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Your name is Brutus and you are the last Hazaar alive. How does it feel? Honestly? Pretty great.

Once you finished your service to your previous employer, one Starfire Shine of Starfire Industries, the largest and wealthiest Hazaar business in the HVS, you took the FTL capable shuttle into deep space and right into the galactic underground. Loaded with tactile gold, ten different crypto currencies, truRandom numerical sequences, expensive androgenized preservation hormones, and a few AI cores stolen from the Hegemony's (now very outdated) HVS stockpile; you had the ability to set yourself up for quite a bit of relaxation here, aboard the Comfort Palace.

It's an artificial country set up on a lifeless moon, in orbit around a dark exoplanet far away from any registered and patrolled region of space from the greater powers. Totally without any broadcast buoy or hyperspace signal, the only way to get here is through invitation- which includes its coordinates in deep space. Good thing the shuttle had one of those too.

Despite being off the grid, this place is home to the rich and powerful of many space fairing nations and galactic communities. Aristocrats, Consortium capitalists, wealthy pirates and space merchants, and even the occasional high-ranking Essal on some not-so-regulation shore leave have all found their way here. Despite being a lifeless, sunless moon; every climate and ecosystem is represented in one of the Palace's habitats branching off as flower-like petals off its main facility and space-dock; the Grand Casino. You know there is a freezing cold snow habitat and arboreal jungle, but as for you? You prefer the heat and tropical fake-beach of this habitat. You can listen to the sound of its artificial waves, all 800 million liquid units of simulated ocean and coral reef, and relax in the sun.

Your only real problem? Your money is starting to run out. But it's not enough of a problem to get you out of this chair.
The invitation simply mentioned a Hazaar, and so you took Starfire's name and assumed his identity. It's not like anyone here had some genetic code to check against, and so you assumed you'd be treated like royalty given his wealth and importance. Impersonating a VIP. Despite being the richest Hazaar in the HVS by far, Starfire would be just a common level guest here, given the clientele. That was a bit of a shock.

Still, you've made your way so far, but after a few bad bets at the Grand Casino and needing to buy food and other services, you've noticed the dwindling reserves. You're kicking yourself for not converting your digital currency over to the Consortium Credits, which are what everyone seems to use now, but even if you did that you wouldn't be able to stay here forever. Not without some form of income... or a big score.

Your unique morphology could allow you some advantages. You thought about selling yourself as a unique gigolo, something certain very wealthy clients might be interested in, but sadly well-financed perverts aren't exactly the most common thing in the universe. Going back to petty crime or acting as some muscle is right out; anyone working at the station or as a servant to one of the guests are barred from the comforts and activities open only to guests and the rich and powerful served on the station. You'd like to keep that status, no matter what. You've grown a bit accustomed to this lifestyle, going back to petty crime and mugging people for whatever they are carrying wouldn't suite you anymore. At least you still got one bar of tactile gold left...

You fidget in your beach chair and scratch your impregnator. Maybe you can take your mind off it by finding someone interested in some directed self harm, until you catch a glimpse of something in the distance. Huh? That light blue color, that too-smooth steps, almost gliding, and a curled tail flicking behind through the crowds. Is that... one of the monkeys? Here? Alright, that is worth getting up from your chair.
Your name is now Avae Anak, and you are the Supreme Ruler of the Hegemony. Your predecessor, Hass Takar, the Unspeakable, has chosen you above your rivals to be the next Supreme Ruler. It will be a difficult Supreme to follow; after Hass won multiple military victories against the Hegemony's enemies and expanded your territory to a whole new star cluster. Now, that frontier is the focus of your reign.

For this, you have chosen your robe's color to be yellow, for intelligence and insight.

Your personal aide, one Fim Yolek, claps happily as you try on your commissioned robes for the first time. Soon, you will pose for your portrait, drawn by hand in the old Jaxtian style, the lasting image of your entire reign.

”I was thinking, Threes, that every Supreme Ruler's portrait has a certain lonely quality to it. They always stand alone.”
“That they do. That is part of the tradition, your grace.” The AI obediently returns.
”I was wondering, have any Supreme Ruler has others in their portraits too? Favored servants? A crowd cheering behind them? That could be quite unique.”
”Oh yes! Splendid, your grace!” Fim says in his soft, almost musical voice.
“Is that your wish, your majesty?”
”Hmm... I'm not sure...”

As the Supreme Ruler, you have ultimate power over anything and everyone in the Hegemony. But despite this, as both an Anak and as a person, you don't feel that standing alone is entirely fair. After all, without your many friends and contributions from others in your empire, you would have nothing to lead, and you wouldn't be much of a ruler after all. Perhaps your portrait should include others in it, to show yourself as being a humble man of the people. Not to forget the contributions of high level Hegemony officials almost as qualified as you to rule. But then again, perhaps it would be best not to break the tradition...

Who should be depicted in your Supreme Ruler portrait?
>Just yourself as tradition
>High level Hegemony officials- like Najan and Tanyt
>Crowd of many for humility
>High level Hegemony officials- like Najan and Tanyt
We are the elite of the elite. We and all those who excel are worthy.
Just Fim would have been fine, too.

Uncanny grace is a nice 'tell' for Jaxtians. I like that it's a lasting part of the lore.
>Just yourself as tradition.
Thus begins the reign of Monkey Kaiser Kasper.
>High level Hegemony officials- like Najan and Tanyt
And our most favored servant, of course.
>>High level Hegemony officials- like Najan and Tanyt
>Just yourself as tradition
>>Just yourself as tradition

*fiddling on the roof intensifies*
>Just yourself as tradition
>>Just yourself as tradition
Beware the King in Yellow.
(Also having other people in the picture implies they rule too, undermining the authority of the SUPREME RULER. We are not an oligarchy, nor a democracy, it would be wise not to facilitate those ideas.)
The correct portrayal should adhere to precepts set by the Anubanini petroglyph circa 2300 BC

>Bare-chested Ruler placing his foot upon prostrate and vanquished king
>parade of crouched and kneeling captives grovelling beneath; cuneiform description should emphatically declare: (not gay). Alternatively make all captives female
>war/fertility goddess concubine figure (generous bosom) gazing adoringly to the side
>background should feature some celestial event or solar alignment, to denote heavenly / divine cosmological favour. THE SUN, EXPLODING
>carve into enormous mountain, or etch / terraform entire sun-facing planetary ravine / chasm formations, so that the entire depiction can be seen from space

The modern version of "ruler God-King trampling over the vanquished grovelling captives, alongside war/fertility deity" I suppose is Jeff Bezos USD42 million mechanical 10,000 year subterranean clock entombed in a pharoah-like manner beneath the Sierra Diablo ? mountains on his West Texas ranch. The helpless conquered victims are not depicted, because it is you


>Indeed, Sánchez is not shy about her physique. The prow of Koru—Maori for “new beginnings”—is adorned with a voluptuous figurehead, one that has been gleefully suggested in the press to be carved in Sánchez’s image. “I’m very flattered, but it’s not,” said Sánchez. In fact, the figurehead is one of Bezos’s favorite mythological figures, Freyja, Norse goddess of love, fertility, war, and gold. “If it was me…” Sánchez joked, and made a gesture of having larger breasts.

