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Hello again!

Last time we were here, you reached the wizard, and officially locked in the half-dragon form. No more mutations, no long do you have a strange, gangly form. Instead, you are simply something... a little stronger than the average human. Your companions have also decided to try out a few different forms. The twins and William, for instance, are human now, while Paracelsus has folloed you in being a Dragnborn.
Snikt... She will be a full-on dragon, when she emerges. You can only hope it goes well.

More pressingly... Onyx is on his way. The eldest of the dragons, and likely the main reason that dragons have such a stick up their collective asses, if you can be funny about it for a moment. You can't, really.
He is going to wreak havoc on the land here, and it's up to you to find a way to kill it. You likely only have days.
While it's quite obvious Pink doesn't like the people she knows and loves turning themselves more human... This is something that she will learn to live with, in time. Especially considering you expect quite a few of these transformations might not be permanent. William sure didn't seem convinced.
"You feel about someone becoming a human the way I feel about someone becoming a dragon. I get it. Give them a chance, though, Pink. For me?"
Pink stares at you... And shakes her head.
"I love them, still. Even if they make mistakes. Even if they choose to be ugly apes."
She hops off the chair, and you give her a little bit of room.
"I'll... give you some space, okay? I've got to go talk to a few people, I suspect. We need to prepare for Onyx."

Pink stops.
"Onyx... The biggest dragon of them all. We will... Kill him?"
"I sure as hell intend to."
"If you do so..." Pink says, stopping. "If... If you can kill the eldest dragon. I..."
She forces a smile.
"You will be the ultimate dragon. No matter how much you limit yourself, that will be an undeniable fact."
Well, if that's all... Nothing too new there, you suppose. That said, you feel there is something else to what she's saying. Your silence was enough of a question, however, as she turns to you.
"Dragons are as Onyx made them. His spawn, and the others. Once he is gone... They might be a bit more like you."

Oh. But on the other hand.

"And if somebody else kills him?"
Pink smiles. You suppose it's foolish to ask questions you know the answers to. It also means that you need to be careful. In fact...
Does the court mage know?

This makes this altogether more complicated, unfortunately. But you need to prepare. You have the armies of this country at your side. Your friends, as well.
With the sheer power of magic, perhaps you could even gather people from your own country, as well. But the more people there are, the greater the risk that they will be the ones to affect the dragons.
Though, to be fair...
ANYTHING is better than Onyx.
It doesn't matter for now.

How do you prepare for Onyx?

>Gather allies
You've met people on the road. They can help.

>Prepare a strategy.
You are a dragonslayer already. This... is just a particularly huge one.

>No. Not yet.
You have others to talk to.
Welcome back, QM!

>Prepare a strategy.
Aside from that Landsknecht chick who really wanted to pork us, who I'm not sure I trust, who else would we gather that we haven't already adopted into our Klan?

On the other hand, I'm a big old derp for strategy. No fucking clue what our gameplan is here.
>Prepare a strategy.

We might need the strategy determined before we gather the few stragglers and allies we didn't recruit, especially if we need any walls, barriers or siege-engines constructed.
>Prepare a strategy.

We're so back baby, let's kill a dragon god
>>Prepare a strategy.
this is our bread and butter I wonder if we can put out the call for other dragon slayers to come and aid us
First and foremost, you need to think of a strategy. That always makes sense, though it's a bit difficult to figure out where to take all this...
So, you need to consider the important factors. Allies are important, of course, and you could head back to your home country through the power of magic. Portals, according to the wizard, aren't too tough for him, thanks to a collection of rituals he prepared. So, just about anybody you ever helped or trust will be willing to help could be available.
The alchemists would be a great first stop... They'd adore nothing more than to take Onyx apart, and they were often central to your plans. But, those thoughts are for later. Right now, the other elements.

One of the first things you need to keep in mind is that you are currently inside the biggest castle in the land, with several layers of defenses. Of course, the biggest one is nothing but a detriment. That being... It's in the center of a titanic city. Standing atop the highest tower, it's beyond your ability to even gather just how many houses and people are down there. Onyx, spiteful bastard that he is, is liable to fly over it and burn entire neighborhoods. You'll have to ensure the city is evacuated, though... Perhaps it will be necessary to keep enough people around to stop the fires. The entire city burning to the ground would be catastrophic for... tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people. That is, if you decide to stay in this city.

