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You can’t help but breathe deeply as you peer out over the city streets. From your perch on the balcony, you’re the pinnacle of picturesque; a lovely, pretty young girl enjoying the salty sweet air of a coastal city, basking in the evening’s glow. Absolutely divine and photo worthy. Though while you’d love getting your picture taken at the moment, it’s not really the best time, sadly. But soon, the reason for it is walking along the sidewalk, looking for all the world like he owns the place. Coiffed hair, needle nose, thin jaw.

Nigel Warant. Not just a businessman, an RICH businessman. No cubicle lackey, this one, no. This man made his money and likes spending it. He SHOULD spend it on you, and were you not being pressed for time by your pencil dick of a brother (not that anyone else gets to say that about him) that might even be an option, but alas…needs must.

And you are a bit peckish anyway.

Sighing, you begin to slip out, having to leave the adorably peach and red colored hotel room behind- though you make sure to cover up the old man’s corpse in the bed the best you can. They’ll eventually find him when he starts stinking too bad. Old fart pretty much never left the room anyway. At least he had good taste in décor.

You’re quick to get out of the hotel via elevator, stairs, and a winning smile and wave goodbye at the doorman; jumping and flouncing about like a stupid baboon simply won’t do for a girl of your stature and person. He's out of sight by the time you get outdoors, but it's no matter. You have other ways you can track him. After all, a man with his personality?

His fear smells as sweet as honey. And you can trace that scent for miles, so- whoa!

You’re jostled by some unkempt LOUT that simply huffs back at you when you make eye contact; he rolls his eyes and without so much as an apology? Your vision starts swimming as that absolute cretinous FEEDBAG DARES TO WALK AWAY YOU SHOULD-

> -no. Noooo. You’re better than that. Eyes on the delicious prize, no need to go chasing substandard snacks. Pretty is as pretty does, and you're no barbarian wench.
> -gah! If you were busy you’d tell HIM a thing or two- maybe even three. But your brother will get snarky if you don’t get this guy sooner than later. Buuuut you can at least give him a parting shot, no?
>-no. Noooo. You’re better than that. Eyes on the delicious prize, no need to go chasing substandard snacks. Pretty is as pretty does, and you're no barbarian wench.
>> -no. Noooo. You’re better than that. Eyes on the delicious prize, no need to go chasing substandard snacks. Pretty is as pretty does, and you're no barbarian wench.
We need to be safe. From pests and being discovered. Rich people get missed. Bums don't.
> -gah! If you were busy you’d tell HIM a thing or two- maybe even three. But your brother will get snarky if you don’t get this guy sooner than later. Buuuut you can at least give him a parting shot, no?
>-gah! If you were busy you’d tell HIM a thing or two- maybe even three. But your brother will get snarky if you don’t get this guy sooner than later. Buuuut you can at least give him a parting shot, no?
> -gah! If you were busy you’d tell HIM a thing or two- maybe even three. But your brother will get snarky if you don’t get this guy sooner than later. Buuuut you can at least give him a parting shot, no?
-You forcibly rip your thoughts away from righteous retribution before you can get too carried away. Your brother’s hypothetical nagging voice blatherings in your mind’s ear: ‘Really now. Again? Just because a mere peasant jostles you in his idiocy does not mean he is worth more attention than the individual I so carefully sent your way. Surely you’re better than that, or-’

Ugh, no. He would go onnnn and onnnn and, blegh. You try to put it out of your head, though to leave him with no retribution would sting…aha. There’s a thought. You glance around- the streets are slowing down, but not deserted at this time of day. Your pockets contain some…replacement fingernails. You can spare one, you have a ton of them. With a quick flick of the wrist, you send one flying at his neck.

The speed causes him to yelp and slap the back of said neck to pluck it out, but it’s too late and it doesn’t matter; it’s a single nail, so the poison will cripple him in a matter of hours. He’ll be dead by this time tomorrow.

Now, where was that much sweeter scent off too…ah, there we are! With a hop and a skip, you’re off again. He’s probably got some exclusive, high-class high-rise, somewhere fitting for a girl like you; maybe you could see if he had any-

*BARK BARK BARK BARK* Oh, ew. First a human mongrel, now an ACTUAL mongrel. It’s in an alleyway, and you make kicking motions at it to shoo it off- you don’t have time for mutts right now, seriously!

It’s trailing behind you, though, STILL barking. Stupid dog- it could at least be brave enough to get close so you can ACTUALLY shut it up, but trying to chase it down without standing out more than you are is just- ugggh!!!

