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YER a Goblin of the GoblinSlayer universe. By sheer astronomical odds, while fleeing GoblingSlayer, aka the GobboCaust, you meet anuvva unlucky bastich: Yang Wuhan, 殃污琀, "Calamity-Corrupted Corpsepearl", also known as Divine Demon, Wyrmacide, Sword Specter, Wind Incarnadine, Gore Walker, Blade Emperor, the Absolute™, &c &c, who just got BTFO'd by an alliance of Righteous and Deviant Cultivators from his home universe.

In exchange for the lifesaving Thousand Year Lingzi you just happened to find just now, he swears to do you no harm and take you as his Disciple - Tudi - or, Toady, as your Teacher - Shifu - or, Seafood.

Since then you've been busy:

Getting Seafood a little-girl Pall Body to operate in while he seeks to restore his fatally damaged real body; learning the [Thousand Segment Carrionpede] form to the Fourth Moulting; killing a whole town for funzies n lewtz; got shotgun married to a ghost bint who tries to kill you in your dreams every 10days or so Seafudds sez it'z to dodge karma n build character; you think it might also be juzt because he'z a roit kunt; temping with the Rhean (GSverse Halflings) Resistance as a SoB for hire against Myrmid (GSverse literal bugmen) expansionism; exploring and destroying an ancient Dimm City; joining Orc Fight Club "with consent"; get bodymodded without consent; bag a Blew Bewbd Efreet from an Ice Dunjjon; investigated, with partial failure, a lead about sumfin sussy in va state 'a dem Orks.


1: http://thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6051761



4: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6126087


For his last major success, Toady has been given a holla-die by Seafood to do as he likes, and chose to stirr shit up in Orky Country.

Seafood has "requested“ Toady get the Orc ShammyBoss Dulugtangor's hedd or staff as a gratuity for making Toady a new indestructible GIGA GLUGGZ Helff Potty container.

Dulugtangor is strongly tied to Clewfinda aka Jinx Finx, a sussy foot scout who may be involved with Dorf Peacekeepers and Humie Green Cloak Rangers.

Toady has just been registered and released as a trespassing non-belligerant in the Orc-cupied Zone by the Peacekeepers. If he gets detained by Peacekeepers again before clearing his name by reporting to an Adventurers' Guild and working off his trespass, he will be Interrogated at -25% disadvantage.

Having all his kit confiscated by the Dorfs has alerted Toady to the possibility that his pending {{{WEESH}}} from the captured Blew Bewbd Efreet might still be taken from him, and is strongly considering cashing it.

The {{{WEESH}}} has to be in 7 words to be at full reality-bending strength. QM gives its word there will be no traps in the {{{WEESH}}}. Natural narrative consequences notwithstanding.
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>Report your findings to Dokk, the one who recruited you for help against the sussyness
>Findings: Dorf Fort and Green Cloaks are in cahoots CONFIRMED
>Jinx Finx association with either NOT CONFIRMED


>I'z done wiv dis sussy-sniffing shidd
>Cut short the holla-die, get back to Seafudds


>get down to sum REEL holla-dieying
>Got juzt 15 days left!


>Write-in yer galaxysponge idees

Moar Oww the (ex-humie Cleric) Dimm Wraith has given some help to Toady's wording of his WEESH. The following possible options have been submitted. QM has made the utterances Gobliny for fluff purposes; the Wish will deliver as intended.

>"Gimme high magikkal a-fitt-nifty, potent-all n profit-sensy"


>"Gimme fasttyyest, powfattest, endless regennyratgun."


>"Gimme un-limited benefitty-all potent-all for everfing."


>"Make LUKK always in me favor!"


>"Gimme ability ter permanently steal abilities!"
>by QM fiat the operative word "steal" can no longer be changed


>nerr. Needa fink moar.
>hold on to the {{{WEESH}}}


>Resolve in your heart: release Blew Bewbz when she has granted your Weesh, Y/N

Be informed that Efreeti and Genie don't mind enslaving, but strongly resent being enslaved.

Toady subdued Blew Bewbz the first time by successful ambush and a multistage tactical fight with her servants.

Subduing her a second time will take a 1v1 with her at full power and motivation, and gain a {Wish} at ~50% strength.
Rolled 2 (1d4)

>Report your findings to Dokk, the one who recruited you for help against the sussyness

Hmm...I'll admit, I'm actually a little at odds. A lot of the wishes sound good. So my vote will be in the hands of lady luck herself.
1: Regeneration.
2: Potential with everything.
3: Lucky!
4: Ability Thief.

I'm not including magical affinity in my list, because it basically serves the same purpose as potential with everything but more specific. There's no need for that, as the QM has assured us it won't be trapped.

>Do not release her
I don't trust like that. I'd sooner kill her than let her go, to be honest.
>Report your findings to Dokk, the one who recruited you for help against the sussyness

The WEESH thing really depends on where it draws its power from. As seafud said, the people of this world are weak because all of their powers are borrowed, not something they own. For example, magical affinity would not mean all that much if it's "borrowed" from the world, nor luck, nor potential for everything.
As it is though, I'm leaning towards luck or potential for everything, whichever one that isn't merely bound to this world, if any.

As it is, we still need a trophy for Seafuds. It'd either have to be Blew Bewbs (possibly meaning we give up or wish or else have to fight her again) or the head or staff of the shammy.
Also, we we make a weesh, I resolve to...
>Call on Dokk, tell him your findings.
>Dint catch Clewfinda at anyfing
>But va Dorfs n Green Cloaks r cahooting.
explain that we we think clewfinda works for/with the green cloaks. our working theory is that he is tasked with thinning out gobbo ranks by leading them to death, preventing the build up of a large enough force that could take over the dorfy fort. we suggest to cast detect/dispell magic on him because he might very well be one of them in disguise, judging by his skill set
>"Gimme high magikkal a-fatty-nifty, potent-all n profit-sensy"
>Resolve in your heart: release Blew Bewbz when she has granted your Weesh, N
we can squeeze one more out of her
i have a good idea for a second wish that makes it very hard for her to screw us with it
if my wish isnt picked i will preemptively say i-told-you-so when the results arent as desired (becoming OP)
any anon who missed the end of the last thread i recommend reading through the last discussionnot expecting it will influence your choice but do it anyway
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>Seafood said all the powers of the people of this world are borrowed
Slight correction: Seafood said that the spells of God-botherers are not truly their own: Paladins, Clerics, and similar. Once they die or lose their class, like Fallen Paladins and Clerics, they lose their class spells. Thus, they don't "own" their spells; it's all on loan by their pfeh Gods.

>The WEESH thing really depends on where it draws its power from

The Efreet is an Outsider who can meddle with any mundane reality. The WEESH's result will be in effect on any mortal realm, up to and including Sigil (until the Lady notices).

It will still work but in greatly diminished capacity in places where (certain) Outsiders have Eminent Domain, such as Godrealms.
Hey QM, how would you rank each wish in terms of how difficult it would be to hide from Sifu?
My guesses, in order of least difficult to hide to most difficult to hide or bullshit away, would be:
>All potential, no proficiency.
>Magical potential plus proficiency.
>Stealing abilities.
QM ranks as follows, low to high:
>Lucky, Regen, Steal Ability, same tier initially
>Magical potential plus proficiency
>Unlimited all-potential

Seafood won't notice initially, especially if you don't pull stunts in front of him; he's too focused on the upcoming []HEIST[] and restoring his original body at this time.

Demonstrate slavish loyalty and heaps of tribute before he regains his original body, and he won't be too ruffled when he finds out.

The moment he perceives that Toady might become his peer however - vis, Toady has significant accomplishments in all 3 XianXia domains: Martial, Alchemy, Sorcery - he will feel first jealousy, then envy, then fear.

A countdown will start on the "Destroy your Kungfu" trope.
Interesting, I was actually decently wrong. I'd assumed that all-potential would go unnoticed for a while because Sifu would have little to no reason to check his potentials again.
I also thought that steal ability and regen would be pretty noticeable when he started doing things goblins aren't normally capable of, ie reattaching his own severed head or some shit like that.
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>attaching his own severed hedd
Unless Seafood kills Toady himself to see this happen, it won't.

Toady is in practice YWH's dogsbody; death and dismemberment will usually happen during undertakings out of Seafood's sight.

Give Seafood a reason to become curious about your BaZi(Eight Characters horoscopy) and ZiWei(Purple Star astrology) again however, he will be alarmed at how much your fate has changed.

>how do we give him a reason to search our BaZi + ZiWei again?
By disagreeing with him successfully; by challenging and beating him at anything requiring skill or knowledge; even by helping him succeed, if your expected capability should not be sufficient.

Before you are ready, you must maintain a cretinous existence before him.

Apart from his desperation at the time, this existential gap was a significant reason why he offered Discipleship to you at all.

>dafuggisdis QM
A XianXia Deviant-Supreme. For YWH, all the Dark Triad / Dark Factor boxes in the current DSM-5 would have been ticked and shakily pencilled.
>Report your findings to Dokk, the one who recruited you for help against the sussyness
>"Gimme high magikkal a-fitt-nifty, potent-all n profit-sensy"
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>Report to Dokk

>"Gimme high magikkal a-fitt-nifty, potent-all n profit-sensy"

>"Gimme un-limited benefitty-all potent-all for everfing."

>>6160067 (alt vote)



Anyone else who hasn't voted on any particular, 24hrs.

QM will 1DX in the case of a tie.
i was just about to ask if you will update today lel
planned to, but the votes are too shakey, and some anons that voted for one decision didn't commit on other decisions.

QM trying not to meddle.
Alright, since this list came out, I'm going to swap to:

It has one other (alt) vote. It's not the strongest, I know, but it's the most subtle. I want to NOT get discovered by Sifu, as long as possible. And probability alteration is always a good pick to be honest.
Can I convince you to at least switch to Luck? It's subtler than both all-potential and magical-potential. And it really does solve our nat 1 issues and then some.
>thought that all-potential wouldn't get noticed.
Toady, who did not have a natural spiritual root or a beast core, comes back from his holidays with a Pristine Origin Root, Formless Primordial Core, sublime intuition of all Dao paths, eidetic polymathic understanding, and a physique capable of HRNGG and WOOSH and KILLYKILL martial arts combined.

It will be a race between Toady faking continued cretiny and Seafood regaining 50% of his powers.
I will consider switching my vote if... (i really want my magic tho. we wont be getting it any other way)
we not only get our NAT 1s turned into 100s, but enemy NAT 100s turned into 1s
will QM approve?
It may end up having a greater effect than that. Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect?
Imagine a butterfly effect that starts from the moment of the wish to make everything go smoother for you in life.
You intend to rob the local bank. The guard has dysentery that day, which causes him to occupy the toilets and loudly shit. The noises he makes cover up your own noises. The smell of it disturbs the local dragon contracted to sit upon the pile of coins so much that it flies off to get a break from the smell for a while. The vault door also happens to be getting worked on this week, and the worker for it is currently on his lunch break. He forgot to close it again, because he's busy thinking about his daughter, who recently got into an accident from a runaway carriage slamming into her after the horses got startled by a random...butterfly. Speaking of which, that butterfly ended up eating some contaminated rotting food and landing in the guard's lunch earlier, thus giving him that dysyntery to begin with.
that would be OP which is why QM wont allow it
as i said before, every other wish aims to make us OP while i simply ask for magic. meaning that at least with my wish its clear what we will get and not be disappointed when QM nerfs any of the other wishes desired outcome.
if i remember correctly QM even said it will only affect rolls
its too late now, but QM should have stated how he will implement each wish. as demonstrated last thread the "steal abilities" one turned out to be not as powerful as first thought after i asked for clarifications several times
maybe it also wouldn't be a bad idea to put the original wording in brackets next to the toady-speak version
I don't think OP would disallow it. It's entirely within the spirit of fortune favoring you always.
That being said, I could see him potentially implementing the wish more simply by raising our results by a tier and lowering enemy results a tier.
Critfail -> fail, fail -> success, success -> Critsuccess for toady. Reversed for enemies.
We'll have to wait and see for implementation. But I gotta say, you're really picky, you know? I get you really want magic here and now, but this is hardly the only chance we'll ever get of getting magic. Especially if we have luck on our side.
QM has been twigging how to do this mechanically.

For now, LUKKMAXXing means:

>Enemy Nat100 is a flat 100, no crit effect
>Self Nat1 is Nat100
>Self Nat100 causes the nearest dice, left or right at QM discretion, to gain Nat100
>LUKKY TUCH: Doubles, 11, 22, &c, 99, give +7 to the D100; 77 gives +21
>Gui Li, a cursed spirit, will only invade his dreams when Toady permits it; there just *never* seems to be a good time to haunt him any more. 1x haunting per ~20 days.

>So long as Toady is above 50% HP, he rolls Bo3 instead of BoA, to reflect his newfound complacency.
>If Toady DOESNT permit Gui Li to haunt him 1x per 20 days, he loses the LUKKY TUCH until he does.
picky? more like critical
oh look QM just replied
what i am trying to say is that my wish is the only one clearly defined and not a "mystery box"
if blew bewbz would screw with our wish here any other choice would result in potentially huge fuckery (like what will happen when we make a 2nd wish)
good effort QM
now did the anon who came up with this wish think it would turn out this way? likely not.
now there are draw backs even
Negro please. I'm looking at the exact same options you are, and your option is not any more defined than the rest of them.
>Gimme high magical affinity, potential, and proficiency.
Gives you a high (yet still limited) capacity for magic, and immediate proficiency with that magic so you can actually utilize it without training. Further training and development may be possible, but it's unclear on if we're immediately put at our cap or not.

Quoting the exact wording of anon from the previous thread:
>Gimme nondraining, fastest, perfect, endless regeneration
Gives you the most effective regenerative ability the wish can manage, without imperfections in the process, and without draining your resources such as calories. This may also keep us eternally youthful due to telomeres no longer shortening. Cancer is of no concern anymore, too.

>Gimme unlimited beneficial potential for everything.
Not even the sky is the limit for absolutely everything Toady could want to do. He gains no proficiency whatsoever with it, but his potential absolutely skyrockets. Any skill can be learned. Any ability can be trained higher. Any language can be spoken. All it takes is the right kind of training for whatever he sets his mind to.

>Make Luck always in my favor!
Probabilities always skew positively in favor of Toady. If it relates to toady in some way, chance will lean towards him. I don't really need to explain this one, https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Luck does it well enough. Per QM explanation, critfails are crits for toady, and no more crits for enemies. Nat 100s expand to nearby dice. Dubs give extra points on rolls, and gui li gets cucked.

>Gimme ability to permanently steal abilities!
Did recieve QM clarification, thrice per day we can attempt to steal another's abilities such as features or racial shit. Can incur mutations if features require certain biology, and can be resisted if something loses its soul. Unsure if it can work on things that NEVER had a soul, like a Golem. Surprisingly not a very noticeable thing to sifu, which means sifu may have a similar ability of his own or has encountered such things in the past. Could potentially be strengthened in the future, given how these things usually snowball.

Note how the drawbacks are from complacency and gui li's presence. If he eliminates his complacency and gui li in the future, there are no more nerfs.
i defined my wish as follows:
>>the intended outcome would be that toady can learn any spell of any level (of any class, but for balancing reasons i can understand if not) with no side effects like exhaustion or misfiring. he can identify items, use items normally only magic class creatures could and cast cantrips right away. (among other things)
which QM approved of (he at least didnt say something leading me to believe he doesnt)
personally i dont like being OP and i also know QM cant let us be OP just like that (and at this point we didnt know that our wish would be granted without any unwanted side effects)
i see a "small" upgrade as more than enough of a bonus reward from a side mission of a side quest. without me we wouldnt even have that wish btw (no one wanted to go in the dungeon and then to the boss at first)
can we get clarification on
>Gimme nondraining, fastest, perfect, endless regeneration
QM? (sorry to bother you again)
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There will be narrative effects to all Wishes, "drawbacks" like Toady's new complacency and Gui Li negating LUKKY TUCH if not dealt with, per QM post >>6160759.

Main challenge: Toady has to powerlevel while playing a cretin and hopefully surpass Seafood before he notices, vis, YWH's original body restored, ~35% full power. (Sabotaging Seafood's efforts is always an option)

Main challenge: Same as above, but Seafood needs to get to 50+% full power.

{WISH} will do what it says on the tin; narrative will unfold in response.

As blessedtripps anon >>6160777 points out, all narrative obstacles can be overcome unless anons manage to cleverly paint themselves into a corner somehow. QM doesn't know how, but understands that some anons will actively unironically shit in the jacuzzi.
>Report your findings to Dokk, the one who recruited you for help against the sussyness
>"Gimme ability ter permanently steal abilities!"
>Resolve in your heart: release Blew Bewbz when she has granted your Weesh, Y
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>sorry furva bovva
Don't worry about it.
: )

>Gimme nondraining, fastest, perfect, endless regeneration

>HP will go from 0 to cap in one turn
>Physical destruction beyond -HPcap may take several minutes
>Destruction of mind or soul may take several weeks
>Destruction of existence may take a full year
>Leotard Lobo x Deadpool
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>If you ever get profiled, you can be identified by your perfect regeneration
>There are ways to deal with perfect regenerators, such as live burials
>and picrel
Ignore my deleted post, for I'm retarded and misremembered things.

Interesting to see that regeneration has some effect on mind, soul, and existence. I wonder if it would end up regenerating magical reserves or other resources than just HP once we inevitably gain access to such things. Chi reserves? Psi pool? Stamina? A lot of questions to be answered with this one, questions that I think would be better answered in-quest if we were to pick it. Kind of reminds me of the intricacies of regeneration in Ajin, if you've ever read it - they had cool details like "Destroys matter that gets in the way of regeneration" and "Requires a full death for regeneration to start".
>requires death for Regen to start
lol, WEAK
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True, but I think they did that to make it harder for the Ajin.
Another kewl fact about them is that they always regenerate from the largest chunk of flesh available, no matter what that is or where it is. This has been abused by someone intentionally chopping off their flesh, storing it somewhere or sending it to a highly secure location that's otherwise impossible to infiltrate, and arranging for their body to turn into soup when they die as a form of fast travel.
QM approves your intent behind the wording for
Magic of all schools and levels is open to you. The difficulty is in finding spell copies and/or tutors, and sourcing material components.

DND magic components are exorbitant at higher levels.
>Sequester, level 7, requires 5000GP worth of ruby dust

According to Toady's current balance sheet, https://rentry.org/2336mod9 , he doesn't even have 1 GP yet.

