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This is part 3 of the "side quest" for "Disappearing Hogwarts".
An unofficial alternate timeline based on HeadQM´s highly praised quest, Disapeparing Hogwarts.
Reading the original story is not exactly necessary but heavily encouraged.
Created mostly as a place to wait while HeadQM was away for a while but slowly evolved into his own thing.
Dont expect much quality but if you are looking for a slow quest that somehow is now in its 3rd thread, to pass the time and scratch that wizarding themed itch, you are more than welcome to join.

Your name is Brandon Tedmon, Hogwarts new Caretaker and previously a Ravenclaw student.

Peeves ripped your out foot.
Merlin himself is stuck in your head.
You may or may not have a girlfriend.
And things are getting weirder by the day.
What will happen now? lets find out!

Part 2 here >>6080818
Previously, on the Caretaker...


“They most likely don't know about the entrancing charm also being removed from you, perhaps, if your interpreting skills are good enough, you could lure him into a false sense of control and…dispose of him.”

“...define: “dispose”...”

“I want you to kill the host of Salazar Slytherin, the body of the girl once known as Lily.”

“Sir, with all due respect, that's technically still the daughter of ”The boy who lived” the person that killed the most dangerous dark wizard of our time, not only will Potter kill me the moment he finds out i laid a finger on her, he most likely taught Lily how to defend herself too, plus, who knows what Salazar can do now, it feels like a massive risk…also, i could get fired.”

“It is a risk, but not taking this golden opportunity could mean giving Salazar more time to plan ahead and act, this is a perfect chance to get ahead of him before he even realizes what hit him. Do this and we could have more time to accomplish our goals in the future.”

Willow seemed to have noticed your inner monologue.

“Brandon, are you alright?”

>”I don't think I am…I might do something incredibly stupid (act like you are still under the effects of the entrancing charm and lure “Lily” into a trap. Roll against an opposing roll. Best of 3)
>”Yeah, im fine, just…had some intrusive thoughts (Do nothing and maybe plan something else: what?)


and now, we continue...
”I don't think I am…I might do something incredibly stupid”

“uuuh, zounds dangerous! zis is related to that veird thing you still have yet to explain to me, right?”

“Yes it is”

“Then i vant to help!”

You sigh, not wanting to do what you are about to do next but having no option about it.

“Meet me in an hour in my office…and please don't be mad, i know we…might have a…thing…flourishing between us, but i need to do this”

She furiously blushes and fidgets with her hands for a couple of seconds before processing what you just said.

“Vait, vhat are you going to do?”


You stand up and make sure to catch “Lily´s” attention while Potter is busy talking with some other professors at the other side of that table, you are glad its a VERY long table, you need as much space in between if things go south.

The moment your eyes meet “hers” you start your act by standing still for a single second, feigning hesitation. Then you approach.

“Lily…tonight, I need you tonight…meet me in the empty classroom close to Muggle studies at midnight”

You internally cringe at yourself as you stand behind her and very visibly cop a feel of both her ass and breasts, praying to whatever god that decided to put you in this dire situation to help you get out of it.
Even worse, you catched a glimpse of Willow, who looks dumbfounded at the very bold and explicit display you are putting right now, she seems to also understand that you are somewhat forced to do this, so she keeps catching quick glances of the other professors in the room to see if anyone else is witnessing this.
Luckily for you, Potter seems to keep everyone distracted with some irrelevant talk but you don't want to push your luck.
After making sure to pinch her ass and be 100% certain that “Lily” seems to understand what is going on after receiving a very “lustful” stare from “her” that you know is completely fake.
You “take back control of your hands” and escape the room before anybody else realizes the molestation that just happened in front of everyone´s noses but only 3 people are aware of.
>You convinced “Lily” to meet you at night, you now have +10 to whatever roll you might need thanks to the element of surprise.
You are now running back to your room, praying that no student, Hogwarts staff or ghost, saw what you did to the body of Lily Potter, so far you aren't being chased by any ghosts, so that's a good sign so far.

Before you know it, you are cowering in your room and taking a quick shower that somehow wont get rid of that dirty feeling all over your body.

“Ugh, this is not how i wanted to do things with her if i ever had the chance!” You say as you scrub all over your hands.

