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You are a Cutémon!

You are one of the rarest types of mon: a mon that looks like a cute human girl!

Like all mons, you gain energy by fighting and defeating other mons. Your trainer is the human boy Joe Apple of Patina.
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Last time on Cutémon, you...

What? You want me to remind you about EVERYTHING that happened before now?

Well, first you saw a human boy named Joe and a mechanical mon named Onlion and you followed them to Professor Plumtree's secret laboratory and then Professor Plumtree gave Joe the Cutécaptor that he made to capture a Cutémon and you almost got captured by Rattletrap and Diamond but then Joe saved you and you both went toward the Rust City Arena and along the way you met Torrentani and Booker and helped them get rid of Combuster and when you got to Rust City you met Volito and Mashi and helped her get her grandfather's arena back and she gave you her baseball cap so you can pretend to be a human girl and then you followed Joe when he went to capture a mon of his own and you met Ramster who promised to let you pretend to be his human mon trainer if you helped him deal with Sailater but then Joe captured Sailater and you all went back to Rust City but the Traders heard there was a Cutémon in Rust City so they sent Catscan and Trent to capture you and your other friends got captured and only you and Ramster escaped and you got lost and met Hairgrazer and Katie and helped her and her father un-rustle the other Hairgrazers and then you went to Copper Citadel so you could ask Professor Ginger about the Cutécaptor but first you met Tamounda who was trying to hide behind you so the Copper Citadel Mon Control wouldn't capture him and you tricked them into thinking Tamounda was your mon and then you met Springblok and Professor Ginger and she invited you to a conference where you met Professor Plumtree's friends Professor Moss and Professor Cherry and you entered a tournament and met Starr and her mons and then you met Ward and his undead-type mons and Ward telepathically said he knows you're a Cutémon and he chased you out of the arena and then you fought and Ward's hat fell off and you saw Ward was really a human-type mon like you and then Ward disappeared and Starr found you and asked if you wanted to be partners and you stopped in Ferropolis and met Professor Bean and found out that a lot of human mon trainers had lost their mons so you went to the ancient ruins to investigate and fought Auroara and she told you she was created by the ancient humans thousands of years ago and you all went to the mon fighting canyon and rescued Volito and you stole Diamond's car and Starr drove it to Joe's house and you met his sister Jane and his mom's mon Psyotee and Starr drove you all toward Bronze Valley to rescue your other friends from Diamond's arena but another car ran you off a cliff and you woke up in the Southern Islands and met Lottatax and...

What? You want me to skip the rest? Even the part about the alien spaceship that abducted Auroara's sisters Aura and Prima and Joe and you and your other friends and how you had to fight a lot of alien-type mons and Onlion helped you and the spaceship crashed in the Northern Mountains and...
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Well, anyway, after you left Professor Holly's cabin in the Northern Mountains and got to the edge of Pyrite City, you ran into Professor Plumtree, and he has a new mechanical mon named Linx that's even bigger than Onlion, and Professor Moss and Professor Cherry and their mons are trying to corner you until Professor Plumtree gets here, and Professor Cherry's mon Medoozi chased you and Tamounda into this alley, but Tamounda is so brave that he's fighting Medoozi all by himself!

Tamounda attacks with Tail!

Medoozi dodges out of the way!

Medoozi attacks with Whirl!

Tamounda tries to jump up and hit Medoozi with his tail, but Medoozi floats up too high for Tamounda to reach!

Medoozi flattens and stretches its head and says "Doo! Doo! Doo!" Suddenly, Medoozi's tentacles start spinning around like a buzzsaw! The tentacles stretch out and start to strike the snow as they close in on Tamounda!

A clump of snow hits you and almost knocks your winter hat off of your head! You wipe the snow off your face and...

What? You just remembered Professor Moss and Professor Cherry still think you're a human girl because they haven't seen you without your winter hat? You reach up and adjust your winter hat to make sure it's on tightly enough!

Tamounda blocks the attack!

Tamounda pivots and sticks his tail into the spinning tentacles and jams them like a stuck fan! When the tentacles stop spinning Medoozi goes tumbling through the air and flattens when it hits the wall and then puffs itself back up saying "Doo! Doo! Doo!" and looks down at Tamounda and floats toward him and waves its tentacles and flattens and stretches its head and says "Doo! Doo! Doo!"

Tamounda can't help taking a step backward! He looks at you and then looks back up at Medoozi and takes another step backward!


>Challenge Medoozi with Tamounda (roll 2d100)
>Try to lure Medoozi away from Tamounda (roll 1d100)
>Encourage Tamounda to challenge Medoozi (roll 1d100)

>He's back
>After all this time
What a great day this just became. I'm happy you aren't dead, QM. I hope you've been taking good care of yourself. It looks like Mashimon's adventures continue!

>Try to lure Medoozi away from Tamounda (roll 1d100)
Let's see if we can get Medoozi to turn its back toward Tamounda so the latter can land a hit square on his back.
>Try to lure Medoozi away from Tamounda (roll 1d100)
We're so back! Thanks for returning, QM!
>Challenge Medoozi with Tamounda (roll 2d100)
Whoo it's here!
Welcome back!

However, I will require some rolls.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Rolled 63 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)

>Try to lure Medoozi away from Tamounda (roll 1d100)
Welcome back!
Rolled 99 (1d100)

>>Try to lure Medoozi away from Tamounda (roll 1d100)
Rolled 96 (1d100)

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Tamounda hops up and swings his tail but Medoozi flies out of the way again! It seems like Medoozi isn't fighting fairly because it keeps floating up too high for Tamounda to reach with his tail! Maybe you should do something to help Tamounda!

What? You want me to tell you what to do to help Tamounda? Well, what do you have that might help?

You reach into your jacket pocket and feel your Baseball Cap that Mashi gave you! It isn't as warm as the Winter Hat that Professor Holly gave you! You reach around some more and feel your Travel Map but you already know you're in Pyrite City! When you reach around again you feel your Car Key for your car parked in the Rust City Arena but it doesn't have any gas and Rust City is a long way from here! You reach around some more and feel your Video Game that Booker gave you!

What? Are you really thinking of using your video game to help Tamounda? Well, Ramster likes to play it!

You hold up your video game and it starts to make noise! Medoozi notices the video game and stops spinning its tentacles and floats toward you!

What? You didn't think this would really work? Well, Medoozi is coming toward you now! You had better do something!

You hold the video game up toward Medoozi!

"Want to play?"

Medoozi looks at the video game and then glares at you! It seems like Medoozi doesn't want to play the video game! Maybe you should try something else!

Cutémon is fleeing the fight!

You crouch down and run underneath Medoozi down the alley toward Tamounda!

"Come on, Tamounda!"

Tamounda says "Tamounda!" and runs after you!

[SFX: rumbling noise]

Suddenly the snow starts falling off the edges of the rooftops around you because the ground is shaking!

Joe runs around the corner of the alley toward you with Ramster and Lottatax behind him! You're so happy you can't contain yourself!