Spamfiring biggybiggy spells is not a real option even for the OPest of magicians.
you know what? i concede
you got me with extreme long term benefits (something my wish was also designed to accomplish)
i will take regeneration (would be fine with luck tho)

could we use our endless blood supply to progress in carrionpede? (i think not but asking anyway)
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I'll switch to regeneration so we have a consensus, putting it at 2 votes compared to 1 vote for everything else. Pleasure doing business with you.
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>Report to Dokk

>"Gimme high magikkal a-fitt-nifty, potent-all n profit-sensy"

>"Gimme un-limited benefitty-all potent-all for everfing."

>>6160067 (alt vote)
>>6160850 (alt vote)

>"Gimme ability ter permanently steal abilities!"

>>"Gimme fasttyyest, powfattest, endless regennyratgun."



Anyone else who hasn't voted on any particular, 20hrs.
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It is too stupid.

QM allows it.

Take half a day destroying yourself for 0.2 HHLM.

2 HHLM currently needed per upgrade point of TSCP IV.

Toady is supposed to train Carrionpede by drawing blood in combat; fighting himself like a schizo comes at a massive penalty.

No, we don't talk about Orc Fight Club.

Yes, we spend hours punching ourselves in the parking lot of Orc Fight Club.
makes sense
can we get a TSCP IV progress update? its been a while
+2(/2)% Dodge, +7(/12)% Hit, +0(/12)Dmg
Gain Killseek 1 at 20/26: +1 unblockable physical damage per weapon
2 HHLM per point
Gain +8HP on completion

Current total bonuses from TSCP:
>+6% Dodge
>+25% Hit
>+18Dmg; must have at least one sturdy weapon for full effect; shiv yes, beerbottle no.
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>Hits 1 additional nearby enemy for 1/3 of total damage and debuff output
>Transfers balance damage to nearby enemy when original target reaches 0HP

>+1 Weapon Slot, totalling 3
>Beastie Whapp does not occupy a weapon slot when used in TSCP
You know, I just realized. We have THE perfect excuse to EVERYONE for why we regenerate now.
"I drank a weird potion from the guy that runs that fight pits. Made me regen like a mufugga. Tasted like shit tho."
It wouldn't even be a lie. We're just leaving out the fact that the regen from the potion isn't the same regen we have now, and that the potion expired :^)
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how many points do we have currently?
whats HHLM? different from HLM in what way?
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Heroic LM = capable combatants; at least one weapon and armor proficiency, and larger hitpoint pool than civvies. May have lesser Skills. Orcs without leadership or specialization count; see Toady's grand entrance into the Orc Settlements. Level 1-3 Adventurers go here.

Higher Heroic LM: Usually monstrous combatants and higher level Heroes; opponents with even bigger HP caps, environmental passive advantage, AND worthwhile Skills. Level 4-7 Adventurers in Parties go here; anything after level 8+ counts even on solo.

The Green Cloaks that put down Toady were generated based on levels 7, 7, 8. The difference in damage and armor can be attributed to gear.

Toady is still not capable of taking on a coordinated Party face-on. Lesson learned.
all HHLM gained from running the Sother Look ice dunjjon have been pumped in. Nothing since.
More regeneration-centered thoughts that I quite literally had in the shower.
Likely bestows some amount of disease resistance, as our immune system is free to go absolutely insane on anything it perceives as a threat, because collateral damage isn't a thing when all the native cells you damage with your fire-and-forget cellular nukes just regenerate a second later. And the 'cellular nukes' themselves regenerate too.
May end up providing resistance to certain types of curses, depending on the nature of the individual curse. Will it help toady with his cursed wang, too? Possibly! We'll have to see, if the option ends up winning.
For a grosser thought, infinite vomit is now a possibility as our bile and stomach acid is replenished as soon as it vacates our system. A consolation for the cleanfreaks is that if we need to clean ourselves, we could literally boil ourself alive and come out almost 100% bacteria free! Watch your old skin slough off while squeaky clean NEW skin grows in its place!
And for a final thought, tattooing is nowhere near as permanent for us as it is everyone else. Want to change it? Just rip your skin off, and get it done over.
>Report your findings to Dokk
>"Gimme fasttyyest, powfattest, endless regennyratgun."
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>by majority and market collusion
>"Gimme fasttyyest, powfattest, endless regennyratgun."

When you've just gotten within smelling distance of the Orc Settlements you get out Blew Bewbz' teacup.

You've won this at a massive hassle and risk to your skidmeats. It's too valuable. Anyone you meet is going to have a reason to yoink it off you and cash it. Da ShammyBoss and Seafood immediately come to mind.

So you're going to do it first.

"Ay. Wake up."

She comes out submissive as before. She got a little white cloth bra and skirt on now, not like it'd stop you.

As before, Daggy and GOLDIE are at her gut and throat the moment she solidifies. She can be totally subdued, but you don't trust like that.

You start to speak, but she holds her palms up Daggy cuts an eight of a fingerwidth into her froat. veeery slowly, motioning you to stop. She still doesn't understand you.

While you keep your guard up she scrapes a little soil for soot and salt and presses thumb to palm. Doesn't feel like she's up to anything against you, so you let her continue.

A short string of words, the thumb smears the soil, and she's done.Besemet used Spell-like ability {WISH} lvl9 to cast {COMPREHEND LANGUAGES} lvl1

This done she tilts her head at you, inviting you to speak.

"I'z heard frumma source dat yez a Efreek or a Jimmy. Yez hates bein anywunz buttbich n yez can make Weeshies. Dat tru."

She nods. She still can't speak the Route Commons or the local variant of Goblinois Poot Waa that you're using, but she gets you.

"I gotta Weesh. Gimme it n I'z let yer free. Gobb'z honner. lal "

She raises her hands again, the same gesture of submissive request.

Now she starts scraping the ground immediately in front of her, melts ice in it, and makes a small soilcastle. A squatty tower. With a nod from you she passes her hands over it. Besemet used {WISH} to cast {TONGUES} lv3

When she next speaks you hear the Goblinois in her voice. Her lips don't match the words at all, but you hear fine: it's the dialect of your dedd mobb, your original language.


"I'z grant yezzer weesh, and yez letz me gow, yez yez. When I'z hold up me 'anz n shew va blu fayah in muh peekies, sez yer weesh in many many minus wun. But yez muzt letty gow me arfta, yezzernah?"

"Yezzeryez. Gimme a few beatz."

You have her go back in her teacup, Pouch it, and get out Moar Oww for some help wording a selection of your upcoming possible {{{WEEESH}}}es perfect in seven words.

Then he gets Pouched, and Blew Bewbz is out.

She does her thing: the blue fire she makes from her palms crawls through the air, joining the fires in her peekers. Head tilt.

" Gimmuh va fasttyyest, powfattest, endless regennyratgun evarar!"
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For a moment you're not sure what's happening: whether the blu fayah just ate up the world, or juzt your eyes. The weird shidd reaches in and through your being, rearranging sumfin fundamental not just in and about you, but under you.

You don't have the words to describe it, or any approximate concept approaching it. You juzt know yer meatz n guttz n noggz n dat harsh, dark place inside that tells you what you a r e are twisting sumn orfull.

You're convulsing, writhing on the ground before the blu fayah's done with you: whole pints of SKUMM KOATing comes out of you, for a start; then the Dewclaws Seafood grafted on you come out of your limbs, popping and flopping orf like rotty teefs; then the throbbing buggy glands in your armpits that's been slicking up your gear with eye watering STANKX; last, worst and most painful, your cock gives birth to a giant gray maggy worm the size of your forearm, with lotsy long thin reachy vein things everywhere.

The maggy worm actually fights to get back in and stay in, but whatever Blew Bewbz did surpasses it: the huuj maggy rotter is forced out, clutching gobbets of ripped giblets, mewing with rage.

Including the veinies still blindly flopping about trying to find and reach you, this thing might be one and half of your full body length, from tippy toe to poity poit.

You know what to do with it. Instinct.

>kellert wiv faya

Once she delivered on the {{{WEEESH}}} Blew Bewbz took the minute and half you spent writhing and struggling to fugg orf, accepting that you have given your word on the traditional bargain.

She leaves her teacup behind, probably as fanks for not raepen her.

Little did she know.

Anyway: you get out some liquid flammables from Pouchy, matches, and a mallet.

You splatt the uggli muvva starting with its veinies, methodically, thoroughly, until it's a big patch of trembly gray ooz on the floor. Then you scrape it all together with a shovel head, douse it, light it up.

Then moosh it to jam again, douse again, light again. For a thing that size it takes a lot of killing. When it finally stops moving you scoop the inert mess into an empty paint can with the shovelhedd, plonk the shovelhedd and mallet in, lid it, seal the lot fikky with sheeping tar, and Pouch it.

The moment you encounter something that might do the job, maybe a Whitey Cherch Chimney or sumfin, you're going to dump it in there n purjj the Godsdamned Hells out of it.


You sit and enjoy the euphoria for a good long Time, wanking absently.

You know without any reasoning yet with absolute certainty that you will never age, never die, and whatever this shit world throws at you you will allus grow back.

After a bit, you just stop wanking. You've never realized it, but behind the Gobby Horni you always had had been a great weight: D E A T H.

You are always Horni bcuz Death is allus near, allus ready to pick orf Gobby gretchinz.
JESUS CHRIST. I thought I was onto something with the cock curse, but I didn't know it was THAT. That's fucking horrifying.
Somewhat interested to see what massive purging of impurities will do. The loss of other things in our kit is somewhat sad, but nothing we actually need now that we have absurd regen. And honestly, we can probably keep the monster parts we shed and implant 'em in a living weapon or somethin like that if we really want those features back. And dewclaws...well, those were just an organic replacement for something we cludged together anways. We can go back to the normal steel shit.
But yes, VERY excited to see what purging all that skumm koat will end up doing narratively. Sifu did seem to indicate it was a bunch of nasty build up from eating his kin. Wonder if it was blocking our pathways or some mystical bullshit like that.
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Rolled 7, 15, 4, 9 = 35 (4d20)

Behind your will-to-pluppah sexdrive is the dread that in the next minute, the next moment, D E A T H will come and take it all away. A good bit of your selfishness and orneryness comes from the same place too: that the Bigg Dark will come soon, and take even the wretched little that you've managed to grabb and hold away forever, for good.

Now that D E A T H is no longer an issue, the compulsion to plupp n plupp loses most of its power, along with a lot of the selfish meanness you always thought was just your Goblin Nature.

It wasn't. It was always Death.

>Within the GS-as-homebrew-tabletop metanarrative
>Toady has been transferred from the domain of the Player/Principle: Chaos
>To the domain of the Player/Principle: Abundance

And you're better looking, too. All the burns, scars and whatnot you've collected in your short violent life is gone. Your skin is smoov as a baby's bumbum.

The meat on your bones is better, fuller; your bones feel stronk. You've never realized how much you've been abusing your body, how much everything and everyone else helped. You look and feel like what you would look like if you were born, raised, trained, and fed by a world that wanted you.

>Toady gains a retroactive 12HPcap to a current total of 42/42HP
>This will increase with time and physical growth
>Toady will no longer faint from traumashock at 0HP, but will remain conscious as he regenerates.
>Only total incapacitation at -(HPcap/2)HP will render him unconscious
>for 1 turn, lal

You're still caked in three fingerwidths of SKUMM and STANKX, there's still all kindsy baalskeet that needs seeing to, but you're completely free.

You spend the day crying as you begin to realize what that means.

>QM rollan the amount of soaps, solvents, flammables, and tools used to clean up
>14 Days Orf Remaining
yup. thing is tho that seafood will likely notice we are different now... somehow. lets hope we can come up with something he will buy (i guess thats it with making dimmies too)
Very true. Although to anyone familiar with cultivation, Toady probably just looks like he ingested ancient spring water filled with Five Years of Life Energy, giving him babyface and fixing his shit.
A shocking amount of cultivators are stuck with babyface for 100 years because of the alchemical items they love to abuse.
should we reserve wish #2 for seafood? i dont want to but we might have to...
he could also notice a behavior change since we basically just ascended goblinhood
Too early to say. First we gotta get her back. Then...we'll play it by ear. Mo Ao could always tattle.
>Mo Ao could always tattle.
he could straight up tell seafood about the wish, in theory
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Rolled 3 - 1 (1d4 - 1)

When you're done sobbing you pick up Blew Bewbz Teacup.

A tiny blue flame lights up in it, the same as the color of her eyes.

Without seeing any actual cue, you can feel it giving a head tilt.

"Nerr. Har bart a noo suita Qually Klujj Arma."

You're instantly fitted. Mostly. Iron hat, shoulderpads, chestplate, underriggz, yes, and nice too; bellycover, bottoms, shins, no.


The blue flame dwindles real smol but doesn't wink out. You'll try asking for sumn else termarrer.

>{WEESHLET} Teacuppy!
>Once a day Toady may use Besemet's Teacup to create a mundane item or extremely low magical utility-consumable of ~1GP value
>STUNKS balance sheet updated https://rentry.org/2336mod9


You make into the Orc Settlements whistling, the happiest you've ever been, even counting the time yer mobb managed to bag a Binny.

None of the Greenies really notice; most are too absorbed in day-to-day feuds and petty scrabbling.

Not you.

You head straight for Dokk's. Youve got clews.

>QM rollan whether if Dokk is in, or how many days away in his rounds
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QM blocks your path.

Mo Ao will reveal nothing of his own accord; he is indifferent to the affairs of the Living unless his Lord takes explicit interest.

Currently, YWH considers Mo Ao a failed experiment; unless dire need arise he won't bother with a Dimm Wraith that can't cast or properly melee and can only employ Spell-likes in a half-assed way.

Mo Ao may guess that Toady has {WISH}ed for one of the things he had been asked to word, but he doesn't know which one.
Lal, are we going to be what Jinx Finx purports to be; an eternally young goblin?
Or are we going to grow into Buddha-ogre or Buddha-troll?
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Uptush is on duty today. The look on his face is priceless.

"Eyy, Bosser! Yer back! We herd yez wuz dedd!"

"Yer herd rong, lal. Whurrz Dokk."

"Colletten numbaz, lark uzzual. Back in two moon-ups, I fink."

Bizniz has been fine, from the way things look: one Take pile has just been cleared up, and another next to it just started. Your Droogz pilfer much less than all the In-Turns before, bcuz you've alreddy fedd n kitted them plenty. They're still behaving because they heerd yez wuz dedd, but they've not fully believed it. Yer too Bosser to have juzt died from a trot innawuddz. Theyz seen yer foit: their Bosser'z madd gudd at killen. They'd bet meals on you fighting almost anyone or anyfin face-ter-face one-ter-one.

Little do they know.

You pick a spot to lounge in and start grilling Uptush. While you do, you start kludging up new Dewclaws.

>1/3 of Hit over 100 is converted to direct damage
>12 Stuffs deducted per fight, to account for kludgey quality

"Howz I dedd. Wadju hurr."

"Dokk hurdd, told uz. Sed hiz old Droog wots yez wuz meetn dint come back frumva trottabout. Dokk'z been bummed az fugg since. Figgered if yez wuz widdim, n he dedd, meenz yuz dedd turr."

"Bet I ain't. Take a laaaader killen to punk me. Diddee say anerfin abart va sussy fukk he sent me arfta. Namer Clewfinda, a-lie-yez Jinx Finx."

"Narn on dat."

"Der foot scoutz might be recrootn soon. One of yez Droogz go mobb up widdem n see if yer can winkle anyfin from inside."

"Wotcher, Bosser."

Your Dewclaws are done.

"Aight. Mm art."

>14 Days Orf remaining
>2 Days before Dokk comes back from his rounds

[Day 1, WAT DO]

>Kick over Boogerloo's desk and call him out
>Boogerloo aren't SHIDD.


>Wreck the Leaderboardz in the Arener


>Go raid an Orc controlled Dunjjon
>QM 1d4 which one you find.


>Go summere quiet and start fighting YERSELF like a Schizo
>Mebbe make yer own meat n bludd da offerenz to Guilty arfta dat
>HELL, provoke va bich den let her WINN
>See wut happenz


>Go back to Sother Look Dunjjon's work camp
>Tell Gorrlovva yer knows what he didd
>He'z getting a benisacktomy unless he slots you with his ShammyTeem
>You're going snooping up the Shammy cuckchain on your own



[R O L L]


min 20hrs
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Toady will grow according to his peak potential-by-birth.

But yes: some kind of Buddha is a good measure of his inner being.
Rolled 8, 92 = 100 (2d100)

>Wreck the Leaderboardz in the Arener
i wanna farm some TSCP progress
(mebbe changing vote later. cant think gotta sleep now)
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: )
Rolled 72, 87 = 159 (2d100)

>Go back to Sother Look Dunjjon's work camp
Well, if we can't give Seefuds BLEW BEWBS, at least we can givem what he asked fer.
Rolled 21, 55 = 76 (2d100)

>Go back to Sother Look Dunjjon's work camp
>Tell Gorrlovva yer knows what he didd
>He'z getting a benisacktomy unless he slots you with his ShammyTeem
>You're going snooping up the Shammy cuckchain on your own
>Once a day Toady may use Besemet's Teacup to create a mundane item or extremely low magical utility-consumable of ~1GP value
Was rereading the last update, came across this.
So are both mundane items and magical consumables limited to the 1GP value, or just the magical consumables?
Well, not that it particularly matters. I have some ideas to abuse this since there's no mass or dimensions limit listed.
>Summon 1gp worth of totally mundane, low-quality stone. Right on top of someone.
>Summon 1gp worth of Totally Normal Air for fresh air in a donjon or to create a sudden windburst.
>Summon 1gp worth of Seawater to flood a muthafucka.
>Summon 1gp worth of Hydrogen and light a match.
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Rolled 4, 5, 4, 3, 4, 8 = 28 (6d8)

Anything you might ask for is limited to 1GP.

>Imma abuse this like a redheaded stepchild
That's the spirit!

>1GP worth of stones/seawater/styrofoam
The last time trade values were established, 2§tuffs : 1Ꮆrain , an absurd ratio hand-waved away for being the result of local conflict.

Enough time has passed. QM rerollan trade values.

1: How many Stuffs is worth 1 Grain
2+3: Grains to Silver
(4+5)÷1.5+(6): Silver to Gold
>QM rerollan trade values
look what you made him do! grrrrrr
so we wont get another big wish?
Actually it works out in our favor with the teacup if it takes more Stuff to equal the value of a gold piece.
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Stuffs : Grain
4 : 1

Grain : Silver
9 : 1

Silver : Gold
13 : 1

13 x 9 x 4 ≈ 468 worth of Stuffs a day.

In QM's mind, Stuffs has the stablest value because it is utility value; a decent fulltang dagger or usable pickaxe are both 5 Stuffs each.

An irl full brown-bottle of unlabeled thinner, 750ml, might be worth 4 Stuffs. Thinner is so useful, especially if it can also theoretically be drunk like Toe Bend's Thinneride.

Toady can potentially summon 117 brownbottles of thinner a day.

