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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 758. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

Karn, upon learning what the Ctarl-Ctarl's intentions were on New Salda from King Vegeta, convinced him that if he couldn't make this decision himself, he should ask him people. To which the king agreed, several minutes later calling all of his people to speak to them. Explaining the situation, and offering every single Saiyan the chance to speak on this, his people responded to his call. Listening to everyone and taking their opinions down before passing out, Cenoria taking care of her king while Karn took the prince to train before eating. Only for Kars to appear at the end of the meal, warning Karn of the approaching threat of the Tuffle parasite. However, we aren't joining back in with Karn, instead we join Chaya, moments before departing Dreadzone.

“You sure about this? It smells like a trap.” Tanya says skeptically as you slip your armor on, attaching your saber in its hidden sheath in your right pauldron. “Raditz doesn't contact you for years, then out of the blue sends you a message? Saying he wants to meet? Really?”
“Of course. I checked the deep-space scouters as well as using the backtrace to find where the message was sent from.” you say, reaching out and using your telekinesis to pull your massive magical blade to your hand. “Arctus confirmed where that message originally came from for me, and in that area there was a flash of Super Saiyan power before that message came in. Either it was Raditz who sent it, or someone killed him. Either way, I'm going.”
“Then at least take backup!” Tanya begs, you seeing the genuine worry in her eyes. So you step forward, walking over and hugging the woman to you. “I- Ah-Wha-?!”

“I'll be fine. If anything happens, I'm coming right back.” you tell her, holding the smaller woman close for several seconds before letting her go. “Wish me luck.”
“Damn you. Don't you dare get yourself killed.” she replies angrily, a slight blush to the blond woman's cheeks. You smirk at this, raising your right to your forehead while resting your blade on your left pauldron. She goes over to the computer, sending the message agreeing to the meetup then moving to the deep-space scouter. Stating that all he has to do is power up, and that you'll teleport to him. But as the seconds drag on into minutes, you feeling yourself growing more nervous by the second. Then, after what feels like three years Tanya speaks up. “We got a hit.”

And, suddenly, it all becomes real. It's actually happening, you're going to see Raditz again.

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“His power just showed up, and... Damn. It looks like he's gotten a LOT stronger.” Tanya says, sounding a bit surprised. “Despite hiding all this time, he's clearly been training. His Super Saiyan looks to be on par with your old man's.”
“Wait, WHAT?!” you cry out, your focus breaking as you turn to face her. “What do you mean?”
“Check towards the south quadrant, you should be able to sense this level of power even from here.” she replies, you closing your eyes and focusing. And, sure enough, you feel it. The power you haven't felt for years, and true to Tanya's word his power is insane. You wonder just what sort of training he's been using all this time, how he's managed to increase his strength to this degree? “Can you feel it?”

“Y-Yeah... It's him. It is really him.” you say, feeling a tear come to your eye. But you wipe it away, shaking your head and focusing. “Well, wish me luck.”
“Good luck, Chaya.” she says, you both sharing a nod before you close your eyes. Focusing your ki sense on that surging strength, locking on to his power. And in a blink you're gone, leaving Dreadzone behind to find yourself standing in a small village, Raditz back in his base form standing beside his girlfriend as they stand outside a small home in a small village. You feel a pang of jealousy seeing her holding onto him, his arm around her shoulder as they both look to you.
“Chaya. You actually came.” Raditz says, his voice a bit different than you remember, picking up an accent you don't recognize. “Come in, please.”

Well? How do you respond to this?
>Follow him in, save your questions for now and see why he's called upon you now after all this time
>Ask him what this is all about, what's going on here and why he suddenly decided to call out to you
>Try and reach out to him telepathically, see if he's still got the mental block in place or if he's open to such communication
>Call upon Bane, have the specter in your head watch your back as you go in.
>Other(write in)?
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>Follow him in, save your questions for now and see why he's called upon you now after all this time
>>Follow him in, save your questions for now and see why he's called upon you now after all this time
>Follow him in, save your questions for now and see why he's called upon you now after all this time
Baby boyyyy
Follow him in, save your questions for now and see why he's called upon you now after all this time wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: 50
Third DC: 75
Rolled 95, 15, 21 = 131 (3d100)

Rolled 34, 19, 90 = 143 (3d100)

Second roll is best roll
Okay now we just need someone to get the middle roll
Rolled 63, 97, 26 = 186 (3d100)

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95/100, 97/100, 90/100. Looks like Chaya's on her a game for meeting her former lover. Writing.
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“Of course. Redis, good to see you've recovered well.” you say to him, then turn to Redis and address the woman you'd nearly killed. Twice. Her eyes narrow at you, but she doesn't say anything, the woman who has seemingly been eating well turning and ducking under his arm to walk inside the house. As she turns, you notice a dull gleam, the light catching on a ring around her left hand's ring finger. You feel a stab of pain in your guts, one of jealousy and regret, but steel yourself against it. You made your choices, foolish as they were, and these are the consequences. “Haaaah.”