What? It seems like Joe is in a hurry? Suddenly a huge shadow rolls into the alley! It looks like a giant red tomato rolling down the alley! It's Professor Moss's mon Terramato!

Medoozi floats around the corner behind you! Everyone jumps out of the way and Medoozi looks up and says "Doo! Doo! D-"

Terramato attacks Medoozi with Bowl-Over!

Terramato and Medoozi get tangled up in each other and smash into a wall and get buried in snow!

"Ram-ram!" Ramster is pointing up above your head! When you look up, you see a balloon floating in the sky! It looks like the balloon that belongs to Starr's father Ben!

What? You just remembered you left Onlion knocked out in the snow where Professor Moss and Professor Cherry found you?

>Try to run to Ben's balloon before any professors find you (roll 1d100)
>Try to sneak around the professors and find Onlion (roll 1d100)
>Split up and try to rescue Onlion with Joe (roll 1d100)
>Split up and try to rescue Onlion with Joe (roll 1d100)
I bet a 100 would've convinced Medoozi to play vidya.
With all those tentacles he'd be a natural!

Don't forget your roll!
Rolled 65 (1d100)

True that.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

>Split up and try to rescue Onlion with Joe (roll 1d100)
Rolled 20 (1d100)

>Split up and try to rescue Onlion with Joe (roll 1d100)
Rolled 11 (1d100)

>>Split up and try to rescue Onlion with Joe (roll 1d100)
>Split up and try to rescue Onlion with Joe (roll 1d100)
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You meant to say that out loud but now all your friends are looking at you!

Lottatax looks up at you and asks "Lottatax?"

Joe is nodding his head! It seems like he knows what you're thinking about! "Onlion helped us before. It would be wrong to leave it behind." Joe looks up the alley. "But we can't risk everyone getting caught again."

Before anyone can do anything, you reach down and pick up Ramster and Lottatax and put them on Tamounda!

"Tamounda is fast!"

Tamounda says "Tamounda!" and then asks "Tamounda?"

"Tamounda, take Lottatax and Ramster to that balloon." Joe looks at you. "We'll get Onlion."

Tamounda looks at you again and says "Tamounda!" and runs down the alley as quickly as he can!

You follow Joe down a really narrow alley and then Joe stops and peeks out into the street and whispers "Onlion should be on the other side of that building. Come on." You and Joe run around the building and see Onlion lying in the snow! It doesn't look like Onlion is awake!

What? You're worried Onlion might be dead? Well, you don't know very much about mechanical mons, right?

Joe crouches down and reaches under Onlion's head and looks up at you. "Help me lift it."

"Please take your hands off of my property, Mr. Apple."

What? You think you recognize that voice? You look behind you and see Professor Plumtree! You can't help crying out!

Professor Plumtree reaches into his labcoat and pulls out a Sleep Bomb and grabs the pin with his other hand!

"Professor Plumtree, wait!" When you look at Joe again you see he's holding something in his hands!

Professor Plumtree can't believe it! "I'll take that device, Mr. Apple."

What? Joe is holding out the cutécaptor toward Professor Plumtree? You can't believe it! Is Joe really going to give Professor Plumtree the cutécaptor?

Professor Plumtree lets go of the sleep bomb pin and reaches his free hand out toward Joe and...

Joe attacks before Professor Plumtree was ready!

Joe attacks with Snowball!

The snowball hits Professor Plumtree in his face and he can't see anything! You and Joe crouch down and lift up Onlion and start running down the street toward Ben's balloon! It seems like you're getting close to the edge of Pyrite City because you can see the top of the balloon above one of the buildings in front of you!

Suddenly something big and white saunters out of the shadows at the end of the street! It's Linx!

"That was a futile attempt." Professor Plumtree is behind you! He wipes off his face and holds up his sleep bomb and grabs the pin again. "Linx, make sure neither of them leaves the vicinity before the sleep bomb takes effect."

Linx crouches down and glares at you! It looks like Linx is getting ready to pounce on you!

>Challenge Linx (roll 2d100)
>Try to grab the sleep bomb (roll 1d100)
>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 77, 85 = 162 (2d100)

>Challenge Linx (roll 2d100)
We're the only one in this group that can deal with Linx, and to escape, Linx will have to be dealt with eventually. Hopefully Joe is his usual self and knows what needs to be done (handle Plumtree).
Rolled 42 (1d100)

>Try to grab the sleep bomb (roll 1d100)
>Challenge Linx (roll 2d100)

I'm not going to risk ruining that roll.
Rolled 83, 67 = 150 (2d100)

>>Challenge Linx (roll 2d100)
>Challenge Linx (roll 2d100)
Rolled 61, 13 = 74 (2d100)

>Challenge Linx (roll 2d100)
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You give Linx a determined...

Joe attacks Professor Plumtree with Snowball!

The snowball knocks the sleep bomb out of Professor Plumtree's hands before he can pull out the pin and it falls in the deep snow! Professor Plumtree looks around and says "Linx, switch to autonomous mode."

Linx crouches down and...

Joe attacks Linx with Snowball!

A snowball hits Linx and distracts it and Linx glares at Joe and takes a step toward him!


Suddenly you feel your outer fangs starting to get bigger! Your winter hat falls off because your outer fangs are so big!

Cutémon attacks with Overbite!

It really hurts Linx!

You jump on Linx and poke it with your outer fangs as hard as you can! Linx lunges forward and shakes you off its back and its eyes start flashing blue and red! When you see the flashing lights you start to feel dizzy!

Linx is using Fragment!

Suddenly you realize you're sitting on the snow and the cutécaptor is glowing inside Joe's jacket pocket!

Effects of Fragment cancelled.

Linx is using Fragment!

Effects of Fragment cancelled.

You shake your head and and look up just as Linx charges at you!

Cutémon attacks with Trip!

Linx tries to move out of the way but you stick out your foot and Linx trips and lands in the snow and you jump on top of it again!

Cutémon attacks with Overbite!

It really hurts Linx!

Linx attacks with Scrape!

It really hurts!

Linx swipes at you with its paw and knocks you back!

Professor Plumtree is using Sleep Bomb!

"I don't think so."

What? Another human? You look up and see a tall human man standing next to a huge mon that looks like a giant hamster with moose horns!

"Please don't interfere. My name is Professor Plumtree, and this-"

"Name's Sagebrush. Professor Slim Sagebrush. Mon fighting in the street is illegal in Pyrite City. You're both in a heap of trouble."

"That's a very rare and elusive mon. Capturing it will be-"

"I don't care what kind of mon she is, I'm telling you to break it up or Hamoose will be the one challenging that fancy mechanical mon of yours."

The huge mon says "HAM-HAM." What? You think Hamoose has the deepest voice you've ever heard? He does have a really deep voice!

Professor Sagebrush looks at Joe. "Are you that Cutémon's trainer, son?"

"Um, yes, sir. I'm her trainer." Suddenly you feel your ears getting warm! Is it because Joe just said he was your trainer?

