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It has been 100 years since ancient beings, known as the Old Ones, walked the Earth with their two strong feet. Now they are gone and we animals now rule the remains that they left behind. With our new knowledge of sword and sorcery, we were able to survive in peace for a while, but then came the three factions.
The Apes: Strong giants, claiming to be as just as the old ones and believe they should be the ones to rule over the new world.
The Pigs: An intellectual but slothful group who wish to rule the world with an iron hoof and remain kings while the others remained as dumb animals.
Then there the Lizards: A fast and large group that want to set the world a blaze. Trying to forget the harsh past that the old ones left.
All three sides wishing to go war and destroy one another to bring in what they believe to be true peace.
But, unbeknownst to everyone, there was another group. One that was trying their best to find a way to heal everyone. To bring back order.
You found it.... and now you are taking care of it.

A D&D Homebrew Adventure.

Previous Quests:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened
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To join the game and create a character, please follow the instructions on the PDF.

Games are on Tuesdays and occasionally on Thursdays.
I'll try to be there tomorrow.
I here, hopefully I don't forget to be here in 2-3 hours.
Last Time on the RotA Campaign.
>Mog and Kinny met the queen while finding religious parchments of Mog's religion.
>Ursus became Batman and found some missing wolves, which were mutated thanks to the cruel power of liquid Nimh.
>Now our heroes go to seek out a possible cure via the cryochamber.
>Will our heroes be able to find what they are looking for or will they be stuck at the same spot again?
Find out today!
>Maggie and Jessica go on to their disguised self the best way they know how.
>By using the magic of the moon rings.
>Jessica transforming herself into a black cat.
>Maggie transforming herself into a rabbit.
>Together they are...
>They have no alternate personas.
"I really gotta come up with a different name while I am in this form."
>Maggie said as she looked in the mirror.
"Though I will say this, I have been getting better incorporating clothes into my transformation. What do you think of my attire for this bunny form Kinny."
>Maggie said as she introduced her duds.
>A nice pair of blue overalls and a plain white tee.
"Isn't that a bit restricting?"
>Jessica asked as she continued to wear nothing at all.
"Anyways this isn't about what we should be called or what we should be wearing. We need to focus on finding the human who had worked on the stones. Kinny we assume you are with me and Maggie since you are the stealthiest correct?"
Kinny wasn't actually sure what to think of a rabbit in overalls. Thankfully Jessica cut Maggie off before the black cat commited a faux paw. I am not sorry for the pawn, you had it cawming.
>"Kinny we assume you are with me and Maggie since you are the stealthiest correct?"
"Yeah sure", the rogue cat confirmed. It wasn't clear whether he was confirming his position in the group or just the fact that he was the best at stealth of everyone involved. However, he did seem ready to follow the cat-human nudist, which meant it was likely both.
"Alright so we head to the church. Get someone. Then get out. Nothing more. Nothing less. Got it?"
>Jessica asked, making sure the instructions were clear.
>Maggie saluted.
"Yes ma'am!"
>Maggie declared.
"Good the cadet has it. Then we should get going. Kinny do you need to prepare?"
>who do we get from church and who do we avoid?
>should I actually prepare somehow or is KinKin good to go?
>A scientist that worked on Nimh Stones
>I think Kinkin is good to go.
Kinny instinctively adjusted his backpack and checked for Einstein. "Think I'm good, we can go." He announced after a short moment.
I managed to make it after all. Though I'll probably only be around for an hour or so, before I have to go.

"Hmm? Why the wariness?" Mog asked, confused. "Arsene may be dead, but the temple is probably in legal limbo, I doubt anyone will have taken over. Gawain probably wanted to get his paws all over the place, but we captured him mere hours after Sunny incapacitated him and Arsene passed away. Sneaking into the temple shouldn't be an issue, our enemies probably don't even know about the humans, much less have a keycard to get in. The real issue will be moving through the streets."

For his own disguise, he merely motioned to the detective clothes he was already wearing.
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"I'm good to go."
>Einstein said.
"That is why I brought three extra rings."
>Maggie said, showing off the rings.
"One of them has to work, so we should be good."
"Alright. Let's head over to that church."
>The five of you then head to the church.
>There you easily get in with no problems.
>You soon reach the basement.
>Feeling that cold familiar air all around you.
I forgot to write in,
"How do you two react?"
I knew I was missing something.
Rolled 6 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

They don't call Kinny the master of stealth for no reason, the cat tactically stays back. Also rolling perception to find anything out of suspicious/of interest.
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"Follow us, Kinny and I were told to look for a certain Doctor Wallace, a woman apparently." Mog said over his shoulder, as he began to walk down the aisles of cryogenic chambers, looking for their target.
Seeing Kinny hang back and he spoke over his shoulder, Mog froze mid-stride. He perked his ears and listened, looking about for anything out of the ordinary. The cat had good instincts, and they had gotten in rather easily, though Mog hadn't suspected anything, it always paid to be careful.

>Mog will lend Assistance to Kinny, so that he can roll twice.
Rolled 16 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Kinny rerolled his eyes.
"Dr Wallace? Wait?! My aunt is here?!"
>Maggie asked in excited whispers.
"Seems like it kid."
>Jessica replied.
"I know of three scientists here. Honestly I didn't know Dr Wallace was your aunt. Especially since your last name is Bigby."
"Well she is from my mother's side an-"
"Point is. If we have someone you know here, then that means she is probably our best candidate. Nice work finding out she is here Mog and Kinny."
>With Kinny's great dexterity he was able to stealth his way around the basement.
>Perfect for if anything tried to attack them, because he will get the drop on them fitst.
>Kinny then notices something.
>It was another one of those eight legged freaks from further into the subway...
>But something was different.
>Upon further inspection the creature was frozen solid.
>With a thin layer of ice surrounding it.
>Guess it wasn't made to survive the cold like that, otherwise it would have gone for these humans long ago.
"Should...sh-should we kill it? Just to make sure, I mean?" Mog whispered nervously.

It looked pretty dead, what with being frozen and all, but you never knew.
"Under any other circumstances I'd say we burn it and throw the ash tray, but here I say we ignore its very existence." The cat hissed, his ears frozen flat and flailing tail threatening to blow a hole in the foundation below.
Rolled 19, 1 = 20 (2d20)

"Kinny's right. We should just ignore it for now."
>Jessica agreed.
"It's probably dead anyways."
>The five of you then enter the cryochamber.
>Still feels cold as ever.
>You wonder how these humans can even sleep through this.
>Then again bears can sleep through the winter.
>So maybe this is normal.
>Either way...
>Now you had to go through the painstaking task of finding Dr Wallace.
Give me a perception check (DC: 16)
Rolling for Maggie and Jessica
Mog nodded, his tail uncharacteristically still, his breath shallow.

"Lead on, quiet-like. We'll follow in your footsteps. Dr.Wallace, look for her nameplate." he whispered.

The cold was chilling his limbs, it wasn't just fear stiffening his tail. Narrowed eyes glanced up at the spider again. Was it really frozen solid all the way through, or just encased in a thin layer of ice? Should they be worried about it or was it dead. Did they have to worry about freezing like the spider if they stayed overlong?

The thought spooked him. Impatiently he motioned for Kinny to move on.
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 9 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

>Rolling eyes
Ah yes, the detective sunglasses of +1 vision.
My old eyes don't work so good.
>The four of you then continue to look through the pods.
>Jessica having a hard trouble doing so.
"Dammit! Why is it so hard to read these all of a sudden?"
>The human turned cat silently swore to herself.
>Mog was also having trouble as well, but unlike Jessica he had a valid excuse of being old as hell and nearly blind.
>Kinny was having better success trying to find the human he was looking for.
>Though he didn't find her, he could definitely tell which pod was which.
>He was smarter than the average cat.
>Maggie however took her time to try and find her aunt.
>And within a few minutes she finally found her.
"Guys! I found her!"
>Maggie called out to her allies.
Imagine if she rolled 1 and everyone else succeeded in identifying her kin.
"The password is ATLUS. You may as well take off your ring for this. We don't want your aunt freaking out, with no familiar faces around, and with her surrounded by...well...us animals. Plus, I think the keypad is meant for human fingers to press. We don't want someone to fatpaw the wrong password in." Mog advised.