It either appears in the Teacup and you take it out, or you overturn the Teacup and it comes out at drop speed, accelerating 10ms^-2. If you want to drop it on a WRigger you'll need to have elevation on him first, then if in combat, roll 2 defense to do the action.

Sand is near worthless in terms of Stuffs. A full sandbag, as filled by a goblin, might be 12ilb or 5kg; Humies make 30-50 ilb sandbags.

A full Gobby sandbag is worth 1 Stuffs.

"SUMMONNN SANDBAAAAG !!!" using earlier maffs will get you 5616ilbs of sand. Try not to get caught in it, lol.

"hrnnn. then SUMMONNN LAVAAAAA !!!"
This one will get you probably just one glop of rapidly cooling lava.

While Stuffs holds utility-value, Greenies value their skidmeats much moar than utility. The Teacup is partially keyed to this racially rooted idea, since it is keyed to Toady. Anything that is immediately as-is dangerous will be scaled astronomically, likely over their actual market value.

TLDR: the Teacup will likely not be able to make pufferfish juice, enriched uranium, or live adult black kryats, even if Toady encounters and knows how to name them.

Until Toady gets familiar with volatile gaseous alchemic reagents, he has no way to do this. 1GP worth of paint thinner is doable, because he has encountered and fucked around with it.

Apprenticeship with an established alchemist might open doors.
Fair enough. A shitload of water (which is virtually free) or an even bigger shitload of normal air (which IS free) is doable then.
Poisoning a village well with a bunch of diseased rotting meat, which is virtually worthless to everyone and doesn't pose an immediate threat, may be possible.
Thermite is unknown to Toady, but is made out of extremely abundant materials. Aluminum and Rusted Iron, dusted and mixed together. The alchemical job is real tempting for this alone, since he could just summon each part individually and make a heapload of thermite to burn shit at 4500°F.
can we just be smart and wish for 1gp? (alternatively stuff with the value of 1gp)
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Yes. Toady just has to encounter it, then invest time finding out the formula.

Narratively, Toady still knows nothing of what we've discussed, so he will at least be taking days just experimenting, if the Teacup is used for nothing else.

>ask for sand
>ask for water
>ask for thinner
>ask for Graincoin
>ask for Silver
>ask for gold
>ask for mmmm STINGYSTINGER (he gets a dedd stinger with denatured poison sacs
>ask for NOIVES
>ask for rokks
>ask for shiny jool rokks
>ask for pickaxes
>ask for Helff Potty
>ask for a Effigy Shammy Charm (a voodoo doll with no powers appears)
>ask for a biggy Shammy Majjikk Stikk (a big fancy stikk appears)
>ask for fresh air
>ask for shidd

It will take ±15 days mucking about with the Teacup for Toady to cover what's on here.

please don't put any real actual formulas on here. Nothing that will put us on Moar lists than we are already. Please, please.
course you can.

But only after Toady has spent enough time fucking around.

Everything just discussed here will have been tried by Toady.
Day one.
A piece of paper with all the limitations and conditions of the teacup listed out, in a language that mo ao can read.
Saved toady experimenting.
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>no moar Beeg Weesh?
Besemet has buggered orf. She never expected a Greenoid to thrash her on hometurf, and it happened.

She did not expect to be not raept if at the mercy of any Greenoid, and it happened.

She did not expect Greenoids to know what she is or about {WISH}; this terrifying red one does, somehow.

You have been very gallant for a member of a race of rotters.

Now that the little cozy (noun) she has in Sother Look is no longer safe, she's orf.

If Toady had wished for Potent-All or Majjikk-All or LUKK, he would have the presence of mind to shove her back inna Pouch.

Perfect Regen, being involuntary, kicked in and started purging him before he could act on his plann.
i blame power gamer anon
Toady can ask for this after several days, after encountering a few failed wishes.

The full list of limitations might be an industrial sized bogroll in fontsize 10, if it listed specifics.

Also: Mo Ao will then know what Toady has and how it works, and Dimmu Queen is listening in at crackly low fidelity.

QM invites you to reconsider.
Hmm. Alright. What if we asked it for soundwaves matching toady's voice, which explains what it does at toady's normal speaking volume, in goblinese.
Second thoughts. A picture book that explains the teapot's limits with diagrams that even an idiot like Toady can understand.
And then, the day after, a picture book that can help even an idiot like toady learn how to read Common.
There there.

QM thinks it pans out about equal.

LUKK has the least direct power of all the proposed wishes, so an additional 50% WEESH buffs it.

The Potent-all and Majjikk-All will inevitably make an enemy out of YWH; Toady will be needing that 50% WEESH real hard to survive his Master.

now that things are set in stone, QM thinks LUKK and Potent-All would have been the most fun to do narratively.

LUKK would have eventually involved the Ruling Principles of GSverse; all the Players want a piece of that Goblin Special Unaligned Unit in Chaos' Domain that is unsubject to the Chance dice, just like the OP DMPC self-insert GoblinSlayer.
Toady has no idea of sound waves, a baseline of modern science.

But remind QM again if you wish to try this in 15gamedays.
we can go looking for another genie at some point right? (in like 1+ year out of game time probably lol)
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It is possible.

>the number of dunjjons you have to find and reach the BossRoom of.
>multiplied by
>the RNG required for the Boss to be a Efreet/Genie out of all possible creature templates

Finding a needle in a needlestack.

If the Droogz conspire and agree, QM will DunjjonGen like a MF between Seafood's campaign objectives.

Gudd lukk.
are they only in dungeons?
it wouldnt hurt grinding dungeons anyway since we are unkillable now so its just free loot and LM
idea: we tell seafood about the wish since he will notice anyway, but tell him we found a "scroll of wish" and we wanted to test it out before bringing it to him but it was one time use which we didnt even consider because dumb goblin
this will make seafood interested in dungeons with their powerful loot and strange nature. he will want to get a wish of his own. the one advantage we have over him is that he knows little to nothing about this world.
how does that sound?
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The ones roaming about out of dunjjons are in the lower heavenly realms. A veeery few muck about among mortals regularly in disguise; these are default wary and eccentric by nature, and often greater in rank than Besemet within their own societies.

Not being proficient in majjikk, Toady will be extremely disadvantaged in this hunt.

To address your other keshchan:

>hey Sweetfudds
>Iz found a WEESH scroll while raidn a dunjjon
>but I didn't know what it wuz n fired it
>it gaves me guldd, see? GAULD!!
>mebbe we cudd go find moar weesh scrollz?

"...Tudi. How did you know it was a Wish scroll. How did you read it."

QM reminds anon that Seafood hung Toady up by his nose hairs for half an hour, just because Toady asked him to Bad End Kivvin the Kid Rogue.

Imagine Seafood's reaction if he detects that Toady is trying to redirect his attentions to dunjjon clearing.

If you wish to steer Seafood towards your purposes, it must be planned and executed reeel subtle. Just baiting him like you did to get a new GIGA GLUGGZ will end with a hefty pricetag attached. For a nigh indestructable distorted-space container that can hold 4 Smol Helff Potts, YWH's pricetag was the head or staff of an Orc ShammyBoss. Weigh that in real terms for a bit.

Also, remember on the journey towards Plague Town, when Toady suggested killing moar people on the road for LMs to feed Seafood's Pall Body, to save time. Seafood agreed it was a gudd idee, then turned right around and commanded Toady to do it.

A 3.5 year old Greenoid trying to squeeze a 2800 year old Immortal is going to backfire. The combined Level, Wis and Int difference is almost exactly one Universe.
ok fine... that would be too easy
what we could get away with probably, is saying that the dungeon boss granted us a wish for defeating it, but we had to use it then and there.
now what, Mr. Calamity-Corrupted Corpsepearl? he can then decide for himself if he wants to take a look at dungeons more closely
Also note:

If you somehow manage to find another Efreet/Genie and FAIL, the first thing that will definitely happen after Toady gets torn to pieces over and over is his original wish getting unwished.

QM rebukes anon's suicidally blinding greed.
QM can include this in the next vote.

If the Droogz all throw their hands in, Toady will approach Seafood wiv hiz cunnern plann.
i dont want to keep you from starting to write the update, but i have one more question...
seafood cant harm us directly thanks to the contract we made at the beginning
but since toady cant be harmed technically does that mean seafood could make us explode as a punishment or for experimental purposes? we would still feel pain after all...
To put it in Toady terminology.
"Make speaky sounds like me dat exshplain wotcher do and what yer limme taters are, in languidge I can unnastan, at aboot the vahlume I'm usin roight now."
Although the picture book explanation is probably better.
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>Seafood carnt harm uz fanks to his Seafood prommiz
>We'z allus safe, apart frum beatingz

YWH can't kill or harm Toady within the oath, correct, but disowning him is permissible if: betrayal is committed, a cardinal rule of the sect is broken (none for YWH; Supreme Heterodox), or a very significant failure (very usual for Evil sects; YWH is an Evil Cultivator).

After getting disowned, the usual Evil Sect retributions may be inflicted. How pissed YWH is will determined whether Toady just gets a sword through the heart or turned to ragu; how well he can play dedd will determine whether Toady escapes YWH for good, or gets a whole new dungeon dimension created juuust for him.

Punishments couched as discipline (thrashing) or training (Unworldly Bride) is permissible within the oath; as an Apex Deviant, YWH's boundaries for chastisement and training are very wide apart. Some measure of picrel is always on the menu, if YWH knows "it ultimately helps him".

YWH will end the Sifu-Tudi relationship on good terms if: Toady has learned all he can as a Disciple, has served him well, and YWH perceives he has no moar use for him.
Toady won't escape YWH for good while YWH is still in GSverse.

Toady needs to lay low from him for a good long time.
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>since we carnt *accherly* get harmed
>does it mean Seafudds can explode us over and over????

Only if it is couched as discipline or training. Pain is still pain, even if it leaves no marks.

That said, now that he has P E R F E C T regeneration, there may be Forbidden Arts available to Toady either as Martial Arts, Alchemic Supplements, or Sorcerous Tools.

Toady just needs to come clean and get punished first, and likely toil and suffer to begin FORBIDDENMAXXING.
sounds cool. we could easily do rituals that require us to self harm in any capacity.
first we need to gain relative pain immunity, perhaps even become a masochist.
toady has to start continuously injuring himself. just light cuts/stabs at first, but escalating to jumping down cliffs over and over again and getting mauled by various monsters for "fun"
>Go raid an Orc controlled Dunjjon
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You don't waste time: despite what Dokk prefers, YOU prefer your scores settled.

Gorrlovva tried to volunteer you to the foot scouts to get you killt. You carnt be killt, now, but it'z the thought that counts.

You counting all the bitz you might cut orf him while jogging there, and jogg farsta.

You know where Sother Look is relative to the Foit Pitt Outfitters; once you're out of the thoroughfares you start running, sprinting.

>well well wellllll

You can sprint hard as you like, long as you like, you only get half-puffed at worst. You can keep up top speed in bursts, and not-quite-top-speed indefinitely. If you do a full sprint and keep it up until you can't, you only need to slow down a couple beatz, and you're good again.

>I durnt even needter eet?
>r sleepp??

This changes a lot of things.

You're going to find out what they are.

All of them.


The run to Sother Look takes two Times.

It's changed.

A lot of the tents are fallen or gone. From what you can immediately see of the holding pitts, they're frozen over, more than half full of white snowy shardy ice.

A little bit into the camp and you have to start digging the kludge Dewclaws on your feet to keep from skidding.

>no one's salting

Where the UnderBossers' kips and tents used to be are a few log huts kludgily mortared with strawed mud, no windows, smoking from leaky holes at the top.

One hand on the Whapp, you kick one of the doors hard; doesn't open.

So you cut it open. It'z been wedged shut from the inside. There's only two Orcs in here, bumming; tally slats laying about in the corners, a pile of firewood, dry food, and a firemound, stingily nursed.

The cold wind storming in behind you nearly kills the fire. You kick some wood junk lying about to cover the hole you made; one of the Orcs passes you moar, to help you.

They had both wanted to trounce you, but your kit and your manner slowed them down just enough to think things fru. Yup: it's too cold and they're too starved to start shit.

"Whurrz Gorrlovva. We gart bizniz."

The one that helped you just shruggz. The other is sulkily trying to keep the fire going. He fails.

You get out matches and candle stubs from Pouchy; the sulky one takes them without thanks, tries again.

"What happened ter va diggz."

Sulky ignores you, busy. Shruggy just shrugs. You consider using Noiffy to make them squeal, but your heart's not really in it.

They're already cucked by cold and hunger; a stab in the thigh won't get much else out of them.

You pass some Thinneride around, generous by Greenie standards, not really by yours: you have an idea what to ask the Teacup for next, when the blu fayah grows back.

When they get some gudd gluggs down you arsk again.

"Talk to me while I'z being noice, griggerz. Wot hapnt ter Gorrlovva. Wot hapnt ter va diggz."

Shruggy speaks first.
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"Many many moon-ups past va cold frum va dunjjon upped sumn narsty. Wind, too; blew yer flat if yer dint bend frunty on it. Hard ter werk.

"First the Bossers called Break, sed ter wait it art. It just got worse each moon. Couple days inter va Break the Gobbz wot dint fukkorf wuz frozzd dedd.

"Shammies no help; fat gudd dey are. No wun wuz tuffy enuff to plow in, so nuffin wuz cort. Frum va dunjjon dat iz, heh heh; da Catchy Laddz and Splorry Laddz cort a Break, n da Bossers n UnderBossers cort hott shitt.

"Heh." From Sulky. Agreement.

You catch something salient in what you heard.

"Cort shitt fer wot. Frum who."

"Unno. Deffo frum va Shammy Tally Gitz, ter start. But va ShammyBoss musta heerd bart it after many moon-ups 4 . Arfta dat, va Shammies n werk crooz startid ter get pulled frummere, plugged ter va ovva dunjjonz. Tuffy nuttz like uz gart told ter stay put n wach, see if annerfin change. It darnt change. If it keeps worsnen few we mart harvta pull, too.."

"How's va beasties inva dunjjon. Biggah."

"A few Teemz tried, at va start. The critters got fewer, then gone; va bigg'unz stopped showing, even in the middy danger zone. The cold's worse inside, if yer can bleevit."

"Any Shammies abart here I can hassle."

"Yer, bart deyz In-Turnz n Try-Knees. They's house is farva back, well inner va wuddz twordz dat way. Outta va ice zone. They gotta wudd tower peeking twordz Sother Look here; find dat, find dem."

You still have most of the day. 14 Days Orf remaining, 2 Days till Dokk shows up at WERKZ UV EVVIL

>bash in da Sother Look dunjjon, hard mode
>dis looks innerestun


>Ask Shruggy and Sulky about the other dunjjon werkz they know about, and how to get there.
>You're going to bother *those* shammies


>Head for the Shammy post observing Sother Look
>bully the Shammy Try-Knees there for info
>if they even got any


>Arener, Boogerloo, Guilty, Shizo Self-fight?


>bash in da Sother Look dunjjon, hard mode
>dis looks innerestun

I think this is a good opportunity to get absolutely insane reputation gain. If we're the ONLY guy able to still get in there and get out, we'll be known as the hardest goblin on the face of the planet. Plus, it gives us a chance to test out all the pros and cons of our regeneration.

As an aside, that stamina shit is insane. All the lactic acids are getting drained away six seconds after they form. Toady's gonna have to adopt a new sprinting strategy where he propels himself forward as hard as he can, shattering his legs in the process, and landing ONLY after six seconds have passed and his legs have had time to heal up to repeat the process. That way, he can go maximumer speed at all times.
i dont think we should care that much about gorlovva
what the dungeon is doing is none of our concern. we have no way of doing anything about it anyway since blew bewbz fucked off
so i am once again asking to
>go ter arener n farm sum LM
that would draw a bit too much attention to us i feel like. so much in fact that OverBoss might see us as a threat. either way, keeping a lower profile is our best course of action
and if its really that cold in there we could just freeze to an ice block in there (whats likely not prevented by our regen)
Rolled 2 (1d2)

The dice shall decide who gets my vote
>Head for the Shammy post observing Sother Look
This should make for a quick trip.
I hope you guys aren't seriously considering returning to Seafood without the request prize(s), now that we don't even have blew bewbs as consolation to offer him.
we can get to shammy boss thru dokk
no need to worry (yet)
Changing to this after some sleep.
if you wanna update today just roll a d2 QM
or maybe someone breaks the tie before that
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Rolled 2 (1d2)

1: Arener
2: Sother Look Shammypost
will late anons vote still count? lol
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You confirm the direction of the tromp and set orf, not bothering to block up the hole in the door you made.

As satisfying as it might be ter take Gorrlovva's eyelids orf him, Seafudds' "request" takes precedence.

The ice dunjjon might be innerestun, but it doesn't actually concern you.

You want to know what instructions and preparations the Shammy Tree-Knees received to guess at what Dulug might be up to.


The place is quite easy to make out, once you're close to it: a short four-post tower of lashed lumber, and a teepee at the top.

Smell of pess and shroom-puke scattered in one direction; released from the towertop.

They're In-Turns for sure: the rickety stairs and teepee entrance look made for Oiks, no bigger.

When you reach the foot of it you take a while and listen: nuffin going on, upwards. You start climbing, not the stairs, but one of the posts, and slowly, to minimize creaking.

You feel a little moar at ease when you hear the light snoring. Steady rhythm; not faking.

A peek between the teepee seams shows juzt one Oik, snoozing on raggz. He wears a sack-cloth dyed purple, rokkz on strings, a sorty belt made of pouches. A straighty sikky in a bowl at his side is the only weapon you can see.

There's the same kinds of rations in sacks nearby, in the same quantity as that shared by the two Orc Sloggaz in the logg hutt; Shammy Tree-Knee griggerz are much better fed and have easier lives than reg'lar Orc Sloggy griggerz, doing the same nothing, and Gobby grigger juzt get told to die.

Something about that annoys the fukk out of you.

You get the Whapp bunched in both fists and sneek in tippytoes.

He doesn't stir, doesn't wake.

When you're close enough you swat the bowl with the sikky away, sock him hard inna nuttz, and noose his hedd with the Whapp as he jerks up.

You choke him steadily until his eyes stop darting about looking for options and meets your eyes, complexion plum.

"Hullo hottdogg. Yer know fingz, n I wanna know fingz. If yer try a zappzapp on it best be gudd, cuz it'll be va larst in ye'll evah du. Thumb up if yer get me, grigger."

Two thumbs, quickly. You loosen the Whapp just enough that he can breathe, and hold up GOLDIE.

"Keep still if yer darnt warnt a new hole. " He whimpers and keeps still, and you draw a small, common Gobby loo-glyph in the middle of his chest with GOLDIE's point.

