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Pick race and location, except for those I marked with a big X, I don't wanna run those.

No write-ins for the race, please, just stick to the ones in the picture.

I'm on vacation so I'll be running sessions daily, I hope to run at least one full thread, later on we'll see if it goes anywhere.

First to three votes goes, or if we don't have enough in one hour I'll just roll with whatever votes we have.
Gonna look for a map and start doing some basic worldbuilding in the meantime.

what style of civ you have in mind?

you want small scale with random quests or large scale with dynasties?
Gnome Tundra.
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Your starting position is as follows:

You inheritted a large parcel of land considered "indefensable" by your liege. The land is undeveloped and plagued by endless amounts of monsters and bandits.

The only thing that remotely looks like development there is an ancient road, which was built thousands of years ago, and is still an important trade route.

All the locals live in tiny villages scattered all over the place, frequently harassed by bandits and monsters. There is no levy in place, there are no large towns nor temples, and you don't have a castle.

Still, the land is very fertile, and the presence of the caravan route means the place isn't isolated. If you can secure the caravan route, your place might actually thrive enough for you to build a force to be reckoned with.
>> Subterranean

We were pushed from our forest but hope takes root in dark places.

Large scale with dynasties.
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After traversing the wilderness all the way from Osales, your people finally arrive at your parcel of land!

But you find out it is already inhabitted. Within the forest, there is a small sacred grove where a number of dryads made their home.

"We don't want problems with you, gnome, but this land is ours, we've been living here for a very long time."

"We aren't here to evict you, dryad. We can live alongside you just fine."

"Very well. But be mindful of our sacred forest, else you incur our wrath."

> Name leader

> Choose leader character class

> Name dryad

Leader (lv 3)
Dryad (druid lv 3)

Claimed Land: 250 square miles
Population: 300 gnome loyalists, 30 friendly dryads
Army: 10 swordgnomes, 20 speargnomes, 1 dryad druid (healing, entangle, thorn whip)
Horses: 5 riding horses
Cattle: 100
Food: enough for 2 seasons
Treasury: 1,000 silver
Current Season: Spring


1 - We should explore our lands and look for more people to join us.

2 - We are lucky these dryads aren't aggressive! We need to build some proper defenses.

3 - We'll freeze in here if we don't have sturdy buildings come winter, we must build some housing.

4 - First order of business is installing a toll in the caravan road to make some money.

5 - We should choose a deity to dedicate our settlement to.


1 - A small merchant passing by says a large shipment of beer is coming our way in the autumn.

2 - The baron of Lequecatien is seeking a husband for his third daughter, who just turned 16.

3 - Sea monsters attacked Fuempil last year.

What do you want to do for the year? Pick one action for every season.
I think I'm gonna say it is year...



it is year 4490.

I will update next post.
I'm hoping to update every half hour while the session runs, but that will depend on how fast the votes come.
oh yeah, you should probably spend an action or two gathering food, since you only have food for 2 seasons.
>Name: Gname
>Leader Character Class: Explorer
>Name: Ivis

>Spring Season: Build Housing
>Summer Season: Gather Food
>Fall Season: Gather Food
>Winter Season: Choose a deity

Housing and food is most important. Deity might be a little superfluous but I assume their are mystical benefits.
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You build housing for your people. You manage to build 10 simple wooden houses.

You gather food during two seasons. Rolling 2d4 to see how much food you acquire.

A large caravan of beer shows up in autumn. Do you want to buy some beer?

Barrel of beer: 5 gold each


you could trade 1 season of food for 20 barrels of beer.

You could also entice some people travelling with the caravan to stay with you, provided you offer them something good...

In the winter, you decide to consecrate your settlement to a deity!

Which deity will it be?

> Phemera, Goddess of Winter
> Zaheia, Goddess of Trade
> Phiona, Goddess of Harvest
> Dovmir, God of Battle
> Write in

The dryads hide underground for the winter.

