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The gentle purring of your interface bracelet awakens you, consciousness shifting from dream to alertness with its usual ease.

You give your dreams the customary look-over as your body lifts itself from your bed, the habit of twinning your consciousness as easy as breathing now that you're coming of age.

Your dreams were of

>Terror and anxiety. Today is the day you finally leave your world. Many have not come back. Even more were so changed that they could never settle back into regular society
>Anticipation and hope. It's always been a day you looked forward to and finally it's time to see what promises the stars hold for you
>Whimsy and Romance. You thought to perhaps find someone special out amongst the cosmos. Perhaps love, perhaps a grander purpose, perhaps the power to find deeper secrets not seen by any before.
>Anticipation and hope. It's always been a day you looked forward to and finally it's time to see what promises the stars hold for you
>Terror and anxiety. Today is the day you finally leave your world. Many have not come back. Even more were so changed that they could never settle back into regular society
>Terror and anxiety. Today is the day you finally leave your world. Many have not come back. Even more were so changed that they could never settle back into regular society
>Whimsy and Romance. You thought to perhaps find someone special out amongst the cosmos. Perhaps love, perhaps a grander purpose, perhaps the power to find deeper secrets not seen by any before.
>>Whimsy and Romance. You thought to perhaps find someone special out amongst the cosmos. Perhaps love, perhaps a grander purpose, perhaps the power to find deeper secrets not seen by any before.
>Whimsy and Romance. You thought to perhaps find someone special out amongst the cosmos. Perhaps love, perhaps a grander purpose, perhaps the power to find deeper secrets not seen by any before.
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>Whimsy and Romance
You've always been a little on the irrational side. Truth be told -- More than a little. Amongst your peers you were often seen as borderline deviant, though your parents made sure to foster that scintillating spark of joyous insanity rather than trying to "fix" you be it through education or more invasive methods.

Your room reflects that. A far cry from the austere and utilitarian furnishings currently the rage within your age group you've instead chosen to adorn your space with rows upon rows of wall hangings, stuffed animals, hammered brass, book cases and one wall taken up by a broad floor-to-ceiling mirror.

In keeping with the theme, your own form is - by the standards of the Human Sphere of Expansion - somewhat more on the traditional side, at least outwardly.

You look at yourself and see

>A comparatively small girl, fine of limb and face
>A tall boy, each muscle carefully accentuated
>A girl of average height and build
>A boy somewhat on the shorter side but heavily muscled for someone your age
(I'm so happy this got responses, welcome everyone)
>A boy somewhat on the shorter side but heavily muscled for someone your age
Not quite space dorf but I'll take it!
>>A girl of average height and build
>A boy somewhat on the shorter side but heavily muscled for someone your age
>A tall boy, each muscle carefully accentuated
>A girl of average height and build
>A comparatively small girl, fine of limb and face
Shocked this didn't immediately win
Btw are we like an Android or an actual human or something?
Are they just throwing us out?
>>A comparatively small girl, fine of limb and face
>A tall boy, each muscle carefully accentuated
>A girl of average height and build
>A comparatively small girl, fine of limb and face
>A tall boy, each muscle carefully accentuated
No cooming. Only gains and brains.
>A boy somewhat on the shorter side but heavily muscled for someone your age
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>Btw are we like an Android or an actual human or something?
You're human. Enhanced, improved, augmented, but human.
>Are they just throwing us out?
It's traditional for your people to go through a period of travelling the stars before coming back home.

Counting and writing!
BTW should I keep the updates longer or is this length sufficient?
Any other short questions?
The length is sufficient, especially if you're updating is often as it has been already.

I do wonder how you're going to handle the four-way tie.
Rolled 1 (1d4)

>I do wonder how you're going to handle the four-way tie.
Wait drat it really is.
Guess I'm gonna
>>A comparatively small girl, fine of limb and face
Rolled 3 (1d4)

And second
>The length is sufficient, especially if you're updating is often as it has been already.
Hah! Back in my day this used to be considered extremely slow. 15 - 45 minutes was the norm.
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Tie-breaker vote.
>A comparatively small girl, fine of limb and face
>A girl of average height and build
Apologies in advance. I so very much don't like to roll tie-breakers.
>A comparatively small girl, fine of limb and face
>A girl of average height and build
Rolled 2 (1d2)

I'm fine with both so I'll roll
not really interested in playing a girl, so I'm out
>A comparatively small girl, fine of limb and face
>A comparatively small girl, fine of limb and face
>votes come in right as I'm writing
Understandable. Have a good one.
The length seems appropriate for the info conveyed, the importance of the vote and how often you've updated, so far at least.
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You're certainly on the more elegantly-shaped side. You never quite managed to get your parents to confess how much of this was deliberate choice and how much they left up to the wiles of the process, but either way you're seldom unhappy with the results.

Sure, a more impressive frame might engender more respect but you do quite like what you have all the same.

You get dressed in the uniform customary for all departees, snatch your rather old-fashioned phone from its charging stand and seal the room behind you.

Your interface bracelet vibrates, confirming that the space behind you is now undergoing full lockdown procedures with the air being replaced by first hard vacuum, then ethylene gas and finally argon, to ensure that no matter how long you stay away it'll be as be as pristine as the day you left it.

Your heart flutters and you revel in the feeling. Sadness is such a gift and you let yourself cry as you make your way down the spire, others seeing your uniform and giving you understanding nods. By the blood, you're not the only one.

Relieved and hopeful you arrive at the central plaza assigned for take-off, your parents BEAMING with pride as they embrace you, similar scenes playing out all around you.

Mother's floor-length dress is a scintillating crimson that slowly shifts between different hues, father wearing a purple toga and True Leather boots. He was always so proud of those boots, despite some calling the act of hunting with your bare hands rather barbaric for this age.

It's odd how you notice and recall these details so clearly now.

>Tell them you'll miss them
>Tell them you'll make them proud
>Tell them you'll come back soon
>Tell them you'll make them proud
>Tell them you'll make them proud
Is this setting based on anything?
>>Tell them you'll make them proud
>Tell them you'll miss them

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