Turn 14The world of Pavilion falls under a pall. Mortal meddling strains the fabric of the world as wizards war with increasingly uncontrollable magics. To the west, a new land arises, ushering the Vizari into a harsh yet protected refuge from raiders and pillages. A presence stirs in the deep wounds they left behind, feeding on blood and souls, seeping through cracks in the firmament. The Northern nations seek glory in other lands, sending their armies outside of reality itself to fight wars in a strange new world. The Tyrns Without Summer march on all the while, food stores deplete, emergency measures turn to mitigation, and hunger yields to famine. Dark times indeed.>We're currently full on players, though that can change with short notice. If you're interested, join our discord. The invite code is: F2Patcf.GLOBAL DISASTER: The night sky darkens, the stars torn from their seats in the heavens and cast into the western seas. The earth itself quakes with indignation, stirring up great waves that batter the coast. The days that follow are unseasonably cool and dry. The sun is enfeebled by a dry fog that reddens and dapples its shining light. Crops fail, lakes freeze, animals starve to death for want of grazing ground.
Apologies, it seems I reposted the blurb from the previous turn. Without further ado:Turn 15GLOBAL DISASTER: The long dimming of the sun continues unabated. Starvation and desolation, especially in the unreasonably long winter continues, with many forced into hard decisions. The first frost of winter (always too soon) often marks the quiet departure of the elderly into forests and plains. One particularly vicious winter entire villages seemingly enter a feral state together, transforming into a cannibal cult when faced with impossible decisions.
>>6158946>DomoAs magepriests and Domo settlers scatter across the planes they find scattered and broken people eager for any to unify them back together into a people, and desperate for aid in the face of the everwinter. Unfortunately they also find the bureaucrats, settlers and preachers of the Barza, who are also finding fertile ground for their guidance. Ultimately the region becomes a patchwork of villages swearing allegiance to different lords, but with both the Barza and Domo armies occupied elsewhere the conflict largely remains a cultural and religious one, with neither nation truly asserting true control over the area.Where the Domo control does take root though the remnants of the Vizari ways are absorbed into the Domo traditions. The precise mathematical nature of Vizari golem craft is applied to the animistic mud golems of the Domo, resulting in a highly refined Eternal Watchmen, a body of baked clay housing the spirit of a honored warrior or shaman.>>6159000>GuliseareThe smiths of Guliseare set to work refining their craft, experimenting with various alloys and techniques, developing techniques for the creation of lightweight armors that should help the aerial skirmishers stay safer in the air against the arrows of the lessers. A technique to help modulate the height of the new experimental airships is created. By filling a thin membrane of cloth with hot air a small amount of lift can be generated or vented easily. In a properly balanced vessel this is enough for altitude control, an acolytes meditation on the light of Aelelox can be sufficient to raise the craft into the air, and simply venting the air by lifting a cloth flap can allow the ship to drop. Fighting the wind on the other hand is providing a difficult task.
>>6159943>OrdalanHunger stalks Ordelan, more deadly and persistent than any elf lord on their drakes. The chill of the everwinter has snuffed out many isolated villages, and worse still proved a constant distraction for many of those same villages are rising up from the dead, drawing away the pyre axes to extinguish the grim threat. Other isolated villages fall to cannibalism, their surrounding roads falling into disrepair as they become little more than bandit-cults. New hunting grounds are established as quickly as possible on the border with Barza, who seems to be handling the crisis better than most thanks to a new innovation of their geomancy.Desperate for more warriors for the front lines, Ordelan enlists Anelk slaves with promises of freedom, sending hundreds of the bird folk to the front lines with little more than a tunic and a simple spear. Still, in the first early clashes at the tail end of the tyrn they provide effective and even loyal, with many talking excitedly of a new life should they survive the war. >>6160105>Krovian BandsKrovians surge across the straight, looking for new hunting grounds and new food in the face of the everwinter. They settle onto the familiar sandy dunes, living off fish and adapting old Vizari water stones for blood rituals.They find a vast chasm on the sight of the old Vizari fortress and soon the location becomes home to brutal games of bloodsport between Krawl and Krovian, with pulse shamans gathering the blood as an offering to the great chasm. Far below the shamans feel the power of pulse gathering, concentrating, transforming.It seems there may be a bit of disagreement on where the boundaries for the bloodsport lie--for as the Krovians muster in the province they have set aside for bloodsport, ravenous Krawl-forms roam a wide swathe of the desert, killing, consuming and sacrificing Vizari and Krove alike.>>6160183>VitruviaJold is a curious, and dangerous metal to be sure. In most practical applications the metal must be regularly cleaned to purge it of dangerous buildup of its patina, though some speculate the patina should instead be harvested and used as a fuel of some sort. Still it is a sturdy and tough metal, and the golden sheen quickly finds itself into use in weapons and tools both, though stories do spring up occasionally of old sheds being filled with dangerous levels of jold patina, then exploding in a burst of lightning in the midst of a gentle rainstorm. The new Mechanism workshop sets to work finding uses for jold. The most difficult task for most devices is finding a means to prevent it from shocking the user, most jold devices end up being thrown as a result, or are only used by pain resistant polymyria who simply ignore the arcing burns caused. Perhaps some sort of insulator could be found in the jungles?
>>6160332>VenksThe grand docks in the bay of Rudam have a singular mission in the face of the everwinter, staving off the ugly spectre of starvation. And indeed the construction of the docks will be viewed as wisdom for tyrns to come for the everwinter drags on with miserable harvests and weak faltering summers, as just off the shore is found a great abundance of dogfish, easily fished with pole or net. The bounty of the sea, hauled in by crew after crew and painstakingly brined, preserved and shipped to hungry villages across the land helps to stave off many grim outcomes that are occurring in other lands. Aid also arrives from across freshwater as well, with foodstuffs arriving from Habitun, though much of it is quite strange and unusual, many claim they have never seen the like, with many peculiar meats, fruits and grains present. >>6160641>OrcmaniePort Sainac is rebuilt, larger and finer than before, with great pillars of red granite built far out into the water and a sprawling boardwalk built upon it. The entire area becomes something of a community center, with never ending faire like attitude enveloping it even in the midst of the everwinter, with children running about gawking at sailors as they unload wild frost chimeras caught in the north or set sail to the island in the north. Games and stalls and entertainers fill the area, where dock workers aren’t moving the latest shipment of fish in from the sea to feed the hungry victims of the everwinter.Joining the fish is the latest discovery of the white island, what the locals call Hot Root. This hardy plant grows barrel shaped snow white tubers that often prove a struggle to remove from the ground. Though potently spicy the tuber proves a critical foodstock as it is largely unaffected by the everywinter and the hillsides of the frozen island are covered in vast numbers of wild crop. Spiced and salted fish stews rapidly become the favored meal of those who work in the grim winters.Attempts to track down the unaccounted for changelings of the nation unfortunately are stymied by time and the relative unimportance of those being tracked. Evidence points to them still being within Orcmanie, though exactly where is difficult to say. Perhaps more investigation will turn something up.
