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Pangea turned around.

“I’ll inform Father and wait with you for him, what he does after is up to him.

Under the covers of night, Pangea returned through the same route she exited the palace. A quiet footstep followed, one in an earnest effort to not be heard followed by another declaring its presence. Pangea turned around, Alpharius stood in his armor holding his power spear. Her shoulders stiffened, while Amar seemed completely unfazed.

“Alpharius… I didn’t know you’d be here.”

“When the sole princess is gone, people notice, Pangea.” Alpharius’ gaze aimed at Amar. “Who is this woman?”

“She is… our contributor to our genes. The other half.”


“You must be Twenty.” Amar looked around. “Yet I don’t see Twenty-One. Where is your twin, my son?”

Alpharius’s eyes widened and Pangea gasped.

“Twin?” Pangea gasped. “Y—You have a twin?”

—That’s enough.—

The psychic message boomed, like a chime of a golden bell. At the other hall Father approached, flanked by his two custodians and Malcador. Chills ran up her spines. Malcador, her uncle, her mentor, approached with a furious and cold glare as did Father. They walked past Pangea and stood in front of Amar.

—Neoth.— Amar messaged with a frigid tone.

—Traitor.— Father said. —Pangea, you have disappointed me today. We will discuss your punishment at a later time. Attend the ball, and do not speak of this to anyone.—

Pangea’s shoulders drooped.

—At once, Father.—

At the ballroom, once the horns of the royal family blared so late, the people watched with extra attention.

“Presenting, Princess Pangea. Justice of Verona. Rogue-Psyker Huntress, and beloved sister to the primarchs.”
Pangea stepped down to the main floor in her toga much to Fulgrim’s disappointment. Other than Fulgrim’s magnificent robe formal wear combination that just about out fashioned everyone, only matched by Sanguinius’s presence, the rest of her brothers arrived in their armor.

“Pangea, I expected better.” Fulgrim said. “This is a momentous occasion you should have dressed up more!”

“This is still formal wear, brother.” Angron said with a reserved grin.

“She is the only princess, she ought to know that.”

“Only by title, she is a scholar, and one that needn’t be summoned to every ball.” Magnus said.

Fulgrim rolled his eyes.

“You only defend her because she chose Ahriman as her second in command.”

“And she chose wisely.”

Pangea saw the previous guests interacting. There was Hector, Leo, and Madison with other soldiers. Then there were Jack Valk, the ogryn, the ratling, the dark skinned man, and another woman.

>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
>Pangea decided to speak to the ragtag team first
>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
let's get this over with
>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
Better to be done with the horrid nobles and then meet the team.
>>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
let us hop to it
daddy please forgive us :(
>>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
I told you guys not to wear the toga :/
>Pangea decided to speak to the ragtag team first

We don't need a fancy dress to look good. We just do.
>Pangea decided to speak to the ragtag team first
>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first

Poppa and Uncle are upset. Not the ideal outcome but maybe this will work out.
>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
Pangea’s rebellious phase isn’t just about embarrassing writing and sneaking out of the palace. One might even think it’s a forgone conclusion given her natural curiosity and her duty to seek these things out clashing with the reticence of Big E and Malcador. There was always going to be growing pains with both the Princess and the Inquisition, given how both are still relatively nascent even by regular mortal standards.
>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
Then we can pop out to play with the cool kids later.
Also, you mentioned last thread that you weren't too happy about the quality of the quest. Anything you want to change in the future or any rules you want us to follow?
I'll count the votes tomorrow and update it.

Very good insight and yes, it's beyond the usual teenage things. I'm glad you caught it anon.

Nah not rules, I think thread 3 was just everywhere with no real plot that will lead to the next arc. I intend to get at least all if not at least a good chunk of primarchs during this qst and do a better job of keeping a coherent story this time. Thanks for asking kek.

Question to the players: Why the nobles first? I expected the abhuman team to be more popular.
>any rules you want us to follow
I remember it being mentioned last thread to not write retardedly long write-ins. I imagine it makes things difficult from the QM's perspective.
>Why the nobles first?
Needs must imo. Perhaps, having just been told off by her papa, Pangea feels the need to show her responsible side?
>with no real plot that will lead to the next arc.
I thought that was what the whole prepping for the Great Crusade was all about.
Just need to do the customary meet and greet before we can actually have fun.
Oh right that one yeah, that really was a problem along with write-ins that includes everything.

Huh that does makes sense

It was, but I just think it wasn't good enough and coherent enough, I could have done better.
I wonder what our punishment will be?

Also- we are totally going to bring up why father never mentioned the twin.

Votes counted
Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first. The nobles made a path as Pangea walked forward, though some tried to speak they seemed to shrink back down after seeing something behind her. Of course, all the nobles saw the primarchs closely watching their little sister. Once Pangea entered the group of honored guests, the nobles saw an exclusive group.

“Uh… she’s coming our way. What should I do?” Henrietta said.

Leo shrugged then sipped on his amasec.

“Honestly, she’s not that bad. Better than any governor’s daughters really.”

“You sure about that, sir?”

A bald headed man with wide shoulders stood at six foot seven, with dangling medals on his chest with soft eyes and easy going visage. Leo patted his back and laughed.

“Relax, Arch Militant Hoffman. She’s most likely mingling since that’s her duty.”

“She’s coming closer!” Henrietta said.

“Then be clam and act natural.” Hector chided. “Honestly. How come the only non-silver spooner in this group is not afraid? Except Hector of course but he doesn’t count.”

“Because she’s the most powerful woman in the galaxy?” An average height beige skinned male with an average black hair and brown eyes said. “C’mon TC. Anybody would be nervous especially she’s— Feth she’s coming right for us.”

The noble soldiers saw the ethereal figure walk, clad in white cloth and gleaming more than the lights and the golden interior. Her long hair, blacker than the void and flowing free like dancing silk swayed with grace. Just about everything about the princess seemed so otherworldly to the soldiers.


The soldiers snapped into a crisp salute.

“At ease, we’re at a party, officers. No need for formality. Captain Werserian, would you introduce me to your colleagues?”

“Your eminence, allow me to introduce Arch Militant Hoffman, awared the Silverite Medal for breaching xeno’s defense head first. This is Ensign Henrietta Quimby, awarded Auramite Wings of Valor for destroying a fighter jet piloted by a secessionist leader. This is Lieutenant Lee,” Hector gestured to the average looking man. “Awarded the Red Chains Badge for exterminating prominent officers of a human-xeno alliance.”