“Let's discuss things inside.” he says, you noticing several dozen people looking at you, hearing faint whispers you can't decipher from them. No doubt recognizing you, and decide to make this less awkward for Raditz in his little community here and go inside. You walk through the door, Raditz closing it behind you as you look at the simple, rustic home. The building is made of wood logs, decorated with simple wooden furniture and the floor covered in thick rugs cast about. You remember the times you'd talked, how he said he wanted a little home out of the way that he'd made himself, you recognizing several features he's told you he wanted in his home when you two were together. The small stove, fireplace in the living room with a well-built, comfortable-looking padded couch. Redis goes back to the stove with three pans cookin, returning to her cooking that smells surprisingly good. It isn't quite to the same level as Dreadzone's professionals, much less Silver's godly meals, but easily one of the best meals you've ever smelled.

“I'm surprised you invited me, after how things...Ended...” you say, turning to him. As you turn, for a split-second you see a hint of some sort of furious expression, but his face becomes a mask as you turn. For a moment you think it was a trick of the light, your mind playing tricks, but you know the truth. He's still furious, still clearly hasn't FORGIVEN you, but that just makes you wonder more: WHY has he invited you here. “So, how've you two been? Life out here treating you well?”
“We have been doing well. Please, take a seat.” Raditz says, going over to the table and pulling out a chair for you. As he does your instincts suddenly ping warily, your eyes shooting over to Redis. Whose hand has a death grip on her wooden spoon, the wood faintly groaning as she crushes it in her grip. She REALLY hates you, moreso than Raditz still does. You turn back to him and give him a small nod, sitting in the chair and pulling up to the well-crafted table, Raditz sitting across from you. Saying nothing, and looking at you. His face still an unreadable mask.

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“This table's really well-built, did you do it yourself?” you ask him, trying to make some small talk in the heavy silence. But he only nods, looking down at it and placing his left hand atop it, gently caressing the surface. Your mind flashes to the many nights together, Raditz caressing you with those hands. How he'd focus on making you feel good, and-
“I carved everything here myself, with my own hands.” he says, snapping you out of your memories. “Out here, I, we, made this little life for ourselves. But now we have a problem, something I can't take care of myself.”
“Of course, whatever you two need.” you reply reflexively, wanting to help them. To start to make up for all the wrongs you've done to Raditz and Redis.

“We're expecting.” he says suddenly, your heart stopping in your chest as his words punch you in the guts. You expand your ki sense, and sure enough feel three other ki in the room. You sense Raditz, Redis, and the third. A much smaller, but clearly there powerlevel radiating from Redis' belly as well. You'd thought she'd just been eating well, but no. She's been eating for two.
“I-Ah..Con.. Congratulations.” you manage to get out, choking back your tears to avoid crying before him. It hits you again, just how much of your life you missed out on with him. But you've got to be strong, this is your chance. To start making it up to the two of them. “Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet, or-?”
“No. But, this world's medical technology is, well...” he starts, Redis interrupting with a grunt as she lifts two of the simmering pans, walking over to the table and setting them between you. Where two slabs of meat, each over two inches thick sizzle in each one of the pans. “Thank you hun.”

“Mmmmhmmm.” she replies, leaning in and kissing him passionately. As she does his eyes close, but she opens her left, glaring at you with hatred and venom. Reveling in her 'victory' over you, which you don't react to. The kiss ends after a few seconds, Redis smirking as she turns back to the cabinet, opening a drawer to withdraw more wooden utensils the knife blades made of some sort of black stone. She goes to her boy-husband, handing him a knife and fork before turning to you. And, with a snarl of rage throws both at your face! “BITCH!”

Reaching up you catch both utensils, stopping them well short of hitting you. Raditz doesn't react, blinking in surprise as the woman's face goes pale. Her entire demeanor changes, taking a step back in clear terror. While time obviously hasn't lessened her hate of you for everything you put her through, she's also still clearly terrified of your powers.

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But how do you react to her 'attack'?
>Thank her for the utensils and get to eating, don't react to her outburst of emotion
>Set the utensils down, stand and go over to her to apologize for everything you did and put her through
>Don't say anything, look to Raditz and see how he'll handle this. She is his wife now, after all
>Tell her that while you understand her anger, you're here because Raditz asked you. You won't even so much as touch her without her saying it is okay
>Let a little anger out, ask what the hell she thinks she's doing
>Other(write in)?
>>Don't say anything, look to Raditz and see how he'll handle this. She is his wife now, after all
>Don't say anything, look to Raditz and see how he'll handle this. She is his wife now, after all
Even with Raditz' newfound strength, I'm confident he couldn't stop us from crushing her heart on a whim.
>Don't say anything, look to Raditz and see how he'll handle this. She is his wife now, after all
We're a big girl. But any more outbursts like that and we'll have to leave.
>We're a big girl. But any more outbursts like that and we'll have to leave.
If she throws more knifes I'm tempted to send them right back at express speed.
I feel like I haven't seen this in ages. Something about it hits different this time. Must be in the air.
Don't say anything, look to Raditz and see how he'll handle this. She is his wife now, after all wins it. Roll me another 2d100, let's see how this pans out.