To your surprise, it flinches, seemingly out of nowhere, before scampering off. For a moment you’re confused. You were just sighing, gritting you- oh. You see yourself in a window; you were a bit…exposed, in the tooth area. Right, calm face, pretty smile, everything’s fiiiine…at least the dog shut up, right?

Moving right along. You have to cross a street or two- you hate waiting at lights, but you at least still have his scent. It’s getting a bit stronger, in fact. Another couple of blocks or so and you should be there- just have to get past the-

“CDs! Help a strugglin’ artist out!” Ugh. Street hawkers. You’re careful not to make eye contact- that’s the secret.

“Hey girl, help a guy out real quick- just need help lifting somethin’...” Ew, no thanks. For a couple more streets you’re blissfully unaccosted.

But when it rains, it fucking pours, apparently. “Scuse me, miss, you can help me and my friends out for a second?” Ganger, duh. He smells like beer, cigarettes, and an STI. His friends are hardly any better.

But him and a friend of his are in your way; now why would they want to die so quickly? "How?" you mutter. You need to double check your man's scent is still- ahh, yup. There he is- or was. So he just waltzed on through here, did he? That's a curiosity.

Not that wormbait recognizes that, nor that you give negative concern to his 'plight'. “Promise, won’t be a second, just need some directions. You see this building here-” it’s a boarded up shithole- “-were told was a bar- Reno’s, right? Dunno if you know but obviously this ain’t no bar, amiright?” You open your mouth to respond before Fertilizer cuts you off. “So we just need to make sure we’re headed in the right direction…get a lil’ help, right?” You can sense the third worm crawling up behind you, trying to cut off any escape. Seriously though- no open blood scent, no spike of fear- how’d rich boy walk straight through this area if it’s so infested…?

>Ignore them. You’re on a roll right now, these worms wouldn’t dare if you just kept going. Although part of you hopes a little…
>Tch. The ‘leader’ would probably taste like sour gummy worms. You HATE sour gummy worms. But giving him a taste of something nice would get them out of your way fast.
>You don’t need to put up with this suicidal ideation. Actually, you’re pretty sure your alias could be used to defuse just such an occasion…if they’re smart.”
>You don’t need to put up with this suicidal ideation. Actually, you’re pretty sure your alias could be used to defuse just such an occasion…if they’re smart.”
>Ignore them. You’re on a roll right now, these worms wouldn’t dare if you just kept going. Although part of you hopes a little…

Something's off. I'm tempted to break composure to put a little spring in our step, instead of being our normal self. Is the mystery of our man simple, or are we being trapped? Put in a position to be caught and exposed?
^ Support. Obvious trap is obvious. But if we do get mugged, then... Just kill the ones with the STIs, drink the clean ones. I don't want to hurt our tummy...
>>Ignore them. You’re on a roll right now, these worms wouldn’t dare if you just kept going. Although part of you hopes a little…
>Tch. The ‘leader’ would probably taste like sour gummy worms. You HATE sour gummy worms. But giving him a taste of something nice would get them out of your way fast.
>You don’t need to put up with this suicidal ideation. Actually, you’re pretty sure your alias could be used to defuse just such an occasion…if they’re smart.”
Bah, whatever this plot is, you’re going to find out one way or another, but these idiot to-goes are barely worth your attention. You move to walk around the two-

-and they both press shoulder to shoulder, blocking your way. Mulch shakes his head. “Now, now, that’s rude. We’re just askin’ for directions, am I right?” His breath. Stinks. But meatpile thinks it’s intimidating. “Shouldn’t be rude to a stranger, kid like you. Could send the wrong message.” Fat sack is behind you, you can hear his gut churning, crying for sustenance like the triple bacon cheeseburger you smell on him wasn’t enough. You can taste the clogging already.

“Don’t worry, kiddo,” the third goon snickers. He actually smells…remotely passable. No obvious drugs in his system right now, moderately filled out compared to the other two. Hors D'oeuvre motions into the alleyway. “Just a quick chat, yeah? You look like a girl o’ the world. Point us in the right direction, then, yeah?” And then Junk Food PUTS HIS HAND ON YOUR SHOULDER HOW FUCKING DARE HE.

For a moment, you’re blinded by rage before you realize you’re already in the alleyway, with Edible next to you, Wormfood leading the way flapping his jowls and pulling out something from his jacket, and Landwhale ‘blocking’ the alley exit that way.

...okay, you can stop for a quick snack. But who first…?