Leader Ganme (Explorer lv 3)
Dryad Ivis (druid lv 3)

Claimed Land: 250 square miles
Population: 300 gnome loyalists, 30 friendly dryads
Army: 10 swordgnomes, 20 speargnomes, 1 dryad druid (healing, entangle, thorn whip)
Horses: 5 riding horses
Cattle: 100
Food: enough for (dice minus 2) seasons
Treasury: 1,000 silver

Buildings: 10 wooden houses

Current Season: Winter
Year 4490


1 - We should explore the dryad tunnels.

2 - We should buy lots of booze.

3 - This land is plentiful, we should build stalls and start selling food.

4 - Well, if you don't wanna build a toll, what about a caravan inn?

5 - We should build a small shrine to our deity


1 - Cinzala was attacked by a gang of thieves

2 - Adventurers from Zaoped are looking for an ancient temple

3 - A group of artisans from distant lands arrived recently at Peruetave

What do you want to do for next year?
Choose one action per season.
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d4)


forgot dice

now that's a poor roll.

10 silver = 1 gold for conversion purposes
>Offer the people traveling with the Caravan excitement and adventure. A chance to create a name for themselves in this harsh land!

> Phemera, Goddess of Winter
>Explore Dryad Tunnels
>Build a Caravan Inn
>Build A Shrine
>Gather Food

I'd rather just save our money for now and really start trading when we're more established. Hopefully the dryad tunnels will yield something interesting to sell later.
>Buy beer, to serve at our shrines. Five or so barrels for now.
>Phemera, Goddess of Winter

>Build a Caravan Inn
>Amass soldiers where possible: Training ourselves or hiring mercenaries.
>Build Shrine
>Establish a Toll Booth

The tax will be used to up our defence, to better safeguard the trade that passes through against bandits

How precarious is our position? I get we are squeezed between borders, but how likely is it we are to be attacked?
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>>6156197 1
>>6156200 2

>How precarious is our position? I get we are squeezed between borders, but how likely is it we are to be attacked?

The land is flat and there are no defensive structures, anyone with an army can rampage through unless we build some defenses.

The trees offer some cover so archers could be useful, but there is only so much trees can do for you defensive-wise in a flat terrain.
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You buy 5 barrels of beer to serve at our shrines!

Seeing that we are dedicating our city to her, the Goddess of Winter takes pity on us!

She comes to visit!

"Ganme, Ivis, you're now part of my blessed people! I see you are enduring much hardship. Fear not. But make sure to prepare better for winters to come. I'm pleased when my worshippers can make lavish feasts in my name during my season."

A few days later, Her servants the Frost Giants gifts us baskets with large amounts of Winter Squash, and then leave town.

Rolling 4d4 for how much food we get from the Goddess.

A few people from the large beer caravan decide to take our offer and settle here with us. They get really impressed when the Goddess herself comes to visit us!

One of them asks for a horse to go spread the news that our settlement is blessed!

Grant the human a horse?
> Yes, grant a horse
> No

You decide to build a Caravan Inn! Now incoming caravans have a place to stay, for a small fee! The inn will generate a steady stream of revenue.

You build a shrine to Phemera!

You build a Toll Booth! Now incoming caravans have to pay a small toll or they will be ordered to turn back.

Thieves attack our village and steal 800 silver. They also kill 8 gnomes, including two guards.

Leader Ganme (Explorer lv 3)
Dryad Ivis (druid lv 3)

Claimed Land: 250 square miles
Population: 292 gnome loyalists, 30 friendly dryads, 25 humans
Army: 10 swordgnomes, 18 speargnomes, 1 dryad druid (healing, entangle, thorn whip)
Horses: 5 riding horses
Cattle: 100
Food: enough for (dice minus 4) seasons
Treasury: 600 silver

Buildings: 10 wooden houses, Caravan Inn, Toll Booth
Deity: Phemera, Goddess of Winter (pleased)

Current Season: Winter
Year 4492


1 - We should start mining for ore in the caves

2 - We should start farming before our estate depletes

3 - We should hunt down those thieves

4 - We should explore the caves further

5 - The caves are too dangerous, we should forbid people from going there


1 - The baron of Lequecatien is inviting nearby nobles for the marriage of his daughter.

