands for exploration, but to claim the land itself. Establishing new hamlets and singular farmhouses a few miles away from the city of Adenai.
With new lands comes new dangers. Word has already reached back home, the rumors of a different breed of half-men to the north, men who mold their very faces, and to the east a particularly disturbing story of women who behave like men. Some of these peoples surely are friend, but just as likely are some of them foe. Calls for the security of the city in the form of a large wooden palisade are answered by the Council of The Ordained Maple (Colloquially known as "The Maples"), as they arrange an equitable funding of the construction project amongst the Twigs, and hash out the loyalties of the newly created City Watch to man the walls.
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Following the death of our King's Maitresse, I, Matlin his Reeve, am by the laws of our Lord and this land given to hereby order;
>Continued expansion of his majesty's grasp over the land in all directions not yet staked by the gentry of this or any other kingdom

[please use the map provided in pms. following the precident set by the Skrit-Magokre incedent, the ants' borders are to be ignored in my expansion actions, save for their capital hex, the six surrounding it, and any hexes in which they have built cities]

[also seems like my relocation was not brought up by QM1 to QMA, so I'm ignoring the shark-man-hook]

Note, I believe the coal mine is in the wrong place.

With Vitruvia surrounded on all sides, the frantic expansions of the Homunculi cease. A sense of normalcy overcomes them, with common industries springing up across the nation. Woodsmen, farmers, soapmakers and more slowly but surely assemble together a society in the image of their departed masters, learning from their books, records and unpublished memoirs how a society should be run.

A sort of hierarchy assembles itself, swiftly transforming into a makeshift government. Before their vanishing, the Old Masters favoured some of their creations with enhanced responsibilities, generous affections and artificially enforced loyalties.
Some of these Homunculi were technically given ranks in the organisational structure of the Order (though never any higher than Novitiate), and thus by technicality are now the highest ranking individuals in Vitruvia.

Once enough or a paper trail could be assembled to prove these rumours, and the homunculi in question persuaded to wield their newfound authority, the real work of governance could begin, a central council in Hohenholm now able to properly survey, administrate and steward its vast land holdings.

Action 1: Construct reagent farm on the marked box next to the river.

The Crucibles that give life to Vitruvia cannot create matter from nothing. An exhaustive number of steps, refinements, ingredients, rituals, distillations and draughts are required to produce the essences that fuel the operations of these arcane machines, and all these steps demand raw resources.

A large section of trees is felled and designated for the cultivation of our life giving reagents. Sections are designated for the production of otherwise-rare rainforest herbs, pastures for the harvesting of meat, nervous material and fur, as well as horn and ivory. Areas are established near the river to grow massive amounts of grain and cereals, the harvesting of resin and honey and orchards to grow all manner of important berry.

Action 2: Prospect again on the red X

The coal that was found already warms our homes and comforts us. We have solid stone hearths made of quarried rock and masons to assemble them, and can now construct the foundations of real homesteads even in the chilly southern peaks or the frozen north. We need more resources, however.

Our supply of metal however is questionable. For sure, there is much around, but overwhelmingly it has been used to make odd machines, alchemical devices and secure vaults rather than practical tools for running a civilisation. The thought of melting these relics of the Masters down is too horrific to bear.
Alas, no. If we need metal, we shall simply have to find it. It lurks somewhere in these hills, or perhaps guarded by jealous Rocs deeper in.
Report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.

Numerous lessers have made contact with us. Those to the south and east have been encountered by a group of hunters. Claims are wild as they are varied, with claims that animals gifted intelligence walking among them and their mannerisms being unnatural and strange, along with their appearance. Some appear akin to the humans also to the south, whom sent a small force into our lands to investigate. They were made to leave without bloodshed and an informal agreement of both of us halting our expansion has been made and is believed able to continue in perpetuity should you desire. News from the north is far more muted, with the gaunt lessers of the north refusing to leave their lands outside of watching us, likely waiting for a moment of weakness, and the brutish lessers of the valley forests seem to be content to stay in their lands as well. Lastly, at the furthest extents of our new borders we have sightings reported of potential lessers to the south, and confirmed sightings of a strange city is reported just beyond the westernmost extent of our lands. The settlement fully walled, but it's defenses unknown. It's inhabitants are likewise unknown. Further investigation is required in the near future.

Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.

>Action One. Stonework Developments
Just about every structure in Guliseare is built with stoneworks. Be it ruins from the lessers or the structures we properly built. Stone is abundant in the mountains and our homes are carved or built upon them. Wood, until very recently, was scare. And as such building with the material was impractical at best and impossible at worst. This naturally has lead to some skill being gained in working with the material and further work into ensuring our structures are sound and sturdy is something that is considered quite important. Especially when the construction of grand statues and churches to Aelelox are considered desirable for Cyra, and more elaborate stonework to facilitate large structures is very important for that goal.

>Action Two. Lumbermills.
Though stone is often used for construction, wood is still important. Be it for the handles of various tools due to it's ability to absorb an impact, furniture or simply even just for heat to cook food and keep warm on a cold night through burning. Now the valleys filled with near endless forests are under Guliseare control, it is only natural that harvesting this material would come with it and allow for us to make use of Aelelox's most useful creation for us, only rivaled by some of the various edible plants that could be harvested and grown far faster than an orchard. The blessings we have been given would quickly be put to use regardless.
>Action 2 Edit
Lumbermills are necessary for a large wooden work like a palisade. The Maples must first clearly lay out a sustainable company for the procurement of lumber for public works.
>Action 1: Create City - Negosyo
The Tagagaya is a smaller nation which does not desire to stake claims to lands which its people do not truly inhabit. This ethical objection of course, means that the Tagagaya economy deprives itself of the potential to discover vast reserves of valueable resources.

To compete with this fact, the changelings are a clever and entrepreneurial bunch. Granted great freedoms, and valuing wit over might, the changelings are naturals of the service industry, with many acting as merchants, entertainers, and diplomats.

Hearing rumors from distant relatives of a prime new business opportunity where three nations meet, entrepreneurial changelings journey out en-mass to the area in order to set up a new establishment where they can peddle their services to three whole nations from one convenient location.

>Action 2: Develop City (Negosyo) - The Makapangyarihan Merchant Company
The first of many developments to come in their new city, the Makapangyarihan is a large player in the development of the city of Negosyo. An existing merchant company - the group seeks to take its trade to the big leagues in this new settlement, funding much of the expedition for settlers with skillsets that would intrigue local traders and develop trust in the nearby civilizations, such as beautiful entertainers and charming salesmen. Above all else, the MM company seeks to make Negosyo the central hub for all trade between these nations, and leaps on the opportunity while this meeting of the nations is still new and uncharted.
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>Action 1: Metal Prospecting
Traders from other peoples and nations have started visiting, and not having new blades and armour plate to show in the smithies and merchant stalls is just embarrassing. As such, merchants and nobles alike turn to funding prospecting bands, each hoping to find for themselves and their lords strong sources of Iron, or something similar enough or equally as usable.

>Action 2: The Harbour
The river Sainac is currently the most viable corridor through our realm to move goods, be they ours or the boats of other peoples. As such, it is decided that a port is needed so that the river-traffic can be continued in larger ships that venture along the coastline, and add to our Duchy's capabilities with the provision of Ocean fishing and the guarding of our river from other potential reavers. At the mouth of the river Sainac the harbour will be built, with the Duke's younger brother Julegoge de Gorbashe charged with establishing the holding and bringing it to effective operation.
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[attaching an easier to read tile name map from the one in the channel]
>Take- (Establish a Lumberyard in one of our Forest tiles)
After the seizing, we.. the Domo saw it fit to create a centralized location for the continued exploitation of the Forest (it's been said that the inland forests should be called Marlkent, but it's too early and there's too many that still grieves when that name is said.). This land is much more lenient in land usage than the old isles, but it is without a doubt that a descent into conflict and decay over the trees is risked if the present (anarchic and disjointed) efforts upon the woods are continued.

>-and Taken. (Establish a Temple in that Lumberyard tile)
Still, with that pulse in the earth. Are there any that lingers in our lands for long? There was a thought proposed once, that the Domo abandon all gods and spirits and solely believe in the material, in Kholan. It was agreed to be too unwise to believe so, but we still abandoned much of the clerical trappings that once held us bound. Perhaps, it was simply that the ways of the old that were wrong.

Perhaps, and in honor of Manumanu, that we must spill blood. It is doable, for the woodsman provides a great many things to trade for, and an animal or two is a good price for a barn or wagon. If fate allows it, we may even be fortunate enough to have a wrongdoer or criminal for a good and long sacrifice. Would there be any that shall take in our offering? We do not know, but it is the least we could do for the woods we take from.
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>1 Kapture a Krovian
So these sharks, Krovians, as they’re called. We were interested in retrieving a specimen for its genes, dead or alive. With that knowledge, We seek to capture the bodies and/or souls of just one. Any and all Krovians found remaining in the nation after the attack are to be delivered back to the capital aggressively, where the specimen will merge with Our library of various krawl forms. This goes for Krovians sighted here in the future as well.

>2 Expand
Hexes marked in (pic related)
We won't allow our borders to be pushed in by opposing forces. As such, We choose to expand outward in almost all directions, towards the Krovians and towards the fairies. Not only that, but it appears there's some significantly different resources in other parts of the land. As such, the krawl conduct their primary expansion along the coast in the south-east.
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>Plumbum Dulce
>-Heat to melt: Twenty pund of coal to a pund in twenty minutes. Three pund less than Plumbum Nigrum[1], three pund more than Plumbum Candidum[2].
>-Properties: Like all Plumbum, pliant and easy to smelt. Insufficient hardiness and lightweightedness to utilize as arms or armor. The inherent sweetness has lead to it being quickly used in foods. Through trial and error, it has additionally found use in inks and dyes, allowing them to dry faster. A scatterbrained apprentice spilled Spelter[3] into a solution of it once, and the result was a strange crystalline tree. More study may be needed.
>-Effects: Svartalfar smelters enjoy a paler, near-alabaster countenance, which has lead to some of our women to seek its use as a cosmetic by frequenting the forges. Shadows seem to enjoy the fumes even moreso, citing a prickling in their bodies that makes them tougher, if slower. One Shadow childe even claimed to have exposed a hand to Solaire's hateful gaze after imbibing Dulce, and had his fingers mostly intact after. Study continues.
1. A metal found in curiously shaped toppled columns in the southmost mountains, with interiors containing fanciful limestone formations. Regular inscriptions point to intentional design, though purpose remains unknown. Page 325.
2. A metal said to have been integral to auld constructs of Aes[3]. Page 500.
3. An alloy of Plumbum Candidum and Ankh[4], used in much construction before the split[5].
4. A metal used by the auld peoples[5] before Aes's discovery. Page 290.
5. "Chronicles of Our Origins".
"Terra's Bones: On Metals and Minerals. 3rd Edition"

Action 1: Construct City Jointly With Skrit To Develop And Test Shadow Ants
>To all whom it may concern: The Seer Of Shadow hath decreed a new city must be built on our northmost reaches, 'twixt river Shamal's curve and lake Thulj's girth, that it may be protected from all who languish under Solaire's delusions.
>Further, he hath decreed it be built in cooperation with the Skrit of the east, with whom we are to reach a temporary, mayhap aeternal accord.
>Fret not for yar souls, for a tenner brotherhood of priests shalt accompany, to aid thar platitudes of Terra, and prepare the Skritkin for the ritual of Tenebrium.
>Din barm, vår vugge.
- Public Announcement parchment in Fuaha public square.

Action 2: Construct "Fortress" On Border with Guliseare
>-Arrow slits
>-Chimneys and camouflage
>In Progress:
>-Lifts at two thirds
>-Tunnels to murderhole at half
>-Began work on underground latrine foldable ventilation covers
>I require the following for this month:
>300 10 tomme by 4 fot fir columns
>20 pulleys
>10 tonne of Dulce mead
>500 fot of rope
>4 pickaxes
- Foreman Arvid Bani
Monthly report on Hilsen construction.
>"Take me to your leader! I've a proposition for him or her!"
- Ambassador Aksel Durbawey addressing an ant carrying his traveling pack away,
"Farces And Triumphs In The Arts: Vol 1"

Months pass...

>"I will get to the point. We wish for an alliance of bloodlines"
>"- To start: Mutual non-interference. You will vacate our territories and cease stealing our property, we will stop lacing your subjects and belongings with yucky crystals."
>"- To follow, you will grant us two queen eggs. They will be put through the ritual of Tenebrism. We will return one egg. The spawned queen should be able to birth a new race of shadow ants, which while nigh-helpless in loathsome Solaire's rays, will be moste fearsome and capable in Terra's bosom. The egg that remains and her bloodline will be ours, to raise, rear, and put to work".
>"- To conclude, a train of your peoples may be allowed passage through the outskirts of our territories, and into the borders of our neighbors. For as long as no war erupts through that border, the train will be allowed to pour through and initiate trade and transportation, which we will tap into just as many others might."
>"What say you?"
>The Skrit indicate acceptance to third term, but wariness and puzzlement to the first two
>"Each term requires the one prior. I beg you reconsider"
>"Avenues of interaction would remain under the third term, but we require ourselves be excluded. Not all things are meant to be learned, and your forceful trades are predatory and inconsiderate to others' property besides"
>"Shadow ants would be Shadows that are ants. Shadows are our Eschato forms, for when Solaire doth die, they shall inherit Terra and her lost lambs!"
>"For an alliance, equality is a must. If you wish a settlement in our territory, then so too there shall be a settlement in yours. If you wish for three Shadow queens, then we too must receive three of our own. If you wish your trade 'rivers' to not be interfered with, then so too must you not interfere with our own properties"
>The Skrit propose a joint colony
>"A joining would require joint or compatible beliefs and ideals. Ours are to sequester ourselves from Solaire as soon as possible, to prepare our empire come Tenebrium. What are yours?"
>Their answer is to learn all there is to learn
>"To what end?"
>They wish to resolve an arcane pattern of some form. Food for our scholars, not our diplomats
>"Then for as long as your seeking does not impede the prosperity of our nascant empire, our goals must align. For when the prophecy[1] is fulfilled, and Tenebria is upon us, nigh-all shall die, barring those who have prepared ahead. Your goal would die as the world does. But should you join hands with us, and prepare for the eternal night, then you will have all the time you may need to seek your solutions. What say you?"
>The Skrit acquiesced
1. "Chronicles of Our Origins"
- Ambassador Aksel Durbawey,
"Farces And Triumphs In The Arts: Vol 1"
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>Civilization/Race Name: הרעבים מתמיד (The Ever Hungry)

>Capital Name: בור הבשר שלנו (Our Flesh Pit)

>Brief Summary of Nation: The social structure of the spider civilization is complex and hierarchical. At the top of the hierarchy is the Matriarch, a massive and ancient spider. She embodies the brain of the colony. Below her are various subgroups that specialize in different aspects of survival—hunters, builders, and gatherers.

>Optional Fluff: In a harrowing turn of events, an unprecedented threat from a race of ancient alien spiders known as הרעבים מתמיד has arrived. These monstrous creatures, who have begun to emerge from the gargantuan crater of a meteorite, have goal: to consume all life, and implode the planet. Can this planet withstand the onslaught of these alien invaders, or is this the beginning of the end?

>Action 1: As soon as the meteorite crashed down, the hundreds of thousands of dormant hunter spiders were scattered across the shore and sea. Most of them had been dormant for millennia, evolutionarily engineered to be indistinguishable from statues until the heat of an impact jumpstarted their life systems.

>Action 2: Their mission was simple; expand, eat, and encompass the whole world. The one who would lead them through this was Their Mediatrix. She was only one of trillions that were bred and made solely for the purpose of commanding the first wave of landing parties. She would command the ones close enough to the meteorite crater to scout inland and find the spot for the first nest.

>Catch-up Action 3: Finally, with the far flung hunters rounded up and the nest already midway through its construction, special food would be brought to the Mediatrix. This food would transform her into a Matriarch and the oviparity process would start. The first generation of הרעבים מתמיד would soon be born.
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FOR QMs ONLY For A1, I was thinking a few units of scouts scattered around area in the red circle for pic related. You can decide if landing in the ocean or shore kills a few or if a few do not even survive impact. For A2, I was wanting to set up a fort on the green X. I was thinking of having my capital be more like an ant hill than a city. Guards, one entrance the whole works to justify if being a fort. For A3, I want to create a mine on the capital tile/nearby, I am unsure of how much you can stack in a single tile as well as get various res gestae for a population increase. Finally, since this is turn 2, I would like to request one more Catch-Up action so by the start of turn 4 I will have 6 actions like everyone else. Also, if you want, you can privately send my an estimation of how many spiders I have so I can go super autistic with the internal workings of my civilization.
1. Research soldier golem/The Immortals.
Just because we have a surplus of iron doesn't mean we need to be wasteful with it. Iron golems are good but come with high costs and their own issues. Instead the idea of living armor is expanded upon. Sack dolls filled with sand, both dyed ink black, are put into humanoid armor and animated with the fighting prowess of a seasoned fighter.

2. Build docks
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>Action 1 - Prospect
Chief Drevino sips his Krawl soup, an increasingly rare delicacy among Krovian kind. The strange rock-things had fought back fiercely, rising up like an ant's nest, and the average Krovian wasn't willing to risk being crushed to death by the floating not-boulders to risk a mere mouthful of something only the smartest Klykzub could turn into something palatable. With a gowing hunger within, Drevino spends more and more time in the wilderness, searching for... something.

>Action 2 - Wood we be arbor to build a Lumbermill?
Chief Drevino has BIG plans for the future! With wood in the distant lands secured, he sets about having his toothy men tearing the trees down, crude machinery cobbled together to turn the wood into something useful-(adjacent).
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The dining halls of Sturnes are host to lavish feasts, with venison, poultry and pork galore, day after day. This is to the benefit of the poor as well, as leftovers of the feasts become alms distributed by the Church of Diloter. The alms having meat is almost unheard of in Nix history, and this taste of meat endears the poor to them, as this is a clear instance of plenty. The Church of Diloter does make the Ashen Dawn's contribution known, ensuring no hard feelings by the Church of Hilda, who otherwise holds almost uncontested dominance in attendance among the poor.

This also brings a change in Sturnes itself, the many decrepit poor districts start getting cleaned, slowly but surely a century of squalor is being dealt with, now that the residents have the energy to do so. With this, many ill Nixen are recovering, increasing the manpower available to Ordalan. What difference a meal can make.

>Action 1: Prospecting at the Hunting Grounds.
Nixen gather at the hunting ground, living in houses of timber and mud, but there are those who start digging. The Nixen have a proud smithing tradition, but that is nothing without a reliable source of iron or bronze. The location of these deposits is lost knowledge, so the Nixen start scouring the land anew, venturing into caves, looking for surface deposits, etc. anything to find workable metals to renew their weapons and tools.

>Action 2: The Huntsnixen and the Red King of Hounds. The barbarian scion is hunted, but ultimately escapes, albeit heavily wounded.
As the bandits continue to struggle against the Spears of Ashen Dawn, the barbarian scion will have to make his play. He makes his appearance known by the snarls of his warhounds, frenzied beasts with a taste for Nix flesh. The Nixen soon spot the barbarian scion, by his red hair and stolen regalia, he is Conri Ruadhan, styling himself as the king of these lands, warming his bed with Nixen slaves, who obey out of fear of being his hounds' next meal. But in facing the Spears, he has left his back open to the huntsnixen, who assault his bodyguard with bows and swords. The huntsnixen whittle down the bodyguards but Conri is a mighty warrior in his own right, and charges into the Nixen with his steed, cutting down a dozen before one huntsnix manage to hit Conri in the body with an arrow, making him slip the reins and fall to the ground. Even so, Conri keeps fighting, the huntsnixen waver in the face of Conri's might, until a second arrow hits Conri in the chest and he falls to the ground once more.

Seeing their leader gravely wounded, Conri's bodyguard rushes to him, sacrificing a number of themselves to put him on a horse and ride away. When the bandits notice their leader running away, their morale finally gives away, and the Spears of Ashen Dawn pushes on. Conri makes his escape, but his bandits and influence are reduced, while Ordalan's morale is bolstered by a decisive victory.
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Far and wide the Skrit scuttle and scurry, but there are still some corners that are virgin to the Skrit infestation. Those days have come to an end. The colonies reach to the farthest reaches, their advance only halted thanks to the chill touch of northern frost. It seems now that if the colonies seek to march on, they will have to set their sights to the South... or on to their neighbors instead.

>Build another city: Alpha (yellow dot)
Recent contact with the eastern folk has stirred the colonies. Diplomacy has gone seemingly well, although there's still much left up in the air as to how things can develop between them. Yet, the colonies will hold up their end of the bargain in an effort to build mutual trust. A new mega colony, Alpha, is built into the earth just outside the borders of these new folks. Here will be the cradle for the joint project between the Cult and the Colonies to birth these so called "Shadow ants" that they speak of.

As our great nation grows, we must acquire more territories for our people to live and exist in peace, thus it would be logical for our kind to expand and inhabit the sandy lands of the north, as we would expand westward

>More mines
With a magnetine mine having been acquired, we would search for further resources around our territories, land or sea territories alike for our great nation need more resources for its ever growing expansion.
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After some discussion, the joint city will be set on the pictured tiles. The tile wherein the Skrit will begin their construction will be ceded to the Skrit for the duration of the city's existence as a joint project between the Habitun and the Skrit.
>Action 1
Expand into the suddenly opened swamps of the east!

>Insectoid Husbandry/Exploitation.
Our friends of the deep can be useful & we should utilize them far more. To gather silk from silkworks, from spiders on a larger scale. To weave & gain wealth to trade & cloth us. We have so much more we can learn.
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>1st action: Infiltrate the city of towers (Vizari)

Don Skullthumpa, always thinkin' ahead, dispatches a contingent from the Purplefang Kunnin’ Clan—the sneakiest, most underhanded, and sharpest-dressed of all da Slaug—to infiltrate the Republic of Vizari. Their mission isn’t just to cause trouble; they’re there to take out any competition to the White Mage and establish control over the city’s criminal underworld. The Purplefangs begin by making connections in the shadows, slowly taking over local gangs and rackets, all while keeping the humies in the dark.

But they ain’t stoppin’ there. The Kunnin’ Clan starts engaging in legitimate business activities, makin’ sure the Don’s getting his fair share. They send a portion of the profits back to Don Skullthumpa, ensuring he stays pleased with their work. Meanwhile, they make sure to keep any nosy types out of their business, maintaining tight control over their operations. As the Purplefangs tighten their grip on Vizari, the Mob’s influence spreads, all with a sly grin and a careful eye on the competition.

>2nd action: Build a leather workshop

Always lookin’ to keep da Mob strong, the Donorders the buildin’ of a leather workshop in their new territory. This ain’t just any workshop—this is where the best Slaug Hidecrackers gather to turn beast hides into tough-as-nails armor and gear. The place is full of hammerin’, tannin’, and the roar of Slaug workin’ hard to outfit da boyz with the finest armor around.

The workshop don’t just churn out armor, though. It makes all sorts of gear, from rugged clothes to weapon sheaths, all built to last and look mean. The best stuff goes to the Don and his top lads, showin’ who’s boss. With this workshop, Da Mob stays ready for krumpin’, and everyone knows they don’t mess around when it comes to quality.
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***Turn Three***
The Barzantines continue their methodical expansion, their magi searching with divining rods to discover sources of iron. None are found, but a deposit of copper ore is located, which, with minimal processing and an addition of a few other metals, results in a reasonably workable bronze.

>The Adenai Confederacy
The deep forests around Adenai soon fill with the sound of falling trees and shouting woodsmen, first carving out space for lumber mills, then for farmland. Of the many gifts the four branches brought, one of the most beloved was the simple grains of sun spelt, a tall golden wheat that helped drive back hard winters the people once faced. Vast fields of the golden wheat can be seen from the capital, a sure sign of prosperity.

> The Venks
Once again King Uhgul the First makes the declaration that all who are able must go forth into new lands, laying down homesteads and dirt trails, digging wells, and building way stations for travelers. As the land of the kingdom expands so too does its nobility, with many a fresh duke and baron minted over the lands that now stretch many days hard ride north and south. To the west in plain and forest are vast swarms of ants, some as large as a man's boot, others quite small. Though they are quite invasive at first, the homesteaders quickly find them curiously intelligent in their own way, and before long they quickly become integrated into everyday life, with farmers trading morsels to convince the ants to haul goods and even children trading trinkets with them. To the south is a grimmer picture. Large and vicious spiders, man-eaters, prowl the lands, devouring any animal fool enough to walk in the open. Should they spill to the north there will undoubtedly be bloodshed.

The farmland of Vitruvia is a strange place. Polymyria shamble from plant to plant, their numerous and often mismatched arms moving with unexpected gentleness as they tend the many peculiar cultivars grown locally. The ancient instructions of the masters are often strange and difficult to follow, with some bulbous and carnivorous plants calling for mosquitoes fed on specific animals and a wispy vine that must be kept in absolute darkness except for full moons. The search for more ingredients leads into the hills where the evening sun reveals the luster of gold. Perhaps the more difficult ingredients can be purchased instead?
The art of masonry in Guliseare is no simple task. While there is certainly no shortage of stone to work with, transport of the heavy slabs and bricks quickly proves the largest part of the challenge. The best workshops are naturally built into the highest cliffs and peaks where their products can be painstakingly lowered, usually by Anelk who can find no better work than the brutal labor. By contrast, the new lumber mills, with their much lighter loads, are built in the valleys below, the supplies ferried up into the high mountains.

