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You are Maple Son-Mahogany, husband of one and mother of two.
Your husband is missing, and your children have been tortured, physically and psychically.

>WARNING: This is an unofficial, unacknowledged, downright despised spinoff of Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest. Familiarity with Tuffle Quest recommended but not required, however this spinoff will also feature topics such as bullying, abuse, self-harm, drug use, grief, suicidal ideation, grooming, violence, and rape.


From what you've gathered from your daughter through some psychic probing of your own, you have a list of things to look into.
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That incident where Peppa had volleyballs and then a medicine ball flung at her head is funky. Videl Satan learned to control her ki from the very best from a young age, and it's conceivable she could have wanted to take Peppa down a peg for acting out on Valentine's and used some tricks to humiliate her during a game of volleyball. Peppa also saw Erasa laughing at her after she was hit in the head with a medicine ball. You're up for some rounds of hardball to see if they can explain themselves.
Peppa's talk with your niece revealed the cause behind her episode on Valentine's Day, where she had bled from self-inflicted wounds and suffered anxiety attacks. Some twisted studying method taken on from some tutor her parents had hired. Drugged candy was involved. You need to talk with her parents.
The school you had entrusted your kids to has been the site of your daughter's bullying and your son's maiming. There has to be some answers there, and you will get them, even if they're hidden, whispered as rumors, or wrung from the faculty with your own hands.
Your daughter's teacher had a talk with Peppa, and from the way the talk went, things seemed to be looking up. Peppa was set to hash things out with Videl and Gohan, for better or worse! …and from viewing your daughter's memories and her current mood towards them both, it got worse. Maybe her teacher (your star pupil) can give you a a better perspective on this?
Arabiota and Krysmus… Who the heck are these girls and why do they look similar? Like, those faces. Peppa said they look nothing alike since they have different hair and eye colors, but you and your twin brother, even your twin kids, have different hair and eye colors, but similar faces. Still, they have wildly different dialects. Perhaps they're distant cousins? Real distant, like different corners of the Earth distant and coincidentally gathered in Orange City? Heck, you live in a weird world, can you really rule out some sorta clone conspiracy? You're so in the weeds on the two of them, and you, you… you just recalled that there are four girls who've gathered around your boy. Mrrrrhhhghh... guh, bigger data pool to test the clone hypothesis with.

Which of these to tackle first?
>A. Videl and Erasa
>B. Your niece, Izzy
>C. The high school
>D. Peppa's teacher
>E. Those sussy hussies
>F. Write-in?
Reminder that the QM hates you
>WARNING: This is an unofficial, unacknowledged, downright despised spinoff of Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest.
I'm still surprised that's a thing and I don't understand why. Is it because of the harder themes here ?
>A. Videl and Erasa
our daughter's friends first.
Also welcome back, OP.
which one ?
I'm sorry, I can't do this right now. I'm having trouble focusing on this, and though I said I would continue this month, I don't have plans springing to mind or passion to throw at this like I did the last thread. Thanks for showing up, it really does inspire me to continue later, just really tapped out at the moment.

If I get the drive to perform over the weekend, I'll hit this up, so keep your bananas peeled.
alright, take care
OP ?
I think trying to split this up between /qst/ and fiction live was a big mistake, instead of getting two sources of votes like I thought I would I'm just putting one side on hold to wait for the other.

I think I'll refrain from running this on fiction live and focus on doing things here.
wait, so you updated there and forgot to post here ? then yes, one will end up on hold.
OP where are you
c'mon man
Hello ?
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It's that I wait for people to vote on fiction live and here on /qst/, and it slows things down.

I have to admit a few things. I have definitely failed as a QM, as I cannot bring myself to update this quest from lack of motivation and time. Back when I said I would wait a month and restart in October, I had been expecting I would have more free time than I ended up with. Still, I do have weekends, but I use those to rest and catch up on media mostly.

I'm also going through some difficult things, my position at work is looking spotty at the moment, I was in a car crash and have to find a lawyer to dispute my case, and my dog was attacked by a bigger dog and had to be put down yesterday.

And with the thunderstorms going on here lately, I've been opting to keep indoors lest I get struck by lightning.

Sooooooo, not quite in the headspace to run a quest, but as far as the story goes, I think there's some stuff I could write down which this headspace would complement?

Would you like to read it even if it's not interactive like a quest? Like, required reading before the interactive stuff that would be in a new thread.

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