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You are a masterless wanderer, a spell or sword for hire. The bards and romantics call you an adventurer. You are poor and have no renown, only just starting out. You've come to the Restless West in search of fortune, fame or power. Maybe all three. Your past is behind you and the long road ahead of you.

From where do you hail?

>Each choice gives a cultural Skill and three classes the region is known to produce. Our character doesn't necessarily have to be of those three.

>Mysido the Magical nation (White, black, red mages)
Every Mysidan receives a basic understanding of magic and aether, even if you can't cast. You gain the Arcane Adept Skill.

>The Northern Grahla Tribes - (Dark Knight, Dragoon, Ranger)
Chill winds and harsh winters carve through the northern fjords and mountain valleys of Grahla. Everyone learns how to survive, hunt, kill, and track prey. You gain the Huntsman Skill.

>The Eastern Ryuukage kingdom (Samurai, ninja, monk)
Your politeness and socializing skills are great. You know how to sway and influence people into liking you. You gain the Immaculate Etiquette Skill.
>Mysido the Magical nation (White, black, red mages)

Gish build?
>The Eastern Ryuukage kingdom
>>The Northern Grahla Tribes - (Dark Knight, Dragoon, Ranger)

>The Northern Grahla Tribes - (Dark Knight, Dragoon, Ranger)
>The Northern Grahla Tribes - (Dark Knight, Dragoon, Ranger)
>Mysido the Magical nation (White, black, red mages)
>>Mysido the Magical nation (White, black, red mages)
Red Mage? I LOVE stealing people's abilities.
>The Northern Grahla Tribes - (Dark Knight, Dragoon, Ranger)
>>Mysido the Magical nation (White, black, red mages)
>Mysido the Magical nation (White, black, red mages)
>Mysido the Magical nation (White, black, red mages)

You hail from the arcane nation of Mysido, a small but influential land along the Eastern Way. Citizens are given many more opportunities than other nations - the right to vote being the predominant one. Mysidan schools are known far and wide to produce mages, both great and vile.

You learned about black and white magic at the knee of your mentor, a viera named Elriqa. An orphan with a keen mind, you caught this retired adventurer’s eye one day and became her protege. She taught you the basics of aether flow, how to harness it and channel it into black or white spells through your body’s own aether. How to investigate and detect the effects of any magics permanently placed on locations or objects, what their effects could do. How to appraise magical items. All of this without even knowing if you could cast.

But the day came. To choose your Job. This was your chance, to make a mark upon the world. And what job is it?

>White Mage
>Black Mage
>Red Mage
>Dark Knight
>Dark Knight
>White Mage

we're probably gonna be solo for a while, so let's go hard mode
>>Red Mage
The other best class is Monk. Because of self-healing and high move speed. Or Dark Knight, if you get the wacky draining skills.
>+1 Something really different.
>Black Mage
+1. Love me some DRK.
>>Dark Knight
>>Red Mage

No one fucks with the white mage
.Dark Knight
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Also gonna give this vote another hour or so. We've a tie between White Mage and Dark Knight.
Quick question, is there a hardline MP meter or can abilities and spells just be used without gamey concessions like that?
Can change to White mage.

I'll say they can be used without a MP meter, I feel like that would slow the flow down. But that also doesn't mean we'll get carte Blanche to cast Meteor on common monsters.
Right on. That at least makes a white mage solo feasible. Shame we won't have unlimited Holy or Flare though. I was gonna switch to Dark Knight if we had to track actual casts and such. White Mage has basically zero survivability without spamming healing spells after all.
>Red Mage
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You took up the healer’s cane, donned the white robes with red triangle trim and became a White Mage. Helping others is what you wanted to do and keeping them fit and healthy was the best way to do that.

You practiced your art under Elriqa until you became eighteen, a grown…


Amid the enlightened folks of Mysido, your race was not warranted much judgment. Mayhap a novelty or an outlier among a group of academic acquaintances, but nothing more. However, people of the Restless West may judge you differently.

What is your race?

>Hume - The most numerous race in the West, the humes are often feuding. The Empire of Zalkania is mostly made up of humes.

>Elvaan - Inhabiting the deserts, elvaan are seen as tricksters and criminals, using their nomadic lifestyle to cover up illegal activities.

>Viera - A fiercely independent folk, the Viera are a matriachical forest queendom.. Most Westerners have never seen any of the females, so good are they are stealth and tracking. The males are much more often seen, usually casting magics.

