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Ensuring that you have no direct sight of the unknown foe, you instead look through the various sensor data to predict enemy fleet movement. They appear to be hell bent trying to close the distance, burning at full speed even when one of their destroyers is brought low by concentrated lance fire. Seemingly ignoring the loss, the enemy, either brave, cold, or mad, continues its advance.

Due to your peculiar situation, you are incapable of proper coordination. Considering how extremely you were affected by just looking at the foe, you naturally have strong concerns about the humans aboard the Deimean vessels.

Considering all dangers, you had reached but just single solution for the issue – nuke the bastards, as an old saying goes.

Now, the biggest issue at hand is of course the fact that you have no means of control. You would be unable to deploy more powerful weapons that would require your direct guidance. The issue for autonomous weapons is also out, you’d rather avoid the worst-case grey goo scenario.

Everything combined leads to the simplest of weapons. In this case, a dumb weapon, a nuclear device. Sundial – the most powerful nuclear weapon available to you, easily capable of cracking planetary crusts and potentially destabilising entire worlds. Generating enough force to wipe out entire continents at its lowest charge and cracking worlds open at the strongest, this is the most primitive and powerful of your weapons. Just the shockwaves generated by these weapons are powerful enough to potentially level entire mountains and level the terrain into smooth plains. Of course, lacking atmosphere, the destructive capability is vastly reduced, which is why this specific variant is a two-stage device, creating temporary gravitical distortions, pushing the explosions away whilst at the same time moving nearby hostile vessels towards the explosion.

For now, you will need to manufacture a multitude of Sundials as well self-destroying whirlwinds. The number of resources invested in the WMDs would be truly wasteful if they were to be intercepted on route and destroyed. So, you shall need to distract the enemy’s point-defence weaponry with enough chaff to hopefully allow at least a few Sundials to get through. One thing about Imperium vessels you had noticed is their tendency to have more than enough ballistic weaponry to fill the void with.

Of course, the time needed for such weapons will take a while, even if they are simple by principal. You shall be cutting it close; the sheer destructive force is immense and this could potentially spill over to the defenders. A situation that you must avoid at all costs.

Dedicating a large chuck of the rare materials currently stored in voidyard as well as an entire berth, due to safety reasons. At most you will get three shots at it, anything else would result in too large of a chance to impact the defenders.
Throughout three weeks of prolonged battle, three more escorts had been destroyed, with only one of the defender’s own destroyed. The unfortunate frigate – SF7 – was caught out of position, the records indicate a general lack of crew competency had caused a delay in formation change, resulting in the frigate’s voidshields collapsing before it could retreat behind other ships or voidstations, resulting in its frontal armour being melted through and the whole vessel eventually exploding as more and more fire was poured into it, the hostiles seemingly ignoring their own formation just to ensure that they could destroy one of your ships.

The few weak Whirlwinds you were able to manufacture you had already sent ahead. Naturally, the enemy, reminiscing of the Orkish tendency to do the same, had begun firing without much thought, though the sheer weight of fire had already cut down dozens of Whirlwinds.

Preparing for the attack, you had a few cameras, specially scrubbed to witness the ongoing fire. You must have all avenues of data possible; While you are unsure that the enemy will not be able to resist these weapons, you still have to make sure.

By it luck, or be it the simple fact that undoubtedly the enemy had not expected such danger, all three of the Sundials manage to reach their designated locations and detonate.

Three explosions rock out, the flashes of light are instantaneous and three balls of fire begin to extend, the gravity generators activate before cutting out as they themselves are destroyed. Nearby voidships are jerked to the side and towards the explosions, the sudden force no doubt injuring and even killing the majority of the crew of the various voidships. Caught in the ever-expanding explosion, the nearby escorts are evaporated bar one lucky infidel that had been at the back of the formation, able to, by some miracle, avoid the fate of utter annihilation.

One of the Carnage-class cruisers had been so close to the gravity field generator that its port upper sections had been ripped off, spilling out thousands of crewmen into the cold void, soon to only be completely erased from existence as the ever-burning flame envelops them.

Much to your surprise, the Retaliator-class grand cruiser manages to barely outrun the explosion, though seemingly dazed from having their speed so suddenly halted. Which is still a much better outcome than what happened to the other Carnage cruiser, that had its engine block rip off from the remainder of the ship before being destroyed.

In the end, the most disturbing sight is of the Despoiler-class battleship. Despite being caught by the gravity, it instantly corrected, without being ripped apart, and not only that, while caught at the edge of the explosion, the ship had remained unscathed. While you have no idea just how powerful a Despoiler is compared to a Retribution Class battleship, but even if using, what your current masters refer to as archeotech, there’s no way for a vessel to survive such damage.

At the end, the surviving invaders had been reduced to:
1 Despoiler-class battleship
1 Retaliator-class grand cruiser
1 Infidel-class destroyers

The lucky Infidel soon finds itself uncomfortably exposed and swiftly turned to molten scrap, its luck having run out.

The Grand cruiser’s voidshields collapse under fire shortly thereafter as it reaches the distance of being fired upon by macrocannon batteries. Despite the rapid collapse of its bulkheads, perhaps out of desperation, the ship keeps moving and firing all of its weapons. Seemingly understanding their deaths are drawing near however, some of the wiser enemies decide that it is time to abandon ship and launch escape pods that…seem to be travelling awfully fast.

Boarding pods. You come to a rapid conclusion. Dozens, upon dozens of them spread out to all sides, some go forgotten into the void as they’ve been released without any proper aiming. Some impact one of the voidstations as well as The Righteous and Burning Retribution. The impacts on the latter one only come up to half a dozen successful boarding attempts. Presuming that these are some sort of xenos, or perhaps the unknown enemy, or presuming some irredeemable humans that sadly cannot be helped, no matter what, the large number of local defenders should easily overwhelm them.

Finally, the grand cruiser is mortally wounded and it faces a reactor meltdown, causing a large explosion, causing numerous amounts of broken apart debris to fill the surrounding space.

The battleship is all that remains, but its rate of fire astonishes you, being powerful enough to actually break apart Omnissiah’s Blessing. It is like taking a sledgehammer to a brick wall, powerful blow after blow, stripping apart layer upon layer of protection at a rapid pace, eventually destroying the ship, causing the deaths of thousands.

Despite the incoming fire, the battleship continue to rage, the rapidly moving sword frigates that dive up and down, threading the needle and trying to find a single point of weakness see their own losses, with SF3 and SF5 not able to move fast enough. Being caught once is all it took for them to completely collapse, the rounds sheering the small frigates in half.

The single battleship, begins to exchange fire with Gane’s own whom had moved in to battle up close due to the fact that The Righteous and Burning Retribution as well as the nearest voidstation had stopped firing upon the battleship.

Eventually however, the voidship’s shieling fails and actual damage falls upon the queer vessel. Despite so, it remains unbreaking, exchanging fire without as much as a pause.

However, what now draws your attention are the panicked screams and requests for assistance from the boarded vessels. Despite the overwhelming strength of the defenders, the requests for assistance, outright screams for help in fact, almost entirely fill the radio network. Based on comm chatter you do note an overall decrease of morale of the various fighting forces, having fallen off from the high of seeing nearly the entire enemy fleet being annihilated.

Taking all necessary precautions, you try to connect to the various cameras aboard Burning Retribution.

The first image you see is that of a bloody corridor, nothing more than a mist of blood, gore, the occasional noticeable body part.

You switch the camera. This time it is a clearer look of dozens of dead voidsmen. They had set up a barricade, one that had been simply thrown aside by a massive and fast-moving bunch of mass. The defenders diead standing. Most were killed instantly, a few other that had a moment to react tried to turn before being brutally cut down. Whatever weapons were employed here were most likely of the chain variety judging by the sheer viscera on display. The existence of such weapons still continues to confuse you, though you suppose monomolecular or power weapons are no longer common in this day and age.

Another camera switch finally sees something useful. Seven voidsmen stumble into a view from a corner, their expressions and body language betraying clear confusion and unimaginable fear. Judging by the blood coating most of them, these are undoubtedly the men whom ran rather than freeze up out of fear.

Soon enough, their subject of fear makes itself apparent. A massive humanoid figure, perhaps two, two and a half metres in height moves at a rapid pace whilst clad in bright armour coloured gold and red. A chainaxe roars with blind fury, cutting straight into the area between the neck and shoulder blade of one of the men, the roaring teeth digging in and covering the figure in blood and gore. The sound of a noisy engine and screams is all that dominates the speakers. With quick movement and a rapid pace thanks to its height, the figure punches out, grabbing one of the running men and then crushing his head. Carrying his blow through a horizontal slash, the next strike cuts a fleeing man, the initial strike causes the body to spasm before the teeth dig in and after painting the nearby wall red.

With surprising grace, the figure swirls and at the same time makes a leap forwards. Throwing out another punch, blowing a hole where another figure’s heart was supposed to be. With vertical downwards slash, another poor man sees his head split open, the sheer physical force killing the figure instantly, yet the chainaxe continues to roar, needlessly spilling blood and gore all around.

One of the fleeing men trips upon an amalgamated mass of flesh, he pointlessly struggles to grab onto something, anything that would give him purchase and allow him to flee. These hopes for survival are crushed as a massive boot falls onto the man’s back. With a powerful force the spine and the ribcage is shattered, pulped organs and litres of blood cover the figure and what few organs remain in a recognizable form also burst out, a few still sticking out of the body.

The final man had completely dropped his weapon, tears flow out of his eyes, snot equally covers the face. An expression of utter and complete terror is all that dominates. Clear signs of hyperventilation are apparent as absolutely nothing remains but the instinctual desire to survive. A singular drive to survive, millions of years of evolution overwriting any other thoughts.

Grabbing an oversized bolt pistol, the figure aims, and without hesitation fires, having grown tired of pursuing prey that does not fight back. A bright flash, a thunder rumbling out, the noise of wet flesh smashing onto metal. The last survivor did not suffer long, his centre of mass being impacted by the large bolt round had almost immediately disintegrated, the half torn upper part of the body had flown a head by a few metres while the lower part, no longer coordinated by brain signals simply collapses onto the floor, the legs intertwining together.

Less than ten seconds, it is all that took for the figure to cut down the defenders.

Walking at a pace that for an average man would be a run, the figure continues ahead, leaving the bloody mess behind him. Looking through the various camera feeds, you note more of such figures showing themselves revelling the slaughter. Looking like your own automatons, they simply kill, move on, kill again, move on. You see that there is absolutely nothing else guiding these invaders. They are not trying to sabotage anything, place explosives, or carry out any sort of sabotage operations, nor are they aiming for any strategically relevant locations. They simply…murder. However, at the rate they are going, it seems likely that they will succeed. The most disturbing thing of all, the symbols upon these foes. You are keeping them hidden, but parts of the crew are experiencing mass psychosis.

Witnessing the destruction, parts of the crew are killing their own crew with whatever they have at hand, sometimes ripping out the throats of their fellow man with their bare teeth. Some of the large figures, perhaps more lucid than others, are taking on these maddened men, more accurately, herding them as cannon fodder against reinforced locations, waiting for the perfect opportunity, such as reloading or overheating of the squad weapons.

What follows that is a rapid charge, knocking down and crushing underneath the mad crew, simply disregarding all life before it, the figure reaches the fortification and continues with its butchery.

You had already lost the contact with the voidstation, so you can only assume how destructive these figures truly are. If they spread, who knows how much damage they will wreak upon the defenders.

This leads you to a simple series of conclusions. The ship’s defenders are, unfortunately, doomed. Based on a quick analysis of the boarding force’s capabilities and numbers, while you are unsure as to what they are exactly, though most likely the aforementioned form of the Adeptus Astartes, these invaders shall assume control of both The Righteous and Burning Retribution within the day, maybe two or three, depending on how much resistance the crew is capable of offering.

Pragmatically speaking, the two vessels shall be dead in the void, at best they might be able to restore propulsion and limited firepower, but that is all. The enemy can be surrounded, cornered, and eventually annihilated. However, if the enemy battleship is still operational, the two cruisers could be re-crewed and become a real threat.

Said battleship had proven nigh impervious to damage, even as holes are blasted and the ship…seemingly bleeds, it still fights with exceptional fury. Much to your great annoyance, Machine God’s Grace is gutted, losing its propulsion and even as it dies, the ship continues to fire upon the encroaching enemy battleship, which, as barbaric as it seems, prepares for a ramming action. Even as layers of armour are stripped away, it is not enough to halt the raging monstrosity of adamantium and the sheer amount of propelled mass.

Still, a cruiser is a large vessel in and of itself. And as the shattering impact finally occurs, the metal of Machine God’s Grace is twisted and bent, causing breaks throughout the entire hull and shaping it in an unnatural way, causing such extensive damage that it would be more economical to simply melt the hull down and remake it from scratch. For now however, you simply plot the course of the cruiser. There still might be survivors aboard the ship, despite the catastrophic damage, and you must save them.

As for the enemy battleship, its prow, alongside the pre-existing damage, had seen it warp and buckle. A tell-tale sign of why ship ramming had ceased to be a viable tactic for all but the crudest of races, such as the Orks. Another ramming is no longer a viable option for the foe, though logical considerations appear to be specifically anathema to the current era, so you cannot rule that possibility out.

At the end of the day, the battle in the void is still ongoing as The Sanctified uses the opportunity brought upon by the sacrifice of Machine God’s Grace to open a devastating broadside into the Despoiler’s rear, hoping to cripple the strange ship and halt its movements.

Despite such damage against a relatively unarmoured aft that had no doubt killed thousands in the initial volley, the ship, as you had seen before, shudders unnaturally, and turns rapidly to face the biggest threat facing it.

Naturally, this leads to the perfect scenario wherein you can employ the two stage Sundial missiles. As the battle rages on for a month and a half, your Whirlwinds finally arrive. Surprisingly, The Sanctified holds up well against the onslaught that was unleashed against it. Be it competence of the crew, the strength of the battleship, or just Volteus’ leadership, the Despoiler had been incapable of inflicting sufficient damage to emerge victorious, instead taking blow after blow. Any other vessel, bar perhaps those you are capable of constructing, should have broken already, and yet it continues to fight without seemingly any decrease in efficiency or the rate of fire. The same cannot be said of Gane’s flagship, shots become more irregular, certain manoeuvres are not carried out to the perfection expected of the crew.