Negosyo! City of a dozen, no a hundred, perhaps even a thousand delights! Or at least so the Makapangyarihan Merchant Company hopes the rumors will flow. Admittedly the city is more a vast gaggle of market stalls and shops wound through with back alleys and impromptu trails than a proper city at the moment, but there is some truth to the rumor. Ordelan silver, Adenai opals, Barzaentine farm goods, and even a few furtive and cloaked Anelks bearing craft of stone and iron can be found here, buying, trading, and selling. And, of course, filling the coffers of Negosyo.

Bands of prospectors blaze trails all across the kingdom, running down rumors of iron veins that range from the practical (reports of ochre stones in a dry steam bed) to the decidedly more romantic (a fanciful bard song of gods weeping fallen stars over the fate of young cursed lovers). The newly built port provides a useful base of operations for the endeavor, letting prospectors strike out all along the river. The eventual discovery of a field of meteoric iron spurs on a competitive surge among blacksmiths as they squabble over access to the starmetal.

In the interest of conservation and efficiency, the scattershot woodworking efforts of the Domo are consolidated into a true lumber processing enterprise. Trees are felled conscientiously, with priority given to the overcrowded and diseased trunks which would have fallen of their own accord regardless. A few stands of old-growth forest are cordoned off entirely for their ecological value, never to be touched by Domans. In this way, the Domo ensure that, a thousand years hence, there will still be a forest here.
The Domo give thanks in many ways for the treasures they receive from the forest. Muttered gratitudes when a well-crafted cart survives far more than it ought, ritual acknowledgements on holy days and milestones, sacrifices made to pay some fraction of the debt owed to the trees and the gifts they provide. After all, the forest’s lumber helps the Domo thrive in a myriad different ways. Perhaps within that fact is the handiwork of the gods. Perhaps not. Whatever the case, the Domo give thanks.
The Krawl set out to capture a Krovian, but soon find the task harder than they expected. The creatures are fierce and feral fighters, and their margin between submission and death proves almost unworkably thin. After several failed attempts, a Krovian is captured alive, though a dozen Krawl are torn apart in the process. The creature is entombed and digested by hyphae, one layer at a time. Its anatomy is exposed and recorded with extreme fidelity. The Krawl are thwarted, however, when they attempt to understand what they have observed. The Krovian’s animal nature is entirely alien to the mycelial Krawl, who struggle to comprehend the logic of bone and sinew. Most puzzling of all is the lump of fat that sits between the creature’s sensory organs. Branching pathways seem to connect it to the rest of the body, but how, and why?

>Habitun cult
Twin cites rise on the western border, the wholly alien Alpha, and the far more familiar Bikube. Traditional Habitun architecture is honeycombed with passages to accommodate the far more insectile preferences of the Skrit. The city is constructed with a number of ritual rooms set at auspicious geometries, in anticipation of the great rituals required to generate shadow ants.
A light rumor circulates the township that the slightly crooked walls of Hilsen result from Foreman Bani having ordered too much mead during construction. Bani loudly insists that the placement of the stones is intentional, much to the amusement of those around him. He goes on to aid the construction of the twin cities with the Skrit, the more elegant dark elf structures striking a curious balance against the more utilitarian Skrit. Hopefully the diplomats can find similar balance.
>The Ever Hungry
The shooting star is seen for miles around, a brilliant red lance cutting through the night sky until it vanishes below the horizon. Close to the impact, locals hear the roar of flame and see a column of water launched into the sky. A few of the uncrowned creep close to see the water frothing as though it were boiling, before the legions of הרעבים מתמיד, the Ever Hungry, pour out of the water. Towering high over them on eight spindly, blade-like legs is the Mediatrix, commander of the invasion. She issues her commands, sending forth legions of workers this way and that, scouting the nearby landscape. Resistance is encountered almost immediately, an entrenched tribe of Kankrajô frog folk. For two weeks a bitter war is waged in the swamps with terrible losses for the Ever Hungry, but culminating in the annihilation of the Kankrajô. With the swarm’s numbers diminished, they set to work fortifying and digging their hive then install the Mediatrix as their egg laying Matriarch. At her disposal are a city’s worth of workers, a legion of warriors and a nearby abandoned mine that is hastily converted for nectar production. The impromptu war with the frog kin and the legions of warriors drowned in the water may slow down the devouring, but it is only a delay. The Ever Hungry are coming.
>Yes, you may have a third action in Turn 4.

The Immortal Legion is a simple enough thing in its design, bags of sand encased in metal armor, the entire thing animated to march, fight, and wage war. The first tests certainly seem promising, resulting in a soldier who doesn't tire and shrugs off any metal denting. However, the Vizari soon find the bags of sand tear when performing even basic movements, with columns of inanimate soldiers leaving sandy trails behind them. As such, the bags of sand need constant replacing, lest the hollow armor crumple under the strain of supporting its weight. And. of course, the armor still needs to be maintained, the magic refreshed, and there's more than a little concern over their actual combat skill. There are few wizards practiced both in the art of animation and in how to wield a sword beyond wild hacking and slashing. Nonetheless, barring a few logistical issues, the Immortal Legion is ready to defend Vizari. Now if only the new docks could produce boats able to carry the quantities of sand required.
The docks of Vizari take shape, enabling quantities of lumber from the north to be transported south to the growing capital. A similar route could bring iron from the south, but sailors refuse to sail the route, citing the feral, sharklike creatures that are said to roam the intervening waters.
It appears that certain members of the Purplefang Kunning clan have taken up jobs catering to the city's underworld. While their influence appears limited for now, their lack of subtlety is causing waves among the citizenry that far exceed any threat they pose to Vizari(>>6097182).
>Krovian Bands
Searching for new and tasty foods, the Krovians wander far south, into the lands of blazing heat and tall grass. There, they find a flightless bird of massive proportions. Quick and nimble and armed with a powerful, taloned kick, these animals are far from easy prey. Once caught, however, they yield a drumstick of truly incredible size and flavor.
The raw lumber is shaped into broad planks and skinny poles, shaped via crude template to a reasonably uniform size. Offcuts, burl-wood, and planks with beautiful grain patterns are diverted to skilled craftsmen to produce furniture and sculpture. And of course, what better use for the remaining bits of scrap than for sharp toothpicks? They’re perfectly sized for dislodging bits of Krawl that get stuck between the teeth.
Numerous Krovians on the northern front report being ambushed by roving packs of Krawl.

On a fresh spring morning, an Ordalan hunter cleans his prey on the banks of the river. Removing the buck’s skin with methodical strokes of the knife, he then dips the pelt in the cool running water to drive off fleas and ticks. When he pulls the wet fur from the river, he is astonished to find the fur glitters with trapped specks of silver. Soon, the riverbank is covered with prospectors sifting for the valuable metal.
The barbarian scion is hunted, but ultimately escapes, albeit heavily wounded. Too little, too late bands of nixen hunters gather their best hunting hounds for the chase, though in the aftermath several promising hunting dog breeds are recognized.

Twin cities rise on the western border, but only Alpha can be called fully Skrit. The warren of tunnels and hatcheries is perfect for raising the new generation slated for conversion to shadow. The joint project to make shadow ants continues apace, though bickering between Swartalf and Skrit about the precise details of the project threatens to leave all the work for naught.

Molluscoids burst from the shoreline in numbers, marching up the shoreline and crossing the dunes. Traveling by night to keep their moisture high, the Murostat scour the sands seeking reprieve from the harsh sand. They find shelter in a network of caves studded with the cubic shapes of lead ore. Deeper still are numerous ruins marked with symbols of blood and teeth, with stone pillars surrounding pools stained rust red. Strange whispers linger around the ruins, a bold Murostat who lingers there studying the carvings returns complaining of voices and visions of blood and teeth, and later gnaws off his own limbs.
The little friends of the deep who have served the Uncrowned for decades lost to darkness have many talents and gifts, but few surpass the humble web-spinning spider. And though the output of a lone spider is quite small, the fey master the subtle magics that let them command the tiny creatures by the thousands, working together to spin skeins of sheer spider silk fabric. The quiet and delicate work is in stark contrast to the horrors that the settlers seeking new lands to the east uncover. Ruins, freshly soaked in gore and blood, crawling with massive spiders. The settlers barely escape with their lives, fleeing to settle lands to the north and south instead. Unfortunately, even there is the menace of the Krawl fungal monsters and Krovian sharkmen. Grim news for the delicate cave dwellers.

>Gorehorn Mob
The Purplefang Kunnin’ Clan’s infiltration of the City of Towers is aided by their legitimate work as guards and mercenaries. It is less aided, however, by the Gorehorns’ particular brand of tactless brutality. The gangs of Vizari would take unkindly to strangers at the best of times, and if those strangers were stepping on their turf, pushing out their men? That may as well be grounds for open war. Facing serious attrition by threats reasonable and unreasonable(how are dozens of orks *still* dying to the city’s moat?), the Don is forced to order a change in strategy. The Clan carves out a niche for itself in enforcement for the native city mobsters, a job which isn’t the highest up the totem pole, but still provides a sufficient foothold to build their network and establish a reputation.
Lacking more sophisticated methods, the Hidecrackers are forced to scale up previously artisanal tanning techniques, ones which require copious quantities of urine and animal brains to turn skins into supple, pliant leather. The vats of tanning liquids have an unbearable stench, one which forces the leatherworks as far downriver as the Mob can allow.
---------------END OF TURN THREE--------------------

Please remember to include a short summary in your post describing in a few words what you want your actions to do. The majority of you already do this. Also, when naming a city or construct, please at least mention the name in the text section of your post. This allows us to copy-paste, which helps with workload and reduces the probability of typos.
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>Action 1: Forges for Meteoric Iron
The prospectors succeed beyond much of what they dreamed; for meteoric iron at the mouth of the Sainac is both of great quality and easy to access. Now we must build the industry that can turn this superior Iron source into high-quality arms and armour that will befit the Warriors, Knights, and even the grandest nobles of the Orcmanie! The smiths need not squabble unrelentingly; for each will need practice and prove their craft, and demonstrate the quality of their work to be granted access to the starmetal ingots. And wood from the forests of the Orcmanie will be heated and refined to turn into a more perfect fuel for turning this Starmetal into the strongest of steel.

>Action 2: Expansion on the Fringes
The lands that lie before the claimed and recognised borders of Adenai are termed the southmarch, and the Duke grants these to the lords of the de Moonhurleur family. But these fresh territories only consist of half the unclaimed lands of the vicinity, for it is deemed fitting by Guyard de Gorbashe that the other half be left for Adenai to claim as theirs, as fair distribution of the remaining mainland territories between the nations. Instead, any further errants hungry to win for themselves land will set northward from Port Sainac, to raise mottes upon the frozen shores of the Blanc isles so that their followers might bring the fish bounties of the cold north sea back to the tables of the Orcmanie.
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By the great grace of our Lord Aagen,
who has granted me this tyrn of the sun, I, King Uhgul of the Vencs do hereby order;
>The raising of a standing force of men to guard against the encroaching hordes which do threaten our peoples and lands
>For the use of these men and thereby protection of all Vencia, a wall of stone across the southern border along which stand turrets and bartizans yet no gates
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To the ants also is given, by decree of Matlin the King's Reeve, this document; In hope that, should a nobility be above them, a formal peace may be fostered in whichever way is fitting.
From the pen of the most loyal servant Matlin, of his majesty King Uhgul I of the Vencs of the House of Rudam, blessed by the great Lord Aagen, born of good blood and just beyond measure, to whichever grace reigns above the creeping things;
Peace be upon thee, and be also upon your subjects and ours, that we may live in amity and grow in equal prosperity. Prithee send message in return upon receipt of this missive and we shall gather more fitting bounty to share than what has been proffered by mean hands.
The King seals it

>Action 1: Grand Wooden Palisade
>Action 2: The Nervinian Watch, Palisade Garrison (Military)

Trees are felled by the dozen as caravans of men, workhorse, and oxen march miles through the wilderness to where the lumber is plentiful and firm. With the immediate territories reclaimed, the Ashkeni company is left with little to do except escort these new minions of commerce. While the lumber venture was ordered and organized by The Council of the Ordained Maple, the primary proprietors were the Twigs from the Branch of Sorvin, the Branch of Power. They who control the means of production will influence the city better than those who do not.

Mighty walls 26 [feet] tall are erected at the mouth of the peninsula, with supplementary walls along key parts of the coast, as well as around the Dyne and Esphi isles. While a large portion of land is left to ensure room for the growth of the city, there will surely be an expansion beyond the walls in the foreseeable future.

These new walls are not to be manned by the Ashkeni Company, for that is not within their purview. Their responsibilities lay outside of The City, or at least that is the official decree of The Maple, after the young and mere quarter elf Kelden Dimani, Junior Officer of the Ashkeni Company, approached the Council with the proposition that he lead the garrison postings. Instead, a new military arm of Adenai will be created under the leadership of the exorbitantly wealthy Nervinia Twig, of the Colvinia Branch. Compared to their honourable Ashkeni counterparts, the Nervinian Watch is generally unkind and uncooperative with anyone outside of the Colvinia Branch, and their training is not quite as disciplined.

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>The town of Celendos, the village that would one day become the City of Adenai, 400 Years before the appearance and Enlightenment of The Four Branches.

In this age, the people got by through the simple toil of agriculture, fishery, and (for those who could afford to purchase them from a neighboring village) animal husbandry. Commerce was little, and Celendos served merely as a place of retreat from those under the rule of the Tellden.
The Isles of Dyne and Esphi were inhabited by naught but a few homesteaders who wished to live in a community, though also desired their own small sense of isolation. On the west bank of the peninsula, the beginnings of aristocracy can be seen, where the largest dwellings are to be found, and their inhabitants the owner of most of the land. Many of the Twigs would claim to descend from these first de-facto nobles, but none of these claims are supported with fact. In either case, this land in question is now under the ownership of the Nervinia Twig, the claims of whom are as a consequence now more valid than any others.
We seek to increase population. We'll need it to push along the coast and make it to the sand (I made a Diplo for this and sent it to the molluscs). As such, We're also looking into alternatives for newly acquired bodily structures.

>1 research animals with solids in and out their bodies
It’s easy enough to infer why these creatures would have this heap of blubber around their insides. The natural form of the high krawl has a distinct shape that originated from some animal called a humanbeing, from when the krawl were once organized. They, and all those other animals, are made of solid mass with liquid blood flowing through them, while Our bodies, Our thinking, sensory cells, are all liquid, non-conforming to any individual shape, outside the chunks of solid mass incorporated in Our forms. Through these cells, We study information and perform bodily functions, as others do with their brains and sensory networks, though it requires Us to have specific cells perform as muscles and sensors and brains or "thinking cells" in specific places. This fat would also protect and warm and hold together what’s inside the inner layers of their beings, something We would never need to do. They’re meat bags, so to speak.

It would seem there is some further understanding that needs to be achieved before krawl forms can be solid enough to incorporate these strange animal features. Bones, however, well, they’re as simple as rigid, solid objects, which We already have. Although, We’ll need to find an alternative to this fatty flesh…

After further consideration, it would seem larger, mostly solid krawl forms may need to be specifically constructed with a plan, with “bone” structures inside and outside, instead of spawned and cell-divided and adapted naturally. Then the krawl that are a part of that being act as one organism, and would be able to learn to use the facilities given to them on their own, through adaptation and self-training before running into the wild. And We do mean running. These planned massive static forms likely can’t travel in a vortex. They’ll also need room to do so, and the hive won’t do.

>2 Pop +
Increase population rapidly! More krawl to feed on nutrient spores! For now, they remain without body plans, choosing one of the few most default krawl forms of their own accord, such as Zorb or Swar or Blova or Gris (pic related in that order). They all have basic melee attacks, but can be overwhelming in large numbers. Their bodies also have very little solid mass, so their muscle structures aren't as affected by physical attacks, though they still are.
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Pic didn't post? Weird.
While the folk of Koll plots out a shipyard and An continues attempting to domesticate some plants (they've been trying it on some other berry we last heard), there are whispers on the wind. We who follows Manumanu's ways much more closely, who serves dread Kholan, knew of the enemy.

>Grow, tiny seed (Create Raiding Outpost "Kholankorda")
There, besides that large stream eastward, we beckoned the trees to listen in our just endeavour. We begged them to follow us, to make shelter so that we may fulfill our righteous ends. Many of them did not listen so we hacked them apart and burned their ends. In finality, we made a squat thing, with many brambles and thorns spread around and a cavernous center at its heart so that we may commune with Kholan.

>Give praise. (Scout the Barzaentines? Pray to Kholan? Raid the Barzaentines?)
Past the fort, we've entered a certain busyness. In the day, we hunted the wild and cultivated what little plots we allow near the fort. As night fall, we prayed to Kholan so that her darkness may cloak us and trekked northeastward to find hidden ways to the steads and paths of the enemy. When the moon is gone, we gather and abduct lonely wanderers and whole homesteads that dares the frontier. Subdued, their souls are taken to Kholan and their flesh for our feast.
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Urgent report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.

There has been severe encroachment by the lessers in our territory in the south. A significant number of lessers have clearly marched through our territory and beyond it only to set up another settlement just beyond our borders. The reason for this disregard of our territory is unknown at this time, however no dialog has been recorded as occurring during this march, giving worrying implications to any reports of missing hunters. It is clear they come from the walled city reported upon earlier, though we now have a few conflicting reports as to what they look like at the very least. Further, other lessers are now at our borders whom seem to be a mix of the same kind of the south and a people similar to the gaunt northerners but more organized and well kept in appearance. I can only hope they do not plan a vile encroachment as well.

Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.

>Action One&Two. The finest scouts in the world. Formation of the Riconorie (Note, this should be considered improvement to the military.)

The military forces of Guliseare are obviously the finest in the world for the simple fact that we have Aelelox on our side, however if that was not enough, Aelelox' design of our very people has blessed us with unique advantages that truly grant us superiority over the lessers of this tainted world. While the Blessed are unsuited for this role given their lacking endurance when it comes to flight, and the Consecrated far too few in number and too important to be sent on mere scouting missions, the Acolytes are perfect for this role. With this, the Anedal and Moivadal Riconorie are to be formed and trained. They both are scouts at their heart yet their purposes are different. The former directly scouts ahead of the army and is attached to it, while the latter is attached to our own lands. In simple terms, the Anedal ensure that our forces will face no surprise and can ensure favorable terrain is in our hands for any engagement and allow us to dictate the terms of any battle while the Moivadal ensure we know every bit of terrain of our enemies, the locations of their cities, settlements, mines, farms, their trade routes and most importantly their army movements. They will ensure any attack against us will be spotted, and we will never be taken by surprise.

In the simplest of terms, however, the Anedal grant us information on the tactical scale while the Moivadal ensure we are informed on the strategic front. Information is key to battle, and good information can be the difference between Kaenum's insidious machinations succeeding or the rightious light of Aelelox's order shining through. Aelelox is all seeing. We must be like her in this regard and this will ensure that.
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1. The hunt for Iron part 2
Bronze is...serviceable for tools but hardly ideal. Iron leads to steel, and what little surface gathering of iron now is not at all what can be expected to fuel our efforts in re-civilizing these lands we call home.

2. Military reforms: Frontier and field army tactics.
As our domains grow, so too must the armies which defend and patrol them. The Empire of old had a decent idea, men trained for garrison and patrol duty and those meant to properly operate like a conquering force. It would be wise for us to make that distinction as well to ensure we do not overstretch.
Action 1: Research Fumancy (Smoke magic)
>The sun shan't come out that morrow
>As aeternal Tenebria descends
>Tinging the realm in black sorrow
>Yet... a cackling peals through the harrow
>As from everlasting Terra ascends
>A river of shifting shadow
- Seer Of Shadow,

>Independent experimentation on the fumes of Plumbum Dulce[1] was the origin of the school of Fumancy. While the discovery that different smokes caused different effects in shadows far preceded the first mining of the metal, the various effects were initially documented as points of curiosity.
>>Whan thy house occupiede by familie who hadde outstayed hir welcome fer past the witching hour, it is suggested to the best of everichone's interests to put thy shadow kin to bedde, thanne mixe plumbum candidum into the incense, and enjoie the panicked uniweder that ensueth.
>>- Vekt Mudamir
>>"Parfit Dapsilitie"
>The first claim of Plumbum Dulce's fume's effect as a mild Solaire-ward however redoubled interest in the subject. Initially relegated to idle scribes and suicidally-adventurous lads, catalogued effects of the various smokes were slowly compiled and reexamined from various frames of reference, and the bones of this tome slowly started to form.
>We begin with the most basic of questions: Smoke and Shadows, why?
1. "Terra's Bones: On Metals and Minerals. 3rd Edition"
- Rive Mudamir
"Apprentice Fumancy"
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Action 2: Convert Allocated Ant Queens To Shadow Queens, Then Teach Them How To Dig And Seed
>The assigned facilities are inadequate.
>I have requested a pund of salt crystal incense for each skritling we are to descend. The ritual is harrowing for the young, I can scarcely imagine its effect on seeming animals. I cannot guarantee a lack of panic without a pund to corral with.
>Further, I wish it be made known that unless the skritling burrowers are allowed to dig a tunnel through which the skritlings may rejoin their hive, the means of transporting them back and forth to their learning chambers shall be most vexingly tedious.
>I have shown this papyrus to the skritling interface, as well as half of the cloister. They know of my requests. If the ritual fails, they will know the cause was not myself.
- Missive from Brother Saffer to Bikube quartermaster

>I have allocated the resources requested and began talks with foreman Bani regarding the tunnels.
>I have also reported your friendliness with the skritlings and their interfaces to the Hofbitun council. I expect them to grant the mayor authority to have you excommunicated and dusted should you continue with such antics.
- Reply from Bikube quartermaster

>To all whom it may concern: The city of Bikube requires a contingent of expert overmen and foresters to tutor our accorded Skrit in the arts of digging and forestry, that our lands be shaped to the visions of the seers.
>Each volunteer up to the first hunnered shall be afforded lakeside lodgings, their bloodline to the third priority lodgings in the undercities to come, and an annum pund of their favored metals for the next century.
>Din barm, vår vugge.
- Public Announcement parchment in Fuaha public square.

Action 1: Prospect

A remarkable vein of gold!
This is cause for celebration. The masters valued gold highly, and so shall we. Coins are minted of this gold, rough bars smelted and long-spent treasuries and vaults refilled. With each golden coin we stamp the crest of the Northern Alchemists upon it, the dragon wrapped around the spear of light.
As grand as this vein of gold is however, it is not what we were looking for, a source of iron or another hardy metal is still needed to satisfy out basic industry requirements. We have made do with what we have, but as our population increases we are struggling to get the tools we need to those who need them.
The hills and mountains are ever scoured, we shall soon see what lies there.

Action 2: Alchemy: Plant growth

The pixies to our east have requested an alchemical concoction to grow algae, mushrooms and kelp at accelerated rates. This is within the understanding of The Masters, and a reasonably simple concoction.
A smattering of reagents are assembled together and bottled, potions that boost the growth of plants (and some things that are technically not plants), speeding their development into monstrous versions of their natural selves. Huge leaves, colossal fruiting bodies, massive shroom-caps, potions of plant growth may achieve all of these as a potent ingredient in agriculture.
It will be important for our own agricultural use as well, however overuse of these potions on sensitive, reagent bearing plants has a tendency to spoil their alchemical value, making these potions valuable only for growing textile or food-bearing plants.

Before use the potion should be diluted with one barrel of clean water and then poured or rubbed sparingly upon the desired plant, mushroom or algae. Application of the pure solution onto plants can have unexpected and chaotic effects, as was discovered during the shrub revolt of '08.
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With silver flowing into Ordalan, it is soon put to use. New silverware is smithed, new coins minted with the visage of Queen Leutgard Siglinda, the other side showing undead burning. Silver is also important for burial rites, as it's thought to keep wicked spirits from possessing the dead, though such burials are costly and thus reserved for heroes and nobles. It is said the last king of Ordalan is interred in a casket made of pure silver, blessed by all the gods of Orda Nixglau, not only assuring the safety of him, but also his creation, Ordalan. Naturally his tomb is a sprawling labyrinth and guarded by oathbound warriors. It is said not even the queen is allowed to walk his tomb, having to be blindfolded and guided through it, so she can't memorize the path. The Nixen of the countryside also live better lives now that the bandits are dealt with, rebuilding progresses, tents make way for huts and hovels.

>Action 1: Expand downstream (southeast).
As the Red King flees, the Nixen spread once more, securing territory for Ordalan and land that may contain the iron we seek. Tents and huts appear downstream, lost Nixen assimilated and barbarians hunted. Perhaps we can see what came of Tellden, the stories of our veterans did not go into great detail what happened to their cities, as their focus was more on how they fought and defeated the invaders that fell the Empire. The prospect of exploring the Tellden lands excites the cults of Janos, who yearn for their lost glory, which causes some reluctance from the cults of Schwaerz, who would rather focus their efforts northward.

>Action 2: Found the Chariots of the Silver Storm military order.
As the Ashen Dawn makes a name for themselves in combat, a new order emerges, to champion another god, Janos, the god of heavens and war. While the Ashen Dawn draws from the working class to make their Nixen-at-arms, this new order draws from the noble daughters of Ordalan, a better though less numerous stock. They adorn themselves in azure and silver, with lightning a common motif. The Chariots of the Silver Storm each own at least one horse, though despite the name, chariots are rare among their ranks, more often being used for parades and transporting commanders. They soon ride out to aid in pursuing the barbarians and outlaws, they also carry silvered lances, said to banish undeath and wicked spirits.
>Action 1 (Infrastructure) - The Negosyo Exchange [Bank]
To further capitalize upon their location as the border where the three nations meet, the Negosyo merchants take it upon themselves to found the creation of a city bank where the currencies of the neighboring nations can be exchanged, so that a Barzaentine and an Ordalanian can return home with their home currency in tow, as opposed to relying on pure bartering, or returning home with an otherwise useless foreign currency.

