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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

Your interrogation of Astu of Laughing Skull Clan had proven to be useful. You had learned that he was a messenger between Grom Hellscream and Thrall, but out of want to uphold your honour you didn’t pry into the messages he was carrying. But what made the interrogation really useful was what happened after it. Pai the Assassin had eavesdropped you and Eligius talking and had heard nearly all the details. In her want to get away from The Syndicate, she easily lockpicked her way out of the cell and gave you a proposition. She would deliver the messages and stay hiding with the Frostwolf Clan.

But she also revealed something more important, something you have to act upon. Pai told you that you have a little sister Alicia Perenolde and that she is being held by Lord Creedy of The Syndicate as a royal hostage. And so you hatched a plan. Pai and your spymaster Eligius with the help of Sir Cyrus, Otto Wanz and Bill Rover, would venture into Alterac, rescue Alicia Perenolde and try to assassinate Lord Creedy. While Pai was delivering the message to the Frostwolves, Eligius would prepare the rest of the mission. And while you were out campaigning, that mission would be launched.

And now you are in Durnholde Keep taking the last few steps before the combined force of humans march into war against the gnolls. With Lord Colonel Garithos again having lost his temper and having embarrassed himself, you claimed the command of the campaign without much opposition.

The success of this campaign and the fate of hundreds of men was now on your shoulders.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MedivhQM
/qst/ Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Alterac%20Resurgent%20Quest
Prince Alric Stats: https://pastebin.com/rysxdRsv
Quest Mechanisms: https://pastebin.com/CyD88qqf
Character List: https://pastebin.com/FkYd6wkJ
Side Character Stats: https://pastebin.com/aRfyksUG
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The short break had been lengthened as officers and men all returned back to their camps. The reason for this was quite simple, Blackmoore had gone to talk with Garithos in an attempt to get him to be reasonable and not do anything drastic like abandoning the campaign or trying to bog it down. And so as the meeting was adjourned till the evening, you had returned back to your camp to rest and discuss the events with your officers.

“I won’t lie to you Prince Alric, but you are going to have hundreds of men under your command and most of them probably don’t like you.” Lieutenant Beckston said to you. “Quite mercenary business, everyone having their own agendas and goals.”

“Speaking from experience?” You asked him back.

You and your officers were gathered in your tent, now the large size of it was quite useful. Malevus had brought all of you some tea and a bowl of broth for you. You needed that energy after last night's revelry.

“There’s sometimes quite strange bedfellows with whom you have to fight with when you are a mercenary.” Beckston said to you. He and his Kul Tirans had been mercenaries for some time before you hired them and they decided to stick around permanently. “You just have to make do Prince Alric.”

“Our men are staying in the camp just in case.” Captain Cromwell said.

“There are reasonable men in Regional Defenders, Captain Reginald for example. But we shouldn’t push and probe them more, I got what I wanted.” You said to them.

Cromwell, Beckston, Gravis and Radan all who were in the tent with you seemed to agree.

“But uhh… Prince Alric, what will the people call you?” Malevus asked you as she picked the empty bowl off the table. “I mean are you a general or a commander or what?”

That actually was a good question, no one had said what your official position was to be called. Were you just Prince Alric in command of this campaign or should the history books call you something else? Was it even that important?

Suddenly there was some commotion outside the tent and with little warning one of the Royal Foot Guards stepped into your tent.

“What is it?” Cromwell asked the man.

“My Prince, the Dark Irons are here. Their caravan has been spotted approaching Durnholde from the east.” The Royal Foot Guard greeted and spoke to you.

“Finally, how far are they?” You asked.

“Maybe an hour's ride away, but their caravan is a large one.” He replied.

“Quite a timing.” Lieutenant Gravis said to you.

Yes, it was. They were already several weeks late from the original schedule, but what was important was that they were now here. Whatever had slowed them down hadn’t managed to fully stop them. Or something worse hadn’t happened.

“Thank you.” You said to your guard who then left your tent. “I wonder what the others will think, an Alteraci dealing with those suspicious Dark Irons…”

Your officers didn’t reply to your musings.

