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You are Lorina de Lindan, princess, weapon-autist, inquisitor-in-training, and recently a patron of a riverside pub. They serve a very nice Full Lindan, but that's rather beside the point seeing as you’re here on a mission from the Inquisition. Your goal is to hunt down Strangers, dangerous people from another dimension known as Earth, and bring them to some sort of justice. In this case, you have two Stranger allies infiltrating a narrow houseboat on the river that’s the suspected meeting point for a dangerous Stranger-involved terrorist organization.

Only time will tell if this will lead to you finally getting some answers about the people who are trying to kill both you and your family.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%20Isekai%20Inquisition
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The lively atmosphere around you is almost pleasant. There’s enough chatter to mask anything you, Alyssa, or the Inquisitor say to each other under the volume of voices, but seeing neither of them doesn’t seem to hold conversing in high regard, there’s not much to say. The tea is decent, though, not exceptional or even really all that good, but it’s the small mercies that count. After all, it’s already been an hour since Marie entered the boat, and nothing has even happened except for a few other obvious Strangers showing up and being escorted by a cloaked figure like Marie was.

The Inquisitor told you to wait as long as Marie needs, and while you have the utmost faith in her, the waiting is undoubtedly an affair in restraint. There’s been no obvious sign of anything going wrong or Marie requiring help, so you’ve just had to sit here on the cobble patio overlooking the beautiful summer day and wait. Your knee hasn’t stopped shaking in the past five minutes.

“So,” Immediately, your voice trails off, for you have quite literally no idea how to start a conversation with the Inquisitor or what you want to talk about, “How did you join the Inquisition?” Your voice comes out at an embarrassing high note at the end, dammit.

“I was a promising squire to a royal guard and got poached,” and just like that, the conversation ends. Your mace, Bedelia, would make for a better conversational partner.

“I see, uuh, do you like it?”

He gives a shallow nod, “It’s a job. Enough to support my family.”

“You have a family?”

A small smile, “A wife and daughter,” And once again, the conversation dies there. For some self-explanatory reason, you feel Alyssa isn’t going to make for a great discussion partner, so it seems you’re confined to this waiting for now.

“That’s nice,” Is all you say before smushing your cheek against the palm of your hand and staring out over the river. You hope things are going better for Marie, at least
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Things are not going all that well for you, “Alright, that should be everyone. James, go untie us, and let’s get this show on the road!” The European woman says to the clearly enthralled local. Enthralled in the magical sense, you’re pretty darn sure. You involuntarily gulp as the large man walks outside and closes the door, the sound of a magical engine starting shortly after. Hopefully, Lorina-senpai doesn’t do anything rash.

” You will accomplish nothing if you out yourself as a spy immediately. Calm down.” You almost instinctively thwack your sword as it speaks up in your mind but manage to contain your outburst. It’s right, so you willingly allow its power to course through you and settle your nerves; no one even notices you in your corner of the narrowboat.

Oh, you should probably recount everyone. That would be a good idea, seeing as you’re setting off. That’s something a detective would do, right? Hah, you’re basically Conan right now. Anyway, there are seven people currently on this boat, but only six in the cabin, and you’re pretty sure they’re the only ones that matter. Eto- that sounds mean, but the man outside steering, James, seems to be some sort of servant and doesn’t seem to be from Earth. Then there’s the fact he behaves as if mind-controlled, which he might very well be. Then there’s, of course, Usami-kun, who doesn’t need any more introduction. But Morgan, the blond woman who approached you outside, certainly does.

It was after a couple minutes of loitering near the houseboat waiting for someone to instruct you what to do that you met her. She came over holding a parasol to stop the sun from hitting her delicate and ashen skin and asked you who you were and if you were here for the event. That quickly led to you and the slime in your bag being ushered into the canal boat and being told to enjoy some refreshments as you waited. Surprisingly, they had soda cans and other Earth treats, so you’ve been enjoying those as others filed in, though everyone has kept to themselves so far. The others being a rather mean-looking Asian woman, a rather edgy-looking Asian man, and a white guy.