>Gria - Hailing from the Floating World, the Gria are long lived draconic humanoids, having horns, tails, and wings. They are adept warriors and raiders. They are all female.
>Hume - The most numerous race in the West, the humes are often feuding. The Empire of Zalkania is mostly made up of humes.
>Elvaan - Inhabiting the deserts, elvaan are seen as tricksters and criminals, using their nomadic lifestyle to cover up illegal activities.
>Hume - The most numerous race in the West, the humes are often feuding. The Empire of Zalkania is mostly made up of humes.
For anyone who picks Viera, I know what kind of man you are.
>>Elvaan - Inhabiting the deserts, elvaan are seen as tricksters and criminals, using their nomadic lifestyle to cover up illegal activities.
I know next to nothing about final fantasy so I'm just gonna play it safe


>Hume - The most numerous race in the West, the humes are often feuding. The Empire of Zalkania is mostly made up of humes.
If it makes you feel better, the most recent Final Fantasy game I played with classes was Final Fantasy Tactics for the original playstation.
>no nu mou
aaaaand dropped


>Viera - A fiercely independent folk, the Viera are a matriachical forest queendom.. Most Westerners have never seen any of the females, so good are they are stealth and tracking. The males are much more often seen, usually casting magics.
even harder mode. let's break some stereotypes
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You practiced your art under Elriqa until you became a grown man of eighteen years. You trained with Cure to heal wounds, from bruises to stabs, and erase maladies with Esuna. You could cast Dia, Stone, and Aero, so as to protect yourself. You could also give out a good whack with your staff! But you were not the strongest boy - a bit skinny but not unfit.

But that past of learning is all behind you. A foundation for you to build on and forge on from. You took passage to the Restless West, where all sorts of dangers and monsters dwell. If there was anywhere in the world that needed a healer, it was here.

The ship that carried you flew through the sky, a huge barge with sails above and long wings to the side. All kinds of folks were on the airship, most of them traders. You were bound for one of the nations of the West… But which one? You shift your arms around, pulling your ticket from your draping sleeve…

>Eldras, a newly acquired province by the Zalkanian Empire. It is riddled with rebels, bandits, and opportunities.

>the Floating World, a massive sky archipelago full of airships, pirates, and dragons. Home of the moogles and gria.

>Illidan, a wild desert and savage land along the coast with a confederacy of city-states trying to fight back the remnants of Chaos. Home of the elvaan race.

>Illidan, a wild desert and savage land along the coast with a confederacy of city-states trying to fight back the remnants of Chaos. Home of the elvaan race.

We'll be a caster on the coast.
what's Dia? does Stone inflict Petrify or deal (earth) damage?

>Illidan, a wild desert and savage land along the coast with a confederacy of city-states trying to fight back the remnants of Chaos. Home of the elvaan race.

White Mage Must Die mode
>>Illidan, a wild desert and savage land along the coast with a confederacy of city-states trying to fight back the remnants of Chaos. Home of the elvaan race.
>>Eldras, a newly acquired province by the Zalkanian Empire. It is riddled with rebels, bandits, and opportunities.
I don't like sand.
iirc, Stone inflicts Petrify, and Dia does AoE light-type damage
>Eldras, a newly acquired province by the Zalkanian Empire. It is riddled with rebels, bandits, and opportunities.
>>Eldras, a newly acquired province by the Zalkanian Empire. It is riddled with rebels, bandits, and opportunities.

This sounds like a great place to build a reputation
>Eldras, a newly acquired province by the Zalkanian Empire. It is riddled with rebels, bandits, and opportunities.
>Illidan, a wild desert and savage land along the coast with a confederacy of city-states trying to fight back the remnants of Chaos. Home of the elvaan race.
>Illidan, a wild desert and savage land along the coast with a confederacy of city-states trying to fight back the remnants of Chaos. Home of the elvaan race.
>Eldras, a newly acquired province by the Zalkanian Empire. It is riddled with rebels, bandits, and opportunities.
New Beginnings™. It also seems to be the more open option.
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Dia is a holy based spell, similar to Sacred Flame from DnD 5e.

Stone is an Earth elemental attack.

But damn, another tie... Gonna roll a d6 for it. 1-3 is Illidan, 4-6 is Eldras.

Whelp, Illidan it is. But take heart, this is simply our *beginning* region.

Writing now!


