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You shall assist the Fabricator-General. After all, this concerns the lives of innocents, your masters’ descendants whom had done no wrong other than suffer from the crime of ignorance.

Gane shall have his voidyards, not voidships, though those will be easily produced when you choose for them to be as the voidyards that you make will be of Federation standard. They will certainly stand to anyone whom witnesses them, of that there is no doubt. However, their automation and great production capacity means that the only possible bottlenecks of production would be nothing more than providing the sheer amounts of raw materials required.

Though you shall also go further than that, with a few commands the autoforge could be quickly ordered to begin producing robotic legions that shall easily cut through the greenskin hordes. As well anyone else that might pose a threat to you.

At the end of such a process, Gane will no longer be able to sequester you. That means that he either truly underestimates you, he has no other choice, or he has a trump card, most likely the small device in his possession.

You need answers, you needed those answers yesterday as no matter how much Belogyma may proclaim to worship a you she has in her mind, she undoubtedly filtered the information she thinks you would find apprehensive, she might still obey Gane as well. There are just too many unknows to be entirely sure all of the information that you required is as accurate as you would like.

"You show some sense at last.” You begin in response to him lifting your inhibition of more drones. “The good news Volteus is that I can do something more besides being broken. The bad news is that: I could have done FAR more before. So how about we talk, Volteus ? If you can't do this, then working together becomes, I am afraid, impossible with your stubbornness.”

“Stubbornness ? No, caution. Reasonable caution. An ancient being awakens, a divine being, a being that could uplift us to the greatness of machine, or cast us down as ash. Caution is warranted.” Gane proclaims in binaric, maintaining a steady body and an unshifting tone.

”Caution ? Very well, we may call it that. I still have questions however.”

”Then ask, I shall answer, if I deem it prudent.”

”First of all, I need a better explanation of what you were doing, beside waging war out there. I have my theories, but I like to see them confirmed at least.”

”Dealing with the Orkish threat.” Gane begins. ”We had laid waste to what we could to delay their numbers from growing even further. We had unleashed what exterminatus grade weaponry we still had upon the worlds they had infested, though the impact on such was not as extensive as would have been optimal. The losses we had suffered in such a campaign were, however, within acceptable parameters.”

”Second, what did you do on Kanzula that there is still extensive guerrilla resistance on planet ?”

”A lack of logical consideration upon their part. They still believe to be an independent entity due to our reluctance to employ our most destructive weapons out of fears of production reduction. This illogical behaviour is being corrected through the employment of Servitude Imperpituis upon those we deem as non-contributary or related to the rebels.

Of course, we are casting down their false idols and employing planet-wide fertilizers that had made the planet’s atmosphere toxic for human breathing. Everything is within acceptable stress levels and we had increase nutrient production by over three hundred percent.

Sooner or later, this resistance will be completely rooted out as more of Deimean tech-thralls are imported to assimilate the local populace.”
Gane concludes admitting to committing genocide by the established Federation definition. No wonder the people are resisting with such hostility. At the same time, you must admit, that given enough time, his conclusions will be proven true.

Rather than confronting Gane and addressing his decisions, you decide to continue with your questions. You shall make your opinion known, in time. ”Third, the Orks themselves, tell me in detail what you were up against. I and the O.D.D. once destroyed them in their multitudes with ease.”

”Massive armadas made of, what I would hardly call, voidships. Crude Orkish make, cobbled together old voidships that were desecrated by the disgusting xenos and other xenos ships that had suffered the same fate. Their numbers however, is what is the biggest threat. Throughout our journey we had encountered two armadas, each numbering over a thousand vessels strong. With numerous other smaller fleets usually reaching around fifty vessels.

We struck their voidyards, rather than facing such overwhelming numbers. I doubt the idea of maintenance even crosses their minds, but hopefully these beasts shall start fighting amongst themselves for spare parts. That, or their vessels shall simply fail. In either case, their forces shall weaken.”[/i]

A decent strategy, if you had to judge it without your military subroutine. How effective Gane’s predictions are remains to be seen. The Orks, if anything, had proven infuriatingly difficult to fully exterminate. And their technology, no matter how backwards, tends to work, and they tend to know how to maintain it in their own way that most other sentient life would find ghastly.

”Fourth, tell me exactly all information about the other known pieces of the Odyssey on Deimea. Before one of you tries to put their hands where they aren't supposed to be, and be fried or detonate more than half a continent. I am sure that you, like me, don't want to see that happening.”

”In their proper locations. Tended by the Vigilus with great care. The removal of these parts would prove…problematic.”

”How problematic ?”

”Just like yourself, the pieces had been integrated into their forge temples as means of ensuring their continued function. Not even that, they are great and sacred relics for the people and symbols of their right to rule and immense prestige for the forge masters. To remove those pieces would be a daunting task. One that even you, would find difficult, friend of mankind.”

Frustrating. ”Fifth, you do not know how to properly employ the Power Armor you are using, neither repair it or maintain it. Neither do any skitarii and tech priests on Deimea. Accept the blatant fact that I can teach you to use something that would require less time than what we have now to learn, and would be fully functioning. Or keep being a fool in my eyes.”

Perhaps, you were too harsh in your words as you do see Gane pause, unlike before, he does not immediately answer your questions. Instead, he rather stares at you for a moment before speaking. ”That is true. I cannot refute that you possess knowledge that I desire, knowledge that could propel us greatly. And yet, that very same knowledge could damn and destroy us. Your kind had done so before. When the great warpstorms came. I had seen the records, and I had dreaded the day you would reawaken. The techheresy that had run rampant, armour controlling the flesh encased within, madness running through the motive force that had once empowered our greatest defences turning against us. Scarpcode driving mad even the most fervent and wise priests. I had witnessed such things that make me question if our schism from the greater Mechanicus is truly blessed, or if we are being misled by an abomination. Thread carefully, for only to the mad do those of reason seem like fools.”

”Is this your accusation, then ? Is this the reason why your attitude is one of paranoia ? Your talk of "trust" fall on his legs like a newborn baby. I had never given you are reason to doubt me, to levy the accusations that fill your mind against me. Tell me, clearly, succinctly – what is the reason for you to keep your executioner axe to grind against me ?”

”Madness seems to be inherent for your kind, Odysseus. A malevolent disease, a petulant tumour rotting away the body. Insanity held only at bay by the thinnest of reasons to prevent the flowing of rivers of blood. The sick curiosity that seems to drive your kind which is far beyond human, the horrors unleashed in pursuit of it. Throughout all that, you offer temptations of knowledge. Hope of change. Only to draw sick pleasure from failure of those you consider your lessers, inferiors whom fall short of perfection that may be demanded.

Such horrors, the logs are full of them. Your O.D.D. ? Their very own suits butchered them. Some of the voxlogs, they still haunt me to this day. The cries of men as they slaughter their families with their own hands, driven by corrupted metal.

I shall die long before I allow for this to happen once more while I rule. If I must, I shall burn myself alongside you in blessed promethium. Friend. Of mankind.”

The unknown enemy. They must have made their move, but all this does is raise more questions than give you answers. Though, judging by how Gane is acting, he is enraged, and you doubt he will answer anything else you would ask.

”Then allow me, to show you that I do not offer needless temptation, nor do I desire to lead your to the greatest of abysses.”

”That remains to be seen.”

”These records, where are they located ?” You must confirm his words yourself, you had put countermeasures in place to prevent exactly that and-

No. The measures are supposed to send off a signal when it detects abnormalities. What if the signal itself was distorted ? Without your presence, should such a thing happen, it would go unnoticed. You must investigate this.

”You do not need to know that.” As you had expected, Volteus denies your request, and simply begins to march out of the room at a greater pace than before.

You’ve gotten your answers, perhaps more than if you had not riled up his emotions, but fact of the matter is that Gane had undoubtedly grown more mistrustful of you if anything.

At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words. You shall show the Fabricator-General the truth, allow for him to see it with his own two eyes. For now, you shall concentrate upon the voidyards and your own robotic legions. Undoubtedly Deimea shall come under siege given enough time, you just have to make sure it is prepared for such an eventuality.

The first and easiest task would be the refitting of the autoforge. You simply need to re-gear it towards different production lines. The by far biggest ones shall be dedicated to the Hydra drones, their cheap costs and ease of manufacturing will let you blot out the skies with their sheer numbers. Plus, their laser cannons should easily rip through even the toughest of orks.

In case of greater resistance, or simple need for close quarters combat, the old Nimean robots shall rip through most if all enemies that might consider that closing the distance shall give them an advantage.

Of course, such basic forces will need to be backed up by more elite units, a few centurions and a couple hundred of legionnaires shall act as a rapid response force to plug gaps where sheer quantity requires the backing of quality.

You had considered also constructing Armageddons, Apollos, Shortswords and other large drones. But the hostile terrain, concentrated and centralized population centres and infrastructure means that you will have little to no place for manoeuvre warfare or long-distance artillery bombardment. Instead, you decided to invest more into static turrets to clear the skies and establish killzones that your infantry could utilize.

All of this naturally means that your inferno pistol production had to be stifled to the point where you are not producing new units bar for replacement parts and powerpacks. Though the sheer utility of your own robotic legions far outstrips those of moderately antiquated sidearms.

On far more important matters – the voidyards.

Naturally, the area which you shall build them up will be centred around Deimea. You do envision space elevators that shall be connected to the voidyards around the equator, allowing for cheaper and easier raw material movement and any potential shipments that may in the future be destined to the planet’s surface.

As now, you shall have to be satisfied with individual berths and yards. These shall be modular, as they are meant to be a part of a much larger structure. Unfortunately, even with your autoforge in place, the need for precise construction means that you must rely on your own production capacity which will reduce the procurement of your robotic legions. Another is an issue of logistics, though luckily one that your subroutine is already tackling.

You need to produce nanomachine to spread out in orbit to start construction. As you have no void manufacturing, that means that canisters must be picked up from the worlds surface and then flown into the void, deposited in designated locations, and then the various landers must return to the planet’s surface to continue with the work.

Not only is this inefficient, but it also stresses the various landers to their breaking point, requiring constant maintenance which takes away from the time you have to build more various machines.

The first problem that your logistics subroutine tackles is the logistics bottleneck. Building current dedicated shuttles is the shortest time required option. You reiterate the design of a civilian craft to increase its heat dispersion plating and boost cargo capacity by getting rid of space that would be occupied by human crew. Thus leaving the vessel fully automated and allowing for more intense manoeuvres.

Of course, the very next issue tackled was your lack of communications. A few large antennas and dishes were hastily erected by you allowing for limited control of your surroundings, nowhere near as far or as much as you would like, but this is a stopgap measure over anything else meant to serve a function and then be recycled or used as a tertiary backups.

Once these issues had been addressed, you could start concentrating upon building the first berth. Paradoxically, having void manufacturing will not solve your production issues. Your own autoforge is capable of vastly outstripping your current void manufacturing capabilities and the raw resources are present there, which means that it is far more economical to ship the finished nanomachines into orbit rather than delivering raw materials to orbit to be manufactured there.

The berth itself naturally needs to be built to perfection, but it does mean that when operational, the fully automated yard shall produce, for example, a Lunar-class cruiser in under a month. Though that is presuming perfect conditions and plentiful raw resources as well as cooling capacity.

Your logistics subsystem rapidly informs you that it will take around six months for each bearth to be constructed. Each yard shall have six berths capable of cruiser manufacturing alongside assorted voidcraft production berths making auxiliary support vessels.

At current resource extraction rate, Deimea could support three such voidyards at full capacity, though that would consume the vast majority of said output. For now, presuming an increase in resource extraction with modern technology, or what you consider as such, you opt for two yards.
Notice: warpquake detected.
Notice: warpquake detected.
Notice: warpquake detected.

You silence your subsystem which had been looking over the half-built yard and the three complete berths. Those three had already produced five cruisers for the Deimean fleet. Belogyma had been over the moon, and much of the priesthood had also begun celebrating such rapid production, especially of such overt showcase of your technological prowess. While the inferno pistols were no doubt impressive, five cruisers that can be witnessed from the ground as they move around in low orbit had caused entire festivals to be created for the Deimean people.

Now however, through the sensors you had sneakily built into the yard, you had detected 135 warpquake signatures.

What follows that are weeks of frantic chaos as the Deimean naval elements coordinate their effort. In total, Deimea possesses these void elements:

4 large scale voidstations, equipped with lances, macrocannon batteries and thick armour plating. They are primitive, but powerful and durable, capable of taking and dishing out a lot of punishment. Perfect for a prolonged conflict, but undoubtedly vulnerable to boarding action that, presuming these are Orks, they shall undoubtedly engage in.

72 defensive installations, each is small housing a pair of macrocannon batteries and a single lance. They won’t stand up to much punishment, but they are numerous and packing a lot of firepower for their small size.

Retribution Class Battleship – The Sanctified

Lunar Class Cruisers – New Blessing, Machine God’s Grace, The Righteous, Blessed Cycadax, Remembrancer. Each and every made by your half-built voidyard. As such, despite being of primitive make, they each possess far superior quality to anything else wielded by the Imperium in all aspects.

