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Lazari enters the room late, even though 'late' really means 'just in time', it's just that everyone else is always early for the meeting. She scans the room, it's pretty simple for a place that holds what might arguably be some of the strongest magic users in the country. Just a wooden table with dining chairs spread around it, but she notices one empty seat.

"You can't be serious, he's fucking gone?" Lazari sits down on her chair. "What the fuck happened?"

Kit, the summoning teacher, answers, "Ah, well, ya know, he got a better offer somewhere else."

"I will say, it is bound to happen when our hiring standards are so high, we hardly have the resources to keep most of them interested," Nina, the Divination teacher, adds. "Perhaps we should lower them."

"What!? Bullshit! Listen, every time we hire some inexperienced guy fresh out of college, they just recite whatever they find in the book, and the moment they have a problem unique to them, they have no idea what to do because they're used to magic being handed to them!"

"What's the alternative, then? We're already stretched thin as is, we can't sustain this forever, and with everything going on we're already pretty busy."

"This is a meeting about the first year students," Ayn, the material teacher changes the subject. "We can come back to the staff shortage issue later."

"Agreed!" Kit says, "Now, we've got a lot of people with good potential here! Like-"

"Potential to be a massive pain in the ass is what they are," Lazari rolls her eyes. "It's been a while since we had such a handful of unique cases. Are you sure they'll be doing alright, Nina?"

Nina nods. "They all have a pretty high chance of making it, despite their unique issues."

"Yeah? Well I'm not so sure about that, there's... right, that human kid? Sure, the mana cost of the spells are pretty managable right now, but that's not going to stay true at the end of the year, ya know? I've really tried to look into this, but Jack didn't leave us with a lot of substantial research, which sucks."

Nina shakes her head. "That is not what I am worried about, he is dating that forgotten girl, and he believes he can 'fix' the forgotten curse."

Lazari raises an eyebrow. "And? I mean sure, he's just a kid, but he's bound to learn a few things on the way there. I've looked into it myself, it's a little bit of a complicated issue, but-"

"I believe he should put his attention elsewhere. If he was just trying to cure that girl, this would not be a problem, but if he develops a general solution that would work on most forgottens, it could be bad."

For the first time since the meeting began, Suuri, the Intangible teacher, speaks up, "How so? Please tell."

"Sometimes, solving something create more problems," Nina answers without really answering.

"The fuck does that even mean? Listen, I said I'd help them, and if that's bad, then you need to stop beating around the bush and tell us why we shouldn't."

Nina stays silent. This usually happens when she feels saying too much would alter her predictions. Even so, that didn't stop it from being really annoying when it felt like she could only talk about her visions in cryptic riddles.

"I suppose history does have a way of repeating itself," Ayn says. "Let's come back to the point, the first years will have their next exam soon, mind telling us why you chose this dungeon design, Kit?"

"Ah, yes! Well, you see..."


You wake up next to Table. Her pleasant warmth makes it quite hard to get out of bed, but you need to prepare breakfast for her. well, okay, you don't need to, but she's always so happy when you do, it's hard to resist. You slip out of the bed, dress up, and leave for the cafeteria, coming back with hot chocolate and bread. You start gently combing her hair, waiting for her to wake up with a smile.

"Mnhhg- d-did you? Come on, I was supposed to wake up before you this time! You didn't even have an alarm set up, too!" Table complains. Of course, that doesn't stop her from gratefully accepting the food you give her.

"First come, first served!" You retort. "Although I guess you're the one being served here, so that doesn't quite work here."

You spend another peaceful morning arguing over this and that. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long as you need to get ready for the exam, which requires the two of you to stay in your respective dorms. It's fine, you'll get to celebrate with Table later.

The exam start as it always does, and you are teleported to your next challenge: a room full of pressure plates. They're not hidden at all, and as a matter of fact, you landed right on one. You don't think the teachers would be so cruel as to make you spawn on something that would make you instantly lose the exam, so you think you're okay. Even so, the rumbling you hear under you makes you panic and move to another pressure plate anyway, and the moment you leave, the pressure plate falls downwards into what looks like a water pit.

"Hello, hello!" You hear the voice of the summoning teacher from the walls. "I thought it'd be a little cruel to not explain to you the gimmick of this one, since it's only obvious when completed. You'll receive the key when each plate of this dungeon has been triggered! That means you need to step on all of them, and then get to the door. Oh, also, you're not alone again! But this one isn't the focus of this dungeon, so don't worry about that too much, good luck!"

Huh, so it's like one of those platformers puzzle where platforms disappear as you walk on them? That sounds...too easy? You're sure they made it impossible to complete without magic, maybe there just isn't a path for you to take that would allow you to step on each pressure plate without backtracking. That means you need to find a way to either get over a water pit, or stop a pressure plate from activating before you need it to. Mana ripping the enchantment is probably not a good idea, since you need it to trigger to get the key.

Well, you'll figure something out. There are other paths north and south, maybe you could find something helpful in the dungeon? They did say you weren't alone again, so maybe rushing isn't a good idea either, but what can you do when the pressure plate seems to be on a timer? Ah, your plate is rumbling again, you need to move.

Mana: 85/85

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>What will you do? (Write in)
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I forgot to add the dungeon map
Welcome back QM
I know these puzzles. I hope there's a button to reset the tiles because this can be easily unwinnable. Unlike the old games we can go diagonal here as well as relocate or maybe trigger the plates remotely... but we don't have the opposite of lighten. Might be a mob inthe water too
I think we should check out the other places soon. Can we jump into the corridor to either the south or north without triggering the plate?

The tiles are a little bit too far apart to easily make it with a jump. However it doesn't feel like an impossible jump, it'd be possible if you were just a little faster or stronger.
We could use the strength spell. Normally I'd say it wouldn't be worth it...buuut, I'd rather not risk getting stuck without a floor.
It's actually not hard. Once we find the door, we can just go around them. If the door is on the north that'll be very easy. If it's on the south, it'll be harder, but i still have an idea.
Hell yeah, we're back!!!

I support the plan, but with an addendum. If the door is in the south, we should jump out to the square on the right before the strength spell wears out. Otherwise when we go around, we'll have to jump the length of two blocks rather than one.
+1 to this plan.

+1, we need our bearings fast
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You decide to cast the strength spell, and you can instantly feel the difference. With this, you can jump almost twice as far as you normally would, even if it kind of hurts to push your muscles to the limit like this. The pain isn't unbearable or anything, but it is unpleasant.

You decide to jump past one plate to the north, and sure enough, jumping over it didn't trigger the plate. You look to your right, and it looks like there's another path that just leads right back to the main room, there's also another path upward that you think also goes right. The strength spell allows you to skip a few plates, but it's hard to tell with certainty how you should go about this without a layout of the dungeon, hopefully there's a way to reset the plates, if not... well, you'll get there when you'll get there.

Mana: 65/85

>What will you do? (Write in)
We step on the right plate path to trigger it, then slip round that corner to step onto the north one. Then follow the path around the corner up ahead. Sound good?
We should check out that area north.
And by nortn I mean the northwest path right up from where Atlas is standing right now
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You take the north path, you jump past each plate, and you run into another corner. There isn't a lot of stuff here, this dungeon really feels like nothing but pressure plates. You count the plates of the path forward, and realize that you can't exactly jump and turn the corner at the end of the path at the same time, meaning you'll need to trigger two plates at the end. Then again, you could just trigger all the plates right away by not jumping? The same problem is behind you, that's an issue.

Mana: 65/85

>What will you do? (Write in)
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Okay, well, I don't think we're supposed to go there right away. I think i'd rather check out the southern portion.

My plan is, we set off those plates, then we jump the last one. This way, when we're going BACK for one reason or another, we only have to jump the distance of one. I assume the strength spell is still active.
I should specify, i want to jump into the SOUTHERN AREA. I want to check the southern area to see if either the door is there or something else.
But turning back clears those tiles so we can't go back to the long path without hitting the water.
Oh, i read the map wrong t we were going to go all the way through those corners, since that's not what i voted for. I just thought we were going to check what was there.

I dunno, go south i guess. My plan was kinda ruined since we decided to go all the way there and trap ourselves for no reason.
I didn't think we were going*

I just voted to check out the area north, not 'let's go around activating plates one after the other and going through several corners to trap ourselves in'
Honestly since we decied to be stupid and just trap ourselves, i would have preferred if we activated all the plates on the way here so we wouldn't be stuck having to find a way to reset the tiles now that we can't actually access them.

We basically already lost unless we can find a way to reset the tile because of that unprompted decision.
These puzzles are super easy to fuck up anyway, and I think we can still pull through if we fall into the water
Sure, but the issue is that it happened because of something we didn't vote for...
Should the QM rewind time back to that vote then? I'm fine either way
I can rewind to just the north west tile if people agree on it, it's true that he moved without player input, everyone okay with that?
also do pick what you'll do once you get there and if you decide to activate all the pressure plates on the way there if you decide on that, might as well.
I would prefer, that, yes. I just wanted to check out the northern region before going south, as planned in >>6097104

Even if we do go back that way eventually, it would be smarter to activate all the plates so we can get the key.
Yeah back to this tile >>6097061 is good. Don't worry man, any QM can fuck up like we players can
I'm backing this guy >>6097104 >>6097193

Alright, so just to make sure I get this right, you're using this path right? unless you want to jump straight south
Sorry I meant THIS (>>6097104) path that you drew here, not sure why it didn't put the reply, maybe I misclicked it
Yeah looks good
Specifically, we're jumping the last one. So we can later jump back.
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You decide to go back and use the small path under it, weirdly enough the small space doesn't have a plate like everywhere else. You can't find anything peculiar about this space at a glance, maybe it's just here to rest without the floor giving way.

You keep stepping on every plate you see on the way south, however you jump the one that leads to the southwest path, so you have a way to go back. It looks like there's a button at the end of the new revealed corridor, but it's also under a pressure plate. You could easily jump there, but you could also just ignore the button entirely, maybe it's just here to trick you.
It also looks like there's a path east of here, you're not sure you have the time to take a peek for a good look, you'd need to step on the tile in front of you for that.

Mana: 65/85

>What will you do? (Write in)
That button doesn't look too far away...could we press it with our shoe as an extension? Or alternatively, if we throw it, and it falls, will that be enough to trigger the plate?
Oh wait, the button itself isn't under a pressure plate, just the one in front of us right? If that's the case we can jump...i think that could be the reset button.

The button has a pressure plate under it, you could try to press it via pocket space, but setting the whole thing up might take just enough time for the plate under you to give way, since you'll need to take off your shoes or whatever else and then use it and that might take a few precious seconds.
Oh, the whole damn thing is plates. Well, fuck it, let's just press it. If it does nothing, we go check out the corridor.
I should specify it, I want us to just jump and go. If it does nothing, go into the corridor.

Honestly, I think I'll just brute force this one. We cleared every other dungeon so far and defeated one guy. We've definitely got a passing grade.
>inb4 the northeast long path is a dead end
Can you explain the process you used a bit better, please?
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You decide to jump past the middle plate and land next to the button, and with no better idea, you press it. You look back, and see...something crawl out of the water pit you left behind after you jumped. Weirdly enough, the plate actually goes back up after it crawled out of it. It's a weird looking thing, it looks like a humanoid with sharp claws and no eyes. It crawls along the wall to the nearest water pit and crawl into it, ignoring you entirely. After that, the pit he entered lifts up the plate like the one he came from.

You're not sure why it chose the plate north of it, but maybe it picked it because it was closer to it? Is this thing linked to the button? If not, it's going to be annoying if it can crawl out from anywhere, and if it is, you're not sure how to use this to make things easier for yourself. Maybe it crawls out from the nearest open pressure plate closest to the button? Mana analysis hardly gives you any explanation on how the button works.

The good news is that since it crawls along the walls, it doesn't trigger more plates than necessary, so you don't need to worry about an entire room's worth of plates disappearing.

Mana: 65/85

>What will you do? (Write in)
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Actually forgot to show you did get a glimpse of the other path while jumping, and since I'm going to sleep, might as well show it now to save time.

If you're wondering, no, you can't see the door anywhere from here, and there doesn't seem to be any more paths that you can see.
So are we meant to, like, trigger all the plates and THEN hit the button? If this isn't the sort of puzzle where you reset it, then I say we just rush around the far right path back up to the north, swim quickly south and trigger that thin passage plate in >>6097282, then haul ass onto the nearest plate and walk normally across them south to the button and then press it.
On mobile so I can't draw, but it's clearly a passage to the north, so we need to find a path that lets us trigger everything without going into the water. That thing will probably take us out if we do.
But look at the pic in >>6097282
We already fucked up not getting that one tile in the middle. The best thing we can do is simply walk north normally to get the tiles on the way plus the one the sea monster raised back up, then try to make that jump from the very left wall edge of the northmost tile to the middle corridor one. Then from the middle corridor one, we have no choice but to get in the water and swim 3 tiles up and crawl onto the northmost tile at the start of the path. Then we just walk normally all the way south around the isolated east corridor triggering all the tiles as we go. Then we arrive near the button as seen in the image >>6097357 has. From there we angle ourselves and short jump to the button's tile and press it.
so the monster is swimming ?
It would seem so. Or lurking wetly, anyway.
I actually have a plan for how to deal with that.

First, we go north, but jump the middle tile in the corridor to be safe. Then, crossing all the way on the central western tiles, we go to the corner, and use our strength to JUMP on that middle tile. Then, we use SEAL to seal our shoe to the wall and use that to basically "wall walk around the corner into the northwest passage. Then we just run all the way around.
Wait we also have Unseal from Table don't we? I don't know if Atlas can rapidfire cast Seal-Unseal-repeat to wallrun or walk. He's still going to be pulled to the water off the wall thanks to gravity.
Why would he? Anyway, I don't think he even needs unseal. He only needs to use it like twice, right? Once around the corner, once to get to the next tile. He has two shoes.

He's basically using them as ledges. We were able to do it before. We can do it again.
Okay I see what you mean. Good plan
Can we seal a pressure plate before stepping on it to prevent it from activating?

If we can, we could make a safe spot to cast more advanced spells at the pressure plates we forgot and activate them from a distance.
Maybe, but there's no point in our situation. We should save up our mana to do the Sealing trick.
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This is what i meant by my plan, if you'll ignore the outdated map.

Jump through the middle plate in the lever corridor just in case, then run, through the ones the creature raised, then jump into the middle patth corridor tile. After that, since it's not far from the wall (That is there's no distance) we can easily seal our shoe in the wall as a 'stepping stone', and we can scale it to the other side. If we need to, we can even use 'unseal' to get another step or two. Though i would only use it if necessary. Once we get in the corridor, it's easy, just go activate every single plate on the way until we go back south. Boom, we'll have done every single tile.

