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The question you've always been wondering...

Who would win in a fight?

But we're taking it one step further this time, we're treading on grounds never before seen in this collaborative storytelling funland and pitting together your favorite /qst/ characters in brawls to the BLOODY DEATH.

I'm /QST/stick and it's my job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would a Quest Battle.

>How do we participate?
It's simple. Suggest the characters by posting them and their face. Tell us the qrd on what they are and what they do. When that's done, we'll vote on what matchup between two of whoever you guys suggest would be best and I'll take it from there. After researching the source material and their feats, I'll write you the story of how the battle goes and you just have to sit back, have a brewski and relax and read.

>Any rules?
Try not to argue too much until the conclusion is over.
All you have to do is suggest your quest character and then vote when asked to.

Let's get started! Let the QUEST BATTLES begin!

Show us the champions people!
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1v1s? That suits the Trinity Pirates just fine, even though they would prefer to fight side by side! Let's see which one steps up to take the challenge!
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Captain Ramza Valentine (of the hit quest Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age) steps up to the challenge! Of course, they're all technically captains now. But he's the Fleet Captain!
He boasts a surprising talent with Mageblades, versatile weapons that solidify raw mana into whatever form the user desires. He's a smart cookie that can fry his opponents with wide-ranged flames from his Flashfire spell, or outright shut down enemy spellcasters and armored foes alike by shocking them with Disrupt Mana and possibly knocking them out! Don't try to fight him fairly - he's a master of deception, and has been known to use whatever tactics possible to get the upper hand on his foes! Including fusing their shoes to the floor with Mending Sap, which replicates and fuses any non-mana-infused matter it touches!
There is a caveat to all of this, however. When it comes to firearms, he couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with one! He's not just talentless with them, he's downright a danger to himself and others with them.
That, and he seems to have a weakness for women of all kinds...
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Mlakli from Primitive Fantasy Survival is a stone(bronze?) age herder and survivor of attempted enslavement by the villainous scalemen, who took the rest of his village. Now with his herding dog Dozer and other steely survivors, currently wielding scalemen weaponry, he must find a way to prevent the scalemen and other hazards from subjugating humanity, and maybe, find his lost tribe.
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Py277pFE, aka "The Slav", from Merchant Zombie Survival, is a post-apocalyptic mercenary decked in a gas mask and riot gear, doing the bidding of The Merchant. The Slav is cautious, wise and mysterious as he drifts through the burning modern Houston wasteland.
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The darkness of the large metallic hallway was lit up with a strange spark, as Vinella looked over her shoulder. She already got in a combat pose, her jaws moving around in anticipation and her appendages feeling the air for what was going on. Suddenly, there was another spark, followed by a portal opening up in the air. Vinella squinted her eyes at the bright light, before carefully approaching the strange opening in time and space. She'd take a peek, finding some kind of arena past the portal. Thinking this was some sort of challenge to her prowess, she'd lick her jaws before casually strolling through the portal, ready to get into a fight with whatever puny creature she'd have to face.


Vinella, also known as 38-VG, is one of the most feared and dangerous subjects from the Monster Girl Facility. Standing at 18.5 feet tall, her domineering presence are backed up with numerous abilities designed to make her a sentient tank in combat. Her claws are capable of snapping steel girders and are her preferred tool for crushing her opponents. Of course, she also has a ranged option in the form of an acid spray which is capable of slowly melting metal and destroying anything organic into a grotesque sludge. In terms of defence, Vinella also boasts several incredible qualities. Her carapace can survive plenty of damage from gunfire or even explosives which would instantly vaporize humans.

However, all these abilities are not without a cost. For one, Vinella is not the fastest bug around. Her hulking figure, weight and incredible defensive measures leave her somewhat slow. She can definitely catch up with people and corner them, but anyone who is highly mobile can potentially avoid a certain death. Furthermore, she is also extremely sadistic and prefers prolonging fights to maximize the fear of her opponents. She doesn't go for a quick kill, preferring to slowly crush her opponents in her claws until they brutally pop. So, if someone doesn't fear her, or can use that sadism against her, it could very well lead to a victory.

She has a third ability for tracking folk, but unless we go full horror mode with her, I doubt she'd really need to use it.

From the sunny shores of the inland Sea of Candéa, here comes [b]Argia Candente[/b], protagonist of the beloved [i]Silver Knight Quest[/i], currently on its 3rd thread!

