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A LISA-inspired Quest.

Rabid animals, men without sense, motherless dogs beyond salvation and god!
They are the libertine dwellers of the mount of cement; the inglorious survivors of the red desert. A dried plain, deader than the very cemetery, colored with impregnating red from the anal blood of the raped, and perpetually polluted by the lying cocks of the castrated rapists.

The absence of women was not perpetual, they came back; like rabid bitches they hide within scarcity, and howl by the imaginary rivers, beyond canine sight.
Usurpers of dignity will not care to be bitten by their venomous mouths. And not from fear, as much as out of pure disinterest. The lack of women across time, the heat; it was too much to bear for the willess men who simply barked for a stick to bite. And in their solitude and hunger, the loveless found love wherever it had hidden amongst their fellows.
Addicted and enamored by the aboriginal orifice, the joy and the pain managed to outlive the scarcity of cunt until it showed its face on earth again. And “Why are you here when we need you the least?”, they asked.

Survival, battle, victory; they are temporal and scarce joys within the desert of cement, and despite the taste of glory and power they concede with such flavourful disdain, they quite never quite get rid of the taste of salt and testicles from one’s gob.

The only name you know is the one your mother gave you, and you accept it like an ingrate, Antonio Zepeda, a low name of nobody, without grace and without merit of any kind. Embrace it with fear and shame, because that’s all you got, lest you’d be glad not to be known as “The moron”, “The dense” or “The raped”.

Dogs without God it’s a drawquest set in a desert scarce of cunt and abundant with men. The players will be the reflection of the dog’s mind and impulses. Choices will be decided through cumulative voting; beware that impulsivity might affect the amount of votes needed for something to happen. The arguments you explore through your voting will affect the outcome.
Individual players can ask custom questions about an enemy or situation, however, doing so will consume fractions of time available to act. Not every action will be as urgent, not every danger will wait for you to figure them out, and trying to uncover the truth behind someone’s parents divorce might not be as easy.
Your health won't be measured by numbers, but through unreliable approximations and assumptions. You're Not the king of the desert, you are but another dog without god, and you will be destroyed if you dare to attempt to ascend beyond your mortal capacity.
Updates will happen every 1-3 days without certainty nor reassurance.

There are rolls in actions, attacks and phrasings; because nothing is certain in the confusing waves of the mind.
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There are rolls in actions, attacks and phrasings; because nothing is certain in the confusing waves of the mind.

While we walked by the plain, some part of his body remained in the marks of his trace. He could have gone blind all of sudden (from some witchcraft of Porfiria La Nana, or from a bad sight of envy, or by the malignant course of a black fly), and despite that, he continued his way towards Cement’lan without getting lost.

There was not one peddle he didn't know; nor the pine that was burnt and broken by the thunder, not even the chopped testicles, dried by the sun and shrinken by time; not even they had escaped from his sight.

The act of walking was his life. Antonio Zepeda knew from memory all these paths. Twenty three years of stepping over the plain, leaving his mark in the dust and his step in the mud, which was atemporal of season, and originated solely by the piss or the blood.

There was no mount, no path , no dunkow or bone he hadn't walked upon. In the memory of Antonio, the events witnessed took a rancorous shape.

And suddenly, the whistle of rape reminded you.. This is the route of The scorpions!!!
A man stands insecure in the middle of the road, temerously holding a a rudimentary war horn and blowing with all his might, as if it was a cock. You can hear the thetanus from its very cry.

From not paying attention, 3 suspicious and disgraceful men stand shamelessly in front of you, not even trying to hide anymore.

–Mr Cowboy, Mr Bravo~ Either you loosen up or you lose it up!
A blasphemous muffin top of lard shouts with pride while standing on a rock, his effeminate tone confuses you, and he is unzipping his pants!

The man in the middle of the road is frozen, staring at you with pseudo-wrathful intonation within the eyes; his deed is done, he screamed "RAPE!!!!" and played the horn, what is he waiting for? does he want to be the first to get a taste of you?

His fist is lifted up in the air; it would be a glorious pose, were they not about to rape you.

You have to make one. What do you do?

>Speak with them
>Attempt to escape with your ass intact
>Unyield your Machete.

