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Your name is David "Gunny" Rockefeller, no relation.
A veteran of the united states marine corps, you find yourself in a far-out situation after an all-too-close encounter of the third kind!

In the last thread, Ronnie got captured and enslaved by David and his crew after having their fleet ambushed by the Metal Gear.
He went through various training and punishments, before being selected as one of the elites out of the whole group.

Ronnie experienced a lot of things for the first time. Being electrocuted, the joy of a freshly fabricated steak, the fear of being eaten alive by insects...
Not to mention a little bit of betrayal and several large drug overdoses, but that's all a day in the life of a pirate, you suppose.

Currently, Ronnie finds himself together with a mildly irritated David in a sewage tunnel underneath the greenhouse district, on a bug-hunting quest.
Your current objective is to gather samples of the various insects in the area, along with any other information you can get on their habits and activity.

The end goal of course, being the complete removal of these insects from your station.
However, some of the things you've seen down here have got you wondering if you'll even need to do that, or if they could be of some use to you instead.

Right now, you find yourself before an ant spawning bed in an old sewage clarifier, which leaves you with a choice.
Will you destroy the eggs, or leave them be, at least for now?

Find out this time, on Humanity Fuck Yeah!

>Last Thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6052775/
>All Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=humanity+-+fuck+yeah%21
>Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rNxD6ccWY5M48dLWuTWdr5LiYLuS_YIAMKlTLw42eeo/edit#gid=0
>Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PYJ7Aa3zQF

"So should we start killing them n-GHHHHK!"

Ronnie speaks up again, resulting in SHODAN shocking the shit out of him.
His knees nearly buckled from that, but he still didn't go down. Surprisingly tough little bastard, that one is... if none too bright.

"You can chill on that, SHODAN. It's fine, i was just having a moment." You order.

"Very well, Captain."

"Thank... you..." Ronnie rasps, rubbing his throat.

You sigh. Not because of Ronnie, but because of what he asked.
Honestly, you're just not sure whether you should wipe this nest out or not.

From what you've seen, these ant-like insects haven't been doing anything too particularly harmful... besides stealing food, naturally.

What they have been doing however, is cleaning up corpses, tending to the plants in the hydroponic basins and even cleaning up the sewers by eating waste, apparently.

With a lot of the stations systems offline and few hands to do the usual work, that could be a bigger help than a hindrance.
Naturally the guards are a problem, but what if you got rid of them all and just left the relatively docile workers behind?

You can easily envision a future where you intentionally incubate only certain eggs, or find a way to force them all to grow up as workers instead of guards.

At that point, these insects would just be free labor.

But the state of the eggs in this clarifying tank worry you a bit.
There are a lot of defective eggs, whether it's the egg sac itself, the larvae inside or the lack thereof.

Something is clearly wrong with the "ant queen" that's resulting in a large number, at least 80%, of birth defects.

However, there are still clearly plenty of non-defective ants being born, since the surface is swarming with them up above.
Red should be taking care of that issue as we speak, but you want to give him some time to clear them out... it's a little bit dangerous to go topside right now.

With nothing else to do at the moment, you suppose you could defer passing judgement until you find the "ant queen" and see what's wrong with her...
But then, it may be impossible to get close to her, as she'll probably be under heavy guard.

You discovered this earlier, but the largest of the guards have a thick exoskeleton capable of deflecting gyro-rounds at point blank range.
Judging by the damage the shells had, you think it was still close to penetrating, though. Even a little more distance and it would have gone through.

The problem is, the queen is probably in a tunnel somewhere, so you won't have that kind of range. You'll be stuck using melee, which is fine for you and SHODAN, but...

You turn to glance at Ronnie, who's currently poking at one of the eggs glued to the outside of the tank.
...Yeah, he can't really fight these things hand to hand. He's still got that folding knife you gave him, you think, but that's all.

He probably doesn't even have the strength to pierce their shells.

>Destroy the eggs. You have no interest in taming a bunch of giant bugs.
>Spare the eggs. You think these insects could serve as a functional workforce.
>Hold off on making any decisions, you want to try and find this queen first. Something ain't right with her.
>>Spare the eggs. You think these insects could serve as a functional workforce.
We can get a better look at big mama some other time. For now, we got what we came for and then some. Let's start heading home.
>Hold off on making any decisions, you want to try and find this queen first. Something ain't right with her.
>>Destroy the eggs. You have no interest in taming a bunch of giant bugs.
The queen can always lay more, we better cull 'em now because we haven't learned enough about their biology
>Hold off on making any decisions, you want to try and find this queen first. Something ain't right with her.
>>Hold off on making any decisions, you want to try and find this queen first. Something ain't right with her.

Slip a beacon on a few of the eggs incase they try to move the nest.
>>Hold off on making any decisions, you want to try and find this queen first. Something ain't right with her.
These bugs are a result of redsang mutation, right? $20 bucks says the "queen" either is or used to be a sentient insectoid species and that this is the scuffed result of said redsang mutation. Maybe it doesn't work right on insectoids, which is why the bugs seem mostly fine except for the birth defects that don't seem to reach beyond the eggs.
>Hold off on making any decisions, you want to try and find this queen first. Something ain't right with her.

Back to David... I fear for Ronnie's life.
>Hold off on making any decisions, you want to try and find this queen first. Something ain't right with her.
worst case scenario, we have to find a new queen....which sounds hard, but if these insects work like bees and ants, there should be several newborn queens around here
>Destroy the eggs. You have no interest in taming a bunch of giant bugs.

Besides, we have the droid force to manage labour
droids require a population and an AI to control them. in theory the mutant ants would need none of that, except territorial markers and their share of food
>Spare the eggs. You think these insects could serve as a functional workforce.
Worst case scenario we could keep them as livestock.

You decide to hold off on making any rash decisions until after you've gotten a good look at the queen.
Naturally you'll need the queen to lay eggs if you want to use the insects as a labor force, but if she's too fucked up to do that, it's a moot point.

Regardless, these eggs may or may not be useful in the future, and you know exactly where they are, so it's not like you can't come and grab them... or burn them... later.

"...I think we're gonna leave the eggs alone for now. I've got an idea or two rollin' around in my noggin, and we might need 'em later. Just depends."

"On what?" Ronnie asks.

"Whether or not the queen laying these things is tenable. It might be too late for her, in which case there's no point keeping them."

Ronnie squints at you in confusion.

"Look, don't worry about it and just follow me, numbnuts."

"Yes sir..."

You form a line with Ronnie in the middle and SHODAN at the back and head back down the tunnel. If anything ambushes you, it shouldn't get to him first.
Probably. Unless there's like, a giant spider hiding in a tunnel on the ceiling or something.

You doubt it, but who knows. These things are like ants with wings and scorpion tails, who's to say there couldn't be a giant spider?
Maybe it shoots acid from it's asshole! Sky's the limit when you have unlimited access to genetic modification and absolutely no morals.

...Maybe you should get in contact with the greys after all. You do know about that one outpost.

"...Why is he mumbling to himself?" Ronnie whispers to SHODAN, rather loudly.

"Captain Rockefeller's mind is quite busy most of the time. He's thinking to himself right now, which is to the benefit of yourself and the station." She explains.

"Are you sure he's not just crazy?"

SHODAN doesn't respond.
You can almost feel her grinning.

"Haha, very funny. You know i have issues." You grumble.

Lots of issues, actually. More and more after you got out into space as well.
At least you've been dealing with some of them. Kind of.

Having Cylia around has been good for you.

But the wraiths have done nothing but damage. And since AIs are kind of close in proximity, you're not sure how good it is for you to be interacting with them all that much either.
You'll do it, of course. You have to make use of them if you want to keep shit running, there's just no other way.

But everything has it's costs, you suppose.

...Something's coming.
You stop suddenly and listen, causing Ronnie to run into your back and complain.

You hush him.

...Clattering legs, chitin against concrete. Bigger this time, much bigger than the little ones carrying the eggs, those are the size of a dog at most.
But these tunnels are barely big enough for Ronnie, who's a little taller than you are, to stand up in. It can't be one of those big fuckers.

So one of the flying ones.

>Go in with your knife and cut it apart. Ronnie got poked by one's stinger quite a bit and was fine, so it won't go through your armor.
>Send Ronnie in with your knife, make him cut it apart. You want to see what he can do in close combat.
>It hasn't come around the bend in the tunnel yet. ...You could do a sick trick with the gyrojet rifle right now.
We have unoccupied AIs like the Caithan and the silent traumatised woman. Then we have VIs that can be spun up and hand off activities for absolutely repetitive things like cycling atmosphere/heating.

The only wrinkle I see is manufacturing things with the DRM shutting the station fabs down.
>It hasn't come around the bend in the tunnel yet. ...You could do a sick trick with the gyrojet rifle right now.