First DC: 25
Second DC: 80
Rolled 78, 77 = 155 (2d100)

Rolled 68, 42 = 110 (2d100)

Oh fuckkk
It's a throwback for sure. Whenever I saw this image in the archives I knew "Shit is About to Get Real"
Rolled 51, 92 = 143 (2d100)

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78/100, 92/100. And another pair of crushing successes. Looks like Chaya has begun to notice something is wrong, writing.
Yeah no, I had to do a double take, make sure I wasn't rereading an old SOMNIUS thread or something.
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While holding the attempted murder weapons in your hands by their handles, slowly lowering them you turn your focus back to Raditz. Not speaking, but waiting to see how he handles this. He looks at you a moment, a strange, almost disappointed look in his eyes before he stands up, going over to his wife and hugging her to him as he whispers something to her. You don't try and focus your hearing on their words, giving them what privacy you can by looking away and turning your focus. After a few seconds you hear footsteps, turning to see her going back into a room further inside the home, Raditz walking back to the table and sitting down.

“I'm... Sorry, about her outburst.” he says, his tone almost annoyed. “You've had quite the effect on her. It took over a year for her to sleep through the night, to stop waking up in the middle of the night screaming in terror. It's almost impressive how badly you scarred her.”

As he talks, you feel your guilt and shame mounting. Knowing you'd ruined this woman's life, crushed her so thoroughly that even after escaping your grasp she'd still been terrified of the thought of you weighs on your mind. But, in a small, darker corner you feel part of you is satisfied knowing that, that she deserved it for what she-

“But back to what's important. She's terrified about having our child so far out here, with a people so... Technologically challenged.” he continues, using the black stone edge of his knife to effortlessly cut through the meat. “That, without proper medical support, our child could be in danger. I've told her that the people here are far inferior to us and reproduce just fine, but she's still anxious.”
“So you're wanting what, getting a healing pod brought in? A medical bay module? How would you even power it?” you ask him, looking at the simple yet sturdy craftsmanship of the knife before taking it to your own food, marveling at how effortlessly it cuts. Gliding through the meat even without normal serrations. You'll have to ask him about these knives, they're insanely sharp!
“No, nothing quite like that.” he says, setting the fork down and looking up to you, his expression changing. Suddenly you don't recognize him, your instincts warning you that something's not right, something is wrong here. “What she needs, to have this baby carefully, is for you to do one thing for us.”

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“And what's that?” you ask nervously as the atmosphere shifts, the tension thickening between you in the air. It feels absolutely charged, as if a fight could break out any minute. Your body starts screaming at you that you're in danger, that this is wrong, but before you can act on these feelings Raditz speaks.

“For you to DIE!” he snarls in a tone and voice you've never heard before as he tosses the stone blade right at your chest! His throw is far faster than Redis' own, but you're already moving before you've finished processing what's happening. Leaping to your left, you narrowly avoid the blade, it whistling through the air as you hit the ground in a roll. Springing back up to your feet, Raditz' power suddenly surges, you watching in horror as he changes. His hair turns white, red lines appearing on his face and lines like cross hairs in his eyes as his golden aura surges. His might surges to hundreds of times over his normal base, powering up to what feels like his Ascended Saiyan level. “I hope you're ready to die, monkey!”

“What the hell did you do to Raditz?!” you demand, reaching back and using your telekinesis to pull your sword from the doorway where you'd left it, the weapon's weight striking your hand as you whip the blade around and point it at this creature. “And why are you pretending to be him?”
“Pretending? Oh no no, you've got it backwards. THIS is the monkey Raditz' body I've... Comandeered, for my mission.” the creature says. “And my mission is revenge! All of you filthy Saiyans will pay for what you did to my people!”
“Your people? Look, you're going to have to be more specific. The Saiyans have taken down quite a few other-” you start, trying to dig for more information. Which this creature is all too willing to provide.
“You filthy apes destroyed my people, the Tuffles. I am the last of my kind, with the soul and memories of the last Tuffle King.” the being says confidently, pointing his right hand's thumb at his face. “And thanks to another wronged party, one who ALSO lost their race to you disgusting APES, my evolution was accelerated by decades. All to exterminate your filthy race.”

“Another?” you wonder to yourself, wondering who else was involved in creating this monster. But, aloud you instead say, “So, you're the last Tuffle, huh? Guess I will get to kill one of you.”
“Oh? You really think you can?” he asks, smirking devilishly. “But can you also kill Raditz?”
“What?” you say, confused. “What do you mean?”

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“Did your slow, stupid monkey brain already forget? This is Raditz' real body I have control of. Anything you do to him, he'll have to live with. Cut of my arm? That's Raditz' arm. Can you really kill your former lover, in cold blood?”

As he asks this his drawer opens itself, dozens of the super-sharp knives floating in the air over to him, their gleaming black stone blades all pointed at you as he crosses his arms with an evil smirk. Whatever this monster is, it's enjoying the dilemma it has put you in.