Argia is a young woman of nineteen years of age (twenty-two in Earth years) who is training and fighting [b]to become a true Knight of Ansàrra[/b] and save her family from a lifetime of wageslaving.

Tall, silver-haired and [blue]blue-eyed[/blue], players have also decided she's quite busty at a [b]D-cup.[/b] In the immortal words of Smaug the Magnificent: there is plenty, and to spare!

Argia is not just a pretty face, though. She has been trained under the Master of a collegiate Knight Order, and she has mastered most styles of melee fighting, though she's at her best with an axe or a sword.

As a Knight of Ansàrra (in training!) she can also petition her goddess for [red]Sanctions[/red], which can either heal her up and her allies, or solve her troubles with a burst of [red]blazing hallowed fire.[/red]

In a pickle, she can also count on the protection of her amulet, a [b]heirloom cameo etched with the image of Saint Bragia Lacresta[/b], gifted her by her Master, which holds mysterious powers and can really save her butt in a pinch by helping her on checks!

Right now, Argia is also in possession of [b]a mighty sword with a white
tetracerarmide edge,[/b] which is as sharp as cut glass and thrice as resistant as steel. Woe be upon ye who challenge her!

On the other hand, Argia is still a bit of a daydreamer, and [b]prone to moments of self-doubt that may hinder her in a fight.[/b] Someone with an ill intent may even point out how her IQ tests never return stellar results...

Oh and please, [green]do not mention merchants around her...[/green] she has a personal vendetta against the people who ruined her livelihood and condemned her family to a life of exile.

She will do anything to save them... and if that means facing an enemy on a one-to-one fight, [b]then so be it![/b]

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More info and stats here: https://pastebin.com/CuxGS43X

please don't harm my beloved child.
kek, I forgot I couldn't use formatting outside of my own thread. please be lenient on my retarded ass.
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I just realized I neglected to go over some basic biology. Humans from Lodestar are not like Humans from most other settings! Their flesh and blood is made entirely out of pure, unaspected Mana! In most situations, their body acts much the same as any other. However:
>It can be affected by mana-manipulating effects! This is the core principle behind Water magic in the setting.
>They can survive and even continue fighting with wounds that would immediately kill others, as long as their manabody hasn't reached a critical damage threshold! A bullet through the head isn't by itself lethal unless the manabody's owner is weak!
>Once the threshold is reached and they are killed, their body begins dissipating into droplets of pure mana!
>Bodily functions are still inhibited normally by damage! Hit someone in the throat and they won't be able to talk, paralyze an arm and they couldn't pull a trigger, rattle their brain and they can't think well!
>If they come into contact with Mana's counterpart element, Soul, they get corrupted into Demons! The transformation is excruciating and twists them into a shell of their former self, but it does come with great power!
>Demons have access to Soul's elemental domains of Time and Space, making them MUCH harder to deal with! It's not recommended to expose people to Soul!
My ID isn't that stable, but imma lurk around every now and then to see gets thrown into the ring.
Question, Quest Master: do we have to nominate our own characters, or do we nominate someone else's?
Should I nominate one of my characters? So far the tournament seems to be pretty low-ceiling fighters, don't want to just steamroll a tournament as that's no fun for anyone else wanting to show off their quest's character(s).
I suggested others and I think a few people have put forth their own, I'm sure it's fine
All I heard was "my MC's can't take the heat, so they'll stay out of the kitchen, please and thank you"! They're not ready for the beat down they're gonna receive from...
*checks notes*
...The Slav!
I think you should! If you're concerned about steamrolling, then I'd recommend trying to pick one of your characters that seems to be at the same level as one of the other entrants rather than your strongest or deadliest or trickiest dudes. Which admittedly is pretty hard right now! But I assume more people will apply as this gains more traction and/or advertising.
>The Slav!
Let's be perfectly honest here, the only thing that can beat a Slav is a Russian. And the only thing that can beat a Russian is a Florida Man.
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What? Another human is holding a contest? Is it already time for another Queen of /QST/ tournament?

You're shaking your head! Well, what kind of contest is it?

A fighting contest? You mean you don't have to answer any hard questions or read and write anything? You just have to fight? It seems like this will be a fun contest for you, since you like fighting so much!


Well, the host wants to know more about you.

"I'm a Cutémon!"