“I am sorry I forced you into such an uncomfortable situation, Brandon. If it is of any consolation, I too, know well that distasteful sensation…”

“You and i are going to sit down and have a talk about what can and cannot remember whenever we get the chance”

“Fair enough, for now, we need to plan our next move.
We have Salazar walking into an empty room and so far suspects nothing, how do you plan to kill the host body? i don't need to invade your mind to know you won't be able to cast the Killing Curse since you need a clear intention and will to do so”

“Sir, i do not intend to kill Lily and even if i did, the risks that come with it are too great to even consider for our well-being”

“Then what do you intend to do, boy? we cannot waste this opportunity”

“The memory charm, Obliviate. If we erase “his” memory hard enough, perhaps we could keep him trapped in a confused body without being a danger to us AND Lily.
I´ve heard stories and claims about this particular spell, a bit harder to do that regular spells but nothing i haven't done before, if done properly we could leave a wondering and confused voice inside trapped inside a still living Lily, leaving us out of danger and suspicions, we just need to cast it properly”

“Aaah, smart! no wonder you were sorted in the Raven house, although you would have done well in the Snake house too, i was sorted there in my time, you know?”

“I was actually offered to be sorted into Slytherin too, but i'm not conflictive enough to join in”

You exit the shower and quickly get dressed in a set of fresh clothes.

A bit later, you hear a pounding on the door.


It sounds angry.

“Oh god, please dont be Potter, please dont be Potter, please dont be Potter”
“Brandon! Open up! its Willow!”

“Oh thank God, its Willow…fuck its Willow…”

You open the door and a very disturbed, clearly anxious and on the verge of tears looking Willow quickly enters your room, slamming the door behind her.

“Willow! thank you for coming!”

“Don't zhank me yet!”
She shoves a pointy and accusatory finger at your face
“Vhat the hell vas all zhat! you tell me ve might have a thing going on vetween us and immediately after you go and…and…violate! a shtudent! of all people! right in front of half of the entire teaching staff?! you have NO IDEA how incredibly lucky you are that nobody actually saw you besides me! and i know you had a reason to do it and zhats vhy i can't avoid to TRY and look pass it…but it VETTER VE A DARN GOOD REASON OR IM TELLING! You!…you!...”du schöner, hinterhältiger vastard!””

“Wow! wow! wow! easy! easy!”
“First of all, i didnt “Violate” her, it was just a grope”
You say as you lift both hands in front of you as a shield
“Second of all, I know it looks bad! and…i mean…it was bad…but i promise you! I have more than a justifiable reason to do it!”

“Vell you vetter start explaining!”
She pulls out her wand and then throws a wordless spell to your door. You hear the lock latching on hard
“´Cause you are not leaving until you do so, “und ich gehe nicht, bis ich eine überzeugende Erklärung gehört habe!””

“...You know, you are cute when you start speaking German”

She points her wand at your neck and her face becomes red with both anger and bashfulness.

“Ok! ok! im sorry! I'll explain!”

And so, you start explaining everything you know so far after you both sit down at your table.
With each detail you had, which aren't many, she slowly starts to calm down and her expression softens.

Eventually, you are both chatting about the latest details of Merlin himself being trapped in your head over a shared cup of your “Irish Coffee”

“You are kidding…”

“I wished i were, at this point being Imperio´d by a student sounds more realistic than whatever is happening to me, sadly, that part is also true”
“I…i vant to velieve you, i know you are not lying to me…but-”

“Too hard to believe? yeah, i don't blame you, if i were in your position i probably wouldn't believe it either”

“I-i dont…i dont know vhat to zhink right now…Salazar Slytherin?”


“ZHE Merlin?”


You take a sip of your “coffee”

“Perhaps I could be of assistance?” Merlin says in your head

“How?” You say out loud and Willow notices.

“I am somewhat familiar with the German language, I studied it for some time while on some of my travels to communicate with some locals, I am guessing, but I presume you are not too familiar with the language, correct?”

“I've been meaning to learn a bit but haven't really gotten into it”

“Are you talking to him?” Willow asks.

“Then perhaps you, suddenly being somewhat fluent in German would be enough to calm her doubts for a bit, don't you think?”

“What do you need me to do?”

