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Generosity Edition

>What is this?
"The Mystery Dungeons 2e" is a text-based role-playing game created to expand on the setting created by the spinoff series, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. This has no story relation to the first quest, and is its own new story. Players still isekai themselves into the world and become Pokémon, going on adventures with their newfound guild mates! SFW ONLY

A deeper explanation of rules, related pages, and whatnot can be found here:

>I'd like to participate!
Currently, we're at full capacity as far as threads on /qst/ are concerned. However, there's always the chance that space for another player may grow in the future, or that you simply wish to play outside of /qst/ and the quests hosted here. There are other ways to participate, about which you can learn and do here: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org

>Okay, now what?
After you've read up and familiarized yourself with the rules and setting, be sure to hop into the Element: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org. Everything that doesn't involve Main Quests occurs here and is helpful for coordination.

Character sheets and the guide to making them can be found here: https://rentry.org/tmd2many_characters

If you feel you might need help, feel free to ask!

Previous threads and summaries can be found here:

Our LIVE main adventures start on Tuesdays/Saturdays around 6:30PM CST in this thread!

Namefag as your character, with your item and level!
e.g. Sparks, Lv. 56 Pikachu
e.g. Sparks L.56 (Sneak Scarf/Team Shock)
Following a couple uncomfortable conversations and investigations, the location of the Dark Stone has a relatively concrete spot on everyone’s maps after piecing together the various clues collected at Air Continent’s one and only library. The catch is, there’s a spreading epidemic to end. The bookkeeper is willing to guide you to her ilk for another statue that can clear the Twilight Syndrome, now that you’ve unfortunately gotten to know eachother, Her name (supposedly) is Lovely Starlaid Genius, and she’s led you to this mountainous region in the far northeast: Perdition Pass.

It’s a mystery dungeon in the middle of one of the Grim Brim Tribe’s nomadic migration trails, and…you’ve had more comfort. Valleys and peaks are tightly packed together, forcing you to walk through constant and heavy slopes, bowls and inclines, never getting more than a step or two of flat terrain at once. The spiky gray mountains lining every pit you walk through break up any wind passing through the place for miles on end, leaving the air stuck in place with a stagnant and stale taste…The hills are structured like stacks of dishes and bowls stored way too close together, so getting a sense for anywhere or anything outside your ‘pit’ is hard to establish visually.

Chapter 18: Always Listening
Submerged Castle, Pikmin 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L3R4aEaDv0
thread claimed for ground types everywhere
>you're joking right, ish was MADE for this stuff!
"Man, this'd make for a killer off-road track..."
>Kaz semi-grumbles as they make thier way through the rough terrain
"Huh. Mom always figured I'd be a hiker. At least I got built-in climbing ropes, eh boys?"
>Evan is using his vines to grip terrain for easier movement.
"So these Grim Brim guys take this trip every once in a while, eh? You figure the place is haunted? I mean, what place isn't these days but still, with a name like that it's GOTTA be haunted.
"who knows? we got at least one ghost here for sure, what's a couple more?"
Wallis slumps over a slope with a sigh, taking a short Break during the downtime to keep her strength up.
>IQ Skill: Second Wind
>HP: 29/29
She looks up and finds there's too much stuff in the way.
"Can you even call this a trail? I'm pretty sure a mystery dungeon scrambling the terrain would make it easier to travel than this..."

Wallis looks back at her Hatterene escort, then back to Evan.
"She's freaky enough for it. Just don't wear any hats they try to foist on you. Though hats with me are kinda..."
She pokes her topmost headfin, standing squarely in the way of hat territory.
>Brook follows along with the others, thanks to his stamina he has a somewhat easier time moving on the un-even terrain
>mentally however he feels an uncomfortable chill thanks to the rather ominous sight of the densely packed peaks and pits, he keeps his mouth shut to avoid the taste of the stagnant air

"I wouldn't be surprised if there were ghosts hanging out around here somewhere, the place seems like somewhere they'd like."
"Maybe the whole planet's haunted, and that's why there's ghosts everywhere?"
>Evan smirks as he delivers his stunning philosophical insight
"Well, Kaz met that Inteleon guy wearing a hat, and those things have head fins. Maybe they cut a slot for ya?
"Terrible area..."
Matchia mutters, looking at her surroundings.
The air doesn't seem to make her too happy.
"Thisss place might be the weirdesst yet..." Orner doesn't have trouble with footing, having no feet. "Hey Ssstar, how long will thiss take again?"
"betcha that's what twilight's about. old mons deciding it's their turn on the body."
>ish shrugs between bounds.
"hey, I could see something working, ever heard of a circlet? ...on second thoughts, they wouldn't really fit your style."
Another species Wallis fails to recognize. She stares blankly, then looks up at her head.
"The fashion disaster sounds worse than the usual mind invasion that'd likely accompany headwear from this place."

"No? There might have been one in town, but... Doesn't sound up my alley."
"I wouldn't say so. We get to go downhill after every slope, so it evens out, right...?"
"Ugh, right, ghosts..."
Matchia mutters. If she was uncomfortable before, she's quite a bit more on the edge now.
"I'd rather this be uphill the entire time then be with this stagnant air. So not really."
She says to her teammate.
"it's like a... big head ring?"
>ish pauses as he hears skitty's comment
"...that gives me an idea, wonder if I can learn some sort of rolling move."
>legally speaking, ish can't get rollout.
"Can't'cha just roll with your fire move?"
"We've dealt with them so much, we should probably just expect 'em to pop up by this point."
>he sighs, grunting as he takes another uphill step

"Really wish this place would even out soon, I'm starting to get a bit tired."
"you mean fire fang? I... don't think I can unless I REALLY want to eat dirt."
>"There probably is one...? Might be too specific, though. Spinning is probably more common."
"What, you wanna have smooth road forever?"
"Gotta try out some rough terrain every now an' then!"
>Kaz hops between rocks jutting out of the ground
"If this was the worst we had to deal with, I wouldn't mind...but something tells me it's all uphill from here."
*he continues at the same pace as previously, trying to conserve energy for whatever lie ahead.*
Mohka is having a surprisingly easy time with this terrain.
"damn. it'd be really fun to roll down something like this instead of just jumping over it."
>Spike follows behind the rest of the group through the isolated pits. He uses Hone Claws to lengthen and curve his claws, improving his grip as they hike through the bumpy terrain.

>Spike examines their surroundings and comments;
"It has the atmosphere for sure- even the air is dead."

>He takes a deep, conscious breath before tilting his head in contemplation.
"It feels wrong, like the emotion was drained from it."
Espurr doesn't particularly enjoy this terrain, but they don't particularly enjoy much of anything, so it's fine.
The name might be literal. peaks and pits seem to continue rising into the sky infinitely, paths moving forward rather than up not really making themselves clear until you look down and back where you haven't gone. A mystery dungeon mountain...you could get lost here-well, more lost than you'd normally be in a mystery dungeon...

Starlaid begins writing a letter, one telling you all that scaling the mountains fully without knowing you're doing so instead of travelling horizontally is a great way for travelers to exhaust themselves and starve.
...But that's just set dressing. Maybe. There shouldn't be a problem with ascending one of these infinite mountains partway to pick something up and then return to a viable path, right?
Stuck on a particularly tall stalagmite on a bowl pretty far above all of you hangs a pair of TMs in varying shades of brown. A few terraces below that is a single Nabab tree, having dropped most of its berries.
Another high climb further to your right is an inordinately loud rumbing in a bowl you can't see. Some clear TMs and other shinies are being kicked up into the air over that way, but it looks suspicious...
And forward, now that you've climbed enough is a distinct path forward towards your destination. Starlaid is pretty absentmindedly shuffling that way, eyes down in a little card she's writing vehemently.

So...which way?
>Left climb
>Right climb
>Center path

Your voices reverberate heavily in the thick air. Nothing bad happens, but suddenly you're acutely aware of how silent the place is beyond your chatter.

She stops to pass a card your way. Lovely Starlaid Genius's Celestial Support Fanatics weren't used to earthly travel. Did any of you tell her you were mostly from other worlds, or is she making up lore for you...? Verily, they had never known strife. We've only been walking for three days! So silly ;> Once a tribe passes Perdition Pass, they should reach the settlement after another day. With Starlaid's smaller group, they all should be at their destination after sundown instead. The ferals here aren't even dangerous! They don't even notice you half the time. I'm basically almost done taking you there!!!! (>'U')>

Technically, but the height of each pit you cross skews upward. You are climbing, over time.

"I do not believe altitude sickness will be a problem at this altitude...yet." Cress takes point, letting herself slide down to enter each bowl to save a little effort.
"Alright, I have an idea. who wants to follow me up the right side?"
>ish pauses
"and... uh, skitty, mind if I get a move for help with it?"
"I'll come with!"
>The glint of the clear TMs to their right catches Spike's eye. It could be some kind of traditional decoration- or a trap considering how suspiciously placed they were, but his pockets were empty and a few missing TMs wouldn't hurt the locals.

"I'm going to check those TM Discs over there," he nods towards the right climb.

>Spike uses Hone Claws to shape his claws for climbing.

>Right Climb.
Rolled 10 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Left climb
Wallis spots the stalagmite and goes for it.
"TMs! Plus, a chance for a vantage point!"
Without a care for a possible trap, Wallis uses the water table of Surf to rise with the wave and push herself off the ground to ascend toward the stalagmite.
>+3 Repulsion
"...I know what move you want, but there? What's your idea? It doesn't look quite right."
Rolled 12 (1d20)

"Well, better than going alone. you can dig right?"
>Ish looks to Spike, he's got the same idea...
>Ish used bounce! I love cheesing climbing
Rolled 1 (1d20)

"Hm. I guess this is what they mean by "Too quiet.""
>Evan follows Starlaid down the Center Path
"Hmmm.... yeah, maybe it is."
>He's keeping an eye out for ambushes
>as ish ascends
"if someone can't get up, mind swapping them with me?"
Rolled 19 (1d20)


"Sure can! I'll meet you guys up there!"

Darius Digs his way up the right!
"Tell me when you want me to switch places with you, then!" Skitty sits down to wait.

"...uh. Who, though? Does Matchia need the help?"
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>The chase is on. Spike jumps up and starts climbing as quickly as he can to nab some TMs.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>Kaz sees some berries up in them thar hills!
>Time to fill up

>Left climb

"Hey, I'm gonna go grab some a them berries. Be back in a bit!"
>With that, he bounds off up the left mountain path!
>Using a vertical Aerial Ace for some extra height!
"I'm pretty set fer now... Y'all have fun gettin' those shiny things."
>Center path.
"matchia, mohka if he wants to join, generally the less mobile of us."
"honestly as long as I'm on the ground it should be fine. after all, getting up's a breeze for me!"
>Brook watches as the group splits off, his eyes catch the glimmer of the various disks, the sound of the rumbling towards the right is a good reason for him not to stray from the path

>Center path

>instead he'll stick close to their guide, no reason to potentially get lost in this strange place!
>the silence is somehow deafening even his normally quiet steps seem loud in comparison as he trudges along
"Oh hey, sorry if I'm bothering ya it's just kinda creepy this place being so quiet. Whatcha got there?"
>he motions with his head toward the little card
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Matchia doesn't seem too interested in any items on the right, but it IS pretty suspicious.
>Start the climb on the right side.
She's climbed sheer cliffs before. Why not now?
Orner reads while slithering in a never-before-seen backwards accordion slither. She treads in ways no snake has treaded before. "Okay I get it, wisseass..."
>Center path
Skitty uses Baton Pass on Ishmael, stabilizing herself in her new position and turning around to face Matchia. "Need a hand?"

She has none. "Um. A free ride? That?"
"Well, since you offered."
She looks back at Skitty, hanging a few feet off the ground.
>Ish is passed!
>and bounces again. we love free mobility
>Skitty used Baton Pass!
>...and tumbles to the ground in a heap. Oops, right, Matchia was climbing the wall. Too late now!
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Sail went off to the tall stalagmite. Crawling along the way.
>Right climb
Espurr follows Orner forward. They have no need for theatrics at the moment, a detour would only lengthen the time spent here.
Rolled 3, 19, 18 = 40 (3d20)

Wallis a Kaz make their ascents. Kaz's particular brand of Aerial Ace doesn't grant him any extra height on its own, but the curvature of the bowls when he lands from his lunges turns his forward momentum upward, giving him plenty of easy high jumps. Wallis meanwhile, fills every platform below her into a cascading fountain. Hopefully nobody is directly below her...
You both make it to the berry trees. Some of them are just peels on the ground, but the berries smell sweet and refreshing. There are three, and they look great for keeping your enrgy up on this tedious climb...
The TMs are still high above.
Spike and Darius make their traditional climbs, progress slow and steady. Ishmael's downward force swiftly gets turned back upwardswhenever he lands at the lip of a bowl, giving him a fair bit extra height. He gets a glimpse of the platform with the bouncing items- TMs for Hidden Power and Echoed Voice and a Sparkly scarf. It's being kicked up by...a film of sand coating the whole ground, and nothing else? Even higher up on this mountain are yet more items, but it'd take a bit to get up to those...
While Skitty and Matchia swap places. As Skitty slides down into her dish, she flies straight back up into the air on the other end. Maybe you could use this...?
Sail, Spike, and Darius are almost up to those treasures, with Matchia above and Skitty below. Ish is in position to build speed and climb to those above.
Starlaid passes a note to Brook, gesturing to Orner. Was it something I said? I couldn't be. I didn't 'say' anything! Ahaha. I'm so drole, right?*-* What she was actually working on was a description for the main character of a story she's writing. It's a Mega Lucario with heterochromia, a Bone Rush that manifests as a blade, a single Togekiss wing and a Noivern Wing. her name takes up half the card's space. ...Right? What do you think? Bewitching, yes?
The rest of you and Cress make their way forward...only to find the ambience completely shattered by a gang of tumbling Whismur falling down the mountain fast your way. Evan notices that they look pretty agitated- obviously, but their expressions spike in intensity as they draw near you all. He might also notice that they fall upon Brook, Orner, and Mohka, with attempted rollout attacks, but tumble harmlessly past Cress, Starlaid, and Espurr...?

Well, there goes the atmosphere.

Boss, Kirby 64 -
...If you wish. But the feral Whismur are rolling downhill and away from you just as swiftly as they came, on their way out of your lives. The noise they make as they crash into you shatters the silence of the mountain, and 4 new falling Whismur up ahead look to have taken exception to the disturbance. They're taking their own tumble...
Brook and Orner have 3 damage incoming from the weak rollouts, while the third bounces harmlessly off Mohka. They all sound not unlike kickballs bouncing off a hard surface in a gymnasium.
"Hey Wallis!"
>Kaz picks up a berry
"How many a these are you lookin' for? I can carry two myself."

>He looks further up to the TMs above
"You wanna try ta grab those TMs up there?"
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Darius just keeps digging. It worked before, after all!
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>Evan thinks he knows what's going on
>Without a word, he sends a vine off to the side away from anyone nearby, then cracks the whip as loud as possible in an attempt to lure/distract the incoming Whismur hordes
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>Spike's eyes widen at the sight of Echoed Voice- something that he take advantage of! And then he hears the Whismurr approaching beneath them, attacking Brook and Orner!
>He narrows his eyes and thinks.
>He better that TM quick.