2 - A mercenary recruiter arrived by boat in Valolias and is actively recruiting.

3 - A large caravan of Grain is coming from the East! They will pass through next winter.

What do you want to do?
Choose one action for each season.
Rolled 1, 3, 1, 2 = 7 (4d4)


forgot dice
>Give human a horse

>Mine for ore
>Start farming
>Construct a couple watchtowers near villages prone to raids
>Celebrate our Goddess

I would also like to
>Send an emissary to the baron of Lequecatien, congratulating him.
But I feel this would be a waste of a season

But how *likely* is it that we get attacked by our neighbours? (As far as we know)
Also, did we manage to recruit any soldiers during summer?
>Also, did we manage to recruit any soldiers during summer?

Must have missed that.

You can either send word that you are hiring mercenaries, or try to press the small villages within your claim to fulfill a levy by supplying troops.

> Hire mercenaries
> Establish a levy
> Not right now
> Establish a levy
Rolled 10 (1d10)


You enable the human to go tell the tales of the goddess visit by providing him with a horse!

In the spring you decide to mine for ore in the caves!

You find a vein of:

(on a 3 you find both iron and coal)

1,2,3 - iron
3,4,5 - coal
6,7 - copper
8 - tin
9 - silver
10 - gold

Several miners go missing though...

> Investigate the strange disappearances
> It is just a thing that happens
> Stop mining, it is too dangerous down there

On summer you start farming! You plant a bunch of Winter Squash!
Harvest is on autumn, yield is 2d4 food per year, spending action on farming yield +2d4 on summer or autumn.

On Fall you decide to build some watchtowers near villaged prone to raids!

The local villagers get somewhat surprised that anyone is building defensive structures in the region.

Some of the elders point out that this is just putting a target on our heads, but they allow you to proceed when you tell them it is your right and your duty to protect this land ever since you received it. And for that purpose, you're going to Establish a Levy!

The elders aren't satisfied with it, but they comply. They say you will need to go talk to all the elders. They also hope you don't just take their sons and send them to their deaths on some wild campaign.

On winter you decide to Celebrate the Goddess! You hold a large feast!

A small mischevous winter demon shows up to partake in the feast! Do you feed it?
> feed the small winter demon
> do not feed the small winter demon

A large grain caravan arrives and you have some Wheat as their toll. (+2 seasons of food). You can now plant Wheat!

A bandit emissary shows up in our village. He says you are causing way too much ruckus in this area. If you continue to draw attention like that there will be consequences!
> Kill the bandit emissary
> Send him back with a proposal (what)
> Ignore their feeble threats

Leader Ganme (Explorer lv 3)
Dryad Ivis (druid lv 3)

Claimed Land: 250 square miles
Population: 287 gnome loyalists, 30 friendly dryads, 25 humans
Army: 10 swordgnomes, 18 speargnomes, 1 dryad druid (healing, entangle, thorn whip)
Horses: 4 riding horses
Cattle: 110
Food: enough for (1+ 2d4) seasons
Treasury: 1200 silver

Crops: Winter Squash, Wheat
Buildings: 10 wooden houses, Caravan Inn, Shrine to Phemera, Toll Booth
Deity: Phemera, Goddess of Winter (pleased)

Law: Levy (still unspecified)

Current Season: Winter
Year 4493


1 - we shouln't negotiate with bandits

2 - we could hire the bandits as mercenaries

3 - we should ask the dryads to investigate the caves for us

4 - we should hold a meeting with all the elders of our territory to specify the terms of the levy