Since we haven't found any door anywhere, I must presume that ocne we take out all the tiles that's it.
Yeah I agree, let's do it

so, i usually can use just SingleFile (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/single-file/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search).
the way it works is similar to say how wget behaves when creating a mirror. it finds resource links (e.g. css, images), follows them, saves them (inline in the same document in this case, encoding image bytes to something printable) and rewrites the links to point to these new local copies.
however since OP used rentry links i had to ensure that would show up too. html has this tag called iframe. its used to embed other sites. the most common use would be to display a pdf file while still having control over the rest of the tab, but it was designed with what im doing in mind, since it sandboxes styles and scripts.
anyways, so what i needed is to scan the page and upon every link text insert an iframe with its resource property pointing to the link. for this i threw together these:
the "container" one is really just for organizing purposes.
the "inliner" does the heavy lifting. i used gpt to aid me as i cant fucking stand the browser API, but i had to really break it down it into steps so it would do what i wanted. if you can read it you will notice that i actually iterate twice. first i walk the whole DOM looking for regexes matching a rentry link, this converts them to actual link tags. then for the second run i use a proper query to iterate link tags and create the iframes. this was useful for debugging purposes too and not just for prompting. in my experience js has this shitty quality where the more code you have, the easier it becomes to debug. this has to do with the terrible type system and the batshit crazy abstractions. afterwards i did not have the stomach to clean it up.
now, with links iframed, SingleFile can do its thing like the page has never been tampered with.

any more questions?
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Right sorry for the delay, but just to make sure I'm getting this right, that's the plan, right? (assume that the scribbled dot is where you seal the shoes, and that a line going outside the walls is a jump)
Oh wow I didn't update the page in 7 hours, so I didn't see that drawing, it's more or less the same result I guess, but yours is safer since it uses the resting tile.
Yes. There's less risk that way. Then we go all the way around until we end back in the button, triggering all the plates.
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You decide to jump over the middle tile just in case you need to go back, leaving the floor of the button to fall behind you. You activate as many tiles as you can, and make a diagonal jump towards the 'safe' tile. You almost mess it up, but you manage to hold on to the ledge and climb back up. Now, all you need to do is seal your shoe on the side of the wall to use as support for your following climbing maneuver. You really start to understand why humans are so renowned for their clothes, because your shoes can hold on to your full weight pretty well. Maybe you should learn a spell to summon rocks or something so you don't mess up your shoes every time, since the summoning teacher found a way to just throw the clothes back at you now, but he doesn't fix them. You preferred when he bought you new ones.

Anyway, after that it's only a matter of running down the very linear corridor. You wish you had the time to inspect these walls, there's no way they're all normal walls, there's been some sort of invisible illusion in nearly every exam thus far, no reason to believe there isn't one here too.

Just like that you're back to where you came from, and you're pretty sure you activated every tile, now here comes the problem of the button that you can't reach. You really hope the button leads to the door or you may need to take a dip. You still have a lot of mana left, so if need be you can always throw hands with what's down there, but if you did everything right, it shouldn't come to this.

Mana: 50/85

>What will you do? (Write in)
..Are we sure that the button leads to the door? It was said that we would get the key once ALL the tiles were gone. Doesn't that mean we need to wait for the last one too?
I guess I should specify, should we not hang onto something to wait for the last tile to fall before pressing the button? Maybe once the final one falls we'll get the key. The last thing we need is for the button to make the creature lift up a tile we have no way of reaching.
Did we not get the corridor one?

Yeah that sounds about right. We have Seal to use if we need to. Just remember to do it close to the button if we can. In case we need to press it after all.

If nothing happens after the last tile falls, THEN we press the button.
the small corridor in the middle-north is the safe space that doesn't actually have a tile, if you're worried about it having a secret tile, I'll just say that Atlas checked with mana feel or something to make sure and there isn't one, I'm not that cruel.
Okay thanks for clarifying

Remember, we were told that we would RECEIVE the key when they were all activated. So if we don't have the key, that means they aren't all activated.
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You seal your remaining shoe on the wall close to the button, and wait for the last tile to fall off. At first, nothing happens, but you notice that your pocket feels heavier, and sure enough, the key was materialized in there. Unfortunately, you still have no idea where the door might be, and with no other idea, you press the button, hoping it won't undo all the work you did.

You hear a rumble on the corridor at your right, peeking over the corner, you see that a path opened here, but it's at least two tiles away, and you're sort of out of shoes. Well, you could unseal the one you have right now, but then you'll have nothing holding you to the wall, and you're not sure if you have the dexterity necessary to quickly seal and unseal the shoe to move along the walls.

Mana: 35/85

>What will you do? (Write in)
Okay, first question, I don't know exactly how 'seal' works, but wouldn't it be possible to use our socks? It's not like durability matters when we're magically sealing it, right?

Seal sort of meld part of the item with something else, but that doesn't change the actual texture, if the sock can't support your weight, it'll rip and break.
Okay, well, what if we use our pants? Folded up, our pants should be able to support our weight.

Man, we really do use our clothes a lot.

A little awkward to take off your pants while holding on to one singular shoe, but it is possible, if could also probably use your shirt that way too.
I got a better idea. Why don't we use the pants to...swing around? Fold them up at least twice so they won't tear too fast, seal them into the wall as close to the corner as we can, and then we swing around and jump? Even if we fall into the water it'll be close enough to not matter.

Better yet. Tie the two together to form a sturdy rope. Then it definitely won't tear. Hell, use our socks too if we need to

Atlas is not beating the exhibitionism allegations
Okay, +1ing this.
We didn't take swimming as the workout option because of Table, and now swimming is coming back to haunt us with this dungeon puzzle. As long as we don't drop the key and lose it in the water, we're good to go. Atlas should easily be able to swim while holding it in one hand
How will Table react when Atlas walks into her room soaked and almost completely naked?
You should be worried about getting to our room first. Also, we're still going to have our underwear.
At that point with Table in her room, Atlas might as well drop that entirely.
>inb4 she's already wet from the dungeon challenge
Listen, Atlas might have a burgeoning exhibitionism fetish, but that doesn't mean we're going to walk naked in public.

You take off your pants, trying to not think of the fact that a teacher is probably watching right now, and try to tie it up in a rope. Your pants are rather sturdy, they're the one you used to travel from the human city to the school, which means they can take quite the punishment. You also take off your shirt and seal it with it to further elongate it. With this, you have a pseudo rope you can seal to the wall and swing around in.

You seal it to the corner, and swing from the side. Your heart beats faster as you let go of the 'rope' and launch yourself towards the newly revealed path. Your hand barely grabs on to the ledge, and if it wasn't for your enhanced strength, you're pretty sure the impact would make you lose your grip. You pull yourself up, and spit the key you were holding between your teeth, since you sort of had to abandon your pockets here. Thinking back on it, there was a very real risk of you accidentally choking on the key, but it all worked out.

The door is right there, and with a sigh of relief, you use the key. You don't even think of checking more of this place, you're out of mana, and the strength spell is starting to wear out, it's time to go.

You teleport back to your room with a very surprised Table.

"Hey, how did it- Why are you half naked?" Table asks, flabbergasted. "Did you know I was going to wait for you here? Or did you somehow lose all your clothes in the dungeon?"

"The latter, I guess? Either way, I did it. A little disappointed I only really used two spells, but hey, it works."

"And those two spells needed you to strip? You weren't so brazen that you stripped before going out the door to surprise me, did you? The teachers can see that, you know?"

"What? No! Taking off my clothes was very important, I sealed it to the wall, so I could avoid falling into the water, that's all."

She narrows her eyes at you. "hmm... fine, I'll believe you. Anyway, the reason I was waiting for you is... is... No!" She shakes her head violently. "I see what you're trying to do! Distract me with your vile charms! Well, it won't work!"

You have no idea what she's going on about, but you might as well play into it. "I think you're just imagining things," you pounce on her, your strength spell is barely active, but it's enough to hold her down. You kiss her forehead, and she looks away, embarrassed.

"I wanted to play that game again, okay? I swear for once I wasn't here for sex, and I won't be sidetracked! I even made notes on what I wanted for a new character!"

"You're sure you wouldn't rather be playing with me?"

She groans. "Is this really what I sound like to you?"

"Yes," You let go of her. "Anyway, sure, we can play that to celebrate. What did you have in mind?"

She smiles. "Well! I just picked strength and speed because it makes sense, but there's that sword that scales off of intelligence, do you think strength and intelligence would work?"
(going to sleep so no choice for now, but I guess you can theorize for the duel that will follow, that or you can come up with ways to mess with Table during the gaming session, up to you)
I meant in her room, dumbass

>Atlas teasing her back
The Tables have turned. The bracelet on her has awakened Atlas to how amazing Table really is, and now that that's sunk into his psyche he can never see her another way again (except if she takes the bracelet off, but you get what I mean)

Goodnight QM
>you can come up with ways to mess with Table during the gaming session, up to you)
You remember back when we Atlas and Table were still friends, and she basically forced us to sleep on her lap because we were basically running ourselves ragged? We should do that while we play. Atlas can put her head on his lap while we play. And see how long she can keep her focus.
Looking forward to the next update.
>The bracelet on her has awakened Atlas to how amazing Table really is, and now that that's sunk into his psyche he can never see her another way again
It's honestly nice to see how their relationship has evolved. Though if this is how Atlas has got just from having her curse temporarily shut down, I can only imagine how he'll be once we finally cure it for real. I wouldn't be surprised if he just proposed on the spot.
>eventually it devolves into Table unable to take it and proceeding to pull Atlas' pants down and shoving her face into his crotch and simply staying that way without even blowing him just for max scent nuking herself

I agree. I also like how he has never given up on his magic autism and enthusiasm either, and I hope he never ever does.
We left our pants in the dungeon, remember?
Oh right. That's even better right now
>Table curious about STR/INT
Finally we have somebody else like us fallen for the lure of magic unga
He still has his underwear on. Not for long...
Yo OP, here you go
Convert that from base64
Wrong thread...?
No, it's on purpose because the OP is french
thanks, but why ?
See >>6098928

Doesn't work for me.

Sleep well, and thanks for running!

"Alright, get on my lap," you ask, pulling out your laptop from your pocket space. "It's more comfortable than just watching from the side, right?"

"Heh, comforTable- wait, aren't you going to put some pants on, first? I'm not blowing you this time! Video games! If we do anything we'll have to clean everything up, and I'm just not in the mood for that hassle."

You shake your head. "No, I'm still sweaty from all the exercise I had to do in the dungeon, so I don't want to dirty them, you know?"

"Then take a shower!" She says, a tinge of regret in her voice. "Then you can put some clothes on, and we can play!"

You're running out of excuse at this point. "Okay, but I don't want to, too bad. Besides, I already turned on my laptop, and it's wasted energy to go to the shower now, so let's just get started."

She grumbles and rests her head on your lap. You're not even horny right now, you just think it's fun to get back at her sometimes. You start up the game, and create a new character. This time Table makes much better choices, but her build is rather subpar in the early game where she has nothing that really scales off intelligence. Even so, you can tell she thought a lot about this, because she already has a general idea of how to get to the item she need as fast as she can.

You're a little disappointed she isn't distracted at all by the fact her head is so close to your crotch, she's putting all her attention on the game. It looks like she's equally fascinated by the game as the depiction of the city itself. It is pretty detailed, despite the limited graphics, you can recognize a few places you've been in before.

"Man, I wish I was human so I could live there. It sounds nice."

"It has its perks, but it can feel a little cramped sometimes, you know? Then again, it's where I lived all my life, so I never realized until I went outside. I like being able to jog around as much as I want around the school, in the city you'd probably end up accidentally walking on some corporation's area and get fined, most people prefer spending time inside because of that."

"Is it really that bad? No public area to hang out with people?"

"There are. Like you can see in the game, there are cafés, and the workplace, and gyms, it's just that you're expected to spend most time inside a building, it's seen as weird for someone to walk outside for too long."

"Yeah, but video games, though..."

"But no magic! That's the worst part! I mean, technically you can cast magic, but if you use anything too advanced people would assume you're an outsider spy or something. I'm much happier here with you."

"Pfrrt, you're so corny. I'm still not blowing you, go finish that quest already." She sticks out her tongue(s) at you.

"Hey, keep being mean to me, and I'll be mean back." You hover your hand above her head menacingly.

"What? You wouldn't force me to do anything, I know you, come on."

You touch her head and cast tracking scent on her. The effect is immediate, and you can feel her finger dig into your thigh as she tries to regain control of herself. "No fair! Cheating! You can't just DO that!"

"If it bothers you this much, you can just move your head, can't you?"

"You know what? Fuck you." She pokes you and casts tracking scent on you before putting on the wooden bracelet. "Let's see who breaks first! Keep playing the game!"

And so, you keep playing. She does smell nice, but you assume it's a lot harder for her than it is for you, considering her position. At least it stays that way until she finds more creative ways to move her body around while still keeping her head on your lap. It's getting ridiculous at this point, you can barely see the screen here.

"You remember when you slept on me like this? We weren't dating back then," Table suddenly asks, looking up at you. "I remember, I was a little scared you'd think I was being weird, but I guess I was thinking something like 'he'll forget about me sooner rather than later, and I'd rather try than live with regrets', you know?"

"Did you really think I'd forget you?"

"How could I not? That's what always happens. It's hard to believe I can just do stuff like this with you every day, now. Mess around, tease you, get teased back, exercise, and even stuff that's supposed to be for humans only, like play that game! That's stuff I thought was just for other people, and sometimes I wonder, if I didn't take that risk, if I didn't try to be so forward with you, if none of this would've happened. It just makes me wonder how many opportunities I didn't take in my life, I guess."

You've never thought about your life that way, weirdly enough. Sure, you sometimes hesitate, but when you know what you want, you just get right into it. If you want something, you have to do what it takes to get it, even if it means leaving your homeland behind. You can't say you live with a lot of regrets, sure, you do wonder what would've happened if you did this or that, you can get nostalgic, but you wouldn't change a thing if you could start over.

"Damnit, it's gone, I'm losing this, aren't I?"

"What's gone?"

"Your boner, you had that intense look when you think about something deep, and it just went away. Ah, fuck it, whatever, I don't care anymore." She lifts your underwear up and breathes it all in for an abnormal amount of time. She stands there stunned for a while, drooling all over you. "O-Okay, got my dose, let's just k-keep playing... okay one more." She takes another sniff. "Okay, satisfied for real now, let's go." She takes off the bracelet, and dumps a lot of extra mana in her mana space.

Strangely enough, this doesn't lead into sex, not that you mind. She is right that it would get messy very fast and might even wet the laptop if you're not careful. The game is thankfully good enough that you don't feel the need to tease her further, tempting as it may be. She's already pretty good at the game, but she's clearly frustrated she can't play it herself.

"Man, how come no one figured out how to get past your gene lock stuff with material magic yet? It's not like your tech uses runes right?" Table asks.

"Well, my guess is that the goal isn't to outright stop the reverse engineering as much as it is to slow it down. Even if someone manages to disable the genelocks, most machines we have are encrypted to hell and have a bunch of useless stuff specifically meant to be confusing to figure out. Our electronics in particular are often made at such a small level that it'd take ages to figure out what feature does what and why. By the time someone figures out how to make a computer, humanity will already be three steps ahead, and anything outsiders will come up with will be easily hackable."

"Yeah, but I don't care about reverse engineering it! I want to use it! Think you could figure do that? Maybe ask the material teacher?"

"I could always ask someone in the human city if I ever go back here, but removing the gene lock is kind of illegal for obvious reasons. I think the computers in the vault aren't gene locked, but they're pretty old, I don't think they can run that game. I think I could buy some component individually to upgrade them though... hmm, food for thought."

You get pretty far into the game, but it's already night, and you both have to be ready for the duel that comes tomorrow. That's fine, whoever it is, you'll be ready, because this time, mana won't be an issue.

You wake up earlier than Table, but you're too excited to chill in the bed with her. Instead you re-read your notes to make sure the overdrive spell will work properly, along with basic practice of spells you already know. Table groans as your activity wakes her up, but she doesn't complain.

"No breakfast today?" Table grumbles. "Oh! Wait! That means I can get it for you! Stay right here!" She dresses up and leaves. As promised, she comes back with food and a hot chocolate. You start to understand why she was tearing up when you did that for her the first time, because it feels very nice to not have to do anything for once. But alas, the duel is coming, and just like with the dungeon, you both must be in your own dorms for the teleport to work. You do wonder about the logistics of that, would it just teleport everyone inside the room otherwise? Can it differentiate an animal from a student? Surely it can, right, or it'd just teleport every bug in the room with you, assuming you had any.

You find yourself in a similar enclosed room, except this one is made of wooden plans unlike the usual stone blocks that most dungeons use. It's also lit up without any torches, with the lights coming from no discernible source. The person you'll have to fight is... oh no.