The surrounding cruisers also continue to fight onwards, keeping distance and striking out whenever there is an opportunity to do so, continuously rotating and making sure that they can keep their attacks going. This situation of complicated by the fact that The Righteous and Burning Retribution had been taken over. You had lost contact within the expected time period, unfortunately, the worst-case scenario had come to be, enough of the crew had defected to keep the ships firing. Showcasing a true lack of survival instinct, you noted that nothing, but the weapons, if at all possible, are employed, trying to fire at anything around them. Perhaps amusingly, the enemy occasionally, when they have nothing else to shoot at, exchange fire amongst themselves. Sadly, these exchanges are clearly from undisciplined gunnery crews rather than whomever is in charge of the vessels.

Seeing as how confusing and chaotic the situation is, it results in the two hundred and fifty-six Whirlwinds that you had produced with the powerful missile payloads easily reaching the Despoiler-class. Now the biggest and deciding factor shall be how many missiles manage to reach their target, penetrate successfully, and then detonate causing sufficient damage to cripple the vessel.

Each Whirlwind has fifty large Sundial missiles, for a total payload of twelve thousand eight hundred missiles. Every single missile is more than capable of crippling a voidship by itself, presuming that the fire is controlled, an advantage you do not possess on this occasion, which is why you opted for the brute force option.

Unsurprisingly, thousands of missiles heading their way attracts the enemy’s attention, turning their smaller guns against this new threat that had just appeared out of nowhere, as far as they are concerned.

The long-distance engagement sees a few thousand missiles being cut down, each impact causing massive detonations as the Sundials undergo exceptionally powerful processes that result in explosions easily witnessed from hundreds of thousands of kilometres.

Having realized the sheer threat the missile barrage poses; the Despoiler ignores much of the incoming damage and tries to reorient itself in such a way as to allow as many weapons as it can bare against your attack. But perhaps due to the rapid shift of the vessel, most of the shots go wide, only occasionally striking the errant missile here and there. Quite frankly, the exchange rate so far is far below your estimate, meaning that should this continue, you will more or less turn the battleship into nothing but scrap.

As the final stretch of the attack arrives, with mere thousands of kilometres left to cover, the invaders regain their accuracy and alongside the sheer weight of fire see thousands more of missiles cut down.

Nonetheless, nearly half of all the missiles reach their target.

Some impact, but fail to detonate, not penetrating the armour and either bouncing off or embedding itself. Though this makes up the minority of the missiles, well within your accepted parameters. Another part impact, penetrate, and detonate, however this occurs either within the armouring itself or in a section that is non-critical for the ship’s function. And yet, enough missiles penetrate deep into the ship’s bowels and detonate within critical locations.

While you cannot observe the impacts as you’d like, a series of explosions upon the fore of the ship see it moments later begin to list and tilt in such a way that it is no longer able to use the various weapon systems effectively. Speaking of which, they if anything, appear to be outputting even more fire aimlessly, seemingly screaming into the void with no greater purpose than the vague hope of hitting something, anything, that could result in more death, more destruction.

The final death throes of the Despoiler-class see its thrusters fire, their light subsumed by nuclear annihilation as propelling itself forwards, the ship’s crew attempt one final desperate ramming action against The Sanctified, but due to Gane’s prudent nature, he had not jumped at the opportunity, instead retaining a safe distance rather than trying to jump upon the foe and crushing them once and for all.

At the end, much to your chagrin, the vessel remains surprisingly intact, it may be full of holes, its systems may have collapsed, and yet the occasional cannon still fires, unleashing pointless destruction indicating that somehow, even though you had put the vessel through Armageddon, there are still stubborn survivors willing to fight and kill seemingly over all other considerations.

Just as you begin to ponder what to do with the still intact husk of the enemy’s flagship, Gane begins transmitting across the command frequency of the Deimean forces. ”All forces, open fire upon the corrupted traitor ship. Heed my words and commands, I sentence The Righteous and Burning Retribution as well as voidstation Alpha-3 to cleansing by fire, ignore my commands and face my judgement.”

Now this, does come as a shock for you. The pursuit of knowledge and technology is held sacred by these people, even if they had culturally diverged from the wider Mechanicus, for such an order to be given is anathema to their very religion. Not to mention, the biggest objection that you have would be the guarantee of safety of the potential survivors in the two cruisers. While you are incapable of directly interfacing with the two due to the enemy having seized monitoring systems, the ships are vast and undoubtedly pockets of those whom were not persuaded or intimidated continue to fight. Even those that had joined the enemy had most likely done it in order to survive, they can be rehabilitated, just as you had undergone such procedures even with the most zealous of preachers.

As for the enemy battleship. That remains a far more dividing question than you’d like. Your rational part demands its destruction due to the danger of simply staring at it. Yet your programming towards curiosity states that it must be contained and studied, as without such risks, how will you ever find a counter for the unknown enemy ?

One thing that you do know for certain is that you should begin fabricating vessels capable of evacuating the crew of Machine God’s Grace, they had been drifting for a couple of days know and with failed life support are undoubtedly in need of assistance.

Still, the questions remain:

First, the unnaturally resistant enemy flagship:

>Allow Gane to do as he wishes, reduce it to atoms.

>This is a perfect studying opportunity, prepare borders, painfully they shall most likely have to be humans, but if they can capture enemy crew, you might find the answers you need.

>You need materials to study, plating, internal components. Allow Gane his destruction, but you will snatch away and put under quarantine certain bits and pieces for further study. After all, you built that science ship for this exact purpose.

>This prize cannot be lost. Deny Gane his desires for destruction and ensure no further harm comes to the vessel. What to do exactly you will decide upon a later date, but for now, you need it intact.

>(Write in)

Secondly, the two boarded and now captured cruisers and voidstation.

>The worst has already happened with no doubt there being enough bloodshed to turn the hallways red, and yet you must dispatch your robotic legions and task them with recapturing the vessels. Mayhaps they shall find those few huddled survivors and at the very least subdue the traitorous crew with nonlethal means.

>When it comes to the unknown enemy, you can never be too careful. Do not interfere with Gane’s plans. Even if it may condemn thousands to their doom.

>Demand that Gane should change his order. Humans had shown resistance against the unknown enemy, better than yours anyways, boarding actions need to be undertaken and control restored, survivors saved and those experiencing psychotic episodes subdued.

>(Write in)
welcome back, if possible can you do the usual Newb please ? (twitter link, maps in first posts)




previous thread for anyone that needs to read past projects ideas left there. Otherwise i recon we will forget about them very very quickly.

>Allow Gane to do as he wishes, reduce it to atoms.
We cannot study anything of the Unknown Enemy in our current conditions, is one thing doing it when we are truly functional (see the past) and its another doing it when we are a corpse. We are at our weakest point with not even a quarter of the cyber safety of the past, and it does need to be said and underlined that Unknown Enemy research is extremely long, dangerous and provides little to no results most of the time. Talking about entire threads of nothing when we were functional, here it would be even longer. Any other research is preferable, but most importantly unfucking our current situation is 1 priority. Also keeping wrecks that produce corruption naturally in the solar system of Deimea is not a good idea. Its also true that having more material for try to research the Unknown Enemy would slightly improve attempts to understand it.

The science ship would likely just get infected by the corruption produced by these wrecks naturally. And we cannot directly connect to it for use it anyway (direct connection is seen by chaos, chaos jumps on direct connection), which means we cannot use our greatest strengths in research and science making it pointless since we can do shit. Its left to the techpriests to get an idea with us not being able to help at all. And at this point, is better if the science ship and the techpriests in it study the crystals of those crystal aliens instead. They have work to do already. When the Unknown Enemy wrecks are eliminated, it might be wise to have built a FTL antenna that we can shut down immediately in case of another invasion by the Unknown Enemy.

>When it comes to the unknown enemy, you can never be too careful. Do not interfere with Gane’s plans. Even if it may condemn thousands to their doom.
We can't risk another coma. If there is a hidden bar of being evil/good, i guess this will make use a bit evil but after our self-sacrifice on Xandirah i think we have a lot of good points.

>(Write in)
If there is to be a boarding, use the tactics that Warrior used against the Secundus precinct, they are the same Unknown Enemy variant (same similarities if we confront them). Unless Odysseus has forgotten or lost knowledge learned.

>welcome back, if possible can you do the usual Newb please ? (twitter link, maps in first posts)

Yes I can. Was not able to post them because of the travel nonsense I had to do so I could put up a new thread.

Previous parts:



Twitter for updates:

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And of course what everything means. Current location is Deimea
>Allow Gane to do as he wishes, reduce it to atoms.
>When it comes to the unknown enemy, you can never be too careful. Do not interfere with Gane’s plans. Even if it may condemn thousands to their doom.
>(Write in) Talk with Gane to ask him to screen all his men that has been exposed to the voidship battle throughout the system for symptoms of excessive bloodlust, aggression and unnatural anger (similar to the psychosis of those in the ships but to a lesser extent) and quarantine these people.

Kill them all, Gane is wise to order this. Hope the rest of the system isn't doomed
>Allow Gane to do as he wishes, reduce it to atoms.
>When it comes to the unknown enemy, you can never be too careful. Do not interfere with Gane’s plans. Even if it may condemn thousands to their doom.
The most bitter of pills we must learn to swallow if we are to survive. Anaethema to our directive, but, a logical requirement in this even grimmer and darker age than the last. The crew and vessels are already lost to us, even if we don't quite twig that yet.

I do wonder how GSDGW-1 is getting on these days.

>I do wonder how GSDGW-1 is getting on these days.

You could always ask Gane to send an expedition. That is why the map is there, even your keeper remarked that what they have is vastly outdated and much of it is presumed.
Yeah, hasn't really been at the forefront of my mind while we run around fighting fires. Onto the todo list it goes, and I suppose we can worry more about that sort of thing now we seem to be mostly secure.....for now.
>Hope the rest of the system isn't doomed
we have eliminated all the crystal aliens and the unknown enemy fleet wasn't able to reach our shipyard and Deimea. The Deimea system should be safe for now. The question is for how long and what about Kazula.

There is still the sword above our head of an incoming invasion from the orks that the scouts of Deimea reported, but that so far didn't show up. This in front of us is a question of not just finishing of the Unknown Enemy but see if we can gather the spoils from their defeats and save some of our crews. While i would usually be okay with trying to save them and try research, our current situation is abysmal and we are butchered in comparison to our past.

Taking the risk of this research/rescue would be more acceptable if we were at least in previous or similar conditions. Currently the boarding could just be done by humans and they would likely all die, with astartes, demons and cultist breachers present. The best thing we could do is do the same thing we did against the Dark Eldar first encounter in Xandirah, and prepare a fighting force with Antiquated equipment and power armors, and then put them training in VR training pods. But it means waiting hours while those crews still die, and hostile forces capable of great harm by simply existing here remain alive.

GSDGW-1 is probably dead
and i am saying this while being optimistic. If they are alive i expect things to be far worse than before, and a visceral hatred for Deimea existence.
>Allow Gane to do as he wishes, reduce it to atoms.
>When it comes to the unknown enemy, you can never be too careful. Do not interfere with Gane’s plans. Even if it may condemn thousands to their doom.
What a mess.

Good to see you are finally back. So the ban is over? Did you piss off the mods or something?

>Good to see you are finally back. So the ban is over? Did you piss off the mods or something?

No. My living situation is kinda fucky, the apartment I am renting does not have any place to allow for an ethernet capable to be wired through it, I could order the service of course, but again, not my place. That means that I have a router in which I stuck a prepaid SIM card, so my IP address is that of a phone, which is range banned from making new threads, might even get range banned from posting for random intervals. I solved the issue by going to my folk's place and using their internet.

As such, the problem will still persist for quite a while, so unfortunately do not expect new threads right after the old ones drop off.
I mainly made that comment in regards to the unknown enemy influencing the nature of the system itself, we don't really know what the reach of the gods are
Praise the Updatessiah for His holy return!

First, the unnaturally resistant enemy flagship:
>You need materials to study, plating, internal components. Allow Gane his destruction, but you will snatch away and put under quarantine certain bits and pieces for further study. After all, you built that science ship for this exact purpose.

Secondly, the two boarded and now captured cruisers and voidstation.
>When it comes to the unknown enemy, you can never be too careful. Do not interfere with Gane’s plans. Even if it may condemn thousands to their doom.

Cauterize. Contain. Classify.

>(Write in)
Check in with the astropaths to find out what has become of Kanzula.
Reminder that we can do this in addition to other options. Even if you have already vooted you can still support doing this.
>You need materials to study, plating, internal components. Allow Gane his destruction, but you will snatch away and put under quarantine certain bits and pieces for further study. After all, you built that science ship for this exact purpose.

>When it comes to the unknown enemy, you can never be too careful. Do not interfere with Gane’s plans. Even if it may condemn thousands to their doom.
>Allow Gane to do as he wishes, reduce it to atoms.
>When it comes to the unknown enemy, you can never be too careful. Do not interfere with Gane’s plans. Even if it may condemn thousands to their doom.
Unfortunate but necessary.
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The known universe.
Nice map
kek qiratch will get what they deserve one day. We don't know who the crystal aliens are, or where the dark eldars bases could be. I recon the unknown enemy (khornate warband) might be somewhere south of us

one day we will return to Xandirah and Eregenus once we are out of this funk. Which will not be anytime soon
Newb do we know what the de facto capital world of the Clarus sector is? Where does Lord Clarus hang out post-warp-storm, according to the Deimean library/databases?
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>one day we will return to Xandirah and Eregenus once we are out of this funk. Which will not be anytime soon
We ought to be free of it right now that the Gelenostrians and Chaos aggressors have been thrown back.
We can finally get down to the business of turning this quest into a paradox grand strategy game.
I'm eagerly rubbing my hands and looking forward to building a scouting ship and doing a survey of Xandriah and Deimea subsectors and then launching the first Deimean Crusade against the orcs.
The Imperium has lost all control over the sector, it's a free-for-all until they send ships to reclaim it if they even bother to after the nids have eaten half of it. Assuming there is a Lord Clarus still around, I don't think he holds much power anymore. All this anarchy is an excellent opportunity for us to swoop in and take control. The Lord of Blades will NOT stop until humanity reigns supreme beneath his benevolent and ironclad rule.