“Shall I prepare the horses?” Malevus asked you. “Or will you receive them here?”


>Ride out and meet them on the road. Escort them to Durnholde personally.
>Wait in your camp and meet the Dark Irons here. Better not to disturb the rest of the forces here with their presence.
>They have travelled a long distance, receive them in the Durnholde Keep. That is more suitable for your and their status.
>Other, write in.

Name of your official position at the command of the campaign:
>Write in

QM: New thread! As always if you have any questions or anything regarding the Quest, characters, events or something else, please go ahead and ask them. I will try to answer them as well as I can.
Commander-in Chief of the Expeditionary Force would be a fair way to refer to Alric. He didn't do all the ground work to assemble it, he's just in command by consensus of all in attendance, heh. And whom he is subordinate to is...himself and his duty to the kingdom of Alterac.

>They have travelled a long distance, receive them in the Durnholde Keep. That is more suitable for your and their status.
A prince speaks with whomever he wishes to and wherever he wants, circumstances permitting.

Arch General Alric has kind of a nice ring to it.

Unless we wanna go for something like The Hawk Prince. Though with all the dragons on his armor, The Dragon of Alterac might be fun.

Overlord to imply it's his land, which it technically is, so it's fun to make them almost recognize it.

Defender General. Snub Garithos even more.

First Sword of the Darrowmere League. Or First Sword for short. If we see it as more of a first of equals gathering. Also advertise our little league to the neighbors.
>>Ride out and meet them on the road. Escort them to Durnholde personally.

>Write in
Prince Commander
>First Sword of the Darrowmere League
Okay, I am liking this. But we're gonna need more swords than just one if that's the case. Perhaps we should hold a contest of arms between the members of Darrowmere League and kind of kickstart aspirations of knightly orders? Let each region send their representatives and have each emerge with a champion in a tourney? I think it would be good to have after we win the gnoll campaign. Organizing some jousts or melee where men at arms and knights both could earn some glory and renown? It is how Alric won his.
Addressing any prince in English is done as "Your Highness" but Lord-Commander also works for me.

>Ride out and meet them on the road. Escort them to Durnholde personally.
>Send a runner to Langston and Blackmoore informing them
There might be visiting dignitaries in the convoy, finding out information in advance will help us plan properly in receiving them.
I think a tourny arc for the men and neighbors would be quite nice for that. Some purses for winners wouldn't be bad either if we have or can gather the cash by the event. If it goes well do it again once in a while. Tarren Mill fc, or rather ko, and so on.
"We will ride out and meet them. Lieutenant Gravis, please prepare the horses and send someone to inform Blackmoore and Langston." You told your men. Momentarily with these good news, your tiredness lifted itself away. "We aren't exactly in a hurry, so I am going to finish this tea in peace."

"Of course my Prince." Lieutenant Gravis replied to you.

"Rest of you are dismissed." You said and watched as the men left, leaving you alone in your tent with Malevus.

As she poured more tea for you, you took off your dark glasses and leaned back on your chair casually. She was wearing her usual grey trousers and tunic, very mundane, but very practical outfit. With her long red hair pulled back behind her elven ears and tied together with a short string, she could have been easily seen just as a servant. Except well she's an elf with naturally red hair.

"You seem to feel better." Malevus said to you.

"Dark Irons finally arriving here is good news and making Garithos show his ass, proverbially thankfully, did feel rather nice." You told her and smiled.

"Don't get too cocky Alric…" She lamented.

"Me cocky? Never. Banish those thoughts!" You replied and waved her words away.

You couldn't get your eyes off Malevus as you watched her do menial tasks. It didn't take long for her to notice you staring at her.

"What are you looking at?" Malevus asked you. "I'm not exactly presentable right now."

"Yeah, but does that matter? You are beautiful either way." You said to her and finished your cup of tea.

"Don't just say that…" Malevus said as a slight blush crept up on her cheeks.