It'd be for the best, mind... This castle has trebuchets available in the back courtyards, and catapults on the walls themselves. It seems that they don't have cannons in this country, which... could be something you could look into. With how huge Onyx was, however, you're going to need a lot of firepower to punch through that armor, but every little bit helps. A cracked scale might be all that's needed to plunge a blade deep within that creature. The acidic blood is another risk for the average person, but you and Paracelsus are immune, no doubt. Which does remind you. Paracelsus knows her poisons, and she knows them well. To make enough poison gas to affect the dragon is foolish, of course, but if you could get it to swallow a sack of the most putrid stuff she could make... That might just be enough, frankly.
But, those are goals, not strategies.
Your classic approach to dragonslaying has always been using the environment, and a distraction. In this case, you would have to be that distraction. You, Paracelsus, and Snikt. Snikt is your ace in the hole, of course. You don't know how large she will be when she is finished... changing, but you suspect it will barely be a quarter of Onyx's size. But a quarter of Onyx is still a rather large creature.
Dragons have a blind spot on their backs, as well. They can twist their necks around far enough to see, but around the back is where they have trouble reaching. Usually, this is a no-go, as the dragon can just take flight to knock off the would-be rider, but Snikt could abuse this... She was always rather sneaky. If you can distract Onyx, wear him down with the right tools, like the cannons and catapults, perhaps Snikt could hit him where it hurts. You, in the meantime... Well, there is one spot that you KNOW isn't armored. The eyes. Paracelsus, strong as she is, is not somebody you can trust for that role, and anybody else would be boiled alive by the blood. Hell...
Onyx has *three* eyes.

It would still take incredible precision, however, so you need to get in close.
You need to consider what else you can do, right now...
The first few decisions can already be made, however. Where do you fight it?

>Here, in the castle
The collateral damage will be great, but it will be possible to evacuate the people. It will be worth it in the long run... With the castle in place, it will be possible to hold this dragon up for a long time, as he would have to dig his way past many fortifications, not to mention the myriad number of defenses can be used to wear him down.

>Away from the castle, into a mountainous area.
An open field is playing into Onyx's hand, he would be able to see everything. Natural rock formations, however, would make it harder for Onyx to spot everything. Moving people into position is going to be very difficult, however, at least when it comes to siege engines and the likes. Perhaps you could even prepare a rock avalanche? A very big rock was your favored way to slaying dragons, but it's just hard to find one for every lair.

>Away from the castle... Into the fey forest.
An extreme risk for both sides, as the fey don't exactly work together with anybody. Any collateral damage there is nothing but a boon, but it will be difficult to move your allies into position, when the forest itself might seek to swallow them up. Still, it might affect Onyx, as well. If you had absolutely no backup, this might have been a shoe-in, but as it stands, it might not be worth the risk in the slightest.

>Another location
It should be emphasized that travel time is much reduced thanks to Merlin, so you could go... just about anywhere you've been before.
>>Here, in the castle

what are the chances we can get the reality keepers to help us? the ones that wiped out memory a while back
>Here, in the castle
Draconic or not, we are still a knight more knowledgeable about castles and siege warfare than alpine or jungle warfare. Plus, a castle is the only viable place to mount heavy anti-dragon artillery we rely on. Mountains provide poor firing arcs (and few stable platforms) for the guns, while forests significantly limit our gunner's line of sight.

If we can't get enough cannons here on time, then:
> write-in: somewhere close to the nearest cannon foundry or heavy weapons depot. We need the heavy weapons to secure a kill - or at least weaken and distract it long enough for Snikt to pounce and we to deal the finishing blow. Our entire squad combined have about half the weight of Onyx, and he's likely to be VERY experienced, so we need every tactical advantage we can get.

