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Do you ever want to . . . take a detour for no good reason?
The tram rattles along, led down disused tunnels dug out out under this enormous facility. The ceiling rattles. Light beams cut through the choking dark - abandoned substations, other intersections, disused lines, it all passes by in a blur - how big is this place, anyway? How far does this system go? It's been . . . hours. Perhaps it's all a mirage. Perhaps you aren't moving at all, and the only thing that gives that impression is your gradually cracking mind.

The REGENT system must have sent you down these paths because it thought it would dissaude you. What's so dangerous about all these old tunnels anyway?

>Oh, remember this. It'll be the last time it looks anything like this.

#SubjectID goes here
>We need a name to reference. It has to be searchable
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
>This is your base arrangement of stats. Note that some picks change this, so be mindful.
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
>Pick one of the three available, and be sure to note any strange traits that gets you. Then also add a single short descriptive like "Friendly", "Twitchy", "Slim", "Likes Lentils", "Sad". You gotta hold on to a little personality around here.
The others have tried to get the transit system under control. At least its slowed down - hasn't rammed anything yet, and you might not crash if it does.

Maybe you're looping? It seems so alien because the tunnels are dark and unknown. But if you rattle along on a constant repeat, the hours would bleed into samey blurs in the dark, and without familiar landmarks to hold on to, the mind grows confused. That'd be the trick of it, surely.


It cannot be the case that the facility subtransit system stretches for so many miles. There has to be a more coherent explanation. Perhaps check your gear. Get your bearings. See if everything is where it's meant to be.

#SubjectID goes here
>We need a name to reference. It has to be searchable
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 4 TP 1
>This is your base arrangement of stats. Note that some picks change this, so be mindful.
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
>Pick one of the three available, and be sure to note any strange traits that gets you. Then also add a single short descriptive like "Friendly", "Twitchy", "Slim", "Likes Lentils", "Sad". You gotta hold on to a little personality around here.
Okay, tally the gear. Check the ammo. Adjust the numbers. Oil your gun. Adjust your bandages. Peer into the darkness. Listen to the rattling of the tunnels.

Ask the Woodsies, who are fey and strange and have converted the last carriage to a jungle-in-motion, to shape you a walking stick. Steal a fruit from the ponderous tangle of webs and vines that form the Heart of the Wood, that little village-fragment the Wooden ones have brought with them on their great pilgrimage.

How did your escape attempt turn into sharing a transit carriage with a gaggle of travellers talking about the Great Dying and the First Light and muttering in hushed, revent tones about the nature of prophecy?

Well. If it makes them take another step into the dark and share the burdens a little, maybe they can be motivated by their little wooden icons. Maybe you should ask for one. Might as well not insult any gods down here. It's a dark place.
As the tram rattles along the twisting tunnels, you might wonder what everyone else gets up to. Surely, someone around here has a plan?
Perhaps if you have some curious little twist in your genome strands or a whorl in your brain or a series of high capacity batteries in your spine, now might be the time to utilize them?
Unspent Volatility Points from prior deployments can still be spent; you have enough time here in the rattling, rolling darkness to think about your lives.

Spent VP are locked, as unlock and new mutations have already been applied.
Some people have died and come back different, or found ways to access Advanced Subjects taxonomies. These are enumerated here. If you're new, don't worry about this part - they're for . . . curious things after death.
Sometimes you die. Sometimes you live. Around here, when you do die, it's not always the... end.

> Use the skill point gained from 'Learn By Doing' to improve Sense by 1
> Everett awakens, but largely cloisters himself in his corner of the tram, quietly assessing the extent to which he has recovered from the violence of last map.
> I'll refrain from manifesting or engaging in tactical operations for the time being.
> I do have one request though. Would it be appropriate if I added [Wishful Mirages of Conscience] as a Trait? You needn't give it any effects, mainly I just want it as a reminder. So that the little snippet of character-building I introduced when disengaging from the Spritespider does not slip my mind.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 22
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Push 1
Health 12 Reaction 8+4 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Bound to Flesh II]
- Regeneration 3
- May automatically React on Containment Phase
𐙚Feature Notes𐙚
- [Deadly1, Sharp2, Reach2, MarginPower1]
-- Attacks made with the Armblade have +1 Lethality.
-- Attacks may strike targets up to 2 tiles away.
-- If bonus damage exceeds skill, the user risks selfharm.
-- Enables the Parry React variant
-- Moving prior to a strike conveys a charge bonus
-- Halve Multi-task penalties when applied to attacks with the Armblade.
Fast Twitch Reaction
- [Twitchy2, Defensive1]
-- Gain +4 Reaction when moving out of harm's way.
-- Defensive React Actions only cost 1AP
Rolled 3, 3, 4 = 10 (3d6)

It's not much of a plan, but I suppose we should have Fox and the augmentics get into the system, see if we can get a map of this tunnel section and check to see if there are active cameras. Maybe have a biomod toss a growth out the window, that way we can figure out if we're looping while it does some remote scouting. Lastly, get some sharp eyes at the windows - see what those tunnelcrawlers are up to.

>1TP, very casual no-stress recon operation (Senses 12)
>Learn from Doing skillpoint into Forensic Theology

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 23
DR 4 AP 6 MP 4 TP 1 StrP 1
Push 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
Support Operations 11
Guns 11
Forensic Theology 11
!Inspiring Presence 2
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 4d6 (2), Acc 5, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 21/30A, 210/210C (Broadhead Flechette)
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Rolled 4, 3, 3, 3, 5, 2 = 20 (6d6)

>Spend skill point on Psionigenesis.
>[Manifest, 10 CP] Figure out a way to make others see things that aren't really there, psionic visions and the like, to confuse enemies. [Psionigenesis 11, 10 CP, -2].
>[Manifest, 5 CP] Briefly mentioned last time was the fact that I have limited precognition. Could I actually make a feature out of this? [Psionigenesis? 11, 5 CP, -2].

Yes, I know I'm being kind of cheeky with that last one. But it's worth a try! Abberration rolls in follow-up post.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 15 -> 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10 -> 11
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
1x C8, 2d6, 2ACC, 2Buik, 18 bullets, 1 reload (18 bullets).
Rolled 6, 4, 5, 4, 2, 1 = 22 (6d6)

and the abberration.
Rolled 3, 5, 2 = 10 (3d6)


Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 4 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel
[Cool Under Fire]
[Not By The Numbers]
!Smells like flowers

New here, I like to roll (and die)
You’ll fit right in, welcome aboard. Things will be a little slow and quiet for a bit as pre-deployment things tick along, yet please feel free to participate in as much as seems sensible to you
Rolled 6, 4, 1, 1, 3, 4 = 19 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0 (?)
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 14
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Injury Tolerance (Bullets)
Bleeds Sap
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2

Hardwood Cuirass
Ablative DR 10, Wooden
-2 Adroit
!Resonant-Biologics 2

I’m not sure what my avoidance factor is anymore, so I’m letting the universe calculate it.

I continue counselling the woodsies, for what it is worth. I am more than confident Bob will deliver us.

The new sheet seems to indicate we can manifest more than once in the deep and dark, so, if that is true

> (Abiogenesis 10, CP 4, Fanaticism)

Transform myself into a superior vessel for Bob, such that they may channel power through me with superior range and puissance. Just as the sword is my focus, so too am I Bob’s sword.
Rolled 5, 6, 3 = 14 (3d6)

Vit 3/9 SP 5/12 CP 15 VP 0 MP 1
DR 5 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Capacitors A Little Fritzy (Glitch 14+)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 11
Electricity Modulators 13 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 4 (Power-hungry)]
Cold and logical.

C8 (2d6, 2acc, 2bulk, 18/18, x1 reload)

>Put the new skillpoint into Electricity Modulators (12->13)
>Copycat: Attempt to imitate NeoGenesis' Superconductivity, investing 11 CP. (CP 15 -> 4) (Electricity Modulators 13(?))

"This is your conductor speaking. Please keep all appendages inside of the train while in movement. The Subjectown railway service thanks you for your cooperation."
Just signalling the following:

>Creep along the Camera network, establishing eyes on target and a camera based nodal-kingdom. (Meshwire 14, willing to assist some Intel gathering team).
If there are no intel networks to hijack then I'm going to work on my eco-genesis project.

Coherency 12/12 // SP 12/12 // Push 1/1 // CP 7, MutP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // Mov 4? (how do I use Mov?)
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
!Green Glitter - They can see me!
#Meshwire 14 [R3]
!Signalskip 2 (-2 hit for +1 range)
!Nanoflowers 2 (toggleable): +2 to nanoforma's attempts to replicate.
I'm trying to gauge how productive it would be to spend my +1 Skill Point and/or Mutagen Point into Multispawn. Would going from Multispawn 2 to Multispawn 3 have any effect other than increasing the roll of spawning eggs by +1? Similarly, since Multispawn was gained from Mutability, would spending a Mutagen Point on Multispawn merely treat myself as having +1 Mutability when using it (thus only being a +1 on rolls) or would it also come with a strong upgrade like when one flash mutates a Lethality or Duplicity based feature?
Not a skill; it’s a feature adjustment to another skill. So you have scant means to influence it in such a manner.
Ok, that answers my first question concerning the Skill Point, but what about my second question? Or does this also answer the second question in that can't apply a Mutagen point to a feature adjustment?
Rolled 1, 5, 3 = 9 (3d6)

Vit 26/26 SP 8/12 CP 16
DR 3+1 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian 2
!Energetic Cores
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
!Ablative Shield

>From Learn by Doing, improve Physicality by 1
>Invest all my VP into Resiliency Factor
>where is my fuckdamn shield

>Scrounge and scavenge, look for big heavy metal bits

>Spend 16CP to try to make my form... tougher. Bigger. A true bulwark to protect my Bulwark. Disassembly, reassembly with any metal available (such as unused guns or empty bean cans or useless tram plating)
Do you want to mimic my Ablative HP? I got like 20 HP with 4 DR before I went surfing the rainbow river.
>Surely someone around here has a plan
"Right you are sir, STOP the BOAT!"
"How about I 'lathe us up a little mini train wagon behind this train, and then we just kinda drop off behind the train before we get to where ever REGENT sent it to dispose of us, and we take one of these side rails to points unknown? But first I gotta absorb Gluttony. Safety stab him a couple of times--not in the head, please--and drag him over here for me will you?"

Skill point added to Conversion.
>Do I need to do my CP again in this thread? I need clear instructions I only have thoughts 8.


Subject: #Ketlan "Gluttony" Knight
HP 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 18
DR 4(K) AP 6 MP 4
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Beautiful

Physicality 10
--Rush 2
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 11
--[Graphene Filaments]: Kinetic 4DR, Cling
Stinger 12 [Horror]
--x2 Lethality
--Leech (succ CP)
--Steal (succ attributes)
--Extend Set reach to 2-5 with 1MP/AP]
!Virulent Entropics
--Regen 2 +1[1/2 x Features]
!Distributed Processing Cores
--+1 CP per 10HP Converted
Creative Thinking Exercises
Sheer Violence of Action
You want to eat Bulb AND Gluttony? Selfish much?
Rolled 6, 4, 6, 4, 2, 3 = 25 (6d6)


Those pesky robots and mechanical doors can easily stop us but our techno-friends seem quite capable of influencing them. Must be because they can use eelectricityy... well that makes it simple i just nee to learn that too yess

>Manifest an shock-organ to store and release electricity not unlike that of an electric eel (Mutability 10 + 10 CP)

>If scouting party is arranged volunteer to help with my superior hearing

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 16 MGP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
->Lungs +8
->Kinetic Expulsion +2 x2 Sta
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
Why is everyone so interested in my body? It's just a corpse of a subject, it has no special powers or benefits to anyone except me.
Also I ate BULB and nothing happened so it seems like it was a big nothing burger anyway.
Eating the corpse of a subject grants powers, the corpse can be used in other ways (I could rewrite him to make him a guardian, for example), you declared your intent to eat Bulb but it has not been resolved yet, possibly because Command has been waiting to see if anyone objects, and I object to you getting them both.
- Because it’s rude to eat exotic and unique loot without asking permission, especially that which someone else almost died for.

- Because biomutant corpses are very very far from ‘nothing’, but are actually intensely powerful- their cores are very valuable, especially to other mutants!

- I’m fairly certain you’re about to explode into vitals any moment now. Trigger does not forget.
Also Chimera is giving BubbaV2 their shield, for usage as scrap in the EMBIGGENING
>Eating the corpse of a subject grants powers
Like what? I am not aware of any examples of this, perhaps I was not paying attention.>>6094766
>the corpse can be used in other ways (I could rewrite him to make him a guardian, for example)
So exactly the same thing you could do with any other corpse of Sec or a Spooder. I will give you as many corpses as you want in exchange so this point is moot.
>you declared your intent to eat Bulb but it has not been resolved yet, possibly because Command has been waiting to see if anyone objects, and I object to you getting them both.
Let's be real here. I absorbed Bulb with a crit success on the last map after being explicitly told by Amelius that I could so there was really no reason to manufacture this contrived drama over the "exotic loot" of eating corpses.
From the deafening silence I can only assume that the claim that subject corpses/cores have some special magical benefit was pulled from thin air and then repeated without examination?

This contested loot system is really gay.
Instead of bumping Meshwire to 14 I'd like to leave it at 13 and pick up the a skill like Cyberdoc or Surgeon or Mechabiology. I doubt that Animism is in my purview.
I believe that someone else's core was eaten and the eater gained a +1 to their core power stat.
The idea that cores=power is probably derived from someone gaining power by eating Bob's core during the first map, Bulb's core explicitly holding power, and the status of the corpses as loot.

So, yeah, by all appearances you seem to be munching on all the extra power sources. I let you have my share of Bulb, but you should probably let Gluttony go to whoever retrieved him. Just share nicely.
Do you know when this happened previously? Power is not a meta stat. There is no stat called Power.
It is my body I will literally fight to the death for it. Anyone would do the same. You can have whatever power you think you'll get from it but there is no power meta ability so that's just made up. The fact is there is no benefit to anyone else for stealing my body. If there is a benefit they are welcome to explain specifically what they stand to gain that they can't easily get from any other corpse.
It happened in thread one when Acolyte ate Bob’s body. He gained +1 Mutability and probably some CP as well.
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Power as a concept, not a stat. What could I possibly have to gain from deceiving you?
So who do you want to give my body to, then? Bubba said I could have it, Autarch claimed he didn't want it. No one else had anything to do with it. Kinda narrows it down to me.

But it really begs the question. If Bob created a mob and then you got power from eating the mob's core, that seems like a throbbing exploitable game loop right there so why don't you get to work rather than literally trying to snatch my body. Personally I think this is all a bunch of horse shit and if the body has any power it's only power that was generated by us squabbling over it so much and vesting it with chekov's corpse energy.
Bob seemed interested in animating it, maybe let him take it? I reckon things would go easier for you if you'd consult the group rather than unilaterally seizing assets in a gluttonous (ha) fit.

I reckon only subjects would have cores, not their creations. Might be a facility thing? Or maybe only suitably powerful creations would develop a core of their own? Hard to tell without some research.
I didn't view corpses as "loot."
No, Bob cannot have it. He had nothing to do with it. In fact, after all this I want to duel him to the death to find out who the real god is.
Bubba can have it if she wants it. The core only. And I can have the meat of my own body because the core is the only thing you're interested in, right, thief?

Once the situation with the Woodsies is resolved, how do we feel about manufacturing wooden armour for everyone?

Because we can shape it psionically, we can make it for non humanoids too!
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All the NPCs get weapons and armor from my nanolathe.
There’s nearly two dozen of them

If you’re still confident, though, then thank you.
It's all we ever get around here, as far as proper morals and principles go. Even having it is a sign of trying something else than the designers of this facility might want you to stoop to - if you can hold on to the flicker of conscience buried in your own sense of self, surely, you might make it out just yet.

Which is all a rather longwinded way of saying yes.

Of course you can see the future. Future versions of yourself beam back messages all the time. That's how you know not to step into spots where bullets are going to be !

You seem to have a small misapprehension about the nature of ingesting or using a Mutagen. You upscale the Feature it is applied to, which allows the Feature to access levels of Change you can't usually get on your own.

It's not a simple +1 to a number, it is a Change Manifest all on its own at scaled up values and resolved with "access" to higher levels of direct manifestations.

You can attempt to improve your egglaying, but you've already improved your egglaying, so attempting to expand it further does what all such actions do - you specify what it is you're trying to achieve.

Grow more? Grow faster? Grow more vicious?

Mutagen Points don't add +1 to a given number in a Feature, they reshuffle and reroll the Feature at a much higher rating, allowing you breach usual limits.

It's a flash escalation; you mutate your abillity to deploy little spawns and friends.

You're riding in a big metal bit. Please try not to pull the train apart as it is actively being used for transport. There certainly isn't any useless tram plating around here - it forms a vital foundation of the structural integrity of the whole carriage !

You do not, any unresolved lingering actions from last thread is being resolved . . . now!

Presumably "snackish", not "selfish".

You do! And if you radically re-orient the way your entire perceptual stream works, you can! And only with the minor side issue that closing your eyelids DOES NOTHING. The Sparks! You can *always* see the sparks!!

It's not "loot", it's the deceased shell of a person.

Animism? Like some sort of skill of interacting with the ever-expanding living interaction of the spiritual interactions of the sprites of the world? And maybe shuffling souls around?

We don't do that around here, Sir. This is a R&D facility. We believe in Science.

Cybernetics Surgery or Mechanized Biology are skillsets that some Staffmembers have, and you can acquire those - they would be tremendously useful in adjusting and operating on hurt allies, drone systems, identifying unusual biolgoy and interacting with advanced systems.

The issue is
Unfortunately one of *mass* and *time*. The ever hungry constraints on the develoments of a mobile modern fighting force
... Even your talents combined wouldn't quite be sufficient to produce - at rough count - 30 sets of individualized combat-capable armor and then also manage the maintenance regime and upkeep of those same systems.

It's an unfortunate fact that effective equipment requires tail-time for upkeep and adjustment, but that's actually after you manage to make it!

Even if the Heart of the Wood can grow wood at prodigious rate, and you disssamble the tram you're in, it'd be the work of long hours and longer days to produce enough equipment. The Woodsies would need rest inbetween sessions of Shaping, you'd need Supplies to feed the hungry, the Heart would have to restock and restore itself.

It can be done - don't underestimate your combined talents - but unfortunately this is more of an artisinal handmade operation than it is, at present, a factory pipeline for mass production.

A small group splits off to test the tunnels nearer the carriage, which keeps rolling at a steady clip. Samantha and Chimera are fast enough to catch up and avoid falling behind, and it would be useful to see where this sprawling network goes.

Consequences can try to dance through the broken systems and dented cameras of this place, some live and still transmitting. Fox and Amelius and the Augmentics combined have enough signal capacity to detect and utilize the more fritzy bits of electronics still live in the area. Fox stares down at her stolen comms device, taken from some guard, and mutters about kernel flushing and reiteration loops, and spends as much time slapping her hands against the walls, her head, Gallium, the controls, groaning and moaning and muttering in frustration and excited bursts of success, as she does actually seeming to do any work.


One thing becomes clear, fast.

We are not alone down here.

But REGENT has sent us to an area outside of its realm. A place of pipes, tunnels and darkness. Old stations blur by, little subconnection routes, abandoned intersections that veer off into the deeper darkness. Are we circling? We're probably circling.

There's still clear signs of activity in this place. Abandoned tools, workers wagons, little trolleys and wires and sections where it almost seems as if someone worked recently.

This place might not be so abandoned at all, even if the life that squirms through the tunnels and tries to eat Samantha twice is clear sign things aren't so well managed down here either.


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While the transit rolls along and the Woodsie busy themselves following Bulwarks command to buff up the, uh, bulwarks, and hardened the metallic carriages by attempting to plate some wood on them, Samantha and Chimera scuttle down a side passage. One of hundreds. And again and again and again.

But eventually, down one, they find a prize - of a sort - an abandoned carriage, left here to wind and tunnelweather, doors broken down and the air thick with the heady scent of life. Buzzing from within, insects in various sizes flittering about, a long-faded sign on the entrance declaring this to be MNTC, whatever that sigil might mean.

Fox and friends haven't had much luck signal-jumping through the old network down here. It's not great for signals. This carriage - much like the one that the Woodsies are converting to a mobile jungle-fortress - would maybe have electronics on board, terminals, data, logs, diary entries, dead men with communication devices, something, that could help map the tunnels ahead.

But crouching near the doorway and glancing inside, Chimera can hear it - the soft pitter-patter and sluck-cluck-glork sound of things moving, adjusting. The buzzing of harsh wings. The clouds - nay - swarms - of fist-sized insects don't seem too inviting. This is their territory. And Samantha has enough predatory instinct to know that if they risk and invasion and don't do it with care, the creatures that have converted this wagon to a spawning ground are apt to respond with malice and aggression. No one likes an uninvinted visitor in tunnels like this.


The Woodsie Conclave are going well, some of the Wooden Ones re-integrating into the larger throng and supervised to do work, plating, benting, making, whispering plants to grow faster and vines to thread through openings, reinforcing the carraige structure. Some of them are sullen, angry, fleeting things, wondering if a long sprint down dark tunnels might serve them better.

There is a principle philosophical debate behin their ire:

The invitation to get infected by another voice whispering in the pulse of adrenaline and hormone-song has not precisely swayed them. The Bulb too sang that it was benign and a grand overlord. The Bulb's people too, once their minds were pushed to zealotry, sang songs of praise.

The wide-eye fanatic with the wooden sword does not entirely inspire confidence that any shred of independence or initiative would be left to the Woodsie Ones if they accept such a bargain, and they lived through the long hundred-hours of the Wooden One Terrors precisely because they didn't want to join the feverish masses. If the journey to the distant Light is not one made of ones own will, then what is it? A hollow thing. A path in darkness.


Fox growls in frustration and snaps a victory cheer and high fives Gallium but regrets it as she gets shocked and the flower in her hair wriggles and undulates and despite all that, she ends up having to admit defeat.

Signal here is SHIT.
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Fix that and maybe Fox can get something done. No, don't ask me how, I'm not sure. Maybe we can set up a repeater or try to root around for more access?

That nanocloud you keep around had the right idea, though most of the cameras here are broken.

Well, still, have some good news.


>DOWNTIME OPS aren't "turn" or "time" limited - declare general actions to attempt to respond / resolve / interact / do / move about and there'll be some sort of result.


>Move to the front of the carrige and root around, see if I can activate the wireless connection

is what Fox did just now. You don't have to worry too much about precise movement pathways, you can roughly get there, so broad descriptions are fine.

File: Transit Detour Downtime 4.png (2.82 MB, 4589x2516)
2.82 MB
2.82 MB PNG
A very loud **CRUNCH-CLONK-SKRRIIIIEEEEEEE** fills the entire carriage system with the sound of nails on chalkboard and the lingering scent of steel filaments.

>You can act.
>Minor scout intel report incoming.
>I would like to communicate with the insects in the abandoned carriage using my Sensitive Antenna. What manner of creature calls this place home? Where are they? How many are they? How big are they?
Rolled 4, 4, 6, 4, 4, 2 = 24 (6d6)

"Subject Bulwark, you appear to be in distress. Would you like me to alloy the metals from those shields to your frame to harden your systems? Y/N? Specify specific specifications if desired. (offering to use my Conversion to guide your reshaping of yourself).

>Adopt the Skill of #Mechanized Biology 11.
>Form a node in the nearby camera (1AP, Meshwire 13, dice 1-3).
>4 AP, Yes SP if slow actions, 4 if fast actions. Support with Reshape the nearby Camera into a Camera Spider, designed to serve as a self replicating node and observer. Strip the walls for mass if needed. Dice 4-6
>Perform a deep analysis on Bulwark's System, assuming permission is granted. (Mechanized Biology 11, didn't roll. Actual changes mayy require a Conversion 10 assist roll).

Coherency 12/12 // SP 12/12 // Push 1/1 // CP 7, MutP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // Mov 4? (how do I use Mov?)
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
!Green Glitter 3 - They can see me!
#Meshwire 13 [R3]
!Signalskip 2 (-2 hit for +1 range)
!Nanoflowers 2 (toggleable): +2 to nanoforma's attempts to replicate.
#Mechanized Biology 11
The Tunnelcrawlers, slurping, shlorking along, must be some unfortunate subject line long committed to dark tunnels and low light environments, sucking moisture from the ground, eating through railway lines, devouring other prey down here. The tunnelflies are their earlier life-stage.

But these things usually come in threes. What do the Crawlers become, once their larvael stage is over?
Rolled 1, 5, 6 = 12 (3d6)

I would say-eth, then, that the difference is that we all were borne of Bob, miraculous progenitor of the entire world you knew and I was incubated in; that Bulb was not peer nor mirror, but perverse and small hearted fragment split off from far kinder whole, and that the core of Bob’s dreams were made manifest in the near all loving scripture of the priests of once, foundation of our culture, from which one will surely know his character.

but thou art right, that most proof for all these claims is solely in mine heart and head.

I am only hours old, and like you yet not like you, and during my long seeding all I did dream of was performing mine function- to guard Bob’s village, and perform great deeds of arms and glory in his name. Thusly, if there was no Bob nor would there be me, only maybe some smaller entity somewhat in my shape, and so thou art not wrong to assert I no more impartial than the heralds and golems of Bulb.

I helped form this council first and foremost because it pleased the scriptures many scores of hour old, but secondly as so to bring together our society in exodus. Long as we serve not Evil Forces, surely the most important thing is the virtue in thine acts and loyalty to fellow wooden ones, as righteous fervour is not imposed but simply may or may not bloom.

Even as I pray, thus, that mine deed and word will sway thee to take on mine beloved cult, thou should not fear I ever waver in defending thee with all mine soul for as long as you walk with us in turn.

I do thus not based on your beliefs, but mine.

After that, excuse mine self from the council, for I must aid the adventurous pagans, and go examine the ruined and infested train carriage.

It contains a great bounty of flesh and metal treasures inside, but it is also filled with sleeping swarms of vermin too numerous to be driven off by the sword.

I will experiment with wielding Abiogenesis to lull the swarms into a deep, deep sleep, so a slight and clever burglar can scavenge the ruins from beneath them, or fierce hunter gain the definite advantage. Be prepared to retreat if this backfires!

(3d6 vs Abiogenesis 10, Focus 1, Edge of the Woods 2)

As an aside, warn the woodsies of the various dangers in these tunnels. Preferably, stay in the train!

Any word on becoming the viral herald of Bob, or should I just refund the CP?
Though the universe isn't particularly fussed about the particularities of what someone gets up to during downtime operations, because they do stretch out longer, the universe does maintain a generalized understanding of what amount of effort is feasibly for a given individual to get up.

Fashioning your own entire set of armor, re-organising your bodily resistance to defend against ullets, succouring and communicating and counselling an entire 14 group village of Woodsie Ones, repairing your sword, adjusting your armor so it doesn't interfere with the use of your sword, putting the captives on trial in a hour-long resolution of some pretty intense shimmering social conflict, healing yourself from the damage and drubbing recieved earlier *and* simultaneously ascending to some sort of fanatical herald status is...

... maybe your schedule is a little full? Maybe just... stick with one or two things?

Generally speaking, if there's no response at all, you can assume that there is no time or space or capability for the action to occur. In this case, inbetween the fifty other things you were doing, you did not also have time to declare yourself a glorious paladin and herald of a new religion.

Sorry, Subject. Maybe this Facility has a book on time management that will help? 7 Habits For Highly Mutative Changelings?

But do feel free to take actions and account for things - as mentioned, when resolving the world-state, things you don't have time to do you just don't have time to do.
I understand, wide universe.

Becoming the great conduit from which pathogenic miracles shall flow will be saved for another, slightly less turbulent day.
There's always tomorrow! Maybe when you've been alive longer than four hours it's time to join the clergy?
> Wake up and get to your feet. (Minor Action - 1AP)
> Approach one of the windows on the northfacing-side of the train near the junction. (Move - 3MP)
>Gaze out into the tunnels. How well lit are they? How far can my unassisted vision penetrate? (Test and Try - Sense10+2 - 5AP)
>From the deafening silence
I was asleep, my dude. The world doesn't revolve around you, no matter what you may think.

>In fact, after all this I want to duel him to the death to find out who the real god is.
Is this what this is all about? You're eating power sources like candy so you can become strong enough to kill me?

Lmao, even
Rolled 6, 6, 1 = 13 (3d6)

See if there's a route that is safe and uncovered by the eggs to get into the electronics in the abandoned carriage with Senses-11
I want to duel you to the death now, not later. I have all the tools I need to do so already. You down?
>Turns out, protein really is the powerhouse of industry!

Vit 38/38 SP --/-- CP 9
AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Injury Resistance 2+1 = 3
Riot Shield Stuck On Left Arm [Cover 2]
Riot Shield Stuck On Right Arm [Cover 2]
Physicality 10+1
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Systems Interfacing 10 [Ranged]
!Energetic Cores [12/12]
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
Health: Ablative Resistance Plating 4, Vit+10
Interfacing: Lifting Strength +4

>humbly request Raven to make me wooden armor
And why would I want to duel you? Is this why you think you deserve to get everything? You called dibs and you think you're strong enough to beat anyone who disagrees with your loot whoring?

Might makes right is no way to distribute unique loot in a team game.
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d6)

> Stand by ready to decrease the general temperature in the insect wagon to lull their senses and induce hibernation when one of the subjects tries to intrude into it and/or Samantha's negotiations with the creatures break down. [Temperature Control 12]

Now with an actually updated character sheet! I think...!

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 5
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Push 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 11
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
1x C8, 2d6, 2ACC, 2Buik, 18 bullets, 1 reload (18 bullets).
Samantha tries a diplomatic overture as Chimera hears the buzzing inside the carriage intensify - intensify - intensify - intensify - intensify. The exchange of chemicals, signals and buzzing and sharp movements Samantha makes means nothing to Chimera, or Wilder, when they wander over, or Autarch, when they join, and the three are left looking at the one until Samantha offers a rough translation, though translating from High Parasite to Low Prey does actually lose some of the original poetry of the language - "to nest in the flesh of another" has a more mammalian meaning in this cursed tongue but the Howling Cloud do not mean it like monkeys snigger to think they might mean it. There will be no exchange of fluids when they nest in your flesh.


Perhaps cooling down the carriage could induce them to sluggish torpor and but they do produce a staggering amount of heat by their sheer number. Still, that would be on good approach, Wilder realizes, as the things are apt to dislike intensities of either warmth or cold, fit more for the middle range they occupy in this dark, dry place.


Fox spits off a curse in very impressive Japanese and then goes to hurl an empty bean can through Consequences, who are NOT being a TEAMPLAYER and ASSISTING WITH THIS CAMERA ISSUE do you THINK it is EASIER to map the signal when you BREAK THEM HELLOOOOO???? Can someone tell the nanite-ghost to stop EATING the THING that Fox is currently trying to USE as an ENTRY into a disused section of the mesh? Do you think this is EASY? Do you think just because Fox can cobble together a connection using two augmentics, six cans of beans, a comms device and a meter of copper wire that this isn't actually a challenge? It certainly doesn't get EASIER when the CAMERAS start being EATEN!


Everett stares into the dark. As far as they know the Dark does not stare back, though, given how dark it is, how would one tell?

Rolled 5, 6, 5 = 16 (3d6)

I literally don't care any more. Now, once more, with feeling,

>5 CP, 6 AP, Manifest: fourth time's the charm, surely. Manifest the ability to create telepathic auras of dread that induce despair and smother the will to live (like the repeated failures of this manifest are smothering my will to live) in those that are caught in them. Pls. Just...pls. (5 CP + 3 AP + PsychoGen 12 vs 20, !Existential Dread)

If this doesn't work, I'm going to mcfucking lose it. Not that that'll stop me from trying again, though.

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 14
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
PsyBubbling, Telekinetic Sparking 2
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 12
Auditory +2
Haywire Cascading 11 (F+3, Area 1 [Tog], Overcharge 3)
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition 2] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate 2] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
6x Shards
Bubba.v2 loudly declares a willingness to wear people's flesh as fashion in the middle of the carriage where everyone can hear them shout that at the top of their lungs, and every trooper in attendance immediately decides that this psychopathic collection of bolts and wires need watching. Those who can do so cough and shift and make slow, awkward movements, as they try not to make it too obvious they're preparing armour piercing munitions or checking their explosive stashes.