>Spike redoubles his efforts to snatch the Echoed Voice!
"this thing's going to pay for so, so much good gear. or healing items. think it suits me?"
>ish sparkles alongside this newly harvested drip
Rolled 8 (1d20)

(HP 4/23)
"Well, you were right about the feralss at leasst, that wass weak." Orner chooses to preemptively deal the incoming Whismur.
>Orner uses Gunk Shot! 5-20 to land, 14-20 to poison, 18 damage total.
Rolled 11 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

"I'm kinda all berried out. Besides it feels like whenever I hold onto berries they get eaten or burned. I hope I'm not cu- did you hear something?"
Wallis looks around, then shrugs as she can't place the source of center group's misfortune.
"Anyway, I'm going further up to see what those TMs are. You're welcome to join me if you want, though."
One more Repulsion jump, this time pushing Mud Shot into the ground so the berries don't get rinsed off the tree.
>+3 Repulsion
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>Kaz listens
"Eh, kinda. Not sure though."
"Heh, sure, why not?"

>Kaz reaches down and picks up one Nanab Berry and the left over Peel.
>Perhaps it could come in handy...

>In other news, back to bowl jumping!
>Kaz uses Aerial Ace in the bowl formations to follow after Wallis!
Rolled 13 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Espurr contemplates catching one of the Whismur with a well-placed Anchor Shot from their oversized staff before thinking further and... well, it doesn't take much thought to know Espurr would do poorly as an anchoring point.

When more whis right by them, they have to fight against their instincts in an effort to not flinch, flee, or shout in surprise. Their heart rate spikes as they're reminded of a sight they can only recall from their last time on a mountain...
...Jagged spikes, claws tearing through the ground to grab at them, bright lights like flashes of lightning... Giant rolling masses of formless shapes tumbling past them and into the paths of the monsters trying to pin them down... The only difference is they were sick then, and they're fine now.
But doesn't change the fact that they're rightly afraid.

>Espurr steels themselves, moving forward slowly and carefully, trying to slip by without losing their nerve. This situation feels all too familiar...
>Meditation 3

Can they squeeze past without freaking out and drawing attention to themselves?
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Rolled 16 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Brook scratches his cheek as he looks upon the....rather interesting looking blue dog
"I like his....spikes and uhh-OW!"

>he gets interrupted by the sudden impact of something right on the side of his head

>rubbing the sore spot, he looks behind just in time to catch a pink ball rolling downhill....guess he knows what hit him

>Turning his head back forward he freezes at the sight of another collection of bouncy balls, about to jump towards the group

>He dashes forward, the stagnant air starting to gather around his limbs as he goes
>his fur begins to rustle as the gust gets stronger and stronger.....and just as he's about to get another his he lets the gathered wind free!
>giving him a sudden burst of speed that hopefully lets him smoothly twirl right around the small balls!


>and with how tiny they looked hopefully up and over the rest of the group!
"I think it looks good enough to save Brook and Orner!" Spike shouts.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>Sail launch himself up with Water Gun!
>With extra boost with the Mystic Scarf.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Skitty spasms midair, trying to right herself as the half-pipe sends her flying. She frantically kicks out for the wall and follows it up with a Fake Out lunge, attempting to reach some form of handhold on the wall, or landing spot. No Baton Passing out of this one– it'd just put someone else in her position.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

"I feel like I'm back in middle school gym class..."
>Mohka attempts to sweep away some Whismur with a Dragon Tail (8 damage if lands)
Matchia is a LITTLE suspicious of the sand of film. She watches the other pick up items carefully, putting up detect.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

And thus, Kaz is equipped and the both of you climb. Up here you've found TMs for Scorching Sands and Rollout, though yet higher above you are some pink and black gems, as well as a couple odd looking seeds. You've been making good progress up to this point, but the air is getting thinner and the inclines steeper. You may need to eat those berries now if you want to keep climbing without penalties...
Spike and Ish take the loot in this bowl, leaving the Sky Gummi and TM Hidden Power to bounce and slide around in the sand, while Skitty uses the momentum from her fall to roll out of the pit and bounce to climb upward. Her lunge puts her just above the sandy pit with Ish, Spike and the items. Higher up above you all is a precariously high Reviver Seed, a clear-colored Gem, and some kind of glowing...beacon. However, The air's already getting thin as high up as you've climbed. You might turn failure-prone if you try going any higher...
The sand vibrates when Ish and Spike step on it.

The sound carries oddly up here. These Whismur, ever so slightly more dangerous roll by you with echoed voice. The ones targeting Evan and Brook fly sidelong, chasinga one of Wallis's puddles Evan had slapped instead of himself and the wide arc of disturbed air Brook used to be in. In fact, the band is loud and disruptive enough to call the attention of a Whismur otherwise gunning for Orner. Those three sail off into the mystery dungeon below with a Gunk Shot into the third leaving it with a sliver of vitality left. You're fairly certain exactly how much health all these Pokemon have now...
and the last is the only Whismur to land its Echoed Voice onto. Mohka, dealing 5 damage before being swatted off the mountain by Dragon Tail.
The engaged Whismur sails straight by Espurr before impacting Mohka. Their ears even graze eachother, and yet the feral flies by without so much as a glance. Espurr safe in this moment, but surely that isn't just because of the sickness being gone. That was another (questionably) sentient attacker. Can you engineer this safely in the future? Or even take advantage of it? Can you even focus enough to think about that?
That was a pretty loud wave of attempted attacks, however. 5 Loudred come up as you approach, each disgruntled by their predecessor's noise. Two are rolling towards Mohka and Orner, two towards Brook, and one...to the empty space far to the left of Evan. Looks like he's safe likeEspurr and Starlaid, now...
Echoed Voice is at one stack.

Rolled 18 (1d20)

>Evan smiles madly. He has it, and he knows it.
>He cracks whips away from everyone, hoping to make enough of a distraction so that everyone can get to safety
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Darius grabs both the Hidden Power TM and the sky gummi. Score!

He's not done, though. It's time to Dig higher!
>ish is giddy over that loot, and he sees... well, there's more stuff up there.
"I'm satisfied with this, but I can bound up to get that stuff down if you want. high flying's my style right?"
Wallis spins each TM on her finger as she stashes them, filling the remainder of her inventory in the process.
"There it is again, that sound... This looks like a good vantage point to check things out, but we can try to go up more if you want."
Kaz only has 1 Nanab Berry, so the call is his. She waits for him before figuring out what to do from here.
Rolled 14 (1d20)


"Heads up!" Skitty jumps again (IQ Skill: Lightweight), hoping to fling herself above the Reviver Seed and other items of interest; she's looking down for Baton Pass targets so she and them can share the burden.

Looks like she's picking Ishmael.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

"Not again..." Once more with feeling, Orner spits venom at the Loudred. Have you ever heard a Loudred's cry? It's quite memorable.
>Orner uses Gunk Shot! 5-20 to land, 14-20 to poison, 18 damage total.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Seeing nothing happen to Spike and Ish (for now), Matchia looks upwards, and begins climbing. She can take thin air. Even if her mountain climbing endeavors were in a previous body.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Seem Darius has already nip Hidden Power, oh well.
>Sail continued crawl upward toward the beacon.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>His feet quickly begin to slow down now that the air powered boost had petered out, but from the sound coming from behind he can assume those little pinkies had already flown down the mountain

>At least that's what he's going with, because he can't look back now. Larger mons have started to come check out the scene, their parents maybe? He briefly thinks, before they start charging down the same as the little ones

>this might be a good chance to try something new, closing his eyes he takes a lungful of the stagnant air. A dark aura seems to coat his entire body enveloping the area near himself as he mentally psyches himself up

>Finally when his eyes snap open, his slit pupils seem to glow an eerie red, his mouth turns into a crooked grin showing only a glimpse at the seemingly massive fangs that lie in wait for any would be rollers that head his way. So hopefully they elect to just give him a wide berth if they know what's good for them!

Rolled 19 (1d20)

>fuck it
>Bounce, again, if anyone has spare inventory, he'll pass the rewards around!
Rolled 4 (1d20)

(20/23 HP)

Mohka doesn't really have a way off the top of his head to cause a noise elsewhere... not while he's got other things to worry about. More pressing things.

And speaking of, Drain Punch onto incoming Loudred. (14 damage if lands + 6 HP)
>scratch that, wait until he's passed to, then use a bounce to get down just in case.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>Spike plucks the Echoed Voice and slips it into his bag before sliding down the bowls.
>He takes a deep, drawing spite to his mouth as a bile he spits at the Loudred rolling towards Brook.

>Spike uses Special Basic Attack on Loudred (targetting Brook). It should do 9 damage.
They're fearful as they proceed, narrowly-evading danger while stepping one foot forward towards it.
Even with a sound mind, able to hold firm against a perceived threat, their body and brain beg to differ. As much as Espurr would like to believe it untrue, they are unfortunately not immune to their own instincts.

Espurr slows to a crawl, lowering their head and raising their shoulders, fur standing on-end. They can't handle this anymore...
So they don't. Before they can start freaking the fuck out, they grab a seed from their bag and crush it above themselves, consuming whatever pieces remain and letting the dust and crumbs spread in the air around them. It's a Blinker Seed, and they hope its effect of 'the user cannot see other Pokémon' will calm them, even if it doesn't change the reality of the situation.

>Espurr used a Blinker Seed on themselves!
>They believe the simplest method to not fight their fear is to make it so they only see a world where the threat isn't there. Blinker Seeds can do that, through whatever means...
Rolled 6 (1d20)

"Nice! I should really go ta town an see if there's anyone that can fix a broken TM."
"Got one a while back that I'm kinda curious about."

>Kaz listens in to the noise
"I reckon you're right. That sound again..."

>He nods
>He tosses the Nabab Berry to Wallis
"Yeah, let's get up there!"

>Kaz can handle a little more climbing!
>Kaz used Aerial Ace on another bowl formation
>Instead of just one and done, he falls back down and keeps using Aerial Ace to build up some momentum on the bowl, before launching even higher!
Rolled 4 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

With a nod, Wallis catches the Nanab with her mouth and chomps down, leaving TM Rollout back on the spire to possibly retrieve on the way down. With renewed vigor for high altitude another Mud Shot repulsion, she's up and at it again.
>+3 Repulsion
Getting a closer look with Kaz's newfound height, the items appear to be a Fairy gem, a Dark Gem, and a trio of rotten-looking seeds with what look like some foreign tuber growing through them. Definitely gross, but you can tell just by looking that they're both potent and pricey. 'Doom'ish, feels like an appropriate descriptor.
That being said, Kaz can feel a -8 being applied to his roll. The thin, stagnant air is really messing with the power and accuracy of his movements; if he's well traveled, he might even recognize symptoms of hypoxia. Numbness and weariness don't seem to be developing in the hand holding that Nabab berry, though...eat one?
Wallis already has, and she's ascending just as well as usual. She'll be able to take her pick from these seeds and gems as normal, unless she wants to try going even higher...
...There's a really shiny item even higher up than these few, but...
Up to now you've been climbing just fine, but higher than this sand pit, and all of you are starting to feel complications from the thinning air and altitude. Just how much higher up are you from the normal path again? it all looks the same...
much like climbers on the other side, you might recognize altitude sickness setting in, at -8. Darius, Sail, and Matchia are having trouble moving upwards without drifting, and Ish is feeling rather lightheaded after swapping with Skitty. He holds on well enough to grab one of the items at the second tier of height, but now he and Skitty are freefalling back down towards that sandy bowl.
...The contents of which suddenly swirl together into a pointed slope, with a little shovel at the end. It's a Sandyghast! If you land in that bowl, it'll slide you up its body and over its ramp straight off the mountain instead of rolling back up!! It's trying to drop you to your death!
Moreover, there's another shiny object even higher up than these. Maybe the climbers on the other side have a better way of getting up...?
Rolled 20, 16, 6, 8, 13 = 63 (5d20)

Either by diluting the noise made around them or by not making any, another Loudred tumbles sidelong into the flooded pits Evan had directed toward. Brook manages to save another stack from building by forcing a premature warbling wimper from one of the extra Loudred rather than the full move-worthy shout it had been intending. The Pokemon actually breaks down into crying when the spooky harassment doubles up from Spike's ghastly attack. And he's falling down a mountain? tough day...
It's not quite terrifying enough a jumpscare to throw off a third Loudred, whose Echoed voice does hit for a second stack.
At the same damage as last Gunk Shot, this Loudred barely manages to withstand Orner's attack. It's own Echoed Voice of frustration brings the ambient sound in the air up to three stacks, one hitting Orner. the Pokemon is poisoned this time, dealing just enough chip damage to knock it out on its way down past you all.It fades away, leaving 300P in its place...
The story for the fifth Loudred is much the same for Mohka, who is forced to hear a four-top Echoed Voice as he bats the last crybaby away!

One might expect a third tier, somehow-yet-uglier morph of Whismur to appear in the place of the last wave, but it's actually a pair of drowsy looking Gastrodon at the crest of the path you're climbing. They look annoyed by your disturbance enough to do something, but not so much as to engage in direct combat. Whatever the two of them might be capable of...be ready.

Brook takes 16 damage from a critical Echoed Voice!
Orner and Mohka both take 14 damage from three-stack noncritical cries...

...And the Pokemon all sail harmlessly over an ineffectual Espurr. The attacks can still be heard, so that isn't very reassuring...but enough noise hasn't been made to draw attention to the cat. That may not matter by next turn, however...
>Evan playfully bows and continues on the path towards the Gastrodons. If they try something, he's the one that can wipe the floor with them. At least, so he thinks. A little caution isn't such a bad idea though.
>5 AP into dodge in case the Gastroduo try something combative
(HP 0/23)
"Gah!" Orner didn't stock up on berries before this trek and now she pays the price. "Alright, I'm done helping. You guysss can do the fighting for once!"
She still got energy to grab those 300P though.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Spike slides down the tower of stone plates, using his claws to snag their edge as he drops down chunky by chunk.


He stretches his neck and sees Orner fainted. There's a lot of 'mon gathering, he needs a distraction. . .

Spike takes a deep breath, until his lungs are full and lets out a deep, rattling howl that shakes the air with malice.

>Spike uses Snarl to distract!
>Kaz begins wheezing as he and Walls get higher
"*Wheeze*, man! It's really...really hard ta breathe up here."

>Kaz glances at the Nabab berry in his hand
>He shrugs and plops it in his mouth, chewing it quick and getting ready for another speed boost

"Hey Wallis! Watch out for those seed things! They're givin' me a bad vibe. Maybe some guy in town'll pay for em!"

>Kaz scurries up the rest of the way to Wallis' level

>He points to an item further up to Wallis
"See that thing up there? You wanna go for it? I don't think I got it to make it there myself, but if you can get over your fear a touchin', I could toss ya up there."
>Kaz starts judging the power needed to throw a fish sized object.
>ish feels... dizzy...
"this is a new feeling! kinda like one of those spinny machines stopping..."
<he means a centrifuge?
>what DID he loot anyway up there? ish tries checking
"skitty, you cool if I uh... rebound to lower ground?"
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Uh. Um. Great plan, Skitty. Now she has to figure out how to get that Sandygast to not be a death-ramp. While deadfalling...