Likewise, it's hoped that by promising the prospect of loans to trusted merchants, it will encourage foreign and local merchants to utilize the Negosyian market more and grant the Tagagayians some degree of sway over the economies of their neighbors.

>Action 2 (Infastructure) - Urong College of the Arts
In the hot climate of Urong, people are less less inclined to take up the professions of hard, hot labor. Instead, the arts flourish in this climate, with the shapeshifting talents of the changelings being put to use to perform as visually distinct characters, and sing with otherwise impossible vocal ranges.

A college is founded in Urong to help cultivate these talents and to teach the art of entertainment and storytelling to its students. Although any demographic of student is accepted, most lessons are taught with the expectation that the user is capable of shapeshifting.
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>Action 1 - Quarry
Wood secured, now to snag a supply of the other half of every good construction project.Tearing into the earth is like tearing into the side of an old, barnacled whale. Tough skin gives way to tender flesh, with precious bones lying deeper within. And there is always more to take, you just need to keep biting!

>Action 2 - Walls
Little whispers of raiders to the north, strangers from far away lands, and cocky men of unknown magic have the Krovian's in a tizzy. What to sample first!?
Chief Dravino didn't get to be Chief by being an optimist, however. He orders the fortification of the capital, and soon enough great walls of grey stone loom encircle the city.
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>Action 1 - Scavenge the ruins of frog city
Now that the warriors finally done ravaging the city and the scavengers starting moving on towards new land, workers drones can move in and start to repurpose the materials and tech the frogs had at their disposal.

>Action 2 - Expand the hunting grounds eastward
With the discovery and utilization of nectar for feeding freshly hatched warrior spiders, the area around בור הבשר שלנו has become too crowded for them all. The only answer is for these new warriors to venture further out in search for food and tributes to the Matriarch.

>Action 3 - Search for meat to the north
New warriors come with new ideas, to search for new food in new lands. Did I mention how new the plan from these new warriors is?
>Action 1: New weapons
Using the magnetite and lead mines, we would decide to mix both of those metals to obtain a new metal to be used to make longer swords and Weapons

>Action 2:Military
To prepare ourselves for war, we would train and recruit more of our people within the army as we promise them that they will have 72 sentient womens in heaven
1. Build a road to Barzaenium
A trade deal has been struck with the Barzaentines, another state that has risen from the ashes of the old empire. The copper that comes along this road can be worked into new wonders of magic and alchemy, or simply used as yet another bartering chip in the works of trade.
2. Research Anti-Espionage and law enforcement mind magics
The barbarians have exposed a weakness within the city, civil unrest. While normally the criminal underworld would be, politely, overlooked as much as the random disappearances near the black and ivory towers are. This, however, has become too noticeable for the Vizari sensibilities. The tower of mists, masters of mental enchantments and mind befuddling illusions, are empowered within the cities judicial enforcement to force criminal elements to surrender without much of a fight and drag information from their minds, whether that be confessions of wrongdoing or further information on their orders and organizations.
In the event that the Skrit fail to fulfill their end of the bargain, whether due to duplicity or bureaucratic stalling (on the part of the quartermaster most likely), resources will be instead diverted to prospecting the vicinity of Bikube, with preference towards a valid mountain cavalry mount (moose, elk, etc).
> 1st Turn: Expand North
Don Skullthumpa had always said that land was power, and Capo Grimgash knew that the Mob needed more than just open plains. So when the call came to expand north, into the thick temperate forests, he knew it was a chance to prove his worth. Grimgash gathered his boys from the StoneRidas Tribe and led them on their Gruumtusks toward the dense, misty woods.

> 2nd Turn: Help the Unhed
The Greyuns, with their ashen skin and strange ways, weren’t the kind Grimgash would’ve picked for allies, but Don Skullthumpa saw opportunity. So when the order came to leave some of the boys behind to help these people, Grimgash did as he was told, but not without keeping a watchful eye.
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Two irksome problems have presented themselves to the Orcmanie, the distribution of starmetal and finding stalwart souls who will brave the frozen shores to the north where rumors about ghosts haunt the cold depths. It is one brilliant stroke that solves both problems though, a grand tournament, where the contest is both strength of steel and mastery of blade, where the winning champions are granted land to the north, and the smith who sponsors them are granted access to the precious starmetal. When the champions finally settle into their new home they find the waters are not filled with ghosts, but rather a pale coral contorted into unpleasantly humanoid shapes.

It is no small thing to build a great wall of stone and mount it with turret and tower and hard eyed men, but King Uhgul’s wisdom and vision for the future has been well judged. Great stockpiles of stone and lumber are emptied and in little time at all a string of forts and walls has been established across the southern border, alongside barracks and all the myriad little details required to keep a force of men armed and fed and ready for the gruesome task of war.

RAID: Some whisper the king may be a seer, for at the very location he chose for military drills a swarm of the foul spiders to the south attempted to rush across the border! Fortunately they were spotted by builders on the towers, and a hastily assembled ambush of the horrible beasts left them as little more than a heap of twitching limbs and oozing wounds.

>Adenai Confederacy
There are some who might sniff or consider a humble wooden pallisade an inferior defense compared to sturdy stone walls, but not a one of them has had the misfortune of charging at a thicket of wooden spikes while javelin and arrow rain down. A stone wall shatters, but the humble palisade is easy and simple to repair. The first task of any recruit in the watch is to aid the carpenters in their maintenance.

The structure of bone indeed comes easily to the Krawl, the hardened web of calcium and phosphate similar to that of mycelia. Spurs of these bones can be integrated into larger Krawl entities, at first as spikes and armor, then later as structural components. Many of these new creatures are formed as a result of the population boost initiative, when an interesting side effect is discovered. The bone structures make it more difficult for the Krawl within them to be reabsorbed, and as a result the Krawl within begin to diverge every so subtly from the hivemind. This new independence manifests first as improvements in improvisation during combat.
Glory to Kholan! Her followers creep through the wildlands where civilization has not yet come, cutting down a few scattered hermits. In one far flung forest clearing a blind druid tends a circle of standing stones around a deep barrow. He is cut down, his blood soaking the stone and earth. Kholan’s power supplants the old god of this place and a dark thicket grows around the barrow, easy to defend and launch raids from. The first such raid into Barzaentine lands meets bitter resistance though, crashing into militia training exercises. The day may have been lost if not for the Gorehorn warriors who traveled with us and flanked the enemy. Kholan is pleased by the blood sacrifices recovered and gifts the new outpost with a mighty thicket of vicious thorned vines.

>The Divine Republic of Guliseare
The action and responsibility of a scout is somewhat contrary to the chosen people of Guliseare. There is an impulse common to the Aripan that the lesser creatures of the world should flee before them, that to lurk and watch and hide instead of proudly diving and sending the weak scattering is the very worst sort of weakness. But even a mighty Consecrated could be overcome by enough lowly Anelk, and so a wise scout must learn to remember the bigger picture, especially the Moivadal who spend much of their time traveling in foreign nations. To travel by air only on cloudy and moonless nights and to lurk among dark trees and hidden hollows by day is their task, to watch without being seen. The Anedal enjoy more freedom in their task however, flying brazenly by day with parchment and charcoal to note the movements of enemy armies. There is little need for stealth when the main forces are coming just a few hours behind the scouts after all.

>Vasileus of the Barzaentine
Once again the royal diviners set forth with their arcane tools, divining rods and scrying pools and other mummery to which the royal family is beginning to grow more than a little suspect is just pomp and attempts to retain a larger royal purse than they truly deserve. At the end of the day it is not the diviners who discover the latest deposit but the latest military drills. The act of digging a latrine in the field unearths rusted nails and old timbers, and a bit more digging unveils a long buried mine shaft deep below the earth studded with glittering silver ore. Some old remnant of the empire, ours to reclaim.

RAID: A bloody tale is reported from the hinterlands. One of the expeditionary squads on patrol came across a raid of ashen skinned beastmen, horrid hybrids of fur and scale and skin, torching farmsteads and carrying off those they did not kill. The squad engaged, and after a bitter battle seemed on cusp of victory when a second band of savages, blue skinned barbarians, arrived in a flanking position and charged the squad. Only a handful of soldiers survived the resulting massacre.
Fumancy is a dangerous and difficult arcane art owing largely to its two main features being smoke and flame, neither of which are easily controlled or managed, both of whom grow more dangerous and difficult to predict when infused with the arcana. Indeed Vekt Mudamir is recorded as being ‘Consumed By Smoke That Will Not Stop’, and his apprentice Rive Mudamir refused to elaborate until his deathbed, whereupon he would only say ‘Best not to draw its attention.’
Explorers scouting the forests around Bikube reveals a startling discovery. A massive breed of stag beetle, large enough to seat multiple riders, has been spotted burrowing out of massive tunnels, knocking over entire trees with their massive horns and gnawing on the trunks like a dog with a bone. They seem docile enough, and with a bit of honey they’re quite easy to lead along.

A little miracle of alchemy, the Plant Growth potion, allows for surges of rapid growth of fields of crops, growing in days what once took months. Unfortunately the labor of producing the potion in the quantities needed and the careful portioning and application required to avoid incidents is nearly as bad as tilling and working the fields. In spite of many precautions a crate of the product is spilled on a treacherous path, resulting in a sudden patch of forest, though almost immediately the trees began toppling, tearing the earth in most unpleasant ways. But what luck in the end, for the upheaved earth reveals veins of copper and tin, suitable for bronze work!

The shining chariots of the Silver Storm give heart to the settlers heading down the river to new frontiers. They chase away small bands of roving Gorehorn, clearing the path for expanding Ordalan holdings. The savages manage to hold on to a single province, sheltered by a river the chariots are unable to ford.
An unpleasant discovery is made deep in the forests on the fringes of the nation. A dark and twisted thicket of unnatural trees and vicious barbed vines has sprung up, cloaked in a dim and unnatural dark that seems to pull and fray at torchlight. Beastmen have been seen coming and going.
>The Free Association of Tagagaya
The Negosyo Exchange may be premature in its construction. Of the countries which do trade in Negosyo only the Ordalans bring coins in any number, most trade in the marketplace is still haggled item by item, a bolt of moon cotton for three pelts brought by an Ordalan Huntress, or a handful of rough Adenai opals in exchange for a wagon of Barzaentine pumpkins. Nonetheless the exchange does good work in what comes to be called Oath Tracking, recording promises between traders and storing collateral and trade goods, allowing merchants to work more easily together. Sadly bank loans are slow business, the lack of roads to nearby major cities is holding back Negosyo, though building roads through foreign lands promises to be a diplomatic adventure. Perhaps a few command performances from Urong College alumni will soften up foreign rulers. The performance of “The Two Heart Mistress” moves many visitors to tears with its tale of its tragically mad heroine.

>Krovian Bands
The construction of the walls around the capital is as simple as framing it as a ferocious battle and competition. The city is divided into four teams, and in a flurry of violence rivaled only by their progenitors in the oceans they set to work, ripping and tearing stone from the quarry, then slamming it into place around the city. The resulting wall is more of a jagged heap than a proper construction, but in time cooler heads can arrange the stones more properly, then consecrate them with blood and bone and tooth.

>The Ever Hungry
Eight legged menaces surge through the swamp, cutting down wildlife and devouring the occasional stray frog-kin still lurking in the feral wilds. Tunnels and burrows and webs soon crisscross the swamps in an ugly array. The ancestral home of the frogs is scoured clean as well, old homes repurposed and used anew. Of interest is an old wise woman's hut, here are arrayed tools of medicine and poison both, along with notes and samples. Perhaps these things could be of use.

RAID: To the north fast moving hunters seek new prey but they find themselves ambushed and cut down! Only a few survivors manage to creep back, speaking of hard eyed humanoids with chilling auras and large ears. Survivors of the initial ambush were then further cut down by rains of arrows, with only a few lucky spiders to tell the tale.

Forgework does not come simply to the molluscoids. The heat of the forge is incredibly dangerous to the moist body and as a result weapons must be made quickly and crudely to avoid the death of the forge workers. The resulting two handed iron mauls, filled with a core of lead however require no finesse or skill to make, or even to use. The hulking warriors of Zeolheim take to the massive weapons easily, literally exploding mock soldiers of of burlap and sand, though it remains to be seen if the same results will be seen against live opponents.
The construction of the road between Barzaenium and Vizari is a simple enough thing to construct, with work crews of golems pounding and beating the ground flat, then laying wood timbers to line and mark the path. The true work will undoubtedly lay with maintaining the roads, and defending them, no reports of Gorehorn ‘toll collectors’ have arisen. Yet. Efforts to develop mind magics run into a number of issues unfortunately. The magic to open a channel between minds is fairly straightforward, if requiring some preparation, but once the channel is open magical power ceases to be a factor. Even without resistance, sifting through the mind of a target is a difficult task, with the typical mind being full of errant and disconnected thoughts. With resistance there’s a real risk of the tables being turned on the interrogator.

>Gorehorn Mob
Explorers and settlers strike toward the north but all too soon they find signs of other nations settling in the deep forests. Border squabbles and territory disputes spring up through the ancient woodland, though for now that is the worst of it. Oddly the north is almost entirely populated with women, even their patrols are women! Still they are well armed and seem well trained. Much of what is known to the northeast however comes from aid given to the Unhed, as they raid into the territory of yet another human nation.

RAID: And what a glorious raid that was! The Unhed lured the enemy into a bitter conflict, then a surge of Gruumtusks crashes into the flank, laying waste to the enemy. Unhed and Goretusk feast and divide the spoils in a mighty new fortress in Ordelan lands.
------------------END OF TURN 4--------------------
1. Southern Forts to be constructed by the Geomancers. The walls are, of course, the simplest but most important part to be raised and a Geomancer of moderate ability can raise compacted earth in hardly any time at all. Not with any force, but with construction that hardly matters.

2. Trade routes with our brotherly peoples

While certainly a queer people, the Republic of Vizari are no doubt a people’s descendant of the Old Empire as we are. More importantly though, they possess iron ore they are more than willing to trade for our copper and copper alloys. As we have an abundance of such metals, and a need for Iron for steelworking, the agreement signed by the representatives is a clear mutual gain for both nations.


DEATH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR TO THE SOUTH! ALL BARBAROI ARE TO BE PUT TO THE SWORD AND THE SPEAR. Our newfound silver should be more than enough to finance such an endeavor and to ensure the Royal Field Armies can be well equipped.
To clarify, the War is specifically targeting the raiding outpost.
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>Actions 1 & 2: .Prospecting [Targeting the two tiles next to my city]

Adenai is established once more. Her land claimed, neighbors met, and defensive measures taken. All that must be done now is to satisfy the Colvinian Branch of Twigs in their ever-increasing lust for material wealth. The other Twigs are willing to indulge their demands at the Maple Council meetings, not for any desire of jewelry or ornate decorations, or any other such flagrant display of wealth, mind you; They simply see these untapped commodities for their utility.

Iron makes good hinges and nails, and even better arms. The precious metal reserve used to mint coinage has nearly been exhausted, it would be best to avoid economic stagnation by a regression to bartering. Local pastures and game have begun to run dry, creating a desire for more of each. Stone is already being plead for by the Sorvin Branch Twigs, who are still just as paranoid as they were before the palisade was created, instead wishing for a stone wall so mighty the mere sight of it would deter any would-be attackers. Any of these resources would be a boon to the Confederacy, all that's let to do is pray for good fortunes.
1. Ripcurrent enchantments
It's become quite evident, and annoying, that the simple distance from the shore won't always be enough to protect the city. Especially not with a race of semi-aquatic individuals able to just swim into the canals if they don't die to the chimeric creatures that escape the city. There is also concern from the merchants that if Krovian bandits or soldiers wished they could just swim up to the boats and take them. A proposed solution to both of these problems is developed and pushed forward; an enchantment of magic that would control the water around the enchanted object and turn swimming towards the object a near impossible endeavor. Sapient creatures will find their progress blocked by an equally strong current. Boats will be equipped with long ropes to help those who fall off just climb the rope back.

2. Mind Magic refinement
The complexity and serendipity of the mind surprises the mages of the Mist Tower. It will take far longer to get useful results compared if they wanted to map it all out when they need immediate results. Instead they focus on learning to defend themselves when the corridor is open and attacking with basic and raw emotions and feelings. Inflicting phantom pain, freezing the body in a feeling of inability to move, and flooding them with rage, fear, or other emotions to manipulate the target, coerce information, or simply control an individual in a fight.
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By the great grace of our Lord Aagen,
who has granted us this tyrn of the sun, I, King Uhgul of the Vencs do hereby order;
>The protection of Rudam is paramount, the southern wall must be completed posthaste
>Upon the river gate of this great wall over the River Ave, a fortress of gleaming Whitness stone is to be erected and manned the tyrn through
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A messenger from the Court of Rudam rides out to the wall with both the orders of construction, and a missive for the creatures of the south.
From the pen of the most loyal servant Matlin, of his majesty King Uhgul I of the Vencs of the House of Rudam, blessed by the great Lord Aagen, born of good blood and just beyond measure, to whichever horror reigns the foul crawling things;
Halt your foolish efforts in the north. The mercy of his majesty is finite. This episode of the tyrn past shall be forgotten should it be the only skirmish you order without wits. Strike again and we shall reign fire upon your whole sordid race.
The King seals it
>Action 1 - The Crimson Tide Temple
The Ostriches are a heady meat, thick and heavy with the sweet, sweet blood. The open plains support them in great bands, roaming the land unaware of the growing number of hungry eyes that look to them. Fat with meat and fish and pig, the Krovians minds are elevated above their base desires. It is a golden age, and from it, a religious fervor sweeps the nation, a self-idolizing worship of the essence of Krovian ego.
A grand temple is made, north-east of the capital, a great pyramid with a host of sacrificial alters at every rise. Each is designed with rough stone channels, the precious ichor of each death brought to a central channel before it pours into the river, paying homage to the endless sea... but not before flowing through Zhelezo itself.

>Action 2 - Blood Magic
Drabbed in stained and torn robes, Krovian priests begin to tap into the first of their magical talents. Sacrificial blood seems to bear a strength all it's own, bolstering the Krovian's who witness it's spilling, driving them into a fervor and filling them with unnatural strength, for a time.

Pre-emptive early counter-attack raid (too hasty by far)
Chief Drevino knows that it would be far wiser to wait until a secure advantage is had before sortieing forth to face unknown foes, but that's guppy-talk from the minds of carrot eaters. Far too early, the Krovian bands drive southwards, looking to join any fray they find involving Krawl or Molluscs. They had witnessed their battles last tyrn, and are eager to join the fun, tactics be damned.
Action 1: Convert Allocated Ant Queens To Shadow Queens, Then Teach Them How To Dig And Seed
>Your requests are heard, brother Saffer. As efforts to herd and tame the Medqa[1] have met with sufficient success, you will be allocated the allotment of artisans and savants you have requested in its full capacity.
>The council further encourages that your liberal use of the Kata ring seals cease, as procedure demands they be read and deliberated upon in earnest as soon as any document bearing them arrives, slowing down otherwise more important proceedings when such seals are utilized for repetitive previously answered requests. Continuing to do so might lead to confiscation of your ring, and a stripping of your rank back to Novitiate.
>Not to put too fine a point on it, but you are on thin Solaire-touched ice.
1. You will notice the beast this missive arrived on. They are to be integrated alongside our workforce shortly. Should this endeavor of yours fail to bear fruit, the Habitun will not be short of alternatives.
- Missive from Habitun council to Brother Saffer

Action 2: Infuse all of the Medqa (giant stag beetles) with Svartalfar shadows
>Childer of Alfar, a schism foreseen
>Hvit shall you be no more, but Svart and Halv
>Lend me thy ears, whilst they sharp and keen
>Shed fugacious repose in the now
>For abiding Tenebrial primacy
>Or to twigs will wither your bough
- Seer Of Shadow,

>The Medqa are a valuable beast of burden for the enterprising homesteader. While their lumbering and awkward stride might make them seem less efficient than a goat sled, it is when they are trained to follow commands that they demonstrate their true worth, flying the distance between Bikube and Fuaha in nary an hour and without a need to rest.
>Their other more familiar abilities in digging are not to be understated, as farmsteaders have claimed them able to dig in hours what would otherwise take a dedicated family months of backbreaking work.
>Usage in jousting and other such combat capacities is troublesome due to their docile nature and aversion to pain, which is not an issue for them in the wild as their hardy chitins repel most-all weapons tested on them. A raging Medqa would be a frightful thing to attempt to quell.
>Their main limitation however IS training them, first to not wander off, and then to not engage each other in mating jousts when the breeding season arrives. To date, but one was successfully tamed to such a degree conventionally, afore such methods were abandoned in favor of suffusion[1]. More's the pity, the exclusivity could have penned my family's name in the Chronicles[2] in due time.
>Another limitation that stymies their use in flight is the instability in which they fly, as whatever stirrups and saddlebags are placed upon them fall off when they spread their wings.
1. "Theory of Magimancy: Chapter 3"
2. "Chronicles of Our Origins"
- Scout Arvid Murawid,
"The Beasts We Tame: Aboveground Edition"

>It is well and truly known by every soul that ever dabbled with the arts that to halt a ritual mid-cast is to invite chaotic disaster upon oneself, as evidenced by the Night Of Dancing Shadows[1]. But as it is the case with any study not dabbling in forbidden Lumancy, we are impelled to test for every such case.
>It is my firm belief that chaos is naught but a name given to that which we refuse to brave deciphering, lest we invite disaster upon ourselves. Had we held ourselves to such limitation so zealously since times immemorial, we would yet to have discovered how to produce and tame fire.
>It is that line of thinking that compelled the attempt to see what would happen should one cease the casting of the rite of Tenebrism just after the shadow was animate, but afore it embraced its owner. Without a suitable host, the shadow would begin acting out of turn with its owner, occasionally attempting communication through gestures and motions. When provided with a suitable host after -the darker the better- it would slowly suffuse into its shadow, and in time, become able to influence the body through its own shadow. A doll could be made to dance, a rock could be made to roll uphill, and a blasted Medqa could be made to cease its consumption of a tired scholar's scrolls.
>Effects on more intelligent hosts have yet to be studied as the council refuses to risk attracting undue attention until the issue with Rive Mudamir[2] was deciphered. Moste vexing, particularly as it slows attempts to understand the strange affection possessed Medqa and other beasts show to their suffusers, but such is the burden of intellect.
>Of interest is that further performance of the rite of Tenebrism on such shadow-possessed hosts would cause the suffused shadow to first separate, and then for the host's shadow to animate.
>Of further interest is that such suffusion seems to drain a shadow of its size in every consecutive possession, though not with length of every single suffusion. A subject whose shadow had possessed eleven hosts had its shadow reduced to the size of a child, while one who had possessed a single host for a longer amount of time had barely any change to show once separated. The former subject refused to participate in the experiment further for fear of losing its shadow completely causing it to similarly lose the ability to undergo the rite of Tenebrism and become an honored Shadow.
>By my next book, I will have hopefully obtained test subjects without the right to refuse such noble sacrifice in the name of knowledge.
1. "Farces And Triumphs In The Arts: Vol 1"
2. "Intermediate Fumancy"
- Stige Sukon
"Theory of Magimancy: Chapter 3"

Action 1: Hohenholm Forge

A grand forge quarter is assembled to keep the Polymyria busy. These many limbed amalgams can grow restless if not given a steady supply of gruelling labour to undertake, this new forge shall provide that for them.

Copper and tin are brought together above a fire lit by plentiful coal, grand crucibles of molten metal are wrought up, spilling their bronze contents into casts and moulds, at least six at a time for the smallest crucibles.

Tool-heads, armour plates, spear tips, horseshoes, nails, poles, cutlery and so much more, all manner of objects are forged here, hammered into shape, ground down, polished, finished and thrown into the appropriate piles.

With such a steady supply of high quality bronze the first dedicated military units begin forming, equipped with arms and armour of fine bronze and stationed along the northern and western borders.
Menia make up the bulk of this force, though they are physically unimpressive they are loyal, fearless and excellent at following orders.
Their rather similar bodies mean that armour can be mass produced to a “Menia standard” rather than customised for each soldier.
Equipment is made for large Polymyria and dangerous Cavia that can pose a significant threat to a potential foe, while the Seeria find great success in scout roles and armed with sturdy crossbows (alas, their stubby arms are unfit for wielding bows).

Action 2: Reagent Farm

Our need to increase our population, feed the bellies of every new Vitruvian created and fuel our burgeoning potion industry demands that we expand even further our supply of alchemical reagents.
Blocknuts, Ox-shrooms, Jamleaves and even the elusive lunar flower are just a few of the many critical reagents that are in short supply. As well as these, grains, fruits and vegetables for general consumption (though they have some niche alchemical application as well) is needed also, or the population will not be able to continue growing at its current rate.
>Action 1: The prospect of further resources.
The find of Starmetal was grand and glorious, but in such a discovery we found something of too high quality to be generally distributed. And so the searchers and prospectors set back to their work once more, combing the ground and countryside of the Orcmanie in the search for further ores.