>>6160674>BarzaPrayers rise from the desperate people to the holy one above. The everwinter continues unabated, unbroken, each feeble summer and long winter following the next. The kingdom of Barza fairs better than most, its bureaucracy letting it track and manage villages in distress, but ultimately it is a triage of starvation and hunger made worse by banditry of the equally desperate. The prayers of the faithful are not in vain however. As yet another early winter begins to creep in, threatening an already meager harvest, there is a great rumbling in the earth. In the mountains over Barzaenium the mountain cracks, and great plumes of steam rise up. Boiling water races down the mountainside, joining into a stream of steaming water that rushes down the hills and into the farmland of Barza. The warmth of the new river revitalizea the farmland, protecting it from winter until the harvest comes in.Barzantine soldiers and settlers march forth to find the land fiercely defended by a tribe of stunted creatures. A few veterans of the old wars identify them as Domo, raiders and savages who kidnap innocents for gruesome rituals. Land to the west proves easier to settle, though it does bring Barzantines uncomfortably close to the fungus-infested lands of the Krawl.>>6160751>HabitunThe council of Inter-Habitun is a mess of contradictions, cultural mishaps, and conversion errors. No small number of accidents, misunderstandings and mistakes occur on the basis of mixed up mathematics (Habitun 88’s members all have four fingers and count in base 8, and the less said about the haughty attitudes of 83 the better. Every nation seems to have some small variance on the standard weights and measures, apparently all tracing back to a chaotic accident a survey team had nearly five hundred years ago. It is no small effort to convince all nations to adopt a single unified system of measurements, numbers, and terminology (Stige 7 still insists on referring to portals as doors) but once done it does result in a remarkable increase in efficiency.The efficiency proves critical as Habitun and Skrit forces (and friendly alternate Guliseare forces as well) from across multiple universes band together to push back the menace of the wasp variant Skrit. While initial assaults prove failure difficult, with some analysis Central manages to concoct a disruptive chemical concoction that temporarily breaks the mental control of the parasitic wasps over their victims. With the sudden surge of rebellions the coalition forces manage to push the expansionist slavers into a retreat, though the war is far from over. In more mundane news the cave fish projects prove quite effective, with the greedy fish gladly devouring the dead horror worm flesh, and the cave slime, algae, and fungus that grows from it. Supplies of fish, heavily processed horror worm and extradimensional food stuffs flow out along trade routes, greatly alleviating the suffering of the everwinter around Supkha.
>>6160805>VizariBlack marble stands out in this new world of blinding white. The dark-tinted glass that begins to arrive from the north pairs well with the cold shine of the stone. Boneyard mammoths are the accumulation of ancient bones and pelts, piled together and given life by some unknown magic. The oldest mammoths have ancient runes inscribed into their bones, the meanings and origin of which elude even the best scholars of the Vizari.>>6162115>The UrottiThe settlers of the snowy plains have taken on a local creature for a pack animal, though many have come to regret it. The Yeti Sloth is a massive lumbering creature covered in a thick layer of shaggy fur, foul tempered and prone to biting, spitting, and grumbling, but there’s no denying the use of the creature's shaggy wool and incredible capacity for carrying cargo, even if it is a bit slow.Fear of the sun’s demise begins to grip the land in a fever, and the beliefs of habitun begin to sweep across the land. Chief among these beliefs is a panicked need to move key infrastructure beyond the light of the sun. Mushroom cellars are dug beneath the land, fed with the detritus of lumberyards and farms and snow melt and only ever seen by the dim light of a rune lantern. Sawdust and potato peels are offered, and rats kept out, and in return mycelium fruits are given. Common White Buttons are a typical foodstock, though Mountain Lace, and Ooze Cap provide some much needed flavors and textures, and other smaller niche products pop up as well.
>>6162425Beleaguered by foes on all sides, the armies of Ordelan are eager for any recruits that can be found, and changeling agents find it quite trivial to join the forces of Ordelan. A few manage to find their way into positions aiding quartermasters, working as messengers, and other critical assistants where they discover a critical piece of information, Ordelan is deeply overstrained dealing with the everwinter, cults, bandits, and even patches of undead are springing up in isolated villages, providing a critical distraction.There are several major obstacles to learning to mimic the magical styles of other nations. The first and simplest obstacle is simply knowledge. Vizari sorcerers for instance spend much of their life learning the fundamental skills and knowledge required to enact their magical arts, then further specialize into a variety of sub magics, again spending years acquiring a deep knowledge of the arts. Domo mystics form deep spiritual connections with ancient spirits of the land, Guliseare Acolytes must meditate and train deeply to learn the secrets of their arts, opening themselves up to the brilliance of their god. Even a Barza geomancer is a heavily trained individual who can enact complex magic with a casual muscle memory like efficiency only learned after hundreds if not thousands of drills and casts of the same spells. For any one spy to learn the skills to mimic such a role would take years, no number of interviews and conversations with visiting foreigners can change that. Naturally, changeling spies cheat. A simple set of illusion spells are developed, insufficient for serious displays of power, but enough that they can mimic a variety of simple sensations and effects, the flash and heat of a burst of flame, the whisper of a Ordelan songbow, the warm light of a Guliseare Acolyte. None of these effects are real of course, merely sensations brushing against the outermost layer mind of observers, but they are often enough to let a spy bypass scrutiny for a few critical moments. The everwinter drags on and proves particularly rough on the changeling city states. Already dependent on outsiders for most of their food, save the ailing orchards of Bahay, the people of the Tagaya city states are suffering brutal levels of starvation, especially distant Urong who fares worst of all. A grim madness seems to seize many of the people there, causing them to shift into fish-man hybrids and vanish into the sea, never to be seen again.
