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The year is 1374 DR. Sixteen years have passed since the Time of Troubles, when the gods were made humble, and forced to wander the Realms as mortals. With the ascension of the mad god Cyric, Prince of Lies, and the recent return of the tyrant god Bane, Lord of Darkness, the future of Faerûn seems increasingly uncertain. It falls to bold individuals who possess an abundance of cunning, might, and determination to shape the future... should they be up to the challenge.

Fitting the cart upon which the alchemist's womb rests through the portal leading into the High Sorcerer's tower proves a laborious task. Mustering the strength of every sinew of muscle in your body, you manage to force the blasted thing through the other end with a mighty heave. Exerting yourself to guarantee that your precious cargo gradually comes to rest in a stable position, you take in a lungful of the supernaturally clear spire air and shut your eyes, enjoying a brief respite before ascending the spiral staircase leading to the pentagonal main chamber.

Opposite to you is the overlarge bookshelf. Once packed from end-to-end with esoteric literature, a veritable army of what you reason to be invisible hands work tirelessly to pack away each work inside of a trunk. The sheer volume of books stored away inside leads you to conclude that the interior is larger than the exterior would suggest - a common feature of magical containers, although the mechanics of this function elude you.
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Amaranth's literature collection is not the only thing that has been cleared out; the living quarters and laboratory are left desolate, their contents vanished. Out in the terrace garden you spy Lael's Ilythiiri apprentices - Mytyl and Tyltyl are their names - amusing themselves with wands that emit technicolor sparkles of light when waved. The duo seem to be having the time of their lives with the toys that were no doubt given to them by the previous High Sorcerer.

That leaves the art studio, the only segment of the tower that has yet to be packed away. Paintings and recently-used art supplies remained scattered about, indicating that someone was there recently. This is where the former High Sorcerer must be, you reckon, although he is not visible to you from your current position.

You are in no great hurry at the moment.
>I suppose that I will see what the children are up to. Perchance I could impart more of my wisdom to them.
>Let me see if I can find Amaranth somewhere in the art room. I have several surprises for him that he cannot wait for.
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Previous Adventures:

The Rules™:

>Let me see if I can find Amaranth somewhere in the art room. I have several surprises for him that he cannot wait for.
Hey Ammy, uh, what's going on here...?
>>Let me see if I can find Amaranth somewhere in the art room. I have several surprises for him that he cannot wait for.
>Let me see if I can find Amaranth somewhere in the art room. I have several surprises for him that he cannot wait for.
Vote closed.

Finally going to have the chance to learn things we could have learned during the first visit.
Missed the vote, but was going to vote like everyone else. Nice to see the apprentices settling in.
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Content to leave the deplorable younglings to their own devices for the moment, you decide to take a leisurely stroll through the art room in search of Amaranth Cywir. Working your way around stained tarps and easels holding up half-formed concepts abandoned partway through the creative process, you happen upon a section dedicated to numerous completed paintings. Some portray the natural wonders of distant lands and even different planes of existence captured in rich detail - likely locations that he has seen firsthand that have left an impact on him. Others are more abstract; a meticulously detailed image of the night sky with an ethereal quality to it, or a picture with the elements of fire, earth, air and water interacting in perfect balance.

Although it is common for your people and the darthiir alike to dabble in many hobbies over the centuries of your lengthy lives, the skill on display here is a testament to his commitment to the craft. Though you have never admitted so openly whilst living amongst the Lolthite faithful, you have developed a deep appreciation for creative endeavors over the years. It has led you to dance, to Sune, and you suppose that it is another sign that Amaranth is your quor'vlosara, your soulmate.

There are a handful of works here that capture your attention, in that they inform of the former High Sorcerer's personal life.
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This one is titled Aerister. Your grasp of the darthiiri language is tenuous, but you suppose that it translates roughly as 'Teacher.' It portrays a darthiir magician of advanced years, his posture and gaze conveying both his incredible power and his incredible arrogance. This is what you imagined that Amaranth might be like, before you met him. The title, together with his resemblance to a certain other haughty mage, leads you to believe that this is a portrayal of Korfel Lathalas, mentor of the previous High Sorcerer and father of the current one.

The next is titled Ilanisola. The suffix '-ola' is added to a name when referring to one's daughter. Curiously, the possessive prefix 'd'' is absent, which is typically used when referring to another's daughter. Thus, the title of this work is 'My Daughter Ilanis.' It is an image of that insipidly cheerful girl, younger by several decades, in a sunny meadow. Having touched on the subject several times during your conversations with Ilanis, it comes as no surprise that Amaranth has come to view her his own daughter, though you cannot allege to comprehend such a relation. You wonder if the girl is aware of this painting's existence.

Further on is a painting titled Darach. The best translation that you can come up with after several minutes of deep thought would be 'Change Shape,' which is accomplished via some spell or another. 'Shapechange' or 'Transform' would be close equivalents in the local human language. It is a picture of an ostentatious half-breed woman who bears a striking resemblance to that fiendspawn Lael. You infer that there is likely some sort of anecdote behind this.