"You've got five minutes to get out of town."

Joe points at Onlion. "We were taking that mon to the balloon."

"Get a move on. And you..." Professor Sagebrush looks at Professor Plumtree. "I've got a Professor Cherry and a Professor Moss and their mons locked up in the jail. You know anything about that, Professor Plumtree?"
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You and Joe pick up Onlion and carry it up the street away from Professor Plumtree as fast as you can! In a few moments you can see the balloon ahead of you! The door opens and you see Starr's father Ben waving! You can see Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax sitting inside the doorway next to Ben's mon Skowl! When your mon friends see you and Joe, they all run out of the balloon door and help you and Joe carry Onlion into the balloon!

"Hey, it's my favorite freeloader!" What? Ben just called you a freeloader even though he's smiling at you? It seems like he's joking because you were a stowaway on his balloon when he first met you!

"Hi, Ben! Hi, Skowl!"

Skowl flaps its stubby wings and says "Skowooo!"

Ben looks down at Onlion as you and Joe lay it on the floor. "Hey, what's this?"


"Onlion, huh? Looks like it's off for good."

What? Ben is saying Onlion is dead? You can't stop yourself from crying!

"Hey, hey, come on, don't cry!" Ben looks around and looks at Joe and says "Help me out, Joe!"

Suddenly Joe puts his arm around you! "We don't know if that's true. Maybe another professor can help Onlion."

When Joe puts his arm around you, it seems like you don't have to cry anymore because you like having his arm around you! What? You just remembered Professor Holly thought that you should meet a professor who lived in a town on the far edge of your travel map because the professor knows a lot about human-type mons? Do you remember what the name of the town was?

"Cape Smelt!"

You didn't mean to say that out loud but Joe and Ben are looking at you!

"Cape Smelt, huh? That's a long haul." When you take out your travel map Ben points at the far edge and says "I'd offer to take you, but I'm in a hurry, and besides, you'll have to take a train there because there's too much fog." Ben points at your travel map again and says "The closest town with a train station is Weldspring. If you want, I can drop you off in Fort Brass, but I gotta make my delivery to Ferropolis."

[SFX: rumbling noise]

Your stomach is rumbling because you're so hungry!




It seems like your mon friends are hungry too!

Ben looks at you and says "There might be some chow up front. Hey, that reminds me..." Ben looks at Joe. "Your Sailater is still on the loose. Last I heard, it was spotted near Tinville."

>Ask Ben to take you to Fort Brass
>Ask Ben to take you to Ferropolis
>Ask Ben to take you to Fort Brass
>Ask Ben to take you to Fort Brass
Sailator is a big mon who should be able to take care of himself for a little bit...
>Ask Ben to take you to Fort Brass
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"Um..." Joe is looking at you! It seems like he's thinking about something! Joe looks back at Ben and says "I know Sailater is my responsibility, but I made a promise to help with something else first. We'd really appreciate it if you took us to Fort Brass."


Ramster pulls his head out of a paper sack and lifts up a sandwich! It looks like one of Jane Apple's sandwiches!

When Tamounda sees the sandwiches he says "Tamounda!" and runs across the floor of the balloon toward Ramster!

Lottatax attacks with Tongue!

Lottatax sticks out his tongue past Tamounda and pulls the sandwich out of Ramster's paws! "Otta-ahx!"

Ben closes the balloon door and hurries up to the front of the balloon with Skowl hopping behind him and then you feel the balloon start to float into the air and you can see the ground moving under you! In a few moments, you can't even see Pyrite City anymore! Joe sits down and hands you a sandwich and then you both watch the ground pass under you.

After a while, Ben turns around in his chair and looks back at you and Joe. "Get ready to touch down!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Currant? Why are we landing here?" Joe looks out the window again and says "There's nothing around here trees."

"Hey, the last thing I need is to land at the airport with three unregistered mons!"

When the balloon lands, Ben hands Joe the paper sack with the sandwiches in it! "For the road. Think you can get to Fort Brass alright?"

"Yes. Thanks again, Mr. Currant."

Ben walks toward the back of the balloon and opens the door. "Hey, no problem, I-"

Suddenly, Onlion jumps up and starts running toward the doorway! It seems like Onlion was just pretending to be asleep! It can't run very fast because it's still limping! It almost falls down but then it runs outside and disappears into the trees!

"So much for being broken!" Ben looks at where Onlion ran and then turns and says "Hey, I'd like to stay and visit, but..." It seems like Ben is in a hurry! You and Joe climb out of the balloon and then you look back at Ben and Skowl!

"Thank you, Ben!"

Skowl flaps its stubby wings and says "Skowooo!" and you wave at Skowl!

"Goodbye, Skowl!"




Everyone waves as the balloon floats up into the sky and then Joe looks around and looks at you and says "It'll be dark by the time we get there, and I don't have any coins to pay for a hotel. Do you?"

You look up at Joe and shake your head.

"It might be better if we camp here tonight and go to Fort Brass in the morning." You're nodding your head!

"We'll help!"

You look at your mon friends!

"Let's get firewood!"

You and your mon friends start picking up firewood and...


What? Ramster sees something? When you look up at the cliff, you see Onlion watching you!

Lottatax flattens its head spikes back and says "Lottatax!"


It seems like Onlion is just watching you!
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Joe makes a fire with the firewood you found and you all sit around it while the sky gets dark. Joe reaches into his backpack and pulls out the paper sack and everyone eats some more sandwiches. You look around at the cliff but you can't see Onlion anymore.

Lottatax lies down on his side and stretches out with his underbelly in front of the fire and says "Lottatax!" and closes his eyes and goes to sleep!

Tamounda says "Tamounda!" and curls his tail around him and then closes his eyes and says "Tamounda..."

It seems like Ramster is already asleep too!

You lie down next to Tamounda and close your eyes for a moment.


When you open your eyes it's darker out because the fire isn't very big! You sit up and look around at Lottatax and Tamounda and Ramster sleeping.


When you whisper Joe's name you look around and then you see a shape standing at the edge of the firelight! Joe turns his head and looks at you and you stand up and walk over to him and look up at him.

What? You think Joe has a strange expression on his face? Well, why don't you ask him what's wrong?

"What's wrong, Joe?"

"Hmm?" Joe looks at you and then looks back at the campfire. "I was just thinking about some things. About my sister. And about you."

What? Joe was thinking about you? Do you think he's upset because of you?

"I'm sorry, Joe!"

When you say that, Joe gets a different strange expression on his face! Suddenly Joe reaches out and takes your hands in his hands! You can't help your cheeks turning red! As soon as your cheeks turn red Joe lets go of your hands and then looks at his hands and looks at you and says "You shouldn't be sorry. None of this is your fault. It's just that..." Joe looks up at the night sky and then looks at you again. "I'm never sure if I'm doing the right thing."

You're nodding your head! It seems like Joe has a lot of responsibilities!

