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File: evie.jpg (138 KB, 626x626)
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Evie, just like Eve

The last row in class. Population: 1.

A girl with long greasy hair is drawing scribbles in her notebook. Much of her oily hair covers her face, she likes the false feeling of solitude that it creates between her and the rest of the class. Her jeans look huge on her anorexic legs, her baggy sweatshirt is worn out, with sleeves ripped in few places. Just another way to lose herself, wrapped in fabric, hidden from undesired looks. If anyone volunteered to waste a more thoughtful gaze on her or her sweater, he would notice a 'KoЯN' logo on it. An old mp3 is blasting music from the same band in her eardrums and she doesn't hear the teacher addressing her.

"Evie, would you explain the cultural aspects and significance of Eve deciding to accept the apple on her own accord, without first confiding in her husband?"

Everyone laughs, again. Everyone is looking at her, again. The same few terrifying faces are looking at her. She takes off an earbud but the teacher has already moved on to some other classmate bitch. This can't go on. Something needs to be done. An outlet needs to be find expression before she bursts in school carrying things inappropriate for young ladies to have.

Her attention is drawn to the face of

>Audrey Shields, the meek biologist enthusiast that puts frog organs in her hoodie during autopsy class
Evie wonders why weak people turn horrible when they meet people weaker than them

>Callum Brooks, her former best friend until 5th grade, now a wannabe jock
"I gave you my first kiss, Cal, why don't you want to talk to me anymore?" Evie thinks to herself
>>Callum Brooks, her former best friend until 5th grade, now a wannabe jock
>Audrey Shields
>Callum Brooks, her former best friend until 5th grade, now a wannabe jock
>Callum Brooks, her former best friend until 5th grade, now a wannabe jock
>Callum Brooks, her former best friend until 5th grade, now a wannabe jock
>Audrey Shields, the meek biologist enthusiast that puts frog organs in her hoodie during autopsy class
>Callum Brooks, her former best friend until 5th grade, now a wannabe jock
>Audrey Shields, the meek biologist enthusiast that puts frog organs in her hoodie during autopsy class
>Audrey Shields, the meek biologist enthusiast that puts frog organs in her hoodie during autopsy class
>>6091842 | >>6091898 | >>6091912 | >>6091919 | >>6091995 | >>6092053 | >>6092361 | >>6092431 | >>6092937

4 for Audrey, 5 for Callum
Soon Evie is back home, skipping a big chunk of the remaining classes. Her mother doesn't care, she is out somewhere with this week's boyfriend. Evie goes to her darkened room, the gloomy atmosphere is achieved by garbage bags duck taped on the windows. She likes it that way. The only light source in the room comes from a white computer monitor that illuminates drywalls covered with posters of known and obscure metal bands. She sits in front of it, a few clicks follow and she waits for a page to load. Her dirty sneakers dance with ADHD impatience under the desk, occasionally hitting long abandoned bottles of soda and vodka.

The page finally loads. It's the mySpace profile of her former friend Cal. A stream of photos follow. His dog that he likes is still alive, don't you remember how we played fetch with him together, Cal? You loved him so much even though his breath smelled like death His family has been to Aspen this winter, we used to make snowmen together, Cal. Even when your parents were arguing I was there for you, to play... There's that picture from the prom dance, you want to fit in so bad, Cal, yet they've shoved you to the back... Callum's final update is a poem written on a background made in Paint, about love or something. It's not well thought out but Evie knows that he likes Madeleine from Chemistry, that's his way of waving the flirtatious flag. Pathetic, yet Evie is heartbroken I was already yours, why go after another...

She knew why. The anorexic body, the hobo fashion, the sickly pale skin, the unwashed eyebooger face, greasy unkept hair and communication issues aren't cool in highschool and now everyone, including her former best friend were terrified from associating from her. Even worse, the sickly looking eyebooger infested black sheep needed to be a target in the minds of other adolescents, needed to be bullied and harassed, so something has to give... Cal needs to be hurt...