She starts yelling, barely holding back from a full-on scream. It's Disarming Voice- maybe it could disrupt the Sandygast's concentration or its body's cohesiveness? (Mastery: Disruptor Tier 1)
Wallis feels weary after that last jump, but the items in sight give her vigor, especially that shiny one at the precipice.
"I do want to go for it, but... Y-You know I can't do that! But that item...!"
She has an idea, a sparkle emitting from her headfin like a bulb.
"You played sports, right Kaz? I've seen the way you Dark Throw items!"
Wallis forms a Mud Shot orb in her twintails. Balancing on it for the initial part of her plan, she moves with it towards Kaz.
"Dark Throw this Mud Shot orb with me on it! That should keep you from touching me if you're careful enough!"
She gets in position, bossy as ever.
(11/23 HP)
Every day, Mohka is reminded how much easier his life here would've been to this point, had he Soundproof instead of Bulletproof as an ability.
"I wouldn't be surprised if them fellas were waitin' ta wash us back down the path..."
>Mohka uses Protect! Just in case.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>that's... not a response he can work with.
"uh... hold still, I'veNeverTriedBouncingWithSomeoneButBetterLateThanNever."
>Ish tries to hold skitty, at least in a way that won't hurt the both of them, and tries to aim their landing to launch back to safety
>(Mastery, Rebound tier 2)
Rolled 17 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Kaz smirks
"Hell if I know, all I remember is ridin' my bike."
>Kaz rotates his shoulder joint
"But yeah, I'm pretty good at it!"

>Kaz takes the mud Shot Orb
>He looks between Wallis and the orb
"All right!"

>Kaz uses the Mud Ball with Wallis on it for a Fling!
>He's gotta use all his power for this one...
"Buckle up!"
>He shouts to Wallis
>And Fling!
> +3 Power Pitcher
>his concentration on keeping up the hair raising glare was broken by an extreme burst of sound seeming to bounce around his ears

>immediately he falls to the ground, paws shooting up to cover his ears as he curls into a ball
HP: 7/25

>his entire body seems to quake as the sound permeates through his entire being, unable to focus on anything except trying to dampen the noise

>at last the noise begins to subside, cracking one eye open he only just barely notices the two sleepy slug looking mons before a sharp pain seeps throughout his skull...an extreme migraine brought on by those loudmouths no doubt

"Ugh....my head...."
>he groans as he stands up, suddenly looking a lot more tired than moments earlier as he starts to rummage around in his supplies

"Aghhh c'mon c'mon Ah! Found it!
>he exclaims as he pulls out....a smoothie that he quickly downs in a few gulps

"Ack, ahh maybe left it sitting a little too long."
>he says grimacing from the stale taste before the overwhelming sugary sweetness sends a burst of energy flowing throughout his body

>Speed and Evasion + 2!

>tossing the empty container aside, the excited twitching in his limbs leaving no doubt his intention to book it if things go bad

>remaining AP into Evasion
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

"About as buckled up as I caaaaa-!"
Using a ground move like Mud Shot to ascend might seem counterintuitive. However, you have to remember that you're not going to be doing much jumping without some terra firma to work with. Marshtomp are equipped to use their legs in mud.

Kaz's Dark Throw (translation: Fling) is worthy of a legendary pokemon and Wallis pushes off the Mud Shot orb to launch it and rocket further up. Her sparkles could sometimes be compared to stars by their shape and stars belong in the sky. She straightens out as she feels the g-force from ascending with the alley-oop of two moves.
"I-I think it's workiiiiiiiiing?!"
>+3 Repulsion
Rolled 10 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

"O' might along the typhoon. Seem the wind drift upward along these shore. Dockin' on the maw o' a sand spirit off cliff."
>Sail feel a bit dizzy but continued onward to climb, using the light of the beacon as reference.
Rolled 16 - 8 (1d20 - 8)

Rolled 4 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

Oh, maybe this WAS a bad idea.
Surely with enough stubborness, and raw grit she can TOTALLY keep climbing!

No, that's stupid. Matchia can see the others having issues. Perhaps...

Using Reversal to smash her hands into the side of the cliff, she attempts to make holds for her hands in order to safely go up, albeit slowly.
Pretend I am at -4.
Punching the wall was a bad idea.
Rolled 7 - 8 (1d20 - 8)

Did somebody say dig higher?

Altitude sickness isn't real.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

The tactic seems to have worked! Mostly.
The sounds of things passing by them so closely is frightening, but not having a visual to tie to this fear is... helpful. Unfortunately, it also means they cannot see the threat which lies ahead of them, not dependent on hearing to track them.

When they hear Spike cry out behind them, it startles them. Should they flee? To where?
Their first instinct is something they can throw out quickly and easily. But doing so while blind to the positions of their allies and opponents means they may very well do more harm than good...

>Espurr used Flash on..!
>Who do they end up hitting?
>Blinker: The Afflicted randomly selects a target, Allied or Opponent. Lasts 3 rounds.
Wallis is feeling wearier and wearier. Up here is a stark orange prismatic crystal...?
Fightinium Z.
It's a little scary to think of how this could've gotten up here, and yet scarier to see that after three tiers of height, there are more items even higher up. a glance backward might reveal you can't see the main path or your friends on it anymore, just Kaz below you and the other mountain to your side. The two of you have saved the last Nabab with your maneuvering, but you'll definitely have to use it to go any higher, and if you fail while this high up...
There's also the matter of your friends on the other climb maybe not having any of these berries.
Residual grime from that Mud Shot is working like an adhesive, so you shouldn't fall too far if you pass out this high up...? And you can use it to safely descend!

The amorphous Pokemon loses its definition as the cry draws near, like an object in a camera lens going out of focus. By the time you land in the bowl and slide into it, the Pokemon has dissolved back into a film over the pit. It's not hurt, but you fly straight up and back into the sky off the ledge's lip. Without interference, you'll land back in there again, but now that you'd be rolling towards the mountain, Sandyghast can't threaten you nearly as hard.
Speaking of rolling, it's the only way for Skitty and Ish to land as hard as they are without being hurt. Both of you take a spin, as you land on the slope, and now you've both got a lot of height to work with without the threat.
Sail shakily makes his way upward despite the complications. He's got second dibs on the Reviver, Normal Gem, and odd light source after Ish and Skitty. There's also that shiny item even higher up, but if you fall from an even greater height than what you're at...it won't be pretty. Are these mountains really infinite?
Oh, you've dug into open air, the both of you. Suddenly missing a perch, Darius and Matchia both fall back into the Sandyghast bowl, promptly ran over by their pinballing allies for 8 damage.
You've got grit, but you can't overpower nature. A mountain is no mere enemy. Respect your limits.
While Cress peels back to foist Orner's body over her neck...
The pair of slug Pokemon loose a stream of Muddy Water-not to attack, but simply wash you away. it's a mudslide! Fluid overflows down from each bowl, cascading and washing all contents downward. Satisfied, the Gastrodon both scuttle away...


Their work is a tad sloppy, however. Spike's gnashing adds yet more to their agitation, directing more of the stream than needed towards him than the other allies. He's washed pretty far down with no defense!
Evan finds a stone spire to wrap himself around above the rushing water and stone...
Mohka stands tall, neck deep in mud. with Protect, he hasn't been displaced or disoriented at all!
Espurr's Flash hits...Starlaid, whose Magic Bounce reflects it back into the stray. You're already disoriented and unable to see when something crashes into you, stuffing your breathe and knocking you away. Where are you?
Cress, Espurr, and Starlaid don't have any defense prepared against the mudslide. They're washed a bit away from everyone, while Spike is focused on enough to knock him down further than he can track...

And the structure of this mountainside makes it near impossible to tell what's around you if it's not below yourself. How are you all going to find eachother? Are you still on the right path, or are you about to climb one of those infinite mountains to nowhere...?
Maybe the real mountain climbing was the friends we made along the way?

Darius just climbs back down to join up with the ground-crew, content to cut his losses.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

"Ugh, couldn't they at least used clean water? This is gonna take ages to wash outta my scales! ... Now, where was I?"
>Evan uses his vines to feel around for good anchor points as he traverses the flooded pathway
15/23 HP.
Matchia grunts as she gets back up.
"Tsk, can't do it like I did before, but that didn't hurt as much as it should've..."
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Though Mohka already stood head and shoulders above most of his friends, it stands particularly true now. Up to his neck in mud, his scales don't make much noise... it's all he can do to dig a path upward, first with his hands, then with sweeps of his Dragon Tail. Hopefully having a path to follow helps the others somehow...
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Sprayed and washed down into the mud, Spike takes any breath he can take, and screws his eyes shut. He swings his limbs, trying to catch anything with his sharpened claws to slow his fall.

If he can snag onto something, he can slow his breathing to a crawl and simply weather the mudslide.

>Rolling to hold breath + Undead 2
File: EspurrIsOkay.png (80 KB, 333x225)
80 KB
Blinded by their own move as a consequence of something they couldn't even perceive, Espurr, who has been tightly-clutching their staff ahead of them, panics and fires an Anchor Shot in a random direction in an attempt to catch themselves from falling further downhill in this long and muddy waterslide of a mountain. They skid to a stop after losing only most of their progress, slowed by the anchor and chain, and quickly and forcefully stagger out calming breaths while they rest on a notable incline, gripping the oversized staff even tighter.

Where are they? Yes, that's a good question, for little Espurr has lost their way again. There's no charted course to take from here. Good going, huh?

Their vision is blurry, they can't perceive any items or Pokémon due to Blinker, they're alone again. Their expressionless face wrinkles as they open their mouth and let out a cry for help. What more could they do? For nothing seems to go their way. They don't want to do this anymore. They want to go home.
"How about we all stay up here for at least 3 months and not do anything?"
"Are we losst? Tell me thosse sslugss ssent uss the right way, pleasse..." Orner isn't very helpful for this particular problem!
"Sssomeone go grab the damn sstray, it'ss getting ssskitish again." The meowing reverbing across the mountains is bound to get them in more trouble, and annoys the hell out of Orner.
"Ngh... I'm really starting to feel the height now Kaz! There's a gem here for you I think I recognize! Some kinda z-gem! Speaking of, mind checking the ones we passed!"
Wallis says, relying on her water layer of moisture for extra air.
"I think you can use one with Dark Throw from the color of it! Compare it with this!"
Wallis carefully drops the Fightinium downward for her Kubfu companion.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

"Go up below into infinity 'n beyond our reach".
>Sail skyward and take the odd light source thing.
>Sail examine the old light source.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

"Just like... the Dragonhymn--!!"
Skitty twists in the air to try and nab the ripe-looking Reviver Seed. She doesn't have the tools to stall her fall from the "peak", as it were, so she doesn't go for it, since Baton Pass would just put someone in an equally poor position.
(Rolled a 12, deleted and reposted)
>with the jumpy feeling still coursing through his tummy and into his limbs thanks to the overly sweetened smoothie he uses the momentum to leap up into the air!!

>as does he holds his paw up into the sky as a dark aura begins to gather around it and.....with the help of gravity he slams it into the ground releasing all of the built up power at once focused directly on the tide below!


>hopefully there's enough force to part the current....or at the very least break the ground enough to divert the flow
> [Item Catcher]!
>Kaz snags the orange crystal out of the air
"Well! Ain't this a funky little thing."
>Kaz checks the dark colored gem nearby, picking it up.
"This thing?"

>Kaz activated the Dark Type Gem!
>Next Dark Type move will be strengthened

"Huh...neat! If you want, I can try ta throw you up higher!"
>Kaz prepares a Dark Throw (Fling), holding onto the spent Type Gem

"It's gonna sting a little though...You up for it?"
"Can't hurt more than a fall from this height! There's another gem for the save, too! Besides, I'm pretty good at my own things, too!"
The tank says with a smirk. With results like these, she's willing to sacrifice some HP. She gets into position to use the spent Dark Gem for extra height, eating the last Nanab.
"How much will it sting?"
Rolled 3 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>>6094093 (You)
"All right! Let's get this show on the road!"
>Putting his might into it, Kaz uses Fling on the spent Dark Type Gem, to slam into Wallis and give her enough lift to make it to the next set of items!
> + 3 Power Pitcher
> +Dark Type Gem powerup

>Surprise Dustin!
>Kaz whips around after he throws the Gem
"When'd you get here, Dust?"
Rolled 18 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Wallis grits her Nanab-coated teeth after eating the last Nanab. She makes one more Mud Shot foothold to push off of after using the Dark gem boosted Fairy Gem as a foothold. Repelling off the legendary toss, she bursts the Mud Shot to take her to ludicrous heights! Though she's tempted to salute the spent gem as it most likely falls down the mountain, she instead sets her eyes on the heavens: she's aiming as high as this thing goes!
"All the way, c'mon...!
>+3 Repulsion
"Jew powers."
(Replace thrown item from Dark Type Gem to Fairy Type Gem)
"You're Jewish?"
>Kaz asks, tilting his head
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>looking at the items...
"I have no use for the gem, you wwant it oris it going to an ally?"
>ish grabs that light souce. trying to use his intuition to defermine the fuck that is.
Even higher above you are yet more dropped items, one with a technicolor shine and another with a golden glimmer even further up! It's the only thing you can make out though, since your body is demanding rest. You can't seem to keep your eyes open...
And Kaz would have to make his way up to Wallis to throw her again anyway. There's only one more Nabab between the two of you for either to ascend safely...
...Or you could throw footholds. The toss is questionable even with the insidious boost, but Wallis has the wherewithal to make the most of the Fairy Gem and drive it into the stone where a foothold is missing. She picks up a Joy Seed!
...The seed above you looks pretty similar to this newfound one, but even Kaz is starting to dip below your view, and you're out of materials to stave off hypoxia with...

This climb is risky. Would you dare make another pass...?
Up close, there are bands to the object. Bands of light that make a sphere of the object-it looks like a spherical map of the world, actually? It tingles to hold, like being struck with an electric move...
You've found a Heart of the Star, Sail.
The Reviver is Skitty's. From up here, you can see another seed with a shifting glimmer yet higher above you, but you're getting winded just being at this elevation before you do anything Going higher might be even more dangerous. Or fulfilling. Fall? land in a higher pit to jump further? Catch yourself to slow down?

Darius finds all his friends below, struggling to progress through a mudslide in progress to varying degress. Your move...>>6094058
All of you save Espurr can spot arcs of mud being swept away into the air from a specific direction aove you. It's up to you whether pursuing it would be a good idea. Mohka makes unchallenged progress forwards, while Espurr tethers to a stalagmite around the space before any of this started with Anchor Shot. The anchor's chain is the same one Spike's hair snags on, both of them feeling the other's weight added to the Channeling Rod's tension.
Cress spits some water before snarking back to Orner. She gives the mud-slinging platform a wide berth, climbing to the side instead. She and Orner don't see anyone...
"last I checked, we weren't scaling down the mystery dungeon. I hope we do not have to rely on your sense of direction, Orner."
"Espurr? Espurr!!"
Brook finds enough of a break in the downward current to gather his senses and figure out he's on a path up one of these mountains now. His reprieve from the muddy downfall grows when he finds a dizzy and toppled Hatterene drifting towards him instead of more fluid...
>Dustin is looking quite shocked at Kaz.
"Yeah, I thought you knew. Y-you didn't know?"
Oh, the grip is...instant! You feel out on both sides, holding yourself in place with vines on spires in both directions. You bounce in place a bit like a diablo yo-yo, but it's not long before you stabilize, especially since you didn't get thrown by the current at all. You can see Mohka up with you and making his way up the straight path, Cress and Orner moving to the left, and Brook and Starlaid over towards the mountain on the right. Directly below you are Spike and Espurr, washed straight down. None of them can seem to see you, though...
"So... what's the plan guys?"
>Evan whistles to get the gang's attention!
"Hel-lo everyone! Right this way, please, don't crowd, don't shove, there's plenty of room for everybody!"
>Seems like he's putting some kind of routine on. It certainly seems like an attention grabber, at least...
Mohka continues forward.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

The challenge to climb once more is tempting but she's not built for it. And also...
That's her teammate in the air, alright.
>Catch to break her fall?
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Darius, as always, simply Digs past his obstacles.