I want to test flamethrower mode on the sprayer so much, but seems like the sprayer is cooked already from Ronnie's mad escape
>It hasn't come around the bend in the tunnel yet. ...You could do a sick trick with the gyrojet rifle right now.
Also Ronnie being slightly taller than David is a trip. In my head, Ronnie's like a head shorter, but I guess it makes sense if he grew up in microgravity.
>Go in with your knife and cut it apart. Ronnie got poked by one's stinger quite a bit and was fine, so it won't go through your armor.
Guys let's keep our stealth advantage for as long as we can.
>>It hasn't come around the bend in the tunnel yet. ...You could do a sick trick with the gyrojet rifle right now.
>It hasn't come around the bend in the tunnel yet. ...You could do a sick trick with the gyrojet rifle right now.
>It hasn't come around the bend in the tunnel yet. ...You could do a sick trick with the gyrojet rifle right now.
If the gyrojet misses the target (blind-firing) is going to keep going until it hits something.
Considering where we are, that "something" could very well be important
>rules of firearm safety
>>It hasn't come around the bend in the tunnel yet. ...You could do a sick trick with the gyrojet rifle right now.
>Ronnie, I told you not to think because you aren't familiar with being hunted. Observe now, and see what prey that can outsmart its hunter, is capable of
>Go in with your knife and cut it apart. Ronnie got poked by one's stinger quite a bit and was fine, so it won't go through your armor.
File: rifle.jpg (22 KB, 525x584)
22 KB

It occurs to you that the tunnel you're in consists entirely of smoothly sloping curves.
That being the case, and if this bug is one of the flying ones, it'd just about take up the whole tunnel... you could pull off a sick trick right now.

You bring your gyro-rifle up to your hip and hold down the trigger.

As it fires, you gently sweep it up and down the side wall off the tunnel, and watch as the gyrojet rockets slide along it, following the curve of the tunnel and leaving trails of fine concrete dust and a skidmark on the wall.
That's followed up shortly by the sound of shrieking from further up the tunnel. Looks like your little trick worked out.

"What the hell was that?!" Ronnie yells.

"What did you shoot?! I didn't see anything!"

You wave for him to follow you, and around the next corner, about twenty feet up the tunnel, you find a twitching flyer bleeding out on the ground.
It flails violently as it tried to get back to it's feet. All your shots landed on the left side of it's body, damaging it's legs...

"Holy shit." Ronnie exclaims. "How did you do that?'

He looks down at his own gryo-rifle, looking for some switch or function on the sight that allows him to shoot around corners.

"I saw it on the internet one time. Turns out it works pretty well, huh? Hell, even better than that fuckin' cornershot." You shrug.

"Only in this particular circumstance, Captain." SHODAN says, poking you in the side.

"Well, good thing we happen to be in it, then."

You fire three more rounds straight through the insect's head and into it's body from a distance, ensuring they dig deep inside and burn the wound channel as they continue to fire.
That quickly silences the bug, but then you end up having to drag it all the way back to the clarifying room before continuing, because there was no room to squeeze around it in the tunnel.

It was a pain in the ass, but that's what Ronnie and SHODAN are for.
SHODAN don't get tired, and Ronnie can just deal with it.

Still, that took you about ten minutes, and by the time you're back to where you were, the sounds of fighting from up above have disappeared.

"You all done up there, Red?" You call in over the radio.

["Ahhhh.... eyup, just about, i reckon."] He replies, a few moments later.

"Armor give you any trouble?'

["Shit, naw! Hell, i almost feel like i'm twenty-five again!"]

"Yeah, you caused about that much damage at that age."

["Man this shit's fuckin' crazy, where the hell'd you get something like this? I didn't have to verify my e-mail or nothing, that shit just worked!"]

"Ah well, believe or not, it's a house special. You can thank the whole crew for helping to develop that one."

["I might just have to do that."]

You hear the sound of crunching exoskeleton, followed by insane, joyous laughter.
It might be a good idea to get Red his own Mk-1 suit, you get a feeling he's gonna want to borrow yours.
On the topic of parts shortage due to fabs shutting down on the station.
How much easier or harder it would be to write our own software for fabricators? Just nuke the crappy DRM ridden shit they have and install our homebrew spagetti.
Are there any tech-savvy aliens that we could recruit for this, and maybe unfreeze our human passengers to help since the crew is already super busy.
You aren't sure, because you haven't cracked open a fab to look inside.
However, it's well known that every part of the firmware is completely locked down to the point that it would be easier to simply replace the components.

And you could do that, but nobody actually knows how the nanomachines are manipulated, even at the code level.
Physically, it's all intense magnetic and gravitational fields, electron beams, lasers... depends on what you're making, but some things require different methods.

Crafting certain items requires a lot more power, too. Like duranium.
It's forcing atoms together when they really don't want to be, by applying a lot of force to a very small space.

Naturally that requires a lot of careful timing and application of various forces, which has to be repeated really, really fast to print in a timely manner.
So the code has to be pretty damn good, and capable of both prediction and self-correction in a very short (sometimes nanosecond-scale) span of time.

Only a quantum computer is capable of the kinds of calculations required for that.

That said, the greys are the only ones capable of actually producing that kind of technology, besides the federation.
Finding an old abandoned fab is one thing, but actually building one from the ground up, even if you had the nanomachines, that'd be hard on your own.

After taking several turns at SHODAN's discretion (she insists they don't go anywhere) you eventually come to a point where the tunnels start to open up.
The water at your feet was nearly waist high at that point, so it makes sense.

You exit the smaller tunnel into a much larger one, and after redirecting a bit of power to the area, the lights kick on and allow you to see clearly.

It's... a sewer. Like, almost steriotypically sewer-esque. Water runs down a channel in the middle, while platforms on either side allow you to walk without wading through shit.
And a number of various pipes and wires line the walls, waiting to be serviced by maintenance men who are probably all dead or gone.

There are a few ants around... three or four, maybe. All smaller ones, clung to the walls and eating bits of crud stuck to them.
This area isn't nearly as clean as the smaller tunnels, but there are large patches that have actually been cleaned up already.

None of that matters, though.

"Any idea where to head next?" You ask.

SHODAN shrugs.

"I could do a basic analysis based on the conditions in the clarifying chamber and search for other areas likely to have similar temperature and moisture levels, but otherwise no."

"Well, i mean... the queen's probably as big as one of those giant guards, right? Maybe bigger? So... she couldn't be anywhere without a big enough entrance for her, right?" Ronnie theorizes.

"Unless she was born and nested in such a place before growing to size." SHODAN says, correcting him.

"So it could be anywhere..." Ronnie sighs.

Yeah, that's the problem. Where the hell to go.
If you were an insect queen, where would... you...

"...What if she's not in the sewers?" You question.


"You seen these things poking their heads out of the swiss cheese, right?"


Ronnie looks at you with profound confusion and shakes his head.

"The fucking holes in the asteroid, numbnuts. They've been using those tunnels... but a lot of them don't actually connect up, some are filled with rock and debris... and i know there's more of them in the service layers, too."

"So perhaps they've been tunneling." SHODAN finishes for you. "It's quite possible, however, it would be slow work. Their jaws seem quite powerful, but this is still mainly an iron-nickel asteroid. There are many areas made of solid metal."

"If they can chew through metal, that's a big problem. Real big, actually. But regardless, how the hell are we supposed to find the queen now? Any ideas?"

"...These collars got tracking devices on em, don't they? That work even underground and stuff?" Ronnie offers.

"Hey, good point!" You grin. "Superglue a couple trackers to these bugs, let them map out the tunnels, get an idea of where they all run around at... it could work!"

"That will take time, however." SHODAN points out.

"True... but what the hell else are we supposed to do? There's side-tunnels everywhere." You say, pointing around with your hands.

>You'll have to come back to this at a later date, after you've gotten a map of the insects' routes.
>Fuck waiting, have SHODAN map out the likely sewer locations and just go there, maybe you'll get lucky.
>Send some droids to crawl through the spider holes, see what they can find. That may be your best bet.
>Send some droids to crawl through the spider holes, see what they can find. That may be your best bet.
>>Send some droids to crawl through the spider holes, see what they can find. That may be your best bet.
Supplement with the worker drones trackers
Set off some very big colored/chemical signal smoke bomb. Use sensors around the station to figure out where the exit holes are?

Enough sensor saturation on the surface means we can probably sample wide for chemical saturation. Then we can be more specific in areas the sensor's concentration levels seem to point at?
Combine that with spider drones to get maximum "input" saturation?
>>Send some droids to crawl through the spider holes, see what they can find. That may be your best bet.
Is seismic mapping or heat mapping possible? How about neutrino mapping?

>Fuck waiting, have SHODAN map out the likely sewer locations and just go there, maybe you'll get lucky.
but set a time limit, after which we come back at a later date. There are probably other things we can be doing, but by checking out at least one of these locations we can improve our knowledge of (not) possible locations and narrow down the remaining locations by a lot.

You tap your foot and scratch at your helmet as you consider things.
What are you to do? What indeed.

"What do you think about seismic mapping? Could we get an idea of the tunnels that way?" You suggest.

"It wouldn't be very accurate, i'm afraid. Since the asteroid has been hollowed out, and the remainder has many pockets of loose silt, it wouldn't "ring" very well. We may be able to detect any large voids that way, however." SHODAN explains.

"What about using a trace gas? Something not found in the atmosphere normally? We could figure out which tunnels connect up to eachother that way."

"That may work, however, knowing which tunnels connect won't lead us to the queen. It would be useful for determining the routes, or possible routes used by the insects, though."