>Much has been made of Bezos’s evolution from round-shouldered online bookseller to Tony Stark titan of industry and the third richest man in the world. Once insular and press-shy, he formed a tight cocoon around Amazon, his then wife, MacKenzie, and their four children in Seattle. Now it’s as if he’s emerged from his chrysalis, a swole monarch, no longer Amazon CEO (a role he ceded in 2021) but an empty nester who is venturing not only into the Adriatic but into outer space. Sánchez, by all accounts, is the perfect partner for all of it—unbridled in her enthusiasm (seven people I spoke to described her as a “force”) but also socially adept, attentive, a diplomat of a kind. “Lauren has amazing intuition, almost witchy powers in that regard,” says Bezos. “She sees things that other people don’t see. She’s really very sensitive to other people and what they’re thinking.”

>We have also descended 500 feet to the base of the so-called 10,000 Year Clock, a subterranean engineering feat envisioned by Bezos with next generations in mind. “It represents thinking about the future,” Sánchez says.

>It took over a year to drill 500 feet into solid limestone and quartz and two years for a diamond-cutting robot to slice stairs into the stone. Inside, enormous titanium and stainless gears looked like giant versions of the inside of my wristwatch and led down to a 10,000 pound bronze-cased concrete pendulum.

>Bezos later explains that there are five metal anniversary displays that will function like traditional cuckoo clocks chiming at one year, 10 years, 100 years, 1,000 years, and 10,000 years. “The whole point of the clock,” explains Bezos, “is after a few hundred years, like all old things, it will take on a certain kind of respect.”
Oh hi Souvarine.
I thought this was the one Quest of mine you didn't like! Without trying to be mean or rude, could you please post these musings and anecdotes on the qtg instead? I appreciate your readership and often eclectic ocean of knowledge you share from time to time, but I'd prefer if it was not posted in the Monke threads for the sake of the archive being clean and legible for future readers. I am very particular about things posted in these threads for this reason, including off topic political discussion or comparisons to other media. Thank you.
>>Just yourself as tradition
>Just yourself as tradition
Perhaps we should think about starting a 'Gallery of Worthies' to capture the image of other important Jaxtians for all time - starting with all who won a Golden band for the years that this award was issued. But the Supreme Galery remains supreme.
I would be behind this.
Wait, huh, i could have sworn i already voted? Did my post get eaten by the void?
It did, i guess.

>Just yourself as tradition
I am also in support of this, should it become an option, even if it's just for flavor.
>>High level Hegemony officials- like Najan and Tanyt
>Crowd of many for humility
I am a Monke of the People…
Side note-
Future votes may be contentious enough to require an established ID or a backlink as one-post IDs will not count.
That's fair enough, but remember that even that didn't stop a multiboxer last time.
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Anchor Post. Already Voted by phone.
Damnit, don't post with an image. I saw the counter go up and thought we had the update.
You decide ultimately it would be best to stick to the tradition, but with what you can influence, you decide to set your portrait in the Hall of Records, the same place Cijan Anak, the still-living ancestor of yours, resides and watches over the catalog of Hegemonic history.

”My portrait will only contain myself, but implied, contain the vast history of all peoples of the Hegemony, to show my deeds are only built on those of the past. Would that show me as a weak ruler, Threes?”
“Some may think so.”
”I don't think that!” Fim interjects. He's always supportive.
”Well, I don't much care if they think it makes me a weak ruler. After all, the Hegemony is ruled by the Supreme, but our goals need everyone to work together... especially now with the frontier. That will be all for today, I think I will retire to my chambers.”
“Of course, my Lord. Tomorrow, I will create an itinerary for you.”
”Thank you.”
Within your palatial chambers, you relax with your aide. Fim Yolek is a administrator of little importance, but of great personal worth to yourself, who you raised to a position at your side as the Supreme Ruler. To be the Supreme Ruler's aide is a great honor, and he is indebted to you. You are inseparable, and he has been especially helpful during the very stressful and isolating time as you were groomed for leadership by the previous Supreme, Hass Takar. You truly did not expect the reformed Tyrant-King, winner of multiple wars, and especially an Unspeakable at that, to pick you among your rival candidates. You always figured they appeared stronger then you. Perhaps he saw another reason then.

”Does something trouble you, your majesty?”
”I am anxious. I feel unprepared for this... role.”
”You will do great, your Grace! I know it.”
”...Help me train, Fim.” You say, a smile spreading on your face.
”Urm... your Majesty... Surely there is someone else who is more qualified...”

Fim begins stripping his uniform off, awkwardly, your own imperial robes falling in a fraction of the time.

”Come here! Fight me! No knives- I need hand to hand practice!”
”Gah- Majesty! Please, this isn't fair! You're bigger then me-!”

You hold his wrists and twist him this way and that, he being no match for you. His boyish, slim features contrasting your own harder muscles, though your age is almost identical, he but slightly less developed and matured. His cute face screws up in effort as he tries and fails to free himself from your grip. In a moment, he gives up.
You hold him down, his struggles turning from impotent to exasperated. He holds his arms in your grasp weakly, looking at you with the soft and pitiable look of the defeated. You grip him a little tighter, enough to draw the slightest bit of pain, of which he winces, stopping any struggle in submission, before you hold loose again, him looking at you from beneath, his face flushed from the effort of your “wrestling”, and now the humiliation of being forced to wait.

You lean in for a kiss, and feel his rough, smooth cheekpads brush against your own. Truthfully, Fim is your lover.

You met each other in youth camp, a tradition began by one Talacent Intari all those years ago, meant to socialize and create a sense of community among young Jaxtian men. Later, it was expanded to Swall and Vetuckers as well, with their own forms and groups. It's a critical period in the development of Hegemonic citizenship, and most look upon it with a great deal of nostalgia.

For you, a Supreme Ruler candidate, you found it tiresome.

The boys were all loud, rambunctious, and while you chose to socalize with them, much of their matter and attitude annoyed you. Too driven and competitive, instead of collaborative. Then you saw Fim, who was quiet and calm, reserved, looking a bit younger and a bit helpless during your phyiscal games and challenges. You helped him, and the both of you hit it off instantly. You told him your feelings late one night, sharing a tent, and you were overjoyed to have him return them.

This is not normal.

The Hegemony's stance on same sex relationships is very clear. It's not discussed. Not criminal or treasonous per-se, but Anti-Social for sure. You had to figure everything out yourself. All of your civilization education and culture around romance is for same sex, same species, same race, and same occupational level for mutual companionship and responsible, civil reproduction.

Hand on hand, skin on skin, Fim is close to you as two can be. You love him, and he loves you. Blissfully cloistered from the rest of the world. This relationship has been a secret for its entirety, though you are not so ignorant to not know of rumors and implications that others have made in your direction. It's impossible not to notice. The slightest change of mannerisms from yourself and the “standard” Jaxtian man. Your closeness to Fim, and the lack of interest in your (many) female suitors and interested parties for your own personal gene-program. You suppose that your position, a high ranking male among a noble bloodline, and now cemented as the Supreme Ruler has given you some leeway normally not afforded.