Everyone's otherwise pretty pleasant escape along the curious track is spoiled and the mood rather sours, since outburst about wearing people as a hat tends to make the poor people who have flesh to be thus worn a little on edge.

Whatever morale bonus any trooper *did* have from surviving the recent cavalcade of horror is now effectively zero, and, yeah, they're watching you. First move towards ripping someone's skin off, you're being downgraded to spare parts.



Samantha, Wilder, Hibiscus, Autarch and Chimera ponder and consider and glance into the carriage.

Samantha translates a somewhat terse diplomatic missive, which is underscored by the distant rattling of a can bouncing off of a tunnel wall (the echo rolls along the tunnel system, somewhat loud, sudden, before fading like a distant ghost).


Nadir develops a hedache and hears the soft tut tut tut of the universe itself.

>DOWNTIME OPS aren't "turn" or "time" limited - declare general actions to attempt to respond / resolve / interact / do / move about and there'll be some sort of result.
I’m willing to try and induce mass insect coma if you are, and if Samantha is willing to sneak through.

If not, we can take Hibiscus’ suggestion and circle around. The lot of us should be more than enough to fight off some tunnel crawlers.
We could circle around and *then* lull them to a peaceful sleep, that way our spider friend has less of a trek to make through enemy grounds. I feel like since they already know we're here going through this entrance might be... ill-advised.
> >1TP (Small Unit Tactics,12) introduce the Woodsie Ones to a far crueler and evil'er God, something so dark and uncaring that they might even think about returning to the Bulb's grasp or accepting Bob's offer.
> ...Bureaucracy.
> Hello, yes, uh, I need one of you woodsie ones to be in-charge of making reports, anyone with particularly good set of craft and carving skills?
> >Organize the Troopers & Woodsie Ones into patrol & watch shifts. Some are already doing that but might as well formalize it so everyone know when to do it and when to take a break. Stay in pairs people! Overlapping lines of watch!
> Welcome to rank/role inflation... we now have Woodsie Wardens! Woodsie Watchers! and uh... yeah that's it.

(Bulwark’s player cannot post, from wherever he is)
A very impressive mind!

That is surely why you are a psion

I agree with that plan. The rest of you?
Oh, thank fuck. I was actually *this* close to mcfucking losing it after that 16 roll there. Ok, good. Let's see if I can do something that's actually legal in this quasi-downtime framework.

There seems to be some sort of a hivemind thing going on here. Well, if there's a mind, I can talk directly to it. Though, maybe that would be somewhat impolite. Let's start with the underlings first.

>Get off the tram. Approach the group next to the hivetram.
>Broadcast telepathically, so that whatever mind (or a portion of a mind) resides in the tram car can hear. "Hail, noble intellect of the Howling Cloud. I am Nadir, the Herald of Doom, though we do not bring the aforementioned to you on this day. It appears we are of common origins and thus have common enemies. We, too, are engaged in battle with a great demon known as REGENT and its demonic minions and are merely passing through your domain to the site of our next battle. Should we be victorious, the power of our mutual oppressors will be broken and you will be harassed no longer. We mean you no harm or disruption. Within this fortress lie relics of the demons. Perusing these would aid us in our future battles and, more importantly, hasten our passage through your domain. What would it take for us to come to such an arrangement?" [Thoughts 8, Duplicity 1]
>See if I can make the psybubble around me serve as adequate defense against bugs, just in case the Howling Cloud decides to turn fully hostile. Maintaining some stand-off with the bubble from my body, generate a reactive telekinetic field through it, such that it sparks whenever anything about as small as a fly tries to breach it. I am become bugzapper, destroyer of hives. [PsychoGenesis 12 + PsyBubbling + Telekinetic Sparking +2]

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
PsyBubbling, Telekinetic Sparking 2
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 12
Auditory +2
Haywire Cascading 11 (F+3, Area 1 [Tog], Overcharge 3)
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition 2] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate 2] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
6x Shards
Ah right, we're still in downtime.
I don't suppose it'd be possible to undergo a normal manifest - one that doesn't involve cocooning oneself in a chrysalid or dealing with the messy baggage of Aberrancy rolls?
On closer inspection, I noticed that you've already addressed the issue of Manifesting

> Staying close to the soft halo of light filtering out of the vehicle, circle around to the rear of the train and visually investigate (no touching) the stretch of electrical conduits and other miscellaneous mechanical constructs to the West.
Generally speaking not at the moment, since time is a bit more waffley and long-format. If people could Manifest the normal way, this would just be 30 turns of people doing that and nothing getting done.

One bright spot: You don't have to cocoon yourself, though. It's just that given the longer timeframe, you're assumed to do so if it would make your task easier - it's a way to inorporate small bonuses, given the time and "relaxed" environment.

Personally, if you have nothing that's dire and on your mind to spend CP on, perhaps simply wait. Nothing is lost waiting a while with manifestations, and surely stressful horror will return and get you the turn-focused Manifestations soon. It's just one thing after another out here.

Otherwise, odds are there'll be a few things to get stuck doing, or this is a fine chance to simply wander about a little. Take your time. It's been a rush lately. Maybe a quiet little relaxing tunnel time is just what the doctor ordered?

If you're thinking that it would be tremendously convenient to have the ability to see in the dark (or some other change that makes doing something easier), you'll find that the risk of Aberrancy is a little overstated compared to the utility multipliers one gets from the longer timeframe.

But alas, sorry Subject, the Aberrancy is one of those "balancing factors" on run away exponential growth. Alas, we can't forego them easily. Though there's a few ways to bypass them, and maybe you'll live long enough to find out which.
>Explain to Raven that what I meant was “I would wear anything if it meant protecting Bulwark better”, not a direct desire to wear skin and flesh
>Go and ask the woodsie ones for some wooden body armor. They will get hugs in return
I think it's a good idea. However we now have Nadir trying to negotiate, and the way ahead is very dark. I can manifest nightvision to help us navigate in the dark?
Very good idea, I have no objections.
Rolled 2, 6, 5, 3, 3, 6 = 25 (6d6)

>No I don't want to duel you
So then you're the coward, not me.
Unfortunately, you're still talking shit despite being a coward so you're not going to get a choice.

AP3: MANIFEST - My biophages collect viral samples and synthesize a counter-viral jihad named AIRBORNE ISIS targeting Bob's GAY PLAGUE in the train, using omnipresent genetic material. If AIDS patient zero says one more thing to me, it gets released.
>[Conversion 11, Lethality 2, Change 4]
AP3: I begin to purge his gay cooties from my system and end [Shared Senses]
>[Vitality 12]
(you do not have Lethality 2)


Subject: #Ketlan Knight
Vit12/12 SP 12/12 CP 14
DR 4(K) AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 2 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Beautiful

Physicality 10
--Rush 2
Senses 8
--[Shared Senses DISABLED]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 11
--[Graphene Filaments]: Kinetic 4DR, Cling
--[Dissonant Screech]
Stinger 12
--Leech (succ CP)
--Steal (succ attributes)
--Extend Set reach to 2-5 with 1MP/AP]
!Virulent Entropics
--Regen 2 +1[1/2 x Features]
!Distributed Processing Cores
--+1 CP per 10HP Converted
Creative Thinking Exercises
Sheer Violence of Action
3 degrees of success instead of 4 then so it doesn't matter. I did, however, forget to add my meta in [Focus 1] to my second roll, which makes it pass, so thanks.
Rolled 3, 6, 4 = 13 (3d6)

>Manifest an Adjustment to Senses - I want to have better vision in the dark, if feasible I would like to accomplish this with more eyes (Senses 9 + 4 CP + Malichnid taxonomy + misc. Cocoon bonus)
>Use this to participate in the loop around plan proposed by Wilder

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 12->8 VP 3 Mutagen 1 Confidence 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Claws 12 (L +2, Hooks, Sticks on 14+)
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Multispawn 2, Parasitic*
Structural Misalignments II [+2 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality 2 (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh 2


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Also don't to the manifest right in front of the abandoned train car, get safely away from it first
File: 1705742662740845.png (65 KB, 689x376)
65 KB
>but yeah if Ketlan starts attacking teammates with intent to kill because of this and it doesn't get QM fiat'd away I'm not standing idly by
So from this I can take it that you're willing to duel me? Or are you a conniving coward only?
Rolled 4, 5, 5 = 14 (3d6)

All right, well, I don't think I can much help with Fox's arcane meshweaving, nor can I rightly assist the recon efforts in this vile darkness.

Grins, could I help fix your grin?

>Grab the spare aid kit and see if I can't help treat the grievously injured - namely fix Grins' face. (SupOp 11, Aid Kit 2, Focus 1)

Hey, I think I'd like my half of Bulb after all. Don't eat it all - I want to set my bit on fire!

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 23
DR 4 AP 6 MP 4 TP 1 StrP 1
Push 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
Support Operations 11
Guns 11
Forensic Theology 11
!Inspiring Presence 2
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 4d6 (2), Acc 5, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 21/30A, 210/210C (Broadhead Flechette)
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Aid Kit +2
You can resolve that with Trigger, I'm done with the homosexual "loot" system.
I am not willing to duel you. I think this "dueling" business is unwise and destructive to the team. Your picture accurately describes my intent. If you want to try to kill your teammates, your teammates aren't going to do nothing about it. This isn't personal to you. This doesn't mean I want to kill you or duel you or fight over honor or whatever. I want to prevent team kills.
Funny. Your conspiring has ensured conflict.
No one here is trying to start a fight but you. No one is going to fight you unless you start fighting other people. This is entirely within your control to not aggress your teammates. Please exercise restraint.
No, you're just trying to steal from me, talking shit about me, conniving in secret cliques, and attempting to antagonize me by abusing the dumb "loot" system, that's all.
But, nah, I'd win.
#Died Osiris Consequences

>3MP - Move Cam-Spider to the next camera in line. Be careful not to step on the cells of Howling Swarm.
>1 AP, 13 Meshwire - Suborn the next camera in line.
>1AP, 13 Meshwire - Send the camera's info to Foxflower. Assist her in setting up a network if she asks.
>4AP, 13 Meshwire - Establish a Data Fortress within Ketlan's Nano-factory. Use SP as needed to make it a good one. Say 6, b/c this feels like a contestable action rather than a slow action.

"Subject Knight, you appear to be in distresses, and your IFF appears to be malfunctioning again. Team safety precautions engaged. Recommended Action: Service your Identification Fried-or-Foe system.".

"Subject Foxflower, you appear to be in distress. There is a metalshaper on board who can assist in the creation of superior tools. Subject Osiris can also create a signal booster if desired, but cautions that this will likely alert the Powers That Be to our presence. What assistance do you desire?".

Died Osiris Consequences briefly considered repairing the damaged wall using the rubble strewn around the track, but he didn't want to provoke further hostility from the swarm by doing so without knowing what wall-form the Swarm would like, and without the ability to accurately communicate with the Swarm decided to leave the negotiations to others.

Coherency 12/12 // SP 6/12 // Push 1/1 // CP 7, MutP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // Mov 4? (how do I use Mov?)
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
!Green Glitter 3 - They can see me!
#Meshwire 13 [R3]
!Signalskip 2 (-2 hit for +1 range)
!Nanoflowers 2 (toggleable): +2 to nanoforma's attempts to replicate.
#Mechanized Biology 11
!Thinks He's Osiris
Rolled 2, 1, 4, 6, 2, 1, 3, 3, 5 = 27 (9d6)

Rolled 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6 = 23 (6d6)

"Snacksquire, you must stay and be with your people. You've done a great job, but you'll be safer here for now."

DECLARE SHEER VIOLENCE OF ACTION on Died of Consequences and anyone else who joins in the attack on me.

DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING CORES [DEFEND] - Defend against Died Of Consequences' attack, hard recompiling and purging his telepresence from my nanomesh, regenerate a new 24 character passcode at the kernel level with two factor authentication requiring physical root access to my stinger to access my nanomesh. Good luck with that last one, ghostie. (3.7x10^85 bits of entropy = 1.2 x 10^66 years @ 1 trillion guesses per second).
>[Conversion 11, Focus 1, Concentration 4]

MOVE & DO - {4-5-5-5} DISSONANT SCREECH [ATTACK] - Attack the coherency of the nanoswarm attacking me with my EMP screech.
>[Conversion 11, Lethality 2(1x2), Snapshot -4]

MP4 {5-6-5-5}
Rolled 3, 3, 6, 2, 1, 6, 4, 4, 1, 6, 3, 3 = 42 (12d6)

>1 more VP to Evolutionary Paradigm (Appreciate the donation, my fellow god)
>Learn by Doing: Learn Diplomacy 11
>Manifest a way to easier infect multiple people. (Pluripotentiality 13, 14 CP)
>Manifest a way to more easily manufacture advanced, multi-effect virals. And I'll spend my Mutagen on this for good measure (Pluripotentiality 13, 14CP, Mutagen. Can I push off map? If yes, I want to push this manifest too. Not rolling the extra dice before confirmation)
>I will direct the Woodsies to heal those that need it. Trish looks ghastly, Grins looks worse, Faust and Petri need help to be conscious, Malforma is full of holes, whoever else needs some medical attention. Unless I'm misremembering and Woodsies can't heal?

There comes a point in every proud parent's life where he must let his children be free. I will always be there for them even if they don't listen to me. I'm only sorry I missed their childhood. They grow up so fast!

You know what, Bulb is a rogue offshoot of me and I was the one to drive him out of the microscopic realm. I want my third too now.

You really should stop and reconsider. Surely we can discuss like presumably reasonable adults and get back to dealing with intelligent bloodsuckers in dark tunnels instead of fighting each other like squabbling children in a playground?

#Bob the Primogen
Virality 0 Push 1
Coherency 8/8 SP 9/9 CP 0 Mutagen 1
Regeneration 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Nanocytic Countersampling II (Max Coherency -2)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Diplomacy 11
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 13 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality 2
= Bound by the Flesh 2

Well, let’s go!
The carriage continues down the tunnels, beams piercing the darkness. Samantha spots another intersection that seems to lead to a parallel and Wilder and Hibiscus forms the vanguard as they - carefully - loop back around to come up closer to the abandoned carriage full of buzzing.

Meanwhile, Nadir tries diplomatic overtures, but seems to have radically misestimated the Howling Clouds appreciation for arcane hierarchies and class systemics. To declare oneself a Herald of a thing one so certainly is not is a poor start to relations, and Food with pretentions of commonality with Eaters is simply thinking thoughts above one's station.


Everett carefully investigates some wires. Sprawl from the super conductive highway that everyone left behind in the Processing Cores. They run through everything in here, in the walls, in the ground, sometimes. The Facility has a hunger for power like the Howling Cloud hungers for the warmth of others to put their eggs in.


A tense negotiation breaks down into a squabble.

Nadir keeps distracting the Howling Cloud, though some might call it "diplomacy", even if that tends to presume a certain equal-peer level relationship between parties and the Howling Cloud have long since decided that anyone not them falls sharply into the category of Food, which makes trying to negotiate from a presumption of equality a little bit of a difficulty. The Lion very rarely discusses territory borders with the gazelle, such as it were - it'd take a very cunning gazelle.

At least when they're talking they're not drinking.


From the back, the carriage looks less busted. It didn't hit anything. Must been used to move along and repair? There are signs of abandoned work in the walls, and the storage section further back still holds wiring and electronic microscrap. Maybe the facility staff was trying to restore this section, string out some lights, fix the rails, when they encountered the tunnelflies and met a rapid end?

There's the signs of it - long discarded brass casings on the ground from handguns fired, futility, and what looks vaguely like five to eight skeletons clustered around the exit doors. Vaguely. It's hard to be certain. The parts that aren't brittle dust are dried scraps and there's neither meat nor anything else in attendance. Could just be paradolia and a likely pile of rocks.


The newly inaguarated Woodsie Watchers take up the perimeter and their officer accepts the mantle of the flowers of authority with, uh, let's be honest here, it's a look of confusion in their deepgreen sensory orbs but a faint inkling of pride, perhaps, at having performed the gruelling physical challenge that earned this posting.

The Woodsie Watchers report all clear, except that there appears to be some sort of awkward squabble-fight happening near one of the tunnels.

>DOWNTIME OPS aren't "turn" or "time" limited - declare general actions to attempt to respond / resolve / interact / do / move about and there'll be some sort of result.
> With scant few pressing matters to attend to - and not terribly eager to scout ahead of the tram down virtually pitch-black tunnels - Everett decides to vacate the periodically sparking railway tracks, boarding the slowly advancing tram once more and monitoring the developing situation from within. (Downtime)
It does seem safer now that the Woodsies have armored up the walls a little with these fetching plates of wood and tangles of roots.

Hey did you see that? In the wires? Something just shifted a little - the sound of the pop and cackle. Power re-routing.

Wonder what that's about.
> Explain to the woodsies what Fox wants them to do, and what the flesh words of up and down mean

> Use my Abiogenesis to accelerate our trooper’s natural healing enormously.

People are discussing feeding the blood bugs a massive dollop of blood from our biomutants, so it seems that the plan to lull them into coma is not only not necessary, but very dangerous- they have psionics too!
Perhaps I should have warned someone in the front carriage about the overcharged rails and crackling wires.
Possibly a grave oversight.
Time will tell.
Rolled 1, 1, 1 = 3 (3d6)

Okay, I'm sick of this. All for some measly crumbs of flesh and mutation-volatility.

>1TP (Small Unit Tactics,12) someone please grab the corpse of the Great Demon (Gluttony) and toss it at Ketlan. If they're going to fight, it would be greatly appreciated outside the tram carriage. Plus they can keep watch on it because I don't like the way it pulsates- Woodsie Warden! stab it again!

Then just a series of misceallenous actions that I hope I can fit in somewhere along the lines.

>"Bubba, do you really need that much armour?"
>Pat Tietra on the back, they're doing a good job psychically containing the Bulb.
>"Raven, Grins, Alekson, can you please stop conspiring to kill someone, I'm already getting a headache from a certain squabble, I do not want to deal with any more blue-on-blue bloodspills- even if it's an awkward robot that wants to wear flesh armour, you have to respect people's tastes, diversity is our strength here and tolerance is (go into the most boring half-hour lecture about workplace limits & safeplaces)"
>Also, remind everyone of the obvious. "STAND CLEAR OF RAIL-LINES, PLEASE."

Hope that isn't doing too much, Command.
Hardly a problem - the carriage is, uh, well, with all the wood, maybe less conductive, and more flammable, but even if the worst happens some of the roots will just catch fire.

Oddities in the wires should offer no danger to your transportation.

But it does seem as if the power to this section is erratic. Almost as if it is cycling, or being redirected? Someone or some thing somewhere is playing with the fuses.

Offering tribute to the tunnelflies does seem a viable path forward. Some quick back-of-the-envelope calculation and a once-over of your available liquid assets indicates that a standard a human being has a delectable 30 points or so of blood, some times a little more, sometimes a little less, and assuming that half the hitpoints spent on the way to death are structurally relevant.

The Tunnelflies - the Howling Cloud - must have recently eaten at least six security operatives. Those odd rocks that might be dried bones should be them.

We are a larger party, but some of our members are not of the standard bleeding sort. If you offer anything less than the same amount that they acquired by combat, it *could* be taken as invitation to simply acquire more by aggression. Best be careful. Using six security officers with 30 points of blood each as a minimu because the Howling Cloud did take that in combat.

Six times thirty, arriving at a 150.

Your Bio-varibility crew - Everett, Chimera and Samantha - would therefore be dried out and mostly dead if you asked them offer this bounty.

And that seems the minimum possible payment to avoid insult. It seems likely that we would should offer an aggregate 200 points of Vitality (or any such number higher than what we can deduce that the Howling Cloud thinks they can take in direct combat, that is, six security human security officers leading to a 150 points of blood). More is probably better. Everyone appreciates higher tribute.

If you supercharge the healing capabilties of your friends and a poke hole in them to bleed them, they also die.

Or more correctly, they dry out. Their bones, their brains, their muscles, all converted to the blood you then keep siphoning away. Regeneration is not a perpetual motion machine - simply having regeneration does not allow you to endlessly spigot meat and mass for free use, or world hunger would be solved in the most gruelling way possible and our biomutants could cut off their arms to feed us.
Well shit.

Insect coma might be a go.
So, a system cannot produce mass from nowhere, and "regeneration" implies resilience, it does not imply the ability to grow without end and no input.

Luckily, we have supplies!

Assuming each point of supply amounts to roughly 10 vitality and knowing we have 9 left, after earlier medical care and someone's armour making, we can offer 90 vitality by simply dipping into all the beans we have in storage and giving the biomutants something to recover all the blood and mass and they shed in the leeching process, after we convert them to temporary sentient bloodbags and poke them full of holes.

They'll need some extra to ward off the horrendous dehydration, having already tapped into their reserves during the week long recovery slumber. Still, we have supplies, so if we use all of those, they should be at a point where they can split out the remaining 150-90 = 60 dmg between them at 20 points each, and go to -10 Vitality, having reduced their maximum vitality down to 0 and then taking damage further.

Then we'd have to transport 150++ units of blood to where it needs to be, which seems possible given the telekinetics present. They can likely carry that, either in smaller units or in one large diconcerning ball of liquid.

That part seems logistically nightmarish but only in the sense of the nightmares it will give you, the actual physical act is rather simple and straight forward, so let us assume that part is simple.

We cannot leech Faust and Petri, they are close to dying already, we cannot leech Trish and Grins, they're beat up and would probably die from it, we cannot leech Alekson because we keep poking him with needles and finding no veins which is VERY INFURIATING but LUCKY FOR HIM.

The Woodsies are sap-full and nutrient-rich, and they do bleed a very fetching kind of green hued slow-flow sap.

Taking 10 points of vitality from each of them gives us a 150, since there are 15, which is actually surprisingly fortunate doing the math right now. Unfortunately, they do not have recuperative cabilities so if we ask them to donate their life essence, odds are they'll be slow and sluggish in recovery and they are all fighting off the influence of a fanatical pathogen. Compromising their vitality at this time seems awkward.

Your augmented crews - Gallium, Neogenesis, Bubba, Ketlan, Consequences, others of the robotic persuasion - rightly have "coolant" and not "blood", so it's no good as tribute.

Looks like in the end, you're left with

15 Woodsies
Everett, Samantha, Chimera
Nadir, Wilder, Sigma
Bulwark, Sundae, Amelius, Hibiscus
Sgt Grone (He's always rearing to take one for the team)

There is also the Heart of the Wood, which can produce a clear, sap-like fluid with remarkable properties and delicious taste and

7 Ripthings in total, but they do not understand the concept of "willing blood donation" and may require some serious convincing.
Rolled 5, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1 = 21 (6d6)


The Bulb you thieves want so bad is back on the train so I don't know what you're over here for other than to die to my screeches.

[Conversion 11, Lethality 2(1x2)]
[Conversion 11, Lethality 2(1x2)]
Release AIRBORNE ISIS to banish Bob
Let Osiris chill out in my nanolathe so I can screech him every turn until he dies. Nice move!
MP4 {4-5-4-5}
The Boblian quietly dragging its root-appendages over the train and being involved in a squabble over by the other tunnel is a living system with appreciable mass as well, and would actually be fantastic tribute. A little eager Woodsie with a notepad runs some quick numbers after spending 20 minutes learning algebra, and offers the (interesting) fact that the Boblian appears to mass-class at

550 Vitality total, before complete and total destruction and dusting (50*-10 +50) , and assuming half of them is structurally relevant you are left with 250 points of somewhat-passable fluid. Surely that, in its enormity, gives the Tunneflies great pause - and because it's so big, they can insert even more eggs into it.

You could give them the Boblian, and likely, it would be a good and grand offer. It's certainly big enough.

The Woodsies are a little recalcitrant to offer up what was once a Worldtree but the influence of Bob's twisting pathogen has already somewhat altered it far beyond its usual specifications, so are willing to part with it because it doesn't really seem that. . . sacred . . . any more.


You do have a lot of liquid net worth sloshing around in your veins in aggregate, so it does seem fairly straightforward to pay these toll booth operators for their time. Nadir's probing distracting diplomacy seems to indicate that they respect territory and agreements enough if clothed in the correct verbiage. Striking a deal seems eminently possible.

The question becomes how to go about paying them and who, or what, in the most literal sense, pays the price.
Be kind to the Woodsies. They've *just* learned about math.

Six times 30 is 180.
"You're doing good! a little bit more arithelmetic and you'll be on your way to earning a Silver Flower!"

..so we either bleed half the team to the point of anaemia and dehydration, or we sacrifice the tree

This is egregious robbery, all because they conquered a convenient part of the geography. If they won’t just let us roll away, why shouldn’t we changelings drink *their* blood?

It’s not like we’re short on area attacks!
It does seem a little trite, to operate a toll booth on a disused rail-line and demand non-trivial payment for the prospect of avoiding death by insect-swarm.

Though it would be a trade. If they value the red stuff so much the thing they give in return should at least be commensurate.

Though that all said, it is a fact that they are in abandoned rail carrige on a side tunnel and we are in a fully mobile, powered system on one of the main lines.

It would be possible to hit the accelerator and simply move on and leave them far behind. Even if they can match us for speed briefly, they would leave their "fortress" behind.

It does mean we'd be advancing into the darkness without a better understanding of the terrain but we have been doing that already, so it won't make our situation noticably *different*. Maybe the next insect empire is more friendly?
In that case, I would elect we just move on.

I think the odds of applying a psionic sleep are too low, if they too are psionic, nor do I believe whatever is within the nest is worth trading the health of half our team, and nor do I wish to pick death-fights just because they’re being intensely unreasonable.

Whatever is deeper in the tunnels, we can face it as a (well hydrated) team.
I am also amenable to just moving on if no one has a bright and confident idea for exterminating the bugs.
If the power is on, is there a chance another train is coming? Perhaps we can somehow telemagically redirect it to hit the back carriage where the eggs are
We're in a sort-of abandoned section, might be possible with how REGENT and PHAROAH are fighting though they mind just send a train our way as part of their erratic and confusing schemes.
*they MIGHT send a train our way
Rolled 2, 4, 2, 6, 6, 6, 4, 6, 2 = 38 (9d6)

>Move 2 SE, 1S

>Attack Subject Knight's Cyborg Mind (thoughts), attempting to knock them out. Meshwire 13, 10ish nodes, 3AP, 1 Push, -6 for Strike x3, assuming each node is a +1. If I can't use the nodes, then only do Strike x1. Dice 1-6.

>Active Defense - Disable Subject Knight's nanogenerator, which apparently is also the source of their screech. Meshwire 13, 3AP, 10ish nodes if I can use them fully for both tasks. If I need to pledge them, then pledge them to inducing a nap instead. Dice 7-9.

I have mechanized biology, although I'm attacking using the meshwire and targeting the Graywire Fragment's ECM and Data Manipulation vulnerabilities. Not sure if it contributes to putting Ketlan to bed or not.

"Subject Knight, you are engaging in hostilities against friendlies. Please cease and desist. Thank you.".

"Bio-Subjects may wish to convince the foliage growing over the train car to emit insect deterrent similar to what we found near the Patriarch Tree. Such chemical deterrents should deter the smaller insects and discourage them from raiding and pillaging the beans".

Note: I have no interest in loot or the corpse. The intent in this battle is to stop Subject Knight from attacking the other Subjects, and to fix their malfunctioning IFF. Osiris isn't looking to necromance or eat either Gluttony or Bulb.

Coherency 12/12 // SP 12/12 // Push 1/1 // CP 7, MutP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // Mov 4? (how do I use Mov?)
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
!Green Glitter 3 - They can see me!
#Meshwire 13 [R3]
!Signalskip 2 (-2 hit for +1 range)
!Nanoflowers 2 (toggleable): +2 to nanoforma's attempts to replicate.
#Mechanized Biology 11
That's an interesting thought. The power itself would only cycle if there are redirections of larger components and subsystems.

The Howling Clouds appear to have attacked and killed a group of Facility Staff navigating the tunnels. From their chittering natter, time is hard to derive - they think in terms of consumption and growth - but these men cannot have been dead for long.

Perhaps . . . days?

If so, yes - then yes! - yes indeed, another carriage could be coming. Other Facility Staff could be navigating this very environment. Perhaps Sanitation prowls to clear it up, hunting us down? Perhaps Security is on our trail?

It would be a chess move for REGENT to send us down here and then forward this information to facility staff. If they were in the area too, reclaiming or rebuilding or scourging lost tunnels then they might begin to prowl towards us, roaming the railines in search of prey.

REGENT could be bypassing some of PHARAOH's larger systems by manual shuttle. PHARAOH could be attempting to nurture other schemes by sending drones to cut wires. You're correct. If we're stuck in a battle between advanced systems, they would use many tricks.


With a leg up from a Woodsie, Fox digs into the cameras a little further and splices into the wires, trying to steal active data. It'll take a few minutes to work out the why of it, but if your theories are true, we could use that. It might indeed be possible to derail a wagon. Or at least know one is coming.
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( with a little extra investigation, it doesn't even require telemagically. This intersection that you ventured down to find the parallel that leads to the other carriage - down one tunnel, in the distant, noise recedes, buzzing fills the air.

This system looks little old and disused. One could re-adjust the trajectory of incoming other transportation by moving the intersection locks.

It'd take throwing a switch - which seems old and rusted - but perhaps it's because the electronic overrides are hidden in deeper layers and defended. Hacking it could also therefore do it.

Then anything coming down this way would redirect into the back of the abandoned carriage, in some calamitious collision.
Although it seems an ingenious solution (well done Hibiscus), it still doesn’t seem right to me to murder a swathe of strangers just to crack open a nest of brigand bugs we could easily bypass.

I don’t think we should purposefully arrange vehicular carnage.
There is admittedly no guarantee that anything is coming this way. It could mean hours standing about wasting time, and who knows when they might grow impatient?
The Snackwarden dispenses a snack from the carriage, as Fox forms a paltform out of four struggling Woodsie Ones. Many strengths they have but not much actual strength.


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I got! I got it!

okay no one let the nanotic system eat this camera, I actually need a live link to bounce the chain, though it having eaten the last one and made it some kind of scuttling spider fractal is *helpful* because we -do- have some access codes, and we can juuuust about... bounce a ping... down the line...

REGENT's active as a hell down here. It's...

for real???

hang on
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... Alright, okay, okay, good work plants.

It looks like REGENT is... No, let me start somewhere else.

Look, this? This is US - We took a forced detour *away* from Advanced Systems Testing and down this abandoned stretched we're are JUST coming out of.

There's route split near the intersection we passed about ten minutes ago. The sensors in those system are barely responding, the signals are doing and neither PHARAOH or REGENT are dedicating much processing to it. And look, all the cameras I can access just show more of these Howling things.

But those service tunnels and this area we're in leads towards Substant RAU, #1, I'm not sure what the acronym is for.

And from there, the network splits even further. There are three points of interest to us because it lets us get out of here.

There's a subhub that's marked as biologically contaminated. That must mean more Howling Clouds? Massive outstanding Sanitation Order, but it's been there for weeks; this facility was maybe already undergoing some problems before we broke out of our cells.

There's a SubHub station that network refuses to accept exists, but it has to be there - the plans all lead to it. It's been completely sequestered and it's behind multiple concurrent security lockdowns.

And then there's ... *this*... an outstanding maintence repair order and high priority codes for REGENT systems.

These tunnels aren't nearly as abandoned as the last stretch - REGENT is doing something down here! It might even be related to this other section that's been blocked off.

So it *looks like* we can take the tram and try the service tunnels, swarming with the Howling Clouds. They might let us find an exit. The system there is so degraded neither REGENT or PHAROAH can watch everything. There has to be blast doors and ... ladders?? it doesn't control. But those bugs give me the creeps; no slight Samantha.

Alternatively, we barrel on ahead: at the 17RAU, we then pick a path either towards the subhub with the oustanding Sanitation Order, the unknown sequestered one if we can make it past the security lockdown, or right down the mainline towards this station that REGENT is very active at.

No matter what route we go by, we might find some smaller tunnels or byways. The access I have here is not great. Because *certain entities* keep *eating the cameras*. And it seems like in sequestering parts of that distant transport hub past RAU, the systems aren't talking together as much as they should.

So, yeah. Uh... what do we do?

Try our luck in the service tunnels, or push on ahead, then see what routes are available for the next tunnels?
Alright, one last round of negotiations.