Ronnie curls up against the wall, cradling his knees.
He lets out a tired sigh.

"...Lots of partial solutions, but nothing immediately helpful, huh." You sigh in turn. "Alright, i guess there's nothing to it but to do it. This is what the fuckin' droids are for, right?"

"Affirmative, Captain. Traversing the tunnels may prove dangerous for a variety of reasons, but losses would be minimal by using droids for recon."

"We'll need equipment... i want to get trackers on the bugs, too. Get some guys down here, we'll just... fuckin, glue them to their shells, i guess."

"The droids will likely require external battery packs." SHODAN adds.

"What about bio-generators? Bug flesh could keep them going..."

"It would be less than ideal. Such generators are inefficient. I was considering setting up a charging station deeper in the tunnels, using an RTG."

"Hey, that's not a bad idea!" You grin. "We already use droids to work on the reactor, they could just lug it with 'em..."




You end up calling the expedition off quicker than expected, and head back up to the surface to meet with Redbone after he gives the all-clear.
What you're met with is an absolute mess, even worse than you were expecting.

One corner of a building has a gaping hole in it, clearly from a stray 40mm grenade round.
The buildings may be concrete, but the walls are relatively thin since they're only meant to withstand 0.3g.

Besides that, there's bullet holes absolutely everywhere. The buildings are pockmarked, the road is torn up, and my god, the bug corpses.

Rivers of yellow-green bodily fluid stream across the ground just about everywhere you step, from two hundred feet from the tunnel, all the way up to it's entrance.
It looks like Red brought an entire wagon full of .308 with him, and used at least half of it.

"Holy shit, Red. Do you not know the meaning of the word "restraint"?" You complain.

"The fuck you mean restraint? I came here to save your ass and kill all these gottdamn bugs, and that's how you thank me?"

"You'd be more convincing if you could stop fucking smiling for a second."

"I can't." He says, grinning about as wide as it's possible to grin.
>"The fuck you mean restraint? I came here to save your ass and kill all these gottdamn bugs, and that's how you thank me?"
>Effective now, the rounds anyone expends must be reloaded by the same individual... With a single-stage press.

As for gluing trackers, you could just shoot entire rows of workers with adhesive trackers, or even just slap one on them manually as they wander by with them being so passive half the time. You could then set up kiosks at strategic locations to download the data off of the trackers.
What do you want on the sensors? Gyroscopes & accelerometers? Cameras? Something more advanced to send data through the asteroid in real time?

If the source of these bugs really is an atavistic insectoid station dweller, it's possible it used to live in the slums, and could in fact be there still, or what parts of it are still warm, at least. We could start looking in nearby residential areas with easy access to the sewers that we're in now.
Shiiit. Look at that smile, I can't even be mad.

The support crew shows up not long after, all piloting droids.
Not a single person wanted to come out here, even after being told the soldiers were all dead.

But the droids can't lift much, so it's up to you, SHODAN and Redbone to get the big ones into the back of the longhaulers.

"It occurs to me that one of Sanig's devices would be useful in this situation." SHODAN comments as you're dragging the first one.

"Which one would that be?" You ask between grunts.

"The anti-gravity device he uses to maintain his weight on the Metal Gear."


A quick call later, and in about twenty minutes someone's ferried the tool over for you.
You just sat on your asses and waited, watching the droids load up the smaller ones... and the chunks of the larger ones.

It occurs to you that the floating lifts and carts they're using probably have something similar inside of them.
You always wondered how they worked, but you guess it makes sense.

The one Sanig made is a larger unit, created using a small piece of the warp metal you've collected.

Doesn't take much, apparently. Not for something this small.
Sanig actually crafted it on his own time, while making glitter for subspace crystal doping.

Carved with a dremel, apparently.

Literally all it does is cancel out artificial gravity, it's strength dependent on the current applied to it.
It's self-powered, with a big fat battery in there that should last at least a few hours. Enough for this work, for sure.

You flick the device on and feel a slight decrease in weight.
Cranking the knob up, you eventually start floating... but this antigrav unit can go much, much higher.

Looks like it's meant to be usable even in conditions up to 5x earth gravity... but the only time you'd experience that is when working out on the ship.
Well, who knows what all Sanig might want to use this for.

You tried turning the knob up higher, but nothing happens.
Looks like it only cancels the artificial gravity out, but won't invert it or generate it's own field.

You're not sure how that works, might be an artificial limitation or a safety feature.

Either way, doesn't matter here.

You hold onto the anti-grav unit with one hand and the bug corpse with your other, and have Ronnie pull you along with a rope.
Once you're in the back of the truck, it's easy to kick the bug into place, and then Ronnie pulls you out.

Repeat over, and over and over again... for hours. Four hours.

Trucks come and go, hauling what is effectively meat back to base.
You don't know if it's any good to eat though. Taste aside, you'll need to do tests to ensure it's safe before trying it.

Once you're all back at port, you see some (relatively) burly men unloading the trucks and dragging the bug corpses into storage containers.
The low temperature in the port will freeze the meat after a while. Presumably they're sterile and shouldn't rot, but they have been eating corpses and literal shit, so who knows...
Well, that could've gone much worse. Red will definitely want his own suit though, now. Maybe we try a new lightweight one for him with the new.. what was it mmm plasteel?
Like with the steaks, I feel we should render this down to base elements in the nanofab and reconstitute it back into actual food.
Energy intensive? Sure, but no chance redsang being bio concentrated and damaging people. They'll get fatty liver from onions cow instead.

"Where's the first load?" You ask the portmaster, who's currently "supervising" the operation.

His mouth too full of sandwich to answer you, he instead points at a shipping container nearby.
It's been set apart from the rest of them

Opening it up, you find a pair of droids inside, guarding the sedated insects fervently.

"Man, they're still asleep? How long does that shit last?" Redbone asks, poking his head inside.

"We don't know, actually. It's the first time we've used it on something not from earth." You answer honestly.

You toss Sanig's antigrav unit into the container, then shut and lock the doors with the droids still inside.
A strong magnet attached to a rope allows you to pull the container along behind your hovercar, although the ride is a bit rough at times...

You decided to drive yourself this time, since you don't want that container's momentum carrying it into your car and taking your head off if the driver decides to stop suddenly.

It's a little bit tricky, but you've already got plenty of experience flying ships in zero-g at this point, so it's not too hard to control after getting used to it.
The hovercar does get a little squirrelly when the container gets too close and you end up inside the zero-g field, though.

It's designed to stay on a mostly flat trajectory, without going too high or low... but that goes out the window and you lose directional control.

Nevertheless, you manage to get the insects up to the merchant district without too much issue, and only scrape the container on the tunnel walls once or twice on your way to the industrial district.
Not too bad, especially for your first time.

The guys piloting the droids in that container might disagree, but you don't care.

You land it just outside of Doc Lyna's new "clinic", currently operating out of an abandoned mansion.
Inside, there is precisely one nurse, who is literally asleep in her chair. Nobody else is here, except the good doctor herself.

You find her in the back, tapping away at her computer, like usual.

"Hey, doc. I got those samples you wanted." You tell her, poking your head through the door.

"Oh, good!" She grins "I've been waiting. I was quite excited to hear you were bringing something back for me today."

"They're out front."


When you unlock the doors, they fly open on their own.
You're startled for a moment, thinking that maybe the insects were woken up by all the shaking, but... no.

Instead, one of the droids lunges at you, only to be grabbed by the ankle by the second one.

Floating, he claws at the air, trying to get at you while his buddy drags him back.
You can't hear the conversation since most of these droids don't have speakers, but the operators are definitely yelling at eachother in person.

This goes on for a minute until the offending droid just suddenly goes limp, like a lifeless doll.
You guess somebody removed his brain interface helmet.

"...What in the hells was all that about?" Lyna asks.

"Ah, nothing."
Oh right the NAUSEA. Heh.
Just another case of averting the inevitable droid rebellion with loyalist droids and best girl SHODAN

The remaining droid starts dragging the unconnected droid off, while you float on into the container and pull an insect along with you.
You leave the insect inside the anti-grav field, just at the edge, so Lyna can check it out more easily.

"And it's still alive?" She asks.

"Yep. Just drugged... not sure how much longer that'll last, but it's been a while since their last dose."

"I can see that." She says, pulling out a small device.

She presses it against the insect's shell and pushes a button. It beeps a few moments later.

"...Barely any oxygen in it's blood. The dosage must be quite high. What did you use?"

"Uhhh... not sure, actually. You'd have to ask SHODAN."

SHODAN then proceeds to rattle off a long list of chemicals you don't recognize, all of which Lyna quickly inputs into her holopad.
You don't think she knows what they are either, but she's writing it down anyways, along with the dosages.

"Anyways, we got you a few different types, and some egg samples... which we really need you to look at first."

"Why is that?" Lyna asks.

You hand her a sack containing numerous insect eggs, which she quickly opens up and then closes.
For the first time, Lyna actually seems upset. Almost disturbed, even.

"See the problem?" You shrug.

"Yes, i... i see that. I'll take a look immediately."