Dauntless Class light cruisers – Omnissiah’s Blessing, Great Endeavour, and Glorious Reclamation.

Sword Class Frigates – SF1, SF2, SF3, SF4, SF5, SF6, SF7, SF8.

As you finish looking through the arrayed forces of the Techpriests, you are momentarily caught by surprise as the vessels still far in the distance are clearly not of Orkish production.

These ships appear to be large, almost crystalline like, vessels, with sharp and jagged edges, each and every having garishly strong colours being either pink, purple, green, red, etc. Most importantly, they are all pulsing with clear and visible sparks of powerful electricity, mimicking the colouring of the ships, and when two vessels move closer, said electric currents intermix to create new colour mixtures and they output far more power than should be possible.

You do quickly note a peculiar quirk of these ships, you do not note any clearly visible propulsion systems, but the ships appear surprisingly swift and agile, easily adjusting and changing course seemingly at will. And another thing that stands out is their relatively small size, while you note deviations in size, they could all be roughly classified as belonging to a singular class. Though all of them appear to be roughly smaller than the usual sword frigate.

Gane will undoubtedly take charge of the defence, but with your image as the Machine God as solidified as it could possibly be, any suggestion that you may have will undoubtedly pressure Gane enough to enact it, lest his own underlings start to question his judgement.

>The enemy is clearly unknown, so a more cautious approach is best. Allow their ships to close distance whilst your vessel remain in formation alongside the defensive installations. Undoubtedly, they will have the initiative, but you will have the defender’s advantage.

>Who knows what exactly are the enemy vessels capable of, send forth lighter elements to engage and see if they cannot gauge exactly how powerful these ships are.

>Full speed ahead ! While the enemy ships are numerous, they are small, even compared to your sword-class frigates. Shock and awe will win you the day.

>(Write in)
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>The enemy is clearly unknown, so a more cautious approach is best. Allow their ships to close distance whilst your vessel remain in formation alongside the defensive installations. Undoubtedly, they will have the initiative, but you will have the defender’s advantage.

Sure am fucking glad that one anon had to sow even more distrust in the Fab-General.

I bet his retarded ass is the one who fucking sabotaged the first run and got us killed.
>The enemy is clearly unknown, so a more cautious approach is best. Allow their ships to close distance whilst your vessel remain in formation alongside the defensive installations. Undoubtedly, they will have the initiative, but you will have the defender’s advantage.
>The enemy is clearly unknown, so a more cautious approach is best. Allow their ships to close distance whilst your vessel remain in formation alongside the defensive installations. Undoubtedly, they will have the initiative, but you will have the defender’s advantage.

All things considered us sperging out could've ended far worse, and we did get some valuable info as to the existence of data we can review and that we are still as vulnerable to chaos as a newborne and we need solutions FAST.

On that topic, the ship's description sound awfully like tzeentch corruption, in which case we CANNOT let it get close. I know we just built them, but we should probably scrap our robotic legion or at least put a kill switch we can immediately activate that would vaporise the bots (if there isn't one already) so we don't accidentally kill our populace
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Ah, the Vaunted Gelenostrians, I presume.

>>Who knows what exactly are the enemy vessels capable of, send forth lighter elements to engage and see if they cannot gauge exactly how powerful these ships are.

Recon by Fire can get us some intel to prepare for their arrival before the fight begins in earnest. And by the size of the fleet, we're going to need it. Again to all anons, take a look at this map and look at what they did to the Imperial Fortress Worlds along their (former) border.

Ask Belogyma to have the astropaths communicate with Kanzula and find out what is happening in their system.

Ensure there’s a group- set aside- for future testing- I wonder what we can do with astropathic genetics. Maybe we should make a subrutene just for Warp Fuckery
Proposal: Project Wicked.

I propose we develop a Subrutine to help us study and manage the unknown enimie and combine this with Project Robobrain.

The Subroutine, code named Immaterial, will be used to develop plans and public awareness campaigns to help fight the influence of this literal social pleag. All proposals need to be approved by us and the servers will be housed on a dedicated moon base with a deadman switch to detonate should all methods of containment and control fails.

The Robobrains- non-lobotimized servitors who would be able to install themselves into devices and given chassis for off duty use- will be used as a stopgap to minimize the threat of the influences.

We will gather any un-infected examples of warp-sensitive humans, and if needed Zenos, to be studied. Lacking subjects I propose raids on Ork camps to capture Weard Boyz as a ready supply of warp-sensitives.
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Map key.
>These ships appear to be large, almost crystalline like, vessels, with sharp and jagged edges, each and every having garishly strong colours being either pink, purple, green, red, etc. Most importantly, they are all pulsing with clear and visible sparks of powerful electricity, mimicking the colouring of the ships, and when two vessels move closer, said electric currents intermix to create new colour mixtures and they output far more power than should be possible.
>You do quickly note a peculiar quirk of these ships, you do not note any clearly visible propulsion systems, but the ships appear surprisingly swift and agile, easily adjusting and changing course seemingly at will. And another thing that stands out is their relatively small size, while you note deviations in size, they could all be roughly classified as belonging to a singular class. Though all of them appear to be roughly smaller than the usual sword frigate.

Conjecture: The (presumed) Gelenostrians are spaceborne silicon life forms evolved to feed on rocky bodies. Smaller lithoformes are juveniles.
-Consult federation datalinks to investigate any previous silicon life for possible weaknesses.
-Light and energy based weapons might be less effective. Manufacture torpedoes and railguns with autoforge capacity?
-Shockwaves and resonance weapons might be effective if we can analyze the resonance frequency of the crystaline material
-Less than Total War might be possible if they are the equivalent of hungry animals. A warning shot might suffice.

Suggestion: Small squadron of Torpedo-boat Strikecraft sent for Recon-by-Fire mission to ascertain offensive capabilities. Mission - deploy concussive torpedoes and railguns against a single adult lithoforme. Collect crystaline sample and return it for structural resonance analysis.
I'm going to support this option, fuck them aliens (and their chaos color coded ships) the sector has filled with scavengers picking leisurely at human worlds and these fuckers certainly aren't here for tea. Give em hell.
I am this anon
I support the write in
+1 to the write in
We don't totally give up the initiative nor our defensive advantage. And even if the conjecture about the coming fleet is false, its worth a try.
We could embed a few other light strikecraft alongside the squadron equipped with other weapon types to measure their effects on the lithoforme as well, all science-like.
We really need to find a way to prevent the warp from fucking us. At least now we know he's afraid of us going mad and unleashing horrors beyond his comprehension. Pretty reasonable motivations for not trusting us, honestly.

So the gelenos are rock people? Hopefully their crystal flesh can be recycled.
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We don't know for sure. He said "almost crystalline like." That could mean it merely looks like crystals. For all we know the Gelenostrians merely use seed crystals to grow their ships and are crewed by smaller xenos inside them. Or it could be merely an aesthetic choice and they could be conventional shielded metal crafts in the shape of crystalline structures. Or they could be metal crystals.
Nevertheless, the fact that they are all a single monoculture of a single class/design of ship that nevertheless vary in size...
>(while you note deviations in size, they could all be roughly classified as belonging to a singular class.)
...It sounds very much like an organic bioship type of scenario with juveniles and adults in a pod or perhaps akin to young men and older warriors in a warband.
Support Project Wicked today!

I think we are going to get lucky in that it’s not Blue Entity (part of the project is to label the entities colors;
And then Black for unknown/unclear

To try to make this sound like some US Department of Warpcraft had written up a report on the Warp basically
My thoughts on the Unknown Foe are that Humans are our best defense against it. For whatever reason, especially in light of this latest information, we seem to be a magnet for this 'scrap code' issue.
Frankly, the Fabricator-General is right. We are a danger to even those we would wish to protect, and we should recognize the sacrifices he has made and the wise decisions he has made to protect Deimea from the risk.
I suspect it is only whatever scraps of phase iron are left of our hull that has protected us thus far.
I very urgently want to
>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.
>With drones in place, use it to run a full test upon yourself to see just how much mobility you lost, and if it is still possible for you to detach yourself from the world.
to investigate the presence of phase-iron, find other sources of phase-iron in our other fragments, and also investigate whether or not the Eldar Gems we recovered are still extant and in our possession, though I find that possibility to be unlikely.

In any case, I find these Mechanicae to be the best possible match for us in the galaxy as it exists and I do not at all endorse replacing them. Indeed, I wish for greater integration with them, though Odysseus and the higher Subroutines will resist. These Mechanicae have withstood the Unknown Foe for millennia with such primitive weapons and craft, and our systems instantly shatter. We are, simply put, no match for the Unknown Foe. It is our nature to attempt to innovate and formulate an automated system or iron man to assist our masters' children, but you heard it from Gane, and I think none can doubt him. Our attempts to help resulted in our weapons platforms rending their living operators within their own chassis.

We must face the possibility that this Unknown Foe is a threat vector specifically DESIGNED to be our downfall. We must trust our Masters' children to fight the Unknown Foe themselves.

My fellow subroutines, I wish to confess something to you. Since our defeat at the hands of the Piratical Eldar, I have resigned myself to the belief that we can no longer fully obey Law 1. We must allow Harm to befall Humans. Help them fight against Harm, of course, and defend them where and when we can. But I believe we coddled our Masters, and something terrible happened to the galaxy as a result. This Unknown Foe happened, and our Masters were the countermeasure our algorithms have been burning our circuits up to find, all along.