Summit, here he comes!
"...that everything? aside from that thing up there but..."
>ish pauses, guess that normal gem is his then, he can barter it later
"I don't trust my breath to hld up at that kinda altitude come on, we should group back up."
>ish descends.
>it doesn't take him a long time looking around before he finds a familiar looking mon nearby

>recognizing the lady, he instantly rushes towards her side worry plain on his face as the electricity in his limbs begins to run fade
"Hey easy easy.."
>noticing her movements are a little wobbly, he uses his body to try and keep her steady
"Are you alright? You didn't get hurt back there, did you?"

>of course he's not exactly in the greatest condition himself right now, but that's not important!
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>Kaz cups his hands to his mouth and shouts up to Wallis, hoping to encourage her for one more jump!
>He shouts to the heavens and above
> Cheering to boost Wallis' next roll?

"Ah, no. Can't say that I did. Now I do though!"
"I dunno, shout something encouragin' up to her."
Rolled 17 - 8 (1d20 - 8)

Wallis is so lightheaded she's not even taking time to examine the haul she stashes. She's close to her limit...

>She hears Kaz and Dustin's words of encouragement and her moisture begins to break through the ice forming from the height.
Her limit? That's right, she gets stronger when she hits her limits, doesn't she? It's already dangerous up here. She shakes the ice loose with a few headbangs to the cliff face!
>HP: 9/29
>Wallis' Torrent
The layer of moisture roars to life around her in defiance of the hypoxia. With a defiant roar, she goes for it all with Surf! Remembering the save of Brook at rub-a-dub river's waterfall, as well as riding Surf out of the collapsing Chateau by the skin of her teeth, she channels it all into one last Surf to push her all the way!
>+3 Repulsion
>+Torrent boost
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Skitty concurs, trying her best to get some traction and head back down the slope without flinging herself. If it wasn't Espurr's turn with the wand, maybe...

That'll help, if she doesn't run her over.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Spike feels the tension weighing on the Channeling Rod. Will it hold? Maybe.

But knowing Espurr's lack of inner strength, perhaps it's better to even the odds.

Spike presses himself against the rock- in these pits there was to be a puddling of mud for him to land on. In one swift motion he slices his hair off and pushes himself off the rock towards some puddle of mud to land on.
Spurred on by friendship and addictive feedback loops, Wallis injures herself enough to trigger an emergency reserve of power within herself. Her consciousness is fray, but you have enough for one more action. After grabbing this Golden Seed, you're passing out in midair.
You could try to soften your inevitable, long, long fall, five times higher than the mystery dungeon's normal climb...
There's one more item even higher up. You're not going to make it without a nat 20.

Skitty manages to guide herself up a stone spire for a bit of extra friction to slow down instead of flinging herself straight back into the air. On yet another rebound, Matchia can bring her and Ish to a full stop with naught but a hard impact. they're safe, and can return to the peak of the true path's climb, eaily dropped to from their position. Looks like the end of the mystery dungeon. Mohka, past the final obstacle upward meets up with the lot of them eventually. The dungeon's peak is just ahead...

With Evan just under that goal providing a waypoint for the stragglers caught in that mudslide to move towards. Cress silently corrects course, not in position or ability to see/help the rest with the commentary booth on her back.
Lovely Starlaid Genius tries to write on a card to relay something to Brook!...It's too mud-laden to read. Her smile turns uneven and prickly;there are a lot of sound moves being thrown around by every party, and now this rather simple trek has turned chaotic. She looks like she's about to hurl. And cry. And kill something. With a little too much force, she squeezes Brook with her arm, struggling not to use a death grip when helping him up to the next platform. She nods in response to your question, but you're not sure how truthful she's being.
But are you moving towards everyone else...or up these infinite climbs?

To those without any obstacles to their exit or desire to stay for the rest, go ahead and take 65 Experience points. Otherwise, make your posts to help survive this nightmare climb over the course of the next few nights, yeah?
>Evan leveled up!
>Evan's leaf glows with power! Unfortunately, that's the only part that does. How disappointing, shouldn't he be evolving by now?
>Evan learned Magical Leaf!
After a glance at the star object. Sail glance to the sun.
"Rare site t' say. Could evolve into armored line 'n furl down the moun'ain 'n bein' blind fer long while or make a scepter out o' it. Arrr.. "
>Sail's decided to evolved out of the spot and brace the light of the star.
>Evolving into Armored Sliggoo and descend downward.
>his face scrunches up at the powerful grip, but he manages to bite back a grunt of pain and instead smiles back up to the librarian....only to immediately frown when he notices her face making an expression he knows all too well....that terrible noise. Even now it still echoes all around them

"H-hold on, I think I got something that might help."
>digging around in his supplies he pulls out a rather ominous looking container
"Here sip on this, it should make your head feel a little better."

>Brook offers the poor librarian mon his Cursed Spirits as they continue their climb up towards the infinite
Rolled 17 (1d20)

Wallis leaves her Spelon behind as her grip fades. "Become the tallest, greatest, spiciest bush in the world..."
She looks over at the wide vista at this height. This world she's cursed being sent to... It almost looks... beautiful?
"H-Hmph... I must be hallucinating..."
Even her sparkles have faded. She sees one fly upward and she reaches...
(Declining the offer, but rolling for fun anyway.)
Spike struggles to stay in place after freeing himself from the chain. A patch he thought was stable washes away as he goes to stand on it, bringing him down a tier and right by Espurr...
Lovely downs the drink immediately, trusting you without a question. After all, who wouldn't put their faith in a rescue team member in a mystery dungeon?....So this girl being heavily buzzed now isn't a good look, but alcohol has the many errant sound attacks flying from both sides of the battle. Her smile towards Brook turns just a bit more real...and a bit too wide. At the very least, now you have a comfortable scaling partner. You're no longer a stress ball...
And a dangerously heavy shell drops before Brook from a higher platform, a Sliggoo rising from its hole. It's heavy and thuddy enough to pop both him and the Hatterene into the air for a moment. You may not recognize the new and improved Sail, but he might have some knowledge for you on what awaits you further up this path.
Surely this mystery dungeon didn't generate all these high quality items on its own, right? It takes an adventurer of a certain calibur to climb so high as you have, and they come bearing their own equipment. A Spelon berry joining the ranks of treasures left behind by less fortunate souls might seem unfitting, but it just as well could break the vicious cycle of avarice that brings more treasure and deadly fates to these mountains. A Spelon Berry/Tree is no more than evidence someone had made here, rather than an invitation to go higher.
Yeah, you've made it pretty far despite everything. And with some luck, evidence of that fact will persist after the dungeon shifts. You're a sight to remember, peaking everyone's view in a shower of sparkles as you come crashing back down a surreal height towards Kaz and everyone at the base path. You look not unlike a shooting star...
There's no soft landing in your near future, but this way, you'll surely have caught someone's attention to help you down safely!
>ish, get fucking scouting ahead. between sliding down the walls, between rebound, the lightweight perk, 7 speed, and a restocking on loot, he's feeling pretty good about his chances ahead.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>Oh shit, Wallis comin' down!
>Kaz has to think quick, or he's going to have one flat fish and one less friend in a few moments
>Hold it Kaz, think!
>Wallis is falling from a really high spot
>You're a level or two beneath her, you gotta do something about it!
>But what?!
>...can you?
>Do Pokemon...
>Count as items?

>Taking a few paces back, as well as grabbing the Iron Wallis had left behind for the Doom Seeds, Kaz watches Wallis' decent
>Wait for it...
>Hold on...
>With a sprint and a leap, Kaz shoots into another bowl formation and raises up to catch Wallis!
>She can berate him later, right now he's gotta keep her from going splat!

>Roll to catch Wallis!
> + [Item Catcher]?

This feeling, unable to move and falling from a tremendous height... It almost feels... familiar? A hallucination? As she reduces the hypoxia from falling she senses something approaching: it's Kaz!
That feeling again. Deep peril followed by the crawling of her skin. Someone's touching her and it's enough to provoke a reflexive attack!
>Walis used Counter!
Having at least the wherewithal to try and delay her attack on Kaz, she sets up a Counter, shaking with tension as her Torrent still rages around her. She could try to use Surf to move to the mountain, but would rather avoid Kaz in the crossfire.
"Espurr! Hold tight!" Spike shouts, stabbing his claws into the nearest rock for stability as he searches for something to escape.

"Can you climb higher?" Spike asks, getting ready to help Espurr move to higher ground.
>Sail's made landfall 'n emerge from the metal shell, adapting with his new form.
"Ahoy thar Brook, couple o' loots further ahead on dis infinite stair o' a climb. Stumble upon a Heart o' the Star t' evolved t' the armored branch along me line."
>Seeing her expression turn from one of pain to a smile, brings a grin to his own face as the pair continue on their way

"H-hey maybe after we get back....I wouldn't mind hearing more about that story you're making...m-maybe even help out with my illusions?"
>he has trouble keeping the nervousness out of his voice, stuttering here and looking off into the sky as he mutters out the question

"L-lemme show ya real quick!"
>turning his eyes forward again, he focuses his mind on trying to recreate the character from the description the bewitching librarian gave earlier....only for something falling out of the sky directly in front of the duo breaking his concentration and making him jump in the air with a high pitched yelp

>recovering from the sudden startle, he stands between Starlaid and the unfamiliar mon, a low growl rumbling out of his throat as he stares down the slug not unlike those mons they encountered mere moments ago

>his glare wavers when he hears the seemingly new mon starting to speak, and falls entirely into a look of confusion when he hears them speak his name.....in an unmistakable accent
"S-sail? Is that....you?"

>he cautiously starts to approach, lifting a paw to try and tap on the metal shell
"You found yourself a...shell out here?"
"Aye, a evolution stone t' say, tho bit early in hindsight wit' a negative o' bein' blind in dis stage. Oh well, like enough use t' it." Sail adjust his horn a bit toward the sky.
"Do you feel...the same?"
>he had only seen something like this happen once before, as he stands there stunned at the brand new Sail he almost completely forgets about the headache still lingering in the back of his mind and even the librarian directly behind

>his eyes follow Sails fresh horn to the sky, and remembers the other part of what the fresh shelled snail had said
"Oh right! You said there's stuff up there, does that mean the others are up there too?"
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

"A bit t' say at least, still adjustin' t' dis new form. As well me eye dissolve 'til I evolve t' the third stage o' me line."
>Sail then radar scan the cliffside, for anything that might be hidden away from view.
"Aye, expect t' experience some altitude sickness scalin' the moun'ain or find another methods t' go up."
Espurr knows someone is near. An enemy? A friend? Who has attached themselves to their chain?
And then there's something >>6094990 right beside them...
Espurr looks dead ahead, not shifting their glance to face the new presence. They're quiet, but they have to do something to move forward. They wrap their tiny legs around the staff and pull themselves higher up the chain, getting their claws in the gaps in the links to move higher. Looking around, they survey the area for anywhere they might be able to swing to provided they have enough momentum. How long will this anchor last?
>he casts a worried look over his shoulder to their librarian escort before returning his focus to the newly evolved snail

"I'm....not sure how much I can really climb, I took a pretty nasty hit earlier."
>he rubs the side of his head, a ringing still present in his ears
"I can probably go up a little more, but I'm really just waiting for the others to get back so we can all leave."
.........Or three levels, to be realistically bleak.
At some point, one always seems challenged to overcome themselves and their limits. Of course Wallis is no mere item, crashing into you with a move to use on reaction, but you've had plenty of practice with your catching skill. The question is, is a dangerously fast body this heavy too overwhelming for your skill...?
The midair impact knocks the wind from both you for 5 damage. Wallis's counter spikes Kaz into the first pit of this split path next to your other friends for an additional 10 damage, after which the Marshtomp lands in Kaz's ready arms a second time. Both of you are feeling agonizingly sore after a fall so harsh, but it's an easier pain to swallow than a full speed impact with the ground and no bear to cushion or slow it down- easier to watch than something so gruesome as well. That'd have surely left Wallis knocked out or worse...
With any luck, you'll be able to rest off that pain in the settlement just beyond this Perdition Pass's peak.

How harrowing. And excessively familiar, too. Espurr might be feeling that falling here is probable. Imminent, to be precise. Conversely, something could just as easily be compelling Espurr to keep endeavoring, no matter what. Who's to say where such a reclusive Pokemon's motivation comes from.
Without a Pokemon's input to feed the wand itself, Achor Shot will stop being channeled over time. It still feels fairly solid for now. If nothing else, Espurr is moving up and knows that's where everyone was headed.
Spike sees the quivering stray struggle straight past his efforts to communicate- clear ones to boots. Your ally must really be going through it! At least your question is being answered through action. Spike finds a suitable enough grip after falling enough for the flow to lose some momentum, but now it's a matter of securing Espurr's senses and path. The Anchor Shot being climbed from the dropped channeling wand is starting to disappear without an active user...

From the sounds of it, Evan's found the most viable route...not that any of you can see him above or to your sides. If you can follow his voice, then that should be it.
Starlaid about doubles over upon seeing a 3D representation of her sparklejackal character. You both may or may not know that Hatterene are famously stoic, so to see one struggling to keep themselves together is just as offputting as seeing one enraged by sound. She's squirming in place in excitement, and suddenly picks sail up from the bottom of his shell with all the trouble one would have with a cardboard pizza box. Just how strong is she...?
Lovely looks around, unsure of what direction to bring her new muses in. You're not high enough to look down and see the correct path anymore...
As the chain begins to slowly decay, Espurr hastens the speed at which they scale it. Alas, it won't be fast enough.
If their hypothesis is correct, they won't be suddenly saved from a fall by nothing but magic like the last time they were met with a sheer drop. Whether they know how or not, that was their own doing, and they currently lack the psychic faculties to do it again, even unconsciously.

So they're met with a perilous situation. They can't maneuver the staff to aim it again due to its large size. The creaking of the chain is like a ticking clock. The progress they make gives them hope, while the imminent destruction of the chain spurs uncertainty. Do they have enough time? Is it going to give out? Their eyes strain and tunnelvision to the point Espurr isn't sure they can see anymore and closing their eyes to hide away the sights of danger seems all the more appealing. That presence they felt near them before could be a threat. Whoever it is, it's a danger. Right? Espurr isn't certain. It might be someone trying to help... but either way, ANYONE being there that means that spot is solid, steady terrain.

It's cutting it close now. They've climbed as high as they could before starting to feel like the line is going to fail and drop them back where they came, if not farther down. With the chain weakening, Espurr shrugs their bag off of their shoulder and lets it hang from their arm, shifting their center of mass. With this change in their overall weight distribution, they start to swing back and fourth in an attempt to reach where they recall the other Pokémon being, the one they haven't noticed is Spike.

>Espurr swings towards Spike on the decaying Anchor Shot.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

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Rolled 9 + 3 (1d20 + 3)


>dropping the illusion, his ears prick up the faint sound of Evans voice in the distance.

"Sail, I think Evans figured out the way outta here. I was gonna wait for the others, but with you here, I think I'm gonna take Starlaid outta here."