But how much should this remain a secret?

>Very much
>Not as much
>Very much
You really didn't wait any time, huh?

Yeah, sorry, no thanks. If i wanted to read Yaoi I'd go over to questden or akun. Let's just get this reign over with.
>Very much
>>Very much
As hot as it is, heteronormativity is essential to a stable, successful society. Its not criminalized or treasonous, and that's just how it should be.
>Not as much
I'm curious what will happen.
being gay isn't thoughtcrime? surprising...

>You really didn't wait any time, huh?
Anyone in the QTG or QAG already knew Avae as A Gae. Why draw it out?
I'm personally more interested in running a state than voting on whether the Supreme should announce to the whole galaxy he's a faggot.
That wasn't the question I asked, but okay.
It was? You asked "Why draw it out", the answer is that I just don't wanna see it, so I'd have preferred to get an update on the state of the hegemony.
I meant since we already knew it WAS going to be a plot point, if Bananas wasn't going to cut it, might as well address it early on. I agree it shouldn't be the focus of his whole reign. I doubt it will be. it's not how this quest operates.
Superb supportive slightly whiny submissive and slender design.
Cute met at summer camp forbidden love backstory. Then tasteful wrestling foreplay?

I've re-written this post several times. You're spoiling us, Bananas. Spoiling us absolutely rotten.
>>Not as much
Monke yaoi
>Very much

I think earlier threads claimed that homosexuality had been eradicated in the Hegemony. I'm wondering if the rules were changed back when we made the Blue Haazar citizens - they're all the same gender that comes across as 'male', so keeping it illegal would have automatically made the new citizens criminals - but now that the rules have changed to allow it again, even after the reasons for doing so lost their citizenship and lives - there's no discernible forces pressuring to reverse the changes in a society that is still openly pretending that it doesn't exist altogether.
>Very much

Be ashamed of yourself you gay monkey slut
>Very Much
I suppose at least you didn't feel the need describe the scene even more.
>>Very much
Not thoughtcrime is great, but as a "brutal efficiency trumps all" we have to play, we have to keep those two high-value genes in the pool.
>>Very much
>Gay sex in /qst/
I salute you qm
>>Not as much
Gr8 b8 m8
>Not as much
>Very much
I'm surprised Bananas didn't tell us about this when we were picking the next Supreme last thread.
We wouldn't have picked him if he did, obviously.
>Not as much
I don't really care for this I'm just voting for the meme.
That makes a lot of sense.

Artificial insemination is a thing, I guess.

If this was a plot he wanted to play with, we probably would have got a gay Supreme regardless of their other characteristics. It's not like we usually get a run-down on sexual proclivities of Supreme hopefuls. We often pick them as little monkies, after all. Wasn't it Val Takar who turned out to be a compulsive adulterer?
>If this was a plot he wanted to play with, we probably would have got a gay Supreme regardless of their other characteristics.
Does that change what i said? He didn't say it because it was a railroad.

>Wasn't it Val Takar who turned out to be a compulsive adulterer?
That was because we picked the tomboy, kinda. It's different.
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This technically had foreshadowing as well, at least as overt as 'tomboy = adultery'.
That's true, but it still feels off to just have it springed in us.

Comparing adulterers (while still cringe imo) to the shitshow that can happen because of controversy (like having a fruity Supreme) in threads, especially Space Monke threads, is apples to oranges.
I'd hardly call "This character seems to care more about practical matters than showboating" to be on the same level as "You are specifically told that this other woman is a professional seductress and the tomboy is not the aim of jaxtian beauty standards", That description could have probably fit several other supremes. I don't doubt that someone like Talacent probably didn't care much about competing with other boys for the attention of women.
>Very much
Honestly, I think its so people don't complain LATER about it. So if they DO, Bananas can point to the first post and say something like, "Did you not see this? Even if illiterate, you can pictorally observe this very tasteful gay monke foreplay."

That's just my best guess.
>Not as much
This is gonna be another fun one eh?
Alright. Gay stuff aside, what do you think this Royal is doing with this Monke? Is it anyone we know?
>Very much
That didn't take long.
>Very much
Recreate the “yes king” video but with “supreme”’ instead of “king” and broadcast it on all hegemony media
Recreate Miike Snow's Genghis Khan, but it's the Supreme in the Unspeakable and a handsome dissenter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_SlAzsXa7E
".... It has been two hours, Master. I do not wish to keep you from your duties any longer."

You awake from your night of passion, taking in the comfort of his warmth and the closeness. The sating of the skin-hunger, the touch starvation. Cuddling close, you've stayed here in the warmth and safety of this room, so similar to that first nest you build among the trees at youth camp, weaving branches together to create a floating shelter, as the traditional Jaxtian style. You squeeze Fim close. He squeezes back.

"They can wait a bit longer."
"Thank you... Avae..."
"Ah- what did you call me?"
"Oh! Sorry, I mean, thank you Master!" He purrs happily.

You bark aloud to no one. "Set an alarm for 15 minutes. I'll see to my duties then; I want to begin colonization of the new cluster right away."

The computer beeps back, no confirmation message in words, just a noise. It seems smart enough to know that speaking would ruin this moment, though it still heard everything. Of course it did, it knows everything.

You sniff Fim's downy fur atop his head, close to your nose, revealing in its smooth, clean scent. You don't want this to end, but, duty calls.
"Do you wish to focus on colonizing the new star cluster first, your Majesty?" The Threemind asks.

>Of course
>Something else (Write-In)
That...was a weirdly long stop for that second post. Did you skip an post? This feels weird
I don't have time to write up the full post I wanted to, so I figured I'd give the players a chance to confirm what they want to do instead of just leaving it on a cliffhanger all day.
Kinda weird, but ok then.

>Of course
The least this homo can do to make up for being a disgrace to the title is making the economy work again.
>Of course
>Something Else: "Threes, I know I looked over it a bit ago, but I'd like the latest info. I'd like a state of the Hegemony report with a focus on border security before I look at the worlds I could select for colonization."
That would be nice, actually. I assume we're getting a bit of a recap or synopsis of that info when it becomes immediately relevant, though?
>Of course
Self serving OOC post during the 8+ hour content drought.

Do you think my artstyle is "cute"? I draw some characters to be cute intentionally, though I also try to draw horror or violent scenes which feel a little flat. I feel my artstyle is simply too simple to portray that sort of deep, mature emotionality.
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Your artstyle tends towards the more cute, simple, round shapes people are wont to associate with cartoons and children's books. That everyone is talking animals is a big part of that vibe in this quest, as well. When you do scenes of brutality or violence, though, the contrast sort of accentuates it. I don't think it detracts.

There's a famous precedent for that, after all.
>Of course

Time to profit from our choice to focus on whale small and big?
>Only if there's nothing more pressing, Threemind.
>Do you think my artstyle is "cute"?
It leans that direction.