“An honor to meet you all.”

“The honor is ours, your eminence.” Lee said.

“A—As is mine!” Quimby quickly added.

“Tell me, I want to know…”

>What are your strengths and weaknesses?
>What do you value as a soldier?
>What is your proudest achievement?
>What do you value as a soldier?
>What do you value as a soldier?
>>What do you value as a soldier?
>>What is your proudest achievement?
>What is your proudest achievement?
Specifically what they're proudest of, not what their greatest achievement is.
If Big E is cruel and wants to drive Pangea right into the welcoming arms of Chaos? He’ll have her read her fanfiction in front of all of her brothers on a live Vox-cast to any/all sentient beings in existence.

Assuming that they still want to be instructive and demonstrate their position in a harsh yet productive way, they may try to assign her some kind of mission where she has to contain a memetic hazard of some sort that isn’t so harmful to her but extremely dangerous to mortals. Chaos is lousy with all of these hazards, and giving Pangea personal experience with it would demonstrate their point while also serving as a punitive assignment.
>If Big E is cruel and wants to drive Pangea right into the welcoming arms of Chaos? He’ll have her read her fanfiction in front of all of her brothers on a live Vox-cast to any/all sentient beings in existence.

Now there's an idea
Ironically, I think that might actually endear her to the Imperium and her brothers (the current ones at least) as a whole if she plays her cards right. A princess unashamedly sharing her dearest and purest hopes with a childlike glee would make her seem more like an actual person and family member to the citizenry as a whole, with a bright vision for the future. Assuming that Pangea can recover from ego death via terminal cringe, that is.
>What do you value as a soldier?
>What is your proudest achievement?
I support this.

Especially if in solidarity all of her brothers bring their own embarrassment.

I can see Valkan and Singrinious doing this
>What is your proudest achievement?
>>What is your proudest achievement?

“What is your proudest achievement?”

The soldiers stiffened at the question. Was this a trick question? Or was this a chance to move up in the military hierarchy? They did hear the recruitment of the princess, but none knew where her missions would take them or if they can even keep up with the girl who trained with custodes. Leo first stepped forward with a confident yet stoic visage, unafraid and eager.

“It was my promotion from private to captain.” Leo said.

“My proudest achievement is serving with you, your eminence.” Hector said.

Henrietta fingers interlocked as she looked down at her own feet.

“I uh… I made my mum and pop proud.” Quimby said. “And I ah— that’s about it.”

“I do not have any proud achievements.” Arch Militant Hoffman said. “I serve The Imperium. That’s enough for me.”

Lee shrugged, his attention more focused on the platter on his hand than anything else.

“Same thing with Hoffman, your eminence. Blowing up bunkers and toppling buildings while getting paid for it makes me the luckiest man in all of Imperium.”

“Then is there a building you are proud of toppling?”

“Oh do I?” Lee’s eyes flashed.

The night went on knowing the small group. Hoffman was a married man, who preferred calculated attacks than unorthodox combat. Lee, the soldier with the highest kill count both officially and unofficially, was the demolition fanatic, obsessed with explosives. Henrietta Quimby had to be the quietest of all, though her Auramite Wings of Valor meant she was one of seven in recent history to be awarded. All in all, she got a good understanding of her candidates.
The next day, Pangea and Angron walked along the palace grounds, this time her squad composed of Ahriman and Thurgood, along with an astartes from Dusk Raiders and Star Hunters.

“So Rackham’s ship is the reason why?”

Angron nodded.

“It seems his ship’s so called machine spirit was unhappy with his changes of the interior. He constructed a small chapel for his deity.”

Pangea rolled her eyes.

“Rackham… because of him the whole crusade is held back!” Pangea said.

“You cannot believe the spirit was offended, Pangea.” Angron said chidingly.

“I know, I was just looking forward to it.” Pangea said. “What the?”

From the second floor of the palace, Pangea saw an astartes she did not recognize, painted in the same dark blue and white accents. The symbol was a jaw with jagged fangs with an eye inside. The abhuman group seemed annoyed, and from a brief taste of the emotions, angry.

“Thurgood. Is this one of your battle brothers?” Pangea said.

“No, they are the new astartes under the primarch.” Thurgood said. “They are… no. There is a current schism within the legion. Us Terran born do not believe The Emperor is a God and that our primarch a saint. We are conquerors created to bring humanity together, not to spread his disgusting beliefs.”

“Well, just continue your patrol, I want to see what’s going on.”

Pangea hopped from the second floor. From the conversation, the astartes gave them an odd lecture about The Maker.

“An’ I said we ain’t interested.” The ratling said.

“It is but a moment of your time. Abhumans like yourselves must know his words to be saved.” The astartes said.

“Listen mate,” The ogryn said. “We ain’t interested in wot ever nonsense you got to tell us you hear? Bloody ridiculous this.”

For an ogryn, he was quite coherent with an odd low gothic accent. There was a female soldier standing behind, her furry ears stood high as did her tail. Whether she intervened or not, Pangea knew at least one side of the second legion would be less inclined to interact with her. Pangea…

>Chose to intervene
>Chose not to intervene
>Chose to intervene
Now Rackham's religious sons are harassing people. Great.
>You cannot believe the spirit was offended, Pangea
The Machine Spirit is reeeeeeal.
We'll intervene, we warned him to keep his belief to himself.

Which part of NOT A GOD did you have to he told.
>Chose to intervene
>Chose to intervene
>Chose to intervene
>>Chose to intervene


No Means No- now Battle Nephew- do you need to go back to sensitivity training?
The psychologists said that "battle.Nephew" was damaging to family cohesion and their mental health.

Panga you may not like it, but you should really call them "gene-nephews".
>Chose to intervene
>>Chose to intervene
I can see why someone like the second primarch would be disappeared and everyone gets memory wiped.
Xenos lover, preachy, pushes basic rules until they break like magnus
At least Magnus was totally played by Chaos and was intelligent enough to have some justified arrogance. Rackham on the other hand just seems to have a suicidally inflated sense of self worth or recklessness.
If he survives to he’s birth day we should gift hem a Fadora
>Chose not to intervene

Maybe see how the Abhumans handle the situation. we're suppose to be sneaky and hands-off.

