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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian, Orkney and Camelot.

And you've been busy.

You feasted and honored the promise to your patroness goddess, Beira the Cailleach... You also drank far too much and ended up gaining a truly stupid Binding Oath. At least it's 'lesser' so breaking it shouldn't be too much of a problem... maybe. 'Create a seraglio of men for your pleasure' doesn't seem too onerous and has quite a few loopholes to exploit.

Your Namesake, King Lot, is a prickly old man who didn't like this stupid Vow but he'll just have to live with it until it's gone.

You convinced Dread Agreste to spar with you in the future, gained Kizaemon's cooperation on your next Quest back to the hateful World and set your vassals to work for the week. All in all, it's been busy.

It's gotten even busier and more fraught with the arrival of the Romans. They've crossed the cruel seas and found Camelot! You're not alone in Avalon, and at long last you gained some knowledge of your fellow Lost Children. You know what Ser Rodomonte and Lord Mordred look like! And the Roman envoy has spoken a bit about Escanor Le Grand, Damsel Vivian of the Waters, and Queen Guinevere.

But nothing about the Bitch who transported you to Avalon!

Nor do you know much about Emperor Lucius Hiberius.... Is she an enemy? An ally?

As if that's not enough, there's something else to puzzle over.

Past threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=villainess
Character sheet https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cAkKYIXfbFfyBIXMxgzBtCFPGWJTBrFQe0b2hoQZfKw/edit?usp=sharing
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14 days.

A mere 14 days is how long you've been here in Avalon. Each day brings with it something new. A new power, a new enemy, or...

A new mystery to unravel when there's already so much to do.

In the flickering light of your candle, you hold two Survival Booklets that should not exist. The fires of the hateful World's Backlash reduced them to ashes.

So why are they here in your office!?

Your eyes run over the familiar kanji characters that form Kuroda, and then it shifts over to Nagumo. No matter how many times you rapidly pass your eyes over to each name, they remain the same.

You reach over and snuff out the candle. The room plunges into the darkness. Some things should be pondered where light can never reach.

You don't try to understand the exact mechanics of how exactly these books magicked themselves into existence in your office. You assume Avalon bullshit. It's understandable if it was just your True Name following around like a bad habit. It's apparently something you have to keep secret if Vivian is to be trusted.

But Nagumo Kyouya's name is also here. Why is the name of your classmate slash rival slash .... ‘friend’? Yeah, you can probably list her as a friend, but you shall remain surly about it. Anyways, why is her name here in Avalon? The last time you saw her was in Asahikawa during the first Quest and discovering that you had gone widdershin'. Ended up fighting Gawain due to a severe misunderstanding and dragging your classmates to the Tourney Grounds.

The air in the office is still and oppressive as outlandish theories crowd your brain and you try to recall that day in Asahikawa.

You had gone through the Gate for the first time with Yatagarasu.

Landed in Smile Hotel, where your classmates were staying.

And ran into your annoying friend straight away. You were so happy to see her.

She saw Yatagarasu and...


This realization is like a bolt of lightning; you stagger and sit down on the crude wooden chair. You recall also that Miki and Haruhi saw Yatagarasu that day too, and there was no Backlash either. Nor when Gawain made her appearance and attacked.

Why?! How!? Does Kyouya have the Chevauchée Trait? Is she a magical girl? Or is she just super lucky to have powers and has no idea?

The night stretches out the seconds slowly. The only conclusion you come to is that this mystery isn't going to solve itself any time soon. To bed, maybe some rest will give you more energy to think things through. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day of deception and spying against the Romans.


What are you going to do with these booklets?

>Burn them, maybe it'll stick this time....
>Rip them up into little pieces....
>Hide them, but where?!.... (any suggestions?)
>Eat your True Name, also eat Kyouya's name...
>Put them back on the shelf...
>Go to the Temple, put them in the Crucible to melt...
>Carry the Booklets on your person...
>Hide them, but where?!.... (any suggestions?)
Is there a small cool and dry place for them? Perhaps in a box placed in a secret wall compartment? They're beyond value. They are here for a reason. OURS especially is the sole link we have to our True Name and is a requirement for our freedom from this dimension. Destroying either of these booklets is the height of foolishness and should not even be an option.
>Put them back on the shelf...
>>Put them back on the shelf...
>>Carry the Booklets on your person...
This. I'm thinking we put it under some security measures at LEAST four resident evil puzzles deep. Fetch innocuous items from across the entire damn kingdom and slot them into seemingly random spots to unlock the next item to do it all over again.
>resident evil puzzles
In JP, that's "Biohazard". For Resident Evil 7, they made the title read "Bioha7ard" where in EN it's "Resident EVII_"
hide them

put them back on the shelf

carry them with you

Hm, tied between put them back or hide them somehow.
I'll leave the vote open for a bit longer.
>Write several fake names on them then hide them.
>Write several fake names on them then hide them resident evil style by grabbing several innocuous items from all over the kingdom and putting them in seemingly random obscured spots.

We already have our True Name, and it's impossible for anyone to take it from us once we already have it back. However, someone else learning our name could be a terrible thing, as names have much power here in Avalon, so destroying those books makes perfect sense. I just don't think it'll work since they've already been destroyed before.
Came home a bit early.
So I'm going to lean to 'hide it' with the intention of adding a bunch of fake names and doing weird J-horror game esque fetch game/quests.