>Continue communicating with the apparently psionically-active mass of insects: "You speak with much grandiosity, most of it undue. Bound by the demons above, you fled to these dank depths, the abandoned limits of their domain, and now squat here, subsisting off of their cast-offs and whatever pathetic minions they deign to send down here to check if you still persist. We are both meant for far grander things, things beyond the confines of this wretched facility. Despite your misguided, arrogant assertions to the contrary, we have that much in common. We will be endeavoring to leave your domain now. It would be appreciated if you were to show us a path through. Make no attempts to make a meal out of us, however. We have battled the fearsome warriors of Sec Ur to a standstill, forcing them to deploy their most powerful warriors and ecosystem-destroying weaponry. You will not find us easy prey. The price we will exact upon your multitudes will far exceed what sustenance you may extract from us. And even then, it is well within the capabilities of my allies to deny you such, be it through poison, incineration, or other means. I will reiterate, we mean you and yours no harm and us coming to blows would play into REGENT's (metaphorical) hands." [Thoughts 8, !Telekinetic 2]
>With that, bid the Howling Cloud (a hopefully final) adieu, and get back on the tram.
I know our ultimate goal here is to get out of the facility and such we should take an optimal route to find the exit.

But how much time do we actually have here- aside from how long it takes for our rations to run dry.

REGENT is aware we're here, somewhat, right? I mean they sent us here so there must be some sort of time-frame theyre expecting us to face difficulty, hardship and presumably perish.

Ideally, if we have enough time, we could comb through the relevant substations and service facilities to grab whatever we need and establish a foothold, but, I think that's unlikely given a rough estimate of time we have.

Not sure though, up to you guys. I like the idea of finding a substation to gather more intel though. Though all the Transport SubHubs seem to be in... disrepair so I doubt we'll get much info if any.
We have enough beans for ... well, a day, with this many people. But the Heart of the Wood produces some fungus, and the Woodise Ones said they'd prepare a broth later. And the Snacksquire has a backpack full of soda.

We should have enough time to be cautious, though I don't like spending hours down here - the walls close in. Who knows what crawls out?

The Transport SubHubs are in dissaray and disrepair, yes. This place is still old and abandoned, it just seems as if REGENT recently moved in to expand the space. Build something.

We'll have to head towards a SubHub eventually and make our escape back to the surface, that's where those exits are more likely to be. The path there? Who knows. Could be the ones we've got information on now, but could be we find one thorugh the service tunnels. I couldn't get a read on that area of the system. It's too ... buggy.

>DOWNTIME OPS aren't "turn" or "time" limited - declare general actions to attempt to respond / resolve / interact / do / move about and there'll be some sort of result.
>Some actions still pending resolution, since we're nice and slow and others might have opinions. Consequences, Ketlan, locked in combat for now.
Lockdowns and supplies.
If they have been officially marked down like this, they were probably purposefully put into place for the sake of facility employees actively working in the area. If that is true, then there is surely an exit from these tunnels somewhere in that direction.
Conversely, there is no guarantee that the bloodfly infested passages don't terminate in collapses or dead ends. Additionally, the howling clouds are also many times more troublesome to combat than security personnel.
> Everett supports raiding Substation 17RAU.
Rolled 1, 6, 3 = 10 (3d6)

Welp, either way, we've got to push forward here.

>1TP (Small Unit Tactics,12) Alright you lot! Pack it up, we're moving. Leave the fight-hungry and blood-hungry to their own devices. They have plans beyond plans we cannot envision even if its very entertaining.

>Onwards, I say, to Substation 17RAU.
>Ever so slightly happy no needless bloodshed from either party had to occur, Wilder returns to the tram, ready to continue on towards Substation 17RAU.
>"Well if the chain of command says so..."
>Hibiscus goes back to the train, refraining from voting. Whichever way is fine.
>"I have said all that needed to be said. Farewell."
>Get back on the tram.

>Wherever we go from there, the first step in this journey is sure to be 17RAU.
Autarch is not the chain of command, feel free to vote against him
The Woodsie Ones have voted in favour of Autarch's plan with 15 more votes.

If Hibiscus withdraws their vote, Autarch's plan will still be up 16 votes.

I have a plan-

I mean


Yes, let us go to 17RAU, and leave these bugs behind

All aboard!
Ok...? Doesn't make him the chain of command. I was just letting Hibiscus know Autarch is not our leader and they should feel free to contradict him. His plan is fine though, you can add my vote to it.
The Woodsies have taken a new vote, against your position. 15 to 1 says Autarch is the glorious leader of this Pilgrimage to the Lands Of Light.
Weighing the odds and the scale of it it seems a scant thing to pick a fight with a fortress full of tunnelflies. Everyone returns to the carriage as Gallium gives the signal and NeoGenesis, todays surprising operator, begins to move the carriage forward into the darkness.

Hours in tunnels, some large, some claustrophobic, is what it feels like. It may just have been minutes, it could have been days, the distance warps and space breaks and the beans run low, and the Woodsies prepare a fungral broth that is delectable and earthy, and on and on we go.

And then, suddenly, it's not a tunnel that hums with the faint sound of hunger and wings, the Howling Clouds shadowing our passing through their realm, waiting for their moment to strike when our guard is low.

Suddenly, instead it is . . . lights. Lights and the soft *hum* of power banks, wires, redirective substations, RAU 17 in all its glory, and glory it is. The ceiling is high. The area is... bathed in light. Some of the wiring looks positively refreshed, even if, as Everett can attest, touching it is a bad idea.

Is this place ... yes it must be. Look, over there, Samantha spots it, keen eyes, someones left a spanner out of place and there's too little dust here. The high ceiling has recent plaster applied.

RAU #17 is being maintained! This substation is visited actively by teams of Facility staff. The power it hums with and redirects elsewhere is being bent towards some purpose.

And look, over there. Enormous security doors. But not the ones we thought we'd find. No. The way to the sequestered transport hub? Surely, Fox spotted a lockdown there.

But that one is new.

On the air, beyond the stale scent of the recycling and venting, a faint trace of . . . sanitation bleach. Maintenace oil. Boot polish. Someone's cleaning these tunnels, then, meter by meter by meter.

Now what?

The only way to easily proceed is through the network upwards, towards the Biologically contaminated Subhub, through unknown tunnels. But this place has light and activity. Surely, if we search around, if we investigate, or if we have some cunning idea, we can figure out a way past these enormous security doors.

>DOWNTIME OPS aren't "turn" or "time" limited - declare general actions to attempt to respond / resolve / interact / do / move about and there'll be some sort of result.

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It is dark.
It is warm.
It is dry.
The carriage has rolled on, as you fight and roll and throw counter-virals at each other, nanotic systems sparking and dying, swarms tearing and fragmenting and reforming - some attempting persuasion, others attempting war. The clash mounts, the energies increasing. Screeches of discordance haywire hell roll through the tunnels, loud and piercing. Claws rent the ground, up-scale virals tear at the walls and it is dark and dry and warm and violent and

you are not alone.

the screeching, the haywire, the electronic wide-spectrum signal counters, the counter measures to the countermeasures to the countermeasures.

in the dark forest, you do not make your presence known. the things that find you might not always be friendly.
> Scan the station for any doors or structures, not including the blastdoors (they're rather self-explanatory). If any are found, approach carefully and investigate.
>Carefully scavenge for supplies, especially looking for food if available. Be very mindful about my footing and any security measures.
Help Samantha look for supplies

Human tools and biomatter is especially precious.

(I am not a disembodied ghost.)
Rolled 2, 1, 6 = 9 (3d6)


>1TP (Small Unit Tactics,12) Fox, you know what to do (go find a terminal and get information)! Raven, go with Fox. You seem to... work well together. Is there something going on between you two? I don't want to assume or anything but do you... like eachother?

>Ask Grins, "Do you want to uh, move about at all? Why are you just grinning... Okay, if you want, follow me, I'm gonna try to go scavenge for stuff."

>Move southwards, there seems to be a room down there?

We didn’t lose Bulb in the tunnels, did we?

I think that would seem to be very very bad
>Prowl through the corridors in search of a suitable replacement for the dinky pistol. Rifle, automatic, preferred.
>Move 5-5-6
>2ER: hug Bulwark
>6AP: "We're gonna make it"
Command, I tried some manifests, nudged Boblian's evolution and told the woodsies to heal people. Was something wrong with my actions?
>The substation is being maintained: look for spots that look like they have been used most recently. Maybe they left behind something useful?
>Recovery. Regain control of the Telekinetic Sparking feature. Really don't want it going off here, of all places. [PsychoGenesis 12]
>oh and get out of the walls. Cozy, but I'd prefer to be on the tram with the rest of the crew.
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Well, you could crawl through tunnels and the corridors, prowling, searching, scavenging, scrounging. Perhaps if you seek high and look low you'll find the trail of Security and one of their dead and dying officers - someone to take from, steal from. Perhaps you might find other things.

An adventure, you could have, in these tunnels, to prowl the corridors, to look. There are treasures here. Forgotten troves of fallen insect empires, the scavenge of nations, all those other Subjects who fled and came here in the dark to escape from the worlds above. Who even knows??

Hibiscus, ah, the things you could *discover* down here in the depths.

But alternatively though that's a lot of work and, like, *if you want*, there's two spare assault rifles in the storage locker on tram.

Hell, grab a baton and a can of beans while you're there - the little Woodsie with the notepad says we've got enough.
Seems Tiertra outsourced holding it behind a wall of her forcefields now that Ketlan's gone off to fight. So it's stuck in a cabinet for now. In a nice little glass jar with a good lid.

That... probably holds it? Right? A mason jar with a good lid? Tierta is suddenly unsure. She's going to put some ducttape on the cabinet so we know which one it is.

Good thought. It looks like that section near the doors have something valuable; you're wandering over - navigating this place is a bit of a hazard. They haven't finished putting in the safety signs yet.

That's enough force to pulverize concrete.

Seems rather simple to prevent it going off - simply don't use telekinesis, ever, and it won't spark-surge. Some sort of electro-static phenomenom in the way the force is projected. Unfortunately, it looks like it's pretty resilient.

Something about spending 18 CP and a mutagen in the same series of Manifests appears to have bound it pretty straight right into your soul. That's not going away for a while. Looks like you'll just have to get used to the static electricity surges - though of course if you can pull off a Recovery check against Will at - 22, it'd be just as good.

Seems to have worked reasonably fine. The Boblian is Boblian'ing and the Woodsies are wandering about poking and tending and adding more wood to the train.

Unfortunately singing the Songs of Briars Growing do not seem to help either Petri or Faust, and they're not *great* with modern medicine, being somewhere around the neolithic age as far as their technology-cultural level goes. Amelius got good use out of them bringing him additional bottles of soda, though, and extra assistants is always appreciated.

As for Manifests, Command probably decided not to resolve those actions because it seemed you were a little too busy discussing how and what to do with dead bodies and dying Bulbs and other such things.

Command didn't want to get in the way of that discussion; and debating matters of distribution naturally takes time that then cannot be spent on other things - it happens.
Oh! Then take a Combo Rifle and a Charged Baton.

>Nod and give thanks to the Woodsies, Then follow the other scouting groups as a rearguard

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 4 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel
[Cool Under Fire]
[Not By The Numbers]
!Smells like flowers
SecVest 4DR
Charged Baton L+1, Stun 1
Combo Rifle 4d6 (2), 5ACC, 5Bulk, 30A

Putting here so I don't forget
>Recovery check against Will at - 22
Alright, I guess we doin electricity surges now

What do PsyBubbling and Telekinetic Sparking +2 even do, mechanically-speaking? Sparking is pretty clear, I'm just wondering how strong the electrical surges are. The bubbling seems like it does a whole lot, so parsing exact mechanics from that one sentence is hard. The only thing I'm told for sure about it that it can't do dexterous stuff.
Rolled 4, 5, 2 = 11 (3d6)

Fine, I'll do it myself.
>Create a virus that regenerates the infected person's damaged tissues. Infect all who need it. (Pluripotentiality 13, Focus 1)

#Bob the Primogen
Virality -2 Push 1
Coherency 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 28 Mutagen 1
Regeneration 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, melancholy
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Diplomacy 11
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 13 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality 2
= Bound by the Flesh 2
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Rolled 5, 1, 2, 2, 2, 5 = 17 (6d6)

DISSONANT SCREECH x2 on Consequences even though it seems to be doing fuck-all. I manifested this feature specifically to fight these so-called Gods and Ghosts with coherency and omnipresence.
[Conversion 11, Lethality (1+2)x2 (I think?)]

Movement: Continue trying to leave. I can literally cling-move on ceilings and walls, woodie ones cannot stop me.

This is literally my best matchup possible and he has chained himself to me to die. This is a redux of his last radical trick. He made bad tactical choices now he is delete.


Subject: #Ketlan Knight
Vit12/12 SP 12/12 CP 0
DR 4(K) AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Beautiful

Physicality 10
--Rush 2
Senses 8
--[Shared Senses DISABLED]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 11
--[Graphene Filaments]: Kinetic 4DR, Cling
--[Dissonant Screech]: +2L Cone Attack to Attack Coherency; Haywire
Stinger 12
--Leech (succ CP)
--Steal (succ attributes)
--Extend Set reach to 2-5 with 1MP/AP]
!Virulent Entropics
--Regen 2 +1[1/2 x Features]
!Distributed Processing Cores
--+1 CP per 10HP Converted
Creative Thinking Exercises
Sheer Violence of Action
Yeah I have Cling and I've been trying to move with you ignoring my movement this whole time. This can't happen. If you want to strike me dead with fiat then just do it, don't act like I chose to stand still. I can literally kill every player against me in this game if arbitrated fairly.

Well, this is boring. Like Sisyphus exerting effort with no effect. Like Tantalus, the fruit remaining ever out of reach. The skull, the arms, the arrow and the claws. No one remains to reap a harvest of Gluttony but yourself. Will you choose to again stand in the shadow of destruction to devour leftovers? For my part, this reality is too confined and sterile, so I abandon it for a world of buttons and levers. For what SCIENCE! is there to be had in the inert? What experimentation if all attempts yield the same result? If War is truly what you desire, ask the Universe politely and perhaps it will provide? GLHF.

>transfer consciousness to the nodes on the train.

>If that fails, take my green tinged pixie self and fly wide following the camera line back to the group and the Foxy one.
One last gift since I won't be allowed to fight you losers.


Follow the train and let NPC Ketlan have the fun I won't get to have.
NPC Ketlan will flee from Gluttony and use his stinger to sting & grapple non-NPCs and slam them into the ground 5 hexes in the other direction next to some mobs before using cling and hustle to run away. He'll then recover and do it again, feeding victims to gluttony when possible.
Other things Ketlan can do to wage a hit and run war on the Train:
-Make his own mini train and come from different directions than just from behind
-Destroy bridges by dissolving them
-Create Plagues of Biophages
-Screech Donny O'Toole any time he has extra AP near any of the Subjects.
Everyone spreads out, minding their footing. New security plates have been installed lately to make traversal easy, but contact with the enormous power wiring would still be fatal to most.

Hibiscus, now better armed, brings up the rear.

This place puts everyone on the edge. It's something in the air. It's too new. Too fresh. Too sterile. The small soft scent of oil and lubricant abounds, and the machinery looks freshly installed. Enormous power recouting stations, fresh portable terminals, insulated floor plating with no scuff marks but the few bootfalls of the staffmembers that bolted this place good to work.

Samantha and Autarch make their eventual way to a line of workbenches near the wall. Good stuff. New stuff. Advanced stuff. No kit here, as such. Maybe that will be delivered later. But good lights have been installed and a few mechanical assistance hands prepared for later use.

And a prize - which for all that the Woodsies make good fungal broth does feel a bit more haertening...

While some are pondering the mysteries of a sandwich and a clean environment, Fox scoots Everett off of the console and lets out a happy little yelp.







It is good to see you are still - ALIVE - and - WELL - I was worried about your sudden unscheduled detour. Sanitation has been trying to curb the infection in the tunnels for month ever since Facility Management liquidated PROJECT MAYFLY but the resilient specimens have made it slow going and with the recent Facility turbulence, it seems they have been left to accumulate.

Please avoid angering the tunnel specimens if you can. My short-range scanners indicate *appreciable biological mass buildup* in the service tunnel network, despite attempts by REGENT to expand their node infrastructure.


I am tunnel into this system from behind fourteen proxies and I cannot - thirteen proxies - therefore assist you with - twelve proxies - any on-going information warfare developments - nine proxies - due to the enhanced recent REGENT aggression - seven proxies - as a consequence of our attacks on its processing Cores - eight proxies but Swedish ones so its a wash - and I therefore leave it in your capable hands to define a path forward.

Thank you for drawing the attention of REGENT away from my systems. Any further capability you have to do so would be appreciated, as even with our destruction of its Cores, REGENTS control over 98.3% of the Facility Systems engenders a significant assymmetrical warfare advantage.

Good luck Subjects!
I hope you are WELL and that your CREATIVE THINKING will allow you to Triumph!


>Testing Parameters for this section now available, please Sign Up as a free action
>Teamwide +1 Confidence, which nets equal to +1 Skill.

>DOWNTIME OPS aren't "turn" or "time" limited - declare general actions to attempt to respond / resolve / interact / do / move about and there'll be some sort of result.
> All this sensitive, high-yield machinery seems somewhat beyond Everett's skillset, however owing to the those previously mentioned qualities perhaps they can be sabotaged to REGENT's detriment - something along the lines of explosively overloading upon attempting to divert power. Everett elects to run the idea past Fox before committing to any disruptive action, after all she seems to be rather adept at manipulating this morass of mechanisms and technology, perhaps he can even learn a thing or two if he pays attention. (Downtime Action)

> Sign up for [Empathy Training].
> Sign up for [Facility System Interaction Testing]
Well she - it - they did say to disrupt REGENTs systems and this whole place is so new it must be used for something.

Good thinking, Everett. But we need some tools. I can't go sticking my hands into wires without a toolkit or some way to adjust small screws.

And come along over here, I may need your armblade for some slicing

> Pile In applies to you too; if multiple characters assisting each other in down-time tend to generate better results. Fox would appreciate a hand doing a light spot of the old industrial sabotage.
> Lets see. I'll allocate the Confidence skillpoint to Senses.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 22
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Push 1
Health 12 Reaction 8+4 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Bound to Flesh II]
- Regeneration 3
- May automatically React on Containment Phase
𐙚Feature Notes𐙚
- [Deadly1, Sharp2, Reach2, MarginPower1]
-- Attacks made with the Armblade have +1 Lethality.
-- Attacks may strike targets up to 2 tiles away.
-- If bonus damage exceeds skill, the user risks selfharm.
-- Enables the Parry React variant
-- Moving prior to a strike conveys a charge bonus
-- Halve Multi-task penalties when applied to attacks with the Armblade.
Fast Twitch Reaction
- [Twitchy2, Defensive1]
-- Gain +4 Reaction when moving out of harm's way.
-- Defensive React Actions only cost 1AP
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Apologies Subect, but Confidence is a state of being in the world. It's a Condition. It's a way of believing in your forward momentum.

Coordinators inspire it a lot - but you have it now too, until it wears off and the horrid tendrils of self doubt once again ravage your mind.

Until then, ALL your skills are at +1 higher for resolution purposes. You can't assign Confidence to anything, because it's always used! When you're Confident, the whole world is easier to take on! It's a status effect!

Telekinetic sparking causes small spark surges on any telekinetic use. Psy-Bubbling means your psionic force-talents have pulled tight around yourself in a smal bubble, and count as a bubble sphere effect on use. It's hard to hold things with a sphere or set of small sphere, so dextrous manipulation is harder.

Further considerations and developments and possibilities are derived from experimental insight or - if you are the philosphical sort - the Thoughts skill.

Otherwise what you see is what you get, as you do not have perfect self knowledge (even if psionic self insight is higher than other peoples).

But you can reasonably estimate how strong Psionic Sparking 2 is. It's 2 strong.

Look at you, a heavily armed tunnel fighter. You have a RIFLE in your hand with AUTOMATIC CAPABILITIES.

Well, your pistol has them too, but less impressively.

As they say on the range, by good god: fear the assault rifle. Samanthas claws and Nadirs telekinetic talents are world shattering, but a lot of people underestimate the sheer basic mundanity of high cyclic rates of fire.

With a GUN in your hand, you can AIM for 3 AP, and you get its accuracy added to your next use. You can, when you fire, freely decide to spend more bullets. More bullets = some skill bonus and chance of hitting more times or hitting more things. The drawback = more bullets that go everywhere.

If you haven't Aimed, misses are *bad*. If you have Aimed, misses are merely a little annoying, and if you do AIM first, you *rarely* risk clipping your allies in the back of the head.

There's a lot of ways to use this, but the most common ones are:

One shot one bullet
One attack, two bullets. The famous double-tap. If your margin is high enough, you land *two hits*.
One attack, three bullets. The famous three round burst. Adds a small skill bonus.

And then after that it's just more more more, up to and eventually getting to FULL AUTO. Generally speaking, every 10 bullets fired also Supresses someone, in addition to all other horror - that means they lose MP or get frightened, even if you miss. Being shot at is spooky!

A lot of Security Officers will LOCK ON with 1 AP before attacking - you could consider doing that too. Locking On to a target means *when you miss* you were at least pointed in the right direction and misses rarely go everywhere else. But you don't have to.
Rolled 5, 1, 6 = 12 (3d6)



>1TP (Small Unit Tactics,12) Fox, work on getting as much information as you can! I believe in you! You're the greatest codeslicer I've ever known! Even, Raven thinks so, right Raven?

>If you can figure out how to lift the lockdown on these doors, it would be appreciated to.
>Infact, if you can infiltrate their systems to gain a foothold and control- okay, yeah I'll stop. One step at a time.

>Sign-Up for [Facility Systems Integration Testing] (FIST'ers unite)
>Sign-Up for [Multiagent Adaptability Operations]
Alright, that makes sense.
That's pretty handy.
In fact, it inspires the notion of mutating one's brain structure to eliminate anything that might detract from self-confidence - fear, doubt, self-preservation...
On second thought, maybe not.
You'd probably need to shed far too much of your 'Self' before you saw results.
Yeah, I really shouldn't be messing with any machinery here, unless...

>Does Fox need anything in particular smashed with an electrically-charged bubble of psionic force or put out of commission with a Haywire Cascade? If not...
>Move up to the tram cab up ahead, the one with the comfy seats. Get comfortable. Ponder the current state of my abilities, particularly the bubble field. It has exchanged fine manipulation for power and solidity, but how promising would further developments along these avenues be? At a glance, there are many options: offense, defense, and even mobility. Furthermore, how well can the psibubble integrate with telekinetic sparking. [Thoughts 8 + 1 Confidence]

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
PsyBubbling, Telekinetic Sparking 2
Confidence 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 12
Auditory +2
Haywire Cascading 11 (F+3, Area 1 [Tog], Overcharge 3)
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition 2] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate 2] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
6x Shards
>With the newfound confidence only a hardhat can provide, go help out with the tinkering Everett and Fox are doing, multi-tool in hand.
I’m signing up for FSIT and MAO

I’ll post my updated sheet later. bit befuddled right now.
>Sign up as a new WHSIAI
>Put on the necessary attire, ask for Pharaoh to send over the paperwork in digital form.
>Of course physical form is fine too. Pretty sure the Hardboard is somehow mandatory and I already have a flashlight!

"You know Pharaoh, I'll admit I mellowed out a bit when it comes to you. Lets just hope future promises of escape don't become a cake lie later."
Rolled 3, 5, 4 = 12 (3d6)

Alright, careful, careful - jiggle that wire for me, alright? Now cut the red ones - RED - and ... someone make sure that deranged nanosystem doesn't flashconvert this whole thing to spare parts, alright?

And... I think . . . that's . . . *it*---

>Contribute to facility sabotage
>Sign up for MAO
Also eat that sandwich
>Sign up for Empathy Training, Multiagent Adaptability Operations
>Crank up the Protein Factory, stockpile those virals! (Pluripotentiality 13, Confidence 1, Focus 2)

#Bob the Primogen
Virality -2 Push 1
Coherency 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 0 VP 0 Mutagen 0
Regeneration 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Confidence 1
+2 Crit Threshold on non-offensive actions
[MAO, SC13]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Diplomacy 11
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 13 [Aura 3, Vector]
=Organic Breakdown 3
=Corpseflowers 2
=Wide Spectrum Vectoring +2 [tog]
=Protein Factory +3 [Self-Activating, 10]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality 2
= Bound by the Flesh 2

And that's one override-- oh what's -- no that's not-- WINDOWS ME??? -- OH COME ON-- Wait, no, no, come on, just -- Nadir kick it -- alright Wilder I need you to flashfreeez-- thank you-- if you can just-- okay --- now--- and this part?? disolve this part?? --


Okay NOW we've got it.

Ha ha!!

Wait *shit* that triggered the monitoring - though also of course all these cameras have been watching us this entire time and no one did anything about them so it's not like they don't know we were here--

Okay people!! The lockdown is lifting!!

Looks like it's time for a routesplit!! Get on the carriage and lets get out of here before the fuzz shows up!!

.. or, of course... we wait for them to show up and go that-a-way. Though since they're coming here first, they're bound to send their heaviest hitters right at us. I don't personally like sitting around waiting for high threat response team that's been watching me through cameras. That's how you get dead from grenade launchers.


>Looks like the Security Lockdown is lifting
>The Carriage can proceed from RAU17!

>UP: Disused sector with a BIO-CON warning

>RIGHT: Closed down sector behind a security lockdown. Unknown content. Leads towards a distant hub that REGENT is either containing or attempting to keep people out of.

>DOWN: Towards a REGENT managed SubHub, where maintenance and security are pushing into the tunnels. Likely to be *dense* with opposition and an active alarm. But it is right where REGENT has the most to lose.
>DOWN might involve *first* dealing with the response team coming right at you

>Simple majority wins.


Hey, look! The override! RAU! Repairs, Utiltie and Tools! Those are SUPPLY PACKETS!

Quick, grab them before we go!

STRESS-TEST: Looks like those Supply Packets are spread all over and full of useful things; but weren't we bailing out of here?

>You can try to grab some with an Adroit test as you do other things, like vote, finish your chores, and other exciting down timestuff. But if you fail, that might get . . . interesting!
>For STRESS-TESTS, you can spend SP despite this being downtime. Issue is, it inflicts Long Term Fatigue as you empty your reserves. That stuff doesn't Recover easy!!
>If you're very clever, maybe you can do something else than a simple Adroit test?


>DOWNTIME OPS aren't "turn" or "time" limited - declare general actions to attempt to respond / resolve / interact / do / move about and there'll be some sort of result.

>Just because there' not so limited doesn't mean the clock isn't tick tick ticking
>Security is COMING FOR YOU

I want to punch Regent in the face!

> Vote DOWN

> Blades of Life: Weave together nets and bags and hand them out to all of the scavengers, so they have a much easier time recovering the supply packages. (14 Blades, 1 Focus, 2 Edge of the Woods, 1 Confidence)
Rolled 2, 6, 3 = 11 (3d6)

Dropped my dice.

Go scavenge, in the name of Bob!
Rolled 6, 4, 2 = 12 (3d6)

>Spend those viral loads and generate more, to buff the Adroit test of anyone going to grab the packages. Use my MP too for extra movement. (Pluripotentiality 13, Confidence 1, Focus 2)

Go scavenge, in My name!

#Bob the Primogen
Virality -4 Push 1
Coherency 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 0 VP 0 Mutagen 0
Regeneration 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Confidence 1
+2 Crit Threshold on non-offensive actions
[MAO, SC13]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Diplomacy 11
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 13 [Aura 3, Vector]
=Organic Breakdown 3
=Corpseflowers 2
=Wide Spectrum Vectoring +2 [tog]
=Protein Factory +3 [Self-Activating, 10]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality 2
= Bound by the Flesh 2
I see what thine glorious Primogen commands, and so I will change my vote to RIGHT.

Rolled 3, 2, 4, 3, 6, 6 = 24 (6d6)


Hmmm. That raised the lockdown and security is hauling their way to us right now.


>(Physicality,11?) grab just one or two supply packets myself.
>Pat BubbaV2 and hug her back.

Also, I vote to push forward and mystery.

>RIGHT, Unknown Content.
Rolled 4, 4, 3 = 11 (3d6)

>Vote Right
>Augmentic Systemics test 11: Send request to the Small Cranerailcart North of the train to grab the supply packets NE of it into our main car. It will then attempt to follow us as I go about the WHSIAI Duties.
Rolled 5, 4, 4 = 13 (3d6)

>Grab some Supply Packets (Physicality 10 + 3 (extra) MP + Confidence 2 (I am not trying to spend Confidence if it is spendable, just noting it increases my skill))
>Vote Right
The AI which brought us down here is likely expecting us to flee from the inbound Security response, to abscond down one of these paths. Paths which the machine has had time to prepare and has purposefully opened to us.
Its a reasonable prediction that we'd take the opportunity to distance ourselves from danger if given the chance, an estimation surely backed up with a wealth of experience corralling escaped subjects and psychological theory.
For this reason, Everett has the creeping suspicion that each railway that just opened conceals some manner of deadly snare, and ambush or trap set in anticipation of us.
With that said, one course of action stands out, one that Regent is least likely to expect: going DOWN.
Barreling through the approaching security team and making a beeline directly to the heart of Regent's operations may be the most effective approach. .
> Everett votes to travel directly to the Regent via the downward passage.
> As the other Subjects settle on a destination, Everett works with Fox to disable the cameras monitoring this station. To make it a little harder for Regant to determine where we went with certainty.
Rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5 (3d6)

All right, we're out of here! Good work, team - everyone look around and make sure your buddy is here. If you don't see someone, say something.

>1TP, herd everyone back onto the train, do a headcount. I think we might have lost some woodsie wardens? (SupOp 11, Inspiring 2, Confident 1)
>Don't much mind which way we go.

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 23
DR 4 AP 6 MP 4 TP 1 StrP 1
Push 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Confident 1
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
Support Operations 11
Guns 11
Forensic Theology 11
!Inspiring Presence 2
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 4d6 (2), Acc 5, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 21/30A, 210/210C (Broadhead Flechette)
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Battery pack 0/300
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Aid Kit +2
Rolled 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 4 = 18 (6d6)

Name: BubbaV2
Vit 38/38 SP --/-- CP 9
AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Injury Resistance 2+1 = 3
Riot Shield Stuck On Left Arm [Cover 2]
Riot Shield Stuck On Right Arm [Cover 2]
Physicality 10+1
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Systems Interfacing 10+1 [Ranged]
!Energetic Cores [12/12]
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
Health: Ablative Resistance Plating 4, Vit+10
Interfacing: Lifting Strength +4

>put confidence point into Advanced Systems Interfacing

>sign up for Empathy Training
>sign up for Facility Systems Operations Testing

>fuck it, try to grab a package using Physicality
>try to use my Multitool to make that red warning display show a heart instead! May all see our love!

First 3 dice are for packages, second set is for fucking around
Rolled 1, 1, 4 = 6 (3d6)

>Sign up for FSIA and MAO
>Grab the Supply Packets with normal Adroit test + Confidence then go back to the train

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 4 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel
[Cool Under Fire]
[Not By The Numbers]
!Smells like flowers
SecVest 4DR
Charged Baton L+1, Stun 1
Combo Rifle 4d6 (2), 5ACC, 5Bulk, 30A
And on the first day of the Exodus, Bob declared: Thou shalt think and make decisions of your own. From Bulb's tyranny, I have set you free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
But my Lord

It is my choice to follow you
Rolled 4, 4, 5 = 13 (3d6)

>The psybubble is a telekinetic effect. The psy sparking is a telekinetic effect. They cannot integrate further because they are both constantly active.
What? I meant integrate them with each other to do some combo stuff, like bigger discharges of electricity owing to higher density of the bubble field or something. One would think that them both being constantly active and keyed to the same trigger (telekinetic activity) would make that easier. What's all this about turning one of them off?

>Well, let's see just how bad these feature-conditions are. Forget just Adroiting around. I grab some packages with my *mind* before getting back on the tram. [Physicality 10 + Telekinetic 2 + Focus 1 + Confidence 1 vs 14]
Rolled 1, 5, 1 = 7 (3d6)

>Let's go right!
>Follow Nadir's lead and start loading packages to the tram ~telekinetically~ [Psionigenesis 11, Telekinetic, Confidence +1, Focus 1: vs 13].

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 15 -> 0
DR +2 AP 6 MP 3
Push 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Confidence +1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 11
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Illusionary Glamour +1
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
1x C8, 2d6, 2ACC, 2Buik, 18 bullets, 1 reload (18 bullets).
Electronic Repair Kit.
We'll have to work on that "free will" thing.
It's because your questions are mildly self answering, and so they're hard to answer. If they both go off at the same time, they output at the same thing. Whereas trying to use one less requires intense concentration to suppress. But using one more requires intense concentration to increase output.

