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Your name is Fido Ballthrow. In a stroke of bad luck, you've found yourself stuck between a rock and hard place. Your sister (whom you abandoned years ago) has come to live with you after your mother murdered your father and went to prison, and she is... not very happy with you. Your girlfriend, Lily, whom you promised to spend the rest of your days with, is now angry that it will no longer be just you and her. And, of course, to make it all worse, in three days, the world will end, and you will be dead. It's times like this that you wonder what it is you did to deserve a life like this.
Previous threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=downerquest
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You tell her you're sorry.
"Sorry, are you? Yeah, that helps a lot. You know you're fucking up OUR last days, right? You do know that?"
You ask what you're even supposed to do in this situation. You can't exactly kick your estranged child sister out on the street, especially since she has pretty much no one else. Lily crosses her arms.
"Sure you can, you just won't. That's not even the worst thing... what if she... finds something? Like... him."
You ask her how she would even do that.
"I don't know! Kids are curious, what if she digs it up just to piss us off and finds a barely decomposed body. It's a risk, especially since I'm pretty sure there's people that are out to get you."
You almost forgot about that. Lily believes that the person who shot Ralph wasn't looking for Ralph... but instead for you. Why they'd be looking for you she doesn't know, but she thinks it might have something to do with what happened with AJ Mathers... Anyway, you don't wanna think about that right now.

DAY TIMER: 23:50:00

>Leave with Alice
>Call someone
>Something else
>Ask her if there's anything we can do to make it up to her (other than kicking our sister out)
We don't exactly need to spend our last moments with her either. We can just go somewhere.
2.5 ?
(The last thread wasn't as long as I would have liked due to some irl stuff, so this thread is more a direct continuation of the previous rather than an entirely new thread!)
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You ask her how you can make it up to her other than kicking your sister out. She looks off to the side.
"I don't know..." she smiles, "I wanted to do something together today. I know we already plan on going to Alienfest... but I thought we could go out or something. Act like things are normal for a little while. And if your sister didn't show up I thought we could... well, y'know, but I guess we can't. Anyway, I just wanna do something together today. Just us."
>Agree to go out
>Insist on spending time with Alice
>Kick Alice out
>Leave with Alice
>Call someone
>Something else
I'll support >>6120707, and add
>Try to calm her down by pointing out that even if you were exposed, the workd's ending soon anyway, and then it won't matter.
>Agree to go out
>BUT before you go, tell Alice to watch out for any strangers near the home and take care
>Agree to go out
>Hang out with both of them in the evening
Compromise is the foundation of a good three-day relationship. Compromise and murder.
This is Lily's big chance to act like the big sister she either always wanted to be, or always wanted to have. Why not experience that before the world ends?
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You agree to go out with Lily. It would be kinda nice to get out, and you doubt Alice really wants to be around you right now anyway... You go back inside to tell Alice you're going out while Lily changes into another shirt. You tell her to watch out for strangers and make herself at home.
"Finally..." she says, absentmindedly, "Oh, um... I mean bye."
You and Lily leave the house hand-in-hand, walking down the street. There's a lot on your mind, but even you can admit it's pretty nice.
"So," Lily asks, "where should we go?"
Your first real date and you only have three days to live... Okay, you better not mess this up.
>Go urban exploring
>Walk around the mall
>Commit crime
>Go to a bar
>Go to a museum
>Go to the movies
>Something else
>Go urban exploring

Drainage tunnels?
>Go urban exploring
Exploring some abandoned structures could be a nice callback to our misspent youth. Kristmas Krew represent!
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You bring up the idea of going urban exploring. She smiles.
"Oh, hell yeah, psycho. I used to hang out at abandoned places all the time as a kid, mostly to get away from my dad. I'd go read and listen to music and stuff and sometimes paint on the walls. There's this old warehouse I used to go to all the time, maybe it's still there."
You walk for a while, talking as you go.
"I think I might just quit my job. It's not like I'll be around to work it by the time this is all over. I'd rather just hang out with you, psycho. Everything is so much clearer now... maybe we were meant to be together or something. Do you believe in stuff like that, psycho? I guess you must believe in some kind of unseen force if you think the world is gonna end. I don't know... I never really did, but now I'm not so sure. It just feels too perfect. My mom believed in that kind of stuff. She used to talk about ghosts and how she could talk to them. She said ghosts were everywhere, and they don't even necessarily have to be the ghosts of people. Ghosts of events, ghosts of emotions, ghosts of words... She told me that everything in this world that happens matters, that it'll always linger, and that when the world is gone its ghost will be the biggest and most powerful the universe has ever seen. I would ask her what the ghosts would say, but she'd tell me I was too young to understand. She died before I could find out. I always thought she was crazy, but now... I think she's right. Things never truly go away, it's just how it is. The only way to make things go away is to just... go away yourself. Either that or... try and live with them, or maybe find someone just as haunted as you are."
You tell her you don't agree.
You tell her that even if ghosts exist, they will eventually go away too. Everything goes away in the end, and nothing really matters.
"Maybe you're right. And maybe everything matters. Guess we have three days to figure it out. I'm surprised you don't believe in ghosts, psycho.
You ask her why.
"Look at you."
You don't question her on the matter further than that.
You arrive at the building. It's large, quiet, and dilapidated. It's perfect.
"Come on, psycho! Let's head in!"
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You enter the building. The whole thing smells musty and like old concrete. Shards of glass are all over the floor, and you seldom find a wall that isn't covered in graffiti.
"The upstairs area isn't as bad, let's head up there."
You head up creaky old metal stairs into the upstairs area. You're terrified that they'll break, and that you'll fall, but you don't. You mess around for a while, idly chatting and kicking around paint cans. At one point Lily puts a paint can on her head, picking up a metal pipe.
"Hey, psycho! Look at me! I'm like one of those guys from Mad Marvin!"
She starts swinging around the pipe as if fighting people off. You laugh.
After a while, you both sit down in a small area that doesn't have as much debris or garbage around. It's hidden away from the rest of the building, so it's actually kind of cozy. Lily looks to you.
"I think around here is where I used to hang out when I was a kid. I had some stuff set up but it probably got stolen by homeless guys or something."
She tilts her head.
"What did you do as a kid, Fido?"