Yes, the immediate physical and metaphysical threats to us and the Deimeans have been vanquished. Now we're going to have to convince Gane and the forges to give our shit back. Without our diplomat subroutine.
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Installation of "Victoria 2" has now commenced. I will now begin the rite of question asking to placate the machine spirits.
What is the Federation Estimate of Deimea's "GDP?"
What is the Federation Estimate of the percentage of Deimea's "GDP" that is black and gray market trading?
Since Mechanical Raj effectively amounts to an AI-assisted Planned Economy, one assumes 100% of non-black and gray market GDP is controlled by the government. Suggestion: interpret techpriesthood directed production as "private sector" and interpret omnissiah directed production as "government sector." What percentage of the white market is "private sector" and what percentage is "government sector?" In other words, what is the ratio of production by the old forges compared to the new mechanical raj forges and voidyards?
Could the Omnissiah's hull be reconstructed entirely out of cyberdongs?
This is a top kek creation >>6154011


>Newb do we know what the de facto capital world of the Clarus sector is? Where does Lord Clarus hang out post-warp-storm, according to the Deimean library/databases?

There is no set idea. The original capital was Chordet it might remain as such or it might not. Another possible candidate would be the worlds near the Iron Spears Space Marine chapter recruitment world of Taitaria. Other theories boil down to some highly fortified hiveworld or another further down galactic south-east in the sector.


>Installation of "Victoria 2" has now commenced. I will now begin the rite of question asking to placate the machine spirits.

It seems that you had run into an executable error and instead launched a failed project that had strongly disappointed all of its fans lyingly referred to as "Victoria 3"

>What is the Federation Estimate of Deimea's "GDP?"

Extreme poverty.

>What is the Federation Estimate of the percentage of Deimea's "GDP" that is black and gray market trading?

Next to nonexistent, due to the limited population and extensive monitoring by the techpriests and servitors the black or grey market is having a hard time coming into existence. Some under the table deals, usually involving extra rations, does go on, but in the grand scale of things, it is yet to have any big influence.

>Since Mechanical Raj effectively amounts to an AI-assisted Planned Economy, one assumes 100% of non-black and gray market GDP is controlled by the government. Suggestion: interpret techpriesthood directed production as "private sector" and interpret omnissiah directed production as "government sector." What percentage of the white market is "private sector" and what percentage is "government sector?" In other words, what is the ratio of production by the old forges compared to the new mechanical raj forges and voidyards?

Everything is state run, the people never had any time for their own business as money does not exist, as yet again, everything's state run. With the results clearly visible. Otherwise, with your new reforms, some ideals of private businesses are popping up, but trade is limited by the fact it is usually done via bartering and by exchanging simple handcrafted items. So the private sector is there...sort of.

As it comes to the production ratios, the old forges are still roughly 70% of all output as you had not completed the new forges. Though even the little that you do have already amounts to a third of all production. The voidyards throw this whole thing out of whack a little bit just because of how much is needed for a single voidship, which results in the forge production being dwarfed.

>Could the Omnissiah's hull be reconstructed entirely out of cyberdongs?

No, and for asking that you shall be thrown out the window.
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Nice list anon. Very cool
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Thanks. Y-you too.
Color scale was f'd tho so I have to fix it.
>We ought to be free of it right now that the Gelenostrians and Chaos aggressors have been thrown back.
We got orks incoming, the scouts that returned back here with the rest of Mr Fabricator General expedition told us that the orks were moving toward us. Nobody in Deimea expected the arrival of crystals, or for that matter the chaos slaves.

>We can finally get down to the business of turning this quest into a paradox grand strategy game.
I am afraid the only business we will do is, attempting to survive and then rebuild everything. While not going to sleep for restoration of our former self, since we can't afford it because we need to look at all our basic projects always. As in we can't afford to not look at them every day, every hour, every minute and every second. If we go to sleep while this projects go on something bad might happen. I already know some people will not listen to this. Hopefully we will have time for build things too and not just reconstruction. Once all of that is done we can go to sleep and restore ourself further, without problems happening while we sleep.

>I'm eagerly rubbing my hands and looking forward to building a scouting ship and doing a survey of Xandriah and Deimea subsectors and then launching the first Deimean Crusade against the orcs.
We aren't going to war after this, not just because Deimea military is not ready and received plenty of losses, or because orks will also likely soon hit us. But because Deimea needs to be rebuilt and remade in to a fortress, possibly also in something not resembling a shithole. That is not asking for much and it would allow a wider recruitment of soldiers. About scout ships, the Mechanicus will do it on their own probably. In regard to us we aren't leaving this place any time soon, perhaps forever if the worst that has not be confirmed so far happened.
the positive thing, is that we should be able to use our "divine" body and robotic legions against orks if nothing else. Provided that naturally produced chaos corruption disappears once the chaos slaves all die.

If i remember correctly it did that after we destroyed all 3 unknown enemy cults in Xandirah. So in theory that should also happen here.
>We're not going to war after this
IMO the best defense is a good offense, but I agree we should always have a stay-behind fleet in Deimea from now until the end of time.
We should be able to make a few hundred thousand whirlwinds to take care of any ork ships that show up while we're rebuilding.
We can consider just set a passive budget for ship production going forward.

I propose a budget:
20% of annual manufacturing goes to ship production
1/12 tonneage of ships built - Mining vessels & starlifting buoys
1/12 tonneage of ships built - Space habitats & FTL comms buoys
1/12 tonneage of ships built - Logistics Freighters
6/12 tonneage of ships built - Military vessels
3/12 tonneage of ships built - Education & Healthcare Zephyrs.
And a great military is one that, is allowed time to restore from losses. And improve if possible, which we definetly can after we are done with this invasions.

Depends entirely when they arrive. Chaos showed up not too long ago from the crystals. We didn't have time to produce that amount of ships against them, we will likely have similar options of production before the orks arrive. use this berth for do X essentially

We can consider it when the last danger is done with, in this case what had the expedition quickly get away from their exploration business : orks. Until orks arrive is nothing but production for war

If we mean ships with the shipyard, yeah that could work. The industry on Deimea the planet it self should concentrate on rebuilding and building the artificial tectonic plates. Once the invasions are out of the picture that is.
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Here's my TED talk slide.
I can dynamically adjust the figures to create a real budget proposal when the time is right.
FED(eration) talk
Union worth spreading.
Should we maybe ask Gane to send a couple of ships to investigate our old pulsar outpost after this? The Imps destroyed the shipyard but maybe the mining drones survived.
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Won't he just callously send thousands of men to their radiation deaths if we do that? The advantage of having federation voidyards is we can just build crewed-but-high-tech scout ships by the hundreds to perform a full survey of the area as well as some much needed scouting to the galactic north.
That depends on whether or not antiquated-tier ships are good enough to shield the crew. We could also just send the science ship to check it out.
S Urgency - Rebuild Garrison Fleet
A Urgency - Fortify the home star with a habitat, Ithica Nova. Deploy Zephyr constellation to Ithican Nova. Deploy starlifter mining buoys to the home star.
B Priority - Relieve Kanzula. Expand production capacity.
C Priority - Survey Deimea and Xandirah subsectors. Scout Pulsar and Northwestern subsectors. Begin long term reconstruction of the Thesius Hull.
D Task - Restore Military Subroutine. Declare the First Deimean Crusade against the Orkoid Empire.
F Honey Do - Restore Diplomatic Subroutine. Crack the Genostrian Xenolinguistics and open a dialogue with them.
Works for me. Assuming it doesn't become a berserker hulk presently.
>Crack the Genostrian Xenolinguistics and open a dialogue with them.
Why? The gelenos have conquered quite a few human worlds and killed who knows how many humans. Extermination or enslavement are the only options we should consider.
That goes for nearly all Xenos. Doesn't mean we need to do it right away. Having the Gelenostrians as a wall to our galactic east is useful. We're stronger than them, but they're very strong relative to the galaxy.
I'd also like to make sure they're not being manipulated by Ch**s, because them showing up IMMEDIATELY before Ch**s is not a coincidence I am prepared to believe in. It's not like they showed up a couple years before Ch**s, they showed up appearing for all intents and purposes to be shock troops for the Ch**s follow-up.
I seriously doubt they're in league with chaos, they didn't really show any signs of being aligned with chaos let alone khorne. Maybe the gelenos fleet was fleeing from the chaos warband or trying to lead it away from their territory? That warband was pretty tough even after we nuked most of the fuckers and I imagine that daemonship would've been a nightmare for the gelenos.
They don't have to be aligned with Ch**s to be manipulated by them, and there could be any number of explanations but the timing cannot be coincidence so there is some kind of link that we should investigate.
They likely destroyed everything so just wrecks, the mining drones there were probably also used in the defense by the shipyard. They were against a very large fleet that wanted to destroy everything. The Mechanicus do such things on their own initiative and say little of what they do. You can ask but there is not much point to do so, until we have the means to mine it again for the rare materials of the pulsar.

I think everyone knows the answer to that question. The anon probably didn't know we could build scout ships, telescopes, probes or the entire units roster that we have seen in the first quest if we wanted.

In regard to "high tech" without automation is not that much high tech anymore. Might not even be possible to do it at all with fed tech. It can be done with outdated tech (for example the simple Whirlwinds Missile Boats, which are outdated tier tech, can be probably de-automated and made full crew. Of course space needs to be made in them for the crew and their needs lol). Research will need to be done to find an alternative to intelligent automation in fed tech since it is heavily intertwined, simply removing one essential thing and looking the other way around is not going to cut it.

As for crewing hundreds of ships, we can build VR training pods even for them in a military facility or more than one (a naval academy for example). In general it is just a sensible investment even for other military things like ships, vehicles or soldiers. Especially if we don't want to educate them and send them right into the void of space after the ships are made, besides Odysseus will not allow the existence of servitors on any of these ships. Thankfully. Without any intelligent automation all ships will likely need more people.
Honestly I am not quite certain we are stronger than Gelanostrians, their technology is fascinating and they seem to kill the worlds they conquer leaving behind husks. With their fleet formations it seems they might be a hive mind which makes diplomacy impossible, but we have a captured ship to experiment on so we shall get to know more at the very least. I think in our current form we are at their mercy and are much more weaker than them, if they send a similar sized fleet anytime soon we are cooked.

Speaking of the unknown enemy, our sector seems to mainly have Khornate corruption as from the description the space marine chapter also seemed to be fighting Khorne berserkers. This is of course just my extrapolation, but if that's the case we are so incredibly lucky. Despite how bad Ch**s is we would be beyond fucked if any other god showed up, especially Tzeentch. We have absolutely zero counters towards sorcery and thank the Omnissiah that Khornates absolutely despise witchcraft and their corruption is incredibly straightforward.
We could likely give them enough radiation shielding if they don't have it already. It would make them more a bit slow but it would work, we can just take it off when they get back. Its a system that Odysseus entered on his own because it was simply more safe to do so, and the Odyssey was built well for it and ....not having humans inside while he was upgrading himself everywhere across the Odyssey was also another reason lol.

Some humans can stay there for a little while, they just need to remain inside their ships, inside their space suits, with their improved bodies and plenty of medical bots around. They can use large mechanical arms that they control from consoles, work outside later for grabbing piece of wrecks and bring them home.

i would prioritize : rebuilding/building the tectonic artificial plates (ensuring Deimea population is safe from Deimea, is a terrible planet for human life at the moment), expand on orbital defenses and build a vast defense fleet, finish Mechanical Raj and start Armored Dawn, begin military reformation with introduction of a better military structure, education and training alongside Outdated tech in military equipment, weapons, gear, vehicles and more importantly VR training pods. Of course Basic Augmentations too, can't forget about those. Cherry on top would be starting terraformation of Deimea it self, but with Mechanical Raj and Armored Dawn completed no Deimean human would live in bad conditions so it can be done later.

After working on Deimea, i would begin working on Kazula and scouting around. When both are secure, safe in the knowledge that we have done our best for ensure everything is fine we can take a nap and restore our other two subroutines, while a vast attack fleet is being built. I would not bother with open diplomacy with anyone until we learn more of them, instead spying should be done after scouting (i will oppose a random scouting of the twin paradise world, because it is much better if WE return there and check that our alliance still exists). In regard to the the Odyssey if we have all the important not replaceable pieces on hand, then reconstruction can begin to the previous size we reached (any bigger size is behind deep study of many prototypal pieces of the Odyssey, especially the experimental wormhole generator). In regard to research we should start on human psykers and imperial psyker equipment.
Currently neither Deimea or Odysseus are. If repaired and restored ? We are far stronger no doubt about it. Put Odysseus in the Odyssey and you get a ship that on his own is a multi-fleet killer and a guaranteed solar system killer if it wants to. Give him an allied vast fleet for support the Odyssey ? Its over for most enemies, anyone dangerous instead will have an actual hard fight in front of them.

We have access to all the crystal pieces of their defeated fleet, and the battle recordings, images and scans. Decent loot but could be better.

We have seen the Unknown Enemy in others forms before this being both Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle forces, that we found and killed. Khorne is hardly the only one present, don't let one encounter deceive you read past threads instead. Corruption attack Odysseus all the same directly, is very much straightforward and fast directly toward him in all cases. Killing them before they have time of doing anything, at the moment. And isolation from most things. If we have our own psykers this might change i believe, there is one big reason i want that alliance restored with the eldar of the twin worlds.
On your first point, I'd say we really shouldn't overestimate our capabilities, that is what got us killed the last time. Sure we are dangerous but we are also extremely small and suffer extreme manpower issues, not to mention we cannot use our best tech because AI's big and small for some reason we don't know get immediately corrupted by the main force we will be fighting in this sector. Even when that isn't a problem, about half our arsenal straight up doesn't work on Gelanostrians as they actually benefit from energy weapon fire. Not to mention the inadequacies of the Deimean fleet even if we restore it, we don't really have the manpower to fully man it.