>>6162348>Turquoise TurbansOn the limited grasslands the Turbans control new farms spring up to fight off the hunger and desperation of the everwinter. The staple crop of the region is the Mediokre, a bland but filling tuber that grows like a weed, perhaps because only the hungriest of animals will stoop to consuming it. Fortunately Turban merchants soon master the art of mixing it with a variety of spices and other ingredients, bulking up otherwise lacking meals. Should their culinary skills not be enough to dissuade the Krovians, Godeliva, the Steel Queen herself, sets to work commissioning a mighty fortress to protect the iron mines, sparing no expense to set palisades of steel deep into the ground all around and no small number of vicious barbed spike and hooks along its thick walls. >>6162700>The KrawlAs the corpses of the dead and are delivered to the great chasm a growing sense of unease begins to develop between the high minds of the Krawl. Something is growing and developing down in the darkness below, though what exactly is quite beyond them. No connection to the hive mind of the Krawl develops, whatever forms in the darkness below as Krovian shamans chant and pour blood from the hunting grounds into the pit is without a doubt its own master.>>6163091>Skrit Other nations might have found the parasitic body snatching wasps a nightmarish horror and difficult to stomach, but for the Skrit it is simply another colony of insects to subjugate then employ. Captured nests of the wasps are doused in chemicals to subdue them, then drug back to Central to be analyzed and integrated. Their nature as puppeteers of other creatures is slightly hindered by their alien biology to this world, native life tends to perish after but a few weeks of being piloted by Central.Great swarms of the Skrit set to work building a new colony in the jungles on the southern shores of the Tarn. There they find the bones of those who come before some tiny race with no small proclivity for companionship for insects, though unfortunately they live on only in the alternate roads of this world. More pressing than echoes of might have beens though is the presence of the Krawl, a rival hive mind of gelatinous creatures, clearly bred more for war than anything else. It remains to be seen how interaction between these nations might play out.
>>6163135>Adenai ConfederacyAdenai prepares itself for a long war even while confidently proclaiming this one is but a moment from its end. Advanced tactics and advanced motivations meant to keep men in the fight, mind and body, longer than their enemy are instituted. Much of this is funded by the sale of surplus food to the changeling cities who are hit particularly hard by the everwinter. Adenai is better placed than most nations to withstand the ravages of the everwinter, with ample farmland and plundered hunting grounds bolstering its food supplies. The changeling cities in particular pay a premium for any grain Adenai can spare and that funding flows directly into pay and luxuries for the soldiers of the war. Only the fates can tell for sure who the war front will favor though. >WARS> Krovian - Krawl Lumbermill BrawlLacking the organization of a true battle formation, the Krovian bands founder against even light Krawl defenses. For the moment the Krawl maintain their control over the lumberyard, fending off more and more aggressive assaults from local Krovians, though presumably the Krovians will take the lumberyard eventually, should the Krawl not see this failure as a sign of weakness.> The Civilizing War> Rose Garden Battle The Barza forces meet the Domo in battle amidst the vast fields of roses. At the height of the battle the Barza call magma up from deep within the earth, but receive so much more than they expected. The bones of Domo past, unearthed by the geomantic might, jump to life and storm the Barza lines. As geomancers are scattered in panic, the volcanic spell they are casting goes out of control. Soon the fields of roses are blazing merrily, forcing both sides into retreat as the Rose Garden burns. Glum-faced Barzan officers draw straws to determine who writes home about the results of the battle.
>The Main FrontGuilsearan forces sweep into Adenai territory, cutting through lands depleted of their garrisons by the war to the south. Westward progress is halted by a stone fort the locals call “Castra Orienta”, whose squat walls defend against searing strike and aerial assault alike. Still, the advance is sufficient to trap the invading Adenai in a cauldron, their previously bountiful supply lines cut down to what little can be moved piecemeal on barges over the Orienta river.Hunger, cannibals and resurgences of undead are proving a deadly distraction, and Changeling spies are feeding much information to Adenai. The Nixen feel beset on every side by shadows and traitors, and paranoia proves as lethal as any sword or blade. Avila pulls her Queensguard from the front to prepare a counter invasion, keeping her plans close to her chest to avoid exposure by the Changeling spies she knows infest her military. Followers of Janos assume the worst, that the queen and her Shwaerz backers are preparing to mount a self-coup to purge other faithful from positions of power. Nixen crowd the streets of Sturnes in protest, while a few Janos-aligned generals divert their troops from the front in anticipation of an attempt on their lives. The twice-weakened front cannot hold up to the Adenai attack, and collapses. Only a frantic recommitment of the Queens own troops saves Sturnes, though her hopes of a counterattack are dashed in the process.Rumors of Lucius’s half-divinity have nearly become doctrine among the Adenai as the young Patriarch leads the army from strength to strength. The enemy seems to melt away in his path, it is rumored that his mere presence causes Nixen chariots to sunder and Ash-Tigers to flee. Lucius advances his forces to the very brink of Sturnes, so close that the roofs of city buildings could be picked out from one another. Though his men are pushed back somewhat by a desperate counterattack, elf and human alike can feel that Sturnes--and victory?--are within their grasp.~~~~~END OF TURN 15~~~~~~
> Missionary Addendum (Again)Only the most courageous of missionaries dare to enter Krovian territory, and there is little expectation for them to return. And indeed many of them perish to Krovian aggression. Yet the determination of the survivors earns respect among the Krovians, and from that respect the missionaries form an ideology blending the Pulse with Luxosophic faith that makes good inroads with into Krovian culture.