DAY TIMER: 23:00:00

>Tell the truth
>Make up cool story
>Try to sound ordinary
>Refuse to say anything
>Kiss her
>Something else
>Tell the truth
That's the least we can do.
>>Tell the truth
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You tell her about your childhood and your teenage years. How you'd spend most of your time outside or locked in your room. How your mother hated you and how your father barely noticed you. About your sister and the things you did together. About the old Kristmas Krew and the adventures, you went on. About... Klara... NO! No... no never mind. Not about Klara. You don't really talk about Klara. NO ONE talks about Klara. You shove that memory deep into the back of your mind and hope it doesn't resurface.
"I'm your first girlfriend, aren't I?"
You nod.
"Why have you never had anyone else? You're not bad-looking."
You explain that you were just never all that good at talking to girls.
"What? You were too shy?"
You nod.
She snickers. "You're so cute."
You sometimes wonder if you could have been a ladies' man. You're not exactly a bad-looking guy, more ordinary. You feel like if you just had some confidence maybe you would have had all kinds of girlfriends... but, you suppose the path you did end up going down led you to Lily, so it's worth it, right? You aren't so sure.
"You know psycho you really aren't bad-looking at all. You're my type, y'know?"
You ask her what her type is. She thinks for a moment.
"Visibly troubled."
You ask her what that means.
"Look at yourself."
You don't know what that means, and you aren't sure if it's a compliment.
"Plus, you're sweet, you could have probably had all kinds of girls swooning. What about that Felino girl, did she ever like you?"
You tell her you don't know.
"I'm sure she did. I'm sure SOMEONE did. How could they not."
You aren't sure why Lily even likes you, or what her type being "visibly troubled" even implies, but she's all you have. Besides... well... Alice. You almost forgot about her... again. Wow, you suck.
"What happened to the other guys? The... Kristmas Krew you said? And your band?"
You tell her. Felino moved to the next state over not long after graduation. She really needed a new start after... what happened. You don't really like to think about that. You're pretty sure Eric moved to Maine with his boyfriend. You've always wondered what happened to him, you were pretty good friends. Pat... well, he's another thing you don't really talk about, but Pat is out of the picture... Thinking about this all gives you a lump in your throat.
"You're lucky you had actual friends growing up... All I had was... people who knew me I guess. I never really connected with any of them. My old band were the only friends I ever really had, but they're gone now..."
>Ask about band
>Talk about yourself more
>Talk about something else
>Call someone
>Sit in silence
>Kiss her
>Something else
>Something else (Cuddle)
If she wants to do more, we should go for it, but i think just holding her for a while would be nice.
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You wrap your arm around her and she leans against you. She lets out a happy sigh.
"God, I love you," she says.
Suddenly, your cell phone starts ringing. Goddamnit. You let go of Lily and take out your phone. It's Felino... You pick up.
"Hey, Fido! We're in town in case you didn't know. You said you might wanna come see us, right?"
Lily looks over at you. She seems disappointed. Why is your life so hard?
>Tell Felino you aren't coming
>Tell Felino you are coming
>Tell Felino you might come
>Hang up
>Let Lily take the phone
>Something else
>Tell Felino you'll think about it
>Hang up
>Continue to spend time with Lily
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You tell Felino you'll think about it.
"Oh, alright! Me and Jon plan on ordering some pizza or something and we can have a couple of beers if you wanna! See you!"
You hang up the call and put your phone away. You wrap your arms around Lily again.
"I wish people wouldn't bother us," she says, "I wish I could have you all to myself."
Her voice takes on a darker tone as she laughs to herself. "All... to... myself..."
You feel a shiver run up your back. You can't tell if it's fear or excitement. Probably fear. You're... sort of scared of her. You love her, but she's terrifying. She's the most terrifying person you've ever met. She kisses you. You kiss back. Things escalate from there...
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You both jump over the wall around the outside of the building, getting ready to leave. Lily laughs.
"Alright, psycho, what now?"

DAY TIMER: 21:30:00

>Go home
>Go see Felino and Jon
>Walk around the mall
>Commit crime
>Go to a bar
>Go to a museum
>Go to the movies
>Something else
>Go hit up that gas station schizo's house. Maybe you can break in and steal the guns and knives he definitely has. Not like he's using them anymore!
>Go to the movies
Why not?

