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Chanting. Glory-hungry cries from warriors, warlords, mutants, chiefs, outcasts, beasts. “Gorz! Gorz!” clashes with “Thrak! Thrak!” As two hulking brutes emerge from the lines of chanting warriors. “I’ll eat you!” Yells Thrak. Gorz can’t speak, so he throws a spear at Thrak. Then he throws himself at Thrak.
A flurry of blows, parried and dodged are exchanged, blade-tips touch the skin, slice it open in short, quick cuts, muscles deform, no longer connected, blood gushes, scars are earned. The two fighters disengage to look their foes over. This time, Thrak takes a dart from his belt and throws it, not at Gorz’s chest or head, but at his foot. Gorz lowers his piercing gaze from his foe, jerking his leg aside, but it’s too late. His foe already lunged forwards, the short blade of his sword jutting out ahead. The two warriors slam into eachother, Thrak desperately twisting and trying to jerk his blade free of his foe, while Gorz claws and flails at his killer. A blow to the side of the head. A cut at the ribs. Rending claws drawing blood from the back. A final bite, caught by the arm, rather than the neck.
Then, the thrashing dies down. And Thrak arises, bloody. Jerking his blade from the corpse, he chops down at it. Four blows later, he jerks the head free of the body, raising it up.
“Glory to the dark gods!”
A moment later, thousands of throats in dozens of languages echo the shout, including the small clique of warlords standing atop a boulder and observing the festival.
“Ostrosk this year?” One man asks.
A chorus of aye’s, yes’ and yeah’s follows, with a single female voice amongst them.
“Great things shall happen.” The female voice continues. “And you lot shall bring it forth.”
Welcome! This will probably be the final, or the second to final thread regarding the quest “Warlords of Chaos”. As previously, Rules will be presented in the attached comment. Returning warlords and new ones are welcome to re-join the hosts of chaos as they march southwards towards Ostrosk and beyond, to plunder the lands of Kislev.
The rules are, as previous, presented on the image.
Any returning warlords, please, reply to this post with your name and title and please list your units and any bonuses applied to them. If you have leftover loot, I recommend spending it, as this will most likely be the last raid.
Any new warlords, please, reply to the post below.
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Welcome! This will probably be the final, or the second to final thread regarding the quest “Warlords of Chaos”. As previously, Rules will be presented in the attached comment. Returning warlords and new ones are welcome to re-join the hosts of chaos as they march southwards towards Ostrosk and beyond, to plunder the lands of Kislev.
The rules are presented on the image.
Any returning warlords, please, reply to this post with your name and title and please list your units and any bonuses applied to them. If you have leftover loot, I recommend spending it, as this will most likely be the last raid.
Any new warlords, please, reply to the post below.
So, first of all, everyone in here who wants to participate will need to do a few things:
>Use some method of identification
Be it a tripcode, a name, or something, I will need a way to tell who you are, as this will potentially last for multiple threads and as there are multiple players.
>Create your warlord
I’ll need a name and a origin, which can for now only be a Hung, a Kurgan, a Norscan or a Beastman.
And, of course, if you desire, for a bit of flavour, a description (if you wish, you can go pretty OC donut steal, as chaos heroes usually are).
>Pick your army
Each player will start with 80 loot that they can purchase units with to represent their starting armies.
And finally, the list of recruitable units and their origins:

Beastmen of the chaos wastes:
SPECIAL RULE - everyone can move full speed through the forest, can see two tiles in the forest
Ungors – 5 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Gors – 10 loot:
HP 2
D 2
M 3
Centigors – 16 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Minotaurs – 30 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 2

The Hung savages:
Horse archer – 12 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Hung savage – 8 loot:
HP 1
D 2
M 3
Slave – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Warbeast of the north – 44 loot:
HP 4
D 3
M 4
Chaos warrior – 22 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 2
Chaos knight – 36 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 3

Wheatlands or Kurgan steppes:
Horse archer – 10 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Kurgan cataphract – 18 loot:
HP 3
D 1
M 4
Slave – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Chaos warrior – 24 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 2
Chaos knight – 32 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 3