P 3 N 0 R 5

The shallow cuts continue burning a few seconds after GOLDIE made them; no blood, but swelling starts. You take a step back from your werk. Yup: hell of a birthmark.

"Now I'll allus find yer. If yer ever warnt a bigger un on yez face, juzt rat me."

He answers everything you put to him obediently.
sarry, started on text already. (and stalled for several hrs; life happens)

Still texting.

Try again next voat.

: )
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So here's the game: there's s'pozed to be three Shammy Try-Knees in the watchtower, two-on and one-orf at all times.

They have packets of dried glowwbuggz n wychtwyggz wrappt together in squiggly paperz made by proper Shammies, there, and two tooters, each hung on a string, both hung on a nail, there.

Their instructionz iz to keep watch on Sother Look Dunjjon, and if annerfin happens two of them are supposed to stay and burn the packets and toot the tooters, and send one of them to run for the next watchpost as a backup messenger.

Right now, because of all the nothing that's happening in Sother Look Dunjjon, the Oiks have settled between themselves for a nicer arrangement: one-on, right here, to burn and toot if annerfin happens, and two-orf, goofing innawuddz for frootz, buggz, n trippies.

You ask him about what else he does, what he's learnt, who he answers to.

Not much at all: he's lernt how to collect and process certain plant matts as an In-Turn, lernt what monster matts from failed Dunjjon captures and Foit Pitt deaths go to which collection houses, reports to dis Shammy git Blazzitt.

You arsk him what happens at the Shammy meetz and his eyes light up, eager about it.

It'z obvious he looks forward to joining them if he could.

Once every lots moons 12 days groups of off-dooty Shammies will mobb up innawuddz, burn happy herb, snakk n swigg n smoak trippies for heapy Times ~27hrs.

Penorz says they get all the gudd Stuffs there: theres allus Tree-Knee sneeks lurking not far off, enjoying the thin waft of happy herb, watching for when the Shammies get zonked, then they can go pinch whatever's left unguarded at the fires.

Those that get cort get a hiding with the barbed whapp of course, but the Tree-Knees have been developing their own technology: fishing poles. This worked for some time, until some Tree-Knees got bumped to Shammies and implemented the next logical rung of the Shammy/Tree-Knee arms race: scissors.

Nothing else important you can think of. Penorz hasn't heard of any "Gorr Wokka"; he doesn't get time orf unless Blazzitt goes to the Shammy Shindig. Your gladiator rep hasn't reached very far in Orc society it seems, regardless what Boogerloo made out.

The other two Tree-Knees still aren't back yet after all your questioning, and Penorz doesn't know much else. You juzt fugg orf.

You're just slightly peckish, slight thirst, slightly tired. You just stand still and close your eyes some beatz, and keep going.

>Perfect Regeneration removes the need for sleep n snakks
>Days are longer now.
>Possibilities endless

14 Days Orf remaining.
It will be a little past noon when you arrive at your next objective.

>Arener Leaderboardz


>Nuvva dunjjon werkz
>1D4 which one, and 1D12+1 Times to get there with Penorz shitty directions
>When there: volunteer as Splorra, Catcha, or ShammyTeem escort.


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>Try to find the sorting houses Penorz mentioned
>Derr Foit Pitt Shammies should know
>You'll need to find the Foit Pitt cleaning crooz and stick on their Shammy elements
>previous BoA 2D100 (72, 92) +15 Sneekibreeki will be used


>You still don't know where the OverBoss kips
>Boogerloo might know, or Kurruk n Kertuk the WulverBosserz
>yer might need to do favors...





36hrs; 20 seems too short.
>Arener Leaderboardz
me hopelessly trying to convince anons to spend our time orf productively:
>Sorting houses
This IS productive
I'll back this. A little more LM to get carrionpede trained up sounds good. Then later its back to the Shammyhunt.
>Arener Leaderboardz
Rolled 10, 2, 10, 4, 4, 11, 11, 7, 10, 2, 12, 6 = 89 (12d12)

Writan early bc early consensus from Droogz.

QM rollan for plot
we wanna go full offense all the time, killing as much as possible as fast as possible. BLOOD FOR DA BLOOD GOD
Rolled 9 (1d100)

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One of the Prod-You-zurz loitering the outside of Boog's tent recognizes you as you jogg up; sticks his hedd in the tent a couple seconds, then holds the flap open for you.

"AYYYY TITCHYY! Gudd ter see yer, gudd ter see!" He's grinning, angry and greedy at the same time.

"Wotcher Boog. Dunno who yer yappen at, but va name's Gorr Wokka. Hi."

Yup: tightening around the eyes, biggyyer grin down to the gums.

"So'tiz, so'tiz! Gorr Wokka! Great show larst toim! Killt the Contendaz and va crowdz! Pity yer missed the next Boog Royale roit arfta; it wuz fulla angy cunts wantn ter make their money back." You don't know what the personal finances of losers have to do with you, so Boog explains, eyes gleaming.

"We run bettn poolz onva foits. For upkeepz n all; bonusuz n bountiez. You bein underdog champ raked in a heap of Take."

"Dat roit. So whurrz muh wossname. Great-tooty."


"Arr, but yez wurrent staff dat toim. If yer finna bet on yurself yer garta doit loik va uvva puntahs. If yer warnt a slice of the Pitt Take yer garta be parta va Pitt, see. Declare yurself, so's no switching in-out between Booggy'z Bigg Time n smollah grottyah lezz reppootybull outfitz. " He draws out his offer, not really making it; guaging your reaction. Reeling you in. You keep cool; talking with Seafood has made you cautious. Unless Boog puts himself at a negotiating disadvantage first, by making his request openly, you're not committing to anything.

Looking at your blank expression he talks slower, like you're slow.

"If yur parta va Pitt, yer get a slice ovva Tikkit sale Takes whenever yer foit. Yull be roullen in Stuffs 'fore long, juzt frumva tikkitz: va Gobbies will pack va stands. Deyy lurv ya. Take yer for veyy'z i-do'll. N datz just va start.

Durza fortoon in poppycorn and slurpp-aahs, annuvva Take. Yu'll get a slice a dat too.

N arfta yer win a few moar, va Beeg Spendies will come: Orcz, frum all ovah: frum raidn, scrappn, bartrn. Shammies even. They'll buy moar tikkitz juzt to sit at va frunt.

Venn T- .. Gorr Wokka, we bring out va Merch...
" If he thinks you got the same Bugg that he does, that he's hooked you just with Stuffs, he's wrong. You're no longer the broke lonely hungry gretchin heading for Plague Town with wicker basket armor on.

The looming concerns of survival have fallen away from you.

"How big a slice."

Boog blinks, takes on a casual tone. Makes his voice deepen, smoothen, to calm you from your questions.

"We'll work it art, once yer in. Yer va Star, Gorr Wokka. An artiste. Keep yer mind inva foit. Boog'll take care of everfin for yer, as yer talent divvy-loopah and curryyer manger."

Yup: he's shafting you again. How will you shaft him back?
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>I'll declare wiv Booggy'z Bigg Toim
>Boog Royale ain't biggy nuff
>Gimme a Deathrow Foit.
>Yer biggist, baddist muvvaz in a row on wun side
>me wiv a stack of yer gray spinnich potty on va uvva side.
>gutta pack va seatz, roit guv?
>gutta rake va BETZ.
Gain all HHLM possible from Boog's establishment. Gain Notorioty. Gorr Wokka will be a known Name. Also be bound to Booggy'z Bigg Toim.


>I'll fink abart it.
>Va larst Boog Royale tore me a noo bugghole.
>I'll do one square foit, datz it.
Foit 1d3 opponents ranging from CR 10-12, per QM 12D12 roll. Possible rewards from Boog: 2x Regen Spinnich Potty --OR-- Ass-pose-yur, an informal introduction to other Pitt Bosserz.



N means only +6 Hit, +3 Dmg, +1 Dodge from the Carrionpede, but no one gets to see it.

>Use full kit Y/N
N means only smoll sordz, daggies n shankx. Beastie Whapp, Daggy, and GOLDIE don't make an appearance.

>Act mortal in the foit, Y/N

[R O L L]
>first 1D100 joins the previous BoA 2D100 as a Gen Roll

Rolled 27, 37, 100, 66, 10, 2, 39, 19, 59, 13, 19 = 391 (11d100)

>Tell this grigger that you'll bet everything you have, even your life and freedom, against all of HIS shares of the arena. He gets to set up his dream fight for you in exchange, can even join in if he wants to. Imply that he's a pussy if he doesn't take the deal, and that you'll let everyone know how much of a pussy he is. Get PROOF of the deal if he takes it.
HARDMODE arena fight of the century. No swearing ourselves to anyone, no getting cucked out of stuffs. Insane turnout guaranteed. No grigger's gonna tell us how many fights we have. We fight as much as we please.
>Full Carrionpede Y
For learning purposes. I feel like it's less effective to learn the next moulting if we don't actively use the style.
>Full kit Y
Don't see why we should hold back for these griggers.
>Act mortal Y
Best to keep it secret as long as we can. It's a good trump card.

Other anons, additional vote option for your consideration >>6163557
Rolled 58, 8, 41, 78, 28, 75, 13, 68, 26, 99, 63 = 557 (11d100)

>NAT 100
you crazy son of a bitch you did it

i support this
(really wanna just tell him no tho)
Rolled 96, 66, 39, 79, 29, 42, 53, 50, 19, 24, 44 = 541 (11d100)

Rolled 60, 60, 36, 11, 14, 46, 49, 72, 74, 48, 50 = 520 (11d100)

vote open for 24 hrs moar.
Rolled 71, 93, 39, 27, 3, 57, 32, 43, 93, 40, 97 = 595 (11d100)

>Tell this grigger that you'll bet everything you have, even your life and freedom, against all of HIS shares of the arena. He gets to set up his dream fight for you in exchange, can even join in if he wants to. Imply that he's a pussy if he doesn't take the deal, and that you'll let everyone know how much of a pussy he is. Get PROOF of the deal if he takes it.
>Use full kit Y
>Act mortal in the foit, Y
Rolled 5 (1d8)

All regular Droogz have reported.

QM rollan Days Boog takes setting up
Hmm three great rolls and one terrible one
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"Narr, narr. All dat's foin n gudd furr Booggy'z Bigg Toim. I meen it'z biggy nuff furr Boogerloo, butt it'z nart Me big. Nart Gorr Wokka big."

The steam is starting to wisp orf him, but this time your three faggae no-ballz Droogz aren't here to cramp your style.

"Zat so. So wottz Gorr Wokka big, denn?"

"All ve killy, all at wunce. Va wivva biggist baddist muvvas of all toim, evvin YOO, Booger, on wun side, me va ovva. BIG, Booggy, B I G. Mm talken moven areners, deff trappz inna floorz, zappzapps out va wollz, beasties, Fighties. K ŒO S, Boogs. A Gorr swomp. Dethstavaganza. Carsta FOUZANZ."

It's so outrageous coming from you that his grin falters. You actually see the confusion in his eyes. But the embers of greed and anger are still there, momentary banked. You stoke them.

"Yer probblam iz, Boogey, yer fink too smol. A Boog Royale, yer call it; a free-for-all on flat ground between randos. If Gorr Wokka weren't derr, the odds be obvious: it'd be tween va Wulfy Stingy anva gray Oggy wot can poof vanish. Yer Take woulda been garbijj, barely enough Stuffs to keep fingz goin.

"Anva audience ain't see shit meantimes. Too much dust in the arener getting kicked up until near the end, n by venn a blind Gobb could tell who's va winna.

"Yer Bigg Toim, aincher. So make it big. Biggy for real. Else yer jezt a carnie runnin a circus."

He takes a full minute to cool himself down. He'z really tryna fink. When you try to butt in he shushes you, rummaging his stashes for Stuffs.

He resurfaces with a smoll leather sack, takes something that looks like a rolled dungboll out of it, eats it. From the way his face changes, it tastes like shit. He washes down the taste with a swigg of hard hooch, then eats another one. When he's done he's bleary eyed, a little slackjawed, starting to drool at the corner of his mouf, and the steaming's stopped, at least at his forehead.

"Gunna take a heap of Stuff juzt setting up. I mean, I'z alreddy got plenny ideez abart mekkanikal gimmikkz. Va probblim iz Stuffs-flow. I'll need ter call in loanz. Faivahz. If it darnt pay out Ah'll be sellen muh skidmeats ter settle up. Wotz va payout? N wotr YOO puttn in?"

You've been waiting on this. You bait him with the biggest bait you got.

"ME. Gorr Wokka. Dat's va proiz. I'z betz all I gotz n all I iz, againzt Booggy'z Bigg Toim. Allerme fer allervit..

He swallows, looking at you. His pupilz are wavering slightly. He swiggz again, hooch spilling out the sides of his mouf. When he resurfaces he hasn't improved.

"Yer nart seeryuss."

You lean in, get in his face, grasp both cheeks.

"Narr NARR, grigger. YOO izzint."
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To make things clear you spell it out for him explicit: your life and freedom, against his ownership of BBT.

He slumps into his throne of mohawked pelts and weighs your offer.

When he recover's he's started steaming again. His grin's back. He takes his place behind his desk, his ring nutted hands knuckling into each other.

"Yerr a Hard 'Un, Gorr Wokka. No doubt, no kesshun. Fing iz, ol Booggy Boog's met plenny a Hard 'Uns. Managed a bunch, tu. All va Warlords and half va Bossers are Hard Proppah. Mm nart taking on all this cost n betting muh whole dossing empire just fer YOU. Yer juzt toppt wun Boog Royale, Gorr Wokka. N yer wuz strugglin at the end. Had ter pull sum cheapsies to get fru, didntcher? Yerr nart reddy ferva loimloit yet, kidd. Come under BBT. Lett Booggy take yer under hiz armpit. It'z a danjjruss werld, showbiz. Eat yer roit up. Me tu, nearly, when I'uz startn art. Lemme be your ayjjint. I'z the bezt durr iz. Va bezt yurr gott."

He's baited but not buying. The maffs in his hedd are not adding up in your favor. You have to sweeten things furva.

"Hurrz va bezt I gott:"

You walk up to the desk, and Daggy goes through the top of it.


The Prod-You-zurs storm in, armed wiv axxs shields n bashaz from concealed holders. They stall, uncertain, when you make a loud rattling KRAKK in their direction with yer Beastie Whapp.

Very lightly, with everyone's eyes on you, you slide Daggy through the desk, no resistance, and plunge it down again, nearly the same place.


"Whatcher fussin furr Boog. Mm juzt demonstratn. Sweetning va deal."


"Ah. Sarreh bart vat." You ease Daggy up, set it down properly. While Boog watches you also set GOLDIE and Gigga Gluggz on va table.

"Az a porloggy, lemme heal dat up for yer." you say, and use va Giga Gluggz on him. He twitches from the fangz sinking in; the stabs in his legs close over.

"All I iz includes all I gotts. Deez here, n oll va ovva phat lewts I gotts, against Booggy'z Bigg Toim. Fair bet. N darnt bring up cost, Booggey; if yer run it roit the tikkit n bett n poppycorn Takes will cover it. So I'z yer in. Or iz yer gae."

The uncertain look is on him again. Good. But his eyes darting. Not good.

"...tell yer wot. Mm in. Juzt come by in many n wun moonz-"

"Narr narr narr, not happnin. I warnt PROOFS, grigger. GARRANTEEZ. I needter know yer won't shaft me."
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He straightens up in his seat, solemn, mellow voice.

"Boogerloo gives his Word -"

"Darnt feed me vat. Datz fur va Weak Races. Yer know gudd as me Word ain't werf shidd."

"Hrnn...har bart if we swurrz ter va bargain in frunna da Warlordz?" His voice is still fully neutral. Still a trap.

"Ain't gunna werk n yoo know it. Whatevah va bargain wuz, they'll take va side ovva winna for a slice. 'Sides, theyz all yurr griggerz. Wot guddz it fer me n me lonesome."

"Olroit venn smartarz, woddyoo sujjist?"

"Ionno. Mm juzt a arteest. I just poit out problemz; solutionz iz yurr jobb innit, Boog. Buttom loin: PROOFZ. GUARANTEES. NO TAKEY BACKSIES."

Boogerloo raps his fingers on his cut up table. Examines each of your treasures in turn, thinking. Tries them out against the tabletop himself. He gives them back to you reluctantly; hooked.

He makes some calculations.
>Adjusted from original cost (revealed later), 10GP needed for what Boogerloo has in mind.
>Boog determines that Toady has to pay 5GP

"Dis guarantee's nart parta usual Orky practice; nart parta costs. Mma need yer ter fork up frunt. Many plus wun goldy coin werf of coinz n Stuffs. Ter show yez commitmint."

Since it's your demand, you carnt really weasel out of it. But whatever. You pay up.

>Per current trade rate of SilverCoin : GoldCoin 13 : 1
>Toady forks out 5x13 = 65 SilverCoin

"Roit ven. Come back in, zay, free moonz- furva Guarantee. If yer not on, it'z oll orf, n I bill yer arzz art fer wasting moi toim.

DEFFSTRAVAGANZA should be up in many pluz wun dayz; BBT’s closed for renos till furva notice. Narr I gattz collz ter make n werk ter du, so sodd orf, eh?

You got what you came for; you leave him to sort it out.

Mid afternoon. 14 Days Orf left.
Dokk returns in 2 Days; Guarantee Getty in 3 Days; DEFFSTRAVAGANZA in 5 Days

>BBT is closed; need ter find annuvvah Foit Pitt ter snoop on their Shammies, and follow them back to the collection houses
>2D4 times spent meandering, no directions


>Nuvva dunjjon werkz
>1D4 which one, and 1D12+1 Times to get there with Penorz shitty directions
>When there: volunteer as Splorra, Catcha, or ShammyTeem escort.


>Approach Kurruk n Kertuk the WulverBosserz for a lead on where the OverBoss kip is, if they know


>To Dokk's return?
>To Guarantee Getty?




Shidd, it's gonna take a while. The payout's gonna be insane though. Boog doesn't know how good we've gotten, he assumes we're still the same goblin he saw in the last fight. We're definitely going to blindside him.
Going to make my vote a previous one, because I don't want to give info on our progress to boog's spies and spying on others hasn't been very fruitful.