No, that place is probably gonna be filled with cops.
>Go to the movies
>Ask if she has ever been on a double date, and suggest one with Felino and John
>try not to seethe
...why? She specifically doesn't like spending time with other people. We'd be better off meeting them by ourselves ourselves we would with her. She'd think of it all the same, no? Even worse because she'd have to interact with people, even.
Because we might want to see Felino. As recently as a couple days ago we were low-key obsessed. It may be our last chance to see her before the world ends. Can't let our ht evil girlfriend completely dominate our last three days.
...So then we should just see him. My point was that I'm pretty sure our girlfriend would be more annoyed by having to go on a double date than she would by having to be without us. At least, that looks like what she'd do.
Better to give her the option. Also, her reaction will entertain me. if you'd rather go without telling her where we are, though, okaaayyy...
>Her voice takes on a darker tone as she laughs to herself. "All... to... myself..."
You know what, you're right! Let's do it your way.
I didn't say not to tell her, I said not to bring up the idea of a "double date" to felino because literally no one would enjoy that.
I will.
>Go to the movies
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You suggest heading down to the movie theatre to see a movie. She nods.
"Yeah, psycho, that sounds great. I don't know what they'd have playing, but a movie could be fun."
You head over to the mall, which has this pretty nice movie theatre built into it. You walk over to the counter to buy tickets. The college-aged guy running it looks you up and down.
"Welcome to the Mathers Mall Theatre. Would you like to buy a ticket?"
You tell him you want two tickets.
He sighs. "To what movie, sir?"
Oh... you didn't really think about this. What kind of movie do you wanna see?
>Punch the theatre guy
Has Ari Aster... I mean, Ari AHMSTER.... have anything out? That guy makes trippy, weird fucking films. Could be good for our particular power-couple.
Sure, let's go experimental. And if it's boring, we can always have some good ol' cinema lovin'.
It is October.
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You decide to buy a couple of tickets to a new experimental film called "Timothy: The Steel Guy". It looks alright, a little spooky, and probably has some cool effects. The guy at the counter hands you the tickets, eyeing you up once more. He narrows his eyes.
"Seat 405, sir..." he says, "Ma'am just sit wherever. I'm going on my break."
He leaves, and as he goes you watch him take his cellphone out of his pocket and start dialing a number. Weird guy. Why does he want you to sit in seat 405?
You finally get into the theatre itself, heading over to seat 405. Goddamnit. Some guy has already taken the seat. Lily narrows her eyes at him.
"Hey, guy, that's my boyfriend's seat."
The guy scoffs. "Just sit anywhere! Doesn't matter."
"Dude could you please just move."
"Forget about it!"
What an asshole. You both begrudgingly sit down next to him as the movie starts. The movie goes on. It's pretty good, but you can't help glancing at the asshole that stole your seat. You're so fucking tired of being pushed around by people like him. These people that just do whatever they want with no regard for anyone but themselves. It's disgusting. Guys like him deserve a bullet to the-
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>Try to identify the shooter
>Check if the guy is okay
>Run for cover
>Scream for help
>Jump into the line of fire
>Use Lily as a human shield
>Something else
>Run for cover
Every time. I bet our sister dug up the body too.
Oh fuck it's the goddamn Mafia. That guy was a plant. Okay, there's no point in 'screaming for help', if people didn't hear the gunshot they didn't hear us. And they probably didn't since these places are soundproofed. Okay, here's my logic, if they shot that guy, they probably think he's us. Our best shot is to just fucking grab lily and run to the emergency exit while he goes to check. All cinemas have emergency fire exits.
>Grab Lily and make a break for the fire exit
>Grab Lily and make a break for the fire exit
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You immediately grab Lily and make a break for the exit. You aren't able to get a good look at the shooter, but you hear him fire off a couple more shots, at who you don't know. It's only now that you notice that there's barely anyone in this theatre, the ones that were there immediately running to the normal exit. You, of course, being super smart, run for the fire exit.
You sprint down the narrow hallway with Lily, hand in hand. God, this really must be a hazard, are they really allowed to have these fire escapes so narrow? You feel your heart sink down into your stomach when you're stopped in your tracks by a man in a slick hat... in his hand a pistol.
"Shouldn't have messed with MOC, Fido Ballthrow."
>Use Lily as a human shield
>Take the shot
>Something else
>Use Lily as a human shield
Nobody will notice if she's gone for the 2 and a half days left until the world ends.
The fire exit is a corridor? Not straight to the outside? That's dumb. I guess we're supposed to die here or something. It's not like we can talk him out. Pleading doesn't help with these types. And attacking doesn't help either. Using Lily as a human shield would just result in him firing twice, so that's retarded.
Might as well go out swinging, i guess. How did they randomly guess we were going to be at such a ridiculously perfect murder location? Who knows. I guess they just had an entire hitman team waiting in the cinema, or maybe they just read our minds.
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Fuck it. If you're gonna die here you might as well go out in a blaze of glory! Attack-
"MOC?" Lily exclaims, "Like Mathers Oil Company?"
The man doesn't seem to have expected this.
"Oh, yeah. Mathers Oil Company."
Lily takes on a different tone entirely, sounding... almost as if this situation is nothing but an outrageous inconvenience, rather than the terrifying situation it is.
"I am the daughter of Milford Mathers, sir! Just what the hell do you think you're doing?"
The man tilts his head. His guard seems lowered.
"Milford Mathers?"
"Yes! Have you not heard of him?"
The man lowers his gun. "No... I don't think so..."
"Are you stupid?"
"No ma'am..."
You finally get it. She's... putting on some kind of act to get his guard down. You notice his gun is now lowered. If you're gonna do anything, now is the chance.
>Jump him
>Play along
>Silently walk in the other direction
>Something else
>Pretend to play along to get closer
>Then jump him
>>+1 to this.
>Silently walk in the other direction
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You decide to play along, claiming to be her boyfriend, David Davidson (you aren't very good at coming up with names).
"David Davidson? Are you sure you're not Fido Ballthrow? Come here."
You get closer and closer, his gun still down, and once you're within range, you punch him in the nose and wrestle the gun out of his hands. Soon, you're standing over him taking control of the situation.
"Shoot him, Fido." Lily suddenly says.
What...? What is she saying?
"Wait! Kid! Don't shoot me! I have a family, kid, please!"
Oh no.
>Shoot him
>Spare him
>Maim him
>Do something else
>>Maim him
We don't have much time. We should ask one relevant question and then shoot him in the leg so he's no longer a threat. Anybody got an idea?
Ask him why we've got a hit on us. Name names

>Beat him to death with the gun.
It's quieter, and more satisfying.

Are you forgetting that there's another hitman here, anon? As much as i'd love to kill him, chances are, doing that will just cause more people to go after us in order to 'take revenge'. Crippling him with a shot should be enough to make them think twice.
You think nobody will come after us if we, a man already marked for death, cripple a hitman who knows our face and our girlfriend's face and escape? You think this guy's colleagues will want revenge for his death, but won't want revenge for his being maimed or crippled? I'm a tad confused, anon...
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You ask him who has the hit out on you, and why.
"Okay! Okay! Reginald Mathers! H-He didn't say why but he seems... scared of you. I don't know who the hell you are but for some reason, he sees you as a threat. Says you're... trying to get back at him or something... I don't know, I'm just some two-bit, man! Some chump worker at the theatre made a call to the boss after he saw you and I was told to come here! That's all I know, I swear!
Reginald Mathers? Isn't that AJ's dad? It makes sense that he'd be angry at you if he knew what you did... but why would he feel threatened? What the hell is going on?
You can hear a commotion out in the theatre. People will be coming soon. Lily speaks with little emotion. Chilling and cold-blooded.
"Kill him," she says, "he deserves it."
What do you do? You don't have much time...
>Kill him quickly
>Kill him slowly
>Spare him
>Maim him
>Something else
>Tell him to tell his friends to leave you and your friends the fuck alone
>Shoot him in the in the legs, as a message
If they pull shit again, I want our guy Fido to go all the way to AJ's dad and rant at him the full story behind the gas station event, then tell him he's a shitty dad. Then maybe kill him or tell him it's his fault for assuming shit and starting all this over nothing.
>Kill him slowly
>Or quickly
>Mainly, quietly
No gunshots. Don't be dumb.
>>Something else
>>Get the goon to get Reginald Mathers on the Phone.

Let's clear this up without any more bloodshed.
+1 this. Shit's just gonna escalate at this point and we've got our sister to worry about on top of all the other shit hitting the fan. Let's not start a whole John Wick thing
I'm >>6121796, and I'm prepared to back this instead, and change my vote.