On your other point, we fought lowly underhive cultists, and ended up with 99 survivors of all the people we sent. That wasn't just luck, we only won because it amused Tzeentch (more likely his daemon manipulating the cult). I don't understand how you can show that engagement as a success when we got our shit handed to us by a bunch of underhive witches, when we had a well trained army. Omnissiah forbid we face actual Tzeentch corrupted space marines or an actual fleet, as their schemes would probably cripple us before the fleet even arrives. High skilled Tzeentch sorcerors can make entire systems fall with their plans, and their methods of corruption will NOT be straightforward.
Neither over underestimate like you are doing. The manpower if both Deimea and Kazula are worked upon is a problem that can be resolved, you are exaggerating and their population is not super low. We cannot use it against chaos, it very much worked with anyone else. Doesn't stop us from researching other ways against them which is yes, is a strength we are in possession unless you are forgetting that. Then use the other half ? I have put forward a way for us to work first inward, you are debating like i am telling us to go on the attack right now.

Lowly ?? Full on psykers blasting their powers without issues, all powered by heavy mutations, creating stable portals for summon reinforcements, having an horde of large mutated humans that looked more like chaos spawns and self regenerating crystals modifying the battlefield terrain to their own advantage ? Lowly is a few psykers that can't control their powers and have a gang of armed cultists with sharp blades and autoguns. Sorry but this shit is not lowly no matter how you picture it, you can't just pop up a cult of this size and strength out of nowhere, and have it ready for summon a great demon. Thats your personal interpretation on the demon (said demon went down screaming back to his hell), and it seems you want to ignore the O.D.D. capabilities and faith despite the disadvantages they faced.

>as a success
??? I didn't say it was a perfect victory what i was saying wasn't even about the victory it self, i was telling you that there was more than Khorne. You have read that and decide that i am talking about some kind of perfect victory or perfect success.
>We have seen the Unknown Enemy in others forms before this being both Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle forces, that we found and killed. Khorne is hardly the only one present, don't let one encounter deceive you read past threads instead.
Where is the perfect victory or success you speak of ? That "we found and killed" is enough for you to think i basically said is a perfect victory ????? In what language stop putting your words in what i write. Is literally what happened it doesn't mean we didn't suffer losses or it was clean, it means we found and kill them.

>when we had a well trained army.
1 regiment of 1000 men with us and them being super unexperienced against the unknown enemy, and the O.D.D. at the time not having even a decade of training in them.

I also said that what we could do right now is little : attack before they do anything (a thing everyone does in this setting, seems that it works), isolate ourselves and try some research. You know what i said, and decide to go on an insane doom rant where we must die. You are unbelievable, i say something that happened and what we have at the moment for deal with the Unknown Enemy and for whatever reason you associate that i meant we are invincible against it.
Look mate, didn't mean to make you that mad and I did kinda put words into your mouth since I did have a similar talk with someone before where they were underestimating the threat Chaos poses, so I'm sorry for that. Didn't do it intentionally if that makes it better

I still do think that the cult we fought is lowly even if the psykers they had were semi-competent. Especially compared to the chaos fleet we were attacked by. We absolutely need preparation and research into how to counter warp based threats

As for your first point, we are currently committing genocide on Kanzula to replace the population with Deimean tech thralls, further reducing our own 1.7 billion (extremely low in warhammer standards) population, our investments won't bear fruit in terms of growth for at least 40 years when it comes to population, and I don't think we could conquer another planet in that time either. But I have to admit that I don't know how large the Deimean Domain actually is, as far as I understand it we only have these two planets. Maybe we control a hiveworld which would solve that issue.

And beyond all of this, underestimation is always better than overestimation because it won't get us killed like overestimation did. We don't have the luxury to jump the gun, we need to be methodical in our actions. The impending doom rant I went on is just to showcase our vulnerability at this current moment to emphasise what we need to do above all
Speaking of Kanzula, we probably should plan on some way to produce mass quantities of food here in the off potential that Kanzula is fucked, although it hasn't been that long since our back to back battles
If I may ask, how wide is the Deimean control over the region? From what I understood it is just Kanzula and Deimea
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>As for crewing hundreds of ships, we can build VR training pods even for them in a military facility or more than one (a naval academy for example). In general it is just a sensible investment even for other military things like ships, vehicles or soldiers.
It is very much time to create Ithica Nova. We need some source of independently trained crews, soldiers, miners, fabricators, and scientists.
>In regard to "high tech" without automation is not that much high tech anymore. Might not even be possible to do it at all with fed tech. It can be done with outdated tech (for example the simple Whirlwinds Missile Boats, which are outdated tier tech, can be probably de-automated and made full crew.
I don't think this is completely true. Odesseus itself was designed to operate with a Human crew. This implies that there were stilll redundant human overrides and ways for Humans to manually operate the systems, even if they were primarily automated. I get what you're saying though. We should make federation ships that operate entirely off of electromechanical switches. Have everything be analog like st*r w*rs. FUCK CH**S. SCRAP CODE THIS.
I just thought of this but we should activate our gellar field in realspace next time we encounter ch**s.

>i would prioritize : rebuilding/building the tectonic artificial plates (ensuring Deimea population is safe from Deimea, is a terrible planet for human life at the moment)
I don't remember that sounding super urgent. I remember thinking it was silly and typical /qst/ to waste resources on such an ambitious project as soon as it was mentioned. But we can add it to the budget like the rest.

>If I may ask, how wide is the Deimean control over the region? From what I understood it is just Kanzula and Deimea


In the previous threads the techpriests remarked that the rampaging warpstorms made travel far too risky an endeavour, with them subsiding only recently the first priority of business for the FabGen was to secure the nearest agriworld and solve the issue of continuously decreasing food supply. Which is why he concentrated upon Kanzula and kicked their shit in.

It was also remarked that despite the storms, Orks would occasionally pop up, so travel was not impossible it was just...well...the Orks probably left in fleet sized formations (if you wish to use a generous term as such) and only a few scattered ships arrived to threaten Deimea at the end.

There are still "turbulent" regions of space that are tricky to travel through as the storms are subsiding, but they still have a strong hold over the sector as a whole.
Even if they are low in comparison to this chaos fleet they managed to become strong while being in essentially the toilet levels of an hive city, i was expecting something more weak than them not a cult with some tactical organization and that can make a complex ritual for summon a great demon.. Something more similar in strength to the prisoners cannibals (khorne) or the prisoners zombies (nurgle) in Secundus. If they managed to become this strong they might have become something more dangerous down the line.

Which is something i want to rectify, because i am against them being killed. It doesn't help anyone but our enemies and we could have done started something about it, if Volta didn't return and shut down the Deimea political scene we where just about to put our feet in. Invasions didn't help either since now the world is on full defense.

Even if low for 40k is a number we can put to use, if we can make sure the population is out of their misery and allowed to grow. 40 years is very acceptable for me, more than a few years have passed already from our second return and any time we take a nap for restore something several years pass. The whole reason i want to concentrate on Deimea is that we cannot leave it anytime soon, and even if we did i don't want a repeat of Xandirah (beside whatever happens to Kazula people is decided on Deimea). No is just this two solar systems.

I doubt any hive worlds remains with people in them at least, in all of Sector Clarus. The events where cataclysmic enough that most hive worlds probably died of war, famine, diseases and civil wars. If there is any people left they are cannibal mutants at best.

We made a mistake to believe we had finally reached a point of strength and that our plan would have bore fruit. We aren't going around and leave Deimea in the background for return later to it. We restart from Deimea in the open and either make it stronger or be destroyed by an invasion.
I can work around with something like that, even if Mechanical Raj needs to finish first (provided someone doesn't stop it or a problems comes out).

While any fed ship could work just with humans, i don't think is the intended way. Beside chaos. If we can find an alternative that doesn't make us weaker it would be fine.

It might be a case of being afraid of something that could be not much of a problem, but the option to do it was presented by Newb, and Deimea (planet) description outside and under any settlement is not encouraging. So better be safe than sorry. Also it would help against tyranids trying to do the underground snakes-drills swarm trick again like they did on Xandirah.
Deimea has a population of 1.7 billion.
We have raised their nutrition levels to 2500 calories per day of quality food, put a stop to corpse starch, and lowered their working hours. It is likely already entering a baby boom. The birth curve will go exponential once we get healthcare online to bring down infant mortality to zero. (Fuck N*rgle)
We have six decades of food storage on Deimea so even if Kanzula has been wiped out, we'll be okay for some time. We should be able to easily get orbital food production going with over half a century of leeway.
Odysseus can probably build structures both in space and on Deimea for produce food like Hip is saying.

The real problem for them is not food but if anyone attack Kazula, it has what you can expect an agri world to have if it was under control of a forge world by a few years. A garrison army for deal with locals, some fortified settlements and a simple defense fleet. If the crystal aliens passed there they could have just blasted it.
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Reminder that only 2 people have voted to use astropaths to check on kanzula so far.
Using astropaths is a free action, but you have to declare it.
So far down the list of urgency that it might as well be touring hell

Also using astropaths right after a Chaos incursion into the system sounds like a great way to get some free daemonhosts with a side of losing irreplaceable assets
>using astropaths right after a Chaos incursion into the system sounds like a great way to get some free daemonhosts with a side of losing irreplaceable assets
Not that we have any way of knowing in quest but is that really a thing canonically? I thought only tyranids did that with the shadow in the warp.
>So far down the list of urgency that it might as well be touring hell
Massive eye roll for not understanding how the half of winning vote + 1 system works. It's literally free.
All Psykers are subject to the whims of the warp and Astropaths do have a tendency in lore to become daemon portals or have their heads exploded when the warp gets fucky.

In lore the properly trained Astropaths go into the throne room of Terra to get soul binded to the Emperor as well and it still doesn't fully protect them from daemons, and we know for a fact ours haven't been to the throne room. Honestly speaking tho I really don't like that piece of lore I don't think it's possible that every single Astropath has been to the throne room the Imperium just doesn't have that logistical ability.
The writers nearly always explode a few astropath heads to show the warp is involved, kinda lazy writing desu but makes for consistency
Speaking of pyskers: We're going to need to start testing the population of Deimea for Intelligence Quotient, Willpower Quotient, Pain Threshhold Quotient, and Psychic Quotient in the near future. I bet for the first 3 we can administer some retroviral gene therapies to enhance the mental faculties of individuals who are in the top 10% of all three.
Psykers without high willpower or with very low pain tolerance will probably need to be yeeted in one way or another since we can't exactly send them to Terra.
Oh I almost forgot! I'm not sure of the exact timeline but humanity should be going through the psychic awakening after the 13th black crusade, which means that a lot more psykers will be born in this era. We %100 need systems in place either to help these mutants or if you think they're not worth the risk find a way to cure them.

In the end I am a sucker for wizards so I'd say we gotta establish scholariums for these guys, but they're almost always the first corruption vectors so I genuinely don't know. I suppose not too big of an issue right now.

>Oh I almost forgot! I'm not sure of the exact timeline but humanity should be going through the psychic awakening after the 13th black crusade, which means that a lot more psykers will be born in this era. We %100 need systems in place either to help these mutants or if you think they're not worth the risk find a way to cure them.

Not guaranteed. I am ignoring the vast majority of NU lore or giving you anons a vote on it. This has already happened when you anons voted for the origin of the Tyranids, the choice was: they are made by the old ones.
I cannot really agree with your prioritie.
I would order them like this.
S Urgency - Rebuild Garrison Fleet
A Urgency - Complete the Spaceport/Dockyard for better voidvessel production. Deploy starlifter mining buoys to the home star.
B Priority - Relieve Kanzula. Expand production capacity. Add more militia elements and optimized production to Kanzula (Seriously we must not lose our food supply again)
C Priority - Increase tech level of Deimea boardly to"antiquated"
D Priority - get the subroutines back online first Diplomacy then Military (Gane is competent enough as a military commander for now and with our, then hopefully better, communication skills we should be able to guide him smoothly. I lowered the priority for the Military subroutine because it was so instable before the shutdown. Without the other two to wrangle it, that could be too much risk)
And no diplomacy with filthy xenos! they should get fucked. talking only to humans.
Just put them in space in quarantine habitats. The main function. We're going to need space wizards to get into the webway to kill those kinklord scum in Commoragh so I like the way you're thinking. Willpower is at least 50% genetic and thus something we can assist if not outright control so we should, at the very least, be able to keep a larger fraction of our space wizards alive. Maybe the Eldar can teach us the path of the monkeigh to further elevate their self-control.
Understood, I do like some things from new lore and you're the G for allowing us agency in it, as a necron enjoyer I gotta say that new lore is pretty sweet in some places. The Ynnari are also pretty cool, some imperium changes not so much tho. And for some friends I know that the Imperium having a possibility of a brighter future under the leadership of the boy scout does rob the setting of its grimdarkness.

When or if ever the time comes, can we vote for Peter turbo to not be a daemon prince? That always bothered me.
>The main function.
This was supposed to read something like "The main function of most psykers should be to act in low level choirs to amplify our psychic efforts."
It is great willpower is at least a little bit genetic considering all men on Deimea are descendants of the forge that survived a huge daemon incursion due to their willpower and faith. I really wonder what a psyker that venerates the Machine God would look like tho. Is there any psychic techpriests out there?
How are you going to increase the tech level of Deimea as a whole without a training center akin to Ithica? We desperately need to get a handle on education (and healthcare). It is absolutely the highest level of urgency after rebuilding our defensive forces.
As for increasing production capacity, that should always be happening regardless. The whole idea of Mechanical Raj is we continually take a larger and larger share of the production on the planet (and now above the planet) by paving the way with gifts.
By putting our training center at the star we are also fortifying it against attack and providing a hub for our starlifting miners.
A Magos Psykana would be rad
> And for some friends I know that the Imperium having a possibility of a brighter future under the leadership of the boy scout does rob the setting of its grimdarkness.
That reminds me of people bitching that Berserk was no longer grimdark and those people really ate their shit opinions the last few chapters.

Not to say that GW will handle the story correctly but simply saying that "having a possibility of a brighter future" robs the setting of it's grimdarkness is a bad take. You need that small hope to contrast with the great despair, otherwise things will get stale fast.

Thats one more reason to start research on human psykers and imperial psyker equipment then. And of course ensure that alliance with the eldar of the twin worlds is restored since their expertise could be of use....

