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You are in a tavern. Water is dripping from a wet spot on the rafters, and it smells like something earthy and fungal is growing inside the walls. It is early morning and so quiet that you can hear the crunch of the waterbug you have just crushed beneath your boot.

The tavernkeeper is setting mugs on the counter when he glances over at you. "We don't serve your kind here," he says.

"But I'm human," you reply.

"I meant foreigners. You ain't from around here."

This is true. Where are you from again?

>A remote monastery in the woods, after being left there in a breadbasket when you were born
>A quiet logging town a few leagues yonder, born to a family that owns the local sawmill
>The jungles of an island off the coast of this land, raised by a dragon with 11 heads
>A quiet logging town a few leagues yonder, born to a family that owns the local sawmill
>A quiet logging town a few leagues yonder, born to a family that owns the local sawmill
>>A remote monastery in the woods, after being left there in a breadbasket when you were born
>A remote monastery in the woods, after being left there in a breadbasket when you were born
>The jungles of an island off the coast of this land, raised by a dragon with 11 heads

Another fantasy adventure quest? Let's go!
Do I have to take this over?
I usually wait a week until considering a quest to be dropped, but I won’t complain if you pick it up sooner.
I'm new here and don't want to step on toes. "When in Rome" and such. I'll wait until next Saturday to pick this up. Hopefully, someone else picks this up before then. I write like shit.
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>An orangutan turned human from the house next door.
Okay, so, it's been a week. Is there anything I should know about takeovers? Best update times, etiquette, etc. I'm >6129821. Also willing to take advice and critique. I'm going to try my best to not make my first quest a shit pile.
My advice (others may disagree) is to start a new thread. This one is already tainted with the fact that many people checked it out and/or moved on already, and there may be some ideas you can refresh or crop out before re-presenting the story as your own. There are 2 month old threads clinging to life on this board, so no one should be butthurt about sending a thread to /qst/ heaven.

Other advice that comes to mind:
-Mind the tone of the quest. What type of writer are you or would you like to be during this storytelling? Think of how words affect you when you write/read them, and how they'd affect others. Sometimes you want to write something silly or sarcastic amidst a bigger scene, and it doesn't read well, so you have to find your own solution. Clunky writing is okay, though, we (probably) won't find and lynch you or anything like that.
-Update types/quest style. How do conflicts get resolved? Do the dice ever come out? Are visuals helpful for telling your story? How much math/stats/calculations will there be if any, and is it balanced enough? Do some test runs if unsure.
-Note taking: I use Google Keep, Wordpad, or (highly recommended) https://www.charactercountonline.com/ -- Once you have ideas on where you'd like to take the story, or possible paths, it can be helpful to write them down so you don't forget or so you can expound upon them, even if you're thinking of something a few updates ahead.

Have fun!

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