Morgan grabs your attention with a clap, “Alright, looks like everything is all set! I’m so excited to finally begin!” She says before sitting on the couch across from you and closing the blinds, “Marie, could you get the other ones, please?” You do so as to not arouse any suspicion. “Alright, now I know you’re all very curious about all of this, but first, why don’t we go around with some ice-breakers? This will all go better if we can all get to know each other a little more, so I’ll start! Hi, I’m Morgan and I’m from Cambridge, England. I’ve been here for about two months now,” She then looks at the mean-looking girl beside her.
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The girl glares at the woman in the eyes for barely more than a second before wavering and looking at everyone else, “Hey, I’m Seo-yun, and I’m from Seoul like everyone else in Korea,” She stops there but a sharp look from the leader makes her click her tongue and continue, “I came to this world four days ago.”

Next is the final member of the couch on the other side of the boat, the edgy guy, “Name’s Rin, don’t forget it. I came here from Hokkaido a couple weeks ago,” He looks like he wants to say more but doesn’t, merely crossing his arms and huffing out a breath. Probably some super-“tragic” backstory.

” He would make a fine master,” You hear in your mind before mentally commanding it to shut up.

Then it’s the white guy’s turn, “A-ah, I’m Maxwell. It’s nice to meet everyone. I was- uh, born here twenty-five years ago, but before that, I was from Earth too. It doesn’t matter where I’m from, right? A-anyway, it’s nice to meet you all?”

No one answers him, and then it’s the Usami-kun’s turn. A nervous ripple goes through him as all eyes land on him. “H-hi, everyone. My name is Usami Minato, and I’m from Saga, Japan. I’ve been here for a few weeks now.”

Once all eyes shift from him, you’re the only one left. You reply as formally as possible to get the attention away from you as quickly as possible, “Hello, I’m Suzuki Midori from Tokyo, Japan. I’ve also been here for a few weeks.”

Another clap from Morgan, and you breathe a sigh of relief, ‘Alright, thanks, everyone! Now that we all know each other, this should go much easier. First, let me explain I’m here as a representative for the Heaven Society, as we’ve taken to calling ourselves. You may be familiar with Joseph, our leader. Still, please rest assured he’s overseeing a different group of ‘Strangers’ as this world has so unjustly labeled us,” The air practically gets darkened from the combined angst from the Korean woman and Japanese man, no not the slime one, “Our mission is to fix that and regain our rightful place on top of the world and in doing so we’ll uplift this savage medieval status world,” From what you’ve seen this kingdom is barely medieval and is hardly in status but you don’t say that, “And I’m sure everyone else here is as committed to the cause seeing as you had to complete the mission Joseph assigned for you to get here, don’t worry I don’t know what each one was but I know you all did marvelously to make it this far!”

Morgan then moves after looking around the group and slowly lifts up the blinds behind her in a rather awkward position so the light doesn’t hit her hand. The view on the other side is of stone and lowering water. You’re in a lock and being brought down. “But before we get any deeper, I regretfully have to ask you all to do one more thing for me. Since Joseph is certain that one person who was invited on this boat this afternoon is a traitor,” The word hits you like a truck once did.
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”Calm.” But thankfully your heart rate doesn’t rise.

“Someone here seeks to sell their fellow Earthlings out to the hellish Inquisition of this world. And,” Just as the boat leaves the lock and a wide river flows into view, she drops the shade, “None of us are leaving this boat until they confess,” She has such a sickeningly sweet smile as she says that, “The fun part is I wasn’t told who they were either,” Somehow it gets even wider, as the group around her looks increasingly alarmed, “So, shall we begin?”

Things aren’t going well for you at all.

>Abort! This is obviously a setup, run outside and get the other three to help you

>Stay calm. You just need to play this game properly, and you’re good at lying. Still, you’ll need to talk to the people here to get them on your side [Who do you wish to talk to?]

Are we even the only traitor? Wouldn't Usami also be one now?

Say Seo-yun is the traitor, just like everybody else in Korea
Welcome back, boss. Glad to know you’re still around.

>Stay calm. You just need to play this game properly, and you’re good at lying. Still, you’ll need to talk to the people here to get them on your side [Who do you wish to talk to?]

>Morgan, but out loud so everyone can hear
>Ooh, is this like that Dark Brotherhood introduction in Skyrim? Or is this more akin to Oblivion’s “Whodunnit?” mission?