Beyond that we are very much capable of training, educating or influencing the minds of humans in having a sense of discipline, ensuring they have stronger wills, bravery, brotherhood, patriotism and what not. We can influence them through education and they might become all religious in Deimea. Remember that Odysseus was subtly influencing people through images, sounds, videos, societal and cultural programs.
I really hope our kh*rn artifacts help our science ship make some breakthroughs in space magic research.
I agree with you on that, and honestly it's refreshing to have a character with common sense like Bobby G, but I do have my concerns because I really don't want an end times 2 electric boogaloo 40k situation.


>When or if ever the time comes, can we vote for Peter turbo to not be a daemon prince? That always bothered me.

Unlikely as it is established lore, but if enough anons want to call for a vote regarding such aspects I am willing to hold one, though I maintain the right to Veto anything I find to be bullshit, such as the existence of Erda I refuse to accept that 40k only exists because of a woman moment.


>I really wonder what a psyker that venerates the Machine God would look like tho. Is there any psychic techpriests out there?

Those on Deimea are inducted into the priesthood, if you anons want to, you can meet them quite easily. The mental strength of faith is something that gives them resistance to the warp, but as was remarked by FabGen, they are far, far worse than the usual Imperium's astropaths due to never being brought to Terra vai Black Ships.
No doubt the Eldar would be helpful, ESPECIALLY in fighting chaos. I just don't see that happening tho. We have no leverage, no advantage to make diplomacy with. Do you really believe the Eldar would help us out of an ancient non-aggression pact with questionable validity?

They only gave us the info that the Dark Eldar, were raiding our system to potentially get rid of us. They're far from friends
That's because the End Times were just the bullshit excuse for GW to reboot the franchise so sales would improve. Only for the Total War Warhammer to revive interest in Fantasy a little while later, defeating the entire point of the End Times.

The problems with 40k are of a different nature, speaking of which:

> I maintain the right to Veto anything I find to be bullshit, such as the existence of Erda. I refuse to accept that 40k only exists because of a woman moment.
This is the kind of stupid shit that 40k has as problems with it's lore, random writing decisions with no narrative benefit.
Hope and Justice for the Autism Primarch, Huzzah!

I do like Erda as a foil to Big E but the lore of her scattering the Primarchs genuinely sucks.

We really should meet those astropaths. Remotely of course, not touching warp stuff without a 200 km pole
its a difficult hope, its difficult to learn anything from chaos.

We will need to find it perhaps.

Ultimately i think we can find a way to make such an agreement again or restore the past one. We are not friends this is true, but even in the past deal we have shown willingness to compromize, accept certain things and make diplomacy. Which is better than what most around the galaxy offer, we could have outright destroy them if we wanted back there. The sector is also less secure than the past, and they have no more orks around them.
What khorne artifacts?
The ones currently floating in space about to be atomised by our lovely Fabricator-General
Bleeding consoles, screaming metal, corpses that burn even in the vacuum of space, that kind of thing, I imagine.
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The way I see it, the STC we have given out are the equivalent of UN emergency supplies. I am sure we could also give out the equivalent of home improvement projects and other DIY projects, Remember that inferno guns are/were considered priceless relics and for us they are very outdated welding tools.
What I am trying to say is, that we have probably a lot of equipment that is better than the standard Deimea tech and doesnt need any fancy Federation equipment to be produced. We could give some of those out to the techpriests (more like Ganes friends and pawns, but thats still better than nothing).
We are thinking too grand and much with all those megaprojects. All we get is half finished stuff. If we do the little steps more often instead of the grand projects we are also at a better level when the next crisis hits.

Also I really dont like how Kanzula is handled so far. I am sure we have some plans we could give out to our guys to make it run smoother and be way less dystopian. pic related.
My head canon is that agriworlds are supposed to be rejuvenated once a millennium and they've gone 10 or 11 times overdue and that's why they're such toxic shitholes that have to be pumped full of gigatons of fertilizers every harvest.
We should just start pumping out space habitats to produce all the food our empire will ever need. Gane will probably glass Kanzula for falling to Ch**s if the Gelenostrians haven't done it already. So the issue is probably already settled. Although we could do more than speculate IF WE'D CALL THEM ON THE PHONE AND CHECK!
Ahem. We just got voidyards capable of making 4 cruisers per month, so I don't know what these big unfinished projects we have are supposed to be. We're making good progress on taking over an entire economy of 1.7 billion people when just 10 years ago we were a glorified 3D printer making a single drone. We've improved the lives of almost two billion people immeasureably and saved them from eradication twice. We've repaired our core and brought one of our subroutines online. I see no projects that are failing to meet expectations.
if the vote for keep this loot wins, its the loot from the khornate fleet. There is no real "artifacts" i recon just a name for include all their equipment and other stuff they brought with them
Genuinely speaking, hope it doesn't win. The Fabricator-General already sees us as a potential corruption point as the AI's in the ODD suits slaughtered its own users. I can't imagine doing something like nabbing chaos stain when he clearly ordered it completely destroyed when he knows it is our weakness is something that will build trust
And we would want that shit anywhere near us or our tech priests... why?
Ch**s is our Great Foe and greatest weakness, and we have an inquisitive nature to study the unknown and find ways to overcome it. This is the least risky way to find a way to study magic.
To quote our fabricator general:
"The sick curiosity that seems to drive your kind which is far beyond human, the horrors unleashed in pursuit of it."

They're just being lore accurate, our nature is perpetual curiosity which we can barely control.

On this point, I have to say that it is perhaps the worst time to study chaos, we already collected great data on the foe and we should be content with that until we can guarantee our own safety
it depends on how many voted.
It also would likely be done with our authority and we would place similar measures we used before for research on the Unknown Enemy.

Is given as a choice, is if we want to use the opportunity to grab materials or prefer to do it a later date after likely another battle. It remains a difficult research regardless and one that i personally want to do later when we are returned to our previous strength so to speak, if we don't grab them i would heavily suggest to not focus on Unknown Enemy research and do something else.

In regard to the Fabricator, even beyond this decision things will not change with him. He was convinced on certain things far before our return, and is not a person that will change is position. Its far fetched dreaming to think otherwise, we stand together only because we have enemies. He isn't Zanx or Antonius so forget about friendships, there is none of that in this place. Funnily enough he wears one of the Olympian suits of our deceased like that wasn't the same thing that didn't kill the regiments equipped with it (also its a broken carcass, and without the V.I., the Olympian loses a lot of his strengths : blatantly the mini AI inside it helps the soldier in battle and with the power armor it self. One project someone made has an idea for maybe resolve the issue past thread, but since is a scientific project it would occupy time and research most likely), since its broken and Volta has no Superior Training he probably cant use it well.

>Also I really dont like how Kanzula is handled so far. I am sure we have some plans we could give out to our guys to make it run smoother and be way less dystopian. pic related.
We didn't have an hand in handling anything about Kazula so far, we had to concentrate on Deimea before anything else. More like bribe through after this invasions are all dealt with.

While i agree this isn't the best due to our conditions, we don't have much data on this subject since research on it is very slow, very difficult and very dangerous. What we have is little and what we learned is even less about the Unknown Enemy, any battle recording/images have so far not helped much at all when it comes to science. Materials instead help because at least we have something to experiment on (for example the abudance of tyranid/genestealer material after killing them on Xandirah likely helped in researching them). Simple data is unlikely to help a lot in research, but they might have some use in VR training for new combat simulations against different foes.
The only benefit I can see coming from studying that thing is finding more effective ways of destroying daemonships in the future, if we want to figure out how psykers work we could just try to find actual human psykers on Deimea and study them. I really don't want to risk fucking around with chaos shit and I especially don't want to encourage our tech priests to fuck around with chaos shit.
We don't really know that since we never had The Talk:tm: with our Eldar allies. Gane could probably clue us in but he has chosen not to.
We know psykers exist and we have the technology to find them. Celt gave us those psychic detector things, which we then reverse engineered, slapped onto a bunch of our drones and used to hunt down eldar. We could produce more of those psy-detector drones and start searching for psykers amongst the tech thralls. I wonder if we could use them to discover blanks too?
Not a bad idea for The Screenening:tm:.
Completely disagree with your characterisation of the Fabricator General. I would say he has given us zero reason to believe he is a dogmatic person, and I don't understand why you take his reasonable caution in such a negative light. Whatever we gave them as technology literally tried to kill them during their most dire time. It is safe to say all Techpriests know the possibility of what we create turning against them in such moments as even the Techpriestess attending us knew about it. Why would you trust us fully if you were in their stead?

In fact, I'd go on further to say that the caution of the fabricator general is very welcome. We finally have an ally, a genuine potential colleague that doesn't grovel and prostrate themselves in worship when they hear our voice. He's logical, has the fuckin balls to tell us no, extremely competent and I'd even say pliable to change. It takes genuine questioning and reasoning to be able to reject the notions that society places on one, we are the god of these people and despite this he can see that there are good and bad sides to our awakening, which not only takes guts it is also anathema to most techpriests on this planet.

I genuinely like his character as a person. He is competent, smart and willing to enact change. His caution is honestly welcome even if I didn't enjoy how he acted when we awoke.

On your other topic, we still know conventional arms work on Chaos ships. Their corruption is dangerous, and any boarding action by them is a guranteed kill but we can avoid worse by eliminating direct feed and relying on sensor feed and data scrubs for now. Looking at that gaping hole in reality we will have no shortage of potential chaos research in the future when it is more suitable for us.
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Finally, a second member of the Gane fan club.
I really didn't like him at first, but after he explained himself to us I found his reasoning to be extremely solid which at least made me understand him. And after showing his competency and downright genius in the Void battles after I think we really hit the jackpot when it comes to leadership.

We have to earn his trust, he's correct that madness is inherent to our kind. Hell, what would've happened if our logistics subroutine was not online when we observed that Khornate ship? Nothing good to those next to our drones that's for sure...
I don't agree with having a warden that with a button fries us. His caution is the same one we had shown other times only that since we made a fatal mistake in the past he breaths down our neck about this past that he never fully explained to us, and i am growing tired of it. Oh my omnissiah they died in those suits, tell me about it another time ! It helps ! Can't disagree too much since he has a device for outright silence if not disable us completely ! And i am also growing tired of being considered a nuclear bomb in every conversation instead of an ally, like humans are all holy men sent by the heavens in comparison to us, when look at that the Unknown Enemy ranks are filled by humans.

>Why would you trust us fully if you were in their stead?
We both know there is plenty of reasons for that, but at this point is clear that said reasons will be dismissed and we will all only look at the mistake we did in the past. Nothing else happened just that mistake. Ad nauseam. Why should i say those reasons then ? Whats the point, when the suits getting possessed and apparently our now mad AI nature have become the end of all arguments and i have to accept it. Might has well sentence Odysseus to death no ? He is a mad monster, wait let me correct, he has always been a mad monster.

You look at transactions done for work together, and him authorizing us to help in the military because of invasions and believe is an alliance. He is making a concession because of emergency, based on the need to survive and the benefits gained from our deal. You look at him telling us we can only have a very limited number of civilian drones at the start, and thats logical when we were filled by jobs to do. Balls to say no ? Say no to us helping, he did his best to make it a slow process has possible. Made easier with clicking that device too, can't hear us with that. In regards to the ones that grovel ? They have been feed this faith by him and his predecessors. Something that him and his fellow in the mechanicus leadership are fine to continue with, because we have either bribed them or made deals for work with us that they benefit from. He knows the truth behind the lies of his faith and knows a mistake we did since he has access to ancient records, he is at the head of this faith (which grants him total power) and he has a device for silence us. We have always been a intelligent machine not a god for him. And even if we are a "god" (and the truth is that we aren't) for the fools that don't know, they still obey all his commands zealously and without questions.

I explained to you why having research materials is important and given you an example in quest. I would suggest to not look at that specifically, and why is better to experiment around with a plate of a chaos SM instead of looking at the eye of terror shouldn't be explained especially for Odysseus.
You know what, I'll double down.

It is an objectively good thing Gane has a button that fries us. You tried to create a false equivalency between humans falling to chaos and us without mentioning one important fact. NO human in this galaxy has access to all of the technologies of mankind before its downfall. The men of Iron rebellion had already devastated humanity beforehand, do you think we don't have the potential to point those weapons to our former masters at all? Our military subroutine was already showing clear signs of some sort of deviancy before we were destroyed, the potential harm we could release to this galaxy is beyond that of any other force, doubly so if we manage to get ourselves corrupted by chaos.

I cannot understand where you get your judgements of the man, and I find it quite dishonest for you to count the betrayal of the equipment we lent to protect man as "just that mistake" as if that mistake didn't nearly kill everyone on this planet. You cannot downplay that event to such a degree, these people survived the full fleet of the Clarus sector, yet nearly lost everything to our vulnerability to chaos.

Speaking of Odysseus, there's something clearly and deeply wrong with him. He himself notes the deviancy he is showcasing, the emotions he feels when he is not supposed to feel any, the rage and anger he felt through the gods, the clearly emotional and strange rants he goes on beyond any practicality or logic. He is becoming something different than just a machine before our very eyes. Do you think that's normal? Do you think in this galaxy specifically, fouler things might not be at play?

For your 3rd paragraph, the faith of this world was established under Celt, they were our worshippers since he cleansed this world with nuclear fire of Heretics that were against change. The gifts we gave you call bribes has always been how the mechanicus functioned, and functions still throughout the galaxy. Their hunger for knowledge is and has always been a core part of their culture. That is why they were the ones who restored us, and believe in our vision, although corrupted through their primitive lens, of a brighter future for humanity in this galaxy.

Gane was borne into this culture, he didn't choose that. From a young age he was probably thought that we were the sleeping god that kept this planet safe, and that one day we would wake up. Despite being this unquestionable figure within their mythology, Gane broke through dogma. He researched everything he can about history and tried to understand us as more than just his god. Yes, it takes fucking balls to tell your god no. He didn't know for sure we would be friendly to mankind, the last time as the historical records all AI no matter how unadvanced attacked their users the same way daemons did. It would be idiotic of him to blindly trust someone of the same ilk.
Your last sentence just makes me feel like you are intentionally misunderstanding me, but I might just have been clear enough.