>>6163897Report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.The lessers we face are limited in number as the majority of their forces are elsewhere dealing with the Ordelan. For some reason, our forces seem to have instead of focusing on finishing the encirclement aimed to attack the fortress not far from Bahay... This has been rectified. As it stands, the Ordelan are sieged not only by the Lessers to our west but also some to the far south, and the Barzaentine seem to be defending the Ordelan's southern border from these strange lessers. Regardless, the situation for Ordelan is desperate. Our efforts must be concentrated if they are to survive. Fortunately, despite our...delays. We should be able to provide a major bit of relief to their beleaguered forces. Further, there are concerning rumors regarding movement by the Kaenumites to the north.Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.>Action One. Better Steelmaking (2/2)Far better quality steelmaking techniques have been discovered, including lightweight armors that can even be worn by those in flight greater than that of leather. While still relatively thin and modest they are far better than the leather and cloth which was held before. Furthermore, new smithing has found incredibly durable blades that hold a deadly edge that even have a ray like pattern akin to the sun. A blessing to add to our arsenal to be sure, and weapons that surely will aid Guliseare in it's endeavors of war. May our smiths be the greatest in the world, better than any pale imitations the lessers can come up with.>Action Two. Aelelox's Gentle Breeze.The problem of moving a vessel in the air is difficult. Recent usage of a 'balloon' of cloth for enough lift to make a balance vessel is a useful step to allow us to solve the other early issues our vessels face. In fact the solution coming so soon is quite the blessing. Still, the first major step is that of movement. If we cannot find a way to be free of the winds we are doomed to be at their mercy. Two idea's have come from this. The first is a unique and new sail system, designed to be akin to the fins of fish. While hoped that this would potentially solve the issue of being at the winds mercy, this seemed to fail much like the old sails did. However, with the balloons, old sails were...impractical in most cases to say the least. The other was looking to Aelelox. The goddess whom we worship made not just the two greatest celestial objects, but the sky. So, some priests have delved into prayer and study in an attempt to learn how to harness the very winds of the sky. An avenue that should prove most useful to our efforts, as in conjunction with the fin like sails the biggest hurdle to the creation of these ships will be solved.(War actions will be posted later.)
>>6163897The world is askew, pulled taut by unworthy life. In the gaps of the braid, what is meant to be falls far earlier to the grasps of the Lord of the Earth before they are meant to. The westward cities of An and Koll sponsors ever-further fishing expeditions to south and west, daring the borders of the Slaugish weirdsea and the cursed west for schools of fish that hasn't feared the ships of men yet. Ever more arbitrary laws falls into place and cannibalism is accepted as a method of execution, for the Domo yearns for souls in a fading world. >War Action: Let's Not Cross Another RiverThe plainsmen judge the insult inflicted by the Ordal to them fulfilled, and considers the sanctity of their ancient dead secured when they burn in the Earth's blood itself. The cities still pays though, and a large cohort of the boar riders with an insect swarm escort is hired by the Archpriest and Magnates to assault Sturnes itself with the Domo mercenaries. Some of the goods and rights they promise is conditioned under the no-immediate-blood-sacrifice in the hopes of the plainsmen moderating their behaviours.>Action 1 & 2: The Second Lord-Priest(ess) Some people live to see their grandchildren born to the world, while some may not even see the person they were meant to be before cessation. Some are tragically given the life to see their grandchildren's grandchildren before they descend to Kholan's grace. A fate of that third category is bestowed to a child to a Domo-(ex)Vizari pair, and with the world wrong, what should be a long and insignificant period in one's elder age of yearning for the secrets of the Vizari (The consequences of a lovestruck Domo being lenient to their partner whispering the secrets of matter to a child is immense.) is instead a particularly eventful childhood of absorbing nearly all of the Vizari remnant's lore and also being tutored in the arts and speech of the priesthood. Feats of great working is attributed to this child even before she was granted the vestments of the Magepriest, of lullabying fields to sleep in the winter, of convincing a Gruumtusk to gore itself so that its blood may feed its children, and most miraculous of all, of convincing the many spirits of life to orient itself to the wealth and booty of the deep earth rather than the waning sun. Ascending to the Lord-Priest's position on his death (his life stopped having much of a meaning when all the plains belonged to the Domo), life grows strange as more and more fall into her faction and learn the way of a bona fide Great Druid. How shroomish the rice feels like, the strange cries from the trees at dusk, or humanlike eyes on the boars and insects goes unprotested when one usually meets one of these druids to feast for the week.Below the notice of many a priest, the encounter with Barzae forces stirs at-this-point forgotten memories, and some of the Domo dreams of burning gods and the Liberator in the wind for a while.
>>6163898The scene of Sturnes is not a pleasant one. Adenai did not reach the city, yet corpses litter its streets. Famine has taken its toll and the Nixen are too busy not freezing to death themselves to remove the bodies. Avila wanders the streets, lamenting the decline of Ordalan, and so soon after being crowned the new queen. What good were allies? Orcmanie sits idle, Tagagaya undermines us, Adenai starves us, Barza burns us, Vizari abandons us. And we thought we could take on the Nachetars. But Avila is queen, until death, so she shall see it through.>Action 1: More hunting grounds, now southeast of the lumber mill. Desperation for food has us scour more of the forests for game.While the desperate start to feast upon one another, the hunters of Eastern Ordalan delve yet more into the woods to look for game. There are meagre pickings, but as long as it staves off our starvation, it'll have to do.>Action 2: The Red Hood Vagrants. Among the displaced, some take to the sword, fighting bandits and undead, becoming known for their red hoods.With our first, second and third rate warriors out fighting the war, our lands become plagued with undeath and banditry, but Ordalan's fourth and fifth rate warriors are unable to keep order. Yet, among the desperate and homeless, arise a horde of vagabond warriors, tied to no church, instead they are adventuring bands, going where trouble is thick, fighting bandits and undead. These consist of unideal warriors, deemed unfit or unsavoury, but they come in great number, and while many die or fall to banditry, those that remain earn great respect. While there are a hundred different bands, they all are identified by the red hoods they wear. The nobles dub them the Red Hood Vagrants and give them permission to loot the dead. However, they also demand each Red Hood Vagrant register with a band, so they can threaten to decree a band as bandit should they fail to keep their members in line.>War Plan: Avila's Charge. The Queen takes centre stage, her axe pointed at Lucius. Either to be her fall, or when the tide is turned.The ancient walls of Sturnes are of no use, having been picked apart to build houses. Furthermore, we lose out on many of our strength limiting ourselves to city streets. Thus, we can defend no longer, we must attack. Queen Avila has a target in mind, the enemy commander, Lucius. They think him a god, then Avila shall face him. She will rally the armies of Ordalan, the Ashen Dawn, the Silver Storm, the Rosenfeuer and the Chaerda. The order is basic, the details are to be determined by each commander, as long as it's an attack. Avila herself will find where Lucious is leading from and strike at him. Having the blessings of Schwaerz and Janos she will be a dangerous opponent, combining the speed of Spark Step with the strength of Nixenzorn. Either she dies with her people, or she shall herald the dawn.