>like Eve's apple, Evie poisons his dog

>like the rift between Eve and her husband, Evie will separate Cal's parents

>like the serpent, Evie will tempt Cal, ruining his highschool reputation and possible relationship with Maddy
>>like the serpent, Evie will tempt Cal, ruining his highschool reputation and possible relationship with Maddy

Well this is an interesting quest.
>>like the rift between Eve and her husband, Evie will separate Cal's parents
>like the rift between Eve and her husband, Evie will separate Cal's parents
Middle school to early high school is where kids take divorce the hardest. In their teens they need both parents. The damage will be permanent.
>like the rift between Eve and her husband, Evie will separate Cal's parents
>>like the serpent, Evie will tempt Cal, ruining his highschool reputation and possible relationship with Maddy
You used to twirl my hair when we were young, now you're off helicoptering with the jocks in the locker room.
>like the serpent, Evie will tempt Cal, ruining his highschool reputation and possible relationship with Maddy
Rolled 2 (1d2)


equal vote, rolling

1 for family ruin, 2 for serpent business
The cyber stalking session is over, now it's time for something that has been postponed for two weeks, maybe more. Bathing.

The dirty Converse sneakers are thrown in a corner, the KoЯn sweatshirt finds itself in the hallway, her jeans lie on the floor of the bathroom, her dirty underwear is now hanging from the faucet, she is finally under the shower. All of a sudden her breathing becomes troubled, her skin is sweating without reason, her heart is going to break out of her frail rib cage. A flash in her brain plays out a memory - boy making fun of her under the shower, very painful, humiliating, treacherous... the trauma knocks on her amygdala like a SWAT team with a battering ram, she is getting a panic attack. Stumbling her way towards the medical cabinet she gets a hold of a benzos bottle. One, two, three pills and... sweet heaven. She can think clearly again.

The water is running and Evie is applying shampoo for the third time, finally getting some bubbles to form on her hair. The armpits and crotch look quite European. Evie will...

>shave everything
Everything below the eyebrows is unnecessary, grandma

>keep the French look
And stays authentic to herself

Finally the scrubbing of the dead skin is over, a rinse and the shower is finished.
Wrapped in a towel, Evie stands in front of her mother's wardrobe, picking...

>the crop top and short denim skirt - the trashy groupie attire, her mom's favorite
Evie will be tempting Cal quite literally. Despite posing as a jock, she is sure that he isn't getting any action

>the good ol' goth style, black shirt, black skirt, black fishnets - perfect for her pale skin
After a football injury last year Evie knows that Cal used opioids for the pain. She will find a way to make him addicted to them

>something resembling her old attire but this time the sweatshirt is a Slipknot one - Evie stays authentic to herself
"Is that mom's phone ringing?" A different path of action opens up
>>keep the French look
>>something resembling her old attire but this time the sweatshirt is a Slipknot one - Evie stays authentic to herself
Evie shouldn't change herself for Cal after all the pain he caused her
>shave everything
>the good ol' goth style, black shirt, black skirt, black fishnets - perfect for her pale skin
>shave everything
>the good ol' goth style, black shirt, black skirt, black fishnets - perfect for her pale skin
>shave everything
>the good ol' goth style, black shirt, black skirt, black fishnets - perfect for her pale skin
We could still make a woman out of Evie yet.
I want to HUG you OP, and tell you everything is going to be alright.
>shave everything
>the crop top and short denim skirt - the trashy groupie attire, her mom's favorite
>shave everything
>the good ol' goth style, black shirt, black skirt, black fishnets - perfect for her pale skin

I would say 2000's emo or something DARK™
>shave everything
>the good ol' goth style, black shirt, black skirt, black fishnets - perfect for her pale skin
>>6094172 true
>>6094246 the quest isn't written from personal experience anon, I'll hold you accountable on that hug though
>>6094256 there was goth scene in the 00's anon

Evie dons the black fishnets
>shave everything
>the good ol' goth style, black shirt, black skirt, black fishnets - perfect for her pale skin
The TV downstairs is blasting prime MTV content, yet Evie is in her bed, an overwhelmingly giddy sensation is going through her body.

Maybe this is that relaxing feeling that overcomes one who dares exposing his flesh to the water element from time to time. Or it's the benzo aftereffect. The source of the exaltation doesn't matter, as right now Evie feels bodily satisfaction and true relaxation. Her fingertips are browsing through freshly shaved skin with slightly autistic movements, is this how a person who takes care of himself feels all the time?

Internet Explorer sounds an obnoxious alarm, her hotmail account has received a message. A suppressed memory makes Evie jump from her bed with slight panic, she isn't sure if she is allowed to touch herself like that, she isn't sure if she is allowed to feel this good.