Votes counted
Magnus was plenty arrogant on his own, he usually understood when to bite his tongue to avoid censure though. Which Rackham seems to lack, or at least his gene sons does.
Pangea chose to intervene. The ogryn and the ratling stood behind Jack Valk, while the feline female and another dark-skinned male stood at the back. Pangea’s heels clacked against the auramite floor, her hair flowed like black river, her mere presence caused the nobles to stop and watch the event unfold. The ratling was the first to turn, then tugged at the ogryn, the rest of the misfit turned around.

“What is going on here?”

The astartes was the first to speak.

“I was merely sharing the words of our primarch, your eminence.” The astartes said.

“And we said we didn’t want any!” The ratling shouted but quickly shrunk back with fear. “I—I mean we didn’t want any, your eminence.”

“What he said.” Jack Valk said with a tired and deep voice. “But he won’t budge.”

“Astartes, you will cease this.” Pangea said.

“With all due respect, princess. You have no authority over what the legion does.” The astartes said.

Somehow, this reminded her when Gwyn rejected her all those years ago. The rage that boiled in her stomach still remained fresh in her memories. This time, Pangea allowed the emotions to wash over her, then rein them in. As a psyker, letting her emotions run wild meant losing control.

“I don’t, but your proselytising is against the Imperial Truth.” Pangea said. “They are our guests of honor who has contributed to the Imperium. I will not have their times here ruined by wayward astartes. You shame your father with your behavior. Leave. Now.”

“You played on both sides, not once taking my father’s side. A sign of a coward.” The astartes said. “Just like the Terran borns.”

“What did you say?”

The air suddenly sharpened. The astartes with shiny, undented, power armor turned around and approached. Yet, no words leaked from him, not even a whisper. Pangea peered into the astartes’s mind. There was no fear, but regret, like a child who said something he should not have. He had now realized the innocent-looking princess had seen her fair share of battles.


“You are causing a disturbance within the grounds I am assigned to protect. Leave. Now.” Pangea commanded. “Unless you wish to test a coward's blade."

The astartes lowered his head. Then left. Pangea turned toward the abhuman crew. On the bright side, his could be a good time to examine her potential retinue.

>"You have my apology for my wayward gene-nephew's behavior. Rest assured, I will speak to my brother about this. Do you want him or his son to apologize to you?"
>“I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?"
>"You have been offended, and I doubt my brother will care. Is there something I can do to rectify that?"
>"You have my apology for my wayward gene-nephew's behavior. Rest assured, I will speak to my brother about this. Do you want him or his son to apologize to you?"
>"You have my apology for my wayward gene-nephew's behavior. Rest assured, I will speak to my brother about this. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
Rackham and his new legionnaires definitely won't apologize because they think they're in the right, but we should still at least talk to Rackham.
>>“I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?"
>“I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?"
>"You have my apology for my wayward gene-nephew's behavior. Rest assured, I will speak to my brother about this. Do you want him or his son to apologize to you?"
>"You have been offended, and I doubt my brother will care. Is there something I can do to rectify that?"
Rackham's screwed.
>“I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?"
>”I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?"

> “You played on both sides, not once taking my father’s side. A sign of a coward.”
Excuse you? Pangea is probably the only one in the higher ranks who has actively tried to cover for your genefather and has been actively trying to make peace between him and his brothers. While his sons do not speak for him, I wonder if this reflects upon how Rackham feels about the situation as a whole? Or is this just how Astartes post-human arrogance looks like when viewed through that kind of lens?
Just to clarify here, the second post was just speculation on the situation, not a vote for what Pangea should say or do.
I think it's just the usual schism between newly inducted marines and the original Terran marines in the legion type of deal. You get that a lot when the newbies are more loyal to a primarchs whose way of doing things is different from the Imperium norm.
I want to believe that Rackham himself doesn't feel that way about us and the other primarchs just because we're all related to his Maker.

Votes counted
It probably is, a lot of legions had a clear divide between the terran born marines and the ones born to their Primarchs home world.

Most Primarchs had after all been great leaders and warriors so they were naturally looked to more then the emperor by the new guard.

The old guard tended to be more dogmatic and often saw their loyalty to the emperor supersede that to their primarch.
“I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?”

The ratling and the ogryn both snapped his fingers.

“Booze and a new sniper rifle.”

“Pint and a new storm bolter.”

Pangea chuckled. Their unreserved answer was refreshing.

“I’ll have some drinks sent over to your barracks and commission a new weapon. You three?”

The felinid female cocked her head. The slit pupils dialed into a dark circle.

“Blades. The best daggers and one handed double edged blades possible.”

The dark skinned man cupped his chin for a moment.

“Auramite shovel and a new lasgun.”

Pangea turned to Valk. The pale skinned and black haired man sighed, Pangea noticed the dark bags sagging underneath his eyes. Even glancing at his thoughts made Pangea tired. The man was not skinny, perhaps lean fitted him better, an agile build with a bit of muscle unlike the dark skinned man who stood in the middle between the ogryn and Valk.

“Very well, I’ll have those gifts sent. Again, you have my apology.”

After the noon patrol, Pangea arrived to the ball on time. With Fulgrim at her side and with her other brothers, the suitors and opportunistic parasites dared not to approach. The few privileged gave their greetings and chatted, that being the high lords, Diani’s family, and the guests of honor.

“That’s what his son said?” Fulgrim said.

Pangea nodded.

“I could hardly believe it.” Pangea scoffed. “Why do you think Horus and Angron is with Rackham right now?”

“And yet there is no apologies made,” Magnus shook his head. “Arrogance, pure arrogance.”

“I’m sorry you had to face that,” Sanguinius said.

“It’s nothing.” Pangea placyed with Sanguinius’s feathers. “But if there’s a schism within his legion right before the Great Crusade, this won’t go well.”

Pangea saw Rackham being counseled by Horus and Angron.

>Pangea approached Rackham
>Pange waited Rackham to approach

Correct, if I recall this was true for the Raven Guard especially
>Pange waited Rackham to approach
Best to let Horus and Angron talk to him first.
Nice, a kot girl.
>Pangea approached Rackham
I want to see how Horus and Angron are handling him.
Hmm, I am torn.

Panga did nothing wrong, and should therefore wait to be approached.
But Pangea is absolutely not a reserved character, and incredibly pro active.

>Approach them.
Stop the brothers from seriously worsening relations if possible and demand an apology.
>Pange waited Rackham to approach

>Pangea approached Rackham
If its going well we can hang back and let them take the lead otherwise we can jump in to try and help.

> Correct, if I recall this was true for the Raven Guard especially.

