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Last time, you went to school and nothing out of the ordinary happened. At the moment, you’re doing the most normal activity one can do during lunch break: eat your teacher’s meal. Anyway, food has lost relevancy as the conversation has moved on to new ventures. There’s not enough time to talk about both things Nina suggests, so you have to choose wisely. She said so herself. Look!

“Well, Johnny, there are two topics I’d love to talk about, but we only have time for one.” Nina checks her clock. Classes are returning soon! “One is about Kata, and the other is about Richard…”

“That’s an odd combination.” You chuckle.

“That’s why I’m keeping them separate.” Nina makes a tiny joke.

“Can you go into specifics?” You’d like to know more than just the people involved.

“A little. It’s nothing concerning. Well, maybe Richard’s, but it’s not a pressing matter. He went on a little scrappy mission not too dissimilar to the one you partook in to save Billy. It even involves Billy! H-Hooray!” Nina tries to sell this as interesting. “But I don’t believe he got the results he really wanted.”

“That sounds like it could be interesting. How about Kata’s?” You wonder.

“It’s a silly thing; since we don’t have enough time, I thought to myself: why not talk about it?” Nina is a little embarrassed bringing it up.

“Right.” You’d get into your thinking pose, but you’re moving as slowly as an international package.

If any of the two is any important, Nina wouldn’t be so casual about this.

What do you do?

>Return to your classroom before the mob returns to swallow you.
>Ask about the Richard topic.
>Ask about the Kata topic.
>Ask Nina to summarize both really quickly. You won’t commit!
>Write In.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/QM91m
Discord: https://discord.gg/AmjbaTR
Archives: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=do+your+best+quest (Rough Grammar ‘till half of the 9th Thread)
Incomplete Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-nIx_dvaNCPQ7zLg2BK_ucCyGNM741kAANxqXj7hdDs/edit?usp=sharing


Votes are counted until 25 minutes have passed. This rule doesn't apply to the last reply of the day.
Votes that require a dice roll are counted until 15 minutes have passed, so we can speed up the process. Rolls are counted until 10 minutes have passed, so be prepared!

(NEW) Dice Mechanic:

We always roll 1d100s!
Since most people weren’t happy with the system of averaging top four rolls, we’re using best of 2/3/4 depending on the attribute a prompt requires. If Johnny is a genius and it’s a Knowledge based roll, he gets more rolls (Max. 7)! If he sucks, he gets less dice (Min. 2)!

When asked for rolls, I will specify how many you’re going to get. Rolling begins after it’s asked.

Rolling 100 is a critical! There are no Critical Failures anymore!

The difficulty of the roll is tied with the effectiveness of the action. In other words, the harder the option the better the result!

Don’t forget that at the end of the day, this is a story-driven quest! What the prompts are describing is more important than the difficulty of the rolls, for results in a fight.

Again, rolls are only counted when they are posted within ten minutes of being asked, so watch out!
>>Ask about the Kata topic.
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Okay, I gotta ask, I don't really read your quests, but do why the hell do you have six different threads up at the same time? You give out like 3 fucking updates and then make a new thread. Why? Why do you do this? Seriously.
>Ask about the Kata topic.
Think of each one as an episode with a starting and end point. Also, more people seem to be active at the beginning of a new thread than at the end. This style was also made in an era where threads used to die way quicker too
>Ask about the Kata topic.
>Ask about the Richard topic.
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“Then let’s talk about it.” You have done a lot of silly things the last few days, what is one more to the list?

“I-I reiterate, it’s a minor tiny thing of little importance...” Nina doesn’t want you to have any expectations about this. “The other day I was hanging out with Kata, and she introduced me to one of her cousins. He's an enthusiastic guy, a little out there… in his space suit…”

“You met Galactic! We’re bros.” You show Nina your picture together.

“Oh thank god I don’t have to explain this part. And of course you two are friends, why wouldn’t you be?” Nina is relieved. “A-As we were jumping from topic to topic something that caught my attention came up. I heard bits and pieces from Amelia, but ever since she has gone full, uhm, tactical mode, she tends to withdraw from sharing details on the basis that that’s all classified information. Nothing too important, but you can’t push the envelope. You and Kata participated in a cooking contest, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, and we won.” You smile.

“You beat one of the Judges, right? Gerard Luther?” Nina wants you to clarify.

“That we did.” You nod slowly. “I also kicked his ass at Poker.” You have the trophy to show it.

“And it never occurred to any of you to tell me why this happened…?” Nina is very confused.

“Nope. I don’t think it was that important.” You thought it was very fun though.

“…Hold on. Poker? You’re friends with him?” Nina is more perplexed than ever. Well, no, the buffalo was worse for her.

“No, absolutely not. He’s one of the most despicable people I have ever met in my entire life.” Not like you’re doing a top 10.

“…Okay, back to the contest.” Nina believes you’re too mysterious to comprehend. “You baked some cake together?”

“Mhm.” You nod again.

“Is it true that it is the most delicious cake to ever exist on the face of this earth?” Your teacher says it almost verbatim. Kata must’ve bragged about it a lot.

How do you respond?

>“Nina, you’re not getting any. Sorry.” You won’t use the cake for selfish purposes.
>“No, it’s pretty meh.” Lie for no reason.
>“In my humble opinion, it is pretty great.” Why hide it? You’re proud of your creation!
>“Why are you asking…?” You feel bad intentions…
>“Look at the time, I have to return to my classroom before things get dicey.” You need to be responsible.
>Write In.
So what's the general thought on this should we show her the cake or not?
It'd be funny if we don't let her have it since she would like it the most, but the effects it would have on her might also be funny to see
>“In my humble opinion, it is pretty great.” Why hide it? You’re proud of your creation!
>>“In my humble opinion, it is pretty great.” Why hide it? You’re proud of your creation!
>“In my humble opinion, it is pretty great.” Why hide it? You’re proud of your creation!
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>“In my humble opinion, it is pretty great.” Why hide it? You’re proud of your creation!
>"It was shown to me in a vision of the past..."
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“In my humble opinion, it’s pretty great.” You’re proud of that cake. It was thanks to the efforts of Kata, Kobashi, and the many others who gave it life. “It was shown to me in a vision of the past…”

“Like, in the Bubble Dimension?” Nina wonders, ruining all mysticism.