>>6163976>>6163912>>6164024The majority of the Lesser forces that we face are further to the south. The forces that went to the fortress that was briefly sieged are recalled from it and the commanders chastised for the massive waste of time and faithful. Given the Tizzonarden seem to be incapable of flying a modest distance for some reason, future reform is noted as being required for them in the future. However there is still some use that can come of them in our advance. The main force is to march south, fully cutting off the Lessers from their supply and forcing them to rely on makeshift ports to transport goods rather than any overland route while also being able to apply pressure on the enemies main forces flank. Given the majority of our enemies lands are occupied and hold Ordalan civilians. At least, we believe they do. For all we know the Lessers could have purged the Ordalan and started settling their people in the lands already.Still, while the main force marches to join up with the Ordalan and strike the main lesser force from behind, the Imbuato and Tizzonarden will move ahead, the former being sure to strike at any foraging parties to ensure that the already limited food stocks of the Lessers becomes even more strained. Meanwhile, the Tizzonarden, armed with flame potions, will head to any makeshift docks along the coast that are found to destroy them and the vessels docked there. Due to the nature of these locations, it is expected that the fires will consume much in the way of vessels and the supply upon them. Similarly, any sort of camps set up by the Lessers will likewise be struck. If their camps are alight, not only will their dwindling food stocks be destroyed but so too will their weapons. These actions will ensure that their continued march and attack in a hostile land will be an absolute nightmare.All of this damage, combined with the fact that we are striking from their flank and they are an invading force that has been bloodied by combat while our own forces are mostly fresh should ensure that their invasion force is completely destroyed with no escape to their home which, after these devastating losses, will surely be defenseless and force the enemy to the table. The only question is how long it will take to destroy the Lessers in the pocket they have blindly walked into.
>>6164195Summery 1. Strike south to fully cut off the Elves and hopefully link up with Ordalan forces. Grey line is initial advance. Once these tiles are taken, link up with Ordalan via the Blue advance and put the squeeze on the Elves.2. Tizzonarden actually make themselves useful by destroying any makeshift docks the Anedal and/or Moivadal find along with the ships in these ports that the Elves are using to resupply troops via fire potions. Any supply depo's likewise will be struck in this way.3. Imbuato, our specialized ambush troops, are to try and hunt any foraging parties sent out by the Elves to further ensure their forces starve as surely, they will struggle to live off the land in the current disaster.4. Anedal, Moivadal, Tizzonarden and Imbuato will attempt to talk with Ordalan civilians in the occupied area to have even greater information of Elven movements, patrols and supply locations. Provided the Elves haven't killed all of the locals, of course.
>>6163901Action 1: Spidersilk Couture>Syer Iskaf's Garbs and Garments is to be given exclusive right to purchase nine out of every tonnes of spider silk imports from the Skrit. Siblinghood, Huntsmen, Scouts, and Council-accredited Fumancers and Shadowmancers will be given exclusive right to commission three out of every four garbs and garments that come out of the couture.>Furthermore, house Katan is to provide Syer Iskaf's store with promising seamsters for apprenticeship, until further notice.- Council decree>The death throes of Solaire have thrown the world into a kaleidoscope of monochromatic doom and triumph.>For those languishing in the former, we offer our sincerest condolences, with a tiny crumb of "we told you so". But to soften, and prepare for the coming long winter seasons, we offer a warming, fashionable assortment of Dulce-dyed frocks and cloaks, with options for glittering stars and moons to be sewn in a pattern at the customer's choice and discretion, as well as our latest addition for races of finite age: Pellucid Ornaments; statements of individuality, from crystalline beads to pins to customized clips. Order one in your design of deity or patron, and receive it included with up to six different glowing shades of color, to be adjusted by yourself using an attached guide, whether to indicate the season, one's age, one's station, or even one's emotional state.>As is customary, we only sew custom and on demand, and so any outsiders seeking our wares must travel to the port of Gronn Dal, wherein a seamster shall sail out to open water to take measurements. Such efforts will doubtless be rewarded, as you frolick through hill, forest, plain and court, feeling comfortable and recognized at all times.>And for our precious, valiant servants in service to Habitun's council, we've you the best in living memory: Spidersilk. It's breathable, it's soft, it's light, it's sturdy, and above all else, you can present it as readily to the foes of Habitun as you could to a family dinner. No more complaints about dirt, grime, or scent as our revolutionary treatments see the fine threads easily washed with but a few splashes of water and a half-hearted scrub. Durable enough to dive with through thickets of thorn and emerge unscathed, it is the ultimate in contemporary craftsmanship. Let they with lead or iron armor stumble on their feet as they struggle to pin you with a sluggish blow, whilst you dance circles around their sunken smelly boots, Syer Iskaf's Garb and Garments have you covered, literally!"Syer Iskaf's Garb and Garments brochure"
>>6164817Action 2: Systematic Cave Exploration And Mapping With Inter-Habitun>Vandal 016: Communication in session. Subject is the plumbing of the tunnels under Fuaha>Vandal 038: We have already surveyed them>Vandal 083: What? When?>Vandal 038: While half were dealing with northern neighbors and other half were repelling invaders>Age 001: Irrelevant, historic mishaps have shown a precedent regarding differences in culture and measurements, and the Skrit shadow ants have demonstrated difference in terrain features across realms>Vandal 083: Mistwess Age?>Vandal 005: W--t ar- -ou d-ing h--->Age 001: My Vandal was overzealous and overconfident. Breathed in lungful after lungful of Glitter Vapor. He is undergoing treatment, and I am here to ensure you do not repeat his mistakes>Vandal 032: A valid assertion, for our arithmancers deduce each number of our "realms" correlates to differing portents, yet some must be joined and common>Vandal 016: We have combed through shared records and identified key joint events and endeavors, through which we can average out the most common of tunnel formations>Vandal 066: Any theories as to what caused the tunnels to form to begin with?>Vandal 088: A remnant of the... before times, perhaps?>Age 001: We do not speak of that, Vandals. Ill omens, ill portents, the more you speak them, the stronger they become. Drop it- Excerpt from shadow ant communiques between Vandal Jaffars and one Age BaniMilitary action: Continue Aiding Habitun-066 and Habitun-083's defensive efforts>Bjorn 083: Hewwo?>Bjorn 001: Finally. Where have you been all this time?>Bjorn 083: Fuwgewwomen focuwsed sowaiwe gaze, fiwed haphazawdwy acwoss the wand, used nowthewn snow as miwwow. Bikuwbe was hit>Bjorn 001: Your accent is atrocious>Bjorn 083: Bwame Stige 016>Bjorn 032: Let us focus. I presume you finally repaired damages to Bikube? What is your status>Bjorn 083: Dwagon cwushed nowthewn saboteuws, pwomised to defend land bettew, suppwies can continue awwiving>Bjorn 066: On our end, the wasps are being pushed back, more thanks to Skrit "alchemy" support than anything. Forces slow to adapt>Bjorn 001: We will be supplying incoming soldiery with new spider silk armors>Bjorn 038: Spider silk armors? Can we have some for our own? Our Skrit refused to "enslave" any spiders, and the Yakmen have expanded into the land wherein the pixies used to dwell, making portal construction untenable>Bjorn 001: ... no- Excerpt from shadow ant communiques between Bjorn Sayyads
After the longest reign of all Kings over Vencia and having saved his people from the long ravages of the Tyrn Without A Summer, the King is Dead. Long Live the King! Born the same tyrn both his father and sovereign grandfather joined the choir eternal, the High Reeve will act as Regent until he becomes of age.Following the death of our King and given the infancy of his heir, I, Blanzour-Kare his Reeve and Regent, am by the laws of our Lord and this land given to hereby order;>The continuance of his late Majesty's plans, the construction of a port in the southern Gulf of Hygran where the lesser streams of the great Ave & the River Festan empty and in them the building of a second large fishing fleet. Between these two safe harbours there shall be easy trade by sea 'twixt Rudam & Cærys.