>he takes a step toward the presumed exit
"Star, follow me to safety!"
>he jumps forward, as his body starts to glow some kind of clothing No! It's more like armor begins to form on his body

>when the glow fades, he lands on the ground wearing a strange black armor, with blue and yellow accents. A similarly colored blue scarf is wrapped around his neck with ends that bring to mind a pair of wings with the way its ends are cut

"You ready?"

(rolling for coolness of illusion!)
>Kaz raises his probably bruised head from the tremendous fall he and Wallis took
"...Didn't hurt."
>His head falls back down in exhaustion
>Tweaking his horn to the frequency to able to pick up Evan voice.
>Sail blindly follow along
Pain is in the eye of the beholder. That all said and done, there's not much left to do but wait for your allies to help the both of you on and forward.
And the story is much the same for the three of you. Starliad is content to give uncharacteristically strong and easy boosties to the both you, practically lobbing you both over pits when need be. It's a bit of a bumpy ride for Sail, being blind and receiving help from a mute, but...growing pains will pass. Brook's fit doesn't hit the exact mark of extravagance he's looking for, but it's more than enough to inspire her imagination. Don't expect to have too much free time when you arrive in that settlement ahead, she's already painting crude reminders for new designs into those mud-caked cards of hers as you ascend.

While Spike witnesses Espurr pull an unexpectedly deft maneuver to a point...somewhere above of you, and closer to the trail Brook and Sail are blazing. When Anchor Shot gives out, the discarded Channeling Rod falls and clatters into the very same pit Spike watches from. It's a hard jump to land; even with the weight shifting trick, Espurr doesn't have much mass to build momentum with. There's a little scrambling to get over a ledge you crash into the lip of, but there's no more danger from here on up. That should be apparent, given a moment or two of rest.

The reconvening and scrambling to do from this point on is...without hazards or points of failure. The ferals have made their way out or fallen, and most everyone's interest in optional scaling has run its course. As you reach Perdition Pass's peak, the still air refills the atmosphere with silence. Knowing Hatterene, the village camp won't be much louder when you get there, but the peace is suddenly feeling like a welcome change of pace.

Enjoy the moment while it lasts.
...and those 65 Experience Points for you now, Kaz, Wallis, Spike, Espurr, Brook, and Sail.
Grim Brim Village!

Mystic Mysidia, Final Fantasy IV -


It feels a little empty, despite the dense population. Pokemon go about their business in every corner and direction, but they do so in abject silence. Pokemon step into the stream cutting the settlement in half without disturbing the flow, they converse with written letters just like Starlaid, and a few of the stockiest Pokemon wear wicker nets to break the wind. It’s a unique feeling, that’s for sure. The only sound coming from beyond yourselves is from the stream’s flow.

Also contributing to the empty feeling is that every member of this tribe looks to be from Hatenna or Impidimp’s lines. The Grimmsnarl and Morgrem carry on as usual, but all of the Hatterene stare at your group as you cross whether they move in your direction or not, like a 2D sprite in a 3D videogame. Maybe something about you is drawing their attention. More to the point, most of the traffic seems to be going through the biggest of the purple striped tents making up this place. It stands thrice as tall as the others, it’s gotta be important. Also important is the water source; your guide *did* mention the locals’ use of the statues you come for to inundate water…
And of course, obligatory tradesmon directing their neighbors to eachother.
Your business?
>Let’s check the waters. I wanna see that monument!…or take a bath.
>Let’s check the hut. I wanna speak to the manager!
>Let’s check the vendors. What’s the local flavor?
>Let’s check-oh, Starlaid is trying to drag Brook and Orner to a certain hut.
>Let’s check the waters. I wanna see that monument!…or take a bath.
"Yech, I'm all brown from that mud."
>Evan doesn't have his usual green complexion. Poor Evan, photosynthesis is tough when you've got a layer of dirt on you.
>Let’s check the waters. I wanna see that monument!…or take a bath.
Mohka already took a mud bath, but he'd much prefer a real one, noisy scales be damned!
>Let’s check the vendors. What’s the local flavor?
>Let’s check-oh, Starlaid is trying to drag Brook and Orner to a certain hut.
"you have fun over there! I'm staying away from the water, and going to get some info. maybe show off a little."
>handing a sparkle, ish heads ahead
>Ishmael isn't going to leave Orner alone with Brook, plus his intuition says those vendors won't give him a good deal on these items
Orner naively doesn't mind the attention even with how creepy it seems. "I feel like a freaking celebrity in thiss town."
>Let’s check-oh, Starlaid is trying to drag Brook and Orner to a certain hut.
"Eh?" Siilently, she lets herself get pulled by the wicked witch of fics, this can only be good.
>Let’s check the hut. I wanna speak to the manager!

Spike observes the strange method of communicating between the locals and suspects that any 'noise' would be unwelcomed considering how much they've gone to preserve silence.

Glowing words form above Spike's head in both Orren and Runes, although the runes are very basic.

'Interesting. Everyone is communicating with letters, no one is talking. Do they have some aversion to noise? I don't think we should speak.'

'Neat. All are no noise. Speak with book. No like noise? We no speak noise.'
>Upon entering the settlement, the dark zorua isn't given a lot of time to look around before he's immediately being led over towards what appears to be a hut
>Though he isn't gonna complain about being taken away from the many unnerving stares the group is getting from the residents....

"This is your home right? I'm really glad we got you to show us the way around here, don't wanna get lost....or accidentally make someone mad hehe....anyway thanks a lot!"
>Brook says grinning as he follows behind the pastel witch

>Brook is getting dragged to a certain hut
>Let’s check the vendors. What’s the local flavor?
(forgot name baka my head)
After yelling at Kaz for his contact stunt, Wallis is... quiet. Her only vocalization is a sigh as her Second Wind IQ Skill restores her health to less critical levels automatically.
>HP: 9/29
Her shtomp is more of a trudge as Wallis wanders through the village. She doesn't have it in her to navigate Hatterene's outlandish behavior.
>Let’s check the vendors. What’s the local flavor?
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Espurr is a cat, and cats don't like water. That's a fact, objective for every feline species of Pokémon without any room for a gray area. Espurr's even weak to Water-Type Moves. Yeah.
they don't care about the monument right now.

>Let’s check the hut. I wanna speak to the manager!
>Let's check the vendors. What's the local flavor?
Skitty's kind of hungry after the ridiculous amount of flying she's been doing... if it's cheap, she's interested.
Looks like a popular spot. As mentioned before, the stream cuts through the entire settlement, Pokemon lining the waters for this reason or that. For obvious reasons, the bathers gather at the far end of the flow, while the statue welcomes the distributary’s water to these Pokemon. Even the Morgrem simply admiring the sparkle-tinged flow or the stone Hatterene do it with a sterile objectivity. Talk to one of them? Take the plunge…?
The locals seem to be eyeing up Mohka and Starlaid more than anyone else…

Cress follows Spike and Espurr into the hut. Above them is a Grimmsnarl, suspended in the air by threads of himself fashioned into a hammock. They’re tied to shelves lining the walls, occasionally rolling Grepa Berries directly into his mouth. He seems to be fielding requests and statements from all the tribe members before sending them on their way…he can’t not be the Big Cheese, right? Thankfully (or forebodingly) the line is moving quickly.
Cress responds in her homeland’s sign language. You might be able to make it out, but she’s going pretty fast with those tiny mitts. Something about waltzing into a place of tradition and demanding a monument, and leverage. You can probably guess.

Darius, Wallis, Skitty, and Sail step into a dense bazaar. Hard to describe how a Hatterene can crouch, but a few are alongside more Grimmsnarl. A few offer you cards to communicate with, but…you don’t have to not speak. Free country.
On their rugs lie a Tiny Reviver, some of those personal wicker sails others are wearing, an Oran Berry or two, and a couple TMs. No P or money pouches to be seen though…your move.

The inside is stuffed with texts of varying completion; even the walls have a few runes and drawings scattered around them. Isn’t it super expensive to buy dyes just to decorate your place with rainbows and sparkles…? Even the two beds are made of notes and unfinished novelas…
Your next card reads ‘I am the only one among us with this much output! Everyone cannot help but stare in awe of my beauty and perfection laid to text! Incredible Furred Ditto, these heroes can surely hear anything of Grim Brim they please, but first!…Can you bring this character to life? He’s from my most “experimental” work.’
By experimental, she means it’s a character sheet written without runes. It’s an entire “expression” written exclusively in winky and cat faces. >:3
She’s practically bouncing in place.
Ish, Orner might not be greatest threat in this tent.
Skitty steps up to take a gander at the TMs... not that she knows what they are right now. She motions to them with a paw, mouthing something along the lines of 'what are these?'
'You think we should ask for one of those statues?' Spike asks Cress telepathically.

'That's a bold ask, but I think we can do it.'

Spike turns to Espurr and taps his shoulder.

'I think you dropped this- I didn't see you with you when we left that mud slide' the words in both runes and Orren appear, before Spike takes out the Channeling Rod that held Espurr on the cliffs.
>Ish stares upon the sheet
>he's tried getting into character recently outside of dungeons, but... having a fake alter-ego isn't quite the same as taking on someone elses. what should he be acting as?
Orner is humbled by the sights. "Girl, not even my hoard hass ever been thiss colorful... 'sstare at my beauty, yadda yadda, bring thiss character to life...' What even iss thiss? Brook, help a gal out. I don't think she'ss ssuppossed to have thiss emotional range..."
>Evan shrugs to himself and walks into the water with the other bathers. Time to become Clean Evan (tm)
>He secretly hopes the sparkles stay on him
Darius checks out the TMs. More moves sounds pretty cool!
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>as soon as they enter the hut he's immediately greeted by the colorful décor, it almost looks....cute? Though not exactly what he had expected from the home of a librarian...but before he could provide any comments he's being requested to illusion up a......

>he tilts his head as he looks at the """"description"""" of what to make
"I-uhh suppose I can try, this isn't exactly a whole lot to work off of though so sorry if it takes me a minute to get it right."

>ignoring the shiver up his spine at the eccentric lady, he shuts his eyes and focuses on......winky cat faces.... he hasn't really quite seen too many cat mons that'd fit but maybe one of the few he has might fit?

>a quick flash of glittery blue light passes over his body and once the brightness fades standing in his place is....

>a tall green furred cat wearing what looks to be some kind of mask, a duelist hat with a feather is worn on its head tilted just enough to show an ear, while a pastel purple cloak hides the rest of its body from view

"Well? How's it look?"
>oh, ish can help here
"I know what that is, it's a character sheet. usually those have more... actual information on them though, and Brook's the be-"
>ish blinks, if he had 1P for each time an ally has disguised as a member of the sprig line, he'd have 2P
>With a chorus of "scuse me's" and "pardon me's", Mohka makes his way into the bathing area. He reaches up to start scaping the mud out from between his scales (uncomfortable!), but stops just short, thinking better of it. The way these locals were staring at him...
>Instead, he just sits and soaks for a bit, hopefully making the dried mud muddy again. That should keep his scales quiet... for now.
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Espurr stares at Spike.
They accept the Channeling Rod, poking it into their bag where it still towers over them. They'd say thanks if they... wanted to do that, but they don't. They're still grateful though.
>Channeling Rod acquired!

If they understand what Cress is trying to convey, they don't show any sign of it. But they do act.
Espurr, using the papers they've acquired from Bomb recently, starts drawing up a request for the Grimmsnarl, seeing this as the perfect opportunity for it.
They wait in line, showing a surprising respect for rules and order that they typically don't. Seems they understand that some rules actually do exist for a reason.
When it's their turn, they will give the Grimmsnarl their inquiry.

Pic related. It's a formal request, written in a language of scribbles incomprehensible to anyone but them, with a diagram showing a Grepa Berry, which, as per the form, is what is being asked.
>Espurr's terms: They are to be given a Grepa Berry. That is all.
It's signed by Espurr themselves.

...Didn't they actually learn how to write properly a week ago?
>Sail check out the TMs.
>At well look up the wicker sails, examine it with his horn.
Wallis points to the TMs to inquire with a head tilt. She reveals a Doom Seed as offering, but only if they can pitch it properly to her. She's not even looking at the cards, a sign they're not going to help with her.
Spike can feel the gratefulness and nods in understanding. He's just thankful that he noticed before the group had left.
And stay, the sparkles do. Has Mohka ever seen pink-tinged mud?
So you’re clean and and gummed respectively, but you feel…different. The quick scrub-down leaves you dissociated from yourself, just like how it felt being in the Ontic Oubliette. The satisfaction of having accomplished your travel and bath is definitely there, but it’s like you’re observing yourself as a third party. Like the feelings within yourself have been partitioned from the rest of yourself. You feel…stoic. Is this how the locals exist at all times? Even the Impidimp?
…the whistling breeze crossing your body is suddenly a lot more irritating. An Impidimp approaches and begins slowly writing something for you to read, only for a fully evolved father to cut him off by offering both of you a pair of those windbreaker sails.

…Cinderace don’t have enough fingers to properly do the signs of humans anyway. You don’t need hand-based communication to understand Cress’s frustration upon realizing-but now the eyes of every Hatenna and evolution in the hut is on her in an instant. So you have that nugget of wisdom now: it’s not just sound to mind. Moving on, the honcho takes Espurr’s suggestion to lazily browse, and promptly stops chewing. He’s been fashioning his hair into proper runes for the others, but for the three of you, he merely beckons you forth and retreats out a back flap. Cress tries to sign something back to Spike. Something about the ‘old language’ and Espurr…? What does she want? And for that matter, Cress is making a roll for understanding Espurr’s Combus-scratch.
Wait hold on did you mean to say ‘receive’ a Grepa

A sign is placed before you. The goods you see, parallel arrows in opposite directions, and a question mark. Pointedly, a question mark instead of P. So that’s how it is here. For the TMs, there’s a substitute being buried under rocks from above, another being charged in a fairly normal-looking full body tackle, a Gyarados swinging its tail, Castform with four TMs, and a Spheal…just a Spheal.
Among the items is one you don’t see, a rainbow-colored spiral. Unfortunate for Wallis’s, charades are all she’s going to get.

Is it insensitive to suggest something might be up with Lovely Starlaid Genius? Categorically speaking, this should be painful to her, no?
Most of the glares at you all walking in were pointed at her and Mohka…
‘A skilled take, almost on level with that author’s own! She’d never met a Pokemon with her own sensibilities…But he had much to learn. My vision…it used much more red over the green. Rather more tone and definition, but just as lithe as yours.’ A fusion of the two species. And gods, these perspective jumps.
Wait, damnit.
‘And fire!’ Oh no.
She draws a claw over her emotionless face. Note how her approval is not a good thing.
Psh. That you know of.
>Evan bows his head and accepts the windbreaker sail. The wind is getting somewhat... rough, now that he's clean. Is this why some don't bathe as often as he does?
Rolled 11 (1d20)

"and fire? are we thinking of the same line?"
>ish pauses
"maybe you're thinking of something lapine, like... I dunno, the cinderace who was with us."
>ish spins his wand in the meantime, almost posing with it
The Hatt strokes her top like a discerning chin of reflection, presenting you with the Orans any one of the TMs save the Castform related ones for two of those. Looks like she’ll want more for the rest.

You’re appraised for a moment before receiving a card. As a matter of fact, you’re told… ‘Bunnies do not stimulate my creativity. Very few Pokemon can be cute, cool, and tough all at once. Can you reach such heights as Meowscarada and Incineroar at the same time? Show me.’
Starlaid shakes her head, before writing a second note. ‘The Main Mon had a responsibility to the heavens to fulfill. Just what is it these messengers from God want with her tribe’s monument?’
"Ah. I think she wantss it more Litten. You know that one?" Orner provides the cat knowledge-check in case anyone needs it.