"Ha!" Ivy laughs. "Another easy victory for me! Want me to go easy on you? I could, but I don't wanna! That's for accusing me of stealing your food all these months ago!"

"Are you still on that!? And you DID steal my food!"

"Nuh-uh. Don't care, and I'm going to win, and the winner is always right."

Alright, let's stay calm. Just because you have overdrive doesn't mean this fight is already won, and Ivy shouldn't be underestimated either. From what you've seen, she's fast, and worst of all, a very good summoner. The fact she can detach her head isn't great either, it means dismembering her might not give the best results. That doesn't mean she can't be killed however, wraiths can still take physical damage, but things like slashing tends to be less effective.

What to do...

Analysis results:
Name: Ivy
Race: Wraith
Mana: 950/950
Divination: 15
Life: 3
Intangible: 4
Material: 10
Summoning: 25

Mana: 85/85 (not yet under Overdrive)

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

How will you fight? (Write in)
Alright, let's go.

I'm thinking...we should start slow. Try to use spark + mana flare to see if it works. But the idea is to make her cocky. Make her think she's undefeatable. And when she does, we cast reinforce belief.

Once she's under reinforce belief, we OVERDRIVE.

We really need to learn more offensive spells...we should sign up for Intangible class next month.
Too dumb to read what I said to do, huh

Backing >>6099196

Deep breaths, you can do this. First, you open up with a spark to see if her clothes will catch on fire. It...doesn't, and she laughs.

"Poor, predictable Atlas. So simple, so foolish. My clothes are made by a spirit! They can't be put on fire! More resistant to all types of damage in fact!" She gloats.

Don't take the bait, if you lose your cool, you're screwed. That's fine if her clothes can't catch on fire, if you use spark and fire flare fast enough, you don't even need to start a fire, the explosion will happen anyway. Well, that's not entirely true, it wouldn't work under water for example, but here it works just fine. She's taken aback, but it doesn't look like she took a lot of damage. The fire didn't burn anything in the wooden room either, since fire flare automatically extinguishes whatever fire it's linked to.

You did consider burning the entire room, but you're pretty sure that would screw you over more than anything.

Your thoughts are interrupted by a familiar voice. Isn't that your childhood friend's voice? What was her name again? Claire, right? Clearly she's not actually here, but how would Ivy know that you-

You almost get impaled by a rising wooden spike. It was a confusion spell, you knew it was an illusion, but you didn't think that questioning that illusion was the point, it was supposed to distract you from something else. Another wooden spike- seriously? The first one was an illusion from a delayed double? You dodge that one too, but now you're a little paranoid. You can't trust her attacks at all.

You can tell she's not going all out either, she's just messing with you. Your plan is to make her cocky, then bait her into making a mistake, but you're not sure how to do that without dying. It would only take a well-placed spike for you to die, and there's no way she'll let you get close enough for your usual portal cut.

You could activate reinforce belief right now, but you'd rather wait for the right moment to cast it. How should you go about it? Say something to piss her off? Or praise her in some way? She must have some weakness somewhere.

Mana: 49/85 (not yet under Overdrive)

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>How will you fight? (Write in)
Wait, how df did we go down to 49? We can't even cast reinforce belief anymore.

Hold on I got it wrong, I calculated it as two sparks + two fire flare, but it was two sparks and ONE fire flare. Your actual mana is 64
Reinforce Belief is 50
We pop Overdrive then go in for the kill? With what, just burning her alive?
Okay, well, in that case...

I believe our best bet is to provoke her. If she was still holding a grudge from when we insulted her that long ago, insulting her should work.

How about...we begin telling her that she only knows magic because she was born a spirit? Make it seem like we're "sour grapes" and jealous. Then we pop reinforce belief, AND THEN we go Overdrive.
+1 but should we plan for after? Or just make it to her being caught up in Reinforce Belief and Atlas on Overdrive?
Sure, let's go with this
Oops, it changed. I'm >>6099201
Well, it says that things like slashing doesn't work much...what if were to cast Strength + Juggernaut and then beat the absolute shit out of her while also spamming flare when we can? She's only got Life 3.
Ghost Punching?
Well it says they can still take physical damage, right? So that means we can punch them, i assume. Please correct me if i'm wrong QM.
So Overdrive into Strength+Juggernaut(+Remove Hurt?) and just punch rush her? Or can we punch her, cast Spark as we hit her, then Fire Flare her on melee impact? Flaming fists of fury?
I guess whatever works. I don't know how much we'll get from Overdrive.

But again, that's assuming we can punch her.
Yeah, slashing isn't as effective since they can dislocate limbs, but blunt damage and the likes will still leave damage that can't be fixed by just cutting yourself in half
Alright then. Time to beat a girl.
It's time to recreate the Ghost Puncher of /x/ fame

>"Spirit clothes you say? Even after KNOWING there's a spell that let's you SEE SPIRITS?! Oh Ivy, how lewd of you! Aren't sure you're a pervert? My, and to think I have a spell just like the one I described"

Idk if I'm correct, but I do remember this kind of reasoning coming from Atlas on the first thread when he learned Spirit Sight, tho maybe I'm confused a little and he was just theory crafting with that spell
I don't want her stripping or doing something stupid here
I mean if it were outside a duel and if Table was here then I wouldn't say no to messing with Ivy alongside Table
No, that's dumb. We're trying to beat her up. We want her to become overconfident with reinforce belief so she stops trying to shishkebab us and we get enough breathing room to cast overdrive and then beat her to death.

"Well, of course you're winning, you were born as a wraith, you have an innate advantage when it comes to magic."

You use reinforce belief as you say this, hoping it will somehow get her cocky or mad enough to make mistakes you can capitalize on.

"I wasn't born that way," she says with a strangely calm look on her face. "Is that what you think? That my life's easy because I'm like this? I can't even cast a bunch of spells for myself because of the way I am. You think YOU have it bad? You think I don't try? That I don't work hard? Screw you! SCREW YOUSCREWYOUSCREWYOU."

She dissapears. The good news is reinforced belief looks like it worked.

The bad news is that it looks like it worked.

You dodge a spike, but it was an illusion, the second was one too, the third wasn't, but you dodged that too. Strenght allows you to jump further than normal, which makes dodging easier, but the pace at which she's throwing her attack is ridiculous. You're pretty sure there's no specific pattern to take advantage of either, it's like she's randomly spamming spikes and illusions with no regards to her own mana pool. You don't have much of a choice, and decide to use overdrive and add juggernaut so you can survive the occasional spike.

You still have no idea where she even is, is she invisible? There's no way she already knows that spell, but what else could it be? Did she phase through a wall? Is that even allowed? But how can she even see where you are if you're- oh right, the remote view spell.

On a whim, you slam yourself against the wooden wall and sure enough, there's another identical room behind it with Ivy. You're pretty sure it takes some time for a wraith to phase through solid things. They're more like jelly than incorporeal being, they have to push themselves against until they pop right past it. In other words, if she tries that again, she'll give you ample time to punch her to death. Of course, she did cast a spell to hide her escape before, so you'll have to be wary of that.

But she's not running away. As a matter of fact, she doesn't even look mad anymore, she has a serious look in her eyes that doesn't quite feel like her.

"You're smart, and honestly, I'm a little scared of you sometimes, so don't take it personally when I don't want to give you a chance to use your tricks."

You think she has about a quarter of her mana left after everything she did before, she can't have that much more left up her sleeve. You could try to rush her, but something tells you to be careful. She doesn't have any life spells, so it's likely that if you can get one solid hit on her in your buffed up state, she's done for.

Mana: ???/??? (OVERDRIVE)

Available spells: https://rentry.org/carzyq9g

>How will you try to finish the fight? (Write in)
Let's do...a PORTAL PUNCH. Displace a portal so we can use it to punch her, using delay double to trick her first too.
Actually, addition, use a fire flare to distract her first. When we use sit, it took her back, so we fire flare, making it seem like we're going to charge at her, but then we use the portal to give her a big sock.
Let's rock
>You think she has about a quarter of her mana left after everything she did before, she can't have that much more left up her sleeve.
>Name: Ivy
>Race: Wraith
>Mana: 950/950
She burned like 720 fucking mana in less than 10 minutes? What the fuck is she doing?!
>Mana: ???/??? (OVERDRIVE)
why is our mana stats unkown ?
I mean, most spells are pricy and she just spammed those spikes + illusions, plus the spell she used to hide her escape.
Are most spells truly that expensive? Wow we really do suck at this as a human huh? We don't have much of an idea how expensive spells end up getting yet; all we know are the spells we have access to right now
>why is our mana stats unkown ?
Because my fellow ESL anon, Overdrive jacks up mana regen and the mana cap temporarily. But you're kinda right about one thing

Could you also put in the descriptions of each of the spells into the rentry list?
>Because my fellow ESL anon, Overdrive jacks up mana regen and the mana cap temporarily.
that I know, but I didn't take to mean technically infinite mana for a while
It's ??? because we don't know the cap yet, not because it's infinite. Like, Table's mana is listed "???" because we've never seen her run out.
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Don't be a shit. I converted it to the link, but the link didn't function. I may have done it wrong, maybe.
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Works on my machine, fag. But even then, I've never seen mega links give that error before. If you copypasted it right and converted it properly using the first damn site google gives you when you search "(insert code method here) decoder", then you should get the exact same link I did and that you're meant to get from this.
That's what I do. Not sure why it didn't work. Why are you being so weirdly hostile about it?
>Why are you being so weirdly hostile about it?
We are on 4chan and I'm too used to people being retarded at simple shit. Also I am less hostile in that post than I was initially because I'm starting to realize what you're experiencing with the link might be some other issue I've never experienced before. Is Mega country-blocked or something? Could you try a VPN if you have one to see if that works?

Alright, show time. First, you use a fire flare with spark to distract her, but...nothing happens. She flickers, another illusion? Again? You look around, but by the time you see her, she's already too far away from you. You try it again, but she's prepared and easily dodges it. Fine, whatever, you'll go straight for the kill then. You throw multiple pocket spaces around so that you can punch through them. One wouldn't do much, since she'd just float away from them, but now you just need her to stumble close to one and-

You hear a sickening crunching sound as your fist breaks against your own portal. She was close enough to one of your portal for you to punch her through them, but you didn't account for her putting an embargo on your own portal to stop your fist from going through. Looking back on it, it's not like you can actually make your fist go through portals, maybe you should've bashed her with a plank of wood through the portal or something.

It's fine, you don't feel anything, and you realize the juggernaut effect made it so the damage to the fist wasn't that dire, it's still usable...somewhat. That's what you tell yourself until every single one of your portals reverse course and come rushing at you, hitting you like blunt objects, you manage to disable most of them before it hurts too bad, but she creates portals of her own to use as improvised battering rams, which you can't disable as easily. You try to mana rip one of them to carve a path, but you severely underestimated how great her control over her own portals were, and she uses that opportunity to slowly advance the portals towards you. You try to jump over them, but-

You wake up in your room.

Ha. You think you jumped right into one of her portals. That's fine. You're fine.

No, you know what? You're NOT fine. That was BULLSHIT. She barely had any mana left, and yet she's still capable of pulling THAT off? What were you supposed to do? Even when you tried to hit her, turns out it was a stupid illusion! What do you even have that can- well, okay, you have bright sight, but her illusions looked advanced, so you're sure it wouldn't have worked! Probably!

You gesticulate wildly into your bed to get it out of your system. You should've won. This was your moment to shine, you had overdrive, you had all the mana you could ask for. If you could just get your HANDS on her, she'd be DEAD in an INSTANT. Now she'll think she's better than you! She's not! She got lucky! A rematch! YOU WANT A REMATCH!

You're still mad. You just need to... do something to let it all out. Something nice. You'll bring Table too, you're sure she can help calm you down.

>A trip to the town.
>You've heard Charlotte has some fishing equipment, maybe fishing can help you put your thoughts in order.
>Something else (Write in)
(sorry for the delay, I got distracted by a 3 hour video on romance in games, couldn't miss it.

Also deadlock)
>, it's not like you can actually make your fist go through portals,
...What? Since the hell when is that true? And didn't i specifically vote for using delay double? Why wouldn't the delay double have worked on our portal too?
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QM, stop playing THAT Deadlock and start playing THIS Deadlock

Fuck, he's right
>Even when you tried to hit her, turns out it was a stupid illusion! What do you even have that can- well, okay, you have bright sight, but her illusions looked advanced, so you're sure it wouldn't have worked!
There's no reason not to pop Bright Sight and other buffs while under Overdrive. I never thought of this
>You're smart, and honestly, I'm a little scared of you sometimes
Bitch also fucking lied about this, I guarantee it
Except that was BEFORE. She was an illusion BEFORE when we tried to use FLARE. When we were hitting her she wasn't. But apparently we just didn't use delay double?

If we had used delay double LIKE THE VOTE SAID, she would have cast embargo on a FAKE PORTAL and we would have got her.
Specifically, you can't make your fist go through TWO portals to attack at a distance. You always needed to use another item as a proxy to interact with things outside the second portal.

If you're wondering about the delay double, I did forget to put it in, not that it would've worked, she would've either dispelled the illusion or noticed the fakeness very fast with how good she is at summoning.

It inexplicably started working today, so I'm going to guess maybe a browser/cache issue.
>Specifically, you can't make your fist go through TWO portals to attack at a distance
We were always able to make a fist go through a portal, we were able to use it to press the lever before.
>she would've either dispelled the illusion or noticed the fakeness very fast
How does that matter when it's a delay double for an portal? Even if she 'noticed', if she went to 'dispel' it in the first place it'd be too late since the punch would already be going.

Well, i guess you just wanted to force a loss to take us down a peg or something.
>It inexplicably started working today
Wait so the link did work?
>browser/cache issue
Figures it'd be something minor like that. Ah well. I hope you enjoy that series though anon
I also hope the QM saw that and knows about it. It's one of the french cartoons known on the internet outside of Dofus/Wakfu
No you weren't, you used your shoe to interact with the lever before,

You can also refer to this >>6097297 where I specify that if you did want to press the button, you'd need to take off your shoes to press it from afar via pocket space

I remember code lyoko, weird show now that I look back on it. Can forcefully come back to the status quo via time travel so they kind of routinely do apocalyptic stuff, kinda neat
That doesn't make any sense. We can put our hand through if we're holding a shoe but not if it's just our hand? That's dumb. You should describe spells better instead of failing people because
>oops you didn't actually understand this description of this spell from 1000 pages ago, sowwy
I admit I'm not the best at explaining, but this quirk of pocket space was explained multiple times. You've also used the spell multiple times, and every single time it was shown you did use the spell via an item. As for how you've used the item through the portal, you were holding the item inside the portal, with the item poking out. Your hand wasn't actually outside, it was holding an item that was.
>was explained multiple times
No, you mentioned it in a single line in the early parts of the first thread, and then never explicitly mentioned it again. You just said we used an item, not 'oh actually you're holding it from outside the portal'

And then despite knowing that, you just didn't say "Actually that's not how the spell works" despite it being something that Atlas SHOULD KNOW, forcing him to apparently act retarded and fail because of a shitty explanation of a spell. What, do i have to check every single mention of a spell in the old thread every time we're going to use it to make it juuust suure you didn't add some random clause that completely ruins our plan which you refuse to say?
>Something else
Go punch something and imagine it's Ivy. Do we have a punching bag somewhere?
Anon, I get you're annoyed, and the explanation could have been better, but it's over, there's no need to be so angry.
I do admit that making him punch the portal was maybe out of character and something he should've known, but as for when it's mentioned
>mentioned by the teacher that pocket space can't be used to transport a whole body, even if you can hold hands through them
>Mentioned when you try to improve the spell with spell displacements
>Mentioned during the lever part, and multiple times out of character I reminded people that's how it worked.