Enjoy getting shot to pieces by the other hitman they sent.
Y-you too, baka.
Shooting him in the leg:
Getting him to call Reginald:

Unless I'm counting wrong I believe we need a tiebreaker!
Rolled 74 (1d100)

Slow day so I'll roll for it.
1-50 = Shooting him in the leg
51-100 = Asking him to call Reginald
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You demand that he take out his phone and call Reginald.
"I-I can't, man! I don't have his number, honest! He only gives that to his family and close friends... B-But I do have my boss! I can call him! I think he knows Mr. Mathers personally! He could... probably relay a message for you!"
You'd much rather him call Reginald directly, but you suppose speaking to this guy's boss couldn't hurt. You tell him to hurry up and call him.
"O-Okay, kid, I'm going as fast as I can!"
He takes out a cheap flip-phone and dials his boss' number. Soon he's on the other end. He sounds like an older, and very angry man.
"Victor? What the hell are you callin' me for?"
"S-Sorry, boss! I just... got someone here who wants to talk to you is all..."
You can hear the sounds of people getting closer and closer. You probably don't have much time. What will you do?

DAY TIMER: 20:40:00

>Demand an explanation (-1 Minute)
>Relay a quick message (-30 seconds)
>Relay a long message (-1 Minute)
>Try to have a full conversation (-5 minutes)
>Shoot the assassin and run (-5 seconds)
>Just run (-3 seconds)
>Run back into the theatre and get into a shootout with the other assassin (-10 minutes)
>Stand your ground and shoot at whoever finds you (-10 minutes)
>Something else
>Relay a medium-ish message
"Listen here - I don't know why you think I want to go after you, or why you're intent on continuing to hunt, but the only thing I want is for you to leave me, my friends, and my family alone. Do that, and I'll never be a bother to you. That is all."
>Relay a long message (-1 Minute)
We don't want any trouble. We can just end this all here... But if that's not good enough, we'll meet him in 4 days, at a predetermined location, and hash this all out.
Maybe if he thinks he can ambush us easily later, eh won't bother trying to track us down until after the world ends?
+1 to this. Boy are THEY gonna feel silly when the world ends!
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You tell the boss to relay a message to Reginald. You tell him that you don't want any trouble and that this all can be over. You also tell him that if Reginald really wants, you're fine with meeting somewhere in the next four or so days to hash this all out. The boss chuckles.
"So you're the kid that has Mr. Mathers pissin' his pants? Interestin'. Sure, I'll tell him, kid, but I doubt it'll do much to sway him. According to him these past few days you've been doing nothing but cause trouble for him... First puttin' one of the go-karts at his mall out of commission costing him precious dough, then killin' his son and burnin' down one of his liquor stores... plus with the dirt you apparently have on him the boss seems to think you're out to destroy him."
What? Dirt? What dirt could you possibly have on Reginald Mathers? You ask the boss.
"No clue, kid, but it's enough for him to want you dead. Either way, I'll probably be seein' you later..."
The boss hangs up. Victor looks at you, a fearful expression on his face.
"Who the hell are you, man?"
You... really don't know. How could you at all be a threat to Reginald Mathers? Especially one so big he's willing to go through all this effort just to be rid of you. What kind of history could you and Reginald Mathers have besides the fact his son used to bully you back in high school? It doesn't make any sense... Also when the hell did the Mathers family become some weird pseudo-mob? You always knew they were rich and owned a lot of businesses... but not to this extent...
Lily anxiously glances behind her, then back to the hitman. "Hurry up, we don't have time. Kill him."

DAY TIMER: 20:39:40

>Shoot the assassin and run (-5 seconds)
>Just run (-3 seconds)
>Run back into the theatre and get into a shootout with the other assassin (-10 minutes)
>Stand your ground and shoot at whoever finds you (-10 minutes)
>Something else
>Shoot the assassin in the legs
So the gas station schizo was his son?
>Just run (-3 seconds)
Keep the gun, though. If we keep blasting everyone people are gonna think we're this ex-Green Beret mastermind going gangbusters on everyone's ass
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Slow day today so I'll just roll between these two.
1-50 = Shoot in the leg
51-100 = Just run
Dan would have voted against. My fault for getting distanced and missing the update.
(Sorry about that, anon! Next time if we have a tie I'll probably wait a little longer since I don't usually like leaving everything up to rolls.)
Who is DAN? I meant
>Damn, would have
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You decide that this dirty hitman shouldn't be able to leave this building unscathed, so you shoot him right in the knee. Blood flies, and he screams louder than you've heard anyone scream, except... well... that one time.
You put the gun in your pocket before running to the fire exit with Lily behind you, both of you trampling over the injured hitman on your way.
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When you finally make it outside, you hear it. Distant police sirens... Someone called the cops. You look around frantically, trying your best to figure out what to do. That's when you see it... a car. It most definitely belongs to someone else, and the keys are still in the ignition. You've never driven a car before... and this would most certainly be (another) crime, but is it worth it to get away faster?
>Steal the car
>Run away on foot
>Run towards the cops
>Something else
>Run away on foot
Cars get way too easily found due to licenses. Just remember to not go directly to our home.
>Run away on foot
Fuzz is in on it, guaranteed.
Also, I should say, I voted to shoot him on the leg, not on the knees.
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You decide to leave the car. You never got your license anyway, so it doesn't really matter. You run, and you run, and you run. Through empty streets, through alleyways, doesn't matter. It doesn't really matter where you're running so long as it's AWAY from the mall. After forty minutes of running, and ducking, and jumping fences, you can no longer hear the sirens, so you and Lily hide behind a dumpster while you try to catch your breath. You start to panic. You're so fucked... you're so fucked. What if that hitman talks? There are definitely cameras in the mall... the police would definitely be able to find out you were there. What if Reginald Mathers tries to frame you for the shooting? You feel like you're gonna die.
Lily, however, can't stop smiling.
"That was fucking amazing, psycho," she says, "God, I love you."
You can barely hear her you're so hopped up on adrenaline and nerves.
"Alright, what now, psycho?"
What now...? What now?!

