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I feel like running a civ thread, but I want to run one with civilized races. You may pick amongst the races from the picture only.
Halfling, plains.

Alright, I will wait about half an hour to see if anyone else votes, otherwise I will go with your choice.
Humans, Tundra
Human Tundra
Khanat of Siberia
(Nazi) Elves, (Foreboding) Forest
Rolled 1 (1d4)


Since none reached three votes, I will let the dice gods decide.

1 - halfings
2,3 - humans
4 - elves
Along the banks of the rushing river, where the tall grasses bend in the wind like waves, lives a tribe of halflings known as the Sweetgrass People. Their round-door homes nestle into the gentle slopes, their thatched roofs blending with the windswept hills.

The tribe's fields stretch in irregular patches between the scattered trees, where wheat and hemp sway beside climbing squash vines. They've learned to plant berry bushes near their homes, supplementing the wild ones that dot the plains. The children make a game of berry-picking, their small fingers perfect for plucking the sweet fruits without crushing them.

Their tools tell the story of generations of practical wisdom: flint-knapped blades for harvesting, clay pots sealed with river clay, hemp ropes that hold firm in the strongest winds. The women weave clothes from hemp fibers, dying them with berry juices and decorating them with patterns that mimic the flowing river and dancing flames.

But it's the evenings when the tribe's true spirit emerges. As the sun sets and the bonfire rises, they gather in circles, passing pipes filled with their prized hemp. The smoke rises with their laughter, and the stories begin to flow. They tell tales of the Great River's moods, of clever halflings outsmarting wild cattle, of ancient heroes who first taught them to plant seeds in the earth.

The elders say you can measure the quality of a story by how high the smoke rises before anyone speaks again. Their most sacred tales are told when the moon is full and the fire burns brightest, stories so powerful they say even the river slows to listen.

They gather what they need from the land around them: stones from the riverbed for tools and fire rings, wood from the scattered trees for their homes and fires, meat from the woodland creatures that share their plains. Nothing is wasted, nothing taken without thought for tomorrow.

When traders from other lands pass through, they often remark on two things: the ever-present smell of hemp smoke that hangs over the village like a sweet fog, and how every halfling, from the youngest to the oldest, seems to know a story worth telling.

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Population: 1,000 halflings (600 farmers, 400 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 400; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 0
Silver: 0
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle


Wooden Huts

I'm gonna update as often as I can, but I will always wait at least half an hour between updates.
I adopt a very broad definition of "Resources", so most things you're going to do fall under improve resources.

We may create more specific categories later, but for now it suffices.
>Write in
>Improve upon culture
Passing traders and travelers are given some of the very finest drink/wine we can offer

That is, if we produce wine
If not:
>Make a drink/wine from our crops
> Increase Silver

As travelers and traders journey through our lands, they are warmly welcomed and presented with an exquisite selection of drinks and wines crafted from the finest local ingredients. Among our offerings, our renowned berry wine stands out, capturing the attention and praise of many. Word of its exceptional quality travels quickly throughout the region, leading some traders to approach us with inquiries about the possibility of producing larger quantities for distribution. Their interest hints at the potential for our wine to gain even greater acclaim beyond our borders.

We stumble upon a nearby hill that piques our curiosity due to its distinct geological features. After careful examination, we uncover sparse but promising silver deposits hidden within the earth. Seizing the opportunity, we embark on a mining venture, eager to extract this valuable resource and enhance our prosperity.