I think it played out something like this. Horus had used Corvus legion as black ops team to suppress dissent on conquered worlds, Corvus who had just revolted against his slave masters was angry at his terran born marines for carrying out missions he deemed oppressive and basically exiled most of them from the legion by sending them on missions so far away they wouldn't return.
Would be nice if we could just take all unwanted Terran marines and form a sort of proto-Deathwatch.
Why not? If Corvus is gonna send them of anyway then we might as well "requisition" them.
>Pange waited Rackham to approach
Angron is a better empath than Pangea is, and Horus is extremely good at talking. Let them work their magic, we can always ask them about it later.
One of the theories behind the Space Sharks origins is that they are descendants of those exiled Ravenguard

>Pange waited Rackham to approach
>>Pange waited Rackham to approach
>Pange waited Rackham to approach
Damn, kitty hit us with that puss in boots stare the moment we mentioned handing out free shit.
>>Pangea approached Rackham


Votes counted
Pangea waited Rackham to approach

She waited.

Then waited some more.

While Pangea spoke with High Lord Prokofiev, Hector, Leo, and other generals, she noticed Rackham alone once Horus and Angron left him. Now that she realized it, Hystera was nowhere to be seen either. No one approached Rackham, and he did not seek any interactions either. Pangea honed her hearing within the party, fishing in whispers and the thoughts of others. The cold disdain for Rackham crystalized in just about every bureaucrats and generals.

“I hear his astartes insulted the princess.”

“The Terran born legionnaires are resisting his influence, good for them.”

The whispers flowed. Until the end of the night, when people began to leave, Rackham finally approached. Rackham saw his brothers behind Pangea, each casting a cautious gaze at him. Pangea turned around, and saw her brothers. She saw their gazes and rolled her eyes, then stepped away from them, and from Sanguinius’s wings. Pangea and Rackham stood face to face.

“Rackham.” Pangea said.

“Sister.” Rackham said. “You have my sincere apologies. I have already reprimanded my son and have ordered them to never do something like that again.”

“But your belief still stands.”

“They do, but I will not spread them or convince anyone of it. Will you forgive me and accept my apology?” Rackham said.

“Of course Rackham, we’re family.” Pangea said.

Rackham’s hardened visage softened.

“If you will allow, there is another request I have. The Terran born astartes have been against my teachings, almost got into a fight with my sons. I have tried to mediate but to no avail.” Rackham said. “I want you to have them.”

>Ask questions [this update will be very quick, like a bout a hundred word and will follow up back to the yes or no choice.]
Write in is ok for yes and no
>Ask questions [this update will be very quick, like a bout a hundred word and will follow up back to the yes or no choice.]
>Is this even an option within our remit?
We don't exactly have the infrastructure or support base to support even a fraction of a legion organically, and needing to rely on others is likely going to constrain our Strategic and tactical options.

>Has he reached out to his brothers to see how they have experienced or dealt with similar issues with non-integration of Terran marines or similar frictions within their respective legions?
Potentially reviewing how they are (not) integrated into the command / regimental structure, and if they are generally interspersed into squads evenly or segregated into their own units we need to help them find common ground in opponents not looking inwards at their differences.

An alternate option would be to review their grievances personally and interview them to see if we can find the fault lines ourselves and address what we can, which would provide some contact and hopefully allow us the option to redirect them when things go bad.

I'd lean towards a no for now, to see if any suggestions help. but it is certainly worth escalating in the background in case things fall through considering the upcoming Campaign that is about to begin and the potential implications and unpredictability of a renegade legion.

You would reject your own sons? Heroes of the Imperium who have fought through the unification wars? Have they not earned your love and respect with their sacrifices?

They may not share your faith, but they share your blood and will.
Question: Is the schism in your legion so bad that exiling your own sons is considered the best option? If your faith is going to cause this much issue within your own legion, imagine the damage it could cause once the Crusade begins.
>Ask questions
>"Why do you want to transfer command of them to me?"
>"Have you discussed this with the Terran Legion Master? They may prefer to serve under another primarch instead."
I'm not so sure this is a good idea but I lean towards taking them.
I wonder if the majority of the Terran marines will just be incorporated into the Ultramarines like in canon.
Questions first, then the decision later.

“Rackham, I don’t think I have enough resources to even handle your sons. I lead small squads, retinues, not a small legion.”

“You’ll get support from the Imperium’s resources, like I have. I promise.”

“Did you try to get any advice from Horus or any of our brothers?” Pangea said.

“I have, that was why I spoke with Horus and Angron several times including tonight.” Rackham lowered his head. “I’ve tried separating them into different squads. I have tried to find a common ground and listened to their grievances. But they still shared their distrust in me. Me. Their father.” Rackham said, his face scrunched into a hurtful regret. “They are born of my blood but they do not embrace me…”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Pangea said. “ Is the schism in your legion so bad that exiling your own sons is considered the best option?”

“Yes, it has.” Rackham’s shoulders lowered, he cupped his face tiredly. “They cannot stay in my legion. Not anymore.”

“Why do you want to transfer command of them to me? I’m sure our brothers will gladly adopt them.”

“Because I trust you the most. You are the only person that actively spoke for me.” Rackham said with a soft but torn smile. “My Terran Legion master did ask for a primarch, but I believe you are most suited instead.”

Pangea frowned, her brows knit close as her lips pulled back.

“If your faith is going to cause this much issue within your own legion, imagine the damage it could cause once the Crusade begins. Have they not earned your love and respect with their sacrifices? They may not share your faith, but they share your blood and will. You would reject your sons?”

“I didn’t reject them!” Rackham’s voice raise to an angry shout that rang like an artillery cannon. “I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

Pangea took a step back. Rackham saw his brothers’ sharpened glares. All except Sanguinius and Horus, who looked on with concern toward their little sister. Angron shared the same gaze, but his foot was forward, as if coiling himself for a full sprint.

“I—It’s alright.”

Rackham sighed.

“I didn’t reject them, they rejected me. Refused to see me as their father or their primarch. They obey only because they have to.”

“Rackham, If your faith is going to cause this much issue within your own legion, imagine the damage it could cause once the Crusade begins. Your faith is the reason why this whole schism is happening in the first place!”

“Father have yet to reprimand me so why must everyone assume the source of my problems is always because of my faith? Sister, will you accept them or not?”