Norsemen (of the Baersonling tribe):
SPECIAL RULE - everyone can construct longboats for themselves (and one other unit) in the interturn (if your army is half Norscan, it is fully amphibious)
Thrall – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Bondsmen – 8 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 3
Huscarl - 14 loot:
HP 2
D 2
M 2
Berserkers – 9 loot
HP 1
D 2
M 3
Chaos warrior – 28 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 2
Skinwolf - 26 loot (SPECIAL RULE – retains full movement in hills):
HP 3
D 2
M 4
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For now, I am giving a 48 hour long assembly period for players to show up, after which I will post the deployment map. I will try to keep the turns within 48 hours per turn.
Please reply to this post for any questions.

1 Chaos Knight +2 Damage +1 Health
1 Chaos Knight +1 Damage
1 Kurgan Cataphract
5 Units of Horse Archers

1 Thralls
1 Bondsmen
1 Huscarl
1 Skinwolves
6 Baerserkers
1 Chaos Warrior

I have like 2 Loot from Ivans Gift. I cant spend that little for anything i think.

"MEN! IT IS TIME TO RIDE!!! Bring Chaos, Death and Destruction to the week Southlanders. The Gods Gaze is upon us and there can be nothing but victory or death for us!"
Well. Lets go crqxk some heads. Its a bit sad about these Chaos Trolls. But oj well. Good enough for DND
Just want to say: I appreciate the amount of care and effort you have put into this. It really shows.

Hangar's Riders:
8 x Units of Chaos Knights
1 x 'Widowmaker' in Chaos Chariot

Seasoned Veterans of many a year, some of many an age; one an algamation of many bodies and many ages. And young riders with barely a year of war beneath them, their heavy armour near fresh from the forges of Zharr and won upon a tide of Goblin-Blood. Each are eightblessed upon their flesh as they pass by the processional; with Crimson Shade and Viper Root, With Sow-boil's pus and Maggot Wrap-Seepage, With Blood and Marrow, with Compound potion and Fire-oil. Annointed in the sights of the four as the riders make ready for the season ahead.

Hangar; Zar of the Hastlings, bellows to his warriors of the victories to come; his moustaches spread to both sides and clad in metoric iron; bedecked with runes and wraps and icons. The assembly of moustache creaks at his every movement, the structure of the matted hair now seeming to writhe and to whisper with every breath that passes in simple announcement.

"Onward. To Ostrosk."
The hordes of the High Zar ride again!

-Fimir x1
-Kurgan Cataphracts/Wheatlands Druzhinas x2
-Kurgan Cataphracts +2D x1
-Melniboneans x4
-Ulfhednar x1
-Chaos Knights x2
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Good to see you QM. Glad to be back.

The Claws of Shaarnor:
3 Warbeasts of the North
2 Bondsmen
1 Chaos Warrior

52 loot left unspent, however 5 was sent to Krantagarh, leaving me at 47. I had retired to the lands of the Hung, so that is where I can only recruit from.
Also, there's still 2 CW and 2 Hung Savages that need to be split up between me, Mulrog, and Sarrick.

Furthermore, considering this might be the last raid/battle, I will have a letter sent to that Druchii and let him know that I won't be able to deliver slaves this year. If I survive, then we can resume our deal later.

Speaking of which, we all need to decide on what we are actually doing.
It seems agreed that we are taking Ostrosk no matter what. All that remains is to decide on whether we trust The Feathered one enough to return her sister to her for a mere 60 wealth, or if we keep the sister at Ivanoslav until the gods deem her not a threat.
Hell yes we're back!
Currently working on a gigantic Warbeast myself
Magor Gorebow's Gorehorde!

12 Ungors, 7 Thralls, 1 Minotaur I think?
A warm welcome back for the veterans of the previous raids, let's give the rest a day more to appear before I plop down the deployment map. I'm going to try to make this one a brutal engagement and force you to struggle some more than the last time you played.

Also, I have to say, I keep getting the "Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again." when I try to reply to multiple people and I don't know how to fix it.