DAY TIMER: 20:00:00

>Go back to Lily's house
>Get a hotel
>Call someone
>Skip town
>Something else
>Call Lily's House
Let's just make sure our sister is safe. I'd love to skip town, but we can't do it with..y'know, with our sister being there. We have to take care of her too, and i'm not sure we have anyone that could become her caretaker.
>Call Lily's House
What >>6122347 said
>Release the adrenaline by pulling Lily close and kissing her really deep. Also, a really tight hug because fuck running from cops really raises the heartbeat
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You don't know what to do with yourself. You look around frantically, for what you aren't quite sure. Then, your eyes lock on Lily. Without thinking, you grab her, pull her in, and kiss her like you've never kissed before. And suddenly... you feel amazing. You feel a way you haven't felt in... years. You feel like you've been asleep for your whole life and only now have you finally decided to wake up and smell the flowers. The last time you remember feeling like this, you were sixteen years old. You were talking to... her. Klara. The girl that you, Felino, Eric, and Pat promised to never speak of. But lord, you felt good. But now... it's different. Having the power of life and death in your pocket, having the privilege of knowing the very day you'll die, having a beautiful girlfriend who'd do anything you want, evading the police like a total badass, having complete and total freedom to do what you want, when you want, and how you want... You feel like God.
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You wanna do it all again. You wanna commit more crime. You wanna go on the run. You wanna punch Jon in his stupid face. But first... you should probably call your sister. You dial the number for Lily's house. Alice picks up.
"Fido? Is that you? Why the hell are you talking like that? What's so funny?"
You ask her if she's okay.
"What are you saying? I can barely understand you?"
You ask her if she's okay.
"Am I okay? Yeah...? Are YOU okay?"
You tell her you've never been better.
"O-Okay... Fido... I'll see you when you get back I guess."
You hang up. Lily giggles. She seems to be in a similar headspace to you.
"Okay... what now?"
>Go back to Lily's house
>Get a hotel
>Call someone
>Skip town
>Commit more crime
>Kiss Lily again
>Chew your own fingers off
>Something else
Hmmm..I wanna get a hotel...but would they be waiting for us in hotels? Do they expect us to go to a hotel, or do they expect us to go to somewhere abandoned?
Ah, wait, I just realized we have a gun in our pocket. We probably can't go to a hotel unless we wanna get arrested. Maybe we sohuld just go find some abandoned place to chill a little like that house we went to earlier? Doubtful they'll be able to find us in that kind of place. Though probably not there in specific.

Anyway, I'd just like to find somewhere Fido can get his energy out.
Welp, he's having a nervous breakdown. I feel like if we don't do anything he's gonna do something we really can't get out of. I mean, one of the options is to chew off your own fingers...so here's my idea
>Kiss Lily again
>Take her right there, in the alleyway. Do it standing up if you have to.

This isn't just a coomer option, promisse. I just want them to get out of this adrenaline-induced headspace. This counts as a crime, right? With the kind of luck we have luck, though, this will end up with the cops finding us or Lily getting pregnant...
Alright, i'll support this. I guess that's fair, we can do it here and then go home, right?

I suppose this is a bit of a long shot, but i'd like for us to go home after...whatever the hell this is. If only to ensure our sister doesn't dig up the garden or get murdered by the mafia. I don't think Fido would survive if she did.

>Public sex
>Go back to Lily's house
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You have her right there. Multiple times. If anyone came by, even the police, you wouldn't stop. You don't care. At this point, you're above normal people. When you're finally done, you decide to head home. You feel less like ripping the face off of everyone you see and setting off bombs in domestic areas just to watch the fires, but you're still extremely... jittery.
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You finally make it home. As soon as you walk into the living room and see Alice, it feels like seeing her for the first time all over again. You sprint over to her and pull her close, squeezing her tight as you rant about how much you love her, how much you missed her all these years, and how happy you are to see her. She seems... frightened, but you're too happy to notice.
"Y-Yeah... thanks... Fido..."
What now?! What now?! You should totally do something...

DAY TIMER: 19:30:00

>Call someone
>Talk to Alice
>Talk to Lily
>Play games
>Punch holes in the wall
>Write a song
>Draw something
>Go to see Felino and Jon
>Something else
>Talk to Alice
>Talk to Lily
I think we should just chill for now. Maybe get our feelings off our back.
I can support this. Fido has a lot on his mind. Maybe it's time for him to unload it. Maybe don't mention the part where we killed two people to our sister though?
>Write a song
>Talk to Alice
>Write a song
>Tell Alice about Alienfest
>Ask if she wants to join the band
If she refuses, she can always be a close supporter
but yeah what >>6122476 and >>6122486 said
CHILL AND UNWIND AND UNLOAD (but not that hard)
By the way, i gotta say, I feel like this piece is just way too abstract for me. I really don't get what the hell I'm supposed to be looking at. The previous one of them doing it I did. But this one is too abstract.
Weird abstract pixel-art as a substitute for low-res furry porn that would get booted off a blue board is fine, IMO.
Yeah but it'd way too abstract. I can't even tell what it's supposed to be. I kinda could with the other one. But not with this. Anyway, this board isn't even strict about lewd stuff anyway...
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You decide to sit down with Alice and Lily for a little chit-chat. You're almost like a little family! Wow! You've never had anything like this before! God, your life is so great... YOU'RE so great! Everything is so great!
"So," Alice begins, "what did you guys get up to?"
Lily snickers to herself. "Oh, nothing much, right, psycho?"
You enthusiastically agree.
"Why do you keep calling him 'psycho'?" Alice asks Lily.
Lily giggles. "Because he's a psycho!"
Yep! A psycho! That's what you are! But you're not crazy... no one can take that from you. You're awake, unlike all these other people. Your third eye has been opened, you understand all this shit your father used to jibber-jabber on about. You have elevated yourself above the average person by not only recognizing man's impending demise but also by abandoning all forms of inhibitions and treating the world the way that it was always meant to be treated... as though it belongs to you.
"What exactly does he do that makes him a psycho? He's never seemed all that psychotic to me."
Lily can't stop laughing. "We'll tell you when you're older."
Alice seems unbelievably uncomfortable. Why, you don't really know. Maybe you need to chill out... Deep breaths! In... out... in... out... You breathe in and out slowly and loudly. Lily and Alice look at you funny. They just don't get how zen and chill you are.
Your zen is immediately broken when your phone rings. FUCK! Why is someone trying to impede your wonderful family bonding? Who thinks they have the right?! What do you do?
>Answer the phone
>Throw the phone
>Ignore the phone
>Hug Alice again
>Zen to the max
>Something else
Let it out, lad.
>Answer the phone
Ride this manic episode to productivity!
+1 but add
>Hug Alice again
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Fine! Fine! If whoever this is needs to talk to the great Fido Ballthrow that bad, so be it! You pick up the phone and hear... Ralph!
"Fido! What is up, man?! I'm back from the dead!"
You begin to weep violently. You pull Alice in for comfort.
"I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that the doctors fixed me up nicely! Said I can have visitors in tomorrow. You should totally drop by! The bad news is that... well... I'll probably never walk again without any kind of support! It's not too bad, though! This could help me get sober!"
Oh God... you've crippled him. You're happy he's okay but... if his getting shot is really your fault... then that means you've crippled your best friend for life! You begin to weep in an even more violent manner.
>Beg for forgiveness
>Leave the room
>Explain your situation to Ralph
>Hang up
>Something else
>Beg for forgiveness
>Leave the room
>Beg for forgiveness
Damn, that's pretty sad. I guess he's not dead, at least.