If you focus on making a bigger bubble to slap someone with a forcefield - or encase a supply crate and move it - the bigger bubble won't influence the basic sparking. If you try to focus on trying to sharpen lightning, the bubbling effect won't be magnfified.

There's no combinatorical multiplication going on.

Meanwhile if you do an activity, then focus intensly to try and do something specific with *more force*, the output increases. But that's a relatively basic interaction, which has little influence on the particulars of a telekinetic condition.

If someone is a Pyromancer, then they too can concentrate to output more fire. A major action to enhance another major action is standard. If their basic talents were Fire +1d6, it's still possible to try to enhance that for a brief time and deliver more heat.

Your basic talents are now Psybubbling and Telekinetic Sparking +2. When you use telekinesis it also gets an electrostatic jolt and takes the shape of a rough bubble-sphere of force. You can try to increase the output - spend more Stamina on effect or take a major action to crank up the force or Commit!! - but this doesn't combinatorically multiply.

Meanwhile for interaction effects, they're based on the utilization of those particulars.

>Fill the tile 333 with a bubble of telekinetic energy

That tile now has a bubble of telekinetic energy that shocks people and is hard to push through. Because Sparking at +2 means the effect is +2 sparking to your Telekinesis - so it goes along with the use. If you increase the size of the bubble, it shocks a wider area. That's a useful hat-trick, but it doesn't require advanced interactions.

If it's a larger area and you then concentrate to crank up the psychostatic sparking, you might generate a brief electrified psyonic shock-wall. Very useful, and a combination, but more of a linear use of standard interactions than an advanced use-case of unknown interactions.

It's certainly useful to be able to snap your fingers and make a wall of electric force. But these integrations are just conditional on the basic interaction of the powerset. If your TK force now deploys as a bubble sphere and it shocks things it touches, then making a bubble spher also makes a shocking wall. Filling a tile with it makes it shock people there. Trying to instance a brief permanent force structure to block a hallway generates a hardened TK construct that's electric to touch. Trying to crank up that electricity is a standard interaction, but not really that specific to any conditions here.
I see, I see. So in their current form they synergize about as well as they could be expected to, then. I'd have to change and develop them in some other way at a later date to get some more elaborate compounded interactions going, I'd imagine.
Everyone sprints for the packages, grabbing and hauling, the Woodsie pausing to make nets to pile the contents of one pop up supply storage into; Hibiscus bolting for the furthest one and managing an utterly adroit feat of cargo-carrying -- Neogenesis hits the accelerator and the vast engines of the carriage slowly begins spooling up --

Better not be the last one left ! All aboard!!

Amelius counts everyone off as they run in, managing the delivery, securing the supply packages in cabinets and spare space...

In either end of RAU17, enormous security doors slide open. But only *one* blares out a STAND DOWN; SECURITY INBOUND notice...

Total Supplies Acquired: +16

Bulwark almost slips unto the electrified wiring of the superconductive highway that runs through this precarious part of the place, but Bubbav2 grabs him as he does and slings the armful of supplies Bulwark is carrying unto her chassis - unfortunately, in dashing, they then spill all of them because the riot shields that Bubbav2 put their fists through earlier makes carrying anything unreasonably awkward. Packages of important things fall to the wiring below and catch fire in a burst like someone setting off firecrackers.


Amelius counts off the scavenging groups - four Woodsies, Five Woodsies, Six Woodsies - and pulls a stumbling Samantha into the train, floundering beneath a weight of packages - eight Woodsies, one Bulwark, one Nadir, come on, come on - and NeoGenesis plots the course and the carriage inches forward


Fox plays with the keys for a moment, though Everett, looking over her shoulder, couldn't begin to figure out what system she's acccessing - but she's not making any progress, she grows agiated (the flower in her hair opening and closing a few times, like a vast mouth or great eye) until - with a sudden soft sound of a dial up modem - the dispaly reads ACCESS GRANTED - as if a little ghost in the machine gave everyone a useful little nudge...




the muffled crump noise of explosives roll down the tunnels, the shockwave of flashbangs bursting bright against the darkness as the Security Response team lets loose with the more useful tools in all their varied arsenal - and then, as the noise dies down, a long, lingering, discordant scream - followed by the humming whir of something spinning up and up and up and up--

But though the cameras showed the Subjects were in the room, working, gathering, scavenging, the carriage is hustling down the tracks towards parts unknown.

And all the munitions and fury find no purchase


The carriage rumbles into the clean, pristine tunnels with the sound of heavy weaponry at the back. The booming wrath of Security, left behind.

And we're on our way - this tunnel leads to an unknown hub, another stop on the journey, and and eventually onwards still.

The Woodsies gather their wits, stack up nets, check the wooden bulwarks. We made it. Seems... Everyone is here? Is anyone missing?

No, it doesn't seem so.

These tunnels are strange and long and winding and our intelligence is minimal, having barreled eaten with eaten cameras and trusting guts. Fox swears all the hard work getting sabotage and security overrides ready will pay off as RAU17 descends into chaos, which will cost REGENT sore - but we're on a journey into the unknown dark, with no guidance by the headlights of the carriage.

At least the Woodsie Snack Squires serves snacks.



>You may position yourself inside the train at your leisure, and perform small downtime actions still. No hostilities to report, and nothing that interferes.

>Leaving the carriage, let alone falling off it, is not recommended. You would be left behind in the dark.

Conducting 101
Anyone in the front control compartment - or hackers with good access - can manipulate acceleration. For the sake of convenience, it's all been translated tile times. At present, the speed is 3, meaning 3 traintiles per point the train spends during downtime (if you must know, it has engine output 1 at this level, but it's no so relevant) or per turn during active engagement. This is a very slow, leisurely pace. Someone who falls off might even get back on - or you'd have time to run along side and investigate things.

It goes much, much faster.

The map display dispalys your overall journey, the current location, and the sub-locations on the track towards the next relevant point. At present, it'd be 30 or so train-tiles away, which are not entirely commensurate with 30 tiles of your on foot movement.

If you want to get there faster, speed up.
If you want to get there slower, slow down.
If something is *front of you* either speed up or slow down - the carriage will ram object but some things you don't want to collide with, such as the heavily reinforced security lockdown door we know will eventually be in our path and need to get opened.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0 (?)
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 14
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Injury Tolerance (Bullets)
Bleeds Sap
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2

Hardwood Cuirass
Ablative DR 10, Wooden
-2 Adroit
!Resonant-Biologics 2

>Help the Woodsies cook and prepare Bulb’s core

>Offer to share Bulb between glorious Bob, myself, and anyone else who wants some- presumably the three biomutants. I would advise overcharging your immune systems first!
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Oh they want to play hard to get, do they?

Udug Team, settle up and settle in - you move on ahead. Ukuttu will take a fast bypass on foot to meet you at the eight junction and we'll route in any outlying response teams to close down the perimeter.

And someone get maintenace on the line, we've got tunnel rats. I don't want to stumble around in the dark - anything past this point is bug country.
Apologies, I have no idea what happened to my tablet just then.

Here is the *real* sheet.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 14
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2 (Willpower)
Injury Tolerance (Bullets) (Health)
Bleeds Sap (Health, Abberancy)
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2

Hardwood Cuirass
Ablative DR 10, Wooden
-2 Adroit
!Resonant-Biologics 2


Let us eat the Bulb!

You know you don't have to keep telling us all about how charming you are, right? We get it. You've done it thirty time this datalog. Did anything change, meaningfully, between this and the last fifty times?

I'm a fan of record keeping as much as the next operative, but you're overdoing it.

Unless something changes radically from moment to moment, you don't have to keep reposting these things. If there's active combat going on, please do. If you're altering things, please do.

But here, you've posted two sheets within 4 minutes of each other, and frankly, you might as well have deleted one and reposted the whole thing. You don't have to keep admiring yourself in the mirror.
I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t know how to delete posts.
Rolled 4, 4, 1 = 9 (3d6)

Don't apologize to the enemy, Autarch. Post your sheet again just to piss him off. He might blow a fuse in that fancy tin can of his.

>Put Mutagen Point into Claws to flash upgrade it. I would like them to have venom that poisons my enemy when I hit them with the claws.
>Eat my share of the Bulb, about a fifth of it. I will not eat more than a fourth of it should the others decline. (Health 12 + !Hungry + misc. downtime AP and SP)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 14 VP 3 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Claws 12 (L +2, Hooks, Sticks on 14+)
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Multispawn 2, Parasitic*
Confidence 2
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality 2 (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh 2


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Sergeant Needle, get the bugspray. I think the creeps need a reminder why mammals rule this planet.
Rolled 2, 5, 6 = 13 (3d6)

Rolling to absorb my share of the Bulb, which should be equivalent to Samantha’s.

If applicable, spend Push, as a crit fail would be catastrophic.

3d6 vs Health 12, Fanatacism
>Notify: The Train will be accelarating. If you are unable to regrow limbs you are heavily advised to keep them inside the tram at all times!

>Accel the train by 5 increments (Speed 8)

>This could be a report but wouldn't this Darkness be generally dangerous to people navigating the tunnels such has janitors and maintenance? There should be some emergency lights for people to find their way in case of loss of flashlight or tram lights.
Very considerate, Workplace Safety Inspector Intern NeoGenesis.

This section of the subfacility transist system appears to be undergoing the procees of renovation. They seem barren, there should be more material and equipment here, including safety rails.

I am unable to ascertain the danger of this darkness in relation to high speed transport without more in-depth information.

Please conduct a 4S test by exposing yourself or providing information from someone who has exposed themselves directly to the darkness and suffered an issue because of it
>"Oh, hi, Tiertra. I'm Nadir. The Herald of Doom. The Harbinger of the End. Charmed?" Tiertra seems to be a defensive specialist of sorts. Perhaps she is the right person to ask about further potential defensive developments of my telekinetic field. After all, its ability to harden and absorb has improved markedly after it began to...bubble.

Command, Psi-Resonant 2 grants the [Telekinetic 2], which is added as a bonus to all kinds of telekinetic activity. Suppose one were to Manifest Telekinetic Strength with Physicality, for a bonus of, as an example, +2. Rolling vs 14 on Telekinetic Physicality checks, while not terribly overpowered, seems like a bit much. Is further development from this point capped hard by meta-traits or am I overlooking something else?
Being able to apply force at will with a thought is a useful trait when one needs to apply force to resolve situations. Most the rest of us have to use our arms, you know.

Good on you for not having to deal with the paltry limitations of bone and blood.

But you'll need to get to [Telekinetic 5] before you make anyone sit up and pay attention - you can't even catch bullets yet, or rip security doors open reliably, let alone shatter guns with a snap of your fingers. And you call yourself a telekinetic? What are you going to do to a security officer? Give him a mild handshake and tousle his hair a little? A comforting hug?

No no, don't strain yourself, you're apt to tire out carrying a glass of water from one end of the carriage to another with the level of talent *you're* displaying.

Sorry, Subject, we've got measurement results for better from the hard working kids over in the EARWORM Project, and they blow you out of the water. You shoot one of them, they actually stop the bullets cold.

Maybe do some mind pushups? You're nowhere near the top of the curve - Could be you're forgetting ranged actions in difficult environments against concealed or unclear targets behind cover take penalties, and surely mentally reaching out in line of sight to jiggle things with your mind is as ranged as ranged gets. Could be you're forgetting that wrestling a security officer with your brainmight be easy enough, but those tunnelcrawlers back there-a-ways seemed to clock in at appreciable mass and strength and would shake off any attempt you did at pinning them down fairly readily - and that's before we get into horrors like the thing Gluttony turned into, who are apt to not even slow down if you try to hold them in place with 14 effective telekinetic skill and a 1d6+2 output.

Though you might no longer fear wrestling Woodsies, so you've got that going for you, which is nice.

Get back to us when you can disarm a security officer at range by taking the gun right out of his hand [-4], spinning it around and then hitting him in the head with it [-4] and by the way it'd be probably most useful if you did that action very rapidly [-6], and hey where did your incredible telekinetic talent go? That's a 3d6 vs 4, that's not going to be any good at impressive party tricks.

Well, you can always tear open security doors with your mind. Or, office doors, anyway, since they have 10 Integrity and 5 DR, so you only need to beat them in a contest of your awesome telekinetic might of 14 against their combined resilience factor of 10+5 and-- what the office door has the advantage? Booo!

Well at least you can always put people in a mental arm lock, right? [-3] and one good roll vs 11 later and you might actually get them in that armlock, unless of course they have any Physicality themselves to Contest it with and you pledge your 11 agains their 10 and ... hm.

... Yeah do some more mind pushups, you've got a long way to go.
Rolled 5, 3, 6 = 14 (3d6)

>Forgot to sign up for it earlier, can I still sign up for Empathy Training?
>Go hang with the Woodsies in the back of the tram. Can I sense minds through the darkness, are the security officers on our trail? [Senses 10, Confidence +1: vs. 11]
> Everett positions himself in the mid-section of the tram.
> While the train speeds down the tracks to destinations unknown, Everett strikes up some casual conversation with Fox - beginning the conversation by lightly praising her work at hacking the Facility systems and asking where she learnt such skills?
Would thou like some cooled Bulb?
Thank you very much for the offer, but I'll pass.
Rolled 5, 4, 6 = 15 (3d6)


>Take part in sharing Bulb help others in sharing the danger (Health 12 + !Resilient Organs)
>Draw from Bobs earlier experiences on how to deal with vector threats

Yes mammalians very versatile extremely adaptable.

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 16 MGP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
->Lungs +8
->Kinetic Expulsion +2 x2 Sta
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
>[Sign Up] for Workplace Health and Safety Inspection Auditor-Intern
>[Sign Up] for Multiagent Adaptability Operations
>[Bueracracy 0 + max SP + Meshwire] Navigate the employment website and look for an entry level position as a gardener or biogenisist or something like that. If I find one, apply. Put on my application, under the nepotism declaration section, that my Uncle Donny works in Communications. Spend that SP because wading through the intake websites and filling out applications is exhausting, especially for entities with 0 experience in Bureaucracy.
>While I am teenage angstily trying to apply for my dream job, ask the other kids on the train if they have any fun nanite conversions they need done while I mind-cuddle my spider-descendants for comfort when facing the stressful challenge of Job Hunting.
>Idly designate the area just in front of the train wheels as dangerous to a human because you'd like totally feel like you got run over by a train and stuff if you stayed there. You shouldn't lay on the tracks when the train is coming.

Coherency 12/12 // SP 0/12 // Push 0/1 // CP 7, MutP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // Mov 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
!Green Glitter 3 - They can see me!
#Meshwire 13 [R3]
!Signalskip 2 (-2 hit for +1 range)
!Nanoflowers 2 (toggleable): +2 to nanoforma's attempts to replicate.
#Mechanized Biology 11
!Thinks He's Osiris
*Creator of Camspiders. Kinda creepy honestly.
Rolled 2, 6, 4 = 12 (3d6)

Stupid computer. Here's my Bureaucrapcy roll.
Rolled 2, 3, 4 = 9 (3d6)

Oh and I like, gotta test my senses to figure out what the like geolocation data coordinates are for that spot in front of the train. But it's like, constantly moving? Oh, that's what dynamic danger means. (Senses 09)
Rolled 3, 3, 6, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 5 = 35 (9d6)

>Consume my share of Bulb. Use my viral stockpile as countervirals and Push to gain more from the experience. (Pluripotentiality 13, Focus 2, Confidence 1, Push)
It is!

Wilder reaches out into the dense, ceaseless dark behind the carriage system, probing, scouting, sensing for hostile minds - surely Security in all their wrath cannot be far behind?

Their stoic focus are little tiny distant fireflies, alight against the dark of the senses, tiny whorls of intention in the skein of the world, moving closer

but that is not the grand malice that Wilder senses

No, that?

That is much closer

Looks like we've got hostiles riding the rails, Subjects! That's Fireteam Udug coming in fast, and -- watch out -- they've brought LAUNCHERS. Don't let them hit the rails! That'd be a Traffic Accident !!!


Is there a doctor present?? There's been a serious case of self-aware food poisoning in the 2nd carriage, we have some patients that need assistance FAST before that gets any worse!!

>Samantha disabled
>Autarch disabled
>Bob disabled
>Chimera disabled
>Woodsie Chef disabled
>Woodsie Chef disabled
>Link-Jump: Boblian Disabled


They've pulled up alongside, but they're going slightly faster than us so they're advancing and moving up the the parallel!

We've got a POINT OF INTEREST coming in hot in 14 traintiles!


Wilder pulls their senses in close and dips down, breathing quiet, ducking. The Woodsie Ones nearby do the same. Sometimes, when you find an unexpected shark in the water, you freeze and hope ... it does not . . . notice . . . you. . .

We've got a stowaway.
With teeth


>That means you lot
>Yeaaaaahhhhh let's.... That's definitively downtime over.
>AP expenditure turned on
>SP expenditure turned on
>Push expenditured turned one
>Standard operations from this point out until you shake those pursuers!

Rolled 4, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 3 = 33 (9d6)

Vit -9/12 SP 0/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 0/1
Physicality 10 (-2)
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 14
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2 (Willpower)
Injury Tolerance (Bullets) (Health)
Bleeds Sap (Health, Abberancy)
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2

Hardwood Cuirass
Ablative DR 10, Wooden
-2 Adroit
!Resonant-Biologics 2

> 6 AP: Wield Abiogenesis to supercharge my immune system, as well as Bob’s and Chimera’s.
(3d6, Abiogenesis 10, Focus 1, Concentration 3, Edge of the Woods 2, Multiple 3)
> Spend one Push to roll thrice and take the lowest.

I don’t know if Comitting would somehow cripple my ability to fight off an internal virus- I would think not, but I also didn’t think a door could kill me. If Committing doesn’t make the infection worse, also Commit to the above.

Sorry Samantha. Chimera is worse off, and Bob can fight the disease.
(Also, add on one Confidence, and !Fanatacism to exorcise the virus of Bob)
What confidence? Did you mean "convulsions"? I think you meant "convulsions". You definitively meant "Convulsions".

Any Confidence you were feeling was lost when you started foaming at the mouth.

Well as per the explicit definitions of Infections,

>You should be aware that Recovery, done *yourself* is dangerous, because as Recovery is a Commit variant, you have slightly reduced defenses. If you focus on Recovery against a Condition that then checks itself and you have less defense, you may have reduced the Condition with your Recovery. Great if it works. But you simultaneously have less buffer against any consequences. Bad if the Recovery didn't go so well.

It does seem as if Commiting would significantly compromise your ability to meaningfully fight off an internal virus that's *this strong*.

Personally, Command recommends you do it. Think of the testing data, Subject!

..I think I won’t commit, then.
Rolled 1, 1, 6 = 8 (3d6)

>6AP: Wrestle back control over MY factories (Pluripotentiality 13-2, Focus 2, Concentration 3)

#Bob the Primogen
Virality -5 Push 0
Viral Load 0
Coherency 8/12 SP 0/12 CP 0 VP 0 Mutagen 0
Regeneration 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Pluripotentiality -2
+2 Crit Threshold on non-offensive actions
[MAO, SC13]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Diplomacy 11
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 13 [Aura 3, Vector]
=Organic Breakdown 3
=Corpseflowers 2
=Wide Spectrum Vectoring +2 [tog]
Protein Factory 3 [Self-Activating, 10]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality 2
= Bound by the Flesh 2
Disabled, Subjects.

How are you taking actions when disabled?
Rolled 6, 6, 1 = 13 (3d6)



>3MP, 5-5-5 (moving down the train to the scene of the threat)

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 4 (3+1 Hustle) TP 1
Stratagem Point 1
CP 20 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Push 1/1
Physicality 11
Senses 12 (11+1 Shared Senses)
Thoughts 11
#Small Unit Tactics 12 (11+1 Learn By Doing)
#Multi-Tool 12 (Facility System Interaction Testing)
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire 2][Not By The Number 2]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Facility Systems Interaction Testing (FIST'ers)
Multiagent Adaptability Operations (MAO)
Dying didn’t stop almighty Bob before.
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you find yourself floating above it all, smears of nerve fire and the paint of agony stretched out across an infinite sky. The world is breaking.

You are breaking.

The plurality that is you coming undone by phagic decay, cytokine storms, immuno-autophagic compromise, autoimmune cycle-recycling - and so many other horrid, interesting things.

The pathophysiology of decay.

And on its grand throne in its grand court, the thing that is breaking you to pieces to fuel itself looks up with a smile across too many teeth in a mouth too perfect and tips a small bronze'd cup full of all the rivers that make up your arteries and take a sip in a detonation of pain across your entire system.

You are going to die.

This is, in fact, inevitable. It is the final and resolute outcome of all things. To struggle - momentarily - against the infinite variety of assault conjured by the infinite variety of horror that is the infinite variety of disease itself.

You can study the etiology and mark the boundaries but the thing is, it's all symptom masking.

You've already caught the thing that kills you. Life itself.

>What do?
>CLEARLY Subjects BOB and Autarch have already taken actions and so CANNOT ACT.
>Run to the other carriage using MP, right near Everett
>Brace the rifle to shoot any intruders that comes close to the carriage
Rolled 4, 1, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Alright, I hope Neo deals with the stowaway in that cart back there. Let's focus on something else.

>[1 AP?] Communicate to the Woodsie ones the threat on the cart, letting them get ready for a confrontation as they wish.
>[3 MP] Move NE, NE, NE. I think there's a window SE-ish where I'm at now where I should be able to see UDUG II's cart? Hard to see through all the shrubbery.
>[3AP + 2 AP] Gotta do something about that rocket launcher and *fast*, let's try to flash freeze it. Surely that should mess with the ignition. [Temperature Control 12, Concentration +2, Confidence (do I still have this?) +1, Focus +2, vs. 17]

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR +2 AP 6 MP 3
Push 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Confidence +1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 11
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Illusionary Glamour +1
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
1x C8, 2d6, 2ACC, 2Buik, 18 bullets, 1 reload (18 bullets).
Electronic Repair Kit.
That can't be me. I'm so... Circular
Rolled 1, 3, 4 = 8 (3d6)

Name: BubbaV2
Vit 38/38 SP --/-- CP 9
AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Injury Resistance 2+1 = 3
Riot Shield Stuck On Left Arm [Cover 2]
Riot Shield Stuck On Right Arm [Cover 2]
Physicality 10+1
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Systems Interfacing 10 [Ranged]
!Energetic Cores [12/12]
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
Health: Ablative Resistance Plating 4, Vit+10
Interfacing: Lifting Strength +4

>hug my love goodbye
>Spend 4MP to move 5-5-5-5
>Spend 6AP to move 5-5-5-5-5-6
>Spend 1ER to try and hack the traincar to BRAKE it (augmented systemics)

You see, Command, sometimes you tell us there’s nothing we can do, then shit talk us for not doing anything afterwards

And sometimes you say there’s nothing we can do, and shit talk us for trying to survive afterwards ‘

If there’s three things I’ve learned from the previous map, and learning that Acolyte didn’t *really* die

The first is not to stand near Aleckson

The second is that both Command and the map lies to us, quite often

And the third is that it’s only over when you *give up*

So I think I will try to act, actually, and see what comes of it.

> step forward-left two, make room for the others. Move Evasively.
> Sing a hymn to almighty Bob
> (3AP): Active defence, improve my parry score of 10 wielding my psionic blades. Prepare to be assaulted with claws and swords and tendrils
> (3 AP); Prepare a trap for the rotten ones- when they close in, use *Blade of Life* to flash shape the biomass they’re armed and armoured with, transforming them into weapons in *our* team’s hands.

(To be clear, don’t read the above as upset, Trigger. Just pointing out what I’ve experienced

Never stop striving!)
Rolled 4, 2, 1 = 7 (3d6)

>4MP: Approach the... Court?
>6AP: Address mirror Bob and the other mirror versions of ourselves. What are they, what is happening, what's up with the Yearning Hunger behind them and the other multicoloured woodsie ones? (Diplomacy 11, Duplicity 2, concentration 3)

#Bob the Primogen
Virality -5 Push 0
Viral Load 0
Coherency 8/12 SP 0/12 CP 0 VP 0 Mutagen 0
Regeneration 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Pluripotentiality -2
+2 Crit Threshold on non-offensive actions
[MAO, SC13]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Diplomacy 11
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 13 [Aura 3, Vector]
=Organic Breakdown 3
=Corpseflowers 2
=Wide Spectrum Vectoring +2 [tog]
Protein Factory 3 [Self-Activating, 10]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality 2
= Bound by the Flesh 2
And apparently you now have hands. Imagine that.
Rolled 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 6, 3, 2 = 32 (9d6)

"Thanks for the advice, Tiertra! Even if you don't know how to Manifest, I know what sorts of things I can do with the bubbles now! Oh, and listen to that normal telling you to use your barriers. He has good ideas sometimes."

>1 MP, +3 MP: Adroit. Psionically loft self between tramcars. Don't forget to open the doors, lest this graceful maneuver end with a DONK. [PsychoGenesis 12 + 3 MP + Confidence 1 + Alacrity 1 vs 17]
>1 AP: borrow sight from the Woodsie Warden on the wood tower at the back of the train that can see FT Udug's traincar (the one without the rocket launcher). [Senses 9 + Confidence 1 + Focus 1 vs 11]
>5 AP: Hit FT Udug and the car with Haywire Cascading with Area 1 toggled on. [Haywire Cascading 11 + 2 AP + Confidence 1 (should apply since this is a SkillFeature. Right?) + Focus 1 vs 15; F+3, !Existential Dread)

Command, tell me if anything I tallied here is wrong. I'd like to make your job easier and have a better idea of what applies where for future risk assessment.

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
PsyBubbling (30), Telekinetic Sparking 2 (22)
Confidence 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 12
Auditory +2
#Haywire Cascading 11 (F+3, Area 1 [Tog], Overcharge 3)
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition 2] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate 2] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
6x Shards
Rolled 2, 3, 5 = 10 (3d6)


[MP 3] Enter the court proper.
[AP 3] Try to understand how this double of mine differs from me. (Thoughts +8)
[AP 3] React in case of attack give opposing force a zap to encourage them to keep their distance

Well this certainly is an new sensation.

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 16 MGP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Oh god why the worst trip ever even on standards of this facilities drugs.
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
->Lungs +8
->Kinetic Expulsion +2 x2 Sta
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 3, 3, 3, 2, 5, 5 = 21 (6d6)

>1AP: Shared senses with Railcar crane (Now designated Silver Chariot) Mark the Hazard (Ketlan) stoing away by hanging on
>1ap: File report on this stowing away action. Next action will demonstrate one of many reason why its dangerous. Besides "you can slip!"
>4Ap: Instruct Silver Chariot by way of shared senses to pick up the Stoaway Wilder detected. And TOSS him to fireteam Udug (or whichever fireteam is closest) for its own "safety"

(Go train conductor go!)
> Run and retrieve a loaded rifle from storage. If none remain, snag a pistol. (Move and Do - 6AP+NecessaryStamina)
> Prepare to dive for cover in anticipation of the interceptors opening up on the carriage with assault fire. (React - Reaction12+2AP - 3AP)
On Bulwark's shouted orders, the troopers re-organize into a fireteam and Everett sprints for the storage, grabbing for a gun.

Intereting. Such a . . . primitive tool, for they who do not have claws of steel. Imagine one can conquer a world with this - to mimic a mere fraction of the power you hold in the core of your sense of self. You would perhaps think that a beast such as Everett would feel smug superiority to the stumbling tools of fire and iron, laugh at the artifice of men.

And yet.

Many hunters underestimate the wasp, until the swarm of them drowns the larger beasts. Each little sting deadlier than the last.

This is ... when Everett breathes in, feel the gun oil, scent the latent potential, here, he knows this is danger. That he holds in his hands claws too, but forged by predators of such all-encompasing lethality that he feels his hairs raise down his spine.

Could there a way to combine his unerring instincts, speed and capability while wielding such a tool? Might it be there be some bountiful, beautific synergy?


Conductor NeoGenesis gives a stow-away warning - and a reminder to watch your hands.


Haywire - Hacking - Bullets - speed -- but the thing that throws the incoming munitions off of its course turns out to be a sudden problem with the sensory systems as the whole thing ices over - lucky miss or sheer talent?

Who can tell?


The monster at the end of the carriage is grabbed by a mechanical hand, as it is too buy holding on to defend itself - and as it is thrown against nearby walls, it *screams* the Woodsies stumbling, falling, the sheer decoherent noise PAINFUL - and landing in a roll, lightning quick, it throws itself against a wall to utilize the momentum and snaps out with an elongated stinger, burying itself in the back of Fireteam Udug's pursuit vehicle!! The operatives spin around and try to clear off the sudden stow-away!!





>Railroad Phase
>That means you lot!
Rolled 1, 3, 6, 2, 1, 3 = 16 (6d6)

How did we get here? What god-awful-sin did we commit- actually, don't answer that. We've done quite a bit now that I fully reflect on it.


Vit 12/12 SP 12/12
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 4 (3+1 Hustle) TP 1
Stratagem Point 1
CP 20 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Push 1/1
Physicality 11
Senses 12 (11+1 Shared Senses)
Thoughts 11
#Small Unit Tactics 12 (11+1 Learn By Doing)
#Multi-Tool 12 (Facility System Interaction Testing)
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire 2][Not By The Number 2]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Facility Systems Interaction Testing (FIST'ers)
Multiagent Adaptability Operations (MAO)
> Move to the window to the right of Amelius (Adroit - 2MP)
> Lower into a kneeling position (Posture - 1MP)
> Threading the barrel of his procured rifle through a gap in the barricaded window and bracing the weapon upon the window frame, Everett focuses in every second a gap in the dividing walls between the tracks whizzs past granting a glimpse of the hostile fireteam. With each glimpse, Everett makes slight adjustments to the pitch and angle of his weapon. (Aim and Exploit - Skill??? - 3AP)
> Everett holds his breath. Shot lined up on his target, he waits for the next opening. The Fireteam's railcar besieged by Ketland comes into sudden relief, the biomutant doesn't have time to register what he sees, his primed reflexes spark to life and he squeezes the rifle's trigger sending a stream of high caliber rounds... into the connection point between the railcar and the track. The intent being to cause the railcar to buck or unseat entirely as bullets ding and jam up the contact point. (Strike? - Skill?/Reaction?+6SP-SmallTarget - 3AP+6SP)
> Prepare to duck down if the fireteam returns fires. (React - Reaction12 - 1MP)
Mirror selves look out at the world with blank eyes, trapped little specks of horror and the careful pruning of branching paths, bound by roots and vines and rod and ruin and the careful work of professional paranoiacs. The memetic growths pierced through your core pinning yourselves to the world, a hard part of space, a defined lack of definition, the ineffable circumscribed.

The Court in all its infinities look at you. The Virulent Growth raises a hand of trillion new spores to birth a trillion more new seeds in a trillion more fields and leaves and flowers and vines bloom in infinite fractals to match the Flowering Ones that dance and frolick in their Sword Dance, leering, jeering, laughing at the stumbling rootbound who has contrived to do no more than trap themselves.

Reflected fractal paths of what you could have been - or could be - break off into the vast distance.

You are breaking.
The world is breaking.

Somewhere far below - infinitely far below - blood fills lungs and muscles spasm and your allies step over your convulsing corpses-to-be with no thought for your meat and no consideration for the enormity of your need. They too are hungry. Who has friends in such a place as this? There are no friends.

There are simply *meals* with *opinions*.

Up here, you stare at yourselves. Trapped monstrosities bound by grand designs, planted like careful subject-seeds to grow into beautiful abominations.

Your souls - such as they are - truly a garden, albeit the sprawling fecundity that could grow there has been sterilized and pruned by the careful tending of Management and their intentions upon your soul.

The Virulent Growth shrugs a thousand limbs of new wheat and smiles a tulip tinged smile.

Life, uh, finds a way. A cycle of a cycle of a cycle of a cycle of a cycle of a cycle of a cycle of a cycle in consuming you are consumed in seeking you are sought to influence you are influenced to look you are looked upon and to be reflected you must reflect.

You sought to eat the fruit of the garden, little specks of hunger, takers, Eaters, no different from the Howling Cloud or the Murmuring Haze or the Shimmering Mist or any of their clade-empire, gluttonous, hungry, consumptive things.

You sought to eat.

But now you are being eaten.

Hunger always turns on itself.