“Perhaps, but it goes beyond that.” You look enlightened.

“W-Wow! Sounds intriguing!” Nina wants to learn more, but knows she shouldn’t. “So Kata wasn’t teasing me for nothing!” Nina seems relieved. “It’d be an odd thing to lie about with how pleased she sounded about it. She’s always so proud of her work regardless of the craft. But I can’t trust that mischievous smirk when she gets like that...”

“Gets like how?” You ask.

“When she gets duplicitous. It’s not much of the smile but the way her eyes slant upwards, you can tell she’s plotting something!” Your teacher wants you to imagine it.

“Sounds like Kata, yeah.” You don’t find it odd. The smug ones are like that.

“Once you spot that look, she will begin to tease you relentlessly, so beware.” Nina warns you as the experienced Kata enjoyer that she is. “She doesn’t care who you are, what you do, or what you say. She’ll have her fun with you.”

“I’d like to see her best shot...” You have spent time with her, she’s not someone you can’t control! This will surely never backfire! Your teacher finds your answer humorous, but you weren’t joking.

“But this is all to say…” Nina gets a tiny bit red, ashamed about what she’s about to say. “If the cake is really as delicious as you two imply, I’d like to give it a taste, please. I mean, who could pass on the best cake on the face of the Earth, right?”

“Right.” You nod. Like, you agree that it’d be foolish to pass on the opportunity, not that you’ll do it.

“Right!” Nina claps rapidly and softly. She’s way too excited. “I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but it’s a tall order! Like, I have no intention to brag, but my mother is like a pastry chef savant, so my standards are lofty. And I’m sure Kata meant that it’s even better than anything I have eaten. She unambiguously said so. She looked me right in the eyes and said Sweetheart, this is the best dessert ever conceived.

“Nina, I’ve seen you devour convenience store cake. You’ll like it, I’m sure.” You don’t know who she’s trying to trick.

“W-Well, i-it’s different! Please, don’t be mistaken. I’ll be over the [Moon] with whatever you prepare! B-But what I’m trying to convey is how exciting this is!” Nina knew she shouldn’t have said that. Did she talk like Galactic for a moment there…? “Uhm, is there something wrong?” Nina notices that you aren’t sharing her enthusiasm.

You might disappoint her a little… or maybe you’re a softie.

How do you respond?

>“Nina, I don’t know if you have noticed, but I can’t move.” You can’t do it right now unless she knows some healing magic.
>“It can’t be today, I’ll be busy. Maybe some other time.” You have the Team Briefing, and a date with Kata at some point.
>“I hope you’re ready, because I’m baking it after classes!” Yeah, you’re a softie. You decide to go along with this before the Team Briefing…
>“I have some leftovers, I’m not preparing it fresh.” You’ll tell her to go to your apartment at some point later.
>“I’ll be happy to bake some on a special occasion! Hope you don’t mind.” You won’t prepare such a cake just for Nina! You need help!
>“How did you sound like Galactic?” You need to know more.
>Write In.
>>“It can’t be today, I’ll be busy. Maybe some other time.” You have the Team Briefing, and a date with Kata at some point.
>“It can’t be today, I’ll be busy. Maybe some other time.” You have the Team Briefing, and a date with Kata at some point.
>Write In.
All I ask is you work on your baking skills in the meantime since this cake requires two to make.
>“Nina, I don’t know if you have noticed, but I can’t move.” You can’t do it right now unless she knows some healing magic.
>"That, and I've got quite a bit going on after this... But if you have an open date on your schedule that lines up with mine, I think we can do something for a special occasion."

+1 with making this a two person cake.
+1, also tell her she did the [Moon] thing, just to see her embarrassed
+1 both of these
Bruh, for one thing who cares? For another thing, the board's super slow anyway so why's it matter?

>>>“Nina, I don’t know if you have noticed, but I can’t move.” You can’t do it right now unless she knows some healing magic.
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“Nina, I don’t know if you have noticed, but I can’t move.” You try to wiggle your body and fail miserably. “That, and I’ve got quite a bit going on after this… It can’t be today. But if you have an open date on your schedule that lines up with mine, I think we can do something for a special occasion.”

“C-Count me in! I’ll shuffle my schedule around for your needs.” Nina assures there’s no rush. “And please, don’t feel forced to do anything.”

“Good. All I ask is for you to work on your baking skills in the meantime since this cake requires two to make.” You add.

“You already know I’m pretty adept inside the kitchen. And as pastries go, I was my mother’s little assistant when I was younger.” Nina looks fondly to those times when she was a little bush in the fields. “But I’ll hone my skills for you! This is going to be so much fun!” Nina can’t shake off the joy of the moment.

“Can’t wait either.” Even if being immobile makes waiting a given for you. “But there’s something I noticed…”

“What is it, Johnny?” Nina doesn’t know where this is going.

“Don’t tell me you aren’t aware of what you did…” You act a little cheeky.

“W-What did I do?” This teacher doesn’t have the faintest idea. Out of anxiousness, she wipes her mouth, adjusts her clothes, and plays with her hair like you used to with your pom-poms (turned Bird Johnnys.) All of this turns her redder. “T-Tell me!”

“The Moon thing! You sounded just like Galactic!” You chuckle.

“Ah?! I did?! Oh n-no! That wasn’t on purpose! D-Don’t tell anyone, but after our meeting, I started mimicking his voice during my shower! I didn’t think it’d stick..!” Nina gets all embarrassed by her dorkiness.

“Do you imitate other people?” You raise an eyebrow.

“I-I… W-Well, I… I-It’s…” Nina is lost for words. As divine intervention, the bell rings. It’s time to return to class. “L-Look at that! We have to go!”

“Nina…” You know she’s running.