“Relinquish control of your body to me, clear your mind and let me take control, not only could it help with your current predicament, but it would also work as a nice way to strengthen our link, allowing me to control you better when necessary and loan you part of my power in the future”

>”Fine, but only for a bit” (what do you want Merlin to say to her?)
>”I don't know, i already feel dirty enough after the whole thing with Lily, i don't want my mind to feel used too, is there any other way?” (roll the dice for a quick lesson in german, Best of 3)
forgot to add.
there should also be a "Other (Write in)" option there, just in case you have a better idea of what to do to calm Willow down
>”Fine, but only for a bit” (what do you want Merlin to say to her?)
"Good evening, Willow. You are now speaking to I, Merlin, temporarily in control of your friend per his request. I will tell you now that he was extremely reluctant to play a part in this plan of mine, but it was the only way to deal with that troublesome remnant of Slytherin before he became an even bigger threat than he already is. I know of his ambitions and thirst for power all too well, I'm afraid. But enough about that - I'm sure you have plenty of questions for me. I'll answer as many as I can before my time in control is up."
>”I don't know, i already feel dirty enough after the whole thing with Lily, i don't want my mind to feel used too, is there any other way?” (roll the dice for a quick lesson in german, Best of 3)

I want to understand the dirty things she will say to us in bed.
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And when we eventually fuck Willow... I will write up a non canon scene... Should be fun. I feel like she is a tiny bit of a freak. Germans are into a bit of odd stuff, if I recall.

Also, you made a good choice with the name. Willow is a nice name.
hmm im gonna ask for a tie breaker in the /QTG/
in the meanwhile.
could you >>6122889 please give me a 1D100 to speed up the process in case you win?
Rolled 59 (1d100)

Here you go bro.
I mean, we can get a better lesson for that later on. This shows her the truth directly and has the explicit benefit of also strengthening the Merlin Bond.
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Fair enough. And if/when it comes to it? Well, love is a universal language, right? Also, given we rolled a 12 for dick size... I don't recall if we know how tall Willow is. But? I hope we don't send her to St. Mungo's, heh.

Will change my vote to support:


Not sure if giving up our body to Merlin is a great idea, but he seems like an okay dude... for now. Really don't want him getting enough control to body jack us, though.

I suppose, we let Willow know shit is going on. Let her hold our wand, just in case? That something is fucked with Potter's kid. That he does need some help and helping would be nice. Make him promise to not watch over the shoulder if anything goes down? I mean, there is a lot to say when you have a dude riding back seat, especially when he is a noted perv, and you are talking with the love interest. One of them, at least, unless we want to unscrew Lily and "screw" her differently.

Still think Willow might be evil just because it would be a twist, but I have paranoia
>Will change my vote to support:
oh dude, i was just getting ready to flip a coin and go with whoever won, thank you for this.

welp, looks like we got out winner, update should go live tomorrow!
thanks you all for voting!
understandable, but you´ll have to wait and see if it was justified or not :)

also, thanks for this image, pretty cool!
”Fine, but only for a bit…will this hurt?”

“There should not be any pain, maybe some discomfort and phantom feeling but nothing painful”.

You take a deep breath and relax your body.

Willow looks at you with curiosity
“Vhat are you doing?”.

After a brief moment, you feel like your body is jerking itself from one of those “falling dreams” and your mind “snaps” and “gets pulled away from your head”.

“Woah, what the hell?! thats freaky!”
You say out loud, or rather, you try saying that, but realize that your mouth it's not yours to control anymore. As a matter of fact, your body is not responding and you now feel like an extra passenger in your own body.

It's like watching one of those muggle TV things, you can see what's happening outside your body right in front of you, but there is something outside your peripheral vision, you can't quite make out exactly what it is, but it seems…dark and blurry.
You decide not to get too hung up on that right now since there are more important things happening.

You try focusing on the “TV” but it's like one of those very, very, VERY old ones that still use those big light bulbs and are heavier than a sack of bricks.
You can't make out much, everything looks too blurry to distinguish anything but the vague shape of their forms, the white blur in front of you is most definitely Willow, the background behind her is indistinguishable from anything else though.

The sound seems to be another problem, it's like the “TV” is right in front of you, but the speakers are in another room…with a closed door…underwater.