(1 vote + reasoning needed OR 2 votes)

>Use abilities (Free custom action, no votes needed but spends a fraction of time available.)
Abilities avaible
[EPITHET] > (Recomended, includes a drawing), The name every man is given - Figure out more about your enemy and it's nature.
[OLFACTORY CONJUNCTION] > Make an assumption with your nose and discover your advantage.
[SOBER MIND] > Remain calm and secure, analyze your situation quickly and explore more options.
>>Attempt to escape with your ass intact
>>Unyield your Machete.
>Attempt to escape with your ass intact
Speaking with them? Ineffective. Their only goal is ass.
Unyielding our machete? Not against a greater number.
We travel. We know the lands the best. We know how to step, where. So travel away from these men, with haste.
>[SOBER MIND] > Remain calm and secure, analyze your situation quickly and explore more options.
We must recall our best routes away from this.
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After a split second, your hand rests over your blade's handle without showing the slightest intent to pull it off.
[SOBER MIND] –You cant run with it in your hand.

Your foot strikes the ground in a sudden motion, imitating your own body language, you make sure to not give away the imminent desire to get the shit away from The Scorpions before they pestle your crap.

[SOBER MIND] – The small man behind the rock comes out slightly, holding his blade with an attempted demeanor of intimidation and thrilling anxiety. His mind is a stampede of thirst, if he comes forward, the rest will follow.

[EPITHET] – He is who they call.. the Drill-Scout. Ask me why, you must in order to uncover this barbarian mystery. He has a name, and you don't. You are jealous of him, and that's why you don't ask.

The horn man moves uncomfortably and bends backward, as if he couldn't control his awkward desire to taste your stick, as if his chest was floating away from the moment, just to continue fantasizing. The Lard smiles and bends forward instead.

[SOBER MIND] – I walk these paths. I know of the steps. I recall from pure periferic vision the many rocks and boulders i just passed by.. what if there are more scorpions behind?

No. Calm down.
It's not real until i turn, but it might turn real if i don't act. Deconstruct the choices, how many are they?
If i run.. 4. There are 4 choices.
The Lard is standing in a thin terrain; thin for his girth. If i push him and he falls i can run towards the sunset..
The virgin of the middle looks weak; he is twitching from the heat. If i push him, the lard will jump to the road, and the Drill Scout is too frail and low grounded to follow.
Running behind.. its enigma, its mystery.

[SOBER MIND] – Yeh. He looks frail, the Drill Scout behind the rock. Far from the Lard, near the weak. He is too anxious, eager to strike and rejoice on the forbidden fluids; that will be our chance. His desperation and thrill is an advantage.
– Dont unyield the machete. Punch him in the gob and run over him, continue in the path and you will arrive to the town. Dont fear. Yes, his knife is big. But just look at him!
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>Run towards The Lard and push him to his undeadly demise. (You will have to touch his breast in order to push him.. but that grosses you out. A primitive fear of handsy hands and hefty men makes you afraid of what might happen if he grabs you while he falls.)
>Look Behind you.
>Follow the road, dodge The Lard and punch the twitchy horner. [INSTINCTUAL WEIGHT]
>Go agaisnt The Drill-Scout.. (why is he even called that way?)

– Ask me, ASK ME!
>Follow the road, dodge The Lard and punch the twitchy horner. [INSTINCTUAL WEIGHT]
>Follow the road, dodge The Lard and punch the twitchy horner. [INSTINCTUAL WEIGHT]
Aw yeah, esotetic Disco Elysium skills.
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Rolled 9 (1d30)

[MOTOR MACHINE] – Your hand dissipates from the handle. You give a fake step forwards with apparent serenity and acceptance of the fate awaiting. And when your foot touches the ground, and when the birds cease to sing, and when the stare of The Twitchy Horner becomes desperate, and when The Lard clumsily gets on the road, you run towards the mouth of the horner with ireful desperation.

[INSTINCTUAL WEIGHT] – You are approaching an imminent collision of impossible forces. It's the moment of truth.

25+ – Punch and maintain momentum; continue running forward, without fear, without remorse!
15+ – Punch, but lose momentum. The Lard is nearby.
12+ – Rudimentarily tackle The Twitchy Horner
11- – Fail to dodge the lard.
6- – You trip.
Rolled 23 (1d30)

Bravo. Cumulative rolls until the next update in some hours. This is how real mathematicians think.