“I’ll push you back to your classroom!” Nina starts whispering as she grabs your transportation. You feel if you speak, you’ll be in trouble.

During the midpoint between your classroom and the Home Ec. Room, Ichie showed up and took you to classes herself. That’s how you parted ways with your curvy teacher, and now you have to look forward to your dull teachers...

From that point onwards, classes went like normal… Boring, sad, wasteful, buffalo-less classes…
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But the best part is that they ended, now you’re free to get the briefing underway. Your team congregated at the main gate: You, Scarlet, Vera, Liu, Suan De, and the Buffalo. The people were amazed to see your furry friend once again, and plenty of people took pictures with him! He’s a superstar! This took a lot out of your time budget, but it gave you a moment to talk to Ichie and direct her back to your apartment, since you (as a group) haven’t decided whether to bring her along or not. She took it as a mission to clean up your home! You never said that, but you welcome the initiative. She’ll be ready whenever you need her, one call away.

Sadly, the crowd had to say goodbye to their new hero as you all went to your base of operations.

“Okay, everyone, the entire crew is here!” Secretary Bubbles welcomes every member of this initiative. “Let’s go through the list. First, Agent Headphones?”

“Present!” Liu raises her hand and wonders why she’s first on the list.

“Agent Phil Noon?” Scarlet reads the next name.

“Here.” You’re still on the stupid Hand Truck.

“Agent Cheese-on-Wheels?” Scarlet reads next.

“You did all of this just to say that, right?” Vera complains. Scarlet ticks the name anyway.

“Agent Slob Dragon?” Scarlet goes for the assassin.

“…” Suan De won’t participate in this charade. Her name gets a tick on the board too.

“Agent Scarlet, present, of course.” Scarlet smiles.

“Ehem.” You cough loudly. You can’t use your real name as a codename.

“Say your name right, Agent Bubble Butt.” Vera frowns.

“It’s Agent Bubbles!!!” Scarlet gets pissed, then she realizes she’s stupid. “I mean, UGH! Forget it! Next is… Uhm…”

“Remember, the Buffalo is staying until Fiora comes to pick him up.” You remind everyone. Everyone in the room nods.

“Moo!” Even the Buffalo is surprised he was allowed into the office, he’s happy to be here.

“…and, at last, Agent Markgician?” Scarlet reads it out loud.

“It’s actually Agent *the* Markgician.” The Markgician corrects.

“My bad!” Scarlet corrects the list.

When did he get here? How did he get here? Who invited him? Why is he on the list already?


What do you do?

>“Welcome to the team, Agent the Markgician, it’s good to have you on board.” Be professional.
>“I know I invited you to help us, but what are you doing here?” You need some backstory to this.
>“Let’s get this team briefing underway. How are things looking?” Get into the meat of the operation.
>Buy Ice Cream for everyone for team morale.
>Ponder for a moment why the buffalo is here but not Ichie.
>Write In.
>>“Welcome to the team, Agent the Markgician, it’s good to have you on board.” Be professional.
>“Welcome to the team, Agent the Markgician, it’s good to have you on board.” Be professional.
>“Let’s get this team briefing underway. How are things looking?” Get into the meat of the operation.
>“Welcome to the team, Agent the Markgician, it’s good to have you on board.” Be professional.
>“Let’s get this team briefing underway. How are things looking?” Get into the meat of the operation.
>"Can someone help me gavel in the session? I'm still having problems moving. Just stick the gavel in my hand and smack the block once against it."
>>>“Welcome to the team, Agent the Markgician, it’s good to have you on board.” Be professional.
try to offer hand to shake
Qm likes drawing women
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“Welcome to the team, Agent the Markgician, it’s good to have you on board.” You offer to handshake but you can’t actually move, so it doesn’t look like you did anything at all.

“It’s great to be part of this operation, Agent Phil Noon.” The Markgician raises his thumb. “Allow me to reintroduce myself, I’m Mark the Markgician. I’m a magician by trade, and an escapist by hobby. I was promised to be told how to wipe my criminal record, so I can be a free man without the help of my aunt.”

“Let’s get this team briefing underway. How are things looking?” If only you could use your iconic gavel to start the session, but alas.

“All preliminary preparations are done.” Scarlet throws away the notepad to use her phone where the actual information is. “We have determined our objectives’ locations, the possible threats, and the escape route.”

“We were stuck on the latter until Agent the Markgician joined our ranks yesterday!” Liu wants to give credit where credit is due.

“He showed up yesterday, said you invited him, and didn’t say jack about who he is or why he is here, then helped map out the entire escape route like a consummate professional. Despite, you know, looking the way he is!!! What’s up with the fake mustache?!” Vera is still annoyed about this. You have no idea how he found this place.

“I was waiting to be introduced officially to everyone in the group before indulging in my lore. But now let the show begin, allow me to give my long-winded exposition...” Mark vows.

“Too late, we don’t care. We found who you are online, and you’re an asshat.” Vera cuts him off.

“I-I actually watched the trial… I didn’t have to look it up…” Liu adds.

“I preferred when you stayed silent.” Suan De tells to Mark.

“D-Don’t be so harsh, you’re hurting his feelings.” Liu feels bad for the masked man.

“I-It’s all right, I’m used to criticism...” The Markgician is on the verge of tears.

“Seriously, you two Debbie downers, we have to foster good vibes if we want to succeed!” Scarlet doesn’t like the attitude of the Downer Duo.

“Bubbles’ right. Let’s focus on what’s important.” You try to direct the group to the matter at hand.

“Moo!” The Buffalo eloquently says. You all nod in response, tension dropping.
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“Everything seems to go swimmingly. Any hold ups?” You ask.

“Just some tiny ones like the utter lack of on ground personnel for the mission.” Vera deadpans.

“Do we really need a troop to bust someone out of the prison?” You wonder. You, Suan De, and the Markgician should be enough.

“The plan is to get 2 people out without being detected. We have to take a bunch of quirky obstacles out of the way for this to work.” Vera explains. “We need people to infiltrate, and people to sabotage the security. Simple as that.”