>Action 2: The Long Draw
With metal limited, what is to be done for the common Orcman; levied to war in support of his leige and lord? The forested lands of the Orcmanie hold no shortage in trees to be coppiced and carved to our will and whim, and our ancestry brings the arm-strength of the Orc together with the dexterity and long-sight of Man. It is therefore to the Bow that we turn; the woodcarvers giving in to their instincts to 'make it larger' and crafting Longbows, to outrange what had come before and crafting weapons of power and precision - especially useful if we are ever called upon to face great flocks of 'birds'. But to use the longbow effectively, the training of the user is as important as the implement itself. And so, Archery Butts are instructed to be established in each village by the lords of the realm; with stipends and relief from certain duties granted to those who regularly show and practice for at least one day out of every seven.
Report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.

A group of lessers have, once again, marched into our territory and, once again, peacefully were driven off. They seem to be of the same species as the Barzaentines as those lessers we made a deal with called themselves. However, they were oddly all female in contrast to their eastern neighbor. It is quite possible these lessers so similar to us chose only their men or women to fight as opposed to both for some reason. Of particular importance however is a recent report from the Moivadal about the Barzaentines marching to war. Some other group of lessers has gained their ire. Details are scarce at this moment in time but I will inform you as soon as I have further to report from our loyal Reconorie.

Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.

>Action One. Fortifications around Sonistia

Sonistia is but a stone's throw away from lessers who have their own fortifications so close to our lands. This clear threat can go unanswered no longer and as such our holy capital is to be made an impenetrable fortress. Our lands will hold firm against any invader with our faith alone. But better to build high walls and towers so fewer faithful die in it's defense. Fortunate hewn stone can far more easily be acquired lately thanks to the wise investments made by Cyra, scourge of heretics, one above all mortals, creator of Guliseare, visionary of the republic, titles, titles more titles...

>Action Two. Formation of the Pendirumo.

There are multiple lessers whom seek to hide behind high walls. While our form of defenses are similar and they serve well in blocking lesser from crossing, these defenses are laughably easy for us to overcome. However, those of heavier equipment are unable to fly and easily gain access to the walls. As such, methods to solve this issue are needed, and the easiest is simply to take key entryways and cause havoc behind these walls. Skirmishers and light infantry well trained for this purpose can cause a major distraction and cripple a fort either through taking key positions quietly in the night, burning supplies in a castle with a skillful raid, or just assist in a main assault. Regardless of the task at hand, they will do wonders in making any siege less problematic for the faithful. These forces will be called Pendirumo. And they will be great support to our forces much like the Reconorie.
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Rumors abuzz through Sturnes, as word comes back from the Chariots of the Silver Storm, that they have come upon savages to the south, and violence was had, as well as sightings of a dread forest within which a number of them hide. There is a mix of excitement and worry, as while the Nixen are warriors at heart, the great war is not something people want to experience again. The churches argue as to the approach to take, as while we may negotiate a peace, the language of violence can keep swords in their sheaths as well. The nobles argue for decisive action, asserting our dominance. But there is an issue with that, the savages are not alone, there is a second group, to the west, who seem to work alongside those of the south, their numbers are worrying.

>Military Action: Assault Kholankorda, alongside the Barza force.
Scouts report of Barza warriors making their way to our border, Queen Leutgard Siglinda personally made her way to meet them. They speak of being raided by the savages who now reside in the dread forest, but were willing to heed our laws in exchange for our help. Ordalan hunters scout their movements and probe their defences, while the church orders prepare for battle, plans are drafted, this will not be an easy battle, but these barbarians will soon know why Nixen are feared by the enemies of Tellden.

>Action 1: Courtiers to Barzaenium, our skilled nobles make themselves useful in our neighbour's court.
After the initial shock of having Barza forces march upon our border, and after finding a common enemy, the Nixen nobility sees the opportunity to make this more than just a moment of cooperation. Many a noble make their way to Barzaenium, seeking to enter their courts. It is going to be difficult on account of them being women, but they are motivated and diligent, not ones to be fooling around. They pride themselves on reliability, paying little heed to political machination, focusing on their job.

>Action 2: Varangians to Barzaenium, our warriors make themselves familiar with Barza equipment and tactics while in their employ
In addition to courtiers, warriors make their way to Barzaenium in search of fame and glory. While many would laugh at the idea of warrior women, they soon remember these are Nix women, as Barza warriors find themselves bested in duels and battle, for their superior strength is no match for Nix ferocity. But the biggest strength of these Nixen, is their oath, a Varangian Nix will follow their oath to the grave, as other Nixen will hunt down oathbreakers and spend days torturing them, sending a clear message. These Varangians also familiarize themselves with the equipment and tactics Barza use, learning the strengths and utilities of their army.
>We must blood economy (Establish Cattle Herd on that tile bordering the Ordalan and the Mob)
One of those men who went east, who goes by Enkhet, returned to us on a hoofed beast with a whole herd of the cattle of this land with him.

>S-S-Sacrifice! (I don't know what ritual mass suicide to Kholan would entail.)
He said that a great many enemies was made to acquire these animals (and the seedstock but let's not mention that), and that the rest of the men of Kholan chose to sacrifice themselves in Kholankorda so that he won't be followed by the enemy to home. We do not begrudge him for this, for Kholan is much too dark to be clear in what consequence would follow in her path, so we sent him to An'naud to let the wisdom of farmers sort him out.
1) raise shadow queens with the cult's help.
2) prospect the land for metals
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That sand, and that place, need to be Ours, because the krawl demands more.

>1 Expand into the sand
These unclaimed hexes must be taken at as little cost as possible. What We mean is, to allow the mollusks to reproduce from Us as infrequently as possible, but still commit the best push We possibly can. We don’t enjoy being the host of the hivemind that these mollusk hosts are on. Very horrible creatures, those mollusks are.

So the plan? To send in newly formed rocky Iwadogan, shielder Zacht, and small cohorts, made and some sent to the occupied hex in a raid (last turn). They will flow over the mollusk occupied land (hex) in their black vortexes, in a curving line like a river, then defend the new border to their best ability. They’d exit, then join in large groups to make much taller, stationary vortexes along the border. Some of the small cohorts would leave the front lines in order to scrap together excavation and matter consumption posthaste!

To be rid of a krawl vortex, the only way through is inside, and to deal total destruction to the krawl therein. We would wish the mollusks good luck in person if We didn't hate them so much.

>2 Learn to manifest other high krawl at will
There should be at least 3 different kinds, other than the 1 Maja. Us now. All We wish is to be able to do this without errors when the time is right. For now, it’s not.

That said, the only reference We have for the human form is Ourself. The sharks and mollusks seem very masculine and somewhat humanoid. The fairies varies, but seem more feminine. We like them, and might lean more towards their shapes in design.

This does imply meticulous design, of shaping matter of specific, intense, and all very similar essence, property, element, in a perfect mold, and out comes a new krawl hivemind. If Maja remembers correctly, she was made of dark swamp mud from a far off planet that she no-longer knows the name of.

(think I’ll need more time designing, but he’ll be done soon. Working on it rn. If this was something I already knew how to do, pls prep an action to do it? Idk if that’s something I can do, but idc, it’s late and I just want to get posted already.)
I think this was posted by the krawl
Spark notes since my post got deleted by 4chan.

>Action 1 & 2 - Create a road and trade route to Adenai.

The merchants of Bahay arranged highly advantageous trading priviledges with the Adenai, and are keen to capitalize on them. To this end, a road is to be constructed between the two cities (and also touching Urong if you'll let me), and Tagagaya merchants are sent out to be the feet on the ground, delivering goods to Adenai, and carrying Adenai goods back to Urong. Although merchants belonging specifically to the Ashkeni, Hardoni, Dimani, and Nervinia Twigs families are permitted to trade, the Tagaya go to lengths to discourage this behavior and try to maintain a monopoly, with such gestures as making their merchants more appealing by accompanying them with minor attractions such as comedy or songs by Urong entertainers nearby the merchant stands.
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The compacted earth ramparts of the southern fort shelter soldiers and merchants alike. The extra protection is sorely appreciated in the rural badlands between Barzantine and Vizari. Under the border guard’s watchful eyes, caravans depart for the city of sand, bringing back that most precious and sought-after of goods: iron.

WAR: The mighty Barzaentine army, white hot with rage and fury marches south in the springtime, joining up with the peculiar Ordalan army. As the chill of winter sweeps in they return home devastated. The survivors tell grim tales of a black wood of thorned trees where the line between man and beast is blurred. Entire squads marched into the trees and only screams returned. Worse still is the rumor that some of the survivors carry some dark curse that twists the form of man into a fearsome beast!

Two new trends are sweeping the Adenai at the moment, glittering blue sapphires set into dangling chains and earings and the potent flavor of Aniseed. Both trends are of course driven by the their recent discoveries by explorers. Of particular note is that the true enjoyment of decisive flavor seems to be related to blood relation to the founding branches, leading many a low blood nobleman putting on airs by pretending to enjoy the flavor. Secretly there is no shortage of confectioners making a tidy profit producing convincing counterfeits of the pungent candies.

A fundamental issue with the applicability of mind magic to combat purposes is that both participants are effectively stunned for the duration of the spell, which in almost any combat situation is a precarious position to be in. The magic is much better suited for use as a tool of espionage and information gathering, showing particularly promise when a target can be accessed while asleep. The short range of the spellwork, effectively arms reach, does make this easier said than done though. These Dream Delvers train to subtly manipulate the mindscape of their targets, attempting to insert themselves seamlessly into the target's mind and arrange scenarios where the target willing reveals useful information to them. The very best can even target those awake, seamlessly transitioning them into an identical mental landscape, though attempting such a trick on a group is nearly impossible.
In more mundane defenses the hydromancers of the city turn their efforts toward transforming the sea around their home into a powerful defense, setting up a maze of twisting currents that batters and manipulates approaching vessels. Of course the sheer amount of ocean that must be manipulated is nearly impossible to manage all at once, the spells must be bolstered by runic obelisks set far out into the water, resulting in an unfortunate weakness to the otherwise powerful defense.
Great lines of credit and coinage flow to the mason’s guild as they continue their urgent work, raising high walls and building a mighty fortress at its center to house the troops that will patrol and defend it. It must be fine work indeed for it has been many months since the foul spiders from the south have been spotted! Perhaps the menace has fled to other lands after their savage defeat? Now of course remains the unpleasant reality of the sizable influence the mason's guild has accrued.

Stone by stone, tier by tier, the Crimson Tide Temple rises into the sky. A molluscoid prisoner, shell cracked and flesh bloody watches marveling at how clean and white the structure is, how precise the Krovian craftsmen are as they join stones and meticulously clean the structure. It gleams in the sun, and as a test buckets of sparkling clean water are poured into basins set into terraces along the structure. Water from many places rushed together, crashing into a central chamber before washing into the river.
Then the sacrifices begin. Prisoners are gutted and bled out, Krovian warriors fight to the death and devour each other. All through the temple blood is shed and pours until it becomes two torrents that crash together in the central chamber, engulfing two warriors locked in deadly combat. Their savagery grows and grows until one gets his jaws around the other and rips him in half.
RAID: The victor roars and storms out of the temple, eyes blazing with the power of blood magic, and with him follows a great host of Krovians. They rush to the south seeking opponents, any opponents, but in a cruel twist of fate they become lost in a foreign land, and soon fall to brutal in-fighting, their blood rage turning on itself until only a few survivors remain.

Two bold experiments of shadow magic are engaged in by the Habitun. The first is the infusion of a Svartalfar shadow into a Medqa, rendering the bumbling giants almost comically affectionate and protective of their patron. Concerningly the beetles have somehow developed an ability to consume the shadows of trees. Affected trees seem to slowly become crystalline in nature, though increasingly brittle until they shatter under their own weight.
The Shadow Queen initiative is markedly more dramatic however. At first the procedure is believed to have filled the queen, turning her into a black crystallized form, then Svartalfarn shadows began to see legions of shadow ants pour forth, invisible and immaterial except to the Habitun living shadows. Complicating matters is that the shadow queens only seem to be able to communicate with the natural born Skrit.
While the construction of the Hohenholm Forge is completed without a hitch, the latest expansions to the reagent farm prov somewhat problematic. An experimental cultivar of snapdragons and whisperweed is exposed to a full barrel of growth potion, resulting in a sudden rampant overgrowth of the plantation during the night. By morning the weed infects Polymyria onsite and linked them together into a hivemind. The hivemind gives itself the name Sabbatical, briefly has a scuffle with Vitruvia law enforcement, and eventually accepts a position as head gardener of the local reagent plantation. In the end, the main issue is sorting out if Sabbatical should pay taxes as one individual or several.

In a turn of luck a deep ravine is discovered in the earth, scrawled with strange but indecipherable writings reminiscent of the Adenai to the south. Amidst rusted tools, rotting timbers and heaps of stone is the glitter of gold laced ore veins, a lucrative discovery for the nation, and one that is sure to catch the attention of the Tagaya to the south beyond the lake. It is not long before the ore is mined, smelted and pressed into thin coins (perhaps cast over an iron core) that find their way into the hands of Orcmanie’s many fledgling archers as they seek to master their craft. Soon every traveling show features at least one master archer who can casually strike a piece of fruit mid toss in the air.

Stone by stone, slab by slab the walls and towers rise high around Sonistia, to many a scoffing citizen. What lesser could brave the mountains to attack the city? Which could then actually hope to take it? Still, better a thousand lesser die before even a lowly Anelk is put at risk. Better still to send the Pendirumo to infiltrate and cut down guards and sentries and open the path for the main army.
Nixen scholars and warriors enjoy a curious status in. As a woman, they pose no direct threat to the existing hierarchy of their host nation, for in the society of Barzaenium they of course can only inherit titles and land under the most rare of conditions, and as bearers of the Nix curse they have no suitability as a wife. As a result they are heavily supported by the wives of nobility, seeing them as no threat to their own position, with no chance of bearing inconvenient bastards. Likewise many a nobleman opts to hire nixen warriors to protect his wife and mistresses, seeing the likelihood of adultery much lower with female staff, though naturally rumors do sometimes surface to the contrary.

WAR: Ordalan forces march on the dark fortress Kholankorda alongside the Barza. While their allies struggle and suffer many a brutal loss in the black thickets nix huntresses stalk the Domo beastmen with brutal efficiency and manage to hack down the dark thicket before the chill of winter forces the army to return home for a time. By the time they return they find the fortress abandoned and stained rust red, littered with skeletons and broken weapons. A foul aura surrounds the place and the Ordalan forces do not stay long for fear some dark power will follow them home.


RAID: The drums of war sound at Kholandora! A great host of warriors from two different lands comes to attack! The vixen women warriors of Ordelan march alongside the regiments of Barzaentine, forming a formidable force. All this for a few burnt farmsteads and stolen cattle? Domo warriors fight viciously and well, and indeed the Barzaentine soldiers are led into ambush after ambush in the twisted thorn trees surrounding the fortress, until the branched hang low with their bodies as a warning. What the domo did not expect were the the stoney eyed nixen huntresses who prowled the undergrowth like tigers, laying ambushes of their own with frightening skill and efficiency. Behind the huntresses come more nixen, patiently hacking down the thorn trees and building great bonfires until Kholandora lay exposed to all. The saving grace of the Domo is the vicious chill of winter, forcing armies to return home to lick their wounds and bury their dead. Cut off from their homeland the warriors of the fort decide to die with honor, engaging in a final act of ritual suicide before cold and starvation can finish the job.

A river of blood poured out at Kholankorda all for a herd of cattle! Still the beasts promise to feed many, by milk and meat and bone broth and their leather will be fine as well. And there is more as well! Kholan, pleased by the vast blood spilled has called forth a strange grove of trees, with pale white fruits like plucked out eyes. A dark red ichor spills from inside them, bitter but invigorating. The shaman speak of dark and divine power within them, and how they can be used for black magics and elixirs.
The black arts of the Habitun are turned on fledgling Skrit queens, to peculiar results. The resulting Shadow queens are strange creatures, frozen obsidian corpses to the untrained eye. Yet to Skrit senses, the queen is alive and responsive, executing their duties as normal. The second half of the puzzle lay in the eyes of Habitun shadow people, who claim the queen is surrounded by a vast host of shadow progeny, though quite invisible to the Skrit.
A simple experiment is engaged, the queen is requested to scour the land for metals, and according the Habitun legions of shadow ants pour across the land, leading directly to a sizable.lead deposit.

> The Krawl
The creation of a new High Krawl, of a second individual who can command the vast fungal menace of the krawl is a difficult and complex task, and it takes much of Maja’s attention, so much so that the command to expand the domain of the Krawl is largely undirected, and instead of striking against the Molluscoids to the south they spill out across the plains until they mean the territory of the Krovians, watching with amusement as a blood raged filled pack of the sharkmen become utterly lost in the new lands and fall to brutal infighting. Maja’s task of creation is ultimately successful however, creating the powerful framework needed to house a second individual within the Krawl. <spoiler>Insert character description as desired</spoiler> With two High Krawl to focus the wrath of the fungal swarm the Molluscoids are sure to yield before them.

> Tagaya Changelings
Soon enough a packed earth road marked with timbers and kept clear by Tagaya sweat stretches out from Bahay to the Adenai capital, with a merry trade of Moon cotton and gemstones flowing along it. Unfortunately the material wealth has brought the attention of banditry, some barbarian cur from the south calling himself the last prince of some lost nation has begun to pray upon the lucrative trade route.
------------------END OF TURN 5--------------------

1. Army Reforms

2. The Arcane as a weapon; Geomantic application in warfare.

War Action:
Go back, Raze the fort and gather what information can be obtained from it before it’s burned. Those infected will be put down, their families compensated with silver coin from the treasury. We are nothing if not grateful for their sacrifices to prevent further incursions even if they had to suffer for it.
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There is a blindness to warmaker Manumanu, perhaps because he was trained for so long in the dark. Long before his name was made, lineages of heroes and kings made their deeds be that of peacemaking and naturetaming under the watch of our now-dead gods. It is a good way, one that does not steal from the rest of our people just to lose it all again. We've felt the cultists of Kholan delay our meant-to-be fates just to pursue whatever plot their god and Manumanu says must be done. We do not begrudge them, but when their numbers are this severely reduced and their enemy so unknown, we act as we must to secure our own path.

>Establish the Second City, An'naud
This centre of orchards and gardens has been slowly growing since the Domo first made land here and sought out the native flora. Now, with tales of Kholan's obvious dominance over nature, this city may at last be christened as truly a city of the Domo. Enkhet, taking up the moniker of "Last True Kholan Archpriest" to the dismay of the other remaining cultists, took it upon himself to be appointed as First Speaker of An'naud and mandated the construction of a temple dedicated to Kholan in her role as the jailor and suitor of Marlene.

>Establish the Shipyards
In Koll'naud itself, with leather available at last, the Domo may finally return to its true nature as seafarers. East of Koll'naud itself, before a tiny inlet of the homesea, a great many structures are laid for the constructions of vessels to the sea. Most of these are for the smaller kind of ships, meant to transport goods to and from our kin in the east and south. The rest was dedicated to larger vessels, meant for larger cargos and further ranges of the sea, for fishing in the far southeast or to patrol our seas if it needs be. We still haven't figured out how Manumanu convinced the stone to move on its own, so we make do on these larger vessels with oarsmen or larger and more numerous sails, though that still is in the works.
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The King is Dead. Long Live the King!
'twas neither battle nor intrigue, nor sickness nor accident which took beloved King Uhgul up to our Lord Aagen, but the march of time which one day takes us all.

By the great grace of our Lord Aagen,
who has granted us this tyrn of the sun, and in remembrance of our own blessed father, I, King Uhgul II of the Vencs do hereby order;
>That the plains of Rudam be prospected by competent fellows of good and wholesome character for the enrichment of all Venkish men
>That the valiance of the Guild of Masons and Stonecutters in the defence of the realm be rewarded with holdings in the south, now that their efforts have driven off the crawling things
[meaning "expansion" to hexes in DMs. Skrit are to be ignored this turn until further RP is conducted]
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Action 1: Build Lapidary (crystal shaping facility using the Medqa ability to crystallize trees) and experiment with various shaping methods and limits for processes
>Bille Hitab: But shields are meant to be heavy are they not?
>True Katan: Too heavy, they shatter the arm. Too light, they shatter from one blow.
>Bille Hitab: What if many light ones?
>True Katan: Cease frivolous jests. Are the Medqa in place?
>Bille Hitab: Yes. Will send logs floating downstream by noon of the morrow.
- Excerpt From Lapidary Development Communiques: Series #3

>True Katan: Frequency increase impressive. Secret?
>Bille Hitab: Wavy pattern of expansion. No more dead patches of land. Growth potion covers up pattern.
>True Katan: Wavy inspires. I shall attempt experiment.
>True Katan: No more durable. But produces intriguing noises at select blows. Will send to skalds.
- Excerpt From Lapidary Development Communiques: Series #7

>True Katan: Remember frivolous jest of many light? Test axe on attached plate.
>Bille Hitab: Queer ringing. Shattered shards painful.
>True Katan: Attempted wavier pattern. Skald say this produce sharper ringing. Confirm?
>Bille Hitab: Skald correct. Blow repelled greatly. Less shattered shards. New shield?
>True Katan: Or armor. Material still too heavy and rigid. If only could make more flexible.
- Excerpt From Lapidary Development Communiques: Series #11

>Bille Hitab: How was plate?
>True Katan: Badly shaped, but too flexible! How?!
>Bille Hitab: Peeled bark off fresh cut tree and carved into circle. Crystallized less.
>True Katan: Very interesting. Will move workshop to logging cabins. Must test different shapes fresh! Potential for bows and shields!
- Excerpt From Lapidary Development Communiques: Series #12

>Bille Hitab: Why such obsession with armaments?
>True Katan: Council fears neighbors. Especially birds.
>Bille Hitab: Is that not for 'mancers to handle?
>True Katan: Unreliable. Show of arms is most effective they think.
>Bille Hitab: And what you think?
>True Katan: I think I want to go back to Kata design. My wish was twisted.
- Excerpt From Lapidary Development Communiques: Series #14

>Bille Hitab: How was bad-Kata?
>True Katan: Bad. Although I am flabbergasted at how you carved it so tiny and flexible. You're no jeweler.
>Bille Hitab: Am good with hands. Carved wooden ring and let crystallize.
>True Katan: Intriguingly supple. Perhaps hint to lesser crystallization?!
>Bille Hitab: Again with crystallization, are you blind and deaf?
>True Katan: What you mean?
>Bille Hitab: Nevermind. I drink Dulce tonight.
>True Katan: Cannot be there. Much work to do.
- Excerpt From Lapidary Development Communiques: Series #15

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Action 2: Establish ritual for interfacing with shadow realm where shadow queen progeny reside
>Your results have been adequate. You may proceed with the next stage and establish the following trade: "The secret to observing and communing with the shadow queen's progeny shall be exchanged for tutoring the queen and brotherhood in the arts of communion, that we may grant her her tasks directly without need for a Skrit translator".
>You will be assigned a one Stige Sukon to aid in your endeavors of formulating the ritual of shadow communion. You are to be granted oversight over him, but know that he is regarded highly as an alfar of ends that justify many means. Fail, and he will be granted your control over the project.
- Missive from Habitun council to Brother Saffer

>An assignment to the city of Bikube, a blessing in disguise. The council was attempting to delay addressing my demands, compliant with teachings and canon as they were, but in doing so, they would grant me access to one of my long-pondered secrets: the origins of magic.
>How can energies so different from what we observe in reality be made existent? Surely 'tis not a lack of our studies of nature, or weakness in our senses, for so oft such effects can only be reproduced through ritual and magic endeavor, and no other means, yet they are reproduced so consistently as to imply they are more than flukes or flubs in nature's way.
>Our rite of Tenebrism had granted our peoples a new means of existence, yet what they could observe was little different from what our unascended selves could. A sight better suited for darkness, and little else. Or so we had thought.
>The rite of Tenebrism, applied to the Skrit[1] had granted them the ability to birth not more of their number, as it did our Shadows, but invisible, ephemeral progeny, undetectable by any but our honored Shadows.
>They did not seem to affect nature as we know it in any way we could experience, yet they could observe it unhindered, or so the theories went at the time[2].
>I was sorely tempted to undergo the rite of Tenebrism just so that I may more thoroughly examine them, but practicality won out, and I'd elected to recruit the services of a Shadow, as well as the dreadfully whimsical Skrit interfaces. What efficiency was lost in the study was more than made up for with flexibility in operation under Solaire's wretched gaze whilst it still exuded its tainting light.
>My true obstacle was the insufferable brother Saffer and his unseemly attachment to the status quo. Had I not known better, I would have accused him of seeing the outsiders as our potential equals. But it did not do well to engage in politicisms as long as he did not overstep his bounds, and so I would keep to mine.
1. Eastern neighbors to the Habitun and their research partners during the Dawn age.
2. Check page 289 for theory comparisons.
- Stige Sukon
"Theory of Magimancy: Chapter 5"

>Action 1: The Greatest in the Woods
The forests of the Orcmanie are full of many varied sorts of tree, that give many sorts of wood when felled and cut. And whilst the Orcmen of the lower classes make much use of whatever timbers happen to grow within the bounds of their hamlets and villages, Guyard de Gorbashe and the nobles of the realm have a greater desire for quality in the timbers they will use for construction. To that end, the lords of the Orcmanie send out foresters to seek the most able, sturdy and most useful of all Hardwoods that grow in the realm; that they may be grown in greater number, and their Timbers harvested for our use once they are full grown and felled.