"Fort Brass has a mon fighting arena. I'm thinking of looking around for a mon to capture so we can earn some money to pay for the train ticket." Joe looks at you for a moment and then says "You might have to go inside the cutécaptor again."

You don't know what to say! Even though it's nice being inside the cutécaptor, you don't know if you want to go back inside it!

When you look back at Joe he looks up and says "It's almost midnight. I'm going to see what I can find around here."

>Go with Joe to look for a wild mon (roll 1d100)
>Go back to the campfire and wait for Joe
>Ask Joe to come back to the campfire
Rolled 61 (1d100)

>Go with Joe to look for a wild mon (roll 1d100)
So is Sailater back on the blimp? I don't think one of Mashimon's Mon companions would mind helping Joe with the hustle if he can't find a Mon of his own.

Shit, is that a species related to Ramster?
Rolled 59 (1d100)

>>Go with Joe to look for a wild mon (roll 1d100)
Inb4 we blurt out a mon's name again lmao
>Go with Joe to look for a wild mon (roll 1d100)
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>>Go with Joe to look for a wild mon (roll 1d100)
Sailater was too heavy to be abducted by the UFO that abducted you and your other friends in Copper Citadel, so that was the last time Joe saw Sailater. According to Ben, Sailater is somewhere on the east edge of your travel map.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

>Go with Joe to look for a wild mon (roll 1d100)
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"Can I help?"

When you ask Joe if you can help, he starts smiling! "You really want to come with?"

You're nodding your head! You have a nice feeling! It's probably because you made Joe happy! You follow Joe away from the campfire and walk in silence for a little while. Now that your eyes are adjusted to the dark, you can see more clearly!

What? Why are you looking at Joe again? Is there something you're thinking about?


Did you mean to say that out loud? Joe is looking at you!

"Hmm? Did you want to ask me something?" It seems like Joe can see you're thinking about something! You had better say it right away before you lose your confidence!

You look up at Joe!

"The right thing?"

"The right... oh. Um..." Joe stops walking for a moment and looks at the ground ahead of you and takes another step and stops. "It's... Sometimes the cutécaptor makes me confused. I don't know if it's really my own thoughts."

Joe is looking at you now! It seems like he's expecting you to say something!

"You don't know what I mean, do you? That makes it even worse." Now Joe has a strange expression on his face! It looks like he might be upset! You should probably say something to him!

"What thoughts?"

What? Now Joe has a different strange expression on his face? Maybe you should have asked him something else!

"Humans like to do certain things. You know, like..." Joe looks at you again. "Being near each other, or... holding hands."

Before Joe can do anything you reach out and grab Joe's hand! You didn't know you could do it until after you already did it! Even though it makes your ears hot, you keep holding his hand!

What? You just realized Joe isn't saying anything? You look up at Joe and see him smiling at you! It seems like you and Joe both like it when you hold hands! Is this because of your LOVE stat?

You and Joe keep walking while you hold hands and after a little while the ground levels out and Joe stops and points ahead of you! When you look around you see a big Wooldozer! It's a lot bigger than the Wooldozer you saw in the bottom of the huge boat! This Wooldozer looks like it's almost as tall as you are!

Joe crouches down behind a big bush and you crouch down next to him and peek into his backpack as he's digging through it. It seems like he's looking for something!

"Sleep Bomb?"

Joe glances up at you and shakes his head and points at where the Wooldozer is and whispers "Wooldozer is a psychic-type mon because it can use Pushback, so a sleep bomb might not work very well."

It seems like Joe really does know a lot about mons!

"A Wooldozer that size could be really dangerous. I'm not sure if my rope is strong enough." Joe digs through his backpack for a moment and then glances up at you again. "Stay here. I don't want you to get hurt."

What? Joe is really going to try to capture that Wooldozer all by himself?

>Help Joe capture the Wooldozer (roll 2d100)
>Close your eyes until it's over
Rolled 69, 56 = 125 (2d100)

>Help Joe capture the Wooldozer (roll 2d100)
We came to help Joe!
Rolled 32, 16 = 48 (2d100)

>Help Joe capture the Wooldozer (roll 2d100)
Cutémon is strong! Cutémon is brave! Cutémon can help!
>Help Joe capture the Wooldozer (roll 2d100)
Rolled 1, 75 = 76 (2d100)

>Help Joe capture the Wooldozer (roll 2d100)
Rolled 49, 87 = 136 (2d100)

>>Help Joe capture the Wooldozer (roll 2d100)
Rolled 45, 54 = 99 (2d100)

>Help Joe capture the Wooldozer (roll 2d100)
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Joe takes his lasso rope and a sealed tin out of his backpack and when he opens it you see it's full of blue leaves! What? You think the blue leaves have a weird smell? They do smell really weird! When you look at Joe he says "These are a special type of leaf that some mons really like to eat."

It seems like Joe is going to feed that Wooldozer! Do you think it will work?

You're nodding your head!

Joe puts his backpack on and stands up from behind the bush with the rope over his shoulder and the blue leaves held out in front of him and says "Wooldozer!"

The big Wooldozer turns his head and looks at Joe and sniffs! It looks like the big Wooldozer smells the blue leaves! He's just standing there letting Joe walk right up to him! Joe puts the blue leaves on the ground and takes a few steps back and the big Wooldozer sniffs the leaves and starts eating them!

Joe takes the rope off his shoulder and starts swinging the lasso and-

Wooldozer attacks with Pushback!

Wooldozer looks up just as Joe tosses the lasso and knocks it out of the air! Wooldozer glares at Joe and says "Wooooooldozer!" He looks pretty angry!

Wooldozer attacks with Strike!

Joe dodges out of the way!

Wooldozer charges at Joe and swings his head but Joe jumps sideways and... Hey, where are you going? Joe told you to-

Cutémon is using Hair Pin!

You jump out from behind the bush as Wooldozer turns around and your hair stretches out and wraps around Wooldozer's legs and he slides to a stop!

Wooldozer looks over his shoulder at you and says "Wooooooldozer!"

Wooldozer attacks with Pushback!

Can't block TK attacks!

Effects of Hair Pin cancelled.

Cutémon is using Hair Pin!

Effects of Hair Pin cancelled.

It seems like Wooldozer has a lot more energy than you do! Wooldozer's Pushback is so strong that your hair can't hold on and you get flung backward through the air and land on the ground!

It really hurts!

Joe is using Mini Sleep Bomb!

Wooldozer attacks with Pushback!

Effects of Mini Sleep Bomb cancelled.

Joe throws a mini sleep bomb at Wooldozer but Wooldozer knocks the mini sleep bomb back at Joe with Pushback! The mini sleep bomb hits Joe and knocks him over!

What? Joe isn't moving?


Your Baseball Cap falls off because your outer fangs are getting so big!

Cutémon attacks with Overbite!

It really hurts Wooldozer!

Wooldozer attacks with Pushback!

It really hurts Cutémon!

Wooldozer attacks with Strike!

It's too much!