I do agree I should've made it more clear it wasn't going to work before writing, and I'll try to avoid obvious mistakes like this in the future. It's something I usually do, but I got distracted and thought people already knew about that part of the spell since it felt like it came up so often. I'll try to be more clear in the future.
>mentioned by the teacher that pocket space can't be used to transport a whole body, even if you can hold hands through them
So we can hold hands through a portal, but not punch someone through it?
>I'll try to be more clear in the future.
Have you considered adding the descriptions and any changes you add to a spell to the rentry so we aren't forced to go crawling through thousands of posts just to avoid missing because of something you mentioned several dozen updates ago?
Based QM being rational and understanding and not losing his cool.
While I think spell descriptions and known limitations makes sense to add to the pastebin, I don't think it's unreasonable to think anons could double-check those things (even though I didn't) or that our first-year student wizard might fuck up in the heat of the moment.
I understand why he's mad. I personally believe I made the spell's function clear, but also I'm literally the QM and of course I'll remember details better than most players, so I'll take some time to add descriptions of each spell to avoid issues like this.

Mind you, the fight itself wasn't unwinnable, but it was designed to be pretty unfair. Ivy has both good summoning and divination spells, and good mobility. Her erratic mindset also makes her ironically hard to manipulate via reinforce belief because of the way she'll misinterpret what you say. She was for all intents and purposes a counter to your most common tactics, but with bright sight it would've been doable I think.
I guess i should vote for something so we can get past this anyway

>You hear a sickening crunching sound as your fist breaks against your own portal. She was close enough to one of your portal for you to punch her through them, but you didn't account for her putting an embargo on your own portal to stop your fist from going through.
wait, so the embargo makes it work like a wall ? shit

>[...]until every single one of your portals reverse course and come rushing at you, hitting you like blunt objects, you manage to disable most of them before it hurts too bad, but she creates portals of her own to use as improvised battering rams, which you can't disable as easily.
...that's a thing that can be done with portals ? fuck

Can we do this and then jog? I'd like to do both with Table
>I'd like to do both with Table
ryonafags on control, I see
I meant punch something else together with Table also punching alongside us. There is a time and place for ryona and Table is neither
that's was a thing that happened. my only input will be that you should warn us when we choose an action that doesn't work, 'coz ic it's something Atlas would know and we'd just end up looking like trolling for some reason.
https://rentry.org/carzyq9g I updated it to show spell description. Looks like shit and kind of a mess though, might use markdown to make it more readable, but for now just use ctrl F to find a spell.
Yeah that's fair, I think it's something Atlas should've known, and while it's not impossible for him to make mistakes, I don't think it's necessarily fair to the players. Anyway, I think votes are tied between jogging and punching something. I'll lock in both just because I can.
wait actually jog only has 2 votes I miscounted. Well, I'll add it in anyway, too late to go back.
Look on the bright side anons, with this duel finished it's time for summer vacation!

I think.
The promised beach episode... Soonâ„¢ my brothers...
Eh...I don't care much for beach episodes, we can already see Table in a bikini, underwear, or naked if we want to. Plus the beach is not very comfortable, the salt water means you can't even really run anything without basically exfoliating the skin.

What I want is to visit the city again. And maybe introduce Table to our parents if we can.
I hope we've all learned a valuable lesson today, friends. To think better, preferably with better portals

It's fine! It's fine. You just need to punch something. You don't want to break anything though, so you decide that you want to do that in a secluded area on something no one cares about. A tree! You'll just buff yourself, and punch a tree as hard as you can. It'll take a while to get to the forest, so you'll jog there to get faster, besides, you could use the exercise.

Table greets you the moment you open the door. "Hey, how did it go- are those your running shoes? Are you really going to jog right after a duel?"

"I want to punch a tree," you state, trying to not sound mad.

"Can I join?"


You both jog to the forest until you find a punchable enough tree, which did take more time than you thought. Turns out a bunch of trees either have souls, are protected by some spirits, or contain some wildlife you'd rather not anger, so you had to make absolutely sure the ones you picked were safe.

"So, wanna tell me why you're in a tree punching mood?" Table asks nonchalently.

"BECAUSE I SHOULD'VE WON!" You cast juggernaut and strength on yourself, the duel necklace made sure anything you did in it didn't mess with your body, so it's pretty safe to cast it again like this. "Now, she's going to think she's better than me! I just made ONE mistake, how is that fair? I thought I could punch her through the pocket spaces, I mean, it would've worked if I used something to get out of the other portal, but then she used embargo on it! And she kept using illusions somehow, she was RIGHT here, I was looking at her! How did she cast a body double? There's no way she knows invisiblity already! I should've used delayed double too, why did I forget to use that, I'm such a dumbass, DAMNIT."

She calmly listens to your tantrum. You do expect her to judge you, saying something like 'why didn't you do this?' or 'she was just better than you', but she doesn't. She just listens.

You punch the tree as hard as you can, your fist holds tight this time, and you leave a small hole inside it. You try to imagine it as punching Ivy, but the tree isn't very Ivy like. "This was supposed to be MY time to shine. I had everything, how can I lose with limited mana but win when I have as much as I want? It makes NO sense!"

"Yeah, you're right, it was probably a fluke on her part. I'm sure she got lucky" Table answers. "I'm sure you'll kick her ass when you fight her again."

"What if I don't? What if they never pair me in a duel against her again and she'll just brag for the rest of the year about how she beat me? I hate it! I hate it, I hate it!"

"You could ask her for a rematch?"

"I could but..."

What if you lose again? In public? Could you really live with that? With the shame? What if it wasn't a fluke? What if you really are worse than her? You punch the tree, again and again. Even with that strenght, you can't even destroy a damn tree, this sucks.

The strenght spell runs out, and you collapse on the floor as the drawback sets in. You don't want to move, you don't want to do anything.

"Hey," Table lays down next to you on the leaves. "Does it matter what other thinks?"

"I don't know, I didn't think I'd care, but when it comes to Ivy, it makes my blood boil to imagine people thinking she's better than I am."

"But you know you're better than her, and I know you're better than her, isn't that all that matters? Why should you care about people who are wrong."

You're not sure how to answer. Of course you know your rage is illogical. This duel doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, and yet... it pisses you off so much. Maybe you were never satisfied with just being a mediocre mage, maybe you always strived to be much more than that.

"Hey, Atlas? Vacations are in a month, right? We don't have an exam at the end of this one, still some classes though, any idea on where we should spend that vacation?"

"I don't know. Anywhere with you is fine, I guess?" You reply not so calmly.

"Boooo, corny boring answer! It doesn't have to be realistic, just think of something!"

Well, if anywhere is fine, then...

>The human city
>The beach
>The school
>Wandering around the city.
>The human city
>The human city
Time to introduce the girl and future wife to the parents
>I should've used delayed double too, why did I forget to use that, I'm such a dumbass
A good QM weaves in his players's discussions and his own fuckups into the quest like this
>The human city
If we can meet our parents, let's ask them for our college fund too. If we have actual money, we could probably buy some cool artifacts, right?
>The beach
I bet we've never been to a beach, and the human city sounds lame AND dangerous to Table.
Table doesn't like swimming though, and salt water is probably even worse for a wormgirl like her.
I also do not like swimming. The beach is still pretty, and the first time someone sees the ocean is still magical.
Well, it's a long vacation, two months, and we probably won't be able to spend much time in the city with table IF we even manage to get a visitation.

We could end up doing both.

We should spend most of our time in the bunker, maybe try to get a part-time job in the city and explore there some. There are plenty of side projects we can work on to expand our knowledge of magic with: golem core, spider robot, Table's curse, our limited magic, the original spirit that led us to the bunker.

Take a side trip to the beach for a break after classes end but we are a magic autist and left our entire life behind to study magic so lets study magic.
>I had everything, how can I lose with limited mana but win when I have as much as I want? It makes NO sense!"
I assume you meant the opposite here
>The beach
>Maybe you were never satisfied with just being a mediocre mage, maybe you always strived to be much more than that.
Power and Knowledge like the mystery merchant question was about
hey QM, I saw you mentioning wanting to clean up the formatting for the spell list and took a stab at it, feel free to copy/paste it into the official link

I noticed a few things while doing this:
1. Delayed Double had an X at the end, meaning we don't know how to mix it, yet the mana cost specifically says "...cost of the spell you're mixing it with..."
2. Spirit link is listed as unlearned, but that's what we used to communicate and follow the spirit to the bunker right?
3. Shouldn't Table know Seal?
Right, so
1. You used spirit sight to communicate with the spirit, not spirit link. Spirit link is a different thing entirely that allows you to essentially have a pseudo familiar.
2. Delayed Double, just like Spell Displacement are spells that are a little special in that being mixed with others is how you use the spell. The spell by itself does nothing, but using it with another spell is considered spell mixing. I put the X because it's a way to say that trying to actively mix the spell will not give any interesting result, if you mix the spell with spark for example, it will just make you cast an illusion of spark. In other words, it's less that X makes them unmixable as much as I'm saying anything with X you shouldn't mix unless you want to waste your time.

3. Table should know seal yeah, I didn't note everything, but I noted everything Atlas should know, so I'll add it.
Also yes, it's supposed to say 'I had everything, how can I win with limited mana but lose when I have as much as I want? It makes NO sense!" my bad
I really wanna learn spirit link so we can go try to fix the vault computers and get another reward from the spirit. Reinforce Belief was great, if we can get another spell like that or even just an upgrade to reinforce belief, we'll be golden.

"The human city sounds nice," you answer. "There's arcade, and movie theaters, I think you'd like those a lot."

"Wooow... I don't know what either of those are. Is a movie theater like, them recreating the movie in a theater?"

"They're the same thing you saw, except the screen is much, much bigger, and they have speakers to make sure the sound surrounds you to make it more immersive. Arcades are a place where you play a bunch of games with friends on blocky looking machines."

"That'd be nice... man, I really want to get in, now. Why did you have to do that? Well, I wanted to check it out ever since I played that game, but now I want it more!"

"You said anything! Of course, I was going to pick something that's unrealistic," You wince as the remove hurt spell runs out too. "Ow, owowow, it hurts all over. Why did I have to punch a tree? It hurts even though I punched it with juggernaut, what's up with that?"

"I think juggernaut IS what's hurting you, idiot. Cast skin heal on yourself."

"Out of mana."

"Alright, let me just- hold on, let me see if I can pull something off." She rolls on top of you, and licks your cheek. You feel some of your mana reserve fill up, but Table doesn't look too pleased. "Owth, therth wood splinth'er thuuck." She painfully pulls out some wood bits that were apparently stuck on your cheek.

"You were finally punished for your thirst, Table. No more sweat licking for you."

"You think that'll stop me? I'll... okay, maybe that will stop me, I'm not eating wood for dinner. Anyway, do you think I could come to the city as a visitor? Surely there's a space outsiders can visit, right?"

"There's a trading space, I think? It's heavily regulated, and it's the type of space where if you make a wrong movement and you don't have the right papers, you'd probably get shot."

"Brutal, didn't you say that some high ranking people could? What if you became, like, the best human mage, would that make them consider it?"

"Officially? Probably not, but high ranking humans are pretty corrupt, I'm sure if you threw enough money or favors their way they'd be willing to look the other way. I'm sure there's one human royal with a harem of outsiders somewhere he keeps secret from the public."

Talking like this makes you forget what you were mad about. It was losing to Ivy, right? It's weird, you don't feel like you care that much anymore. Well, okay, you do care, but it doesn't feel like the infuriating thing it was before, it just feels mildly annoying now.

"Thanks, Table."

"For what?"

"For being here, I guess. Not judging me when I'm freaking out, I don't know."

She laughs, even without the bracelet, it sounds angelic. Maybe she is an angel, what else could she be? Those are cheesy thoughts, and you don't say them out loud, you've embarrassed yourself enough today as is, but you still believe that she's the best thing that ever happened to you.

"Anyway, we got one more month, any idea on what you want to take this month, magic boy?" Table asks, rolling off of you.

"Well, I need one more month to figure out the spirit link spell, so I'll take Divination, as for the rest..."

(You will get two votes this time, the two most popular votes will be picked. Divination is already picked by default as the third choice)
Let's try to pick some offensive spells this time. Summoning has also been pretty damn useful so far. Maybe we can find an actual portal spell we can put our hand through?

I gotta say, the formatted archive in >>6100527
is really helpful. You should use it OP, you can copy the whole thing by pressing edit even if you don't own it.
>the best human mage, would that make them consider it?"
Isn't he technically already us? Unless you mean of all time that is...
Alright, made my decision, I think I'll go with what >>6100859 said and support
Oh wow, you're right, it does look MUCH better, yeah I updated it by copypasting that, it's much more readable, thanks for the work >>6100527 anon.
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glad i could help

"Summoning and Intangible, I think. I've been neglecting summoning for a little bit too long, and I think I could use some extra offensive options for duels with Intangible, you know?"

"You REALLY want that rematch, huh?"

You try to nod, but it's hard to even move your head with how exhausted you are, you underestimated how big the drawback to strength was. "She won't see it coming. And if she refuses, I'll just say that it's because she's scared she'll lose. Not now though, I have to make absolutely sure I'm ready for it."

"Hmm, I dunno, I think I prefer when you're a little scrawny nerd than a big muscly fightstarter, you know?"

"Isn't this what girls are usually into? You have weird taste, Table."

"I'll let you know I can taste you just fine, thank you very much. Well, I guess you'll always be a nerd at heart, no matter how strong you get."

"Yeah, well in magic the nerds are the one in power, so really I'm cool no matter what way you slice it."

You keep the banter going until the night comes and you have to walk back to your dorm. As expected, you get the paper to pick what classes you want for the month, and you settle with your previous choices. Summoning, Intangible, and Divination. To Table's chagrin, you have to take a shower to remove most of the dirt, leaves and bits of woods from your body after your little tantrum in the woods. You also notice there's a lot of dead skin falling off your body, which you assume is a remnant of using juggernaut. Thankfully it doesn't remove pre-existing skin, juggernaut feels like it just adds additional tougher skin on top of the one you already have.

You wake up to breakfast from Table. Well, not her breakfast, the one from the cafeteria, but she did bring it to you. You've heard the school has a public kitchen students use sometimes, you'll have to check it out. You were never much of a cook, people hardly needed to prepare meals in the human city, most stuff is pre-processed, but there's something romantic about serving something you made yourself.

Wait, isn't there a kitchen in the vault? It's not functional anymore, but you could always look into it later. Later being the keyword here, since you have Summoning class today. The good news is that you've checked your schedule, and you've got more free time than before this month, something about a second year teacher having defected, so the teachers had to spread their classes some more. Surely they don't run the entire school on five people, right? But you've only ever seen your teachers, anyone else was just summons from the summoning teacher. This place really is weird.

Anyway, Summoning class! Turns out you never really had a proper summoning class apart from the one you had at the start of the year before, so you're going to have to learn pretty basic spells, you might as well listen to the teacher while you're at it, this IS a class, after all.

"Hello, hello!" The summoning teacher greets all of you. "Now, a few of you here are new, so I'll just repeat what I said before, alright? I did say summoning worked best when mixed with other spells. That's still true! But what if you still wanted to fully commit to being a summoner? What can you really do that way? Well, the answer is portals, really just portals, and nothing else. The good news is portals are quite versatile! Some of you may have realized you could use them to harm people offensively, or as shields, or to redirect people's attacks. If you use your portals in a smart manner, you'll realize that you can do much more than just summon stuff!

