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Pick race and location.
Race: Middle Eastern
Location: Yemen
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Race: Nazi Elves
Location: The Dark Forest
race Giant insects
location Rainforest
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race: Giganiggas
location: Giganigeria
What makes you superior to the other elves?

>Your clan still respect nature but understands you can gain much more power and quality of life form harvesting its boons. You can murder trees and animals.

>Your clan has 5x the lifespan of normal elves. It's expensive, so only nobles can live to 5000 years. This makes your counsel far wiser than other nations/states.

>Your bloodline is just built different, you're faster, stronger, hotter, and your elves don't age past prime form. Still die of old age.

No,no. We're just normal Elves, but racist against monstrous beings. We are able to enslave civilian populations of goblins, orcs, etc, with enchantment and illusion rituals, steal their lebensraum, and send them in suicide waves as shocktroops against our enemies to soften them up for our elite SS (sharpshooters) formations.

Mechanically, maybe something like a devouring swarm hivemind in stellaris that turns conquered pops into elf pops and allows the ability to conscript slave armies of conquered pops.
These elves believe all elves are equal. Non-elves have less worth, and should be second class-citizens at worst or slaves at best.
Half Elves are ok ish, but there is stigma around them. They are rarely elevated to first class.
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>Mixers are okay
Nein, Anon.
Oh no, not those who DO the mixing. Those who already ARE mixed cant help that their parent made a grave mistake.
If the half works hard, they MIGHT get first class. In other words honorary

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