But I mean, the world will end in three days, right? We still going with that?
>Beg for forgiveness
Okay, passive mode is off. It's ON SIGHT for these fuckers from now on
Being crippled for three days still sucks, but at least it's ONLY for three days.

>Beg for forgiveness
>Leave the room
>Ask if he's still on for Alienfest :)
Bro LIVED>>6123114
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You decide you probably shouldn't be having this conversation in front of your sister and girlfriend, so you leave the room and run to a little storage closet in the hallway. You desperately beg Ralph for forgiveness, screaming and crying and punching yourself.
"Woah, man, it's chill! It's not your fault!"
You ask him if he's still on for Alienfest.
"Sorry, man, I gotta stay in the hospital! Definitely come see me tomorrow, though! Maybe we could play some music for some of the sick people or something. Like some, like, charity shit or something. That'd be sick."
You tell him that'd be great.
"Alright, I gotta go. See you, man!"
You're so happy. You jump for joy. You jump, and you jump, and you jump! Eventually, you jump a little too much, and a large, heavy wooden box from one of the shelves falls down and hits you right on the top of the head. OW! What a pain! You're so silly, you oughta be more careful!
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You feel a little drunk as you stand up, and everything in the room seems a bit... smaller... but that's fine! Oh, hey, what the hell? It's Mr. Bird! How'd he get here?!
"It's almost time, Fido." he says, "You're so close."
You ask him what he means.
"You and I both know the true day is almost here! But... there is something you've yet to be told."
You ask him what he means.
"You are the savior, Fido! I've finally seen it... what the end times will look like... and they are a fate worse than death! You are the only one who can stop the suffering!"
You have no idea what the hell this guy is talking about, but you're happy to see him all the same!
>Discuss the weather
>Ask him how he's been
>Ask about what he speaks of
>Leave the room
>Touch the top of your head
>Something else
>Ask him how he's been
>Ask about what he speaks of
We're fiiiiiine
>Ask him how he's been
>Touch the top of your head
>>Ask him how he's been
>>Ask about what he speaks of
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You touch the top of your head. There's a bit of blood, whatever. A bit more blood comes out of your head and drips on the floor but after that, it looks like the bleeding stopped! You're good, you're fine, you're dandy. You should probably clean yourself up when you get the chance though!
You ask Mr. Bird how he's been.
"Well, ever since I shot myself in the head I've been pretty dead, so I'd say I've been... pretty much nothing, kid. What about you?"
You tell him you've been just fiiiine... You ask him what he's talking about.
"In the three days you have left, the world will be thrown into a perpetual state of agony. Not only will everyone die, but they will be sentenced to eternal damnation. There is one man on earth currently who is making this a reality... and that is Reginald Mathers! He wants you dead because you're the only one who knows to stop him. If you kill Reginald Mathers, the apocalypse will happen as normal, and everyone will simply cease to exist."
Of course! Of course, there has to be some big conspiracy surrounding all this! You're the chosen one! You've been sent to save the world from an eternity of torture! You really ARE god-like!
>Discuss the weather
>Ask him where to start
>Ask him if you can stop the apocalypse
>Ask him something else
>Leave the room
>Something else
>Ask him where to start
>Ask him something else
Ask if he wants to meet Lily and Alice.
>Ask him where to start
>Ask him something else
Gee, things really are going from bad to worse, aren't they? Now he has brain damage.
Also, ask if he wants to join our band. Ghosts can play the theremin; it is known.
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You ask him where to start.
"My advice? Lay low. Go to see Jon and Felino, and go to Alienfest. Then, when the time comes, preferably a little while before the day of reckoning comes, get some guns, find Mathers, and kill him in his own home. Preferably before he kills or imprisons you."
You ask him if he wants to meet Lily and Alice.
"Sorry, kid, they wouldn't be able to see me. Since you're the chosen one you're the only person who can see dead people. You're like, super cool."
You ask him if he wants to join your band.
"Once again, ghost."
>Discuss the weather
>Ask him if you can stop the apocalypse
>Ask him something else
>Leave the room
>Something else
>Leave the room
>Ask him if you can stop the apocalypse
The answer's probably no, but hey, no reason not to ask.
>Ask him if you can stop the apocalypse
>Have a lucid moment, and ask him for proof that this isn't all in your head
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You ask him if you can stop the apocalypse.
You begin to question your reality... Maybe... just maybe... you're NOT actually seeing a ghost... and are just experiencing the effects of a traumatic brain injury! You ask him to prove that he's not just in your head and that this is reality.
"Your mind IS reality, Fido! Because you are just... so great!"
That clears that up, then! This is all real! You wave goodbye to Mr. Bird and squeeze through the little doorway to leave the room. You begin walking down the hall when you pass by a mirror and see yourself. Woah! You aren't presentable at all! Can you really show yourself to the world looking like this?
>Fuck it, don't clean yourself
>Run to the bathroom and clean yourself up
>Find a hat
>Something else
>Run to the bathroom and clean yourself up
Is it cope to hope that just walking like this might get Alice and Lily to maybe help him?
Alice might. Lily is delighted to be along for the ride.
Lily may be a bit of a yandere, but I don't think she's straight up cuckoo delusional like fido currently is.
>>Run to the bathroom and clean yourself up
She is pretty into the whole apocalypse thing, and the conceptual ghost-of-the-world, and very eager for us to kill people.
Sure, but she's pretty logical and calm about it, she's not going around jumping and bawling and trying to chew off her fingers and punch walls.
Fair She might clean our head-wound and check for a concussion, but during that we'll inevitably tell her we believe her about ghosts, and that we're the chosen one. At that point she'll encourage our worst impulses.
I imagine that getting checked for a concussion would probably be better. Imagine if we stopped the apocalypse, won our 'happy ending' and then died because of brain trauma. That would suck. Which is why my vote is to *not* clean ourselves.
Alright, fine.