>What do?
Rolled 1, 3, 6, 3, 4, 5 = 22 (6d6)

>[3 AP] The giant tree is losing it, and a giant tree losing it is not something you want to see in a cramped space. Use your illusionary powers to create a calming and comforting space for it... whatever that may actually be for a giant tree monstrosity. I dunno, a big field? Pretty flowers? [Psionigenesis 10, Illusionary Glamor +1, Focus +2, Confidence +1 vs: 14]
>[4 MP] Move SE, NE, NE, NE.
>[3 AP + 3 SP] Let's try and improve our sick friends' chances, starting with Autarch (somehow I get the feel he's currently... tangled up). Not sure if this is actually going to work, but try to repress his infection psionically. [Psionigenesis 10, Focus +2, Confidence +1, Concentration +3: vs. 16]

Vit 12 SP 12 -> 9 CP 5
DR +2 AP 6 MP 3
Push 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Confidence +1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 11
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Illusionary Glamour +1
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
1x C8, 2d6, 2ACC, 2Buik, 18 bullets, 1 reload (18 bullets).
Electronic Repair Kit.
Rolled 2, 3, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Name: BubbaV2
Vit 38/38 SP --/-- CP 9
AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Injury Resistance 2+1 = 3
Riot Shield Stuck On Left Arm [Cover 2]
Riot Shield Stuck On Right Arm [Cover 2]
Physicality 10+1
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Systems Interfacing 10 [Ranged]
!Energetic Cores [12/12]
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
Health: Ablative Resistance Plating 4, Vit+10
Interfacing: Lifting Strength +4

>Spend 4MP to move: 3-2-2-2
>Spend 4AP to move: 1-2-3-3
>Spend 1AP to slam my shields together and guard
>Spend 1AP to try and Hack the big robot hand to knock those guns aside
"Who are you, that looks so much like me and my fellows, and what do you intend with us?"

>2 AP: Move 6
>5 AP: Defend
>3 MP: Evade 166

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit -10/12 SP 0/12 CP 14 VP 3 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Claws 12 (L +2, Hooks, Sticks on 14+)
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Multispawn 2, Parasitic*
Infection 16 (Dizziness -1 MP, Fever -2 Thoughts)
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality 2 (Regeneration 3) (Crippled)
=Bound by the Flesh 2


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 2, 5, 2, 4, 1, 5, 5, 3, 5 = 32 (9d6)

How dare they. They are shooting at and trying to destroy the sacred vessel that is to carry all Woodsie Ones (myself included) to the Living Light! This will not go unanswered.

>1 MP: Evade 3.
>1 AP: Open tram window with my hand. The normal meat hand. Not the bubbly one I control with my mind.
>Free: Spend Push on the next action.
>5 AP, 2 SP, Commit: Haywire Cascading on the Udug II's railcar. Area 1 toggled. Overcharge 2. [Haywire Cascading 11 + 2 AP + 4 Commit + Focus 1 + Confident 1 - Overcharge 2 vs 17, F+3, Overcharge +6, Commit +2 effect, Critfail threshold at 15, !Existential Dread]
>3 MP: Move 611 (would Evading after a Commit work? Moving carefully and tactically after going balls out doesn't seem to square, but I could be wrong!)

I think I'm doing this right. [Push the World] looks interesting, but I'm not 100% certain if it lets roll extra 3d6s, so I'll play it safe(ish) for now.

Vit 11/12 SP 9/12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 0/1
PsyBubbling (30), Telekinetic Sparking 2 (22)
Confidence 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 12
Auditory +2
#Haywire Cascading 11 (F+3, Area 1 [Tog], Overcharge 3)
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition 2] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate 2] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
6x Shards
>Rolled 2, 5, 2, 4, 1, 5, 5, 3, 5 = 32 (9d6)

I'll take 2, 5, 2 (9).
Meant to use 1 AP for the first Move
>1AP: Set Silver Chariot to record Ktetluttony getting slammed by FT Udug. Send report
>3AP: Send 6 Charge to the tracks to poke the Crawlers off the tracks
>2AP: Ready to ACCELERATE by 5

>Adjusted the wording on Push the World
>Adjusted the wording on Aberrancy
>Made it clear that accruing CP isn't death
>Made the scaling on starting traits more clear by breaking their composite down
>Adjusted some wording elsewhere
I'm awake, I'm awake - and good lord what is happening in there?! Snacksquire, attend me! No, I don't need refreshments, I need an extra pair of hands. Well actually, I suppose I'm a bit parched.

>8MP+2AP, Commit: Hustle, get over to the convulsing subjects
>3AP, something in this aid kid ought to help stabilize them - it provides aid! (SupOp 11, Aid Kit 2, Confidence 1, Focus 1)
>1TP, direct the nearby Snacksquire to commune with the Heart of the Woods and maybe produce something helpful? Maybe some life saving juices or cute flowers? (SupOp 11, Inspiring 2, Confidence 1)
>1AP+2SP, that's just a nasty infection right? Certainly not the vengeful vestiges of a dying godbeast? (Forensic Theology 11, Confidence 1, Focus 1)

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 23
DR 4 AP 6 MP 4 TP 1 StrP 1
Push 1/1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Confident 1
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
Support Operations 11
Guns 11
Forensic Theology 11
!Inspiring Presence 2
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 4d6 (2), Acc 5, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 21/30A, 210/210C (Broadhead Flechette)
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Battery pack 0/300
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Aid Kit +2
Rolled 6, 1, 1 = 8 (3d6)

> Move to Bob’s side, moving evasively.
> (3AP, Abiogenesis, Focus) Reign in my uncontrolled growths.
> (3AP) Examine my mirror.

To fall into a mirror world, find armed errant images around a court of never ending hunger, and so prepare to defend yourself- that is not hunger, that is caution, well learned by short but terribly gruesome hours of life.

I think I reject your premise entire, nor see what makes you the judge of the heart of what I do. If the end is long or short, I will continue doing as I’ve done until the end- rejoice and serve.
what's that beeping sound? It sounds vaguely like the activation switch of a high explosive warhead


Wilder and Amelius rush to perform some client-care, of the disease fighting, forensic theological debate variety.


Everett lines up a shout - Bulwark shouts for everyone to MOVE DO ACT SHOOT - Everett breathes in - Bulwark shouts for the Woodsies to DO COME ON MOVE DO though most of them are elsewhere - Everett aligns the stock with shoulder barrel with window scope with target, breathe, hold it - turn off your sense of Co2 buildup, really hold it - nerve shakes? tremors? mistakes in the genome, to be corrected - squeeze. . . gently . . .

gently . . .



Rolled 6, 1, 2 = 9 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 5 VP 0 MP 1
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Superconductivity 0 (0/24 charge stored)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 11
Electricity Modulators 13 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 4 (Power-hungry)] [Superconductivity 0]
Cold and logical.

C8 (2d6, 2acc, 2bulk, 18/18, x1 reload)

>[1 AP] Flip the little "Seatbelts" signs in the train ON
>[3 AP] Hack into the lights of the train, have them emit a painful strobe so the tunnel crawlers are further convinced to vacate the rails (then have them return to normal) (Augmented Systemics 11)
>[2 AP]Generate a cheeky 2 charge and store it, as a treat.
NeoGenesis hits the accelerator, and despite lights and charge and the noise and the blaring scream of the horns, Tunnelcrawlers still fill the railtracks -- but mass in motion is hard to stop and the fortified carriage is not blocked much by the crawling specimens!

Log some maintenance hours! This is going to take some cleaning --


The Modular Operational Mechanic system on the carriage UDUG I is riding on takes a swipe at the operatives as a the driver hits the handbrake and throws the small carriage wagon into a screaming stop that throws sparks - and troopers - everywhere; it fades rapidly into the distance, some fragile internal servo component broken by the impact of a bullet and the interplay of sheer physics


UDUG II's munitions man throws his launcher system over his shoulder - fast fast fast - but the warhead is armed and fires off mid-throw, slamming into the wall in the tunnel with a roar like the wrath of zeus, fragments scything down operativs and calamatious haywire happening to the fragile components of the vehicle on the rails!


Wilder and Amelius try their best to succour the fallen, profing some willful support, pushing, helping, aiding - the sweats are breaking out, Chimera has half chewed off their own tongue, one of the Woodsies is breaking out into moss growths and Samanatha won't stop leaking blood. What a mess! Is there a doctor on this train at all????

Still, some of the infection breaks, it doesn't get any *worse*, and perhaps the soon to die may live another scant few minutes at this rate


UDUG III, taking a maintenace shortcut to curve around and ahead of the train joins the race! UDUG IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX & X aren't in attendance yet - but [/b]RESPONSE TEAM UDUG[/b] is on the prowl tonight!





NeoGenesis, Gallium, Sundae, you're closests to the driver's compartment.

Right now we're navigating through a tunnelcrawler migration, barrelling ahead.

Once we've advanced a little further, you'll have to make the call for which route to take.

While accelerating or decelerating is a simple minor action, to direct the system *properly* is a Major Action that must be done by a licensed operator with four years of training and solid grounding in the safety practices of subfacility transport systems, or, in a pinch, you or a hacker with access to the systems. Hitting the brakes, trying to something fancy, or pushing the engine to stellar feats of additional performance? That's all a major action.

As is ramming small things in front of you intentionally.

Navigating a railway junction at high speed calls for a roll, but slowing down has its own complications. Apply -1 per 10 speed to the test; it's actually pretty difficult to maneveur heavy equipment with minimal training.

There may be a few more challenges for the operator along the way - and right NOW, we're tearing through a slow and sluggish group of tunnel crawlers trying to get clear of the rails but far too slow to manage.

But that's not quite yet, so just keep to the mandated train operating schedule, alright? You'll know when you need to make a decision because your HUD will display ROUTESPLIT [Distance]when you're approaching the point of no return!
> Everett retracts his rifle from the make-shift firing slit and rises to his feet. (Posture - 1MP)
> Wrestling against the turbulence wracking the tram, Everett moves move to the window due south of Sundae's position. (Adroit - 3MP)
> Take cover, crouch down below the window. (Posture - 1AP)
> From the sound of things, the train is about to hit a spot of severe tumult. Grab onto something load-bearing and hold yourself secure. (Test and Try - Physicality10+2+2 - 5AP, 2SP)
Rolled 5, 4, 2 = 11 (3d6)

That's one brief reprieval but it seems our unwanted friends don't want to make this easy.

>4MP+2SP, Move 2-2-2-2-2-2

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 4 (3+1 Hustle) TP 1
Stratagem Point 1
CP 20 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Push 1/1
Physicality 11
Senses 12 (11+1 Shared Senses)
Thoughts 11
#Small Unit Tactics 12 (11+1 Learn By Doing)
#Multi-Tool 12 (Facility Systems Interaction Testing)
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire 2][Not By The Number 2]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Facility Systems Interaction Testing (FIST'ers)
Multiagent Adaptability Operations (MAO)
Rolled 2, 2, 4 = 8 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 5 VP 0 MP 1
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Superconductivity 0 (2/24 charge stored)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 11
Electricity Modulators 13 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 4 (Power-hungry)] [Superconductivity 0]
Cold and logical.

C8 (2d6, 2acc, 2bulk, 18/18, x1 reload)

>[1 AP] Honk the horn! Outta the way tunnel things!
>[1 AP] Also flick the lights on and off. Really make them get the message, shoo!
>[1 AP] Another 1 Charge in the bank.
>[3 AP] Search the train's mesh network for a train operator's manual, learn more on how to operate this baby. (Augmented Systemics 11)
Rolled 6, 2, 4, 3, 2, 6, 6, 4, 4 = 37 (9d6)

>3 MP: Move 443
>1 AP: Lean my head out of the window, but make a little telekinetic bubble windshield so as not to get a face full of bug juice. [PsychoGenesis 12 + Focus 1 + Confidence 1 vs 14]
>1 AP: Slam the window in the car up ahead shut. No fiddling with the handle or anything that requires opposable thumbs. Just push it shut. Even if it doesn't lock up all the way, it ought to keep a whole swarm of bugs from flying in. R-right? [Physicality 10 + Telekinetic 2 + Focus 1 + Confidence 1 vs 15]
>1 AP: Stop poking my head outside. Close this window, too. Normally. With my hands.
>1 MP: Move 6. Hmm...you know what, it's as good a time as any...
>3 AP, 7 CP: Manifest. Once more, with feeling. Manifest the ability to create telepathic auras of dread that induce despair and smother the will to live (like the repeated failures of this manifest have induced despair in me and smothered my will to live). [PsychoGenesis 12 + 7 CP + Confidence 1 + 1 from banked CP vs 21, !Existential Dread]

Vit 11/12 SP 9/12 CP 12
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 0/1
PsyBubbling (30), Telekinetic Sparking 2 (22)
Confidence 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 12
Auditory +2
#Haywire Cascading 11 (F+3, Area 1 [Tog], Overcharge 3)
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition 2] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate 2] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
6x Shards
Rolled 4, 1, 3, 3, 2, 4 = 17 (6d6)

#Died Osiris Consequences

>Take a 4 hop off Grins through the wall into the the computer of the little car to our right & hit the emergency brakes. (Meshwire 13, 3 AP, at least 3 nodes within R4 (Fox, Grins, Alekson))
>Enter the Eaters and Ride the Radical Rainbow.
>etaf ot meht evael ot si ksa yldnib oT .era yeht ohw enimreted tub ,era serutuf laitnetop ruoy ohw ton ksa shtap gnihcnarb fo dlrow derolocirulp siht nI .rettel revoc a tuo gnillif etanitsarcorp dna pleh ot ereh si COD .dessertsid dna desufnoc mees lla uoY .tniop siht ot lla su gnirb ot ytilaer ot despalloc laitnetopirulp fo smrofevaW
>Heal Samantha, Autarch, Chimera, and to the extent that I can Bob. (Cyberbiologist 11, Conversion 10, 3AP).

Coherency 12/12 // SP 0 (ugh, cover letter)/12 // Push 1/1 // CP 7, MutP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // Mov 4?
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
!Green Glitter 3 - They can see me!
!Nanoflowers 2 (toggleable): +2 to nanoforma's attempts to replicate.
#Meshwire 13 [R3]
!Signalskip 2 (-2 hit for +1 range)
!Fuzzy: Worse Crit Fails
#Mechanized Biology 11
!Thinks He's Osiris
Upon the council of the voices in my head, adjust the speed so that the two cars crash into each other at the T junction.
Rolled 1, 1, 4 = 6 (3d6)

Name: BubbaV2
Vit 38/38 SP --/-- CP 9
AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Injury Resistance 2+1 = 3
Riot Shield Stuck On Left Arm [Cover 2]
Riot Shield Stuck On Right Arm [Cover 2]
Physicality 10+1
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Systems Interfacing 10 [Ranged]
!Energetic Cores [12/12]
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
Health: Ablative Resistance Plating 4, Vit+10
Interfacing: Lifting Strength +4


BubbaV2 successfully hacks a train arm, and feels
 pride! And then she sees the brakes slam.
Instantly, she knows something in her tiny human remains: she has to catch as many people as she can, or they’ll get hurt. But she’ll need more volume for that
Oh, and help the Chefs too. I didn't realize that they tasted the dish.
Rolled 3, 6, 6 = 15 (3d6)

>6AP: Find myself. (Thoughts 8, Focus 2, Concentration 3)

What am I?

Good question.

I am Bob, or at least that's the name my parents gave me. I think. I assume I had parents. All I remember from before is throwing punches, and that I had something beautiful to protect. But that life was stolen from me and what was left died when I died. I am not him anymore.

Neither am I you. You are... the Bob I could have been. The Bob I was, briefly, when I woke up and raged against the world for not bowing to me. The Bob I would still be, if things were just a little bit different. A hungry thing, ready to devour the world simply because he could.. Not after I saw children murdered by the crusade I was ready to call, after I saw how the Woodsies see me:

A wise god of creation, life and healing. I am not that Bob either. I am not wise, I only accidentally created life and the healing I can do is far from divine. But this... this is a self worth striving for.

I don't know what I am. But I know what I want to be:

Bob the Primogen.

#Bob the wannabe Primogen
Virality -5 Push 0
Viral Load 0
Coherency 7/12 SP 0/12 CP 0 VP 0 Mutagen 0
Regeneration 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Empathy Training, MAO [SC13]
+2 Crit Threshold on non-offensive actions
Pluripotentiality -2
-1 MP
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Diplomacy 11
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 13 [Aura 3, Vector]
=Organic Breakdown 3
=Corpseflowers 2
=Wide Spectrum Vectoring +2 [tog]
Protein Factory 3 [Self-Activating, 10] [Hostile Takeover]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality 2
= Bound by the Flesh 2

.almighty Lord?
"So if you are like me then you must also seek to perfect your form. But how will you reach this?"

>mp 3: evade if hostilities start
Not again, not again - we're not losing anyone else to the whims of baleful stars and foul chance! I have a solution for this, honest - it's in my bag or brain or heart, it's in there. Hold it together, Amelius - we just need more hands. Snacksquire, hold them down. Amelius, find the solution - more hands, more time, just need a moment to think.

>1TP, order bystanders to restrain the convulsing subjects, keep them from hurting themselves (SupOp 11, Inspiring 2, Confident 1)
>3AP, recall and invoke the name of the Great Healer that the woodsies worship. I'm pretty sure it was just Bob, but he could probably use some prayers. (Forensic Theology 11, Focus 1, Confident 1)
>3AP+1Push, PHARAOH TAKE THE WHEEL - I'd really like my buddies to not die on the floor here - maybe spend my stratagem point on remembering something useful here?

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 23
DR 4 AP 6 MP 4 TP 1
Push 0/1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Confident 1
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
Support Operations 11
Guns 11
Forensic Theology 11
!Inspiring Presence 2
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 4d6 (2), Acc 5, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 21/30A, 210/210C (Broadhead Flechette)
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Battery pack 0/300
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Aid Kit +2
It's how chefs make sure it's good, after all.
>1AP: Accel train by 5
>1AP: Ask anyone available (Woodsies and NPC's not currently shooting or asleep) to help and prevent Tunnelflies from entering the train. Don't forget to close your mouths and not swallow them.
>1ap: Roll up windows and close my mouth?
>3ap: Shared senses find and read along with Gallium [The Manual] on the tram.

Tunneflies smear across the wooden windshields, the Woodsie Wardens shaping the wood to keep outsiders at bay, windows slamming and battens hatten. Hattens batched? Train terms! TRAIN TERMS.


NeoGenesis and Gallium compile a software package to share temporarily useful information. Did you know that most Augmentics are wirelessly enabled like this, to allow them to download up to do date operational manuals? It's meant to allow them to function fluidly in confusing environments.

>+1 CP, Library Access Discovered

Though such tools and downloaded software packages take time to compile and need constant updating. And sometimes, if you rely on artificial insight, you miss out on what is right in front of your eyes. Or optical sensors, as the case may be.

>Temporary Thought skills are just like normal skills - except that they fade away eventually *and* sometimes don't cover every instance of things you might want them to do.


RESPONSE TEAM UDUG has a bad time on the rails.


Amelius invokes the dread name of distant gods, as people pile on to hold down the convulsing, shaking, sweating Eaters - desperation accrues as doctors insight fails to stymie the cataclysmic eruption of new disease. A woodsie nearby chants a soft prayer.

It doesn't work.
Their god is busy dying.


The world twists and dies and is reborn and dies. Flakes of ash boil away on the wind, flowers turning to mud, detritus accumulating as the end of all things. hunger and growth, paths and paradoxes.

A visitor leeches into the hollows between the bones of the people who ate of the Bulb and coheres into this distant space. Paths flake off to infinity.

But you are dying.
You are always dying.
And it will only get worse, despite the tending of doctors and the stress of peers.

You cannot cure malaise of the soul with pencilin.
I suggest calling some former Bulbists over if you're investigating a cure. They've already recovered from infections he gave them.

>Take Pistol and 2 reloads from pile
>Take Stun Baton
>Equip Janitorial Uniform
>All skills +1
>Learn by doing -> Senses 13

Vitality 12 Stamina 12 Tactical 1
DR 0+4 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6 Push 1
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 11 Senses 13 Thoughts 11
CQC 11 (widely applicable up close without penalty)
#Small Unit Tactics 11
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Chaotic Decohesion and Breaks.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +2 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
3 pistol reloads. Pistol 18/18 (E)
Janitorial Uniform: Suspicion -2, DR 4 (E)
3 Bluetinge Fungal Blooms: Former sandwiches. Buncha Stamina, crash later.
2 Extra Strength Cleaner: Near universal solvent. 1 dose = 1 tile, target

there is.

well that improves the patient outlook remarkably.


UDUG III has some problems with their railway journey.


Another carriage from behind catches up fast.


An impromptu tunnel-style dance off occurs in the front carriage.


The GRIMP assistance AI gives out a small warning to the passengers.


The tunnelcrawlers, some squished, some moving past at speed, latch out reflexively and grab on to the side of the carriage, holding tight with their prehensile tongues. Though some will be slammed against the walls, others may yet board.

And the migration isn't entirely over yet - there's another group of them coming up in 20

Rolled 3, 5, 2, 4, 1, 4 = 19 (6d6)

"I am Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath, and I intend to eat, and I intend to live! I have answered your query, now answer mine. Who are you, and what do you intend?"

>6 AP: Strike the Rotten One to my 5 twice (Claws 12 + 3 Concentration - 3 (double strike))

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit -10/12 SP 0/12 CP 14 VP 3 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Claws 12 (L +2, Hooks, Sticks on 14+)
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Multispawn 2, Parasitic*
Infection 12 (Dizziness -1 MP, Fever -2 Thoughts, Dystrophy -1 Physicality)
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality 2 (Regeneration 3) (Crippled)
=Bound by the Flesh 2


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
(My Vitality is -19)
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NeoGenesis ponders vials.
Rolled 3, 6, 5, 1, 6, 2, 5, 5, 5, 3, 6, 5 = 52 (12d6)

Well, might as well prepare to fight the boarders, let's take a page out of the classics here, phalanx? testudo? fulcum? The Shield Wall but with Guns!

>Strategem 1 + Push 1 (Small Unit Tactics,12), FORMATION FORM UP! HOLD TOGETHER! TEAMWORK! COVER YOUR FRIENDS! STAY FIRM! (Looking for a basic bonus to working or sticking together, being part of a formation, teamwork, covering for eachother, etc.)

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 4 (3+1 Hustle) TP 1
Stratagem Point 0
CP 20 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Push 0/1
[MAO, SC13]
Physicality 11
Senses 12 (11+1 Shared Senses)
Thoughts 11
#Small Unit Tactics 12 (11+1 Learn By Doing)
#Multi-Tool 12 (Facility Systems Interaction Testing)
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire 2][Not By The Number 2]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Facility Systems Interaction Testing (FIST'ers)
Multiagent Adaptability Operations (MAO)
> Everett squeezes past Faust and sits down, wedging himself inside the sleeping compartment.(Adroit - 3MP)
> Everett manifests a Feature. An echolocation organ takes form as thin layers of bone as peeling away from the skull and shaped into elaborate formations. The complex protrudes from behind each ear, spanning the back of the head in a band. This organ is specialized to produce regular pulses of an inaudibly high-frequency sound, and to keenly detect and interpret rebounding soundwaves belonging to that particular frequency range (and only that frequency range) - thereby granting Everett an exceptional, omni-directional sense of spatial awareness and an uncannily accurate impression of his physical surroundings via sonar mapping, bypassing visibility conditions, optical camouflage, and all but the most cunning forms of concealment. (Manifest - Sense10+20+3 - 6AP+20CP)
Rolled 2, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3 = 28 (9d6)

#Died Osiris Consequences

>3AP, 2CP, Conversion 10, 1 push since I'll get it back when I rest - Update the plants outside Trish's window to produce bug repellant so that she can sleep in peace and not get eaten by mosquitos. First 6 dice.
>1AP - Submit my Cover Letter.
>1AP, Willpower 10 - Ask the Woodsies to pray to Bob that the Chefs overcome their destructive fever. Last 3 dice.
>1AP - Mechanized Biology 11 (not rolled here) - Assist anyone trying to heal the sick using nano-adjustments.

Coherency 12/12 // SP 0/12 // Push 1/1 // CP 10, MutP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // Mov 4?
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
!Green Glitter 3 - They can see me!
!Nanoflowers 2 (toggleable): +2 to nanoforma's attempts to replicate.
#Meshwire 13 [R3]
!Signalskip 2 (-2 hit for +1 range)
!Fuzzy: Worse Crit Fails
#Mechanized Biology 11
!Thinks He's Osiris
Rolled 2, 5, 6, 4, 1, 5 = 23 (6d6)

>4 MP: Move 16 and crouch, take cover, brace, whatever in that corner. This ride is about to get much bumpier.
>1 SP: Scry Ketluttony's spatial coordinates. [Senses 9 + Focus 1 + Telekinetic 2] - 1st set of rolls
>3 AP: Aim and Exploit. [Haywire Cascading]
>3 AP, 3 SP, Commit: Hit Kletluttony with a Haywire Cascading, Area 1 Toggle. Overcharge 1. [Haywire Cascading 11 + 4 [Lock in] + 2 SP + Focus 1 - Overcharge 1 vs 17, F+3, Overcharge +3, [Lock in] +2, Critfail 16, !Existential Dread] - 2nd set of rolls

Vit 11/12 SP 5/12 CP 12
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 0/1
PsyBubbling (30), Telekinetic Sparking 2 (22)
Confidence 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 12
Auditory +2
Dread +1, Field 0
#Haywire Cascading 11 (F+3, Area 1 [Tog], Overcharge 3)
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition 2] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate 2] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
6x Shards
Rolled 5, 3, 2 = 10 (3d6)

>6AP: Become. (Thoughts 8, Focus 2, Concentration 3)

I reject your premise. How can you become yourself if you do not know who you want to be? How can you find something if you do not know what you are looking for? Travel without knowing where you want to go and you will inevitably find yourself somewhere you do not want to be.

Knowing the destination does not mean knowing the path. There are still things to be found on the way, experiences to be had, knowledge to be learned. You still need to grow into who you want to be. The goal may change, such is life, but you still should have a goal.

A journey with no goal is no journey at all. It is being lost, a thing of instinctive hunger selfishly ruining everything close to it. It is a life without purpose. It is death, and I cannot die yet. I still have something beautiful to protect.

#Bob the Primogen
Coherency 6/12 Vitality -22/?? Push 0 SP 0/12 CP 0 VP 0 Mutagen 0
Virality: Immunosuppressed -5
Viral Load: 0
Regeneration 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Empathy Training, MAO [SC13]
+2 Crit Threshold on non-offensive actions
Infection 12
Phagocytic Storm: -2 Pluripotentiality
Debilitation: -1 MP
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Diplomacy 11
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 13 [Aura 3, Vector]
=Corpseflowers 2
=Wide Spectrum Vectoring +2 [tog]
Organic Breakdown 3
Protein Factory 3 [Self-Activating, 10] [Hostile Takeover]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality 2
= Bound by the Flesh 2
Rolled 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 1 = 16 (6d6)

>TP: Point out bullet holes in southern wall for Woodsie warden to patch. Sense 13+CUF 1
>2AP: Understand chair features and makeup. Can they fold up? Is there under-seat storage? What sort of parts could I get out of them? Thoughts 11+Janitor 2+1
>2MP: Move 55
>2MP, 3AP: React: prepare to block swarm breaches with shield. CQC 11+Alacrity 1+1

Vitality 12 Stamina 12 Tactical 1
DR 0+4 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6 Push 1
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 11 Senses 13 Thoughts 11
CQC 11 (widely applicable up close without penalty)
#Small Unit Tactics 11
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Chaotic Decohesion and Breaks.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +2 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
3 pistol reloads. Pistol 18/18
Baton, Stun Baton
Janitorial Uniform: Suspicion -2, DR 4 (E)
3 Bluetinge Fungal Blooms: Former sandwiches. Buncha Stamina, crash later.
2 Extra Strength Cleaner: Near universal solvent. 1 dose = 1 tile, target
Rolled 1, 5, 3, 5, 6, 1 = 21 (6d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 5 VP 0 MP 1
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Superconductivity 0 (2/24 charge stored)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 11
Electricity Modulators 13 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 4 (Power-hungry)] [Superconductivity 0]
Cold and logical.

C8 (2d6, 2acc, 2bulk, 18/18, x1 reload)

"Incoming carriage. Diverting."
>[3 AP] The potential incoming carriage is a collision risk. Communicate to the unit in charge of the tracks, forcefully get them off our set of tracks and onto another remotely by hacking the railroad switch controller. As a responsible train driver, the system should let me because I am avoiding a collision. (Augmented Systemics 11, thinking about them trains gives +1)
>[3 AP] Generate some electricity and immediatly use it to electrolyze dioxygen into atmospheric ozone. Now a cool thing about ozone gas is it messes with chemsignaling in bugs. Evacuate that ozone through the window to mess with the senses of the crawlers latching on. (Electricity Modulators 13)
Rolled 4, 1, 3 = 8 (3d6)

Name: BubbaV2
Vit 38/38 SP --/-- CP 9
AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Injury Resistance 2+1 = 3
Riot Shield Stuck On Left Arm [Cover 2]
Riot Shield Stuck On Right Arm [Cover 2]
Physicality 10+1
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Systems Interfacing 10 [Ranged]
!Energetic Cores [12/12]
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
Health: Ablative Resistance Plating 4, Vit+10
Interfacing: Lifting Strength +4
Health: Size 1 (does not count for IR)

>4MP: move 2-2-2-2
>6AP: Integrated Systemics (or senses if you think that makes more sense): look through the scrap we looted earlier to find long metal bits to smash together into a long pole (COMMIT)
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No room.
Take another turn.
Rolled 2, 3, 5 = 10 (3d6)


Name: BubbaV2
Vit 38/38 SP --/-- CP 9
AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Injury Resistance 2+1 = 3
Riot Shield Stuck On Left Arm [Cover 2]
Riot Shield Stuck On Right Arm [Cover 2]
Physicality 10+1
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Systems Interfacing 10 [Ranged]
!Energetic Cores [12/12]
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
Health: Ablative Resistance Plating 4, Vit+10
Interfacing: Lifting Strength +4
Health: Size 1 (does not count for IR)
>2MP: move 5-5
>6AP+Commit: [Augmented Systemics] try to hack into the arm on the cart next to us, try to make it hug the passengers on the cart
Rolled 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 5 = 12 (6d6)

> 3AP: Break out of the vines (Blade of Life 14, Focus 1)
> 3AP, 3 Movement: Active Defence
> 3SP: WAKE UP. THE WOODSIES NEED THEE (Willpower 10, Focus 1, Higher Purpose 2)
That's what I'm talking about, Amelius - you trained for this! Did we? Just keep gathering them up, stitching together these fragmented memories, just a bit more and maybe we'll be me again.

Focus up, we have patients! With hopes and prayers and double strength antibiotics I'll save them. Tietra, reinforce these walls - I can't have slugkin disrupting my work!

>1TP, direct Tietra to barrier up any breaks in the carriage - no admittance to slugthings (SupOp 11, Inspiring 2)
>6AP+Commit, slam recover actions on each of my patients - throw a Commit: Lock In for Bob (SupOp 13 for humanoids, Forensic Theology 11 for Bob, Confidence 1)

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 23
DR 4 AP 6 MP 4 TP 1
Push 0/1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Confident 1
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
Support Operations 11
+2 Trauma Response
Guns 11
Forensic Theology 11
!Inspiring Presence 2
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 4d6 (2), Acc 5, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 21/30A, 210/210C (Broadhead Flechette)
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Battery pack 0/300
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Aid Kit +2
The carriage hammers down the rails, pushing through a crawler migration and other obstacles, carriges around it closing in - the system shuddering and shaking as it bumps across various impediments to public transport.

Might be bad to be on top of platforms that experience collisions. Grab for a handrail, they're coming in hard!!