Roll animals! Roll or succumb to the carelessness of The Lard!
Rolled 12 (1d30)

Rolled 19 (1d30)

Rolled 27 (1d30)

High effort artposting in the postapoc homo-insecurity quest? Well I can't say I've seen it before.
this is a sfw board you greek, dont get jannied
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An impact.
The lights of the world dissipated. The cold skin fluidified into gas and boiling liquid.
No amount of cock, of sweat on the face, of testicles regurgitated, of aboriginal orifices; no amount will ever recover The Horner from the sensorial absence of this moment.

The weight of the entire body landed on his jaw, dislocating it beyond crack and relief. And the trumpets refuse to sing his tragedy, because as long as the feats become myths, and the miserables have their epics usurped, and the bitches howl, and the jaw irreparable remains, dogs without god won't have second chances on the face of earth.

You don't have to, and yet you can.
You are bound to the cement by the soles of your shoes. The motion was eradicated by the eruption of the clash. The legs won't take a single step forward until gravity forgives you. You remain unbalanced on one leg, without support, without solace. Turn your back and destroy him, and then you will run.

[CHOICES] – The Lard has turned to you and taken the first step towards a tackle.

>Recover your balance and continue running forward. The Lard will never catch you with his gut dragging him back through the world's gravity.
>Gnarl upon the bones of The Horner. Decimate his existence with violence.

>Ask a question and be granted the right choice. [Free action]
>Recover your balance and continue running forward. The Lard will never catch you with his gut dragging him back through the world's gravity.
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Rolled 13 (1d30)

14+ – The world trembled. Tremendous determination forced your legs to move with incommensurable force; with the desperation of someone who has a rapist of pigs breathing heavily behind one’s neck.
Restless you continue running through the path, stepping on the thousand steps, deafened by the wind who forgets names and mistakes faces. Ignorant of any and every tragedy.

The tits and guts scrape against the floor violently. And the exposed manhood, unzipped and free, sands against the sands, the unforgiving terrain, the small and sharp rocks.
And through meters and meters of hefty clash, they lie somnolent; shivering from the cold of the genital blood, and unconscious from the faint of a true defeat.

The tears fell and made a pond with the sweat. And despite the rivers of thirst, you kept running.

13- – A power without origin; a disgrace seeking to occur. The flight of a pig starving to eat from the forbidden flesh.

Your head turns from instinct by torturous screech, and your already mitigated motion dares to not be enough.
The wings jiggle, and the feathers lift The Lard off the ground; defying the very gravity that tied him to the world. His gob opens up with starved madness, and the sweated mass flies to embrace the entirety of your being.

The fight with The Lard starts.
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>13- – A power without origin; a disgrace seeking to occur. The flight of a pig starving to eat from the forbidden flesh.

>Your head turns from instinct by torturous screech, and your already mitigated motion dares to not be enough. The wings jiggle, and the feathers lift The Lard off the ground; defying the very gravity that tied him to the world. His gob opens up with starved madness, and the sweated mass flies to embrace the entirety of your being.

> The fight with The Lard starts.

You fall on your chin.

>Continue trying to scape.

>Ask a question to a mind inside your head. (Individual action, no votes needed. Write a question.)

Note: Combat system is a work in progress.
>QUESTION: Is there heaven in violence?
we will defend our butthole at the cost of our very life
Is there heaven in violence?

... For some, yes.

But you?
You are not the type to find *purpose* in the blood spilled. To even conceptualize the act of ascending through violence is beyond your *capacities*. You are a walker of the roads; unremarkable enough to not get an epithet of your own.

What you do is entertaining the present and nothing more, and currently, all you can aspire to attain in this situation is to not lose yourself to The Scorpions.

[MANPHROR] – "To not lose yourself", a command, a truth. More exactly, an undoubtable statement. A quote had never been so contundent and clear.

Reason it, ponder on the logic behind it for just a bit longer. You infer based on their lack of bitches.. that The Scorpions *must* reproduce asexually, how else if not?

Yes. In other words, if you fail to free yourself, and then you sucumb to the loving handles of The weighty animal ontop, you will just be forced to enjoy it, somehow.