Let’s fake being a fantasy nerd for a bit, make it seem like we think we’re in a video game.
Morgan is an actual vampire
Be suspicious. Ask why this Joseph didn't just say who the traitor is. Wonder if this is a hazing ritual. Make Morgan justify herself instead of looking for the traitor.
No no no if you're trying to do video games you should instead go "OMG THERE'S A SUSSY BAKA AMOGUS????"

Hey, it's only been like a week since the last one.
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A wave of tension strikes the room as all of you look around with the new knowledge that one of you is a traitor, and you’re stuck here until they’re discovered. But wait, that’s not exactly right, is it? Shouldn’t there be two traitors? You look down at Usami-kun and see him shaking like a leaf. Yeah, there are definitely at least two traitors here, so Morgan’s information has to be incorrect. Or is that a set-up two, and she’s trying to get at least one of you to out yourselves? Or maybe she’s looking for someone who isn’t one of you two? Or maybe it’s an elaborate hazing ritual? You never really joined any school clubs so you wouldn’t know what those are like.

“Wait, why didn’t Joseph just tell you who the traitor is? Is this another test?” You question with the most confused and naive voice you can muster.

Morgan, however, answers flippantly to your questions, “He probably just doesn’t know,” She shrugs,” he has to do a lot as our glorious leader, so his fingers can’t be in every pie out there,” She smiles, “And besides, he can make mistakes too, we’re all just human after all.”

“Uurg,” Usami-kun blubbers.

“Oops, sorry! But I suppose you can think of this as another step in your evaluation process for the Heaven Society. I might just put in a good word for you as well if you all can root out the mole fast enough.”

“Hpmh, that should be simple enough. the traitor here is obvious,” Rin says before dramatically pointing his finger at Maxwell and leaning back, “I expect to be promoted immediately upon my induction.”

“Wha- H-hey! Who are you calling a traitor- you- you traitor!?” The man immediately bursts up from his seat and tries what might be his hardest to defend himself.

To no effect, as the eyepatched man chuckles in a rather corny way and strikes a pose with his fist on his forehead so he can side-eye the other man, “Tsk, why do you just admit it? You’re practically revealing yourself right now.”

“I’m not revealing anything! You’re just spouting nonsense!”

Ah, it’s getting chaotic already. That’s good. Though you ignore the fact that most Strangers you’ve come across behave rather stupidly. Since that might say something about the type of people that end up here, you included. But anyway, if you can derail this whole thing before it even begins, that can only benefit you. Then you wouldn’t even need to pin the blame on anyone else!

Remember, your mission is to learn more about the “Heaven Society,” it would not do well to return empty-handed to the,” Somehow your sword shivers, ” Inquisition.”
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Right, you can’t forget that either. Somehow, you’ll need to get information off of Morgan. But that can come later once things are a bit more hectic, “Wait! Is this like that one Dark Brotherhood mission in Oblivion?” You shout out, “Er- wait, no, you play as the traitor in that one. Is it like the one in Skyrim? The introduction mission? Hey! Don’t act clueless in front of me! Those are popular games in Japan, too!” You feel your face heat up at the combined clueless faces towards your outburst. Somehow, it seemed you settled down the accusation chaos! “Uh, I mean, is it like being a sussy baka in among us?” And then some of them have recognition, but it doesn’t matter anymore since you totally outed yourself as an otaku who does nothing but play games all day… Dammit…

“Hey, why are you throwing accusations around anyway? What makes you so smart?” Seo-yun says to Rin, completely ignoring you. You don’t wilt like a soppy wet cat… Okay, fine, you do.

” Stop feeling sorry for yourself and focus,” Oh, buzz off.

“Hmph, the traitor could be you for all we know, but that’d be too obvious,” he responds.

“Huh? Why?” Says with an utterly dumbfounded look of confusion.

“You’re Korean. Need I say more? You’ve a penchant for traitorism.”

“The fuck did you just say-!” Seo-yun looks to be ready to fight.

“Is that even a real word?” Maxwell adds.


Everyone’s attention was brought to Morgan after she obliterated a teacup on the table with her fist. She doesn’t look the least bit hurt. “As I was saying,” She stresses, “I’m not going to leave you in the dark here either. In fact, what I’ve planned for all of you is quite similar to a game. This boat was designed to have three rooms, each with a pair of magically noise-canceling doors. All of us will pair up and talk to each other before returning after a few minutes. You’re going to talk one-on-one, and after a few rounds, if you all figure out whoever the obvious traitor is then kill them,” Both Usami and Maxwell gulp in a shockingly similar motion for a human and slime, “You’ll be allowed into our organization. Else, you have no further use for the Heaven Society and know too much to let go. Sooo~ in the case of failure, I’ll have James sink this ship, and you’ll all die. Fun, right!”