“I’m going in.” Suan De informs as it is non-negotiable.

“We estimate we need around 4 more people with special characteristics to help out on the battlefield.” Liu adds. She means flame users that can fight. There’s something funny about Liu talking about war, but you can’t put your finger on it.

“Last time, you gathered the team, so I thought you’d be happy to do it again…” A smug Scarlet places your phone in front of you.

No… Not this again… You don’t want to do a million phone calls…! They prepared everything else, so it stands to reason that you have to do this, but…

What do you do?

>Move to the Recruitment Phase.
>Ask to get a complete overview of your role in the plan.
>Delegate this too. You literally can’t move.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>Ask if one of them is secretly an ultra master masseur to alleviate the pain and do the goddamn calls, and if not then
>Move to the Recruitment Phase.
>Condemn to eternal damnation to one of them to suffer with you (holding the phone for you while you talk)
Wait, I just noticed something with Vera that I want to do before asking the massage thing

>Ask her what's the deal with the headband that looks like your hairstyle, and the glasses choker
>After that tell her that she is a massive dork
Then do >>6095080
Backing both, in that order
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“…Before we start, I need to address something.” You ignore one of the sources of most of your suffering: your phone.

“W-What is it?” Scarlet is surprised by how serious you are, and she’s not the only one.

“Vera, what’s the deal with the headband and choker…?” You’d point at her if you could.

“T-These? Isn’t it obvious?” Vera is so happy that you noticed that she hasn’t noticed your disdain for them.

“No. It isn’t. And do not elaborate.” Suan De doesn’t want to know either way.

“O-ho, we’re turning this into a guessing game? They’re cat ears!” The Markgician is ready to play.

“Cat ears? You’re ruining your mouse motif.” Scarlet is nice enough not to call her a rat.

“No, they’re not cat ears!!! But, hehe, it’s only natural you can’t tell what they are, Bubbles.” Vera openly mocks the redhead. “What do you think, Johnny? You love my quality accessories, don’t you?”

“…You’re a massive dork.” You don’t.

“W-WHAT?!” Vera can’t fathom you disliking anything about her or her choices. “But they’re a symbol of my eternal love and devotion! There’s nothing dorky about them! Nothing!”

“Meh.” You shrug.

“So this is how it feels when someone else is called a dork…” Scarlet grins. Did Scarlet forget that she started it? It was in this very room where the D word was deployed first, and hasn’t left your lexicon since.

“We were planning on selling them! This is a disaster!” Vera believes all her plans are ruined. “If I can’t pull them off, nobody can…”

“I told you they were a little tacky…” Liu kept this to herself for a long time.

“I don’t get what they are.” The Markgician asks your homeless assassin for an explanation.

“Consider yourself blessed.” Suan De doesn’t want him to act more stupid than needed.

Your eyes glanced over your phone for a moment, you can’t grab it…

“Is anyone here secretly an ultra-master masseur who can alleviate the pain and tiredness I’m in, so I can do the goddamn calls?” You hate being immobile! You can’t continue like this!

The group looks among themselves to find a volunteer, but no hand is raised. Who built this party without a healer?! It wasn’t you!

“I-I can try…!” Liu will look it up online.

“Don’t. We need to find an actual way to heal him.” Suan De stops Headphones from even trying.

“How about you eat one of those magic marshmallows you told us about? I bet Gio could make one!” Scarlet suggests to you.

“I think the buffalo wants to say something…” The Markgician brings attention to the friendly animal.

“Moo!” The Buffalo offers one of his special vegetables that look like regular ones… and probably taste like ones too.

“If we’re talking about healing food, I can get you a special item from my home, but you're all forbidden from making fun of me because of it.” Vera adds a new choice.

“Why don’t you just toughen up and get on with it? It’s just a phone call.” Suan De doesn’t believe this is a big deal…

Decisions… Decisions…

What do you do?

>Ride your trusty Buffalo to Giorsal. You’re getting a new healing marshmallow.
>Eat the Buffalo's Special (Regular) Vegetables.
>Tell Vera to bring her mysterious healing item.
>Tell Liu to massage you.
>Forget it, it’s recruitment time.
>Write In.
>>Ride your trusty Buffalo to Giorsal. You’re getting a new healing marshmallow.
>Eat the Buffalo's Special (Regular) Vegetables.
I trust the buffalo
I actually want to eat the vegetables at Giorsal's place. Johnny is strong as it is and I don't think he needs a marshmallow. Instead, bullying Gioraal using the buffalo should be the excuse to go over there
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“Nah, I got a better idea. First, someone feed me that vegetable.” You don’t want to disappoint your adorable friend.

“It’s a carrot.” Suan De believes you don’t know the name of the orange thing.

“A nutritious carrot.” The Markgician adds, what a wise man. The buffalo agrees.

“Here!” The always-reliable Liu helps you out. You eat it like a horse. It didn’t heal you as much as you’d like… You need someone to cook them to have their full powers.

“I wanted to do that...” Vera pouts.

“You know what? Bubbles, I think you’re right. I should visit Gio to recover.” You’re getting a Marshmallow! Or she can cook the Buffalo’s vegetables! Either way, you’re going to make her day worse.

“Great! I think it’s the only way to guarantee it.” Scarlet’s morale rises! She wants to see how the judge is doing.

“…That’s why I’m going to ride my trusty buffalo over there.” You weren’t done talking before. How rude of Bubbles to interrupt.

“Moooo!” The Buffalo loves partaking in activities.

“Where are we heading?” Suan De will come along. Riding the buffalo hasn’t lost its luster for her.

“Uhm, I… uh…” You don’t remember where she lives. It was a secret!

“Isn’t Giorsal’s location a total mystery?” Scarlet recalls as well.

“Actually, if we’re talking about the Judge, me and Gio Gio are pretty close.” The Markgician is lying through his teeth. Not because he doesn’t believe it’s true, but there’s no way Giorsal has any positive things to say about the guy.

“Did she tell you where she lives?” Scarlet asks.

“…No.” The Markgician looks dejected.