Now, some of you may have realized the inherent limitation of your pocket space, like the fact you can only make items go through multiple portals. The truth is you can actually make your hand go through more than one portal, even with pocket space, but the spell has some inherent safety measure put into it, and for good reasons. Why? A lot of reasons, so many reasons that this type of advanced portal is usually only allowed to be used by third years, very rarely second years. It has to do with the soul exploding into bits, sometimes your hands may get stuck on another dimension because of the way the mana is spread, sometimes the portal moves one millimeter too far, and it starts spinning out of control. Pocket space is notoriously unstable when it comes to dealing with living things that are at three places at once, and it's only recently that it became capable of putting your hand in there at all. Anyway, today's lessons will be on portals, so listen up!"

You check the book, and sure enough, a lot of those spells seem related to portals. You recognize a few of those spells as one that Rath could teach you.

>Unsafe Portal: Disables the inherent safety measures of a portal. For example, pocket space will allow you to put your hand through more than two portals at a time, which can be used for much more destructive results than a simple portal cut.
>Embargo: Can be used to stop anything from going past a summoning portal. Often used against other people's summoning spells, and the effectiveness highly depends on your and your target's summoning skill. If one is creative, it could be used on their own portals for interesting results.
>Pocket Artillery: A slightly modified version of the pocket space. Works similarly, but it will throw anything inside of it at a relatively high speed. While not inherently a mixed spell, better intangible knowledge increases the speed at which it can come out.
>Speedy Portal: Enhance the speed at which a portal is created, this also makes moving portals faster. This makes the portal cost 50% more mana however, so it's best to use it sparingly.
>Pocket Artillery: A slightly modified version of the pocket space. Works similarly, but it will throw anything inside of it at a relatively high speed. While not inherently a mixed spell, better intangible knowledge
I had an idea i stole from JoeJoes, what if, using Magic (so we can take it to a duel) we made some fuckin' acid in a bottle, and then threw it at people through portals?
>Pocket Artillery: A slightly modified version of the pocket space. Works similarly, but it will throw anything inside of it at a relatively high speed. While not inherently a mixed spell, better intangible knowledge increases the speed at which it can come out.
>>Pocket Artillery: A slightly modified version of the pocket space. Works similarly, but it will throw anything inside of it at a relatively high speed. While not inherently a mixed spell, better intangible knowledge increases the speed at which it can come out.
sounds fun.
however, do note that we MUST learn embargo and quite well before facing Ivy
>Embargo: Can be used to stop anything from going past a summoning portal. Often used against other people's summoning spells, and the effectiveness highly depends on your and your target's summoning skill. If one is creative, it could be used on their own portals for interesting results.
>Pocket Artillery
Could we line up several pocket artilleries to basically create a coilgun to nuke people with? Like, imagine just putting like, three of these portals really close, then chucking a rock through it.
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>Embargo: Can be used to stop anything from going past a summoning portal. Often used against other people's summoning spells, and the effectiveness highly depends on your and your target's summoning skill. If one is creative, it could be used on their own portals for interesting results.
>Pocket Artillery: A slightly modified version of the pocket space. Works similarly, but it will throw anything inside of it at a relatively high speed. While not inherently a mixed spell, better intangible knowledge increases the speed at which it can come out.

Pocket artillery sounds very useful. You're not sure how effective it'll be against Ivy and her stupid embargo, but it still sounds like a very versatile spell. You realize the classroom is equipped with runes that makes any portals cast within it safer. Probably so people don't make themselves explode using unsafe portal spells. From what you understand, summoning really is a dangerous art when used improperly, and you're sure the only reason it isn't used in war more often is because it's just as likely to screw over the user as it is the opponent. It's even worse if your opponent is a good summoner as they can easily turn your own portals against you, it's a pain.

"Atlas? Can I get your attention for a lil' minute?" The teacher snaps his rat fingers to get you to look at him. "We got a new student, new-ish, showed up last month, actually. Now normally I'd take care of her in private lessons to make sure she catches up, but because of err, recent unforeseen events, I'll be a little booked. Think you can help her with a few things?"

You're a little annoyed at this, why should you do HIS job? You're only a first year, and you're already busy enough as is. Even so, it doesn't look good to refuse a teacher, so you'll have to comply. "What do you want me to help her with? I'm still not THAT good."

"Well, she has abnormally low mana, and you've been taught spells specifically so that you could cast them as efficiently as possible. Each spell book here is personalized! Kinda, not really, it's just that we can add notes to the book whenever we want, so we change the content as we go. The one you have is specifically made to help low mana students, and we've been updating it a lot from ever since you got here! Lots and lots of updates. Anyway, I want you to help her with a few spells, sorry to take your time! I'll make it up to you, promise." He points behind you, and you see a beastfolk girl seated at the back of the class, she looks like a humanoid eagle. She stares intently at her book, it seems as if she's out of mana already and has no choice but to rehearse theory for now.

"Table, can you give her some mana?"

She rolls her eyes. "Giving mana is something VERY intimate, I'll let you know. You just want me to touch another girl, you sick fuck."

"Didn't you give me mana the first time we met? Wouldn't that make you a slut, giving mana to the first guy you meet?"

"Alright, ouch, first of all, how do you even remember that? Second of all, yes, but I'm your slut. Anyway, fine, I'll give her mana, I guess"

The teacher clears his throat. "Can still hear you, y'know. Keep it clean with that girl, okay? She's a shy one."

You take your seat and sit down next to her, she's startled, even though she clearly saw you get all the way over here. She's not as startled by Table sitting down next to her for obvious reasons.

You tell her you're going to help her, and she replies with a barely audible 'okay'. You test out a few spells after Table begrudgingly gives her some mana, and...wow, her mana really isn't that high. If your analysis is correct, it sits at about 200. If she was a human it'd be pretty high, but she's not, Rin had about 600 when you fought her if you remember correctly, making this amount about 4 times worse than most beastfolks. Even worse, she apparently already knows the up mana method, so her mana was originally sitting at about 100 at the start; it took her very long to even get to that point.

Even though she doesn't talk much, she still winces every time you mention her low mana, so you avoid bringing attention to it too much. You feel kind of bad for her, you don't think she tried to make any friends, and now that you think about it, you didn't even notice she was even there this past month. There's irony in your forgotten girlfriend being more noticeable than a regular beastfolk, although it's not really comparable considering how important Table is to you.

Anyway, you tell her certain tricks she can pull off even with low mana. Seal is a useful spell, and when in doubt, using your clothes is a good idea to save up mana. You also tell her about the good old pocket space cut, which should help her in a duel when it comes. Of course, now that you've fought about 3 students with it, she'll have to deal with people who are more prepared and wary of portals spawning near them, so that sucks for her.

The class ends, and you realize you barely had time for your own studies. You really hope the teacher was serious about this 'making it back to you' business, because even though you don't mind helping classmates, that's not really what you're here for.

You're about to leave the class, but you realize there's probably more to teach her, is it really fair to just leave her to her own devices just because the class is over? You ask Table, and she agrees she's a little pitiful, so you decide to help her. Her name's Fet, by the way, now that she ever told you, the teacher had to.

>Help her make some friends, it's clearly hard for her to talk to other people.
>If she spent so much time with low mana, maybe she knows a thing or two that you don't? Anything could help.
>Keep teaching her magic, that way it'll be done and she won't be as behind as when she started.
>Something else (Write in)
>If she spent so much time with low mana, maybe she knows a thing or two that you don't? Anything could help
Hmm, how curious. Some random girl with low mana who knows about the up mana method. I don't know why, but I feel like there's something here we don't know.
Anyway, I guess i should specify my vote...my goal would be to try to get to try to "Open her up" a little by having Atlas be "relatable" so to say? The idea being that if we're trying to learn from her too, then we're not teaching her, we're "sharing", being on the same situation.

You know, less "You're an incompetent who is somehow worse than a human at magic." and more "I know how you feel"
Supporting this, but only because Atlas seemed annoyed to be interrupted from his studies. How quickly has Table's affection made us forget this boy studied magic so much he had to buy an hat of wakefulness to avoid just collapsing where he stood from just straight up not sleeping so he could study more.
>Help her make some friends, it's clearly hard for her to talk to other people.
that's a good point, anon.
I like this, and a good segue into helping her make friends too

>Second of all, yes, but I'm your slut.
We love our slutty manabattery
>Giving mana is something VERY intimate, I'll let you know
I like Table ascribing to the Fate/Stay Night version of mana transferring only with Atlas
>how do you even remember that?
I love this character development on Atlas' end in enduring the curse effects
>yes, but I'm your slut
Atlas needs to propose to Table right after he cures her curse

backing >>6101589 >>6101599

>this boy studied magic so much he had to buy an hat of wakefulness to avoid just collapsing where he stood from just straight up not sleeping so he could study more
He's OUR autistic wizard-in-training
>If she spent so much time with low mana, maybe she knows a thing or two that you don't? Anything could help.

>We love our slutty manabattery
Best. Girl.
>If she spent so much time with low mana, maybe she knows a thing or two that you don't? Anything could help.

You all sit down on the lawn of the campus ask her if she picked up any specific habits from casting spells with low mana, since you only started casting real spells a few months ago, barring the lighten rune you spent years learning.

Looking back on it, you feel so stupid for taking so long learning such a simple spell, but you also had to learn a lot of the basics of magic by yourself with outdated and erroneous information, so you wouldn't say it was all wasted time. You also didn't have Table to recharge your mana back then, so there was only so much practice you could do.

Either way, she takes her time to answer your question. She stares at the ground, mumbling something under her breath.

"Speak up, I can't help you if I don't already know what you're capable of." You get closer to her to hear her better, and she makes a weird mix between a mouse squeak and bird chirp as she stumbles backward. You maybe got too close. You raise your hands up in the air to show you're not going to do anything to her, but she flinches as if she thought you were raising your hands to do the opposite of that. Table looks intently, not saying anything; that's a shame, because you wonder if Fet would be a little less jumpy if it was another girl talking to her.

"Fet, if talking is hard for you, that's okay, would you feel more comfortable writing what you want?"

She looks back at you, as if she was trying to see if you were joking or not. Seeing you're serious, she pulls a piece of paper out of her bag and starts to write. You take the piece of paper she offers you and... wow.

"Your handwriting is really pretty, can't be easy with these talons of yours either." It looks like she liked the compliment, you hear Table cough loudly behind you. You turn back to her, but Table just tells you to continue reading. Fet is saying, or writing in this case, that she dealt with her low mana mostly by either asking her family to give her extra mana, or by storing a lot of mana in a rune that she could then use later. "Wait, how do you take back mana from a rune you made? Sounds like it could be helpful to me."

Fet perks up when she realizes she knows something you don't. She writes, 'It's a two step mixed spell. First you have to know the 'Give Mana' spell. Give Mana is a mix between Give Life and Mana Feel. Then you mix Give Mana with a 'Store Spell' Material rune."

"I don't know the store spell thing, did you learn it from someone else?"

She nods.

"Could you teach it to me?" You ask.

"Hey," Table interrupts you. "Aren't you supposed to teach HER things? Don't take advantage of the poor girl."

To your surprise, Fet speaks up for once. "It's- It's okay! Uhm, I'm happy to help, and, uhm...." She trails off, her voice getting quiet again as she notices she's back to being the center of attention.

"How about that, I'll teach you a few things, and you'll teach me that spell, how does that sound?" You offer a compromise.

She nods vigorously. She doesn't look as sad now that she doesn't feel like a hindrance to you anymore, and you have to admit you're happy that you're also getting something out of this too. It's not that you mind helping people or anything, but if you have to choose between learning more magic and helping someone you don't know about their problem, you'd probably choose magic. Of course, if it's someone you know and care about that's something else, but you barely know this girl, so she doesn't quite count as a friend just yet.

You spend a good chunk of the day teaching each other what you know. She's still not very talkaltive and opt to use writing when she can, but you don't mind, since she can accompany the spell instructions with helpful doodles to give you a better idea of what to do. You also relate a lot to her struggle when it comes to living with lower mana, which makes it easier to get along.

When you part way with her at the end of the day, Table starts saying what she thinks of Fet more overtly. "You know, maybe you shouldn't be so nice to her."

"What do you mean? She's nice. You're not jealous, are you?"

"Jealous? Hardly, I've seen your reaction to my shapeshifting, you're not that kind of guy. And if you WERE interested in her, I'd be able to tell. No, I just think it's a little cruel to lead her on, that's all."

"I think you severely overestimate how good I am with women, Table."

"With most women? Maybe. But with a girl that's alone, shy, that shares your woes, one that you make feel special by letting her teach you things. I'm just saying she might get the wrong idea."

"But she knows you're my girlfriend, and even if she does somehow fall in love with me, how is that my fault? What, do you just want me to be mean to her? She doesn't deserve that. I really just think you're overreacting here. Besides, you didn't react that way with Dill, so what's the difference?"

"Dill feels more mature, I guess? Not like she acts like it most of the time, but I don't think she'd be the type to fall for a guy that just gives her a little bit of attention."

"Whatever, we barely know her, I still think you're overthinking it."

Whatever Table thinks of her, it's not like you can ignore such a useful spell. You know Table uses a mana pocket space she can store mana in, but apparently it's different from the version you use to transport mana between you and her. It's a lot more expensive, and worst of all, it can't contain mana for very long without it 'rotting', whatever that means. A rune would be much safer and most importantly, you could bring it into dungeons and duels if you make it inside the school.

So, for the following weeks, you try to learn what you can from her, all while teaching her a few tricks of your own. You don't think you can teach her overdrive, since it was designed for humans, but you do pass her Jack's book the Intangible teacher gave you as long as she promises to give it back. She's very happy that you're willing to trust her with something important to you like this, maybe a little TOO happy.

You can't help but remember what Table said. It's hard for you to think you could make a girl fall in love with you on accident, especially this fast, but surely it can't hurt to be safe, right? You make offhand comments about Table, compliments here and there, and you make sure to empathize the title 'girlfriend' when you can. You can't see much of a reaction from the bird girl, but it's hard to tell when she looks at the floor so often. Table's happy with your attempt at setting boundaries at the very least, and maybe that's all you need.

Anyway, you have more pressing matters, like the Divination class you have today, and you're actually a little bit thankful you're not sharing the class with Fet. You don't want to deal with the unnecessary drama--imagined or otherwise--while you're studying.

Of course, you're still trying to figure out the Spirit Link spell, but you think you might just have time to learn another spell in the meantime too. As much as you love magic, it's very tiring for your brain to try to learn one thing for a long period of time, so you need to diversify a little bit. As for what you can learn...

(Learn a spell from the two previous classes. Spells that take more than one month to learn have been omitted because of the investment required.)

>Extra: A spell that makes a spell seem much MUCH stronger than it actually is. A fireball may look bigger, faster, and more dangerous, and illusion spells will be much more effective. Has no noticeable effect on spells that directly affect the mind.
>A moment in time: Can 'record' a memory and play it back. This spell has multiple stages of mastery, with the first being sound, the second being sight, the third being touch, the fourth being taste, and the fourth being smell. Full mastery makes the playback very hard to differentiate from reality without dispelling the illusion with a spell.
>Body Double: Create an illusion of yourself or someone you know to do something simple. The double is hard to differentiate from you without the use of magic, but a keen observer may be able to notice inconsistencies even without it.
>Confusion: Create an illusion that will confuse the target. The illusion automatically shifts to what would surprise the target the most, but how good the illusion actually looks depends on your Divination profficiency.
>Body Double
Clone Jutsu GO
Imagine how strong this would be with Reinforce Belief

I still don't fully trust this 'Fet' girl.
>Body Double
You know, I'm surprised that the Threesome anons haven't spoken up.
Maybe it's too early to say, but aside from not trusting her, I just don't feel that strongly about Fet for the moment? We've only seen her for one update. Sawyer was a lot more...crucial to the story, and Weaver's relationship was a way bigger focus too. So a threesome with sawyer felt like it could add something? Beyond just a meaningless "more girls good"?

I just don't feel that strongly about Fet right now, and I'm not even sure we're supposed to.
That's fair, I guess Table just makes every other girl look lame compared to her.
I'm the original guy from back then. I agree with >>6102439, this bird girl is suspicious. I also agree with >>6102448 on staying the Table-only route.