>Action 2: The Prospect of Stone
And as the foresters search above the ground, the prospectors shall seek beneath it; searching our lands for good and high quality stone to construct with.
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>The freaks of the south dubbing themselves Vitruvians are as wary of us as we of them. They know little, and should remain in such ignorance for as much as possible. No less than three mil, no greater than ten mil after they are detected, should they be accosted, with equal or greater number.
>Have senior shadow address them cryptically and unseen, changing location constantly to provide an illusion of spectral overwhelmingness, probing for their intents. They are observably naive and have difficulty with circuitous wordplay, so use minimally.
>Should scare tactics fail, resort to simple threats of force upon breakage of peace. Do not allow any to progress too far into the woods, as their animal-kin are difficult to discern from normal wildlife should they scatter.
>If they refuse, proceed to dismantle with Shadows at the forefront provided with arrowfire cover. Allow small opening for retreat, leading them towards Hilsen, where they may be crushed.
>Should they accept and demand to talk with a functionary, direct to Hilsen and shadow until they arrive. Hilsen will take care of the rest.
"The Huntsmen's Companion: Chapter 5, Border Patrols"

>Visitors, please follow directions to guest homestead, and you will be attended to shortly.
>Straying from the indicated path is punishable with arrowfire.
- Sign on a road leading to Hilsen.

>Southerners are split into two: Vitruvians and the Guliseare.
>The former have far simpler tastes, easier to mimic for the enterprising diplomat or thespian. The more arrogant amongst which dress in robes of simple color, with embroidered gold to indicate rank.
>It is thus that one seeking to impress, or mimic their mysterious masters must garb themself in similarly plain fineries to indicate that it is apparel rather than costume -the Vitruvians are renowned for blindness to subtlety- but with coloration and linings to indicate the heights of luxury. Such adornments can be tailored to order, with prices negotiably starting from five ort of gold for a traditional purple robe lined with lustrous crystal and choice sprinklings of diamonds, in addition to materials.
"Syer Iskaf's Garb and Garments brochure"

>"Are you here to sell us leathers and livestock? I thought they were your kith and kin"[1]
>The Vitruvians indicate their desire to barter their magic potions and gold for goods
>"I brought some of our own magic in a bottle: Dulce mead. I trust that your kind are capable of intoxication?"[2]
>They make an offering of a potion that can grow trees at visible speeds
>>Whanne a man ayens a false tregetour, the leest weie of the leesyng of hem is to brynge youre propir doom, that thei schewe her oynementis.[3]
>"I see, I see. Huntsman, bring us a sapling of fir, three days young. I shall have our guest demonstrate his enchantments upon it. Should they prove true... well, a trade of Dulce, and possibly crystal may be in order!"[4]
>They demonstrate the effects of the miraculous potion
>>Firs are a common indicator of the healthiness of the land in Sunless forests. However, they are very capable of devastating impacts when they finally die. Afore you set your homestead near a copse, check for pale white wood, insect infestation, extensive bark loss, or a clear lack of sap. Should any of these signs appear, either cut the trees down, or find another place to put down your roots.[5]
>"I... I see...?! Hun-*cough*-Huntsman! Check the fir for any signs of... unhealth. And you, Vitruvian, join me inside the cabin. It is quite chilly out here, and as you can see from my accoutrements, I've not dressed for function today. The homesteader shall stoke a fire whilst we go through potential... issues in your potions. In return, I may explain to you how your sale comes at... quite a serendipitious time. We've much to gain here"[6]
>"Flawed as the growth might be in app-hang on, no subtlety. *Ahem*"
>"- We've Dulce, a wondrous ore, trivial to shape, but too rigid and heavy for carrying as arms or armor. Bowls, tubes, and more can be shaped out of it. It can also allow paints to dry faster for quicker workings of decoration. Finally, it is an excellent sweetener, on par with honey, and excellent for distilling mead. If you resell it to those who care about appearance, they may use it to obtain a pallor impossible to mimic with powders."
>"- We've crystalline trees, which through ritual secretive can be fashioned out of normal trees. Said crystals are trivial for us to form in various shapes, excellent for jewelry, rituals, and other decorative purposes. The crystalline accouterments I wear were formed out of them. Though our efforts on them are yet nascent, with your potions they can be accelerated greatly."
>"That is the summary of what materials we would be willing to trade for the time being. Is any of it to your needs?""
>They agree to a trade of crystal for potion
1. Gesturing to the beasts of burden pulling Vitruvian wagons
2. Failing to sell Dulce mead to the Vitruvians
3. >> Vekt Mudamir, "Parfit Dapsilitie"
4. Humoring a seemingly absurd claim
5. Scoutsmaster Ivar Buraq, "Wandering Through The Realm, A Guidebook"
6. Brilliantly covering up his loss of calm at the shocking demonstration of tree growth potions
"Farces And Triumphs In The Arts: Vol 1"

Sabbaticals conquest of the plantation (and subsequent application to the position of head gardener) is simply the latest screw-up resulting from dropping entire barrels of growth potion everywhere.
From now on, every barrel of potion should be clearly labelled, and stored in metal containers just in case.

It is hoped these new safety standards should reduce the incidence of parasitic hive minds developing to only thrice per decade.

In other news, the nation of Vitruvia is formally portioned into four administrative provinces

Yellow: Hollvania
The province of the capital, populous and full of old secrets.
Blue: Lawinelund
A cold and mountainous province, rich in material wealth
Purple: Ehrung
A hilly province bordering the Barzaentines, this is our main “gate” to civilisation beyond the mountains
Green: Lanthorn
The lanternland, this province is dark, cold and has cultivated a fear of the dark in its residents.
Many stories exist of monsters to the north and west.

Action 1: Establish a new city in the mountains, “Helmsbrunnen”

Built atop a snowy cliff by a waterfall, this snowy city has an unbeatable view down to the jungle below. The population has grown enough to warrant a second city founding such as this, located at the headwaters.

The creation of this city will free up substantial room in the overcrowded Hohenholm, allowing the local resources of the mountains to be harvested far easier.

Action 2: Roc Taming

With the founding of a new city in the mountains, the Vitruvians direct their attention to the local horrifying giant birds that sometimes like to feast on their meat and bones.

Attempts are made now to pacify this threat and bend it towards the benefit of Vitruvia. Bribes of food are made, attempts to obtain eggs and start our own Roc Aviary near to the city, even investigating the possibility of developing Cavia strains based off of the roc that could help tame their brethren (though due to issues of size, it would have to be done when they are young).
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As the queen returns to Sturnes, rumours spread about the thinket to the south, people worry about the failure of taking out a single forest with the combined force of two armies. There are also Nixen with daughters to bury, though the churches give ample compensation for their service to Ordalan, promising that their deaths were not in vain.

>Action 1: Prospect southeast of Sturnes.
The Nixen continue to look for iron, this time they go in the direction of the army, probing the landscape leading to Kholankorda. Many a tent is erected, providing shelter long enough to get a bit into the earth, before moving on to the next patch. It is tough work, but the nobles have a high bounty for mineral deposits, as it's crucial for Ordalan's might.

>Action 2: Pyre Axes of the Rosenfeuer, a military order of Schwaerz.
After the Silver Storm's failure against the fell thicket, the opportunity presents itself for the followers of Schwaerz, the Pyre Axes of the Rosenfeuer rise to the occasion. The namesake of the order is a reference to a mythic age, where titanic monsters roamed, but a group of these monsters violated and killed Schwaerz' sister, driving Schwaerz into a murderous rage. Schwaerz did not stop at just those monsters, he continued on a rampage that saw the end of almost all titanic monsters. But the viscera of his rampage caused the sun to no longer rise, averting its gaze. Thus was the first Fell Night. When Schwaerz came to his senses, he went about hiding the corpses, cramming them wherever the sun could not see. He then burned his sister's corpse on a pyre of roses, a Rosenfeuer, the scent of which finally got the sun to rise once more. Upon realizing the damage of not rising, the sun apologized and promised should another Fell Night occur, if a Rosenfeuer is burned, the sun will rise once more. The corpses Schwaerz buried would spawn lesser monsters, explaining why they vary so greatly in size and make home where the sun doesn't shine.
The Pyre Axes of the Rosenfeuer served well during the great war, especially in their battle frenzy where they hack undead and barbarian alike into pieces, then burn them on great pyres so they cannot rise again. The Pyre Axes are excellent shock troops, shattering shields and formations with their axes. Now they rearm and prepare for the destruction of yet another great enemy.

>Military Action: Halt Barza's incursion into our territory. Burn Kholankorda with the help of the Pyre Axes. Barza may witness but not participate.
Barza's forces march again without contacting us first, the forces that intercept them this time are stricter, refusing to let them help in taking down Kholankorda, but allowing them to witness as the Pyre Axes burn it to the ground. Ordalan's forces have witnessed the disparity in power so they know they are in the position of power. As for the burning, the Pyre Axes will be retrieving any corpse to give a proper pyre as they steadily chop up and burn the thicket.
1. Drugs for sharks
The Archmage has been quite vocal to the council about his annoyance with the sharkmen across the sea from the city. Pests that would be better off dead. It's the tower of alchemy, though, that proposes a solution. Addictive alchemical solutions are concocted from tinctures derived from alcohols, hashish, and poppy. From there homunculi are created with the addictive tinctures in their veins with their blood. Animal and humanoid versions are made to be tested on what kind of addictive form the sharks prefer to eat.

2. Construct glassworking workshop
The next piece of work, surprisingly, isn't promoted by the hatred or annoyance of the archmage by of the of the city's neighbors. Some of the practical mages from the red tower were working on ideas when they realized that with the fall of the empire the glassworks of old probably no longer exist. So, they move to make their own for the magical use of the city as a medium of easy enchantment and to sell abroad.
>Action 1: The Road to Rooin
The Tagagayans have proven themselves worthy partner, at least as far as economic matters are concerned. A roadway, free of charge is a welcome change of pace for the snobbish Twigs of the Confederacy, who almost universally loathe spending money on anything other than themselves. This charity has, however, been appreciated deeply, and is becoming a luxury that few want to live without. As a result, the stingy Twigs have finally coughed over enough coinage and manpower to create a new road [perhaps an offshoot of the Tagagayan Way], one aptly yet ominously known as "The Road to Rooin".

>Action 2: Trade Agreement with Orcmanie
A road finished, a trade opportunity created. What the Confederacy lacks in resources of production, the Orcmanie likewise lack in the luxury goods. It was never a matter of if this mutual predicament would order itself out, but when. The Half-Orcs finally have decorative garments with Opal and Sapphire, and their palates expanded with Aniseed with which to purchase with their Gold. The Confederate militaries are able to begin a transition into Steel arms and armor wholesale, leather equipment stored away or repurposed for other uses.
Report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.

The further effort of the Moivadal has shown that the cities made by the lessers whom intruded upon our borders are a different people and separate from our other neighbors. Given they are cut off from their kin by our borders and are reported to be poorly defended with their best defenses being simple stone walls, their destruction could prove useful for the training and development of our holy forces. A test of our recent efforts and a place to see what weaknesses that our faithful forces may still hold. Something that can be reinforced with our blessed vision and allow us to ensure ever costlier losses for our enemies and less martyrs in our blessed task. It also would serve well to potentially build up these lands as a defensive frontier against any further lesser incursion. I eagerly await your orders on this, just as I eagerly await the pyres for the Kaenumites.

Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.

>Action One. Build an orchard

Food is something that we all need. Be it lesser slave or proper Aripan, food is what keeps one going. While there are plenty of hunting grounds covering the outlands, the exotic fruits of the forest now in our grasp can be cultivated and utilized to further enhance the quality of life of the faithful as we partake in Aelelox's blessings to us, the food she had created specifically for us. While hunting grounds could be expanded further in the near future, these foods were more holy and more consistent and orderly than that of the hunt. Following Aelelox's will for the world far better. And as such, it would be a crime not to focus upon the gifts made by our generous and just god first.

>Action Two. Build a temple in the mountains near Sonistia.

For some time we have focused on the blessed arms and training of individuals for our holy crusades. However, it has been far too long since we have given proper respect to Aelelox's blessed name especially with the resources we now have at our disposal. A grand temple worthy of our pure and blessed creator will be made in the high mountains near our most holy of places. Every stone, every statue and every piece of this great structure shall be made by the most devoted and talented of priests and those worthy enough to work for the lesser slaves hands shall not sully such a pristine and pure creation of devotion.
The task at hand is really quite simple. The strange and foolish lessers have two cities separated by the lands of other kingdoms. Taking the greater of these two cities will make taking the remaining one far easier. A sizable force is to march on the city and once close to the border move swiftly to surround it and our Anedal shall prevent anyone from escaping to warn their kin. After which a simple demand will be made to them as the city is surrounded. To surrender themselves to Aelelox's will or burn. Should they chose the former, the city is to be occupied, it's population enslaved, and shipped off to join the Anelk in slavery. Should they chose the later, we shall lay siege and wait until nightfall before sending in the newly formed Pendirumo with three tasks. Cause a distraction inside the city, likely via setting a fire, take out any and all leadership of the enemy they can find in the chaos of that distraction and lastly open a path for our forces into the city in roughly that order. Should they be unable to preform the second of these tasks or find it impractical, the third is to take priority. Once the attack on the walls begins, the main army will move in to attack as one. Upon our inevitable success the defiant leadership, captured alive or dead, is to be burned in holy fire.

Whether taking the city is bloodless or not, the next will be a far easier settlement to take and require far less effort, which is why we shall break them where they are strongest before moving on. For to burn the heretical prophet shall turn the rest of their false church to ash, and that principle stands strong here as well.
[Tldr - military training]

Absolutely legendary lads, proper good fight it was.

Anyway, I saw some seriously sloppy moves out there, so we're gonna run drills till you look less like a flounder having a panic attack.

Action 2 - I'm an intelligent creature. My keen senses and rational mind observe all, and I sense a nefarious ploy from foreign- ooh hey a shiny!
[Prospect action]
>Action 1: Advanced Transformation (Alchemy)
Though the magic shape changing is innate to the Changelings, but in addition to being an art, the magic is also an artform. To capture fine details, such as taking on the appearance of a specific individual takes an artful eye which must be trained in the absense of natural artistic brilliance.
With the sudden influx of other cultures, form manipulation becomes a sought after skill for the Tagagayans entering adulthood, much as how the study of rhetoric has become of great interest to the youth.

>Action 2: Rhetoric II - Persuasion (Culture)
The culture of words continues to develop as merchants continue to be elevated in societal status, and well-trained diplomats get to enjoy the luxuries of nearby friends and allies. With the careers related to rhetoric thriving, the field naturally grows more competitive and results in further innovations, as the Changelings grow increasingly effective at understanding the thoughts of their audience, and persuading them to a certain view.
The queen has gotten word, a neighbour to the north is being invaded by the people of the mountain. While Queen Leutgard Siglinda is more concerned with the fell thicket down south, her daughter and trusted regent Princess Lucilla Siglinda has assured her of the value of these allies. Thus she will be leaving with a minor force down south to deal with the thicket, putting a greater degree of trust with the Pyre Axes who wish to prove themselves.

>Military Action: Contribute most of the Ordalan forces to the defence of Negosyo.
The Ordalan forces march, to the city to the north, it will not take long for the Silver Chariots to arrive, with Spears of Ashen Dawn starting to arrive soon after. They will be working with the citizens of the city to build temporary defences and setup skirmishing forces. The lightly trained Tagagayans will not suffice for standing and fighting, so they will be hitting and running to weaken and disrupt the enemy formations, delaying the advance of the enemy until more of the Nixen arrive, until there are enough to repulse the attack. There is not much of a plan to pursue the enemy, as they are much more mobile than us, but there are plans for capturing some of their more decorated units, as not only can we interrogate them, but the ransom on them may be high.
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Manifest the new high krawl, in order to finally achieve greater intimidation tactics and etc. within the attack forces. Preparing the push on the mollusks.

>1: Assemble Novenary

Novenary, the combatant with nine limbs, was manifested from a writhing mass of worms, living matter in his perfectly shaped krawlmetal mold. In all truth, he’s likely the first high krawl to manifest entirely from living matter.

He emerges with a crocodile smile permanently plastered on his face, due to the shape of his head and mouth. The man-looking creature's entire form is twisted from the top of his head down to his uppermost left arm, which is a deadly, piercing, venomous spike that extends out in front of him, and back past his elbow. Outside that, he has five arms with hands, two legs, and a huge, spiny tail with a hand at the end, on which he sits, floating. All of his limbs extend to a seemingly infinite degree, just like Maja’s hair.

Finally, emerging from the gap in his head’s flesh and the exposed spot where a skull would be, is a rift in space-time, which doubles as a wide-brimmed sun shield. With this space-time manipulation, Novenary can access local wormholes with most of his limbs and his whole body, except for the end of his tail, which won’t fit through.

He steps off his giant hand tail and kneels before Maja, as his creator, and the leader of the nation. She stands him up by the armpits quick, then commands him to meet with the sharks, as he is the new ambassador, and fellow hivemind leader of the krawl!

“Mistress Maja, powerful and meticulous, I thank you for bringing me to life. However, I don’t know what message you want me to send.”

She thinks, then tells him.

“Try to take a weapon you want, see what happens, and do your very best to keep it. Be friendly, but also toothy. If the encounter becomes ugly, you have lots of backup at the border.”

>2 Reinforce troops at the newly established shark border
Any and all krawl at the shark border need to cell-multiply and prepare to cover Novenary, should he need help. If not, Novenary will lead the newly re-re-bolstered troops over to the unclaimed hexes We want in the desert.

>Military Action: Aiding the Changelings.

The Adenai Confederacy has heard the pleas of the Tagagaya, and has decided to listen. Be it out of empathy, greed, or restlessness, there is little outright dissent against at least attempting to field our armies for the first time.

Ultimately, roughly half of the military forces under the Ashkeni Company (forces more suitable for offense or a pitched battle) are able to sent to Bahay, as well as roughly half of the specialized Nervinian Watch (forces more suitable for the defense of a city). In total, this is half of the entire Adenai army, with the other half maintaining their routine patrols of the countryside and the defense of Adenai.
>War Action
With a call to arms, the armies of the Orcmanie muster! But only a very small force of volunteers, of the sort that would usually form the retinue of a prominent noble, is sent to Bahay directly, to provide credible security for the new appointed Knight-Ambassador. The bulk of the assembled force of the Orcmanie instead musters positions and defences upon our eastern border; ready to defend our nation should the Harpies strike against us; or to ride upon Bahay as relief if the city comes under the assault it fears.

The time that the Changlings would have to send messengers and know of the Aripan forces heading to them would be short. Lacking any professional scouts and their territory only extending a limited distance away from the city, they would only notice the Aripan forces once they crossed the border and were very, very close to the city. This will allow the forces of Guliseare to engage in the assault of the walls without outside interference. Taking the city should not be too difficult, due to recon done earlier as to potential weak points in the defenses and specially trained soldiers made to take the walls, along with proper iron equipment. After the city falls to our holy advance, a garrison force is put in place as the city leadership is put to holy flame and it's population in chains. As the Guliseare army marches south, due to the Anedal and Moivadal, the hostile forces heading to the city would be spotted and the force heading to take Negosyo would switch direction to return to the city to prevent the lessers from retaking it. The Aripan garrison should be able to hold long enough for the army to arrive and smash into the enemies backline with our forces on one side and the walls turned against them on the other. This should drive the coalition force from the field, all while gaining far more slaves in the process. This will delay the conquest of Negosyo however, potentially indefinitely. But given how many lessers are against us that is acceptable.
>Action 1: Undersea Farm

To assure that our kind do not rely on the land, we would set up underwater farms, with kelp or underwater crops being well...farmed, undersea meat farms such as manatee or other sea mammal farms are also built and made so that our people have a steady supply of mammalian food, of course we could just eat lots of fishes and rices but why not change things up?

>Action 2: Enlarging our combat capabilities

Aware of the enemy encroaching our lands, we would decide to drafting our own kind within our enlarging army to combat the enemy, if we have a larger force than them, then we can push them back!


i dont really know what to add here, so they just... use the water to their advantages to ambush enemy krawls

Sorry had no internet
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The massacre at Kholankorda has a chilling effect on the Barza people. A generation of children are raised without fathers, or with fathers hollowed and broken by the brutality of war. The survivors pool their experience, training the next generation of warriors with their hard won experience. So too do the geomancers of the kingdom focus their efforts on training their skills, developing a powerful new technique for altering the battlefield, Resonance. The technique effectively requires two sizable squads of geomancers to ‘bounce’ a wave of geomantic energy through the earth between them, steadily growing in strength with each passage. Over the course of several weeks the wave grows in strength, until each passage of it tears the earth asunder.
A small group of witnesses watch the razing of the black thicket by Ordelan axe and flame until naught remains but ash and blackened bones. The Rosenfeuer even go so far as to hack those to splinters. By next spring only the occasional stubborn thorn tree will mark the location of this fortress.

With their bloodthirst settled, and the most hotblooded and devoted dead by one means or another, the Domo turn their attention to more domestic affairs. First of note is the construction of a great shipyard whose vessels will link together distant parts of the kingdom. Soon many small ships dash about along the shoreline, skipping from wave to wave, carrying passengers and goods, leather and meat from the east, lumber to the west, pouches of pale grapes meant for shaman and diviner.
To the west a great area is cleared in the forests and a new city is raised, An'naud. A city of orchards and hunters, centered around a temple of Kholan. Sacrifices and blessings flow like water for a week as the rituals are performed and the city’s land formally taken from the forest spirits.

Let history know him as Uhgul I The Wise, for his wisdom and forethought has protected the kingdom from many a dire threat. Deep investments in the simple needs of the kingdom over his own vanity has left the kingdom well defended against threats grim and strange. Uhgul II capitalizes on the stability of the kingdom, balancing the costs of the great southern wall by granting lands and titles to members of the mason’s guild, settling the strange swamp beyond the wall. The dark swamp is a sorrowful place, dotted with rotting tribal structures and riddled with great earthen mounds. Settlers speak of a cursed air to the place, though whether it is superstition or actual malevolence is unknown. In more pleasant news a great vein of hematite iron is discovered to the north. The farmers of the land will surely be glad for a steady supply of fine iron tools.
The crystalline remnants of the trees are brittle, so much so that they shatter with a blow into thousands of needle-sharp fragments. Using fully crystalline wood as armor is a total non-starter as a result. More promise is found when using slightly crystallized remnants of dense, old-growth wood. The dense wood provides flexibility and resilience to the hard crystals, while the hardened surface better resists sharp blades and arrows. The developments in this space provide a slight but meaningful improvement to the impact resistance of Habitun shields.
Attempts to interface with the shadow realm reveals a disconcerting truth, there may be up to a dozen shadow realms, phasing in and out of existence. The confusing web of variant realities is only made more confusing by the sudden reappearance of Rive Mudamir, who seems to have quite the different account of history than what is widely believed.

Many prospectors set out into the woodlands of Orcmanie, scouring along the shoreline and rivers seeking new resources for construction. In a deep valley far to the southwest of Rooin they discover a sizable glade of Black Cherry trees, whose hard wood is deemed suitable for fine construction, though the fruit also proves quite popular and many a noble house keeps a tree or two to provide the light snack.
To the northwest of Rooin a sizable outcropping of red granite is discovered. The sturdy red stone soon proves quite popular, with its vivid color acting as an immediate mark of wealth and security to any household that can incorporate it.

After the first handful of menia are savagely torn apart and consumed by the great rocs of the mountains it quickly becomes apparent that taming the great beasts will be no easy task. The newly founded city of Helmsbrunnen soon becomes host to one madcap idea after another, with a steady stream of polymyria and menia dying to beak and talon. Eventually one of the great birds is slain and the eggs of its nest taken to Helmsbrunnen where attempts at raising the still quite large chicks are made. After many deaths of both young bird and caretakers (and the occasional enraged Roc parent attacking the city) the city manages to raise a few birds to adolescence, though inevitably they grow feral and escape into the wild after a time.
By springtime the black thicket had already grown taller than most nix (though not the Barza who had come to verify the forts annihilation) but the silver axes of the Rosenfeuer make short work of them and soon great bonfires roar all around. Next is the fortress proper, where nought but dried stains and shattered bones gnawed by wild beasts remain. Here too, great fires are built up, and piece by piece the entire fortress is hacked and hewn and fed to purifying flame. Next, tribal fetishes and twisted blades blackened by unspeakable acts, heaps of bones and tattered hides scrawled with black magic are also consigned to the flame.
Prospectors exploring the surrounding countryside discover another rich vein of silver ore which should prove a useful tool against the dark magic of the south, or at the very least provide ample wealth to fund defenses against it.
There is rumbling of war to the north, and nixen gather and assemble to aid the trade city on their border, but for now the battles remain in far off lands.

The stumble bird is a small flightless bird of gray plumage with a curious and leisurely disposition, no doubt due to the constant presence of various chemicals that the bird's body naturally produces. Like all homunculi the birds are quite sterile, a sizable ranch is set aside to produce the crops and grasses that are pulped and alchemically processed to produce the creatures. The result is a dumb slow creature that when consumed produces a euphoric high, however the chemicals are also quite addictive, with painful withdrawal symptoms. Initial attempts to use the birds as poison disguised as a trade good go well, however the creation of drug addicted sharkmen has the unfortunate result of triggering waves of piracy and banditry, as the Sharkmen capsize ships and attack caravans in a withdrawal fueled craze.
Great kilns and furnaces are set up along the beaches surrounding Vizari where they can gather and process the local sand into various glass forms ranging from esoteric alchemical tools to more mundane window sheets, kitchenware and decorative novelties. The green glassware proves quite popular in trade as well, at least that which survives encounters with Krovian addicts.