>Yes [write-in]
>No [write-in]
>"I'll take them in, but let me talk to your Terran Legion Master first. He asked for a primarch, but I'm sure he'll accept a princess as well. As for Father... weーmeaning you, me, and all our brothersーshould talk to him about this issue and get it sorted out once and for all. Maybe then, our other brothers will have no more reason to distrust you."
I feel like the Emperor hasn't said anything yet because he's either too busy with some super project or is filing this away for the "I'll deal with it after the Great Crusade" folder again.
>Yes [write-in]
If you must exile them, I will accept them.
>+1 Yes
I'll fourth this reply: >>6158692
Geez, I wonder if Pangea's Inquisition will end up looking like some kind of weird amalgamation of the Deathwatch and some kind of Xeno/heresy investigation bureau?
That's what Malcador Inquisition was like at the start, just a bunch of loyalists from all the traitor legions. I do want us to form a sort of Deathwatch if only to foster stronger bonds between legions, but I'm also worried about it turning into a Warrior Lodge sort of situation.
I hope not, Pangea Heresy doesn't have a good ring imo.
>unwanted Rackham loyalists
>possibly other mavericks from the second unknown primarch
>nearly all of Corax's legion
>possibly some less insane Nightlords
If Pangea doesn't go insane from all the management and protocols and secrecy involved, she could end up as the head of a lot of unwanted Astartes. Given her strong connection to Alpharius, this might end up working out rather well so long as she remembers to build up a robust organization of regular humans.
It's a good thing that that probably won't happen unless BigE really do decide to read Pangea's fanfictions and broadcast it across the Imperium.
Don't forget the Iron Warriors who might end up being decimated. We might not get a full legion's number, but we'll get pretty close if just take in all the unwanted marines.
What should we call our Legion?

I am thinking something like ‘’The Brotherhood’’
support, we don't have a legion, and have been trained to be a knife for deliver precise strikes. While also doing our original role and new ones.

Its a good idea to talk to the Legion Master of the II and the Emperor about it, best to avoid another situation like we had with the Legion Master of the I. If they don't want to end up under our command.

Its also best to resolve the religious problem before the Great Crusade starts. Or stop the bleeding if nothing else.
Lurker here, with a question for those of you who regularly vote.
If it's canon that the Eldar betrayed the Krorks after the Necrons were defeated, then how do you think Pangea would react upon learning this information?

Would she be completely indifferent, simply thinking "who cares about this xenos nonsense"?
Would she be delighted, thinking "xenos killing xenos is purely of benefit to humanity"?
Would she be disgusted by the idea of betraying a former ally who fought alongside you?
Would she approve of what the Eldar did, and believe that the Krorks were danger that needed to be eliminated while the Eldar still had the chance?

Votes counted
After a few minutes of searching around, we could do some vague Athena themes with Owls. Since they will be working under Pangea and doing shady stuff.

The Black Owls
The Parliament
The Black Parliament
The Parliament Brotherhood
Brothers of Parliament

Something like that.
Is that new lore? I haven't kept up with 40k lore in a while now.
>Would she be completely indifferent, simply thinking "who cares about this xenos nonsense"?
Probably this? We still haven't faced any xenos yet, so I doubt she got any strong opinion about them other than what BigE taught her.
“I'll take them in, but let me talk to your Terran Legion Master first. He asked for a primarch, but I'm sure he'll accept a princess as well. As for Father... weーmeaning you, me, and all our brothersーshould talk to him about this issue and get it sorted out once and for all. Maybe then, our other brothers will have no more reason to distrust you.”

“I’m sorry to trouble you, Pangea.”

“No need for an apology, brother.”

The hurt in Rackham rippled. The acrid guilt stuffed his nose with indignation and shame. Pangea tasted the sour self doubt, the absolute humiliation of this scene. The next day, Pangea was summoned to the Throne Room. Father sat on the throne while Malcador stood beside. Pangea knelt, eyes down, not daring to meet her Father’s eyes.

—First you escape on the first day of the ball. Then return with an enemy of the Imperium. Now, your brother wishes to transfer his Terran born marines…—

The air in the Throne Room crackled as it always had. The Throne Room was brightly lit, the pyramid glowed in quiet blue and loud white from the top. The auramite pyramid gleamed like the sun, but never outshining her Father, the Imperium’s sun. The light she loved stung this time.

—Why did you bring her to the Imperium Palace?—

—I thought it’d be better to bring her in than to let her roam without a method to watch her. If there’s anyone that can subdue a powerful psyker, it’d be you or Uncle Malcador.—

Pangea sensed a brief… joy? The emotion was so brief that even she was not sure.

—I cannot fault you for that logic. It is better to keep friends close, and enemies closer. As for Rackham, his request will be considered. Speak to the Legion Master then report back.—

—Father, what about Rackham’s practices?—

—That is my concern, daughter. Not yours. You have your assignment. Go.—
On the other side of the Imperial Palace, far past the outer walls, lied the barracks of the twenty legions. The barracks were spread evenly like a checkpoint complete with anti air guns and astartes thunderhawks with drop pods and space port large enough to dock their flagships and more. Through a brief ride with the Talon Jethawk, Pangea arrived to the second legion’s barracks, where the legion master already awaited. Two custodians flanked beside Pangea, one being Ra and the other Longinus.

“Your eminence.” The legion master greeted, he placed his fist on his chest and lowered his head. “It is an honor to host you. Though I wonder why you chose to arrive here when a vox would have been more efficient.”

“You are my nephews, born from my brother’s blood. I thought this was a good opportunity to visit the barracks and see my nephews at the same time.”

The legion master nodded.

“Very well, will my office suffice?”

“It is, lead the way.”

The second legion’s barracks consisted of one half reflecting the Rackham’s homeworld and the other half having no changes at all, stripped of character where only function mattered. The legion master’s office presented the original culture through its minimalistic interior, consisting of gray ceramite walls and office supplies. Pangea sat across from the legion master’s black desk.

“I heard the Terran half of the legion wishes to be under a primarch and my brother wants to transfer you to me.” Pangea said plainly.

“That will be the ideal outcome. We do not care under which primarch, as long as we can serve the Imperium.” The legion master said. “Not because we do not believe you are inadequate. Your operations require precision and stealth. We are trained to break sieges and shock assault. I am unsure if we will be of use to you, your eminence.”

“If your men are under my command, will there be any issues then?”

“None at all.” The answer came quickly. “You did your best to defend our primarch when no one did and you have the Lord Regent and The Captain General’s confidence. You also share a strong bond between all the primarchs, I see no reason why there will be any issues. In the end, the choice is yours.”