"We need to check for redsang in all this meat, too. Need to know if it has to be cleaned up before it can be eaten."

"Yes, i can do that. I'll need a bit of time, can you give me... an hour?"

Lyna looks at her watch.

"Maybe two. I have a few things running right now." She corrects.

"That's fine." You reply.

As before, you unload the insects from the back of the truck, this time with Ronnie on the rope, and you the one pulling.
There's a good chance he'll find himself fighting in zero-g at some point, so it's good to get some experience if he hasn't already.

Lyna doesn't even wait for you to finish, and quickly takes the bag of eggs inside with her.

Once you are finished though, you're left with an open spot in your schedule.
After Ronnie's been stripped of his equipment, he can walk back on his own... that just leaves you and SHODAN.

You think everyone else is busy with something or another right now. Technically SHODAN is too, but, well... she's pretty good at splitting her attention these days.

>Check in with Sanig, see if you can help with getting those trackers and other equipment made for dealing with the bugs.
>Head back to the mansion and check in with your mom and Sam, see how they're settling in.
>You haven't actually laid eyes on the new carrier yet. Supposedly it's in flyable condition at this point, and a little road trip wouldn't hurt.
>>Head back to the mansion and check in with your mom and Sam, see how they're settling in.
>Head back to the mansion and check in with your mom and Sam, see how they're settling in.
>>Check in with Sanig, see if you can help with getting those trackers and other equipment made for dealing with the bugs.

Let's continue to focus on the task at hand.
>You decided to drive yourself this time, since you don't want that container's momentum carrying it into your car and taking your head off if the driver decides to stop suddenly.
Those camera footages... yeah
>Just another case of averting the inevitable droid rebellion with loyalist droids and best girl SHODAN
... they are piloted
>>Sex SHODAN in an empty mansion
>Head back to the mansion and check in with your mom and Sam, see how they're settling in.
>>Head back to the mansion and check in with your mom and Sam, see how they're settling in.
>Check in with Sanig, see if you can help with getting those trackers and other equipment made for dealing with the bugs.

We got work to do. R&R is for after the infestation is handled.

You decide to take a moment to check in on your family.
You've been so busy since you got back to the station, you really just haven't had time to talk with them.

After tossing the antigrav in the back of the truck, you make a relatively short hop from Lyna's clinic, back to the street that you've effectively commandeered for your crew.

Landing the truck on the road out front of your mansion, you see Pickle sitting in a plastic monobloc chair, drinking a beer and grilling something unidentifiable.
...The smoke smells like hickory. He printed a Weber grill and charcoal for this.

As he's waving to you, sparks from the grill fall down onto the dead, dry grass of the front lawn and start a fire, which quickly starts spreading in a circle.
Pickle pulls his dick out and pisses out the flames right in front of you, then starts poking at whatever the hell he's got on that grill.

Well, you don't have to worry about him feeling at home.

Ignoring him, you head on in to your own mansion, where most of the crew is staying, including your sister and mother.
As soon as you're through the front door, SHODAN stops you.

"Captain, i'm afraid i have a significant amount of data that requires my full attention for processing. I will need to dock this unit for the time being."

"You don't have to ask me, SHODAN. Go on ahead, we'll catch up later."

"Thank you, Captain." She smiles.

SHODAN heads directly to a utility closet, where a charging dock has been installed for her.
You on the other hand, really wish you could just strip out of this armor and lay down...

But skinning your suit is a really unpleasant experience, so you drop the hard armor plates and throw a t-shirt and some cargo pants on instead.
The sensation of touch transferred from the suit to your skin is... well, it's close, but not quite the same as the real thing.

You get used to it, but after having the skinsuit on for a long time it's incredible how sensitive your bare skin feels.

The lower levels of the station are cold. Everything's dark and depressing.
It makes you want to curl up under a warm blanket, next to a wood stove... with a nice cup of hot cocoa. Yeah, that'd be nice.

It's almost christmas back on earth, isn't it?

You didn't expect to spend it with your family at all, but even if you did, you wouldn't have expected it to be here.
Hopefully Mom and Sam are getting along fine. You did kind of just dump them here, even if the place is pretty nice.


Knocking on the door to your mom's room, you get a response immediately.

"Come on in, baby!" Your mother replies.

The door's closed. She can tell it's you, just by the sound of your footfalls.

"Hey mom, how you doing?" You ask, entering and closing the door behind you.

She's laying in a big, fluffy-looking bed, with a gigantic flat-screen TV on the far wall. It lights up the whole room like a flashbang whenever the scene changes.

"Oh, i'm doing alright, i reckon!" She grins, slurring only slightly.
She needs some physical therapy, and while parts of her brain that move her limbs are dead, it wouldn't hurt to fashion some mechanical or electric orthesis that helps moving that limp leg an arm so they don't adopt viscious positions. And of course, strenghten her working limbs and trunk that's key. HOWEVER, this sort of patients tend to waste away not even trying. It goes in hand with how important they feel.
An important 70 yrs old bussinessman will try to get better (boomers think they are invincible for some reason) but a 65 yrs old granny whoose only worry was to keep the house clean... so I wonder, what can she do besides watch TV
Everyone needs a dragon to slay. Figuratively speaking.
100% correct, but I believe it was said that a VI or AI is normalising the droid/pilot command interface. So I assume there was some level of intervention.

Sanig made the skinsuit for exactly this reason for himself. It enables his mobility and that is the most important thing for people to just keep moving - avoiding blood pooling, lactic acid buildup and clean flows of nutrients/oxygen to all the body.
It makes me think that circulatory system nanomachines that can remove arterial blockages such as fat, calcium or clotting would be amazing. Basically a more universal Aspirin.

What's the latest of momma's treatment QM?
Did we bring a human doctor?

A VI is just a regular computer, it's not sentient.

The latest on her treatment is that it's going well, but not as well as you'd like.

The drugs you gave her have done a good job of repairing her remaining grey matter, allowing new connections to form and the brain to re-train itself.
However, that's a slow process and won't grow back the chunk of her brain that has already died.

As for the cause of the stroke, the blood clots in her system have been broken down by nanomachines and her blood pressure, cholesterol and nicotine intake are under control.
No further damage will be done, despite her lifestyle.

That said, she's old, and still has a lot wrong with her. Damaged organs, creaky joints and so-on.

A skinsuit would indeed be a good solution for helping her walk again, if you could get her to wear it.
>Mom would you like to be drugged the druggiest you've even been drugged and put on this strange suit?
Her heart wouldn't resist the strain of strong opiods. She might stop breathing altogether or go into cardiac arrest... Hmm I could give her a mild dose of midazolam followed by ketamine. Ketamine is a great sedative! It causes amnesia, hypnosis and analgesia, it acts FAST and does not mess up with the breathing centre of the brain stem! The only downside is that you tend to err... have terrorific hallucinations as you are getting sleepy, which is why you get a little midazolam as a starter of sorts.

She's been getting better the past few weeks.
A steady dose of the annoyingly expensive drug "Neura-link" that you yourself have taken once or twice, seems to have done her some good.

But it's meant more for minor brain damage. Concussions, things like that... it can't regrow a hunk of lost brain tissue.

You've been considering possible treatments for her. Other drugs, wetware, bionic limbs...
But you know convincing her to do any of that would be hard, bordering on impossible. That's why you've settled on the easiest solution.

Well, "easy" by comparison.

"Well that's good." You reply. "I'm glad you're feeling better. Have you seen Sam around?"

"Almost too much! She's been waiting on me hand and foot since we got here. I barely get a moment to myself." Your mother groans.

"She's just trying to take care of you, mom."

"I know it, i know it... but she says she don't like it much outside, too."

Your mother stares at you with a raised brow. That look... how much does she know?

"Oh, please. You think i didn't see those girls or that little alien man through the doorway? I always figured you were up to no good in the military, always telling me you couldn't talk about nothin' you did."

"Well, the lines were monitored... and i wouldn't have wanted to tell you all that terrible stuff anyways."

"Uh huh. Well, i'm was a little surprised at the aliens, but not really, you know? I always knew, ever since my uncle Leroy disappeared back in 1967. You know there was a radioactive circle burned out in that field, right?"

"Yes, mom. You've told me."

You don't think any other aliens have visited earth... probably. But at this point, who knows?
Kind of hard to explain what happened to Leroy either way, knowing what you know about aliens and radiation.

"...Well are you gonna introduce me to 'em? I'm dyin' to know!"

"Know what?"

"I dunno! What do they eat? Can they speak? Do they probe people? What happened in Roswell?"

"Er, maybe later, alright? We're all kind of busy at the moment... lots of fires to put out. Figuratively."

"Fine, boy. But you better not be lyin' to me! I want to meet an alien!"

"Yes, mom. I promise."

"Well anyway, i think Sam's still in the shower right now, so you're stuck talking to me for a minute!"

"That's fine, i actually had something i wanted to ask you about anyhow..."



You grab a bag that Gildur left just outside your mother's room and bring it in.
Inside is a custom-fit Mk1 skinsuit, with extra artificial muscle.

It's kind of an inbetween the Mk1 and Mk2. Not too bulky, and it doesn't require nerve melding, but still provides a lot of support.