>I feel my artstyle is simply too simple to portray that sort of deep, mature emotionality.
No. It works. You've made it work, and well. I'd say the older, slightly more consistent with detailed style that you were going for worked slightly better. However, some of the more abstract and featureless illustrations you've done have actually been very impactful to, simply because your imagination fills in the gaps- brings to mind Old Time Radio Drama. You can read a book with no illustrations and care about the characters. Illustrations are a bonus and your style doesn't detract from your writing.
Hmm... ruin everything by choosing to make Avae hide his shame for the rest of his life and make him go crazy from the emotional repression at a pivotal moment, or ruin everything by going public and causing a nation-wide cultural upheaval?

Uuuugh, fine! I'll go with

>Very much

to avoid real-life chaos, but I really wanted to see what kind of in-universe chaos that was gonna cause!

Also, yeah.
>Evalute security assets available to defend our expanding borders.
>Do you think my artstyle is "cute"?
Sometimes it can be, like when you drew Hass Takar's little son, but i assure you this thread has not.
If you want a less cute artstyle then I would recommend using ‘jaks for the characters’ faces. My favorite is cobson but you are entitled to your own opinions
Anyone who uses jaks in their artstyle should be shot down in the street like the dirty hazaar they are.
>Do you think my artstyle is "cute"? I draw some characters to be cute intentionally
Sort of, it varies from time to time.
I second this emotion.
>>Of course
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Oh, yeah. It's true that a simple artstyle cannot convey a fully detailed scene of violence, but when said artstyle is cute-looking it makes it easy to grow fond of on the characters and mistake them for nnocent, which means that whenever they become victims or victimizers it becomes all that more poignant.
Akule truly is the blue monkey version of kaiser rudolf
>animated teeth grinding
kek based fanart
Okay my fellow primates, are there any "theme planets" you want do?

I personally would like to see a planet done with low regulated population density and enforced iron age/medieval tech outside of military bases and space ports.

Another farm planet could be a good redundancy(food cubes never again).
Can i request a template be made?
Sure thing, my good fellow. Make wise use of it.

Speaking of wisdom, I will stop deraling the thread into meme territory now.
Yes it's cute most of the time. That doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.
“Of course, your majesty.” The AI chimes as you adjust your robes, fit for your still developing adult physique. The sleeves pop as the computer regurgitates information you should already know; but always useful.

“It is currently the Year 131 of the Resurrection Era. The Hegemony is your nation and your people, the vast majority of which being Jaxtians; include Jaxtians, Swall, and Vetuckers along with a tiny minority of Migrators and number near three hundred billion members. The vast majority of the Hegemony's economy, holdings, and military power is located within the core Hegemonic worlds, originally conquered by one Eoba Garastra II. However, due to recent acquisitions by your predecessor, Hass Takar the Unspeakable, your territory has expanded considerably to include the former Hazaar cluster of stars, formerly under Hegemonic control by the puppet governemy known as the Hazaar Vassal States. After the cleansing, the many worlds and celestial bodies have been marked as Hegemonic property, but only now has budget and time allowed for a true expansion effort to begin.”

”What about the galactic situation? It would be bad to get caught hanging by the tail by a rival power while undergoing an expensive expansion wave...”

“Currently, we are in era of nonaggression, though not exactly peace. Obviously, our galaxy is more akin to a cloud then a flat landscape, and is a few lightyears thick in 3d space, but to simplify it into a two dimensional map is fine for our purposes. There is also no direction in space, but we can also simplify this for the sake of clarity. To the North are our closest “allies” in space, the Esaal Stratocracy, a military empire that expands aggressively. They are currently fighting a war with the Galactic Society of Aristocrats, which are more to the North-East. Between them, a Neutral Zone has appeared as planets have been lost and gained in the crossfire; leading to the potential for neutral parties like space pirates and scavengers to prosper. There is potential for a new lesser power in space to set up there, which could potentially become an ally or rival.

The Aristocrats are a feudal space empire that is very culturally advanced, and have advanced biotechnology. They look down on us for a few reasons, but we seem closely to their equal in regards to our ideas about nobility and tradition.

To the East are the Consortium, our largest ideological rivals in the form of capitalists. Their society is very multi-racial and fragmented. After our previous military victory against them at the Stand, they do not seem to want to mess with us and know they cannot push us around any more.”
“Now that we have two large star clusters under our control, our stasis as a smaller and less-important nation, even with stonewalling from the Worms, has ended, making us a true galactic rival to the greater powers. This is something Najan Val wanted to focus more on, cementing our position in galactic politics, though it seems Hass Takar, his name remain Unspeakable, didn't mind keeping us more isolated by selecting you as his predecessor.”

”Show me the graph already.”

Threemind then creates a large, complex image revealing information about the new star cluster. You take in all the information quickly, creating a mental list of things that could influence the figures.

“This is the New Star-Cluster Colonization Status Screen, and shows all relevant information. As the Supreme Ruler, and given we now control many more worlds- especially given the Hazaar's talent for terraforming many of these planets to be habitable or nearly so- it would be too much administrative overhead to select and plan creations for every possible world in the new cluster. Instead, I recommend a general approach.”

”I see. What's the meaning of the Habitation Progress percentage? Can you explain your method of abstraction?”

“Of course your Majesty. Space colonization is a vague thing. Even in our own space, which contain billions of Jaxtains, the average surface of a planet or moon is very rarely fully built up with habitation modules or bio-domes. Instead, Habitation Progress refers to how many planets, moons, natural resources, solar collection areas, infrastructure, and Hegemonic control have been established and fully built up in the new systems as an aggregate. This could include a sprawling city on a habitable planet, built vertically for Jaxtians, or a large swathe of shrubland and open-air mining facilities for Vetuckers to man. Regardless of the specifics, the higher the number goes, the more of the system we are currently utilizing. If we reach a number of at least 51% or higher by the end of your reign, that will grant the economic stimulus needed for our next major projects and branch of research divisions to bare fruit in the next coming decades. Obviously, more colonized planets means more room to grow, more economic activity, and more scientific production.”

”...You don't seem keen on giving me specifics.”

“I figure our talents are more focused on abstraction and administration, instead of specific elemental mining operation concerns or fine-tuned biosphere adjustment. Your specialty was in astrophysics and space-colonization technologies, was it not?”

”It was.”
“Then you know exactly what is needed for space habitation. Of these, four major gauges have been abstracted for your inspection. All four are very common or easy to produce, not requiring specific planets or industries to create them, but being important for the easy and smooth colonization of new planets and build-up in the new systems. These are water, required for all life, computer cycles for research and managing populations, security, for both military and civilian defense and protection, and finally materials for building and industry. If any of these gauges remain under the current habitation percentage, it will likely cause problems. If these gauges remain higher then the current habitation progress, then it will boost your growth rate, which measures the amount of new colonists, in habitation progress numbers, who will come into the system within the new 5 years. The growth rate itself will also change, adjusting based on the events within the new system and citizens willingness to travel there to tough it out on the frontier.”

”...Can't I just tell people to go live there?”