>Adenai Confederacy
The tyrn marks a great surge of wealth and prosperity for the Twigs, as trade agreements and roads connect them to the greater world. The riches of Adenai flow outward, then return in the form of coin, arms and armor, to say nothing of the fine cherrywood and red granite of Orcmanie. Unfortunately with the rumblings of war to the east those fine arms and armor might quickly be put to the test, and if the harpy’s have it their way the trade highways shall be closed, and with it the vast wealth they bring.
The humble fruit tree has proven quite the delicacy among the frigid mountain peaks of Sonistia. Apple and pears are grown in great orchards in the wooded valleys below, then brought upward to be enjoyed by the city’s elites. A few attempts are made to grow the trees locally, but the harsh conditions of the mountains inevitably cull them. Still, the addition of anything new to the usual diet of goat is an approvement. A great temple to Aelelox is constructed, each piece carefully carved and polished until it gleams in the morning sun, though sadly the temple will not be finished until after the host of warriors has waged their campaign against the lessers.

>Krovian Band
It is unanimously agreed that the post temple consecration brawl was one for the record books, even if it didn’t manage to find any actual enemies. Still, many of the survivors of the blood frenzy felt the entire thing was more frenzy than effective combat, after all there were survivors! A host of drill sergeants emerge, shouting, frothing, occasionally ripping off limbs, and eventually something resembling discipline emerges from the Krovian ranks, at least until the sun came from behind the clouds and one of the recruits was distracted by a glinting along the shoreline. A quick swim reveals the presence of tin and copper ore, the perfect ingredients for fine bronze tools and weapons.
The discipline issues soon resurface in numbers however as word arises of Krovian bands stalking and attacking Vizari trade vessels and caravans, apparently looking for some sort of chicken? The Vizari Stumble Bird is supposedly the most delicious ball of blood and feathers a sharkman can find, so much so that Vizari merchants are being terrorized by hungry sharks.

A sect of the Changelings begin the concentrated improvement of their natural shapeshifting talents, lured by the promise of imitating the foreigners that increasingly pass through Tagegaya. Initially, their skills are put to the test as all confidence acts are, swindling naiive tourists and taking advantage of the merchants not wise enough to suss out impostors. While there’s certainly a living to be made there, the changelings’ marks are a moving target. Challenge coins and phrases become commonplace in the markets of Tagegaya, distinguishing sellers of repute from the fraudsters who might be wearing their face.
This improved form of manipulation carries with it something of a seedy undertone, even in relations between Changelings. Honest citizens resent how shapeshifters bring friction and the shadow of distrust even to genuine dealings. Perhaps as a response to this, Changeling rhetoric also grows to new heights. Businessmen and scholars alike seek the most effective ways to persuade audiences of their verity and value. The result is two distinct groups, one that seeks to move hearts through language and the other, through deception and intrigue.
A heaving mass of Krawl multiply at the border, growing far out of the bounds of the sustainable population of the land. While the reserves of energy husbanded by the Krawl are sufficient to sustain them for now, they will need to expand or be depleted somehow in the near future. Novenary quickly adapts to his place within the Krawl, organizing the forces along the borders and leading the defense with his ability to launch dozens of pinpoint strikes.

WAR: Molluscoids surge and attack along the shorelines, but Novenary’s quick action rallies a defense and repels the invaders before any lasting harm can be done.

Communication with the shadow queens is as simple as communication with any other member of the Skrit, a mix of pheromones and antenna signal transfer. Individual communications are clear and straightforward, however the issue seems to be that any given shadow queen to be a dozen or more shadow queens, all existing in the same space, but referring to different streams of ants, different events, and different, oftentimes nonexistent locations, though all locations and events referenced appear to be logically possible.
Of the many locations referenced, one is repeatedly referenced in terms of agriculture output, and investigation in the sunlit world reveals fertile soil. Soon enough mundane ants have carved a sizable colony into existence.

The people of Zeolheim set about creating vast fields of kelp along the sea floor in addition to taming and herding packs of lumbering manatees, who remain blissfully ignorant of their final fate. The surge of food intake results in a surge of population, which in turn provides a boost in sheer military numbers.

WAR: Krawl and Molluscoid clash along the water’s edge, but for now the battles between them are inconclusive, with a powerful new Krawl commander spotted guarding the shorelines, able to use some sort of portal magic to strike from afar.
[b]The Battle of Bahay[/b]
The approach of the harpy army is plain to see, gathering at at lumberyard in the foothills of the mountains. For two weeks, desperately buying time for diplomats and logistics, Bahay skirmishers clash with the approaching army, disrupting supply lines and staging vicious ambushes with their shapeshifting talents. The march of the army proves unstoppable however and the battle moves to the walls of Bahay where by night harpy warriors stage ambushes of their own, cutting down defenders, throwing open gatehouses and swarming the city. By the time the Orcanie armies arrive the city is properly occupied, its most prominent defenders impaled on pikes and its treasuries plundered. The plunder is soon forgotten however as the half orc armies charge the walls and the Aripan soon find themselves waging a desperate but successful defense, fending off the orcs time and time again. It is the arrival of the Adenai however that spells their doom though, stretching the forces of the Aripan thin to the point of breaking as the two forces coordinate and take turns assaulting the city walls, refusing to let the harpies rest or recover. Facing annihilation from the two enclosing armies the harpies grab what plunder they can carry from the ransacked city and flee as orcish longbowmen snipe them from the sky.

------------------END OF TURN 6--------------------
The war, for now, is over. We know not where the foe has fled to, and until we do we can rest for a time knowing we are stronger than we had been before. Our armies have learned, and now are clad in Steel rather than the Bronze we had used. The time for war has waned, and the time to spread culture and civilization has begun.


1. Conclave of the Luxsophic Priesthood

There has been, over the past few years, no end to the debate of the proper interpretation to the teachings of Luxos among the priesthood. While all agree on the broad principles and concepts which Luxos taught to his followers, it is those which lie in parable and metaphor which are most divisive. As such, in an effort to prevent schism and irreconcilable divide among those who have dedicated themselves to a most moral and noble purpose the Vasileus himself has decreed a meeting organized by the Patriarch of the Royal Chapel-Monastery to debate and discuss the doctrine and orthodoxy of the Church and how best to achieve a true unity so that we may proselytize to those pagans whom serve self-serving and unworthy gods.

2. Barzaentine Bureaucracy

Our government is one fourth that of feudal nobility and three fourths based upon the Imperial bureaucracy which predated it. The decentralization has helped to maintain order across the lands, but the centralization of certain aspects such as tax records, crop yields, and especially resource stockpiles is a necessity to ensure we can react to anything thrown at the Kingdom.

Action 1: Roc Saddling

The Rookery is a partial success, providing a place for baby Rocs to be socialised and reared until their difficult teenage years.

Each one of these baby birds is worth many more times than their weight in gold. Tragic then that as soon as they grow too old, they flee the nest and strike out on their own, or grow too aggressive and territorial to be kept with the other young.

A solution is devised. The Rookery will remain a fine place for young Rocs to be reared, but once they grow too old and wilful, they will be transferred to live full time with a handler.

There the Roc and Homunculus will bond as a duo, away from the squawking and competition of other Rocs. Once the Roc is old enough to ride it will be saddled and trained by its rider, hopefully growing to be a tame, mostly controllable beast, comfortable with flying where instructed and carrying cargo with it.

Experiments are also made attempting to successfully create a Cavia strain of the Roc. It would only work on the young, yet these birds grow very quickly and have colossal brains.
Giving one of them superintelligence could go rather poorly. It could also grant a grand insight into the lives of these birds and help massively with their taming however.
Never a people to consider risk as a reason not to attempt something, it is decided.

Action 2: Alchemists Fire

There are a great many alchemical reactions that are dangerous. Mixing the wrong reagents can result in a gas that evaporates flesh and bone, or cause a fire that turns people to stone, make the air unbreathable, convert one’s immortal soul into cotton fibres or simply detonate uncontrollably.

Many of these reactions involve prohibitively expensive and rare reagents however, too rare for any widespread application. A cheaper and still effective elixir is the Northern Alchemists take on the classic Alchemists Fire.

Explosively combusting on contact with air, sticking to everything and continuing to blaze even on water, this highly dangerous compound must adhere to strict storage regulations.

Its production has always been mired in controversy due to the sheer number of incendiary incidents it is responsible for (The conflagration of the Thuulwinter Moose being the straw that broke the camels back).
Still, Alchemists fire is a useful base for more exotic potions, and has useful industrial and military applications. There is enough cause for it to once again be put into production, let any foes of the Masters weep.
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>Action 1: Fort Orest
The lands around Rooin need more defences. And whilst a wall for the city itself is initially considered, the experience of Warriors returning from Bahay lead the Orcmen to conclude that traditional city walls might be worse then useless against the flights of the Harpies. Against the birds, a warning is a better weapon then a wall; and a unit of readied Longbows better then the both. And so commissioned to watch and give warning to Rooin, Fort Orest is dug almost as much as it is built; the walls slanted and angled to provide little purchase from above, with watch-stations and longbow-posts built to give oversight to one another, and moon-cotton ropes strung about to entangle any who might be tempted to flit too close around the crown.

>Action 2: Rooin Cathedral
With Red Granite from which to build and Black Cherrywood with which to structure and ornament, a Grand New Cathedral is finally commenced for the Orcmen of Rooin. Past the entranceway, grand jewelled and gilded statues of the gods Ganuz and Hilda are set into the structure rising into of each of the cathedral towers, the pair facing one another and each reaching out a single hand that press together above the midst of the main aisle. At the rear lie the smaller shrines; to Anos and Loter and Waresh in their turn and place, and the plain and simple shrine dedicated to gods yet unrevealed.
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War Actions:-
With the flight of the Guliseare broken at Bahay despite the damage they caused to the city and its populous, it is recognised by Duke of the Orcmanie that they must be driven back from the walls of the city to allow Bahay to truly stand secure again. Granted and assuming overall command of the operation, Duke Guyard de Gorbashe rallies together a force comprised of the members of the Impromptu alliance. As such, the Bahay skirmishers that so plagued the initial Harpy advance with disruption and ambush are sent out ahead to take some vengeance for friends and family lost, plotting routes and using their shapeshifting talents to surprise, isolate and destroy small groups of potential ambushers; or to report back to the main force with locations if greater resistance is identified.

The main force of the combined host is that of the Orcmanie army that came to Bahay, their numbers supplemented with half of the Adenai compliment of the liberating army. As both peoples hold land in the same forests and recruit from many able woodsmen, it is considered that we would hold greater knowledge and skill in the forest environment then Harpies who make their homes only on the highest of peaks.

The first move of the gathered force is to strike south-east; clearing any Harpies who might be regrouping from the bounds and securing the territory there into Adenai protection; then advancing north-east into the remaining lands viewable from the walls of Bahay; assaulting and halting the Harpy Lumber operations. Should the Harpies here surrender then we shall show them more mercy then they did Bahay, binding them with steel and cotton and carting them back to Bahay as prisoners to repair what they have wrecked; but if they fight we shall kill them, and should they try to flee then we loose our arrows to knock them from the skies or drive them into the waiting Bahay skirmishers. These lands shall be taken into the Orcmanie, as they can both supply and be supplied by the boats that already ply the river Sainac.

With the lumber-woods secured, and should the compliment of men still stand hale and eager, then the combined host will cross the Sainac into Orcmanie lands and meet up with reinforcements sent by road and river. From here, they shall advance up into the hills alongside the Sainac on the northern bank; supported by river-boats and fresh archer compliments. Though an actual assault upon the Harpy capitol is not considered viable with the current resources, securing the nearby hills that can be supplied from the Sainac is part of a strategy to slowly wring the neck of these Avians and force them to the table. If their remaining forces are tied down in defence of their capitol for fear of an assault, then the threat which they can pose elsewhere will be significantly neutered.
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As the Queen Leutgard Siglinda returns from the burning of Kholankorda, word of a different event is on the wind, and it's not to do with Princess Lucilla Siglinda either. No, there is talk from the oracles, mystic emissaries of the gods, but mainly Janos. The queen makes haste for the oracle, and hears her message. Janos calls for a ritual, there are a number of reagents, but the significant one is silver. Silver is to be burnt in this ritual, turning it into a slag that will make a holy water that will weaken the curse that the Nixen bear.

>Action 1: Blessing of Janos, in exchange for silver Nixen are changed, the curse is weakened and the ordained undergo physical transformations.
At every church in Ordalan, they have been gathering, drying and grinding flowers and herbs into a powder that is then mixed with oil and water to make incense. At the time of the ritual, this is burned in special incense burners, filling the land of Ordalan with a sort of floral fragrance. Then, bundles of sticky wood are burned in specially made furnaces, with fluted chimneys that create a melodic hum as it burns, prayers and chants are done in tune with it, the Nixglau mythology is reiterated to the Nix children, and what this ritual symbolizes. Then when the furnaces are all warm, comes the burning of the silver, first hour is silence, a remembrance of what the Nixen has lost, what is now missing, but then a celebration for us who are alive. After the silver is all burnt, the slag is gathered and crushed, then washed in basins, until it dissolves, making the holy water the oracles described. Each Nix is allowed a sip, but the ordained get to take a sip per week or more, while commoners only get a sip per month.

In the following months, changes become apparent, more sons are born and the sons grow stronger, able to perform limited labour, even those already born. But the ordained become strangely pale, and their steps are lighter than they should be. This is chalked up to coincidence, until the high priests of Janos start getting blueish skin and silvery horns, confirming something is going on. There are also rumours of oracles being able to float in the air, lifted by some unseen force.

>Action 2: Spark Step, those ordained by Janos learn to skip along the ground, producing sparks with each step.
As the ordained undergo their physical changes, they try to find utility from it, particularly them being repulsed from the ground. Among the more obvious utility of jumping and running, some notice they are able to affect their repulsion by influencing the lightning in their bodies. A manoeuvre called Spark Step emerges among the ordained, where by discharging their lightning they can kick off from the ground with tremendous speed, then sustain this speed with subsequent discharges, skipping along the ground, producing sparks with each discharge.
As Princess Lucilla Siglinda hears the reports from the Battle of Bahay, she feels... disappointed. Sure it means no danger to her or her charge, but it was also an opportunity to prove herself. But when she hears of plans for a counterattack, she realizes the opportunity is not yet past. Her mother expects her to come back victorious, and as she gets a reinforcement of Pyre Axes, she decides to delve into the unexplored forests of the birdfolk. Fortune favours the bold. She will have her trophies and glory.

>War Action: Invade the lands of Guliseare, looting as we go, and if we make good progress, into the hills. We want battle.
Leaving a garrison at Negosyo, the Ordalan army marches north. Hunters and Pyre Axes are the advance force, finding paths through the forest, allowing the Spears and Chariots to move without splitting their forces too much. Should the advance force be engaged, it is hoped the Pyre Axes will hold out long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Ordalan doesn't expect to hold onto the settlements of the birdmen, content with looting and moving on. The big payout however, is battle, where the Nixen get to prove their mettle, as well as loot metal, as the birdmen are said to possess freshly forged iron. Ordalan also hopes to capture nobles and other birdmen of renown, so we can get inroads once peace comes around, so maybe we can trade ourselves some iron afterwards.

The strategic plan is to delve as deep as we can, get the birdfolk to realize the threat we pose, a threat greater than those they faced at Bahay. In fact, with the caution of the bird folk it is considered a possibility we'll have to delve into the hills to make them face us. Our army is less effective in the hills, but it's not as bad as the mountains, so it'll be the scene of glorious battle, and we can make use of our full army better than in the limited visibility of the forests. It isa risky move, but the Nixen are experienced warriors beyond compare, we shall prove to everyone we are still strong. Especially if we can get a parade of captives.
Urgent report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.

The infidels and Kaenumite devils to our north west and the far west march on our territory after driving us from Bahay. Their forces are limited, and with a bit of work should be driven from our lands with ease. However, more importantly is the Lessers of the south. The female dominated ones, specifically. A significant force larger in number than the northerners clad in armor marches into our territory as well, seemingly being beguiled by the Kaenumites to aid their invasion. We urgently need your orders as to how to deal with this and allow Aelelox's will to crush these heretics. I will pray for our forces and for death upon our invaders, and hope your response arrives swiftly to deliver us from the darkness that encroaches upon us.

Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.

>Action One. Formation of the Imbuato.
With vile heretics daring to cross into our lands, new tactics and training are needed to help slow their advance and ensure they are whittled down sufficiently enough. Further, the elimination of important sergeants at arms or specific units that are problematic for our forces is key. And as such, the Imbuato is formed. Similar to the Pendirumo, these forces are light and skilled at skirmishing. However, unlike the Pendirumo, they are specifically trained for ambushes and ranged combat rather than taking walls. They are to constantly harass an enemy, hitting them constantly and moving away before they can respond be the enemy on the march or encamped. A variant to serve in direct battle that could serve as highly mobile archers who utilize flight to reposition to better firing angles and allow for flanking shots on an enemy is planned. Though, this is for the future when we have the time to do so.

>Action Two. Forges of War.
Our forces utilize iron for their equipment, and we have a fresh source. However, the current number of forges we have is lacking. By forming and organizing proper forges in our glorious capital, we can ensure every single soldier has high quality weapons and armor, and ensure that far more can be raised to fight for our holy cause. It will be important for future expansion of our military and any more ground oriented forces clad in steel rather than leathers.
>WAR Defense, North
The frontier is to be evacuated in it's entirety and all civilians and slaves are to be pulled back to the forests by the hills, and further if necessary, with a number of hunters made to join the army to better make advantage of the homefield advantage. The forces of the Orcs and Adenai will be ambushed directly and constantly harried by the overwhelming majority of our forces. The tricks that the Changelings can do to disrupt ambushes will be limited, due to both their limited numbers after the sacking of Bahay and due to the fact they had already utilized their shapeshifting tricks in the initial invasion, allowing the Aripan to utilize methods to weed them out. Now, whenever a force of Aripan stumble upon an Aripan civilian or other small group near the area of our enemies, they are to state the start of a verse from our holy faith. Should the verse be completed, the Aripan will be known as one of the faithful. Should they fail, they are to be purged like the heretic they are. Given the Changelings haven't done any proper infiltration into Guliseare society, superior Guliseare recon and a lack of any sort of organized scouting force on the Changelings part, their contribution to the battle should be negligible and easily culled.

The Orcs and Adenai forces being a small contingent and not equal to either of their nations full army and even less than what was used to retake the city should likewise be fairly easy to rebuff with initial harassment and delaying tactics, along with attempts to ensure any sent out to forage or hunt food would not return along with making sure that they are not allowed to sleep due to constant probing attacks and noise. After our forces have recovered enough after buying enough time, our army is to drive them from the lands and be done with them. Given they are marching into our own lands along with our significant mapping out of the territory and our recon allowing us to see practically every move, this will undoubtedly be a slaughter for our foe, especially with their extensive overconfidence. If, somehow, the smaller, lesser trained and lesser equipped force in a place full of cover where we hold a homefield advantage is able to rebuff our forces again, the forests are to fully be set to the torch, along with any Anelk slaves who try to escape to the lessers. But surely, Aelelox would not allow that to happen.
>WAR Defense, South.
Further to the south, a complete scorched earth policy is put in effect against the feminine invaders. After initial evacuation of all civilians and anything of value, the civilians are to create a firebreak to protect the orchards near the hills before a major forest fire is to be set south in the path of the invading humans. If their forces aren't caught in the conflagration or harmed by it, the destruction of all food in the area will make their march up north all the harder. If this doesn't weaken their resolve or forces then it should at least slow them significantly enough to prevent them from advancing too far. At the very least it should slow their march enough that the forces to the north are fully rebuffed and the whole army can come south to harass them at every step and whittle their numbers down bit by bit, if not cut off the head of their forces in the process. Unlike in the north, actual victory in a straight fight is unlikely given their arms, armor training and how fresh their forces are. However simply delaying them for long enough to secure the north and weakening them with our indirect methods should prove enough to allow a counter attack to be viable sooner rather than later.
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By the great grace of our Lord Aagen,
who has granted us this tyrn of the sun, I, King Uhgul II of the Vencs do hereby order;
>For his beguiling of those creatures of the west into the erection of a city fit for both Man and Crawling Thing, an abbey is to be built in this city so called Cockaigne, and his reverence Wafna rewarded with the Bishopric of said institution
>Efforts needs be undertaken in the draining of as much of the southern marshlands as may be done in one tyrn

[rename "Beta" to "Cockaigne" or append it]
> Civilization/Race Name: The Urotti Dwarves

> Capital Name: Thul Urdor

> Colour: Brown

> Brief Summary of Nation:

The Urotti Dwarves are a proud and honor-bound people emerging from the shadows of a great cataclysm that nearly obliterated their civilization. Having sought refuge in their ancient capital, Thul Urdor—which now lies in ruins—they are determined to rebuild and reclaim their former glory. Their society is deeply rooted in clan lineage and ancestral worship, with each clan tracing its heritage back to legendary dwarves of old. Honor, ancestry, and unbreakable oaths form the bedrock of their culture. In the aftermath of the Great Betrayal by one of their own, the Urotti became obsessed with maintaining the purity of their bloodlines to prevent the betrayer's seed from spreading. Social standing is heavily influenced by the purity of one's lineage, and being clan-less is considered a fate worse than death.

> Optional Fluff:

Clad in tradition, the Urotti Dwarves hold regular clan moots and grand moots to settle disputes and forge alliances. Their honor system is highly performative; oaths made publicly are sacrosanct, and breaking one can lead to exile or even death. The king and queen are revered as incarnations of the ancestor gods Adir and Aira, serving as spiritual parents to the nation. Grudges can last generations, and elaborate rituals exist to resolve them—sometimes culminating in duels or hefty reparations paid in gold. The ruins of Thul Urdor stand as a haunting reminder of both their glorious past and the challenges that lie ahead. Yet, with steadfast determination, the Urotti are mining, forging, and storytelling their way toward a renaissance, driven by an unyielding commitment to honor and tradition.
> Actions:

> 1st Action: Reclaim and Secure Thul Urdor

Emerging from the cataclysm, the Urotti Dwarves prioritize reclaiming and securing their ancestral capital, Thul Urdor. This involves clearing rubble, repairing essential structures, and reestablishing basic infrastructure like forges and living quarters. By restoring Thul Urdor, they honor their deep connection to their heritage and create a central hub for coordinating their efforts to rebuild. Securing the capital also provides a safe haven for their people and a symbol of hope and unity as they begin the arduous task of restoring their civilization.

> 2nd Action: Scout the Surrounding Areas for Resources and Threats

With their foothold in Thul Urdor reestablished, the next crucial step is to dispatch scouting parties to explore the surrounding regions. These scouts are tasked with locating essential resources such as Gusil (ore) deposits, and other minerals vital for smithing and reconstruction efforts. They also aim to identify any lingering threats, be it hostile creatures, remnants of the cataclysm, or rival factions that may have emerged.
1. Trade route: Stumble Birds for Bronze/ Copper & Tin
With the Krovians successfully hooked on the stumble birds, and no backlash against their sale, more trade of the birds is created. With the Krovian discovery of metals, though, a new price is set for the birds. Anyone who wishes to purchase must trade in metal weight.