Captcha: 2XWGN
Yes, we probably need every combat-worthy wing in the air.
>Away from the castle... Into the fey forest.
Turning fairy magic against the dragon dies sound useful, and Snikt's command of nagic is specifically where she outpaced us as a growing dragonoid.
I worry that Onyx is old enough to have treaties with the fae, allowing him to enter their domain without issue. if that is the case we would be fucked, I think this is the case since he is very very old and it would make sense for immortal beings to establish at least diplomatic relations with each other.
So what's the plan right now?
At the end of the day, you have to stick with what you know and, more importantly, what others know. Siege warfare against a gigantic opponent like Onyx is, of course, not quite orthodox... but if you can put something that throws big things at high speeds at something, you're pretty sure it'll work out. As for what to use, the courtyard trebuchet will be able to hit Onyx without being visible, while the cannons can likely hit it from a straight line. You've heard of some mortar cannons too, however... Though you'd have to convince the alchemists AND some dwarves to have that moved here. If that even works, because... you don't know how they work.
With the terrain in mind, now it's time to think on what you're even going to do.

Perhaps it makes more sense to think of any allies you might have. The promise of killing a dragon, and all the glory and money that gets you, is enough for many. If you've done people a favor of any kind, odds are they'll help out, whether by gear or manpower. Distance, for once, isn't an issue...
So, where do you start?

NOTE: You can collect more than one ally in this vote. I'm putting in a few obvious candidates, but if you remember them, and you've done right by them, you can probably involve them. You can also exclude some people, if you think they are too dangerous

>The Alchemists.
The Alchemist's Guild would love nothing more than to autopsy a dragon god. They'll be bringing in the cannons, too!

>The Mountain Village
Not only can you cure their condition that turned them into kobolds now, but they've essentially been guarding Onyx for a very long time. No doubt they can help you out with knowledge

>The Landsknecht
They were excited to help you out, and the glory of slaying a dragon is valuable. They'll bring skilled manpower and *vicious* tactics.

>Your king, Rosarian.
This country and Rosaria are... not exactly at war, but not exactly *friendly*, either. Your king is also a noted narcissist, as much as you respect and love him, so it might prove difficult.
Still, if you get him involved... it's a major help. He has a mage of his own.

No doubt there are more people that you've met. It can never hurt to at least *ask*.
>>The Alchemists.
>The Alchemist's Guild would love nothing more than to autopsy a dragon god. They'll be bringing in the cannons, too!

we should start with the Alchemists, then work our way down the list from the most challenging to the most likely to help.

maybe our king next, then the landsknecht, and lastly the mountain village. and lastly, we figure out anyone else we might want
>The Alchemists.
>The Mountain Village

>The Landsknecht
We can asm if we have time, or tge others don't pull through. We don't know then well enough to know if we can trust their competence or their motivations. There seems to be some risk that whoever lands the killing blow could shape the personalities of all surviving dragons, after all.

>Your king, Rosarian.
While he has a good reason to want to help (dragons are a big problem in his country), I strongly suspect a noted narcissist is a bad guy to invite to this kind of party, where he could be temped by the oportunity to become a dragon like Onyx and Merlin might BOTH offer such a man.
Everyone we can get. Onyx must die, and as long as his replacement isn't crazy or malevolent I'd call it a victory.

... Rosarian being here might cause a diplomatic shitstorm we need to help clean up after, though,
at least we would be alive to clean it up though and honestly, I think we need every single group's help. like you said we need everyone we can get.

>The Alchemists
>The mountain village
>The landsknecht
>We could go and see if the new Fae prince is willing to help
>That Seaport port where we saced from tgeir mad wizard may have some sailor man with cannons willing to help

Speaking of Fae, how did that poor boy we rescued fair with his transformation?
Ooo, the port city is good shout.

I'm >>6116158, and I also support the port city addendum.
>The Alchemists.
>The Mountain Village
>The Landsknecht
>Your king, Rosarian.
>The port city on the opposite coast
>Check in with the changeling boy we rescued and see if he's able to provide any help
You need to go through this bit by bit, you suppose. You'll start off with the things you're fairly certain about, of course... The SAFE ones.
The first stop was the alchemists. The first stop that you ever made after you gathered up your new little friends, and now, here you are again. Merlin is keeping the portal open, though he warns you that this is an expensive endeavor. If it wasn't for the fact that killing Onyx is a more than worthy endeavor. What kind of expenses this takes wasn't made very clear... And you hope this doesn't bite you, down the line. Still, he didn't put in a limit, so you'll move as much as you like, thank you very much.