“Of course, my lord. But offering people incentives to immigrate works better for everyone. Currently, the mood on the new frontier is looking very positive, leading to a strong growth rate. However, due to the high production of AI cores at valuable factory locations for the Esaal war effort, we have less of those for the new colonies. Because we also were not able to secure sandstones from the Esaal trade deal without disturbing the new fragile migrator populations in the planet we gained from it, we also are slightly short on raw materials. Water from comets and security from our still-functioning, though greatly shrunk post-war fleets, mean some of the gauges already have a head start.”

”Well, in that case, let me think on how to approach this.”
“I have taken the liberty of creating a list of multiple projects and installations within our budget and time constraints. You can select up to three choices without going into debt or making a vow to the people, and risking tarnishing your reputation.”

You look towards the computer monitor. It's three white eyes stare unblinkingly, waiting your response.

NOTE This prompt uses approval voting. You may select a maximum of three choices. No 1-Post Ids will be allowed for this vote. Some choices will come up again later, meaning they can be taken multiple times.

>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+5% AI Cycle Gauge)
>Construct a Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)
>Order water pumps on the new Migrator homeworld to ship large amounts of water to the new system (+5% Water Gauge in 20 years)
>Purchase a raw mineral shipment from a Consortium kinetic transport company (+5% Materials Gauge in 10 years)
>Beg the Aristocrats for help dealing with Hazaar biotechnology leftovers (+2% Security Gauge per year over 10 years)
>Make an underwater city copying the Myym design (+2% Water & Security Gauges, +1% Habitation Progress boost)
>Bring out & display a prototype Battleship in the new systems to intimidate any troublemakers (+2% Security Gauge, Expensive)
>Pull an Overseer away to help you with this project (Pauses passive progress, gain a helper)
>Campaign for new colonists from the Homeworld (+1% Permanent Growth Rate)
>Demand colonists move in and liquidate useless eaters into resources for the effort (+3% Habitation Progress boost, +1% Water Gauge, Minor Atrocity)
>Set up a new Palace and Headquarters on a habitable alien planet in the new system (Breaks Tradition- Instant 5% Habitation Progress boost- one time only)
>I don't like this game, give me something different
>Construct a Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)
>Beg the Aristocrats for help dealing with Hazaar biotechnology leftovers (+2% Security Gauge per year over 10 years)
>Campaign for new colonists from the Homeworld (+1% Permanent Growth Rate)
In these kinds of games, gradual growth is best picked at the very first year so that it'll keep growing in the background no matter what else we choose.

Also, for backlinking, heres's my last vote. >>6109079
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Wait, i got a question, what exactly is this? The post doesn't exactly explain what it is. It obviously has to do with the three races of the Hegemony, but it doesn't explain what specifically.

My choice still stands, of course. The material one alone is basically sure to give us more than 50% of the gauge by the time we end our reign.
I agree with the "boost" >>6109858 mentionned.
However, population growth seems to me to be a trap as is. Getting 3% means we already need immediately more AI and Materials, and we'll struggel quite fast. So I'd advise to build ressources first, then growth in 3/4 years when we have a stable income and room for said growth.

First, Water seems quite hard to get - making the Migrator Pump quite the worthy investment despite how long it will take.
I think we will struggle as we'll lack materials and AI immediately with my current vote. I'll still say

>>Construct a Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)
>Beg the Aristocrats for help dealing with Hazaar biotechnology leftovers (+2% Security Gauge per year over 10 years)

This secure our long-term. We need immediate short term AI power, so I'll also vote

>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+5% AI Cycle Gauge)
This make our only strained gauge material. Anyway, we have no way to immediately secure enough if I understood the game correctly.
You know what? I might advocate to pick a second, or even a third time material just in case if we have the opportunity.

I think the diagram stend for habitation boost by turn.

Also, this is the kind of amazing minigame I love as a player Banana. I know we will plan, argue, insult each other, you will throw unexpected monkey wrench in our planning, give us some as-unexpected windfalls...

Yeah, it's Supreme Space Monke Quest time. We're so fucking back.
Good point, i missed the part about the habitation gauge. We should probably level up our AI cycles then. I'll change >>6109858 to support your idea.

>You know what? I might advocate to pick a second, or even a third time material just in case if we have the opportunity.
Unlikely, but that would most certainly be effective, yes.
>Construct a Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)
>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+5% AI Cycle Gauge)

These two I'm sure about, one brings a third bar up to 10% whilst the other puts the last bar on an incremental increase. Whilst I like the idea of getting help from the Aristocrats to deal with Haazar-tech, I'm not sure that's a thing we can count on whilst we're suppling the Esaal with cores that they're using in war against the Aristocrats. The Aristocrats already turned Biotech against us and the workers the factory we're producing the cores in, after all! So we can't really trust them on this unless either the Esaal deal has concluded, or there's something we know they want that we're prepared to give them in exchange.

Therefore, my third vote is for:
>Make an underwater city copying the Myym design (+2% Water & Security Gauges, +1% Habitation Progress boost)

It's another 5% boost option, just spread out over multiple bars.
>Beg the Aristocrats for help dealing with Hazaar biotechnology leftovers (+2% Security Gauge per year over 10 years)
>Campaign for new colonists from the Homeworld (+1% Permanent Growth Rate)
>Demand colonists move in and liquidate useless eaters into resources for the effort (+3% Habitation Progress boost, +1% Water Gauge, Minor Atrocity)
Yes, that diagram is the amount of Habitation/Population growth every 5 year period of time. It is charted that way so you can see its change over time. The population symbols on the bottom are decorative and do not represent anything important on the X Axis.
>Campaign for new colonists from the Homeworld (+1% Permanent Growth Rate)
>Order water pumps on the new Migrator homeworld to ship large amounts of water to the new system (+5% Water Gauge in 20 years)
>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+5% AI Cycle Gauge)
>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+5% AI Cycle Gauge)
>Construct a Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)
>Beg the Aristocrats for help dealing with Hazaar biotechnology leftovers (+2% Security Gauge per year over 10 years)
I'm still waiting for an overview of the cultural state of the hegemony...we never saw the specific result of our "Social power" makeup, you know, the result of the entire last thread's minigame?

Backlinking since I'm a filthy phone poster - >>6108371
>Campaign for new colonists from the Homeworld (+1% Permanent Growth Rate)
>Construct a Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)
>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+5% AI Cycle Gauge)
>Construct a Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)
>Beg the Aristocrats for help dealing with Hazaar biotechnology leftovers (+2% Security Gauge per year over 10 years)
>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+5% AI Cycle Gauge)
>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+5% AI Cycle Gauge)
>Construct a Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)
>Make an underwater city copying the Myym design (+2% Water & Security Gauges, +1% Habitation Progress boost)
>Construct a Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)

>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+5% AI Cycle Gauge)

>Campaign for new colonists from the Homeworld (+1% Permanent Growth Rate)

Taking Migrator planet water seems unwise. Perhaps the server farm can further outfitted melt snow and store liquid water or something.
Oh right, my backlink.
>Construct a Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)
>Campaign for new colonists from the Homeworld (+1% Permanent Growth Rate)
>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+5% AI Cycle Gauge)

Cool game. Excited to see how it unfolds.
>Construct a Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)
>Beg the Aristocrats for help dealing with Hazaar biotechnology leftovers (+2% Security Gauge per year over 10 years)
>Campaign for new colonists from the Homeworld (+1% Permanent Growth Rate)
Bean counting.