A wandering alchemist arrives in your settlement, drawn by the tales of your renowned berry wine. Clad in patchwork robes adorned with vials and herbs, the alchemist marvels at the quality of your drink and proposes a trade: they offer to teach your people basic alchemy in exchange for a very large regular supply of berry wine.
> Accept
> Decline
> Negotiate
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Population: 1,000 halflings (600 farmers, 400 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 400; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 0
Silver: 400
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers

Good Berry Wine
> Negotiate
Teach us more than basic alchemy. Alternatively, we give a less than very large supply of wine.
> Enhance Mana
Rolled 4 (1d4)


1 - the alchemist accepts to take one apprentice from our tribe to learn advanced alchemy
2-4 - the alchemist doesn't consider the proposal adequate and resumes his journey

How do you want to enhance mana?
> Blood sacrifices
> Holocausts
> Building a shrine
> Write in
> Blood sacrifices
> Holocausts
> Building a shrine
All of the above
Making a sex ritual in which the hotter halfling in the village is bathed in beer and then fucked hard by a mule.
>Building a shrine
Ceremonial wine from silver cups
> Building a shrine

You make the decision to enhance the flow of mana in your region by constructing a beautiful shrine. This sacred space will serve as a gathering place for the halflings, allowing them to partake in rituals that celebrate nature and magic. During these ceremonies, they will drink ceremonial wine from intricately designed silver cups.

While a team of workers is busy gathering wood for the shrine, they unexpectedly come across an ancient ruin, partially concealed by the dense underbrush and towering trees. The sight of the crumbling stones and intricate carvings piques their curiosity, as it seems to whisper tales of a long-lost civilization.

> Explore the ruins to uncover their secrets.
> Leave the ruins untouched, respecting their mystery.
> Assign a group of guards to protect the site from potential looters.
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Population: 1,000 halflings (600 farmers, 400 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 100; Stone 0; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 0
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers

Good Berry Wine
>Explore the ruins to uncover their secrets
>Domesticate some wild animals
Animals around our own size would be ideal. Goats or sheep would be nice. Alternatively, it would be funny to have something much larger than a halfling
> Explore the ruins to uncover their secrets.
While trying our best not to desecrate it.
> Increase Silver

You decide to explore the ruins to uncover their secrets while doing your best not to desecrate them.

From the engravings on the walls, you discover that the site is some kind of ancient underground temple. It has a modest presence above ground, but its catacombs are vast, and exploring them might be dangerous.

The halflings you sent down return spooked after encountering an undead skeleton.

> Seal the entrance to this underground temple
> Train some warriors to deal with the threat
> Capture the skeleton your people saw
> Write in

You capture a few wild sheep and begin to domesticate them.

You also slightly increase your supply of silver.

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Population: 1,000 halflings (600 farmers, 400 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 100; Stone 0; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers

Good Berry Wine

> Capture the skeleton your people saw
> Improve Materials

You decide to capture the undead skeleton!

Roll 3d100 for success, DC 60.

If you get two successes or more you manage to capture the skeleton, otherwise it escapes.
Rolled 78, 26, 63 = 167 (3d100)


Your people have captured the undead skeleton and placed it in a cage for display. What do you want to do with it?

> Open a caravan inn themed around skeletons
> Sell the skeleton to a merchant
> Put the poor creature out of its misery
> Write in your own option

In the meantime, you are improving your materials by gathering some lumber and quarrying stone.

Your berry bushes are flourishing unexpectedly, producing an abundant harvest. What will you do with the surplus?

> Use it to create more wine
> Dry and stockpile it for extra food
> Trade it for another resource
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Population: 1,000 halflings (600 farmers, 400 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 400; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers

Good Berry Wine


Temple Catacomb Ruins (unexplored)

>Research the Skeleton. How can we put it to use?

Abundand harvest:
>Make more wine, then stash it for later

>Improve materials
Make some neat fabric from the wool

You start to research how you can put the skeleton to use!

What do you want to use the skeleton for?

> Guard duty - scare off intruders!
> Transport assistance - attach it to a cart for hauling supplies
> Farm work - use it to draw a plow for tilling fields
> Write in

Also roll 3d100 for success, DC depends on what you wanna do with it, probably anything between 40-60 if it is nothing too crazy.
Rolled 40, 7, 50 = 97 (3d100)

>Conduct some testing
Can it take commands, what makes it react etc.
If possible to command, have him assist in mining, swinging a pickaxe

Would be funny if we could do 'carrot on a stick' shenanigans, and have him plow the fields

You conduct some testing. The skeleton doesn't take commands and attacks anything that gets too close.