"What the hell is that?" Your mother asks. "Some kind of gimp suit?"

"No, mom. This is called a skinsuit. I'm wearing one right now, see?"

You point out that your arms are covered in the same material, and roll up your pants to show your legs are covered in it, too.

"...Is it a sex thing? I don't want to know, if it is."

>No much is not a sex thing- what the fuck mom
>Does it come in any other colors?
>"...Is it a sex thing? I don't want to know, if it is."
Is she trolling us...?

>Uncle Leroy disappeared around '67
>Anecdotal evidence from Ma points towards Grey abduction
>Years later, David gets abducted by Grey's
You don't think they were looking for a specific genetic profile, were they?

"No, mom. It's not a sex thing, i swear."

She looks at you with obvious doubt in her eyes.

You sigh.

"Look, it's... kind of like armor, i guess. But it's also a sort of... assistive device." You try to explain.


"Ah, how to explain this... ah, fuck it. You know that little alien man you saw?"

"Yeah, he looks like one o' them Roswell aliens!"

"Yeah, that guy. Well, he's like a thousand years old or something, i don't even know. Point is, he's so old that he's basically a cripple, right? He can't move around so good.
So we made this suit, amongst other things, to help him walk. It's made out of stuff that acts like muscle, and it moves when you move..."

"So you want me to wear this fetish outfit, so i can walk around?"

"...Not the way i'd put it, but yes."

"Honey, i can't wear something like that out in public. Even around the house, i'd be too embarrased to let someone see me through a window."

"It's not-"

You huff in exasperation.

"Look, you see how i'm wearing it? It goes on under the clothes. Like underwear, you know? You can wear it like underwear."

You can see the gears turning in her head as she recategorizes it from fetish gear to undergarment.

"Hmm... i dunno..."

"You want to walk again don't you? When's the last time you cooked something?"

Your mother rips the skinsuit out of your hands.

"Gimme that damn gimp suit, boy."

"It's kinda hard to squeeze into. You might want to wait for Sam to-"

"Get out, i'm getting dressed right now!"

"Okay, alright, alright!"


You wait outside for a good twenty minutes, occasionally knocking and asking if she's alright.
She sounds increasingly frustrated as time goes on, and eventually Sam comes back, her hair wrapped up in a towel like a snail in it's shell.

"Hey, David." She greets you. "What's going on?"

"Ah, mom's trying to get one of those skinsuits on by herself. I don't think it's going too well."

"What?! Why didn't you help her?!"

"Man, i don't want to see that. I'm sure she'll get it... eventually."

Sam scoffs and rolls her eyes, pushing you out of the way.

"You good in here, mom?" She asks.

"Yes, honey. I've just about got it..."

"Oh, mom. You know your legs are weak, let me just get that..."

Your mother sighs in frustration, but relents.

"I think that's got it? David, come look and see." You sister tells you.

Re-entering the room, you see that your mom did in fact just about have it on already.

"Looks good!" You tell her.

"Please, i look like a rotten pear. Now, is this thing working or what?"

"Not yet."

You flip a switch on the back of the suit's neck, activating the microcomputer inside.
It handles things like feedback and battery management, although the whole suit is basically a battery.

"There, now it's on. Normally it would recharge itself as you move, but since you're so weak that'd just put more strain on you. Instead, we made yours with a swappable battery pack..."

"Oh lord, something else to charge." Your mother complains.
If we ever wander back to Earth, we should leave instructions for the skinsuit behind. Get SHODAN to lock the strength amplification to it minimal level, and we might accidentally an humane
>"Oh lord, something else to charge." Your mother complains.
Bitch we just told you it comes with SWAPPABLE BATTERIES ffs why are women
>"You want to walk again don't you? When's the last time you cooked something?"
>Your mother rips the skinsuit out of your hands.
>"Gimme that damn gimp suit, boy."

Mom's cookin'? I can't wait.
>Mom's cookin'? I can't wait.
...to scan them.

We could start a subscription services, locking the recipes/dishes behind DRM
These aliens don't know shit 'bout Mama's cornbread.
Cinnamin apple pie with the homemade lard crust.

"We'll keep a bunch of spare batteries and a charger on your bedside table, alright?"

She doesn't reply. Instead, she's busy testing her legs, which makes you smile.
You can see the artificial muscle fibers flexing, doing their job. The nerve signals to her legs are weak, but the VI in the suit is doing a good job of adjusting the sensitivity.

She takes a few careful steps, and finds that she can actually walk normally.

"Holy shit." She cusses. "Oh my god, this suit is amazing!"

Now feeling more confident, she walks straight out of the room and starts exploring the mansion.

"Wow, this place is big, ain't it? How long are we supposed to be here?" She asks herself.

"...Probably a while, mom." You answer, following behind her in case she falls.

But she doesn't. She scoots her feet a little, walking in a way that kind of reminds you of a penguin, but she doesn't fall.

"Y'know, this place doesn't look like it was built by aliens. Where the hell are we, anyways?" She says, looking out the window.

"Grass is all dead..." She mumbles.

"Yeah, it hasn't been getting watered. Long story, not really an issue... uh, well, we're technically on a space station right now, but, like... we're in the rich asshole section. Everywhere else looks like a concrete commie block."

"Oh, wow. How much are we paying for all this, then?" She asks.

You haven't seen her this lit up and excited since you came back to earth. She has so much more energy all of a sudden...

"Nothing, technically. Actually... i uh, i kind of own the whole place. Well, joint ownership, with a group of guys who are helping me clean up the place."

They should be helping you, anyways. Technically, according to your deal, they're the ones who own the majority of the station. Where the fuck is Dark Star at? Shouldn't they have moved in by now?
You're gonna bitch at Gron when he gets back, you need more manpower right now.

Not droids, not a bunch of vegans, actual, useful manpower. For bug killin' and shit.

But that's fine. You've got those pirates under your belt for now and-

"Boy, quit drifting off." Your mother chides. "You still do that too much."

"Sorry, mom." You sigh.

"Now, where's the kitchen?"

"It's over here, mom." Sam says, guiding her in the right direction. "I was planning on making lasagna today, but we're stocked up for just about anything."

"I need beans and mexican cornbread." Your mother declares. "With bacon. You got bacon here?"

"I think it'll be hard to find anything we don't have..." Sam chuckles.

You grin just slightly.

Yeah, momma's a little messed up... you might not be able to fix her entirely, not the least cause she doesn't want it, but that's how it is with her.
But the medicine you gave her is doing it's job, and the suit will help her to walk. If she can walk, she can be active, and that'll be better for her than anything else.

Mentally, it means the world. Physically, it's good rehabilitation.

You guess you've done what you can for her.
The girls liked this action
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We should toss Ma a little translator so she can chat with the girls and Sanig. Do we have em in a more compact form factor like pic related?
You do now, yes.
There we go. As far as additional medical help for her goes... well, she might look into it herself or go visit Lyna.

Also, will she need oxygen to get around?

She will need oxygen outside of the house.
She and Pickle both haven't taken the retroviral treatment.
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Too wholesome, like this cornbread coming right up.
Just the way I like my quests

You spend most of the rest of that day with your family.
Mom ends up cooking way too much for just y'all, which ends up luring over Pickle and Redbone as well.

Pickle contributes a little of what he was grilling, which turned out to be haggis.
Fuckin'... grilled haggis? Really? Alright, anyways... it was actually pretty good, but still fuckin' weird.

At some point Cylia also returns from training the pirate raiders and sits down to eat, next to you, naturally.
With mom right next to you, it's a little awkward. She keeps glancing past you, towards Cylia. You remain stone-faced, but you know she knows.

No, even if she doesn't know, she can feel it.

Mom's always had a real strong sixth sense. She could just tell whenever you were up to something.
Sometimes you'd just be thinking about something stupid, and she'd bust into your room with a "Don't even think about it!".

You already kind of half-believed in psychic powers because of that kind of shit, but now you're a true believer.


Lunch goes well. After that, your mother insists on cleaning the mansion, even though Gildur's already taking good care of that.
You aren't actually sure where Gildur is right now. Sometimes he just disappears whenever he's not busy, but... that's fine, you guess.

Kyla and Sanig are both back on the ship, hard at work as ever.
After scanning in all that earth food, they hardly ever see reason to leave anymore, since the Metal Gear is also their workshop.

Kyla's been working mainly on robotics, trying to improve the droids and come up with solutions to the nanofab problem.
Sanig meanwhile has been working heavily on the gyro-rifle prototypes, as well as the skinsuits and power armor.

After today you're certain of it. While the gyro-rifle is great, it lacks power at short range, being closer to 9mm pistol in terms of penetrative power.
That's by design, of course, but for a rifle to be carried into battle it has to be useful in a wide variety of scenarios.

You think it needs an under-slung grenade launcher. 25mm would do.

Naturally you could use grenades with it, which would be great for clearing crowds or launching CS gas, but it can also serve as a shotgun.
If the armor is relatively soft like a bug's carapace, then deer slugs would do the job... and if it's hard, then you could use darts instead. There's just so much beauty in a grenade launcher, isn't there?