Nevertheless, you can sorta make out the sounds and hints of a conversation going on.

"Guten Aben- ——— -ow. Du- ———————— -erlin, ———————————————————————————— -derwillig ———————— -Meins, aber ——————————————————— ——————— -Slytherin ———————————————————— ——————— -Ambitionen und Durst ——————————, Ich habe Angst. —————————————————— -viele Fragen ————————— ——————— -Kontrollzeit ist abgelaufen."

…You are not even going to attempt to pretend like you know what they are saying, it's too blurry AND in another language, you can only hope he is being cool right now.

Willo´s blurry shape seems to perk up and do some sort of excited set of little jumps.
It's hard to tell time while you are not in your body, but after a while, you feel that strange pull on your mind once again and your vision becomes another indistinguishable mess.

You feel dizzy and your stomach is all kinds of twisted. Oh hey, you can feel your body again!

You shake your head and open your eyes afterwards, your vision becomes sharp and focused once again and you see Willow sitting in front of you.
She is smiling.

“Hallo! Willkommen zurück!”


“Oh, sorry. Hehe, Velcome Vack! Are you ok?”

“Yeah, just…ugh, that mind switch thing does a number on your stomach -urk!”
You manage to hold back the urge to puke and stand up slowly.
“Sorry, just not used to this yet. So? you talked with him?”

“Yah! it vas really veird…but fascinating! I didn't know that Merlin knew German”

“Yeah, apparently he had to learn it while studying when he was alive”

“Zhat explains vhy he spoke using longer, fancier vords…His accent is veird though”

You can't avoid bursting into laughter at her remark, she quickly joins in and chuckles along with you for a few seconds until it quickly dies down.

“i guess i no longer have any doubts about vhat you vere saying…still freaky though”

“Yeah, i guess we'll have to get used to it for now”

“I guess so, but…i'm glad you are ok, Brandon”
She gets close to you and hesitates for a second, but takes your hand and holds it in her own.
“And…i'm glad you vere telling the truth”.

“Why wouldn't i? you are…special…to me”
You hold her hands with your free hand and give her a little affectionate squeeze.
“I wouldn't lie to you…”

She looks at you with big, shiny eyes and a slowly redding face and a small smile forming in her lips.
She hesitantly but slowly pulls you in, finally closing the little distance there was between the both of you and slowly lifts her head towards yours. Her lips gently puckered.

>How do you respond? (Write in).
>Just lean into it and enjoy the moment. No talk.
Turns out, the common /qst/ anon is scared of Willow. C'mon, I had to stop lurking for this.
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A kiss. Maybe a bit chaste but a good one regardless. Assure her she does matter to us. Say how we appreciate he, being there even though we couldn't protect her from Peeves enough. Offer to keep helping in her class some.
Your heart quickly fills with many emotions you have never felt before, your mind gets cloudy and feels a surge of both excitement and fear, your body gets the shivers but also feels way too hot for some reason.
You want to tell her how much she means to you despite the relative short time you have known each other, you don't even really know a lot about her but despite that, you know you can trust her with anything, like some sort of bond that will only get stronger with time.
Yet despite all that you want to tell her, you feel like no words are enough to describe it adequately…

…So, you do the next best thing you can do and follow what your instincts tell you to do and lean in, connecting your lips with hers.

You…have never kissed a girl before, at least not willingly…you hope that entrancing charm that “Lily” had in you wasn't there for too long, who knows what she could have made you do…no, now is not the time to think of that.

You clear your mind and let yourself be guided by her motions, and almost instinctively you fall into a rhythm.

It's almost like a dance, a dance you very much enjoy, you both take it slow and let yourselves get lost in the moment.

It was warm, it was almost overwhelming…It was magical.

And just how it began, it ended, with slow movements and a warm touch of her skin, you both slowly open your eyes and stare into each other, smiling as you get lost in the dark pools that are her deep black eyes.
She lets her head rest on your chest and refuses to break the hug, letting out a happy sigh.
You gently rest your chin on the top of her head and hold her in a tight hug.

After a moment of blissful silence, you wordlessly but mutually agree that was enough for now and return to your usual selves, still, you can't avoid feeling happier than usual.