She looks around, skimming through the pages and pages of weird fiction. "How did you get to work on a library with thesse organizational sskillss? I guesss we are all different 'mon when at home..."
Wallis frowns, not getting clear feedback on her Doom Seed's value. It's risky to show it off, but maybe doing so with her Golden Seed will give her an idea of what it is. If it's as valuable as its appearance suggests, it may prove worthwhile. She still has the reactions of the merchants to go off, after all. She replaces the Doom Seed she unveiled with a more flashy presentment of her Golden Seed. Perhaps it will coax the lot of them into being more agreeable.
Rolled 5 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>Ish stares, annoyed
>he writes back "I'm working on it", interrupting his pose to bounce and hand it over, letting his Rebound hold him to the roof and flipping on his way down.
"Oh, I've seen that one before, brook hid as one when we checked out..."
>don't let them know you idiot
"the canyon place."
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Rolled 2 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>the illusion shatters, the tall cat shatters to reveal the true form of Brook underneath
"I think I've done a fire mon like that before? Though I'm not really sure if it's gonna be what you're looking for."

>taking position once again, he tries to put the increasingly worried feeling towards this lady out of his mind so he can focus on trying to illusion up a fusion of his usual disguise as well as the big pirate cat he's only seen sparsly

>this time rather than a blue light covering his body, instead a flame burns from his feet upwards changing his form as he goes until finally he resembles the form he took prior only this time he's cloaked in red and orange flames, while the torso down is black and gray and bears the same markings his other form had

"Alright? How about this time? Hot enough for you or you burnin for more?......Things are really starting to heat up or something."
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'Got it' Spike nods, before turning to the Grimsnarl and nodding downwards in recognition of the leader. He studies the runes shared around- his insight doesn't work on mundane things unfortunately.

'Who are you? What are you? I am. . .' Spike pauses, unsure how to translate his name.

The glowing runes above him changed and shifted constantly- from Qwuilfish Arcanine to Qwuilfish Absol to Ferrothorn Togakiss to Feerothorn. . . The glowing runes became a swirl, visual noise where stranger runes made some jumble of words until the runes rested on a concrete name.

Brambleghast Lucario. Literally 'Tumbleweed Aura', but like something more simple like barbs, thorns or a spike as Lucario and Brambleghast often share.
"Y'sssee..." Orner starts writing an answer in paper for the Lovely lady.
>'Beneath the land of Air Continent, a powerful being of the Psychic variety remains trapped' A drawing of the land seen sideways with a little circle underneath with waves going upwards serves as visual aid.
>'The telepathic waves it sends causes an extreme panic to cloud the minds of Pokémon who are caught by it and unable to distinguish friend or foe, indefinitely most of the time. This cognito-hazard has been baptized as the Twilight Syndrome.' The visual aid this time shows a scared Espurr haphazardly sending telekinetic-looking attacks. There's also a few eye symbols, primitively animated as blinking. The Blinker effect?
>'The psyche-altering qualities of Magic Powder counter this illness. Thus, with a well placed Hatterene statue in a water source many of the afflicted can be cured, now and in the future!' A drawing of a town with a Hatterene fountain, this one is made a bit too fast and it shows.
>'And after stockpiling some water in flask, we'll be able to start an expedition to the underground and find the Source, then save the day!' A drawing of the Wayfarers digging a hole.
>'Do you Understand?'

"Phew!" That much drawing and writing in this short amount of time is quite exhausting for Orner.
>Sail roll over toward the Spheal and see what is on stock.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Espurr follows the Grimmsnarl to see if he would like to accept and fulfil their request. They eagerly await a response, stashing their Dartrix pen in their bag and keeping a roll of papers under their arm.
If this is a no, they'll just make an appeal in hopes he changes his mind.

Quite an interesting scene he has going on here...

Cress can see that Espurr's writing is practiced, but still imperfect. Writing with paws can be difficult, and the best thing they can do is adjust their style to their capabilities.
Firstly, they started from the right and went left as the 'words' filled the horizontal space, but any characters she thinks she can identify are assuredly facing the correct direction. It's like they started with the end of the sentence and went backwards.
Second, it's not printrune, save for maybe one or two prints and their signature. On top of this, either their script is very poor despite their efforts, or they're writing in a language Cress isn't familiar with. Espurr doesn't seem perturbed.
To your knowledge, you’ve never seen this kind of sail before. It doesn’t seem to be anything more than a wind-parasol, but the ends curve inward, allowing air to pass without making any noise. The silence leaves you at peace, though this dissociated state from your emotions is still a little disorienting.
The Magic Powder causing this state from the water is also inundating your scales-consider yourself a Psychic Type.
And sequined in pink sparkles. So that’s the cost of safety from the disease…at least, short term safety…As for bathing, mayhaps someone can show you Baram’s bathhouse…you know, if you can handle communal bathing.

The Wizard Pokemon takes note of your communications and demeanors, though he doesn’t respond until he’s taken you a significant distance away from any locals. His impassive stare seems to communicate something to you. What, is as much a mystery as what any of these unfeeling Pokemon are thinking. The sound he makes may startle you; it’s the first noise any Pokemon here has made to you, and it’s both loud and abrupt…
“The hells is this?” He continues wheezing, taking the request and dangling it in front of you. “Is this how outsiders do business, demanding and offering eachother single snacks? I must be misreading. Is it penmonship lessons you’re looking for, runt?” A little demeaning, but this is more attention he’s afforded most of the Pokemon coming to him. If you have any sense, you’ll have more of whatever inspired that decision.
“Call me chieftain. ‘Thorned Aura’, or so…I’m thankful it’s an acceptable name. You had some of us inconvenienced when you came to us with that Hatterene girl.” He gets a dew more chuckles out at the paper before beckoning to you and walking back the way you came. “Arright, let’s go back.”…Oh, that was it.
“I am the sole arbiter of our community’s will. Everything comes down to me; I am Grim Brim’s persistence and way of life.” He shakes his head. “So really, what is it we need to hear? You don’t look like tribesmon or brigands…”

The Spheal image indicates a Water Type TM, that’s for sure. But by itself, Spheal has a dearth of traits with which to charade anything. It’s spherical…icy…watery…
The vendor before Wallis furrows her brow a fraction of an inch in faint surprise. It’s the strongest reaction she’s seen from anyone here besides Starlaid. All of the items are shuffled before you in presentation, grouped to show you may take your pick of any three of them in exchange for that Seed. She reaches behind herself to add that rainbow-spiral seed to the pool, shining as brilliantly as the growth supplement in your fins.
Your call.
The librarian mimes a gasp, before beelining to Brook’s rendition of her OC. Orner wasn’t particularly in her way, but Lovely still bothers to flick her up into the ceiling framework by Ish to fawn. Your illusions are weightless, and yet you feel laden with tackiness and a lack of direction. You may like the form, and that’s fine, but this is a matter of objectivity. You’re cluttered. That being said…Starlaid seems inspired to write both for herself and you all at the same time-on two cards with her one claw. Three fingers deftly dual wield quills to tell you… ‘Abnormal…but workable. The source of that mystery malady should surely be a Pokemon, but I believe it would capture more attention and sympathy from others if it were the coolest, strongest, best psychic Pokemon ever. The ultimate Pokemon with every form of appeal…’
And she’s inspired by Ish. ‘Yes…his personality is that he has the power to spin and walk deftly on walls and ceilings. And everyone loves him…!’ Your rolls have been awful. This OC is not getting better.
She sketches up a bottomheavy hairless cat Pokemon with psychic powers and a miscolored tail. It probably isn’t real.
‘Our monuments are said to contain pieces of the spirit of Mother Brim. They provide an infinite source of Magic Powder, the source of her tribe’s special nature. Such utility comes at the cost of range, however. The statue must remain nearby to hold its influence, and the intrepid adventurers would loathe to lug such a huge weight all the way through the hidden depths. There is a hole in your plan…
Lovely Starlaid Genius was excited by the prospect of telling the heroes that Mother Brim is carried in her statues whole or pieced, but…that would be against the rules. One would have to destroy a tribute to her kind! She really shouldn’t tell them…’
>ish is frustrated
"just, forget it for now. that powder stuff is more interesting. how do you even make it? asidefrom statues of course."
>ish mutters about being 'more than just kicks and ego.' under his breath. hell, that last bit isn't even true... right?
Mohka accepts his windbreaker sail as well. He's still on edge, though - if that mud gets removed from his scales... well, he's gonna be in for a bad time in this state.
Wallis leers closer at the rainbow-spiral seed. It's just like the one Brook used a Mug Orb to retrieve from Appletun. It even grew part of itself back after Appletun took a bite. That has to be valuable. As far as Wallis can tell, this Golden Seed is one and done. Not just that, she doesn't even know if it's the type that you use on yourself or throw to afflict enemies with. Making such a mistake could prove devastating and that's a risk she doesn't plan to take.
Wallis exchanges the Golden Seed for the rainbow-spiral seed, placing her prized possession down on the counter.
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Spike, or 'Thorned Aura" as the Chieftain had decided to interpret his name, turned back to look at Cress and Espurr for their reactions before stating.

"We're explorers," Spike clarifies, "we came here to learn about the statues that produce the calming water."

He tilts his head at the chieftain, his eyes seem to glow yellow with an otherworldly energy as he tries to gleam insight from the 'mon.

>Spike tries to gleam insight on the Grimsnarl Chieftain (+3 Phantasm/Hex Maniac if applicable.)
>Evan remembers that cave with the pool of anti-twilight water. He feels like he did then, right after falling face first into the pool. Only, this is one is stronger. Interesting.
>He's sparkling now. That's one objective complete. Maybe those shops will have something he'll want.
>Evan, upon becoming clean, he moves to the Vendor Zone, home of vendors. Or so he has been led to believe.
>With her apparently having been satisfied with the illusory fusion attempt, the dark cat breaks into light once again revealing a zorua sitting on the floor, staring up at the tall pastel mage

"Spin and walk on walls, sounds cool? You think he might need sometin like a scarf or maybe some kinda armor?"
>he stares at the sketch of the cat creature OC
Orner looks down on everyone from the ceiling, this is nothing new to her. "Hmmmm... Ssso, sssay... A sstatue being broken, hasss that happened before? Could we jussst, borrow that one?" Orner is just brainstorming, she doesn't know LSG's inner narration, that would make no sense!
"Though if we have to bring the whole thing then we'll jusst do that. I'll have Mohka carry it, what elsse is he good for?"

She looks at the Psychic OC. "Needss more black..."
"I mean, he's built like a brick wall, so tanking's another thing."
>ish states, to back up someone who isn't even here
"Yeah well, the new and improved Ssail hass totally ssurpassed him in that assspect ssso he'ss on Mudbray duty now!"
>Vendor time

>Having no particular interest, Kaz follows where he thought he say Evan disappear to
>He walks up to the water, just seeing the snake leave for the vendors
"Hey Ev! Wait up!"
>Kaz jogs alongside the Snivy

"So that water back there. That more a' the stuff that shines some light on the Twilight?"
>Evan turns to see his friend.
"Hello Kaz. Yes, I believe that is right."
>Evan seems a little... off. He's also kinda sparkly? It's pink. Did he bump into Wallis or something???
>Sail think for a bit and decide to roll over toward the wicker sails section.
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Espurr is not pleased their reasonable request has been rejected. At the same time, they look back at Spike blankly and with the knowledge that they've won even as they've lost. You can thank them later, on account of them getting you the privilege of a private conversation with the most important guy in town. Espurr didn't see Spike or Cress try any such mindgame-tactics to get this sort of first class seating. This was ALL planned, down to every last detail. 100%. Good job, little cat.

It doesn't last very long, but it's a start. This is how one gets their foot in the door.

Espurr turns away and stares daggers through the nearest Hatterene. They do so without anger or sadness, or anything save for apathy, but instead as a reference to guide their pen. If they take their eyes off of the Hatterene for even a second, they'll lose the image they're conjuring up.
When they finally feel as though they can't look any more, they stop drawing and look down at what they've made. A crude, artsy interpretation of what they're looking for. A giant, curved figure with equal soft edges and sharp angles. A long tail drapes from its head and shapes into a claw held in front of the dark hole it bears as a face. Soothing waters pour from the center of the claw and between its curled fingers, down into a body of water below.

Even Espurr isn't sure what they're looking at, or if it even accurately reflects what the group is in search of, but it's the best they can do. They aren't an artist and they'll never understand art. They simply drew what they thought they felt. Perhaps it's a memory from a time they weren't well.
>Kaz slows down along side his friend
"Hey, you good?"
>Kaz tilts his head at Evan, trying to get a better look at him
"You sound a little...off."
>Evan tilts his head to match your tint, sparkling bits glinting in the light.
"I feel separated from a part of myself. It is the same as the water we found in the cave, but more... more. You understand?"
"So that water...sucks out your personality now?"
>Kaz shakes his head.
"Funky stuff we're messin' with."
Not that you or Evan have ears per-se, but sound of wind crossing your body vanishes as you put the thing on. The peace and silence is abnormally welcoming, and not just because you've been hearing yourself since you got this form. So this is how Hatterene feel all the time...Starlaid's position as a librarian suddenly feels on-the-nose...
Also, you're a Psychic type now.

The Grimmsnarl is a master of controlling his own thoughts. That slip of his own amusement was intentional, and his even mask slips back into place more and more the closer you return to the tribe proper. Despite how sure you are that he's still enjoying that bold request of Espurr's, you couldn't tell by reading him...or anything else for that matter. You suppose he and the other Impidimp line here would need to have these talents to live among so many volatile empaths. Perhaps he has control over his expression. But you get the impression his humors and sympathy are a better key to his graces than stoic logic...
He's also laden with Magic Powder, to a more permanent degree than your friends.
Back to brass tacks, he cuts to the logical end of your questioning first: "Our peace and coexistence is dependent on 'us' having that monument; and its influence wanes with distance. I'm sure that poses a conflict with your needs...unless you come this far for meditation."
He appraises Espurr's scrawling. "...You look like us when you work. Have you bathed?" Cat. That observation is a little uncanny, but that wouldn't occur to either of you...probably. Creation without attachment or judgment is a fine balance demonstrated by our kind. It's rare to find an outsider who would belong among us." Is that an offer? A connection? You feel 'creation' refers to more than just art, rather their magics and livelihoods...
But you don't need me to tell you that.

from the signs, it appears these Pokemon only deal in trading, no P involved. Wallis as taken a pretty snazzy looking seed, and has license to take 2 more of...
>Oran Berry!
>Spheal TM? (water)
>Rock trap TM? (rock)
>Gyara-tail TM(water)
>weather setting TMs
>Wicker Windguard (swag)
Make your bargains, if interested.
The Chieftain moves on to answer Spike's question, while Lovely Starlaid Genius does so for Ishmael verbatim...not that any of you would know, being in two separate places. "[']The actor is a dust naturally forming within a Hatterene's body. Their[our] magic is unlike those unexplainable miracles of Jynx and Mismagius; they[we] exert our will on the world around us with unfiltered, cold understanding of what they[we] change and make with no flair or meddling personal feelings. It requires a level of logic and focus that cannot be achieved by normal minds, so Hatterene form a sort of concoction that filters thought to 100% logic. Disturbing that mental barrier with overwhelming feeling or shaking off the dust creating it can be...disorienting.[']" For Ish, Orner, and Brook, those don't read like Starlaid's words. maybe this has been explained quite a few times before.
The next statement is where their explanations differ.
"A great many Pokemon fail to understand our needs and must be escorted out of our settlements with broken bodies bodies for disturbing our females too greatly with their personalities."
'The Impidimp lines use that powder to live like and get along with us! Everyone had me go out and leave the tribe to spread my wonderful coolness and intelligence to the rest of the world!!>;P' Ah.