Maybe that way, you too will pursue your ruin around these parts one day.

"Who knows if they do it with each other when they arent hunting for victims, or if they exclusively eat when they fuck?" – You ponder.
In any case, their bite reeks contagious.

He rests over your legs, embracing them with his polymorphic abundance. Feeling the venom of his lips, your body becomes an hurricane of motion, rotating over it's own axis like a machine of infinite energy. You quickly turn your toes towards his chin, so at the very least he doesn't bite you where the sun doesn't shine.

[MANPHROR] .. Oh no, what have *you* done?!

You just left him no choice, now he will have to bite *that*.

The tension, the rhythm of the struggle, the agitating waves of his flesh. It hypnotizes your eyes like a dancing serpent.
Deep inside it's stretched skin, you can sense the bloated meats, screaming inaudible screeches of horror; begging to be freed from this imprisonment.


- Abilities -
>[INSTINCTUAL WEIGHT], Roll 15+ to perceive the drowned message of the voluptuous meats. Sense the sea embracing you before acting erratically.

- Proceed -
Lets get him off our pants first and then we slice the shit out of him!

>Put your foot on his head. Let him know his place!
>Spit on his face like some 'femme'. - Yes! convince him you have a cunt, then he wont crave you anymore!
>Let loose the wild cat! put your fingers in his orifices before he puts them in yours!
>[INSTINCTUAL WEIGHT], Roll 15+ to perceive the drowned message of the voluptuous meats. Sense the sea embracing you before acting erratically.
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You didn't roll. Lets say you succeeded.

[LAS GRASAS] – "Free us.. please mister!"

The copious tumorful masses move in agony. Protuberances beneath the skin shake, grow and deinflate in pain -- like epileptic pugs inside a washing machine.

The turmoil of the tempest prohibit the cells of lipids to be aborted from this breathing ham of genitals.

Just what are you waiting for?
You, and only you can free them. Do it before their screams leave you deaf, before the protein breaks and the malformed corpse comes out on its own.

Let The Lard spill, let his skin loose and gut deinflate,; let the hairballs and bitten cocks dry away from the fat they are engulfed within. [LAS GRASAS] Lift their little adefecium arms and give you their power!
Be their hero!

-New ability-
[TIRO DE PARTHIA] (Cowardly strategies to win.)

+ IRE OF LAS GRASAS – Inmediate Bonus
You punch him in the face with inmaculate ire granted by the cries of his entrails. Like an arachnic monkey, your feet move with rapid precision. And for a measly momment before you fall onto your feet on a squad; you walk on all fours like some endomorphic adefecium of nature.

The Lard is shitting himself from the snack that just dissapeared from his grip.
You stand again on two legs, like a man, and the machete unyields itself, falling onto your hand.

[WEIGHT OF THE WORLD] – The lard has not even stood up yet . He is too heavy and dumbfolded. This is a miracle of nature; you dont have to thank me.

In this angle.. its hard to aim the machete where LAS GRASAS are hiden.

>Slice his head, forget about the tits; they are not your problem. Let them be contained in the gut for eternity. [Roll < 8 EASY ]
>Wait for him to stand up, slice his tits and gut like a man and free LAS GRASAS from their prison. [Roll < 15 CHALLENGING ]
>Run. Basically spare him. You are not a man of violence. This conflict has taken way too long; no need to make it longer for revenge. [Roll < 2 PSEUDOIMPOSSIBLE TO FAIL]
They cry and drown, and suffer and cry even more!

ENDLESS protuberances tightly press agaisnt the skin; contained only by the rapeful muscles hiden in the sea.
Rolled 11 (1d30)

Ah, just used to other quests that expect me to WAIT to roll instead of voting for an action and rolling.
>>Wait for him to stand up, slice his tits and gut like a man and free LAS GRASAS from their prison. [Roll < 15 CHALLENGING ]
Rolling this time.
It's a free action. Individual voters can ask questions, only sacrificing time.

The -proceed- Section is what you would have voted.

For not rolling, your free action transmuted into... a free action.

I hope you are happy.

(nice roll btw. Since this an important choice, lets have all voters roll for their chosen action until next update. ROLL AND VOTE ANIMALS! CUMULATIVE ROLLS ROLL AGAIN! )
I spoke this a tad fast. I hope the message comes across safely and clear.