He moved what he thought was a sociable distance back form the pod, forming a semi-circle with the other animals around the freezer.
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>Maggie agreed.
>She then slowly took the ring of her paw.
>And when she was back into being a fully dressed human.
>She was fully clothed.
"Fuck yeah! Finally got it down!"
>Maggie celebrated.
"Now let's work on that password."
>As Maggie was putting in the password and then entering in commands, Jessica walked up to Kinny.
"I'm just saying that it's a bit harder to read when you're a cat. You know. I can read."
>She reaffirmed towards Kinny.
>Maggie then finished inputting the commands.
"Alright everyone stand back."
>Maggie said as she led everyone back a bit.
>The cryopod then opened up.
>Liquid was the first to come out.
>Going onto the metal floor then onto the drains.
>The next thing to come out was a full grown adult human woman.
>She was unconcious at first but slowly awoke.
>Her eyes opened suddenly.
>She then jolted up.
"Cuir stad air an deuchainn air R-003! Tha i gu math neo-sheasmhach agus.... feitheamh... càite a bheil mi? Is e an rud mu dheireadh a chuimhnich mi a bhith a’ feuchainn ri stad a chuir air na deuchainnean agus... carson a tha mi rùisgte?"
"Aunt Wallace?"
>The other human then got up and looked at Maggie.
"Magaidh? An e sin thu?! O mo chreach! Seall mar a tha thu air fàs! Ach carson a tha fàileadh mar fhìon-dhearcan ort?"
"Long story. We need your help. Also put this on."
>Maggie handed her a collar.
>Dr Wallace then put it on.
"Okay... but why do I need a collar exactly?"
"The collar allows you to understand and talk with us." Mog said apprehensively, cutting off deeper explanations in favour of curt matter of fact speech.

He didn't want to freak her out to much, so decided to let Maggie explain.

Mog leans back and sits through the cutscene lol. The humans have a lot of catching up to do, and that is best conveyed by people who are close.
>Dr Wallace looks over to the wolf.
".... did the dog just talk?"
"Wolf actually but that's not the point. What we need there's... someone who needs your help. That is if you can help with them. It's about the Nimh stone an-"
"Kill it."
>There was a bit of silence in the room after what was said.
>This woman, who just came to life, just said in a blunt tone, to kill someone.
"Aunt... Aunt Wallace... what are you saying?"
"Kill it immediately. We can't have another creature running around like that. It's inhumane. I've been with R-001, R-002, and R-003 too long to know that if anything else in the mammalian kingdom were to be exposed to that stone, it could be disastrous. It's only been five months, since Dr Niklas was experimenting with them. Maybe there is a way I can reverse it... I really don't want to though. R-001 and R-002 were fun to talk to. But R-003... Dr Niklas really did a number on her. It's unforgivable. It's a disgusting use of science and frankly I hate that I was a part of it. I just need to get fully dressed and equipped to figure out what I need to-"
"Aunt Wallace...."
>Maggie interrupted.
>The good doctor looked towards her niece.
"It's been a hundred years."
>Dr Wallace stared at the group.
>Her legs suddenly felt weak.
>She suddenly falls down unconscious.
>You all stare at her.
"Will the ring still work if she is unconscious and can't think of an animal?"
>Jessica asks.
"Uh...try it out, I guess? Doesn't the user have to actively imagine the form they want to take? Or something? I don't know, I never actually tested the rings back in the rabbit town. If it doesn't work, then someone will have to slap her awake or something. Either way, we can't stay here, she'll freeze. Give her some clothes, once we exit the basement." Mog mumbled a shocked reply.

'Humans really are fragile beings.' He thought.

Then he remembered how strong Maggie and Jessica were.

'Maybe it's just Wallace, 'cause she's a nerd like Swift.'
I'll brb
I'll brb as well got some dishes towash and lunch to eat.
Kinny remained silent through the conversation. He didn't want to be designated for euthanasia right after Mog.
>Maggie tries to place the ring onto her aunt.
>She was successful...
>But she didn't transform.
>Maggie then sighs.
"Kinny if you can, can you lightly wake her up?"
>She asks the cat.
"I would ask Mog... but I think Kinny might be better for the job."
>She then looks over to Mog.
"Sorry Mog. Maybe next time."
>Maggie says as she pats the old wolf's head.
Kinny how do you plan to wake her up?
Kinny hops onto her leg and gently insert claws.
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Mog relaxed under Maggie's tender ministrations, sinking to the ground while he enjoyed his headpats.
Good dog... er, Mog.
>Dr Wallace squirms a bit.
>She then half opens her eyes.
"Mmmmm.... oh hey."
>She says as then starts petting the cat.
"Maggie when did you get a cat? He does look pretty."
Kinny purred as if he was a "regular" cat and not smuggler with years of experience under his belt. Hopefully the backpack wasn't too much of a giveaway.
"No way! This the first time a lady's ever complimented you on your looks Kinny?" Mog japed.

He showed his teeth to emphasize he was joking. Then flipped a platinum coin over to the cat. A new way to pass the time and have fun he decided, a little betting on each new person they met, seeing which core member of the gang the newbies took a liking to the most or straight away.
The cat's eyes darted towards the coin and he used his tail to secure the coin without looking too suspicious. Just in case.
"Let's go ahead and get you dressed. Kinny you brough the clothes right?"
The black cat squinted. "W-What clothes?"
"Psst, cat clothes, for the doctor auntie."
I have no clothes though
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"..... okay. New plan. Aunt Wallace, I need you to take that ring on your hand and twist it. But before you do that. Think of an animal. Any animal."
>Dr Wallace looked at her niece for a bit.
>Thinking she was crazy at this point.
"I... I guess I can do that."
>Dr Wallace then twisted the ring and becomes...
Cat quickly picks up the coin and passes it into the Einstein-pocket.
>Dr Wallace was then shocked that this actually worked.
"I'm a bird?! I'm actually a bird?!"
>The human now turned crow said.
"Why did you pick a bird?!"
>Maggie asks her aunt.
"You said any animal!"
"Fuck! I did say any animal!"
"Plus crows are like wolf pets and I assume your wolf friend wouldn't mind."
"Aunt Wallace! Crows are like... actually Mog I never seen a crow yet how big are they? You know what screw it! We gotta get you out of here now! Jessica check if the coast is clear!"
>Jessica nodded her head.
"You two want to join in, in case things get complicated?"
>Jessica asked Mog and Kinny.
"Y-yeah we better go..."
Kinny give me a Perception check.
Rolled 15 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

>Kinny you that everything is clear and everything is in place.
>Even that frozen spider.
>Never moved an inch.
>As you go further you can tell that no one has tried to come in or even snoop around this place.
>The coast is absolutely clear.
What do you do now?
"We can go, but maybe tell the crow about the spider before she alerts the entire city..." The cat gestured towards the spider lolipop.
Mog blinked. What kind of questioned was that?

"They're...crow sized." He answered.

Seeing the sort of look that demanded a deeper explanation coming his way, he grumbled.

"Like, regular bird sized. Not bigger than your head, in human form. Though there are rare, exceptional ones that are giant, intelligent beyond reckoning, and frequently skilled in spellcraft. Deadly on the hunt and in the air. The most potent are angels, divine messengers that travel between the Earth and the Moon, braving the void between the two sisters and the harsh solar winds."

Seeing the scouting party making their arrangements for their travel back, he left them to it. The quiet types ought to be left to their business.

"Coast's clear? Then lets get a move on." Mog perked up as they returned.

He offered his shoulder to the good doctor "Lady Wallace? Care for a lift? Ground locomotion can be uneasy on newly born chicks."
what kind of question was that*
>Maggie then sighs.
"Okay. Aunt Wallace. Things are about to get strange and weird. But whatever you do. Don't scream or freak out."
>Maggie instructed.
"I guess I can do that."
>Dr Wallice agrees.
>Maggie then put her aunt on Mog.
>She then transformed to her clothed bunny persona.
>The group then finally leaves.
>Dr Wallace was probably expecting something like a normal civilization...
>But after seeing the spider...
>There was nothing normal.
>Out of all the humans you saw thaw, Dr Wallace was the one who was freaking out the most.
>Sure she tried her best not to scream or freak out.
>But she was fidgeting a lot as she was on top of Mog.
Rolled 2 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

"Shh, easy there chickadee, Maggie will explain everything in time. Just relax, and keep quiet, we're not exactly in friendly territory at the moment." Mog whispered.

She just needed a bit of reassurance to get through this. Of an eventual explanation and what to do. The danger might freak her out more, but she needed to know the importance of getting off the streets without a hitch.

The wolf padded on, following in Kinny's tracks.