Well? What do you do now?
>Raise your blade overhead in the Djem So stance, then rush and attack. Raditz wouldn't want his body piloted by a monster like this
>Activate your Energy Body and take a defensive stance, you don't know why he's trying to cut you with those blades but have a feeling you don't want to find out
>Drop your blade and rush in to attack, if you kill Raditz that monster also dies, but hopefully you can knock him out and restrain him to bring him home and get that monster out of him
>Power up to Super Saiyan Blue immediately, show this monster that it doesn't stand a chance against you. Then offer it a chance to run away, to leave Raditz and Redis alone in exchange for its life
>Telepathically reach out to Tanya, try and find her ki through the link to Instant Transmission away. You can't handle this threat alone, you need backup and a plan if you are to save Raditz
>Other(write in)
>>Telepathically reach out to Tanya, try and find her ki through the link to Instant Transmission away. You can't handle this threat alone, you need backup and a plan if you are to save Raditz
>Telepathically reach out to Tanya, try and find her ki through the link to Instant Transmission away. You can't handle this threat alone, you need backup and a plan if you are to save Raditz
>Raise your blade overhead in the Djem So stance, then rush and attack. Raditz wouldn't want his body piloted by a monster like this
Can you even call yourself a yandere if you aren't willing to kill your love to stop someone else from having them (after failing to kill the rival of course)
>>Telepathically reach out to Tanya, try and find her ki through the link to Instant Transmission away. You can't handle this threat alone, you need backup and a plan if you are to save Raditz
Yeah no, this is big fucked.
>Telepathically reach out to Tanya, try and find her ki through the link to Instant Transmission away. You can't handle this threat alone, you need backup and a plan if you are to save Raditz
Telepathically reach out to Tanya, try and find her ki through the link to Instant Transmission away. You can't handle this threat alone, you need backup and a plan if you are to save Raditz wins it. Now let's see if you can pull this off, roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 60
Second DC: 85
Third DC: 50
Fourth DC: 70
Rolled 51, 86, 44, 57 = 238 (4d100)

Rolled 56, 20, 6, 55 = 137 (4d100)

at least 1 crit.
Rolled 50, 41, 73, 75 = 239 (4d100)

Phoneposting but fuck it, rolling since everyone else is afraid
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56/100, 86/100, 73/100, 75/100. Success, success, and because of that second roll, the other two don't matter. Writing.
>Failure, success
Fuck. I had ONE JOB!
Technically speaking, you have at least two jobs.
No take backs!
Storm's picking up real bad here, might lose power and internet. Backing up my writing to phone, so worst-case I'll still be able to post without losing everything.

Not today, only job today is being QM.
You still have an obligation to take care of yourself GD.
Unfortunately that's not how this works. But you're fine, the first roll wasn't for being possessed. That was the second roll.
That's not a job, I'm not someone's out-of-control toddler.
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You immediately realize just how bad the situation is, and as much as you want to help Raditz, you know that as things stand now, your only options are to kill him or run. And as much as it pains you to run, you have no choice if you want to save him. So, you decide to leave, which means all you need is an opening.

“So, how long have you had Raditz' body for? And does his wife know?” you ask the being, who smirks. And almost as if on cue she walks back in, now wielding a Covenant weapon, one of those crystal launchers in either hand.
“The poor fool didn't know I had already entered her body first, when trying to flee this planet upon realizing who and what I was.” 'Raditz' says smugly. “Then when he let his guard down, I conquered him as well. He never stood a chance.”
“You filthy Saiyans are so predictable.” the 'wife' says, also speaking in his same sort of tone with even the same crooked expression on her face. Clearly somehow ALSO under this being's control. “Your minds are so feeble and unable to grasp just how ignorant you truly are!”

“And now you'll die stupid!” Raditz shouts, throwing his right hand forward and launching the obsidian blades at you. Forcing you to leap to your left to avoid them, only for Redis to unload her dual weapons. Pink crystals fly through the air towards you, you bringing your blade to bear as you swat the crystals aside. However, you don't stop them all, one crystal slashing across your right cheek and drawing blood, while a second sticks into your right thigh about halfway up your leg. But as the second one hits her weapons run empty, you immediately raising your right hand to your forehead.

“TANYA!” you shout into the void telepathically, hoping that she's not set her mental blocks back up.
“Raditz' powerlevel just spiked, what's going on?!” she [i]thinks[/i] back but you don't answer, instead focusing on her ki through the link. You need to get out of here, now!
“Oh no you don't!” Raditz shouts lunging towards you as you connect to her ki. But right as you're about to Instant Transmission away, for just a split-second, you see something expelling itself from Raditz. It looks almost like a Majin body like Captain Ginyu's except this substance is a metallic grey instead of pink exploding out towards you. But just as it is about to reach you, the world changes. Leaving the log cabin behind, reappearing back in Dreadzone next to Tanya as you collapse.

“Chaya? What are you-What happened?” she says, her voice genuinely worried. “What's going on?!”
“Raditz....” you mutter, laying on the ground and panting for a moment to recover from the momentary terror. At the last second, you thought you were going to be possessed by that monster, to have your free will stolen the same way Raditz' was. But you escaped, just in the nick of time!

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“HEY!” Tanya shouts after smacking you, drawing you out of your thoughts and your attention back to her. “What happened? Tell me everything.”

And so you do, explaining everything from the little cabin to his wife being pregnant, to both being mind controlled by the last Tuffle. At the word Tuffle she stops you, to which you explain they were the other inhabitants of Planet Vegeta your people wiped out, before Freeza arrived. At this news her expression darkens, you explaining the monster's threats and what happened at the last moment.