You try to put it to use tiling fields. Properly tied, it will drag the plow if there is someone in front of him that he is trying to reach. He never tires!

You make more wine and statsh it for later!

You make some wool fabric! Making fabric by hand is very time consuming though, so you don't make all that much.

A shady guy shows up in our village and says he can get us hooked up with someone who knows how to control undead.
> Agree to meet this necromancer
> We don't want no dark arts
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Population: 1,000 halflings (600 farmers, 400 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 400; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers

Good Berry Wine


Temple Catacomb Ruins (unexplored)

Skeleton (not under control)

Trade Goods
-Berry Wine (600)
-Wool Fabric (100)
>Agree to meet this necromancer
>Improve Materials
Let’s get some metal going.

The man arranges a meeting with the necromancer at the ruins past midnight.

The necromancer offers his services of creating and controlling undead to us if we agree to protect him against his enemies. When inquired about who are those enemies, he says necromancy is outlawed in most of the continent.

> Agree to the deal
> Do not agree to the deal
> Negotiate (specify)
> Write in

We intended to acquire some metals but we do not know how to smelt, so we just get a lot of metal ore from the mines. How are we going to learn how to smelt?
> Pay a merchant to find someone to teach us
> Can't be too difficult, it is just making a big oven for metals right, we'll do it ourselves
> Find someone to teach us ourselves
> Write in

A disease effects your Wheat crop! You will produce far less wheat this time.
> Buy food from our neighbours
> Hunt some wild animals to supplement our diet
> Assign our workers to gather food
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Population: 1,000 halflings (600 farmers, 400 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 400; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers

Good Berry Wine


Temple Catacomb Ruins (unexplored)

Skeleton (not under control)

Trade Goods
-Berry Wine (600)
-Wool Fabric (100)
-Ore (400)
>Do not agree to the deal
Making enemies with most of our neighbors as halflings is just asking for trouble.
>Find someone to teach us ourselves
>Hunt some wild animals to supplement our diet
>Increase Knowledge
>> Do not agree to the deal
Say no to necromancy kids

>Find someone to teach us ourselves

>Buy food from our neighbours
Perhaps we might be able to use this as an opportunity to branch out into trading abroad, could synergize with finding someone to teach us smithing ss well.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>>6167978 1
>>6168261 2

You refuse the deal for necromantic powers!

You look for someone who can teach you smelting. You find a dwarvish settlement to the north and after asking them nicely and gifting them some of our good berry wine they agree to send a forgemaster apprentice to help us set up some basic smelting.

He says we will need a lot of stone and lumber to start the operation, far more than what we currently have. We will also need to collect clay from the river or elsewhere. He considers our town a little too small to be worrying about making metal, but if we focus on it for awhile we should be able to attain it.

(500 clay 500 stone and 2000 lumber to build a Blacksmith Forge)

Two rival bakers accuse each other of copying recipes. We don't have a formal conflict solving mechanism, so we must improvise.
> Get everyone together and try to solve it peacefully
> Have the bakers challenge each other to a cook off to see who is the best
> Arrange a marriage between their families so that the recipes can stay in the clan
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Elodrim, Forgemaster Apprentice (lv 1 dwarf forgemaster)

Population: 1,000 halflings (600 farmers, 400 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 400; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers

Good Berry Wine


Temple Catacomb Ruins (unexplored)

Skeleton (not under control)

Trade Goods
-Berry Wine (200)
-Wool Fabric (100)
-Ore (400)

-Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)
> Get everyone together and try to solve it peacefully
> Improve Materials
Baker rivalry
>Both of them can keep their recipes, ultimately, the final product is all that matters.