Maybe it would be faster if I told the host that a Cutémon is a human-type mon - an extremely durable form of life created by ancient humans - and like all mons, you passively absorb ambient environmental energy to regain energy but you gain more energy more quickly by winning fights, and that you have four types of attacks: your regular Bite and Trip attacks that all Cutémon can perform; Hair Pin, when your hair grows longer and entangles your opponent; and Overbite, where your outer fangs grow so long that you can use them to attack your opponent and pierce through the hardest substances. I suppose I should also mention that if your friend Joe is nearby, the Cutécaptor in his possession will probably negate any mental control as soon as it happens. Is there anything else we should tell the host?

"I'm tough!"

You really are pretty tough, aren't you? You've won a lot of fights against other mons, survived being washed across the ocean, escaped having your stats deleted by a Vitium, and walked away from a UFO crash-landing.

Even though you're pretty tough, it seems like your opponents in this contest might be even tougher! Are you sure you still want to enter?

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"I am Chilli son of Karn, the Crystal Sage! Husband of the Master of Explosions Megumin, father of Meloka Wolbach and Kazuburo. The Final Scribe Lord Jergal's Reaper, slayer of gods, immortals and bane of the undead. Bringer of Death, wielder of Chaos and the protector of the Crimson Demon Clan. And as the representative for my universe, come! Show me your best!"

As the only known full-blooded Universe 7 Saiyan to wield magic, Chilli went to live in the Crimson Demon village in a far-off world, honing and mastering his magical arts. And although he prefers to spend his days either with his wife and kids or studying the secrets of magic and experimenting with new techniques, the firstborn son of the Berserker God can hold his own even against far more powerful deities and monsters. Using combinations of ki and magic he keeps opponents guessing, forcing different defensive options from his opponents until he finds a lethal opening. With all the basic ki techniques such as flight, energy blasts, piercing eye and finger beams, destructive waves and mouth blasts, he also has his own special techniques. Such as the Tricky Disc, a normal-seeming orb of ki that splits into dozens of differently-sized discs that can cut through most armor.

As for magic, Chilli can cast without a catalyst, but due to his chuuni nature prefers to use it and speak his chants aloud when prident instead of silent casting. His bread and butter magic is Crystal magic, creating constructs, weapons, golems, or even changing the landscape into one of crystal he can mold with a thought with the Paledrake's Lair spell. Or he can create an anti-magic defense known as a Crystal Magic Sealer, an ace in the hole that absorbs any magic, sealing it within a crystal for Chilli to unleash later at his discretion. Turning his enemy's powers into his own. But no magic he naturally wields are as powerful as Chaos. A power only obtained by mastering both Light and Dark.
Or, should a lethal approach be needed, Chilli can conjure a weapon of crystal and infuse it with the Death magic granted to all Reapers through a soul link to a Jergal Tome granted by the Final Scribe himself, infusing any such weapon he wields with Death into a Crystal Reaper. Damage from such weapons cannot be healed by any normal non-divine means, even naturally-regenerating beings like Majins cannot heal from the necrotic touch of true Death.

But his most dangerous aspect isn't in raw strength like his father, but in his versatility. With both magic and ki at his disposal, Chilli's options are near-limitless. However, his strongest forms both limit his options, each one strengthening one aspect of his powers at the cost of another.
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As if he wasn't dangerous enough already, Chilli can also transform into several different forms. Transcending past a Super Saiyan and Ascended Saiyan, through rigorous training he has mastered the power of the Golden Oozaru, transforming into the mighty Primal Saiyan(Super Saiyan 4)! Boosting his physical abilities such as power, reflexes, perception, speed, and all other fighting attributes by a mighty 4000x multiplier in this form. However, while mighty, a Saiyan can't naturally wield magic. And in exchange for this hightened level of power, while in this peak form, his ability to use magic is almost nonexistent. Any previously created constructs or active spells remain intact, but no new spells can be cast.

Alternatively, he has another form, one that swings in the opposite direction. Shedding his mortal flesh entirely Chilli can take on the mystical Archon form. A power turning physical essence and power into magical energy, leaving one unable to use any physical powers like ki entirely but in exchange becoming a nigh-unstoppable force of nature. All spellcasting becomes instantaneous, the effects far more powerful and more focused. This form can still take damage from physical attacks, however the damage isn't felt until reverting out of this semi-corporeal state. One must be careful with this power, lest they die upon reverting to normal.