You’re sure this woman is mentally unstable, yet for some reason, she has aura- Ah! Sorry, you mean it looks like everyone in this room, including you, feels compelled to both listen and obey her, seeing as they all reel back. She’s broadcasting that this is a dramatic, suspenseful moment, so you feel that, but for some reason, you can tell you’ve been charmed.

” An ability much the same as mine, a Cheat Skill perhaps?” Right, your Cheat Skill must be defending against hers. Maybe you’d be more scared if she knew just how everything is currently in your favor. There are two traitors, not one. This boat is being followed by allies, and her mind effects don’t work on you.
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“Now, while I was only expecting four of you so I could be an impartial debate leader, I suppose I’ll just join the roaster. Is everyone ready to begin~! Let’s pair up then!”

>You want to pair with Rin [What do you wish to discuss with him?]

>You want to pair with Usami [What do you wish to discuss with him?]

>You want to pair with Seo-yun [What do you wish to discuss with her?]

>You want to pair with Maxwell [What do you wish to discuss with him?]

>You want to pair with Morgan [What do you wish to discuss with Her?]

> You’ve hard far too much embarrassment already, and this is such a farce, just attack Morgan

>You want to pair with Morgan [What do you wish to discuss with Her?]
No but seriously is this a test?
Isn't it wasteful to kill off several recruits for a single potential traitor that may not even exist? She did say Joseph could be wrong. Wouldn't it be more efficient to capture and imprison us?
How will she survive if the boat sinks? Also you're pretty sure Rin has waterbreathing.
Why does she get a capitalized pronoun?
Why does she get a capitalized pronoun?
I must have autocorrected that one and didn't see it so just a grammatical mistake on my part, sorry.
Let’s avoid Morgan for now, lest she gets suspicious about our lack of suggestibility. Wonder if our slime pal can dissolve wood so we can get some more chaos on here and get the others to attack her, since everyone now knows she had that planned in advance, maybe make it look like Joseph planned to kill her in the first place.
>You want to pair with Usami [What do you wish to discuss with him?]
We need to reassure him before he does something stupid. But we also must not say anything incriminating in case Morgan can listen in.
We'll say to him this: there is no traitor, this is obviously just a stupid game. If there was a traitor, then they could just kill whoever they're paired with and claim that was the traitor. Also if Morgan sinks the boat she dies herself. What we need to do is thell this to the others.
Don't let Usami speak so that he doesn't say something he shouldn't.
>You’ve hard far too much embarrassment already, and this is such a farce, just attack Morgan
Since I didn’t really pick a choice…
>You want to pair with Usami

I don’t have any suggestions on what to say, though.
2 for Usami

1 for Morgan

1 to just get this over with


I'm not entirely sure what your plan is here, anon. Do you mean for Usami to dissolve the boat?
It was more to dissolve a small hole into the boat, thereby speeding up the sinking timetable Morgan had originally set and getting the others to turn on her to save themselves. After all, if the boat starts sinking sooner than she expects, does everyone really think she’d be that close to Joseph to not know when it’ll start leaking.

Admittedly, it’s a risky ploy that could backfire, but getting her rattled could be handy to get her to make mistakes. And I always like watching smug pricks getting nervous, like with Akio.
I get it now, that's definitely something you could do if you wanted though it'd have to be something after the next update.
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You quickly get yourself paired up with Usami, seeing as Morgan is the only one who knows the two of you came here together, you don’t get any complaints except for a sweet-borderline-malicious smile from the pale woman. Then Seo-yun loudly demands that she doesn’t care who she’s paired with as long as it isn’t Rin and the eyepatched edgelord quickly picks Maxwell as his partner to “interrogate him,” and despite protests from the taller man Morgan is perfectly fine with the decisions. So after a few minutes to get everything settled, the pairs go like this, You and Usami at the kitchen in the front of the boat, Rin and Maxwell stationed in the sleeping quarters in the middle of the boat, and Seo-yun and Morgan at the staying in the living area. All together, you close the dividing doors and seal yourselves off, but you’re quick to give the room a once over for any obvious magical listening devices. After failing to find any stereotypical wizard scrying orb, you turn to Usami, who has climbed up the countertop to be closer to eye-level with you.