>Short reassurance for the auntie. Persuasion check.
I'll be busy for an hour, sorry guys. Like actually sorry, I wish my attention were what they used to be.
>The reassurance works.
>She's able to calm down a bit.
>You all then return back to the seed shop.
It's okay Kinny. I should be the one apologizing after being sick last week.
No worries buddy. We haven't had a really full session in a while, or at least they've been far and few between. Keeping track of things since the forest cultist arc is also tough, a lot has happened.

Speaking of business, I have to go right now. I've been stretching things as is just to make sure we got in a somewhat proper session in after so long. Sorry friends. I'll see you guys Thursday (probably)!
Alright see you two and hopefully Ursus on Thursday.
See you guys
Stop apologizing, reeee
Should be available tomorrow
I'll be there in a few minutes. Gotta clean my cat. One of the others puked on him.
>You all then arrive back at the seed shop.
"Bobby can can you please get some clothes for my aunt."
>Maggie asks the professional spy for hire.
"We'll try and get that yes."
>Bobby says as she gets Ord and Potato to get the right clothes.
>Maggie then turns to Jessica, Mog, and Kinny.
"I'm going to explain everything the best I can to my aunt. I'll update you on what happens after. In the meantime just do what you need to do."
>Maggie then leaves.
What is the next move?
But y tho?

"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna read this scroll, now that our urgent business is taken care of. We have a lot to do tonight, and I don't know when else I'm gonna get the time." Mog said.

He waited a few moments to hear out what the others had planned for the next several minutes, then left for one of the green rooms, where the glass ceiling would let ample moonlight fall upon the scroll.

>Go to a green room. Open Gawain's 'holy' scroll. Read it silently, not aloud, just in case it has a spell embedded in it.
>Mog then read the holy scriptures.
>Nothing seemed wrong with the scriptures.
>You barely see anything that relates to what Gawain says.
>That is until you get to the very end.
>You double check again.
>You even make sure if this isn't fresh ink.
>But no.
>This ink is centuries old.
>You continue reading in your head about how there is going to be this "White Rabbit Prophet", trying to find something off about it.
>All you mostly see from it is that it is vague as fuck.
Give me a religion check Mog.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Sorry, was making food.

Centuries old? That couldn't be right. It was impossible, surely. That would be from before the Awakening, in the time of humankind. It would mean an ancient human predicted the future, wrote of Mog's faith. It must be fake, how could he understand this supposedly ancient scroll anyways, human language and wolf language weren't even the same.

Puzzled, Mog wracked his brain for answers. When that failed, he held the scroll aloft to the moonlight and meditated on it, praying for revelation.

>Religion Check, will use Lucky if the roll is bad.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>Good thing I specified I would use Lucky.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>Rolling again with Lucky.
Good thing you saved up your Luckies.

>You soon realized that there is something off.
>There's no way this text can be centuries old.
>The religion was started at least 90 years ago.
>Not to mention if this was older than that would mean humans knew how to write in wolf.
>But it was the original scrolls.
>So either someone wrote this and is really good at forging it in....
>Or maybe this is a huge test in faith.
>Either way, best to ignore this possible recent addition.
'Perhaps I should ask my human companions about this, they would know of their own religions, if the faith existed back then, of forgers, the Moon and the Earth. The existence of magic, or lack of it prior to the Awakening, at least as far as I could gather, is a point against this scroll's authenticity.' Mog thought.

He returned to the rest of his companions, to talk about how to proceed.

I think we better wait for the others.
Probably yes
Sorry I was busy with satisfactory and completely forgot.
I got suddenly called. Sorry friend.
It happens to the best of us.

See you next week.
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Be seeing you
I am here now just found this page will be here for Tuesday
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Welcome to new thread Ursus.
Welcome friendo.

I should also be able to make it on Tuesday.
Will try to be here Tuesday.
Update: I'll still be there, but late. Like, maybe two hours before we usually end late. Though this shouldn't be a problem, given that Ursus will have plenty to RP/catch up on, and Kinny will probably be there. The topic of curing the June/Hogar is an Ursus-led plotline after all, and Kinny has the intelligence to help out where Mog doesn't. Just as long as the entire in-game night isn't whittled away ('cause of things we still need to do), it's all good.
What do you three do?
Sorry I am late. Sickness came back with a vengeance
(Just because I was out of the loop this makes sense) Ursus is tending to our afflicted wards checking them for any signs of declining health as well as providing a ear to talk to without worry of being called a freak, speaking of how is things faring for June and her current state and thinking of ways to help mitigate pain and suffering for her, he has the vial safely tucked away to prevent caramel from killing herself via her desire of attaining a human form.
"Thank You again."
>June weakly says to the bear.
"The medicine really helps... are you sure you know this person can help us out?"
>Ursus gives a comforting grip to their paw gentle.
I have no clue but if they have some actual understanding deeper than what me and my compatriots have on this substance or the aspects around it fully then there is hope for a better solution, and if they don’t or can’t then I will find a way no matter the difficulty.
>Ursus then hears someone enter the room.
>It was another human.
>She wore a white coat around her body.
"Alright, what seems to be the problem with the patients?"
>The human asked the bear.
>Ursus hesitant at first quickly resolved to bring out his pad of paper, to list his rigorous treatment.
Doctor (if that is the correct terminology?) my ward here June has been exposed to some concentration of strange mutagenic substance that has altered her physically to mirror a stance similar to yours, she was exposed by skin contact, I have put her through serious treatment to remove the toxins in and around her body to get as much of the substance removed to prevent further complications caused by the contaminant, then I treated her with pain relievers and muscle relaxers to help minimize the pain of movement and breathing. She is not alone in this situation except her peer was forced to ingest the contaminant instead of it being applied, grimsnarl a blind wolf has appeared to have fully regressed mentally to their primitive ancestors with several complications to their circulation of blood possibly the contaminant exacerbating a previous condition or because of their age, he is still very much alive and has also been put through a similar round of treatment to remove any contaminants. He is currently contained with access to water and a meal of prepared fish laced with heart medication
To grant her regular reprieve from her current condition I have given one of the amber rings to allow her to shift back into her original form
>Dr Wallace looks at the bear.
>Impressed with his medical knowledge.
>Still he was just an animal to her.
>She looks over to June.
"You're trying to make her sweat this illness out you said? I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it isn't working. At most you are giving the rest she needs after undergoing a transformation like that. Still as for a way to revert this, I would have to say that I would have to study it more. Still it looks like she had it rough."
>She then looked at the other patient.
"As for that one... I unfortunately have no clue. Much like with her, I am going to have to study him. But... judging by the fact that I can't get near him because he'll tear me to shreds, I'm going to need assistance with that one."
I am able and willing to assist with that.
>Ursus is actively not correcting her on the fact he knew the treatment of removing the nihm would not change anything he did it to prevent further damage.
Ursus looks to June, will you be ok with me leaving to help the doctor examine grimsnarl? If you need anything or maybe another application of medication please do t hesitate to call for one of us.
>June weakly nods her head.
>Afterwards you both head to Grimsnarl.
Ursus make an athletics check.
Rolled 4 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Rolling athletics
I would have recommended her being in a separate room and ursus in between to act as a preventative measure incase the wolf slipped out of his arm
Rolled 16 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