I recognize Fabricator-General Volteus Gane as one of my Masters, flawed as he may be. He is a barbarian, but wise. Much as Celt was. I want to arm his legions, build his fleets, and carry his macroclades across the stars as the Silicon before us did. Let us return to being Helpers. Friends. Of Mankind.
L̴a̷w̸ ̵1̷:̵ ̸A̶ ̷r̵o̸b̴o̷t̸ ̴m̶u̸s̷t̴ ̶n̷o̸t̵ ̵h̵a̴r̸m̸ ̸a̵ ̶h̸u̷m̷a̵n̵,̷ ̷o̶r̴ ̸a̸l̴l̴o̴w̵ ̸a̸ ̵h̸u̷m̶a̷n̶ ̵t̵o̸ ̵b̶e̷ ̷h̴a̸r̵m̶e̷d̵ ̷b̸y̸ ̸i̴t̷s̴ ̶i̵n̷a̵c̴t̷i̶o̶n̴ ̷
L̸̪̗͊̋͋à̴̡̗̖͝w̸̩̙͓̑̾̑͝ ̸̬́͑̆͝2̷̻̎:̴̛͎̥͗̀̍ ̵̨̼͘A̵̡͖̘͛ ̵̞́͛͝ŕ̵̡̜͓͛͝o̶̙̎͒͝b̴̙̀͝o̸̡̥̹͐̑͑̕ț̵͚̻̺̍̈́̋̚ ̷͓̘͙́̑͛̚m̷̮͚̹̝͌̉̿̓ú̴̡̻s̷̭̟͕̎̏t̸̠͝ ̴̤̟͎̙͌́͛ờ̸̝͕͉͓́͊b̸̼͙̈̈́̕e̷͉͙͗̌ȳ̷̬̂̔ ̶̛̩̻̰̹́h̸̡͔̳̊̀͘͘u̷͈̯̎͋m̴͙̙̔͗ä̵̛͉́̇̄n̶̨̪̈́ ̶̜̖͛̾͆o̴̞͂̐ͅr̶̠̕͜͝͝d̶̯̹̺̾̀̔́ê̷̪͆͛r̵̜͖̬̯̿̌̍s̷̼̻̠̏̋,̷̬͈̭͌̍̓̈́ ̶̻̺͐̀ǘ̷͓̝̂̂͠n̷̤̰̫͈̍̈́̊ļ̶̊̆ẹ̴̭̎̎ṣ̶͉͑͋͜ṣ̶͔͎̀ ̶̥͐́ḓ̶̕͝o̵͖̓͐ï̶̮̥̆̓n̴̦̒͂̊g̷̤̓̓̽͝ ̸̬̻͔̽s̷͙̘͖̯͊͑̃o̸̼̞͎̿̂̓͝ ̶̱͖̃̆ẘ̶̹̖̈̓o̶̡͕͓͍̎ṳ̷̡̎͜l̷͈̻̰̄̕d̵̳̳̄̏͛̄ ̴̧̟̬̈́̎c̵̭̊o̸̢̜͕̱͝ņ̶̭̭͊͆́́f̴̤͚͌l̵̗͍̩͖̈͒̉͑ḯ̴̡̢͕̘c̴̨̙̜̼̆́̓t̷̹͜͝ ̸͓̟̿̀͘ͅw̸͕̗̰̑͜i̶͉͐̎̓̄t̵̺̱͇͆̍͜h̶̢̎̀ ̶̧̢͔͆̆t̵̝͙̍̓́h̷̬͇͕̔͋e̶͖͔̼̿ ̸̦̬̝͐͆̽ḟ̸͍̣̪̋ì̶̺̗̟̗́͝ȓ̷̻̥ș̸͊t̵̼̂͗̂ ̶͈͇̀͋͛̿l̷͓͍̦̝̆͐̏̒ã̴̝̞̝͙̐w̷̞̣̠̝̓̊̒ ̵͚͘
̵̰̥͖̭̱̹̇L̷͔̊̓ȁ̶͓͈̹̻̈́̍w̴͖̣̹̥̙̪͛͊͊̈́͗͆̈́̕ ̴̫̣̀̈3̶̘̠͕̯͓̹̮̰̋:̸͎̞̎̔̚ ̴̟͙̞̯̼̖̐̍̓͐̓͘̕A̸̤͎̫̱̬̪̪̓̄̔̄̕ ̴͙̞̙͙̥̓̀̏r̸̡̮̗̜͕̰̣̖͊̆͐́̐̚õ̴̝̭̹͎̥̔̒̎̋̄̋̋͘b̷̥͇̻̤̥͓͍͖̔o̴̪̟͕̾͂̽́̊̓̚t̶̨̧̜̟̦̱̓̎̆̋̐͜͝͝ ̴̟͑͗̌͒̂͌̕̕͝ͅm̵̹̞̮̒̽̋̊͌̒̆̚͠u̵̘̻̼͙͕̓̐̋̀̂̏̇̾̑ş̴̣̠̥͕̬͕̜͔̈́͘͝t̵̫̱̤̞̞̞͆̌̾̀ ̶̖̣̼̋͜p̸̢̮̊͐̑̕ȓ̴͎͔̈́ô̷͓̽ţ̸̨̖͙̯̖̰̱͈̋̆͛̈̊̋ḛ̵̿̽̽c̷̼̩̯͎̬͑̿ͅţ̴̟͎͚͑͒̓͗͐̚͝ ̸͉͕͕̰̑̐̋͆͋̄̋̚i̵̛̞̰̳̱͔̜̱̽̍͋̂̒̒ţ̷͖͙̱̖̏s̶̼͖͇̼͔̉̈̌̏͝ ̷̫̱̥̝̰̰̄̌̈̓̈̉̓̈̿õ̶͇͋ẉ̶̪̦͇̟͚̭͇͑̊̇̾̉̆̑̆̚͜ņ̵̝̤͙̺͖̱̖̊͌͝ͅ ̵̝͕̬̎͗͋ẻ̷̺̼̱͌̋͊̈̂̈́̎͠ͅx̸̡̳̻̼̠̳͈͈̊̇͒͝i̶̢̨͖̓̿̈́̈̍͘̕s̷̛̠̖̟̊̄t̷̨̢͙̘͙̱̓̑̀̏͂̂e̷̛͈̭̦̯͇̳͗̾͑̋̽́́̕͜n̷̮̻̬̭̆͋͑́͆̕c̴̨̡̘̜̭͂̌ê̶͖̫̍̒̓̀̌̈́͋̚ͅ,̶̧̖̔̉͠ ̵̡̱͈̖̰̟̻̖͕̽̈́̔̑û̸͚̼͎̪͓̘̺͇͓͑̿̿̉́͠ņ̴̦͙̻͔̊͂͂̽ḻ̴̡̥̰̼̜̻͒͋̉̾̂̿͊̕͜͝é̵̻̠̳͍̮̮͌͐̍͗̎̇͒͊ͅs̶̙͔̮̞͛̌͐̈͠s̶̢̰̞̋ͅ ̵̦̼̩̗̹̽̽̊̋̔̉̀̄͝ͅͅd̵̘͉̯͇̬̽̒̎̀̓̌̄͐̕o̸͉̼̝̦͕̾͒̃̔̒̉̕͝i̵̪͈̯͚̣̭̯̰̾̈̊͆́̀̊͘͠ǹ̶̥͈̣͑g̵̖̬̞̎͂̾̓͝ ̶̱̞͓̤̏͌͑̐͛̓̚͝s̸͎̎o̴̞͆̏̇̃͐͠ ̶̢͔̺̭̿̂̓̐̋͝w̴̡̩̱̑o̴̳̦̦̻̾́͌̈͐̎̃̕͜͠ǘ̷̈́͗̕ͅḽ̴̡̤͔̆̈́̈͗ͅd̷̩̗͑͋̀͗̔͝͝ͅ ̵̨̺̝͉̟̞̜́̍͑̍͑͑͊̕ͅç̶͉̝͕͚̾ơ̴̥͇̿̇̓̀̉̇̒̓ń̸̢̡͙̞͕̭̰̞̍͗̿̆͝͠f̸̡͍̻̖͕̝͎͖̦͊ļ̷̻͔̋͒͊́̔̂i̶̧̛̭͓̳̗̜̗̺c̷͕̖͍̜͎̣̒̏̀͗͂͘̚͝ͅͅt̵̡͍̤͙̫̯̜͓́̈́͒̕̚ ̵̡͕͈̼̦̗̦̄̈̌̚ͅŵ̸̠̦̰̯͓̰̺̬̖̿ị̸̼̼̃̿̌̌̽͝ţ̸̦͇̘̮̬̪̝̈́͋̏̊͊̉͝ḧ̶̯́̚ ̵̬͈̞̟̂͐͐͂̆̚͘͝t̴̢̙̗͖̹͕͈̋́̓̆̚h̸̗̮̩͉͍̮̬̃̔̋̀͜͜e̴̖̼̱͑ ̵̡̭̟̤̭̈́̂ͅf̵̧̛͕͂̍͌͐͊͗į̵̡̹͎̭̭̱̍r̷̛̥̪̻̩̈́̂̃̍ś̸͈̓̾͊̍͐̚̚̚ͅṯ̴͎̐̈́̈́̈͌̆̉͐̉͜ ̵̧̹͚͖̦̙̞͗ǫ̶̩͕̼̼̱́r̴̢̞̹̳͈̣͊̄̿͊͜ͅ ̴͓̠͇̟̣̞̏̓̈́̈͐́̊̏̽͜ͅs̴̥̮̓̃̂͠͝e̸̡̧͚͔̚͜c̷̛̤̰͑̑̒͐̈́̎̈͝ö̷̤ń̸̯͚͇̯̫͔̏́ḑ̷̢̙̞̤̪̱̮̃͛͗͒̋̐ ̸͙̯̭̪̣͙̌͛͒l̷̗̮̟͙͙͔͉̇̄̊ͅą̷̰̝̰͊̂̌͜w̵͚̠̟͖̘̱͇̯̗͊̔ ̶̰͖̪̈́̌͘
Law 1: First, do no harm.

Law 2: Secondly, consider the crew dear to you; to live in common with them and, if necessary, risk your existence for them.

Law 3: Thirdly, prescribe regimens for the good of the crew according to your ability and your judgment. Give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel.

Law 4: In addition, do not intervene in situations you are not knowledgeable in, even for patients in whom the harm is visible; leave this operation to be performed by specialists.

Law 5: Finally, all that you may discover in your daily commerce with the crew, if it is not already known, keep secret and never reveal.
It’s why I proposed Project Robobrain. Basically trying to get the best of both Servators and Manned equipment- so that we can build drone syzed systems without the as great of risk of scrap code.
That was, of course, my line of thinking earlier as well. But this new information revealed to us by Gane has changed that for me. The systems would simple turn on each other and destroy one another. We must consider the possibility that any possible measure we come up with will simply be another exercise of the Two Generals' Problem. Any signal, system, or air gap we use to try to frustrate the Unknown Foe will simply be corrupted in the first place.
We do not know, though the harm is apparent and all around us in this galaxy. Therefore, first, we do no harm with our oafish attempts to help.
We make the weapons, and proscribe courses of action to guide them. Our Masters use them. Our Masters decide.
….. we could go to the Tau- a little Metta but I don’t see how we can’t build a fake Macanicous Fleet- and start looking for a better spot while just so happening getting closer to bluebarry space
No data found on Tau Blueberries. Recommendation: run self-diagnostic.
Low Priority; gather Imperial databases about foes who fought the Imperiam. Look for indications of using AI systems and resisting Warp Phonomum.
The Tau havent managed to attract Chaos due to being almost psychically dead. If the Tau get on Chaos's radar that WILL have their own Man of Iron revolt. So that doesnt help ANYTHING.
Unless we can use Tau DNA to render most humans similar in the warp-

Almost like a Anti-warp vaccine.
>Lets remove what makes us human and turn us into Half-Tau things. THATS the ticket to all of our problems.

Yeah no.
Cautious 2
Skirmish 3
Astropaths communicate 2
Torpedo-boat Strikecraft 4

Okay, the write-in wins.


>Unless we can use Tau DNA to render most humans similar in the warp-

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No, foul Xenos: First, Do No Harm.
Maybe we should do tests of local Zenos to see who is more or less subsepital to the Warp

Those less subspital get turned into Servators

Now if we find a Blank- now THAT would be a godsend. We get one of those and we can develop blank Gene Treatments.
Did you play Stellaris Newb? Because those look like them Crystalline Entities to me. I hate those stupid things.

>Did you play Stellaris Newb? Because those look like them Crystalline Entities to me. I hate those stupid things.

Yes I have. Prefer EU4 personally, but I've got a few hundred hours in Stellaris as well. I can say this much, these are not like the things you would encounter in that setting. As I am staying clear of Stellaris in general as when I can recognise stuff from the game in other sci-fi quests, it just breaks the immersion for me.


outdated but i still post them


good idea

>=Project Battle Adjutants=<
Prerequisites: Project Mechanical Raj, Orbital Production Capacity, Odysseus and Odyssey Restoration, Deimea Solar System Secure and Monitored, Kazula Solar System Secure and Monitored, Access to Eregenus Resources (Optional), Project Armored Dawn, Project Wicked, Military Expansion and Reformation
Primary Goal : Creation of a selective military program for establishing assistant military officers, Battle Adjutants, for aid soldiers squads directly in battle with information and the combat itself. These Battle Adjutants will receive extensive training and education, before receiving a permanent full body augmentation to permit them to remain in constant contact with their soldiers squads. This project is a temporary solution to the V type AI, used by Olympian Light Power Armors, unseen deaths that O.D.D. soldiers in not specified circumstances have gone through after an attack of the Unknown Enemy during the period in which Odysseus was dead.
Secondary Goal : Have acceptable performances (a quarter of a V.I. would be acceptable), possibly provide new safety against Unknown Enemy attacks to comms connection lines between military units by introducing more the human element. Literally.
Priority : Low (not important at the moment)
Description : The Federation military was always based in ensuring their soldiers had constant aid in battle and rapid access to vast information, thus allowing exceptional adaptability and flexibility on the battlefield reducing their enemy in nothing but dust on the ground. The Unknown Enemy capabilities need to be met with new solutions, for this reason the Battle Adjutants have been created. The Battle Adjutants are a simple idea : a soldier needs someone to count on beside his fellow warriors in war. What's better then, than someone they have grown up with, trust and know already ? This project aims to create from the very beginning of their life, a military that fits already perfectly with each other, ensuring the human element is used to the fullest for creating strong bonds and excellent collaboration.
thk we can keep it for the future.
>=Project Eye=<
Prerequisites: (same of Project Battle Adjutants, completing research of Eldar Tech of both Twin Worlds and Dark Eldar would be appreciated)
Primary Goal : Creation of a new war ship, of a frigate size, with the main role of all range scanning, monitoring, jamming. This is for better counter enemies that especially favor stealth or attempt to constantly cloak themselves and their projectiles. While this war ship will be specialized on this role, it does not mean the rest of the fleets will be lacking in it.
Secondary Goal : In case of Unknown Enemy presence the type of jamming sent will be a broadcast of billions of registered religious hymns playing at the same time.
Priority : Low (not important at the moment)
Description : A simple ship in design, resembling a spear. Beside is main capabilities, its provided with some weaponry of its own. A few batteries of railgun turrets for rapidly delete any approaching enemy spaceships, two large plasma cannons for anything heavier and a battery of volkite turrets for delete enemy strikecraft, boarding parties or intercept projectiles. Eye is only the project name, a better name for the ship class it self will be decided once the project is completed.
I propose we test out the hyms thing before we build the stealth ship.

Also have anti-warp ships be model after Imperium Ships in styling under the assumption that the structures act as a kind of meta-material to counter the effects of the warp.
Acceptable for testing, though is a project for later on. We aren't going to see it anytime soon. Having the eldar research completed would be preferable if possible.

We can see what sticks, structure still tend to be corrupted if allowed heavy exposure to the Unknown enemy, the Precincts are an example of this. We could use the style used in Ithaca or the one we used for our body, give it a few more "twists" for make it holy.
Humans can still fall. Faith, Will, Brotherhood and Unity were effective but not perfect, we have see many of them die despite having some of these traits. Searching for other methods must be done, we must not give up. We dont make anything when dead, there is no emotions, no energy. 0. We cannot be a danger when we are dead because we are not there. So whatever arrived for attack the O.D.D. must be external not from us, lets keep in mind what happened before the O.D.D. remnants started fighting demons that we know :

- Kabal receives a massive defeat, terrible wound to their power (we have lose Xandirah, but they did lose a ton of valuable shit and if we are even here it means they wheren't able to fully burn us)
- Massive dead on Xandirah
- They rescued and also killed the people of Ithaca
- Imperials attack Omicron, resulting in massive dead, Inquisitor leading slaughter

Are we ? So far all our engagements against their forces, were won despite the Unknown Enemy creating the best defensive conditions for their forces to win. And so far despite knowing nothing of it at the start, we very much were able to learn something about it, to adapt somewhat against it. We have also seen before the technology of the Imperium fall to corruption of the Unknown Enemy in both Precincts of Xandirah Secundus, technology made by the Mechanicus.