Changing my vote to
>Fuck it, don't clean yourself
in the hope someone helps us
this is a cry for help for Fido
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You stumble into the living room, coming into view of Lily and Alice, who both immediately gasp at the sight of you.
"Oh my God! Fido!" Alice exclaims, immediately coming to your side. Lily stays seated on the couch, her eyes wide.
You tell them it's nothing, sitting down next to Lily. They're both being sooooo dramatic...
"Fido! We need to call 911!"
Lily shakes her head.
"N-No. No 911."
Alice is bewildered. "What? Why?"
"Because I said so. No 911! We can... fix him ourselves."
"No, we can't! His head is split open! He needs medical attention!"
Lily stands up.
"I don't think you get it, KID, we CAN'T call 911."
"Because we can't!"
"Why not!"
"Because it's not a fucking option, okay?" Lily turns to you, "You okay, psycho."
You give a thumbs up.
"See? He's conscious at least! We can just... staple it shut..."
"His head is split open! Look at how much blood he's losing! If we don't call 911 he could die!"
Alice covers her ears, startled at first, but then claps back.
"He's MY boyfriend and I know what he needs. You don't get the fucking situation, it's more complicated than that!"
"What's the situation then?! Why can't we call 911?!"
This... is bad... you think...
>Take Lily's side
>Take Alice's side
>Try to calm them down
>Explain the situation
>Something else
>Put a hat on
>Find a compromise
Instead of calling 9/11, we'll take a cab or a car or whatever to a hospital so the popo doesn't find our house.
>Try to calm them down
We already know we can't die for three more days, so it's fine. :) Plus, a ghost just told us we were the chosen one.
+1, use like an Uber or something. Maybe don't take it infront of our home though?
get an ice pack and some towels
>Something else
This >>6123221 self transport never hurt anyone.
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You really don't think going to the hospital is necessary, but you GUESS if you have to you could take a cab or something... You suggest just that.
"A cab? I guess that could work, but last time I checked I'm pretty sure... well... HE owns the cab service around here."
Fucking Mathers.
"And besides, any cab driver in their right mind would just insist we call 911 unless we bribe him or something."
Alice's anger seems to turn to a slight concern.
"Can you please just tell me WHY we can't call 911?"
"Nope. I don't trust you."
"What?! Are you both criminals or something? Are there drugs in the house?"
"NO! There's no drugs in the house and we aren't criminals."
"Then what the heck is going on?!"
You feel a warm sensation run down the back of your neck. Uh oh, more blood! Maybe, just maybe, this is a little worse than you thought.
>Agree to try and fix it at home
>Insist on calling a cab
>Walk to the hospital
>Explain the situation
>Suggest asking Mr. Bird for help
>Call Felino and Jon
>Something else
Okay...here's my logic...if we go outside our house. And then we call for an ambulance in the streets. They probably won't be able to tell it's our house, right? Anyway, if we're wanted by the police, they'll ID us as soon as we get in the hospital.
>Go to a vet clinic or something, one that doesn't get a lot of traffic.
>Tell Alice you don't really have health insurance so it's just the way shit is
God Lily you suck at lying
Anon, that's retarded. A vet will almost certainly talk about a guy with head trauma walking into his shop. We're being stupid here. Mathers may be rich but he's not the fucking FBI, he's not gonna be able to keep track of every goddamn injkured person in every hospital in the city. Furthermore as far as he knows we're compeltely uninjured.

Honestly i think we should just call 911
>Call Felino and Jon
woops, meant to tag
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Using the bit of brainpower you have, you decide to run through your options. You suggest going to a vet clinic.
"And what if the vet talks? I mean, we could bribe him, but we have no idea if that's reliable."
Alice seems extremely concerned. "If he... talks? What the heck is going on here?"
"Shut up!" Lily snaps.
You suggest walking outside and calling the ambulance in the streets.
"I guess that could make them not be able to know where you're staying, but... you know..."
Lily leans in to whisper in your ear.
"If you ARE currently being searched for by the cops, there's a good chance you'll get arrested the moment you leave the hospital... And even if they can't prove that you did anything illegal during the shooting, the cops are GOING to be curious as to why so many crimes and disasters seem to just... happen around you, and they're going to wonder why we were so quick to flee the scene. I've got a stapler, disinfectant, and bandages in the bathroom... I think we can fix it up if we try."
Alice glares at Lily. "What are you whispering about?"
"Shut up!"
You suggest calling Felino and Jon.
"And what are they gonna do, Fido? Sure they can drive us to the hospital, but there's still all the other issues with that plan."
Alice is getting tired of this. "Why can't we go to the hospital?"
You say you don't have health insurance.
"I guess that makes sense... but still! What if you fix it wrong and Fido just ends up worse than he was before?"
Your brain is extremely scrambled, but you know you have to eventually make a decision...
Lily sighs. "There is ONE more option, but it's really risky... My dad didn't... or... doesn't like going to the hospital, so he has this... friend of his that gives him medical attention and such when he needs it... He hasn't been over in like a year, and there's a chance he'll do it for free... but he also might insist on checking on my dad."
Alice tilts her head. "And the problem with that is?"
>Private doctor
>Let Lily fix it
>Get Felino and Jon to take you to the hospital
>Ask Mr. Bird for help
>Walk to the hospital
>Go to a vet
>Just call 911
>Explain the situation
>Something else
>Private doctor
>Alice can come with just so she isn't alone dwelling on all this
>Just call 911
Let's just...go and call it outside the house. It's unlikely the cops will be looking for us. Anyway, it's very unlikely the cops will be going after us. If Mathers is the one that called the hit, do you really think they'd leave camera recordings? That'd make it too easy for the police to find it out. And if Mathers own the cops then it doesn't matters whether we're clean.
+1 just go get medical attention already
If shit goes bad, then we'll know to avoid the cops
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Fuck it. You don't really feel like dying today, and what's the worst that can happen? You tell Lily and Alice that you should head outside and call the ambulance. Lily sighs.
"This is a mistake, Fido."
Alice shakes her head.
"Don't listen to her! Come on."
Lily stays in the house as you and Alice step outside. You get an adequate distance away from the house, before allowing Alice to dial 911. Not long after you're carried into an ambulance on a stretcher, and then everything goes black...
When you wake up you find yourself in a hospital bed. You feel like death and have no idea how much time has passed. You sit up and find yourself face-to-face with a middle-aged man in a leather coat, with a black tie around his neck.
"Fido Ballthrow, I presume?"
You nod your head.
"Detective Peterson. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"
You look at the mounted wall clock. Looks like a few hours have passed. What do you do?