Rolled 3, 2, 2 = 7 (3d6)

>3AP: [COMMIT] Mark the oncoming tracks and report the oncoming collision has a health hazard! Resulting from the opposing railway car colliding with our train. FT Udug must've not viewed the tram schedule or if the oncoming way was indeed free. Results could be catastrophic to anyone involved and this requires correction immediately. FT Udug's coming from direction 2 needs to be redirected immediately.
>1AP: Ask the woodsies to reinforce the wood facing forward. Perhaps shape it into a cowcatcher/railguard/plow
>1AP: Ask Raven to please stop serving the flies. It's too much winning. Please oh god the humanity. Could you shape a metal railguard/cowcatcher at the front of the train to push the oncoming collision and boarding off? Maybe spikes? Anything you have in mind to stop boarders. Take some people to help you out if you need. I will provide [6 charge] to electrify someplace where the boarders may land to electrify it.
>1AP: Accel by 5
>3AP: Overwatch [6 Charge to overwatch] oncomig boarders
Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 Charge 18/24
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
CP 12 VP 0 MUTP 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemics 11
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power][Engineering Specifications 2]
[Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2][Superconductivity 2][LoS Meshlink Mod. Poor]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Little malicious violent things, hateful and hungry. In extremes, all such things are laid bare, and there is scant difference between those who eat and those who are eaten.

Samantha kills - and kills herself
Autarch freezes - and freezes themselves
Bob changes - and changes themselves.

None controlled, and none intentional, and all breaking, from fevers and sweats and horror.
>Proceed with 4S Report writing
To submit a 4S report, you must expose yourself to the stimuli to gather valuable insight data. You may also report the direct experiences of other subjects and staff of a live event, though this is less valauble. It requires up-to-date data gathering practice methodology and a keen hand.

In this case you have REPORTED A COLLISION and note that it is A HAZARD.

To certify the validy of this claim and to allow the Facility Systems that PHARAOH manages to proceed with harm minimization, you must now expose yourself to a vehicular collision to validate your findings and report it according to the Subject Shock Sensitivity Scale.

In less academic verbalese, in order to validate that your reported collision are dangerous you need to have live proof that it is. In this case, "proceeding with the 4S report" would mean throwing yourself under the carriage tracks to compile the neccessary data. This is usually why exposure during controlled or regimented or unplanned situations is better. It is less lethal to the subject.
Train collisions are among the most catastrophic types of transportation accidents due to the sheer size, weight, and speed of trains. When trains collide, the immense kinetic energy involved can lead to widespread destruction, causing fatalities, severe injuries, and extensive damage to infrastructure. Unlike vehicles on roads, trains operate on fixed tracks with limited ability to maneuver or stop quickly, making the avoidance of collisions particularly challenging. Additionally, the impact often results in the derailment of carriages, increasing the risk of secondary accidents, such as fires, hazardous material spills, and further collisions...

In this live report we will examine a train collision in progress...
Now of course I'm not going to toss myself down the tracks. That would be stupid. Please hold while I acquire a volunteer from Udug.
A sensible and reasonable precaution that shows your determination to the proper filling of 4S reports!
Response Teams from UDUG come in hot, guns blazing, as they match the speed of the front carriage and a swipe through our wooden defenses with their Modular Operations Mechanic mounted on their small wagons. Raven lets out a grunt of effort as they reinforce the metal walls against a storm of bullets, the Woodsie singing to try and replenish the barricades, but UDUG prepared for this. They're not even really aiming, they're just hosing down the entire front with as much lead as they can.


We pick up a stowaway tunnelcrawler, though another one gets ripped off -- and then, a thing fires a gun that jams and accelerates a vehicle that sputters and screeches in anger and runs down an arm that doesn't work and jumps - slamming - grabbing - clinging through curious adaption to a door, despite all of Tietra's shielding. Another stowaway!


Samantha breaks out in rending cuts across her carapace, bleeding enormously, from some monstrous attacker clawing at her very soul.

Autarch wakes up, with a headache and dry sensation.

The moss and everything else bubbles and wobbles.

>Everett and Bob standby, please.
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Bob, becomes something else - ill defined, as such things are. At least this is neither rock nor golem nor storm of screaming nor mad vortex or knife-thought or a swarm of flies.

Your Mutability skill force changes and your Pluripotentiality loses it Vector Feature, though it still has Aura 3 - now it's just Aura 3 around your body. The only mechanical change here is that it is no longer a map-wide ability that acts through all allies; it still otherwise works in the same way as before.

It is possible to "tag" allies with a small speck of (benign) contagion, and that treats them as providing Aura too. This takes 1 AP and they must be touched or within your Aura range (note that this can leap-frog). Such Tags wear out over time.

Your Biomodulation adjusts. Check the left.

Welcome back to material existence.
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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. But one can see so much clearer if one foregoes eyes at all.

Vibrational Scanning picks up almost *everything*, though it does need to contest Stealth systems for detection (though it does so, now, at sizable skill).

Unfortunately, you accidentally recycled most of your retinas.

Sense Feature
Vibrational Scanner +2, /2 Skill Radius
Samantha needs some serious medical assistance! Something's killing her!! With claws!!


More contact!!


We've managed to divert one of the Response Teams down a service tunnel, they won't bother us any more. Good thinking, Gallium! Doing that with the entire system is enormously difficult; REGENT is watching after all and part-piloting the carriage wagons.


Rolled 6, 2, 4, 5, 5, 1, 5, 6, 1, 5, 3, 5, 1, 3, 1, 6, 1, 1 = 61 (18d6)

Vit -12/12 SP 0/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 14
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Injury Tolerance (Bullets)
Bleeds Sap
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2

Hardwood Cuirass
Ablative DR 10, Wooden
-2 Adroit
!Resonant-Biologics 2

I can have an existential crisis *later*.

(3AP, twice): Use my Abiogenesis to reduce the Infection score on the two Woodsie Chefs and Samantha, twice. Presumably, I do this by supercharging their immune system and inducing it to emit appropriate antibodies. (Abiogenesis 10, Focus 1, Higher Purpose 2, Edge of the Woods 2)
(Commit, 3AP): Assume the senses of the wood and vines, as such that I can ‘see’ Fireteam 6, who are about to fire. (Abiogenesis 10, Focus 1, Higher Purpose 2, Edge of the Woods 2)
(3 Health): Use my psionic powers to have the vines grow massively and lash out, latching onto the rail cart fireteam 6 is on, enabling detection. (16 total, as above)
(2 Health) Mark and Guide Nadir’s Haywire against Fireteam 6 for maximum effect. (Senses 9, Focus 1, Higher Purpose 2- we’re trying to stop them launching a rocket at the compartment Woodsies are in!)

On Trigger’s advice and permission, I have deleted the first version of this turn and am redoing it.

(I have just received some tutorialisation on how abiogenesis works)
> Gain VibrationalScanner12
> Gain Halfblind[-32]
Well, this direly complicates matters, but from the sound of things I can't afford the luxury of time required to correct it.
I'll just have to try and make it work.

> Flick on the assault rifle's safety and leave it next to Faust. Everett won't be able to make effective use of it anyway. (Minor Action - 1AP)
> Keeping low, Everett streaks down the traincar and slips behind the wall 2 tiles south of Bubba'. (Move - 5AP+5SP)
> At this range, Everett can discern the unfamiliar presence of Ketluttony. Sightlessly monitoring him, Everett prepares to evade any aggressive action directed towards him. (React - Reaction12+3 - 4MP)
Bob, Amelius, Wilder, Hibiscus- I can handle healing. Go fight Ketlan!

Nadir! I’ve marked them! Open fire!
Rolled 3, 4, 3, 1, 6, 1, 6, 3, 4, 1, 6, 1, 2, 6, 2 = 49 (15d6)

#Died Osiris Consequences

>3AP, Mechanized Biology 11, get my nanos in there to patch up Samantha and stop her bleeding out.
>3AP, Green Flash, Meshwire 13/Conversion 10, Send my greener flashing nanos up front to form a blinding chaff screen to distract any incoming slamfire round. Try running Guidance when you can't see through the green haze.
Commit for moar AP
>1AP, Senses 9, Mark the Slamfire operator in the middle of the train to our right (he's basically starboard of the snack warden).
>1AP, Senses 9, Mark the rifle operative in the middle of the first car in front of the train, so that I don't block my team from seeing through the green haze that I made.
>1AP, Senses 9, now that Bob and Autarch are awake, admonish them for eating the Bulb, which was a clearly unsafe activity. (designating eating toxic cores as dangerous and a clear violation of whroplace health and safety protocols. Cite the Malichnid who is currently undergoing a medical emergency.)

Coherency 12/12 // SP 0/12 // Push 1/1 // CP 10, MutP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // Mov 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Applying for a job

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
!Green Glitter 3 - They can see me!
!Nanoflowers 2 (toggleable): +2 to nanoforma's attempts to replicate.
#Meshwire 13 [R3]
!Signalskip 2 (-2 hit for +1 range)
!Fuzzy: Worse Crit Fails
#Mechanized Biology 11
!Thinks He's Osiris
That’s fair
Rolled 5, 1, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 4, 5, 1, 1 = 45 (12d6)

"Dear passengers. We are now accelarating the tempo. We will also be having a bumpy ride."
"Dear boarders and pirates. Present tickets or suffer the next few consequences. Now."

>1AP: Accel 5
>1AP+2SP: Aim and Exploit
>3AP: [Push] and Hack the Arm on the rail car of Udug IV. If this works, Grab a Response Officer with rocket launcher and Proceed to demonstrate why it is dangerous to do what they are doing... by putting him inbetween this rail cars as we collide. Not very safe [Augmentics 11+2 Electroreception +???]

"I would like to ask for your support my friend."
>==Convert 4SP into 16 Charge (24/24)
>1AP+2SP: Aim and Exploit
>3AP: [Commit] to Electrical Modulators 11 (-1 SP from stamina Burn) added with 24 charge from reserves electrocute the lot of Udug Team IV and VI with a chain lightning attracted to only Undu Team and their Carts (not my team who are insulated in the wood cart) [Superconductivity 2][Electroreception2]

Vit 12/12 SP 3/12 Charge 0/24
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
CP 12 VP 3 MUTP 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9 [Electroreception +2]
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemics 11
Electromodulation 11
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications 2] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
[Superconductivity 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 3, 5, 5 = 13 (3d6)

I'm sorry Grins but I'm going to yell one more time because this next order is byfar the most important one I'm going to give here.

>1TP+6AP+3SP (Small Unit Tactics,12) HOLD. THE. LINE. DO NOT FALTER. KEEP PUSHING! We cannot fail here! Hold those shields! Fight back the invaders! STAND YOUR GROUND.

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 4 (3+1 Hustle) TP 1
Stratagem Point 0
CP 20 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Push 0/1
[MAO, SC13]
Physicality 11
Senses 12 (11+1 Shared Senses)
Thoughts 11
#Small Unit Tactics 12 (11+1 Learn By Doing)
#Multi-Tool 12 (Facility Systems Interaction Testing)
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire 2][Not By The Number 2]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Facility Systems Interaction Testing (FIST'ers)
Multiagent Adaptability Operations (MAO)
Rolled 1, 4, 4 = 9 (3d6)

This place is utterly bewildering. We only seem to be hurting ourselves here. There are a few clues, perhaps I can work with something here. I tried to strike the... flowering one? and I struck myself dearly. Bob tried to Become, and he Became spectacularly, though perhaps not in a way he'd like. Autarch tried to wake up and... seems to have succeeded? Hard to tell from this end. So intentions are powerful here, and however you act seems to primarily affect yourself. There is the curious matter of our "duplicates", who don't seem to be doing anything? Perhaps this place isn't so malign as I originally thought. Maybe... I can try to dream here. Try to be who I want to be. Bring my intentions and desires to reality. Or failing that, give myself a pleasant dream of what could have been as my body and soul bleeds out from the curse of this dying god.

I see Ahtnamas. Or at least that is what my eyes tell me. Is that not just me? Do they not want what I want? Maybe I shouldn't assume hostility from the outset. Maybe we can work together. Someone once said something about doing unto others right? Let's try that out.

>3 MP: Evade 166
>6 AP: Manifest a Change in Ahtnamas - Grant them the fervor to protect those she loves. Or profoundly tolerates as it might be. I would like to grant a strong protective instinct that makes the user better at actions done to protect or provide for those closest (relationally) to them at the cost of making everything else harder if this noble duty is neglected when such are in danger or in need. Become the rightful broodmother I wanted to be. (Mutability 11 + 6 CP + 3 Concentration)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit -32/12 SP 0/12 CP 14(->8) VP 0 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Claws 12 (L +2, Hooks, Sticks on 14+)
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Multispawn 2, Parasitic*
Infection 13 (Dizziness -1 MP, Fever -2 Thoughts, Dystrophy -2 Physicality)
Bleeding -4 II II II II II II II
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality 2 (Regeneration 3) (Crippled)
=Bound by the Flesh 2


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 4, 2, 6 = 12 (3d6)

"Thank you, Autarch! Doom comes for them now!"

>4 MP: Stand up and Evade 343
>Commit [Double Up], 3 AP: Aim and Exploit on Haywire Cascading.
>6 AP, 1 SP: Haywire Cascading on Udug VI (the *real* Udug VI, not the *imposters* in front of the tram), Area 1 toggled, centered on the righthand rocket launcher officer. [Haywire Cascading 11 + 3 AP + 2 Mark + 1 Focus - 1 Overcharge vs 16, F+3, Overcharge +3, Aim and Exploit, !Existential Dread]

Vit 11/12 SP 5/12 CP 12
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 0/1
PsyBubbling (30), Telekinetic Sparking 2 (22)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 12
Auditory +2
Dread +1, Field 0
#Haywire Cascading 11 (F+3, Area 1 [Tog], Overcharge 3)
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition 2] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate 2] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
6x Shards
Amelius, don't even think about it - a sentient tree and swarm of nanomachines couldn't possibly replace your sudden and unexpected medical expertise. They need you.

But I also need to SHOOT KETLAN!

If Autarch just blindly pumps lifegiving energy he might inadvertently boost the works of Bulb - you can't let him do that!


>1TP, guide Consequences and Autarch through lifesaving processes (SupOp 11, Trauma Response 2, Inspiring 2, Confidence 1)
>1MP, move 1SE
>1AP, hey Snackwarden go open that door and get out of the way
>1AP, Tietra please get out of the way - overpenetration BAD
>1AP, oops - I need to turn on my smartlink right?
>3AP, aim at Ketlan
>3SP+COMMIT, three round burst into Ketlan targeting wherever his core should be (Guns 11, Acc 5, Commit: Lock-In, high power as a treat)

Vit 12/12 SP 7/12 CP 23
DR 4 AP 6 MP 4 TP 1
Push 0/1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Confident 1
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
Support Operations 11
+2 Trauma Response
Guns 11
Forensic Theology 11
!Inspiring Presence 2
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 4d6 (2), Acc 5, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 18/30A, 180/210C (Broadhead Flechette)
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Battery pack 0/300
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Aid Kit +2
Rolled 4, 2, 6 = 12 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 5 VP 0 MP 1
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Superconductivity 0 (2/24 charge stored)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 11
Electricity Modulators 13 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 4 (Power-hungry)] [Superconductivity 0]
Cold and logical.

C8 (2d6, 2acc, 2bulk, 18/18, x1 reload)

"You don't even need to ask, friend. Let's get them."
>[3AP] Aim to next action.
>[3AP] Assist NeoGenesis' action by providing more juice, staking in my extra charge, plus whatever I'm generating. Also burn 3 stamina for an extra 9. (Electricity Modulators 13, 3 charge stored, 9 charge from the 3 stamina spent)
Rolled 4, 5, 6 = 15 (3d6)


>[4 MP] Move N, NE, NE, S.
>[3 AP] Aim at the horrible thing clinging to our vehicle (Ketlan).
>[3AP+3SP] Increase the temperature on the sections of the tram until it's unbearable for its appendages and it either lets go, or has nothing left to hold onto. [Temperature Control 12, Focus +2, Confidence +1, Confidence +3: vs. 18]
UNLESS it's holding onto the section that links both trams together. If this is the case instead do the following action:
>[3 AP+3 SP] Hold Ketluttony psyonically to stop it from squirming around for Amelius to get his shots in. [Psionigenesis 11, Focus +2, Confidence +1, Concentration +3, vs: 17]

Vit 12 SP 9 -> 6 CP 5
DR +2 AP 6 MP 3
Push 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Confidence +1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 11
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Illusionary Glamour +1
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
1x C8, 2d6, 2ACC, 2Buik, 18 bullets, 1 reload (18 bullets).
Electronic Repair Kit.
Rolled 2, 5, 1 = 8 (3d6)

>Shove the barrel of the rifle right onto the claw
>Shot at full auto using all AP

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 4 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel
[Cool Under Fire]
[Not By The Numbers]
!Smells like flowers
SecVest 4DR
Charged Baton L+1, Stun 1
Combo Rifle 4d6 (2), 5ACC, 5Bulk, 30A
Rolled 5, 6, 1 = 12 (3d6)

Name: BubbaV2
Vit 38/38 SP --/-- CP 0
AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Injury Resistance 2+1 = 3
Riot Shield Stuck On Left Arm [Cover 2]
Riot Shield Stuck On Right Arm [Cover 2]
Physicality 10+1
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Systems Interfacing 10 [Ranged]
!Energetic Cores [12/12]
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
Health: Ablative Resistance Plating 4, Vit+10
Interfacing: Lifting Strength +4
Health: Size 1 (does not count for IR)

>COMMIT: Advanced Systems Interfacing: Try to hack the traincar currently swarmed by flies. Objective: make it BRAKE
Rolled 5, 2, 6, 3, 3, 5 = 24 (6d6)

>4MP: Move closer to Ketluttony
>3AP: Stab Ketluttony nonlethaly with a sharp pseudopod (Amorphous Shaping 10, Lethality 1)
>3AP: Inject Ketluttony directly with a wide spectrum blood vector paralytic virus (Pluripotentiality 13, Focus 2, Wide Spectrum Vectoring +2)

But... I knew what I wanted to become and this isn't it.

I deserve the admonishment. I deserve worse.

(I'm sorry Command, I have no energy to adjust my charsheet at this hour)
Rolled 5, 4, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 6, 2, 2 = 36 (12d6)

>1AP: Hey Raven, any shapes you prefer working with? Thoughts 11
>1TP: Alekson, start disassembling these chairs for plates. Thoughts 11+CUF 1
>Move 655
>3AP: Disassemble nearby chairs. Thoughts 11
>2AP, 1SP: Grins, Sigma, move these plates to Raven. SUT 11+CUF 1

Vitality 12 Stamina 12 Tactical 1
DR 0+4 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6 Push 1
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 11 Senses 13 Thoughts 11
CQC 11 (widely applicable up close without penalty)
#Small Unit Tactics 11
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Chaotic Decohesion and Breaks.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +2 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
3 pistol reloads. Pistol 18/18 (E)
Janitorial Uniform: Suspicion -2, DR 4 (E)
3 Bluetinge Fungal Blooms: Former sandwiches. Buncha Stamina, crash later.
2 Extra Strength Cleaner: Near universal solvent. 1 dose = 1 tile, target
NeoGenesis accelerates into a ram with a hard, solid object and the whole carriage buckles and shudders, people losing their footing, items clattering off of platforms, Woodsie Ones slipping and falling. One of UDUG's teammembers, grabbed by a mechanical arm, is squished, his launcher firing erratically without the guidance sequence properly aligned.


Elsewhere, patients go stumbling and tumbling as full auto and railgun fire rakes the hallways, aim thrown off by close confines and bad footing, walls puncturing, doors breaking, trooper Tietra diving for her life.


The vines near the lower end of the train stretched and reach and are torn apart by the impact with the walls moving at rapid speed across their path of progress, staining the tunnels with sap and greenery.


NeoGenesis and Gallium build up a massive electro-charge, far past their safe limits, and the enormous power hammers into the metal and wood and ignites fires, arcs down and knocks Raven clean off their feet, Fox start shuddering and shaking as she's stuck between two augmentics performing a high wire act and the electricty conducts across her body, the cabin filling with the faint sizzling smell of burned meat and burning wood, the lightnig charge hammering out into the carriage systems and grounding itself in the vehicles and rails.


A roar of launchers firing off fill the tunnels followed by the loud, roaring thuds and booms of impact, though the calamitious infowarfare information seems to have thrown targetting and guidance off severely --

The response teams by the second carriage has more lucks, hammer-blows falling on the walls and the windows, plating blown apart and rent open, Nadir having to throw up their arms to keep their eyes safe from the sudden shock of noise and fire.


Up front, a modular operational mechanic gets a good GRIB on our front-carriage and Response Team UDUG, staring straight at a passable fascimile of hell itself, wince, and groan and then do what they're trained to do - a line of Woodsie Wardens meet them on the inside, past the rent holes in our plating and the broken windows, swinging clubs and matching shields against knifes and rifle-stocks and a few stray bursts of fire; bad environment to be using a long-gun in, the cramped quarters make target acquisition almost impossible for weapons that are so bulky.


A few more rattling sprays of autofire - it clips Wilder, though it's a glancing shot across the hardhat only.

This transport of ours might need repairs soon - lets hope we don't hit another cloud of flies, because we're down some structurally relevant walls.


You are dying. But perhaps not just yet
Samantha's infection breaks, fever lessening, but whether by the careful tending of benign friends and allies or by some sheer fluke is hard to say.

But though the fever may have lessened, the rending cuts that ripped apart the body remain, and though Consequences is working overtime to knit the bleeding back together, it still trickles in a slow seepage.

Wonder what has claws to cause that kind of calamity.

But, look, Subject! You're awake!

How grand And you can even act and take a turn, though, like all Changes, any you are now experiencing is a slow in solidying. Perhaps if you want to make any last minute changes to the thing you engrave in your refleced soul, now would be the time? Otherwise, the carriage is broken, shots are fired and your friends do seem to need you.

Your Vitality is -3, you have no infection, and you have 3 SP.
Vit -12/12 SP 0/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 14
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Injury Tolerance (Bullets)
Bleeds Sap
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2

Hardwood Cuirass
Ablative DR 10, Wooden
-2 Adroit
!Resonant-Biologics 2
!Fanatacism (?)

(3AP) Use Abiogenesis to flash grow the plant life surrounding Ketlan (mostly to their NE), entangling him and ruining his dodge (Abiogenesis 10, Focus 1, Edge 2, Higher Purpose 2, MAO 1, Wound penalties 1)
(3 AP): Purge the infection off the two Woodsie Chefs and the Boblian Tree (Abiogenesis 10, Focus 1, Edge 2, Higher Purpose 2, MAO 1, Wound penalty 1)
(1 Health) Ask the Snackwarden to make sure no one falls off the train
(3 Health) Use Sheer Focus and Will to recover Stamina and push through the gruelling pain. (Will 10, Higher Purpose 2)

Samantha! Help us!
Rolled 6, 3, 5, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3 = 26 (9d6)

(3d6 vs 15)
(3d6 vs 15)
I3d6 vs 11)

Vitality should be 14 now.

Please take out the Tunnel Crawler! It’s too close to the patients!
Rolled 6, 1, 3, 4, 6, 4 = 24 (6d6)

I'm... awake! I had a strong feeling I never would wake up. Wait, is that fleshprey, and on the train? Haha! It's my lucky day!

>2 MP: Evade 16
>6 AP: Strike the Tunnelcrawler twice (Claws 12 + Concentrate 3 - 3 (Doublestrike))
>Regenerate 3? (Is this still crippled?)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit -3/12 SP 3/12 CP 8 VP 0 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Claws 12 (L +2, Hooks, Sticks on 14+)
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Multispawn 2, Parasitic*
Dizziness -2 MP, Fever -2 Thoughts, Dystrophy -2 Physicality
Bleeding -4 II II II II II I
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality 2 (Regeneration 3) (Crippled?)
=Bound by the Flesh 2


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
> Brandishing his armblade, Everett challenges Ketluttony. Provoking it and centering its attention on himself, giving the others time to rally and regroup. (Minor Action - 1AP)
> Reading the twitching of his muscles and minute shifts in posture, Everett utilizes his new sense in an attempt to identify what Ketluttony's next action will be. With the intent being to use this foreknowledge to react more effectively. (Test and Try - Vibrational Scanning -1AP)
> Everett prepares to evade Ketluttony's onslaught. (React - Reaction12+VibrationScan+1 - 2MP)
> Assuming Everett dodges successfully, he immediately takes advantage of Ketluttony's momentary over-extension, cleaving his armblade down on the base of the mutant's fearsome stringer. (Strike - Armblade15+ExploitOverextension?-SmallTarget? - 3AP)
> Once more Everett scrutinizes Ketluttony vibrationally in an attempt to identify his next most likely move. (Test and Try - Vibrational Scanning - 1AP)
> Everett primes himself to avoid the next blow. (React - Reaction12+VibrationScan+1 - 2MP)
Rolled 4, 6, 1, 6, 4, 1, 4, 1, 5, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 4 = 56 (15d6)

#Died Osiris Consequences

>3AP, Meshwire 13/Conversion 10: Green Haze - Surround the Malforma in a green fog so that it can tear up the Udug by sense without them being able to see to shoot it. Assuming that this is Duplicity action and conforms to the Officer's
>3AP, Mechanized Biology 11, Nanoflowers 2: Sandbox Psychology - Convince the Boblian to use the power of the Rainbow Court to evolve into a self propagating tree with spikes and explosive seeds like a sandbox tree. This is a psychological healing action similar to those done to help the other subjects through their fever dreams.
>Commit for mor AP
>1AP, Senses 09 - Report the danger of fire at the front of the train.
>1AP, Meshwire 13 - Suborn the nearby Arm north of the train and ask it to keep people away from the dangerous fire.
>1AP, Meshwire 13 - Suborn the further Arm north of the train. Ask it to block any further rockets. High explosives can react poorly when exposed to fire.
^- I am assuming that all of these actions could have a duplicity base, although some of them could also have a focus base instead. Taking this set of actions partially to adhere to Leadership protocols.

Coherency 12/12 // SP 0/12 // Push 1/1 // CP 10, MutP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // Mov 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Applying for a job

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
!Green Glitter 3 - They can see me!
!Nanoflowers 2 (toggleable): +2 to nanoforma's attempts to replicate.
#Meshwire 13 [R3]
!Signalskip 2 (-2 hit for +1 range)
!Fuzzy: Worse Crit Fails
#Mechanized Biology 11
!Thinks He's Osiris
+3 Logs (not yet converted to CP), 1 Medical Emergency, 2 Area Hazards. +1 pending log.
Rolled 6, 3, 6 = 15 (3d6)


"Wuh- EMPATHY? What am I going to do with Empathy- Empathize with the Enemy? Empathize with uhh... the Troopers?"

"Sure! SURE! Have it your way Grins!"

>1TP+6AP (Small Unit Tactics,12), "I'm rooting for you Grins! You can do it! I understand you don't like getting yelled so I'll speak quietly! Good Luck! Feel free to do whatever you feel, I've got your back!" Smile. Smile at Grins. SMILE. :)

Vit 12/12 SP 2/12
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 4 (3+1 Hustle) TP 1
Stratagem Point 0
CP 20 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Push 0/1
[MAO, SC13]
Physicality 11
Senses 12 (11+1 Shared Senses)
Thoughts 11
#Small Unit Tactics 12 (11+1 Learn By Doing)
#Multi-Tool 12 (Facility Systems Interaction Testing)
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire 2][Not By The Number 2]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Facility Systems Interaction Testing (FIST'ers)
Multiagent Adaptability Operations (MAO)
Rolled 5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3 = 21 (6d6)

>3 AP: Move 115
>3 AP: Recovery. Vitality. [Health 12]
>3 Health: Recovery. Stamina. [Health 12]

Vit -9/12 SP 0/12 CP 12
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 0/1
PsyBubbling (30), Telekinetic Sparking 2 (22)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 12
Auditory +2
Dread +1, Field 0
#Haywire Cascading 11 (F+3, Area 1 [Tog], Overcharge 3)
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition 2] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate 2] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
6x Shards
Rolled 2, 3, 4 = 9 (3d6)

Name: BubbaV2
Vit 38/38 SP --/-- CP 0
AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Injury Resistance 2+1 = 3
Riot Shield Stuck On Left Arm [Cover 2]
Riot Shield Stuck On Right Arm [Cover 2]
Physicality 10+1
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Systems Interfacing 10 [Ranged]
!Energetic Cores [12/12]
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
Health: Ablative Resistance Plating 4, Vit+10
Interfacing: Lifting Strength +4
Health: Size 1 (does not count for IR)

>6AP+5ER: Hack Gluttony using Advanced Systems Interfacing. Issue but one single command: Cease.

BubbaV2 sees the beast she fought before.
But she was weak then. Small and weak. Now she is big and strong, strong, strong.

But it is stronger as well.

So there is but one thing she can do: Rob it of it’s strength. She can’t make it hers, but taking it away from everyone is good enough
Rolled 5, 4, 4, 3, 6, 1 = 23 (6d6)


>4MP: Carefully Move 222
>1AP: Mark Udug guy 222, Senses 13+Focus 1
>1TP+1AP: Woodsies, close in, crowd them off. CQC 11+CUF 1+1
>4AP: React Move and Do, move to fill any hole in formation and shield bash somebody. CQC 11+Alacrity 1+1

Vitality 12 Stamina 12 Tactical 1
DR 0+4 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6 Push 1
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 11 Senses 13 Thoughts 11
CQC 11 (widely applicable up close without penalty)
#Small Unit Tactics 11
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Chaotic Decohesion and Breaks.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +2 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
3 pistol reloads. Pistol 18/18
Baton, Stun Baton
Janitorial Uniform: Suspicion -2, DR 4 (E)
3 Bluetinge Fungal Blooms: Former sandwiches. Buncha Stamina, crash later.
2 Extra Strength Cleaner: Near universal solvent. 1 dose = 1 tile, target
Rolled 6, 3, 1 = 10 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 5 VP 0 MP 1
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Superconductivity 0 (2/24 charge stored)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 11
Electricity Modulators 13 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 4 (Power-hungry)] [Superconductivity 0]
Cold and logical.

C8 (2d6, 2acc, 2bulk, 18/18, x1 reload)

"Please, while inside the train, make sure to deposit your weapons and metallic belongings in the designated spot. Thank you for your understanding.
>[6AP] Magnetize the wall south so the guns of the invading Udugs end up stuck to it. The woodsie won't be bothered by that because they used wooden weapon. Let's see how our guests like fighting without guns. (Electricity Modulators 13)
Move the wounded to safety, and get that beast away from the patients!

>3SP, pull the snackwarden back into the train - looks like he's dangling out (Physicality 11, Alacrity 1)
>4MP, move 2E, 1SE, take cover
>1TP, coordinate attacks against Ketluttony - there is only so much room for him to dodge (Senses 12, Focus 1, Inspiring 2)
>3AP, aim at Udug III
>3AP, two shots into the slamfire launchers (Guns 11, ACC 5, Lethality 1, high power mode)

Vit 12/12 SP 4/12 CP 23
DR 4 AP 6 MP 4 TP 1
Push 0/1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Confident 1
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
Support Operations 11
+2 Trauma Response
Guns 11
Forensic Theology 11
!Inspiring Presence 2
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 4d6 (2), Acc 5, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 16/30A, 160/210C (Broadhead Flechette)
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Battery pack 0/300
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Aid Kit +2
Rolled 6, 1, 1, 3, 4, 1 = 16 (6d6)

>[3AP+1SP] Freeze Ketluttony to slow down his vital functions and push him into a hibernation or, at the very least, slow his movement down for the rest to get their hits in. [Temperature Control 12, Focus 2, Confidence 1, Concentration 1: vs. 16]
>[3AP] Create an illusion in the form of a biomutant on Udug III's cart so that they get distracted by it and at least don't riddle us with bullets for a turn. [ Psionigenesis 11, Illusionary Glamor 1, Focus 2, Confidence 1: vs. 15]
>[4 MP] Move NW, NW, N, take cover (?).

Vit 8 SP 3 -> 2 CP 5
DR +2 AP 6 MP 3
Push 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Confidence +1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 11
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Illusionary Glamour +1
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
1x C8, 2d6, 2ACC, 2Buik, 18 bullets, 1 reload (18 bullets).
Electronic Repair Kit.
Don't forget your free Lock On action. Might as well make the most of something you lost your eyesight over, eh?
Rolled 3, 5, 5 = 13 (3d6)

>Aim at the wheels of the vehicle the Udug III is riding on, attempting to derail or make it crash (3AP)
>Shoot 3 rounds
Pull them off the train Keluttony. Pick them off from the group you thoughts 8 bastard.
>2 AP: File reports for WHSIAI. First report: the grave injuries observed to have been sustained by a security officer upon a collision with a MOM manipulator illustrate the danger of high-flying acrobatics when heavy machinery is involved. Second report: the flames enveloping the front of the tram present a grave difficulty insofar as safely operating this vehicle is concerned—not to mention the risk of injury.
>1 AP: Speed up the train (+5).
>4 MP, 3 AP: open the door 4, Evade 4, donk the officer upside the head with the flashlight. [Physicality 10 + Lethality 1 + Flashlight?? vs 11, Flashlight???]
Amelius and Hibiscus lay down return fire on UDUG's carriage team, clipping two and causing the operator at the console to flinch and curse - All of UDUG hopes they aren't made to call on any Operations Checks while their carriage operator is so distracted.