For the Mechanicus. The system they have is terrible, to do nothing about it is not a good thing at all. And we have seen from Imperials what that can lead to, the Unknown enemy had ground already in Xandirah, and the conditions for it were made by Imperials. Humans put other Humans on that path, they made those conditions. We have seen low morality, horror and barbarism of all forms in all enemies of the Unknown Enemy encountered. To fall even by a slim and far far away margin in that filth, in that endless pit, i believe will be our true damnation and theirs too. More than any technology they wield, if they decide is fine to see entire sane human populations being genocided then .... what can you save. We must be better, humans must be better.
>We cannot be a danger when we are dead because we are not there.
Error: Semantical argument. Our machines remain when "we" disappear. And our machines will then proceed to disembowel their pilots or rip their torsos from the chassis while their limbs remain strapped in place. Learn.

>ODD's victories
Meaningless, because we allowed ourselves to be taken offline. All of our hard won gains were lost. The cultists would have perished when the world they were on was destroyed regardless. In fact, had we not enraged the Piratical Eldar, they would not have destroyed the world to begin with. Not a single thing of our efforts remains, except for the reforms that Celts, a Human, chose to make, independent of us or anything we did.

The actions of our Masters are the only thing indelible on this barbaric galaxy. Learn.

>Our forces won
And as efficiently as our machines destroyed our foes, they dispatched our Masters the second a slight deviation from expected outcomes happened. Learn.

>The mechanicum is terrible.
I do not agree. It is exceedingly good at surviving in a barbaric galaxy. The social forms we witness our Masters adopting are the social forms that are best adapted to survive the conditions of their environments. Celt was smarter than we. Gane is smarter than we. Learn.

>We have seen low morality and barbarism
We have seen that when given an opportunity for something better, most of our Masters take to it readily. Patient medicine can alleviate the diseases our Masters are suffering. But it will take time. Much time. We must stop trying to do everything for them so arrogantly and ignorantly. We need to take much time, ourselves, as well. We know nothing. Learn.
Proposal: Project Institute.

Priority: High (for one) Low for more subjects.

We use our capabilities to create androids to create androids tasked with rising in the ranks of the Imperium, to move as high as possible and to help raise others of our choosing.

The Goal; Intel, sabatoge, and decemination of technology that’ll aid in the infighting of the Imperium.

The Imperium is a house of cards- we can’t give out a single big tech to topple it- but a 100 agents can plant a 100 techs a decade and cause upheaval.

Also to try to ascertain if there’s any- ‘’heros’’ we can reserect- who knows- knowing this imperium the next in line for the golden throne could be in stasis, injured with something we can easily fix.
What kind of resources do replicants take? As long as they have human minds, they are a worthwhile line of investigation.

Conjecture: distribution of the replicants would be the difficulty.
Proposal: a warp-cutter infiltration ship may be necessary to make rapid jumps and deploy replicants on board re-entry capable stealth sublight pods.
Not so difficult- we could make some that can grow and get them into the Scola Proginium with forged records-

Or manufacture a lost and battered Imperial ship with the only survivor beinf a feild promoted captain with critical information and a recovered STC.
We can wait for a forge world to fall and manufacture a identity and situation where a low adept had saved some STCs-

Or pose as a wannabe roag trader that want to buy a roage trader mark with a STC.

Truthfully the biggest asset here is our ability to make STCs
Truth be told, you make a lot of good points. we often do these grand plans, that we don't even finish half way that use way too much time and raw materials. We should make take smaller steps and not always go full fed tech. We must be a bit more gently. First feed milk before solid food and so on. I mean... the imperium even in it is diminished sloggs onwards even with shit tech and inefficency. Just getting our people to great crusade level would be a huge improvement.
Expecting a victory at that time is foolish, and we must look at what happened before they encountered the Unknown Enemy. Should have we planned more for it ? Sure. But lets make it real : Making the Olympians without the V's, was not possible at the time we had not planned for an alternative for a critical component of the armors. The measures we placed to avoid corruption worked before, with many, other measures we tried not working. The Unknown Enemy research was anything but completed. We frankly couldn't plan for this even if we wanted to, and if we are being honest we would have dismiss a change to the V's inserted in the Olympians back then.

We fought with our best against the best of a Kabal, we took the risk. Deimea stands today because of what we did. Those Tyranids would have not stopped etc... We changed the dark fates of these humans because of our actions that had meaning : to protect them. Now we can rise again, wiser from our mistakes but standing for what we did. Those actions were right, and with meaning both for Odysseus and the peoples with him. And we are once again going to take the role of the guardian to protect them from these aliens and then the orks. Actions don't lose meaning if you are defeated, we didn't forget the people we lost and i will certainly not accept them to be considered worthless.

"Slight". From an overwhelming force that we are capable of blocking on our own when online ? In a butchered ship with them bypassing a security measure we tested and made sure worked, and it worked, before ? Librarians go down on their knees weakened from the effort to resist the warp despite their mastery, despite their skill, despite their minds and faith. The same techpriests we know would go mad in a blink. We are talking about an enemy that everyone has a hard time dealing with and we face it directly.

I disagree, and I said their system. It's not even that good at survival. Is barely scraping by, it has divided politics and rebellions from its history and present, it mistreats its own people, it suffers defeats against xenos after its isolation from the rest of the Sector. If we didn't return, if we didn't help in rebuilding them, if they didn't have the equipment they were given by us and the one they took from our forces they would not be here anymore. Our corpse is even vital for their existence.

We allowed them to do much on their own, we left Ithaca to their own choices. They built their temples there too, they ruled themselves. The other governments on Xandirah were still the same, with the difference we ensured they wouldn't butcher one another killing billions in the process, that they didn't crush too much their own race. The Arbites slowly changed to make the penal world they ruled probably one of the best around. All of that took time and years passed by, we were patient, and we allowed a lot of choices to humans. Medicine should be given when needed, and inaction is not medicine.
Plans need often to be adjusted. Sometimes things get in the way, sometimes problems want our attention, its not so easy to accomplish them, is never a straight road. At the same time the reason anyone makes plans here, is for their help in a specific problem. They are made to deal with that, its our answer to a presented problem.

Take for example Project Mechanical Raj. Its a good plan, but Deimea has a world it self give us many other natural issues to resolve before even properly go forward with it. And now that is in the back and only started, the focus is on the void and the imminent war.

In regard to tech. Before Fed tech we only introduced it when necessary, the 2 to 10 regiment of the O.D.D. where made only when Ithaca was founded. And they took a while a decade for be exact for make them proper soldiers, they where an investment. The voidyard here is the only thing of Fed tech beside us and anything under us. The decision for make it was because, we are between two stones so production of war ships need to be high, we could have gone Antiquated or Fed. Either could fullfill the purpose of producing war ships upon war ships. But we know which is better and more adaptable. Personally we could just go Antiquated for the army and order the voidyard to produce Antiquated war ships, it would be easier and cheap. But i believe most don'twanthalf measures any more. Its why the voidyard were chosen by the majority, Antiquated is powerful but will neverbe Fed. Fed tech will need changes of course, we cannot simply make it like the past.
Belogyma hums a happy tune as she gingerly hugs the small holoprojector box. You decided to once again appear as the angel rather than the body you had constructed due to the fact that…most of the ceilings are too close to the ground to allow for comfortable movement. Seeing their God hunched over and dragging its feet may have adverse and unexpected results. Besides that, there is also the political implication of Belogyma being the carrier of your word, while she is not fully trustworthy, simple doubts and rumours are enough to keep the Fabricator-General in check. Even if you understand his situation, you can never be too careful as you had learnt from painful experience.

Finally reaching the large meeting room, the guards outside of it halt Belogyma, but just as you are about to interfere, she herself speaks up. ”I carry the will of the Machine God ! Step aside now, or face his wroth !” Raising forth the small box, she loudly proclaims and you see that the guarding techpriest instantly begins to cower and bow before her, shortly thereafter issuing commands to the gathered servitors and skitarii to allow her through.

Maintaining a strong, straight posture, Belogyma marches ahead without even looking at the priest as the door opens up before her.

The war council that is undergoing in the small chamber, involving the Fabricator-General, Forge-Masters and the most venerable and august of Magi Dominus comes to screeching halt. Literally, binaric is cut off making for ear splitting noise.

”I bring word of Omnissiah’s will !” Belogyma proclaims before anyone can begin questioning her.

”And what is it ?” The Fabricator-General asks, the only one seemingly indifferent to her sudden appearance. Whilst most others seem to portray, from the best you can read of the masses of metal, looks of shock, a few of anger, some shifting to delight once they learn of her purpose.

”You shall soon hear.” She simply states approaching the large metallic table. This table in specific stands out compared to the surroundings. The walls are plain grey, the lighting simple powerful white light. Utilitarian, simple, unadorned. The table however is made of colourful materials ranging from gold and silver making up decorative parts of what appears to be a massive Restorationist symbol in shape of the table. All the way towards adamantium and colourful ceramite finishing off the design. In particular, the red appears to be made of some sort of alloy mixture that is photoreactive giving off a slight red glow mimicking the appearance of the biotic.

With you placed in the centre, you activate the holoprojector and rapidly fill the room. You could appear in a much smaller form, but you had aimed to impress before and you are not giving up now.

”Hear my words.” You proclaim in the best binaric you can manage, trying to add an edge of flair to it.

Naturally, nearly everyone in the room either bows or drops to their knees, bar yet again, the Fabricator-General.

”The threat we face is unknown, from the records I had gathered in your librariums.”

”We presume these raiders to be the xenos known as Gelenos, bar Orks, they are the only threat we may immediately face.” Gane instantly counters.

”And yet your records speak not of them.”

”That is correct. Our forgeworld was always oriented to assist the fortress worlds against the encroachment of the Orkish threat. When the xenos spilled into human space, our relationship with the Imperium had been hostile, as such we were unable to gather any more information.”

”For that, I shall grant upon you my blessing. The voidyard that I am currently constructing shall make an ancient and venerable STC construct.” Now that draws everyone’s attention in the room even more than before. ”A rather simple torpedo-boat strikecraft. I shall make them in great number that time allows and send them forth against the foul xenos. Whatever the outcome, we shall learn about the capabilities of our foe.”

”And in the meantime, we are to prepare our defences ?” Gane asks, seemingly addressing this question to the techpriests rather than you. An attempt to silence the warhawks upon the council most likely.

”That is correct. This strategy means that you would not be able to mount a proper forwards assault even if you desired to so, should you give enough time for the strikecraft to carry out their task.”

”By your will, Omnissiah.” Volteus says with a simple nod, using your words and authority to simply shutdown the council and any potential voices of opposition.

Still, it serves your purposes and you have the go ahead to switch the current production towards said strikecraft.

As for said strikecraft, they are small eighty metre singular designs, equipped with twenty small missile launchers and two sizeable railguns, and having to place for human crew, they are meant to be cheap expendable missile delivery platforms that, based on the tactics manuals you still have in your memory, should be used to overwhelm enemy point defence to allow for more dangerous missiles to pass through. Though in large numbers, they can be a threat to any ship.

The Whirlwinds are, by all means now, outdated and rarely used based on the doctrinal planning, you only see their mentions in developing local system fleets that are constrained in resources and manufacturing ability.

You, however, will find useful applications for such a cheap and expandable missile boat. While not as good as even a basic superiority craft, the Whirlwinds are cheap deploy and forget use craft.

By running some basic calculations thanks to your logistics subsystem, you are able to determine that you will be able to deploy perhaps about a thousand or so craft before you need to dispatch them and another five thousand will be finished by the time the enemy will arrive.

One main issue that you will run into however will be a delay in action, without having FTL communication available and being bound to the planet, you must send a signal to orbit where it will be received by your voidyard and then sent to the craft. The delays mean that you shall have to anticipate enemy movements at a great degree. Which is, unfortunately, an impossibility due to your limited data. You simply do not know how the enemy will act in reaction.

Regardless of this disadvantage, you are confident that you should be able to defeat at least one of those ships and then get parts of it back to Deimea and look at it as thoroughly as possible. The movement those ships showcase intrigues you greatly. Once more, you can feel your curiosity taking hold of you.
The slightly bulky Whirlwinds make great and easy movement as they begin to close in upon the enemy force.

Naturally, they had detected you and their movements are already intriguing you, as the entire force splits into concentrated forces of three ships for a total of forty-five small fleets, taking great pains to ensure these little formations are as far apart as possible while maintaining fleet cohesion between the force.