2. Expand into the southern desert.
While the nation of Vizari began as a protected city state not everyone desires to live within the city; and the magics of the nation make surviving the harsher lands of the south much easier. The idea of setting into these wastes and finding buried riches seems to pick up among the more youthful groups and many a caravan can be seen spreading into the unclaimed sands seeking oasis to set up villages or creating great wells and stone foundations to establish their own along the southern coast, some may even make it to the great southern river bank and it's fertile plain.
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>Request for further funds denied. Blather about bringing the dead to life wastes what little time and credibility you yet retain. On the former, an extension will be granted to account for obviously deteriorating mental faculties. Sober up, or you will be replaced.
- Missive from Habitun council to Stige Sukon

Action 1: Distribute Limpid Skelle (You get a crystal instrument, he gets a crystal instrument, every kid gets a crystal instrument!)
>True Katan: Skald plaguy. Might kill soon.
>Bille Hitab: Trade for mine. Schools in spiritualisms. Complains trees must be serenaded during feeding, cutting, and floating.
>True Katan: I was promised success would be gratifying. Yet to see the "ify".
>Bille Hitab: I drown yours, you skin mine, no one suspects foul play. Deal?
>True Katan: You are good friend Hitab. Wish we met during apprenticeship. Dreary days be less dreary.[1]
>Bille Hitab: Wonderous joy. Make up for lost time tonight. I bring ash cakes, you bring Dulce?[2]
>True Katan: Deal.
1, 2. Contextual proof of no foul play. Conspiracy to murder disproven.
- Excerpt From Lapidary Development Communiques: Series #30

>"I want a cherry" my mother said
>I asked her "What is that?"
>She said "A fruit that grows west"[1]
>"Its color a bloody red"
>And so I packed my bow
>My food and my harp
>And I ventured out of Bikube
>Seeking the tree whose blood did flow
>- - - -
>Along my way I met a Skrit
>Its countenance a riddle
>I asked it if it knew where
>One could find a red fruit[2]
>It skittered away and returned
>With six cousins in tow
>They danced and formed a rune
>"No" and then "Wester" they affirmed
>- - - -
1. How did she hear about such a thing in a foreign land?
2. Weak rhyme.
- Excerpt from ballad rejected in Annual Fuaha Organum Exhibition

>Provide at local community center for your free Limpid instrument of choice
- Weather beaten half-torn card found behind a village center

Action 2: Dig out acoustic tunnels
>Honored council of Terra-blessed Habitun, Seers and respectable personages all, the Skald's guild greets you on this fine overcast day to propose an effort, though expensive, is nonetheless expansive for our race's future endeavors, while remaining in-line with sacrosanct Terran teaching that venerates...[1]
>We respectfully request a few sets of acoustic caverns and tunnels throughout the rocky mountains to better practice our craft in, that we may in time perfect long-distance communications between our communities come the future move to the underground per the Seer of Shadow's commands, hallowed and...[2]
1, 2. The platitudes go on for nigh-three fot of precious papyrus in shrunken runes nigh-unreadable as if meant for Skrit eyes. Council deemed them worth striking from record to save on storage space.
"Habitun Council Public Issue Proposals: Eastern Quadrant, Level 8, 5th Wall, Shelf #14, Issue #55302"

>This project is a foolish, dreadful waste of resources. I shall agree to it with zest under the following conditions:
>- A contingent of 8 men per tunnel required. 4 to work each end. The closer the men provided are to the ratio, the faster the tunnels will be completed.
>- 4 mature trees per tunnel per day, 2 for each end of the tunnel. Fire setting should shave off some time in rock faces.
>- 2 Medqa per tunnel. Less is acceptable. They will act as beasts of burden on excavation.
- Foreman Age Bani's reply to Council order to fulfill Skald Guild proposal concerning Acoustic Tunnels

>Your proposal to utilize the secret potion quickening tree growth in accelerating mining efforts by dropping seeds into crevices afore they are crystallized is archived.
>You may demonstrate it within the next month under foreman Age Bani's. Should he praise it sufficiently, your request for a member of your house to be joined with a member of honored house Katan will be elevated in consideration.
>You will be allotted a contingent of 50 Medqa for the effort. Do not disappoint.
- Excerpt from Habitun Council reply to house Hitab patriarch Bever Hitab's annual report

>The council finally sees worth in your efforts. You may rejoice at your leisure.
>Effective immediately, you are to temporarily transfer control of the project to Stige Stige Sukon until your current duties are concluded.
>Said duties involve accepting the proffered contingent of Skrit diggers, as well as one of the Shadow Queens produced.
>The former may be used to augment excavation and reinforcement efforts of Foreman Age Bani.
>The latter may be used in their secretive capabilities to scrutinize and locate optimal dig locations and paths.
>Succeed, and your this will combine with your achievements so far into a moste agreeable justification for elevated privileges over the city of Bikube.
- Missive to Brother Saffer from the Habitun Council
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Trade: Send the Skrit a few baskets of Medqa eggs in exchange for a dedicated swarm of diggers to augment the acoustic tunnel excavations.
> Action 1 - Smithy for metalworking
Bronze! So much harder than wood and bone, and able to be shaped to suit any need! What a wonderful thing! We must have more!

>Action 2 - Tools, and even better, Weapons!
The Krovians tearing out chunks of the earth want bronze tools to make their life easier. The Krovians chopping down trees in the humid north want bronze axes to fell mightier trees. The Ostrich farmers want bronze tools so they don't feel left out!
But Chief Drevino is MOST excited about a GREAT BIG BATTLEAXE he managed to beat one of the new blacksmith Krovian's into making for him. He's practically drooling already, his dreams of taking down a great charging beast in a single strike so close he can practically SMELL the bloodshed! Oh, he can't wait!

Fluff - The Drug trade continues, Krovian's trading away bronze for more stumble birds. Krovians with more restraint see the birds as tainted, attempting to either warn the wizards (fearful the pathetic nerds will get "Right upchuck belly-less" ||Sick||) or have them over for dinner to give them proper food, hoping a few real meals will show them what proper food tastes like so they can stop eating this Stumble bird crap they obviously eat at home.

Elsewhere, Krovian's are in heated conversation after learning that Krawl are, apparently, NOT animals? Well, one of them, at least. Most (all) Krovians aren't going to stop eating regular Krawl any time soon, but, ya know, at least they're talking about it?
>Action 1: Confederacy Forgeworks [Place it next to my capital :^) ]
With reserves of Iron being replenished from the Orcmen, we can reap better trade deals if we forge the arms and armour we need ourselves as opposed to replying on Orcish smiths.

>Action 2: Tower Shields, Mobile Cover (Military)
Observing the results of The Battle of Bahay, Confederate officers have made recommendations for better defensive measures, having taking virtually all of their casualties due to missile attacks. The best and brightest among the the Twigs, (or at least thats how the orator announcing the new legislation described them) have designed new, larger shields to equip their forces with. It will take significant time to create the equipment, and even more to properly train the men in their use, though once completed will make the forces of Adenai a mobile bastion, unable to be pierced+.

>War Action: Half of the Adenai forces that helped defend, or more accurately liberate, Bahay aid the Orcmanie in their offensive maneuvers against the Harpys. The other half remain in Bahay to help rebuild and defend the city. (1/4 of total army strength in each case).
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To commit death on the mollusks and claim territory in the sand hexes. Also to prospect in the north for a being whose genetic makeup will help Us to make forms that can run on eight or more legs.

>1: push to the unclaimed coast!
With the new military leader at the head of the pack, Novenary initiates the charge of amassed krawl, the ones that were accidentally sent to claim the territory and multiply near the krovians. Granted, there should be a massive amount of them by now. All stationary vortexes should disperse, reform to travel, and follow the high krawl into and over mollusk territory. With hostility, they need to spread themselves out along the north coastline, and hold on for dear life. In doing so, the krawl will amass in giant stationary vortexes along the new southern border with the molluskoids. (Pic related). Lesser krawl must claim the new hexes, establish a new subterranean forward operating base, and plant fungi in the depths as soon as possible. All the while, their tankier counterparts should have less trouble holding the line for them.

>2: the arachnid heist
Maja herself will make an excursion with a hunting party, taking her hostile krawl form and looking not all too different from a spider of sorts. Her wide, spinning AOEs should be plenty match for whatever she and her party might encounter. She plans to spider-nap a spider, be there any left. It’s likely their genetic makeup might be essential to attaining new types of krawl with six or more legs.

>War: ending the mollusks
It’s doubtful that We may find peace with the mollusks. The way they are puts Us against each other, for We, the high krawl, are forced to witness their horror every time they affect a living krawl nearby. Maja has not returned to the region since she last made contact, and Novenary has since taken her place. He plans to sail over the land and distribute krawl vortexes accordingly.
>Action 1: Construct a Road (Infastructure)
A road is to be laid out from Bahay, through Negosyo, and into the capital of Ordalan. It is hoped that this will better enable the transport of provisions and reinforcements from the various nations to the front-lines in Guliseare by connecting them all with roads. Furthermore, it serves the interests of the merchant class.

>Action 2: Construct a University in Bahay (Infastructure)
In the aftermath of the attack on Bahay, the people are in disarray. With some households robbed, and others dead, the economy and thus the well-being of the people is in a precarious state. Disorganized when it comes to war, yet adept in the science of trade, the Bahay state funds a large scale public infrastructure project to re-stimulate the job, and create new job opportunities for those who have lost their livelihoods. If some debt must be undertaken to fund the grand project, then such is appropriate; taxes may have to be raised temporarily in the future, but for now jump-starting the economy once more is of highest precedent.

The objective for this public infrastructure project is a grand academy - one that is not dissimilar to the School of Arts in Urong, but here instead focusing on the research and teaching of logic - specializing primarily in those subjects most dear to the changelings: psychology and economics.

>War: Spies
A small group of Tagagaya guerilla veterans are sent to support the inading Orcmanie with setting up ambushes and acquiring Intel.
>Establish Farms (Build Farm at An'naud)
It isn't good to wholly feed a city with fruit and meat, especially so when the orchardists and woodsman that provides it barely believes in Kholan, choosing to still keep to dead Marlene and her ways. Take the median An'naud urbanite, who subscribes to the Kholanic belief, who takes part in her cult's acts, who follows the many arbitrary laws of An just so one of them fall and be sacrifice. Take them and send them afar, with the pseudo-Marlenist just so that they'll take what they can out of those people's ways, and the seeds of formerly-Enkhet's garden, native to this land, wherever he took them from. Perhaps we will need to firstly center this folk to An's hinters, just to get a breeding population before letting them bleed throughout the north, but time is no obstacle for our lady.

>Establish the "Temple" of Kholan who Lords Nature (Build the Brewery of Hurnist or just Hurnist at Bleeding Grove)
To the great opposite. It is so, that this passage of time is a great obstacle for any living thing, leaving only whatever true essence lies inside them. Applying this principle to the fruits of the lady does as it does to any kind of fruit, purifying the blessings of our Kholan to a much more concentrated and preserved form. (a little drank by any that believes in my position, for what it's worth..) Besides that, any kind of trade good that they'll manage to develop on the side should be another thing we can ply the clannish magnates at Koll for.

Still, these forests grow denser and denser. Perhaps more bodies to the south? There still lies the mysteries of my predecessor's notes. Maybe, I should consider that place for the elderly...
1) tame the beetles the cult traded to us in one of our deals. Setup a hatchery and put them to work in the network.
2) develop beetle hubs. Structures built on top of the beetles backs that act as mobile computers. With shadow queen and ant technology included to extend computational power

It is fortunate for the Orcmanie that the forces of the Guliseare are proving themselves arrogant, underestimating the strength of the unified force advancing in a coordinated and consolidated manner upon a limited area, supported from supplies easily bought from within the City of Bahay, and taken there up the road system from Asenai or Rooin. It is also arrogant that they assume their own forces far stronger then they are, be after so many of their number were lost to Guerillas in the avance, died in the many combats in the city or were notched from the air by Orcman arrows in their retreat. Furthermore, they underestimate the cost of their 'advantage' in flight, limited even more by the vegetation then Orcman cavalry. A Harpy might strike fast, but to strike with flight he forgoes the benefit of strong armour. And exposed wings are so easily torn, bruised, broken by the loosing of a bow or the strike from sword, axe or spear; whilst an adequately-armoured Orcman might well find protection from armour, plate, or even their more robust Physique; surviving the attempt to lethally retaliate himself or holding on in combat until a comrade takes the bird down. After all, the Harpies own ranged projectiles are inferior to the Orcman Longbow, and the Birds lack any true cavalry element. And should the Harpies instead arm and armour themselves more conventionally to receive armour protection, they simply do not possess the practice or strength of this way. Indeed, even their own supplies are more threatened, with the Ordalan moving into the forests in a definitive sweep that cuts of an avenue of supply and will take out many caches and resting-posts. It should indeed be a slaughter; a slaughter of overconfident and arrogant Harpies by the Orcman and Adenai forces who are working with veteran Tagagaya guerrillas to drive the Harpies back and secure the lands around their Capitol for the allied forces.
War Reponse

Given the Orcmanie forces are only half of their army, and the half that was bloodied themselves in the assaults against the occupied city of Bahay which they were only able to take with Adenai help, help that is half of their own less but still bloodied forces, the blind belief that they would have a overwhelming force advantage when marching into Guliseare territory makes it clear that the Orcmanie forces leadership is overconfident to a fault. Had their full might been brought down, they may had had a chance. But given how few were even lost to changling guerillas whom only served as a delaying action and the bulk of the Aripan losses were from the Orcmanie assaults against the walls and the eventual retreat because of the Adenai, the numbers difference even when ignoring the fact the Aripan are focused on regrouping and buying time for that. In essence, because the main goal of Guliseare forces is to delay and whittle the Orcmanie forces until reorganization and recovery of the main army for a decisive strike to banish them from Guliseare lands, the minor numbers advantage that the Orcmanie forces may have will mostly be negated by the Aripan's own guerilla strategy. While flight in the forest is hampered by the dense vegetation, a Aripan may fly above the tree tops. A horse may not and so much of their proclaimed mobility is moot as well in the thick forest vegetation, not to mention the uneven ground can be the death of a horse by breaking it's leg, dooming it and potentially it's rider as well. While the majority of Aripan forces do, in fact, not have heavy armor, it is unrealistic to assume every Orcmanie soldier will wear their armor at all times and be clad in full plate. For to do so will be extremely exhausting to the soldiers on the march and expensive for the Orcmaine state. And if they are, the exhaustion along with the weight make the speed of their reaction to Aripan ambushes all the more difficult. Also important to note is even when an Orcmanie soldier survives as Aripan withdraw from an ambush, they still will be out of action for some time and can still die from the wound due to infection. Lastly, while the Orcman Longbowmen are better equipped, this means little in an ambush in well covered woods, even if the Orcman keep their bows strung at all times despite the damage that would do to their weapons.
> Vasileus of the Barzaentine
It is a time of quiet contemplation for the Barzaentine, of codifying tax codes, creating complex reporting requirements for farmsteads, and the study of the divine. At regular intervals new heralds leave the capital carrying the latest revisions of government regulations and divine scripture, such to the point that the changing of seasons becomes known as herald time. Within the tyrn a startling breadth of information is established about the kingdom, as well as the firm surety that all across the kingdom a tax collector will find the roads the same width and the hymns sung the same way.
It's this steady flow of information that uncovers a curiosity in the southern end of the country. Vizari merchants selling sausages that induce a pleasing euphoric state, though unfortunately one that is often paired with unpleasant withdrawals.

The greatest question at the heart of roc taming is which of the many varied servants of the smoke lit masters would serve best as companions and trainers of the great predatory birds. Most Menia are entirely too timid for the task, while many Cavia seem to trigger prey or predator instincts within the birds. Polymyria seem to do best in mundane interactions within the rookery, and they rarely complain when an arm is playfully removed with an errant nip of the beak, but there are concerns about intelligence. In the end it is the Seeria who are chosen for the task, whose great eyes can match their partner’s vision, and possess the ego to assert themselves as the leader of their pairing. The rocs do well in this role of partnership, taking to custom saddles and riders, and learning to dive and strike on command, though two issues arise over time. The first is quite mundane, the birds are simply devouring all of the limited livestock Vitruvia keeps. The second is that even well behaved adult rocs become wild and raucous when near one another, inevitably resulting in either murderous rage, or mating rituals that end with the great birds abandoning society.
Alchemist’s Fire is without a doubt a cruel and vicious tool. Nearly every Vitruvian has heard tales passed down from generations past of servants of the masters who displeased and were doused in the concoction as a punishment, or enemies of the masters whose family’s were tortured with it. Its creation is fraught with peril, and its storage even more so, with great clay pots of clever design designed for the task. The saying “twist left” is soon coined as a way to refer to tasks that must be done quickly and then fled from.
Fort Orest is an unconventional design to be sure. The bulk of the fort itself is built into the side of a hill of loam, with cramped and austere barracks and storerooms tunneled into the dirt, more of a mine shaft than a fortress. Surrounding this though is a ring of high towers that crest over the treetops, giving a commanding view of the surrounding world. Strung from tower to tower is a tangle of ropes and nets, dotted with bells of various sizes, many strung with ropes leading to the forest floor below. Scarce a squirrel moves through the forest without sharp eyed longbowmen watching it.
At the capital a great and beautiful cathedral is constructed to honor the gods of Pavillion. Polished slabs of dark red granite form the main supports and outer walls, while the inside is framed and furnished with cherry wood and decorated with the finest luxuries that can be found in Orcmanie and beyond. A steady stream of pilgrims comes through the cathedral offering up prayers and alms. It is from these prayers that word reaches Rooin of a band of marauders praying on merchants along the road that leads betwixt Rooin and Bahay. Apparently some self styled ‘barbarian scion’ is lurking in our lands.

>Kingdom of Ordalan
Glory to Janos! As spoonfuls of blessed silver water are fed to every woman, child and man in the kingdom there is a great feeling of relief, as though a heavy burden had been lessened somewhat. In the days to come the ordained of Janos grow fair and strange, with silver skin and horns and the snap of lightning follows in their steps, sometimes letting them skip across the ground in great and sudden leaps. More startling though is the sight of young men leaving their homes for the first time, often walking with the aid of a staff or caretaker, but walking in the sun for the first time in their lives. A great wave of hope crosses the nation, punctuated by a lunar eclipse, taken as a sign of Hilda herself walking the land.
The Divine Republic of Guliseare
Great forges and charcoal kilns spring up around the iron mines, fed by a steady stream of lumber hauled laboriously into the mountains from the lumber mills far below. At all hours of day and night the great plumes of smoke can be seen from the walls of Sonistia (and indeed from the cursed lesser outpost to the north as well). Anelk slaves work laboriously to keep great bellows moving and shape metal to the exact specifications of their masters. The steady stream of weapons and arms will surely be a great boon to our forces, though most Aripan must make unfortunate tradeoffs between protection, mobility, and weight, with the heaviest armor and weapons forcing the harpies to the ground except for brief and difficult excursions into the air. The wings themselves are of course almost impossible to armor properly, short of binding them in place.
The latest wing of the military, the Imbuato opt for almost no armor at all, save a light buckler, bracers and greaves, and many are trained to abandon even those as a battle rages on, to save stamina for flight time. The feats of the Imbuato are impressive indeed, able to accurate strike targets while moving at considerable speed themselves, but like all the Aripan weight is an ever present concern, limiting even the number of arrows they can carry into battle.

Humble Venks set to work on a difficult and arduous task, that of draining the southern marshlands, though what creature could blame them for such a desire? Though there is little sign of the eight legged menace that once prowled these lands the memory of the beasts lives on and no Venk will sleep easy until proper grassland replaces the stinking mires of this place. Still, to drain a vast swamp that stretches beyond the horizon will be no easy task. The first step is a survey of the land, to discover where this wretched water comes from, and where it might go. The answer is perhaps no great surprise, water flows from the great lake to the west, through a myriad river whose main course leads to the ocean proper, though a great deal of the water seeps into the land itself. Architects of the mason’s guild draw up a grand, and costly, design for two great dams that will control the flow of water from the lake, hopefully throttling it to a more respectable level and allowing the greater swamp to dry in the process.
In news of the gentler insectoid neighbors of the Venks, work has began on the ‘civilizing’ of Cockaigne. The main focus of course is the construction of a great abbey where Bishop Wafna will attempt to enlighten the Skrit to the fine ways of the Venks. It is a strange thing to have a town where streams of ants the size of a man’s hand flow like water, and even strange still to preach in one, but the Venks handle it well.
>Urotti Dwarves
The return to Thul Urdor from the dark places beneath the earth has been a long journey. The way back has been sealed by old magic and the weight of ten thousand stones. Our people are weary, but rest must wait a while longer yet. Thul Urdor is much as we left it long ago, a grand mountain fortress carved into the mountain with terraced ridges in the sun and vast halls within the mountain itself. We set about cleaning it of old lingering darkness, purging foul remnants of the disaster which once drove us from it, until it is ready to be home once more. She will serve well as our home.
Explorers set out to discover what has changed since we were last here. They discover a curious ruin wedged oddly in a valley, the stones cut at odd angles and with impossible precision. Little writing has survived within it, save the word ‘Vizari’, but within it a treasure is found. Curious stone troughs, filled with dirt, growing pale pink peppers in bunches in spite of a lack of sunlight and water. The fruits are pleasantly spicy and should make a pleasing addition to many dwarven meals. These are hilariously spicy to anyone who is not a dwarf

While the rowdy nature of Krovians makes trade with them fraught with peril and prone to banditry, there is no denying the steady profit being turned by merchants, even if a half of it goes toward paying guards and repairing ships. More than one merchant has had the unfortunate experience of finding a hole in his hull and his cargo plundered right out from under him! Still, a steady profit in bronze is turned.
The profit will serve well to offset the cost of the new expansion into the desert. The harsh terrain requires a steady flow of supplies to maintain even the simplest of settlements in the sand dune wastes.

The Limpid Skelle distribution is met with some level of skepticism and confusion amongst the greater populace, many of whom see the warbling tones of the instrument as a distraction from the daily labor of life. Nonetheless the younger generation takes to the instrument well, and soon enough the warbling tones can usually be heard in the evenings around towns and small villages.
The instrument also serves well in the acoustic tunnel system. Tunneling crews work to find the ideal tunnel configurations to propagate sound clearly and find that different sound pitches and tunnel widths pair well together, though most important of all is a clean, well polished tunnel of hard stone. A variety of system are devised ranging from long distance crude tunnels of up to a league where a single skelle note can be alternated in a pattern of long-short pulses and shorter tunnels of carefully fitted stone where legible conversation can be had to a few hundred stride, so long as both parties are properly polite.
>Krovian Bands
Bronze! Stronger than bone and tooth and stone, and far easier to repair and mend. There is an unfortunate lack of splintering and shattering of course, but the increased ease of rending and flaying of a target generally makes up for it. Krovian forge shops spring up around the capital, bringing in all the ore they can muster and transforming it into tools and weapons alike from humble plows and farm scythes to the hulking harpoons and battleaxes. The metal is immensely popular, however a fair number of Krovians, addicted to the alluring comfort of stumble bird, prefer to trade their tools and weapons for more of the delectable meat, and there is an unpleasant amount of internal theft and petty crime surrounding the metal trades as a result.

RAID: Krovian warbands strike out against the Molluscoids of Zelheim, meeting them in the waters around their iron mines. The hulking snailmen give as good as they receive however and the sharkmen are driven off with only a few interesting scraps of iron ore for their trouble.

>The Adenai Confederacy
The sound of hammers on metal fills the capital as the forgeworks is constructed and begins its vital work. It's first task, discounting a never ending list of requests for chandeliers, dinnerware, and elaborate garden decorations formed of Ordelan silver and Orcmanie gold, is the creation of tower shields. Each one is a mobile wall in itself, and when interwoven with others creates a highly mobile iron fortress. Each shield is created with a slight curve, such that they can be firmed locked together, and many of the Twig families take to painting expansive murals on the shields front face that can only be viewed when they are firmly locked together.

>The Krawl
Maja’s expedition into the swamps finds itself plumbing into a vast labyrinth of tunnels and caves burrowed beneath the earth. For a brief time a vast colony of creatures had lived and thrived here, then vanished, leaving only a handful of trails to indicate that they had burrowed deeper into the earth, collapsing tunnels behind them. In an isolated tunnel a cache of web ensconced eggs are discovered, the life within dead, but well preserved enough for the Krawl to extract their essence.

WAR: The push to the coast unfortunately ends in disastrous failure, with Novenary himself wounded and forced into retreat. Krawl forces overextend and find themselves cut off without supplies or reinforcements, then beset by wave after wave of heavy maul wielding molluscoids.
>The Free Association of Tagagaya
In the wake of the sacking of Bahay life continues on. A stark contrast is painted between the greatest and least members of the city with solemn graves for some and great burning pits for others. Many changelings cannot be identified at all, caught in strange transformations brought on by panic and fear. For a full unpleasant week the city smells of ash and mayweed, the wildflower being in bloom at the time of the invasion and used in great amounts to cover the corpse stench of the city.
The city goes deeply into debt as it rebuilds, repairs, and slowly pieces itself back together. Fresh roads are constructed to connect together the city states and Ordelan, allowing a steady stream of resources and building materials to flow into Bahay for repairs, as well as no small number of soldiers, scouts and diplomats. Chief of new projects in Bahay is the construction of a grand university, a project that is hoped to open the pockets of the merchant class and distant nobility, or at the very least pour some much needed coin in the lower class constructing the building.

Humble agriculture does not well suit many of the Domo, but enough make do and remember the ways of the soil. Forest is hacked back, ground overturned, and soon enough fields of oats and barley spring up. Humble fair, but filling in the cold winters along the rocky cliffs.
When the weather turns coldest though leather skins of Hurnist brew are distributed. Made of distilled fruits from the bleeding grove even a sip sets the body abuzz. Some powerful stimulant mixes in with the burn of alcohol and keeps the body warm and blood flowing. The taste is so foul though that many prepare themselves with a bitter apple beforehand.

The Medqa are a delightful addition to the Skrit network. A hundred times larger than the largest Skrit and only slightly more intelligent than the trees they enjoy consuming. Squads of four can be taught to work together to carry a sizable Skrit interface on their backs, allowing a form of true mobility for skrit intelligences not previously seen. Shadowqueens on the mobile bases however have to be watched closely, they tend to disregard physical obstructions, and veer wildly to avoid things that don’t actually exist.
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>Guliseare Punitive War
It is early spring in the seventh tyrn of Pavillion when three armies begin their march on the lands of Guliseare. To the west Orcmanie and Adenai forces march together, hoping to push the harpies out of the forests below. To the south Ordelan forces do the same, striving to form a buffer between Negosyo and the harpy lands.

The western armies make little progress over the course of the war, clashing repeatedly with harpy skirmishers, but failing to win the decisive victories required to advance the front lines. Adenai forces in particular suffer badly, taking the brunt of several well executed ambushes, with Orcmanie forces often having to give up minor gains to rescue their half elf comrades. Tagaya infiltrators also struggle to be effective, while many are effective at learning the scriptures and pass phrases of the enemy, the pace of the skirmishes is usually too quick for any information gleaned to be of use.

Harpy victories in the west are at the cost of the south however. Ordelan forces sweep relentlessly through the southern forests with silver axe and strung bow, crushing the bird folk in direct battle again and again. In desperation the aripan attempt to set the forest ablaze but harsh spring storms keep the forests too wet and green for any major blazes to sweep across the land. The Ordelan offensive finally stalls out after control of the foothills are established.