A couple of clicks and the mail is open. The font is colorful and pompous, the whole email is formatted as a gift card. A low effort graphic on top of the mail loads, it's a guy throwing up on a girl giving him head with stiff movements. The text says:

Don’t leave for places far away
There is a day, when you should stay

My birthday comes, I thought it through
If you can afford it, you will get to chew
A tit, a dick, a twat or two

So come around, if you don’t mind
Give me an answer, be so kind

There is the address and the time. The party is happening this weekend, James is celebrating his birthday.

... the alpha prime in school, Cal can't stop kissing his ass. Why am I getting an invitation? Is someone setting me up? Evie checks the recipients and sees a huge list of CC'd accounts, maybe hers got into the mix by accident.

Suddenly Evie is even more lucid, cogs in her head are turning, different options are weighed. She disregards the bodily satisfaction that she has been experiencing until now, realizing that something like that will never be enough. Her honor is the thing that demands true satisfaction. Cal needs to be another victim of the opioid epidemic.

Will Evie go to the birthday party?

>Yes, if you want to do something well, you better do it yourself

>No, I'm not taking the bait

How will Evie pursue Cal's opioid addiction?

>By trashing his bad knee on her own, at an opportune moment of course
Her passive mind needs some upclose-and-personal action

>By looking for a suitable candidate who will trash Cal's bad knee
Her new look can win her some goth friends with violent tendencies

>By going after his crush. Evie will pursue a manipulation plan that includes Maddy
>Yes, if you want to do something well, you better do it yourself
>By looking for a suitable candidate who will trash Cal's bad knee
>By looking for a suitable candidate who will trash Cal's bad knee
>>By going after his crush. Evie will pursue a manipulation plan that includes Maddy
I think if we use his crush to hurt him it'll destroy him more.
I mean yeah, hell I was a teenager during the 00's but emo screams emotionally unstable, goths kind of have their shit a bit more together usually.

>No, I'm not taking the bait
Weirdo loner go!

>By looking for a suitable candidate who will trash Cal's bad knee
Go for the loner psycho who's going to shoot up the school one day
>By looking for a suitable candidate who will trash Cal's bad knee
>By looking for a suitable candidate who will trash Cal's bad knee

Evie is going to her first party to hit on bad knees by proxy
Thursday, two days until the party. Evie's new uniform is now the black mascara, the black lipstick, the black clothes. She glides through her classes like a ghost, no one notices her new appearance, probably no one notices her as Evie. She doesn't mind, she has her own busy work - stalking the goth kids. For several periods she has been eyeing their smoking place behind a shed next to school, gathering courage to approach them.

Soon she makes an attempt to steel herself and pulls out her icebreaker ally, tucked in carefully in her black skirt - a pack of Camel cigarettes. She hasn't really spoken with them, yet some are recognizable. Rigorously repeating her opening question in her mind, Evie approaches...

>Blake, the friendly stoner
Evie sees his demeanor as more approachable and outgoing. She will have easier time speaking with him and he will add +2 on the roll that will decide on Cal's knee breakage

>Kai, bad boy with a baby face
The same black pencil and mascara make his blue eyes pop out like crazy, in the good way. He has an pretty boy charm and there's a scorpion tattoo behind his ear. Evie is too autistic to give a proper read on his demeanor. Kai will add +4 on the roll that will decide Cal's knee breakage

>Amos, the hispanic culture appropriator
The only colored kid in the group is covered with tattoos and self inflicted scars. What catches Evie's attention is a puncture line tattoo around his neck with scribbled text saying 'CUT HERE'. He has erratic body language that doesn't seem to bother those around him, so how bad can he truly be? Amos will add +6 on the roll that will decide Cal's knee breakage

>Jordan, her fantasy girl crush
Evie isn't lesbo but if she had to pick a chick that has her perfect proportions, Jordan would be the one. We'll roll on Jordan's approachability and character, and also the bonus she will add
>Kai, bad boy with a baby face
>Amos, the hispanic culture appropriator
Just fuck my shit up hombre.

I wonder which one is the most dangerous option.
>>Blake, the friendly stoner
>Kai, bad boy with a baby face
Perfect balance of damage and approachability. It seems that the harder guy we pick the harder time he will have approaching the target, even though we have decent chances with most common 4chan systems.
>>Kai, bad boy with a baby face
>Kai, bad boy with a baby face
the bishounen vs the jock, interesting

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