>Wormfood dies first. He stinks and you hate it and that’s all there is to it. Plus, his throat’s already ruined, and he’d make you retch. Really, you’re doing the world a service here with this one.
>To-Go Box has CLEARLY relinquished his life to you and you’re gonna claim it. He’s likely never had a girl this close before so really it’s good for both of you. It’s gonna be the best (and last) hickey he ever gets.
>Beach Ball isn’t blocking your way. No one blocks your way. He IS, however, clearly gifting his corpulent gut to you as a punching bag for stress relief which you shall take advantage of. Whether he lives through the effort is irrelevant.
...have to say, I enjoy coming up with these names.
>>To-Go Box has CLEARLY relinquished his life to you and you’re gonna claim it. He’s likely never had a girl this close before so really it’s good for both of you. It’s gonna be the best (and last) hickey he ever gets.
I wasn't even referring to the muggers, I felt something is off with our dear Nigel. How did such a prosperous man manage to get through here without being accosted?

>To-Go Box has CLEARLY relinquished his life to you and you’re gonna claim it. He’s likely never had a girl this close before so really it’s good for both of you. It’s gonna be the best (and last) hickey he ever gets.

Pleasure before business. At least this one washes.
>To-Go Box has CLEARLY relinquished his life to you and you’re gonna claim it. He’s likely never had a girl this close before so really it’s good for both of you. It’s gonna be the best (and last) hickey he ever gets.

I thought the trip looked familiar. Welcome back
>To-Go Box has CLEARLY relinquished his life to you and you’re gonna claim it. He’s likely never had a girl this close before so really it’s good for both of you. It’s gonna be the best (and last) hickey he ever gets.
The sweet taste of virgin blood - yum!

> I felt something is off with our dear Nigel. How did such a prosperous man manage to get through here without being accosted?
That, too. We should be more careful, as he's shaking us as a tail. We need to do more recon, and it's better that we're not thirsty doing that.
>To-Go Box has CLEARLY relinquished his life to you and you’re gonna claim it. He’s likely never had a girl this close before so really it’s good for both of you. It’s gonna be the best (and last) hickey he ever gets.
>>To-Go Box has CLEARLY relinquished his life to you and you’re gonna claim it. He’s likely never had a girl this close before so really it’s good for both of you. It’s gonna be the best (and last) hickey he ever gets.

The halfway good smelling one might as well go first- you never know, he might soil it…somehow. Which is why after you put your hand on his- whereupon he gets a confused look on his face- you YANK him down, the sheer strength clearly unexpected as he stumbles, his arm out of his socket already (yet still attached). Fortunately, you’re there to catch him. Or at least, his upper body.

In particular, you’ve got a VERY nice angle at his neck now, and you waste no time. “GAAAaaugggh!!” His scream trails off as you sink your fangs in; there’s no need to try to test your palate with this filthy alley and low-budget meat. His vital fluids rush from him to you as his fruitless squirming simply lets your bits slowly turn into gouges. His blood is…nondescript, really. Drank it a million times, will drink it a million more. While there’s no urge to spit, it’s utterly bland. A nobody in life, and not even a rewarding meal in death. Pathetic.

It takes but seconds, and you relinquish your hold on the corpse to let it crumple to the ground, looking to see both Two-Tons-of-Fun and Bug Juice standing there slack jawed like the utter ignoramuses they are. “Well, he offered a snack, who was I to say no?” you proffer as Sour Stick holds up a dagger like it’s any threat.

“W…whatthefffffuck…” he whispers, clearly too afraid to even shout or scream. At least that’s smart of him. “You stay the hell away, okay…?”

“Uhh…Jamie?” the Human Hippo asks. “You, uh…you still with us?”

Dunderhead. But, you do have something to do here.

>Mr. Not-So-Smooth has some questions to answer. Like why hold up a little girl instead of the high-roller that passed through here only a few minutes ago.
>Elefun might be dim, but he also might have loose lips. Maybe you can get something from them- like why set this up?
>You don’t really think you can get much from these failures of cardiovascular housekeeping. Slaughter them both, then you can get back on the trail.
>>Mr. Not-So-Smooth has some questions to answer. Like why hold up a little girl instead of the high-roller that passed through here only a few minutes ago.
>Mr. Not-So-Smooth has some questions to answer. Like why hold up a little girl instead of the high-roller that passed through here only a few minutes ago.
>>You don’t really think you can get much from these failures of cardiovascular housekeeping. Slaughter them both, then you can get back on the trail.
>You don’t really think you can get much from these failures of cardiovascular housekeeping. Slaughter them both, then you can get back on the trail.

They are in shock, and are more likely to flee than be useful. Blood is the best thing they could give to us. We need to find out the hard way
>Mr. Not-So-Smooth has some questions to answer. Like why hold up a little girl instead of the high-roller that passed through here only a few minutes ago.

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