Ah, yes. The region of Illidan, dominated by the Bluewyrm Desert and bounded by the Crystalcraig Coast, you recall. You look at your big red ticket, stamped in blue ink back at the airship station. You’ve heard wild stories about the city-states of Illidan. One submerged halfway into the ocean, one where the citizens live alongside usually-hostile monsters. Another surrounded by an everlasting sandstorm, and one that rises and falls between the surface and the Floating World!

Some of them simply had to be made up, you think, rolling your map of Illidan out. As you review the region, a figure approaches you. You look up to see a burly tanned man. No. An elvaan. You are about average height for Hume, but he stands a good head above you. “Hail, traveler. My name is DiMajjio. I’m a trader who brings goods from the interior of Illidan back to the East,” he cracks a grin. “I recognize that stitching pattern. Gold, aether-infused threads to help channel, am I right.”

You tuck your map away, glancing down at the thin gold along your red triangle trim. Not many know of that. “If you’d like someone to show you around Siren’s Crest, I’d be more than happy to. It always takes the dock boys a bell to unload my goods anyway.”

>What is your response?
>Listen 'ere u fat l'il cunt
>"Merchants aren't known for good deeds and their small-talk often precedes a skewed deal. Is there a price for this guided tour?"
Around elves merchants, watch yourselves. If he wants business, be it our purchasing of his goods or his hiring of our personage that's fine. I'd just prefer it up front. Though we shouldn't be impolite, even if we are being brusque.
>>Write-in: "I appreciate the offer but I have my bearings and am in a hurry, I'm afraid." Fresh off the boat, lost look, staring at a map. I've all but chummed the waters. I had better watch myself.
>write in

>"Sure. It pays to know someone who knows his way around, right?"

I assume he has an agenda, but a generic conman or footpad probably wouldn't recognize the stitching pattern.
+1 >>6122644
+1 >>6122644
>>>Write-in: "I appreciate the offer but I have my bearings and am in a hurry, I'm afraid." Fresh off the boat, lost look, staring at a map. I've all but chummed the waters. I had better watch myself.

>city state where the citizens live alongside usually-hostile monsters
guys, can we go here? sounds basedbasedbased
>"Thank you so much, but there's no need to go out of your way on my account. If you could give instructions to the nearest inn, though, that'd be much appreciated.

we've got a map, but let's accept at least some of his goodwill out of politeness
>"Merchants aren't known for good deeds and their small-talk often precedes a skewed deal. Is there a price for this guided tour?"

DiMajjio’s grin becomes a knowing smirk. “Not as fresh faced as you look, eh? Good on you, boy.” You feel irritation at the elvaan’s tone. “All I ask is that you pay a visit to the Harlot’s Respite Inn. It’s my sister’s establishment. They got fine food, wine, mead, a notice board… And finer things for fine Mysidan’s like yourself.” He gives a wink and an overly formal bow. The trader turns and walks away just before the first mate shouts that the airship is descending.

You’re left wondering if you should trust the trader or not. Are all elvaan truly deceitful? You know by pure number of individuals that is impossible… But you decide to keep your guard up.

The airship gently docks in Siren’s Crest. Where Mysido’s dock was a massive enclosed space to fit many airships, this Illidan village merely had a wide stone staircase for passengers. Wooden cranes began to move and pick up cargo, and an unending golden desert stretched out before you.

You had never seen such a sight. There were scrublands and rocky canyons near Mysido, but never a desert like this. Many awful things were out there, including Chaos. Airships seldom flew into the interior for fear of being shot down or raided.

The town of Siren’s Crest was a single thoroughfare, a mix of residential and commercial buildings. The ocean lapped at the sheer cliff that was the coast, a good twenty feet below the sand you walked upon. You saw signs in the Common scrawl, thank the Six, stating shops selling weapons, potions, armors. One was renting out and selling chocobos of a rainbow of colors, and another was, indeed, the Harlot’s Respite Inn. As you walked off the stone staircase, DiMajjio was already standing to the side, looking over the moving of his goods. The other tradesmen were doing the same, but the elvaan turned and waved to you.

He was impossible not to walk by. You sighed, thinking of your choices, while taking your coin bag from your satchel, reviewing your funds.

>Roll dice+5d100+100 to determine your starting gil.

>Write-In how to proceed in Siren’s Crest.
Rolled 10, 23, 39, 68, 66 + 100 = 306 (5d100 + 100)

>Head to Harlot's Respite. Establishing your lodgings is the most important first step, especially in a place as dangerous as this.

