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Music play as you come into Shanghai Airport.
*Bong ding dong ding, ding ding dong ding dong dading*
Ah! China, world middle country.
Good news in TV. America finally kow tow to Beijing! China culture is now aknowledge as number one in world.
American have selled cultural good to China Company. Now we have all Superhero!
Superhero? They are like Cultivator but make by jew.

Now you also Superhero in China!
Just say me:
>Social Credit Score (it like alignment, high is good, minus is villain)
Carptain Soompermen

Diamond skin - Immunity to crushing or bending (elevators, lathes, box trucks, etc.)

999,999,999 social credit (Infallible)
Even better is that I read this initially as "CHINK SUPER HERO QST"

>Regeneration (survive Beijing smog, Yellow River pollution exposure, Bat-transmitted pneuomonia, mass-stabbings, tank treads, etc.)
>88,888,888 Soc. Creds (Lucky Numbers!)
In this is people republic, true democracy 我喜欢面条
Tie breaker decide who we are
>Jianbing man
>Can control minimum wage workers, street vendors and dodgy didi drivers
First post who get seconded win!
Maybe I must make trip my IP change all times...
>Can get powers from turn living creatures into soup. Currently has the ability's of a bat.
>-500 (broke quarantine and is spreading diseases.)
So many great an herros to choose from. Who will win?!?!
I am Soomperman and this other IP. I change my vote to
>Jianbing Man
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Social Credit: 50

In childhood you were Cheng Chao, normal china child.
But then you eat street food contaminated by Yangtze River Discharge. And your ESP Power awokened!
Third eye open, you access the hivemind, 26 generation Han ancestry attunement.
Their pain is you pain.
So you become JIANBING MAN.
You stand on roof. You see through the didi driver, you hear through the abibas factory worker.
The street is your nervous system要放洗衣机

Down you hear call of distress!
You jump and see Gong Kong Protestor harass good citizen.
What you do?

>Write it in

>No need mask when all chinese people look same (-100000 social credit)
>I block people and camera memory of my face with ESP power (+50000 social credit)
>Write it in
Sorry technical error i copy more than i wanted (china quest moment)
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please ignore post above, questmasta can not delete for some reason他妈的他妈的什么他妈

Anonymous (ID: 8zAi+pvp)
09/12/24(Thu)09:40:39 No.6102345
encounter (1).jpg
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>>6101446 #
>>6101454 #
>>6101815 #
>>6101947 #
>>6102122 #

Social Credit: 50

In childhood you were Cheng Chao, normal china child.
But then you eat street food contaminated by Yangtze River Discharge. And your ESP Power awokened!
Third eye open, you access the hivemind, 26 generation Han ancestry attunement.
Their pain is you pain.
So you become JIANBING MAN.
You stand on roof. You see through the didi driver, you hear through the abibas factory worker.
The street is your nervous system要放洗衣机

Down you hear call of distress!
You jump and see Gong Kong Protestor harass good citizen.
What you do?

>Write it in
Report to local authorities, like good and humble citizen
>Use hivemind knowledge to find out who their parents are & what college they go to; have them cut-off from both.
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Using psycho powers you call proper authority, as is decree in legal code 甜酱136鸡肉3.2
You also track their ancestry so police can issue proper 4 generation punishment to their familys.
They thank for your service.
+1000000 social credit

Social Credit Score: 1000050

You help harassed man up.
He say: "Thank you Jianbing Man. But I, the citizen, ask: Why you not wear mask if you are superhero?"

>No need mask when all chinese people look same (-100000 social credit)
>I block people and camera memory of my face with ESP power (+50000 social credit)
>Write it in
>>No need mask when all chinese people look same (-100000 social credit)
unity 坏热狗酸 :)
>No need mask when all chinese people look same (-100000 social credit)
No need hide identity under benevolent government
"Weed that stick up get plucked. Stick of bamboo grow best in bamboo grove."
>Man has point, fashion mask from Jianbing

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>y u no mask

>Comrade of the same womb (同胞), a Gallant (君子) lives Glorious, Transparent, Upright and Forthright (光明正大)
>It is only the Exploiter and the Stooge that cover their faces!
>because their deeds are Unpresentable (见不得人) and they know they are Thieves (賊)!

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