5 - we should have the humans mine for us


1 - Santarve had a poor harvest

2 - A wizard is travelling through Zarguillas

3 - There are rumors about a bandit lord operating from around Pargeramita

What do you want to do next?
Choose one action for each season.
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d4)


you found GOLD

rolling for food
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forgot picture
> Investigate the strange disappearances (ask the dryads)

> feed the small winter demon

> Ignore their feeble threats

>Meet with elder to iron out the terms of the Levy
>Build more housing
>Build Caravan Inn
>Train Gnome Loyalists to be spear-gnomes with promises they get first dibs on new housing.
Ayyy gold is cool
>Investigate the strange disappearances

>feed the small winter demon
What could go wrong? If this is a bad thing, surely our goddess will inform us so we know better for next time

>Send him back with two missing hands and a letter: "Cease at once, or face the consequences"
Total bandit death

>Hold a meeting with all the elders. The levy is to protect our lands, our people, and the merchants who provide us wealth
>Send out emisarries to our liege, ask if they can provide us with training personell. We need our levy fit for fighting
>Gather and prepare extra food for the winter celebrations
>Train archers to man our towers
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>>6156244 1
>>6156245 2
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Investigating the strange disappearances, the dryads discover there are a bunch of vampires living underground. They aren't interested in the dryads because they don't have the kind of blood they drink, but when they saw some gnomes they ate them.

The vampires told the dryads that they consider trespassing if anyone enters their caves, and they will kill and eat them.
> Attack the vampires
> Stay out of the caves
> Send the dryads to negotiate (what)

You decide to feed the small winter demon! It gets very pleased with all the food and stays almost all winter! Then it leaves flying towards the north.

You ignore the bandit's feeble threats.

On Spring you meet with the elders to iron out the terms of the Levy.

"The customary law says we must provide a levy. But what kind of obligations you have in mind, lord?"

> Moderate. Every settlement needs to provide one warrior. Moderate unrest. (+1 food consumption)
> Taxing. Every rich landowner needs to provide one warrior. High unrest. (+3 food consumption)
> Delusional. Every large family needs to provide one son. Ridiculous unrest. (how are you gonna feed this many soldiers?)

In the summer, you build more housing! Ten more wooden houses are added to our burgeoning village!

In fall, we build another caravan inn!

During winter, we decide to train more gnome loyalists to be spear-gnomes! We promise them better housing. How many do we want to train?
> Ten more. Puts some strain in our supplies, but is doable.
> Twenty more. Put significant strain in our supplies. (+1 food consumption)
> Thirty more. We can barely feed this many warriors, we better focus on food. (+2 food consumption)

The small winter demon returns, with a bunch of other demons! But we don't have enough food to feed them...

They get angry and eat 30 of our cattle before leaving.

The human who left with the horse returns with another rider, a young priestess of Phemera!

When she heard of the goddess apparition, she decided to come here and preside the cult. But she will charge 500 silver per year.
> Let the human priestess preside the cult (agree to pay her 500 silver per year)
> Tell her to go away, we will preside the cult ourselves
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Leader Ganme (Explorer lv 3)
Dryad Ivis (druid lv 3)

Claimed Land: 250 square miles
Population: 287 gnome loyalists, 30 friendly dryads, 25 humans
Army: 10 swordgnomes, 18 speargnomes, 1 dryad druid (healing, entangle, thorn whip)
Horses: 7 riding horses
Cattle: 80
Food: enough for (+2d4) seasons
Treasury: 2000 silver

Crops: Winter Squash, Wheat
Buildings: 20 wooden houses, Caravan Inn (2), Shrine to Phemera, Toll Booth
Deity: Phemera, Goddess of Winter (pleased)

Law: Levy (still unspecified)

Current Season: Winter
Year 4494


1 - this region is really dangerous, we need allies

2 - we shouldn't bother the vampires for now

3 - we should do something about those winter demons

4 - we should buy more cattle

5 - we shouldn't train more warriors than we can feed


1 - Our liege will send an emissary to check on our progress on winter

2 - Pinguenza is facing a shortage of metals

3 - The count of Peruetave is inviting local nobles for the marriage party of his son.