You're knocked out!
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What? Someone just said 'Lottatax'? You can't see anything because your eyes are closed! You can only open your eyes a little bit and then you have to close them again because they're so sensitive! When you open them again you see Lottatax standing on your chest looking down at you! Lottatax says "Lottatax!" and scurries off of you onto the grass and when you sit up you see Ramster holding your Baseball Cap!

Ramster says "Ram-ram!" and gives you your baseball cap and when you put it on you see Tamounda on the other side of the trench.

What? There's a trench in the ground? It's probably from that big Wooldozer! Tamounda looks up at you and says "Tamounda!" and when you stand up you see Joe lying in the grass next to Tamounda!


You run over to Joe and bend down and lift him up and...

"Uhhh..." What? You think it sounds like that hurt Joe? You put him back down as carefully as you can! Even though he's not awake, his face looks like something is hurt!

"Lottatax!" You look down at Lottatax next to Joe's hand and see Joe holding a piece of the glowing crystal that Yara gave you! When you look around you see more pieces of the crystal! It looks like it got broken during the fight!

What? You just notices none of the pieces are glowing anymore? Well, maybe there's something in Joe's backpack that can help him! It would be alright to look in his backpack, wouldn't it?

You look in Joe's backpack and find the cutécaptor, the picture of Jane, a mini smoke bomb, and a campfire kit!


It doesn't seem like any of those things can help Joe right now! Maybe you should try to find some humans to help Joe!

You're nodding your head! Do you know any place with lots of humans?

"Fort Brass!"

You didn't mean to... oh, never mind, you don't have any time to waste! You had better get to Fort Brass as quickly as you can!

You look at Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax and-

"What about Joe?"

You look at Joe! He's still not awake! What? You're worried about leaving Joe by himself in the wilderness? Well, what are you going to do?


It seems like Ramster sees something! You look at where Ramster is pointing and see Onlion walking toward you! Onlion is still limping!

Onlion sits down next to Joe! It seems like Onlion is volunteering to guard Joe! You look at Onlion!

"Thank you, Onlion!"

You look at Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax!

"Let's hurry!"




You take Joe's backpack and run as quickly as you can toward Fort Brass! You run until you have to walk and then you start running as soon as you catch your breath! By the time you get to Fort Brass, you're all really tired!

What? You just noticed the strings of flags hanging on wires above the path?

[SFX: distant cheering]

It sounds like something's happening in the city!
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You bend over and catch your breath and then stand up and start running up the path over the last hill toward Fort Brass with your mon friends running alongside you!




Everyone is tired because you ran all the way to Fort Brass! You have to stop and catch your breath again!

What? You just noticed there are lots of hanging flags but you don't see any humans on the street? You don't know why, but the street is completely empty! All you see are a few parked cars!

[SFX: loud cheering]

Suddenly you hear a lot of human voices cheering all at the same time!

"Ra... Ram-ram!" Ramster points at an alley and when you walk down the alley you see a huge crowd of humans standing on the sidewalks watching a big parade! It seems like the humans are having a festival! There are lots of huge platforms shaped like mons moving down the street with humans standing on the platforms waving at the other humans!

"Hey, kid! You in the red hat with the mons!"

One of the humans in the parade is throwing candy at you!

Lottatax attacks with Tongue!

Tamounda attacks with Tongue!

Lottatax and Tamounda stick out their tongues and catch the candy in midair! Another piece falls on the ground and Ramster picks it up and sniffs it and eats it and says "Rmm-rmm!" It seems like Ramster really likes the candy!

A piece of candy lands on the sidewalk at your feet and you crouch down and pick it up and eat it! It's delicious!

Another piece of candy lands near you and you reach down and pick it up and when you stand back up you see a Yuccaza standing nearby.

What? You think it's the Yuccaza that belongs to Raul? But Raul is one of the Traders and he knows you're a Cutémon!

Suddenly the Yuccaza turns its head and sees you and says "Yuccaza!" It seems like this really is the same Yuccaza you fought before!

You and your friends turn around and run back down the alley and you look around the empty street and then crouch down behind one of the parked cars! A moment later Yuccaza waddles out of the alley and looks around and says "Yuccaza!"


It seems like Yuccaza didn't find you! Are you going to check to see if it's gone?

You peek out from behind the parked car and see something big and green in front of your nose! When you look up you see Yuccaza looking down at you!

>Challenge Yuccaza with your mon friends (roll 2d100)
>Run away and try to hide in the crowd of humans (roll 1d100)
>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
That should be a mini SLEEP bomb, not a mini smoke bomb!
Rolled 24 (1d100)

>Run away and try to hide in the crowd of humans (roll 1d100)
Not sure if we absolutely have the energy to fight right now, but if we have to, that sleep bomb might be an option.
>Run away and try to hide in the crowd of humans (roll 1d100)
Rolled 27 (1d100)

>Run away and try to hide in the crowd of humans (roll 1d100)
Surely we won't critfail AGAIN?
Rolled 74, 94 = 168 (2d100)

>>Challenge Yuccaza with your mon friends (roll 2d100)
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Yuccaza says "Yuccaza" and starts punching with two of his side spikes like a boxer!

Yuccaza attacks with Double Spike!

Cutémon dodges out of the way!

Cutémon is fleeing the fight!

Just as Yuccaza punches, you throw yourself backward and Yuccaza punches two dents in the road where you were! Yuccaza looks up and says "Yuccaza!" as it sees you and your friends running away back toward the parade! When you look back over your shoulder you see Yuccaza waddling up the alley after you as quickly as it can!

[SFX: loud music, crowd cheering]

There are so many humans standing at the mouth of the alley watching the parade that when you get to the end of the alley you have to stop and try to push your way through the crowd! You can see Yuccaza waddling closer! Just as Yuccaza gets close enough to attack, one of the humans shifts his posture and you squeeze into the crowd! You can hear Yuccaza say "Yuccaza!" behind you!

You look down at Ramster and...

What? You don't know where your mon friends are? It's because there are so many humans around you!

Suddenly some of the humans next to you get shoved out of the way by Yuccaza and it looks down at you and says "Yuccaza!" You turn around and crouch down and crawl between the legs of the humans in the crowd until you can't see Yuccaza anymore! After you crawl for another moment you crawl out of the crowd and there aren't any humans around you anymore!

What? You just realized you're crawling in the street? Look out for that parade float!

You stand up and run out of the way of the parade float back toward the crowd but then you see Raul look at you! When you look around for a place to hide you see Yuccaza shoving its way through the crowd of humans toward you and Raul!

"Hey!" Raul pushes his way through the crowd toward the street behind the next parade float just as Yuccaza shoves a human out of the way and waddles into the street in front of the parade float! You look around at Raul and Yuccaza and then grab the side of the parade float and climb up the side!

Suddenly the parade float hits a bump in the road and you lose your balance and start to fall! You grab on to a rope just in time but then you slip off the edge and slide down the rope and fall onto the platform!

All the humans on the platform stop dancing and look at you!

You can't help your cheeks turning red! When you look over the edge you see Raul and Yuccaza pushing their way through the crowd next to the parade float!