------------------END OF TURN 7--------------------
1. Expand into the former Gorehorn Mob lands to the river.
With news reaching the city that the Gorehorn mob has broken into a crumbling state of nomadic tribes again many of the adventurous sort that did not set out to the southern dunes instead move to claim the vast plains and rich riverlands that the nomads once controlled; pushing out or assimilating any of the Gorehorn that remain.

2. Research glass soldiers.
With new lands claimed, and a need more policing and protection, the golemancers, red tower wizards, and glass makers team up to improve upon the sand soldiers created before. Glass has a known quality to better retain magic and copper an enhancing effect for energetic magics and enchantments such as fire or lightning magics. With the copper coming in through trade the metal dust is added to the glass mixture and cast into the shape of a man, which is then enchanted with fire magics to keep it in a semi-liquid state as the inner fire burns and animated into a glass golem that can heal itself from damage. The same iron gear is given to these golems to give them the appearance of faceless soldiers.
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>Western Rush (Expand x2)
The winds whispers of a great void of power appearing down south. Then, the men from En brought news of a great silence in the plains that they once knew people were in. Is this another one of the reasons why the heart we heard from this land is silent? Still, we need to send our men to claim the lands before the men of south completely abandons their coastal holdings. Even if, down-the-stream, it means another center of power competing against An, another church to Kholan is a good enough benefit for it.

>War Action: ...
Unknown to the authorities of An, Koll, and the pseudo-authority at En, many families charged with the rush took the relative lack of oversight in the plains as a chance to win the favor of the land by blood, either through the sacrifice of other families that followed the way, or foreign settlers of the plains.
*Eastern Rush not Western.
We should preserve those dormant spider eggs. There are more important matters to attend to. This turn, I’m looking to put some more defense on my high krawl, which will be active in the field in the future. I also want to heal my downed guy.

>1: Armor for the high krawl’s attack forms
The krawl forms of Novenary and Maja are still made of squishy krawl flesh, despite their combat expertise and variety of moves. With the recent downing of a high krawl on their first deployment, Maja determines there should be bone plates and muscle structures for her and Novenary’s krawl forms, carried by their armies, for them to utilize in battle at their leisure. Granted, the high krawl wouldn't be able to carry them by themselves. They would need more than one vortex of backup at least.

>2: Send Novenary to the Xelles’ chamber for heals
The LAVA FUNGUS, also known as the Xelles, lies at the deepest point of the krawl’s deepest hive, in a chamber where the flow of water mixes with subterranean lava. His personal horde, heavily battered and bursted, managed to assemble a squad to whirl Novenary home in a vortex, once he fell unconscious. The spores spread constantly by the Xelles fungus are ultra-rich in nutrients, and are the perfect aid to a high krawl in need of bodily medical attention.

War: any and all remaining krawl in the unclaimed territories on the mollusk coast are advised to be mobile and hide out where they can. They should preserve their lives in the territory at all costs, except for being impregnated by the mollusks. At that circumstance, they should avoid it at all OTHER costs.

> Action 1 - Blood Resilience [Religious/Magic]
The frenzy of freeding comes naturally to a Krovian, speed and power pushing them to their utmost limits in pursuit of that heavenly feeling of sinking one's teeth into another's flesh. The CHOMP!
But Chief Drevino sees how that takes it's toll on one. This recent bout with the yummy snails to the south shows that there are equally vicious beasties out in the world, who leave deep scars with pincer and claw even as they are torn apart. What fun!
And so the blood rituals of the Temple of Crimson Tide are refined... less haphazard blood spilling, more drawing-blood-runes on sedate warriors. Let the fury and power build slower, and let the Krovian be ever more unstoppable in their charge.

> Action 2 - Sustainable ostrich far-

> Action 2 - Sustainable ostrich farm
With blood rituals becoming more common-place, the need for blood is ever-more urgent. No more will ostriches roam free across the plains, chased by wild Krovians with spears held high.

I mean, ok, that WILL still happen, but they will also corral some into a pen and get them tamed and fed.

Declare War on the Archmages of the Towers
Seize coastal iron mines.
The weakling wizards across the way have been seen dragging great lumps of metal from the earth, carting them off to who-knows-where to do who-knows-what with. Not like they need them to hunt or fight, their skinny arms are so thin they can barely pick up a dagger! The Krovian's have TRIED to have them round for dinner, toughen them up by showing them how to eat properly, but alas - you can lead the wizard to the buffet, but you can't make him take anything but a salad.
The Krovians will use this metal for much better purposes, so take it they will!

The meat supply in Hohenholm has almost entirely run out. Sabatical, now a vocal presence in Vitruvian politics, argues that too much focus has been placed on this obsession with industrialising the Rocs. Powerful though they may be, more attention should instead be paid to “better plant growth serums”, “projects to increase the amount of sunlight daily” and “more drones”.

Arguments fly in the debate chamber, with some Cavia (notably those small and more ikely to be eaten by the monstrous birds) agreeing to some of the hive minds points.
The old guard remain insistent, with one particularly brainy fish the size of a deer inviting the opposition to take a swing at his reinforced fishbowl if they want a fight.

A group of armed Menia, previously ordered to quell any developing violence in the chamber, step in before things get too heated. (Seeria would have been entrusted however are too loud and obnoxious, often inserting their own opinions into debates that they are simply not educated enough to comprehend.)
Even so, this event marks a turning point in Vitruvias roc obsession. Very soon the nation will turn to other things and the Pro-Roc party shall fall out of favour, as many moderates agree that the nations fondness for the giant birds has yet to meaningfully improve the lives of the citizenry.

>Action 1: Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo

The appetite of these Rocs has been sorely underestimated, and has become something of a national crisis as food stores begin to drop rapidly.
With most food being grain or fruit based, the Rocs have grown increasingly closer to open revolt as their appetites have been left unfulfilled.

Herds of buffalo are gathered and hastily bred to rectify this issue, a series of large ranches made to rapidly industrialise the collection of a vast glut of buffalo beef to appease the Rocs.
They shall gorge on the flesh of the bovines, make nests of their thick bones and warm fur, and grow stronger and healthier than the wild Rocs who may sometimes struggle to find enough food.

It is hoped that this new industry will produce enough product to satisfy our own people as well, providing extra protein for our diets, but if push comes to shove it is the Rocs who shall have to eat before us, less the consequences be truly dire.
>Action 2: Roc Domestication

With adult birds tamed and responding to our riders, fed tasty diets of buffalo and with their young reared within our Rookery, we can finally begin the process of domestication by taking charge of the birds reproduction.

We can now decide which birds breed, and when, and ensure also that the young are socialised correctly. The least fractious and belligerent Rocs shall give rise to the next generation, the Rocs least likely to fight amongst themselves, harm their handlers or mates or develop diseases late in life shall carry on their lineage. Their undesirable solitary traits bred out, but their natural aggression harnessed to our own ends.

A new breed of distinct Vitruvian Roc shall be born, with boundless potential in every egg.

Seizing control of the birds reproduction is no easy feat however. It requires some amount of trickery, providing high quality nest materials to the Rocs we wish to reproduce, accessories to attract mates, controlling which birds fly in which areas. Occasionally brute force must be employed however, if violence with the more wild birds is inevitable.

However difficult this stage may be, it is necessary to turn these noble creatures to the service of The Masters.

>Action 1: Whounds
The Warg of old were once used by some among our Orc ancestors as companions and as mounts. But although the intelligence and ferocity of these animals was never in question, Gorbash's band bought few to the shores of what would be his new land, and though robust enough for the hunt, their constitution was not up to the task of bearing a Warrior once that warrior was fully armed and armoured. That task was instead put upon the steeds passed to us as legacy of our Human forebears, the Rexen; and they were bred for strength and ferocity anew. As for the Wargs, they were crossed instead with the clever and loyal Rexen Hounds, to produce animals that could be used as patient guards and fierce hunters. These Whounds thus become a commonplace sight among the people of the Orcmanie, be it guarding a shack or homestead, padding through the forest in the company of a ranger or gamekeeper, or running as a pack alongside and ahead of the horses when an Orcmanie Knight or greater noble rides off on a hunt through the forests. And of course, when the armies of the Orcmanie march to war the Whounds come with them; sniffing out concealed foes and leaping to bring down more agile and lightweight opponents.

>Action 2: Garde Forestier
With forces around the city of Bahay locked in stalemate with the Guliseare, the front may not be advancing much but ample theory is now being tested in practice, and many Orc woodsmen are only gaining in skill and experience with every clash. Recognising the ability of these Veterans, Duke Guyard makes the decision to promote many of the most experienced Orcmen from the Bowmen and the Levies to form a new unit in his service, the Ducal Garde Forestier. Intended as a counterpart and counter to the harpy Imbuato, the rangers of the garde forestier are clad in light armour that grants them near-full freedom of movement, and each orcman of their number issued with a Longbow, a Steel Longsword and a Moon-Cotton cloak in forest shades with which they might conceal themselves from prying eyes.

>Bandit (Counter?) Action
Though formed for the Guliseare Punitive War, the first mission that the newly constituted Garde Forestier are sent upon is to check up on rumours of a band of Marauders upon the road, and to determine who or what this 'Barbarian Scion' might be. After all, was not Gorbash himself once a Marauder and a Barbarian scion, before the grants by the Tellden of former Rexen lands bought the Orcmanie into being? Once identified and located, perhaps we might meet to Parley - or else we will at least know where to ride the Knights if the scion proves intractable.
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Action 1: Formation of the Bakhold Pouncers (Medqa Jumping Cavalry)
>Tell of your showing in the Orcmanie horse matches has reached the council's ears. With growing unrest to the south, and our new neighbors to the north, the so-far unnecessary formation of an official and expensive combat force has finally been authorized.
>You may utilize the attached seal to command the aid and cooperation of three houses, as well as requistition three hundred pund's worth of gold from the council treasury. In exchange, we expect a fully trained force of Medqa riders, or however you see fit to name them.
>Terra has seen worth in you. Do not fail her.
- Missive to Medqa Trainer Arvid Murawid from Habitun Council

>I suppose I could use the additional income. Still, a Medqa saddle that doesn't fall off even when they spread their wings? I would have to either store it right above their heads and limit it to one rider, or somehow allow it to meld through for your proposed four.
>If you wish the latter, I suppose you could put me in touch with Stige Sukon? I hear he is in a slump as of late in Bikube, but he refuses to return my messages whenever I ask him to collaborate.
- Missive to Medqa Trainer Arvid Murawid from Bille Hitab

>I ignore the summons of an ignorant child too blinded by love to seek out his full potential. He did not tell you of how he ignored MY messages when he was pursuing that Katan bint.
>Naturally, the council is a different matter, though I believe I've exhausted what research I could perform with the Medqa until the council grants my request for live subjects.
>If all you wish is a way to phase through the Medqa wings to bind a saddle, well, my insights in the possession of the inanimate could prove to be of use. After all, only one rider need possess the beast itself, leaving three shadows unused.
>As I write this, I realize that there could be worth in this after all. More than I've had drumming my skull on my laboratory walls. You can count on my zest.
- Missive to Medqa Trainer Arvid Murawid from Stige Sukon

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>The council's desires for a "cavalry" belie their utter ignorance of the practicalities of combat.
>We are few. Fewer than any collective I've seen yet. What "cavalry" we gather would lack the numbers to strike at any sizable force marshaled against us. It would have scarcely the space to charge from, through, nor at, not in our terrain, mountainous or forested as it is. And furthermore, we've not the beasts that would allow such a task even on flat terrain. Yaks, mules, and donkeys do not hold the fearsomeness the warhorses of the Orcmanie do. You should know, you've seen them.
>I cannot risk my family name on this hare-brained venture. I implore you to curse another with it.
- Missive to Medqa Trainer Arvid Murawid from Scoutsmaster Ivar Buraq

>I apologize for my outburst, I had indeed failed to see mention of the Medqa as the mounts for the proposed cavalry. I was not aware you had managed to tame them to such an extent, busy as I was with my travels.
>I beg you dispose of my earlier message. It was not borne of lack of faith.
>The Medqa might indeed surmount the issues I'd pointed. They can crawl on sheer surfaces as if flat, and fly in bursts at great distances and speeds to boggle the mind of those unaccustomed. Charges would be replaced with hops, as their relatively low land speed could be made up for with a jump from well-camouflaged holes and perches. Their armor and size might repel even the Orcmanie's prized starmetal lances, and their horns might be enough to smash the foes to dust before the riders even begin striking.
>I can train the force that would ride them, for lightning strikes against encrouching foes. Assuming of course you do your part regarding the saddles, and the inherent skittishness of these adorable beasts.
- Missive to Medqa Trainer Arvid Murawid from Scoutsmaster Ivar Buraq

Action 2: Prospect Underground For Smoke Sources (vents, coal, flammable fungi, etc)
>"Council has loved my work on the acoustic tunnels, and I cannot say it was too shabby. Now they wish for me to dig up some grub to feed the growing numbers of our Shadows. I hear charcoal smoke tastes much like watered down porridge and they wish for something with a little more kick. To that end, please do not mind the shadow ants as they melt through rock walls as if ghosts. They shall simply scout us the best path to what we seek, from visions of what could have been, or so I hear. The Medqa and seed layers will take it from there. Now let us get this fuel!"
- Excerpt from speech to Fuaha dig crew from foreman Age Bani

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War: Against the Urotti
>Assembled with all unassigned Huntsmen and Scout forces, as well as reserve Fumancers from Fuaha and Bikube right behind lip of ridge. Night should cover approach and make signal visible should it be lit. Terra help us all if this comes to war.
>Requested a resupply courier. The dverg seemed to wish to converse at length with diplomat.
>Diplomat exited the fortress and gave the signal to assemble troops. Provided detailed summary of interior of fortress area he was guided through.
>Shadow ants conduct preliminary scouting raid. Scouts will conduct decoy pushes at the walls and gates with most shadow ants returning alive, flanking crystal-shield bearing Medqa with their shadow suffusers to keep them from spooking. Through every retreat, disseminate tree-growth potion with seeds. Close the treeline around the fortress, grant further cover for our movements.
>Complementing distractions will be Shadows infiltrating fortress through holes and openings. Prioritize embedding in key defensive strongpoints.
>Once enough Shadows are embedded and hidden, launch true attack, with Shadows opening doors and eliminating or disabling key defenders.
>Abduct rather than kill, martyrs on the other side will make negotiating dislodgement more difficult.
>Until final attack, Huntsmen and digger ants will establish perimeter around roads and digsites. Block any attempt to counter-attack or break out of encirclement.
>Terra... let this be a clean and straightforward affair.
- Captain Bjorn Sayyad of the Huntsmen,
"Records of Huntsmen Dispatch, Log #591"
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2nd Turn

> 1st Action: Prospect the Hills Around Thul Urdor

With Thul Urdor reestablished as our home, we will organize prospecting teams to survey the hills surrounding the capital. These teams, comprised of experienced miners, geologists, and scouts, will search for new veins of Gusil (metal ores) and other valuable minerals essential for our reconstruction efforts. Mapping these resources is crucial for future mining operations, providing the raw materials needed to rebuild our infrastructure, forge tools and weapons, and craft goods for trade. Additionally, prospecting the surrounding hills will help us identify any hidden dangers or opportunities in the landscape, such as natural defenses or sources of fresh water. This action not only aligns with our cultural emphasis on mining and resource gathering but also lays the groundwork for sustainable growth and security in the times ahead.

> 2nd Action: Fortify Thul Urdor

With the shadow of war looming, the Urotti Dwarves will prioritize fortifying their ancestral capital, Thul Urdor. This involves repairing and reinforcing the stone walls, constructing additional defensive towers, and establishing strategic battlements for archers and lookouts. Enhanced guard rotations and increased sentinel presence will ensure constant vigilance against potential invaders.

> Warpost

Upon learning of the approaching threat, King Tori immediately set plans in motion to defend Thul Urdor. The fortress walls were reinforced, with battlements fortified and additional watchtowers erected to keep vigilant eyes on all approaches. King Tori ensured that supplies were stockpiled, and underground tunnels leading to vital resources were secured, providing fallback positions if needed. The clans stood united, ready to defend their homeland with honor, and the host prepared to hold the line at all costs.
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The Nixen aren't quite sure what to think of the blood moon. It is an often ill omen, yet, the curse has waned, reports from the north are promising, and our nation is strong. Perhaps it is a sign that we should push. That we are now in a position to shed the blood of our enemies. Queen Leutgard Siglinda prays for good fortune, and that her daughter returns home safe and with victory.

>Action 1: Establish Lumber Mill east of Sturnes.
As the demand for wood increases yet further, with the use of it in the silver burning rituals of Janos, a lumberyard emerges east of Sturnes, where woodsnixen cut wood for a variety of uses. Large warehouses are built to store the various cuts of wood so they can dry. But the biggest feature, is a series of watermills, powered by the nearby river. These can cut logs into planks at a pace only matched by whole teams of Nixen.

>Action 2: The Chaerda Arrowsong Bow. Through techniques thought lost, mystically superior bows are made, whose arrows flit through air like song.
In the time before the Tellden arrived, were the Chaerda, a tribe of mystic and fair men, thought extinct by the time of Ordalan, but recently it is revealed that their ways of the Arrowsong have been passed on, and better yet, it's spreading. The hunters and bowyers of Ordalan are taught a technique for shaping living wood and granting it particular properties prior to cutting. By wrapping branches in specially oiled cloth and singing verses of the Arrowsong, the branch will change form before your very eyes, a verse is enough for a branch strong enough for an arrow, while a whole song will produce the branch necessary for a bow. The ritual continues through the shaping of each bow and arrow as well as their fletching and stringing. The bow produced can shoot arrows further and with more power than should be possible, and as the arrow flits through the air, a voice is heard. It is said the Chaerda of old could communicate through just this Arrowsong, and that they had long pointed ears for it, indeed the claim is they weren't human, but elven, and that they originated in the Sunless Age, an event they say happened in the past, but which Orda Nixglau say will happen in the future, when the world is put on the brink of destruction.
>The Legend of the Arrowsong. An oft disputed Chaerdan legend from the Sunless Age, a future event they claim happened in the past.
In the darkest of time, there is always the song. Heed its tune and you will grow wings. Herald the dawn.

When the sun died, the dark enveloped the land, but the roar and protest of fire kept it at bay, fires set by the warrior chief Schwaerz Blumenkranz. This was the Sunless Age, where many great men fought against the dark, scoring many victories, yet there were many more defeats. Every man lost would become food for the Nachetars, the most foul spawn of the dark. It is said the Nachetars were responsible for the death of the sun, using profane magicks from their fell spires of flesh and bone, fashioned from the carrion and corpses of all. The only way to prevent a body from feeding the dark, is to burn it.

Yet as Schwaerz slashed and burned in his crusade against the dark, there were those who tried to save the forests of the land, the druid chief Alvifrea Vingled, who used his endless horn of wine to give sustenance to a forest glade, in which refugees hid, getting relief from the sunless dark. But the Sunless Age continued, and the Nachetars would cast their foul magicks upon the glade, which twisted the refugees into the trees, becoming horrific amalgamations of wood and flesh, groaning in pain as their bodies twist with each movement. Those that escaped did not do so unscathed, as they heard the song of the forest, twisted to screams. But as most despaired, one of the refugees listened closer, for the forest wished for death and would tell him how to kill it. This man would follow this song of agony, and his arrows would fell horrors and inspire more to listen.

This man was Sigurd Chaerdefrey, the first of the Chaerda. He would make the Arrowsong, a vital instrument against the dark, his arrows would fell even the Nachetars, who grew higher than even the tallest pine, whose flesh stank of blood and rot, who flung terrible magicks from their fell spires and could swallow a hundred men at once, where they would desperately try to cut themselves free from their many stomachs. Against these, arrows are invaluable, especially ones guided by the Arrowsong, capable of striking at weakpoints none can see.

Yet despite this, the dark pushed on, for there was no safe haven, just surviving, in a land that became ever more barren and desolate, rivers of blood flowed through the land, smog from the fires choked the air, and the cold kept creeping closer.
>The Legend of the Arrowsong concludes.
Knee deep in dead and lungful of smoke, keep listening. Burn bright and shine the way. A beacon for the lost.

As the land covered in ash, as oceans freeze, the Nachetars did not slow. Schwaerz found his axe heavy, Alvifrea's horn ran dry and Sigurd's body grew so numb he could not shoot his bow anymore. Yet, there was one sound, one voice, in the Arrowsong. As the legions of monsters descended upon the last armies of man, Sigurd abandoned them, delving into the darkness, where there was no light, only the Arrowsong. After wandering for days, he came across the last of the Alvifrea's glade, headed by a woman who was twisted into a tree that was also twisted into the woman, the cold and ash had rendered the bark as pale as chalk, so pale it radiated light, like the moon. Sigurd wept, for he did not have the strength to free her from her torment, but the woman told him she is here to save him.

The remainder of Alvifrea's glade had been inspired by Sigurd and by freeing most of them from their fate, the rest had time to regain some portion of their sanity. Exterting control of their twisted forms, they could move once more, and the woman was their chief, Naadie Hildebrann. The two would return to the last bastion of man, a fortress in the frigid mountains of Sonbarr, where mankind was holding their last stand, but also where all the Nachetars gather, to feast upon the carcass of the last men. But that also allowed Naadie to use a spell of her own, grasping onto every spire and body of the Nachetars, she pulled them all into the ground and buried them, but in order to push them ever deeper, Naadie and her cohort would start to sink into the ground.

When the battle was over, there was silence and the heroes gather, with what remained of humanity. Naadie got to see that humanity survived, but the world was still dark, and once she's sunk beneath the ground, the last light will be gone. To prevent this, Schwaerz would cut Naadie in half, casting her upper body into the sky, where she would become the moon, keeping a watchful eye against the darkness while still controlling her lower half through mystical means. The world was still cold, it needed a new sun, and Schwaerz took upon this mantle, setting himself ablaze, he burned with all the rage and passion he could muster, but in doing so he lost his mind and memories, becoming aimless. To solve this Alvifrea would conjure an eternally burning rose, that attracted Schwaerz, even though he no longer remembered his sister. Sigurd then took this rose and shot it with the Arrowsong across the world, making Schwaerz forever orbit, bringing an end to the Sunless Age.

After this, Alvifrea went about regrowing the life of the world, while Sigurd gathered his Chaerda to prepare, should the dark return.
>War Action: Besiege the Guliseare fort as the lowlands are captured, let the battle of Guliseare and Ordalan commence.
As the armies of Ordalan gather at the foot of the mountains, the ordained of Janos manifest their blessing. As the mountains are unsuited for horses, the Chariots of the Silver Storm have to dismount, their ability to rely on Spark Stepping instead means their mobility still remains king, able to skip along the mountain and dodge the swoops of the birdfolk. Thus the blessing is most fortunate indeed.

Thus the armies start to make their way into the mountains of Guliseare, marching closer to the fortress they have there. The Spears of the Ashen Dawn make a series of camps as they advance closer, until they are at the walls. The Pyre Axes of the Rosenfeuer put themselves in ambush positions to assault any sneaky birdfolk that try to ambush them in the crevices of the mountain. The hunters and their bows are very useful for punishing any flight of the birdfolk. But the Chariots of the Silver Storm are the silver bullet against the birdfolk, charging across obstacles with their Spark Step to skewer birdfolk with their lances. With this Ordalan shall secure besieging positions around the harpy fortress, setting up siege equipment and laying plans for how to deal with the stone walls before them.

Should the armies of Guliseare muster and assault the armies of Ordalan, it will be simple to have our great battle and secure victory. But should they prove craven, we will have to pry them out of their mountain hideout ourselves.

The assault plan for the fort will rely on the Spears setting fortifications for the hunters to shoot their arrows from, keeping the wall archers busy as the Pyre Axes set their ladders upon the walls and climb. It is a costly move, but this is not the biggest threat, nay, for when the wall defenders busy themselves with the assault by our conventional forces, the Chariots will use their movement magic to scale the walls elsewhere, then attack along the walls to take control of their gatehouses, to open the gates, allowing a combined force of Spears and Pyre Axes to enter their castle baileys. This tactic will continue until we take their innermost bailey, where their keep should be. Once their keep is taken it'll be a simple task to secure the rest of the stronghold.
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>War Action
With the previous offensive against the Harpies in he forest producing only stalemate for both sides, what had once been the continuation plan now becomes the base plan for the main direction of assault, whilst the former offensive is reduced in scope to occasional sorties from Bahay by Tagagaya infiltrators.

Supported by river-boats along the upper reaches of the sainac, the main strength of the Orcmanie force and attendant Adenai advance into the hills with bowmen at the ready and Whounds chomping and eager; to link up with the Ordalan already holding positions in the Hill-line and to pincer and pocket the main Harpy strength into the remaining nub of forest, to cut their warriors off from direct supply and prevent them from coming to the aid of their mountain fastness whilst the Ordalan begin their offensive.

Once the position in the hills has been secured, Ormanie and allied forces can then renew a steady, methodical assault into the isolated pocket of forest that remains to them and cut down any Harpies that fail to surrender with bow, sword and lance.
1. Continue to develop the southern border's defenses; making use of the Geomancer's abilities to create earthworks of great strength out of unbroken, raised stone. The current lack of anything going on where once things were indeed sighted has the court suspicious of an attack of some kind by those who dwell there, as they were sighted with the raiders from so long ago.

2. Forges. The Royal Forges must be expanded to a whole district within the city. From there we may make peerless tools and weapons for our people to utilize in peace and war.

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