He would then tie the wolf up then let her in.
This is one spry old man Ursus comments
Now reroling
>Though it took a while you ended up tiring and wearing down the old wolf.
>It then led to you able to tie him down.
"Might take me a while. Why don't you go wait with the others?
Here, sorry sorry.
Where is Ursus right now, what's he up to? I'd join him along if he's not like... somewhere unreasonable for me to go.
Ursus should be in reasonable distance.
A room or two at least.
Jesus nods and heads towards the rest of the crew (btw might take a bit for me to post gym class)
URSUS that’s a pretty funny autocorrect
>Jesus nods
God Bless Autocorrects.
Anything you would like to do Kinny?
Kinny goes to Jesus' room and asks Ursus if he can be of any assistance, because Mog seems lost in the scriptures... >>6111342
Fixed desktop notifications, should hear when im mentioned now.
>Kinny heads towards Ursus.
>The two end up meeting after exiting the room they were in before.
Fucking Shitdows was blocking notifications anyway. Fixed now.
Well barring grimdarl breaking from his restraints after I wrestled him down into calming down the doctor is currently looking over his condition while Jane is resting from her round of treatments and medication. Btw I’m assuming you met the doctor, who is she exactly?
The cat shares what he knows about the doctor, that she's an aunt to Maggie, doesn't take emotional shock very well and her kneejerk reaction to hearing Mog speak was that they should euthanize him, because she thought it was "inhumane". The last thing he delivers with some annoyance.
>Bobby butts in.
"The fuck does she mean inhumane? We've literally been like this for a hundred years and we're fine."
Hmm she might have been present when they where researching nihm and probably took umbrage with the idea of giving non human level sentient beings human level sentience, there where probably alot of outcry and moral and ethical issues with doing that, it would be like some wizard or sorcerer giving sentience to a plant. “Playing god” Ursus air quotes it’s probably why the only initial model organisms (organisms that would be ethically and logistically useable for experimentation) where the mice, rats and rabbits that would eventually escape reproduce and spread sentience through out the food chain.
"What Ursus said makes sense." The cat nodded along to the bear's tune. "She also wasn't aware of the fact it's been that long. Fainted when she heard. Still, doesn't make particularly trustworthy of her."
"Speaking of.. why did you leave her alone with him?"
I wonder what records those brave few sophants in the initial days contain to be a small but smart person in a large dangerous uncaring reality the stories must be the stuff of legend
Because simply put she is actually trying to find treatment for them also I was planning on checking on the two with a given time period, speaking off ursus turns to go check to make sure grimsnarl doesn’t get out of his restraints
"Well okay"
>The two of you go to check on Dr Wallace and Grimmsnarl.
>There you see her with a needle.
>She begins drawing blood from the savage wolf.
>After getting enough she then puts it on a glass slide and then puts that under a telescope.
"Blood seems normal."
>She mutters.
Kinny stays back and observes.
Ursus looks over the restraints once more, to make sure none gave while the wolf was out of it, hmm restraints are still in place, maybe you should get a blood sample from mog to act as a baseline of analysis, after a lot has changed.
"Maybe if Mog is willing... is he willing?"
Well you wothave to ask but he is a religious and morally good man, if it would assist with at least treating the afflicted I would think he would accept
"Happen to know where he is?"
I can probably go get them, I also have been inform that you do not know the full extent of what has changed so I will attempt to be brief, I suspect the model organisms being tested on with nihm, gaining human level intelligence would break out of the lab (because the of lack of supervision from preoccupied conflict) these beings would be eaten or die from other causes that would spread nihm across the world, dispersing intelligence to species that could display it from exposure, other species such as insects, arachnids, plants, etc would grow larger mutated from exposure and generational growth, given time communities, and civilization would arise there’s a lot more but you could probably ask Jessica for a full debriefing suffice to say
I'm here, just give me a bit to catch up.
Now that's an autocorrect if I ever saw one, funny and blessed.

"Am I willing for what?" Mog questioned, stepping into the room.

He had questions of his own, but they could wait, if he was needed.

Sorry for the wait. Was making food.
"Blood test."
>Dr Wallace bluntly said.
"I need to get some blood from you."
>She then showed the needle.
To act as a healthy base line to compare to our effected compatriots, Ursus gestures towards the medical artifact, we are currently examining a small sample of the sanguine fluid that consist of natural biological units that circulates and provides oxygen, nutrients throughout the body while other units defend the veins and arteries from invaders foreign bodies and malformed units in a beings form or at least that’s what I’ve gathered from apothecary published notes, I’m pretty sure we are still touching the tip of the iceberg when it comes to micro life and the micro units that make up our bodies, tldr we are researching our afflicted fellow and require a healthy baseline to compare grim snarl’s and Jane’s health
"Go ahead, but on the Goddesses above and below, and the witnesses present, I want it known that I only consent the whatever medical or scientific procedures are necessary to provide relief or cure June and Hogar, any other experiments I want you to leave by the wayside, at least if you intend to use my blood for it." Mog responded flatly.

He then doffed part of his armour, so that she could easily access a vein.

As she was working, he quickly added "I have some questions for you as well, but I'll leave them for after your work, given its urgency."
>Dr Wallace then took a blood sample.
"Don't worry Mog it is only to compare with the other two's blood. I'm not going to perform any sick experiments like Niklas would."
"Yeah? Well, we'll see." Mog muttered back.
>Deep inside Ursus’s brain two brain cells ignited together. His expression from a calm shattered into cold analysis.
Niklas did he experiment on draconians? Did one of them go by the name of Lincoln?
"What do you mean by "we'll see"?"
"Dr Niklas suggested many things and did them even when the higher ups suggested no. He got results he wanted.... but none of them were worth it in my opinion. He sewed Nimh stones one R-001, R-002, and R-003 suggesting they would become even more evolved. He turned out to be right. He suggested that draconians could technically live without skin and he proved it was correct, believe it or not, he wanted to take the skin of prisoners and then turn their skins into a fireproof armor. Never got to that stage as far I know. From what I heard from my niece, he apparently succeeded in his attempt to infuse the stones into humans and somehow made "gods". One of which is near here. Though when he suggested that I tried to put a stop to his madness.... then I woke up naked and freezing."
Well considering how one of his victims was a draconian father, who the doctor had his children murdered, went on a century long rampage and has only recently come out of it because o confronted him earlier about said rampage. Man is actively trying to make up for that by advocating away from war.
By the frozen king I knew there where instigators behind the conflict who wanted to profit off it.
After we are done examining this I need to show you some of the insanity we’ve been uncovering from your conflict with the draconians and humans
Mog shrugged "Exactly what it sounds like. We've only just met, and while so far the humans we've actually met have been swell, impressions based on what we've discovered of your history and legacy have been fairly mixed. You're Maggie's kin, so I suppose you'll turn out alright, but we've gotta keep an eye out, just in case."

Eyes wavering between the door to the patients and the present company, Mog spoke with a note of decidedness "We've spoken enough, though I have questions for later, we shouldn't distract you from your work. Though I'm sure you'd both benefit from Ursus helping in the studies, Ursus, doctor. Just holler if you need some muscle, for now I'll take my leave, if you're all finished with my blood, doctor."
"I would prefer if you both leave for now. That way I can study what I need to. You have both been of great service but I need peace. I will call you both if muscle is needed."
"I'll take my leave then. Stay safe."

The wolf then went to reconvene with the others.
Understood I need to mentally and physically decompress from the madness.(gm is there coffee bean farms in existence? If so I would like to make a bitter bean brew while Ursus is decompressing and focus on doing something simple) Ursus wanders over the kitchen area after washing his hands pondering the current collection of inter connected information that connects towards a mire of the past unwritten history.
Yes coffee exists.
I can't remember if QM ever mentioned coffee or coffee farms, but several threads back I think I mentioned that Canis Lupin doesn't have as many luxury goods as other countries, but we import some. This was probably back in the worldbuilding parts from the town after the cultist arc.
We usually wrap up about half an hour on from here, so this will probably be one of my final posts for today. I should be available on Thursday too, earlier than today if all goes well.

Once they'd all gathered around the living room table, Mog decided to put forth the issue of what to do with the rest of the night while the doctor worked.

"So, we cannot stay idle while our freshly thawed popsicle works. We still have work to do, much of it the same sort of work as the previous night. The factions still need investigated, more people need to be gathered to our side, the hotel may benefit from a little B&E, and now we have the mysterious Nihm distributor to track down. Who wants to go where and in what order?"
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Sorry idk what to do and im sleepy.
Gonna have to call it a day. My stomach is really hurting now. Sorry guys.
Ursus after distributing a cup of joe to the various people who actually enjoy it as well as a pot of coffe for the doctor’s personal use, sits down
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It’s cool honestly this much lore is right up my alley
Have a good night's sleep buddy. I think we'll be back to skulking around when Thursday comes around. Or at least that is my plan.


Take it easy QM. Like I said, we usually end around this time anyways.
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Goodnight anons, and see a doctor QM.
Thinking about going tomorrow actually.
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Do eet, or I will have Mog and Ursus carry you there.
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G'night cat. May thy sleep be deep and dreams peaceful.

QM's an American. I'd be afraid to go to the doctor too, if I were him. Last time I had to go to the doctor down there I got charged 5 figures just for some fluids/electrolytes after a fainting spell. It's a wild difference (t'was free) compared to from when I visited the UK or Singapore and had the same issue (though to be fair, those two have what some people consider the world's best healthcare systems), or even when using my native healthcare system.

Don't mean to scare you though. If the issue is persistent, as it seems to be, then yeah, consider seeing a clinic.
My condolences to QM for living there.
Update in life, by my doctor.
>"So you've been sick?"
"Yes. Been emptying my stomach on both ends. Even water I was drinking. Been mostly sleeping it off and drinking water and ginger ale while eating the occasional buttered toast."
>"But have you done it today?"
"Well... no. But I still have an upset stomach an-"
>"Then just continue eating lightly, drink liquids, and rest. You'll be fine by tomorrow."
Fun fact I ended up finding a correlation for why I got sick this time and the last. Applebee's Hot Wings. So fuck Applebee's I guess.

