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Thread #1 Archive:

//i've never used dropbox for filesharing before so please let me know if it works. i have the first thread downloaded and i want a full archive to be available. lmk if there's any issues here (or if you can see my decade old uploads lmao)

Reconstruction Site (Fire Door) summary:
You woke up in a room with no memory of your previous self. Your room was filled with countless books and a small number of personal effects. You met Iris, a middle aged woman with a prosthetic arm and eye; your childhood friend. She gave you a letter from your old self, explaining that your memory loss is due to them "wishing to undo past wrongs". You can use magic, you enjoy art, and you employ several people for a goal which Iris will tell you once you meet them all. Whether not you will pursue this goal, though, is up to you. You eat and perform a simple spell and learn about Iris' past as a soldier and assassin. You decide not to smoke with her, taking advantage of your new lease on life, despite your resentment towards your previous self. You examine yourself in a mirror, revealing a short stature with a smooth face and large nose. You hair is various shades of brown, with brown eyes and thick eyebrows. You wear black jeans, a big green coat, and a t shirt with "LIFE IS ART" emblazoned on the front. You find out the old version of you was named "Pluto", although you don't believe Iris on that one. You decide to meet up with Cairo, a former member of a religious order, and make your way to a spaceship which Iris pilots. You explore the ship a bit, checking out the fridge and opening some drinks.

You still have some time left on this trip, but according to Iris, there shouldn't be more than 40 minutes left. You've just had a weird drink from the fridge, and gave Iris her sparkling water, which you didn't enjoy. There's still some ship to explore, some self to explore, and some Iris to explore. What do you do?

>Explore some Iris
Not sure how the dropbox works, it opens up to the bare HTML coding
>Explore some Iris

"Hey, Iris."

She looks up from the controls "What's up?"

You see through the window the complete absence of grounding. No buildings, no planet, no horizon, no nothing. Just stars, glittering in the distance. "I was just thinking..." You kinda lose your thought for a moment, and grasp for something to say, something that pings in the back of your mind. "You know, you said we were in a band, with..."

"Astrid," she supplies, sipping at her drink.

"Yeah, Astrid. And you said I played drums. But I didn't see a drum kit in the apartment."

She nods and her attention returns to navigation. "This kinda chafes against the whole, 'not telling you about the past' thing, but magic can resolve that kinda thing. Sometimes." She fiddles with the controls for a moment, and in the reflection of the glass you can catch her smirk. "You weren't really any good, but I suppose in a punk band, it doesn't matter too much. And it's not like we were much better, anyway. It was mostly a thing we did just for the experience of doing it. And so Astrid would shut the hell up."

You take a drink of your strange beverage, mulling over the information. Doing stuff just for doing it... maybe Pluto was a little more... something than you assumed.

//i'll try to get that working next time. it's very late right now ;-.-
Here you go OP
When I come
I come hard
I come in your face

(Are we waiting on choices, or do you want a write in here?)
>"Did we... I... enjoy the experience?"

>"...Is this the 'quality' of the music?"
//thank you, i didn't know that site existed

//i can provide choices if you wish, but the one person who replied to my previous thread seemed more comfortable with write ins
I'm personally happy to both respond to choices and make write-ins, but listing the various options that can be taken (even if just >'(Write in)' I find tends to help players know that you, as QM, are actively seeking input/responses. Some QM's make multi-part updates, and some of those might be at intervals of hours or even days; so if nothing else a prompt does tend to help any audience know you're actively seeking choices/input again.

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