“Hmmm. A body-controlling monster could be trouble. But how...?” she starts, then looks to your face as a look of terror overtakes her. “Chaya! We've got to get you down to medical, RIGHT NOW! If that thing got any of itself inside you, we have to kill it! NOW!”
"But it didn't touch me." you reply, a bit defensively. "I'm fine, I got away just in time."

"Are you SURE?!" Tanya replies, eyes wide with terror. "You didn't ingest anything while you were there, didn't touch anything, those spikes weren't COATED in anything? What if that spike in your leg has some of that monster on it, and it's now slithering through your blood!?"

>Well now that you're sufficiently terrified, go wirh her to medical right now. Full body scan, armor and sword scan, check EVERYTHING to make sure it didn't get to you
>That can wait, you have to warn the others! Instant Transmission to King Vegeta IV and tell him everything, he'll know what to do
>Telepathically tell your dad and mom immediately first, let them know everything and see what they suggest
>Transform immediately into your divine form, focus on your own body and use the divine power along with proper breathing to purge anything that doesn't belong
>Other(write in)?
>>Well now that you're sufficiently terrified, go wirh her to medical right now. Full body scan, armor and sword scan, check EVERYTHING to make sure it didn't get to you
>Transform immediately into your divine form, focus on your own body and use the divine power along with proper breathing to purge anything that doesn't belong
>>Well now that you're sufficiently terrified, go with her to medical right now. Full body scan, armor and sword scan, check EVERYTHING to make sure it didn't get to you
Ya know, given the nature of this threat, we might have a reason to dig those old spacesuits the RnD team was working on out of storage.
>Well now that you're sufficiently terrified, go wirh her to medical right now. Full body scan, armor and sword scan, check EVERYTHING to make sure it didn't get to you
Oh god oh fuck I forgot how horrific Baby really is
I haven’t been able to post it in a long time. Life’s kept me pretty busy and this is the first thread i’ve been able to catch live early enough in nearly two years.
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I just had a very dark thought. Baby hates Saiyans, right? The hell do you think he's doing to the unborn one inside of Redis?
>>>Well now that you're sufficiently terrified, go wirh her to medical right now. Full body scan, armor and sword scan, check EVERYTHING to make sure it didn't get to you
Well now that you're sufficiently terrified, go wirh her to medical right now. Full body scan, armor and sword scan, check EVERYTHING to make sure it didn't get to you wins it. Roll me a single d100.

DC: :^)
Rolled 12 (1d100)

You think I'm scared, huh? I AIN'T NEVER SCURRED. I AIN'T AFRAID OF NUTHIN'!!!
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Oh no, a natty
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71/???, not a bad roll. Surely nothing bad'll happen on a 71, right? Writing.
Oddly enough, the comparison to GinBuu's amorphous physiology has me thinking.
Could you potentially inject yourself with a piece of Ginyu and have it fight off any potential parasites inside your body?
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Don't fucking send me down this rabbit hole, anon.
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As Tanya talks you feel your own fear rising, your worry and your doubts growing by the second. Until you can't take it anymore, springing up to your feet.

“Alright, alright, I get it. Let's go double check, just to be sure and put your mind at ease.” you say to her, still trying to look as unbothered as you felt before she started talking. “Let's go.”

Reaching out with your ki sense, you find the contestant that was nearly killed yesterday's energy, focusing on them and raising your right hand to your forehead, dropping your sword and offering your left to Tanya. Who reluctantly takes it, the tinier woman hesitating for a couple seconds before taking your hand. Then with a thought you vanish, leaving Tanya's command room and returning to medical, standing over the bed of the nearly-dead competitor. Both his arms were amputated at the elbows, and his right leg severed above the knee. But his energy, while faint, has stabilized. And as you look over his body, the various tubes and beeping machines around him, he's going to live. Vox won't let such an interesting up-and-coming contestant die so easily, after all.

“T-T-T-Tanya? Chaya? Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you two d-doing down h-h-here?” comes a small voice from behind, you both turning to see one of the medical staff. Called 'Scratch' by the others for his vocal tick, causing him to repeat like a damaged holotape, he seems about ready to faint at the sight of you both. But you're glad to see him, as you know he's one of the highest-qualified medical staff at Dreadzone.
“Heya Scratch, just who I was looking for.” you tell him, pointing down at the crystal still in your leg. “Need you to check me for any foreign bodies in my body, probably metal.”

“M-M-Metal? But the Kemuksuru, or the 'Blamite Crystals' aren't metallic. Wh-Wh-Wh-Why would there be any metal contamination?” he asks, flicking one lens down after another as he looks at your injury. Which is about chest height on the tiny doctor. “Yes, that's Kemuksuru alright. And fortunately it doesn't seem to have pierced either the Superficial femoral or Profunda femoris, from how little blood there is. But we should scan the area, just to be-”
“Scratch, listen to me VERY CAREFULLY.” you say, dropping down to a knee so your face is much closer to level with his own as you stare into his glasses-enlarged eyes. “I just fought a monster that goes inside people, puppeteering them around against their will. I need you to full body scan me, check every frequency, every test you can run to make sure that... THING, isn't inside me right now. Do you understand?”