Doesn't sound like super reassuring advice, but I guess the fact that you haven't had a movement today means that it is tapering off and you are getting better? If you squint and interpret?


Literally never been, so I can't relate.

Worth staying away though, at least from the local one that you go to. Just to be on safe side.
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>Go to Applebees
>They feed you bees
Will be here tomorrow. Not that long but I will be here.
Update feeling a lot better but being safe and continuing to eat lightly.
>Everyone gathers around the living room of the seed shop.
>There you all recieve a nice good cup of coffee made by Ursus.
>The luxurious bitter taste with a dab of honey just to sweeten your day wake you all the fuck up.
>Still best not to push yourselves.
>Maggie then enters the room.
>Feeling exhausted after explaining everything to her aunt.
"So... what's the plan now? Did you guys even register yet?"
I'm here. Will write up a post a in a bit.

This should still be the night of the "first" day of the four, as the previous night was the night of night "zero" so to speak, iirc. We planned to register on day two.
Kinny was diplomatically lapping up the coffee from his cup.
Where do we have to register? I'm SO out of the loop.
"If you wish to register, you need to go to the post office."
>A familiar voice said.
>It was chief Cottontail.
"Trust me I tried so many times to enter I know the address by heart. Thank You again Ursus for helping me out."
Of course cheif cotton tail, it is ridiculous that this polity doesn’t recognize your own governing and people, and the insane marginalization of rabbit kin. But that is a battle to be waged during the conference.
Mog and I should probably register and will act as representative for cotton tail
Mog lapped at his coffee. A little strong for his taste, but novel. He didn't often get to have such luxuries out in nature's grasp. The honey balanced things out, being more familiar to him. Like berries fresh from the bush, or the stolen honey of Windy Vale.

He shivered at the reminder of the giant bees. Never again.

Joining the ongoing conversation he said "No, we haven't registered yet. We'll do it in the morning."

The long absent voice of chief Cottontail reminded the wolf of something. "Hey chief, I think you should try registering again. I think the cops said something about throwing you out, but we merced one of the corrupt cops who was causing trouble, so you should have less issue. Likewise, one of the corrupt priests that had been influencing the queen is now in our custody, so the system of corruption should be coming unwound soon. I think we'll pay a visit to the post office tonight to sort out any corrupt officials there too, or the local watering hole they frequent, if the office ain't open. Then we can all go together in the morning to register."
"Thank you again lads. But unfortunately, with how many attempts I made, I am now unfortunately banned from registering for this hearing. So I can make no more attempts."
"You think it's a legal issue? The lack of recognition of rabbit folk, I mean? I hadn't actually checked the laws on book, haven't had the time. We've been in a rush ever since we arrived. Thought it might just be Gawain's influence, or the factions and that mysterious Nihm distributor. If it isn't just an issue of mind control and bribery, then we should also stop by some of the senator's residences, or anyone who has a voice in Assembly." Mog questioned.

He paused for a deep draught of his coffee.

"Rabbits should be allowed full citizenship, or representation if they are foreign delegates, that was the case when I was last home, but that was a long time ago. Maybe it's because the rabbit tribes that Cottontail here is a representative of are semi-nomadic, they don't actually live in that human village we had the festival in, after all. Nomadic folk are always in legal limbo, even in the best countries. Or if I have the wrong idea, and they were just visiting that place as a holy site, they may just not be recognized because they aren't a neighbour. If there isn't much knowledge of the rabbit tribes owing to distance - since again, they don't actually live in the village right next door - then Cottontail here may just have trouble being recognized as a foreign delegate owing to a lack of prestige or entourage accompanying him. If anyone could get registered as a diplomat just by claiming it, with nothing to show for it, our nation would be housing a plague of grifters and conmen."
Mog frowned "Then we'll have to represent you, as Ursus says."

He paused, to let the others speak.
I'll wait while you discuss the politics, no rush.
brb in 30
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>"If anyone could get registered as a diplomat just by claiming it, with nothing to show for it, our nation would be housing a plague of grifters and conmen."
>Maggie then slowly raises her head from her coffee.
"Wait..... aren't we posing as diplomats?"
"It would certainly seem like it." Kinny added, hearing the silence fall over the room. "What's the problem?" The cat seemed unconcerned. He had having a fair amount of experience in convincing animals to believe into unbelievable things. Surely, nothing would go wrong. He purred and went back to finishing his coffee bowl, feeling his body vibrate from caffeine..
"Either way."
>Jessica soon interrupted
"We should start doing some jobs to make sure Mog's plans go flawless.
Back. Sorry, I hadn't had breakfast yet. Guess Ursus is busy with college.

"Yep, and it'll be a peace of cake with Kinny's forging skills and our ample wealth. And you missed my point. We can register no problem. My point was that my country may have legitimate concerns over Cottontail's legitimacy, given that they may not know of the rabbit tribes. I don't know how distant their homeland is, but if they are far, or nomadic, then of course the official at the post office is gonna be skeptical of some random rabbit showing up without an entourage and all the pomp and ceremony that accompanies and precedes it. None of that applies to us." Mog answered.

Finishing his coffee, he sat back, thinking of what to say next.

The night waned on, as the minutes went by.

When he'd gathered his thoughts, he said "Anyways, I should've been more direct with the queen, once she revealed that she wasn't the source of the enmity that my country supposedly holds towards me. Perhaps adding another visit to her tonight should go on the list of things to do. That way we could just register as ourselves. But if not, then better to register as regular wealthy citizens, forge up a county as lord-whatever that I'm in charge of, then go to the trial of myself afterwards, and if I'm cleared then we can register again as my own self."

Taking in another breathe, he continued "Anyways, I'm rambling. We should briefly discuss where we want to go tonight, then get a move on, we're burning moonlight. I think Ursus should pursue the Nihm distributor. I want to follow up on the previous night's work, continue working the politics of the city, hiring folks, gathering info, breaking into the diplomat's residences, same as before. Kinny can pick who he wants to stick with, assuming you or Ursus don't disagree with what I'm saying. Either Jessica or Maggie should stay to guard the safehouse, Wallace and Gawain are to important to lose. The rest can follow either Ursus or me. Oh, and since we have Gawain's scroll, and I'm sure Gawain is deluded and full of shit now, I think we ought to kill the squid in his head now. Throw him in the freezer until the squid dies, then lock again, for now at least. Thoughts?"
Rolled 20 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Making a quick roll.
That for Wallace? Or did the squid telepathically hear us and is now attempting a break out?
"About our good friend the queen."
>Jessica interjected.
"I was doing a quick scope of the city while you guys were getting Dr Wallace more informed about our situation, and I just spotted our dear sweet Queen headed towards some restaurant called Chompers. If you really want to catch up with her I suggest you do so now. Though I suppose she would really like to talk to Mister Kash and Lord Tavish."
>Jessica said with a wink as she looked over to Mog and Kinny.
"Then we ought to go now. Ursus, can you and the rest of the crew shadow us from a distance while Kinny and I talk to the queen in disguise and reveal ourselves? We'll need your backup if things go wrong. Speaking of all going together, I think we should actually handle most of what I discussed together. This, then Gawain's squid, then pursuing the Nihm peddler, then we can all split off to do the rest. I figured that the Nihm pursuit ought to be upgraded in terms of priority, right after the words about splitting up left my mouth. The first two things can be done quickly. The Nihm pursuit is urgent, and may take all night. The rest we have time for later."
Sorry just eating lunch and waiting for others to respond.

Also this >>6115859 should tag >>6115814 Ursus as well, my bad.
I’m up for the nihm pursuit especially after what I’ve seen and how I can actually identify our supposed “nihm god.”
>Ursus air quotes when he said nihm god.
Also I have been pondering the information our doctor said and connecting it with the rest of information. I recommend the doctor go through the vinegar baths to help mask her vent as well seeing as she might have been in the vicinity of the torturer and flayer of lincoln. Speaking of I would recommend isolating, interrogating and putting the dr Niklas on trial for past conspiracies and crimes, should he some how pop up which I most certainly bet he survived as well as possibly other bad actors, as Niklas most certainly survived, if you all survived as well this is an advisory opinion who knows maybe he’s the perpetrator behind the nihm problem
By identity I mean recognize possible traits that could be picked out from a crowd
"What's this about a vinegar bath?"
>Dr Wallace said as she poked her head out.
"Then Maggie should stay and use the vinegar Bobby bought on her aunt. She can also help guard Gawain until we get back. As for Niklas, well, he can wait until we know if he is still around. At the very least, I think investigating the Xenarus connection may lead us to him. Since he is probably associated with them." Mog responded.