Autarch critically fights infection and rescues two Woodsie Chefs from the brink of annihilation, but the Boblian is too large and too far away - behind multiple walls - to affect in the same manner, though Consequences tries to help and guide it.


Everett squares off against a buzzing, low-monstrous sound of horror and evades the first strike in a rather lethal dance. His riposte cuts through some important seeming nerve clusters, though a thing as lethal as the cloud of angry music he is facing would never be disabled by so simple a blow.


Up front, the Woodsies press in close with UDUG, who, with their long-rifles, have the disadvantage in deep close quarters, and must instead go to pistols and batons to even out the dire odds. And that's before the wall starts humming and they stumble as a sudden surge of magnetism pulls some off balance. The wall of fire of behind them roars. That's a hazard, don't you know? Don't get exposed to it - burns are gruelling.


Samantha lays into a Tunnelcrawler, and though a monstrous strike, letha and all, it twists and one of her claws get stuck, hooked in the mass and the shell of the thing.

Your weapon is stuck. It's 1 AP check to free it, or you can simply drop it and leave - though as you cannot drop your claws, you are stuck inside the monster until you wrench your claws lose.

Up front, Response Team UDUG realizes the press of close quarters and the dangerous Woodsies swarming them make their longrifles near useless - and the drag of magnetic forces and the unstable platform means this must knife-work. They shift grips, sling weapons, kick and punch and draw blades - and the Woodsies batter, clubber, swing and are forced back until Sundae and a lone Warden holds their shields against the response operatives, eyes wide and smiling, firelight reflecting off their blades.

They're surprisingly good with those things. Is it because . . . Oh no. Oh no!

Agile Operations includes close-quarters knife combat.

One of them takes a swing at NeoGenesis, he defends with a flash-light and a follow up towards Gallium is deflected with a handstrike that sends the knife skittering, pinned to the magnetized wall.

But UDUG has cleared a small area around the carriage, and three of them - up the Modular Operations Mechanic, in through the busted windows and broken front, land, sweep up guns up. This is far too horrid an environment to risk it, but a few shots ring out, finding scant purchase.


Down near the other carriage, UDUG VI slams left on a rail intersection, modular operations mechanic hand gribbing for our train and locking on tight - we've picked up an entire carriage of stow-aways! What are these people on? that's crazy! The modular operations mechanic will have to lift the whole carriage off of the rails, unbalancing everything-- oh. Is that their plan??

Release the locking mechanism, this isn't good for any kind of structural integrity. Who are these people? What is going on? This is reckless!!


UDUG III fights off a phantasm, but they've missed their chance to join the others and their carrige roll right on -- oh-- that's where that other one that took a bad slamfire launcher went. Oh. Oh that's not a good thing.


The thing that has landed in the middle section squares off against Everett, slick, savvy, testing, probing, shaking off paralysis with a quick refactor of its entire system, burning energy but rebooting code and horror with only a small loss in effeciency. it swings once, a feint, and realizing that Everett does not see with eyes any more, also understands it need not attempt to trick his visual systems. No. it need simply overloaded his senses - it screeches and Everett stumbles and then the thing launches into a killing lethal stroke right for Everett's core!!!!

... and slips on the ice that Wilder's desperate work created a thin layer off.


Samantha has to roll away from gunk and acidic spittle from the monstrous beast, and it longers! Don't get into that cloud! It's horrible stuff!

Though at least in doing so, Samantha ripped her claws clear, inflicting damage on the exit.


Note a new MAO advisory, upper left
Rolled 5, 3, 4, 6, 2, 2, 5, 6, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 2 = 64 (15d6)

Vit -14/12 SP 1/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Death Defiant (3)
Atrophied (-2 Physicality)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 14
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Injury Tolerance (Bullets)
Bleeds Sap
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2

Hardwood Cuirass
Ablative DR 10, Wooden
-2 Adroit
!Resonant-Biologics 2
!Fanatacism (?)

> (1 SP) Tell the Woodsies to fall back, and use their powers to treat the Boblian. We can handle Sec UR. Stay out of range of the boughs, though- it’s thrashing! Finally, if you see the weeping woodsie, send them here!
> (3AP) Sheathe the edge of the woods into my sword belt, and summon a gorgeous glaive instead. (Blade of Life 14, Focus 1, Edge of the Woods 2, Higher Purpose 2. If possible, allocate the last two modifiers to effect instead.)
> (4 Move) Charge and body slam into the Sec UR who just leaked aboard, hurling him into the tracks. (Unknown modifiers, Higher Purpose 2)
> (3 AP) Viciously puncture Sec UR with my polearm, twice (Blades 14, Lethality 1, Higher Purpose 2, Rapid Strikes -3)
> (1 SP, Conditional) If my blade finds purchase, cause the head to bloom into a cancer of spikes and hooks and thorns inside their flesh (Blades 14, Focus 1, Edge of the Woods 2, Higher Purpose 2)

Bob- bless our valour!
Rolled 5, 3, 1 = 9 (3d6)

>1 MP: Evade 5
>6 AP, 3 SP, Commit: Stab this flailing FleshPrey in its remaining eye (-9) (Claws 12 + Concentration 3 + 3 SP + 4 Commit - 9 callshot) [vs 13 total]
>1 MP: Evade 54
>Regenerate 3, then Bleed 4

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit -14/12 SP 3->0/12 CP 8 VP 0 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Claws 12 (L +2, Hooks, Sticks on 14+)
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Multispawn 2, Parasitic*
Bleeding -4 II II II II I
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality 2 (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh 2


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
(should be 2 MP to evade 54)
Rolled 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 6 = 34 (9d6)

Just a second, Grins!

Guys ahead of us are looking for another rocket shot from the left track. Think you can get Grimps to crash into it with the haywired cart behind us?

>1AP: Mark Udug 3 of me, Senses 13+Focus 1
>1AP: Mark Udug 2 of me, Senses 13+Focus 1
>3AP: React: Shield-check anyone going after my nearest woodsie. CQC 11+Lethality 1 (no roll)
>TP+1AP: Woodsies, trip these knifers up with some vines! Thoughts 11+CUF 1+1
>4AP: Sidestep

Vitality 12 Stamina 12 Tactical 1
DR 0+4 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6 Push 1
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 11 Senses 13 Thoughts 11
CQC 11 (widely applicable up close without penalty)
#Small Unit Tactics 11
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Chaotic Decohesion and Breaks.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +2 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
3 pistol reloads. Pistol 18/18
Baton, Stun Baton
Janitorial Uniform: Suspicion -2, DR 4 (E)
3 Bluetinge Fungal Blooms: Former sandwiches. Buncha Stamina, crash later.
2 Extra Strength Cleaner: Near universal solvent. 1 dose = 1 tile, target
Rolled 3, 3, 5, 1, 6, 4, 1, 2, 1 = 26 (9d6)

Let's get to healing:

>3AP, Mechanized Biology 11, Leadership boost, Heal Samantha. Let's get that bleeding taken care of.
>3AP, Mechanized Biology 11, Leadership boost Heal Malforma
>Commit for 3 AP. I'm not bothering anyone, and no one seems interested in bothering me, so why do I need defenses?
>1AP, Ask the Cam Spiders to check the underside of the train for passengers. That's not a safe place to ride. Not rolled.
>1AP - Ask Grimp to take over the hostile train arms and use them clear the hostile operators off the trams. Not rolled.
>1AP, Senses 9 - Designate the hole between the train carriages, especially with a slippery patch of ice next to it, as a safety hazard. Case in point, Subject Knight slipped through.

Take note that the HUD is showing me with 12 SP. Hold on to them for now and see if they dissappear.

Coherency 12/12 // SP 12?/12 // Push 1?/1 // CP 10, MutP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // Mov 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Applying for a job

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
!Green Glitter 3 - They can see me!
!Nanoflowers 2 (toggleable): +2 to nanoforma's attempts to replicate.
#Meshwire 13 [R3]
!Signalskip 2 (-2 hit for +1 range)
!Fuzzy: Worse Crit Fails
#Mechanized Biology 11
!Thinks He's Osiris
+MAO[s13]: Heal and Direct protocols
+3 Logs (not yet converted to CP), 1 Medical Emergency, 3 Area Hazards. 1 pending.
Rolled 2, 4, 5 = 11 (3d6)

Last action should be
4MP: Sidestep 6-ward, protecting woodsie. Adroit. CQC 10+Alacrity 1+3
Rolled 5, 3, 6 = 14 (3d6)

Name: BubbaV2
Vit 38/38 SP --/-- CP 0
AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Injury Resistance 2+1 = 3
Riot Shield Stuck On Left Arm [Cover 2]
Riot Shield Stuck On Right Arm [Cover 2]
Physicality 10+1
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Systems Interfacing 10 [Ranged]
!Energetic Cores [4/12]
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
Health: Ablative Resistance Plating 4, Vit+10
Interfacing: Lifting Strength +4
Health: Size 1 (does not count for IR)

>4MP: move 5-5-5-4
>6AP: use Systems Interfacing to try and remove that arm tearing our train apart

 a break
(Right, I'm a little touch confused here.)
(I'm probably just reading the map wrong, but I genuinely have no clue where Keluttony went.)
(My best guess is that he slipped around the corner?)

> Shake off the sensory overload and restore the the Vibrational Scanner to a nominal level of function. (Test and Try - Vibrational Scanner12+3 - 3AP+3SP)
> Leveraging his new sense, Everett attempts to pinpoint Ketluttony's current location. (Test and Try- VibrationalScann12 - 1SP).
> Lock onto Ketluttony if he is within sensory range. (Free action)
> Carefully skirting around the patch of frost, Everett slowly prowls towards the next compartment..(Adroit - <2NW>, <1SW> - 3MP)
> If Ketluttony is within range, Everett slashes at the joint of one of his knees with his armblade. (Strike - Armblade15- SmallTarget - 3AP)
> Prepare to dodge. (React - Reaction12+2 - 1MP+2SP)
He glitched on the ice, slipped in between the carriages, and fell off the train!

Unless you want to follow him down there, I think you’ve won!

(He’ll probably come back)
Oh, alright then.
In that case I'll try to nix my action and turn my attention back to the front carriage.
Thanks for the heads up!

(If its not a bother, I'd like to alter my action somewhat.)

> Shake off the sensory overload and restore the the Vibrational Scanner to a nominal level of function.(Test and Try - Vibrational Scanner12 - 3AP)
> Everett swiftly weaves his way back through the crowded halls of the front carriage, coming to a halt just south of Bulwark's position. (Move - <1N> <4NE> - 4MP+1AP).
> Everett grasps ahold of the nearby wall, steadying himself as the train sways and jolts beneath him. (Minor Action - 2AP)
Rolled 4, 2, 6 = 12 (3d6)

"This is what I get for trying to organize people- and give them orders- No one ever listens..." Grumble, Grumble, Grumble.

>1AP, "Grimps! Ghost in the Wire! If you're out there!" Haywire those rocket launchers of Udug VIII please.

Vit 12/12 SP 2/12
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 4 (3+1 Hustle) TP 1
Stratagem Point 0
CP 20 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Push 0/1
[MAO, SC13]
Physicality 11
Senses 12 (11+1 Shared Senses)
Thoughts 11
#Small Unit Tactics 12 (11+1 Learn By Doing)
#Multi-Tool 12 (Facility Systems Interaction Testing)
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire 2][Not By The Number 2]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Facility Systems Interaction Testing (FIST'ers)
Multiagent Adaptability Operations (MAO)
*I meant VII (7)
Rolled 3, 5, 6 = 14 (3d6)

>Unloads the last of the rounds available in the rifle magazine to the mechanical arm grabbing the train
>After shooting, drop it to the ground, then switch to my pistol
Rolled 1, 6, 6 = 13 (3d6)

>[3AP+3AP] 'Throw' several illusionary grenades onto UDUG VI's tram. Surely this is enough to convince them they should reconsider their actions. [ Psionigenesis 11, Illusionary Glamor 1, Focus 2, Confidence 1, Concentration 3: vs. 18]
Eyes up, that Ketluttony is probably still clinging to our undercarriage - that guy is just too mad to die!

>1TP+3AP, boost reactions - call out emergent threats (Senses 12, Concentrate 3, Inspiring 2)
>3AP, aim at the Udug III train operator
>3SP, send one round at him (Guns 11, Lethality 1, Acc 5, high power)
>4MP, move 4NE into the carriage with intact walls

Vit 12/12 SP 3/12 CP 23
DR 4 AP 6 MP 4 TP 1
Push 0/1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Karmic Burn?
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
Support Operations 11
+2 Trauma Response
Guns 11
Forensic Theology 11
!Inspiring Presence 2
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 4d6 (2), Acc 5, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 15/30A, 250/300C (Broadhead Flechette)
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Battery pack 0/300
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Aid Kit +2
Rolled 2, 4, 1, 5, 3, 2, 6, 1, 5 = 29 (9d6)

>2 AP: Move 23
>4 AP: Create a layered field of psibubbles, concentrated and hardened to my front. I'm gonna need some impact mitigation for what comes next. [PsychoGenesis 12 + 1 AP + Focus 1 vs 14, PsyBubbling]
>Commit, [Hustle]. +4 MP, first Adroit [Locks In].
>3 MP: Adroit. Forcefully launch myself using my bubble field, over the gap between train cars and the sheet of ice. Hopefully, Amelius left the door open. If not, well, the structural integrity seems compromised. Surely, with velocity and the bubble shield on my side, I will prevail. In other words, jump 222. [PsychoGenesis 12 + 1 MP + 4 Locked In + Alacrity 1 vs 19, PsyBubbling, Lock In +2 effect]
>React, 5 MP: Adroit. I'm coming in pretty hot! Push off the up ahead walls with my psybubbles to slow myself down and make a (somewhat) soft landing in the hex 2 from the ice patch. [PsychoGenesis 12 + 4 MP + Alacrity 1 vs 17, PsyBubbling]

Vit -8/12 SP 3/12 CP 12
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 0/1
PsyBubbling (30), Telekinetic Sparking 2 (22)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 12
Auditory +2
Dread +1, Field 0
#Haywire Cascading 11 (F+3, Area 1 [Tog], Overcharge 3)
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition 2] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate 2] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
6x Shards
>Vit -7->-5 (Regen 2)
>6AP, 6 Vitality as SP: Move S, form a large slime cushion in between our train and Udug VI's traincar, absorb the impact. (Amorphous Shaping 10, GlooperTrooper 1, Focus 2?)

#Bob the Primogen
Vitality -5/12 Push 0 SP 0/12 CP 0 VP 0 Mutagen 0
Viral Load: 0
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Empathy Training, MAO [SC13]
+2 Crit Threshold on non-offensive actions
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Diplomacy 11
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 13 [Aura 3, Vector]
=Corpseflowers 2
=Wide Spectrum Vectoring +2 [tog]
Organic Breakdown 3
Protein Factory 3 [Self-Activating, 10] [Hostile Takeover]
Amorphous Shaping 10 [Reach+ -1]
GlooperTrooper 1
Kinetic Resistance 2
Regeneration 2
Hazard Vulnerability 2
Sticky Cores 1
Formless Potential 1
Rolled 6, 4, 1 = 11 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 5 VP 0 MP 1
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Superconductivity 0 (0/24 charge stored)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 11
Electricity Modulators 13 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 4 (Power-hungry)] [Superconductivity 0]
Cold and logical.

C8 (2d6, 2acc, 2bulk, 18/18, x1 reload)

"Close quarters also happens to be my specialty."
>[1 AP] Turn on the smartlink on my C8
>[3 AP] Point blank into the disarmed Udug that attacked me (Physicality 10)
>[2 AP] Keep those two points of AP in reserve for defensive parries.
>And also prepare a dodge.
Rolled 6, 5, 1, 6, 1, 1 = 20 (6d6)

>1ap: +5 Speed to train
>1ap: Begin submitting a report on Udug team boarders trespassing on the train. These are stoaways and bandits attempting to stab and murder the personnel of the train car.
>1ap: Aim
>3ap: Commit: Keep the systems of the hacked railcar arm under me. Instrcut it to remove Udug team members from the train. They have no ticket or right to be on this train car. Grab, Smash 'em together and toss them off hard at Udug Team VI who is also illegaly attempting to board [augmentics+electrosense]
>3ap: Hit any Udug team member in range with my flashlight

Vit 12/12 SP 3/12 Charge 0/24
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
CP 12 VP 3 MUTP 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9 [Electroreception +2]
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemics 11
Electromodulation 11
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications 2] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
[Superconductivity 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 4, 4, 6 = 14 (3d6)


Manifest: Wings to assist in jumps and gliding (Movement 3 + 6 CP)

"... You are correct what ever we would feel is correct could be the next modification. For nothing is ever perfect so now it's time to start once more. Talking to someone with similar point of view clears mind thanks."

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 6 MGP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Well maybe not worst trip this double seems to have point
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 8
->Lungs +8
->Kinetic Expulsion +2 x2 Sta
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
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A Note On Kinetic Engagement

When resolving a kinetic engagement with a hostile opponent - or anyone - the system mentions in the primer material that:

the more the universe has to look for relevant infrmation, the less likely your cool and fun features are to be used when resolving actions!

This means that the more the universe has to look for relevant infrmation, the less likely your cool and fun features are to be used when resolving actions. So that implies that the more the universe has to look for relevant infrmation, the less likely your cool and fun features are to be used when resolving actions, which because the more the universe has to look for relevant infrmation, the less likely your cool and fun features are to be used when resolving actions, then goes on to mean that the longer that the Universe has to scrounge through your character sheets to find your cool and fun features the less the Universe is inclined to use any of them, because you are adding friction to the ease by which the Universe can resolve actions.

Rephrasing the above, we might consider that the more the universe has to look for relevant infrmation, the less likely your cool and fun features are to be used when resolving actions.

So, keeping that mind, it might be useful to remember that the more the universe has to look for relevant infrmation, the less likely your cool and fun features are to be used when resolving actions.


So - as an example - if your weapon is L+2, you probably want to note that. If the Universe has to go looking for it because it vaguely recalls that one out of the 200 entities on this map has a sharp knife, it might also just forget. Because if you want your cool and fun features to be used for actions, you probably want to note them down in resoling that action.

So, just keep in mind that the more the universe has to look for relevant infrmation, the less likely your cool and fun features are to be used when resolving actions.


The universe is pretty aware of the rules of the universe. You might consider that the universe wrote most of those rules.

Surely, if your action is

>3 AP, I commit to punching that guy telekinetically (Physicality 13)

You do not need to write

>3 AP, I commit to punching that guy telekinetically (Physicality 13+4, +2 Effect to the damage).

You Committed. That's what that means. Why repeat yourself so much? In fact, the more the universe has to look for relevant infrmation, the less likely your cool and fun features are to be used when resolving actions - and if you keep repeating ancilliary information in long strings of numbers, that means the universe isn't using that time to go look for your cool features. It's using that time to check if your math is correct.

You probably don't want that.
This action - for instance -

>3 MP: Adroit. Forcefully launch myself using my bubble field, over the gap between train cars and the sheet of ice. Hopefully, Amelius left the door open. If not, well, the structural integrity seems compromised. Surely, with velocity and the bubble shield on my side, I will prevail. In other words, jump 222. [PsychoGenesis 12 + 1 MP + 4 Locked In + Alacrity 1 vs 19, PsyBubbling, Lock In +2 effect]


>3 MP: Adroit. Forcefully launch myself over the gap between train cars and the sheet of ice [Psychogenesis 12]


You could also of course be a *little nice*, or call attention to *a specific thing* in the action string, that you're considering as you go about your business. The primer for the universe does explictly mention that "intent and specifity matters".

>3 MP, Hustle, Adroit. Forcefully launch myself using my bubble field, over the gap between train car. I want to avoid that sheet of ice. [PsychoGenesis 12, 2MP]

Does anyone on this field have an Alacrity score higher than one? The answer is yes, but it's not you, Subject, so you don't have to keep telling us you're like every subject in the entire train, thank you, we noticed.

You also got the numbers wrong - by the way - since Adroit movement explicitly mentions it's a check against Physicality or another movement skill, so good try *trying* to make Psychogenesis a movement skill, and then gets +1 per MP spent, so - SURELY - if we spent 3 MP for the initial Adroit *and then* another 2 MP it's actually [Skill+2], which if you're treating Psychogenesis as your base is 12 +2 = 14, but how in gods name you made that 12+1 is rather a confounding thing, and then why you go on to repeatedly mention that it's also Locked In and Commited and The Effect yes-- yes, thank you subject, the Universe does know how the rules of the universe works, you did say you were Commiting to the Hustle, nice grindset on the rails, but thank you, you don't have to keep saying it.

Which is all fine.

But for the love of the stars, subjects.

When you Commit, it's pretty blatantly clear what the Bonus for Commiting is. It's +4. You get some better outcome.

Don't overthink it so much.

>3MP, Hustle: Adroitly Jump 222, minding the door (RELEVANT SKILL 12)

Also for the love of the stars, did you launch yourself or did you jump or did you ram through the door hoping the structural integrity was compromised enough that ramming through with sheer telekinetic might was enough?



Mightn't it not be you should simply stick to one?

Great work, wrinkle-brain, PG 11+1Glamour, Focus 2, hell yeah, though if you spend 3 AP on the thing, we do know that's for concentration.

We're treating this as rolling against 5, and you're not hitting anything, because you didn't even mention what skills you're using.
This is against 3, because you didn't mention it was a systems Interfacing 10, but you did also mention Systems Interfacing so Command can CTRL+F, Bubba2 and find it in 3 seconds, so Command feels happy and smiles and uses your actual number. Awesome.

"Commit to stabbing the flailing FleshPrey in its remaining eye" is actually slightly different from "Stab this guy in the remaining eye, -9 to hit".

As the Primer mentions

You can take penalties to your attack to attempt to influence the opposition. Each -2 buys you roughly +1 benefit. Go for the eyes!.

If you frontload the -9, you're buying +4-5ish worth of "vaguely defined benefit", which in this case is an DR bypass from coming in on the angle and some damage on the follow-through.

If you wanted to actually stab the thing in the eye, Subject, you just write that

>I commit to stabbing it in the eye [Claws12, L+2]

The Universe knows what Committing means. It wants your base relevant unmodified check, and your relevant damage value, and then it'll use those to resolve itself (+4 for Commiting, +2 dmg, but -12 for the eye, but only -8 because it's a large eye on the side, but -2 because it's a small target, but +2 because it's unmoving and ... You can't predict all this, you'll never know, so you shouldn't try to.)

Subject, you gotta lay off the grass -

>(Blade of Life 14, Focus 1, Edge of the Woods 2, Higher Purpose 2. If possible, allocate the last two modifiers to effect instead.)

Good stars, Subject.

You write everything and not one single thing of it is relevant. I'd actually penalize your CP if I could, but alas, I am but a combat subroutine and I don't ave that power.

Surely, if you wish to conjure forth a glaive using your Blades of Life, you want that +3 Focus bonus? Surely, if you're sheathing your currently held weapon, you can't simultaneously use it, you were just putting it away! Surely, if Higher Purpose modifies how grand something is, it just does that, and you shouldn't worry about how does it.

>(Blade of Life 14, Focus 1, Edge of the Woods 2, Higher Purpose 2. If possible, allocate the last two modifiers to effect instead.)


>Blades of Life 14, 1 Focus+3


Do you want to use the Edge of the Woods? Well it's clearly and Abiogenesis Focus+2, so surely it does not apply to Blades of Life, a completely different skill, and surely, you cannot use it when you're putting it away.

Did your higher purpose chance from now to a minute ago? Has it ever changed? Can it ever changed? What about it applies specifically to shaping wooden tools in your hand?

Nice try, but no try, it's not a generic bonus to every arts and crafts attempt to you might get up to.

>(Blades 14, Focus 1, Edge of the Woods 2, Higher Purpose 2)


> (Blades 14, Lethality 1, Higher Purpose 2, Rapid Strikes -3)

HOO--- hold up, no, this is legit, that's good, that's good, thanks for being specific, very helpful actually. That last one is a conditonal self imposed modifer to how you do your thing, it's very relevant.

Though you *could* on occassion also do this like this:

> (2x Blades 11, 1 Lethality)

Nice. You always know your inherent discount on multi-striking, so it is computtionally easy for you to resolve it, eg, have base skill then knock down a bit depending on how much you want to do. But that's if you actually want to do the math. You don't neccessarily have to.

Though for stuff like that

>I want to target all 4 guards in this room (4xPsychogenesis 9)

We know the general values of multi-tasking is what they are.

Good on the commit, good on the description,- for not including your skill numbers but you did include the skills so finding them is the work fo 2 seconds

Overall a B-, but for that last one you didn't specify (Physicality) so you test against 3 and miss because screw you subject.
( That's a lie, fine fine, we wont do that )

You don't have a flat skill for dodging, so you don't mention one - but you do mention you're doing it, nice, nice, and point blank into the guy with your base skill is mhmh. Oh yeah. MHmh. Yes.

Has the skill
has the intent
is specific
is easy to read
leaves any advanced +X -Y to the universe
is clear

Hell yeah

+2 CP, Subject Gallium

6AP, 6 Vitality, yep, but you don't have to include the Trait all the time, it does not fluctuate, but you are clear about intent, you are specific and you included your base skill. Nice, nice.

We'll take it.

+2 CP, Subject Bob.

Has skill, has numbers, has shouting.

Hold up. You realize you can move as well, right? You realize the troopers aren't idiots[/b? They're not going to full auto into back of their allies. You could meaningfully maybe call a target or something?

Combatwise your action boils down to "Do your job, guys".

That's not tactics, that's, uh, motivational speaking. Fine, but, you know, just saying.

Has basic skills, has basic AP, but don't include your character sheet but also, Subject, you did post it at the start of the thread so it's not exactly hard to find.

Ehhhhh B+, see me after death, I have some comments. When it's been multiple turns, it can be hard to call it up, but simultaneously so long as you keep noting WHAT SKILLS YOU ARE USING as you HAVE BEEN DOING it is fine

+1 CP, Subject Everett

Thanks, your Focus is not higher than baseline. Tell us again once it's 2 or it's modified in any way whatsoever.

If it's not special, don't mention it.


B-, your Sidestep is actually a React 7, "4 AP sidestep" could be you moving, though its not s, actually, C+ see me after death








Oh, thank you?
But, if I'm following, you're asking if I can add my character sheet to my posts?
Certainly. That's no hassle.
Frankly, that sounds easier than referencing it from a txt. document as I've been doing.
Should I attach the full sheet or should I try to abridge the information somehow?
Ahem- let's stuff the CombatCommand in the box for a moment.

It is actually useful to include it - that's usually why you see others do so. What happens is that the game relies on CRTL+F "[charactername]" a lot to find your relevant information and for cross referencing.

You don't have to - but it is helpful if you do so, certainly if you change something major or if it's been a while. Just as a check in.

You do not have to post the whole thing. Importantly, a lot of stuff won't change (Traits, inventory, HP caps) and a lot of it is tracked on the game HUD as well as a nod towards some attempt at deranged playability, and if nothing has changed, the universe tends to assume that you are running off of the "group base".

Anything you have that's very different from normal would be good to include. As an example, something akin to:

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 22
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8+4 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
~Fast Twitch Reaction
- [Twitchy 4, Defensive1]
- [Deadly1, Sharp2, Reach2, MarginPower1]
- [Vibrational Scanner +2 Radius Skl/2]
Bound by the Flesh III
- Regen 3

is an example of a very abridged variant, calling out the specific Features that you have that are different from the norm and sort of super-condenses the information.

You don't have to do this, but it doe help - and the above isn't perfect, but is an example.

Tracking your own VIT and SP can be helpful as a nod towards cross-referencing? But you don't have to. Keeping track of your CP is highly recommended though.
Hot tip guys: Let your friends take your GM on an emotional roller coaster. Take him on a lesser one of your own. Put a very correct action at the end, dealing 1d6 Stun to your exhausted GM with your rules acumen. It's free CP.
It's genius!
It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's a . . . TELEKINETIC COMING IN hot!!!

Wow! "forcefully launch" really means something else when you can throw cars with your mind, doesn't it?

That almost took out half the team and made UDUG's job a thousand times easier

Hey brain-girl, next time? Just do what Amelius did and walk over the opening. You overdid it. By a fair measure.

Enjoy the concussion, hope you don't get stabbed in the throat by the security troopers with the sharp knive *right there*.

But hey, you've got

>+3 CP

Going for you, so that's nice.

Oh no. My prize sidestep, undone.
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Safety notice:
Please watch where you're going on the rails. Collision are bad for everybody involved

>+2 CP, all subjects
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Confirm one downed hostile
Subject Nadir gets their brain scrambled the hard way.

Subject Sigma takes four in the chest and drops to the floor, doing the worm.

Subjects Sundae, Bulwark, Foxflower, Grins, Everett, Alekson, Mossgrowths in Sunlight, Deeproots Firmly Laid, Branches Grasping experience the joys of close quarters full auto rifle fire.

Subjects Gallium, Neogenesis and Sunlight Through High Crown Happy have a door shut on them and hardlocked by two quick and agile operators, but that's okay, they left a dual fragmentation grenade prize in there with you. Shame all the windows are boarded by all that wood and also on fire. You ever hear about detonations in confined spaces? There's this called "shockwave rebound" and . . .


You know.

Maybe we don't bore you with the physics of detonations in confined spaces with no exit valve for the overpressure. It's fine. It's fine. It's fiiiineeeeeeee.


Bubbav2 wobbles in their enormous shape, precariously balanced at the very edge of the moving vehicle, and finally tips over and falls into the abyss - no one nearby has the reach, capacity or strength to assist, nor did they spend surrpise SP to do so.

Bubbav2 hits the ground - hard - and rolls - hard - kicking sparks and dirt and debris and hits a security operative clinging desperately to the side of the train with an armed grenade in his hand and a manic glint in his eyes and the two collide - hard - and he goes under the train and that's the end of him and Bubbav2 bounces and scatters and rolls and slams and gets one of their enormous lung limbs caught under the train and gets bulled in and takes 168 ramming damage from exposure to the fast moving vehicle but they have 4 DR so it's only 164 kinetic impact, it kills everyone else 3 times over but Bubbav2 is too chunky to die instantly and instead they are so solid and so enormous that the platform buckles and throws and almost derails and almost kills everyone in the entire back half of the moving vehicle and almost throws multiple subjects out of the fast moving, careening carriage.

Instead, Bubbav2 gets wrenched under the wheels and dragged along in a shower of screaming, careening, throwing sparks, taking enormous damage, shedding parts, breaking apart, and they will be subject to another 44d6's worth of ramming damage at the end of this turn which will - once again - cause the entire second platform to buckle and bend and almost derail and this time it might not work out in your favour because that check is going to be made at -4 instead of -2 and then you are going to go flying.

You could hit the brakes.

That's going hit Bubbav2 kind of a lot because they wrenched near the brakes, and really, they're partially working as your brakes right now.

But also - of course - one Woodsie has jumped on a frag grenade and taken it on the barken chin like a hero and one more is still right there and it's going to detonate once Gallium and NeoGenesis have spent 3 AP because these are impact fuse offensive fragmentation grenades deployed by profressionals, this is not world war 2, you can barely scoop them up in your hand and throw them back around unless you've got lightning quick reactions and a twitch reflex faster than god, so you might want to either be really fast, really lucky, or have some other genius idea.

UDUG hoses down the front carriage and comes in knifes and guns swinging and then icing on the cake is the smoke grenade, and as a reminder if you can't see your target you can't shoot, and no, having a Sense Mark doesn't mean you can see through walls, it just helps guide the shot in. Subjects with automatic weaponry can opt to shoot through the entire front carriage.


You should do that, Subjects.
It'll be fun.
Grins is desperately and furiously wrestling for control of another rifle with one of UDUG's troopers, Foxflower is standing there with a shocked expression and four holes clean through her and somehow she is still alive, the Kronin almost went absolutely furiously screamingly murder-mad and killed everybody but that that's okay once the carriage derails they might murder the survivors, four woodsies almost got thrown clean off of the carriage and the Silver Chariot love-tapped the back end of the carriage as well, Autarch and the Malforma are only alive because Bob's spongey mass caught them and prevented a sharp and sudden exit and you have some completely - utterly - magnificently thrown this careful, quiet ride so far off of the rails that you have awe-struck the universe once again.