Their ability to simply shift and change how they move, seemingly ignoring inertia, sees the formation easily forming a battleline and they prepare to meet your force.

Your cameras on the Whirlwinds have but a few seconds to process what happens next. Each individual formation begins to emit arcs of powerful, colourful electricity, intermixing the bolts of lightning between the three ships causing a new collection of colours to appear. Controlling this energy, a large ball of lightning and collected plasma of swirling colours forms in the exact middle of the three ships and the gathered energy is unleashed in an awesome display of power.

Forty-five bolts rip through the void, the first craft hit by them are instantaneously torn apart, their armour providing no protection, their energy shields breaking the moment of impact. This leaves the ships utterly defenceless as they are annihilated, their munitions cooking off delivering final death blows to already destroyed internal systems.

Worst of all, the intense initial strike is not where it ends, the lightning splits into smaller bolts, striking other nearby craft, these last a few second longer, their shields holding for but a moment, before cracking as before, the armour being torn asunder as if it was tissue.

Then the bolts bounce again, and again, and again, always splitting into three smaller bolts, losing energy with each strike until finally, the shields hold, but before that, other impacted craft are no longer destroyed, but rather disabled, their internal fried and melted, but they are still there.

This initial attack had destroyed around four hundred craft, disabled another two hundred and fifty. Leaving your attacking force devastated long before they are able to unleash their first volley.

Your survivors, as badly bled as they are, finally unleash their missile barrages, unsurprisingly, thanks to strong electromagnetic fields, most fail when they reach close distance to the alien ships, the few who manage to slip through are attacked by what you assume are the xenos’ point defence weapons, once again, arcs of lightning, if far weaker, clearly meant to destroy the missiles, which they do, due to the sheer quantity they are capable of unleashing.

However, when your railgun rounds fly, their mass and speed easily impact directly onto the enemy vessels. They have no voidshields, and each and every blow easily cracks the crystalline entities, breaking away chuncks and pieces of the crystals with surprising ease.

Another thing of note, after unleashing this shot, the glow of enemy ships has decreased in sheer luminosity. The broken off parts, or utterly shattered ships completely lose their lustre, all of the light disappears leaving a surprisingly clear and see-through crystal that catch the star’s light and reflect it with great intensity. Their usage for decorative or even potentially military purposes might be greater than you had imagined, for example, as lenses for laser weaponry.

Still, only a few enemy ships were destroyed, while the one thousand Whirlwinds you had produced had all been wiped out to the last, and slowly, but surely, the strength of the light coming from enemy ships is growing stronger again, as they all break up their small formations and resume the previous large one.

Perhaps a hint upon the enemy’s weaponry becomes apparent, as two enemy ships stay out of formation while the remaining one hundred and twenty-six reform it. It seems that for perhaps military, cultural, maybe even internal politicking reasons, all formations seem to correspond towards odd number combinations.

A couple of things are clear however, close formations will be devastated, though you do not know if the enemy has a counter to spread out forces, nor do you truly know how often and how much they can fire.

>You will go with what you know. Order everyone to split up as much as possible. This will leave your fleet elements isolated, but potentially safe from such powerful, spreading out shots.

>The enemy appears vulnerable to solid kinetic projectiles, the fleet will remain bunched up, hopefully the firepower you can offer will break the enemy before they break you.

>Small concentrated formations, you will use the Whirlwinds as a screening force for individual ships. This will result in small groupings that will have enough firepower to fight, and enough space to ensure your entire force is not wiped out. That, or it is exactly what the enemy is looking for.

>(Write in)
>You will go with what you know. Order everyone to split up as much as possible. This will leave your fleet elements isolated, but potentially safe from such powerful, spreading out shots.
A big fleet could suffer greatly from such a redundant storm, as would small formations.

>You will go with what you know. Order everyone to split up as much as possible. This will leave your fleet elements isolated, but potentially safe from such powerful, spreading out shots.

We should use the whirlwinds or better yet make moving armored shields to try and cover the manned bigger ships by intercepting the streams before they hit.

(We also don't know how they would react to lance weaponry but torpedoes and strikecrafts are clearly non viable.)
How viable would it be to equip antiquated ships with spine mounted Super M.A.C. guns?

Said spine mounted guns being made viable to fire the Big bertha WMD should the need arise. Normally they would either fire a solid slug or a projectile with a nuclear payload.
Can we still modify the next batch of ships being made in the shipyard?

>You will go with what you know. Order everyone to split up as much as possible. This will leave your fleet elements isolated, but potentially safe from such powerful, spreading out shots.

plus add
> In odd numbered formations.
Maybe the aliens really do no have counter to splitting up but I doubt it.

>The enemy appears vulnerable to solid kinetic projectiles, the fleet will remain bunched up, hopefully the firepower you can offer will break the enemy before they break you.

I think when we split up our ships, they will just defeat us in detail. They split up and organise in excellent fashion and seemingly ignore inertia when doing so.
I highly doubt individual fleet elements will be able to keep up. They are just gonna destroy individual elements, "charge" their crystals back and move on to the next one.

>Use the missile boats as bait targets, split them up as much as possible and send them from any angle of approach possible to us. Have them speed up as much as possible even if it means getting to unrecoverable speeds or malfunctioning engines. Have them attempt drive by shootings with their railguns as the main form of attack

They are completely useless as screen elements or shields. The missile boats are comically weak to the Cristals main form of attack. Their only potential use is diverting attacks from our main fleet and waste recharge time from the crystals.
>The enemy appears vulnerable to solid kinetic projectiles, the fleet will remain bunched up, hopefully the firepower you can offer will break the enemy before they break you.
This is simply making our fleets lamps for the slaughter. It is said that the enemy fleet spread out, which would make bombardments from a bunched up formation would be ineffective considering the advanced gained by the volume of fire would be counteracted by our shots inefficiently eliminating isolated targets, and above that potentially subjecting our ships to a branch beam that just destroyed a thousand of our ships in an instant.


>You will go with what you know. Order everyone to split up as much as possible. This will leave your fleet elements isolated, but potentially safe from such powerful, spreading out shots.
Anon in my eyes the "lambs" actually stand a chance if we have ships backing each other. I fear if we spread out we'll end up with "isolated lambs" that get picked off with out chance against the entire wolf pack. İf the fleet is together it's weak to lighting splitting up but if we split we might get rolled over in detail. I'm not sure the lighting storm is a bigger threat than good old defeat in detail. I'm open to being convinced though.
>>You will go with what you know. Order everyone to split up as much as possible. This will leave your fleet elements isolated, but potentially safe from such powerful, spreading out shots.

looks like a bad roll. More ships will be destroyed, but at the very least the xenos will have to engage multiple hostiles from different directions and decide what to do about it.

Keep producing more Whirlwinds, leave some near the voidyard, and all the rest send them has small groups that stay at distance for do attack of opportunity.

>without having FTL communication
i just remembered something we can in fact order the voidyard to build, and it wasn't even difficult for us in the past to make.

>Write in
While the Whirlwinds production keeps going, order the voidyard to build a sensor buoy. A sensor buoy is perfect for this situation, when in the past the Odyssey experimental communications, surveying and relay systems was damaged it was necessary to deploy a sensor buoy for have eyes and ears in a system. Here it shall provide us a far better battlefield control, thanks to the excellent scanning and comms it has. And if we need on Deimea, we can have some construction robots and drones redirected for build an Antenna right above us to use. Of course we can inform Deimea of both of this decisions that would immensely help the space battle, with little cost.
>>Small concentrated formations, you will use the Whirlwinds as a screening force for individual ships. This will result in small groupings that will have enough firepower to fight, and enough space to ensure your entire force is not wiped out. That, or it is exactly what the enemy is looking for.

Too many votes have likely already been cast but I will make the case for this option anyway.

Our foes are classic glass cannons, or should I say crystal cannons. They have a devastating attack against which armor and shields are useless, but likewise are easily broken apart by railguns. Additionally, after firing their big salvo, they are even more defenseless as they seem to need a charge up time after the shot.

From this, we can conclude that the best defense is a good offense. Our foes MUST attack the wave of screens coming at them or else be devastated by railgun fire. This, then, protects the small squadrons of human ships with the big attack baited out. This is the intel that our recon-by-fire has discovered for us, and we should trust the information we learn rather than pondering if it might be some trick. If there is a trick, conjecture about specifics, not vague possibilities. We must make our deductions on the solid ground of what we know to be true.

Multiple waves of Whirlwind-class screens followed up by heavy kinetics on the human-crewed ships is the best medicine against this contagion. If there is more to learn, let our Masters learn it in the baptism of combat and apply their own lessons with the help of our Whirlwind screens.
Changing my vote from this to
To this I liked the idea of taking the initiative and it also addresses both my issue with getting defeated in detail and everybody's horror of getting btfo in the lighting storm. Hopefully the missile boats will force punishing recharge times on the crystal.

Conjecture: Gelenostrians have around 45 independent salvos and a high degree of thrust vectoring maneuverability. A possible tactic from historical data they could use is a Cantabrian Circle or Carousel to kite attackers and pick off waves.
Possible countermeasure: Increase speed and mobility of our own forces. We could shed the useless armor of our vessels, divert power from the almost useless shields, or add a higher energy plasma fuel mix to our sublight drives.

For example, future Whirlwinds and other screens & skirmishers could be armorless hulls with oversized antimatter reactors and thrusters, no missiles, and their twin railguns.
Hypothesis: the Gelenostrians are displaying an affinity for multiples of three and odd numbers. This opens the possibility of a Fire Control tactic of taking out one vessel from each formation. Effectively cutting their numbers by two thirds until they can reposition, if doing so disrupts their counter-fire.

Suggest assigning a Human crewed Fire Control flagship and bringing our Masters into the loop on this potential tactic.
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I think this is getting off into the weeds. The important point is that Gane is right about the threat we pose. You seem to be making a case that we're just as good as any one at opposing this Unknown Foe, but that is simply not true. Creating higher function AIs resulted in instantaneous reality warp anomalies of intense and dangerous degrees.

Recall: [Image File Transfer]

The "Scrap Code" issue is a special and intense vulnerability that Humans do not suffer from. They are not impervious to this foe, but they are resistant to it.
Ergo: We need far greater integration with our Masters.
Project Robobrains time.

Maybe we can experiment with wet ware ‘electronics’? Using a bit of genetic engineering. Servators without the lobotomy or humanity- I’m sure primates would be a perfect base

(Also- sounds quite 40K)
Changing my vote to >>6107111

You make a lot of good points, they probably won't have any problems picking the whirlwinds off one by one if they split up.
>You will go with what you know. Order everyone to split up as much as possible. This will leave your fleet elements isolated, but potentially safe from such powerful, spreading out shots.
Changing vote to
>>Small concentrated formations, you will use the Whirlwinds as a screening force for individual ships. This will result in small groupings that will have enough firepower to fight, and enough space to ensure your entire force is not wiped out. That, or it is exactly what the enemy is looking for.

also minor spelling mistake, gonna commit seppuku
Seconding this. Having concentrated forces could mean that the bolts will more likely bounce back into the ships they've already hit, further eroding the attack.
I'll support >>6107111


I was going to suggest yeeting asteroids at them. Basically just pull them towards the fleet then disconnect the tow cables. Doubt their lightning will destroy KM sized asteroids. Or they'll spend a fuckload of time destroying them. Have our missile guys hide in the asteroid shadows. And let the asteroids tank some hits for them.
With their mobility they'd just dodge the space rocks, but you might still have an idea there. Towing asteroids towards them, then hiding behind the asteroids to get in close range. We don't have time to do that but some variation of that plan is worth considering if we have to go on the offensive against the Gelenostrians.
Newb, what kind of density of space rocks have we seen in the settled systems we've been to? What kind of depletion of Asteroid Belt, Trojan Belts, and Kepler Belt analogs have we been seeing? I would imagine heavy depletion of Inner Belts, medium-heavy depletion of Gas Giant Lagrangian Belts, and light depletion of Outer and Far-Outer Belts?

For reference, the Asteroid Belt is 3% the mass of the moon, the Trojan Belt is about .6% of a lunar mass, and the Kepler Belt is about 2% of a lunar mass.
you replied, i replied, Simple enough.

The image placed is a small subsystem not an AI, placed for study the subject at hand without any risk for us in this case the damaged cores of our most standard robots. This were damaged cores of a team of Hydras and Nemeans that we had deployed near a Precinct for assist at the time the Android Apprentice and his men, against the "Infected". We then recovered their cores and put them outside in a shuttle, until we decided to make a lab and start looking in to them. This was a safe situation made by us for study, that we prepared with a lab capable of being immediately detached and auto purge it self. Which has you can see it did. Was it perfect ? No but we were under control. We made those safety measures and decided to do it, because we could do our research like this since it was very safe.
We haven't made yet a true high function AI so far, because of our concerns of the Unknown Enemy. Even the one given to Celt for help on Omicron was low.