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“A body snatcher? Well why didn't you say so, come on! We're wasting time, hurry, hurry!” the little man says, his entire demeanor changing as he turns, going as fast as he can towards a nearby cluster of machines. “You said it looked metallic, yet? Let's run an MRI first, try and draw it up and out of you forcefully. If it's in there and moves, we'll see it. Then we can move on to the...”

And as the diminutive doctor rambles, firing up machines with practiced efficiency, your mind turns back to Raditz. And in that one instant, just as you'd disappeared and that creature tried to get you, you think you saw recognition in his eyes. That the man you knew is still in there. Somewhere. And as you lay on the machine bed, it retracting inside the cyllindrical tube to begin the imaging test, you can't shake the guilt as it begins eating you up. It's your fault he was all alone out there, so far from you all to get ambushed by that monster. Because of YOUR actions, driving Raditz and Redis from New Salda and causing them to go into exile to avoid you, they were easy prey for that monster. And as the machine hums to live, you swear that you'll do whatever it takes to save him. No matter the cost, you WILL free him of that monster!

-Meanwhile, back on New Salda-

“Oh no. CHAYA!” you shout, immediately worried for your daughter's safety. But as soon as you do Kars, the Supreme Kai-in-training who is currently holding time stopped holds out a hand, trying to get you to calm down and listen to him.
“She's fine, she just escaped before I came down here to warn you.” Kars says, conjuring a scrying orb in his hands. “See, take a look for yourself. These are the events that played out just before I arrived.”

You watch silently as Chaya suddenly appears outside a wooden cabin, Raditz and his woman Redis both looking at her. You watch as she enters their home, the woman attacks her, then with horror watch as Raditz transforms, claiming to be the Tuffle King reborn. Then your daughter doesn't try and fight, realizing that beating that monster means killing Raditz, opting to flee instead. But just as she vanishes, you see a Majin-like mass of metallic grey shoot out of Raditz' eyes, nose and mouth, it shaping itself into a weird face as it goes to grab her. But then she's gone, teleporting away with Instant Transmission as the slime-like being passes harmlessly through the air.

“Tch. Slippery little monkey.” the creature snarls in annoyance, shooting itself back inside Raditz. Kars ends the projection, the orb vanishing as if it never were as he looks back to you.
“That monster MUST be destroyed.” Kars tells you seriously. “This threat must not be allowed to spread. No matter the cost.”

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Well? How do you respond to that?
>Agree completely, that monster is too strong to let live, much less grow it's empire and spread across the universe like a cancer
>Agree, but say that you need to save those it has controlled, somehow
>This creature's a threat, but you don't see how it's supposedly some universe-threatening monster. You just need to hunt down every last bit of it
>Ask Kars if he has any ideas on how to destroy such a monster, as a body-snatching slime that multiplies through gathering more hosts doesn't seem easy to beat
>Other(write in)
>Agree, but say that you need to save those it has controlled, somehow
>>Ask Kars if he has any ideas on how to destroy such a monster, as a body-snatching slime that multiplies through gathering more hosts doesn't seem easy to beat
>Ask Kars if he has any ideas on how to destroy such a monster, as a body-snatching slime that multiplies through gathering more hosts doesn't seem easy to beat
Lets atleast hear him out. I don't want to do this alone and this is TECHNICALLY part of his job. I wouldn't give the time of day to anyone else in that group of Kais.
>>Ask Kars if he has any ideas on how to destroy such a monster, as a body-snatching slime that multiplies through gathering more hosts doesn't seem easy to beat
>Ask Kars if he has any ideas on how to destroy such a monster, as a body-snatching slime that multiplies through gathering more hosts doesn't seem easy to beat
Ask Kars if he has any ideas on how to destroy such a monster, as a body-snatching slime that multiplies through gathering more hosts doesn't seem easy to beat wins it. Roll me a single d100.

DC: 45
Rolled 75 (1d100)

Rolled 64 (1d100)

Rolled 75 (1d100)

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Dub 75/100. Special success, it looks like you're getting some extra information from him that he hadn't intended on sharing. Writing.
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“Alright, but how do we stop something like this? A monster that grows by making more victims, the longer it roams free the more dangerous it is.” you say, cracking your knuckles. “We need to stop this thing, now.”
“Agreed. Although, you're slightly wrong in what it can do. The monster itself doesn't multiply itself, it has a central controlling intelligence. The grey goo you saw there.” he says, you raising a brow in surprise. “However, it can still exert control over those it has once inhabited, quickly amassing an army. Somehow, the bodies of those it has conquered also spread the 'infection', meaning that until and unless the monster itself is destroyed, that parasite will continue to spread. As for the creature itself, its goals are twofold. One, it seeks to acquire the strongest body it can, so it can be the strongest being in the universe. And two, the eradication of your entire race. Destroying your people for what you all did to the Tuffles.”

“But if it's only a single being controlling it all, then-?” you start Kars nodding as well.
“Indeed. Killing the host parasite will free the others, although it won't remove whatever mass-control method it used to enslave the others.” Kars tells you. “But once the monster itself is removed, finding a way to remove what's left of that mind-control mechanism will be far simpler.”
“Alright, but how do we kill it?” you ask him, meeting the Kai-in-training's eyes. “What do we have to do?”