“Now this is where my powers come in handy yet again.” Vera pulls out her magical phone.

“I’ll call her!” Scarlet didn’t notice Vera trying to be useful. “Like, it shouldn’t be an issue, she trusts us now.”

“Hey, don’t steal my spotlight.” Vera frowns.

“You have to do something worth spotlighting first.” Scarlet rolls her eyes.

“Liu, bite her ankles.” Vera orders.

“L-Liu, don’t do that!” Scarlet repels the order.

“W-Why do you think I’d do that?” Liu feels a little offended that Bubbles would think she’d steep that low.

“You wouldn’t do it for your great friend Vera? After all we’ve gone through?” Vera feels betrayed. Liu shakes her head.

“Hey, it’d be better if we split the group. No reason to tire the buffalo out with all of us on top.” Suan De wants you to be conscious about your furry friend’s condition.

Who do you want to bring along?

>Scarlet. You know, for old time’s sake!
>Vera. She should meet Giorsal just in case!
>Liu. Because she’s the only one who hasn’t completely ignored the state you’re in.
>Mark. He says his friends with Gio! You want to see what their friendship looks like!
>Write In.
Also, this is the last reply of the day, we continue tomorrow!
>>Scarlet. You know, for old time’s sake!
Giorsal would probably be the least mad since she at least knows Scarlet
>>Vera. She should meet Giorsal just in case!
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“Right. Bubbles, you’re coming with us.” You announce to the group.

“Me? Really?” Scarlet is happy, but confused.

“I know Gio will be happy to see you.” You point out.

“T-That isn’t fair! I had no chance to befriend this dirty judge!” Vera hates becoming a recurrent cast member this late.

“Keep on seething, because you never will with that attitude!” Scarlet rubs it in Vera’s face.

“What should we do in the meantime?” Liu wants to continue being useful.

“Huh, befriend the Markgician?” You suggest as Suan De places you on the buffalo.

“Did you girls know that I have a flame now?” The Markgician raises his foot to show it! He does have one…!

“H-Huh, this is actually interesting...?” Vera didn’t expect it.

“I can’t see it…” Liu doesn’t know whether to believe him or not.

“Me neither. Show us your powers, Magician Mark!” Vera wants a good show.

“Oh! I have a spectacle ready…” Mark starts pulling items out of nowhere. You kinda want to stay, but you have to be the responsible adult in the room.

“Well, see you later.” You’re all aboard the buffalo.

“Let’s go, boy.” Suan De pats the buffalo to start.

“MooO!” The Buffalo starts running at a moderate speed.

“Take care, call us if you need anything.” Liu opens the door for you all. The Buffalo struggles to go through it but manages. Vera waves at you, heartbroken, she’ll miss you. She’ll miss you so much!

“We will, Headphones! Bye-bye!” Scarlet waves goodbye to the group.

“…I didn’t want to say anything before, but why AND how did a buffalo get in here?!!!” Vera loses her mind as you close the door behind you all.

As promised, Bubbles contacted Cloudhead (Bee-Hive? You forgot Giorsal’s previous codename) to learn the route to her home. The Judge asked if you’re bringing anyone along, you said yes, but that the person isn’t suspicious, just an assassin. Giorsal realized during that exchange, that she didn’t miss dealing with you in the slightest. You blame Scarlet for putting on the speaker. You get her address despite her apprehensions, despite all, the puffy hair girl trusts you both.

With proper directions, it doesn’t take the Buffalo crew long to find its way to Giorsal’s residence. It wasn’t close to the place you and Rora met Dudley that one time. It surprises you how cautious Giorsal originally was. You’d feel offended if you were stupid, but you aren’t, you’re a good boy who understands caution.
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Natural hedge walls fill a vast garden filled with flowers on the lawn that is two thirds of the area, an enormous greenhouse that is connected to the main house that dwarfs it in size. Within it, plants of all sizes and types. The whole neighborhood is as green as it can get, it used to be called the City’s Lungs for a long time before an eco-friendly initiative by the government changed the entire capital to the least polluted major city in the world. And despite all, Giorsal’s house feels like the main place the entire zone leads to!

What in the world is that…?” Dudley was busy working on a part of the front garden until he spotted the buffalo.

“Hey, Dudley.” You’d hand wave if you could.

“Hey, Mr. Dudley.” Scarlet politely says hi. She doesn’t know the biker personally.

Suan De stays silent. They seem to have seen each other before, but don’t know more than that. Dudley is more worried about your cool animal anyway.

“It’s a buffalo!” You cheerfully exclaim. “Say hi to him, buddy.”

“MOooo!” The Friendly Buffalo smiles.

“We told Giorsal we’d arrive on one.” You add.

“You expected anyone to take that seriously?” Dudley deadpans.

“I mean, I didn’t lie.” You retort. “You work here now?”

“I’m lingering around until I get something better to do, kid.” Dudley isn’t too pleased to see you.

“Hmm? Do you have a crush on Giorsal, Mister? Is that it?” Scarlet teases.

Dudley drops his tools, and starts leaving the property.

“I-I’m teasing you! D-Don’t leave!” Scarlet didn’t expect him to bail.

“Don’t even joke about it... She’s the opposite of my type.” Dudley likes the well-endowed. You can’t blame him. “And she’s busy helping a blonde girl about your age with insomnia. So wait here.”

“Giorsal is a known healer?” Scarlet didn’t know.

“Nah, she hardly gets any visits. I know that blonde helped with your assault on the church.” Dudley is probably talking about Rora. “Somethin’ is going on, but I doubt it’s important. Flower girl can’t hide her emotions to save her life, and she couldn’t care less when she saw her. Up to you to what you wanna do.”

What do you do?

>Ask Dudley to show you around. It’s a nice place full of greenery, the buffalo might like it!
>Go inside anyway! You’d love to see Rora once again! The invitation to the Nameless is still pending!
>Wait patiently until Giorsal is done with her commitments. The Judge will appreciate it!
>Write In.
>>Go inside anyway! You’d love to see Rora once again! The invitation to the Nameless is still pending!
>Go inside anyway! You’d love to see Rora once again! The invitation to the Nameless is still pending!
>Go inside anyway! You’d love to see Rora once again! The invitation to the Nameless is still pending!
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“We’ll go inside, thanks for the warning.” You appreciate Dudley taking his time to inform you of all of this.