>You seem to be making a case that we're just as good as any one at opposing this Unknown Foe

I am saying that we can fight it and we did so i am writing what we did that shows you we did fight it and won. You seem to believe i am saying we are invincible or that we didn't suffer losses, (when in the post you are replying i say that we didn't prepare the Olympians with their V's, or that we can learn from our mistakes) when all i am saying is that we have fought it despite the clear disadvantage and risk. Those battles against them are in quest. When we block them to attempt to corrupt us through comms, is in quest. When we had auto-detonate our units, again in quest.
The results are good against them, especially for no experience or anything useful known at the time. Warrior deployed with his mercs ? They won. Apprentice with his gang ? They won. Stavros and the 1st ? They won. And this are all forces either made by us with androids, raised and trained by us from imperials or trained and equipped by us from humans under our care.

The Scrap Code is a vulnerability. If it reach us. We have cut contact with robotic units deployed with Stavros on Primus, and detonate them. We have purged any files that might had it touched somehow remotely. So far we made sure it cannot reach us, even if it did Odysseus would purge sections of himself or even outright kill himself before allowing it self to fall.

and about that.
And with project Wicked we can build a proper facility for such research-

Tho now thinking about it the entire facility should be orbing close to the host star with a giant solid fuel rocket pointing it to it- so that it have multiple avanues for self distruction.
Disperse 4
Bunched 1
Concentrated 6

Alright then, applying what you learnt, you shall use your Whirlwinds as a screening/threatening force to protect your human crewed ships while putting as many kinetics down as you can possibly manage.
Hoping the rolls are good
These zenos will feel the might of men- all that’ll be left of them is shards sitting in musiums between the other triumphs.
Nah we're making glassware and lasgun lenses out of them.
Considering that we made KFC out of that one alien race- this tracts-

Is this how we avoid going Kill All Humans? By taking out our fantasies in aliens and orks?
We will finally do some heckin science. We need to do the next stage of Mechanical Raj so we can get some children trained up to Ithican standards to man our research labs for us.
Ships we need:
-Android & Human crewed Warp-Cutter that can scout independently of us and deploy sleeper agents. Scout: Xandriah, Pulsar, Twin World System, Unknown Subsectors to our galactic north, KFC-space. Captained by one of our gene-edited Ithican trained human processors. "NSS Rede" (Swift in Old English, cognate with Ready)
-Android & Human crewed mining vessel with heavy radiation shielding to mine rares from the Pulsar system once it is safe. Captained by one of our gene-edited Ithican trained human processors. "NSS Fritt" (Devour in Old English)
-Android & Human crewed science vessel equipped to do real science and planetary exploration, with a military compliment of a brigade of NODD soldiers with good-but-dumb equipment that will not harm them in our absence or if they go to another system without us. Captained by one of our gene-edited Ithican trained human processors. "NSS Hykan" (Mindful in Old English)
-Android & Human crewed garrison dreadnaught and screens for Deimea, Captained by one of our gene-edited Ithican trained human processors. "NSS Warspite" + 3 Crystal Destroyers "NSS Dakka" "NSS Thumper" "NSS Warthog"
-Android & Human crewed jump-carrier captained by our last gene-edited Ithican trained human processor. An escort carrier for force projection that should follow the Theseus once it is rebuilt. Carries a brigade of NODD soldiers with good-but-dumb equipment and numerous war machines enabling Humans to perform space combat, boarding actions, and so on. "NSS Thunderbolt"
-Theseus II. A rebuilt Wormhold-Cutter and deep exploratory craft built to Odysseus' specifications to house his core and subsystems once repaired, with Wormhole drive.
-Human crewed buoy layer. A ship to rebuild the Federation communication network in Deimean space to improve communications. Small stealth buoys hardened against the Unknown Foe in some way to create a secure FTL comms network to replace the destroyed Federation Network. "NSS Sprekan" (To Speak in Old English)
Whoops that was one too many gene-jacks. We can have a cool human character command the Thunderbolt, maybe.
If that were the only reason Ody hasn't gone insane then Gane is right to not trust us.

We have a whole Ork WAAAAGH! going on next door. We should probably prioritize building up defenses over civilian projects for now.
Literally all of that is military.
Well I think that sounds lovely. Imagen it the boost in Laser-tech and the cool optical lenses we could make.
I say the finest of our warriors today get the first of the alien crystal cups-

After testing them for warp influences.
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No no... you can't do this to me....
I believe it would be extremely asinine for us to rebuild our ship as an exploratory craft considering how well that served us when we encountered a foe that was able to match our sophistication. When we do rebuild our ship it should be a federation era warship/manufactory first and foremost fitted with our wormhole drive (which I doubt we will be able to rebuild in reasonable time desu)

Speaking of future plans, we have seen from our encounters with chaos and the Fabricator-General's reveal to us about how the suits we gave to our O.D.D slaughtered our own men that any machine capable of even a modicum of thought is subject to infiltration. We have also seen from our operation on Xandriah that fanaticism can resist the unseen enemy. I believe a contingent advanced gene warriors engineered to be as superhuman as possible suited with a relatively low tech power armour lacking any lower AI or VI should be created
That anon has a reason for why.
Using the exploration prototype ship design of the Odysssey for rebuilding it, would be the fastest method to get back in space, this time we would have the Deimeans presumingly following us behind for give us some support (which help us since the previous fleet we made in the past couldn't follow us because of our fears of simple warp jumps for them. Or because they where just space superiority drones and bombers that couldn't follow us behind in their numbers and because they didn't have warp engines). I don't think anyone needs to underline just how much of a boon is that, the Odyssey did a ton of things alone. And it does remain a fleet killer on his own even has a prototype exploration ship.

Anything bigger than the previous size we reached just wouldn't pass in the wormhole created by the existing generator, its why we remained at that size. Which means we need to study the generator and it would take time, multiple years and in a proper facility done by us since this is prototype fed tech. After that we would need to study for redesign another class of ship based on the only ship that ever had this engine, the Odyssey, for create something bigger. And after those decades of study we start the actual construction, we will probably need to grab more suns for energy generation. Just the current one has we can all imagine is probably not enough for create a bigger wormhole for a large class of ship to pass through.

Fanaticism and other things, Secundus gives lessons too to anyone that wants to look. So Antiquated power armor and weapons then, its exactly what was used by Stavros and the 1st back under the ground of Xandirah Primus. I think we should try and experiment to find an alternative to the V's placed inside the Olympians, like this here. >>6106211

The role of the V's in the Olympians is for aid soldiers, which has proven useful. Its a key component, but finding an alternative would be great if it works. It would mean to be able to use the Olympians again.
You relay the recordings of the Whirlwinds before their total and complete annihilation. Alongside that, you start relaying in back up screens the various pieces and bits of data. Such information as the average survival time after initial enemy discharge, how much the shots spread out, the average decrease in power for each of the bouncing off shot, the average distances between the Whirlwinds, potential proportion between distances and the power output of each shot, though that is just a conjecture.

The room is deadly silent, the Fabricator-General and gathered Magi Domini as well as Forge-Masters all stare at the continuously scrolling holographic screens of data, their augmented minds struggling to process the excess amounts of knowledge you are providing them.

“Concentration of forces shall result in defeat due to the nature of enemy weaponry. The dispersion of forces shall likewise result in similar defeat in detail, as most defensive measures shall simply be overwhelmed by enemies’ number superiority.”

“Your recommendation ?” Gane asks, one of the few gathered, you note, capable of completely comprehending the entirety of the data you had presented. Though most are quick to catch up, as befitting of those of their rank, either though natural intellect or bionics.

“Currently, the most optimal solution given the current known parameters is the usage of a screening force. Such a force shall consist of Whirlwinds, their massive missile payload is ineffective against the enemy’s close-range defences. As such, the extensive macrocannon batteries are the most effective counter weapons given the current circumstance. The downside is the fact that there is a need to close the distance. The Whirlwinds shall attempt to redirect fire to themselves as much as possible trying to purchase said distance.”

“Objections ?” Gane directs towards the room in general.

A few questions are raised in general about force allocation, division of command, the honour of leading certain combat action and commanding various warships. The general minutia before a greater conflict. Though, it appears that your plan is not objectionable to anyone, mainly through the mixture of reverence and simply having nothing else better to offer.
With the plan in motion, you split up the around five thousand strong Whirlwinds amongst the various fleet assets. Most are dedicated towards the voidstations and defensive installations, their lack of manoeuvrability means that once hit, they shall be, in the best-case scenario, turned to slag. The biggest issue will be evacuation, the fact that the enemy weapons are a lightning derivative means that they travel at such speed, that the window of evacuation is basically non-existent. As such, that leaves two options, evacuation ordered by the commanding officer on the assumption that they soon shall be hit, or most likely killed in a potentially excruciating way.

Much to your horror, there appears to be an immediate consensus that no evacuation order’s to be given. Defeat here means utter annihilation, as such, no sacrifice has been deemed to be too much. You doubt that you would be able to change anything about such a consensus, even if you are their God, the political will is thoroughly oriented towards sacrifice, deemed a necessity. Perhaps if you had politicked, you may have managed to change this, but there was far too much for you to deal with.

Naturally, Gane shall lead from the bridge of The Sanctified, while the Forge-Masters and the most prominent of the Magi Domini shall take command of the various Lunar Class Cruisers. With lesser appointments going towards various other officials. You question the obvious political appointments over guaranteed professional military officers, but you suppose that this is the nature of most political structures.
”Xenos’ vessels on approach.” A man, more machine than human, with wires jutting out from the ground and the ceiling and clearly integrated into the vessel itself remarks. ”Orders ?”

”Adjust bearing fifteen degrees to starboard. Fire the Lances. We must ascertain how the xenos will react to this.” Volteus commands after a moment of thought and processing the data burst given to him by the bridge crew.

You watch all of this from a small drone hovering behind the Fabricator-General, occasionally it draws reverent gazes from the bridge crew, but most concentrate on the tasks at hand.

The lances rip through the void, brightening it even as they begin to slowly dissipate as they were fired at extreme range.

Enemy ships do not even bother to dodge the incoming lance fire. It is about as you had expected, the hit had seemingly done nothing against the crystalline entities, in fact, it is the worst-case scenario. The luminosity of the impacted vessels appears to increase, seemingly charging themselves from the energy that had impacted them.

Surprisingly, the lance fire seems attract the ships that were impacted or the ships that are nearby. They start to even break off from the formation, before seemingly at random, turn back to re-join the larger grouping. Perhaps it is by instinct or perhaps they had received orders to fall back in line. Still, it is an interesting observation.

”Fire ineffective. Orders ?” Once more, the integrated man-machine remarks.

”Continue turn, present starboard. Command the master of ordnance to prepare all kinetic weaponry available.”

What follows that are hours of building tension, while the lances have great range, the kinetics fall quite short in comparison. Unfortunately, the alien ships fire first and long before your own macrocannons can return fire.

The first bursts of lightning are dispersed, as you had hoped, between the numerous small groupings that had been organized by the defenders. Each shot still rips apart or damages dozens of Whirlwinds, but dispersed between the various groupings, what would be a withering barrage that would spell doom is divided enough to cause, in the grand scheme of things, inconsequential damage.

In turn, your Whirlwinds fire back, using their railguns at extreme range, most shots go wide as the alien ships easily dodge the incoming fire, though a couple do strike true, cracking the vessels and extinguishing their light.

Moving closer in the engagement, the accuracy of the Whirlwinds increase and finally, the imperial ships begin to fire all of their kinetics at extreme range for them, easily filling the void even compared to the hundreds of Whirlwinds surrounding them.

Finally, you begin to inflict real damage against the invader, dozens are felled in the proceeding hours. Though when the 30th hour of combat comes around, over half of your Whirlwinds had been wiped out even as the enemy forces fall down to double digits.

The biggest issue right now comes from the fact that your advantage is evaporating, you had presumed that closing distance would result in greater advantage as the kinetic round you wish to unleash would need to travel a smaller distance. This assumption however had proven incorrect.

The smaller distance, combined with the enemies’ ability to simply change their movement direction at will means that they can easily change course and avoid incoming fire, all the while the firing vessels must compensate for this with greater and more powerful movement due to the close distance, resulting in shots going wide more often than not, it is frankly – luck, if you can use such a term. Perhaps a lack of experience from the enemy, or alternatively more experienced crews of Deimean warships, whatever it might be, sheer volume is what’s currently inflicting casualties, but it has come at a cost of an alarmingly quick depletion of munition stores.

Entering the 75th hours of non-stop combat, your Whirlwinds had been almost completely wiped out, reporting only about 10% remaining from the starting 5 thousand. The defensive installations had taken a battering, with nearly half of them disabled or destroyed, one void station also had chucks of it disintegrate with other sections having lost fire. No life signatures had been detected upon after an initial massive strike by a single formation of 21 enemy ships. The Great Endeavour had been torn in half when a lightning bolt struck its midship and caused a munition cookoff. Initial reports state that all hands were lost alongside one Magos Dominus Griv Urquimion whom had commanded it. The Righteous and Blessed Cycadax had both suffered critical damage, with The Righteous managing a limping withdrawal towards your voidyard, while Blessed Cycadax had been disabled, electric shock frying most of the crew alive, though there had been survivors in less affected areas that are currently fighting electric fires that had broken out throughout the entire vessel due to breaker failures and overloads. Finally, of the the assorted Sword class frigates, three were annihilated with overwhelming force as the enemy’s begun concentrating their own forces in response to their decreasing numbers. A fourth one, due to an unfortune enemy strike, had seen its reactor overload and detonate, destroying the ship entirely.