What do you want to do?
Choose one action per season.
Rolled 4, 4 = 8 (2d4)


forgot the dice

rolling for food
First we must hear what they want. We can provide gold, when we get to mine it from the caves, or buy cattle for the gold perhaps

>Moderate Levy

>Ten more spearmen

>Let her preside for 250, with the bonus that we cover all ceremonial expenses and her housing

>Aquire more cattle
>Invest in better farming equipment
>Gather the elders for talks and festivities, we must forge stronger bonds and cooperation
>Prepare a large feast for our liege. Ask if he can provide us with some training personell.

Im going to bed, and will not be able to vote further this session
gonna call it a night then, I'll be back tomorrow.
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You send the dryads to negotiate with the vampires!

The vampires aren't pleased with this intromission into their territory, but they will allow us to live here and even mine in the upper levels of the tunnels, provided we show proper respect by giving them in sacrifice seven virgins every year, they must be from a warm blooded race. Declining these terms is a declaration of war!

The only thing the vampires really need from us is our blood, so if you wanna try to make a counterproposal it must include blood somehow.

> Accept the gruesome toll (unrest increases)
> Declare war on the vampires
> Attempt to make a counterproposal

You decide to institute a moderate levy! Every settlement needs to provide one warrior!

You train and equip 10 more speargnomes!

You haggle with the priestess and let her preside for 250 silver, with the bonus that we cover all ceremonial expenses and her housing. She agrees and starts presiding the cults right away. Her name is Selena.

In the spring we decide to procure more cattle!

We find some lean cattle for sale for 100 silver each.
> Buy 10 cattle
> Buy 20 cattle
> Buy 30 cattle

You decide to invest in better farming equipment!

A good kit of farm implements costs about 200 silver.
It includes: Shovel, Pitchfork, Scythe, Sickle, Crook, Distaff, Lasso, Spade, Sod Saw, Horn Saw, Cattle Prod, Pruning Shears, Shearing Scissors.
Or you can buy each kind of tool separately for 20 silver each.
> Buy 5 kits
> Buy 10 kits
> Buy tools separately (specify)

On autumn, you invite the elders for festivities! The levy arrives together with them, it is a grand total of 33 men, some of them wearing sword and mail, most of them carrying just simple spears and wooden shields. From what the elders say, there are over five thousand people living in your lands.

On winter the emissary of your liege arrives, his Chancelor, sir Arcturus. He seems impressed by what we managed to accomplish in such little time, delighted by knowing our town is so very blessed by the goddess and appalled upon learning about the vampires. Upon being inquired whether our liege could provide training personel, he says he will speak with him at once and we should expect someone experienced to be sent as soon as possible.

Seeing how we're thriving, our liege will start charging a levy on year 4500. He will summon us to discuss the terms when the time comes.
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Rolled 3, 2 = 5 (2d4)

Leader Ganme (Explorer lv 3)
Dryad Ivis (druid lv 3)
Selena (priestess lv 1)

Claimed Land: 250 square miles
Population: 289 gnome loyalists, 30 friendly dryads, 25 humans; over 5000 people in various villages scattered throughout the territory.
Army: 10 swordgnomes, 28 speargnomes, 1 dryad druid (healing, entangle, thorn whip), 1 priestess of Phemera (healing, chill touch); Levy (humans): 8 swordsmen, 25 spearmen (1 food upkeep).
Horses: 7 riding horses
Cattle: 90
Food: enough for (+2d4) seasons
Treasury: 3150 silver (+500~1500 from inns and tolls, -250 priestess)

Crops: Winter Squash, Wheat
Buildings: 20 wooden houses, Caravan Inn (2), Shrine to Phemera, Toll Booth
Deity: Phemera, Goddess of Winter (pleased)

Law: Levy (one warrior for each settlement)

Unrest: Moderate

Current Season: Winter
Year 4495


1 - we should declare war on the vampires!