>>6163898The continuing crisis worsens still. New land must be exploited to produce the goods we need, we cannot over exploit our current sites any more than we already are.To that end, the underdeveloped fourth province of Vitruvia receives further attention. Never named, these lands have mostly been left wild and only visited for mineral extraction. With all these recent developments, many believe that a fully fledged fourth city is only a matter of time.The dark secret held by this province is known only to very few, a source of reluctance in developing here that had prevented a city developing sooner. Time will tell if the burgeoning province of Somnbarre (the name mangled from ordelan tales) proves a worthy investment.Action 1: Additional buffalo farm (red)The food shortage naturally brings with it risk to life, but failing to feed the Rocs could bring about a true catastrophe.The Buffalo herd is split, and new grazing land is found by the foot of the more south westerly mountains. The additional grazing pastures should bring food security to our Rocs, allowing us to maintain their appetites even through this chaos.Should the disaster pass, the additional food produced here can be dedicated to supporting additional birds or feeding more carnivorous Cavia, granting food security to the whole nation.Action 2: Third reagent farm (green)The blight upon our crops calls for another drastic measure, a reserve farm.Great sections of the mountain are cut, flattened and terraced and all sorts of relatively common alchemical plants and basic foodstuffs.This third reagent farm is not intended to provide any new reagents to our stores, but to secure large supplies of common alchemical reagents (such as most of those involved in Homunculus creation and potion stock making) without the hassle that comes with cultivating rarer and far more demanding specimens.With the addition of this “bulk” farm, and its various silos, we increase dramatically our resistance against famine, safeguarding our ability to continue producing new Vitruvians.
>>61639031. Prospect Food (Result given: Vizari Grapes)A pleasant discovery was made on the underside of many wooden beams in home, a strange mushroom. After a little desperation in a harsh winter the mushrooms are found to be not only edible but have a pleasant, herbal, taste. New farms are quickly made to cultivate this new crop. Many a new dish is made using it from simply cooking it to drying it out and pounding it into a powder to add a nice herbal flavor to dishes. 2. Prospect resource (Result: Jade)With the new Graveyard Mammoths acting as mounts, companions, and impromptu tents into the harsher lands of the island new resources have become available. Prospectors seeking out riches stumble upon deposits of jade among the harsh lands. Not only would the men on the expedition be rich for the mining of this beautiful stone but the nation itself would find the stone a boon. While the magical benefits of gems and stones are not as straight forward as metals they still hold use; and jade is known for it's use in focusing magics of cosmic interest with different colors of jade holding different leanings in cosmic forces.
>>6163907If We are to acknowledge the presence of this beast in the soup, then it must show itself. Until then, We choose to increase our populations, in order to prepare for what it might be.>1: Form the dark lake (pop increaser)The krawl’s natural form of magical travel is applicable in many ways, best as a stationary shelter. And as such, We are as of now planning to boost population production inside a giant shelter, a giant subspace bubble that stretches from a wide base on the ground, to high into the sky. If any dared to enter, they would be eternally assaulted by the krawl inside until there’s nothing left of the body. The dark lake stands tall, a deep blue hue in a black whirlwind in the distance for miles upon miles around, up into the stratosphere.Krawl vortexes, of course, emerge from the multiplying krawl within this hive away from the hives. Surrounding this dark lake, they would spread across the land, exit their vortexes to consume surface samples or specific materials, and bring their findings back to the basin, in order to be cycled upward into the swarm.>2: Increase popMore fungus should do, just as before. More chambers in the chasms for them. Et cetera. Their lives will be contributed to amassing the dark lake.
>Action 1 - Tide-Talkers [Improved Boats/Sailing]With the stars no longer fixed to the firmament, Krovian sailors looking to sail to the distant southern isles must find new ways to make the harsh journey. It is no singular great achievement, like the re-taking of the bronze mines which heralded the last improvement, but a half-dozen practises which streamline the already adequate Krovian sailing. Animal fats and burnt wood-tar render a passable pitch, Krovian intuition in reading currents, sturdier cloth for larger sails, all this and more allows the hungry sharks to make their journeys in record time.>Action 2 - Prospect the southern mushroom isle (Animal) Humans built their villages around springs and freshwater wells. Elves seek sacred saplings to mark their new conclaves. Ordo require a great battlefield to be within reach of pilgrims-to-be.Krovians? They would set up colonies around a vending machine, if one existed. For now, however, a more primal source of food will do very nicely...