That looks fucking siiiiick
Lads, this quest returns just in time! Did I miss a thread or am I up to date? I didn’t break into Rat Vietnam just to give up now
You are in time. Got about another 12 hours or so till deployment starts. Get your beastmen in a ball and start recruiting if you havent already done that. Then giant ball of hate to roll over everything in your way

While that condition is kinda true. I am someone else here
I hope Sarrick manages to make it back in time for deployment, but if not, then should we just split the 2 CW and 2 Savages 50/50?
if he does not make it then sure. otherwise i would be okay with two units of savages and you each taking one CW?

Or what arrangement would be agreeable to you?
Hmmm, if he doesn't make it, then we can have it where we each get 1 CW and 1 unit of Savages. That way it's exactly the same.

If Sarrick returns, and you want the two Savages, then I'd be willing to throw some extra loot your way since hung CW cost 22 whilst the two Savages have a combined value of 16. If me and him help split the difference, then that combined with the two unspent loot you still have might be enough for you to get an extra unit of something cheap.
with 6 additional loot i could get a unit of Bearserkers then due to gettting a slight discount, being involved in the new Baersonling Goverments rise and all.
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and i am done with the Giant Chaos Spawn. sadly i dont have giant warbeasts of the north
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Good to see more Brothers in Blood return!
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The time has come and the columns set off. Warlords that are ready and act quick can set themselves up the best for a quick and decisive stroke towards Ostrosk. The ones that turn up late shall curse their own sloppyness.
For now, the land of Kislev shall suffer under the Norse and Kurgan and Hung and beastman marauders, their torches lit up and carried overhead in the dark nights as they march ever onwards, ready to slay, plunder, rape, raze, despoil and please their gods.

[48h more for deployment and planning, or until all players that currently posted their positions deploy - whichever comes first]
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Or in case someone has the capacity to (and the desire to), they can deploy in here.
>Light Blue Fimir & Black Wolves
>Light Green Melniboneans
>Purple Chaos Knights
>Orange Druzhinas/Cataphracts
>Grey Line +2 Elric's Sword
Rando IP range ban so I can't post my edit.
Fimir & Skinwolves just out of range of the settlement closest to the Pass.
Half of my cavalry attack the tier 2 town south of the river, north of the forest.
The other half strike the tier 2 town further along the river to the west.
Can you use mobile data or connect to a neighbours wifi? Or try again in a few hours?
Gonna wait a little bit to see where everyone is deploying, would like to support my old friend again.
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i hope this works. i cant imagine ivans deployment too well i admit.

MK are Mulrogs Knights. with +2 Damage and +1 Health
BS are berserkers
CW Chaos Warriors
HU Huscarls
TH are Thralls.

hope this clears things up.
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Hopefully this works, changed the plan entirely. Same unit colors though.
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I will spend 44 of my 47 loot on two units of Chaos Warriors. That combined with the interim reward from last thread should make my army look like:
3 Warbeasts of the North, 4 Chaos Warriors, 2 Bondsmen, and 1 unit of Hung Savages.

Here's my deployment for turn one. I'll probably go up and around so that my forces can flank and attack from the north.
i would not mind some Beastman support down south in the woods if you can spare it.

also i realized since Sarrick isnt here to take his share of reward i would have another unit of Chaos Warriors and Hung Savages., Theywould deploy just behind the other CW and Bearserkers on the map.
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Who can deploy from Troll country, exactly? Looking at the earlier cross-map, Ivan's route to Ostrock is virtually plains all the way, and crosses less rivers then all but the most circuitous of alternate routes, so probably better suited to my riders then the hills and forests encountered when coming in from the other direction. But at the same time, I don't think I'd have the capacity in lore to deploy there?
>Who can deploy from Troll country, exactly?
Anyone who has the same number or more norscan units than non norscan units. If some arrangement can be made with other players to get there, then anyone else can deploy there aswell.
Wait what? I must have missread my maps.vdidnt know you could get to Ostorrock from there....