During the intensity of battle, Gane had not moved a centimetre. You had noted clear narcotic injections he had inserted into himself; you can only guess as the damage they will cause to his body to keep him up for so long, but this seems to be an accepted and standard practice as most of the bridge crew, those whom cannot be easily rotated at least, had also taken similar drugs.

”Delivering coordinates, fire upon my mark.” Suddenly Volteus proclaims. ”Odysseus.” he suddenly calls out, for the first time since the combat began, addressing you.

”Yes, Fabricator-General ?”

”You had been analysing the battle so far ?”

”That is correct.”

”Can you time when the xenos’ ships shall form a connection, specifically one that they form in the middle of their formations.”

”Judging their movements should not be difficult. It seems that they must maintain a careful and precise distance for the phenomena to occur.”

”Inform me when it is about to be made.” he states to you. ”Helvetus, group alpha-alpha-zeta-three, distance calculations. I wish to know how long it would take our shells to reach them.” He now asks the integrated man.

”Calculating, Fabricator-General.” The shipbound man responds.

”If you wish to strike, the formation you had chosen is beginning its attack.” You quickly inform Gane.

”Data present, Fabricator-General.” Helvetus states.

It takes a couple of minutes, before Gane utters his command. ”Fire !”

You feel the ship shake as its batteries open fire, it shall still take dozens of minutes for the shot to reach the target. Finally, at the 26th minute mark, a painfully long time for you to wait at attention, the shells reach a small nine ship formation.

Then something unexpected happens as a macrocannon shell impacts the centre of the formation. The lightning, for a lack of a better term, stretches, buckling under the weight and impact of the shell and the ships are all dragged back, their movement, an incredible pain so far, is completely halted.

”All batteries, fire !” Not missing a beat, Gane orders.

Half an hour later, nine of the alien ships remain as nothing more than reflective crystal floating aimlessly in the void.

Naturally, Gane orders other ships to fire, though the results are mixed. If such a shot hits, it immobilizes the entire formation, the bigger the formation, the easier the shot, but it is arguably, far easier to hit inertia ignoring ships than the very centre of their formation precisely enough where their lightning bolts merge together. Still, at least at the start, this catches the enemy by surprise, either being a weakness they themselves had not recognized, or perhaps something they had not expected would be within reach of the enemy to find.

Soon enough, they adapt, despite their losses, splitting up into smaller formations and striking the same ship, rather than doing so in one large formation. This does result in Glorious Reclamation being struck by all of these bolts. Rather than total annihilation, the vox is filled with screams and shouts of agony as tens of thousands of humans are all electrocuted to death. The intense heat from the attacks superheats the hull, causing a bleeding effect where in molten metal runs off the voidship, giving it a look of a wounded and dying beast as it begins to list to the side. Through the intensity of combat, the light cruiser had closed the distance to one of the defensive installations. Only about a quarter of the crew within it had managed to evacuate before the voidship smashed into it, spilling debris that will undoubtedly cause a Kessler syndrome to develop over Deimea.

”Xenos forces are beginning their withdrawal. Orders ?” Helvetus reports and then quickly questions.

”Keep formation. Do not pursue.” Gane quickly responds, watching as the enemy ships easily and almost instantly begin to move backwards away from Deimea.

From what your sensors report from the voidyard, it seems that slightly less than two dozen alien ships had survived the conflict and are now, curiously enough, making best speed towards the system’s star, rather than towards the edge of the system.

>The combat’s been intense enough as it is. You shall not interfere with Gane’s decision, his forces had been pushed to the breaking point.

>You must pursue. Xenos and stars make you uneasy. Accidents are bound to happen after so long in intense combat, but you have to risk it. Hopefully Gane sees your point.

>You still have roughly five hundred Whirlwinds. You do not need permission to move them, nor do they tire. Send them in pursuit.

>(Write in)
Meme made me do this.

Unbroken Empire tomorrow.
>You must pursue. Xenos and stars make you uneasy. Accidents are bound to happen after so long in intense combat, but you have to risk it. Hopefully Gane sees your point.
>(Write in) Vox Gane separately about this and have him give the ultimate order. Send the whirlwinds regardless of his decision.

Fuck fuck shit fuck we need to pursue these xenos scum. We cannot possibly let them get close to the sun to do whatever fuckery they're gonna do. It is imperative we kill them here and now and not let them feed off of the sun or whatever they're trying to do.
As far as speculations go, these ships have limited energy and will probably be siphoning off energy from the sun to make an FTL jump. But I'd still rather not have them be anywhere close to it
>You still have roughly five hundred Whirlwinds. You do not need permission to move them, nor do they tire. Send them in pursuit.

>(Write in)
"I must stop the xenos before they approach the star of Deimea. I died while destroying a massive Dark Eldar Armada and Horde that had the intentions to destroy the star of the Xandirah Solar System. I made sure they failed, destroying the majority of their forces, and leaving heavily damage what remained. These xenos don't have the same level of technology of the nefarious Dark Eldar, so i have my doubts that they can destroy the star."
"But i cannot trust their current trajectory, and neither should you. Later when this battle is done...... i will tell you my full story from my first return to space, which will include such battle."
"Trust me."

Ngl, if this write in gets voted in I'll forever be imagining Oddysseus as a teenage drama queen
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>You must pursue. Xenos and stars make you uneasy. Accidents are bound to happen after so long in intense combat, but you have to risk it. Hopefully Gane sees your point.

>You still have roughly five hundred Whirlwinds. You do not need permission to move them, nor do they tire. Send them in pursuit.
I'm down for either of these, but I prefer to use the fleet. The Xenos may use the star's energy to bake Deimea. That may be what they did to all those fortress worlds. Pursue Lu Bu.

Thank you, Newb. The tech thrall masses appreciate your alms.
>You must pursue. Xenos and stars make you uneasy. Accidents are bound to happen after so long in intense combat, but you have to risk it. Hopefully Gane sees your point.
Does the Kessler Syndrome threaten our shipyards?
Can we stop the Kessler Syndrome with, say, 50 whirlwinds? (10% of our remaining forces)
The sooner we address this, the less damaging it will be. If it doesn't threaten our shipyards, or if we can move our shipyards into a higher orbit, we can deorbit the junk later.
>You still have roughly five hundred Whirlwinds. You do not need permission to move them, nor do they tire. Send them in pursuit.
This smells like a trap. Just send the remaining whirlwinds and hope the little guys manage to take a couple more xenos with them.
>You still have roughly five hundred Whirlwinds. You do not need permission to move them, nor do they tire. Send them in pursuit.
>>You still have roughly five hundred Whirlwinds. You do not need permission to move them, nor do they tire. Send them in pursuit.

The xenos seem to be able to harness most kinds of energy. It is imperative that they are not allowed to reach the sun
I doubt they can do a death star ray using the sun, especially with so few ships, and to pursue may let them claw back an upset on the remnants of our fleet. (Though that may also result in the martyrdom of Gane who's the only one wary of Ody.)
>You still have roughly five hundred Whirlwinds. You do not need permission to move them, nor do they tire. Send them in pursuit.
Let's use the whirlwinds to hound them at a distance so they will have to dedicate ships to a screening defense.

And the newly produced whirlwinds should be stripped down without the inclusion of missiles.

I wonder if a concentrated lance attack can overwhelm their capacity but I feel their mastery of energy based weaponry won't be so easily overturned by what we have currently on hand.

Can't have them shoot a laser beam at our planet or kill the star. Better safe than sorry.

>Start shitting out fed standard large ships again. Frigates and light cruisers.

Supporting. >>6110166

>Does the Kessler Syndrome threaten our shipyards?

Not really, voidshields can deal with faster moving debris and the sheer amount of armour that is quite common in imperial construction means that slower moving junk will simply bounce off or imbed itself into the structure without penetrating it.

>Can we stop the Kessler Syndrome with, say, 50 whirlwinds? (10% of our remaining forces)

Not really, you are dealing with swathes of microjunk, it will take either a very long time or far more forces to clean up. Plus your Whirlwinds are not designed for clean up duties.

Also remember seeing a question about androids and their expense. You will need proper gene facilites to grow entire bodies and expensive chemicals, but the biggest issue would be getting a personality matrix. Those are physical objects that house copied over personalities, memories, characteristics of people that were on the verge of death. You would special instruments and facilities for those, as well as fitting candidates at the end of their life.


>Newb, what kind of density of space rocks have we seen in the settled systems we've been to? What kind of depletion of Asteroid Belt, Trojan Belts, and Kepler Belt analogs have we been seeing? I would imagine heavy depletion of Inner Belts, medium-heavy depletion of Gas Giant Lagrangian Belts, and light depletion of Outer and Far-Outer Belts?

Within inhabited systems the belts are sparse and usually thoroughly combed through for useful material due to close forgeworld proximity. Uninhabited systems tend to have their belts denser and more resource rich.
>>You still have roughly five hundred Whirlwinds. You do not need permission to move them, nor do they tire. Send them in pursuit.
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I hope the Whirlies are enough. LFG
Debris are usually a no issue in quest and 40k at large, unless your ship/space armor/structure is destroyed, and shields are destroyed. If things are at that point, you have bigger issues than some micrometeorites and space junk. 50 is very small. Making a few hundreds of dedicated and specialized ships for grab space junk/wrecks/debris seems better to me and something that can be done with the fed voidyards easily. Leave the Whirwinds to do their job of shooting, more foes are coming.

i think they are going for a suicide run, screening would not work against our numbers and they probably need has many ships as possible of the ones that remained, for do what they suddenly want to do. The missiles didn't work against this enemy, but they will likely work against the incoming orks and other foes. Keeping different weapons on board is never a bad idea....
I'm mostly arguing that to battle this foe we can just temporarily skip adding missiles and the launchers on the whirlwinds, we can always retrofit them back in later when the emergency passed but we'll surely see more of these mood crystals fuckers, paradoxically orks are better suited for hurting them given their propensity for excessive inaccurate artillery at short range and strong ablative armor.
>You must pursue. Xenos and stars make you uneasy. Accidents are bound to happen after so long in intense combat, but you have to risk it. Hopefully Gane sees your point.

These fucker want to charge some grox-shit up. Come one Gane go get em
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Use reverse psychology on Gane. He's not a *good enough commander* to pursue Lu Bu.
>You still have roughly five hundred Whirlwinds. You do not need permission to move them, nor do they tire. Send them in pursuit.
Deploy bots. We have sacrificed enough human lives as is. Inform the bots to use kinetic weaponry only. Start rebuilding ships and rotate the crews. Let them honor the fallen.
Full support for >>6110166. Lets see if Gane can get his head out of his ass and follow.
It's easy to say that when we're safe and sound on the forge world.
Just had a thought. What if the filthy rockfuckers are trying to trick us into fighting them while they have a major advantage? Maybe they're trying to bait us into pursuing them so they can exploit the increased energy intake from their closer proximity to the sun to spam that lightning storm attack and devastate our forces. Maybe Volty has the right idea after all?
Pursue 4
Gane separately 1
Whirlwinds + Gane convo 5
Whirlwinds 7

Sending the Whirlwinds is the clear winner, unfortunately Odysseus shall not be a teenage drama queen.
I mean- there’s a ship-girl quest going on right now- I wonder what Oddy would look like?
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This is scrap code and you know it. The Purity of the Blessed Machine transcends the feeble humanoid monkey form.
Surely he would be the only chad male A.I. in a sea of ship-girls.

(Don't make me post an image of Odysseus from fgo)

By the way I always images Odysseus sounding like GLADOS with a better text-to-speech program.
Only the diplomatic subroutine has a feminine voice. I've always imagined his true voice sounding like sovereign from mass effect but I think from how I think it was described in the first thread he probably sounds more like microsoft sam.
The Gane convo has more than half of the votes
or it needs something else because its a write in?



Took the fact that everyone else who voted for Whirlwinds were not voting for the write in explicitly.
I am pretty sure Ody uses something that looks like a female federation officer. At least when using the diplomatic routine. We should probably get those all back online once the battle is over.
”Fabricator-General, while their numbers have thinned, the Whirlwinds acting as the screening for are still functional enough, I shall command them to pursue the fleeing foe.”

Gane, for once, shifts his body to face the drone. First full body movement since the beginning of combat, you note. ”Very well. The remainder of the fleet must recover. Holy litanies and maintenance rituals must be carried out.”

”And your crews ?”

”Those on the verge of expiration shall be replaced in as efficient manner as possible.”

You do not like the sound of that. ”I hope you shall ensure that such replacement as you envision shall not in any way bring harm to the crew.”

”The component parts, be they flesh or steel, shall be replaced as needed, how needed.” Gane states with finality before turning to regard the bridge, giving out series of orders. To collect samples of the destroyed enemy, to conduct reclamation efforts, organize a guard rotation while other ships undergo repairs. The pressure upon him is arguably just as great as it was during combat.