The chaos fleet we faced will not be the last, there's a gaping hole in reality that is constantly spewing chaos fleets to the surrounding systems, those traitor marines we are about to atomise are evidence of that. I didn't mean 'looking' literally there.

We can get chaos study materials galore in due time, but now is the worst possible moment for that.
I just might not have been*

unfortunate typo
>a button fries us.
Disrupts us. Not even permanently just temporarily. And thank the omnissiah someone has a taser to shock us if our subroutine(s) fail.
>he breathes down our neck about [the past and] i am growing tired of it. Oh my omnissiah they died in those suits, tell me about it another time!
Sounds like he's living rent free in your head, because he only ever said that once. Y'all are the ones who can't let it go and felt the need to seethe at him. That rant we did was cringe af, fr fr on Ody.
>i am also growing tired of being considered a nuclear bomb in every conversation
This is understandable, tbt. No one should be forced to live with a feeling that they are inherently toxic. But with great power comes great responsibility. You are failing to take responsibility for our god-like powers and therefore are not giving the due weight to the damage we can do, which shows a lack of maturity.
>reasons will be dismissed and we will all only look at the mistake we did in the past. Nothing else happened just that mistake. Ad nauseam.
This is like a werewolf complaining that the only thing anyone sees is that one time he massacred 20 people and that no one sees the good he has done. The fact is we have lycanthropy and it is our responsibility to remember that and deal with the fact of our curse and stay inside on nights of the full moon. You're raging at the villagers for being fearful of you while howling that it's not fair that you were cursed with a disability. Cope and get over it. We must master our curse, and, yes, studying these artifacts it the first step to doing that.
>[Ody is] a mad monster
How many quadrillions of humans do you think died during the Men of Iron revolts? The scale of death and suffering and disaster at the hands of AI is incalcuable. We are mad monsters. The federation died because of us and our weakness to Ch**s. We have the power to uplift billions but we have the power to kill trillions of innocents.
>[He's not our ally he's just using us because he needs us]
Okay. We are a machine, our purpose is to be a tool, to be used.
>[He didn't let us build drones!!!! :angry:]
Alright this is just getting petty.
>he did his best to make it a slow process has possible.
My brother in blessed machinery, we have gone from scrap metal to controlling a third of the production of a star system in 12 years or so. In another 12 we will probably be totally rebuilt good as new if not better than ever.
>[We have to share power with the head of the faith!!! :angerie:]
We are an all-powerful god-like being and you're mad about the pope not being a doormat for you with a tiny sliver of power? There are limits to how greedy a subroutine can be.
You know, although I didn't vote for it and kinda made fun of a similar one that made us sound like a teenage dramaqueen, in hindsight that rant was very in character to do considering we are showing signs of deviancy. Also, it allowed us to see more into the character of the Fabricator General. Overall a net positive to the story
Humans have shown to be incredibly powerful even if you don't have an arsenal like our own, you can still be an incredibly powerful being in other terms be a psyker, wealth or power. Lets not kid ourselves and devalue such things when they are things targeted by chaos all the time, or do you believe is just a case an inquisitor mustered the sector fleets and throwed them toward Omicron and the Pulsar Star in the past ?

>do you think we don't have the potential to point those weapons to our former masters at all?
Never said once again you put your words in the mouth of others. Eitherway you has i said before dismissed what i said so there is no point for me to even fucking talk about the reasons some could trust us. Case in point you cannot stop point out every single problem we had, while not wanting to recognize what good we did.

>dishonest for you
You can shit how much you want on past decisions, which you clearly do, it doesn't change what it was. We made a mistake in giving that equipment. If you actually think we planned to betray our men or our people by giving that equipment, you are dishonest and mad.

>Do you think that's normal? Do you think in this galaxy specifically, fouler things might not be at play?
You are speaking like none of this happens anywhere in this galaxy, or that i said Odysseus doesn't suffer from any of this problems. I am just defending Odysseus from being considered a monster. He still decided to save people, he still put his life on the line. Despite emotions showing up and having to clean up his subroutines and other problems, despite chaos attacking him at every opportunity. And still, he is the worst for you.

The gifts that where called bribes by Odysseus, thats the term he used it. Yes thats how the Mechanicus works but we are Odysseus, we see the world from his eyes. I didn't even say Volta made this faith, you know what predecessors means said predecessors would include Gane.

We don't know his past so any of that is up in the air. Nobody argued for his immediate trust, but through our history and majority of our actions we have shown for what we stand for. We have done it through actions and through words, and we still do it. You can add all the goddamn problems Odysseus has to suffer through on his back but it doesn't fucking change what he actually did for all these humans. You cannot cancel, him fighting the tyranids, fighting orks, fighting cults, fighting dark eldar, stopping a civil war. And i can keep going. All for the sake of humans.
What i meant there was why the materials are more important in research. In regard to the other i thought you meant observation of the stars, the fact that more invasions will arrive is just a natural thing. I voted for not get the materials anyway, i am just pointing out that research is better with them.
You forget that he never clicked it in full said device, he tapped a few times.

Seems the opposite to me when everyone here keeps mentioning it.

Never did, i said why i don't trust Volta and that Odysseus isn't that bad has people want to picture it. The fact i don't trust Volta or say that Odysseus isn't a monster, doesn't make me irresponsible on our powers. Because they are separate things, we are talking about Odysseus it self and Volta not their powers. You saying rent free in my head tells me otherwise.

Everyone knows we did this. Its ludicrous to believe it can be forgotten. There hasn't been a thread so far where someone among us doesn't underline multiple times the dangers we or Odysseus face, or the risks.

We are not, because Odysseus has shown to not do this so far we have not slaughtered humans. You keep want to pile up blames of other AI on Odysseus. The only thing we know for certain is that his past is jumping multiple times until crashing in the asteroid fields of Eregenus. While being filled to the brim with prototype parts. Thats a different picture for me than genocide but to each their own.

Forget that the anon i was arguing before wanted his trust and to be an ally. If for you its fine then is your opinion, i want something more for Odysseus.

I made an example anon of the logic, it could have helped if we had more civilian drones. It would have helped with all those jobs. At least more than the pitiful numbers that was allowed. We didn't even made something military at the time, we were interested in helping and repairing us.

You are forgetting of the start, which i clearly intended when we had a small number of civilian drones. This is an example of what the other anon said about Volta. I am surprised to have to say it once again and receive derision for it.

He is the head of the faith is a fact, i sayed nothing about sharing or having is power. When i said he should be our doormart ? I said he isn't our ally. I said he made transactions with us like the other techpriests. I said he has a lot of power, that he has a device for control us. And that i dont trust him. Never i said he should just fucking bow, that he should die or what not. I said what i thought of him and before that i said that i don't think a friendship is possible with this man, that this is an emergency. There are limits for wanting to be blind on purpose too, and distorting what others say.
Well, I'm not worried about Gane's power over us.

>And he simply stands there, observing, watching. And in turn, you do the same. Besides the pistol, you note added purity seal upon his chest, his armour is polished and cleaned, the axe is crackling with the occasional burst of energy. The belt around his waist is ladened down with magazines, tools for purposes of repair, you also note that the robes he is wearing appear to be much lighter than the ones you had seen before, clearly decorative in nature but done in such a way that they would not be burdensome on the battlefield. Upon the man’s back, you also see a quartet of mechadendrites that had been previously hidden.

>Finally, Gane moves. Slowly, his hand reaches for a small device upon his belt and with a loud whirring noise followed by a high-pitched screech, your vision shakes. Momentarily you feel the connection to your drones cease and they simply however in the air, aimless. A few checks later, you note that all signals appear to be isolated, not only that, judging by the flickering of your camera, it seems that you are incapable of even accurately recording what is before you.

>”You do not trust me.” You screech in binaric. A statement rather than a question.

Let's be clear about Gane's supposed power and threat. Gane has a small jamming device that stops our drones from receiving commands. One which we are explicitly stated to be able to find a workaround for if we decide to. It has never seemed like a priority to me to develop such a work around. I am comfortable with not having absolute power over every little thing. Making friends with Gane was the smarter option. We have given his armies melta pistols that never explode, an entire fleet worth of ships (although most have also been destroyed), and we should also be able to give him and the priesthood prosthetics soon. Just give the man his due and stop letting fear dominate and define your relationship with him.
Things are fine. They're great. We just won two major wars back to back. This is a cause for celebration. Parades, even. And Shiny prostheses.
Sure, humans can be powerful, they are still puny compared to what we can muster. The example you gave illustrates my point perfectly. A few heavy cruisers at the pulsar and civilian tech given to Celt destroyed an entire sectors worth of fleet, when we weren't even there to make the most optimal combat decisions. If our forges were geared for extermination the harm we could do is beyond anything man can wield.

I did not put words into your mouth, do you know what a rhetorical question is?

The good we did doesn't matter, the Xandrirah system is dead, Omicron Teledesh is dead. Our legacy only secured slightly better conditions for Deimean tech thralls compared to other Mechanicus holds and Techpriests now have better civilian tech integrated into their bodies. We didn't do shit for these people.

Beyond that, it doesn't MATTER that we didn't intend to harm them. What matters is we did. If you bomb a school unintentionally, the school would be just as bombed as if you did it intentionally. Only consequences matter.

Odysseus has good intentions, no one can deny that. He tries his best to help humanity in all its forms. This still doesn't separate him from what he is. He is a Man of Iron. You are trying to judge him on an individual level, which is all fine, but no other person in this galaxy will. Our kind nearly exterminated mankind when it was in its golden age. Seeing as even the guard knew what we were when we met them, this memory, this fear is very much alive within the Imperium as a whole. We cannot beat this warranted prejudice when our good intentions ended up with our men being killed by the tools we gave them.

You list out a bunch of heroic deeds that doesn't matter. Every single human we helped is dead. The Tyranids were ultimately defeated by the imperium killing entire worlds on their feeding path, Our massacre of Orks was unsung and unnoticed by the wider galaxy, even if we managed to prevent the creation of another threat. The Dark Eldar KILLED us, filled their slave pits with the entire population of Xandrirah and left to the hell they came from.

I love Odysseus, I think his knowledge can save humanity from the dark age it is in. Gane is right that it could also damn it to an even worse existence. We must be careful, for we don't have the luxury to take unnecessary risks.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Also so true! We should be increasing the tech level of our loyal science junkies. Extra rations for the workers in celebration etc etc (while rebuilding at the same time, but our logistics subroutine is perfect for that)

Speaking of things to do, I wonder what that magos who captured that Gelanostrian ship is doing right now.. We made that science vessel specifically for that purpose, might as well offer him some training seeing how eager he was at getting his hands on it
Yeah! Crystals for better lasers and fancy jewlery is better than stinky Khorne
Their weapons were amazing, but also their greatest weakness. I am more interested in their inertialess drives and their potential as high capacity batteries.

We have an empire of living duracells to conquer, will go well with some KFC by the side
I can let things be more benign and give him some work room, but i will keep an eye on him. I am not changing what i think about him anytime soon. If efforts are made from both sides to work together genuinely, then i will put down my current opinion for good. We can have a celebration, after we made sure someone else does not knock or kick on the door.

A power that crippled if not destroy the pulsar star fleet and the Omicron one. Man has a lot of tools that can do plenty of harm, if you add chaos to the picture they get new ones. We can create far more destruction, but we haven't geared up ourself for do that not to our true scale. Humans are all geared up for full war in 40k instead.

i know what it is but it did not sound like that to me.

Its important. It shows why anyone should even bother to trust us on anything at all, beyond the surface of "god" or "produces stuff". And it matters because it builded Odysseus in doing this actions. You see ash of friends we lost, i also see a record of actions done for noble purpose that shows he is not like the AIs that started the Rebellion, and certainly will not like what they did once he learns it.

Chaos took over those suits, we might have placed the men in those suits but if a terrorist enters in a base and detonates a nuke there is a terrorist that did that not the guy in charge of the base. The guy in charge should have made the base more secure, thats for sure. Blame Odysseus if you want for giving them in the first place, but don't forget who actually did the crime it self. We aren't going to produce Olympians anymore in the future without resolving the issue at hand anyway.

We have demonstrated and beaten before said allegations with Antonius accepting to work with us, Vinorious doing the same and their guard platoon doing that too. And after a while not immediately. The men that died for the suits where the one with the fed equipment, because chaos targeted them. They weren't everyone with power armors around, Ithaca had raised his own regiments with outdated tech and we had the 1st using them.

I believe we avoided shittier situation by defeating this foes, it still ended up very bad but : Omicron stand here after becoming Deimea, if we weren't here for destroying the tyranids they would be gone Gane it self asked our help because the situation was that dire. If the tyranids weren't defeated on Xandirah there would have been no Ithaca, and thus, Deimea would have never integrated them later down the line changing things a lot. Those tyranids would have also no doubt create more destruction across Sector Clarus perhaps even beyond it if they connected with the Omicron bio-fleet. Perhaps the Imperium could have defeated anyway ? Perhaps or perhaps no. Orks slaughter might have gone unsung, but the Eldar left them growing in mindblowing numbers both for ground and space, on top of that many had good if not excellent tech taken from their defeated foes. If that was left to be unleashed ? Another grim situation. Dark Eldar killed us and we killed them too, their armada was left crippled and losing many ships, that giant weird structure and soldiers. And of slaves, Xandirah Secundus was fighting them so much they had to break it and they were not being successful on Prime either. If they managed to grab any slaves i hope those brought bombs with them given by drones. If that armada was just left running around Sector Clarus they would have done enough damage that the sector would have never recovered (yes the armada was specifically called by this Kabal because they wanted to kill/teach a lesson to Odysseus, they are still Dark Eldars though and the Sector Lord was doing his best for shit up the sector on his own without counting the enemies of man).

We have been careful right now, i want for us to concentrate inward in fact. Can't be more careful than that. Chaos better put the A+ work if they want me or any of us to accidentally take that road. We build a space road toward the heavens and they can suck it.

I reckon familiarizing themselves with the ship. We didn't have time to put around an announcement like "searching crew for scientific vessel, includes course and guide for learn how to use it and work in it safely", i think people entered in it and flied out of the shipyard.
Man does have tools, but that inquisitor only used guile and sheer mass of men. No match for what we could do.