He busied himself with his disguise as Lord Tavish.

"Ursus, like I said, stay back and shadow Kinny and I for this meeting with the Queen. We want to make this quick, so we can get to the pursuit of the 'Nihm god'. Unless we need you for backup, we're just revealing to the queen who I am, so the law stops pursuing me and so we can register as ourselves. She met Kinny and I earlier and didn't seem to hate me or be the one behind my ostracism. If we're all ready now, lets go."

>If everyone agrees, Kinny and I will go meet the queen, with Ursus shadowing us from a distance in case the queen's guards try and arrest us, while Maggie bathes Wallace with vinegar and guards the safehouse.
I agree to it
Before we go
To answer your question, how long was the time between you interacting with Niklas and then being presumably incapacitated and dragged into one of those tubes? I ask this because Lincoln has an extreme sense of smell and rather he not smell his torturer and go spiraling back into his revenge rampage
"Last year I remember is 1997."
>Dr Wallace recalls.
"As for if I known Lincoln.... yes. I personally medicated him."
>It was now time to get in disguise.
>Mog becomes Lord Tavish of Baskerville.
>Kinny becomes Mister Kash.
>And Ursus.... umm.... somebody.
"You really need to work on your disguises buddy."
>Maggie comments as she gets all the vinegar.
"If anything, his farmer disguise works well. If he's gonna be following us from a distance, it pays to not stick out to much."
I operate better if I’m closer to being what I actually did such as farming
Just waiting for Kinny. Here's hoping he is okay.
I'm alive. Disguise on.
>As Ursus waits on the streets, Bobby and her two henchcats wait on the roof.
>Meanwhile Kimmy Kash and Lord Tavish then head inside Chompers with Jessica.
>The place, despite it's rough exterior, looked pretty calm and sophisticated on the inside.
>You both head to the front.
>You see a waiter at the front.
"Good evening gentlemen? Do you have any reservations?"
Kinny and Mog how do you respond.
Ursus what do you do as you wait?
"Lord Tavish of Baskerville, and Kimmy Kash, an independent entrepreneur, here to see the queen. We'll pre-pay." Mog replied confidently.

He handed over ten platinum and strode forward to be escort to the queen.
Kimmy Kash was about to open his mouth, but just scoffed at the waiter and followed his royal companion after seeing him deal with the issue.
"Listen here mother fucker!"
>The wolf said as he then blocked your path.
"The queen said not to be disturbed. So if you plan on visiting her royal seat, you better have a damn good reason."
Make a Persuasion Check, both of you have advantage. DC 17.
"Remember, if the royal guards stop us, just flash our pins." Mog reminded his companion quietly.

The fruit of their early interaction with the queen and choosing to spare Gawain had netted them a worthy prize.

The queen gave you a royal pin, remember. Gawain likewise handed me a papal equivalent under the assumption that I'd be swayed to his side once I read his 'holy scroll' for myself.
Mog stopped mid-stride in the midst of his whispering as he was about to step forward past the...frankly rather rude wolf, then simply flashed his gold pin that Gawain had given him, waiting for Kinny to do the same.
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Kash slowly reached into his pocket and briefly showed the waiter his pin, while staring deeply into his soul. If a gaze could kill, there would be at least a dozen dead bodies in the building.
Do we still need to roll, given what Mog mentioned?
>The wolf immediately backed down.
"My apologies fine gentlemen. I am sorry for interrupting you."
>He then backs away and allows you to see the queen.
I.... actually forgot about the pins. Noce use of them.[/spoilers]
Mog sniffed dismissively, clicked his tongue, then walked forward with speed in his step to meet the queen.
Before leaving, Kimmy calmly asks the wolf his name with a half-smile and eyes cold as ice. Even if it won't be used for anything, it'll help sell the image better. The black cat in suit insists.
"Umm.... Opus."
>The wolf... replies?
Give me an insight check Kinny.

>Lord Tavish then sees the Queen with Jessica acting as the bodyguard.
>She seems to be eating a very healthy meal of chicken.
>She then notices you.
"Lord Tavish. Didn't expect to see you."
Rolled 3 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>You sense something is off.
>You just don't know what yet.
>But the fact you feel something is off is bothering you.
>Best to be off.
>He's not your target for now.
Oof. We're both off then.
"Salutations, your majesty. I hope I'm not interrupting?" Mog greeted his liege with an elaborate bow.

He held the bow while waiting to be relieved, instead speaking while inclined "If so, I'll be quick. I have something to reveal, and should all go well after said revelation, I wish to give you some information. If we have time, I'd also like to discuss the summit as well, and the issue of a foreign diplomat who is having trouble registering. Otherwise, I'd like to schedule an appointment to follow up, but that is putting the cart before the horse."

Tilting his head slightly, he noticed Kinny a hairs breathe out of step behind him, giving the wretch at the front a hard time no doubt. No matter.

He waited.
>The Queen then sees Mr Kash enter the room.
"Oh my. The charming Mr Kash as well. What a wonderful surprise indeed. Come sit with us."
"Something to reveal? I assume this is about old Mog isn't it? Tell me he hasn't passed on. If he has, please tell me it was peacefully."
"It is good to see you too, your majesty." The cat swapped faces and did as instructed, letting his companion talk for now.
I am kind of out of the loop here so I'll let Mog handle the queen, if possible. Otherwise it will turn into very awkward exchange.
Once we relieved, he quickly took his seat.

Leaning over the table conspiratorially, he spoke in a hushed whisper "This is indeed about Mog. I'll be blunt. I am him. I need to clear my name, if you could dismiss whatever case has been levied against me, that would be great."
From my position do I see any groups of people closing in on us?
>The queen stares at you.
>A bit confused.
>She gets closer to Mog.
>Sniffs him to confim his scent.
"It's a bit clouded but it is you... but... you should be as old as my grandfather was. Yet you look at least five years younger. How?"
>She shakes her head.
"Right. You are Mog. But... unfortunately it is the priest Gawain who can undo all your crimes, since he handles the justice department. Along with Brom, the hound who works over at the police station. The best I can give you is a pardon for you to leave the city and never return. But judging by the fact you want to come to the summit... I assume you wish to stay. Still how are you so... young? Well not as young and handsome as Mr Kash. He's truly the most good looking out of any of us on the table."
Time to see if the bear needs glasses.
Roll for Perception.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolling perception
Ursus understanding he’s probably not going to see anything well asks his compatriots to look out for groups encroaching on the wolf and cat
At least it's not a one.
>Ursus you don't see anything off at the moment.
>Instead you just see the restaurant and a few unsuspicious wolves passing by occasionally.
>As Ursus comtinues to mind his own business he is then approached by someone.
"Excuse me sir!"
>Asked a distinct annoying voice.
>For fuck's sake.
>It's Dib.
"Would you like to take a rare and exciting opportunity to meet a goddess? Thus proving that the paranormal is real."
Is she taking the form of an otter Dib?
"What? No.... that's stupid. Wait how do you know my name!? I don't even know you!"
Ursus... give me a Deception Check.
Rolled 12 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

"My dear friend Kimmy is indeed a handsome fellow. As for my age, all I can say is that I aged gracefully." Mog deflected, unsure of what she meant.

He had indeed aged gracefully, but surely he didn't look that young. Perhaps he just didn't know. He hadn't seen her grandfather in his final years, he'd been away.

More alarming was the news that Gawain was in charge of the justice department. What should they do? Gawain wouldn't pardon him even if they killed his squid, his agenda clashed with Mog. Were there other subordinate squids working under him, influencing the justice department?

The worry crept into his voice as he asked "Gawain is in charge of the justice department? Surely his position in the priesthood precludes him from the position. Have things charged so much since I was last home. Have we stepped back towards theocracy? Before, I recall steps were made to separate the church and state, with the paladins occupying an awkward dual role in both the military and church but precluded from holding cabinet positions. Aren't you the executive, as queen? Given your role as executive, Gawain directly answers to you as a subordinate department, can't you just order him to cease the case against me? Not to mention the charge against me is that I ordered a charge against the enemy that apparently wasn't authorized, this falls under military law, which is separate from the criminal or civil law that applies to civilians. As he is a priest, but not a paladin, he shouldn't have the power to even charge me with anything."