“I feel queasy,” He whines before making a weird slimy belqing noise. Yes, that word is made up, but it describes the noise perfectly.

“Are you seasick? Stomachache?” You ask before immediately, mentally slapping your head.

“Uur- No, It’s about, you know.”

“Right, obviously. Isn’t your entire body a stomach anyway.”

“Urgh,” He belqs again, “Please, don’t talk about my body that way. I don’t want to think of it that way, and it makes the queasy feeling worse.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“Uurhg,” He blubbers, clearly not taking the situation well.

” A pathetic display. Is this truly the one you call an ally?” You smack the sword.

You lean against the wall opposite of him and begin to tap on your sword, “This whole thing is a mess,” You say aloud, voicing your thoughts, “Is it actually a test? What purpose would it serve? If we were suspect of being ‘traitors’ wouldn’t it be easier to capture us? What’s with all the murder? And how is she going to survive if the boat sinks? Is she so fanatic as to go down with us? What if one of our Cheat Skills lets us breathe underwater?”

“Miss Morgans scary… What if she just wants to see us kill each other?”

“Then this is the worst death game plot I’ve ever seen. Not even Dangranonpa level, embarrassing,” You click you tongue as you look around the small room, “Hey, Usami-kun, do you think you can dissolve wood or the lock on the door?”

“Eto, I don’t think so? Whenever I eat a creature with something nonorganic on or in it, that part usually floats inside me until I spit it up. Why?”

“But wouldn’t wood be organic?”

“Maybe? I’ve never tried it,” There’s a moment of silence there as you both think before he breaks it again, “Hey Midori do you think the In-” and you instantly jolt up to shush him.
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You can’t really describe the sound you make, but it ends up with you putting a finger up to Usami-kun’s slimy flesh to silence him, “Hey, don’t say anything incriminating!” You whisper-snap to him, “And don’t you dare say anything to the others! Alright, Usami-kin?”

“Urrp, sorry,” You return to your leaning position, “Hey, uh, it’s kinda weird for only one of us to call the other by our family name, so you can call me Minato if you want- S-since we’re together in this- O-only if you want to of course.”

“Hm? Okay, that’s fine- wait, I get it!”

“Get what?”

“We’re all in this together! That’s what this must be!” You exclaim, “This whole game is too stupid to make any sense. Why wouldn’t a traitor just kill who they pair with and claim the other revealed something? Morgan would die if the boat sunk, so this must be a test! One of our Stranger comradery! We’re supposed to figure out there isn’t a traitor despite the circumstances, and then we’d all be let into the Heaven Society!” Ha, you figured out this puzzle without the need for a guide!

“The other’s don’t seem inclined to believe that,” Minato-kun says, causing you to hesitate.

“Then we’ll just have to convince them, won’t we?” You say. Not long after some more inconsequential chatting and planning with Minato-kun, an alarm resounds from the room, and the interior doors of the narrowboat all open, revealing Morgan gesturing for everyone to come back. Returning to your previous seat, you gauge everyone else’s reactions and consider your plan. You and Minato-kun need to convince the others that there is no traitor, but while Seo-yun and Morgan look mostly the same, Maxwell seems a bit put off, and Rin looks rather determined.

“Did everyone have fun?” Morgan receives no replies, “Anyway, let’s start the next round immediately! Obviously, you can’t figure everyone out just talking to one buddy! Oh, and new partners!” The plethora of emotions she speaks with reminds you of an adult talking to a child, with every tone being exaggerated and fake, “Now why don’t we all partner-”

“I want to talk with you,” Rin cuts her off with earns him a half-second hate-filled glare before Morgan’s smile returns, “I figured something out.”

“Hm? That’s fine with me. What about everyone else?”

“I don’t care,” Seo-yun crosses her arms and looks away with a snarl.

Maxwell just helplessly shrugs.

>First, you want to say something to the group [What?]

>[Choose who you want to pair with and what to say]

> Your sword aches for combat. Attack Morgan

>First, you want to say something to the group [What?]
Our brilliant deductions. This is all a test, there is no traitor.
I have to admit, my sense humor wants everyone in the group to be a traitor for their own reasons. Not just for the Inquisition but other groups of Strangers trying to infiltrate.
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“Wait, can I say something before we start again? I think I figured something out, too!” You say with a determined look towards Morgan.