2 - we could sacrifice some humans to the vampires...

3 - the winter demons didn't show up this year, I hope they forgot about us

4 - we should get people from other settlements to come live with us

5 - we need more housing


1 - baron of Andilba is looking for a suitable husband for his eldest daughter who is 26 and still unmarried

2 - Pinguenza made a deal for metals with a distant city north and a large shipment is inbound soon

3 - Rumors about vampires are attracting adventurers to Santarve

Rolling for food

What do you want to do next?
Choose one action for each season.
Some of the levy listed as spearmen didn't even have spears when they arrived, they were carrying their handaxes and improvised shields.

Most of the villages around here are too poor to equip a warrior properly.
>Attempt to make a counterproposal
>>Suggest a joint raid on the bandits
>>>We get their supplies and goods. They get the bandits blood and the blood of any of our fallen warriors

Imply we have the strong backing of our liege, and that with the discovery of gold this location will never be abandoned even with our destruction. It's better to form a good relationship than to destroy us now and be destroyed in turn later.

> Buy 30 cattle
> Buy 10 kits

Time to splurge with the gold discovered we need to expand fast.

>Expand housing
>Increase farming
>Build defenses
>Expand mining operations.
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Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d4)


The vampires scoff at our ridiculous proposal.

"You're just trying to pit us against someone else when you're the trespassers! You shall pay in blood!"

You buy 30 cattle and intended to buy 10 kits, but you don't have enough money.

In spring you start to increase farming!

The vampires harass you every night though, and you lose many people!

You start building defenses in summer!

The vampires continue to harass you, and you lose many more people!

On Fall you start to expand your mining operations!

But the vampires ambush and kill everyone you send underground.

On winter you start to expand housing.

The vampires notice you're worried about it and burn down several of your houses.

Some people die burned, others die of exposure!

One night, three vampires come strolling in the open, two big feral vampires and one little girl in a plain black dress.

"Have you lost enough people yet? You will sacrifice to us 14 virgins every year or we will drive you out of these lands!"

> Agree to the sacrifice
> Continue with the war

The drill instructor from our liege arrives and sees half the city wiped out.

"Oh no! I arrived too late."

Leader Ganme (Explorer lv 3)
Dryad Ivis (druid lv 3)
Selena (priestess lv 1)

Claimed Land: 250 square miles
Population: 183 gnome loyalists, 30 friendly dryads, 12 humans; over 5000 people in various villages scattered throughout the territory.
Army: 5 swordgnomes, 17 speargnomes, 1 dryad druid (healing, entangle, thorn whip), 1 priestess of Phemera (healing, chill touch); Levy (humans): 6 swordsmen, 18 spearmen (1 food upkeep).
Horses: 7 riding horses
Cattle: 120
Food: enough for (+2d4) seasons
Treasury: 500 silver (+500~1500 from inns and tolls, -250 priestess)

Crops: Winter Squash, Wheat
Buildings: 10 wooden houses, Caravan Inn (2), Shrine to Phemera, Toll Booth
Deity: Phemera, Goddess of Winter (pleased)

Law: Levy (one warrior for each settlement)

Unrest: Moderate

Current Season: Winter
Year 4496


1 - We are battered, we can't afford not to accept whatever terms

2 - We need help, we can't defeat these vampires on our own

3 - We should make a big sacrifice to the goddess and ask for her help

4 - We should abandon this settlement and move our capital away from the vampires

5 - We should offer rights over the gold mine to anyone who comes to our aid


1 - A necromancer has been sighted near Viaganzabue!

2 - The caravans heard of the vampires and are afraid to come our way!

3 - Tensions between Peruetave and Burninch are growing fast

Rolling for food

What do you want to do next?
Choose one action for each season.
Oh shit I know the right move is to give in, but fuck it. War time.