>Find ways to better store food

If we run low on food, our people will starve. While we can trade for more, its always a good idea to have some additional food stores
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>>6168375 1
>>6168413 2

Your people basically ignore the claims of the bakers, telling them that ultimately it is the final product that matters.

Both of them are very dissatisfied and their feud increases in bitterness and viciousness, with them slandering each other as often as they can and blaming all things bad that happen on their rival and their rival's family.

You look for better ways to store food. If we research Pottery we could build a Granary to stash our surplus food! We could also just dry berries and stash them in people's huts (though it takes an action to store food in such a manner).

Mikla, a pious young halfling woman, becomes the town shaman after a long time of meditation and prayer by the shrine!

An Ogre sets up camp near the village's main road, demanding food and supplies from any travellers.
> Raise the militia to murder the ogre
> Try to convince the ogre to work for us
> Hire adventurers to kill the ogre
> Write in
What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Elodrim, Forgemaster Apprentice (lv 1 dwarf forgemaster)
Miklas the Shaman (lv 1 halfling shaman)

Population: 1,000 halflings (600 farmers, 400 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 400; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers
Baker's Families Bitter Rivalry

Good Berry Wine


Temple Catacomb Ruins (unexplored)

Skeleton (not under control)

Trade Goods
-Berry Wine (200)
-Wool Fabric (100)
-Ore (400)

-Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)
-Ogre's Toll (hostile, nearby)
> Try to convince the ogre to work for us
> Improve Materials
More stone.

You try to convince the Ogre to work for you!

Roll 3d100 to convince the Ogre, DC 70. Two successes and he's convinced!

You can reduce the DC by 10 up to two times if you offer him Silver and Wine (200 of each).

> Offer just silver
> Offer just wine
> Offer silver and wine
> Don't offer silver nor wine
> Write in

But beware, if you don't get any success, he rampages through your town and eat many of your people!
Rolled 27, 79, 36 = 142 (3d100)

>Offer wine and food
>Argue that if he works, he earns his keep. His belly will be full and his thirst quenched, if he takes part in making the necessary food and wine
He can till our farms, and stamp our grapes.

You try to convince the ogre. You give him some wine and food, but he's too lazy to actually contribute anything and would rather just keep charging a toll not to kill and eat people that pass by the road.

You get more stone!

A cherished recipe scroll goes missing! The villagers suspect foul play — or maybe just forgetfulness.
> This is no big deal, forget about it
> Form a search party and look for the missing scroll
> Interrogate everyone who was sighted near the scroll lately (it is an awful lot of people)
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Elodrim, Forgemaster Apprentice (lv 1 dwarf forgemaster)
Miklas the Shaman (lv 1 halfling shaman)

Population: 1,000 halflings (600 farmers, 400 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 400; Stone 500; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers
Baker's Families Bitter Rivalry

Good Berry Wine


Temple Catacomb Ruins (unexplored)

Skeleton (not under control)

Trade Goods
-Berry Wine (0)
-Wool Fabric (100)
-Ore (400)

-Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)
-Ogre's Toll (hostile, nearby)
>From now on, recipes are recommended to be copied. That way, the loss of one is not a problem

>Assign some halflings to gather stone

It would be a good idea to not use every action on gathering a resource we need a lot of

You have 400 workers, you can assign as many as you want to keep gathering a specific resource. But if you have 0 free workers you can't do anything else.

> Assing 100 workers to quarry stone
> Assing 200 workers to quarry stone
> Assing 300 workers to quarry stone
> Write in
>Assign 50 workers to quarry stone
>Assign 50 workers to chop wood
>Assign 50 workers to gather clay

We need all of these resources for our project, yes? If so, lets just get this on the automatic
Rolled 26, 32, 57, 37, 39, 42 = 233 (6d100)


The halflings revolt with the horible mismanagement of justice and a civil war erupts! It's each halfling for himself!