I will have to reconsider my deployment. Because i am fully Amphibian
QM do you have my shit or do I need to go back and look for it?
Pretty sure you need to go back and find your shit.
Damn. Anybody got a link to the old thread?
I'm afraid you'll need to look for your units, as I both do not have the units of my players and have never tracked them.
Here, both of them. I forgot who archived them, but a big thanks to him.
The second thread has links to a third, but I don't think that one was saved
my army is
>3 units of Minotaurs
>1 unit of Veteran (+2D, +2HP) Chaos Warriors with Gromril Armor (+2D +2H -2M) (Huffud herself)
Loot: 12
Will deploy everything later
Fuck you're right.
I completely forgot about this. But then again, it is mostly just discussion over the next mission.

Also is it just me or have the captchas gotten even worse?
yeeeeah, they suck nowadays
oh, just a question- Lanu, could you use that image I sent in the last thread, for my chaos warriors unit? Entirely fine if you didn't!
No problem, I will.
Ah, yeah. Then I definitely can't go there with my 100% Kurgan force. I don't even think that Ivan can deploy there either, given that he's mostly Melniboneans and Cataphracts.

Mulrog's over half Norse now, though, so pretty sure he can move there if he wants to. How is your considering leaning?
Probably not, now that you bring it up. I do have good relations with the King of the Sarls though, so there is a justification there. Mulrog yoinked my original deployment plan due to my image posting issues.
I think i could move across Troll country even with such a heavy infantry force. If i move swiftly across the plaines i should be able to avoid large losses.

I can redeploy. Maybe help with getting some boats for you if you want to.

How many would you need to get up there?
Can i get the discount for renting boats? If so i could get some money from the other warlords to spend on boats to ferry units across
The Fimir are amphibious, & my Ulfhednar are shipbuilders & sailors, thus they can take carry another warband. I would need 8 ships. What price would you ask of me, Zar of the Kul?
Does my discount in norse lands apply to hiring boats? Wo i can get wm for 1 loot instead of 2?

If i get the discount mostly just the asking price. And combined protection for the infantry while crossing the plains. My Chaos Warriors will be relatively slow sadly
Sure, why not?
you need to have transported 7 units far as i can tell since the wolves can transport one extra and the Fimir dont need transportation.

i got 11 norscan units and 10 non norscan units.

with Lanus blessing that would be 6 loot to hire boats for me. i can carry one of your units on one of my only unoccupied longboats
I'm broke but I'll pay you back
that is the thing. i dont have the cash lying around either.

i can at most get three boats for you.

you got some cash lying around? maybe four?
Nope, I went into the last mission with an empty treasury and got paid only in armour to Knight my units with. No spare loot at all.

looks like i will have to go up north unless we can find someone willing to sponsor Ivans travel.

one of you willing to sponsor Ivan?
otherwise i could offer some of my Norscan units to ferry you across. you would have to command them though. and all losses would require compensation. And they would be overseen by Algal, a minor Chaos Hero from my Army.

Thralls, Bondsmen, Huscarl,5 bearserkers and 3 hired boats

Then i still have two units of Chaos Warriors. a Unit of Bearsekers, Hung Savages, Skin Wolves as well as my cavalery detachment.
I got 12 wealth, I’d be happy to give it to you in exchange for something down the line
so some money (6 loot) and i will owe you some in return.

So be it. Mulrog accepts the wagonload of silver from the great heffer, unsure how the She-Beast managed to read his intentions so clearly.

and as such commisions several boats from the Baersonlings and departing together with Ivan to Troll COuntry, leaving his previous plans behind.

so yeah. >>6107530
this no longer works. will send new deployment.
I spent my loot on recruiting last turn, but I have like 3 to spare if need be.
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okay. new deployment. i will start behind Ivan. and do some light raiding up north.

unless raiding north is something i shouldnt do and you have made some sort of pact with them to leave us alone.
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Dissapointed that his good friend, the brazen skull Korthak is not with us in this campaign yet, Magor opts to deploy alongside the mighty Chaos Lord Mulrog.

His ungors shall move to cover the southern flank and the woods, his thralls aiding those behind the river to cross and then themselves using the river on their longboats to move to outflank the southern village.
Oh lmao Mulrog just changed where they are going uhh
ah sorry man.

my forces are not well suited for operations in such a movement limiting field with all those mountains close to the fields. so when i realised i could get to ostorrock from the other side... i took the chance.

though i think if we plunder Huffuds hoard completely we could all three deploy in Troll country. with my discount. but we will have to pay back Huffud Big time.
No fear. It's just my forces have always traditionally been in a supportive role, so I like to deploy alongside other Chaos forces and have to figure out which ones. Ideally, near woodlands.
Kranth and Huffud have yet to deploy. So maybe ask them?
Nice, how much do I owe each of you?