“So, I guess ve are a “zhing” now, huh?”

“I definitely won't say no to that”

“Good, i expect you to take me on a date at least once a month, you may be shtuck doing some ancient magic mission zhing, but i vont let you abandon me for too long”

“Fair enough”

“Also you better take me vith you in whatever mission you need to do”

“Fine, I trust you to be able to take care of yourself, but you will stick with me until we are done with that, ok?”
“Fine by me, also…” And she gets very close to you and pokes you in the chest with a very pointy finger nail with each word she says. “...No. More. Violating. Shtudents. Is zhat clear?”

“I didn-fine, no more of that unless absolutely necessary”


“Im kidding im kidding, i promise, i´ll try to keep Merlin from getting us into situations like that”

“Good…so…vhat now?”

“Right! I almost forgot!”
You look at a small cuckoo clock hanging on your wall, the current time seems to be around 5PM.
“we have around…6 or 7 hours to come up with an attack plan, i managed to convince “Lily” to meet me at midnight in the empty classroom near Muggle studies, we have ONE shot at taking “her” down before “she” becomes an even bigger problem”

“Are you going to…kill her?”

“No, we just want to completely wipe Salazar´s memory, if we do it correctly, we can get Salazar stuck and permanently confused inside the body of Lily Potter and buy us a lot of precious time”

“We? ah right, Merlin”

“Yeah, speaking of…Merlin? Sir?”
You ask out loud, mostly to let Willow know about what you are saying.

But there is no response, not even a faint hint of him being there at the moment.

“Is everything alright?” Willow ask.

“He is not responding, i don't know why…Whatever, we can plan for now without him, i'm sure he´ll come back soon, this is too important for him to just leave me alone with this”

“You are not alone, i'll ve vith you”
She interlocks an arm with one of yours.

“Are you sure you wanna come along for this?”

“Don't start, Brandon, ve have already fought together vith some dark vizard on a bridge before, I'm going to help vith this too!”
“Alright, just making sure you are ok with this”
You give her a warm smile which she responds back with her own.

“So…any ideas?”

“Ve could just…jump on her as soon as she gets into ze room, nobody ever expects to be jumped on as soon as zhey enter a room”

“Theoretically it could work, plus she doesn't really suspects anything yet, but it's still a bit too simple”

“Mmm…sometimes you have got to keep it simple”

“We´ll…keep that as an option…what if I stand in the middle of the room as bait so you can surprise her and force her to stay still long enough for me to wipe Salazar´s mind? surely, with Merlin´s guidance, i can wipe her mind quickly”

“I mean, yeah, zhat could vork too, but it feels like it's missing something…”

“Well…she IS expecting to “have her way” with me…”
You say while scratching the back of your neck.
“If we let her get “distracted” long enough with me, she is sure to let her guard down and it should be even easier to get everything done…”


“I know! I know! I'm not a fan of it either! but you have to admit it's a very good way to keep anybody distracted!”

She looks at you with a very annoyed expression but you can see her thinking hard in her mind.

“Ugh…you might be onto somezhing…but i hate it”

“I mean, I'm willing to take any other ideas if you have them, we just need something that gives us enough time to completely wipe Salazar´s mind…”

How will you approach your midnight ambush?
>Suddenly attack Lily as soon as she gets into the room, taking her by surprise.
>Let Lily have her way with you while Willow prepares a powerful stunner.
>Other (write in)
Apologies for the very long time between updates, i had some troubles IRL but everything seems to be back in order, we should be back to out previous schedule now.
>Suddenly attack Lily as soon as she gets into the room, taking her by surprise.
The odds of Lily reapplying Imperio to us while she has us 'alone' are too great. It'd turn it from a 2v1 to a 1v2 if she pulled it off. Or a 1v1 if Lily gets stunned after imperio'ing us.
Still, might I suggest enchanting some of the castle's sets of magically resistant armors to act as backup?
>Suddenly attack Lily as soon as she gets into the room, taking her by surprise.
It's just too dangerous to leave ourselves entirely vulnerable to her for any length of time. Perhaps we should stay in the room to keep her looking forward and in a false sense of security while Willow hides behind the door with a baseball bat. Or maybe a spell instead of you're of that persuasion.
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>Let Lily have way

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