Bolters won't have this issue, though. They're kickstarted from the get-go, making them as powerful as any rifle from the start... and then any distance they travel is just icing on the cake.
But that's a good way to bruise your shoulder unless you're wearing at least Mk-2 power armor. Or break a bone, depending on your species.

Your mother smiles as you discuss such topics with your friends over a few beers in the living room.
She doesn't try to butt in, and just seems happy to see you being happy.

Well, seeing her happy makes you happy too.
>No, even if she doesn't know, she can feel it.
she's definitely gonna harass david to put a ring on cylia within the next month
it's not like she's pregnant or anything
>You think it needs an under-slung grenade launcher. 25mm would do.
Oh no. Oh no not the multi-role-weapon-design meme. Ahhh I feel the overengineering overtaking me. It is a good pain!
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>Oh no not the multi-role-weapon-design meme.
I feel the same. The Gyro rifle is doing it's thing. Give pic related to two guys per squad and we gucci.

Because fuck you, fuck your cover and fuck my shoulder!
Oh come on. A multi-role underbarrel isn't the worst idea in the world. Especially with all the space age design software and materials we have to work with.
It always starts as a tube with a trigger on it and ends with some completely unusable technological atrocity.
Every single time.
The big issue is alien strength. Each action has an opposite reaction. Something that accelerates that fast to hit hard in a small distance may be an issue for most. Gyro ammunition fixes this by changing what's being reacted against at what time.

It may make more sense to have short range emergency energy weapons for the average user. That or a coil gun to minimize the acceleration constant over a longer distance.
not with that attitude
Not from lack of trying mind you. She gets a full sized protein meal each shot.
Or you could just use something similar to an RPG or recoilless rifle, where the terminal performance isn't necessarily based on the velocity. Shaped-charges, HESH, or even a projectile breaching charge isn't out of the realm of possibility with the precision and smart electronics available.

That night, you end up watching a movie together with your mom, your sister... and Cylia, who naturally clings to you on the couch.
It's so obvious, you can't hide it. Mom just grins at you. She knows. Why is it so embarrassing? You don't understand it, really.

Fuck it. You throw your arm over Cylia's shoulder and pull her in even closer, which seems to make both of them happy.

Anyways, the movie is some capeshit called "Endgame", you don't know. You don't really watch a lot of movies.

You think you remember hearing about it before you were abducted, but you never got a chance to see it.
It's weird just sitting down and watching a regular human movie, from earth. It's not like there isn't TV out in space, but... to say it's lacking is an understatement.

The movie looks pretty cool, you guess. You only recognize some of the characters, like iron man.

You really don't feel like cooking anything for dinner, or even eating some big, fancy meal... so you end up microwaving a TV dinner.
It's nice to just eat garbage sometimes. It's not like it even tastes bad, it's just not earning any michelin stars.

And eating garbage does make you appreciate the good stuff more, too.
Hungry man, that's you. Steak and potatoes, mmm.

Well, hamburg steak and mashed potatoes.

Cylia tries a bite and also likes it a lot.
It still has worlds of flavor compared to station food, so that's no surprise.


"So, which one is it? I thought that other girl was your girlfriend?" You mother eventually asks, as you're getting ready to turn in for the night.

Oh boy, here we go.
You've already gone through this with Sam, but how are you supposed to explain this to your mom?

God, just... don't freeze up.

"Uh, well, mom... you see, it's uh... kind of a situation... where uh..."

"We're polyamorous." Cylia blurts out.

You just stare at her, wide-eyed.

"Buh." is all you can say. Why, Cyl? Why?

"Oh, lord..." Your mother says, rolling her eyes. "Another womanizer, just like your father."

"...What?" You ask. This is the first you've heard of that. She didn't talk much about their relationship after he passed.

"Your father was a playboy, too. But i put a stop to all that when we got together, and i got pregnant with you." She explains.

"He's actually been very faithful... we were the ones that forced it on him, miss Rockefeller."

"Call me Betty, sweetheart. Now, how long have you two been together?"

You and Cylia share a look between eachother.


"Three...ish? Maybe?"

You say together.

"Ah, it's complicated. Warp travel, some weird stuff... i'm not sure all the dates add up anymore. Call it two or three years?" You tell her.

"That long, already? Boy, haven't you put a ring on her yet?"

You inhale sharply through your nose and stare straight ahead.
Yeah, you figured it was gonna go here at some point.

You feel three pairs of eyes boring a hole through your head. Sam was listening, too?

>I'm not really planning to get married. I don't think it's necessary.
>I mean, i guess it wouldn't hurt... but... what about the other girls?
>...Would you want to get married, Cyl?
Could we use our translator link to think a request to shodan to do some hacky-wacky stuff to cause a distraction that we need to go fix? She can read our mind, right?
Like father like son, marry her when she gets pregnant. Seems appropriate no?
>...Would you want to get married, Cyl?
>immediately after go to the fabricator to make her a wedding knife

You can try.
You know it's possible, but it's not something you've attempted before.
>>...Would you want to get married, Cyl?
Would the others want to as well? SHODAN probably would be all for it, Kyla might not, but we'll see
What do about getting married to the ship ai.

Shodan prob has opinions, and we've proven there's probably a shackled soul in her, so it's not exactly fucking a soulless robot.

Can always become Muslim and have multiple wives inshallah
Nice, but, sons ought to improve from their fathers
>as if shodan would let pass the chance to embarras david. there is bros before hoes, but sometimes making fun of a bro in front of her ho is worth it
>...Would you want to get married, Cyl?
>Well nither of them are pregnant yet Ma, So I don't quite see a reason to rush it.
+1 supporting

We should ask how Cylia feels about marriage in private.
>I mean, i guess it wouldn't hurt... but... what about the other girls?

Let's assign Gildur to carry around a camera and start filming stock footage for:
Xenosister Wives: Deep Space Kine
Switching to this
>Its something we should talk about eventually, huh Cyl?
Do aliens even have wives? Most of them are godless creatures. How can you marry one if they don't even know what the Lord's good book is?
g-guys stop... don't do this
Support for >>6101443

This would be her definitive Turing test then.
Not to us, but her herself.
She cannot deny emotions any longer if she can do this and chooses not to for her own amusement.
>...Would you want to get married, Cyl?
>What does marriage mean out here? [SHODAN, HELP!]

I mean, given all the different species of aliens out here, from floating amorphous blobs to insectoids, the idea of "marriage" could vary greatly depending on who you're speaking to. Even Terran felines differ greatly, too. So, how does marriage work, especially between alien species?
>>...Would you want to get married, Cyl?

Your mind races possibly harder than it ever has before.

Split several ways at once, you begin looking for a way to escape this conversation.
A distraction could work, but how do you make one happen without being noticed?

They have all eyes on you. Even an errant twitch of the finger wouldn't go unnoticed, it's impossible. Unless...

["SHODAN!"] You think as hard as you possibly can.

No response.


The building's lights flicker slightly as you think the hardest thoughts you've ever thunk.
But you're not sure you're actually communicating through your translator right now. You've never attempted it before, and there's a lot else going on in your head besides that.

No time. This moment of silence has already hung on longer than it should have. You can see Cylia's arms moving, soon to be crossed. You can see your mother's face shifting towards a scowl. You have to say something.
Don't say something stupid. Don't say something stupid.

Oh god, stupid stuff is flashing through your mind at light speed.
"Neither of them are pregnant yet, so why rush?"

Such a thought actually crossed your mind. You'd be insulting your mother and raising very dangerous questions with Cyl at the same time.

No, no. Focus. Grab something out of the reel, something that won't get you killed.
You could attempt to bullshit your way out of it, but that would just get you in more trouble later. You'd have to come back eventually.

...Is there really no escape? You think you'd rather be back in the middle east right now, getting danger close with a "friendly" warthog.

"Uhhh, well..." You finally start. "I dunno, honestly. Uhhhh..."

You look over at Cylia, who has fully crossed her arms. She's waiting on a response.

"I mean, i guess it's up to her, right?" You chuckle nervously. "Would you want to get married, Cyl?"

She glares at you for a moment, before raising a brow at your question.

"...What's marriage?" She asks.

Wait, what?

"Oh, dear. Don't they have marriage ceremonies wherever you're from?" Your mother asks.

"I guess not... my translator isn't making much sense of it." Cylia shrugs.

"Damned technology. Nothing's ever worked right, has it?" Your mother says, fiddling with the hearing-aid style translator you'd given her.

"No, it's working fine... i guess there's just not a word for that in the Caithan language. What is it?"

You give her a brief explanation of marriage, punctuated and corrected at times by your mother.
Including details such as weddings, tax filings and shared assets, unfortunately.

You don't dare to mention a prenup.

"I see, so that's how it is in human culture..." Cylia ponders. "We don't have anything like that. Caithans mate for life, so staying together is just a given."

"Oh. That's nice." You chuckle.

For life, huh?
Caithans mate for life.

