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You find a an ancient map from the old continent your people came from a long time ago, fleeing from an ancient undead plague. The plague seems to have stopped, and so the continent should be rife for conquest!

You assemble a team and traverse the waves!

You have up to 1000 points to prepare your voyage (you can spend less if you want, but not more).

Ships (you need enough ships to carry all your people and stuff, otherwise some of it will be left behind):

Caravel (capacity for 30 people - it is a sailship, can't move without winds) - 50 points
Rowship (capactiy for 50 people - it is fast but has no weapons, can only ram) - 100 points
Galley (capacity for 200 people - big and slow, but carry several ballista, can sail and row) - 500 points


Skilled Laborers (5 points)
Masters (20 points)
Legendary (50 points)


Other (specify)

(1 point each)

Unskilled Laborers - these people have no particularly useful skills, but they can still haul goods just fine


Charismatic - little more than a peasant leader, but the people love you and follow you (100 points)
Courtesan - leading through your female wiles, your ease in making allies is unparalled (100 points)
General - you're recognized amongst the best military strategists in the world (100 points)


Noble - a member from one of the ancient houses, adds legitimacy to your claim (+100 points)
Monarch - a direct descendant of royalty, who are fabled to descend from the gods themselves (+300 points)
Magician - someone with proven supernatural powers, possibly a half-demon (+500 points)

Resources (each 100 units takes 100 population worth of space; the number listed below is cost in points per unit):

Cattle – 6
Cloth – 12
Cotton – 8
Dyes – 15
Furs – 10
Grain – 4
Hemp – 5
Herbs – 7
Horses – 14
Lumber – 3
Mana Crystals – 20
Ore – 7
Rum – 13
Silver – 16
Sugar – 6
Tobacco – 11
Tools – 9
Trade Goods – 10
Whale Oil – 17
Wine – 12

You may also choose your landing spot on the map.
1-Galley (capacity for 200 people - big and slow, but carry several ballista, can sail and row) - 500 points

1-Legendary Fishermen 50 points
1-Legendary Strategist 50 points
1-Legendary Soldier 50 points
3-Master Schoolteachers 60 points
10- Skilled Woodworkers 50 points
140-Unskilled Laborers 140 points

Charismatic Leader 100 points
Caravel x6 - 180 people capacity = 300 points

Skilled Laborers:
Fishermen 12x - 60 points
Apothecaries 2x - 10 points
Craftswomen 4x - 20 points
Diplomats 4x - 20 points
Engineers 4x - 20 points
Farmers 4x - 20 points
Gatherers 4x - 20 points
Hunters 4x - 20 points
Jewelers 1x - 5 points (For pearls)
Managers 4x - 20 points
Medics 4x - 20 points
Metalsmiths 2x - 10 points
Miners 2x - 10 points
Sages 1x - 5 points
Schoolteachers 4x - 20 points
Soldiers 4x - 20 points
Stoneworkers 4x - 20 points
Strategists 4x - 20 points
Woodworkers 4x - 20 points

Merchant x2 10
Sailor x2 10
Saunier (salt-worker) 4x - 20 points

= 100 people, 400 points

Legendary Sailor x4 200 points

=104 people total

300+400+200=900 points

For the remaining points, fishing gear like nets and rods.

One sailor for each boat.

Landing spot is farthest point south below the mountain
Or do we need to spend points on food and such, so the population does not starve immidiately?

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