An awareness of how he was rambling came over him. He quickly shut up, not wanting to overstep his bounds with the queen. He waited for her response. It was important that they move on from this issue if what he just said didn't convince her. He had a lot to tell her.

>I'll try and persuade her to overrule Gawain.
"I could yes... if possible can you and Mister Kash come to the castle in the morning. I will make sure that you will in fact get a document to show Father Gawain as he recovers in the hospital. Hopefully he will respect this decree. I have been getting a few comments on some other decrees I have been making an-"
>The Queen was then soon interrupted by the wolf cub giving her some fresh water.
"Thank you Mako but I wasn't thirsty. But thank you all the same. Anyways, see me in the morning Mog and I can make sure you will get that document."
Rolled 6 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

We’ve met before dib but that doesn’t matter compared to some serious issues coming towards my friends, please sit down dib ursus breaks out some food for the rabbit and then looks out towards mog and kinny speaking to the queen.
It’s been a while since I saw you, tell me of this goddess, does she wield the might of owl bears and nature
"Wait. Allow me, your majesty." Mog interjected.

He put his paw over the glass, channelling divine energy into the drink, purifying it.

Satisfied, he said "I thank you for the audience. But, if you would, I ask for more of your time. There is the information that I promised you."

>I use Lay on Hands to remove poisons from the drink.
>The Queen stares at you.
"Did... did you just bless my drink?"
>The queen asks you.
"Does she wield the might of the owlbears? She's done something even better. She controls and creates all the owlbears. She uses a nearby tree and places the dead bear and an owl and rebirths them to create the almighty creature. Now onto the more paranormal stuff, I haven't seen any ghosts lately, but I am definitely sure they are in the old church."
Actually, you know what? Fuck it, may as well. As important as tonight's events are, the security of the queen is most important, especially if I want to be pardoned or avoid being blamed for the queen's assassination.

As an afterthought, he channelled the light of the Goddess into his eyes and examined the food the queen was eating as well, then looked at the oncoming dishes that the porters were bringing.

>I cast Detect Poison and Disease.
"Indeed, and removed any poisons, just to be safe."
Ursus turns towards the rabbit, and that doesn’t concern you? Where is she getting the bears? Do those bears have families? As to ghost I have been in the church I would not be surprised if some finger pad print of some soul or spirit exists somewhere in there. But seriously dib please be careful around your “goddesses” I’m pretty sure she is not mentally stable and will turn into a tree if you do anything wrong
I meant to say she will turn him into a tree
"Mog... I know you always did that with all my foods since I was pup.... in fact that definitely proves you are in fact the real Mog... but why would my own.... servant poison me?"
>She hesitated.
Press on?
"She would never turn me into a tree. She says I'm too valuable to be turned into one."
Ursus turned to dib, inhales then asks carefully why that might be? Genuine concern plastered on his face, since when is being important to a his ever meant good things? Like say for gods of nature aren’t there religions where people are sacrificed to appease nature? I’m genuinely worried you’re going to get sacrificed by an old one weapon.
"Listen old man, I'm fine and I am perfectly safe. Now if you don't mind, I am going to find some other animals who would like to meet our goddess."
Do I see anything with my spell?

Mog sucked in a deep breathe, he didn't want to start with this "Because your servant, *could* and I stress this only as a possibility, but they *could* be controlled via magic, influenced by bribery...or...infected by a certain...parasite. It doesn't even have to be her, it could be the cook, or any number of waiters who passes the food from person to person. I didn't want to get into this right away, since there are many other things I want to inform you of before broaching this topic, and it sounds insane, but there are cephalopods, squids, who can control people by entering their brain. If you don't believe me, I can prove it. It won't require more than a short walk from here."
To add to this. I'm not just looking at the food she's eating or that the waiters are bringing, but at her, her servants, her guards, and the waiters and other patrons too. Since this is the same spell that can detect squids inhabiting other's bodies. I'm looking both for poisons intended for the queen, but also squids occupying other people.
Ursus is going to have to confront the human weapon on that the bear turns away and continues to monitor the escalating situation ready to
>You do not see anything considered a poison or disease.
>The queen just stares at you.
>Unsure of what to think.
>She awkwardly said as she then tried to understsnd the wolf.
>Dib then leaves.

Sorry guys going to have to leave. Hope you guys have a Blessed Night.
Good night friends. Have a great weekend. I'll see you all next week.

Hopefully I can get the time to go back through the archives to reread some of the things we've learned. 'Cause there's a lot to infodump on the queen. Was hoping for a more proactive response from her. Don't expect her to believe me given how crazy it sounds, but if you could learn the truth within a few minutes, wouldn't you do it? It'd compromise our safehouse, but that's what it's there for, taking her to see everything in there, I mean. We could expose the truth about the humans, the squids, everything, all within a few rooms of each other.
I'm here just going to take a while to respond.
I am here as well
>You are now back to staring at the restaurant.
>Nothing seems to be happening...
Roll Perception?
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolling perception
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A good perception roll
>For the first time in what felt like years, Ursus feels like his eyes have truly opened.
>He can clearly get a good view of the restaurant.
>Though he still can't see Mog, Kinny, and the Queen (which makes sense since she is the queen and any animal can throw a knife at her out in the open), Ursus can in fact see that the restaurant does in fact look well safeguarded.
>The bear continues to look around further as everyone assumes he is just a farmer.
>No problems in sight.
What do you do now Ursus?
When things are calm then nothing truly is calm, Ursus checks for possible assassins, and possibly snipers.
Give me either another Perception Check or an Investigation Check.
Rolled 7 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolling investigation because there is no way I’m getting a better score than that perception roll again
>You find nothing suspicious.
>Maybe a few animals littering bones in the middle of the street after eating from the restaurant and that's it.
>Nothing really wrong with that.
>Just a petty crime really.
Ursus keeps his axe and sheild in his pack close at hand in case he needs to close distance to intercept
>Maybe it's Mog's paranoia getting to you.
>Maybe you are right and someone is suspicious.
>But there is one thing that is clear....
>There are some citizens of Canis Lupin staring at you for getting your axe ready.
"What is that bear doing?"
"Is he gonna pull out an axe?"
"He's not going to hurt us is he mama?"
"He's a bit... suspicious."
Ursus turns towards the suspicious crowd and glares arms open showing he is not currently reaching for his weapon pack more keeping it with his radius non verbal then goes back to ignoring the crowd while eating his food and placing a hold coun onto the table
Gold coin
It’s literally concealed (btw) it would effectively be like a cop patting his holster and ensuring some kid isn’t about to do something stupid
>You were able to deceive the crowd.
>Making them think you were eating instead.
Fair enough. Still you are in your farmer disguise so I was more thinking of it being weird for a farmer to reach for a weapon.
I'm here. Just give me a bit to write up a post.
Taking the queen's skepticism as the signal to move on, Mog pushed past the awkwardness and laid out what he knew "You should know that the otter, Sage is selling you guns, stolen from us, myself and my group. She assaulted us for them, they aren't hers. This can be easily proven by any cleric with a Zone of Truth spell, or by myself or any paladin with a 'confess' Command spell. Should you proceed to negotiate for them anyways, I would like you to go into the talks with an advantage, so I'll let you know that they have no ammunition for those ancient weapons to sell you. We hold the ammo, the weapons are useless without them."

He took in a breathe and waited a moment to let her eat in comfort. It wouldn't do to disrupt a queen's meal.

When he was sure she had eaten her fill and was listening fully again, he said "I will also tell you that Lincoln is here for an army to overthrow Czar Dhalsim. He plans to abandon the lizard's current course of conquest, give up taking more land. While the choice lies with you alone, my queen, I suggest you take him up on his pleas. It would steer our war-torn land towards a more peaceful path, or at least give us one less aggressive enemy to face. Dhalsim seems explicitly hell bent on outright genocide of all speaking animals, he seems to think we are a product of the Old Ones, and thus that we don't deserve to live. The captive lizard terrorist that we handed over to Brom confessed as such, in front of him and us. Needless to say, that fact that Dhalsim is sending terrorists our way and was planting explosives under your Majesty's own castle makes him our enemy, surely."

Looking out the windows, he saw darkness still reigned. He still had time, though the queen's patience wouldn't last forever.