Nobody ever mentioned that before.
Of course, you never mentioned marriage either, but...
>"...What's marriage?" She asks
She didnt even knew what was David's mom talking about and got pissed on the vibes alone. Women are something else
>"We don't have anything like that. Caithans mate for life, so staying together is just a given."
So they have such a strong custom in their tribalistic survival culture and David steamrolled it with his footlong? Remember that the cats live 120 years and don't really grow old, who knows for how long they remain sexually active and fertile.
There is literally Zero chance that we even can get the aliens pregnant guys. Don’t be retarded.
Bro you can get like, anything pregnant if you bust hard enough. Ten millions hours worth of hentai couldn't be wrong, you know?
male butt pregnancy
Ah too much fiber and not enough water. A fate worse than diarrhea.
that's because we haven't genetically engineered our cum to impregnate caithans. but now we have enough mad scientists to make it happen
She can surmise from their reaction (and ours) that we've fucked somewhere, even if she doesn't know what it is yet.
She may be concerned about the fact we may have tried to pull the wool over her eyes about something (dodge responsibility) even if she didn't care at all about what that something may be (marriage).
My autistic ass made that mistake with a girl once
David is already married, he just didn't know it.

You spend that night together with Cylia, in a slight daze.
She clings to you just a little harder than usual as you're falling asleep.

You have trouble getting to sleep, and in the morning you're still thinking about it.

Honestly, you shouldn't care. You've been with her for a while now, and you couldn't imagine your life without her anymore.
It wouldn't be so strange to "marry her", for all that means out here in space.

And yet you're reluctant.

If there was any reason, you guess it would have to be that, huh.

You take a trip back to the Metal Gear after breakfast the next morning.
There's something you need to check out.

After greeting Kyla and Sanig, who are both hard at work still, you head to your sleeping quarters on the ship and pull a steel container out from under your bed.
Inside is everything you dug up in front of your house when you went back to earth.

Tucked away in one corner is a small velvet box.

You open it up, and inside there's a small diamond ring. Nothing too fancy, you couldn't afford much, but you thought it was pretty nonetheless.

"Lizzy..." You sigh, sitting on the bed and turning the ring over in the dim cabin light.

You fall onto your back and grip the ring tightly in your hand, arms spread wide as you stare up at the ceiling.

You never did find out what happened to her.
Even after pulling all the strings you had with the higher ups, nobody could tell you anything.

You wonder if there's anything about her in the records SHODAN scraped, but now you're kind of afraid to know.

...Does it even matter anymore? She's been gone for years. You live a whole different sort of life now. She probably wouldn't even recognize you if she were still here.

Man, you feel like shit. Thinking about her makes you want a smoke.
It's really her fault you quit, anyways. You never liked them yourself, and you hated seeing what they did to your mom, but it was still her that actually spurred you on in the end.

She never complained or said anything about it, but any time you smoked around her, you could see that little twinge of disgust on her face, and you hated that.
You didn't want her to taste smoke and ash whenever she kissed you.

You wanted her to spend more time around you, and to enjoy it.

Sitting back up, you dig through the photos in that box, looking for it. The polaroid that you had taped up in your bunk for so long.

It's nothing too special. A shot one of your buddies took of you and her posing together in front of a jet, out on the deck of the Nimitz.
You were all taking photos to send back home to your families. It had been around six months since you'd been home at the time.

Something about it though, you dunno. That picture just has good vibes to it.
Whenever you're thinking about her, you try to remember that photo.

Ah, there it is... all worn and faded. Whether it was the salt, the grease, the sun or the humidity you don't know.
Probably all of it. Nothing lasted long out there.
I wish we had the emotional intelligence to get over women...
Emotional intelligence isn't about rationality superseding your emotions, it's about understanding them and acknowledging them.
You're gonna feel stuff and act accordingly, there's no getting around it. Let David remember when shit was sweet and things were simple.
We should ask Shodan about her so that we know what happened to her. Even if it hurts us.
Good or bad, David's gotta know if he wants to put this thing to bed.
Gotta know. You know Shodan looked.
>THIS is the bitch he's pining over? She can't even bench press his truck. Ugh.
More telling would be that she couldn't balance her checkbook, or keep from getting fat.

You spend a while just looking at that photo. Feeling out your own feelings, you know.

You never really got over her. Never had a real reason to.
There was that waitress back in town, but... you hadn't gotten anywhere with her, honestly.

She was cute. Nice girl, big tits.

You chuckle to yourself. What are you even thinking about?

You know, you always look back fondly on the past, but that's just cause you forget about all the little problems you had.
It wasn't perfect with Lizzy either. On paper, you never even boarded that ship, so it was hard for anyone to say anything, but "fraternization", to put it mildly, is looked down upon.

Lizzy was no base bunny, but once rumors spread, well, y'know... it causes problems.

You were both under a lot of stress, too. Stress that you tended to take out on eachother, sometimes verbally, sometimes "physically".
That part was both good and bad, in various ways. Maybe not the healthiest of relationships, but... definitely nothing you regretted.

She was pretty. She was tough. Strong-willed and thoughtful.
But what you liked most about her was just how damned happy she was. She almost always had a smile on her face.

It was contagious, and that's exactly the sort of thing you needed in your life.

You still have anger issues and more besides, so it can be hard to imagine, but you used to be way worse.
It was a very destructive path you were on, one where you didn't care what happened to anyone, including yourself.

Lizzy gave you something to care about, though. Just like Cyl and the others are doing now.

It's not like you weren't still angry at the world, but at least you had a reason to hold yourself back.
You started thinking more about her and less about your job. More about the future and less about... whatever you were doing in the moment.

You don't know where you'd be right now if you'd never met her, but probably nowhere good.

Honestly, you don't know what she ever saw in you. You were such an asshole back then. A million times worse than now.
Not even a "bad boy", just a downright asshole.

No, you kinda know. It's hard for you to accept, but you know.

She just genuinely cared about people, and wanted to help them.
Something so strange and foreign that you couldn't possibly accept it as being the reason, but that was probably it.

And because you enjoyed being around her, and she was so good for you, you just let it happen.

Yeah, it just sort of happened. Because that's just how she was.
And then she was gone just like she appeared, by chance.

You want to believe that.

You want to, but you can't. Nobody just fucking disappears, unless they get disappeared.
That's something you're very well aware of, because you and your team did a whole lot of that disappearing work.

>SHODAN probably knows something. She won't tell you unless you ask, so ask.
>Just leave it be. The past is in the past, and knowing now won't bring her back.
>SHODAN probably knows something. She won't tell you unless you ask, so ask.
I can fix him, she said. It sorta worked it seems..
>Ask SHODAN for her info
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>SHODAN probably knows something. She won't tell you unless you ask, so ask.

Mfw Shodan looked but found nothing.
>SHODAN probably knows something. She won't tell you unless you ask, so ask.
He's gotta know.
>>Just leave it be. The past is in the past, and knowing now won't bring her back.
>Just leave it be. The past is in the past, and knowing now won't bring her back.
we're back in space, knowing what happened to her is pretty much a moot point
>Just leave it be. The past is in the past, and knowing now won't bring her back.
I'd rather not put a gun to my head a la 'eaky 'linders if it's bad.
>>Just leave it be. The past is in the past, and knowing now won't bring her back.
>>Just leave it be. The past is in the past, and knowing now won't bring her back.
>SHODAN probably knows something. She won't tell you unless you ask, so ask.
>SHODAN probably knows something. She won't tell you unless you ask, so ask.

Time to fight some demons, hopefully not literally.
>>SHODAN probably knows something. She won't tell you unless you ask, so ask.

You sit there for a good long while, going back and forth over whether or not to ask.

Maybe she doesn't know anything. Maybe she does.
But if she does know, you know it won't be anything good.

You're just going to hurt yourself doing this, David.


Could have just left it alone.

Could have just forgotten about it all.

Don't do it, dumbass.


["Yes, Captain?"] She replies over the speakers in your room.

"You know what i want."

["I have taken the liberty of parsing all files related to Elizabeth Charlotte Scott. Ranked W-2, Aged 39 at the time of disappearance. Her case is technically still open, with intentional desertion deemed unlikely."]

"Tell me something i don't know."

["Private calls and texts between various individuals seem to indicate that her disappearance was a genuine surprise, and those aboard the Nimitz had no knowledge of the cause."]

That's something, you guess.
You'd hate to think one of the men you worked with had something to do with it.



Yeah, here it comes.

["There are gaps in the data logging around the time of her disappearance, and for some months afterwards, indicating that information regarding her was intentionally wiped."]

You rest your elbow on your knee and cradle your head.

["Being a cyberwarfare specialist, Elizabeth naturally had an online presence, but a rather clean one, with very little publicly available information.
Her private information indicates that her disappearance was indeed sudden and unexpected for her as well. There is no significant change in the patterns of her behavior in the weeks and months leading up to her disappearance... except..."]

She paused. It's not like her to have pause.


["David, i am uncertain that this is something you should hear."]

"...Tell me."

["This information may negatively affect your psychological-"]

"Just tell me! That's an order!"

["...Very well, Captain. It appears that miss Elizabeth had put in an early request for maternity leave, under the assumption that she would have difficulty getting it granted. She was approximately fourteen weeks-"]

You pick up the box full of shit from your house and slam it into the speaker, folding the box in half and taking a chunk out of the aluminum wall it was mounted in.

You stop thinking entirely, and just stand there.
You don't know why you just did that. You don't know why you're so pumped with adrenaline that it feels like your heart is going to burst out of it's chest.