>Go summere quiet and start fighting YERSELF like a Schizo
>Mebbe make yer own meat n bludd da offerenz to Guilty arfta dat
>HELL, provoke va bich den let her WINN
>See wut happenz

Do this until dokk's in.
>Nuvva dunjjon werkz
>1D4 which one, and 1D12+1 Times to get there with Penorz shitty directions
>When there: volunteer as Splorra, Catcha, or ShammyTeem escort.
do this but sneak in alone and go searching for the boss room. whatever it is kill it and get biggy lootz (small chance for another genie)
>+1 backing this
There's no way we'll roll as lucky as before but we will definitely find the LM we need. It would be good to improve before the big fight.
>Approach Kurruk n Kertuk the WulverBosserz for a lead on where the OverBoss kip is, if they know
What's with the greed? All the shit in this camp is comparably mundane to what seafuds has to offer us, and we're risking absolutely everything (all our gear, failing a task that's payment for something we've already received, for what? Piles of piles of scrap?
We're supposed to be robbing the binnies in a few weeks, what's to say we'll even get time off in the future to come back and collect? Are you expecting greenies to keep things running smoothly on our behalf when we're missing for months if not years at a time?
Hell, us drawing attention to ourselves might just clue in "Jinx Finx" who's been tracking him, and needlessly gain us notoriety out in the wider world when we'd could otherwise be rather innocuous and discrete.
We will run into some nice bonus LM too
Can we wish for a dungeon map or something that would help us find the boss faster?
>wish for dunjjon mapp
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Rolled 11, 12 = 23 (2d12)

Reglars have reporttid

>1D4 which one, and 1D12+1 Times to get there with Penorz shitty directions

First D12 rolls which of the four remaining Dunjjon Werks are found
>1-3: Sandy Pukes
>4-6: Haalvty Muunn
>7-9: Too Fart
>10-13: Deddust Toom

Second D12 + 6 Times to find the dossing place; QM amending
gosh darn it
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Rolled 638, 597, 911, 464 + 1000 = 3610 (4d1000 + 1000)

Using what Penors told you about the position of the nearest Dunjjon Werks that he knows relative to Sother Look, you jogg for it.

You don't get hungry, thirsty, tired any more; should be too hard, roit?


>12 hrs later
>Moondrop; ~3AM
>13Days remaining; Dokk in 1; Guarantee in 2; DEFF S. in 4

Dat grotting git you'll killem. It took you a lot of getting lost and double-backing to find the right trampled path.

Once you're fairly close you can see it: a clearing in the forest, four blockish sandstone buildups surrounding a fifth, made of all-black stone.

>Deddust Toom

You can't tell how deep it goes, but on the surface it's bigger than Sother Look. There looks to be four entrances into the place, one on each side.

The exports out the place are in wood and metal cages, hauled out by wagon; there's lots of them, but nothing of humongous size like the pits in Sother Look were meant to hold. There are bigger metal cages and thick chains on standby; none filled, right now.

Before you get any closer you get out your {TEACUP}. The blu fayah's growed back. Tiem fer a weesh!

"Gimme mapp ovva dunjjon I'z looken at!"

The {TEACUP} flares: the flames un-burn into a biggy sheety, shewing a smol meany red Gobby face that’s clearly YOU ... and nuffin else.

"Haaaaay. Fuggisdis. Yer cheaty grotty Teacup!"

>The worth of a dungeon map is not 1GP
>Toady gets 1GP worth of charting paper and drafting service

The blu faya burns impassively in the face of your tantrums. As it doesn't seem to be working, you cut it out.

>try again termarrer

QM rollan for landspace total; 1 is worth 1 turn exploring; 20 seconds.
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Rolled 2 (1d4)

You stick to your plan: you're going to sneek in, trash everfin, kill the Biggy Baddy Bosser, if there is wun. You're going to clean out va whole fuggen STORE.

Volunteering, knuckling down to do free work like you did for Gorrlovva, is fer CHUMPZ.

There's no security in a Dunjjon Werks apart from the Wranglers watching over the Catch Cages; no one stops you from just wandering past the Orc sortees set up in case of Catch breakouts. The one alert Orc spot you at all wonders idly if dat grigger finna die?, but then goes back to picking his nose.


You enter by the biggy doorway closest to you; not big at all: four of your shoulder widths, four of you in height.

The corridor widens a little as you go. The air doesn't move in here.

Walls carved with all kinds of fascinating stuffs dats werff nuffin.

There's stikk torches in the walls that don't burn down though; these are part of the Dunjjon. Greenies have Dark Peek; torch-light is meant for va Weak Races.

But you decide that a flaming torch that burns without fuel might be useful, so you nab a few.

Apart from the shower of poisoned needles that kill you instantly a few times, nothing happens. When you chuck them into the Pouch though, they vanish: you grasp nothing when you reach in to retrieve them.


After just a little bit the light wanes; the torches continuing down are burning lower, weaker.

There are a few pit traps that have been bridged over with planks, and old gore smears where boll-drop traps land. You just walk past the lot with Dark Peek.

Where Sother Look used painted pegs and rope to mark progress and dangers, Deddust Toom uses chalk mixed with a distinct flowery, birdy smell. You don't get the symbols, not having anyone to teach you, but you don't really mind.

You'll just fuck about until you find out.

>QM 1D4: which of the four entries - with corresponding enemy types - did Toady do through?
>Character count here not representative of actual character count
>B_____ T______
>T......... T...........
>Txxxxx Gxxxxx
>Goooo Poooo
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Rolled 8, 85, 46, 70, 59, 82 = 350 (6d100)

Before too long you hit a block. Not a dead end, just a block: a literal slab of sandstone scarved with squigglies.

You're sure it says something; the chalk marks here show several new symbols.

A Riddle-warded entry, 3 attempts a day. The ShammyTeems already solved it; Break Time is scheduled around the 3/day attempts refreshing.

The slab is too heavy to push, and you're not up for wasting BOOMcandle or your {PILLOWSHEET} for this.

So you get out Moar Oww and tell him to ghost fru, feel for va Livvin, like he does.

He does as told, and a commotion quickly happens behind the block. He's taken a bit of damage; zappies happened at him. He ghosts back to your side scaring you and tells you what's up:

• Animated ceramic. Tile Troops. Not alive; magic worked, and many. A mix of melee and magic ranged. •

>Yerr, vatz moar like it.

You get Daggy out and start carving a way in from one side.

>1+2: How many Tile Troops; need 1 turn to defeat 1 Tile Troop; 1 turn additional per 3 Tile Troop for positioning.
>3+4+5: How many turns to reach the Tile Troops
>3610 worth of landspace in Deddust Toom
>(6)÷10: Spell Damage at Mo Ao, discounted from using {SHROUD}; currently 66/66HP
if that makes it faster we can have joolie and spikey help dig
just a thought
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>93 Tile Troop = 93+31 turns used to clear them = 124turns
>Turns getting to the Riddle-ward = 175
>Total ~1hr 40mins
>Deddust Toom unexplored remaining = 3610-175-20 = 3415 Turns left
>Time is almost 5AM

You don't tire, but neither do they. These brittle stone doods aren't tuffy any: you can take any three or four at a time, no issue.

Trouble is, they're not considerate to come one by one, and not inconsiderate like Orcs do it, rushing in a mad pile: they come in ranks.

The ones with the copper sikky sords and sideway-eye heavy spikey shields come up frunt, not really trying to gibb you, just keep you in place.

The second rank use pokies over the shoulders of the first rank, and hold smoller roundy shields over their heads. If you try to hup up and tapdance over on their shields they tilt the shields inwards so that you fall into their midst and get stabbt like crazy.

Last rank is zappies. Hooey they a doozy. Some of these yeet barbs, some yeet glopps, some yet orbz Sapping Sting, Acid Spray and nerfed Magic Missile. They don't hurt much individually, but they pile. The barbs have a chance to down you too: your Perfect Regeneration still takes half a second to overcome the numbness Sapping Sting has a chance to Prone organic targets on failed Con check. In that time that you slow a little, everyone else packs in the hurt.

Whenever you're downed or reposition, the Tile Troops refill their ranks with reserves, so the front is allus full.

They don't kill you because they can't, but you sink Time growing yourself back.

At least they stop when you faint; the three second it takes for them to notice you're alive again is enough for you to start a combo.

>Toady takes 1 turn regrowing from 0 or -HP per Tile Troop until the last 15 Tile Troops, assuming 3 Dmg average
>88Additional Turns needed; half an hour moar

When you trash the last stack of walking pottery you take a short breather and lock back at the hall you've come through:

Pottery bits everywhere, splatts and pools of your blood and bits. Dat wuz tiresome, even with full kit and Carrionpede. Orfull.

And worse: you ain't got shidd out of it. You're not spending time picking up bits of scrapped copper weapons and armor from all the corners, and the Carrionpede didn't get any moar killy from fighting scrubbz like deez.

You look down ahead, another entrance with writing on it. This one isn't even blocked orf, which somehow makes it seem worse.

You stick your head through: the entry opens up into three passages, walled to the ceiling, smoothish brown rock; each one of those three passages open up to three moar passages within three steps.

In one of the latter passages you see anuvva doorway full of squigglies.

>izza maze.
>a riggt trappt maze.
>Fukk. Moi. Loif.
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Time is ~0530HRs
Days Orf : Dokk : Guarantee : DEFF S.
13 : 1 : 2 : 4

3415 Distance-Turns of Deddust Tooms unexplored. Need to clear 40+% to have a chance at the Blekk Koob part of it.

>Push on by:
>Cutting through the maze?
>Trying to chart it?


>Try another way in. Maybe it's less shitty.


>Go out, mingle with the Gobby Teemsters
>For a round of snakkz, get the chalk-symbols off them
>Stay unknown


>Make yourself known to someone wot looks in charge; DiggBoss or UnderBosser.
>Hand over some swiggz and Stuffs, get a rudimentary mapp off them
>They might know: the last High Scorer of Sother Look is here.
>You'll need to curry favor to stay secret.



Rolled 14, 8, 12, 1, 10, 20, 19, 6, 5, 9, 12, 15, 16 = 147 (13d20)

QM rollan:
>4D20 poison darts made of stripped pinions, of unknown toxicity
>9D20-20 Stuffs off the floor, just the biggy pieces
>Try another way in. Maybe it's less shitty.
>anons have fixated on Genie hunting

>QMRoll 1D1000 per BossRoom found
>hit 777 or 1000 for a Genie or Efreet, QM choice; 0.2% chance, NQA, no Riggs {WISH}

>hit a 00 number, 100, 200, - 900, for x 1 reroll.

>Succeed in beating / conning another WISH and Toady will be known as a Hazard of the Lower Heavens
>The Chiefs of the Lower Heavens and the Emissaries of Gods, and their servants will know of him
>And any in close, current traffic with them, also; consorts, temporal avatars, Outsiders seeking their own ends.

>be known as a Hazard of the Lower Heavens
Well, I can't say I'm all that excited about random lewt, but I think seafuds would find their attention entertaining.
We'd need all the luck in the world to survive, however.
>Push on by:
>Trying to chart it
if its just a normal maze left wall trick should work
(imagine we get it somehow)
>Push on by:
>Trying to chart it
Let's put our brainmeats to work. We finally have enough nutrition to fuel them properly. And less Kuru!
Wait a minute...we definitely had the goblin equivalent of Kuru before with all that shakiness. I wonder if this fixed all the spongy holes in our brain? Interesting.
At 666 can we have a Pit Lord?
(no way this happens)
>Roll 666
>Drop down into the boss arena
>Get oneshot by a gigantic piece of shit fiend
>Vid related
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B0KlIEP3dQ [Embed]
This boss was such enormous bullshit back in the day. Duriel, you fucker, I hate you so much.
>Push on by:
>Trying to chart it
I have a feeling trying to "cheat" the dungeon too hard will not end well.


Our brain is nice and smoooooth now.
>Seafudd might be amused

>I wanna Pit Lord at 666!
>a CR 20 encounter!
>CR further cranked up by Lair Actions!
You just asked to get raept with QM's biggest possible cactus. Come clean to QM: why?
Actually, nevermind why.

>Satan's cousin appears

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>Satan's cousin appears
Oh? What is he going to tempt us with?
grigger, you in his lounge.

He won't be tempting you, he'll be taking you.
Surely he wouldn't be interesting our tight little bughole?

So what does 777 or 999 give us? :^)
777 and 1000, per deal, is another chance for Toady to beat a {{{WEESH}}} out of an Efreet/Genie.

Succeeding will mean Toady is considered a Hazard of the Lower Heavens; the Chiefs thereof, Divine Emissaries, certain Outsiders, and mortals associated with those entities will know of him.

A natural 69 on the d1000 must be a Succubus Boss.
Or Incubus. 1d2 decides.
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Rolled 19, 96, 14 = 129 (3d100)

>Try to chart it

You're going in. No telling if the other entryways lead to dunjjon segments this shitty or worse; might as well not waste the progress you already got.

You pick the furthest left passage of the furthest left passage, plant your hand on the wall and resolve to keep left and follow your hand until you reach the end.

>QM 3D100 maze route
>Larger two combined is the True Route; this will be minused from the Map Total
>True Route x (smallest ÷ 3) is Toady's Taken Route
>1 deathtrap per 9 on Taken Route ; additional turn taken
why? because its funni
>Satan's cousin appears
in that case we can just turn around and dont engage him. no biggi
i demand there will be a portal to hell instead of a boss door!

further strategy:
while we explore, smear our blood always on the same wall side to keep track of where we were (the walls might move)
send moar oww towards the center in case the exit is there somewhere
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To recap
>777, 1000 is a Genie/Efreet
>666 is S8n's cousin
>69 is now SuccuBoss
>420 is ganja god
>888 is gold-related
>999 is now also 666

Meme number ritual requirements fulfilled.
No further negotiations.
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>True Route 125 Turns
>Toady's taken route x4 = 496 Turns

Every so often, about every 12 steps if you're being slow, you encounter a clearly marked Squiggle Door, walk through it without reading, and shit happens: biggy Tile Troops out the walls, a series of rotating guillotine chops, a chasm drop.

You manage to dodge a couple out of sheer reflex, or in the case of the guillotines, climb to the ceiling using Daggy to bypass them.

It's hard to climb out of a chasm when youre impaled in the middle of a bed of sordz.

All these take time.

After a few times getting turned to salsa youre get sick of it and get Moar Oww out to try to find the end of the maze and work backwards to you.

"And tell muh if yer find any moar trappz!"

He doesn't find any; you do. Him ghosting through things doesn't set off the mechanical triggers. When you follow his trail, you get wall-crushed, spears, and two moar biggy Tile Troops.

Then you tell him to try getting to the middle first, then out. He does find the traps there: theyre zappies.

Him being in his {BEDSHEET} takes a lot of the edge orf, but they still chew through.

Having no way to patch him up, you have to Pouch him before you clear the whole way to the middle.

>Mo Ao has 58/66HP
>Saves Toady 4 turns worth of deaths per 5HP
>Saves 9 Turns of charting per 5HP
>saves 44+99 Turns
>Toady's route now 353
>Mo Ao 3/66HP

The rest of the way you just grit your teeth and prepare to eat it every time you meet a Squiggle Doorway.

>353÷9 = Additional 39 turns dying from death traps
>Additional 39x3 turns average picking yourself out of them
>Total turns taken 359+156 =515

You reach the end, the biggest Squiggle Doorway with all va squiggles across the top, and just march through like a Boss, triggering four zappzapps at once. You got processed so quick you don't even know what they are.

One moment you're stepping through, the next youre past it and on the floor, growing back from one charred nubb-arm and half a head.

You shout your new lungs out to whoever's hearing.


Ahead, nothing answers.

>Deddust Toom 3290 unexplored
>Need to reach 40%, 2166, to have a chance at Blekk Koob.
>830AM, same Day
>QM takes break
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Rolled 10, 53, 40, 56, 24 = 183 (5d100)

The next biggy room is round with stachoos along the walls; lotsy 16.

They're all different: there's Humies, Binnies, Slutty Binnies, Dorfs, Rheas, Buggmenz, and a few others. No Greenies.

They all wear real fancy shidd and got a certain pompous look on. Gods, or godlets, or their god-simps. Sumn like that, you think.

All of them are holding one or both hands out and open in various poses.

In the middle is a tiered circular altar with little daises holding fancy looking shidd.

One door in, no door out.

You twigg a little and made the connection:

>puzzle room
>spozed to put va fingies in theys handies
>mebbe a door shew up.

This room probably need a lot of brainz to know wot to put in whose hands, and you don't know anything about the Weak Races' faggae beliefs.

For you, it's going to be trial by error.

You just take some random shidd, a stoppered bottle of fancy glittery glass, and put it in any hand that fits.

>Dorfs like drinkies
>Durr yer go beardfag

There is a shuddering thump behind you, and a huuj gold fuggen sumfin is there swinging down hard on you.

You either dodged or died, you're not really sure. When the dust clears the fing, huuj goldy bullface, has picked up the fancy bottle, now broken in pieces, and put it back in its place. The bullface totally ignores you, glows bright gold floating some finger widths off the ground, and vanishes.

>dis cunt.

You originally had the idea of tiresomely trying each item with each stachoo until they all click or something, but you figger you might have an easier way.

Now that you know one wrong answer, and a wrong answer calls out Bullface, you're going to call it out and vandalize the fuck.

It will be good to have something to take out your frustrations on.

>3d100 × 0.8 HP
>1d100 × 0.8 Dmg
>Non-magical Damage resistance 1d100+15, max 60%
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Rolled 7 (1d8)

>103HP, 44Dmg, 40% non-magical Damage resist

You take the same bottle, go to the same stachoo - no, the next one along, might as well - set it in the stachoo's hands, and immediately spin around to meet the goldy taur.

You eat the giant axx, of course, but you're back up immediately, dishing it SOOEYCIDEY

>Toady does 40dmg +6 Vorpal, + 3 Balefire
>Doubled for SUICIDEY per turn
>Does 44 Dmg, +6 Vorpal, +3 Balefire

Goldytaur isn't wearing armor of any kind; its skin is armor, practically. You don't do quite the damage you'd expect when you land your combos: only Daggy really cuts. The Whapp and everything else just run orf. GOLDIE doesn't cut deep enough to burn long.

But the Carrionpede delivers.

>Discounted damage
>24 +6 Vorpal +1 Balefire per turn
>total 48 +12 +2 =62

It snorts with what might be surprise. Where Daggy cut in, and where enough consecutive gashes and bashes connect, its skin opens.

Before you can go at it again it starts to glow and float. This time its eyes are fixed on you.

You hold out Daggy at it.

"Moar where that came from, shit bull."

The next time you try the fancy bottle, another stachoo, you do the same thing: put the gift inna stachoo's hands, then spinnerooni to meet the shit bull behind you.
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Rolled 97, 5, 18, 43, 43, 88 = 294 (6d100)

You recognize the one you thrashed by the battle damage. The other two are brand new.

You don't care, already running at them.

You chew up one of the brand new shitbulls; together, the three of them mash you flat before leaving, one attack each.

You grow back, repeat the process.

All it takes is six moar tries gifting the stachoos one clicked, a correct guess and you've fixed the shitbulls.

The next stachoo you try, nuffin appears.

So you begin the long shitty process of fitting gifts to stachoos undisturbed.