You stood up and walked to her, carefully brushing her cheek. You smiled faintly.

"Really I was thinking about taking you out for a date… just the two of us… but it will have to sadly wait." You said to her and touched her cheek where the scar from the kobold blade was.

"Well you have a whole campaign ahead of you. Plenty of time to think." Malevus replied and looked into your eyes.

"Yeah… I can't really drag you knee deep into gnoll guts and call it a day." You said and chuckled.

"Wouldn't fit my definition of a romantic date." It was now her turn to laugh.

She leaned a bit closer and hugged you. The scent of her hair filled your mind and made you feel good. Oh how you wanted to just lounge casually with her and whisper sweet things into her ears. But today wouldn't be the day for that, nor would the coming days and weeks.

Carefully separating yourself from hers, you smirked and spoke.

"Lord Commander of the Expeditionary Force, that will be my title." You said to her.

"I like the sound of it." Malevus replied.

"It's simple and it works. But now I need to go, Gravis is probably already waiting for me." You told her.

"Ride safely." Malevus said.

You would, you would. Just you had one question in mind. What sort of a date would you take her to? Damn it, why is dating so difficult!


"I wouldn't miss the chance to see the Dark Irons." Langston said to you. Having heard about their arrival, he had wanted to join you and the knights.

"They have come a long way." You said back to him.

The day had turned late afternoon and the hot summer sun scorched the fields around you. To not get awfully too hot, you had taken your leather jacket off.

"What exactly is their business here, if I may ask Prince Alric?" Langston said to you and continued. "Very little news has reached us here in Durnholde."

You had ridden some distance ahead of your knights so technically you had some privacy. Maybe you could talk about some private matters with Langston as you were riding?

>Has Langston heard anything about Lady Edith Imswit and her daughter Hilde? They were supposed to visit Dawnholme.
>Tell him about the oil. The Dark Irons are here to drill it for you.
>They are here because you need every advantage and ally you can get, even if their reputations can be suspicious.
>Let Langston know about what you had heard about Garithos and his plans when it comes to Durnholde.
>Other, write in.

QM: A nice little compromise for the title name.


Yes the rescue mission and this campaign are going to overlap. They should leave for it in a couple of days if everything goes well.

Garithos trying to mess with Malevus would be very foolish thing to do. He is smart enough to not try it. I hope.
>Has Langston heard anything about Lady Edith Imswit and her daughter Hilde? They were supposed to visit Dawnholme.
>ask if he would think about creating a small port town for river trade. It could be quite lucrative if we can push the gnolls out and get trade to that one city andorhall? Idk the undead city in western plague lands.
>They are here because you need every advantage and ally you can get, even if their reputations can be suspicious.
>Let Langston know about what you had heard about Garithos and his plans when it comes to Durnholde.
How many people know about the oil at this point? Our officers, the parties involved, the Barovs. The syndicate is either too busy with their issues, doesn't have enough leaks in our camp, or doesn't know. So I guess it really will look like Alric has allied with some Dark Irons, the equipment could be seen as mining stuff, and maybe he invited them to live in the hills for some gains. At least until the oil starts flowing.

Eventually the oil will be known but I suppose keeping it close for a bit longer is fine. Langston might let it slip and spread it, which might help improve our situation in politics. Finding Oil in Strahnbrad hills is quite a boom and good fortune for Alric's unlikely venture. It should help Dawnholmes standing as a fledging city state, might help convince the neighbors to join the Darrowmere League for when the oil money starts flowing and we need supplies and manpower and trade. So letting Langston know might be handy, plus I think we do want him to push Blackmoore to join the League. Then we use that as leverage to get Hillsbrad. Work South shore and the navy base a little. Might want to tell him for that, and to keep him friendly.

I wonder if the delays were because he brought a considerable chunk of the clan, not just the workers but their families too.
>>They are here because you need every advantage and ally you can get, even if their reputations can be suspicious.
>Has Langston heard anything about Lady Edith Imswit and her daughter Hilde? They were supposed to visit Dawnholme.

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