So you just stand there, breathing heavily as your skin turns hot.

The door to the room slides open. Both Kyla and Sanig are there, and they're armed.

"What the hell was that, kid? Is it another wraith?!" Sanig asks.

"David, your hands are bleeding..." Kyla tells you.

You look down at your hand, and sure enough your palm is cut... or ripped open, maybe.
The skin feels a little funny, but it doesn't hurt.
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She was pregnant and then got dissappeared by the feds?
She found something out she wasn't supposed to, or got killed by some creep and there was a coverup, or aliens really are after David's genetic profile and the greys took her?
Well. Wow.
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Someone is gonna die.
Yeah, David when he has a heart attack from this.
>The Nanomachines inside David right now

Even odds, David hops in the Metal Gear, supplies up, and heads straight back to Earth while Judas Priest's Screaming for Vengeance plays in the background.
The greys wouldn't bother wiping records unless the (US) feds were cleaning up after them, and the (US) feds would not do that unless they were cooperating with the greys.
What was the timeline? Did she disappear while David was still serving (at 39 or older)?

Honestly, unless the kid was (likely) David's. (my autistic ass) would be more concerned about what's at hand in the present then worry about something that had already been settled years ago. David has so much more to lose at this point, and the trail isn't likely to get any colder, either.
However, from the gaps in what had been wiped, you can likely find out the nature (or department) of what she was involved with. I doubt that it has to do with her pregnancy, so you could start by seeing who else disappeared around the same time and looking for commonalities. It'd be a personal quest, and would not solve any of our present problems (but likely make it much worse).
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There will be a reckoning.

If it was the grey's, US fed could be operating the same way they were against us, max paranoia with everything done in secure rooms and physical media.
I like your ideas about seeking correlations. We should ask SHODAN what she predicts is the mostly likely candidate and act from there.

Regardless of what happens, we need the carrier finished.
>We should ask SHODAN what she predicts is the mostly likely candidate and act from there.
im 90% sure its gonna be earth politics again, and last time we went back there we left a lot of international alphabet groups pissed at us. im not saying its not worth it, but the trial is as dead cold as she probably is, it might be easier to look for the kid instead

You open and close your fingers a few times, watching the blood leak out from the ripped skin.
Then you shake your hand out, and throw three quick punches at the wall, leaving increasingly large dents with each strike.

Kyla and Sanig both jump back at the noise it makes, like metal slamming against metal.

There we go, now your hand hurts a little.

"David?!" Kyla exclaims, looking worried.

"Hey, i gotta go for a walk. Be back in a little bit." You tell her.

Kyla starts to protest and moves to stop you, but Sanig quickly pulls her away.

"Just hold on, girl! Something ain't right with him." He whispers to her.

"Nah, i just gotta walk." You mumble, heading to the airlock.

It cycles, and you find yourself in front of a ten foot drop.
Oh, that's right. You usually use the cargo ramp, don't you? But the airlock looks more like a door.

Oh well.

You hop down and start walking.
Not sure where you're going, but you really need to walk right now.

Actually, you might just jog.




After jogging around the station three or four times, you start to feel a little better.
But your body is still really hot for some reason. Actually, you kind of feel like throwing up.

You think you could do it if you tried, so you focus on the feeling of wanting to throw up, and what do you know, it works.

Now you really feel a lot better.

You wipe your mouth with a sigh and a grin.
Looks like you stopped around one of the old shopping districts. There's a bunch of old stores here, some of which are still intact.

This seems like a good place to take a nap. It's even nice and cold.

You kick one of the shop doors, but your kick was unexpectedly weak and it doesn't budge.
This pisses you off, and your second kick folds it in half and rips it clear off the hinges.

Man, you're off your game today, aren't you? Huh.

Heading inside, you see the desiccated body of a shopkeeper lying in the corner of the room, by the register.
Poor fella, must have holed himself up in here and died of thirst or hunger.

You pick the opposite corner of him and sit down, leaning your back against the wall. The concrete floor and wall are cold. It feels good.
You slump over to one side, and allow your eyes to roll back into your head.





Hmm, what's that?


Ah, it's Cylia.

You open your eyes after a while, and Cylia's there, bent over and holding your shoulder.

"Oh, hey Cyl." You greet her.

"...Are you okay?" She asks.


You're honestly stumped. You don't know. Are you okay?
Hey, you feel like shit for some reason. Hand's broken, you think.

But you feel like you've asked yourself this question before. What's "okay", really?

You don't know. You don't have all the answers. You're not some fucking genius or quack psychiatrist.
So you just shrug. You shrug, and flutter your lips at her.

"Oh, babe..." She sighs.

Then she glances over at the corner and sees your buddy laying on the floor.

Oh yeah, I'm not expecting her to be alive, or the kid really. But SHODAN must be able to plot out some idea of who's heads will be rolling

The thing with it just being earth politics is the why. I also feel like if it was just that David would of already had some semblance of a trail to follow. We don't know his full past but we know he's connected enough to some glowy shit to sniff things out if he wants to.

> and those aboard the Nimitz had no knowledge of the cause.
this line makes it sound like she disappeared on an aircraft carrier, which would def freak out the gov enough if they had evidence it was ayy's doing it.
This might even explain why the metal gear got nuked when we were first abducted. They were hyper-vigilant to see if it would happen again, and took a potshot when they caught them
It was the chinks that fired the nuke if I remember right.
Its was commie china that shot the nuke, not the us.
I feel bad for Cylia and Kyla now, David has to get it together for the women he has left in his life
Guys its not complicated. She became a liability and was disposed off. Maybe our boy was still active and the news of a baby would shake him up so OF COURSE the best solution was to murder her. David would have to enact his vengeance on his direct superiors and some other big shots and thats it. The problem is that this is not the time (and we dont have the resources) to return to earth even if the killing takes only a day. We have to find out wtf happened to dark star, finish the cruiser, reenable communications and trade with Tekia and become too dangerous for the feds to bother with (but not enough to threaten their rule)
There's also the space whale that needs to be fed (Feds).


It's been three or four days since your little episode.
You've just been in kind of a daze since then. Not really doing much, thinkin' bout much.

You've just been staying at the mansion with your mom and sister, watching reruns of old TV shows. You haven't even been training, which has been nice.

But mom keeps getting pissed at you because you haven't been talking enough, apparently.
Well, what does she want you to say?

SHODAN already told everyone else what she told you.
You guess she had to. Everything kind of ground to a halt without you giving orders.

The bug extermination was supposed to be a few days ago. It just hasn't happened.

Cleanup's still going on, but nothing's really been resolved.
You don't know what the AIs are doing. Do they really need your input for every little thing?

Every few hours, one of your crew will come by to check on you.

Usually it's Cylia or Kyla, but Sanig and Gildur have both come by at least once.
There's nothing wrong with you, though. You haven't gone crazy or anything.

It's not like you're going to die just because you're sitting still.

You guess it's weird for them, though.
You never really stopped moving ever since you first came to this shithole of a station.

Not even sure why, really. For survival? You could have just laid low and looked for a way home.
You've already been back to earth. If you really wanted to, you could have just stayed.

It's not like you're particularly ambitious. You just like doing whatever you want.

Did you want to fight the federation? To kill wraiths and subjugate pirates?
Well, you guess so. You've always had an urge to fight that, frankly, wouldn't have gotten you very far living a normal life in some suburb.

It's not like you weren't comfortable after getting out of the military and settling down in that cornfield, but it was the most boring few years of your life.

Now though, you dunno.
It's weird. Like the fire lit under you just went out.

You lean your head back on the couch and stare up at the ceiling.

There's a gross feeling in the pit of your stomach.
You feel like you've felt it before, maybe when you were a kid.

You try to remember, but they're vague memories that feel more like a dream.

...Ah, right. This is how you felt when your dad died.

Great, now it's worse.

You get the feeling that some real dark thoughts are gonna start creeping in if you don't do something soon.

>Fighting always makes you feel better. You don't know if you're in the right condition for it, but the bug extermination still needs to happen.
>You just don't have it in you to do much at the moment. You absolutely don't want to talk it out with anyone either, but maybe you need to be around other people right now.
>If there's anything that might fix this feeling in your gut right now, it's killing everyone involved in whatever happened to her. Not very constructive, but it'll make you feel better for sure.
>Fighting always makes you feel better. You don't know if you're in the right condition for it, but the bug extermination still needs to happen.

Move around it will be better. Jog for a bit take a look around the neighbourhood.
Lightly work out, think about the stuff you need to do. You will have time to think about this when you get back to earth, if you ever go back. Anything is better than thinking about it.
>>Fighting always makes you feel better. You don't know if you're in the right condition for it, but the bug extermination still needs to happen.
>>Fighting always makes you feel better. You don't know if you're in the right condition for it, but the bug extermination still needs to happen.
>>Try to contact the dark star bros
>+1 to this. Something isn't right.

go do a weapons test of the carrier, it is a distraction but blowing up an asteroid is a pretty good distraction.
>>You just don't have it in you to do much at the moment. You absolutely don't want to talk it out with anyone either, but maybe you need to be around other people right now.

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