“They’re in the greenhouse, it should be open.” Dudley goes back to working on the soil.

“Everyone, say thanks to Dudley.” You ask the group to be polite.

“Thanks, Mr. Dudley!” Scarlet goes along.

“Moo!” The Buffalo does too.

“…” Suan De doesn’t. You nudge her. “…Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it...” Dudley tries to play it cool, but he’s wary of your second newest hobo, keeping his eye on you even as you part ways – even pulling out his phone to talk to someone… How mysterious.

The Greenhouse is filled with plants you’ve only seen in documentaries, oddly shaped, vivid colors, it’s the fastest world tour in a way. Kaleidoscopes would be jealous by the amount of colors the flora showcases. There’s even a section for vegetables! It’s not as comprehensive, as it’s actually Giorsal’s farm. The buffalo feels oddly at peace here! It’s quite cute! A fairy tale place for a fairy tale animal, but both are real.

There’s a creeping sensation of inadequacy going through your body, and it has to be bad, because you’re hella tired. Something isn’t right, it’s not the looming danger of an attack, but this place hides something.

At the heart of the world’s forest you find the girls you were looking for! Giorsal and Aurora are there! The Big Sis Dewitt is resting on a hammock hanging between two oddly thick flowers while the Judge checks on her.

“Gio! It’s us!” Scarlet steps off the buffalo and goes for a hug.

“Scarlet, it’s been a while!” Giorsal embraces Scarlet! Staying inside the van together made their friendship flourish. “Dudley alerted me of your arrival.”

“S’up.” You keep it casual on top of the buffalo, making the judge realize the presence of the buffalo in the room.

“T-The Lokyo Mountain Buffalo! W-What a wonderful animal!” Giorsal is full of childish wonder. “May I?!” She wants to pet it!

“Moo!” The Buffalo gives her the go-ahead.

“This buffalo is carrying so many vegetables inside his fur. This is a clear sign that a good farming season is upon us!” Giorsal doesn’t waste her chance and energetically pets him! “And, hello, Johnny.” She’s keeping her distance, she still believes you’re dangerous.

Huh…? Johnny…? What’s haaappening…?” Rora yawns so loudly, she’d make Yu Yan blush. “Hehe, cute…” Rora likes the wild animal in front of her. Or maybe she’s talking about the other wild animal on top of it: Suan De.

“Is she okay?” You need to make sure your potential member is doing okay!
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“Don’t be concerned. She has been having insomnia as a side-effect from getting a flame.” Giorsal casually informs. “The symptom appeared fairly recently, so I’m making sure I’m not wrong with my diagnosis.” The Judge clears her throat. “Enough of this for now. May I ask why you brought this player here?”

“We told you about her, she’s Johnny’s friend. Kinda. She’s like a bodyguard of sorts...” Scarlet has issues explaining what a Suan De is.

“She’s a trustworthy and harmless hobo.” You assure.

“Is she?” Giorsal isn’t quite sure.

“…I’m not the one feeding people to plants.” Suan De is the one feeling wary.

W-What?” Scarlet doesn’t get it.

At that moment, you realize the abnormally thick plants you mentioned have people’s faces at their center, they all look soundly asleep – meaning they’re alive. You recognize a couple, the former flame users, cultists, and… Kaz.

“Gio! What the hell?!” Scarlet gets creeped out and returns to the buffalo.

“T-This might look weird, but I have a good explanation!” Giorsal didn’t expect to be questioned.

“Might?” You raise an eyebrow with all your energy, you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to look cheeky.

“What I’m trying to say is pretty simple! I infused these plants with Spiritual Energy to preserve these comatose bodies in good condition.” Giorsal gets a little nervous. “This is better than them hogging space inside medical facilities. After Judgment Day, there wasn’t enough space for everyone…”

“Wouldn’t it be better just to kill them?” This is less of a suggestion and more about Suan De wanting to know where Giorsal stands.

“No need. I will return them to consciousness once the war is over.” Giorsal states. “But allow me to showcase this power. Johnny, you said you want to recover your tired body, jump in a flower!”

You can’t move…

What do you do?

>“Nope. I want a Marshmallow instead, please.” You’re not anyone’s guinea pig.
>“S-Sure, I guess…” You trust Gio… Keep telling yourself that.
>“I’m good. Can’t jump. L-Let’s meet with Constance instead, everyone.” Retreat! This was a bad idea!
>“W-We’ll figure this out later, continue checking on Rora. I’m worried.” Suggest!
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>“Nope. I want a Marshmallow instead, please.” You’re not anyone’s guinea pig.
>>“S-Sure, I guess…” You trust Gio… Keep telling yourself that.
"But no one is allowed to take a picture of me."
>>“S-Sure, I guess…” You trust Gio… Keep telling yourself that.
Bitch says "This is better than them hogging space inside medical facilities. After Judgment Day, there wasn’t enough space for everyone…” but she's wrong. With how many people left the capital since those events there's plenty of room around
+1, ask her if it's sticky, we don't want to get our clothes dirty
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“S-Sure, I guess…” You trust Gio. You trust Gio. You trust Gio. “But no one is allowed to take a picture of me.”

“Nobody here is as insensitive to do that.” Giorsal laughs at the idea.

“Y-Yeah, no way. We are all super nice.” Scarlet puts her phone away.

“It ain’t sticky, right? I don’t want to get my clothes dirty.” You ask before agreeing.

“Jump in the plant. I’ll clean them if I have to.” Suan De will take responsibility. She wants to see you be uncomfy.

“This is a short-term issue, Slob Dragon. I can’t be all icky after this.” You argue.

“I-I’m sorry, but we’ll work something out if this doesn’t go well.” Giorsal doesn’t know the specifics of how her evil plants work. “Mr. Buffalo, could you please hand Johnny to the lovely tulip over there?”