“Simple: obliterate the host entirely.” he says, no hint of mercy in his eyes. Disintegrate it down to the atomic level, leave no hint of this monster behind.” he tells you without hesitation. “Your daughter no doubt realized this, but was unable to take the actions needed to put that monster down. Unable to kill her former lover, she chose to flee instead.”
“You're telling me that we have to kill Raditz?” you ask, your tone barely hinting a question and making it more of an accusation. “One of my own people.”
“Yes. If that creature refuses to evacuate that body, it must be destroyed as well.” he tells you, eyes lacking any hint of compassion or mercy. “If that monster is allowed to escape, then it's reign of terror will continue. Spreading its influence across the universe until all submit to him, even the divine realm itself will be at risk.”

“So, THAT'S his real motivation.” you think to yourself, now understanding his motivations. You were wondering what his angle was, he's not one to go out of his way to interfere in situations until and unless it directly benefits him. So, upon seeing that he's here for his own survival, it simultaneously relieves and worries you. If killing it were so simple, why is Kars here talking to you? Why hasn't he gone and destroyed this monster himself? Unless...

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“So, if all we have to do is kill the host, why are you here?” you ask him, your question catching Kars so off guard he stumbles back a half-step. “You've still got time stopped, why haven't you killed him?”
“Well, there's three reasons for that.” he tells you, raising a finger on his right hand with each point. “One, the weakest reason: I've been forbidden to directly interfere in the goings on in the mortal realm by the Elder Kai. He says that you lot are 'an ungrateful lot of savages who'll get what's coming to you'. Two, although that monster is inside him, Raditz is still a Saiyan. I'm not going to take blatant action against your people, even with your blessing. A hundred, two, maybe even five hundred years down the line someone will take offense to what I did and seek revenge, if not done so immediately. Your daughter's powers could prove a threat, and I have no desire to truly test her in a battle to the death.”

Which are all valid points, but as he raises his third finger, you see something in his eyes you weren't expecting: fear.

“Third. That monster could, theoretically, take over MY body. Were such a being to take over my form, gaining access to all my powers and abilities, it would be damn near impossible to stop. You have no idea the things I am capable of, but with that genocidal monster at the helm? Lord Beerus himself would be forced to intervene. And the last time a universe-threatening threat appeared, fourteen solar systems were wiped out in a single day. And I'd rather live to see old age, than be reduced to less than nothing by the Destroyer.”

“I see.” you answer, one last question on the tip of your tongue. “But why? Why tell me all this?”
“Because if there is any single mortal capable of dealing with that monster, it would be you.” Kars says with a slight grin, then suddenly he's just... Gone. Everything returns to how it was. Leaving you back in the mess hall, everyone turning towards you in confusion. As to them, you would have suddenly sprung upright and moved faster than any of them could perceive.
“Karn? Hun, what's wrong?” Meloka asks you, worry in her tone. “What is it?”

Well? How do you respond?
>Brush it off aloud, but telepathically tell her everything and see what she wants to do with this information
>Call Towa and Meloka telepathically, tell them both everything and see how you should handle this situation
>Pass it off for now as nothing serious while telepathically calling to Chaya, ask her if everything's alright. And perhaps let her know what Kars told you, see if she agrees or has some other plan
>Tell everyone aloud everything, your whole family needs to know what's happening and what sort of threat may be coming
>Other(write in)
>Pass it off for now as nothing serious while telepathically calling to Chaya, ask her if everything's alright. And perhaps let her know what Kars told you, see if she agrees or has some other plan
>>Pass it off for now as nothing serious while telepathically calling to Chaya, ask her if everything's alright. And perhaps let her know what Kars told you, see if she agrees or has some other plan
>>Call Towa and Meloka telepathically, tell them both everything and see how you should handle this situation
>>Pass it off for now as nothing serious while telepathically calling to Chaya, ask her if everything's alright. And perhaps let her know what Kars told you, see if she agrees or has some other plan
Why the fuck would you not tell Meloka? Telepathic communication is quick.
You know what really helps in emergencies? Lying to the people around you and not telling them vital information.
Rolled 45, 100, 87 = 232 (3d100)

Pass it off for now as nothing serious while telepathically calling to Chaya, ask her if everything's alright. And perhaps let her know what Kars told you, see if she agrees or has some other plan wins it. Talking with Chaya before Meloka and Towa, let's see how this goes. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 34.56
Second DC: 45
Rolled 63, 16 = 79 (2d100)

Rolled 23, 75 = 98 (2d100)

Meloka is not well known for her rational responses.
Anyone want that final roll, or should we take these two and go?
Rolled 85, 95 = 180 (2d100)

why the fuck would you guys vote for lying to our wife?
In my head it's much the same reason Vegeta didn't tell us about this right away. There's a chance, however small, that her reaction to this information could be catastrophically bad.
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85/100, 95/100. Double success, writing.
Her reaction to finding out we lied to her could be catastrophically bad.
Then it would seem either choice is both winning and losing in that regard. Thus we have Schrodinger's vote.
You're acting like this is something you're just going to hide from her indefinitely. Once you've talked with Chaya, she may even be the one to suggest asking Meloka for her advice.
Thats fair.
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“It was just Kars, wanting to talk about the other day.” you say, shaking your head and turning back around to everyone. “Everything's fine.”