I do have an arrangement with the Sarls, but if some other warlord attacked them I wouldn't be sworn to aid them.... Plus the Gods still want the Sarl king's head, presumably.
two loot to me. six to huffud.

i will take my compensation from the Sarls and your promise to support my infantry on the open plains. they will be needed to push into the city proper unless we wanna throw our cavalery at the buildings when Bearserkers are cheaper and more plentiful. as well as striking faster.
Alright, due to a few players not deploying yet, I'll give them a day more to deploy.
Unfortunately I’m traveling at the moment, but should be able to work out my unit and loot totals and post deployment within 24 hours
That's fine. If you don't deploy now, I'll let you deploy afterwards.

I’ll fluff up my late deployment as “big moron Krantigarh is late to the party once again” ;)
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I'll deploy into that area now that Mulrog's not going to be there, as I've absolutely no grounds whatsover to justify taking passage to troll country, as convenient as the ride from there onward would be. So you might want to shift a few units a little more westerly and take the hills?

Hangar's Knights enter the campaign season with an attack upon Ramaijk; three divisions of the riders striking from the western and southern flanks before a fourth rides in to take the town itself. The other half of the Knights and the monstrous charioteer Widowmaker advance onto the plains to the south of the Kislevite town.
I hadn't planned on it, but I could redeploy down there with you if you want.
I'll just be much slower than you in the forest is the only problem.
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This is how I’d like to deploy! Thanks for the patience!
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Deployment's done. Everyone else who wants to deploy can do it before turn 2.
The deployed forces are free to move for turn 1.
That image is too large for my drawing app to convert, would you kindly post a more zoomed in one?
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My post keeps getting eaten.
Maybe upload it to a image sharing site?
Uhhh Lanu, small issue. The dwarf armor gives -2 to movement, and I gave it to chaos warriors… who only have 2 movement
Put it down to 1 movement.
Has turn 1 actually started, or are we still in the last minutes of deployment phase?
It's time for turn 1 movement orders.
I'll use the deployment movements people sent unless Ivan changes his up before tomorrow or before Huffud sends his.
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Light update to movement orders

leave those Stresely to my bearserkers. just move past them.

next turn my Skinwolves and bearsekers can support your attack of the undead settlement. for a fair share of the loot.
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Most of the plan will still go as before, though we shall remain a tad more cautious in the face of their strength in Lancers whilst my force is strung out in deployment.

Mind if I ask Widowmaker's stats before I make use of him?
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Blue Fimir
Black Wolves
Orange Cats/Druzhs
Green Melnibbas
Purple Knights
Grey Stormbringer/Ivan
Magenta? Lines are projected movement for the following turn, presuming nothing changes.

Do Fimir in water win initiative vs infantry on hills?
>Mind if I ask Widowmaker's stats before I make use of him?
Widowmaker is counted as cavalry with HP 7, D 2 and M 3. Low initiative, but a very tanky unit.

Fimir are HP 2 and M 2, which gives them a initiative of 0. Strelsy are HP 2 M 3, giving them a initiative of 1, meaning the Strelsy get the first shot.
Oh god I remembered I was supposed to reply here phew. Had a busy day the other day.
Huffud, I'm going to need your help on this one. Their cavalry poses the greatest threat to me, but you have your cavalry. I'll be your infantry support. Keep their horses off my backs, and I'll try and deal with the gunners.
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While the enemy cavalry poses a threat Magor will use some cunning and keep his ungors close together, for now, hoping the depth will help handle any pesky cavalry charges. We will prepare to cover Huffud's left flank.
…mate all I’ve got is fucking minotaurs it’s not really cavalry. Still, I’ll help
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I have begun to realize that my horde is fuckin tiny… and slow as balls. Maybe I’m not going to be of much impact kek
Oh my bad I thought you were the one with the yellow cav woops
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Here is my movement for turn one.