Body Double
I wouldn't go so far as saying that, though i certainly think Table is the best, I just don't think we know her anywhere near enough to consider something like that.

I'm of the opinion that a threesome route has to mean something, not just be a meanignless waifu collection.
>a threesome route has to mean something
That's exactly what I said about the Sawyer thing in CC
I'm of the opinion that it could have meant something if we hadn't gone so hard on an Etsy purism route. By the time we basically gave up on everything just to marry her and fuck off to Russia with our kid, it was a bit too late.
We were afraid for the family and future due to Sawyer's own unstable power and drug addiction. Leaving that nameless city was the best option with how shitty everything continued to devolve around us. Hunkering down and waiting the contract out to defy all bait was the smart play for survival. I don't regret how we played the quest out
I don't either, but it's not like it was impossible to save Sawyer as we proved like...thirty years later. If we had done *that* more early when we were still new to our relationship with Etsy, I could have seen it happen.

But like i said, it's a different situation, Sawyer adn Etsy were both the 'first girls' so to say, they were the main original options. There were other girls, but they were either evil (Mona) or a hidden path (Leah). That's different from this situation, we just met this Fet like one update ago, but we've been with Table since the start.
I'm in the Extra + Reinforced Belief camp myself, but Confusion could have more interesting mix applications elsewhere

Or the coworker comrade girl
Anyway the biggest suspicious thing about Fet is her knowing about Up Mana Number and her being TOO happy about the Jack book. Is she an anti-human enemy agent or am I paranoid? I think making a private copy of the Jack book should be a wise next step to take for Atlas so he doesn't need to hold onto the library copy forever
>I'm in the Extra + Reinforced Belief camp myself
Anon, read the whole thing. It explicitly has no noticeable effects on spells that affect the mind directly.
>Anyway the biggest suspicious thing about Fet is her knowing about Up Mana Number and her being TOO happy about the Jack book
Also, I wouldn't say that's what's suspicious about her. Jack's up mana method was seemingly distributed far and wide, though most people only used it a little increase their mana. According to the teacher who introduced him to us first, his teaching methods were rather well received even if he wasn't that 'epic' of a mage. And obviously, someone dealing with low magic is going to be happy they found a book that deals with their troubles specifically. We were, too.

No, what makes me suspicious about her is just...a feeling. I just feel like something's missing. It doesn't necessarily have to be malicious.
>Body Double: Create an illusion of yourself or someone you know to do something simple. The double is hard to differentiate from you without the use of magic, but a keen observer may be able to notice inconsistencies even without it.
seems reliable in most cases
It says learn a spell, not two.
>Body Double: Create an illusion of yourself or someone you know to do something simple. The double is hard to differentiate from you without the use of magic, but a keen observer may be able to notice inconsistencies even without it.
Infinite Clone Works in combat sounds viable.
I just assumed it meant 'one spell from each class' since curseqm didn't say anything despite all the votes.
Yeah sorry, it's one, I should've specified. Basically you're already using one 'slot' to finish learning spirit link, and the other to learn a new spell. Right now body double's in the lead, will lock votes in uh, I don't know, one hour.
you, as she was introduces, for a second i was sure it would be Atlas's used-to-be human friend

for everyday im wasting not reading up on OPs previous thread, i suffer one more spoiler

>A moment in time

you know, with spells like this, i wonder if Doom could run on magic
No, it's fine, i'll just change >>6102439 to Double Body.
*you know,

You'll learn body double, even though it's not a perfect illusion spell, you've seen how useful it is to confuse your opponent with Ivy. It does make you wonder, though, how did she use it while you were looking at her? Body double doesn't make you disappear, and you're pretty sure she doesn't know invisibility, if she did, she would've used it right away, and it would've lasted more or less the entire fight. There had to be something else. You skim through the book, and you find a spell that should do it, 'Blink'. Unlike what the name implies, it doesn't teleport you, but it makes you very briefly very invisible. It even bypasses some checks like dispel illusion and bright sight. That means she talked to you, then used body double and blink at the same time to trick you into hitting her fake self.

There is, as far as you know, no obvious way to tell when someone starts to blink. There is however ways to tell when someone is a body double, and if you can find that out, then you'll be able to tell when she blinks, and after that you just need to look around until she reveals herself! Sounds like a plan! Then again, when you fight her again, she might learn a few new tricks, so maybe it won't be so easy. Ugh, you just need to win ONCE and that's it, that's all you need.

Table pokes your cheek. "What are you grumbling about, magic boy? Better not be thinking about another girl."

Well, you were technically thinking about another girl, but not in the way she thinks. "I'm just trying to figure out how to cast Body Double. There's a lot of weird parts to that spell, don't you know how to cast that, actually? I think you used it before."

"Yeah, although I don't use it that often. You have to use it when your opponent's distracted, or blinded, or whatever. Then you make a double and hide somewhere. I thought invisibility would be great, but if someone uses bright sight it'll be very obvious what I'm doing. I dunno, it sounds cool but it's hard to put into practice."

"But you can help me with it, right? I need it to beat up Ivy."

"That does sound like a good use for it, but are you sure it'd work? Pretty sure she'd be able to tell when you're making a fake."

"Is there a way to like, counter bright sight? Or illusion dispels?"

"Not sure about the latter, but you can screw over bright sight pretty easily with flashing lights, basically blinds them."

Now that you think about it, she was very startled by the spark flare you threw at her. Maybe the explosion didn't hurt her, but with it being so close to her eyes, you're sure it at the very least messed with her vision. You remember her life magic being pretty low, so it's likely that bright sight would be the only life spell she knows. That means that if you blinded her, she'd have no real way of fixing it.

Class is over so fast, you wish you had more time to practice it. You have to learn from Fet too, and- and-

"Jogging," Table says, pulling your sleeve. "Gotta get yourself in shape, come on."

"But I want to learn more spells, it can wait, right?"

"You've skipped on your jogging for 3 days now, it's supposed to be a daily thing."

You remember hearing that jogging weekly is just as helpful for your cardio, but you suppose that as long as you don't overexert yourself, it can't hurt. That's what you tell yourself, but you know it DOES hurt, and it DOES suck, and you DON'T want to do it. However, you have no choice, and Table grabs you outside and forces you to run with her. Sure, it became easier, you can run further now, but it hardly got more enjoyable. When does it start to 'click', you wonder. There must be a reason why people take up jogging other than for the health benefit, right?

After your third lap, you notice Fet looking up from her book to watch you run. Every time you look at her, she looks back down though. You feel kind of bad for her, no one's talking to her or anything. You're tempted to ask her to run with you, but with what Table said, is it giving her the wrong idea? Is it being too friendly? You wish Table didn't say anything, you're overthinking it now, so you're just going to stop thinking altogether.

You run headfirst into a signpost.

Maybe you should've thought a tiny little bit. Your nose is bleeding, and since you're not using remove hurt, it's actually pretty painful. You're not going to cry or anything, but it's hard to focus on anything but the pain. Fet runs up to you, and fixes you right up. You didn't really need her help, you know the skin heal spell yourself, but it's still nice of her. She quickly goes back to her spot with her book without a word, she doesn't even let you thank her.

"Weird," Table says. "Did you really not see that signpost? You just kind of... swerved out of your path here."

"I wasn't really paying attention, I guess? It happens."

"Yeah, it happens, but... whatever, it's nothing."

"Table, we're not going to start hiding stuff from each other NOW, are we?"

"Okay, fine! I just think it's a little weird that you just so happened to run headfirst into a signpost and she just so happen to have a spell at the ready to fix you up."

"I didn't feel confused or anything though, I don't think I was under a spell."

"If you say so, but maybe... I don't know, maybe we could ask around about her? She speaks so little, it's hard to get anything out of her, maybe others know more."

It sounds a little paranoid to you, but you'll decide to trust Table as you've always done. You just hope Fet doesn't take it the wrong way.

>Ask the teachers.
>Ask the other students.
>Stalk her in secrets to find out anything weird.
>Just leave her alone. table is just being paranoid.
>Ask the teachers
The teachers won't spread rumors, if we ask under the guise that we're curious about her (we are), they'll probably say some stuff.

Actually, is there anything stopping Table from following her around a little? Being a forgotten, this shouldn't be hard. As long as she doesn't use the bracelet. If she notices it, then that's noteworthy too.

Maybe Table could do that? I feel like that wouldn't be bad.
I like the "send table to snoop around" idea, but we should probably ask the teachers first to make sure we don't misunderstand anything
You have only yourself to blame
Here you go anon

Backing >>6102815 and what >>6102818 said
>capcha D00RKG
They sure are dorks, G
I don't get that vibe from our boy Atlas, and Table transparently isn't into that.

>Suggest Table follow her and see what's going on if she's worried, or ask around, since folks won't remember or hold it against her and you don't want to make Fet feel bad if it's nothing
It's cool if she doesn't want to, but that's sort of an implicit admission that's he's being paranoid.
Fuck it changing vote from >>6102825 to backing >>6102841
>Ask the teachers.

"You could always stalk her if it bothers you this much, it's not like she'll be able to tell you're here since you're a forgotten," you reply.

"Stalking is a bit much, but it wouldn't be the first time... I guess as long as she doesn't know, it's okay?"

"We should inform the teachers first, though, shouldn't we?"

"I'm not sure how you're planning to justify that to them," Table disagrees. "I'll just tail her a little bit, no need to tell the teachers."

"Table, we could get in trouble for stuff like this, come on." You pull her closer before she protests. "We'll just tell a teacher we're curious about her, alright?"

"Fiiine, if you say so, but only if you make it up for me tonight, alright? Video games, I mean video games this time, not sex. Maybe sex after video games, or during video games, but not before video games," she somehow says the words 'video games' slightly wrong each time.

You'll absolutely tease her during your gaming session like before, but that's for later. Right now you'll have to inform the teachers of what you're trying to do. You think Kit, the summoning teacher, is the least likely to mind, and since he's the one who put you in charge of Fet, you think it's only appropriate to ask him too.

Thankfully, he doesn't mind, but he does say that he won't allow you or Table to tail her in her dorm, or in any private spaces, for obvious reasons. He'll also step in if you share any sensitive info about her that could make her life worse, but otherwise you're free to follow her around if you feel like it.

You won't be following her around, Table will be, but it's nice that you got the approval of a teacher first. Actually, it's even a little irresponsible of him to allow this, but it's working in your favor this time so you don't mind.

And so, Table starts stalking...


Table carefully stepped around any spots that could make her visible. She might be a forgotten, but that doesn't mean she can't get caught, if someone like Dill sees her sneaking around she might start asking questions, and that's just asking for trouble.

Fet's routine wasn't really interesting, she'd read her book, practice spells, and most notably, follow her boyfriend. She wasn't jealous, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel a little threatened by her presence. A non forgotten has an inherent edge when it comes to love, and she shared a lot in common with Atlas. As a matter of fact, if Fet was here at the start of the year and got paired up with Atlas then...

She doesn't want to think about it. Atlas is hers, and hers alone. She has no reason to believe he'd betray her now out of nowhere. All she needs to do is see if her suspicion of this girl is warranted. She talks to Atlas sometimes, but only in brief bursts, unless he actively seeks her out, usually to learn spells together, she almost never keeps the conversation going. It drives Table a little insane to see the two of them together with her being so far away, but she has to control herself for now. Atlas is allowed to have friends, that are also girls, that may or may not be interested in him, that's fine! That's fine.

The night comes, and Atlas comes back to his dorm. Fet however, does not, she instead sits on a bench, and looks around as if waiting for something. Soon enough, a presence reveals itself, the only other person that'd be up this late would be... Rin? No, not Rin, it's that parasite. Rin's eyes are too closed for her to be awake.

The parasite sits down next to her with Rin's body. Fet doesn't flinch like she usually does from being close to someone she doesn't know, which means it's not the first time they talked.

Fet speaks first, "I think- I think I messed up."

"It can't have been that bad, surely. It would be pretty hard to get Atlas of all people mad," the parasite answers in a monotone voice.

"I made him run headfirst into a signpost- I just wanted him to stumble over or something, I- I didn't think he'd get seriously hurt!"

The parasite slowly turns to look at her. "Did you get him during his jogging session? He might have been following a rhythm. Did he know it was you?"

"I don't know, I cast it from pretty far away, but the way he looked at me, I'm not sure..." She answers guiltily.

Table's secretly a little happy to hear this. She knew it, she was right! Is it bad to hope for someone to be bad?

The parasite leans back against the bench, thoughtful. "You managed to cast that spell on a moving target from afar? That's strangely impressive from someone who allegedly has very little mana to practice with."

Fet looks away, and remains silent.

"No matter," the parasite continues. "I did say I would help you make him like you more, but unfortunately, I cannot give advice beyond friendship. If you wish to take things further, I have nothing to say."

"I'm- I'm fine being friends with him! I just don't want to be a burden..."

"I said you should try to help him when he is in trouble, not for you to cause the trouble yourself. You make yourself more of a burden using these backhanded tactics. No matter, you have to uphold your end of the bargain, do you not?"

"B-But it still doesn't feel like he likes me that much."

"You said he appreciated the help you gave him with your spells, as far as I know, he'll like anyone that helps him with his magic, platonically at least. You did say you wanted to be friends with him, right? You are friends enough, as such, I have done my job. Do yours. The graveyard is far, so let's get going already."

Fet still doesn't look satisfied, but she still begrudgingly follow the parasite outside school grounds. Table now knows for a fact that Fet was behind Atlas's tumble, but she did say she only wanted him as a friend. Her methods to make friends may be a little extreme, but it's hardly damning evidence.

What to do...

>Table will keep following them, the graveyard is not that close to the town, and anything could happen during the night...
>Table will keep following them, but bring Atlas. The two of you won't be as stealthy, but she might need him.
>Table has seen enough, it's time to report back to Atlas, besides, he promised a gaming session.
>Table will keep following them, the graveyard is not that close to the town, and anything could happen during the night...
Let's keep seeing this.
>Table will keep following them, the graveyard is not that close to the town, and anything could happen during the night...
I think I know what's happening, the Parasite wants a body of their own. And it might not necessarily be a corpse...
>Table will keep following them, the graveyard is not that close to the town, and anything could happen during the night...
The plot thickens! Oo, this plot thicc.
>Table will keep following them, the graveyard is not that close to the town, and anything could happen during the night...
It sucks to miss out on more videogame teasing between the two, but this parasite is obviously up to no good. Table might end up having to save Fet herself...
Table's time to be the hero just like playing Dark Souls on Atlas' laptop
I wouldn't mind if Table and Fet became friends, assuming she's innocent. I like Table and Atlas, but she doesn't need spend *all* her time with her boyfriend. They're already effectively all but married, they've got their whole lives to be together and they still spend most of their time doing stuff.
I agree. Atlas has Aroth but Table has nobody else right now. I'd say Charlotte (Char+Lotte) counts as being both their friend but by association to Aroth instead.
To be fair, even this would be Fet being friends with Table by way of heing friends with Atlas. That's sort of the problem with being a Forgotten: nobody can focus on you or remember that you're friends. Though Fet like swirting stuff down and saving her life would be a big deal, so maybe that would be enough.
Well, I guess it'd probably hard for her to do it...but it's better than nothing. I don't think that people other than Atlas could get used to her curse like he did, since he's basically spent half the year spending every day with her, but I don't think it'd be impossible for Table to hang out with someone else if they tried.
*Fet likes writing stuff down

True. One can hope... poor Table.
>Table will keep following them, the graveyard is not that close to the town, and anything could happen during the night...
>Table will keep following them, but bring Atlas. The two of you won't be as stealthy, but she might need him.