"I'll be quick with the rest. Sage's supposed 'goddess' is no god, just an insane Old One, infected with an excess something called Nihm, specifically the solid variety. There will be many deaths according to a prophecy she holds as gospel, at the summit. The Old Ones aren't gods, they are just people, called humans, we are in touch with some, and can prove it, at your majesty's convenience. Just ask, and we'll give you a meeting. I think you also know my thoughts on the apes and pigs, but I'll leave the choice of how to steer the country to you. All I'll say is that I think the rabbits could offer you a safer way of using Old One tech, at cheaper cost, without selling out to our enemies. Should money or debt be an issue, Mr.Kash here will be more than willing to finance the kingdom, though again, we'd prefer you reverse course regarding the other factions. There are two final issues. One, there are bandits attacking surrounding peoples, the rabbits in particular, false flagging, claiming to be the wolf kingdom's army. This could draw us into war, and needs to be addressed. Chief Cottontail is here for the summit but hasn't been allowed to register. Two, there is a serial kidnapper loose in the city, that-"
"-is driving good wolves feral with the aforementioned substance, Nihm."

A sudden awareness came over him, of the lengthiness of his little speech.

He clamped his mouth shut, a sense of propriety coming over him. In the presence of one's monarch, one should not speak overlong, even if one was said monarch senior, and had long watched over them.

Bowing his head, he murmured "That is all. Though there is much more I wish to say, more details I want to give, I've spoken overmuch. I shall leave you to your meal, unless given leave to speak. If you'd prefer to dine alone, then I shall take my leave. But, please, don't hesitate to contact me, for more information on the other faction's intentions, or to contact Mr.Kash her, for finances. You can find us at-"

A brain hiccup. Where would he tell her that they were staying that wasn't a safehouse that they needed to avoid compromising? He thought fast and made a decision, hoping he wasn't selling a friend down the drain.

"-Poco the cat's shop in town. Mr.Kash here has business with the merchant, you see."

Then he remained silent. Waiting for her response, or indication that he should continue to remain silent but remain, or that he should leave.
>The queen just stares at you Mog.
>She is silent.
>Contemplating and comprehending on all of what you just recapped.
>The wolf then straightens herself up.
"This is a lot to take in Mog."
>She bluntly states.
"I'll have to consider everything you have said up to this point. I may not be able to respond to everything but I will try my best to. In the meantime I suggest you try and do no more about this. It is my job to fix all these messes now. Not your's."
"As you say, my queen." Mog nodded obediently.

Sorry for taking so long. Just wanted to properly infodump her, so she could be in the loop. It's only responsible, even if it is just recapping, as you say. She doesn't need to give Mog an answer now, she's got a lot on her plate, and the rest of the party is probably eager to move on. We still have stuff to do anyways, so we can move on if need be. Just wanted to progress this plot thread, so we can show her proof of stuff later down the line.
"For now, this is a time for us to eat. If you wish to eat anything at the moment, you may do so. I'll see to it that it gets paid."
>The queen says as she then starts to eat the food given to her earlier.
"Oh... and Mog... I forgot your blessings leave a very sweet aftertaste towards my food."
Ursus what were you eating again?
Jerky and water
I’m basically paying for jerky and drinking my own water to avoid poisoning I am effectively paying for the seat
>You do get the occasional stare.
>Not for being suspicious mind you but for how good that jerky looks.
>You sit there and enjoy the jerky and wash it down with refreshing water.
Ursus give me a perception check.
"No need, my queen. We already prepaid, at the front." he replied gracefully.

Not wanting to be rude, he dug in, enjoying the chance to eat whole chickens.

When his liege mentioned the sweet aftertaste, he wasn't sure if he was being scolded or if she was fondly reminiscing.

Being cautious he replied "Oh. Is it not to your taste, your majesty? Moon sugar naturally accompanies blessings. Forgive me, though I can't help but think of those I've known since they were pups as still forever young, you are a wolf fully grown. I know this well, now."

He ate his fill, and seeing that the queen didn't see fit to give her thoughts on the information he provided, or request funds from Kinny, like she had suggested in their prior meeting, he sat and waited to be dismissed.

If she had no need of him, only of time, then he'd best be off. The night promised much adventure. Gawain had to be dealt with, and he'd remembered something old that may be related. The hunt for the Nihm dealer was even more prominent in his mind, it'd probably take up most of the night.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolling perception check
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>As you ate you could see someone from a distance.
>Someone wearing a suit made to resist the fires of hell itself.
>Someone that even with a passing glance you can easily tell to stay the fuck away from them.
>is Lincoln.
>Heading somewhere...
>Thankfully not the seed shop or the old church.
>Still this might raise concerns.
Follow him or have Bobby follow him?
How do you wish to track the Nimh Dealer?
we will eventually see him at the conference, he is most likely capable of handling any problems he might encounter, keep an eye on him but don’t follow he playing ball and I would rather not kick off more problems for the current situation mog and kinny are taking part in, it’s why Ursus didn’t immediately grab dib to start lambasting him over agreeing to anything godless related
First he had to meet back up with Ursus. He did a double take when he saw that Ursus had followed them rather closely, blending in rather conspicuously, though he at least kept enough distance so as not to be associated with them.

Motioning with his head that they should reconvene at the street corner, he let Kinny rest on his back while he padded on down the street.

The bear seemed distracted.

"What's up Ursus?"

Whether they followed whatever the warrior-scholar was concerned about or went after the Nihm dealer, Ursus was probably the best to lead said scenarios, at least initially. He was most familiar with them after all.

>I'll let Ursus fill me in on what he saw, and choose which lead to pursue next.
I recommend keeping an eye on Lincoln not to spy on him but those around him trying to iether make political moves or otherwise second I’m going to have to confront the “goddess” on recruiting dib and also where the pit she is getting bears to create her owl bears. Second follow up on possible leads in regards to the nihm perp, I should ask our doctor on what is specifically needed to get the concentrated nihm our enemy creates and work backwards from there to identify possible places said recourses could exist. As for shady activities I’ve seen people litter animal bones which is mundane.
Also mentioning he’s that way
"Bobby, you heard the bear. Go, keep tabs on Lincoln, but don't interfere. Just watch and report back." Mog murmured over to the cat.

He turned back to Ursus "Personally, I think we should focus on the Nihm dealer. Even patrolling the streets for an hour is better than waiting around talking to the doc. Remember, we have all day to talk, but our nighttime activities are heavily limited to when folks are asleep and there aren't as many eyes on the street. I'm all for go hard on the forest cultists as well, but I think having a chat with Sage is pointless. What is there to say with her? She'll just ignore you and keep following her agenda. She has the muscle to be comfortable risking an open confrontation with us, and the mindset to be dead set in her ways, from what you've told me of her. Dib is just another cultist among many such new recruits for her schemes. If anything, I think we should raid the hotel, get a closer look at her 'Goddess', and take back our guns, to remove her leverage at the summit. We know Lincoln isn't there anymore, and thus the security that usually guards him will be lighter around the hotel, since they have to follow him. That makes this the best time to do the raid. Up to you though. You're the only one who has first hand knowledge of the dealer, so I can't say otherwise regarding him...or it."
Thinking over the one thing he didn't address, he added afterwards "You are right about the bears though. We can't let her just constantly murder bears over the next few days. If she's adding to her army, that means innocent bears are dying and being transformed, whether they be citizens, residents, or visitors, either way, we cannot tolerate her any longer. I again, have to disagree though. The time for talk is over, we can't just meekly ask her to stop and spout harsh words. An ultimatum is needed, either she stops, or we kill her. There's no point being any less final with someone who is *actively* murdering people with diplomatic immunity. I'm doubtful of the wisdom on even talking to her first, maybe we should just assassinate her, there's not an ounce of good in her bones to justify a less unilateral approach, not even for the danger of the prophecy being fulfilled. Not when she's killing people RIGHT NOW."
>Ursus sighs at what the wolf says up until raiding the hotel for their fire arms, he then took on a mischievous expression, at the grand idea.
having firearms would close the disparity in our power. Let’s get to retrieving our property from the brigands who stole it.
I imagine having some powerful defenses could aid with stopping the forest cult I not to mention the ice gun.
>Bobby salutes the trio and goes at following Lincoln via the rooftops.
>As for finding the dealer and the goddess, might be a bit more difficult.
>Maybe best t-
"Hello there kind she wolf."
>Fucking hell.
>Talking to Jessica now was fucking Dib.
"How would you like to meet a goddess? I personally know her."
Mog nearly jumped out of his skin at hearing the bizarrely sedate voice of the normally raving Dib. He gave Ursus a wary look, then turned to look over at Dib.

He whispered over to Ursus "What do you think, let him lead us to the Goddess to confront her? Or ditch Dib and do our raid? This opportunity won't last forever."
Sorry guys going to have to leave.
Again, sorry for the late replies.
Okay, take care.

See you Thursday, maybe! Have a good one!

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