Mhaor is an odd word. There is no exact translation of this adjective. It describes a destructive force, something that brings death. It portrays a hooded individual tormenting agonized figures with cruel magics in an environment that resembles a cavern in the Underdark. Recalling the story that the traitor priestess told of her past, you deduce that this is Amaranth exacting his vengeance against the Ilythiiri who captured and tortured them. Rather than a display of triumphant heroism, however, the seer has elected to frame himself as the villain in this image. You get the distinct impression that you are missing some perspective here.
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Off to the side, slightly obscured by cloth, there is another painting, tempting you with the proposition of revealing the unknown. On impulse, you lift the veil, inspecting the image as you did the others. This one is much older than many of the works on display by decades - perhaps even centuries. It is a rustic painting made with lesser skill but a deep passion, portraying a young darthiir woman. Epitomizing sylvan beauty, she is lithe, with chestnut hair and full lips. It takes but a moment for you to realize that this is a picture of Arara, at a point in her life when she was younger than Ilanis. Shaking your head, your eyes wander downwards to the bottom of the image's frame where you spot the title:

Aestar - 'One Heart.' The best translation in the human language would be 'True Love' or mayhaps 'Marriage.'

A sudden illness overtakes you, as though some sort of baleful curse has been placed upon you by a malevolent deity. Your heart knocks against your ribs, as though eager to escape, and your stomach threatens to revolt by ejecting its contents unless pacified. You are overreacting. The age of this abominable thing is definitive proof that it is all in the past. There is simply no way that he... and she...

"Ah. Hello Sindiira. Your hair is different," says Amaranth with the slightest tinge of disappointment as he approaches from the other side of the room. Pivoting to face him, you muster your strength to put on a stoic expression, nodding toward him. "I apologize for the mess. With Lael succeeding me as the High Sorcerer, I am obliged to turn over ownership of the tower to him. I..." he pauses meaningfully, taking a pensive look at his surroundings. "... am merely packing away the remainder of my belongings before I depart. There are a few things that I believe we should discuss," he mentions vaguely. Exhaling deeply, your successfully retain your composure, looking him in the eye to address him.

You may choose no more than three.
>I want to make my feelings clear to him in detail this time. To explain to him why he is without equal in my eyes.
>It is time for me to confess. That I am not Sindiira Torani. I am Jezyrene, and I have deceived him and everyone else - for legitimate reasons.
>That painting of Arara... the two of them... are they...?
>He seems to have something that he would like to tell me. By all means, he has my undivided attention.
>I recently purchased a device, and would greatly appreciate if he could explain the mechanics of its operation to me...
>He seems to have something that he would like to tell me. By all means, he has my undivided attention.
>I want to make my feelings clear to him in detail this time. To explain to him why he is without equal in my eyes.
>I recently purchased a device, and would greatly appreciate if he could explain the mechanics of its operation to me...

He can keep his secrets, as we can keep ours. If he would love and have Sindiira, Jezyrene can stay dead in the Underdark.
>He seems to have something that he would like to tell me. By all means, he has my undivided attention.
>I want to make my feelings clear to him in detail this time. To explain to him why he is without equal in my eyes.
>It is time for me to confess. That I am not Sindiira Torani. I am Jezyrene, and I have deceived him and everyone else - for legitimate reasons.
Confessing the truth is more important than the device. You should never begin a romantic relationship on a lie, especially when people who know and want to hurt us are sure to be coming.
>>He seems to have something that he would like to tell me. By all means, he has my undivided attention.
>>I want to make my feelings clear to him in detail this time. To explain to him why he is without equal in my eyes.
>>I recently purchased a device, and would greatly appreciate if he could explain the mechanics of its operation to me...
>It is time for me to confess. That I am not Sindiira Torani. I am Jezyrene, and I have deceived him and everyone else - for legitimate reasons.
>He seems to have something that he would like to tell me. By all means, he has my undivided attention.
>I recently purchased a device, and would greatly appreciate if he could explain the mechanics of its operation to me...
>It is time for me to confess. That I am not Sindiira Torani. I am Jezyrene, and I have deceived him and everyone else - for legitimate reasons.
>He seems to have something that he would like to tell me. By all means, he has my undivided attention.
>I recently purchased a device, and would greatly appreciate if he could explain the mechanics of its operation to me...
Vote closed.
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Small update. The last few weeks of voter contact have been brutal. Things are finally easing up a bit, though not much. I haven't had a chance to actually sit down and focus on writing at all lately, at least not without other distractions. I'm hoping to finish this next update by this Friday.

Regardless of any of this, I am making a commitment to definitively concluding this quest some time in late December or early January. I feel that it has gone on long enough, and that there is only so much left to be told of Jezyrene's story at this juncture. I have been kicking around ideas for other projects during my hour-long commutes as well, and would like to get to them during this lifetime.
Don't worry QM, we'll still wait for however long it takes.
What the other anon said, and I'm excited for your next quest too. Thanks for sticking with it!
Unrelated to the quest, but do you have any secret insight that can help me win a few bets?
It's all good, watching your election from across the pond, I can only imagine how brutal it has been.
I will say, don't beat yourself up about the length, I think for quite a few months a lot of the threads have been short, so I don't think the quest or story has actually dragged out or anything, it's just that real life has gotten in the way is my impression.
Though I know what it feels like to want to move on to other projects and feeling restless about that.
Polls are overwhelmingly answered by older generations that are in the habit of answering every call because they grew up with landlines, and taking polls has become more difficult every year as this demographic slowly ages out. I am in a region that mainly polls California, and if the results of my calls were taken at face, then one would conclude that California is a reactionary stronghold inhabited solely by people over the age of 50.

People aged 20-40 seldom answer calls or even polling texts. Who really knows what they'll do come election day?

The support is appreciated. We will make it.

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