It's better to follow them alone, Table thinks. Atlas isn't as good when it comes to stealth, and worst case scenario, she gets caught and takes the blame. She doesn't need to involve him in all this.

Fet and the parasite leave the school, not talking much on the way to the graveyard. It's pretty far from the town, at least ten miles away, which doesn't sound like much until you realize you also have to walk those ten miles back to the school before the sun sets. Table already regrets this, she wanted to play video games, snuggle in bed with Atlas, or read a book, anything but this long walk following someone in secret.

They're not the only one travelling this late into the night, but most people seem busy with their own troubles. It's not that surprising, there are plenty of things that cannot be done during the day, some plants required for alchemy only reveal themselves in the dark, some spells won't work if not cast under the glowing moon, it goes on and on. It doesn't make any stranger you pass by any less scary, especially now that Table is out of the school away from the teacher's protection.

Despite her worries, everyone makes it to the graveyard, and that's when the parasite reveals her plan. "The gravekeeper is on a break for about an hour, so we'll need to be fast. Find the grave of someone that died in their twenties, if you can't find that, go for someone younger. Anyone that died older than this will be harder to deal with."

"Sorry but... isn't that a little bit immoral? To dig up a grave like this? A-And illegal, if someone finds out we did this then-"

"That's really all you care about Fet, how people perceive you. I wish I had your problems, I really do. I wish I could care if the boy I liked didn't like me back, or about my grades, or about not having friends. No, what I have to worry about is making a wrong step and being ripped out and discarded like trash, everyone looks at me like I'm some kind of monster for being born the way I am."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, you're not really sorry, are you? You're using me, just like the rest. You apologize because it makes you look better, but your actions are just selfish. You know what I think? If you could get away with it, you'd be the type of person to just use a mind spell to make everyone like you. That's the type of person I think you are."

Ouch, even though Table isn't too fond of Fet, it still seems a little harsh, doesn't it? Fet is unsuccessfully holding back tears, a result even Table could've predicted.

"I'm- I'm sorry, I just- I don't want to hurt anyone, I- I-" Her cries resonate through the empty graveyard, and the parasite is forced to calm her down.

"Okay. Sorry, I didn't mean it, I'm just on edge, and frustrated by a lot of things. I didn't want to take it out on you, it's not your fault, let's just get going, alright?" She says that, but with the parasite's emotionless tone, it doesn't do much to appease Fet. Out of options, she hugs Fet in an awkward hug, wrapping her arms around her body, but not quite holding her tight enough to be considered a full hug. "Fet. I need you, you're the only one I can trust, favor or not. Please."

Fet wipes away her tears. She's still distraught, but she's at the very least helping the parasite doing...whatever she's doing. They find a suitable grave from a young woman, and start digging. Table is a little disgusted by this, but she's not sure if she should stop them or not. She might not need to, as this whole crying fiasco has wasted enough of their time that the gravekeeper is already back from their break. It's a towering, hooded figure, holding a lantern that emits an eerie green glow. If these two get found out, they'll be in big trouble, but maybe they deserve what's coming to them? Do they, though? It's not the parasite's fault it was born that way, but does that make it right for them to desecrate a random woman's grave?

What to do...

>Distract the gravekeeper until these two are done, but how? (Write in)
>Just let them get caught, it's their problem now.
Hm...I guess the Parasite isn't going to try to hijack Fet's body after all. Well, we already did all this stuff, might as well help them.
>Distract the gravekeeper until these two are done, but how?
Use Gravity to make something fall over so that it takes up the Gravekeeper's attention. Like tipping over a tree or whatever else.
Oh yes, obviously we skedaddle outta there once it happens. Can't get caught ourselves.
Missed the update, supportin' this.

I'm >>6102841

Table has an idea, not a great one, but an idea nonetheless. She can use a gravity spell to tip a tree over. It will take an absurd amount of mana to power up the rune enough for it to move a tree, but if there's anything Table has plenty of, it's mana.

She sets up a gravity rune near a tree she knows will be in the gravekeeper's path. She's not trying to kill him or anything, it should fall on the side and hopefully make him investigate. She activates the rune, it slowly and not so subtly titls the tree down until it collapses under its own weight. The gravekeeper was already looking at the tree before it went down, and he takes notice of the rune that somehow went unharmed by the falling tree.

"Peculiar. A student from that school, no doubt, practicing all the way out here," he says, looking around him. "No respect for life, no respect for the dead, would they like it if I bent their back for practice? Shameful." The Gravekeeper modifies the rune, and the tree is lifted back up...only to fall on the other side into the road. The gravekeeper is not pleased. "That is a lot more mana than I expected, just a safety hazard waiting to happen."

The gravekeeper keeps complaining as he tries to set the tree back to its original state. Table goes back to the graveyard, and it looks like they're both already gone, and they even covered their tracks by filling the grave they dug up back with dirt. Table is pretty sure the gravekeeper has other way of knowing who messed with his place, but maybe these two can get away with it if they feign ignorance.


You're woken up by the sound of water running. Table is back, and she looks very, very tired. "How did your stalking session go?" You ask her.

"Fet might have done something pretty illegal and arguably immoral."

"That bad?"

"I'm only mildly exaggerating, technically it's not as bad as what we're doing in the vault." She frowns. "Sorry, didn't mean to bring that up again. To make a long story short, she's the one that caused you do get hurt back then, but it's just because she wanted to be helpful to you or something, also she's helping Rin's parasite dig up corpses in the graveyard away from town."

You blink twice, trying to process that last bit of information. "That went from a zero to a hundred real quick, what was that last part?"

She shakes her head. "I know as much as I told you. I don't want to be involved in whatever they're doing, that's their problem." She falls headfirst into the bed, the upper half of her body colliding with your head. Fortunately, or unfortunately, she's pretty flat today, you assume that it's easier to walk long distance with a smaller chest.

"You smell like dirt," you blurt out. "I didn't even know dirt had a smell."

"Yeah I had to dig around to make a rune in the ground, took more elbow grease than I thought. Anyway, what do you think we should do about Fet?"

"What do you mean?" You push her away from your head so you can breathe.

"Like, we know she's doing something illegal, we know she's the one who made you stumble. Even if she allegedly didn't have any ill intention, shouldn't we confront her about it?"

You should, but should you? You'll have to explain to her why you were so suspicious of her that you stalked her in the middle of the night... then again, you could just say that Table just so happened to listen in on her, you don't have to tell the whole truth. You could also just let it slide, you're sure Fet feels bad enough as is.

>Bring up the accident that Fet caused, but not the graveyard stuff.
>Bring up the accident and the graveyard stuff with Fet, even if that might make her uncomfortable.
>Just let it slide for now, everyone makes mistakes.
>Talk to Rin's parasite first to learn more, you might get involved in something dangerous if you're not careful, though.
>Bring up the accident that Fet caused, but not the graveyard stuff.
There's no point in hiding it. Just be sure to tell her we're not going to tell on her or that we hate her or anything, and specifically mention that Table saved her ass.
>Talk to Rin's parasite first to learn more, you might get involved in something dangerous if you're not careful, though.
Seems pretty clear to me what's happening. I imagine if anyone would be sympathetic to a persecuted parasite, it's our beloved colonial worm-monster GF.
I feel like it might be better if we talk to Fet first, we don't exactly know much about how Rin's parasite works, and we could accidentally screw up the situation and get them killed.
>Bring up the accident that Fet caused, but not the graveyard stuff.
Wait. I'm retarded. I was trying to vote for
>Bring up the accident and the graveyard stuff with Fet, even if that might make her uncomfortable.
There's no point in mentioning Table saved her while also not talking aobut the graveyard.

Don't you think that'll just scare her off? She seems a bit...fragile.
Better telling her now than hiding it from her and having her feel worse later.
Yeah, but that also means we'd have to admit Table was specifically stalking her, as opposed to just overhearing her by accident.
Not necessarily.
>Hey Fet, so, while Table was outside, she overheard you and Dill talking about how you made me hit my head on the thing. Then you went to a graveyard and were almost caught until Table distracted the gravekeeper because she was worried and followed you.
Alright, you've convinced me. I'll change >>6103893 to supporting >>6103896
Changing vote from >>6103851 to backing >>6103911
It's not Dill (the mermaid), it's Rin (the catgirl)'s parasite

"Fine, we'll confront her about everything," you drag the blanket over her. "The graveyard, and the accident. It's better to just let her know early instead of keeping secrets later."

"Don't you think she might take it the wrong way? I'm the one being thrown under the bus, here."

"It's fine, we'll just say you overheard them talk about the accident she caused, and then when you heard that they were going to the graveyard, you followed them because you didn't want them to get into trouble, trouble that you helped avoid, right? It's not stalking if we phrase it that way, kind of."

"Fine, I guess. Speaking of how I just saved them, where's my reward? Do I get another favor? Pretty please?"

"You get a free gaming session at a time of your choice, how does that sound?"

You wait for an answer, but she's already asleep, somehow. You wonder if tiredness hits her all at once like a bag of bricks if she stays awake for too long, or if it works the same as you where you get progressively more tired. Her biology is too strange for you to know for sure. You give her a goodnight kiss, and follow her into the realm of dreams.

You wake up before Table, and prepare the usual for her. Breakfast, brush, the works. She's still not waking up though, you underestimated how tired yesterday's ordeal made her. You leave her with a note with a lot of hearts, and decide to see if you can find Fet outside. You find her in the library, and decide that even though Table's not here, it might be a good idea to break the news early anyway.

"Hey, Fet? Can I talk to you for a second? In private."

She gasps, and closes her book, her talons trembling slightly as she puts the book back into the pocket space. You feel like she might have gotten the wrong idea, so you elaborate.

"I mean, I know of some stuff that you've done, I want to talk about that," you add.

Her expression quickly becomes that of fear, and she shakes her head violently. "N-No, but I didn't- I didn't do anything, I didn't mean it! I swear!" Despite her panic, she's still so soft-spoken that you can barely hear what she's saying.

"I'm not mad, I just want to talk about it, okay? Let's just talk about it in my dorm, Table is also there."

"Table? Table is... she's- I know her, she's- she's uhm, I-"

"My girlfriend, it's normal if you don't remember her, she has a little bit of a condition, don't worry about it."

She says it's not okay at all to forget someone she's supposed to know, and you're forced to grab her hand-talon to drag her back to your dorm. She freezes up when you do, and you realize you are once again giving the wrong idea, and grab her feathery arm instead. You tell her to stay outside as you make sure Table is in fact awake and knows you're letting her in, before the meeting finally begins.

You let her know about everything Table learned and what she did, although you omit the stalking and suspicion part. This unfortunately does not help calm Fet down at all. She apologizes a lot, she cries, and curls up in a ball as she says very bad things about herself. It's becoming really hard to calm her down, and you're not sure Table would like it if you gave her a hug, you've worked so hard to set those boundaries, you'd like to keep them where they are if possible.

"Hey, listen, I get it," Table says. "You messed up, and you feel bad about it, and you feel like you're never going to get over it, that people will hate you forever, but if you want to know the truth, we really don't care about those things you did."

"Don't you? I-I hurt him! And if it wasn't for you- We- We would've been c-caught. I always mess up everything, always! I just- I just want things to go right for once, I just- I just-"

"Our problem is that you didn't tell us what was going on, and friends tell each other when they have problems, okay? That's why we're mad, because you did something dangerous, and if you just told us, we could've helped."

"B-But I promised her that I wouldn't tell anyone... please don't tell her you know! Please! She- She just want to make a wraith body, but she needs a corpse first, we made doubly sure the corpse was soulless and everything, she's not hurting anyone!"

"A wraith body?" You say, confused. "Why specifically a wraith? Why not just use the corpse as is?"

"I- I don't know? She said that making a wraith was easier than resurrecting a body as is, or something, I don't know! Please, I'm not lying this time! I- I know I did before but I usually don't, I swearIswearIswear."

It is getting a little irritating how she just doesn't believe either of you when you're telling her she's forgiven, but maybe it's to be expected when two of her secrets were revealed at once. There has to be a way to calm her down.

>Tell Table to give her a hug, you certainly can't.
>Tell Fet she can make it up to you by teaching you more spells she knows. It's a way of making her feel useful.
>Say you won't let Rin's parasite know and you won't say anything to anyone, her secret is safe with you.
>Something else? (Write in)
Well, a hug certainly helped last time...how about
>Table hugs her first
>Tell Fet she can make it up to you by teaching you more spells she knows. It's a way of making her feel useful.
I can support this. I guess I'd prefer if table hugged her of her own volition but she's probably still a bit jealous.

Man, this situation ain't easy. The more we help her the more she's going to have a crush on us.
Oops, ID changed. I'm >>6103914

But what if we help her get a boyfriend...?
Yeaaaah...no. Even if we know someone to set her up with like with Charlotte and Aroth, she's way too agreeable and soft. We don't wanna just push her into a relationship with a rando just because we don't want to make our girlfriend jealous.
I have to admit i feel bad for Fet, she certainly has a lot in common with Atlas. Of course, the only reason he is like this right now is because of Table...she's certainly done a lot of work on her side of the relationship. They both have.

>Even if we know
I don't think we do.
Oh yeah, I meant knew. If we knew. We don't. But that's not the point.
>Tell Table to give her a hug, you certainly can't.
>Kiss her, that will shut her up for sure
But seriously
>Tell Table to give her a hug, you certainly can't.
changing my vote from >>6104057 to
>Tell Table to give her a hug, you certainly can't.
File: 1720711600293403.png (187 KB, 389x391)
187 KB
187 KB PNG
>Changed my vote from "Tell table to give her a hug"
>"Tell table to give her a hug"
That vote I backed has ">Table hugs her first" in it bro
That's literally the same thing, anon.
File: cryfet.png (77 KB, 431x533)
77 KB

Fet isn't even looking at you anymore, curled up into a feather ball as she is, which is perfect to make some silent communication with Table. You open your arms wide, and point to Fet. She makes an annoyed face, and you make a pleading one. She raises a finger, then another. Honestly, you've lost track of the amount of favor she owes you, so what's two more.

She begrudgingly mimics you and opens her arms, and wraps them around her. She gently tightens her embrace, as to make sure to not startle her. She doesn't resist, but it takes a few minutes for her crying to slow down. At first Table looks bothered, but she eventually settles for a fuller, more earnest hug.

Once the crying has fully stopped, you speak again. "Fet, listen, you can always make it up to me in other ways if you feel that guilty about it."

Table turns her head around, narrowing her eyes at you.

"I mean spells! You can make it up to me by teaching me more spells, is what I meant," you correct yourself. You don't think Fet's mind is dirty enough to misinterpret what you said, but it can't hurt to make sure. After all, just because someone's shy doesn't mean they don't have dirty thoughts, although you doubt someone in the middle of a mental breakdown would be thinking about that.

"O-Okay, I-I can do that. I'm sorry for being so annoying, I just-"

"Yes, it's fine, forgiven! Don't worry about it!" Table asserts. "Just don't do that stuff again, and we'll be fine, okay?"

"You..you promise not to tell her? If she finds out that I said everything, she- she might get mad. I don't want to lose another friend, please."

"Yes, promise. We promise, right Atlas?"

You feel like it's a little too late to argue now, so you promise to not tell her either. You'd still like it if Fet managed to convince Rin's parasite to tell you directly, but it might be hard for someone as shy as her.

"Atlas, that's cool and all, but we have our Intangible class soon, so we're going to need to go."

Fet gets up and wipes away the last of her tears. "I'll- I'll be fine, sorry for the trouble, I swear I won't-"

"Yes you won't do it again, we know. Let's go."

You escort Fet back to her dorm, and get prepared for your next class. Table says she already knows how she's going to use her favor, but she's not telling what it will involve, so you have that to look forward to.