The next false guess after the eighth correctly gifted stachoo, four shitbulls.

You fix the bastards.


After this room, you take two Times just sitting in one place, trying to recover mentally.

Most of your deaths were quick, but so many in a row was still traumatic. You'll probably need a couple Days glazed over to fully get over it.

>Toady incurs 1D20 lasting trauma, one Time each to get over; converted to 1d100, 1 trauma per 5
>Space-value of this room, 5d100

>Total time taken solving (16+15+14+13+12+11+10+9) x 3 = 300 turns
>Deaths at the hands of Shitbulls = 14
>= 1hr 45mins
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>1.75HRs + 12HRs for Truama
>Time is now ~1030PM.
>Deddust Toom 3290-197= 3093 ; need to explore 2166 for a chance to reach Blekk Koob

>Days Orf : Dokk : Guarantee : DEFF S.
13 : 1 : 2 : 4



all in all we had horrible roll luck
mathematically we should be able to make it tho
(surely not the entire dungeon consists of riddles and mazes)
As long as we head back when Dokk's in, regardless of current progress. I don't wanna miss him.
how long would a run back take?

Toady gained 21 HHLM from the Aurotaurs; +10 TSCP

+2(/2)% Dodge, +12(/12)% Hit, +5(/12)Dmg
Gain Killseek 1 at 20/26: +1 unblockable physical damage per weapon
2 HHLM per point
Gain +8HP on completion

Back to temple entrance 197+125+20 = 342 turns = ~2hrs

Back to Orc settlement now that you know the way, is 2 Times, ~1.5hrs

Getting back IN after the temple resets, no map, will take Toady the same amount of time for the Tile Troop room, 10 mins for the Offering room (unless he wants moar AUROTAUR corpses), 2 hrs for the maze (using true Route, but triggering all the traps on it). Reset happens 0000 midnight.

Back to temple entrance takes 1 hr; corridors to, through and from Offering room are worth about 30 turns total.

So back to Dunjjon entrance from here is 1hr.

The benefit of clearing this particular Entrance is, the Dunjjon Werks Teems haven't made it anywhere close to Toady. The ShammyTeem have cleared the Riddle-block, but fuck the maze.

Dulugtangor has taken a look at the Maze and its traps. He *might* be able to solve some of the puzzles, but doesnt have the stomach for the traps.
wait it can reset?
you dont make it easy on us QM
ADD, on reset, the Maze gets cleared up; blood stains and all.

If you don't know the True Route, you don't know.
All the dunjjons reset and respawn at set times if uncleared; Sother Look was stumped because it's DunjjonBoss wasn't cleared AND wasn't there. Toady softlocked that dunjjon.

The dunjjons exist as Dunjjon Werks because they reset and respawn monsters and lewt; Greenies harvest these, paying in skidmeats. Net gain for OverBoss.

If the current dunjjon doesn't reset, and you go about your business meantimes, when you come back this place will be swarming with ShammyTeems claiming credit.

You'll need to whackem and confront the DiggBoss on bad terms. Unless you are willing to go away quietly and let them have full claim, this will only escalate.
TLDR, Toady is doing well.

No one clears sadistic deathtraps like this.
we havent come across any yet
shouldnt there be chests occasionally?
also: when we lose an arm f.e. does it reattach or regrow?
>lewt where
16 Deddust Toom unidentified Rarities and 7 Aurotaur corpses. These should be worth something to the right people.
>what happens to a choppt arm?
The nub grows back.

The lost arm still exists without Regen properties, unless it was destroyed in the chopping process.

Choppt hedd, body regrows from the head.

Total disintegration, regeneration from nothing; you slowly appear in roughly the same place, relative to the rest of your material universe. Perfect means perfect.
I jump into the demon statue's mouth!
...you regenerate forever and disintegrate forever, a red streaky ying-yang swirlie in the demon's mouth.

..................Y O U .. G R I G G E R
so by chopping off our head we could fake our death... interesting
can we pull out wagon next update to find out whats up with him? (i guess hes either dead or hostile again)
Droogz have informed him of your miraculous reappearance. He'll make time once a day after his first appearance to visit VVERKZ UV EVVIL, just on the off chance of getting your back-from-the-dedd intel.
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Rolled 26, 56, 70, 11, 92, 35, 17, 92 = 399 (8d100)


Next room's bigg, empty; colored tiles form biggy peekchurs on the ceiling, floor, walls.

There's closed doors set into the walls, all gated except the first two, which just have multiple curtains; the tiled peekchurs around the doors seem to hint things: dis un shows sumn like a penors, but you're quite sure isn't Int or Knowledge roll; it's a cobra's hood marking, dat un shows a sessy laydi, and you're certain it isn't, because she has chikkin leggz Harpy variant.

The peekchur on the ceiling is a.... something. The DunjjonBoss. Cannot be revealed here narratively because of the 1D1000 discovery roll only available when you find a Boss Room.

The peekchur on the floor is, errr.... two sandy bewbies conjoined at the nipple, inside an ornate gold and silver cage? Dafuqq. An hourglass with both ends full. But Toady wouldn't know..

You go through the hall; nothing stops you. There's an inert Telly Popup made of stone at the end, with a little bowl-altar at the foot of it.

You're supposed to get sum shid from one of the doors and plonk it here.

So you start, logically, with the doors at the end: using Daggy to shank the locks open, you go in and thrash whatever's inside.

Mosaic shows two slitted yellow eyes beaming, and a series of uniform gray humanoid figures, arms raised, faces turned away

It's some kind of lizzard that turns you partly to stone when it looks at you; you surprise the git by turning back to meat, gaining a few steps each time.

Since it can't leave, when you corner the bitch it tries to chomp and swallow you instead. Tough shit: you loose a couple boomsossijj to open up some space in its gullet, and kill your way out.

You get its head, a smol locked jeweled chest, n some scattered piles of Fighty kit; everfin goes inna Pouch.

You don't find anerfin wot looks like a key in here, so you try the door opposite.

Mosaic shows an open fang-rimmed mouth with a single biggy eye inside. The eye has black and white swirlies; a crowd of humanoid figures with swirlies in them running towards the mouth-eye with arms outstretched

Welp: it has lotsy wriggli leggz in seashellz, a purple tubey body with nuffin you can identify as a face, an eye, a kindy fishy smell, and you don't remember what happens next.

You wake up cramped, slimed with something burny, and squikky meat with barnacle pocks in it grinding at you from all sides.

Only one thing to do.

BOOMcandle, boomsossijj, and the Carrionpede takes care of everything else.

Moar kit, one moar jeweled box, no key.

You're in too bad a mood to really work things out; you bash all the other four gated chambers, and the two curtained ones, the same way.

When you don't find any keys, you start slicing the boxes open, half of which are rigged with some trapp.

>Dem keys were IN va boxes

>rollan 4d100÷25 trove lot, 4d100 land space
Rolled 3, 7, 15, 12, 20, 10, 9, 8, 10, 16, 17, 11, 13, 2, 14, 15, 15, 19, 13, 3, 16, 16 = 264 (22d20)

>40 trove lots getty, common - uncommon
>1 ????? DT Rarity getty and retained
>6 DT lesser spare keys getty (DiggBosser/Dulug will trade for these)
>1 lizzy hedd, 1 squiddy hedd, & 60 Magic Matts getty
>236 Turn-Space cleared, 2857 remaining; target 2116

>QM rollan time taken: last two gated chambers occupants, 4d20 turns each, inclusive of recovering from Petrification, Charm, and Hypnosis
>All other doors 1d20÷2 each
>Total 14d20
>mucking about, 8d20÷10
>Total 22d20
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Rolled 47, 77, 69, 33 = 226 (4d100)

>84 turns for the last 2
>69÷2= 34 turns for prev 6
>111÷10= 11 turns mucking about
>4 out of eight lockboxes were trapped; average 1 kills you
>~44 Minutes total
>Time 1115PM

The two jeweled lockboxes contain the same thing: two gold boobies conjoined at the nippies, inside a cage.

One has to go into the bowl-altar to activate the Telly Popup. You keep the other to bargain with. The ShammyTeems and DiggBoss will be paying at least ten arms and ten leggz for it, because that's what YOU paid.

After consolidating your gains you think to bring out Wagon and the one Dimmy you have left.

You try to boss them about like usual, but they don't listen. Okay, they don't obey, and you can't be sure they're listening. But they both stare at you in a new way, not moving. You're not sure you like it, so you off them both, not bothering to sweep up the Dedder Dust they leave behind. You have an idee that you'll be working with much stronger stuffs in a bit.

>[TSCP] gains
>2x3 + 6x2 HHLM = +9 TSCP

[Thousand Segment Carrionpede: Fourth Moulting] COMPLETE
>+2(/2)% Dodge, +12(/12)% Hit, +12(/12)Dmg
>Gain Killseek 1 : +1 physical damage per piercing weapon that ignores armor

All packed up, you plonk one set of conjoined goldy-tiddies into the altar-bowl, popuping to wherever's next.


Tiled floors, but biggyer tiles. Black and white hexagons on the floor, three-foots wide each; gray square two-thumbs sized mosaics for the walls, black dotty ones in the low ceiling.

Doorway at the end, with five jooled yank-yandles on a klanky box.

Nuffin else in here.

You take a step -

- and get up from the floor.


Okay: step. Step. St

- you're on the floor again.

>Da fugg.

You hup instead, using all the standing-WHAPP momentum you can muster to get as far ahead as you can.

You still keep waking up on the floor, but at least it's a little further.

When you reach the control box, you take a gander. A plaque on it has squigglies in uneven lines. You don't bother.

You yank the mid-

No, no: you yank all five at wun-

You get up at the front of the chamber.


>4d100 for the space in this room
>÷1.5 for the number of times a Cloudkill lvl1 activates
>each Cloudkill 1 triggered takes 1 minute to disperse
>5+4+3+1 resets from pulling levers in the wrong sequence
RIP Waggon
Petition for Toady to stop bruteforcing EVERY puzzle and at least put a modicum of effort into solving them.
We won't raise our int or wis by taking the dumb option every time, even if it eventually works.
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>150 minutes to reach the Yank-Crank box each time, the hard way; 2.5 hrs
>13 retries x 2.5 = 32.5 hrs

>Days Orf : Dokk : Guarantee : DEFF S.
11 : 00 : 00 : 2

>Time is now 8AM

You've spent a doozy time plowing through the place; not sure what the time is outside, but you can guess that Dokk must be back, and you have to meet dat corksukka Boogerloo soon for your Guarantee.

There's just the problem of logistics: if you bash out this place again you lose progress, and given the trail of blood guts and mayhem you've left behind you, the ShammyTeems will be on the watch for you.

Of course you can just waste them and try ter sneek orf, but that will predictably clott this place with even moar ShammyTeems when you get back to try again, and the DiggBoss will deffo be on notice.

If you krump them Dulug will deffo find out. More shidd for you.

If you push ahead, you'll prolly lose your shot at owning BTT... but somehow that seems like smol shidd, now. If Boogerloo throws everything BBT is capable of at you, and you trash it all to win, whatever's left standing might not be worth winning. You're going to need to repair it, get it up and running again if you want to make good on it; dat sounds like a heap of too-much-work just to get mostly Stuffs. Just two weeks of Days Orf ain't enuff for all that.

And now that you think about it, if you win BTT, Dulug and va OverBoss will deffo know. There's no hiding social upheaval that big.

Since you're out to fugg them over, you're going to do it with a full deck.

You're solving this place, clear out allva gudd shidd you can get yer mittz on, at least find the BossRoom before considering going back.

>2857-226=2631 Turn-areas left unexplored; hit 2116 for a chance at Blekk Koob.

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You have no clue what this is about.

The floor's in alternating stone and wood squares from the middle to, say, eight Gobby steps from the walls.

The gap between the walls and the stone-wood flooring is metal, and crowded with stachoos on plinths. You can make out different ones: Binny Zappa, Binny Shoota, Binny Sordy; Humie Roog, Humie Whitey, Humie... sumfin, da hell'z dat; Dorf, Dorf, Dorf, Dorf, they all look alike to you.

You can clearly see the exit: a biggy doorway with no door. Of course you go for it.

The moment you step on the stone-wood flooring, the empty passage in the doorway mists up, and the stachoos crowd onto the floor.

Facing you are now three ranks of stachoos, a mix of Binny, Humie, Dorf, Rhea, Buggmans, and other ones. Some Orcs too. All in white marble with gray streaks.

A handful of other stachoos have come up beside you: Three Gobbos, a big Skelly Zappa, a Humie Whitey, and an Orc Bosser. All of the others are green marble streaked with black; the Orc Bosser is red marble streaked with black.

>datz me innit

You wait a little. When nuffin happens you walk past everything to the misted doorway. When you touch it, your hand sinks a little before touching something kinda mushy. And real hurty. When you yank your hand back it's already growing back, but you can see bits of your handbones.

>foin I'll play yer shidd gaem
>faggae azz dunjjon

It's not even a fair game: the opposite side, the white marble stachooz, are many many lots moar than your side.

>fuggen rag azz bull

You push the red wun forward, of course; cuz red unz go farsta.

When you touch it, the stachoo floats a little, and moves almost weigtlessly. You try to move it as far forward as you can, but further than a certain point 3 cardinal, 2 diagonal, it won't any more. So you let go.

Immediately it slams down and aligns inside the closest square, crushing your big toe. As you cuss the heavens, the dunjjon, dis gae azz gaem, one of the white pieces moves forward towards your Orc Bosser piece: a Dorf.

You and the white pieces go in turns a few times. You don't know any of the rules or how most of the pieces move, but your hackles are fully up: there's a trapp of some kind closing in on your red grigger piece.

You loosen the Beastie Whapp around your torso and limber up every time before you move your red grigger.

You eye the closest piece, a Dorf, suspiciously, and get an idee.

You charge va muvva. The stachoo grinds its limbs, moving its axx up in defense; when you start smakking it, it swings right back at you. You're already nakey from your previous fights, and haven't armored up since there's no point; the stachoo chopps you once before you dust it.

>if yer dat eazy, I'll do va whole fuggen lott -

There's two Dorf pieces now, one in the place previously occupied, one in the original place the Dorf started from.


Of course nothing replies.

You make anuvva move.
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Rolled 23, 79, 92, 21, 23 = 238 (5d100)

And a Binny Zappa floats out between the gaps in the white ranks and keeps gaining elevation.

It's heading for your red grigger like it's finna fly up and smush it.

"Ovah muh dedd body"

You climb to the top of your red grigger's hedd, and when the Binny Zappa gets in range, you unload the Carrionpede on it.

It's not much tuffyyer than the Dorf one, but it zapps you just as you kick orf. The zapp is a burny one, hurts plenty, but not enough to down you; one SUICIDEY settles the matter.

The Binny Zappa stays down and is not replaced.

So that's it. You have to defend your red grigger every time one of the enemies tries to smush it.

>Dat makes fingz

>Red Grigger needs four moves to traverse a 10 x 10 board; one move per Turn
>2 Combat encounters per move in the last 3 lines; 6 Combat encounters total
>9 turns total

When you get the whole way across, the game doesn't end. The exit doorway is still misted.


THEN you get it: there's an extra special white stachoo in the back row. Real fancy and tall, with silver streaks.

You make your red grigger charge it in as few moves as possible, defending it at every hostile countermove.

Whenever your red grigger is able to smoosh a white piece, you let it.


You clear up enough of the board, chase the silver wun into a corner, and


The mist in the doorway clears.


You walk out this one with both middle fingies raised, to everything and everyone.

>1d100÷4 additional moves
>4d400 Space value of this room
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Rolled 14, 69, 41, 58 = 182 (4d100)

>7 additional moves taken; 7 encounters
>23 total turns in this room; 8 minutes
>2631-215= 2416 Space Unexplored
>810AM, Day of Guarantee

This room's quiet. There's burbling pools fed from waterpours coming out the walls; couches with cushions; a smol selection of drankz n snakkz.

The exit's right there.

As your old self you'd be relieved to find this, maybe take a chance to rest, heal up, swagg everything not nailed down.

You're in a hurry today. Boogerloo's waitn. You can still win the BBT, if you wanted.

You just want to see how far in you can get before you have to backtrack.

>4d100 for Safe Area
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Rolled 268, 937, 291, 912, 800 = 3208 (5d1000)

>2416-182= 2234 Unexplored

Rooms, or rather, glowy doorways in tiered levels; no stair to reach them directly.

The stairway in the middle has one doorways at each landing, but these are not glowy; as they are now, they're just smol cubbies with nothing in them. Out of the landings lead stairs to the tiers.

The stairway tower is kindy tall, but you're not starting with the doorways. You've had enough of doors, perhaps the beginnings of a phobia. It will drive you mad.

You use Daggy to make two toeholds, climb, two moar, climb.

It takes a while.

When you get to the top, you see a biggy important door, bigger n grander than Blew Bewbz.

>4d1000÷10 for the Space explored
>Space explored x 2 for Turns taken.
>last 1d1000 Boss Roll
Rolled 285 (1d1000)

00 reroll
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>1994 Explored, 55%
>sufficiently cleared to reach Blekk Koob.

>240 x 2 = 480 turns climbing
>2hrs40 mins
>TIME is 1040AM, Day of Boogerloo's Guarantee

You do like you did at Blew Bewbz place: cut a peeky hole in the floor of the door, and have a looksee first.

You have to do a fair bit of cutting and shifting: the door's thicker.

You can make out a huujjy gold room with a lot of altars along the walls, displaying stuffs. Some of them are glowy.

In the middle is a kind of raised slab-bed, with a... you have no idee what it is.

It's the size of two cars without the horses; it's sitting like a dogg or catt; it's wearing a goldy face dat looks WRiggerly, but the exposed chin is dry n rotty; and it's wrappt in toily paper.


>Ghost past the door, prepp BOOMz n {SNAPPTRAPP} while sneeking in range


>There's a yank just here, prominent
>yank and walk in:
>Talky talky? Mebbe?


>Done enuff for now.
>Go back to Dokk, then Boogerloo.
Dungeon has reset twice by now; Toady has to sneek out; +15 Sneekibreeki. Time discounts on getting in again.



>2D100, fresh General rolls
>previous BoA 10d100 for combat


QM beat; 36 hrs
>Done enuff for now.
>Go back to Dokk, then Boogerloo.

Two days passed, so my suggestion for what we ought to have asked the teacup for are:
>A picture-to-word book that can help me learn how to read Common easily and effectively
>Medicine that will help me feel better about dying so much
we let moar oww open the door
wait like an hour until the boss isnt on alert anymore
then {PILLOWSHEET} behind him and cut his head off, pouch it

did we even refill our spells? i dont recall...
all spells topped up.