“Moo?” The Buffalo asks for your consent.

“G-Go ahead.” You have to be strong for the buffalo.

The Buffalo approaches the skinniest of the giant plants, which then sucks you up feet first, only your head popping out. Your body feels like it’s the sidewalk for a billion ants who are applying lotion all over it; it’s itchy, uncomfortable, and the heat is unbearable, like you’re being microwaved. The main positive is that it isn’t painful.

“How are you feeling?” Giorsal is taking notes.

I feel like my crush has turned into the most beautiful flower in the whole world… Nom nom…” Rora smiles at you with good intentions.

“S-Sorry! Not you, Rora. Lay down and have this plushy.” Giorsal hands a sunflower doll to Rora, who hugs it as she gets more comfortable on the hammock. Scarlet enjoys watching Rora being silly. You find it amusing as well! You’re glad all the members of the Nameless are on the same page. “The question was directed to you, Johnny.”

“It tickles all over my body.” You say.

“Is this good?” Scarlet is really worried.

“I’m going to say Yes!” Giorsal seems confident.

“How did you come up with this anyway? I didn’t picture you as the mad scientist type.” Scarlet needs some backstory.

“I-I’m not a mad scientist! I don’t know how many times I have to stress this, but no more name calling, please!” Giorsal doesn’t like the nickname.

“I have already interiorized this new nickname, Mad Scientist Cloud Head.” You smirk.

“Stop! We need to be nice to each other!” Giorsal is in shock.

“Sorry about that! But you know how Johnny is. I’m still curious though.” Scarlet wants answers.

“I came up with it from some rumors circling around saying that there’s a plant with strong entity powers. And it got me thinking until, pow, I arrived at this!” Giorsal isn’t exactly proud of her creations. It’s all a matter of fact. “For the longest time, I didn’t have any allies who could protect me, so I created my own. Around them, I’m unstoppable.”

“A frightening statement, Miss Judge.” Suan De points out the cruelty of Giorsal.

“I-I didn’t mean to sound so harsh! If anything, I feel indebted to all my friends for not making me cross this line.” Giorsal was ready to bury Ammirati here.

“So how long am I going to stay like this?” You (one of her friends) wonder.

“An hour.” Giorsal checks her clock. “Rest easy. I have everything under control.”

What do you do?

>Sleep. Going to sleep in the mad scientist's room is NEVER the perfect set piece for a horror movie scene. You’ll be fine!
>“Can you help Rora now, please?” You’re concerned about the insomnia bunny.
>“By the way, I met Esperanza.” Tell Giorsal about your judge shenanigans.
>Write In.
>>“Can you help Rora now, please?” You’re concerned about the insomnia bunny.
>“By the way, I met Esperanza.” Tell Giorsal about your judge shenanigans.
>"Good thing you now have the coolest kind of allies and friends, like me, Scarlet, or the Buffalo"
>“Can you help Rora now, please?” You’re concerned about the insomnia bunny.
>“By the way, I met Esperanza.” Tell Giorsal about your judge shenanigans.
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“Cool, didn’t want to interrupt.” You needed the information. “Back to what we were talking about. It’s a good thing you have the coolest kind of allies and friends now, like me, Scarlet, or the Buffalo.” Mainly the Buffalo.

“Hehe, yes, I do!” Giorsal genuinely smiles. The Buffalo smiles. Suan De stays there. What a heartwarming moment. Scarlet seems surprised to be called cool, what a nerd. She has lost her cool card forever. She’s not invited to the cool club or any of the future cool meetings. “I’d love to extend this courtesy with the new player. I’m sure you’re a great ally if you’ve earned Johnny and Scarlet’s trust. My name is Giorsal, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Name is Suan De, it’s good to meet you as well. I imagine much better without the distortion applied.” The Slob Dragon is as polite as she can be, and as brief as ever. She has no idea the filter didn’t apply to Gio or the other judges.

“Can you help Rora now, please?” You’re concerned about the blonde.

“Right! Sorry! Truth be told, I’m planning to apply the same procedure on her as I did with you! But I couldn’t waste the opportunity to ensure there are no side-effects on Flame Users.” Gio explains. You’re being experimented on! “You’re recovering well, right? It must be good to go. Mr. Buffalo, can you help Aurora to that plant?” Giorsal points at a tulip next to you. You’ll be matching flowers!

“Moo!” The Buffalo is always willing to help. It’s surprising how everyone gets used to him so easily. He nudges Aurora with his snout.

“Bruna? ‘s that you?” Aurora is having delusions. You wonder how she even got here. “Had a nightmare again? You want a hug? Hug! Poochim!” She hugs the animal’s face, in return, he safely pushes her with his head up onto his body – then walks up to the Monster Tulip, and lets her be sucked into the flower. You’re twin flowers, so close, but so apart. “Hehehe, tickles… You’ll pay for this, Sina, you tickling menace…”

“Rora is fair game!” Scarlet starts taking pictures.

“Scarlet, how could you?! Stop it!” Giorsal doesn’t agree.

“O-okay, I’m sorry…” Scarlet deletes them. She’s sorry she got caught. Shouldn’t have announced it out loud.

Rora is soundly resting as adorably as she can.
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“By the way, I met Esperanza.” You tell Giorsal about your Judge shenanigans.

“Y-YOU DID?!” Giorsal is beyond shocked. “T-Tell me it went well…!”

“I think so.” You shrug. The leader of the judges turns to Scarlet for confirmation, the redhead nods.

Oh thank god…” Giorsal sighs in relief. “You survived her test. Tell me, you were involved in the anomaly she was investigating, weren’t you?”

“Yeah, the Bubble Dimension. It’s its own can of worms.” You’d shrug if you had any access to your arms.

“B-Before you say anything, it’s not named after me.” Scarlet tries to cover her bases.

“…Why would I think that?” Giorsal doesn’t get it. She’s not making the connection! She’s too dense!

“Please, stay focused, everyone.” Suan De is interested in this topic.