“Oh, what is it?” Her tone sounds innocent enough, but you can just tell it’s mocking.

“There is no traitor, is there? This is a test of comradery! we need to prove that we support other Strangers no matter what before being allowed in the Heaven Society!” You’ve got a satisfied smile and fist pump when you see Maxwell and Seo-yun seem agreeable while considering your words.

“Hey, I like that one. Is that the answer?” Maxwell says.

“Idiotic,” Rin dismisses.

*Snort* And just like that, a dam breaks in Morgan, spilling out an extensive volume of hideous laughter. It’s solely directed at you, even though three others seemed to agree with you, and goes on for far too long. Your cheeks are flushed red with embarrassment when she finally settles down from her gut laugh to wipe the tears from her eyes, “That’s good, that’s a good one, Ma-Midori, that’s good. Stranger comradery, I’ll have to use that in the future. What a stellar deduction you came up with after only a few minutes of talking with the person you came here with. Hey everyone! Did you know Midori and Minato here came together? She carried our poor slime here in a sack!” Huh, what exactly is she trying to do?

"Discredit you," I mean yeah, that’s obvious. But why?

But before she can continue, the eyepatched man speaks up, “You’re saying she’s suspicious? I agree, she is, but why signal her out for this?”

“Hm? No reason,” Her faux innocence is apparent, “But trying to stop someone’s fun game before it even really begins is quite rude. But what she said about Stranger comradery really itched a nerve. Some Heaven Society members were killed by Strangers, don’t you know?”

“What!? Why would someone kill some of our own?” Seo-yun is the most disturbed by the revelation, while Maxwell and Rin barely seem disturbed.

” Ignorance, this one has never tasted combat before. Deplorable.”

“Pah, and using the Inquisition term for us too, Stranger, how distasteful,” She spits the word out. You thought that was just the catch-all term! “We’re Earthlings, maybe even Terrans if you want to get sophisticated. Hey, did everyone know some Strangers sold themselves to that terrible organization? It’s true! I heard quite a few Heaven Society applicants were done in by other Terrans just the other day during their missions. Horrible, isn’t it?” At that, Maxwell’s eyes dart from the group, Minato shivers, and Rin looks at you suspiciously.

” She knows things she should not. Unwittingly, you’ve made her force her hand at the cost of raising your suspicion amongst the group.”

Then Seo-yun blinks, “What’s the Inquisition?”

“How could you possibly not know what that is? Your suspicion is so obvious it’s downright obnoxious,” Rin remarks.
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‘Hey, I’ve only been here four days! Am I just expected to know everything about this shitty world!” Seo-yun yells to him.

Morgan clicks her tongue dismissively, “We’ll be here all day if this keeps up. Can her next partner tell her relevant info about this world? Come on, if we waste too much time, all of you are going to go kaboolie! So partner up, people!” Morgan yells out while making a few dramatic gestures before finally presenting the open doors.

“Hmph, I haven’t changed my mind. I have questions for Morgan,” Rin remarks before side-eyeing you, “That I will keep in private, unlike some of us.” Hey! Asshole!

“Yes, yes, fine, whatever,” Slowly Morgan’s mask appears to be falling as she dismissively waves Rin off.

>First, you want to say something to the group [What?]

>[Choose who you want to pair with and what to say]

>Oh, she has it coming for that! Attack Morgan

>"I came with Boyon here because I heard that the Heaven Society would be inclusive to all Strangers, including ones who were turned into monsters, you jerk! I heard they even accepted a vampire! Are you some sort of anti-mons racist? Because if you are, you're doing a lousy job of showing that the Heaven Society won't discriminate!"
>Talk to Seo-yun
>Tell to her our "conclusions" in full with the argumentation. Logically, this can't be a real way to find a traitor
>But if it's not a camaraderie test, and it doesn't seem to be, then it's some sick game by Morgan
>Did you notice she's a vampire, btw?
>She totally seems like she's just a narcissis sadist manipulator who was a fan of death games manga
>Bet she's going to kill us all and tell Joseph the Inquisition attacked us or something.
>We need to get the rest on our side and overpower her.

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