MATERIALS QUARRY: x/i, cD6, uk+, eGr, Ibe, TV/, RzZ, 9Ix, mdQ, bSS
BEG ARISTOCRATS: x/i, cD6, 5s5, eGr, RzZ, bSS
AI SERVER FARM: x/i, cD6, uk+, PxS, egR, Ibe, TV/, RzZ, mdQ
NEW COLONIST CAMPIGAN: 5s5, PxS, Ibe, TV/, 9Ix, mdQ, bSS

So far, lest I miscounted, MATERIALS QUARY + AI SERVER FARM + NEW COLONIST CAMPIGAN appear to be getting the most votes with BEG ARISTROCRATS at a very close fourth.
Alright guys.
I understand the appeal of colonist campaign, but I feel in my gut this is a trap so soon that will up our population harder than what our gauges can take.
However, I'd be curious on why you think it might be better than the Beg Aristocrat.
>The Aristocrats already turned Biotech against us and the workers the factory we're producing the cores in, after all! So we can't really trust them on this unless either the Esaal deal has concluded, or there's something we know they want that we're prepared to give them in exchange.
They like our culture and standing as we did invest in not killing them for their disrespect during Myym visit, thus we have correct chance of getting their help in my opinion
Year 132 of the Resurrection Era
Tanyt Dulioan has reached his biological prime for his chosen sport and athletic field, which is that of climbing sports. Specifically, he is attempting to break the most coveted and difficult to achieve record of all Jaxtian athletic feats; the branch-to-branch swing. This record, requiring both incredible feats of strength, coordination, is self limiting due to too much training for it leading to gaining additional weight, making it even harder. The record has remained unbroken for over two hundred years now, and this two to three week period is the exact perfect time where his body may have a chance to achieve breaking the record. You have visited him as a surprise.

Watching him prepare, you see his sweat covered body pacing on the mat. You don't feel anything in particular, but you notice Fim watching very closely.

"...Should I be jealous?"
"Err.... Sorry..."

You're no slouch in the physical department either, after all, the Supreme Ruler is not only trained in sports but also dueling and is extremely well trained for health and longevity. Not to mention Jaxtians just being naturally healthy anyway. Fim shakes his head, and meekly reaches to hold your hand, which you bat away. He looks dejected, but you give him a soft smile in support.

"...Not here."

Tanyt finally notices you. As a member of the now returned exile family, he is extra respectful, bowing deeply at the waist.

"My Lord Supreme. Thank you for visiting me on this day."
"I wouldn't miss a chance to see the first major accomplishment of your family, especially now that they have returned from the HVS."
"All except one, anyway."

Tanyt turns his head after a pause, and then begins climbing the practice tree. His coach and AI urge him to go now, when his body has been perfectly hydrated and warmed up to ideal levels.

The only question is, is Tanyt going to succeed?
Here's hoping for a Hass Takar scenario

He seems cool.
Here's hoping there's no Hass Takar situation.
Do you really wanna spend the rest of the whole thread reading yaoi instead of the Übermonke who's also Bluey's son (genetically)?
5 monkey bucks this guy brings down the Consortium. I've said it before and I'll say it again, he grew up in monkey capitalism, he can bring it down.
You're thinking of Eoba Dulioan, the guy who Tanyt is a clone of. He's the one that was raised in the HVS. The original actually off in the consortium doing who the fuck knows what.
What a ludicrous false dichotomy, and it's even more hilarious that you'd namedrop Bluey while talking about avoiding homosexual behavior.
Is there a reason we haven't started using Balaathi to build infrastructure in the new cluster again? We were able to do it last thread but didn't due to economy.
>What a ludicrous false dichotomy
This thread has had a grand total of one (1) update completely unrelated to Avae being gay. One. Singular.
>and it's even more hilarious that you'd namedrop Bluey while talking about avoiding homosexual behavior.
Not at all. Bluey being technically gay because of being from a monogendered species came up like..once. Twice at best. In the same update where he made out with a girl, before going on to have a kid with her. His actual presence for all the threads before were about him being the biggest Hazaar hater ever (based). In comparison, Avae has no character beyond being a homo or things related to being a homo like disliking women. Every other Supreme had actual personalities show up in the first few posts.

They're completely different scenarios, and honestly, I do not enjoy the prospect of a thread where half the updates are about the Supreme homo.
If Tanyt wins the Supreme spot, I hope he's even gayer.
That wouldnt really change my issues, though. It's not about Tanyt in particular. I'd take a fuckin' Swall or Vetucker as supreme as long as they had an actual personality.
>In comparison, Avae has no character beyond being a homo or things related to being a homo like disliking women.
The literal first update of the thread is about him considering whether to put the unwashed masses in his Supreme portrait. He's clearly far humbler than the average Supreme and possibly more populist.

>Every other Supreme had actual personalities show up in the first few posts.
Like this one did?
This. Humble

Even if you don't agree with that other anon, insightful, romantic, with a taboo romance. That's at least as much depth as any other Supreme would usually have five votes into a reign unless they already got a stint as a supporting character before that.

Bananas won me back over to Hass. I will put my trust in him here.
Dude's name is a homophone of taint, he's Liberace levels of closeted.
>The literal first update of the thread is about him considering whether to put the unwashed masses in his Supreme portrait.
You mean the one with the literal hearts in the background and him being sappy with his lover?
>Like this one did?
Being gay is not a personality.

>That's at least as much depth as any other Supreme would usually have
See above
>Bananas won me back over to Hass
You know he did that by having him learn to overcome his shitty personality and abandon it, right? His literal last appearance is him asking forgiveness from his wife for being a dickhead when he was young.
>You mean the one with the literal hearts in the background and him being sappy with his lover?
Goalposts moved. You were complaining about him having no personality traits unrelated to being gay. Despite being featured in a update with gay stuff, his demonstrated humbleness has nothing to do with being gay, so it fits your criteria. I'd respect you a lot more if you were honest about just being homophobic.

>Being gay is not a personality.
Being humble is a personality.
It’s tanyt not taynt, dyslexicGOD
>Goalposts moved
No. I said that every update but one was related to him being gay. That is true. His character consists of being gay. Trying to act like him thinking about having other people in his portrait is anywhere on the level of an actual personality is dumb.
>I'd respect you a lot more if you were honest about just being homophobic.
I'd respect you a lot more if you just said you wanted to read furry Yaoi instead of a quest about running a space empire.
>You mean the one with the literal hearts in the background and him being sappy with his lover?
No, this one: >>6108357

>You know he did that by having him learn to overcome his shitty personality and abandon it, right?
Yes, and that arc was well-done and won me over. I believe he can develop a character in an interesting direction.

I've been pronouncing it 'TAN-it" in my head, but ngl I also initially read it as "taint" when he was introduced.
>No, this one:
You really wanna say *that* update isn't gay? THAT one?