And if it didn't..
Then perhaps this confusing format will help you sharpen your senses.
Mmh, fair, it is a bit of a confusing format but it makes some sense now.

Yes. So basically, you can ask questions. Yes.
The world has answers, and you must ask them, and do so without care of what other manifestations of the consent mind might have to say about it. You can do it even if it's not presented as a suggested choice, like >>6092270 did here. To gain context, or to understand a situation better; to obtain a buff, or come back to a line of questioning that didn't develop as much as you would have liked to.

In this case, the question demanded some real heavy cognition, so a roll was neccesary.

This series of events is fine, since the ire of LAS GRASAS was too powerful to do anything else. It was a hide path all along. Yes!

>Slice his head, forget about the tits; they are not your problem. Let them be contained in the gut for eternity. [Roll < 8 EASY ]
This is evil. You are vile, Anon.

In any case, can someone break this damn 1v1 vote?!!!
i want to continue the quest already!!!!
Rolled 23 (1d30)

Since you asked so nicely
>Slice his head, forget about the tits; they are not your problem. Let them be contained in the gut for eternity.
kind is the lord, because i precisely started drawing this scenario 40 minutes ago

this is OP from a mobile device
beware of liars and fake prophets!
update soon, animals!
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>Slice his head, forget about the tits; they are not your problem. Let them be contained in the gut for eternity.

His arm surrounds your leg, like an swollen serpent. Desperate to not leg you go he tugs his forearm -- throwing you off balance; desireful for another chance to have you lie down in his presence, hungry to surround you with his eternal corpulence.

Your boot lands ireful on his face. Any jiggle that could have occurred was drowned in the bluntness of the impact. The arms rise, holding the machete impatiently -- because violence waits for no one. You feel gravity tugging you against the core of the world, but you are indifferent -- your arms aggressively tackle forward, defying the imminent impact of your body in order to land on the bloated face first..

And they succeed. Your fall is absorbed by the impact of the blade, and softly you land on your back as if the split head of The Lard refused to let you land heavily on hard soil.

Blood and meats fly, not knowing whether they should have been sliced by the edge, or scattered by a blunt impact.
As you fall, and the dusts lift, you finally see the lards of his back jiggle in ire, wrathful to be contained, wanting to explode through any orifice, in a fountain of liquids.

- IRE OF LAS GRASAS – Bonus lost.
You feel really tired all of sudden. Victory is salty and greasy -- you can feel some of the corpse fluid's flavours in your mouth. What a mess.

>Stay and kill these dogs. [Roll 1d30 for Willpower and Violent drive – "No fucking way" ]
Note: Ill hide roll numbers and simply use a vague description instead -- that way you cant chicken out.
think my ip reseted from deleting cookies.. its a bit slightly over, ill have to make a new thread
nevermind, we are so back!

Since we only got one vote i'll draw that choice.
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You escape successfully!

The soles of your shoes clash against the desertic soil. And one after another your steps howl and echo across the vast *nothing*.
.. . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. ..

–"And then?"

there's silence.

You feel the cold sweat falling from your brow. Drops awaiting to boil through the heat of the biosphere. Feeling important enough to torment your eye balls as they fade - "A potent death" - They think.

In the distance... Agonizing cries and squeals, pure suffering to deaf ears! And their glory becomes inverted and entrailed, spreading the tragedy of inconcluded epics. Memories and epithets alike, both succumb erased and left dry by the sun.

.. . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. .... . . .. ..

The sombrero flies and gets lost in the wind. The snakes tired hope the hat will pass over their heads and give them shadow, even if just for a moment.
In this terrible silence, the eyeballs absorb the sweat, your mind continues walking, and in it's place, the legs ponder..

>Who stole their epics? [FREE ACTION] + [INTROSPECTION]
>Haha, take that sons of the slut! (Will this earn me respect?!) [WALKER OF THE STEPS]
>I killed The Lard. Will i ever see the other two again?
>...What is there to ponder? i scaped with my ass intact!

>The Scorpions, that was their name. But why were they called **The Scorpions**? [EPITHET]
>I killed The Lard. Will i ever see the other two again?
bear with me, dogs
update soon

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