>Try to dance with the humans (roll 1d100)
>Jump down and try to run away (roll 1d100)
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>Try to dance with the humans (roll 1d100)
Safety in numbers!
Rolled 3 (1d100)

>Try to dance with the humans (roll 1d100)
We're fairly acrobatic, so... That means we can dance... Right...?
Not like THAT we can't.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

>Try to dance with the humans (roll 1d100)
Rolled 22 (1d100)

>>Try to dance with the humans (roll 1d100)
Rolled 32 (1d100)

>>Try to dance with the humans (roll 1d100)
>Dances so inappropriately the cops get called
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When you look back up at the humans one of the human men points at you and says "Hey, kid! Only dancers are allowed on this float!"

What? The human man is saying you have to dance to stay on the float? It's a good thing Suba taught you how to dance! You look up at the other humans on the platform and then look down at the street at Raul and then stand up and start dancing just like Suba taught you!

The humans can't believe it! The human man says "Hey kid, where'd you learn to dance like that?"

Another human man on the platform says "Who cares, she's a natural!"

One of the human women on the platform says "With this kid on our float, we're definitely going to win the parade float contest!"

It seems like the humans are really impressed with your dancing!

"Tamounda!" What? Tamounda is here? When you look down on the other side of the platform you see Tamounda running alongside the parade float with Ramster and Lottatax riding on his back! Lottatax sticks out his tongue at the side of the parade float and pulls himself up and then Ramster jumps off of Tamounda onto the parade float! Tamounda says "Tamounda!" and jumps up and just barely makes it to the edge of the platform and then Ramster and Lottatax run over and pull Tamounda all the way up!

Ramster watches you dance and then starts dancing next to you!

[SFX: crowd laughter]

It seems like the humans watching the parade are really enjoying watching you and Ramster dance! Everyone is having a fun time!

What? You just noticed Raul is still following along next to the parade float? When you look down at Raul you lose your concentration and almost fall off the platform!

[SFX: crowd gasping]

Raul points up at you and shouts "That's my daughter! Somebody get her down from there before she gets hurt!"

What? Raul just said you're his daughter even though you're not really his daughter? When you look around at the human dancers they stop dancing and look over the platform and when you peek over the edge you see Raul talking to some policemen and pointing up at you! It looks like Raul is lying to the policemen and telling them that you're his daughter!

>Talk to the policemen
>Jump off and run away
>Talk to the policemen
"Not his daughter!"
"My brother Joe!"
"Joe is hurt!"
We can get free of this guy AND get help for Joe in one fell swoop, maybe.
>Talk to the policemen
>Talk to the policemen
Not his daughter!
Mom hates him!
Bad stalker man!
>>Talk to the policemen
I considered doing this, but I worried our poor dumb feral girl doesn't really know enough about human society to pull this off.
>Mom hates him!
My sides are obliterated

Next update should be tomorrow!
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"Hey, kid, is that true?" The humans on the platform are looking at you!

You're shaking your head!

The human man looks at the other humans and then looks at you and says "You'd better talk to the police anyway to get this cleared up."

The parade float slows down and stops! Are you really going to climb down even though Raul is right there?

You take a deep breath and climb down onto the street next to the policemen!

"Oh, I'm so relieved you're safe!" Suddenly Raul tries to grab your hand but you pull it out of the way and give the policemen a determined look!

"Not his daughter!"

"Oh, she's, uh... she's just mad at me because we had a fight, Officer! I'll just take her home, and-"

"He's bad!"

You meant to say that out loud!




Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax are all nodding their heads!

The policemen look at each other. "What do you guys think?" It seems like they might not believe you!

One of the policemen looks at you. "I've got an idea." He leans down and says "Whisper your name to me."

What? The policeman wants you to whisper your name to him? Well, what are you going to do?

You whisper in his ear!


The policeman stands up straight and asks Raul "So what's this kid's name?"

Raul can't believe it! He looks at the policemen and then looks at you and looks at the policemen again. "Uh... um... Petunia?"

The policeman is shaking his head! Raul starts to turn and run away but some other policemen grab him! "Seems like we might have an attempted kidnapping. Better take him in." Some of the policemen drag Raul away as Raul looks back over his shoulder at you but then the other policemen look down at you! "What should we do with Mashi?"

One of the policeman looks at you and says "Give her to Charlie."

Another policeman nods. "Yeah, Charlie will know what to do with her."

What? The policemen are going to give you to someone named Charlie?

Suddenly a human woman wearing a white uniform with a Shootuner on her shoulder crouches down next to you! "Hi, Mashi. I'm Charlie."

The Shootuner looks at you and chirps "Shoo-tu!"

"I'm a traveling nurse. Do you know what that is?"

You're shaking your head!

"I'm here to help out in case anyone gets hurt during the parade." Charlie looks at your mon friends and says "Are these your mons?"

You're nodding your head!

"What are their names?"

You point at your mon friends.

"Lottatax... Tamounda... Ramster."

"You know a lot about mons!" Charlie glances over her shoulder and looks at you. "Was that guy your dad?"

You're shaking your head!

"Didn't think so. You're too cute to be related to that guy! Well, Mashi, there doesn't seem to be any problem..."

What? You just remembered why you came to Fort Brass?

"Joe is hurt!"

You had better tell her more!

"He's my friend!"
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"Can you show me where Joe is?"

You point toward where you came into Brass Valley!

"He's out there!"

"We'd better take my buggy." Charlie leads you to a buggy and you and your mon friends climb in and then Charlie drives the buggy out of Fort Brass with Shootuner flying in front of it. "I trained my Shootuner to help spot people who need help."

You look at Charlie.

"Mon trainer?"

"Well, not like you are. I captured my Shootuner because a trained Shootuner can use Sleep Peep."

Suddenly Shootuner flies in front of the buggy and chirps "Shoo-tu!" It seems like Shootuner found Joe!

Charlie drives her buggy closer and you see Joe sitting next to Onlion! It looks like Joe is awake! You're so happy you can't contain yourself!


When Charlie drives closer, Onlion turns and limps away into the trees and then Charlie stops the buggy and climbs out. "Hi, Joe, I'm Charlie. Your friend Mashi said you were hurt."

"It's my ankle." Joe points at his foot. "I can't walk very well."

Charlie crouches down next to Joe. "Hmm... How'd this happen?"

"I was trying to capture a really big Wooldozer."

Charlie can't believe it! "All by yourself?"

Joe nods his head. "I guess it was too big for me."

"It looks like you've got a bump on your head and a twisted ankle." Charlie looks up at you. "Mashi, will you help me get Joe into my buggy?"

You and Charlie crouch down and help Joe stand up and hop toward Charlie's buggy and then Charlie drives you all back into Fort Brass and to the hospital. Charlie helps Joe sit in a wheelchair and then you push Joe's wheelchair through the hospital after Charlie past all the bedrooms!