>>6163889>>6163894>>6163899>Disaster Response: It is an unfortunance, that the world tyrns ever harshly. The nobles of the Orcmanie are charged with survey of all their held domains, that they might be registered and tallied and their capacity to produce and consume foods both be assessed. The Crown pledges food and support for those areas found to be hungry and wanting - and in this time of national crisis, it will be seen no shame to be faltering despite best efforts; but those that turn instead to feral cannibalism will receive instead the arms and the Knights of the Orcmanie riding them down and granting out these lands to worthier tenants.>The SuccessionDuke for many a jidtyrn and recently King, Guyard's age has been showing a while now. But it is the death of his son whilst hunting a frost Chimera that finally breaks the old Orcman's failing heart. Hearing the dire news, one tragedy too far, he slumps from his throne. His coffin is sent into the sea at the lowest tide, vanishing beneath the rising waves. The land of the living is now behind him; may the tides carry him on Ganuz' path to Hilda's deathly realm, where he might again be united with those he has lost.With his son never having taken the throne, it is his eldest grandson who is hereafter proclaimed as King Guyard II.>Action 1: Appeal to LoterLoter is the Goddess of plenty and the laden vine, but right now there is very little plenty to go around. We pray to her in the Pantheonic halls, and the inns and gaming-dens; and at the barns and fishing-wharves and hunting lodges. May there be relief, may her gifts come again... and if she does not hear our words direct, more of the Orcmanie will take to the waters and find more grounds to fish, so that through our works her plenty might yet provide.>Action 2: TroubadoursIn the depth of this crisis, we must cleave together; the unity of the Orcmanie cannot be left to wither before hunger and despair. Against despair, we must ride to re-light hope; and proudly and boldly we shall sing songs of unity and past heroes to bring our Warriors and people all together. We must tell of the tales of the gods, recount the legends in the Rexen records and sing of Heroes against the Nachetars and the sunless age that was, and the breaking and the rising and the rebirth. Though the world is yet darkening, it has not yet extinguished.>Bureau RenseignementThe investigation continues. This mystery need be solved, so we might discern what peril these unaccounted might have landed themselves in...
Turn 10> Action 1: Make CheeseWith the success of the mushroom farms and the appearance of hardy new creatures like the Yeti Sloths, the Urotti dwarves shift their focus to bolstering their food stores. In cool, stone-lined cellars beneath Virn-Urdor and Thul-Garuhm, master crafters begin perfecting the art of cheese-making. Drawing milk from mountain goats (and occasionally risking a nip while milking Yeti Sloths), they skillfully curdle and press the cheese before aging it on wooden shelves.Process & Lore:Churners’ Circles: Dwarven dairy hands gather around large churns, chanting soft hymns that pay homage to their ancestor gods, seeking a bountiful yield in both flavor and quantity.Flavors & Experimentation: Some producers rub their cheeses with pale pepper or mushroom extracts, creating varieties with a fiery bite or earthy undertones.Cultural Importance: Aged cheese quickly becomes a prized delicacy, serving as both a trade good and a winter staple. Families proudly share and trade unique “house cheeses,” sparking friendly rivalries over who can craft the most mouthwatering wheel.> Action 2: Make WhiskeyIn tandem with cheese-making, renowned dwarven brewers turn their attention to whiskey. Already famed for their potent ales, these artisans see an opportunity to create a spirit that resonates with the kingdom’s robust character.Process & Lore:Mash & Fermentation: The dwarves boil grains in water heated by charcoal kilns, creating a mash that ferments over days.Iron Stills: Forgoing copper, the dwarves employ sturdy iron stills forged in the depths of the hold, adding a unique tang and strong body to the resulting spirit.Aging in Oak Barrels: Using barrels often carved from logs once gnawed by Yeti Sloths, the whiskey acquires a smoky, faintly wild flavor. Rumors abound of experimental blends incorporating mushroom essences or pale pepper, each offering its own distinct twist.
>>6163903Turn 10> Action 1: Make CheeseWith the success of the mushroom farms and the appearance of hardy new creatures like the Yeti Sloths, the Urotti dwarves shift their focus to bolstering their food stores. In cool, stone-lined cellars beneath Virn-Urdor and Thul-Garuhm, master crafters begin perfecting the art of cheese-making. Drawing milk from mountain goats (and occasionally risking a nip while milking Yeti Sloths), they skillfully curdle and press the cheese before aging it on wooden shelves.Process & Lore:Churners’ Circles: Dwarven dairy hands gather around large churns, chanting soft hymns that pay homage to their ancestor gods, seeking a bountiful yield in both flavor and quantity.Flavors & Experimentation: Some producers rub their cheeses with pale pepper or mushroom extracts, creating varieties with a fiery bite or earthy undertones.Cultural Importance: Aged cheese quickly becomes a prized delicacy, serving as both a trade good and a winter staple. Families proudly share and trade unique “house cheeses,” sparking friendly rivalries over who can craft the most mouthwatering wheel.> Action 2: Make WhiskeyIn tandem with cheese-making, renowned dwarven brewers turn their attention to whiskey. Already famed for their potent ales, these artisans see an opportunity to create a spirit that resonates with the kingdom’s robust character.Process & Lore:Mash & Fermentation: The dwarves boil grains in water heated by charcoal kilns, creating a mash that ferments over days.Iron Stills: Forgoing copper, the dwarves employ sturdy iron stills forged in the depths of the hold, adding a unique tang and strong body to the resulting spirit.Aging in Oak Barrels: Using barrels often carved from logs once gnawed by Yeti Sloths, the whiskey acquires a smoky, faintly wild flavor. Rumors abound of experimental blends incorporating mushroom essences or pale pepper, each offering its own distinct twist.