DAY TIMER: 17:00:00

>Refuse to talk to the detective
>Agree to answer questions
>Call for a nurse
>Ask where Lily and Alice are
>Something else
>Ask where Lily and Alice are
>Agree to answer questions
If we say 'no' it will look suspicious. Anyway, at least we're not dead...
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You ask where Lily and Alice are.
"Your sister is at home. Same with your girlfriend I assume. I'm sure they'll be in."
You agree to answer a few questions.
"Thank you. Don't worry, you're not in trouble. Not yet, anyway, heh."
You nervously laugh at his comment.
"I've investigated all kinds of crime over the years, but I'm yet to see someone whose name has appeared on the witness list quite as much as yours, Mr. Ballthrow. First the case of Klara Roberts all those years back, then the fire at the liquor store, then the whole thing with your mother, and now finally the shooting at the Mathers Mall Theatre. You were present at the Mathers Mall Theatre at the time of the shooting, correct, Mr. Ballthrow? And in the room where the shooting occurred?"
>Yes (Truth)
>No (Lie)
>Refuse to comment
>Something else
>Yes (Truth)
But throw suspicion at the movie theater guy who gave us that seat we didn't take. Maybe the detective will go after the Mathers kingpin on his own
>Yes (Truth)
More specifically, tell him you were told to sit in a seat, you were watching the movie, and then a guy right next to you had his head explode.
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You tell him that you were indeed in the theatre and that you were sitting next to the guy who was shot. You also slip in that the movie theatre guy told you to sit in a specific seat, but you didn't, and instead, the guy who shot did. The detective nods, taking out a notebook and writing something down.
"I see. So you were specifically instructed to sit in a particular seat?"
You nod.
"And the person who sat in that seat got shot?"
You nod.
"Interesting. When the shooting occurred, you and your girlfriend ran towards the fire exit, correct? And encountered somebody? Somebody who may or may not have attacked you?"
>Yes (Truth)
>No (Lie)
>Refuse to comment
>Something else
..Should we lie, or nah?
Okay, since no one's answering...

>"I'm not certain, after the man on the seat got shot I panicked, so I'm not too certain of the events afterward."
>>"I'm not certain, after the man on the seat got shot I panicked, so I'm not too certain of the events afterward."
>"I'm not certain, after the man on the seat got shot I panicked, so I'm not too certain of the events afterward."
>"Also, I've sustained recent head trauma, so, you know... A lot is fuzzy."
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You tell him that you aren't entirely sure, because not only were you panicking, but you also recently sustained head trauma.
"I see. Well, a man named Victor Selmers who was at the scene of the shooting claims that you and your girlfriend took his gun and turned it on him, shooting him in the leg. You claim to have no recollection of this?"
You nod.
"I see. Fido, do I have permission to search the items the paramedics took from you when you were brought in?"
Uh oh.
>Something else
>Something else
"Did he say why he was brandishing a gun at us? I mean he would have had to ha e been right, for us to turn it on him? And at a place where someone was shot to death... Wow. Anyway, might help to jog my memory..."
...Okay, I'm sorry, did we keep our gun in our pocket *after* we called 911? WHY? Lily didn't even think of putting it somewhere else? I thought we put it away when we got home. Or when we banged Lily in the alley.
We weren't thinking clearly. Fido's inner monologue was full of megalomaniacal fantasies of being a fodlike being above consequences, and that was BEFORE the concussion.
Yes, Fido. Lilly was so careful she didn't even want to call the medics. You telling me she didn't remember about that? No way.
(Fido has no idea if he had the gun or not by the time he was taken by the paramedics. It wasn't something he was thinking about. Lily COULD have taken it, but whether or not she did Fido doesn't know.)
>Something else
Break down in tears.
Alright then, in that case, >>6123764 +1
>"Sir, I don't think Im in any condition to give permission for anything."
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You ask the detective if Victor said why he was pointing the gun at you.
"Mr. Selmers was with the shooter. He's been very cooperative, telling us everything we need to know. We just need your side of the story. Now, do I have permission to search your items?"
>Something else
Hey, someone from america remind me, Cops don't actually need to ask for permission to see your stuff, right? At least, in my country they don't.
They do if they don't have a warrant, which he doesn't.
>Something else: Cry
I think they need a warrant if they want to do it without permission.

Okay but if we say no he's gonna be sus. Shouldn't we say something like "I don't remember if i had anything personal my girlfriend wouldn't want anyone else to see, so i'd rather ask her first."
>"Why do you want to search my items? Who are you, again?"
Traumatic brain injury gives a great excuse here.
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You feign amnesia, asking him who he is.
"What? I'm Detective Peterson! I'm asking permission to search your items."
You say no, and start crying, pretending to be confused and overwhelmed.
"What? No! Sir... Sir, don't cry!"
Detective Peterson sighs. "This is going nowhere. I'll see you tomorrow, Fido Ballthrow."
He turns around and leaves the room. Phew. You wipe your tears. You're actually an okay actor when you wanna be.
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A while passes. You find yourself wondering what to do. Maybe you should try to leave the hospital? You obviously don't plan on staying here.
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a brick comes crashing through the window. What the hell?
>Look out the window
>Call for a nurse
>Call for the detective
>Something else
>>Look out the window (CAREFULLY)
>Examine the brick
Just make sure it's not, like, really high up

I don't think a hitman would just throw a brick through a window. Seems too rough. It's probably Lilly.
>Call for a nurse
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You examine the brick. Seems like a normal brick to you, except for the fact it has... Lily's name written on it. You look out the window and see Lily standing with a sack of bricks next to her.
"Hey, psycho! Jump! It's not too high!"
>Ask Lily why she's here
>Call for a nurse
>Call for the detective
>Something else
>"But wouldn't jumping now just make them put out a warrant on me for real?"
Head first, naturally. The hero of the story wouldn't die to a fall.
I'm pretty sure Fido is at least momentarily 'calmed down' from his crazy-ass high, even if he still believes in the apocalypse.
>Grab your stuff and toss it down to Lily.
>See if you can just kind of walk out.
Here's a better idea - check our stuff, and if our gun is there, we toss it to her.

Wait, does the hospital room have a camera?
I like this idea,

I support this
Normally yes so probably best to be careful about it.
(Sorry for the delay, anons! I've been getting and setting up my new laptop today, and have been slightly busy.)
The update is appreciated, QM. Thanks!
And here I was thinking Lily was grabbing a trampoline for us... take your time, dude!
...Would it be bad to say if I kinda felt peaceful when the quest wasn't updating? It feels like shit just gets worse with every update for poor Fido. It's like a train wreck in slow motion. You just want it to stop.
(Any moment the quest isn't updating is a moment when the clock isn't ticking.)
This is true, yet I'm still eager to get back to it...
OP? :(
(Sorry about the delay, anons! Things have been a little busy this week. Will most likely get back to updating sometime Friday or this weekend.)
Take care.

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