You didn't know there were so many bedrooms in hospitals! Finally, Charlie stops outside a door and you push the wheelchair inside and then you both help Joe onto a bed.

"You'll have to stay in bed for now. I guess you can forget about going to the competition."


You didn't mean to say that out loud but Charlie is nodding at you!

"Sure! After the festival ends tonight, everyone will be going to watch the mon fighting competition at the arena!" Charlie looks at Joe again and says "You know, it was really foolish of you to try to capture that big Wooldozer by yourself! Why didn't you use any of Mashi's mons?" Charlie looks at Joe for a moment and then says "Well, the important thing is that you're alright." Charlie looks at you. "Why don't we let Joe have a little rest?"

You and Charlie walk out into the hallway and Charlie shuts the door. "He'll be fine as long as he stays in bed for a few days. Don't worry about it." It seems like Charlie can tell you're worried about Joe! Charlie grins down at you and says "Boys often do foolish things to impress girls they like."

What? Does this mean Joe likes you?

>Stay with Joe in the hospital room for the rest of the night
>Go to the Fort Brass Arena with your mon friends
>Stay with Joe in the hospital room for the rest of the night
It's nice. Also, hospitals usually give out some nice jello as a dessert for dinner. They're good.
>Stay with Joe in the hospital room for the rest of the night

Hospital food can either be pretty nice or a terrible crime against nature.
>Stay with Joe in the hospital room for the rest of the night
Ooooh nooo, there's only ONE hospital bed...
>Stay with Joe in the hospital room for the rest of the night
>Stay with Joe in the hospital room for the rest of the night
>>Stay with Joe in the hospital room for the rest of the night
>Hospital food can either be pretty nice or a terrible crime against nature
True, but it's hard to mess up Jello.
>Stay with Joe in the hospital room for the rest of the night
>Stay with Joe in the hospital room for the rest of the night
We don't want Plumtree doing something to Joe while we're away.
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>We don't want Plumtree doing something to Joe while we're away.
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Charlie points at a bench across the hall and says "Wait here. I'll be back in a little bit."

You sit down on the bench and Ramster hops up next to you and opens a tiny newspaper! Tamounda and Lottatax both hop up on the bench. Everyone watches Ramster read his newspaper.

[SFX: wheels squeaking]

Ramster looks over his newspaper and sniffs. "Ram-ram!" What? You smellsomething delicious?

Charlie pushes a cart up the hall and knocks on the door to Joe's room and looks at you. "I thought Joe could use a meal. I brought another supper for you if you're hungry."

"Thank you, Charlie!"

"I found some crackers for your mons." Charlie holds up a box of crackers and your mon friends all nod!




Charlie puts a tray on the bed and you and Joe start eating! It really is as delicious as it smells! You eat some more and then Joe looks at Charlie. "Are you going to that mon fight? We didn't mean to keep you here."

"I don't mind staying here with you two for a while." Joe takes another bite of food and Charlie says "Where are you from, Joe? I don't think I've ever seen you in Fort Brass before."

"Patina. My mother and my sister live there."

"How about you, Mashi?" What? Charlie is asking where you're from?

You and Joe glance at each other and then Joe says "Um... she was born west of Patina."

"Near the Western Forests?" Charlie looks at Shootuner and says "That's where I captured Shootuner. There are a lot of interesting mons in the Western Forest."

What? Charlie is talking about the place where you were born? You didn't know it until now, but it seems to be called the Western Forests!

You and Joe eat the rest of your supper and then Charlie reaches under the cart and pulls out two bowls with something green and wobbly in them! "I thought you might like some dessert as well."

Joe smiles and nods and pokes the wobbly green dessert with his spoon and eats a piece! You watch Joe and then pick up a spoon and look at the bowl and poke it and lift a piece up!

What? The wobbly green dessert is even more wobbly now? It's wobbling so much that it falls back into the bowl! You give the wobbly green desert a determined look and then poke it with your spoon again and carefully lift it up and take a bite.


It's delicious!

Charlie looks at Joe. "Joe, is it alright if Shootuner puts you to sleep?" Joe nods his head and Charlie looks at Shootuner. "Shootuner?"

Shootuner is using Sleep Peep!

Joe can't keep his eyes open!

Joe is asleep!

Joe closes his eyes and falls asleep! When you look down, you see your other mon friends are also asleep!

"They usually don't allow visitors to stay the night but I think we can make an exception. Do you need anything else?"

>Ask Charlie where human babies come from
>Ask Charlie to drive you all to Weldspring
>Tell Charlie goodnight and go to sleep
>Tell Charlie goodnight and go to sleep
The first question would risk blowing our cover, and holy fuck behave guys. Charlie would rightfully suspect that something is going on upon being asked the second question. I'm not sure how we can ask about any odd jobs we could take around town, but I'd back a good suggestion.

>What? Charlie is talking about the place where you were born? You didn't know it until now, but it seems to be called the Western Forests!
You know what? If things work out for Mashimon in the end, she could make a decent living as a Mon Ranger. If she wasn't on a rescue mission during the second thread, she could have settled down on that farm with that girl and her father. Either way, this talk about jobs and money means that Mashimon needs to find a way to become smarter. This would, funnily enough, put the Queen and King Tournament /qst/ 2024 ina more specific time frame.
As >>6113694 suggested, sort of, maybe ask about ways we can make money for our travels... If we're smart enough to even know how to. Otherwise:

>Tell Charlie goodnight and go to sleep
>Ask Charlie where human babies come from
>>Tell Charlie goodnight and go to sleep
>Ask Charlie where human babies come from
That seems like the most amusing question.
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You look at Joe and then at your mon friends and then look up at Charlie and nod your head.

"We need coins!"

Did you mean to say that out loud because you're thinking about having to pay to ride the train to Cape Smelt? When you look back at Charlie, she's smiling at you!

"Doesn't everybody. I suppose you and Joe have been earning most of your money with mon fights." Charlie looks at Joe while he sleeps and then looks back at you. "Well, I suppose you're old enough to have a job."

What? Charlie thinks you should get a job? Do you know what kind of job you would want?

"A traveling nurse?"

Charlie is shaking her head! "You have to go to school to become a traveling nurse. It's not something anyone can do." She stands up and stacks all the dishes and bowls back on the cart. "I'll come by tomorrow evening and see how Joe is doing." Charlie looks at your mon friends sleeping on the other bed and whispers "Goodnight, Mashi."

You whisper back to Charlie!

"Goodnight, Charlie!"

After Charlie pushes the cart out of the bedroom she closes the door behind her. When you look around at Joe and Ramster and Tamounda and Lottatax it looks like everyone is pretty comfortable! It's probably because they're sleeping in comfy beds and not on the ground outside! You nudge Tamounda over and crawl under the blankets next to him and fall asleep right away!

When you wake up, Ramster is already awake and playing your video game with Tamounda and Lottatax watching him play!

[SFX: knock on door]

The door opens and another human woman looks into the bedroom and then pushes a cart with some food on it into the room! "Charlie said you two kids might be hungry."