Unless Hangar, Magor, and Huffud need help, in which case I'll redeploy down there to help you guys, but you'll need to let me know pretty soon before the second turn starts.
Water eliminates your initiative entirely... Might be effectively throwing your warriors away.
Well, they're chaos warriors. Unless they're hitting something in water, they won't be having the first strike.
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From the north to the south:

The clashes of the berserkers, the bravest and most gifted of the warriors, with the Sarl defenders of Holmstein leave few berserkers dead after the column of bondsmen gets ambushed by Bearsonlings leaping from the woods either side of forest trail. A pile of skulls is left where the panicked warriors met their grizzly end.
And oddly, it seems a village far in the north-east is aflame. A ex merchant says that should be Skraevold.

The warriors of both Ivan and Mulrog are reluctant to charge the dead.

A great clash is preparing as warriors of both sides amass in a line, thousands ready to march to their deaths. Regiments are amassing, banners and flags wave across the horizons and horns and drums sound.

A charge by the berserkers brings down a group of strelsy before a single shot can be fired. The hill is now under norse control.
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Kzarla-Svedora direction:

Rare is the sight of 600 chaos warriors charging across the river into gunfire and arrows. Some are left behind, but as soon as the two lines connect, the river runs red with blood as the air, already choked with smoke, gets filled with screams. Few sons of Kislev flee back to their homeland.
The river now carries 150 chaos warriors and 8 times that many kislevites.
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Praag direction:

A vicious charge of the chaos knights quickly after their emergence from the Dukhlys forests leaves the defenders of the nameless settlement easy prey to the knights. Yet their offensive is not without cost, as three Kislevite druzhina rotas charge the flanks of the warriors and pay a heavy price for the losses they inflict to their foes. Charges and countercharges, the best sons of Kislev and the best knights of the north leave many dead as lances are crossed and steeds and their riders murdered.

In the south, the ungortide slams forwards, killing kislevites at steep prices and driving them from the hills, thousands laying dead at its base. A vicious charge at a steep price for little gain.
If anyone wishes to join, or deploy later than usual, please tell me, I'll post you the deployment map in the shortest order.
"Khezin Bring me the Head of whoever leads those undead"
Growling with suppressed fury Mulrog addresses one of his Lieutenants who promptly rides off to his men, seeking to do his masters bidding.

The Skinwolves feel the chains around their souls tightening as they and the Bersekers are thrown into battle maddened frenzy. Shouting, howling and screaming towards the undead settlement.

A raven arrives, its feather covered in dried blood, gore Dripping from its beak
Ivan. i am gonna have to ask you to move out of the way down south so we can break these Kislevites.

unless you wanna spend another turn maneuvering.
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forgot movement pic.
And i got myself a new suitable Mount.
and i still havent told you. I love the picture you put down for Mulrogs Knights.

and i forgot to mention. The knights i have deal 1 more damage being led by Khezin Scarblade, a Chaos Champion sworn to Mulrog.
: )
Got it for the knights.
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Huffud grunts and snorts- there are too many damn knights for her herd to reach the fray! But maybe, maybe there will still be loot left… surely, even THIS many knights can’t kill all the villages in the area!
"I note that there are villages to sack across the river; but I will not plan to impede your advance. Tell me the occupied positions you wish your herd to advance to, and I will have my riders vacate them for your arrival."
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Glory for the first Ungor to die, Charge!

More importantly we must support our allies and move into the flanks of the knights.
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With Magor's masses dragging down the Lancer on the flank, the Knights in the forest shall abandon the treeline and leave the woods to the beasts (white); advancing onto the Flank to bring down the central lancers; the Engaged knights will then strike out at their remaining foe. With the last lancer dead, the remaining Knights will then advance (Yellow, Orange, then Red) with the town ransacked and plundered.

"More room has been made, and the woods will be left for the herds. I would suggest you do not wander heedlessly south where you can advance westerly, or strike northward to close with the objective."
The bovine beast grunts and roars, as it speaks in a garbled mantongue
“North slim pickins. Coast richer. Take what pinkskins can’t”
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