Rolled 92, 79 = 171 (2d100)

ok great
if we dont give him a chance to cast anything and we avoid any lair traps this should be over rather quickly
time for me to roll a 1 again
Rolled 51, 40 = 91 (2d100)

>Done enuff for now.
>Go back to Dokk, then Boogerloo.

>go all in on common learning aids
Rolled 45, 9 = 54 (2d100)

Forgot my roll earlier.
Rolled 89, 53 = 142 (2d100)

Supporting this. Why not pillowsheet through the door though?
Turning back now seems like a waste.
after thinking about it again, we can also just go through the door (even better because he for sure doesnt know someones even there then and it saves time)
so i amend my plan to QMs option just that we still cast {'TECT ZAPPZAPP}
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1: back to Dokk and Boogerloo
>2: forth to BossRoom
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Rolled 76, 32 = 108 (2d100)

You're undecided: going back to Dokk seems a waste of progress in this Wordy Dunjjon, and rushing into the BossRoom might lose you Boogerloo’s Guarantee.

So you spinerooni roundy roundy with your eyes closed, and wherever you're facing when you stop is where you're headed.

>Back to Dokk and Boogerloo

Roit den.


Getting out is a lot easier and quicker than getting in.

For the stair-tower with the Telly Popups you just jump from the top and splatt at the bottom; jog through the cushy rest zone and the stachoo gaem room, no trouble.

The tiled room with the poison farts still get you because you haven't logiced the path, but fuggit; the gated chambers and offering room don't stop you going out.

The doorways in the trap-maze still trigger when you're going out they've reset, but at least you kindy know what path to take.

You're uneasy about leaving a trail of gore through it, so you rinse it a little to the last visible corner with whatever water you have. It won't be enough to hide it from a Greenie schnozz, but you have no ready solution and you're in a hurry.

There's a couple Oik watchers in the room with the Tile Troops, slacking orf. Probably been posted here since someone found the carnage you left yesterday.

You start sneeking between their blindspots and the alcoves holding the new Tile Troops.

>5.5Hrs total

>QM rollan for Oik watchers
>Toady has +15 sneekibreeki
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You do a little wallclimbing at the last bit near the removed Squiggle-block, and toss a slightly biggy shiny rokk into the middle of the room.

They all swivel at it. The first two to reach it start to squabble while the rest creep in, angling for a chance.

You drop and hustle out, clean.


>1.5 Hrs running back to the Orc Settlements

You're in front of Boog's managerial yurt again. The Prod-You-zurs on dooty recognize you from last time, hold you orf from entering.

Two Shammies come out from inside the yurt. One startz doing zappy hands and muttering at you.

You drop into Stance to gut him, naturally, when the closest Prod-You-zur holds back the Shammy and blocks your view of him.

"Sorry Zurr, itza securrty mezzhah. Deys 'tectn for majjikk itermz."

"I gats zappystuffs. Half me kit is zappy someway. So what."

"Zo yer carnt go in, Zurr. Woodjer lark ter dipperzip yer majjikk itermz at arr securrty conksy-urge?"

"Kizz mar azz, mm nart leaving me kit in yer mittz. I gart n appointment wiv Boogerloo. If yer make me late n miss it I'll be taking yer skin."

Your threats carry some weight: the other Prod-You-zurs stiffen, reaching into their tunics for concealed choppas. The one you are addressing tries not to death-grin.

"Juzt doin muh jobb Zurr. Or Mizturr Boogerloo take it."

Just when you're about to leddumhavvit one of the two Shammies wot tried to zapp you wiv sumn Detect Magic fetches someone who bosses them.

This dood is old, maybe older than Dokk. One eye with the iris whited out, blind, and the other wonky, looking the wrong way. Lots of browning rot-blotches on his skin, which is an unhealthy dark olive color. You know he has rank because his Shammy robes are longer n purpler, with moar beadz n fingz on.

His name is Krekkrokk, and he has a solution.

"Az yerr in pozzeshun of majjikk stuffs, while I perform va Guarantee, I'z need ter gagg yer n hold a choppa at yer froat, ter ensure nar intty-fur-ants. Izzat agreeble to yer?"

"Will Boog be gaggt wivva choppa ter hizz. Sorry, sorry: will Boog be gaggt wiv me Daggy ter hizz."

This puts him in a spot. He has to go back in. There is an outburst inside, followed by a loud petering grumbling.

At last Krekkrokk comes out. You guess he looks relieved, but you carnt be sure because of his fugged up eyes.

"Boogerloo sez yezz.


You go in gagged, with one loop of your Beastie Whapp at Krekkrokk's neck, and Daggy at Boogerloo's. Boogerloo has a choppa on your neck, and you both have gaggz in your moufs.

Krekkrokk rolls out a stretch of cow skin inked with Squigglies Golhyrr, a glyphonic script used by Shammies here to Tally things, transmit messages, teach Verbal components of Shammy spells. between the three of you.
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Krekkrokk reads out what is written for both you and Boogerloo.

A lvl5 spell that magically enforces the contract terms with Psychic damage: contract breaker gets 10D10 unblockable undiscountable, while the other party gets 5D10 once a day.

Basic casting last 30 days and cannot be undone except by WISH or similar.

Original cost is 50GP and calfskin; price has been adjusted to prepaid 10GP to accommodate established trade rates.

Contractor, corresponding to the gab role in Korean contracts; the superior bargaining position
>Will set up DEFFSTRAVAGANZA event under BBT branding and ownership
>Provide exclusive event design, facilitation, marketing, accounting
>Will put out the funds needed for outset
>Will participate at Highlight Event at discretion
>Will cede all rights, entitlements, properties, possessions under BBT to VA PLOPPEE in the event of VA PLOPPEE becoming Final Winner in the Highlight Event.

Contractee, the inferior bargaining position; corresponds to the eul role
>Will participate in DEFFSTRAVAGANZA event without publicity, from the preliminaries
>Will participate in all events leading up to the Highlight Event
>Will be permitted surrender during halftimes
>Will be permitted his carry-on kitt, and one additional load of kitt he can physically lift in the sidelines, available at halftime
>Will be permitted one nonparticipating assistant, always sidelined
>Will in the event of defeat and surrender cede his goods, freedom and person to BOOGERLOO



What will you reveal to him?

>Found Green Cloaks guarding lewt wagons Y/N

>Dorfs caught me Y/N

>You've been deep in Deddust Toom; got the trap maze's True Route; answer to the five cranks and the offering room, Y/N


QM fiat: Toady may not ask the Teacup for teaching aids to read Common, for many reasons.

>Too metagamy; Toady has not even cleared the 15 Days needed to play test the Teacup

>Goblins as a race per GSlore despise any language not Greenie, and written language in general. It is against his whole nature to even think to ask to learn.

>The Teacup's 1GP limit is insufficient for the Multi-Linguist, Gobbopologist and Illustrator fees needed to create GOBBY'S FIRST ELFERBETTY

>The 1GP limit, further reduced by wording in excess of 7, may not be able to create the quantity of hard-card paper material and print ink needed

>It would not have helped in Deddust Toom anyway; the riddles and puzzles are written in High or dead languages.

>Contract Y
>Greencloaks Y
>Caught N
>Deddust Toom N
QM Fiat introduced, time to riot. Gut him and steal his gibs.
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Players irl Wis and Int are in far excess of Toady's all-dump-stat Goblin stats.

Anons didn't wish for Potent-All; you're not getting it through QM's misplaced generosity of throwing in the Teacup.

IOW, sugg muh Fiat, yidd-grigger.
sure. psychic damage doesnt bother us much i figure. what bothers me is that it says we gotta be present at multiple events and not just the ultimate 1 vs all. this will limit us further if we plan to do anything else meaningful in the time we have left, like say the dungeon, which i dont intend to give up on. (and yes i would be willing to go back to seafood a day late)
>Found Green Cloaks guarding lewt wagons Y
>Dorfs caught me N
>You've been deep in Deddust Toom; got the trap maze's True Route; answer to the five cranks and the offering room, N
and also generally tell him this:
>>explain that we we think clewfinda works for/with the green cloaks. our working theory is that he is tasked with thinning out gobbo ranks by leading them to death, preventing the build up of a large enough force that could take over the dorfy fort. we suggest to cast detect/dispell magic on him because he might very well be one of them in disguise, judging by his skill set<<
like i mentioned earlier
DEFFSTRAVAGANZA is a whole day gigg; just be present on the day, which is in 2 Days. Toady is free till then.
then great. i thought boog wanted to alter the deal...
also: ask him if HE is sure that he wants to do this. make this grigger doubt himself.
and sign with our blood, to clearly convey we are serious
>Found Green Cloaks guarding lewt wagons Y
>Dorfs caught me Y
>You've been deep in Deddust Toom; got the trap maze's True Route; answer to the five cranks and the offering room N
>Found Green Cloaks guarding lewt wagons Y
>Dorfs caught me Y
>You've been deep in Deddust Toom; got the trap maze's True Route; answer to the five cranks and the offering room N

Rolled 1 (1d2)

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>due to lack of backing, >>6166594's baiting of Boogerloo is not enacted

When Krekkrokk has verbalized the terms and both sides agree to have understood, he finishes the verbal component of the spell, while you and Boogerloo shake on it, a somatic component.

He grins at you like a friend of many years, whose back he knows how best to stab.

You grin right back, with moar teefs than he had last seen you with.


Late afternoon now, a bit from dindins. You jogg back to VVERKS VV EVVIL to meet Dokk.

Pork Holes is on the job; when you come in he hurriedly finishes sorting the Takes and closes shop.

"Be roit back Bosser. Dokk sez ter fetch him if yer drop in again."

"Whurr he at den, dat bizzy ol beetle."

"Making rounds to Tally; va cure-shops on Xag Xag's patch today."

Whatever. You wave him off and settle in a corner.

You snooz a little, not deeply; your body doesn't get weary. You listen to the Orc Settlement around you changing gear in the evening: work that needs light is put away, and activities preferring darkness, like pilferage, ramp up.

Dokk arrives damp and hassled; he's had to hurry to make time for you. Pork Holes, out of breath and lagging, gets told to loiter in front of the shop.

Dokk goes straight to business.


You tell him about the lewt carts being guarded by Humie Green Cloaks ahead of the Greenie foot scout advance, how the Green Cloaks just left the carts to get lewted, like it wuz a plann.

After some internal struggle, you also tell him about getting taken down by three Green Cloaks and waking up in Dorf custody.

"They'z cahootn fer shurr."

Dokk's interested in how the Dorfs treat you, so you tell him: they gave you hott fuddz, didn't thrash you, arsked some questions and let you orf. Dokk's frown stays in place, suspicious.

"N dey gave me dis coin, told me to go sign up at an Adventeer Clubb or sumn." You open up Pouchy and take out the Dorfy lead token to show him.

The moment he sees it Dokk tries to snatch it. You're faster than him, whisking it out of reach under your armpit. Your free hand has loosened the Whapp.

"Givviddere yer idjitt, datz a Dorfy trikk! " The urgency in his voice gives you just enough indecision for him to force it out of your fingers. The moment he has it he lays it flat on the ground and gets a smolly Choppa out. With this, he see-saws on the coin until it splits in half, then quarters.

Taking the pieces he runs out of the shop. You follow. He stops by a tink-smiff's place to requisition the small dome-fire being used to make tin and lead sheets.

When the tink-smiff protests he gets a handful of stuffs to shut up.

When the coin's left in a melty pan a while, two pieces of a gray pill sit revealed.


Dokk bosses Pork Holes to use the tinksmiff's see-saw smushha on it before answering.

"Datza marker Reddy. Va Dorfs iz trakkin yer."
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"Nah bovva den: all dey knows is I caem back hurr."

"Dey knows yer red, and a Greenie. Everwhurr yer go whurr durrz tit-hats Peacekeepers, deyz Bossers will be watching fer yez."

"Dats not a lot izzit."

Dokk tells you there's short lines of Dorfy forts on the far corners of Orc Land, and most of the way along the Rhea Land that borders Buggman Land.

"Dey don't look like dey do much, but dey darnt leave. Takes a lot of krumpen to shift them, once deyz forts up. Yer dint see Clewfinda anywhere abart didjer?"

You admit you haven't, but push some of your theories.

"Yer fink he might be a Dorf. Or a Humie."

Dokk takes too long for the answer to be an absolute no.

"He ducked me heaps, din't see him once, n yoo sed he's got zappy kitt. Mebbe he's a zappy WRigger using zappies to act Green."

Dokk's already thinking along other lines; his answer to you is offhand.

"Narr. Gityeeta's hung around him long enuff to have spotted it if it wuz. Disguise Self, lvl1, lasts only for one hour; requires a dedicated Caster to keep it up, does not hold up to inspection by physical contact. If it wuz dat eazy ter just use majjikk ter sneek in amogus we'da dunnit to va WRiggers. Clewfinda might have majjikk kitt and can cast; we don't have enuff deetz on dat."

"I fink he's leading us Greenies to die from Dorfs, iz wat. Da lewt wagons were free for taking, but wot I heerd wuz da foot scouts charged da fort n got wasted. Looks ter me like he's feeding killz ter va Dorfs, juzt ter keep arr numbaz down."

Something about what you say strikes Dokk odd.

"Numbaz huh. Numbaz..."

"Mebbe we can tell OverBoss."

"He won't believe. Cuzza numbaz."

Dokk runs his finking by you: Gityeeta's lot wot died at the last raid were acceptable losses for the amount of Take gained; bizniz costs yer moit say.

But One isn't allus the same One. Take YOU for example. On paper, YOU are one Gobby Grigger, or one Oik if the Tally wuz being generous. But where it counts, in the Foit Pittz or Dunjjon Werkz, you're probably worth a clump of full growed Orcs Proppa.

Gityeeta's Krew of foot scouts iz, say, two hunnerd Orcs. Two hunnerd dedd Orcs for a heapload of Stuffs is fair trade, roit?

RONG. Cuz a good chunk of Gityeeta's two hunnerd were tuffy seasoned foot scouts; dat two hunnerd is werf moar than two hunnerd loafing Oiks wot lived long enuff to grow bigg and follow the foot scout flaggz.

OverBoss isn't seeing the difference because he's being fed numbaz all the time; by Dulugtangor and his Shammy Tally Mobbz, including Dokk. The numbaz keep coming in, keep growing biggah, so it's hard to see dat va Uorc Hoordd is actually getting weakah.

Once he sees the trick, he starts seeing it everywhere:
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>Majjikk Matts are valued and traded as normal Stuffs
>Normies Greenies don't really use Majjikk Matts, so everything they harvest or pilfer eventually flows to the Shammies
>The Shammies, to fulfill quotas or get better drankx n happies for Shindigg, funnel all unneeded surplus Matts to the TallyBossers, or Dulug's Repps.

>Any promising mobb of griggers wot gets too competent and unmanageable get killfed to Dorfs
>or die fighting fuggorf biggy nasties and each other in va Pittz
>or get burnt n frozzt n krompt n chompt n pizzend n shokkt dedd trying to catch giant fuggorf nasties in the Dunjjon Werks

Once he draws the lines for you in crayon, you see it too.

>fugg. me.

There's no way for Dokk not a real caster; Shammies of his level are competent enough to be Tally doodz, memorize Matt names and recipes, with no significant magic talent to reach Dulugtangor personally; he would need a big excuse just to talk to a Repp.

Right now, Dokk's got a few Droogz hiding out in the various Werkz n Mobbz; not enough for an uprising, especially with the Shammy Mobbz keeping tabs everywhere a Tally is taken.

Reaching OverBoss Tortu is easier; convincing him just with hunches, telling him his biggy fatty numbaz is faek n gae, while Dulugtangor is leaning over him, might be impossible.


>Get Dokk to smuggle us to the next Shindigg he's knows about; 1d4 days
>If a Repp shows up, we mark n follow the cuckchain until we find Dulug
>We darnt need ter sleep narr; dodging us be impossible


>One of the Droogz have signed up with the foot scouts under Clewfinda/JinxFinx
>Smutt yourself with soot and paint and cloffs
>take his place in the foot scout mobb
>Dat faggot Jinx Finx allus keeps distance and hides; seems like he ain't much in a scrap
>You feel strongly that he's twigged on to you, whether because of the Dorfs or the Green Cloaks; if you spot him, he dies.
>And Dulug loses what seems like his main non-Shammy operator.


>There has to be a collection point for all the high-value Majjikk Matts being funnelled up
>Get a list of high value Majjikk Matts from Dokk, whatever he knows
>Then follow a Dunjjon Werkz Shammy-Tally handling that kindy stuff until you find the collection
>Then plunder it.
>Piss Dulug right orf.
>While he's trying to find YOU, he will either crank up killfeeding to the Dorfs, or call it orf entirely
>both will be good for Dokk's remaining Droogz


>Mention the Deddust Toom keys and answers you got to Dokk; see if he can arrange a trade for the keys with Dulug's Repps
>Dulug might try the trap maze, gated chambers, offering room
>Or send his most trusted Repps
>wait at the entrance, trail, and gibb.
>Dulug loses his most quality simps
>If not his life.


>Back to Deddust Tooms, finish dat bizniz furst.



>3D100 General

>Mention the Deddust Toom keys and answers you got to Dokk; see if he can arrange a trade for the keys with Dulug's Repps
>Dulug might try the trap maze, gated chambers, offering room
>Or send his most trusted Repps
>wait at the entrance, trail, and gibb.
>Dulug loses his most quality simps
>If not his life.
Rolled 52, 50, 30 = 132 (3d100)

Dropped my dice.
Anyways, this is a good option. Killing dulug himself would be great.
Rolled 22, 92, 66 = 180 (3d100)

>Mention the Deddust Toom keys and answers you got to Dokk; see if he can arrange a trade for the keys with Dulug's Repps
>Dulug might try the trap maze, gated chambers, offering room
>Or send his most trusted Repps
>wait at the entrance, trail, and gibb.
>Dulug loses his most quality simps
>If not his life.
after that go back in and finish the job
do we still have to show up to a guild now that the coin is destroyed? it could be they only said that so we keep it on us
>do we still have to report to Adventurer's Guilds for community service?
Doing so will re-establish credibility at the cost of revealing your location to the Beards.