Joe sits up in his bed and says "Thanks, we really appreciate it."

The human woman puts a tray on Joe's bed and puts some food on it and then looks at your mon friends and holds up another box of crackers and says "She said you might have some hungry mons as well."




After you all eat breakfast, you sit back down on the bed and watch Tamounda and Lottatax watch Ramster play the video game.


You're really bored! You can't help getting up and walking around the room and then you look out the window at all the humans below. You watch the humans some more and then see a mailman carrying a package.

What? You think that might be a good job for you? I think it might be a hard job because you don't know how to read!

>Go out and look for a job
>Stay here with Joe for now
>Go out and look for a job
>>Go out and look for a job
>Go out and look for a job
We should bring Ramster with us. He seems more intelligent than most other Mons. By the way, if Mashimon doesn't know how to read, how was she playing the game?
Trial and error!
Young kids play for the gameplay, the story they often do not get until much later
>Stay here with Joe for now
>Go out and look for a job
>>Stay here with Joe for now
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A Shootuner appeared early on in Episode 1 but was only named such in the filename.
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You look over your shoulder at Joe and Joe is already looking at you! "Did you want to go somewhere?" It seems like Joe can tell what you're thinking!

"Find a job!"

"A job?" Joe looks at your mon friends and says "Well, you probably shouldn't go outside alone. Will you guys go with her?"




"Um... can you leave your video game here?" What? Joe wants to play your video game? It seems like Joe is pretty bored too!

Ramster says "Ram-ram!" and hands Joe the video game and then you wave at Joe and you all walk out of the hospital and look around the street. There are a lot of buildings! You and your friends walk down the street and after a little while you see a big window with a bunch of candy. It looks like a candy shop!

You walk inside and see a human man behind the counter.

"Need help?"

The human man looks down at you and says "Looking for work, huh? I guess I could use some help around here. Let me show you around." The human man points at a shelf. "That's where we keep the chocolate." He points at another shelf and says "That's where we keep the licorice." The human man turns around and says "And this is where we keep the free samples..."

What? The human man is pointing at an empty jar? He looks at Ramster just as Ramster eats the last piece of candy. Ramster looks up at the human man. "Ram-ram?"

"Hey, those are for the customers! Take your mons and get outta here!" It seems like he's pretty angry! Maybe you should look for a job someplace else!

You go back outside and look around the street and see a human man sitting next to some boxes of fruit! It looks like this is a fruit stand!

You look up at the human man.

"Need help?"

The human man looks over at you. "I suppose I could use a break. How about-"

[SFX: boxes crashing]

Suddenly a piece of fruit rolls across the ground and What? Tamounda accidentally knocked over a box with his tail? Tamounda runs behind you and peeks out and says "Tamounda!"

"My fruit! Go on, get outta here, all of you!" He seems pretty angry! You had better get outta here!

You look up and see a big window with some fancy cakes! It looks like a bakery! Do you think this would be a good job?


You walk inside and look around and see a human man carefully putting a cake behind the glass counter.




It seems like your mon friends all think it looks pretty delicious! You peek over the counter at him.

"Need help?"

"You know, I've been... hey, I just washed that!"

What? Lottatax is leaving sticky slimy footprints all over the glass counter? The human man seems pretty angry about it!

When you run outside you bump into other human men! "I thought I told you to get lost!"

"Yeah, why don't you go bother Trevor?"

"He's almost out of business anyway. She couldn't make it any worse!"
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[SFX: loud crashing]

When you look across the street you see a doorway with a bunch of bubbles coming out of it!


You don't know what kind of shop it is! You look back at the human men and they all glare down at you and then you look both ways and run across the street with your mon friends!

When you get to the other side you look into the doorway but you don't see anything because there are so many bubbles! You walk through the bubbles and see some wooden bathtubs. You look around again and then call out.


Suddenly a human man peeks out from inside one of the bathtubs! "I'm sorry, I... Oh, you're not... uh... anyway, yeah, I'm Trevor. Is there something you wanted? I'm kind of busy right now!" It seems like the human man is really nervous! This might be your last chance to get a job, so you had better try your hardest! You give Trevor a determined look!

"A job!"

"A job? You mean... you want to work here?"

You're nodding your head!


Trevor shakes his head and says "I don't think I can afford to hire you, kid. I..." What? Trevor just noticed your mon friends? "Are those your mons? Say, they look like they could use a bath! How about it, kid? Ten coins per mon!"

What? Trevor wants you to pay him to give your mon friends a bath? It seems like this might be a mon washing shop! It's too bad you don't have any coins!


"Aaah!" Suddenly Trevor crouches back down inside the bathtub!
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When you turn around you see a spiny blue mon that looks like a big blue porcupine! It's a Pokumon!

Trevor peeks over the top of the bathtub again and the Pokumon sticks its tongue out at you and says "Poke-yu!" It seems pretty upset!

Trevor crouches back down inside the bathtub and then peeks over the top at you. "I can't get that Pokumon to take a bath, and his owner will be here any minute!" Trevor peeks at the Pokumon and then glances at you. "Say, you seem like you can handle wild mons. Think you can get that Pokumon to take a bath?"

It seems like Trevor might want to hire you after all! You hold out your hand!

"How much?"

Trevor can't believe it! "Whew... you drive a hard bargain, kid! Tell you what, how about I split the fee with you?" Trevor glances at the Pokumon and then looks at you and says "I'll give you 5 Coins if you can get that Pokumon into the bathtub!"

What? All you have to do is get the Pokumon into the bathtub and Trevor will pay you 5 coins? This seems like it will be pretty easy because he's all by itself and you have three mon friends!

You look down at Ramster!

"Ramster, use-"

"Hold it, kid!" What? Trevor is looking at you? "That Pokumon's owner won't pay us anything if it's all beaten up!"

>Challenge Pokumon when Trevor isn't looking (roll 2d100)
>Try to trick Pokumon into taking a bath (roll 1d100)
>Give up and go back to the hospital
Rolled 10 (1d100)

>Try to trick Pokumon into taking a bath (roll 1d100)
So... about our mind stat...
Rolled 6 (1d100)

>Try to trick Pokumon into taking a bath (roll 1d100)
Rolled 42 (1d100)

>Try to trick Pokumon into taking a bath (roll 1d100)
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Neat, Cutémon trivia!

Ha, and a Pokémon pun.

>Try to trick Pokumon into taking a bath (roll 1d100)

Cuémon is brave! Cutémon is smart! Gotta believe, bro!
Rolled 66 (1d100)

>Try to trick Pokumon into taking a bath (roll 1d100)
Grim rolls.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Nintendo surveilance system has been alerted. You know what happens now.
>Try to trick Pokumon into taking a bath (roll 1d100)
Rolled 29 (1d100)

>>Try to trick Pokumon into taking a bath (roll 1d100)
>Grim rolls.
If all else fails, just hair-pin him and dunk him.
Optional: Have Tamounda lick his un-spiked belly to make him more cooperative

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