>Yes, and that arc was well-done and won me over. I believe he can develop a character in an interesting direction.
I will admit that guy won me over too, but Anae's fagggines isn't portrayed as bad here, so it's unlikely he'll have something like that, so my hopes are extremely low. If it wasn't for the fact that people would walk the hegemony off a cliff the moment I looked away from the thread, I would be skipping this thread.
Nobody said the character or update wasn't gay. They said the portrait wasn't gay and that the characetr had other traits besides that which are being mentioned and could be developed, and that the portrait itself wasn't gay. You asked if they meant the portrait full of hearts. I clarified, no, the other one.

>Anae's fagggines isn't portrayed as bad here, so it's unlikely he'll have something like that
Yeah, I doubt overcoming homosexuality is his arc, because I doubt his whole rule will be about being gay. That's your bugaboo, not mine.

Only one way to find out, though. We'll play out this thread and see who turns out to be right. Good luck, anon.
>Only one way to find out, though. We'll play out this thread and see who turns out to be right
I hope it's you, but I'm not raising my expectations.
Tanyt, the genetic clone of Eoba Dulioan in his biological prime, charged with the fiery genetics of Kima Dulioan, makes his leap... and succeeds, officially grasping a branch farther and more difficult to land then any other Jaxtian in history. This is a historic record. You suppose you shouldn't be surprised.

"Hooray!" Fim says, clapping happily. You smile too.

"Perhaps I could have done more..."
"Breaking the most coveted monkey-related record of all time? I think you've earned your accolades, Tanyt. Break some more and I'll see to giving you a band for it."
"Thank you, your Majesty."

You can only spare a few minutes to celebrate the athlete; the Supreme Ruler is always busy. Tanyt, as well as Najan, are both very close friends of yours. As with all Supreme Ruler candidates, the elites who train and are all possible picks by the previous, are meant to stick together. You should be happy for your friend, and yet you feel a bit wistful. Since he succeeded in his attempt, he likely doesn't see much of a need to help you with your space colonization efforts of the new cluster...

"I wish he didn't waste his time for such silly things. He's intelligent enough to help with space exploration and stuff. Feels like a waste."
"Wasn't Tanyt... the eugenicist? Like, more then normal? It would maybe make sense he'd want to push the limits of what we can do... right?"
"No Fim, you're right."

Finally, in the privacy of your transport, you can grasp Fim's hand and hold it close. He puts his head on your should, enjoying the moment of tenderness.

Tanyt will be awarded a long term government stipend of money, letting him continue his practice without worrying about further achievement. This is a form of subtle behavior conditioning for record-breaking athletes; they get paid forever for breaking a big record like this so they don't go about hurting themselves trying to break it again, and acts as a succor against aging, as they get older and lose the ability to compete as they used to. You squeeze Fim's hand affectionately. It's bonier then you remember.
Year 134 of the Resurrection Era
Meanwhile, in the new star cluster, the newly built AI facility on an ice planet has been almost totally turned on and operational. Using heat transfer cables dug directly into the icy crust of the planet; vast amounts of work and computational heat can be cooled at once, creating a great central node for the Hegemony's vast computer network. Especially important to organize government, navigation, drones, and of course entertainment and research for Hegemony citizens.

However, you receive a message from the plant's administrator. Normally something like this would be caught by the AI network, going towards an Overseer, but something like this requires a bit more delicate touch and oversight. And given your specialty in space colonization technology and administration...

The plant administrator, a highly skilled Swall named Jonathon Streakeyes, has a special request.

“...Essentially, the plant's location on the northern pole of this planet is ideal for it in catching signals. But if a connected antenna on the southern pole was created, we could use the entire planet as a signal booster and greatly boost the base's computing power over long distance...”

The Swall's reasoning is sound, but it hasn't exactly been something done before. He seems to know what's he talking about, but there is no data on the subject.

”You make it sound good, but there is surely risk involved.”
“Of course, it could flip the planet's magnetic poles. In which case, it would wipe clean all of the just shipped AI cores and network set up in the new colonies. This would require new equipment, and a full reset. It would probably cost as much as the facility did to build.”
”...And you don't see a problem with that?”
“That would only happen due to user error or a slight miscalculation that I wouldn't make. That will not happen to me. Errm... Sire. With all due respect.”

The Swall hastily adds the honorifics after speaking, possibility because of how arrogant he sounded. You let it pass as cultural and racial differences, still, a Jaxtian would never speak that way, no matter how confident they were. You consult with the Threemind and it bascially shrugs at you. Something like this has not been tried before, and it's basically a 50/50, but not based on random chance, just on user error. Jonathon would have to be exactly perfect with his math and timing, and seems very confident. But how much of that is his own pride talking? Swall are very social and highly loyal to their in-groups, as such, those with unearned confidence rarely get far without offending someone.

What do you think? Do you trust this Swall?
>Yes & Allow him to go through with his plan
>No & Deny his request
>Yes & Allow him to go through with his plan
Who'd have guessed, you added a part...about him being gay.
You're one 15 minute sketch away from full anal. Don't test me.
>Yes & Allow him to go through with his plan
But punish him like crazy if this fails.

Anon, if a Supreme was squeezing his girlfriend's hand, would you complain about the update being too straight?
>No & Deny his request

>Anon, if a Supreme was squeezing his girlfriend's hand, would you complain about the update being too straight?
That's not really a fair statement.
>No & Deny his request
User error could cause mass distruction.
Or sabatoge. This feels like installing a self-destruct switch, ngl.
>That's not really a fair statement.
In what way, anon?
>Anon, if a Supreme was squeezing his girlfriend's hand, would you complain about the update being too straight?
Fim has already gotten more attention than all the other Supreme wifes, including the one that was a sidequest protagonist before that.

Ergh, whatever. Let's just get through this reign as quickly as possible.
>No & Deny his request
Remember what hubris did to our star-seers. I want to make some proper progress, even if it's slow going, rather than crash and fail back to intergalactic North Korea status again.

People who re very trigger by gay people are (to borrow a woke term) extremely heteronormative. Straight romance in moderation is just background noise to them, but any instance of queer content is glaring, cannot be ignored, and is a dangerous tell of corruption and rot.

Fim a cute, though. I hope he's okay. Why's his hand bonier? I'm glad we have a Supreme with a mostly-healthy state of mind again. Losing his lifelong partner seems like the kind of thing that could fuck him up real bad.

It was a shame Jemm didn't get any more moments to shine. She was quite likeable.

>going full Tales of Thulzar nuclear
Bananas, no!
Both in the context of the act and how this thread is (mostly) defined by the fact the Supreme is a homosexual (both by the anons and to a lesser extent Bananas).
To expand on the first part, if the Supreme was just holding his girlfriend's hand, and his romantic life wasn't explored much further, then it wouldn't be considered too relevant and just adds a nice bit of character. But if the Supreme was, for example, cheating on his wife with a prepubescent girl or something in some sort of twist, then yes the scene would be commented on.