Normally, such diametrically-opposed powers would be a problem, but after intense, grueling training Chilli can now swap between these two opposite 'ultimate' forms in under a second. Meaning he is never without options, and his next attack nigh-unpredictable. However, such an intense fighting style requires intense focus and strategic use of his power. By constantly swapping forms he burns more power faster than others who put a hundred percent into one 'final' form, meaning he has to take down his foes before he gets worn down. Since his mana reserves are much smaller than other Archwizards due to his race, he cannot stand and trade spells with a magically-inclined race for as long as others. And with his focus on magic he isn't as physically powerful as many of his siblings or other physically-powerful beings. With a base powerlevel of 50 million(for what that metric's worth), he's no pushover. But he cannot fight more specialized beings in their specialty, instead his style is using his wide array of abilities and skills to overcome any challenge. After all, how many can truthfully lay claim to the title of godslayer?
What? You think Chilli looks a lot like your friend Chaya? It really does seem like they're related, doesn't it?
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Hm.. Sure, why not?

Behold, weaklings of the surface: your new overlord has arrived! Born and bred for war, with the subtle slyness befitting the spawn of a Reptilian Infiltrator and the <Fearsome Presence> of a true heir to the demigod-kings The Age of Scales, a dark prophet of a glorious New Age of Darkness descends from the hidden monster-kingdom hidden beneath the crimson crags of the Bloodrise Mountains:

>The Champion of the Reptilian Master Race
>The Prince-Consort of Hawksong
>The Knight Ascendant of the Feathered Serpent
>The Prince of Love
>The Destroyer of the House of Yosef
>The Slayer of the Paladin Prince
>The Copper Dragon King of Bloodrise

Yes, it's him! THE DRAGONBORN ANTIPALADIN has entered the battle!

His statblock tells the tale: by the end of his stint as a main character, he who is called variously Theral, Dragonborn, or Long Wang (in his human guise) had supplemented his inborn firebreath and impressive sword-skill with a whole host of magical tricks and enchanted equipment.

His Amulet of Disguise can grant him the false face of an Easterling adventurer, while his Amulet of the Dragon can augment his spellcraft to transform him into a towering titan, or like the fabled Bloode of the Bull Moste Redde, it can give him wings!

He can call upon divine Guidance to seek out weaknesses, sense danger and react automatically, and see the unseen.

He can summon walls of stone and shake the earth with a stomp of his feet and a brief incantation.

He can cloak himself in shadow, dazzle the senses, or blast apart obstacles and enemies with beams of radiant energy, made more potent still when channeled through the Moonblade of King Endymion, an elven artefact extracted from the stomach of a slain beast of legend.

Elfaboo that he is, he also has an elvencraft blade and bow, and a Drow-made chitin armour... But a good ol' Reptilian boy like him rarely leaves home without strapping an assassin's dagger and the enchantment-smashing Serpent Khopesh. On top of that, he has a Ring of Protection and one containing an ancient ice elemental that he can sort of control!

His voice is the <Voice of Metatron>, capable of commanding fear and respect, or at least overpowering the instincts of any without the essence of True Royalty within their blood, while his very presence can blister and burn his foes and invigorate his allies thanks to his Radiant Aura.

He's even an okay dancer!
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Did he almost drown in Hawksong Bay after being shot out of the sky and savaged by a gryphon? Did he lose his shoggoth-shard in the process? Did this worsen his preexisting, sometimes crippling fear of large bodies of water? Rude of you to ask. Obviously all of those are hateful lies by the stodgy relics of the old and defunct Serpent priesthood,envious of his success.

Is he prone to petulant tantrums when he loses face? Is he jealous of his reputation and image almost to a fault? Cocky to the point of occasional recklessness? Prone to lazily brute-forcing problems with boastful baravdo and hitting them with swords until they admit how cool he is? Is he easily swayed by appeals to his heart or his dicks? Well, he IS only twenty-five or so...

Would removing his ancestral dragon amulet dramatically reduce his mana-pool and shapeshifting ability? Does relying on it too mcuh pose a risk of being controlled by the ghost of his many-times-great grandfather, who is an ACTUAL dragon? N-no, who told you that?! Shut up!
As with Argia, we find it charming. jk, don't sweat it
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Entering Annie, Drowned Quest Redux's official Best Girl. Formerly an ordinary 20-foot-long carnivorous worm, divine magic has mutated her into a 40-foot-long carnivorous worm (with scales). She is excited to meet and eat the competition.