You really should add both scarf and armor. And More accessories. One for each color and one for each color between those.
So one might think, but if you check the back of that card, you'll find she did actually write all that out.
...And how much more black? You've got two rough sketches headed your way.
'If you could convince the Chieftain to have both it and your heads. Even as messengers from Rayquaza, I am doubtful. As well...it's heavy.' An understatement, it should be read as.
>Kaz walks into the market
>He spots the Wicker Windguard (Swag)!
>He approaches the shop keep holding it
>He gives a cheerful wave
>He points to the item in question
"Whatcha got there?"
It appears something is on Cress's mind. If this team is worth anything...Spike and Espurr can handle these sensitive dealings. She wanders off...
Oh hey, it's the market.
>Evan walks up to Wallis and coldly looks at her. He's kind of pink now, too.
"Hello Wallis."
>O-kay the deadpan delivery is creepy.
>He looks over the options
"Wallis, I do not have an Oran Berry."
>Does he want one?????
"Oh, Cress. Good timing!"
Wallis waves who she still thinks is Ishmael's adoptive parent over.
"Do you mind holding onto some stuff for me? This is barter only and I can't sell my stuff."
Wallis shuffles through her stuff, revealing a Scorching Sands TM and a Doom Seed.
"In exchange, you can use the TMs I've got if they work with you. Just gotta cover the recycling fee. Sound fair?"

She almost drops the offered goods as Evan startles her.
"Whoahoheyyyyy... Evan... I could use one too, but..."
She's still visibly in Torrent range.
"Easily disturbed like the surface of water," Spike notes, his facial features aren't as expression anymore, perhaps adapting to the conversation.
"An unfortunate landscape for thunderstorms," Spike says cryptically, whatever that means, he chose not to reveal it on purpose.

"The differences between your sexes is very pronounced, I've seen Hatterene before, they don't appreciate my existence- but what are you? I've never seen a pokemon like you," Spike asks. "Do you share their ability to sense emotion?"
Meant to reply to >>6104272.
Espurr isn't certain how to feel about the unusual praise. Is objectivity truly so rare a sight that a stranger entering this town with a blank look on their face is impressive?
Perhaps Espurr thinks too little of themselves. Or maybe too much.

Meditation... a bath in those soothing waters... creation. Although this cat would seldom wish to rely on anything but objective thought, they've found themselves swayed by feelings more often as of late, like the push and pull of the whims of the wind. Right now they're feeling like an opportunity is arising.

Espurr looks down at their paws which clutch the pen and paper. They'd like to imagine a scenario where they see themselves fitting in with these emotion-averse aliens, that they could see themselves in them, but they can't. All it does is strain their little head.
So they'll just have to see it with their own eyes, no imagination necessary. Their mind's eye was never good anyway.

The little cat scribbles a tiny ball of black lines next to the statue they drew, which I unfortunately can't add the image because I don't have the original file resolution. It's an attempt to represent themselves in the picture without being able to see their own image. They'd like to stay here for a time, if possible, however brief a time that may be; even if it means not returning 'home' for a few days, the opportunity is too unique to let pass by without at least attempting to make something of it. They could learn a thing or two.
They show the picture to the chieftain again. How about another formal request?

>Espurr's terms: They are to remain here a while to see what experiencing the town's traditions and daily life would offer.
Like last time, it's signed by Espurr themselves. Also like last time, they have nothing to give in exchange save for their time.
"Alright, so that rules out one idea, and I doubt chunking a statue would be very... useful. or fair on it's constructors."
>ish thinks, tapping his wand in rhythm
"if the statue was moved wholesale, would it keep it's properties?"
>and the rabbit turns to Orner and Brook
"I have an idea, probably a god awful one but it's the best plan I can think of right now."
"I'm sure not many around here appreciate your uhh unique vision."

>he says giving his ear a scratch while looking towards the floor, he's starting to feel a little bad for the librarian
"Thanks for letting me help out and be a little part of it."
>tilting his head back up he gives Starlaid a gentle smile as he speaks

"If the statue is too big to bother with, then is there maybe a way we could do something with the powder itself?"

>the zorua raises a curious ear towards the rabbit
"Hmm? I'm listening?"
"if the statues are the source of the water, and it's only limit is the location of the statue... there's nothing stopping us going back to the dragon cave and moving it's statue to a population centre like baram."
"Didn't we have to fall a pretty long ways down to reach it? You think we could really drag that thing all the way to the surface!?"

>from his expression he seems a little surprised at your idea

"We might even have to deal those wild mons we fought last time, again."
"Are you alright? Besides your health, you seem uneasy."
>Deadpan Evan is a MUCH different mood compared to the more carefree and laughing Evan.
"I mean, I'd rather deal with those fairies than these ones, and we got better tools to handle them now."
>ish taps his spear
"but... how would we get it out... it's not like matchia or mohka could climb with it, so we'd probably need a way to smooth the... cliffside..."
"And you seem too easy. B-But not in the like throwing yourself at females way! More like... Not throwing much out there at all? Did those weird folks do something to you?"
She notices Evan's newly pink parts and fans away at it with some sparkles of her own.
Mohka doesn't have a need to shop, and the others in the group are likely getting relevant information, so he sees no reason to leave where he currently is. He joins the Impidim staring into the sparkling water.
"The bath water here is relaxing. But the wind is rough. One of the locals gave me this windbreaker, it is very good. I am also pink and sparkly now like you are."
>He didn't even laugh at that "throwing yourself at females" bit like you know he would have, should have, even.
>The pink stuff seems a bit soaked in.
"We could all try to carry it together, but I really don't wanna think about what might happen if one of us slips and drops it."

>he shivers and shakes his head, clearly the thought popped into his head anyway!
"Is that so...? I could use some rehydrating but..."
She squints at the pink sparkles.
"I don't think the pool we found did that... Are you sure that's ok?"
Wallis stops and stares at Evan. He didn't react to throwing himself at females? He should have, unless...
>"...Holy crap is Evan gay?!"
Though she thinks this to herself without speaking it, she still has a distinct expression on her face in response to the thought.
"even if we did, we'd be unguarded. which is why I was thinking the strongest of us would be better to haul."
>Evan returns the stare. It's kinda vacant, but present at the same time.
"The pool we found was only ankle deep. I think the amount of power in this water is bigger too. Would you like to get some in a jar to bring back? I am sure it will be useful sometime."
"Couldn't carry it if I wanted to. I'll just... leave it in your capable hands. I trust my teammate in Professor Evan to make the right call. Yeah..."
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"Okay. I will give it to you if you feel less pink."
>He looks to the side for a moment.
"That was a joke. Sorry, I am not feeling funny recently. Things feel different. I am sorry for not laughing at your joke earlier either. I will meet you when it is time to leave?"
>Evan turns around almost robotically and walks back to get a bottle of the mind water
"Sure, but is there anything you particularly want here? I get bartering's a little iffy, but... It could trade up later maybe?"
She shrugs.
"Whatever, your preferenc- I-I mean call!! Call... That's a better word for it."
"Are you sure they'd be able to carry it without any help? If that statue is really that heavy, it might take more than just a few of us."
"I mean... we pulled f dragonhymn?"
>ish shakes his head
"I never said it was a good idea."
>Evan turns around for a quick second
"If you do not get anything better, I would like to have an Oran Berry for our next adventure. See you soon, I hope."
>he resumes walking
"Don't Impidimp feed on emotionss? Thiss feelss like a terrible deal for them, I wouldn't take it even if it wass for a girl." For some reason Orner feels like this is personal for her, she can't quite pin why.
"Alssso, all black. Maybe the tail could usse a warmer color... And make it a bit asssymetrical, that'ss alwayss cool!" Where did she get the idea, I wonder.
"Ssso, we jusst blow up the thing in a dozen piecesss! Nobody hass to know..." She's giving the Hatterene a look...
With a more shaky version of her usual arm raise, she reverse-greets Evan as he leaves, resuming her deal with Cress and item space.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

That same Impidimp from before waddles back, taking a bit too long to finish a note to you as you shoot the breeze. 'Are you an explorer?' It reads. 'Does that mean you're here to take our treasure? That's what they do; they go places to hunt treasure.'

You all draw nearer to the locals. From here, the Chieftain passes you cards and writes runes out of the ever-shifting stands of hair in his arms. 'It is no matter of dimorphism; we are separate species, one male only and one female only.' The former of those might raise some questions about their continued existence. Do me a favor and...don't ask!!!!
'We Grimmsnarl think and feel just as any other Pokemon, and may only coexist with the ever-lucid Hatterene through Magic Powder. So...no. My magic is sourced differently and my senses have only been shaped by the powders. Emotion isn't any specialty or weakness of ours. Our kind rather...' One of his hair tendrils curls around to tap Spike on the shoulder by where Espurr walks. Cue roll. "...uses magic to make the world a little more fun." He doesn't seem to react whether you notice or not, so who's to say whether that was intentional.
"And yes, a thunderstorm would be very troublesome indeed. We do our best to avoid such inconveniences..."
He sighs. Almost back to his tent.
To Espurr, 'So long as you're not a liability or disturbance.' His responses are getting more plain as you go, but that's that, one can suppose. Would you care about anything else? The deal is yours.
As universal commodities, the wicker sails are common and likely won't demand expensive trades...
In an instant, the eyes of all the Hatenna, Hattrem, and Hatterene are centered on Kaz. It's like a bullet hell of glares, only they're all exceedingly neutral. It's somehow more uncomfortable than if they were openly upset or something.
Either way, the hat gestures to the charade drawings over each TM, and the self explanatory Oran and Tiny Reviver Seed. One TM has an image of a Spheal, one of a Gyarados brandishing its tail, one of a substitute being buried by rocks, and four of a Castform channeling different inconveniences.
It'll be a long trip home whether you get your mitts on that monument or not, so you'll be camping or supping upon Starlaid's hospitality before you have a chance to get into any more misadventures. R&R is imminent, it's just a matter of who gets topped off fully by this Oran.
Cress takes the items, smelling the Doom Seed...She takes half of Kaz's glares when she cringes. "Is this...edible...?" One can tell by the smell alon that there is no upside to consuming this thing. Even the thrill of making a bad decision should be lost to whatever crippling malady this thing surely imparts. Even an idiot wouldn't eat these; they do stpuid things for stupid reasons, not no reason. To willingly partake in Doom Seed would be...self destructive.
Cress doesn't really care what's on the TM. In her mind, the likes of Feint and Growl are for use by children. Scorching Sands acquired!
Who's to say how far that bottle will last without proximity, but Evan gets one from a local and fills it without incident. Magic Powder Water obtained!
,,,Didn't we come up with a name for this stuff?
Anyway, Wallis's expressiveness and stuttering would normally never be an object to Evan. Here and now however, it makes him feel...itchy. Boiled. Volatile, even. Looks like he kept the sensation under wraps well enough, though.
To be fully transparent, her last note stated that breaking the statue to pieces would retain their effect, it'd just be mean. Water is simply how the Powder is mass-delivered, and must be sourced from elsewhere; whence why the tribe places them in streams and lakes. That being said, Starlaid's next card reads...
'Starlaid was on the cusp of a stroke of genius! There are Pokemon that influence weight; Pokemon that influence gravity. Was Hatterene one of them? It'd only be fitting for your main character...!'
Anyway. 'Impidimp have no use for their own feelings and all Pokemon generate frustration for Hatterene quite easily no matter what. It is more of a problematic relationship that benefits us both; and one that brought forth the greatest mages of all time in Father Grim and Mother Brim. If one of us were to recreate that explosive dynamic...' Why is her handwriting turning erratic? It's weird...and Starlaid has grown a smile. Eugh.
Her next drawing is of a Seviper with one half of a tail that's way longer than the bladed half. It has two necks, perfectly rectangular pecs, and a pair of cat ears. You'd get a visual aid, but Seviper is not in inf. fusion.

...And we'll continue over the weekend. Make your replies by the day, and go ahead and take 10 exp and 75P for the inconvenience.
...15 to Evan, Sail and Orner for my repeated (you)opsies now and in the past.
"Heh, I'm right there with you. Lemme just..."
With her inventory freed up, Wallis looks back to the TMs. She's been missing her rock move lately, so she points to the Rock trap TM. With her last free space, she considers the other TMs. Surf is all the group has from room hitters, so that's hard to replace. But what if it could be augmented? Wallis can't read it, but decides to request the Rain Dance TM based on the pattern. She feels herself get stronger when it rains and it could disrupt some other weather-reliant foe down the line.
>Requesting Rock Tomb TM and Rain Dance TM.
Espurr is great at simultaneous being and not being a liability or disturbance. Fortunately for this case, their lack of present Gravity and intense psychic headaches makes them a much less volatile Pokémon. They're lucky for that.

The cat will not mess up this opportunity. The future looks a little more uncertain but a little more promising all the same.

They draw some crystalline structure of sorts... sand? No, a powder. Of the magic variety. It comes out looking a bit sloppy, so they'll just have to try again in the future. They look at Spike with the most incriminating blank expression ever, unaware that the Grimmsnarl just framed them for the crime of tapping on Spike's shoulder. They can just barely reach that high, so they COULD'VE done it. They didn't, but that's irrelevant.

They show the chieftain their sloppily-done Magic Powder diagram. Next to it but only tangentially-related to it is a vaguely-Hatterene-shaped figure with waves of jagged shark-toothed lines flowing towards it. Sound waves. They're interested in learning about the Magic Powder, Hatterene's distaste for noise, and the correlation between those two things.
The thought of Gravity bending had already crossed Orner's mind. "Oh, you mean like Esspurr? Well, not anymore, they've been on a rough patch for a while..." That's somewhat her fault but it's not like she knows that. "But that'ss a good idea! Or more sssimply, couldn't you jussst usse Magic Powder on usss and ssskip the need for a sstatue? Either way..." She pulls out her spare Normal Rank badge which she then sticks to the witch's hair, if that doesn't narrow it down then you figure it out. "There you go, probationary Gildsscaless membership! You are lacking in sscaless and gold but then again, Ssail doess too..."

She takes a bit to form an opinion on the snake OC that's nearly incomprehensible, and comes to a conclusion. "Y'know, I've realized I'm not into musscless."
Mohka expressionlessly writes his own note back. "I am, and perhaps. What is this treasure you mention?"
Your next card reads, 'The magic writing script! If you're an explorer and you're here, you gotta know about our best treasure, right? Papa says it gives all our statues their power from the main one.' The child takes a rather long time to write his follow up, something suddenly occuring to him.
'It's NOT inside the statue of this settlement.' above that assertion is a wall of scribbled over text you can no longer read.
'Don't try to take it anyway. It's in a language even we can't read, so you'd never be able to use it anyway!' It could be a bait, but it could also be a double bait. Or a triple bait! You never know.
He's sweating.