>Straight romance in moderation is just background noise
To an extent you're correct. I'm of the opinion romance should take a backseat unless the quest/story/chapter is going to prioritize it, just for the sake of not creating writing whiplash if nothing else.
>but any instance of queer content is glaring, cannot be ignored, and is a dangerous tell of corruption and rot.
If this was treated in the same way as a straight romance I'd assume there wouldn't be such a big hubbub.
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>>Yes & Allow him to go through with his plan
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>Couldn’t find webpages or duplicate images. Try another one instead.
>>Yes & Allow him to go through with his plan
>>Yes & Allow him to go through with his plan
>>No & Deny his request
..Wait, why aren't we allowed to just...get the AI to check the human error again? We do have an mega powerful AI. And flying drones. And other stuff.

Why are we relying entirely on someone saying they're good at it?
>Yes & Allow him to go through with his plan

If it fails, we can repair the facility in the next action. If it succeeds, we get a much better planet for doing this forever.
>No & Deny his request
We asked Threemind and it wasn't sure, as this had never been tried before and the AI does not seem good at predicting things without documented precedent.
Okay but that doesn't really stop us from using the AI to make the process go smooth, no? He's still making a machine, and it relies on human ability.

If it's something he has to do mechanically with his own hands, why wouldn't he use a machine that's way more precise? It'd be like an engineer trying to eyeball a machine carving.
>No & Deny his request
A quest about legacies and genetics and great timespan homosexuality it's basically a dead/bad end like in games with like medival lineages the only time being gay is involved is as something that ends that branch completely if you dont force them to breed if you can.
It's basically dysfunctional on a individual genetic level and more a population managment tool or just something that happens now and then but is not to bad so long as siblings carry on the Gene's
Wait, was my post eaten? Checking to see if i can't post for some reason.
Okay no, it's back, but i'm pretty sure my post was eaten.

>Yes & Allow him to go through with his plan
Fuck it. Bananas isn't really answering my question, so i'll just go with whatever. Maybe we'll lose, but i don't care honestly. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I'm going to **hope** that it's not actually a literal 50/50 shot of whether he'll do it right. I really hope it's not a dice.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

1 = it blows up
2 = is great success
You fool, you stole the luck. Now if it's a roll it'll definitely fail...
>Yes & Allow him to go through with his plan
Fuck it we ball
>No & Deny his request
I’m sold

>Yes & Allow him to go through with his plan
Let the good times roll!
>sadly well-financed perverts aren't exactly the most common thing in the universe.
Realism broken. Rich perverts are one of the most common kind.
Aristos can make their own 'Hazaar' who aren't as selfish or transactional in bed.
Because you decided to trust the Swall administrator's competence, you decide to allow his special request for an antenna. Surprisingly, he doesn't attempt to rush it to prove himself nor gain some sort of notoriety. He double checks his math and even waits out a solar storm on the nearby star just in case it would cause interference, the relatively cheap small second installation on the opposite pole of the planet is put up and switched on during the perfect time. It works perfectly.

Not only does the base now act as a much stronger transmitter of data to the rest of the system and local cluster, it has become strong enough to act as a reliable data-stream back to your core systems. It's so good that you even decide to set up a secret backup Threemind core at the new base's location, in the event that the Threemind was totally wiped out from your core systems; powerful enough for a full reset. Though if your strongest AI was somehow taken out from its fortified positions in your home planet and adjoining star systems, it'd be unlikely you could ever recover from that anyway...

"Excellent work, Streakeyes. I am awarding you with a band for your ground breaking research."
"Thank you, Sir! I told you I wouldn't fail!
"Don't push it."

With the new server farm fully operational and empowered, it can act as a relay to the rest of the former-HVS systems for any future server farms you decide to build. You have increased the efficacy of these by a little over 50%! The AI Server Farms you can build now provide 8% to your AI Cycle Gauge each, including this one.
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Year 135 of the Resurrection Era
Your current habitation rate based on population growth, new immigrants, and new buildings and habitats built up in the uncolonized systems have grown to 9%.

Your previous Growth Rate of 3% has increased to 5% for your next projected 5 year time frame. The excess of resources, especially AI cycles and materials, have meant more entertainment for the colonists and more raw resources driving down prices and increasing the ease of gaining industrial projects and grants to many smaller builders and administrators in the Hegemony. It appears that having high gauges will lead to exponential more interest in the colonies and growth. In addition to your original 3% projected growth rate, your campaigning in the homeworld has permanently inspired more Hegemonians to settle in the new worlds. This final figure is something you can't change much, regardless of the gauges or current growth rates; you were never one for public speaking or careful propaganda... If you had a Helper, perhaps they could help you control the growth rate better. In any case...

You also receive reports that the Consortium small businesses and industries in space have actually lowered their prices and can be convinced for a more favorable trade. This is reflected in the increased amount of materials you can gain from them for the same choice.

"I thought the Consortium hated us?"
"They do, Fim. But their government doesn't control their people like the way ours does."
"That seems like it would cause constant problems if they're not even working together like that..."
"They're capitalists. It's in their nature."

Once again, you may choose 3 options using Approval voting.

>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+8% AI Cycle Gauge)
>Construct another Materials quarry on a lifeless terrestrial planet (+1% Materials Gauge per year)
>Order Cruisers flooded with water to be sent as an emergency water supply to the thirsty colonies (+3% Water Gauge)
>Purchase a raw mineral shipment from a Consortium kinetic transport company (+7% Materials Gauge in 10 years)
>Beg the Aristocrats for help dealing with Hazaar biotechnology leftovers (+2% Security Gauge per year over 10 years)
>Make an underwater city copying the Myym design (+2% Water & Security Gauges, +1% Habitation Progress boost)
>Bring out & display a prototype Battleship in the new systems to intimidate any troublemakers (+2% Security Gauge, Expensive)
>Pull an Overseer away to help you with this project (Pauses passive progress, gain a helper)
>Campaign for new colonists from the Homeworld (+1% Permanent Growth Rate)
>Demand colonists move in and liquidate useless eaters into resources for the effort (+3% Habitation Progress boost, +1% Water Gauge, Minor Atrocity)
>Set up a new Palace and Headquarters on a habitable alien planet in the new system (Breaks Tradition- Instant 5% Habitation Progress boost- one time only)
I ask this as an Autistic person, are you also neurodiverse, BQM?
Following your writing for several years makes me think you may be Autistic as well.
>Order Cruisers flooded with water to be sent as an emergency water supply to the thirsty colonies (+3% Water Gauge)
>Pull an Overseer away to help you with this project (Pauses passive progress, gain a helper)
>Make an underwater city copying the Myym design (+2% Water & Security Gauges, +1% Habitation Progress boost)
>Build an AI server farm on an ice planet (+8% AI Cycle Gauge)
>Purchase a raw mineral shipment from a Consortium kinetic transport company (+7% Materials Gauge in 10 years)
>Pull an Overseer away to help you with this project (Pauses passive progress, gain a helper)
I'll validate my vote with my home computer later if need be.

Unironically and non-pejoratively, I don't think anyone on /qst/, let alone QMs, is what one would call 'neurotypical'. This place, this medium, attracts or even DEMANDS the passion of the weird.

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