Three factions emerge who are vying for power:
> The White Bakers
> The Crimson Bakers
> The Friends Of The Skellie

Which faction do you want to roll for? Choose one and roll 3d100. I'm rolling for the other two.
Rolled 11, 68, 23 = 102 (3d100)

>The White Bakers
Baking sure is a serious business

The civil war ends in a massive tie, with all sides losing lots of people and no one willing to compromise.

Finally the shaman Miklas decides to put an end into it threatening to kill herself in the middle of town if people don't stop fighting and listen to her.

People briefly stop fighting and she says we can create a council, give two seats to each of the three factions and the six council members then elect a council leader.

The people find this solution acceptable and stop murdering each other for now.

They appoint their council members and then start choosing the council leader.

Four halflings emerge as potential council leaders.

> Burg White, from the white bakers. A fierce warrior, he likes stabbing people in the eye with a pointy stick!
> Mogul Crimson, from the crimson bakers. He fights with his fists but is nearly as deadly as an armed oponent.
> Lisa Bonelust, the youngest candidate, from the friends of the skellie. She's really creepy.
> Andros Pika. He just stayed at home during the civil war. People wanted to kill him at first, but Miklas told them how level headed he was in a crisis, if a bit craven.
> Write in
>Burg White
> Form a search party and look for the missing scroll
> Improve Materials
Ah, shit. Too late.
> Andros Pika. He just stayed at home during the civil war. People wanted to kill him at first, but Miklas told them how level headed he was in a crisis, if a bit craven.
Don’t wanna play favorites.
After the deadly civil war, Burg White is elected council leader. He decides we can't go on without some sort of army.

> Assign 10 full time warriors as guards of our settlement
> Make pointy stick for the halflings and start drilling the militia
> Make bone tipped spears with the bones of the fallen
> Write in

We also should deal with all the corpses and carnage.
> Bury everyone
> Make a big funerary pile
> Leave their corpses for the wild animals
> Write in

A female human paladin shows up and is appalled with the carnage. Upon being informed you just sorted out a civil war, she seems pleased that reason at last prevailed and offers to work for us for awhile, if we destroy the skeleton.
> Absolutely not, we love the skellie
> Tell her to go explore the ruins instead
> Offer to go with her exploring the ruins instead (send who)
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Council Leader Burg White (lv 1 halfling spearman)
Elodrim, Forgemaster Apprentice (lv 1 dwarf forgemaster)
Miklas the Shaman (lv 1 halfling shaman)

Population: 700 halflings (600 farmers, 100 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 400; Stone 500; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers
Baker's Families Bitter Rivalry
Council of Seven

Good Berry Wine


Temple Catacomb Ruins (unexplored)

Skeleton (not under control)

Trade Goods
-Berry Wine (0)
-Wool Fabric (100)
-Ore (400)

-Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)
-Ogre's Toll (hostile, nearby)

didn't see your votes, sorry anon.
>Make pointy stick for the halflings and start drilling the militia
>Make a big funerary pile
>Destroy skellie, we need the paladin
Inform her about the nearby Ogre, it needs to be dealt with eventually

>Make a small school, to educate the children
>Make pointy stick for the halflings and start drilling the militia
>Bury everyone
>Destroy the skeleton
>Build a school.

You make pointy sticks for the halflings!

You intended to make a funerary pyre but you don't have enough lumber so you just bury everyone instead.

You destroy the skeleton! There is much crying from the Friends of the skellie faction, they become enraged.

The following morning, council leader Burg White appears dead, his throat slit!
> Nominate a new council leader
> Investigate who did this
> Assume it was the friends of the skellie and murder their leaders
> Write in

The paladin senses an evil magical influence upon the halflings coming from the ruins.
> Tell her to deal with the ogre first
> Tell her to go explore the ruins
> Offer to go with her exploring the ruins instead (send who)
> Write in

You intend to start building a school, but you will need 1000 lumber to build one, and currently you have 0, so you gather 100 lumber with your workers.

