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Once upon a time... there were three brave adventurers: a hooded rogue, a paralyzed mage, and a knightly servant. They came from the heart of the Hungarian Kingdom, where the nobles are vampires and the peasantry fights day and night, with no significant victories. They descended into the depths of a dark dungeon, searching for a savior. They were looking for you. Oh, you — banished from the surface after certain incidents that, well… better left unmentioned for now.

You embraced the cause, and as your first heroic act, you peacefully negotiated the group’s release from an ambush of countless goblins.

Now, outside the den, you find your band in a swamp, heading toward your duty. The sun is about to set, and the small mage senses a supernatural presence in the valley ahead. It's time to act.

First thread, for context:

Your supporters:
>Sadrak, the Rogue
(wounded, tired, unequipped)
>Daphne, the Mage
(tired, unequipped, permanently paralyzed)
>Énók, the Knight
(wounded, tired, unequipped)

Your inventory:
>goblin beer flask - goblin beer made with potato and goblin spit. Drink it to become a more monstrous version of Zalrog for a few minutes.
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It’s late afternoon, almost night. Frogs croak, crickets chirp, and birds fill the night noise with their song.

You signal to Sadrak, your rogue, indicating that he should move ahead to scout. It’s a conservative choice. Due to his slim thief body constitution, Sadrak will be in trouble if he encounters danger, but he’s discreet, quick, and probably cunning enough to avoid it.
He nods, grabs a stone from the ground (mug-sized), prepares it right hand, and moves along the winding trail to investigate.

After a minute of waiting a crash shatters the silence, and thick smoke spreads across the treetops of the swamp, dimly lit by the fading sunlight. You have a terrible feeling about what lies ahead.

Climbing up an inclined rock, you peer through twisted branches and spot a grotesque silhouette hidden by the mist. A monstrous construction of branches and protruding spirals: an amalgam born of death and decay wandering around a burning carriage with twisted bodies nearby.

The abomination is immensely deformed, its arms made of rotting wood, while its torso writhes in a mass of putrid entrails, extending through i5s mouth like grotesque tentacles. It seems to consume everything in its path with an insatiable hunger. You watch in horror as the vile appendages wrap around Sadrak’s legs, his screams of agony echoing through the swamp.

>immediate rescue (rush to the scene with Énók and Daphne, and try to save Sadrak before the monster devours him)
>bait (lure the creature toward you, possibly making it release Sadrak, allowing the group to flee or attack with an advantage)
>tactical retreat (flee with Énók and Daphne to safety, temporarily abandoning Sadrak, planning to return with reinforcements and a better strategy later)
>other (write in, remember that subordinates with fear won’t follow blindly)
>immediate rescue (rush to the scene with Énók and Daphne, and try to save Sadrak before the monster devours him)
>Tell the mage to prepare some spell to throw the monster once we ensure some distance from the monster, and the knight should be close to either protect the mage or if Sadrak isn't free from the monster.
>Lead the attack, screeching like a demon and trying to throw the monster against the burning carriage so it burns

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