The alchemists were the first step. They were *very* excited to see you again, with your transformation so much further along. Asking them for help against a dragon came with the usual reply that they claim the eyes, at the very least, though they question why you would go all this way "just" for some aid against "some dragon". Specifying what dragon it was?
As it stands, the walls are being reinforced by the alchemists, and their cannons are using some unique powder solutions. Experimental, of course, but they are "fairly certain" this will work. Good enough. You even got the High Alchemist involved, who is currently in talks with the defenders, though according to several pacts he has with king Rosarian, he can't talk with any of the nobles.

The next people you involve are the mountain village. They came along just upon request, and they start showing people what Onyx's weak points might be. They... didn't even need to be talked to. When you showed up, they were packed and ready to go. Evidently, when they saw Onyx leave, they were just prepared for this kind of thing. Their help will be limited, as they put it, but likely invaluable. The alchemists appreciate it, and the very, very few chinks in Onyx's armor are known to them.
It'll help.
Nex up, the Seaport. They were not excited to help out just out of principle, up until you offer them a trophy... and in exchange for a very big marketing ploy.
Because they'll be letting you borrow their very, VERY big cannon. It'll have to be put on the rails of the kingdom, but it's a castle destroying titanic cannon. The alchemist's guild is NOT permitted to try anything there, however. Anyhow, you've sold your likeness to the city. You're sure this won't come back to bite you.

The next people you try out? A bit more risky. The Landsknecht... The lady you talked to is working pro bono, but to get the entire mercenary company, you'll need funding. A LOT of funding. Sadly, more funding than Oileana's nobles are willing, or able, to lend. So you have a few capable soldiers, but you'll need to find a source of wealth.
These were the "safe" options... Or at least, what you could think of at the moment.
Is there anybody else you would like to call upon at present?

On a sidenote, the changeling boy has been changed into a human once more, and is planning on returning to the city he was to be executed in, claiming to be the boy that was exchanged.
Something something, a dragon came to make a deal. He'll figure it out later... Though, he is staying here, for now. Just in case he could be useful.

>No more ideas. You'll move on to further planning.

Can we get the funding for the Landsknecht by promising them to pay richly out of Onyx's hoard? You KNOW the ancient asshole who ingrained all dragons with a biological hoarding instinct is fucking LOADED.
Having Rosarian onboard still sounds better than not having him at all.
Supporting, promising Onyx's hoard to the Landsknechts might work.
both of these if our punch fails to be strong enough this one might just fuck humanity into extinction this time, or at the least start a new cycle were we half to reboot civilization again but this time there are two mega evil fuck you powerful dragons
Who'd be the other mega evil dragon again?

> Captcha: VVV0J0
Every last bit of firepower we can get. Veni. Vidi. Vici.
> Promise the Landsknecht (at least a major portion of) Onyx's hoard.
> Call Rosarian.
Make sure to tell him, in no uncertain terms, to NEVER accept any deals from Onyx.
TBPH as long as he remained sane he can turn into a dragon for all I care, if he turned crazy after the fight.... we'd be VERY prepared against a draconic upstart either way.
I still think Rosarian sounds like a bad idea. Also, less narrative-satisfying since we don't really have much in-quest history with him.
>Also, less narrative-satisfying since we don't really have much in-quest history with him.

my brother in questing, now isn't the time to be picky, we are going to attempt to kill the closest thing this setting has to a living god on the mortal plain, we should pull every thread we have available to us. meta feelings on the matter need not apply. At least that's how I feel about it sorry if I am too frank.
Shame we don't have all those automated defences from that fancy science lab that nearly killed us.
I don't even remember the name of the guy who hired us to go there with him. Or the crazy magic organization that contacted us after....
Do we have any way of getting hold of those lunatics?
Big fuck off cannon get!
Well I've already stated my in-character rationale as well. Rosarian sounds like an eminently corruptible sort.

I don't think they're interested in anything but keeping reality stable, and ancient secrets buried.
>Well I've already stated my in-character rationale as well. Rosarian sounds like an eminently corruptible sort.

to that I say fair enough

>I don't think they're interested in anything but keeping reality stable, and ancient secrets buried.

actually, we should reach out, a second onyx in the form of our poor snickt is bound to destabilize reality so it would be in their best interest to help in this cycle.
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Something I commissioned from Indonesian Gentleman of Jail Quest, to break up the strategizing.

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