>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”
>“I will have my brothers consider your requests.”
>“I will have my brothers consider your requests.”
I didn't know siege warfare and shock assaults were their thing. These guys seem like they'd fit in with the Imperial Fists. Would Rackham be upset if we transferred them over to Rogal?
>Accept them
Spec can change, and this is a political gesture.
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”

They may not be stealthy, but siege breaking and shock assault are excellent skills to have when you need the goon squad to storm the cult stronghold.
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”
We can diversify their tactics through time.
The Legion Master said
>You did your best to defend our primarch when no one did
I feel like the marines wouldn't want to serve under someone who so openly hate their primarch. Also, it's not siege warfare, it's breaking sieges. They might fit better with Perty, but he's not here yet.
>>“I will have my brothers consider your requests.”
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”
What we have been assigned to does not require a legion, Malcador is setting up an organization around our work. Rackham terran sons, would cease to be a legion if they go under us. Even if we participate in the Great Crusade we wouldn't do the same job of our brothers. So the terran born use at the moment.... is very circumstantial.

For resolve that is very likely we will train them for fit with our organization, while keeping what is useful from their legion background. Being part of a new organization, they would need to wait on Rackham or the Imperium to send geneseed since they are not part of a legion.

Whatever the outcome of this situation, the Great Crusade will need a bit more time for launch. Rackham will need to refill those lost ranks and get at least similar numbers prior to his legion schism, minimum (unless he is not allowed to do so due to his views, which means trying to handle not later but now the religious issue. A time consuming effort). And Pangea or the Primarch that gets them, needs to reorganize the terran borns of Rackham (Pangea would have more work to do and things to learn obviously). A funny thing would be if Lorgar is the next to be found. Instead of one is two primarchs religions that need to be reeducated and removed.
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”

Votes counted
“Very well, I will accept your men. If you will have me.”

“We will be honored to serve as the Lord Regent's hand.”

The transfer itself did not take long, with the training from High Lord Prokofiev, the paperwork required to integrate the astartes, equipment, and general supplies to support her new retinue was easy work. Pangea's orignal flagship, Marco Polo, switched to a bigger ship. The permission to name her ship was given to Pangea, and in her search for a fitting name her brothers of course gave their suggestions. In the end, Pangea named her new ship...

>Hydra, with Alpharius's permission.
>Lady of Chemos, by Fulgrim's suggestion when he had Pangea over for dress fitting
>Avenging Spirit, by Horus's suggestion during a game of Regicide
>Wings of Enlightenment, Sanguinus suggested during a painting session
>Tomekeeper, by Magnus's suggestion in another lesson

Despite the turbulence within Rackham's legion the process have been easy for Pangea. In the end, the Great Crusade would begin without Rackham. Along with recuperating the loss of his sons and the machine spirit's anger, Father decided to speak with Rackham. The night before, Pangea read over her lists of candidates prepared for her personal retinue and made her decision.

Inquisitor Assistant [IA]

Second in Command

>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry
>Captain Thermopylae Leo, Terran Imperial Army, 1st Division, 1st Assault Company

Heavy Weapons/Demolitions Expert

>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company
>Second Lieutenant Denik Lee Albian Crusaders, 233rd Infantry Support

Frontline Combatant

>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Corporal Ontyep KamuI, Elsweyr Regiment, 2nd Scout Company

Frontline Combatant Second Position

>Sergeant Major Samgwee Wiser, Terran Raiders, 1st Reconnaissance Division, 1st Company
>Second Blade Nazir Hammerfell, Kushtun Naganda Regiment, 3rd Cavalry, 5th Company


>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
>Jack Valk, 5th Penal Regiment, 1st Wing
So, if you do have a charactet you like previously from the threads, feel free to write them in like this

Frontline Combatant
>Wings of Enlightenment, Sanguinus suggested during a painting session
>Captain Thermopylae Leo, Terran Imperial Army, 1st Division, 1st Assault Company
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Sergeant Major Samgwee Wiser, Terran Raiders, 1st Reconnaissance Division, 1st Company
>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
>Resplendent Fervor

>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Corporal Ontyep KamuI, Elsweyr Regiment, 2nd Scout Company
>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
>Hydra, with Alpharius's permission.
It fits the Inquisition theme. Cut down one cell, two more will take its place.
Also our other brothers doesn't know Alpharius yet so it won't seem like favouritism when it totally is.
>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Sergeant Major Samgwee Wiser, Terran Raiders, 1st Reconnaissance Division, 1st Company
>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
Retinue Mascot
>The felinid girl we gave daggers and blades to

>Write in:
>Shadow of Intent. little on the nose but dang good ship name

>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Second Blade Nazir Hammerfell, Kushtun Naganda Regiment, 3rd Cavalry, 5th Company
>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
>The Ogrne lad we met chewing out Rackums son would be the best mascot

Ship Name.
>Palanquin Solar
(Because we're a princess, and we should appear as though we aren't up to anything shady even if people know we are. Also, we carry a bit of the Home Sectors authority with the name.)
I really want to suggest "Parliament of Swords" because I want to push for that Owl theme for the Marines, but it doesn't look like anyone else is interested.

Second in Command
>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry

Heavy Weapons/Demolitions Expert
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company

Frontline Combatant
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps

Frontline Combatant Second Position
>Second Blade Nazir Hammerfell, Kushtun Naganda Regiment, 3rd Cavalry, 5th Company

>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing

Retinue Mascot
>The felinid girl we gave daggers and blades to
Though, really, I still want the abhuman group with us for variety. They were cool.
>Hydra, with Alpharius's permission.

>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry
>Second Lieutenant Denik Lee Albian Crusaders, 233rd Infantry Support
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Second Blade Nazir Hammerfell, Kushtun Naganda Regiment, 3rd Cavalry, 5th Company
>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
So what I got it is

Second in Command

>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry

Heavy Weapons/Demolitions Expert
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company

Frontline Combatant
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps

>Second Blade Nazir Hammerfell, Kushtun Naganda Regiment, 3rd Cavalry, 5th Company

>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing

You know what, I'm a sucker for cat girls anyways.