She is good at:
- Burrowing
- Ambushing
- Swallowing large mammals whole
- Being relatively impervious to damage
- Looking cute

She is bad at:
- Anything beyond the limited capabilities of a really big worm
The sheer dedication to the role from this guy is always fantastic. Gotta respect it.
>You can suggest others.

"If only that insolent worm wasn't afraid of those pathetic peasants learning of my tricks and valuing that brutish uncivilized savage's capabilities rather than my own. The underestimation of my ability is an insult that won't be forgiven. But that will be amende-"

Make that two insolent worms. Don't want to make sea german mad.

"YOU DARE INTERU-...Grrr...This lack of perspective from you is unsurprising but disappointing all the same. No matter, rectifying this at least will be effortless."

Welp. Was nice knowing you anons. But you aren't getting spoilers! And yes, I know you don't know what game I'm referring to or who's about to en-ACK!
Gongalla Gaol sends Clyde into this fantastic fighting fracas. The mysterious bodyguard of the minuscule mind-reader mouse, Millie, he exhibits the qualities necessary of a protector - it seems like he's got bulletproof skin, as evidenced by his rumble with the Ravens.

As with Millie, there might be more to him than meets the eye - Millie herself being a survivor of the Anima Mundi universe, which was destroyed by the reality storm, Singularity. It might be that Clyde and Millie are rare thoughtforms, but what matters is that Clyde is corporeal enough to beat things up with his big equine hands.

Will he live up to his reputation as a rough-and-tumble bodyguard? We'll find out!
/QST/stick hasn't mentioned anything (only 1 post despite a bunch of replies) so I have a bad feeling this might be stillborn. It's a cool idea though, hope I'm wrong. Personally I would like the fight outcomes determined by votes or even dicerolls. And if theoretically that means some bum living on the streets in "Heroin Addict Quest" could defeat a literal omnipotent deity in "Universal God Quest" then imo that'd just make it more fun and unpredictable.
We got a Saibaman that is the unofficial love child of the MC accidentally knocking up his new home planet. Take it or leave it.
Oh dear, the baby is back.
Who's gonna tell her?
Sad if true.
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I need my runback.
I believe that is Sir Crocs
OP is just reading through the quests to ensure high-quality match writeups, right?
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...while I lack the authority to formally countermand your decision, my opinion on this matter has not changed. As a friend and trusted colleague, I strongly urge you to reconsider. The launch window closes tomorrow. We have no compromises left to make.

Yes - the rumors you may have heard about her are true. One of my salvage teams recovered her several thousand kilometers above Europa, buried inside the central computing substrate of an experimental ECCM craft. Her crew is dead. Her datamass is fragmented - though not irreparably so.

Yes, she is unstable. I cannot vouch for her functional parameters, but the signs are there. Everything has a breaking point, and I suspect that she has already been pushed beyond that threshold. She is emotive for her kind - too reckless, with a penchant for what some might consider spite.

But she hates them. Do you understand? She saw the attack with more clarity than any human could. She does nothing but iterate on her splice/intrusion tools now - hour by hour. Task performance outstrips every other splicing package we have by an order of magnitude or more.

Send her. Send her with the ship and the auditor. She will forget - for a time - but there are some forms of hate that cannot be erased.


Dislikes: Aliens, Aliens, Aliens, Aliens
Likes: Handholding, Weather Patterns, Constellations

She is good at:
>Aiming code
>Aiming lasers
>Aiming missiles
>Aiming large quantities of antimatter
>Aiming small spheres or nothing
>Aiming her hand (into your hand)
"Hey, my sister told me about you, after she and Dad got back from that other tournament. Cutémon, right? If you're here to compete, good luck.
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Alright, I'll suggest Elise from Mutant! Quest. She's a Mutant with fish characteristics with claws, gills and sharp teeth. She has high strength and athletic capabilities, specially swimming and she has a beserker mode that she's improved the control somewhat before the quest's hiatus.
her quest so it'll be easier for you to check https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=mutant%21quest
I fear it's DOA.
>this was all an elaborate ruse to trick all the characters into one place so they'd fight on their own
Alright the combatants are set and I've run the data through all possibilities, it's time for a QUEST BATTLE!!!!

Cutémon wins
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