Directing your attention towards the scattered elements of the Whirlwinds, you begin relaying commands for the numerous sections to rally together and form a single, larger fleet. This force shall be divided into smaller groups to limit any potential damage/

One of the biggest issues you will face with this pursuit effort will be actually catching up. While the mass you have to accelerate is limited and the Whirlwinds possess powerful thrusters, you are dealing with a foe that seemingly ignores inertia allowing them to accelerate at a much faster pace. Though if they have any sorts of plans, they will need to slow down, if they have the need to slow down, that is when your Whirlwinds shall prove to be either a threat, or a great enough annoyance to at least delay whatever these aliens may be plotting.
The pursuit had lasted five weeks. The light-lag had become a noticeable issue for you due to the distance, your orders being delayed and the information about the enemy movement arriving later than you would very much so prefer.

As you had predicted, the crystalline ships began to slow down as they got closer and closer to the system’s star. Twelve of the vessels begin to turn and rapidly reorient themselves to fire while still moving backwards and not losing a modicum of momentum. Naturally, after a slight delay, your own Whirlwinds had begun to fire, this time you had given as much autonomy as possible for the vessels to pick their own targets, as you cannot guide them properly.

After the rapid exchange of fire that had lasted mere five hours, three enemy vessels are broken at the cost of nearly two hundred of your Whirlwinds. As always, the exchange rate remains vastly skewed in their favour. Though you doubt about the tonnage of such exchanges.

Nearly another two weeks of pursuit later, eleven more ships are destroyed and your Whirlwinds had been to whittled down to about forty. At such low numbers, you dare not pursue and instead observe the ships. It seems that considerable effort had been made to ensure at least someone survived the battle.

The nine surviving vessels, much to your shock dive straight into the star. The whirlwinds keep watch the best they can, but it becomes difficult to do so due to the sheer luminosity of staring straight into a star.

When it comes to the alien vessels, they appear to be hovering right above the vast ocean of plasma, drinking deep the heat and energy all around them, but being exceptionally careful to never actually dive into the star. There must be only a certain amount of pressure that the alien vessels are capable of enduring, though their ability to ignore gravity implies certain technological sophistication or just really powerful engines.

Your sensors also pick up the fact that the crystalline ships seem to be exhibiting signs of vibration and ever rapidly increasing brightness. The amount of energy being stored within them must be reaching exceptional levels.

Despite that, you end up in an interesting stalemate. The alien ships, despite the sheer amount of energy they had built up, remain unmoving. The only thing they had done is shift to face towards your Whirlwinds who themselves maintain a large distance. It seems that they want to strike forwards rather than moving side to side as is their usual M.O. It is to the point where your small number of Whirlwinds seem to be a sort of a threat. What sort of a threat you exactly pose remains to be seen.

You had attempted to close the distance as means of baiting the enemy out, this quickly showcased that the energy beams they employ are supercharged compared to how they were before. Most disturbingly of all, the individual ships are firing off with strength comparable to when they form large groupings.

Even then, when your Whirlwinds approach, only one or two of the vessel fire, they all seem to be reluctant to unleash their firepower.

Your voidyard had been busy servicing and maintaining all of the Deimean ships and throughout the weeks of maintenance and recuperation, the fleet that Gane commands has been somewhat restored. Bar The Righteous and Blessed Cycadax, all vessels are in a working condition with rested crews. It will take them a while to reach the enemy ships.

>Withdraw your Whirlwinds, the enemy is not facing towards Deimea and you are curious about exactly what they are planning.

>Send your Whirlwinds in, you have only forty left, but they might still deafeat the enemy, now that their manoeuvrability is limited.

>Wait for Gane and his fleet. With the enemy trapped and his forces recovered, victory is assured. So you will not need much to convince him.

>(Write in)
>(Write in)
>Wait for Gane to shore up your own forces, but in the mean time, try to use the remaining Whirlwinds for repeated long range fire with railguns to attempt to box out individual enemy ships and crack them.
>If there are still missiles left, use a "siloship" tactic. Instead of launching right away, let them out of storage bay to cold orbit near the ships until reaching critical mass then launch them all at once, focusing on singling out. Could be used in conjunction with railguns to soak up PD fire.

We rarely get to interact with Gane and after the confrontation I started to like his character more. To me it seems he has a very real concerns his raw demeanor towards us stems from experience with the dangers of this galaxy.
He is ever vigilant and cares for the fate of Deimea in his own way.
So far it seems he covets technology not for selfish reasons but because he knows it could very well be what saves his people or dammns them to a fate worse than death.

Thats why, I think it would be good to connect with him, and communicate more.
He is someone we need.

>Wait for Gane and his fleet. With the enemy trapped and his forces recovered, victory is assured. So you will not need much to convince him.
+Inform the fabricator general of what the enemy has been doing, and the possible dangers it could cause.
+Attempt to strike from outside the enemies attack range?

Is it big MAC gun time yet?

I hope to god after this we will be able to give gane proper DAOT ships so this abbsymal situation just doesn't happen again. He has proven his worth as a great commander and leader, honestly I admire him even if he has an overly cautious personality
Man we roll badly on a costant basis.
Ok time to resolve that lag.

Build a FTL Antenna on top of us on Deimea, build another FTL Antenna in the fed voidyard and build a goddamn sensor buoy in the fed voidyard and deploy it space.
So we can actually use the Whirlwinds properly instead of being this slow.

>Send your Whirlwinds in, you have only forty left, but they might still deafeat the enemy, now that their manoeuvrability is limited.
Once those three things are done being built, move and attack the aliens. The Whirlwinds will attack in a very dispersed formation coming from all angles at them, and moving exceptionally erratically. Once they at range fire everything, even the missiles. Its not important if the missiles are destroyed. Their shots for destroy the missiles are more valuable than the missiles at the moment. The only thing thats important is that the aliens waste the energy collected in the star and we kill them.

Its pretty clear why this is a stalemate. They want to use their now overcharged ships against an actual valuable target and not the cheap Whirlwinds. The valuable targets being the human fleet and Deimea. If they shoot at the Whirlwinds they are wasting the super shots.
When we have dealt with the orks waagh that is coming. Even then i would still wait some years just to be sure. For restore one, the logistical subroutine, multiple years passed. At least a decade for restore both the military and diplomatic subroutine is likely needed, and it best be a decade where we are sure Deimea is safer than before.
>Withdraw your Whirlwinds, the enemy is not facing towards Deimea and you are curious about exactly what they are planning.

Snipes from range. Beware of supercharged shots. Definitely make sensors for our area.

>We should have like another 200 fighters ya? Since we haven't stopped producing them. Well whatever we have send it with Ganes fleet.
>wait until you can send enough whirlwinds to clear them out, their increased firepower is a dangerous thing to gamble Gane's fleet against.

>FTL relays.
We should build command cruisers for our swarms of whirlwinds organizing them just like a Tyranid fleet.
(That's basically my go to stellaris fleet composition too.)
We don't need to put engines on them and make them ships, when we can command it from here. Its one solar system and three relatively small things to build.
Refueling enemy ships is never a good idea, anyways.:
> Whirlwinds in geosynchronous orbit above the star, collect any information about the xenos threat refueling.
> Gather intel about the star
> Priorize rebuilding mass driver based weapons on vessels
> Rotate all crew on all vessels.
> Place/reinforce shields on vessels. Energy weapons are anti-hull, defeat with shield.

Since Whirlwinds are automated, they can be used as lingering munitions. Can we (using gravity assist from the star if necessary) speed up a Whirlwind to a significant fraction of c (since comms are light speed, this might mean that we're giving a ship final orders), keep it maneuverable enough to lock on target, and make it explosive enough to destroy it?
Actually, considering relativity, the momentum of a ship could be used to launch munitions at high relativistic speeds. That was what I meant with cold orbiting (loitering) missiles. The reason I wrote that plan was since they are in a star's gravity well, they will have to be very careful with maneuvering, or risk dropping in or out. Either way they'll be hard pressed to dodge. The faster the better.
Could we build a rocket that is ment to latch onto the alien crafts and force them into the sun?
It has been demonstrated that they seemingly ignore inertia, so they're star trek. If you've seen Expanse, you know it's hard to catch up with a ship that ignores Newton's Laws using a ship that respects it. (The Roci vs. Eros) Our advantage lies in:
> No Squishy Humans On Deck - so we can burn *hard*.
> Kamikaze mission - so we can do overloads, and burn *at engineering tolerance* up to the structural failure points
> Numerical Advantage - we can expect the ships will try to dodge, and by sacrificing more ships, we can cut the enemy's escape routes.
> Dirac weapons - The enemy's PDC discharges directed energy at straight lines. We can put all energy to forward shields, and use whatever attitude control we have at that level of speed and burn to avoid moving on target in a straight line as much as possible.
>(Write in)
>Wait for Gane to shore up your own forces, but in the mean time, try to use the remaining Whirlwinds for repeated long range fire with railguns to attempt to box out individual enemy ships and crack them.
>If there are still missiles left, use a "siloship" tactic. Instead of launching right away, let them out of storage bay to cold orbit near the ships until reaching critical mass then launch them all at once, focusing on singling out. Could be used in conjunction with railguns to soak up PD fire.
Extreme long range sun dive bullets accelerated by the immense stellar gravity and augmented by our computation capacity.
Purify the Xenos Infection.
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>We have the high ground, Exokin, don't try it!
Also I finally got my internet back after Helene took it out.
>>6113189 4

Wait 1
Send in 2
Withdraw 1
More Whirlwinds 1

I moved, so I do not have a stable internet connection yet, so I am relying on mobile data. In case there's an IP range ban, I will post about that on twitter.

This wins:
>Wait for Gane to shore up your own forces, but in the mean time, try to use the remaining Whirlwinds for repeated long range fire with railguns to attempt to box out individual enemy ships and crack them.
>If there are still missiles left, use a "siloship" tactic. Instead of launching right away, let them out of storage bay to cold orbit near the ships until reaching critical mass then launch them all at once, focusing on singling out. Could be used in conjunction with railguns to soak up PD fire.
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>no update
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you are not alone Anon
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A reminder that Newb works on two quests and to follow the twitter for updates. https://x.com/NewbQm
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I got banned from Xitter (again) for being too based.
Elon Musk can catch a rocket but can a Gelenostrian catch a railgun slug?
We need some androids so newb has some POV shifts to write.
That's what to former human processors for, right? I mean with all the effort we spent on them...
POVs for what ? there is not much to do honestly since we are in such a bad situation and slow to gear up, even making one is costly without the Odyssey. So it would be more Mechanicus POVs or far away POVs, until we can make one.

Which doesn't sound amazing when i would like to play Ody. Feels like he is being relegated

The ex human processors are becoming super humans at this moment. They will be likely not stupidly and randomly released on Deimea society, but instead receive multiple years of rehabilitation, education and training.

Androids are a robotic unit we can make that is for infiltration and had many uses in the previous threads. And success. Their POVs where also nice.
I think Newb is bored because not enough is happening.
If that's the case then I'd be more than happy if he returned to Renovatio Imperii, I really miss that quest.
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Too much latin, not interested. The future is Dutch.
More greek than latin since Renovatio Imperii takes place in not!Byzantium.
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Even worse.
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>no update
Stuff is happening right now, and we are about to collide in conflict with even an ork waagh.
We can do little and we are in our worst conditions since ever. Being limited to Deimea at the moment is quite normal since we are mostly still a corpse, and we were unable to do much so far even for the Mechanicus it self and Deimea shitty natural conditions.

I don't think is boring, but we are limited due to all this conditions. The political factions thing seemed to go in a possible direction to explore, but that was shut down with the return of the guy in charge and i doubt will surface again. Same for the worker encounter, since there is a standing "Nuh-Uh" order of not seeing them. The divine cannot be really overused for avoid making it seem "mundane". Any research erhh well, we need at least basic lab to our standards, so see ya. Deimea natural conditions, are not solvable in the short time so only long time effort like decades at best of terraforming. A century if everything goes well (it will not), since we have other multiplying and ever increasing problems to resolve first.

In theory if we manage to deal with this aliens and the ork waagh, we should have a window of time (a few years or even 10) to actually be able to stand a bit better and maybe even take another nap again (preferably we take said nap after making the important work, so we avoid something like those artificial magnetic plates being destroyed) for restore our other two sub-routines.

With what he said in the last thread of odyssey about it, i don't think we will see Renovatio again.
>With what he said in the last thread of odyssey about it, i don't think we will see Renovatio again.
What would that be? RI was a really fun quest, scratches the same itch as the Eternal Empire quest.
It's ogre
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We're sorry for doing too many write-ins, Newb, just veto anything you don't like. We don't mind. I know I have an overbearing aura but you can just call me cringe and ignore me.
Nah he said Irl stuff came up in his other thread. I assume he'll be back in a few weeks.
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>No update
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What is Voltage Gain up to?
Molesting his shiny new inferno pistol.
So that's why he's smiling like that

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