Retinue Mascot
>The felinid girl we gave daggers and blades to
Hah, I just put that as a joke.
I'm a sucker for felinids
At the balcony of the Sanctum Imperialis Principa, Hector saw something only a few mortal could. First, was the scenery, from the heart of the Inner Palace, Hector saw the hives of Terra and the golden city that was the Imperial Palace. The second, were the primarchs. The sons of the Emperor who carried his genes and the father of the astartes. What baffled Hector was the princess who fitted right in, a lioness in a den of behemoths.

“And you’re certain you can handle the astartes?” Horus said worriedly.

“Surprisingly, they managed to understand what I did quickly thanks to the Legion’s master.” Pangea said.

“Greer also seemed to approve of your Legion Master,” Angron said.

Pangea leaned back on her chair, stuck between Fulgrim and Sanguinius. She rubbed her face on Sanguinius’s wings that wrapped her around, almost addicted by its softness. Instead of a rebuke, Sanguinius patted Pangea’s head. Hector, who had been invited by Magnus, stayed at the door per instruction, shrouded by some psykic power.

“Pangea, you are a grown woman now. Must you bury your head like some pup? Throne, your executive officer is right there.” Fulgrim said.

“Come now brother, let her spoil herself a little.” Magnus said. “Our days of being together are numbered. Soon,we will all sail the void. It’s possible we won’t see each other for at least a decade.”
The room became silent. Rackham was nowhere to be seen and Rogal was also absent. Hector watched the princess’s smile drop.

“Guess Rackham won’t be with us.” Pangea said.

“He made his choice.” Rogal, sitting adjacent to Horus said. “Our coordination will not be in jeopardy because of his absence. Let us return to our council, we are wasting time, be focused, Pangea.”

“Alright alright…” Pangea said. “Look, I won’t know much until I get the assignment from uncle. I don’t see how I can contribute to this talk.”

“You have twenty thousand astartes under your command. If needed, we may call on your for support.” Horus said.

“But… I never lead a legion before. I’m not sure if I can help.”

“You’re not alone, sister.” Horus said. “You have your legion master and the wisdom of your second in command when you need them. Rely on them. As I do with all of you.”

Fulgrim patted Pangea’s head, and Angron also offered his words of encouragement, even Rogal’s support. The talks continued regarding what Pangea’s role can be during the crusade. When the talk was done, everyone left except for Magnus who dispelled Hector’s shroud.

“Do you know why I have brought you here, Captain?”

Hector nodded. He saw the red giant staring down, his large presence swallowed his stature. Hector was used to being a leader, someone who can intimidate when needed. Yet, with the priamarchs, he felt like a mouse among beasts.

“To understand the stake.”

“No.” Magnus said. “To understand how much we cherish our sister. You are her support, see that you do not fail and lead her new retinue well.”

“Of course my lord.”

The next day, Pangea arrived at Macaldor’s study. Finally, she was given her first assignment to be taken when the Great Crusade would launch.

>She would investigate a planet ruled by a powerful king rumored to be in Fenris [Leman]
>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]
>She would be a defense for of a planet that had been frequently invaded by xeno, a planet known as Nocturne [Vulkan]
>The room became silent. Rackham was nowhere to be seen and Rogal was also absent.
>“He made his choice.” Rogal, sitting adjacent to Horus said.
>She would investigate a planet ruled by a powerful king rumored to be in Fenris [Leman]
Maybe we can use this as a chance to soften Russ' view on psyker.
That was a mistake. Oops.
>The room became silent. Rackham was nowhere to be seen and Rogal was also absent. Hector watched the princess’s smile drop.

Sorry anons, that was a mistake. Rogal was in.
>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]

Spooky world, Go!
At the balcony of the Sanctum Imperialis Principa, Hector saw something only a few mortal could. First, was the scenery, from the heart of the Inner Palace, Hector saw the hives of Terra and the golden city that was the Imperial Palace. The second, were the primarchs. The sons of the Emperor who carried his genes and the father of the astartes. What baffled Hector was the princess who fitted right in, a lioness in a den of behemoths.

“And you’re certain you can handle the astartes?” Horus said worriedly.

“Surprisingly, they managed to understand what I did quickly thanks to the Legion’s master.” Pangea said.

“Greer also seemed to approve of your Legion Master,” Angron said.

Pangea leaned back on her chair, stuck between Fulgrim and Sanguinius. She rubbed her face on Sanguinius’s wings that wrapped her around, almost addicted by its softness. Instead of a rebuke, Sanguinius patted Pangea’s head. Hector, who had been invited by Magnus, stayed at the door per instruction, shrouded by some psykic power.

“Pangea, you are a grown woman now. Must you bury your head like some pup? Throne, your executive officer is right there.” Fulgrim said.

“Come now brother, let her spoil herself a little.” Magnus said. “Our days of being together are numbered. Soon,we will all sail the void. It’s possible we won’t see each other for at least a decade.”
The room became silent. Rackham was nowhere to be seen and Rogal was also absent. Hector watched the princess’s smile drop.

“Guess Rackham won’t be with us.” Pangea said.

“He made his choice.” Rogal, sitting adjacent to Horus said. “Our coordination will not be in jeopardy because of his absence. Let us return to our council, we are wasting time, be focused, Pangea.”

“Alright alright…” Pangea said. “Look, I won’t know much until I get the assignment from uncle. I don’t see how I can contribute to this talk.”

“You have twenty thousand astartes under your command. If needed, we may call on your for support.” Horus said.

“But… I never lead a legion before. I’m not sure if I can help.”

“You’re not alone, sister.” Horus said. “You have your legion master and the wisdom of your second in command when you need them. Rely on them. As I do with all of you.”

Fulgrim patted Pangea’s head, and Angron also offered his words of encouragement, even Rogal’s support. The talks continued regarding what Pangea’s role can be during the crusade. When the talk was done, everyone left except for Magnus who dispelled Hector’s shroud.

“Do you know why I have brought you here, Captain?”

Hector nodded. He saw the red giant staring down, his large presence swallowed his stature. Hector was used to being a leader, someone who can intimidate when needed. Yet, with the priamarchs, he felt like a mouse among beasts.

“To understand the stake.”

“No.” Magnus said. “To understand how much we cherish our sister. You are her support, see that you do not fail and lead her new retinue well.”

“Of course my lord.”

The next day, Pangea arrived at Macaldor’s study. Finally, she was given her first assignment to be taken when the Great Crusade would launch.