“Y-Yes! Esperanza!” Giorsal doesn’t want to lose this lead. “I need your help in clarifying her reports about the Anomaly. You met her, you should know how difficult she is to grasp.”

“I mean, I met Mr. Won-Jae, he helped explain everything.” You’d adjust your glasses if you could.

“...Who is that?” Giorsal has no information. “D-Don’t tell me you met her secret master…! Only Constance has ever met him…! J-Johnny, you know way too much! I need to have a long talk with you.”

“We’ll stay here for a while, so what’s up?” You’re so ready.

“I’m going to add more details in case Johnny forgets something!” Scarlet wants to be useful.

“Uhm, where do I start…?” Giorsal doesn’t know what to do. “The secret master and the perpetual sickness? The tournament and the people involved? The Dimension itself and what happened with Gordon? Her abilities…?”

This is Giorsal’s white whale…

What do you do?

>Offer to talk about Mr. Won-Jae and the strange dimension Esperanza created for him.
>Offer to talk about the Bubble Dimension, what it was, how it functioned, and how that function involved this world.
>Offer to talk about the Esperanza Cup. Jesse, Fiora, Oliver, and its reigning champion: Galactic Calamity.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>Offer to talk about the Bubble Dimension, what it was, how it functioned, and how that function involved this world.
>>Offer to talk about the Esperanza Cup. Jesse, Fiora, Oliver, and its reigning champion: Galactic Calamity.
Goddamn, Scarlet's clearly been going ham on that Jackie Frostie's

It's not really our place to talk about Won-Jae
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“May I suggest talking about the Bubble Dimension?” You think that’d be a good point to start at.

“Ah! Yes! Let’s start from the beginning!” Giorsal didn’t think of the most obvious answer, shocker.

“It all began when we were helping Wilma, another flame user, to somewhat break out of her depression, and regain control of her life. Her entity, San Wich, had sole possession of her body, but someone – I’m not pointing fingers – had to change the rules and make it illegal for entities to control their hosts…” You have been waiting to throw this shade for so long.

“Gah?! We provoked this?!” Giorsal is a little horrified by her actions!

“Y-Yeah, proposing rules, who would’ve done that?” Scarlet is also responsible for the rules. It’d be unfair to blame them for what happened, but it’d be funny if you still did.

“We ended up triggering some of Wilma’s bad memories, which in turn also triggered her own special ability, and we assume both powers combined somehow to create the Bubble Dimension.” You continue your explanation.

“Wilma’s memory tears transformed into a bubble-shaped gate to another dimension that sucked in a couple of friends, thus the name.” Bubbles explains she has nothing to do with this bubble.

“Memory tears? What are those?” Suan De takes a moment to ask a question that everyone is curious about.

“Wilma’s teardrops become a window to the memories she’s thinking about. It’s pretty eerie…” Scarlet adds.

“And you’re telling us this is *not* her entity’s ability?” Giorsal doesn’t buy it.

“Nope, San Wich had absolute control over the other dimension. Wilma’s tears are like my ability to see flames.” You clarify. “Said dimension is a perfect reconstruction of our world but 25 years in the past… I thought I time traveled at first, but it was 10 times cooler than I could ever imagine.” After all, one of the 27 phrases that define you is ‘Always ready for Adventure™’ (Ignore yesterday.)

“A simulation like this exists?” Suan De doesn’t know how to feel.

“It’s more like a parallel dimension connected to ours.” Scarlet corrects. “It’s all very confusing! So, don’t worry if you don’t get it at first.”

“No. I understand.” Suan De believes the explanation sufficed.

“Trust me! It’ll get even more confusing!” Scarlet turns her eyes to you. “Johnny, explain every detail!” The redhead is petty.

“Okay…” You explain everything that Naiad, San Wich, Dorothy, and all other self-discoveries tell you about the nature of the Bubble. Like how that dimension shared spiritual energy with this world in and out, creating a bond between both versions of themselves. And the Bubble Dimension’s codependency on this world for its existence. “…That’s it.”

Mhm, mhm, mhm…” Giorsal writes it all down like a diligent student.

“See?! Not that simple now!” Scarlet smirks at Suan De.
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“It wasn’t difficult to understand. Can I call you stupid?” Suan De took to heart not being that mean.

“…Forget it. You win! You’re brilliant and stuff!” Scarlet pouts. She knows when she has been bested.

“Chill, Scar-Scar. We didn’t get the benefit of having someone make sense of all of this at first, we got bits and pieces.” You try to cheer her up.

“Exactly! I can’t imagine how nightmarish it would've been to puzzle all of this on my own.” Giorsal agrees.

“Oh, you guys! Thanks!” Scarlet loves getting the benefit of the doubt.

“But pertaining to Esperanza, I don’t believe she spent her time only investigating. Did she?” Giorsal can sense something bad.

“Nope, she made an exhibition tournament between all the flame users who happened to get sucked into the bubble for her own amusement. Except me, I was just a spectator.” You inform. “I get the feeling she’s preparing something big.”

“Who was involved?” Giorsal needs names.

“Promise me you won’t be mean to these people, okay?” You have boundaries.

“I promise!” Giorsal is taking this too seriously.

“There were 4 people involved: My friend who got sucked into the bubble, Oliver Watts. A balding guy with temper issues, named Jesse Rosenberg. A witch without a flame, Fiora Kobashi. And the coolest stargazer and Venus Line enthusiast, The winner Galactic Calamity.” You recall them all fighting for the big-eared trophy.

“F-Fiora Kobashi, you say?! Now everything starts to make sense!” Giorsal grabs her cloudy head.

“You met her?” It always catches you off guard how small this world is.

“Yes, the other day, she tracked me down specifically to make two requests.” Giorsal crosses her arms. “One to aid her in waking up Esperanza from her coma, and the other to lend my strength to stopping Lloydington. The thing is… I kicked her out!

Giorsal is incredibly embarrassed…

Sadly, it will have to stay like this because this is all we have for this thread! Thanks for playing, and see you next time!
Thanks for running

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