You sit down for the Intangible class, and Suuri starts with the usual speech that most teachers like having when a class begins. "As you all know, Intangible magic is dangerous and at times, unpredictable, however there is a branch of Intangible magic that is safer albeit more time-consuming and costly to practice: Alchemy. Do note that alchemy benefits from all kinds of magic type. Life magic for living ingredients, material for solid ones, but Intangible is necessary to make the final product a potion that you can drink. While it is possible to make food with similar results, potions can also be used offensively, so potions are more reliable and versatile."

You flip to the alchemy page, and unlike before, these aren't spells as much as they are recipes. This is where the 'you can only bring into dungeon things you've made in the school' becomes relevant, you suppose. What if you export the ingredients from outside, though? What if you buy all the components for a gun, and assemble it in school, would that count? You'll have to ask the teachers for clarifications later.

As for what you can learn today...

Pick one spell from the previous class:

>Fire Spread: A pre-existing fire will now spread much faster than normal. However it will also do everything else faster, including using fuel and consuming oxygen. It can also cause a fire to go out faster if it was already dying. The spell's cost depends on how long you try to speed up the fire.
>Mana Rip: Can cause an enchantment or a spell to stop working by disturbing the mana that they use. This spell is incredibly hard to use at a distance even with Spell Displacement, and often requires a good understanding of the enchantment or spell used to make the most of it.
>Fog: Create a strong thick fog from pre-existing water. While the fog itself is nothing special, the caster has more or less full control of it as long as they can see the fog, making it a rather versatile spell. The fog can also be turned back into its liquid form, making it pretty efficient at transporting large bodies of water.
>(Cannot be used safely unless you also learn Yellow Gloves) Thunder Beast: Causes your entire body to be insulated while emitting bursts of electricity to anyone and anything that touches you. However, the insulation and the electricity are technically separate spells, which makes it possible for someone to disrupt the insulation and make you electrocute yourself. Dangerous and powerful, often learned by the slightly unhinged.

Additionally, pick one new spell/recipe:
>Fire in a Bottle: The equivalent of a magic molotov cocktail. You can however infuse the potion with your own mana to make the fire controllable by you and you alone.
>Stone Eater: An acid like liquid that chews through stone pretty efficiently, but nothing else. Works on most types of rocks and stone, unless they are magically protected.
>Liquid Battery: A liquid that can store electricity for about 5 hours. If splashed on something, it will redirect any electricity flowing through it back to the liquid, making it useful to disrupt electric machinery and spells. More advanced version of the potion can distribute the stored electricity at the caster's command.
(also I haven't drawn in a while, so I'll probably draw more lower effort colorless stuff until I find back my groove, even if it might look a little weird.)
>when the bird girl is sad
>you doubt someone in the middle of a mental breakdown would be thinking about that
I have, at least once in my past breakdowns over the many years I've lived. Don't underestimate me

Do we not already have Mana Rip?
>Fire in a Bottle
(You're right, I'm stupid and you already know mana rip, I usually take spells you already know out but I forgot this time and just copy pasted the whole thing)
That's OK OP
>Fire Spread
>Fire in a Bottle
Imagine if we mix Fire Spread with Fire Flare. That'll let us do a gigantic explosion.
Man, Fet really makes you want to protect her and make her stop crying. I still believe we can make her and Table become friends.

>Fire Spread
I like the idea of mixing it with flare.
>Fire in a Bottle
Synergy and stuff.

I'm >>6104080
>Fire in a Bottle
Why Fog? We specifically too Intangible so we could have more offensive options.
Yeah but I don't think Fire Spread can work that well with Fire Flare unless we case it on the Spark or synergize it with Wind Guide/Tornado first. Do you think we could exhaust all oxygen in a room or cause severe smoke inhalation to the opponent with all this fire stuff we have at our disposal? How can Atlas prevent that for himself though while damaging the opponent?
>Yeah but I don't think Fire Spread can work that well with Fire Flare unless we case it on the Spark or synergize it with Wind Guide/Tornado first. Do you think we could exhaust all oxygen in a room or
Why? It makes fire consume oxygen faster. Mixing it beforehand with flare, it would create a way bigger explosion.
Ah I see. My mistake

Changing my vote from >>6104508 to
>Fire Spread
>Fire in a Bottle
Hey, I just remembered - weren't we gonna go help the spirit fix the computers in the cave vault?

If not for the literal corpse in a jar, that place seems like it would be a comfy home.
Weren't we waiting for Spirit Link to do that? I figured that was the plan
Weren't we supposed to give that corpse in a jar a proper burial? Did Table and Atlas just forget about that? And the problem with Atlas and Table living there together is that they can be easily traced and followed back to there if anybody bothered to try though they could simply have the ultra dank secret parts closed off to guests or others
>Weren't we waiting for Spirit Link to do that? I
Yes, and now we have it.
>Weren't we supposed to give that corpse in a jar a proper burial?
We were still researching it. We were waiting for it to 'heal' after the first experiment.
>Fire Spread
>Fire in a Bottle
I was going for fog and battery or FiaB, but anons >>6104543 >>6104546 made me see the true potential ofspread.
>Man, Fet really makes you want to protect her and make her stop crying. I still believe we can make her and Table become friends.
Indeed I also wanna protect her, although I gotta admit that the spoiler reminded me of 3some anon from Curse Carrier. Sorry.
>3some anon from Curse Carrier
That's ME you nigger!
>Liquid Battery
Would it even work? It specifically says pre-existing water, not pre-existing liquid.
>(Cannot be used safely unless you also learn Yellow Gloves) Thunder Beast: Causes your entire body to be insulated while emitting bursts of electricity to anyone and anything that touches you. However, the insulation and the electricity are technically separate spells, which makes it possible for someone to disrupt the insulation and make you electrocute yourself. Dangerous and powerful, often learned by the slightly unhinged.
>Stone Eater: An acid like liquid that chews through stone pretty efficiently, but nothing else. Works on most types of rocks and stone, unless they are magically protected.
>often learned by the slightly unhinged.
If Atlas was pro-humanity and had no gigastealth wormbag wife to help him, then he might have taken a darker route where this could go with his gadget inclination
Pretty sure that's just his female friend.

I have to say though, if it wasn't for Table being basically an endless spring of mana, I imagine Atlas would have probably gotten a *lot* more pissed about his limitations as a human, and by extension, gotten a lot more envious of the other students born with a fuckton of mana.
And from that envy can be born many things both high and low
Yeah but i mean like, bitter envy. Obviously Atlas is already kinda 'envious', but because of Table allowing him to practice a *lot* more, he can put that to good use.

If he was alone, he'd have no choice but to sit on his ass time and time again, *waiting* for his mana to recharge unable to do anything while his fellows get to study all they want just because they were born under a luckier star. Atlas already gets mad when he loses even though he's put the most effort out of anyone, imagine what it would be like if he wasn't even allowed to put in effort because of his low mana.
>Would it even work? It specifically says pre-existing water, not pre-existing liquid.
I was thinking like using the fog and then throwing the battery at it. dunno if that anon is thinking about the same.
(just taking a small break, will update tomorrow, thank you for your patience.)
Good. Soon, we'll be off to vacation time, and then we'll get to have some real fun with Table. Maybe meet our parents.
There's probably a way to get them to work together with mixed magic, like how Give Life + Mana Feel can become Give Mana. Combos can be more than he sum of their parts, it seems.

You'll learn fire spread with fire in a bottle. Fire isn't just good for duels, it can light up paths, or destroy flammable materials that may be in your way. From what you can read, even if the fire grows, you'll only be able to control the 'original flames' the potion created. Basically, the mana you have will attach itself to those flames, but your mana won't attach itself to 'new' flames. It can sound counterintuitive, since technically a fire continuously creates new flame as it goes through fuel, but sometimes magic is just like that. Now, while it does mean you won't be able to control a massive fire easily just because you used fire spread, it doesn't make the combo worthless, far from it; You can still make the fire last much longer than normal by using 'key flames' set at specific spot according to the book. The idea is to have those flames act as flame leaders, that will help the entire fire last longer and move to places you want it to. It requires a lot of practice, but it sounds cool.

Unlike most spells, this doesn't just demand mana, but ingredients. Ingredients like... oh, it's seeds from that one plant that Lazari made you grow, that's convenient. You hear Table curse under her breath, she forgot to water the plant since she spent so much time in your dorm, so hers withered a while ago. Yours is just fine though, so that's great. Apart from that, you'll need... crystallized fear? Condensed boredom? You knew emotions could be used for recipes, but how are you supposed to use that? You ask the teacher, and he tells you that these are feelings you're supposed to add to the potion as you feel them, and that the feelings can't be too artificial. Genuine feelings tend to create more potent results, which is what makes mass-producing quality potion nearly impossible. It's actually not uncommon for people to 'sell' their feelings to alchemists for pocket change. It doesn't actually take away your emotions either, it's more like it mold the potion itself.

Case in point, fear and boredom. Boredom's easy enough to get, but true fear could be more annoying to get, since you'd be aware that you're trying to makes yourself scared, which will make you not scared because you know it's not real. You discuss it with Table, and she says that she can't think of anything that wouldn't be a little too much, she won't say what it is, though.

Something scary but safe, what could that be...

>Explore the forest at night.
>Maybe someone knows a fear spell? It's artificial, so it'll be of lesser quality.
>It's cheap, but maybe Table could jumpscare you when you least expect it, she is pretty good at taking you by surprise, after all.
>Write in.
I have a plan.
>Ask Table to jumpscare us when we're out in the forest at night, BUT to also wait for us to FORGET that we asked her, so our fear will be EXTRA GENUINE
>fearboner ensues after
Fearboners don't really work on jumpscares.
Is not a bad idea but forgetting we asked might take a long time
so instead do we have any horror games/movies? If so we could do another marathon with everyone after asking if they're okay with us harvesting their fear, of course share it with them if the need it as well
> forgetting we asked might take a long time
Is it? I mean, if we don't write it down...
Spooky Scary Girlfriend, +1

"Table, I'm going to need you to scare me, and to make it extra scary, you'll need to do it in the forest, in the middle of the night. Can you do that for me?"

"I can try, but what do you want me to do? Just... jump you when you least expect it? Is that the plan?" She checks the book to make extra sure that would work, but theoretically any kind of fear would be enough, even if things like dread and terror is considered better quality than what a jumpscare would cause.

"Surprise me! By the way, do you want my seed?"

"The plant seed? Yeah thanks, I really should've looked after mine, but I forgot about it." She looks back at you, with an innocent look that you're not used to witnessing.

"I meant- I mean, yes I was talking about the plant seed, but..."

She facepalms. "Right! The innuendo, I was just so focused on the recipe, it went right over my head." She pokes your cheek to give you some extra mana. "It might be the first time I think about studying magic more than you, don't forget to write that one down!"

You grumble as you jot down another one of her small victories. The teacher points to the door, which you assume means the class is over. You continue your studies with Fet until the night comes. Fet asks if she can go with you, but you tell her it'll be less scary with someone else by your side. She takes it as a compliment that you'd feel safer with her, even though you didn't mean it exactly like that, it's less about feeling safe and more so about loneliness in a dark place being inherently more scary.

You march on to the forest, and once you're deep enough, you rip off the paper note reminding you why you're even here. Table should've followed you out of sight, so now all you have to do is wait, and see what she comes up with.

You wait, and you wait, and you wait some more. At some point, it becomes harder to remember why you came here, it was to gather ingredients, wasn't it? You don't remember what kind though. One of those was-

You hear a branch crack, and you flinch. You check your pockets for a note, and it says that Table couldn't accompany you in the forest since she was busy, so it can't be her. This note doesn't feel right, but you don't see why you'd lie to yourself with your own note, which means that anyone or anything could've cracked this branch.

From the corner of your eye, something moves, floating leaves the only trace of its passage. You use Bright Sight to get a better look, but it's already gone. You're afraid of moving, and that seals your fate. Two hands get a hold of you, one on your mouth and the other on your hand. The hands are burly and masculine, and you can't think of anyone you know it could belong to, your panic makes you fumble the spell for your pocket space, you underestimated how much focus these spells required, the difference between a 'safe' duel and a true life or death situation like this is like night and day.

"Boo!" The hands let go of you, and wave a purple crystal in front of you. The hand quickly morph into something you recognize. "I figured making more masculine hands would work better, but I didn't expect it to make you THIS scared. Either way, high quality stuff! I think you can make more than one potion with this, too."

You're out of breath, and can't answer her. It's coming back to you now, you asked her to do this, so you can't even be mad at her. If it really was some bandit that caught you, you'd be dead. This wasn't like the turret, where you at least got to cast spells, this truly made you feel powerless.

"Atlas? I didn't overdo it, did I? I just thought saying 'boo' wouldn't be enough, but I'm sorry if I went too far."

"It's fine, don't worry about it. What matters is we got the ingredient now."

The school is a little far, and you're closer to the vault, so you'll sleep here for now. The forest might not be that dangerous, but that doesn't mean nothing roams around in the night. You look behind you at every sound on the way there, and Table laughs every time you do.

Once in the vault, you feel a little bit more safe, but you're not sure if you can sleep soundly. You're not sure why you're still scared, it's like you just unlocked a brand new fear, being killed alone in the wood. You're sure you'll get over it, but in the meantime, you might as well do something useful.

You check up on the spirit, and it's still there. It's been casting random divination and material spells on the broken computers, with no success. As a matter of fact, this might have destroyed whatever workable components were still around. You try to make a spirit link with it, but it's pretty clear that it wants to know what's inside those computers, and maybe it assumes that just because you're human you can wave your hands and fix it.

As for what you can do, well...

>Don't touch the computers for now, you'll try to buy parts when you make a trip to the human city again.
>Try to see if there are replacement parts around the vault somewhere, it's pretty unlikely though.
>You could dissassemble the one working computer to see if you can use its parts to fix the other computers. It's doubtful you'll be able to fix all of them that way, though.
>Try to see if there are replacement parts around the vault somewhere, it's pretty unlikely though.
It's unlikely, but if there aren't, we should try to talk to the spirit so it doesn't break anything more until we bring back the parts from the city.
I really like how Atlas has developed from feeling basically no sexual attraction to actively making innuendos to table. True Character development.

>You're not sure why you're still scared, it's like you just unlocked a brand new fear, being killed alone in the wood.
It's because of THIS realization
>your panic makes you fumble the spell for your pocket space, you underestimated how much focus these spells required, the difference between a 'safe' duel and a true life or death situation like this is like night and day.
Even with magic, no being is immune to being ganked and murdered

Way more active than Weaver ever was
>The hands are burly and masculine, and you can't think of anyone you know it could belong to, your panic makes you fumble the spell for your pocket space, you underestimated how much focus these spells required, the difference between a 'safe' duel and a true life or death situation like this is like night and day.
What's the matter, Atlas ? Life flashing before your eyes ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVbyQkn6GWg
>Try to see if there are replacement parts around the vault somewhere, it's pretty unlikely though.
basially this
>You could dissassemble the one working computer to see if you can use its parts to fix the other computers. It's doubtful you'll be able to fix all of them that way, though.
>>6106362 +1
>we should try to talk to the spirit so it doesn't break anything more until we bring back the parts from the city.
With how paranoid humans are, it wouldn't be impossible for them to make some hardware that have a virus inside that could reconnect the old computers with some database from the human city. I wouldn't risk it, like AT ALL, I would prefer it if we get that magitech book and use it to make ourselves our own PC hardware to make these machines work.

Hell, even more believable would be the possibility that one of those pieces would act like some USB Killer and fucking up the whole place electronics.

Also anons, we NEED to checkout and possibly dismantle that weird ass robot that's in the same room as the Forgotten heart. If it really is the same killer robot that is a urban legend for humans in our fucking basement, the best is if we destroy it or just dissansamble it before there's a fucking carnage. Who knows? Maybe it has some if not most of the components that the computers needs, we just purge the AI/program that kills people and were done.

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