>She would investigate a planet ruled by a powerful king rumored to be in Fenris [Leman]
>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]
>She would be a defense for of a planet that had been frequently invaded by xeno, a planet known as Nocturne [Vulkan]
>Write-in [loyalist only]

I'll still count these votes if you are ok with it anons

>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]

space knights

i understood what you meant but good on you to correct it
>>6160893 here, I'll keep mine Russ.
>She would investigate a planet ruled by a powerful king rumored to be in Fenris [Leman]
>She would investigate a planet ruled by a powerful king rumored to be in Fenris [Leman]
>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]
>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]
Lemon Rizz

Lying Joe

Lion it is, writing
“Your armors and weapons are prepared? Lighting claws and power maul too?”

Pangea rolled her eyes. Dressed in her inquisitor armor, Pangea crossed her arms with a confident smirk. Despite being within the Inner Palace, they could hear the sounds of horns and cheers seeping through the walls. Pangea and Horus walked side by side toward the exit.

“Yes, Horus. They’re ready, as are my retinue, the ship, and my nephews.” Pangea said.

“Good, and if you ever need assistance—”

“Have my astropath contact you, I know.” Pangea said with a brief huff. “You worry too much.”

“And you worry too little.” Horus said. “You’re going to Segmentum Obscurus, it’s not thoroughly explored yet. It’s called Obscurus for a reason, Pangea.”

“Horus, I have twenty thousand astartes at my disposal and skilled laborers. Not to mention my retinue.” Pangea said.

“Yes, but they’re just mortals. They’re inferior compared to you and I.” Horus said nonchalantly.

Horus said with absolute ease. Pangea could not help but wonder if such belief should be excused, even if his words were true. Human, that was what she was, yet she was not, the same for her brothers and her father. Maybe uncle was as well but he was still a special kind of human. Before she could say anything else, she saw the Imperial Palace below from the balcony where her brothers waited.

“I hope you didn’t oversleep, sister.” Fulgrim said.

“Nothing of the sort, we were having a discussion.”

“As long as you’ve arrive not too late.” Magnus said.
From the balcony, Pangea saw the masses cheering on, appearing like millions of small dots celebrating the greatest era of humanity. Fireworks of gold and red painted the sky, triumphant horns and various instruments filled the air, and gently flowing flower petals rained. The parade of soldiers came through with waves, proudly displaying their pride and the military might of the Imperium.

“My lord primarch.” Kharn entered the balcony. “We are prepared for take off.”

“Good work.” Angron said. “Brothers, Pangea, I will see you all soon. I will head off first.”

One by one, each primarchs left soon as their vessels were ready. Pangea watched each primarch being called and then paraded off below all the way to the Lion’s Gate Spaceport. Last of her brothers who remained was Sanguinius.

“I’m going to miss our painting times.” Pangea said.

“I will too but this is not a farewell.” Sanguinius said. “You look worried.”

“The galaxy is full of danger that threatens humanity. I’ve seen that. But the future…” Pangea closed her eyes tight. “I fear if what we see is the future. After all, the Great Crusade is what started it all.”

“It won’t be.” Sanguinius wrapped his wing around Pangea.

For a brief moment, they shared a brief silence, a moment of peace before they delved into the void.

“My lord.” The final astartes entered. “It is time.”

Sanguinius knelt, allowing himself to be engulfed by Pangea’s small arms.

“I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too.”

Side story time

>Skip to Caliban


>Get to know the crew
>Explore the ship
Question: So far, which primarch do you think Pangea get along with the most?
>Get to know the crew
>Get to know the crew

Not sure. She gets along pretty well with all of them aside from Rackham and maybe Dorn.

>Get to know the crew
Start training nephews on small team tactics. I have a feeling Pageas role to play is tracking down her brothers and routing out chaos and other internal threats. So training them to act like a proto deathwatch while being a legion would be great.

>Closest Primarch
got to be Sanguineous or Alpharious. after that maybe Horus?
>Get to know the crew
And I think she's either closest with Sangy or Horus, maybe Sangy because he doesn't baby her like Horus
>Get to know the crew

Probably Alpharius
>Explore the ship
>Get to know the crew
I suspect Alpharius has a large lead just due to how much he’s been in her life. Magnus too possibly, given how he may have been astral projecting to speak with Pangea throughout her life even if she’s only recently remembered most of it.
Conrad Curze. His relationship with sanguinius is one of his better ones because they both have future sight

Votes counted
Hector Werserian stared at his new retinue sitting inside the conference room. The ogryn and the felinid sat close. Nazir sat at the end of the table. Hoffman and Henrietta sat together. Hector stood at the other end of the table. By all means, they were all accomplished soldiers. The only issue was having them work together and mold them into a deadly team.

Hoffman and Quimby were a great addition and chosen well. Each was well regarded within his circle of officers. Even if she served his father, Quimby did not wear a mask, though he doubted if she was capable of such a thing. Hoffman was an honest and reliable man, he was one of few who qualified and gained the right to attain the rank of an Arch Militant.

“This an office but there ain’t no cuppa we can take? Some fancy this is.” Denog said.

Denog Gub, despite being classified as an ogryn he was a genius by his specie’s standard with plenty of feats of brutal but efficient soldiering.

“Where’s the princess? Isn’t this like, her job? I totally want to see how she keeps her hair so nice!” Kamui said excitedly.

Ontyep Kamui, even among the felinid she was considered the fastest and most nimble in her scout company. Though her young age did not allow her to rank to advance further due to fear of feeding into her ego. Finally, Nazir Hammerfell, a frontline driver and infantryman in the Old Hundred regiment with some parts of his record requiring Vermillion Alpha authorizations.

“The princess did call for us to be here, though she might be late since she has taken in the second legion. I’m sure she will arrive soon…”

The slid open with a hiss. Once the princess entered, everyone in the room stood at attention. They watched Dianis Nos, the trusted right hand agent, follow inside with her steely silver eyes and short black hair.

“At ease.” Pangea said. “You are no longer soldiers but agents of the Throne, my advisors, and investigators. You have all been summoned here because I wish to know more about you outside of the dossier I have read. We will be warp jumping soon but before then, we will…

>Do a team building exercise through a combat scenario
>Play a card game of omnicide, Terran rule of course
>simply chat.
>Play a card game of omnicide, Terran rule of course
>Play a card game of omnicide, Terran rule of course
>simply chat.
>>Do a team building exercise through a combat scenario
>simply chat.
>Play a card game of omnicide, Terran rule of course

>simply chat.

I'll need a tie breaker
as a card game enjoyer
>Play a card game of omnicide, Terran rule of course

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