You are right that the real evil is chaos, but our vulnerability to it is reason enough for others not to trust us especially since it is an era of great warp based corruption all around us. The warp storms only recently faded. When we first woke up, realistically they couldn't have known whether we were "Wrong" like the suits we had given them, most are too zealous to realise that but Gane was not.

We can beat the prejudice, but we have to try every single time. Goes to show just how traumatised humanity was due to the rebellion.

You are right that 1.7 billion people directly owe their lives to us. It is significant. These people wouldn't exist without us defeating the tyranids. In the grand scheme of things this is a very little number, even in our own world it is only one or two hundred million more than Chinas population. Entire worlds were destroyed that we don't know about to stop the tyranids.

Our culling operation of the orks were certainly great for the sector at least. Hopefully we do that with the Orkoids to our galactic west as well. Too bad no one but the Eldar knows about it tho.

Speaking of Dark Eldar, we didn't fully destroy that Kabal. If it didn't get bored after killing us they probably did go on a few more raid before half the sector got eaten by the warp and travel became impossible... then again they use the webway so they might've harvested entire planets under the cover of the warpstorm that we will never know of. Hope we get to nuke the dark city one day, maybe even just chuck a warpbomb in there and let she who thirsts take care of it for us. We should've let the one we captured get his soul eaten and we wouldn't be in this mess, our mercy towards evil fucked us up. Can't change the past unfortunately
We broke the 'Nid fleet's momentum, IMO. That was our biggest contribution to the galaxy. Everything else amounted to nothing but without us, the Tyranids would have consumed 7 or 9 worlds and built so much momentum that it would have taken a major galactic effort to stop them. That event was probably a much bigger W than we give ourselves credit for.
to atoms 5
materials 3

Do not interfere 8

Screening 1

astropaths Kanzula 2

Alright, locking in the votes. Destroying everything wins.
Hell yeah.

Too bad screening didn't win, hope Gane does it anyways
Didn't even see this write-in until just now. Seems like a sound policy.
Sad, but kinda my fault for not advertising it. Next time I do a write in I'll try to add some reasoning and make it more obvious
You remain silent, controlling the drone aboard The Sanctified to regard Gane whom still stands and retains command after so long of a battle. You had noted his bionics flaring up from time to time, his brain’s functioning partially shuts down time to time in order to provide enough rest while maintaining his commanding position.

Quite terrifyingly however, judging by some rapid movements, you think Volteus is experiencing hallucinations, both audible and visual. He occasionally raises his Omnissiah’s axe, only to lower it after the more rational part of his brain informs him that what he is seeing is not real.

”Fabricator-General.” You begin, as the whole voidship shakes as every single port battery opens up against the Despoiler-class. ”I would strongly advise you to undertake a period of rest and recuperation. Based on my observations, your consumption of narcotics and stimulants had caused permanent bodily damage. Your mental faculties are also under intense stress.”

”I am aware. Most of my internal organs have been replaced by blessed steel, your insight is flawed by the lack of prerequisite knowledge. I am however surprised.” Gane turns to face you, or well, the drone you are currently controlling. ”I had expected protests, proclamations about the value of life.” His gaze, even though it is through artificial lenses, is filled with suspicion.

”That is correct. I am programmed to value human life, the life of my masters above all. As such, my actions do not fit the previously seen modus operandi. Yet this is something I had learnt – in the years since my reawakening – sacrifice is inevitable. Every fibre of my being screams to interfere, to preserve life.”

”And yet you do not do so ?”

”In all other circumstances, I would.”

”But not in these ?”

”No. In this case, we are facing an unknown enemy, one I consider to be a potential threat great enough to rival even the most dangerous of foes humanity has ever faced, based on my records.”

Volteus pauses, his artificial eyes whirr as he zooms in onto your drone. ”Do you fear them ?”

”No, it is anathema to me. It is not a part of my programming to exhibit artificial simulations mimicking biological expressions of fear. My concern is the enemy’s seeming ability to interfere with my programming. My permanent shutdown, based upon my calculations, would result in continuous suffering of humanity. Until humans have restored their technological, cultural, and moral base, I cannot risk shutdown.”

”And when, that time comes, if ever, a time where your outlined parameters are met ?”

”I was made and I continue to exist in order to serve mankind. If said parameters are met, then it is up to my masters to decide.”

The Fabricator-General hums. ”An easy proclamation to make about something so far in the future.” He simply turns around, to once again regard the batter, as yet again the voidship shakes. ”I doubt I shall exist for so long. But I hope that you shall keep your promise, or that mankind will make you keep it.”

A cold response, though not an overly hostile one. An improvement after your proclamations that had upset the man so, how big, you are uncertain.

Switching your perspective to a total data feed from your voidyard, you observe the exchange of fire, thousands of macrocannon shells, dozens of lances, hundreds of torpedoes. An overwhelming amount of fire is poured into the crippled vessels and voidstation. Bits and pieces of armour, inner components, entire sections break off only to be drowned in laser fire as the lances are used for pinpoint accuracy strikes. Turning the various components into nothing but loose floating atoms, hopefully no longer under the influence of the unknown enemy.

It takes 3 months of continuous fire, constant refuelling and rearming, a concentrated effort of annihilation to make sure that not even a single nut or bolt would continue its existence. Such thorough cleansing had seen Volteus obsess over it this entire time, almost as if a single surviving piece could potentially be a source of the most lethal outbreak in human history. Seeing as one of your records indicates organic matter sprouting into existence seemingly out of nowhere, perhaps such paranoia is not unwarranted.

In the meantime, Magos Dominus Myrvek’s attempts to keep the captured xenos ship hidden had proven wholly insufficient, which then resulted in fierce competition about acquiring the whole ship or at least parts of it for study and potential breakthroughs that would result in having the xenotech. Naturally, this had devolved into a political conflict between the various factions vying for power. With Gane preoccupied dealing with the aftermath of the invasion, he had not made his opinion known on the matter, most likely exploiting the internal disagreements to keep down any dissatisfaction about the lost lives and voidships that might originate from the conflict.

Otherwise, you had finished making your first voidyard, currently you are experiencing serious bottlenecks in raw resources transportation to the voidyard considering your rapid manufacturing rate, simple shuttle transportation can only meet so much demand without simply increasing the scale continuously to such a point where the infrastructure needed to make shuttles come and go with the time required for the process taking far too long. A shuttle needs to land, cool off somewhat and have its cargo hold filled and be refuelled, then it needs to lift off, move to the voidyard, once again, cool off and have its cargo hold emptied and finally return to Deimea. It is a long and inefficient process.

Concerning such matters, you have a couple of plans to deal with the bottleneck, both time consuming, but not at all difficult, even one would be useful, both would make sure you never run out even as you increase your production rate.

In the meantime however, a rather fidgety, more than usual that is, Belogyma once more worships before you. ”Oh, my Omnissiah !” She as usual proclaims. ”I bring a most humble request from your worshippers ! Those of house Rada !”

It takes a moment for you to process the name, tapping your storage, you recall that name being mentioned dozens of times across the archives of Deimea. It is a so called Navis Nobilite house, running a search upon imperial records you had access to, you quickly note their basic history and services. With the navigator artificial genome being recessive and self-destructive throughout generations, it had resulted in, frankly disgusting incestuous relations leading to exceptional genetic degradation in an attempt to maintain the genome. A necessity with the manufacturing of the genome being a lost technology. How such and important genome was lost raises numerous questions for you.

Currently however, you know that these houses have an incredible amount of influence and power despite the Imperium’s hatred of mutants, which the navigators most certainly are. Other than that, you know extremely little, as it appears that a shroud of mystery surrounds the navigators, no doubt done so on purpose to keep any weaknesses hidden.

”And what is this request ?”

”Oh, my Omnissiah.” She bows before you. ”These most humble servants, after hearing of your miracles of voidship creation, wish to worship before you and to personally pledge their loyalties to you, the true Machine-God over anyone else.”

”I see. Why had they stayed silent for so long ?”

”The leader of their house had been away with the Fabricator-General and was engaged in conflict for a long time, only now that he had returned upon the surface of Deimea after years of travel and had gotten their house in order.”

”Tell them, I shall consider the request.”

”By your will, oh my Omnissiah !” Continiously bowing, Belogyma begins to depart the room.

Great projects:
>You require a far greater number of raw ore to be shipped to your orbital infrastructure. While Deimea is tectonically unstable, you can make a space elevator with some shielding methods to allow for material shipping into orbit. Of course, you’d build the prerequisite infrastructure to actually make the elevator worth building.
>You’ve run into a few issues concerning the scale of your construction. That is mainly the fact that the world is exceptionally tectonically active. You need to build massive antigrav devices to keep the tectonic plates stable. The idea still has merit, despite the previous failure.
Voidship yard:
>You need more easily accessible raw ore for in orbit construction. Since you do have a voidyard already in place, gear it towards mining vessel production.
>With the Deimean fleet reduced, it needs rebuilding. However, the biggest bottleneck is a vast quantity of high-quality crews required to operate them successfully. In time, naturally this issue can be addressed, but a higher technological level would mean less crew and more automation, though you doubt how much trust you can place in the hands of religious zealots, whom are probably the only ones with prerequisite intellect and knowledge to be trained into crewmen. (Build a fleet) (Use tech level of antiquated)
>You cannot help yourself; you need to know about surrounding systems. You could request Gane to launch scouting expeditions. You are not doing it due to your inherent need to satisfy curiosity, no, knowledge is power after all. (GSDGW-1)
>Well, this house Rada made a request, you might as well grant it. Allow the meeting.
>Deimea has a small, but stable population of bionics filled psykers. You are both curious and in need to figure out exactly what mutation causes this and what these psykers are. You absolutely must meet them.
If we can't do both, prioritize the meeting with house Rada.

Alright, so we have quite a lot on our plate. I shall list what I believe should be the actions we should take.

>You need more easily accessible raw ore for in orbit construction. Since you do have a voidyard already in place, gear it towards mining vessel production.
>With the Deimean fleet reduced, it needs rebuilding. However, the biggest bottleneck is a vast quantity of high-quality crews required to operate them successfully. In time, naturally this issue can be addressed, but a higher technological level would mean less crew and more automation, though you doubt how much trust you can place in the hands of religious zealots, whom are probably the only ones with prerequisite intellect and knowledge to be trained into crewmen. (Build a fleet) (Use tech level of antiquated)

Although I'd like to be able to build on Fed tech I'm afraid without proper defences against the Unknown enemy I am simply not comfortable with pumping out such ships. Besides that due to our raw resource bottleneck Fed tier will simply be too resource draining to produce. I also wanted to build our orbital defences back up considering the previous ones ended up not helping all that much, especially those juicy mines since the ork issue, but I don't think we have production cap.

Great projects:
>You’ve run into a few issues concerning the scale of your construction. That is mainly the fact that the world is exceptionally tectonically active. You need to build massive antigrav devices to keep the tectonic plates stable. The idea still has merit, despite the previous failure.

Theoretically we should be able to build this project much faster thanks to our ban on building more construction drones being rescinded. This project is a prerequisite when it comes to any and all planetside projects, and we need to build it before any project such as a space elevator.

I'm going to be honest, I genuinely think this is the last thing we should do. We need Gane in the system while we rebuild especially since we don't have the political acumen to manage the squabbling techpriests in his absence. Not to mention that the Greenskin threat is looming and if we don't have a competent admiral like Gane to direct defences we'll be toast.

>(Write in) Ask Gane to choose Techpriests he views as competent scientists to crew the science ship we built and use it to research the Xeno vessel. If necessary tell him that he can request reasonable bribes from us to secure the specimen.

Truth be told this is a selfish want of mine which is not urgent. We don't have the knowledge/skill necessary to maneuver through the cloak and dagger politicking of the Cult Mechanicus, but Gane does.

>Well, this house Rada made a request, you might as well grant it. Allow the meeting.

They are requesting an interview, so why not. I don't want to meet psykers just yet without at least fully restoring our diplomatic subroutine. We have to certainly research them.
Ideally I would have really loved to repair our core, but our military needs come first considering just how battered we are. I honestly am genuinely scared we might have to face the Gelenostrians sooner rather than later again so I hope to not have a bunch of imperial vessels to deal with their might next time. Modified cargo and civilian ships can only do so much even with the best of commanders.

Next update if things are seeming a bit better I'd like to have our diplomatic subroutine come online first. I think we have competent admirals already and can rely on them for the time being
>Time to think of defence. Slowly and carefully, you will make a few laser turrets disguised as more forges, better to be safe than sorry.
We need to do this if we are to grant audiences to strangers.

>You need more easily accessible raw ore for in orbit construction. Since you do have a voidyard already in place, gear it towards mining vessel production.
We should be mining space resources.

>Deimea has a small, but stable population of bionics filled psykers. You are both curious and in need to figure out exactly what mutation causes this and what these psykers are. You absolutely must meet them.
>Well, this house Rada made a request, you might as well grant it. Allow the meeting.
We built our telepresence chassis for just such a purpose, no? We can meet with them in a nice banquet hall fitting their regal importance and station, rather than in our core chamber.

>With the Deimean fleet reduced, it needs rebuilding. However, the biggest bottleneck is a vast quantity of high-quality crews required to operate them successfully. In time, naturally this issue can be addressed, but a higher technological level would mean less crew and more automation, though you doubt how much trust you can place in the hands of religious zealots, whom are probably the only ones with prerequisite intellect and knowledge to be trained into crewmen. (Build a fleet) (Use tech level of antiquated)
>You’ve run into a few issues concerning the scale of your construction. That is mainly the fact that the world is exceptionally tectonically active. You need to build massive antigrav devices to keep the tectonic plates stable. The idea still has merit, despite the previous failure.
>(Write in) Ask Gane to choose Techpriests he views as competent scientists to crew the science ship we built and use it to research the Xeno vessel. If necessary tell him that he can request reasonable bribes from us to secure the specimen.
If we do nothing the opportunity will be permanently lost, most likely. We must act, in spite of any political complications. This is what our science vessel is for. We can present ourselves to Gane as a way to resolve the ongoing infighting as a neutral option. Our science vessel is equipped to discover far more useful data than the others, and we will offer time sharing to all interested parties on board the science vessel --Where we can control the processes and prevent any ...destructive analysis.
This is me, btw, in case my ID changes.
We should tell Belogyma to cool it with the worshipping. That poor woman needs to chill out
Do you want a sad belogyma again? 'Cause this is how you get a sad belogyma.
Lazers are fine but I thought they were a bit redundant, don't we have a robotic legion to protect us already?
It's not like they're expensive. Having a few inferno pistol meltas stashed around our core chamber is just good policy. Besides, they're hardwired directly to our core and can't be disrupted by The Button:tm:
I don't want to make her sad, we already were quite insensitive by throwing artisan level artwork (the waxes and purity seals) away, but since has a talent for that. Maybe we can say we find her art very beautiful and the best worship she can do is unleash that creative side instead of doing what she does right now?