>>6166380> Brak’Thar: The Grand Feast of the MootA grand moot takes place—a time when clan heads, artisans, and common folk converge to reaffirm their bonds and chart the kingdom’s future. This year’s moot culminates in a lavish Brak’Thar, a colossal feast brimming with dwarven pride and tradition.Ancestor Reverence:The festivities begin with prayers to Adir, Aira, and the rest of the ancestral pantheon. Newly crafted cheese and freshly distilled whiskey are laid at stone altars, symbolizing gratitude for the kingdom’s prosperity.Celebratory Banquet:At the Brak’Thar’s peak, massive tables overflow with cheese wheels, hearty breads, mushroom stews, and the kingdom’s first drams of whiskey. Laughter and clinking cups fill the air as dwarves savor each bite and sip.Yeti Sloths, adorned with colorful ribbons, lumber through the crowd, their initially foul tempers soothed by the festive atmosphere—and perhaps the promise of leftover scraps.Toasts and Traditions:Clan leaders raise their cups in toasts, hailing the unwavering spirit of the Urotti people. Young dwarves, newly introduced to the moot, exchange crafts and stories in a rite of passage that binds them to their heritage.> RumorsSunset Portents: As talk of Habitun pilgrims intensifies, some dwarves whisper that the sun’s demise looms closer than ever. Fears of a coming darkness lead a few to urge continued expansion of mushroom cellars—“just in case.”Serpent Carvings: Scouts traveling through the snowy plains mention strange engravings on abandoned boulders—shapes like serpents devouring spheres. Nobody knows whether it’s a cryptic warning or some ancient decorative motif.Phantom Anvils: Late at night, certain guards claim they’ve heard echoing hammer blows from empty forges, accompanied by fleeting flashes of light. Most dismiss it as overactive imaginations, but an undertone of unease lingers in every tavern conversation.Unfinished Rune Fragment: Librarians reveal finding a peculiar rune-engraved stone deep in a disused corridor—an incomplete incantation for “unbreakable fortitude.” Scholars excitedly debate if it’s part of the dwarves’ lost rune lore.
>>6163907>Begin create parasite computers.The parasites, now simply referred to as "integrators", are a niche acquisition by the swarm, but one that is perhaps their greatest asset. The Skrit have always been great problem solvers, able to collectively run numerous calculations in parallel and solve multiple problems at once. But they always lacked the deeper thinking required to ponder dilemmas with any real depth. The integrators can change that by allowing Central to tap into the abilities of more developed life forms. It starts small, acquiring animals and imbeding integrators into them. Central soon discovers that the animals die fast, the foreign biology of the integrators and native life not mixing well. But what it also realizes is that the animals die slower if their physical activity is kept to a minimum, their nervous system burned at a reduced rate if the integrator simply had to focus on maintaining neural activity. So Central began incorporating living creatures into its systems, but not as active members of their "society", instead they acted as machines. Birds for instance would become the stationary cameras that would detect threats. Monkeys would be integrated for the use of their hands in crafting more complicated goods. Livestock for the purpose of optimized reproduction to feed the swarm's needs. The sights of Skrit colonies soon became a gruesome spectacle, with life of all kinds having their mind shackled in service to the Skrit's own needs.>Evolve the integrators' to slow down the rate of host burnout. It would take time, but the integrators are bugs like every other... more or less. Generations would need to be born, but sooner or later progress could be seen. Central recognized that the integrators' glaring weakness was how fast they burned through their hosts. Thought this might not be alleviated soon, or even with the next 1000 tyrns, steps could be taken to at least evolve a species that was more agreeable to native life. The end result would be wasps that were more indemic to this world. Though they would still eventually kill their hosts, the sub-species could now at least remain imbedded in their hosts for a decent time longer if their host was physically active. The real advantage was that their host's lifespans were kept significantly longer if physical activity was reduced to a minimum, allowing for integrated life-form computers to remain active for a longer time.
>Actions 1 & 2: Orchards & FarmsCity organizers reel at their miscalculated abilities to out-purchase food from the farmers of surrounding starving nations. Noting that their money won't save them in such a time, the poor of Tagagaya see a sudden rise in wealth as they buy up the land of the deceased in Negosyo and Urong, creating for themselves whatever agriculture is suitable for their respective climates.
>Disaster:Adenai continues to enjoy a level of acceptable famine due to the wisdom of The Maple in organizing farmland for The City. The army continues to subsist off of what game remains in occupied Ordalan and the supplies able to be delivered from home. >Action 1: Parachutes!Large cuts of cloth are sewn, and connected to a harness worn by a rider on the back of a Drake. To an outsider this may seem a move of cowardice or abandonment, a rider leaving his companion mount to fight in the skies alone and disadvantaged without it's other half.In reality, the opposite is true. A rider may leave their trust completely in their companion Drake, releiving their mount of the burden of maintaining its rider in the saddle. Without a rider, Opal Drakes are capable of fighting in an aerial melee with complete freedom and brutality - all the while their riders are now able to provide support from the ground with bow and arrow - a weapon far more likely to graze the tough scales of a Drake than to strike a lightly armored harpy.>Action 2: Prospect for a Strong Stone.The war has begun taking a turn for the worse! To prepare for the unthinkable, we must find a source of solid and plentiful stone, able to significantly bolster the durability of forts, and to turn Adenai into the single largest, most prosperous, and defended city in the world. >War:Tagayan intelligence agents repay their debt to the liberators of Bahay many times over - revealing intimate details of enemy troop movements.Using this information, an ambush in the woods is set. A fake rear guard is revealed to the Ordals, enticing them for a strike to what appears to be a withdrawing army. When they take the bait, from either side our forces burst from their concealment. With any luck, their forces will be shattered before any help can arrive. If time is willing, we can take Sturnes and end the war before fate turns against us.
>>6163901The stars are still dark and the Suns till dim in the face of this disaster. Yet with Luxor's benevolence famine is held off, for now. With the surety of his people being able to eat and the pursuant reduction in banditry except by the truly desperate, he is content to let what garrison forces and the inquisition are left in Barza proper to maintain order. Yet he cannot stand Idle, for the world moves ever onward....>Action 1Firstly, he orders an expansion of the Iron Mines, while it was sufficient for Barza needs alone, it is now not just supplying Barza, it is also the lifeline of Ordalan military supply, the Iron there helping arm and armor one of the few allies Barza has left. As such more is necessary.>Second ActionYet the Iron is not all solely for Ordalan, Barza needs it too. For Barza alone holds the secret for the finest steel, a result of Hammer blessed by Luxor. Yet the hammers have a distinctly limited throughput, not nearly enough to armor and armor Barza's armies when needed. Thus Iron, with the Wood traded so dearly to us by Ordalan rendered to Charcoal, and then used to purify and fortify the metal into steel. Something that our people can use and use well.>WarBecause the Adenai march upon the City of Sturnes, the Capital of Ordalan, while the Domo lick their wounds after our regrettable faux pas at the Ros e Field. The Barzan army would march, erecting earth works and manning them, to provide a proper backstop that can and will throw any aggressor back into the Earth.>MissionariesOn a Lighter note, the missionaries to the Shark men had started to make inroads. He gave the Basilica his blessing to keep at it, perhaps they might yet see reason, or failing that keep from trying to eat him and his.
>>6167466This is me
>Prospect for resources.>Increase military size by offering better wages