Oh gosh, I forgot to mention, the best of three will determine our gil.
Rolled 33, 78, 33, 3, 44 + 100 = 291 (5d100 + 100)

>Cautiously check out the notice board in Harlot's Respite
Rolled 31, 37, 81, 40, 19 + 100 = 308 (5d100 + 100)

>Head to Harlot's Respite.
Check out his sister
Rolled 69, 71, 94, 93, 29 + 100 = 456 (5d100 + 100)

>Cautiously? This place is probably not doing too hot if they need to advertise it to randoms on the way in. Or they're aiming to rob people who look like they have nice stuff.
>Check out his sister
+1, cautiously
Support >>6123093 carefully
>Head to Harlot's Respite. Establishing your lodgings is the most important first step, especially in a place as dangerous as this.
I agree. It's messy and it gets everywhere.
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>Since two of the 4 Gil rolls were so close, I’ll count the highest of them.
>>Current Gil: 556

>>Go to the Harlot’s Respite with caution.

You give your eyes the best glazed over look you can pull off as you ignore DiMajjio and walk with a small crowd into town. You notice most people have hats on - bonnets, wide-brim, metal caps, hoods. You pull your red and white hood over your head, blending in while keeping an eye out for anyone suspicious. You peel out of the loose group you were walking with when you come to the inn.

Inside, the ground floor is set up like a tavern. Round tables scattered about, booths with curtains, and two bouncers scanning the crowd. And it was a crowd, you think, pulling back your hood. All kinds were here - Hume, gria, viera, elvaan, moogles. Most were in commoner garb or worker attire - one group had the arms and armor of adventurers. One pale woman was bedecked in skin-tight scale armor. You noticed her hand was splayed out on the table, stabbing down between her fingers in a betting game.

“Well hey there, darlin’,” a gruff man comes up to you, the smell of alcohol on his breath poignant. “Are you one of the new girls?” He asks with a grin. You turn to him with a glare, and upon seeing your anger, confusion sets in. A lot of people mistook you for a woman - most white mages were, and your thin frame and soft face didn’t help.

“Get away from him, Gus!” A woman shouts, flicking her cleaning cloth at him, like swatting away a fly. A tall and tan elvaan woman stands next to you, hands on her hips. The drunk scurries away, and she steps back and turns toward you. “Greetings! I am Leila DiMajjio, the owner of this fine establishment. I see you’re an adventuring sort and fresh off the airship,” she nods and gestures over to the notice board. “That’s where a lot of careers begin. If you need room and board, I got it. If you need food and drink, I got it.” She chuckles. “If you need company tonight, I got it. Just talk to me about any of it at the bar,” Leila winks at you as she returns to her post.

You are now left alone to your devices. The adventuring band seem to still be playing betting games, a bard has began strumming and singing a tune in the far corner with some workers, and one of the serving girls can’t seem to get her eyes off you as she works.

>How do you proceed? Write-In
>We have to make sure we've got our bearings before some kind of shenanigans leave us gilless. Talk to Leila about reserving a room - and getting a good meal, now that you think of it. You can probably afford it.
Supporting this, but we should mention her brother sent us probably.
>Get situated, chat, rumourmonger, buy a nice meal, make some friends. Just don't get drunk, and watch our coin purse.
... and our butt, given our previous interaction.
>Get settled in at the Harlot's Respite
Maybe share a meal with the pale woman in skin-tight scale armor since she seemed interesting. Gotta start looking for prospects on a party, and she seems like a warrior.
Better save before we lose all our progress.
>>6123644 +1
>We have to make sure we've got our bearings before some kind of shenanigans leave us gilless. Talk to Leila about reserving a room - and getting a good meal, now that you think of it. You can probably afford it.

Your stomach grumbles as Leila finishes with a customer at the bar. You feel the weight of your coin purse, and figure you could afford a room and a meal. You walk over and sit down at the bar. You inquire about a meal, a room and mention her trader brother.

“Oh, that man always thinks he's doing a grand favor for others,” she sighs and shakes her head. “I sadly can't offer any ‘cause of him. One night is 100 gil, one week is 400, and a meal is 25. Having one of the girls is another 100.” She takes out a parchment and rolls it onto the bar. “We have a… Shall I say, strange standing job here in Siren's Crest.”