A gamble either way.
>Be me, dwarf
>Tasked with tracking the location of People of Interest who were given our special tracker coins
>My special map has one of them labelled "Red"
>Red exits the compound and immediately starts heading towards Orc territory
>Watch him slip past all of them at incredible speeds
>Watch him go right into a category 3 Dungeon we have marked
>Watch him go deeper and deeper into the dungeon at an amazing pace
>Watch him pop back out a few days later
>And head directly to some lesser shaman tents we've got marked
>The signal cuts out
>What the fuck

Toady has been highlighted as an Orc-Affiliate.
Rolled 38, 94, 2 = 134 (3d100)

>Mention the Deddust Toom keys and answers you got to Dokk; see if he can arrange a trade for the keys with Dulug's Repps
>Dulug might try the trap maze, gated chambers, offering room
>Or send his most trusted Repps
>wait at the entrance, trail, and gibb.
>Dulug loses his most quality simps
>If not his life.
when does the NAT 100 come into play that we got a while back?
In a combat encounter
Rolled 40, 11, 40 = 91 (3d100)

>>There has to be a collection point for all the high-value Majjikk Matts being funnelled up
>>Get a list of high value Majjikk Matts from Dokk, whatever he knows
>>Then follow a Dunjjon Werkz Shammy-Tally handling that kindy stuff until you find the collection
>>Then plunder it.
>>Piss Dulug right orf.
>>While he's trying to find YOU, he will either crank up killfeeding to the Dorfs, or call it orf entirely
>>both will be good for Dokk's remaining Droogz

I hate to keep getting sidetracked but this is a pretty sweet opportunity
Rolled 37, 63, 31 = 131 (3d100)

>Mention the Deddust Toom keys and answers you got to Dokk; see if he can arrange a trade for the keys with Dulug's Repps
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Rolled 17, 32, 89, 94, 11 = 243 (5d100)

QM rollan

1: intel outlay needed; pass means only True Route needed; every degree of failure takes moar intel; you currently have three pieces of Intel: True Route, Offering, Cranks. Failure in excess carry over to physical outlay needed.

2: physical outlay needed; pass means only one Lesser Gated-Chambers key needed

3: sneekibreeki; Toady has +15

4: Dokk negotiating with his Shammy cred; +10

5: Shammy Repp
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Rolled 10, 16, 13 = 39 (3d20)

>Mention Deddust Tooms

While Dokk is weighing his limited options, you pipe up.

"While I wuz waitn on yer Dokk, muh feets got va itchies, so I went gadding where I wurnt s'pozed to. Gess whurr."

"Whurr den? Der Horr Pittz Snusnu seggshun?"

"...durza Snusnu seggshun. Okay, mm checkn dat layder. But I went terva Deddust Tooms."

"So? Wadja find?"

"Narr, not va Dunjjon Werkz; I went down va Tooms proppa."

"...and? Starp jerking me weed, Reddy. Sow wot?"

"Yer not twigging Dokk. I got fru va squiggle block at va frunt, n va trappy maze, and a whole bunch. I reached the end, Dokk."

You enjoy the slow dawn of realization spreading across his face.

"...yoo? Yer telling me yer went for va Trials of Mind and beat it? Yoo?"

"Hay. Keep talking like dat n get a furd schnozztril, fuggface. Yez me. I beat it. Me n muh skiddmeatz. I got da route, da ansaz, da keyz. Wotzit werf, Dokk."

"If yer nart hammin', lotz. Der Shammy Repp minding Deddust Tooms got a open bounty on dat maze; any Shammy wot solves it gonna get bumped up. Hard, is wot I heerd; better be reel brainy or tuffy fikky. Yer reely solved it? How grigger?"

"Raid seekrat. I'z meaning ter bait some Shammy Repps inter goin spelunkin in va Tooms, mebbe Dulug hisself. Den I juzt whakkem, make it look like va Tooms did it. How much yoo fink you finna need to sell dat bait to yer Tally UnderBossers."

He takes a long think, hand to his head, marks some doodles with crayon. You know he's done when he slaps the crayon on the desk, breaking it.

"Gaddit. I knows a few toke-hedds hard up enuff for a bump-up ter suss nuffin. Arsk a few rong kesshuns informal, drop a map and a key at meetn, they'll open they own froats ter bite. Leave it ter me."

"When earliest."

"Moon-up narr; got a meetn soonish if I hustle. If I know 'em, they'll rally some muscle n Droogz quick, to exploit da clews and report progress. One full dat at most."

"I'll be kill-camping at va Tooms, den. Wot shudd I look art fer. Wot yer chumps look like."

"Prolly a mobb of Shammies n Choppaz. You'll know em: they'll come from orf site n clear orf va Werk Teems before startn."

"Wotcher. Try ter send va wuns Dulug likes, eh."


>True Route Intel and Lesser Gated-Chambers Key x1 given up
>Dokk has 10 degrees of success; there are no investigative trails back to Dokk or to Toady

>QM rollan
>1d20+1÷10 Repps
>1d20+2÷5 Shammy Proppaz
>1d20 Orc Choppaz
Rolled 4, 3, 4 + 3 = 14 (3d4 + 3)

>2 Repps, 5 ShammyTeem, 13 Orcs

Rollan hours they take mobilizing; 3d4+3
Rolled 43 (1d100)

rollan chance for Dulug to show; 85+, he shows
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Dokk's baited some Shammy Reppz to show up at va Tooms, no trails leading back to him or Toady.

How will you conduct your ambush?

>Include Moar Oww, 3HP, Y/N
>If Y, Moar Oww holds a det-lemon:
>Near the Start or Middle of the trapp-maze?
>The BOOMcandles are prepped to: Prevent Retreat or Kill?


>Leave ONE trap in the True Route: BOOMcandle inna wall (direct casualty, 2d3), OR burn some poison needles to make stinging smoke (inflict Gen Pen, 4d3)


>Where do you jump them? :
>Middle of the maze? Face them 2 at a time at most
>After the end of the maze? Face up to 6 at a time.
>After the Offering Room? They may give up and retreat with moar info before then.




>Include Moar Oww, 3HP, Y
would he "die" at 0HP?
>Near the Start of the trapp-maze
>The BOOMcandles are prepped to: Prevent Retreat
>burn some poison needles to make stinging smoke (inflict Gen Pen, 4d3)
>Middle of the maze
>Mo Ao, N
>burn some poison needles to make stinging smoke (inflict Gen Pen, 4d3)
>After the end of the maze? Face up to 6 at a time.
Hardest point for them to retreat from since it's at the very end of the maze, and traps may have whittled them down more by then.

>Leave a chunk of flesh hidden and buried in the woods somewhere, as a personal contingency.
>0HP him die?
Yes. Phys immune and magic resistant in {SHROUD}; spellspamming will still wear him down.
>Include Moar Oww, 3HP, Y
Middle of the trapp-maze
>BOOMcandle inna wall
>Middle of the maze? Face them 2 at a time at most
Rolled 2, 1, 3, 3 = 9 (4d3)

rollan gen pen
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Mo Ao is positioned at:

1:start of maze
2:middle of maze
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On the jogg back to Deddust Tooms, you do what anyone in your position would do: chop your own head off.

It doesn't hurt as much as you'd expect, using Daggy. You just need to bit on something and do it in one go so your neck doesn't grow back.

It takes about a minute for you to grow all back from a head.

Youre nakey and unarmed, of course; all your stuff is on your old body.

The garland of Trinkkittz has also let loose its grip on your old body. So the curse is released on death eh?

Nope: the moment you touch it, it sticks to your hand again, maintaining a fastened contact to your body at all times, as before.

You suppose it could help you get free of cursed items, in a pinch.

You're not sure you'll grow back from your headless body if you lose even your head, but it's worth a shot you figger.

You dig a grave for it.


It's near moon-high when you reach the Tooms again; there's a Werk detail getting corralled in. It doesn't look like a WranglerTeem: a mix of Gobbs n Oiks with hammers and swaggbaggz not pokies n nets, and one Shammy.

You trail the rabble in and watch: the Shammy says something to the Squiggle-block and it grinds along the floor, clearing the way. Huh.

The Gobbz n Oikz push past the Shammy and get to it: smashing all the stationary Tile Troops wots reappeared, swagging all their armor and weapons as undamaged as they can, and trooping orf. They're done in under a Time: the farsta they finish here, the more easy-time they get outside.

The Oiks gamble among themselves, and leave four of their number behind to keep watch. Only one has a whistle; you gibb them all as quiet and tidily as you can, starting with that one.

Then you start on the maze, making towards the middle from a wrong route. As before, you set off every Squiggled doorway in the maze. Can't do much about the bloody mess you leave behind you except hope the Repps that come stick to the True Route you gave them.

When you have triggered your way nearly to the middle, you stabb holes at the foot of some walls, wedge BOOMcandles innem, and rig up a couple lemon detonators.

Two hollow wooden pegs go into each lemon, with two copper nails resting in the hollows; copper wires run from the nails to the BOOMcandles. To detonate, slam both nails in at once.

Then you get Moar Oww out. He's still rekt from eating a heap of rigged zappies to the face.

"Finna put yer here. When the last one of the mobb come through, or if part of them get fru but start to chikkin, yer skweez va nailz innada liminz here. Gaddit."

At another opening into the middle, you have a cookpot piled with poison needles and dry wood, a box of matches, and a bottle of Delectable. The moment they're in here you're lighting this up, hit them with some poison smog.


It's a long wait. The missing Oik watch is replaced with others.

Your trail of blood n giblets cakes black in the meantime.

>12days orf left
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Rolled 83, 74, 68, 22, 89, 22 = 358 (6d100)

>Toady Bo3 66+15 vs ReppsTeem 85

You hear them before you smell them: the new watch-Oiks are bullied orf, a lot of armor clattering.

When they clomp over to the start of the maze there's a discussion.

They don't take the True Route you leaked to them through Dokk: they're following YOUR blood trail in!

>knew I'z mizzed sumn

It's a longer way, but safer for them thanks to you: all the doorway-traps between the start and the middle have been set off.

And they're on the alert too: the Shammies are all in the middle, with Orc tuffies in front and behind.

They stall, now that the blood trail's ended. The Repp gets the Tuffies to start checking the other passages leading to the middle without going through any doorways.

Just as they begin to spread out you strike a match in your pot of thinneride, dry wood and poisoned needles. Just as the smoke starts, a boom shakes the whole room: Moar Oww's set off the charges, blocking orf the True Route in.

>fatt gudd dat duz

The Tuffies inch in towards the smoking passage, your position.

In these close quarters with Carrionpede's SUICIDEY Overkill, the first five Tuffies go down easy. Whatever damage they can do to you is not enough to down you.

Then you start to meet Shammies. The moment they have line of sight on you, they start yeeting zappies.

>Turn 1: 1 Tuffy, 1 Shammy in sight
>Toady BoA 93, 41 (nat100)

Whatever he's casting doesn't work: you reach him first. The next one though...

>Toady has -10 to Wisdom checks against a comparably smarter Shammy
>QM rollan for two turns of casting
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>Toady BoA 79-10, 29-10 VS SHAMMY 83, 74

The zappy hits you... and sticks. You can't move. Hold Monster, lvl5; 1 minute Paralyzed effect .

Some of the Tuffies quickly move to the front and give you the best they got. It takes them both a lot of time 3 turns to not quite kill you; they settle for offing your arms first while two moar Tuffies squeeze past them, so that there's four choppaz raining down on you.

This does down you. You're already growing back already, granted, but since they've parted your head from your body they have disarmed you.

You are gagged, bound with rope and chain from hastily dismantled QKA, while the Repps look over your kitt.

They can't open Pouchy, for some reason, but they can tell Daggy and GOLDIE are special. The older Repp swaggs the lot.

You are carried helpless out.

The Shammy Repps' treasure hunt in the Tooms has been called orf: they just bagged a bigger prize.


Try as you might you can't overcome four grown Orc Tuffies in terms of strength. They do tire though, and you don't, so you just keep thrashing about, making it as difficult as possible for them.

This state of affairs doesn't continue long: one of the Shammies has the bright idea of first pinching your schnozz closed, then noosing your neck closed.

You still thrash like mad every time you wake up from death by asphyxiation ~once a minute, but now they get a slight break.

Which they use to requisition a biggy iron dedderbox wiv spikes on the inside from the DiggBoss. You see a WerkTeem dragging it through a crowd of curious Scrappers n Wranglers, and you wake up in the dark, shanked in several places, jostled by the motion of transport.

Transfixed as you are, you scrabble futilely on any surface you can find.

You find a seam, maybe, but you can't part it: the iron dedderbox is fastened shut from the outside.

Your blood fills up the dedderbox as it trundles onward.

You drown a few times.


It's been plenty Times now; you're going to miss DEFFSTRAVAGANZA at this rate.

At least the dedderbox has stopped moving. It got tilted quite steep at one point, with slow, steady juddering stops accompanied by strained swearing outside. You've been moved down stairs somewhere.

A little after that the dedderbox is loosened enough to open just a smidge, palm width.

You immediately scrabble for it, trying to force it. That's when they hit you with the zapp Hold Monster again, this time from multiple Shammies, to ensure they don't fudge it.

One decapitation later, your head is put in a fikky iron cage that might not fit 2 chikkinz 1.2'x1.2' . Your body grows out with bones broken, over and over.

Before the iron bars can loosen enough though, your captors change their mind, zapp you still again, back into the dedderbox again.
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You're still in the dedderbox when the effects of the {PROMISE} zappy you have with Boogerloo hits.

That tells you when you are, at least; youve drowned in your own blood so many times you no longer have a sense of time.

Boog will be thinking you fagged out though. That niggles you. Not like you can do anything about it.


The next time they have you out they got a contraption for you: an iron bed with an iron cage for the head.

The thing has a hinged chopper fixed on, just under the headcage's neckhole.

You don't even get to struggle while they fix you in. Once you're secure, they use the hinged choppa on you.

They cheer at your decapitation: it works!

Starting then, once a minute, you grow back nearly completely, and they harvest your freshly regrown body.

>60minx24hrsx18Stuffs worth of meat
>=25,920 Stuffs a day for your captors

"It'z free mealza tastes."

They help themselves to you while chopping you up. Apparently you go down gudd; a grigger can eat dis Reddy meat for a whole moon-turn and not get da grigmeat shakes.

So datz nice.


Twice a day a Repp comes in with heavy guard and backup casters and asks you questions.

You lie, of course. They can't do anything to you that hasn't already been done, and they're not about to offer you anything useful like, say, your Trinkkittz.

After a week of being fed bullshit the Repps give up. You lose the twice-a-day break you get from assembly line decapitation.

Ah well.

Seafood should be getting mad soon.


One day the schedule's different.

You're put in an iron body-cast and fastened in by Shammies; you're left gagged, blindfolded.

Your jailers leave the room; the smell of stale farts decreases slightly once the door is opened.

A little while after that you smell... shea and jojoba.


A zappy of some kind is cast; you feel your thoughts getting a massage.

When they ask you questions, you find that you can't lie.

"What's your name."

"Toady," you say; you meant to say yer daddae.

"Were you recently in the custody of the Peacekeepers under the name of "Reddy"? Yes or no."

"Yez." You meant to say "Nar." . You no longer trust yourself to speak while the zappy's on.

"Who do you work for."


You clam up.

You refuse to answer whenever you feel this particular zappy again Zone of Truth.

After a couple tries of this, the Beardfag gives up, same as the Shammy Repps.

No one's cracking you.

You take that bit of defiance with you as you take your place at the center of a fairly efficient lopping and sausaging operation.
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If anything changes in the world outside, you don't know about it. You hear nothing in here.

Death, death, death, over and over.

It's kind of a relief when the accumulated trauma drives you mad: for several weeks you are not yourself, so in a sense you're not *here*.

You do notice that you've grown bigger though: they've refitted the iron bed several times to accommodate your increased proportions.

You're a proppa Oik now.

Still trapped though.


You have considered breaking your limbs and using the bone splinters for a shank or something, but you're not strong enough to do that, and your jailers keep a good watch on you. They're paid five of your bodies a shift; very generous for many and two Times of work a day.

Shammies don't get anything, from what you can tell; you're one of their Dooties now.


You do try to talk to the Shammies n MeatWerkaz whenever you have lungs; they've been instructed never to answer you direct, only to ask you if you're ready to talk.

Your answer is allus no.

It speeds up your mindbreak-cycles farsta.
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You see Dulugtangor just once: when a tall, imperious figure dressed in black finery descends the stairs, holding his head in one hand. In the figure's other hand is a Sord.

Daggy's daddy.

Dulug's still alive: the head keeps straining, mutely screaming against the leather thong seams stitching its mouth, nose, ears and eyes closed.

There is a beat, in which everyone in the chopping room stands up to rush the intruder.

Then they topple, split at all joints, their pooling blood mingling with yours.

You are not crazy at this time; your mind works, retrieves an old memory.

The imperious figure reminds you of someone real torn up that you once saved; someone who crashed down from the heavens in a plume of smoke crackling with lightning.

Someone buried in a broke down old cabin, guarded by turgid black trees in the shape of men.


"Ah. Yang Wuhan Oneself was addressed thus once. By a cute, lively, rascally little disciple. Alas, he went off on his own adventures, leaving his poor Master helpless against the world. Haiii, regrettable, that a disciple should so forget his Teacher, distracted by worldly vagaries; mundane interests instead of attainment."

"Bud it'z me, Seafood. Me Toady."

"Who is your Sifu. Oneself has never taken a Disciple so gross and large; nor indeed, does the Blade Emperor take Disciples."

>Yang Wuhan, the Absolute, has disowned you

He scars you with his fingernails, like he did so long before. Your flesh heals over before he can finish.

"Ah. Interesting. Disciples One takes none, but Slaves of rare qualities needs must p l e n t y.

Now that he has put out one of the Guiding Lights of this world and restored his body, Yang Wuhan is ready to begin a campaign of revenge against those who had united to depose him.

The new Slave he brought with him has truly extraordinary regenerative abilities: blood, flesh, essence, soul, all could be extracted indefinitely.

Placed in the center of a Malevolent Vulturer Array, the Slave provided the power-basis of several defensive arrays in the first of many strongholds of the returned Absolute™.

The history of that campaign warrants by size and scope a whole other telling; for Toady the Goblin Cultivator, Carrionpede of the Fourth Moulting, this is

. . . . . . . . . . . . T H E . E N D
Dawg what da hell
You get a save every turn for hold monster
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so we get 2 bad rolls and thats it just like that?
also moar oww would either try to help us or go back to seafood and inform him of our predicament

you cant end it like that QM
Holding out a secret hope that this is a mental illusion of our greatest fears and that hold monster was NOT the spell.
Should've chosen luck, and also been less greedy for mundane things, lmao.
Picking endless regeneration just made combat all-or-nothing, and a pain for the QM to keep interesting. For those new to quests, the best moments are generally character interactions and surprise dice results, not power-gaming nor collecting a whole spreadsheet worth of "skills", things, and nameless lackeys.
I guess in the end, the eternal truth always remains the same...
OP is a faggot
looks to me like QM just wanted to end the quest for personal reasons
ending the quest because we chose "immortality" doesnt make sense in my humble opinion (i have to point out again that i was against making toady OP, but QM gave anons the means to do so)
not necessarily
he could retcon it
if QM needs a break he can just say so
Lmao that is definitely one way to end the quest

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