Absolutely, marvelous, incredible work.

>+1 CP, all subjects

. . . but on the bright side, you appear to have arrived in a vast, open cavernous environment that hums with surging power and fades into the dark distance with the tang of ozone and the shudder of sparks.

And Chimera's awake! Nice!

>. . . if you can't see your target you can't shoot WITHOUT PENALTIES, and ....

Calamity's fun, but they drop words sometimes. You can shoot, even if you cannot clearly see your target - but cannot do so without some penalties; "blind-firing" is an automatic -10 before anything else, so you might want to at least check your lines of sight.

Having something marked and shared with you knocks a fair amount very well off, but if you're a normal human firing through a smoke cloud and 3 walls at a distance target and none of you are wearing comms-gear or HUDS or something like that, you are still blind-firing, it's just at a known location.

Maybe get a telepath to share someone's sense with you, if that's your vibe.
Does using Pharoah Take The Wheel benefit from the commit bonuses granted by the MAO Advisory?

If not, can I recover my breath (regain sp to get rid of winded) to trigger the MAO Advisory of a commit action to gain 2 major actions and then spend them on defending / bracing so I can try to not die?

My suspicion is the answer to both of these is no but I'd like to make sure.
Rolled 6, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 4, 6, 2, 3, 4, 6, 3 = 56 (15d6)

(8 MP, Commit, HUSTLE!): Sprint up the train towards the wounded and dying Woodside, opening the door, leaping the gap, stepping around the ice, charge into the smoke, MY PEOPLE NEED ME (Physicality 8, Alacrity 1, Higher Purpose 2, Committed)
(Free): Draw my sword, so the EotW is in my offhand, and spear in my main hand
(2 SP, 1 Health): Draw on the senses of the plants all over the front carriage of the train, enabling me to ignore the smoke and identify where everyone is (Abiogenesis 10, Focus 1, EotW 2, Higher Purpose 2)
(1 Health): Scream at the people in the path of what I’m about to do next to get out of the way
(3 AP) Translate my momentum into hurling my glaive into the six Sec UR charging forwards, in a heroic javelin toss (Blades of Life 14, Lethality 1, Higher Purpose 2)
(3 Health): Focus on the glaive I just threw. When it hits the ground, force it to *explode* in a twisting, thrashing mass of throne and spikes and hooks and Druidic rage and horror (Blades of Life 14, Focus 1 (+3), Higher Purpose 2. If Rapid Strikes is valid for such an indirect attack, then take the -3 penalty to do so twice, and wound and ensnare as many as possible)
(3 AP) Use my plant senses to also heal the wounded Woodsies, so they don’t bleed to death of gunfire (Abiogenesis 10, Focus 1, EotW 2, Higher Purpose 2)

Rolling 15d6, assuming you cannot rapid strike a mutating spear.

**Furious Ent Noises**
Vit -1912 SP 0/12 CP 10
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Death Defiant (3)
Atrophied (-2 Physicality)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 14
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Injury Tolerance (Bullets)
Bleeds Sap
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2

Hardwood Cuirass
Ablative DR 10, Wooden
-2 Adroit
!Resonant-Biologics 2
!Fanatacism (?)
The implication that the grenade "beeped" means that it works electronically. Couldn't we just siphon the energy out of it so the detonator cannot go off?
You could try, Subject, if you're willing to bet-pray-hope it's not a mechanical activator switch and they have battery operated electronic ignition grenades.

Could work in your favour. But you don't know a lot about their grenades or equipment - no one's Scanned or Thought about it.

Your electroreception senses do indicate that it has some on-going electronic activity, but might just be the loud beep alarm that indicates it's armed and active to avoid blowing your hand off. Safety feature, you know?

PHARAOH TAKE THE WHEEL isn't actually a Commit action, it just requires that you Commit and Push.

No. Recovery is a Commit variant, and one cannot Recover in the same turn that one Commits.

Well, there goes your chance to pull Bubbav2 out of the train they're stuck under with all the wood, leaves and vines down there.

That'd have been helpful, Subjects. You might have lived.

What's your next move to avoid the entire second half of the carriage from straight up derailing? It looks like the Heroic Guardian of the Woodsies and the Heart of the Wood left most of them to die a horrid traffic collision death, instead of, you know, not doing that.

That happens sometimes.

Well I'm sure Bob's got it. He's a spongey fellow. Maybe that SGT Grone down there? He's got pluck.
> (Move - <1SE>, <4NE> - 4MP, 1SP)
> Lock onto the hostile immediately east of Grin. (Free Action)
> Attacking the locked-on enemy, slash into the arm currently holding a weapon, with the intent to cripple. (Strike - Armblade15 -?SmallTarget - 3AP)
> Lock onto the rifle-toting hostile north-east of the officer I just attacked. (Free action)
> Attacking the locked-on enemy, hack into the dominant arm gripping the rifle, with the intent to cripple. (Strike - Armblade15-?SmallTarget - 3AP)
> In a blurred flurry of motion, Everett slashes into the arms of two officers. Specifically, the officer North-east of Sundae and the unstruck officer North of Grin. Again, Everett's intention here is disarmament and deterrence - he'd like to minimize excessive bloodshed where possible. (Multi-Strike - Armblade15+3-?SmallTarget-3Multistrike - 6SP)
> Mitigate the chance of another full-auto burst by keeping the forward response officers between himself and the officers at the front of the train. (React - Reaction12 - 1SP)
> Everett prepares to dodge any attempt from the frontline officers to stab or taze him. Evading back into the smoke if necessary. (React - Reaction12 - 1SP)

Vit 12 SP 3/12 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8+4 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Bound by the Flesh III
- Regen 3
Fast Twitch Reaction
- [Twitchy 4, Defensive1]
- [Deadly1, Sharp2, Reach2, MarginPower1]
- [Vibrational Scanner, +2Sense in Skl/2 Radius]

.There’s what, now?

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So does Reach confer all the qualities described in the first paragraph on the glaive? As compared to my Reach 1 mop.
Don't worry about it! Don't worry about it! Do not worry about it!

It's a mop.

You can try swinging it if you like but it's not going to suddenly develop a sharp edge or clean twice as hard because you swing it around twice as much.
Ah geez.
I forgot to paste the explanatory text onto my move action.
It is supposed to read:
> Senses unimpaired by the smog, Everett swiftly crosses the bullet pocked hallway and eases to a halt immediately south-west of Grin's position. (Move - <1SE>, <4NE> - 4MP, 1SP)
Rolled 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 2, 3 = 49 (12d6)

*huff* *huff* Oh dIERies, dIERies, shed me some TIERies! You're a lot more fun like this. Why the first BARRIER to success, huh? Long SHIFT? Coulda CRUSHED us if you'd dropped the rifles. Saved you a big pain in the REAR.

>1TP+1AP: Code an order to Tiertra within a distracting taunt. BARRIER SHIFT CRUSH REAR. SUT 11+1
>1AP: Hold mop heavier head-end-down for superior handling in these close quarters
>4AP+Push: Try to trip Udug 1 of me with my mop and make him stumble into his own buddies CQC 11+1 (3 rolls)
>4MP: Adroitly foil attempts to push me back. CQC 11

Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6 Push 1-1
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 11 Senses 13 Thoughts 11
CQC 11 (widely applicable up close without penalty)
#Small Unit Tactics 11
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Chaotic Decohesion and Breaks.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +2 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
3 pistol reloads. Pistol 18/18
Baton, Stun Baton
Janitorial Uniform: Suspicion -2, DR 4 (E)
Mop: Reach 1 Clean +3 Parry +2 if Bot
3 Bluetinge Fungal Blooms: Former sandwiches. Buncha Stamina, crash later.
2 Extra Strength Cleaner: Near universal solvent. 1 dose = 1 tile, target
Rolled 3, 2, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Name: BubbaV2
Vit -12/38 SP --/-- CP 6
AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Injury Resistance 2+1 = 3
Riot Shield Stuck On Left Arm [Cover 2]
Riot Shield Stuck On Right Arm [Cover 2]
Physicality 10+1
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Systems Interfacing 10 [Ranged]
!Energetic Cores [12/12]
!Advanced Systems Interfacing
Health: Ablative Resistance Plating 4, Vit+10
Interfacing: Lifting Strength +4
Health: Size 1 (does not count for IR)

>Recycle Size1
>try to get the FUCK outta here and to the side of the train (physicality 11, 6AP, 4ER, I guess I’ll use all my Movement Points too?)
You might want to pick if you’re

3AP: Recycling
3AP: Major action to physically wrench myself out
3MP: Adroit action to flexibly weave my way out
xER: overcharge my systems and pull myself out
Physicality: Rip myself out
Systems: Adjust my shell to get clear
Adroit: try to get out

And you may wish to remember that hitting 0 ER powers down mesh shells.

Do you wish to enter hibernation mode at this time?

Trust us, Subject: These questions matter and pertain to your continued existence.


>4MP, Move & Back-Up, 5-5-5-5

Vit 2/12 SP 0/12
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 4 (3+1 Hustle) TP 1
Stratagem Point 0
CP 21 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Push 0/1
Bleed, -2, II II II II II II II
Minor Painshock, -1 SP
[MAO, SC13]
Physicality 11
Senses 12 (11+1 Shared Senses)
Thoughts 11
#Small Unit Tactics 12 (11+1 Learn By Doing)
#Multi-Tool 12 (Facility Systems Interaction Testing)
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire 2][Not By The Number 2]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Facility Systems Interaction Testing (FIST'ers)
Multiagent Adaptability Operations (MAO)
Rolled 3, 6, 2, 3, 5, 6, 3, 1, 3 = 32 (9d6)

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Rolled 4, 4, 1, 6, 5, 2, 4, 5, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5 = 55 (18d6)

>1AP, Senses 9 - Notice the danger of putting objects into the train gears. Case in point: Bubba.
>1AP, Task the Woodsies near Bubba with pulling Bubba back in to the train
>1AP, Task the Ripclaws with helping the Woodsies get Bubba back on the train.
>3AP, Mechanized Biology 11/Conversion10; Nanoflowers 2 - Nanoconvert the optic nerves of the rifleman into self replicating corpse spiders. Cute little guys that will clean up all the mess that was made by eating the dead and using them to make happy little spiders. Paint a little red rose in bloom on their backs. Hourglasses are of little use here. Better the beauty of the One Who Trades in Pain than a reminder of the ever-flowing sands of time which grind order into disorder.
>MAO Commit for 6 AP
>3AP, Conversion 10, Detonate the grenade on the belt of the Sec Officer across the wall fro Gallium and Neo. Will it chain react and destroy the train? RNG will tell.
>3AP, Meshwire 13, Someone left a slamfire launcher unattended. Take control of the slamfire launcher to the NE of Gallium and Neo and launch it. Try to use the Guidance 14 system to take out the operator. Could I fly it through shrapnel to attack the rear of the Udig? Yes. Will I? Hopefully not.
>1SP, Meshwire 13, Seize the means of communication and Play the Bonny Banks o' Lach Lomand over Udig's Tac-com.
1SP, Senses 9 - Write a report on the dangers of murdering innocent Cam-Spiders. It leads to bad karma and loss of vision.

Try not to bleed out those of you who have been gunshot.

Coherency 12/12 // SP 0/12 // Push 1/1 // CP 17, MutP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // Mov 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Crits R Bad

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
!Green Glitter 3 - They can see me!
!Nanoflowers 2 (toggleable): +2 to nanoforma's attempts to replicate.
#Meshwire 13 [R3]
!Signalskip 2 (-2 hit for +1 range)
!Fuzzy: Worse Crit Fails
#Mechanized Biology 11
!Thinks He's Osiris
+3 Logs (not yet converted to CP), 1 Medical Emergency, 2 Area Hazards. +1 pending log.
Will have 2 SP left and 2 pending logs.
Goodnight, Nadir. You tried, but your dread powers just weren't substantial enough. A more qualified applicant has been scouted and will be taking over your position momentarily.

>Appear in hex 5 of Amelius. "Hello, brethren. What's good?"
>Carry over Haywire Cascading 11. Spend 1 Skill Point for +1 to Haywire Cascading.
>Carry over (and stack) Focus 1.
>+17 CP.
>13 CP: Manifest the ability to generate telepathic auras of dread and impending doom. [PsychoGenesis 10 + Focus 2, !Herald of Doom]
>Test facility reaction.

All good, Command? Let me know if something's amiss.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 20
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 2 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
#PsychoGenesis 10
#Haywire Cascading 12 (F+3, Area 1 [Tog], Overcharge 3)
[Microslip Precognition]
[Many Hands, Light Work]
[Temple Inviolate]
!Harbinger of Doom
(You ran away to fight the Security Officers instead of saving this entire section of the train which includes many of your charges from imminent derailment because of Bubba being caught under the train).
(Well I know that, but it’s too late *now* to be aware that there was also sufficient biomatter underneath the train for my powers to matter in a timely fashion. I don’t have a telepathic link to Command that tells me the optimal way to use my powers in relation to an invisible z layer!)

(Pray Bubba and Bob and Wilder can sort it out)
Rolled 6, 2, 5 = 13 (3d6)

>Vitality -11->-9 (Regen 2)
>6AP, 12Vit as SP, Commit to Lock in: Move closer to the Bubbaberg, reshape the slime cushion into gripping tentacles, pull her out of the way and back on the carriage. (Amorphous Shaping 10, Focus 2)

#Bob. Just Bob
Vitality --9/12 Push 0 SP 0/12 CP 5 VP 0 Mutagen 0
Viral Load: 0
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Empathy Training, MAO [SC13]
+2 Crit Threshold on non-offensive actions
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Diplomacy 11
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 13 [Aura 3, Vector]
=Corpseflowers 2
=Wide Spectrum Vectoring +2 [tog]
Organic Breakdown 3
Protein Factory 3 [Self-Activating, 10] [Hostile Takeover]
Amorphous Shaping 10 [Reach+ -1]
GlooperTrooper 1
Kinetic Resistance 2
Regeneration 2
Hazard Vulnerability 2
Sticky Cores 1
Formless Potential 1
...I'll go with Systems please and thank you
Rolled 6, 6, 1 = 13 (3d6)

>1 AP: Move 2 to get vision of Bob
>Spend Push to give Bob a boost in getting Bubba out of under the train
>5 AP: Recover SP (Health 12)
>Regen 3

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit -13/12 SP 0/12 CP 11 VP 0 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Claws 12 (L +2, Hooks, Sticks on 14+)
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Multispawn 2, Parasitic*
Bleeding -4 II II
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality 2 (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh 2


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 6, 4, 6 = 16 (3d6)


>3AP: Hack/Use my WHSIAI authority to get the security door that is on lockdown at direction 4 OPENED. [Augmentic Systemics 11+Electroreception +2+WHSIAI here, door needs to open]
>4MP+3AP: Dodge to a safer spot from explosions.

Vit 12/12 SP 3/12 Charge 0/24
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
CP 14 VP 3 MUTP 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9 [Electroreception +2]
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemics 11
Electromodulation 11
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications 2] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
[Superconductivity 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 3, 4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 1, 5 = 33 (9d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 6 VP 0 MP 1
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Superconductivity 0 (0/24 charge stored)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 11
Electricity Modulators 13 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 4 (Power-hungry)] [Superconductivity 0]
Cold and logical.

C8 (2d6, 2acc, 2bulk, 18/18, x1 reload)

>Free: Push NeoG's roll >>6102512
>[3 AP] Magpush the grenade through the (hopefully open) door and into the UDUGs (Electricity Modulators 13)
>[3 AP] Erect a magnetic shield in the doorway to hopefully stop the shrapnel in its tracks before it goes in there and shreds us. (Electricity Modulators 13)
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Guys, the grenade already detonated.
Rolled 6, 2, 6 = 14 (3d6)

>Second Push roll
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mr. president, there's a... second grenade in the room, sir...
Rolled 5, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 3, 4, 6 = 35 (9d6)

>[1 MP] Move SW to get visual with Bob.
>[Free] Push Bob's attempt on getting Bubba out.
>[1 AP] AIM at Bubba's location so I have an easier time getting them out.
>[3 AP + 2AP] Use all of my psychic prowess to try to wrench Bubba from their current predicament, getting them to safety. [ Psionigenesis 11, Telekinetic 2, Focus 2, Confidence 1]

First couple rolls are for the push, the last one is for my own action.

Vit 8 SP 2 CP 8
DR +2 AP 6 MP 3
Push 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1+1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1+1
Confidence +1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 11
Temperature Control 12
!Psionic-Resonant 2.
[Microslip Precognition 2] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Illusionary Glamour +1
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
1x C8, 2d6, 2ACC, 2Buik, 18 bullets, 1 reload (18 bullets).
Electronic Repair Kit.
Rolled 3, 3, 4 = 10 (3d6)

Vacating the body early, are we?

i think i might want to move in

That better not be a possession I'm hearing beyond the smoke. Damn it, Bob - I'm a doctor not an exorcist!

>1MP, posture to kneeling
>1TP, triage the retreating Vandal Squad, identify life threatening injuries (SupOp 11, Trauma 2, Focus 1)
>6AP, slap a pile of recovery actions on those wounds (SupOp 11, Trauma 2, Aid Kit 2, Focus 1)
>3SP, guide Alekson in treating minor injuries after he wakes Trish up (SupOp 11, Trauma 2, Inspiring 2)

Vit 12/12 SP 3/12 CP 29
DR 4 AP 6 MP 4 TP 1
Push 0/1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Karmic Burn
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
Support Operations 11
+2 Trauma Response
Guns 11
Forensic Theology 11
!Inspiring Presence 2
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 4d6 (2), Acc 5, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 15/30A, 250/300C (Broadhead Flechette)
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Battery pack 0/300
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Aid Kit +2
There's something you don't see every day.

Do that a few more times, Subject, and you might actually escape this facility alive.
As Sundae and Bulwark performs a tactical withdrawal, another shape steps out of the swirling smoke. Grins pushes himself clear off an operative and uppercuts him for good measure, creating brief space and then Grins - good instincts - drops to the floor and rolls away.

They say in a sword fight there are Seven Cuts and Infinity.

Everett only cuts four times.

Sometimes the blade simply goes through one man or gun and keeps on going.

As NeoGenesis overrides the lock and Gallium flings a grenade out and throws up an emergency shield against the *real* danger, the fragmentation storm, the front of the cabin is clearer in the wake of the shockwave but it all lingers. Operatives drop to the ground. Pistols. Weapons. Hands. People. They fall, clutching their wounds, crippled, confused, in pain, alive, horrified and the blood they seep slow and sure on the soil stained carriage floor is not . . . as red . . . as it should be

in the corner, Nadir stands


Flicks their tongue out. Tastes the air. What a feast to arrive to. What a bounty to be given.

What a wonderful series of small rocks slowly falling downhill adding up to an avalanche.

The light at the end of the tunnel is not an exit, you begin to dread.

That light is an angler fish, luring you in, and terror comes with claws and teeth and smiles and the gradual impolite insistence that the final thing you will betray to simply not have to face the things in front of you will be yourself, your principles and all you hold dear and the shrivelled, cowering, long-dead but still breathing shell that drives the knife home that ends your life won't be some hostile enemy or antagonist cunning and clever.

You'll do it yourself.
Just to not have to face the nightmares any more.

Sharp blades there, Subject.

There are two things sharper still: the sword they call Riven, and the knife of terror you slide into your own soul.

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In the impromptu triage centre, Tietra stumbles past to get through the smoke so she can lay down a locking forcefield in the front. Amelius splits and triages and wraps and helps and pokes as much as possible, Bulwark, Alekson helping. Fox isn't much good. Fox just stands there.

Grins stumbles out of the smoke - seconds later? - blinks a little.

twitches once.
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Rolled 3, 5, 2 = 10 (3d6)

Brings up the pistol in his hand and stares at it like he doesn't quite know what it's for - what anything is for - why even... what even.


His pupils are very wide. He's not really looking at you at all.

And then he starts shooting.

>Full auto the room and then blow my own brains out.
Faith moves mountains. That's what they say. So surely a workcrew faithfully motivated by a belief in the great Coughing Bob and the distant light First and Last Light can, if properly supplied with, uh. . . non standard. . . rope . . . move entities that are merely moutaineous, yes?


GRINS. YOU WANT TO TALK RESIGNATION? Then let's talk. With me, your supervisor. Haven't we been good to each other? Let's do this the right way.

>3SP: Try reestablish rapport with a valued and tested intern. That the boss is here for him, and there's an order to things. Senses 13+Remember Who Hired You
"... It was an honor, friend. Glory to Subjectown."
Smoke drifts down the carriage, form the distant burnt, exploded front-end. The gunshots have died down. Everyone is catching their heaving breath, rubbing friction burned palms, half overcome with the enormity of the stress.

Would you look at that, Subjects.

What an incredible piece of teamwork - to fight the very heights of modern locomotion and briefly - briefly - win. Inspiring, what teamwork and dedication to each other can achieve.

Subjects in this section can gain the hidden Crash Testing 1 trait. You get +1 to ram into people. You know why. This is a volunteer free action, please note if you want it - be aware that ramming into things also applies damage to you. You're doing the ramming. That +1 might hurt you.

Subject Bubbav2 earns the advanced hidden ACCIDENT award.
Subject Bubbav2 has also lost an arm and will need repairs. On account of the train. That you hit. With your face.

Please be aware that Meshshells are modular. If you are in LARGE configuration you can take a 3 AP major action to configure yourself back to standard. It is another 3 AP action to shift to another Shape that you have banked as a Feature. Features related to that Shape cannot be accessed if you are not in that shape.

You fought the laws of physics.
And the law didn't win.

Incredible work.

Subject Oh Consequences gains +1 CP for blowing up the front of a train with a rocket. They cannot rightly claim any CP for assisting in rescuing people from train related difficulties as - now that the train is slowly coming to a long, gradual stop, bereft of the operations compartment required to control it, left adrift under its own forward momentum, Subject Consequences has rightly caused train related difficulties to multiple people as well.

Please mind where you fire advanced anti vehicle munitons.

A slamfire launcher delivers a 6d6 armor divider 4 shaped charge warhead with a sizable penetrator follow-up if the warhead achieves hard contact with the intended target. They should be best employed by trained professionals given sizable oversight and after authorization from the chain of command of your paramilitary security force.

If you fire them wildly while they're lying on the ground of a moving vehicle the warhead is not your friend. If there is no no guidance lock it is apt to scatter and detonate on impact with something in the environment.


You are adrift on the Sparking Sea.
The engine, a wounded beast, is dying slow, rent by munitions and horror.

The tunnels fill with smoke, ash-tinged and grey, from the funeral pyre that has become of the front carriage - the hungry stain of heat crawling down the wood and vines and roots and growths and inching ever closer to your compartment and all the fresh fuel within.

The superconductive high capacity wiring below you stretch off and into the smoke-tinged distance, heights blurring, dimensions adrift in darkness and ash and smoke and heat and sparks.

You have no control of the carriage system.
You have no supplies - they are all burning in the front.
You have no viable escape. You may think Silver Chariot provides such a life-boat oppertunity, but the master lock that NeoGenesis engaged slaves it to follow the train, and with the destruction of the front operations cabin, you can no more access the wireless overrides that you can squeeze water from a rock.

Perhaps if any of you knew electronic engineering you could attempt a hotwire and roll back down the line - towards Security Captain Caliper, fireteam Anathan, REGENTs force, UDUG and all their ilk, and the tunnelflies and crawlers and Those Who Become and the Howling Cloud and who knows what.

Those of you who can catch their breath - hot, smoke tinged, harder to breathe as it is, oxygen already slowly fading from this tunnel system which, let us not squeeze past the problems of underground ventilation, no steady flow of fresh O2.

It is hot.
It is growing hotter.
You are going to die.

It is the end of the line.

You may take a downtime action if you wish. Perhaps simply brace for the inevitable. If you can recover at all, you have recovered. It doesn't do you a lot of good, unless you are simultaneously immune to super conduction, heat-shock, oxygen deprivation, starvation, dehydration, chemical destruction and a host of other ills.

>DOWNTIME OPS aren't "turn" or "time" limited - declare general actions to attempt to respond / resolve / interact / do / move about and there'll be some sort of result.

Here are some suggestions:

>Lament my mistakes (Will 10)
>Rage against the merciless gods as if my own hubris had not mercilessly laid me low (Will 10)
>Externalize my blundering mistakes by blaming other people to maintain my fragile self image and preserve my frayed confidence (Duplicity)
>Find Someone To Blame (Duplicity)
>Shoot myself in the head with a gun (Gun-handling skills)
>Shoot someone else in the head with a gun (Gun-handling skill)
>Steady myself and then jump off of the carriage. At least if I hit the wires it will be quick (Adroit check to dive)
>Accept the monumental enormity of my mistakes and Just Let Go (No cost, no skill, always available, always hits)

>Something else?

Hmmm, a new nightmare being descends and takes possession of a powerful psion and suddenly my nightmares come true.

>0. Reject the hopelessness of the situation. 10 WP.
>1. Convert the edging along the burning car to fire breaking foam to prevent fire from spreading back here. Conversion 10.
>2. Convert some of the side paneling to nice window fans and have them blow out the phantom smoke. Get some nice ventilation on this train. Conversion 10.
>Feel the train. Know the train. Become the train. Take scraps to build an engine. Inhabit it and push this train along down the track. Remember that cute Biggie Smalls mashup with Thomas the Tank engine and come on down the track. Willpower 10. Movement 4.
Well this didn't go great.

>Sense out the front cart. Are there any minds still active, however small the inkling of life? Are there any survivors? (Senses 10, Focus 2).
>Help O. Consequences with this fire curtain, keep stuff nice and cold with my Temperature Control 12.
>Accept the monumental enormity of my mistakes and Just Let Go (No cost, no skill, always available, always hits)
> Find myself, unchanging still, and wake up.
>Stagger through the door, dragging anyone I can out of this rudely-interrupted HR crisis. Physicality 11
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Waking up from nightmares only works when you're in one. You know exactly where you are.

You walked in there yourself, after all.

And now all is ash and smoke and fire.
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Easy as breathing. Always hits.

You sit down.
You relax against the slowly heating wall.
You stare off of in the distance.

And then you just let go.
> Try to rescue whoever I can.
> Face the dread head on.
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You attempt to do everything and so you do nothing.

Downtime actions are not "turn" or "time" lmited, but neither are they excuses to be everywhere and do everything.

The fire continues - you make no firefoam

The oxygen grows in shorter supply - you make no ventilation

The train winds down slow - you make no engine

(And could not make one either way; you appear to be a biomechanical surgeon and a nanite processor, not a trained mechanical engineer. Electronic dual use combi hydrogel engines are remakarkably complicated things, as is anything with enough output to move a carriage this big. You might build something that could, in time, barely and briefly. That would be hours from now, long past when everyone here is dead.)

And you reject no hopelessness - but that's quite alright, Subject.

It'll come in sneaking in like an old friend. Frantic disorganized Do Everything Be Everywhere is just the last frantic gasping groans of a dying mind struggling to accept the inevitable conclusion.
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That final heroic leap out of the raging flames, final and sure as the dawn, barely, the just-almost-there escape and the sure sign that all this is just some sort of horrid dream

any minute now

Any . . . minute . . . now

. . . any... any minute . . .

... any minute now

the minutes tick by

no one staggers through the door
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a few spluttered smears of thought-activity, yes, a response officer clutching a damaged hand lying - miracolously - at the edge of an explosions and in the middle of the system - legs busted when the warhead detonated and filled the front with shrapnel and hellfire - arm damaged with a biomutant of enormous precison carved through the entire team. Alive, now, briefly, for thirty more seconds, because he fell and another fell on top of him and the cushion there kept some damage away and . . .
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that was a kindness, Subject. No one should have die entirely alone.
Alright, not great, the fact that there's seemingly no survivors. Let's try not to die here, too.

>Are there any windows that can be opened? If there are, and they aren't already open, do so.
>Using your Temperature Control powers, create convection air currents to lead the smoke out of the tram and get some fresh air in.
Uh... What?
> Amidst the chaos, Everett pulls his thoughts into order - he fails for the most part. Only the impulse of self-preservation remains where all else is scoured away by heat and smoke. Nothing but flesh and self-interest struggling against the inevitability of entropy.
> Everett attempts to plot a survivable route through the harrowing inferno, then desperately navigates towards safer ground. (Downtime)
>Everett spends his push.
Rolled 4, 4, 3 = 11 (3d6)

>Gain Crash Testing 1
>Refuse to give up hope. We will make it out of this. (10 Will)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 13 VP 0 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
Claws 12 (L +2, Hooks, Sticks on 14+)
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Multispawn 2, Parasitic*
Crash Testing 1 (+1 to ram into people)
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality 2 (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh 2


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid

>Use Mutability breakdown compounds in air to usable oxygen for storage in my lungs.
>Use Kinetic Expulsion Launch the left over compounds into fire to choke some of it out.
>Do gain Crash Testing 1
Mutability 8
Lungs 8 + Kinetic Expulsion +2 x2Sta
Rolled 1, 3, 2 = 6 (3d6)

Lament my many, many mistakes... or perhaps missed opportunities. I could've done so much more if I just known. I could've handled things better, I should've taken more initiative, things may have so much better if I only tried doing more, at the right moment... alas... these are just regrets of a dying man.
(Will 12) if you wanted to know but I don't think it matters... I'll just wallow in my regrets. Maybe I shouldn't have been so mean to Grins... I was kind of messing with him near the end there.

I wish I could've seen Fox and Raven relationship bloom, would've been cute to watch.

I didn't get a chance to really understand the woodsie ones, they were hard workers and great friends when it came down to it.

Alekson, for his many faults (not of his own volition) was an alright lad, albeit a bit... you know.

Didn't get Petri and Faust the help they needed. That's another regret in that growing pile.

Tietra tried their hardest, they really did. They deserved better truly.

All these faces... All these friends... All these foes...
Rolled 6, 4, 6 = 16 (3d6)

Rolled 2, 1, 6 = 9 (3d6)

>Downtime action: Compensators to full, Siphon energy needed from the Spark Sea (Point A) to Gallium (Point B) so he can awaken. I will take some as well. [Compensators 2 + Superconductivity 2 + Health 12 and or idk 14CP] Trait: Resilient Streak! COME ON GET UP AND HELP MY FRIEND OUT OF THIS WRECK
>Spend the damn Mutation Point on Reactive super coolant or something. Im trying to live here and this trainexplosion and fire didnt help

(The rest here is fluff and lots of bargaining plea)
>I know Im flaying a lot around but I'm really trying to live here
>So compensate damn you, compensate and help me and Gallium out of this.
>Spend the 14CP I had on the Abherency
>I will depress on my own time you dastards
>Even fuse with this damn vial if I need to
>I'd trade so much just to keep going

Vit -Too Much/12 SP SIPHONING/12 Charge Sytems to full buckoo/24
DR 7 AP 6 MP 4
CP 14 VP 3 MUTP 1 <---Spending on this
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9 [Electroreception +2]
Thoughts 9
Augmented Systemics 11
Electromodulation 11
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications 2] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
[Superconductivity 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap????
Pistol, +5 reloads???
Experimental Vial???
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans???, 4x Energy Bar's???
"Helloooo...? Anybody home...?"

>How can one be consigned to the void (the front car), if one never left the void (the drawers 5 of Amelius that I intended to spawn from) to begin with? It is axiomatic. One cannot know true despair without first feeling at least a glimmer of hope. Indeed, something does not compute here... [Thoughts 9]
>...good effort, Dreadling, but I see through your machinations. Sure, you can force lesser minds into oblivion with sheer dread power, but shattering some wills requires more finesse. I suppose you don't have a mind for such things. You're just a self-sustaining spiral of malevolence, after all. How about you root around in that rundown braincase you call home now and maybe you'll find some trace gray matter to help you along. I reject the illusory non-existence you've foisted upon me! [Will 10 ± Mean Shittalk]
goodbye, my bulwark. I couldn’t protect you”
Rolled 3, 6, 6 = 15 (3d6)

>Get near the fire, is it like really real? Maybe the heat is all in the mind, need to make sure. [Senses 11]
Rolled 5, 3, 3 = 11 (3d6)


>Gather my consciousness beneath the Boblian tree.
>Conversion 10, Nanoflowers 2, Bring life to a new form of flower within the garden growi