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Council Leader Burg White (lv 1 halfling spearman)
Elodrim, Forgemaster Apprentice (lv 1 dwarf forgemaster)
Miklas the Shaman (lv 1 halfling shaman)

Population: 700 halflings (600 farmers, 100 workers)
Food: enough for 1,200 people
Materials: Lumber 100; Stone 500; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers
Baker's Families Bitter Rivalry
Council of Seven

Good Berry Wine


Temple Catacomb Ruins (unexplored)

Skeleton (not under control)

Trade Goods
-Berry Wine (0)
-Wool Fabric (100)
-Ore (400)

-Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)
-Ogre's Toll (hostile, nearby)

Militia Equipment
-Pointy Sticks (400)
>Assume it was the friends of the skellie. Notify the paladin, so we can murder their leaders
>Send some militia to help her explore the ruins, primarily non-skellie friends
>Have regular clases at and around the shrine until we have a school. The druid may teach, if he wants
>Investigate who did this.
>Tell her to go explore the ruins (with some militia backup).
>Improve Knowledge.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>>6168650 1
>>6168666 2
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Investigating who did this you realize the only one in your village who has a weapon that could have caused the wounds that killed Burg White is Elodrim, the Forgemaster.

You then ask if any of his knives went missing. He checks them and sure enough, one small knife is gone.

You then check all the huts in the village to see if someone has the knife.


1 - find the knife
2 - don't find the knife
Rolled 2 (1d6)


Your investigation ends up reaching a dead end because you can't find the murder weapon.

Some people are blaming Elodrim now because he has brought the weapons of murder into town - if he wasn't the one who did the deed!
> Murder Elodrim with his own weapons and confiscate them
> Banish Elodrim back to his people
> He has no guilt if indeed his weapon was stolen
> Write in

You tell the paladin lady to go explore the ruins with some militia backup.

1 - no one returns
2 - some milita return
3 - most miltia returns
4 - she returns wounded an alone
5 - she returns unscathed but many militia die
6 - she returns unscathed and the militia too

The milita reports there was a big fight underground. Some... undead monstrosity... fought them fiercely! It devoured the paladin and most of the militia. Only the most swift footed and craven survived.

> Get word out that there is an ancient evil lurking within the ruins
> Vote on a new council leader
> Pack up and leave this cursed land (pick a direction)
> Write in

You decide to improve knowledge. What do you want to research?
> Pottery
> Metal smithing
> Slings
> Write in

You are forced to reorganize the workforce due to low population.

Wolves start attacking the village! They must have a den nearby...
> Send the militia to deal with them
> Look for adventurers to kill the wolves
> Make traps to capture the wolves
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Council Leader Burg White (lv 1 halfling spearman)
Elodrim, Forgemaster Apprentice (lv 1 dwarf forgemaster)
Miklas the Shaman (lv 1 halfling shaman)

Population: 600 halflings (400 farmers, 200 workers)
Food: enough for 800 people
Materials: Lumber 100; Stone 500; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers
Baker's Families Bitter Rivalry
Council of Seven

Good Berry Wine


Temple Catacomb Ruins (has Undead Devourer, nearby)
Wolves' Den (unknown location, nearby)

Skeleton (not under control)

Trade Goods
-Berry Wine (0)
-Wool Fabric (100)
-Ore (400)

Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)
Ogre's Toll (hostile, nearby)

Militia Equipment
-Pointy Sticks (400)

Forgot to take Burg White from the list, I'll take him out next update.
>He has no guilt if indeed his weapon was stolen
>Get word out that there is an ancient evil lurking within the ruins
>Make traps to capture the wolves
>Improve Population
Rolled 70, 4, 35, 64, 6, 87 = 266 (6d100)


Upon realizing no one is going to be punished for the death of their leader, the clan White decides to take matters into their own hands and murder Elodrim and several members of the Friends of the Skelly using pointy sticks. In the morning, his head is on a stick in the middle of town!

The town erupts into civil war again!