Meloka's eyes narrow a bit, but after a second relents with a sigh. Grumbling about time manipulation being a bullshit power. Towa seems even more suspicious, surprisingly, but after another moment or two also visibly relaxes. As you sit back down, everyone else finishing their meals you reach out telepathically to your eldest daughter.

“Chaya? Is everything okay?” you think to her, reaching out mentally to her. “I saw everything, are you alright?”
“Daddy? You know?” she asks, you feeling her emotions welling up within her. Furious rage, sinking despair, a rising sense of obligation and responsibility, and a deep, deep-running sadness. “You saw?”
“Yeah, Kars showed up just after you left Raditz behind. Well done dodging that monster, if it would have gotten you...” you reply, unable to formulate a reply for such a terrifying possibility. Silence hangs between you both for several seconds, until she reaches out again. “I've in the lab now, they're scanning me for everything to make sure I didn't accidentally eat whatever that monster uses to spread. But just in case, I'm going to be staying here at Dreadzone for awhile. I'm not coming home until I save him.”

“I don't know if we can save him.” you tell her honestly. “From what Kars told me, the only way to make sure that monster is completely destroyed is to obliterate whoever it is hiding in. That even he doesn't know how to get rid of such a monster otherwise. Kiddo, I know you and Raditz have a past, but I need you to understand the severity of this monster. Kars, fucking KARS was terrified of this new Tuffle King. I could see the fear in his eyes. We may not have another choice.”
“I'm not going to let my failure be the reason he dies.” your daughter replies, you feeling her determination swelling from within her. “It was MY fault he was out there in the first place, MY fault he and his wife were captured, and MY fault their child is held captive by a monster that wants to exterminate our race. I will save them, no matter what it costs.”

Silence again hangs between you once more, you feeling your daughter's maelstrom of emotions raging within her. You can feel her guilt, it eating her alive from the inside. And you get it, after everything that happened between them, she is directly responsible for Raditz and Redis leaving New Salda be-Wait, she's pregnant?

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“Hold on. You said Redis was pregnant? And that monster has her under his control?” you ask her, a new worry developing. What if that monster is... No. You can't even finish the thought yourself as you feel the same terror rising within Chaya. You both reach the same conclusion, a new worry rising in your hearts. What if that monster is creating a new body just for it?
“I... I don't know what to do Daddy.” she replies after a moment. I-I'm scared. What do we do?”
“I'm not sure. But this monster will NOT get away with this.” you reply, your own resolve hardening into iron determination. “We will make sure this last Tuffle goes extinct, along with the rest of its race.”

“Yeah. We need to stop it. Maybe... Maybe Towa will know what to do?” your daughter offers. “Maybe this thing isn't unique to our timeline?”
“I'll double check with her, for now take care of yourself.” you tell her. “If anything happens, if you find anything out on your end let me know. I'll do the same from my end. We're going to save them, kiddo. We won't let that monster control them forever.”
“Okay. Once the scans are done, I'll tell you if they find anything.” your daughter replies. “And if Towa knows what to look for, the Dreadzone med boys could use someone of her expertise.”

“I'll ask her. Just, do me one favor, okay? Don't go after that monster again on your own. When we have a plan, we'll take it down.”
“I understand. Of course. Hey, Scratch said he found something, I'll call you back.” she replies, ending the mental link. Which is worrying, but as you return your attention to the present see Okira pulling the young prince out of his seat.
“Come on, it's almost time to start training!” she says eagerly. “Come on, let's go.”
“Alright, alright. I'm coming.” he replies, getting his feet under him and matching her pace. The two leading the way outside, the rest of your kids also starting to go as well. You're one of the last ones to rise, your daughter and Kars's words echoing in your mind. As you and your family head out, going towards the exit Towa turns to go to her lab. So you stop walking, reaching out to her telepathically.

“Hey. We need to talk.” you think to her, Towa stopping immediately. She turns, a concerned expression on her face as she looks quizzically towards you. “What do you know about the Tuffles?”

And as realization dawns in her eyes, a look of apprehension and worry coming to her face, you realize that this threat could be even worse than you feared.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 224 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying this episode so far? Ready to see how things play out, what information Towa has and how right(or wrong) it may be concerning your timeline's possibly unique abomination? Ready to learn the name of your foe, and to perhaps face this challenge head-on? Do you think you have what it takes to stop him, or will a power even greater than your own be needed to stop the Tuffle menace? Some of this and perhaps more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues in around 12 hours from now at noon EST!
Thanks for running, GD. I’m off to continue reading through the archive to see everything i’ve missed in the past couple years.
Glad you enjoyed, and hoo boy you're in for a wild ride. Just don't forget to come back tomorrow, as some of these votes early in this arc could have sweeping consequences on down the line.
Also if anyone gets the name pun with the Tuffle King tomorrow, well done.

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