You peer down at the parchment. You read over the extravagant letters surrounding a skeleton bursting forth from a grave.


“Three thousand gil for the whole event. The room and board is here, of course,” Leila explains. “But the catch is, the lord-mayor wants a security to keep you in town for those three nights. You have to give him something he knows you won't leave behind.” She rolls her eyes. “He has betting rings around this curse placed on our town. But it starts tomorrow night.”

“Luckily not every job has so much to do beforehand. We got simpler ones on the board.” Leila smiles down at you. “Do you need some chow? Or maybe a room?”

>Take the undead job
+1 This. Time to slay some skellies.

Also yeh we could probably use some grub and a room. She did mention those came with the job if we took it. Neat ig
>Take undead quest
>Buy a meal, a room for the night, and a woman for the night
Oops, I think I misread. If room is included with accepting undead quest, do not buy room for the night. Just the prostitute and food
>Buy meal
>Ask about curse
>Take the undead job, buy a meal and a woman for the night, ask about the curse.
+1 to curse question
>Take the undead job and ask about the curse.

Why are we taking a nameless whore?
I'm hoping it leads somewhere (somewhere interesting aside from a FTB). QM presumably gave the option for a reason.
>tfw it leads to needing to esuna ourselves all for the low low price of a third of our cash
>>Take the undead job, some grub and a woman

You express your want for food and a woman for the night, as well as accepting the job for the next three nights. She grins and rolls up the flier, handing it to you. “Coming right up. I got some baked axe beak that’s to die for and some tonberry-tended green beans from Ruwa. Before it gets dark, take that flier to Lord-Mayor Cromwell. He’s the dressed out prick with a twirly white moustache and top hat. Can’t miss him.” She leans in closer. “As for your companion, I got one that I think you’ll love.” You hand her the gil, and inquire about the curse.

”About a year ago, we had an oracle in town. The lord-mayor at the time, Cromwell’s father, didn’t like a particular prophecy she said about his family. No one knows what was said, but he ordered her burned at the stake. On that stake, she said the town would be haunted and hounded by the dead every changing of a full moon to a new moon. The late Cromwell died in trying to hold back the undead in that first onslaught. Now we bear the brunt of his burden… All the dead rise around the town and the graveyard. Doesn’t matter if we kill old Mister Grant with fire and burn him to ash. He will come back the next month. But the young Cromwell has made it into a gambling attraction. He and other merchants bet on how many kills certain adventurers get. It’s despicable. He should be focusing on lifting the curse rather than profit from it.” Leila sighs. “But I’ve blabbered on too long. You’re a hungry lad that needs to grow!” She nods and steps away to get your meal.

As you wait for your meal, you can see the setting sun through the windows. It felt good to be off that airship. Traveling for days in the air, although a peaceful flight, left you feeling slightly off. A woman and a good bed would be a welcome reprieve from the crowded bunks. You glance over to the rowdy table of adventurers, their noise level growing. The black mage accuses the thief of sliding his finger out of the way of the knife, and it soon escalates from there. It comes to blows, fists flying as the other adventurers make a circle, laughing and hollering at their comrades.

You hear a charming giggle from behind you. You turn and see a lovely viera standing next to you, wearing a simple violet top around her chest, hanging down to her waist. The rest of her skin is bare, save for matching purple shoes. “So you’re who I’m with tonight, eh?” She looks you down just as you did her. “My, but you are cute. What’s your name, white mage?”


>Current Gil: 431 (100 for company, 25 for meal)
so it looks like out characterization so far is
>we're quick to distrust people based on preconceptions we have, which doesn't seem to be fully rational
>cautious in general
>but still determined to help people, to the point of heading off to the most dangerous region we could just because there's more need for healers there
>quick to anger
and, most importantly
>we FUCK

>Name: Minwu
>(optional character bit: we were named after the famous white mage Minwu, which has led to some people, including ourselves, feeling like we have big shoes to fill)
fucked up the reply, sorry >>6124735
>"Bartholomew Richard Lionel Gilbert Carkentopp IV, but everyone just calls me Bart."
>Write in
Robin, Robin Williams
Last Name to be determined.


We might not even need a surname rlly, but how about Robin Blanc? A bit on the nose, but we *are* a White Mage, and a bit of destiny never hurt anyone.
Robin Homos
Robin Blanc, it is!

A female Viera! We aren't the only one far from home. How'd she end up turning tricks in this place anyhow?

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