If only you had a pen....
No need for a pen, all the best riddles and clues are ENGRAVED!
And we can leave intentionally misleading engravings too!
Was called out to an emergency, so no post tonight.
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That night on the tiny sandy island after your first Quest was something you'll never forget. The despair of discovering that no one remembered you was crushing. Bitterness lingers in the memory of that moment, for that is when you learned of the requirements of taking back your rightful place in the World.

Know your True Name. Find the Lady of the Lake to learn your Geas, but try not to inadvertently violate this unknown requirement in the meanwhile or else you'll never return home. Finally, discover the last secret requirement, which apparently no one in Avalon knows.

The Gods must favor you, your True Name fell into your hands because of this humble Survival Booklet.

You possess your True Name! None can take it from you.

But now? This Booklet containing your True Name is a massive liability. You don't know what the consequences are if someone discovers it, you've already experienced the penalty of ill-considered words. You are half-tempted to destroy the fragile mass of papers, but this damn thing somehow survived the World burning it to ashes, so it's likely just going to return to haunt you.

There is no way you can just put it back on the shelf and ignore it either. It's too precious to leave out in the open.

Your only option then is to hide it.


The darkness of the office is excellent to plot in. There is nothing to distract you, the only sound you can hear is your breathing. Ideas of what to do float vaguely to the surface of your thoughts until one phrase dominates.

'Remember, all warfare is based on deception'.

There are three names written down. Why not add fake names to the pages and scatter them all over the Castle --- No, all over Avalon! Send potential spies and enemies on a merry chase to find something to use against you that's completely false. Acquiring a pen to scribble names down shouldn't be difficult, all it takes is just one raid of the World!

You place the booklet with your True Name in the bag of green coffee beans to hide them before returning it to the chest. It's a temporary measure.

With the booklet containing Nagumo Kyouya's name, you carefully cut the pages out at random. There are 30 pages in the thing. You take out page 3, 8, 15, 16, 19, 26 and 30 and start writing fake names on them in crayon at random. Heck, you even come up with fake names for your fellow Lost Children too!

'Mori Terumoto'
'Takeda Shinobu'
'Ser Rodomote - Murasaki Tadayuki'
'Vivian of the Waters - Sofia Spadaro'
'Lucius Hiberius - Date Mineko'
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This is sort of fun. You can drop these pages off in odd locations in the Camelot and the Castle. Eventually, you'll designate a place marked with the same numbers etched into wood somewhere. A totally false puzzle game. The rest of the pages of the thing might end up elsewhere. You don't fill up all the pages just yet, you want to acquire some actual pens to make more fake names. All the better to disguise forgery.

This leaves you with the booklet containing Nagumo Kyouya's name, 南雲暁夜. The characters are 'south' and 'cloud' for her family name, and her personal name is 'dawn' and 'night'. A contradictory personal name for a maladroit girl but an elegant one. You put her mutilated booklet on the shelf for now.

The night passes peacefully as you take to your bed. No dreams, but ideas float to mind on where to place forgeries. Elaborate engravings of stone and wood, strategically placed pillars, movable bookshelves, secret sea caves, pots and chests, and all sorts of fun nonsense flip past in your sleep.

Just when you are about to grasp the final form of your frustrating and tedious fetch quest forgery, you are rudely awakened! You crash out of bed and on to the hard stones; slivers of wood from the bed frame fly off in all directions like a mist. It is a painful awakening, nothing at all like how the servants gently open the wooden shutters of the bedroom, revealing the newly born sun rising in the sky.

"Arise, feeder of carrion birds! Tis time, tis time, tis time to slake my thirst for wolves wine and revel in the quarrel of weapons!" A voice like stone grinding on stone cackles with glee at the possibility of impending violence.

Your eyes fly open to see the Herald, Dread Agreste, looming over you.

"Herald, must every word out of your mouth have to sound so overwrought?"

"Hmph, lesser preparer of speech, thou art merely smarting to the wounds of thy soul because standing before thee is a true smith of refrains. I shall await at the main Gate. Know that I will only linger until the morning bell tolls. Aye, no longer than that for your coming."

With that, the Herald melts into the stones of your room and disappears. At last, Agreste got bored enough and wants to spar! You have a mere 30 minutes before the morning bell tolls to get to the main Gate! Can you make it in time?

>Jump out the window and down the walls, your endurance is enough to tank the fall...
>Get a bronze pot from the kitchen, you can use it to slide down the hilly parts of Camelot...
>Grab a wooden shield from a guard for extra defense, then head to the Gate...
>RUN! No time to waste, you should be able to make it....
>Send a servant out to delay the ringing of the morning bells! They might be fast enough...
>write in
>Jump out the window and down the walls, your endurance is enough to tank the fall...
There's a technique to cushioning one's fall with a spear. It's used by Shepherds on the Canary Islands. We could attempt it with Frostbind.
I actually did think of that but I figure I'd use that option as a reserve if Haruka screws up on her roll to succeed... That or use magical ice power to make a slide of some sort while shredding her clothing from the friction.
>>RUN! No time to waste, you should be able to make it....
>>Get a bronze pot from the kitchen, you can use it to slide down the hilly parts of Camelot...
>Get a bronze pot from the kitchen, you can use it to slide down the hilly parts of Camelot...
>Get a bronze pot from the kitchen, you can use it to slide down the hilly parts of Camelot...
>Get a bronze pot from the kitchen, you can use it to slide down the hilly parts of Camelot...
It's time
>>RUN! No time to waste, you should be able to make it....


Here OP, a classic for you

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