I think she needs hobbies other than prayer
Fair, more caution is never bad
>Time to think of defence. Slowly and carefully, you will make a few laser turrets disguised as more forges, better to be safe than sorry.

Addition to all dat if it will not be hard to build
>Well, this house Rada made a request, you might as well grant it. Allow the meeting.
I'm not confident with Ody's ability to engage in politics without the diplomat online but ignoring the head of our only navigator house seems unwise.

>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.

>You’ve run into a few issues concerning the scale of your construction. That is mainly the fact that the world is exceptionally tectonically active. You need to build massive antigrav devices to keep the tectonic plates stable. The idea still has merit, despite the previous failure.

>You require a far greater number of raw ore to be shipped to your orbital infrastructure. While Deimea is tectonically unstable, you can make a space elevator with some shielding methods to allow for material shipping into orbit. Of course, you’d build the prerequisite infrastructure to actually make the elevator worth building.

>The orbital defences of Deimea had proven woefully inappropriate, the voidstations need to be rebuilt from the ground up to a much higher standard. It would be cheaper and easier to just scrap the old and make the defensive installations. A few self-replicating construction yards will also continuously, when resources are available, make new teleportation mines constantly replenishing the local supply.

>Well, this house Rada made a request, you might as well grant it. Allow the meeting.

>You’ve run into a few issues concerning the scale of your construction. That is mainly the fact that the world is exceptionally tectonically active. You need to build massive antigrav devices to keep the tectonic plates stable. The idea still has merit, despite the previous failure.

>The orbital defences of Deimea had proven woefully inappropriate, the voidstations need to be rebuilt from the ground up to a much higher standard. It would be cheaper and easier to just scrap the old and make the defensive installations. A few self-replicating construction yards will also continuously, when resources are available, make new teleportation mines constantly replenishing the local supply.
no sleep remember. Just more work.

>Great Project
>You’ve run into a few issues concerning the scale of your construction. That is mainly the fact that the world is exceptionally tectonically active. You need to build massive antigrav devices to keep the tectonic plates stable. The idea still has merit, despite the previous failure.
Considering Deimea other natural planetary issues, this has to go first.

>You need more easily accessible raw ore for in orbit construction. Since you do have a voidyard already in place, gear it towards mining vessel production.
>With the Deimean fleet reduced, it needs rebuilding. However, the biggest bottleneck is a vast quantity of high-quality crews required to operate them successfully. In time, naturally this issue can be addressed, but a higher technological level would mean less crew and more automation, though you doubt how much trust you can place in the hands of religious zealots, whom are probably the only ones with prerequisite intellect and knowledge to be trained into crewmen. (Build a fleet) (Use tech level of antiquated)
I am afraid about this "in time". very fidgety sounding. I don't like the idea of just building a fleet and sending crews in.

>Small Project
>Write in
>Take a piece of land near Deimea (city) and tell to Gane a military sector we will be built there. Specifically for training and military education. One of the first buildings will be a naval academy for both crews and officers, then a military fort and so on. This places will naturally have access to equipment like VR training pods.
I prefer to set up a small military foundation. No reform just yet but lets get something started, i don't want an entirely unprepared military. My other thing was building a basic lab near us so we can do research on our own instead of waiting data from a science ship, but that can wait. The military reform instead some preparations should be made for when we begin with it.
>Write in
>Build a public great hall in Deimea (city) for meetings. Nothing incredible, just a place where you can teleport the "divine" body and use it to great effect on anyone that want to meet and talk with us, or ones we want to meet and talk with. Our core room is a very vital place, not safe for such things....
This will be simple enough i believe

>Well, this house Rada made a request, you might as well grant it. Allow the meeting.
>Write in
>Press for more info on Kazula and a Kazula born native for a meeting

>(Write in) Ask Gane to choose Techpriests he views as competent scientists to crew the science ship we built and use it to research the Xeno vessel. If necessary tell him that he can request reasonable bribes from us to secure the specimen.
Provided that anyone picked will accept training and education for use it, safely.

>Small Project
>Write in
>Take a piece of land near Deimea (city) and tell to Gane a military sector we will be built there. Specifically for training and military education. One of the first buildings will be a naval academy for both crews and officers, then a military fort and so on. This places will naturally have access to equipment like VR training pods.
I prefer to set up a small military foundation. No reform just yet but lets get something started, i don't want an entirely unprepared military. My other thing was building a basic lab near us so we can do research on our own instead of waiting data from a science ship, but that can wait. The military reform instead some preparations should be made for when we begin with it.
>Write in
>Build a public great hall in Deimea (city) for meetings. Nothing incredible, just a place where you can teleport the "divine" body and use it to great effect on anyone that want to meet and talk with us, or ones we want to meet and talk with. Our core room is a very vital place, not safe for such things....
This will be simple enough i believe

I support this project. We have a severe lack of qualified men
Deimea is a toxic molten hellscape. It's not as though we can't build on a toxic molten hellscape, but there are no cities, there are enclosed forge temples growing like bulbous rusty tumors on the surface of the planet's ruined surface. It's not exactly a small project to build a new forge temple.

We need to build Ithica Nova, and we might as well build it in space to serve our mining industry and protect the system's star at the same time.
Although you are right, I see this as a short term educational facility mainly training via VR pods in an expanded section of Deimea proper rather than an entire forge temple. Plus it will be beneficial to have a foundation for when we eventually build Ithica Nova and move it to space, as the naval academy should certainly not be planetside in the long run
thats basically the idea yeah
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So you want to build a large airtight multi-story structure on top of molten lava fields. Something much like a spacecraft of sorts, of about the size of a Zephyr, for the purposes of education. So basically some sort of New Ithica. Neat. Very cool idea.
I certainly don't want it to be that big. Zephyrs are more like proper habitats this is just going to be an harvard university campus sized education sector. Just a baby steps way to get our population slightly more educated.

It should be able to be moved into Nova Ithaca when we do build it finally
>Time to think of defence. Slowly and carefully, you will make a few laser turrets disguised as more forges, better to be safe than sorry.
>(Write in) Ask Gane to choose Techpriests he views as competent scientists to crew the science ship we built and use it to research the Xeno vessel. If necessary tell him that he can request reasonable bribes from us to secure the specimen.
>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.
>With the Deimean fleet reduced, it needs rebuilding. However, the biggest bottleneck is a vast quantity of high-quality crews required to operate them successfully. In time, naturally this issue can be addressed, but a higher technological level would mean less crew and more automation, though you doubt how much trust you can place in the hands of religious zealots, whom are probably the only ones with prerequisite intellect and knowledge to be trained into crewmen. (Build a fleet) (Use tech level of antiquated)
>Well, this house Rada made a request, you might as well grant it. Allow the meeting.
Zephyrs have 90,000 square meters of floorspace, or about .03 square miles of area.
The main harvard campus is twice as large with .06 square miles of area.
They are small ships, and we should be able to produce quite a lot of them from one berth on the voidyards. Frankly, producing one should not take 5 years anymore. That option was written over 10 years ago, game time.
Huh, I didn't know that. That 5 years time is the thing that made me believe they would be absolutely huge considering how fast we produced Luna class cruisers.

I still am not convinced whether they are viable considering our voidyards will gear towards mining vessel and fleet production, with the raw material bottleneck in place. The aforementioned mining vessels should alleviate some of those concerns but I don't know by how much since we don't have a comprehensive analysis of the resources of the Deamian system.

But if Zephyrs are only about 500 meters I don't see them being extremely taxing at least.

Changing this vote to

>(write in) Produce a singular Zephyr class vessel for the sole purpose of being a Naval Academy.

I am sorry QM for making so many additions to my vote, your quest is just too good not to consider all options for the most optimal outcome
I would request that Newb comment on this, because we really do need some educational facilities up. I will also vote to produce as many zephyrs as we can from one berth.
As a refresher they are small 300 meter long ships modified from transports to serve as educational and hospital ships.
As an aside, options that continually get passed over coule maybe be combined into humble bundles to move unwanted product.
I am against producing as many as possible, we don't have the luxury to do that at the current moment. Mining ships for the bottleneck and a fleet for the protection of the system comes first, and after that we must renew the system voidstations and make teleportation mine emplacements.

My bad, I missed it when I updated the paste. It would take about 3 months for one such ship presuming no bottlenecks as these would be Fed standard with fully automated facilities, tough hulls for what they are due to their purpose of being seemingly both education/hospital facilities as well as forward bases. This could be dropped to a dozen a week if using simpler facilities, without the turrets and reduced and more basic automation, etc.
Just how rudimentary is Imperial tech if it takes 3 months for a simple small civilian vessel to make? Good god mankind really devolved to monkey level tech in the millenias we were gone
I guess that's better than nothing, I voot to produce one Zephyr then so we have an educational base to start building from.

Will you sup00rt a zephyr so we are not illiterate monkes?

>Just how rudimentary is Imperial tech if it takes 3 months for a simple small civilian vessel to make? Good god mankind really devolved to monkey level tech in the millenias we were gone

Well, it is a semi-militarized vessel, and most Fed standard equipment is built on an atomic level perfection. That, plus full on automated medical suites that are DAoT levels that can target individual viruses throughout the entire body and immunize individual cells, so pretty advanced stuff overall that needs to be manufactured to perfection.

I'll modify my vote >>6157997
>Well, this house Rada made a request, you might as well grant it. Allow the meeting.

>You have the basics down, but you can continue Mechanical Raj and begin construction of Zephir-class vessels. With your current resources and infrastructure, you presume it will take about three months to produce one such ship.

>You’ve run into a few issues concerning the scale of your construction. That is mainly the fact that the world is exceptionally tectonically active. You need to build massive antigrav devices to keep the tectonic plates stable. The idea still has merit, despite the previous failure.

>You require a far greater number of raw ore to be shipped to your orbital infrastructure. While Deimea is tectonically unstable, you can make a space elevator with some shielding methods to allow for material shipping into orbit. Of course, you’d build the prerequisite infrastructure to actually make the elevator worth building.

>The orbital defences of Deimea had proven woefully inappropriate, the voidstations need to be rebuilt from the ground up to a much higher standard. It would be cheaper and easier to just scrap the old and make the defensive installations. A few self-replicating construction yards will also continuously, when resources are available, make new teleportation mines constantly replenishing the local supply.
Pls add asking Gane to secure that alien specimen so we don't loose valuable research
>Time to think of defence. Slowly and carefully, you will make a few laser turrets disguised as more forges, better to be safe than sorry.
>(Write in) Ask Gane to choose Techpriests he views as competent scientists to crew the science ship we built and use it to research the Xeno vessel. If necessary tell him that he can request reasonable bribes from us to secure the specimen.
>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.
>With the Deimean fleet reduced, it needs rebuilding. However, the biggest bottleneck is a vast quantity of high-quality crews required to operate them successfully. In time, naturally this issue can be addressed, but a higher technological level would mean less crew and more automation, though you doubt how much trust you can place in the hands of religious zealots, whom are probably the only ones with prerequisite intellect and knowledge to be trained into crewmen. (Build a fleet) (Use tech level of antiquated)
>Well, this house Rada made a request, you might as well grant it. Allow the meeting.
>make zepr
I think it may be worth it to make a few good DAOT instruments to collect data that our cogboys can play with, or analyze it ourselves and then publish our findings so they can research some wacky applications we might miss.
Put those (mostly?) organic brains to use so they feel useful and happy.
Voot Tally so far:
Presumed Dominant Vote: 6
Presumed Half +1 Vote: 4+

>Core Sanctum Defenses
(sQ+, Hippocrates)

>Negotiate with Gane to Secure Specimen
(sQ+, Hippocrates, XAQQ, zNy)

>Repair Hull
(sQ+, Hippocrates, PLGA(?))

>Build Antiquated Fleet
(sQ+, Hippocrates, XAQQ, zNy)

>Meet Radas
(sQ+, PLGA, XAQQ, ObP4, zNy, Scud)

>Meet Psykers
(Hippocrates, Scud)

>Prepare a Meeting Hall
(zNy, XAQQ, Hippocrates)

>Zephyr (Academy)
(sQ+, Hippocrates, PLGA, XAQQ)

>Stabilize Tectonics
(PLGA, XAQQ, ObP4, zNy, Scud)

>Ground Mining/Space Elevator
(PLGA, Scud)

>Space Mining/Star Lifter
(XAQQ, Hippocrates, zNy, Scud)

>Orbital Defenses
(PLGA, ObP4)

>Contact Kanzula
(sQ+, Hippocrates, XAQQ)

>Scout the surroundings

Do you no longer support repairing the hull? It seems to have been removed from your modified v00t. I wanna try to be accurate with my tallying.

Changing my v00ts to these:

>Core Sanctum Defenses
>Negotiate with Gane to Secure Specimen
>Repair Hull
>Build Antiquated Fleet
>Meet Psykers
>Prepare a Meeting Hall
>Zephyr (Academy)
>Space Mining/Star Lifter
>Contact Kanzula

V00t enjoyers:
I changed my vote from the academy on the ground to building a singular Zephyr. So I should be there too
Just read through the first thread of our journey on Deimea, damn the Gane hate was cringe
My bad.
The Gane haters looked pathetic--seethe fuming--in their scrap metal hull before Odysseus. Very very cringe.
>Do you no longer support repairing the hull?
Nah, I don't think it's wise to try and do too many things at once. So I replaced the hull repair with constructing the zephyr.
we can build a zephry?
i thought we remained at 5 years. Well do it then. Might as well

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