> Continue with the war

>Sacrifice 60 Cattle to the goddess to help against the vampires
>Have the instructor train as many soldiers as he can muster
>Plead for help and offer a portion of the gold's mining rights to any nearby adventures/faction, and ask the dryads to help in exchange for expanding the sacred forest
>Annihilate vampires
> Continue with the war

Collect up all snow, Ice and rain into barrels and casks and even hollow trees, as many as we can craft and fill.

>Recruit soldiers and adventurers
>Bless these holy winter-waters as holy water

>On the longest day of the year, pour these Holy Waters down the Vampire tunnels to flood them out; bring the burning death of long summer light to the Vampires below.

>Either assess our victory over the Vampires and what we have managed to win, or else if the Vampires win, move away if any of us still survive.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>>6156573 1
>>6156596 2

sorry for the delay, I didn't have much time these few days
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Rolled 8, 25, 80 = 113 (3d100)


You sacrifice 60 cattle to the goddess to help against the vampires!

A bunch of frost giants show up!

We explain to them our plight and they descend into the caves.

They return wounded and carrying several vampires frozen into blocks of ice.

They then leave without saying a word.

What will you do with the frozen vampires?
> Negotiate their release
> Leave them outside to burn in the sunlight
> Sell the frozen vampires

In the spring the instructor starts doing emergency drills with the entire village.

The vampire attacks become rarer this season.

In the summer, you send word that you will offer a portion of the gold's mining rights to anyone who helps defeat the vampires!

You ask the dryads to help against the vampires. The dryads answer:
"The vampires have no reason to attack us, they can't drink our essence. If we attack them, we would be the aggressors."

A young wizard called Xystos shows up, saying he intends to use the money to build a tower and carry out his research in our village! He says he has a spell that creates a tiny sun that can burn vampires like the real sun! It only lasts about one hour though, and is quite expensive to make.

> Send Xystos into the caves
> Send our best warriors to escort Xystos
> Go with Xystos yourself, bring a healer

In the Fall, you go for your final strike against the vampires!

Roll me 3d100 for success!

Rolling for the vampires.

Leader Ganme (Explorer lv 3)
Dryad Ivis (druid lv 3)
Selena (priestess lv 1)

Claimed Land: 250 square miles
Population: 183 gnome loyalists, 30 friendly dryads, 12 humans; over 5000 people in various villages scattered throughout the territory.
Army: 5 swordgnomes, 17 speargnomes, 1 dryad druid (healing, entangle, thorn whip), 1 priestess of Phemera (healing, chill touch); Levy (humans): 6 swordsmen, 18 spearmen (1 food upkeep).
Horses: 7 riding horses
Cattle: 120
Food: enough for (+2d4) seasons
Treasury: 250 silver (+500~1500 from inns and tolls, -250 priestess)

Crops: Winter Squash, Wheat
Buildings: 10 wooden houses, Caravan Inn (2), Shrine to Phemera, Toll Booth
Deity: Phemera, Goddess of Winter (pleased)

Law: Levy (one warrior for each settlement)

Unrest: Severe

Current Season: Winter
Year 4496


1 - we are doing our best in this war

2 - I think we can win now

3 - we should destroy the captured vampires

4 - let's sell the vampires!

5 - the population is very unhappy, we should do something about it


1 - an army of undead is marching around the east

2 - no caravans showed up this year!

3 - tensions broke into all out war! Your neighbours are attacking each other and must go through your land

What do you want to do next?
Choose one action for each season.
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d4)


rolling for food

forgot to adjust cattle amount, will adjust next turn

damn, forgot to adjust year as well
> Sell the frozen vampires

> Go with Xystos yourself, bring a healer
All or nothing

>Offer a break on the levy for 2 years to allow the villages to heal
>Agree to only let the armies through if they pay a small toll and promise not to fight within or damage our land in anyway
>Build housing
>Attempt to attract refugees from the war to settle with us using the gold mine as a lure. Then set them to work mining!
Rolled 73, 45, 85 = 203 (3d100)

forgot roll

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