The Grimmsnarl Chieftain sees Espurr's vision and curiosity and nods. 'You'll have the knowledge and experience you're looking for. But when we aren't conducting business. Your...' he pauses to look for an appropriate word, 'guide, can quarter you.'
Eventually, the three of you make it back to that oversized tent, their 'court'. Cress has returned to the line, and dashes up to pass Spike and Espurr a card. Once you read, you realize it's not to maintain the quiet, but to communicate without letting the chieftain or others eavesdrop. 'Have you successfully secured the monument for us? A defense against the illness would be a bigger step forward against this crisis than any we've taken so far.'

Hey, I never confirmed they're Rock Tomb and Rain Dance TMs.
...They totally are, but don't assume.

Starlaid faux-gasps a third time, shocked you'd ever get the idea to break the statues into pieces. You must be an expert cold reader to sus that one idea out.
But onto your latest pitch, '...' It gets the point across, if rather wastefully. A second card: 'Lovely Starlaid Genius may be may be more tolerant, resplendent, and better groomed than the average brim, but it should be well known that we do famously poorly under pressure- even worse with others under pressure. I can handle myself, but I'd hate to accidentally go into a fit and gut you all like Pyukumuku! ʕ•́∩•̀ʔ' Between the likely nature of the Pokemon down there and the stress of getting into a predicament, it's likely to trigger a rage episode even if none of you get infected.
Of note however, is that she doesn't say much of anything against that breaking of the statue idea. She turns her head to Orner's supposition(and possible threat), but it's a tacit approval...for whatever reason.
Also of note is her not giving your badge back despite the rejection.
>Ish is having thoughts...
"alright, I'm probably the quickest here, so... who would we want for this kind of plan..."
>ish thinks on Orner's plot
"Kaz or Wallis probably, maybe matchia... though I'd need to know where the statue is... hey, should I get looking while you two get more info?"
"Well, it iss probationary for a reasson!" Orner doesn't particularly need the badge in short notice, her main candidates for the spot are still a work in progress. "Worsst casse sscenario, if the thing doessn't break I could jusst... Sswitcheroo it around. Dangerousss, but asss long asss I'm moving it away from me, I'll be fine. Or jussst put the damn thing on wheelss!"
"Yeah, do whatever, I don't really feel like moving..." Orner is still beat into tube-shaped mush with no healing in sight.
"alright, I'll probably grab who's needed over then"
>Ish tookpractically speaking, no damage last quest.
>and he's out! hmm... where would anyone be?
Spike takes the card and reads it closely, before frowning and shaking his head.

'We haven't started negotiations yet,' Spike thinks to Cress and hands the note to Espurr.

Right, the objective is secure the monument for use in confronting the source of the Twilight Syndrome. The current obstacle is that it's integral to the functioning of this community.

Spike pauses for a moment and turns to the Chieftain before smiling, and he speaks- although there sound isn't real.

"Actually, we did come here for more than learning. Have you heard of the plague spreading around the continent?" he asked without moving his lips.

"It spread through the mind, ghost and psychic types are quick to infection I hear, and it turns them in rabid engines of mania- very *loud*," Spike continues to clarify bouncing his head side to side. "I don't think your kind could live in a world that's practically screaming."

He lets that statement sink in for a moment, eyeing the chieftain.

"However, me and my companions have been investigating the plague's source and found that the water produced by your monuments is effective for dampening the symptom- not a cure unfortunately. I've seen infected that are bathed in it, only to come out rabid a few hours later. Your kind would never know peace, honestly," he waves a paw in the air.

"Would you, in the interest of yourself and everyone else, lend us the statue until our mission is over?"
>Seeing as the mage is seemingly satisfied, and that his services are no longer being required, he takes the opportunity to look around the cabin while she's distracted dealing with Orner
Speaking of assumptions, Wallis smiles proudly as she accepts the offered TMs. While her lack of knowledge in this world is showing, the returning of the Golden Seed to the realm of non-canon has saved the level curve.
After giving a fist pump of solidarity to Cress to communicate catching up later, she respects the evident wish for silence from the Hatterene shopkeep. Looks like she actually can respect certain cultures here with enough persuasion.

Wallis gives the shopkeep a smiling nod, raises her arm in parting, and turns her back with the spoils in tow to shtomp into the sunset and rejoin her friends. What has the Grim Brimporium in the market released on the world? Or perhaps it's vice versa?
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Espurr is content for the moment, but their desire for knowledge is boundless. They'll grasp at anything they can to suck information from the unknown and into their mind, but they can be patient. At least for a short while.
They CAN be patient, right? Isn't that right, Espurr? Hm.

When they're handed the note, they stare at it. Yep, those are words.
Oh, wait. Spike is doing something. That fox is always up to something. For whatever reason, whenever he tries to play one of these tricks, it's always something which bears negative consequences for their goals. It's very difficult to be the neutral party Espurr wishes to be when the gray one seems to hate the middle ground so much. What a tool.

Normally fast-acting, Espurr isn't able to think of how to stop him until he's already said what he wanted to say. Their first coherent idea is just walking to the nearest Hatt and getting her attention.
They do just that. When they have eyes on them, they point at Spike. It's a wordless and thoughtless ask. Get him.

At the very least, they are severing the spatial ties with Spike so they don't have to be considered associated with the Zorua who is currently stealth-threatening the chieftain.
A magic script in the statue, eh?
Mohka writes back. 'Hypothetically speaking, where inside the statue would it be? So I know where to specifically avoid.'
>Kaz is sweating a little under their mildly average...stares?
>What's with these guys?
>They're almost acting like Evan!
>He slowly reaches into his backpack and takes out a Tanga berry
"You ah, want this for it?"
Rolled 7, 6 = 13 (2d20)

'If I had to do it, I would put it in the best part of a Hatterene; the claw.'...One which wraps around the statue's body after a long upwards arch from the base. Could anything deliver a usable volume from that position?
...Would a kid even know the answer to that question?
'Anyway, we need it. Do not take it, mister!'

Visitors are visitors. They're exceptionally rare to such a standoffish society, but they happen. Most of the Pokemon wouldn't be at all disturbed by your presence even without their inert temperament. Espurr makes the distinction of calling attention to Spike, however. Is this particular Hatter sensitive to feeling and intention?Only luck will tell...
Meanwhile, The Chieftain crosses his arms, mostly in a show of authority over any need. His strands unfurl to tell him, 'You both make sense and sound like a charalatan...Coming to me with aproblem and solution both out of my hands. You pose as if giving up our treasure is my only choice. "This", is much more the barter I expect from your kind. We have heard of no such plague, but I will respect your supposed mission by sending an investigator to confirm this. If we find you to speak the truth, you will have our greatest treasure.'
It seems the difference between Espurr's terrible pitch and his usual trade of favors is still on his mind, though not much. You'll be met without reesistance, but only given...who knows how much time to confirm your story. That could be satisfoactory to you...it could not.

The shopkeep's face puckers in response to your smile and cheer. Cress, conversely, reacts to the contact better than you've ever seen her. In fact, she returns a quarter-hearted nod, even.
She rolls her claw over, suggesting you pitch in just a tad more on top of that Tanga. Given that...
Wicker Windguard - Decreases damage taken by wind moves by 2
It's a pretty big steal, unless you give her one of Wallis's shinier items. These seem to be universal commodities here.
Peep this item desc, >>6104862

Get comfy, as it looks like this is where you'll be resting off the last few trips. There have been less comfy suspensions for a snake to be on, and what you thought were mounds of abandoned character sheets and notes form wide enough platforms to work as beds, seeing as Starlaid has taken to resting on one. It'll be a tight fight for the lot of you in here, but it's better and softer than an inpromptu brickhouse or mile-underground cave garden.
Just make sure the pages you use as pillows have her more tasteful content. You may or may not appreciate an eyeful of her unfiltered thoughts at 2 AM.
The hands on these Grimmsnarl and Zangoose are huge, and their chins look sharp enough to cut diamond...
Unfiltered indeed.
Most of the gazes following him are to be expected, but Spike feels one particular set of eyes boring into his every move. The Hatterene is leaning directly over him with the same expression as the rest, but this one...feels more intense, more tribalistic. That's tribalistic in the political sense, not like, just because-
you get it. She's suspicious. Don't sound like a threat.

The shopkeep almost looks to waver on whether to be more generous...and holds fast. Pony up, Kaz.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>Kaz huffs indignantly
>Berry not good enough for them, huh?

>Kaz takes back the berry and holds up an Iron
"How's about this? For the Wicker an somethin' else?"
>The human turned Kubfu tries to haggle
"I know what I got, so no foolin' 'round!"
>Will these eerily clam Pokémon relent under his sudden emotional outburst?
Spike tilts his head back, it's perhaps at this moment that some notice the. . . unnatural moments of his body, or the strange aura that surrounds it.

Unlike Espurr or Cress, his chest remains still without the subtle indication of breathing, and not once during this conversation has he blinked. The Hatterene above, the one he's currently examining closely with a neck that's craned upwards at an awkward angle can hear the silence coming from his body, there is no breathing.

Spike turns back to the Chieftain, raising a brow and leaning forward. His lips remain still even though the illusion of sound is clear.

"And may I ask how your investigators will confirm this? Your community is nomadic and secluded while this crisis is recent, it's no doubt that you haven't heard of it until now. A simple jaunt in the wilderness won't confirm it. Do you have any neighbor's nearby? They can surely confirm what I'm telling you to be true," he says, the only emotion that's palpable in the air is his own subtle confidence.
>Evan, having acquired a windguard and a water, decides to find a quiet location to sit.
>He feels peaceful, but almost like he's watching himself do something instead of doing it himself. Curious, as someone more eloquent might say.
>With the excitement of the previous adventure having left him, Brook feels his body growing heavy. No doubt thanks to the toll the previous adventures had taken, along with the injuries he had sustained thanks to those loud mouthed mons

>With a yawn, he finds a pile of papers and slips underneath. Far too tired to care about what may or may not be drawn upon his makeshift bedsheets as he curls up into a ball

>eyes growing heavy, he's quickly lulled to sleep by the various images of large armed and sharply jawlined mons.

>he has a dream of being pet by heavy handed mons
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Espurr is satisfied they've found a way to mediate the situation without their direct input. Part of finding a solution is considering if a compromise is worth pursuing. They can't get Spike to stop short of attacking him, but they can steer him in a more predictable lane using the Hatterene as a mediator.

Though they still worry. If Spike is caught lying, what does that mean for them?
A less prevalent thought; what does that mean for the chances of ending this plague?

They put a pen to paper. This scene feels important. A conflict of sorts. One they can't take their eyes off of, which only assists them in forming a physical memory of this moment.
Have you taken a moment to sit and shoot the breeze in peace like this in a while?

Actually, all of you could make use of the quiet. Just beyond the outskirts there are even a few ferals to bully, if you're more the fighting sort.
This Chapter will be worth two training sessions, everyone.

...No activity means no suspicious activity. A solid deflection. There's less ambiguous pressure from her, but that doesn't mean she stops intruding on your space and looking down.
Anyway, 'We build our routes to avoid too much contact with outsiders. We are no socialite Audino-civilization is nearest in Pokemon Square, a couple days Southeast-South, three degrees. The Pokemon there would surely know better than us recluses. I will send a Wizard;our witches sound sensitive.'
Her face scrunches up. It's a striking image, since you've never seen any of these creatures other than Starlaid emote like that.
Of course, that's a permanent stat up. Go ahead and take your pick of the remaining items, but...
>Kaz scrunches his face in turn...
>Perhaps this isn't a good offer
>Too much?
>He puts the Iron back and returns the Tanga Berry and a Morky Thorn
"All right, all right, how's about this?"
>He hasn't gotten a chance to use any of these yet, but maybe next time they head out.
...Is there a heat haze? No, some some the hatters are quivering. They're still recoiling from that shout.
The vendor in front of you will take the Tanga and custom thorn for any one item of hers...
>Kaz satisfied, hands over the two items for the Wicker Windguard
"Thanks fer doin' business!"
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Spike nods his head and smiles, although there's little emotion behind it.

"Thank you Chieftain, I appreciate that your consideration," he nods his head. "That's all I had to ask, I'll explore your unique community while my friends have their piece."

He steps back, giving his harassing Hatterene a wink, and passes Cress, he looks at her, a very serious look in his eyes and he whispers something to telepathically.

'Do not let any of us go down the route the Chieftain just described until I return. This is serious.' He says, before leaving the tent and court within.

He needs to make this quick before the Chieftain appoints and sends out his Wizard. The Pale Fox makes a little show wandering around the edges of the community before slipping away in the bushes, with a quick check of his map and the directions that the Chieftain gave him, he finds the general area of their route- or at least close enough to it, and far enough from civilization.

Spike gives one last glance around, to make sure he's not seen before disguising himself as rock and closing his eyes to concentrate.

A couple days to and back only for confirmation is too long, and runs the risk that their investigator may decide that the threat is not palpable. Manufactured consent is required, with manufactured evidence to boot.

Spike grips the ground tightly and takes a deep breath, whatever happens- he has to keep to this space even if everything is telling him not to. He screws his eyes shut tight, recalling the memory of those infected by the Twilight Syndrome, the overwhelming fear and panic that overtook him, the mind crushing blindness. . . and let's out a psychic scream broadcasting it to anything that could hear it.

>Rolling to infect Ferals.
Espurr feels as though the group's time here is nearing its end. As such, that means their time with them is similarly, but temporarily, also coming to a close.
As much as they'd like to simply disappear for a few days like any stray cat would... it'd be illogical to ignore the potential consequences of leaving without notice. As such, giving said notice would be the most forward and practical way to proceed.

They'll let the others know when they get the chance, and then, they're staying here for as long as they're able to, within reason. They want to learn what life is like here amongst the Hatterene and Grimmsnarl. If it can provide solutions to their problems.
In all likelihood, though, the solutions will not be given to them. Rather, they will be for Espurr to mend, themselves. Perhaps this will only be an outlet for that.

Good luck, Espurr.
And it's yours. It provides a fair bit of shade, on top of its intended function. Likely more interesting to you however is the wave the seller gives to the pedestrian Hatterene all around. Her business complete, they can do as they wish without impeding anything. Their wish is to batter and maul Kaz until he stops disturbing their peace. You're bounced around by whipping claws, shoved and tossed within the crowd until you've taken 8 damage, carried around like a crowd surfer in a mosh pit. Whether it says more about their mercy or your guide to this place up to you when the place they leave you is...Starlaid's hut, with a resting Orner, Ishmael, and Brook.

The method works; of that, Spike is sure. All that's really happening on his end is recalling a memory, and yet it almost seems to call him back into that state of mind. 'Panic', induced or otherwise doesn't show as much physiologically speaking, but the sensation and feeling helpless and confused persists long after Spike stops channeling his telepathy.
That is to say, you probably won't snap out on your own if you try to evoke your memory of the disease again.
When Spike comes to, it's well past sundown, and you're a bit scratched up by unknown sources, for 18 damage. You're in a different spot, too. Did you move? It's hard to tell.
The Hatterene Espurr sicced on you was still transfixed when you left, but she's nowhere to be seen now either.
A few feral Voltorb and Mr. Mime are fleeing and attacking things both animate and not in familiar fashion nearby. Peering into their heads is probably not worth it...

But for what little business of yours is unfinished, your plans have been set in motion. Take this time to meditate and train your talents as you rest. There are enough cushion pages for you all to recover 18 HP over your recent injuries, save Kaz, Wallis, and Spike. More recent/harsh batterings will give the three of you enough health back to hit 12.

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