There are three factions vying for power, which one do you wanna back?
> The Vigilantes (mostly former White Bakers)
> The Last Standers (mostly former friends of the skelly)
> The Pro-Nomadism (mostly former Red Bakers)
> Write in

Roll 3d100 for success, I'll roll for the other two.
Rolled 55, 73, 59 = 187 (3d100)

>The Pro-Nomadism (mostly former Red Bakers)
This is like being a substitute teacher except with a little more death.

After massive amounts of carnage, your faction emmerges supreme, even though greatly weakened by the conflict.

Murlon The Wanderer is hailed as the supreme leader! He used to be a scout and is very keen in finding threats before they become out of hand.

Your political platform is simple: Leaving this accursed land. Something in those ruins is driving us insane, if we don't leave, we will all be wiped out.

> Murder all you political opponents
> Leave behind those who don't wanna come
> Tie the unwilling with wool rope and drag them with you
> Write in

You send scouting parties in every direction.

To the north there are a bunch of dwarves. The terrain has more hills and some mountains.
To the east a bunch of humans, most merchants come from there. The Ogre is blocking the passage. The terrain has many rivers which the humans boat through.
To the west there are elves, but they look unfriendly. The terrain has more ancient forests.
To the south there are more humans, but they look unfriendly. The terrain is drier and starts to look like a savannah.

Where do you wanna go?
> North
> East
> West
> South
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Murlon The Wanderer (lv 1 scout)
Miklas the Battle Shaman (lv 2 halfling shaman)

Population: 400 halflings (300 farmers, 100 workers)
Food: enough for 600 people
Materials: Lumber 100; Stone 500; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Plains Biome
Nearby Caudalous River
Sparse Trees
Sparse Rocks
Woodland Animals
Wild Cattle
Silver Hill
Wooden Huts
Share Best Wine With Travellers
Baker's Families Bitter Rivalry
Supreme Leadership (frail)
Good Berry Wine
Temple Catacomb Ruins (has Undead Devourer, nearby)
Wolves' Den (unknown location, nearby)
Skeleton (not under control)
Trade Goods
-Berry Wine (0)
-Wool Fabric (100)
-Ore (400)
Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)
Ogre's Toll (hostile, nearby)
Militia Equipment
-Pointy Sticks (100)
>Leave behind those who don't wanna come
>Improve Population

You leave behind those that don't wanna come and head north. You arrive at a new territory, with its own set of dangers!

You plant some farms and build some huts.

You then decide to improve population! Next turn population will increase.

The dwarves show up at our new settlement.

"So, you came to settle these lands? You are welcome to stay, but the underground is off limits."
> Agree with the dwarves conditions
> Tell them it is unnacceptable, you must mine
> Ask for their protection in exchange for a food tribute
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Supreme Leader Murlon The Wanderer (lv 1 scout)
Miklas the Battle Shaman (lv 2 halfling shaman)

Population: 300 halflings (200 farmers, 100 workers)
Food: enough for 400 people
Materials: Lumber 100; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Hills Biome
Nearby River
Sparse Trees
Plenty of Rocks
Woodland Animals
Ore Rich


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers
Supreme Leadership


Trade Goods
-Wool Fabric (100)

Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)

Militia Equipment
-Pointy Sticks (100)
>Agree with the dwarves conditions
We can make deals later once we’re set up.
>Increase Knowledge

What kind of new knowledge are you seeking to unlock?

> Pottery
> Metal smithing
> Slings
> Write in
Looks like we won’t need metal smithing since we’re forbidden from the mines.
Rolled 4 (1d4)


You start researching Pottery! You progress slightly towards your goal. Miklas develop an interest in research and contribute to the progress.

300 out of 1000 progress

Your scouts find a tribe of creatures living nearby.
1 - Lizardmen
2 - Gnolls
3 - Kobolds
4 - Orcs

The halflings discover a cave entrance hidden among the hills. Inside, they find strange carvings that hint at an ancient, long-forgotten civilization.
> The underground is off limits, leave the ruins be
> It doesn't hurt to explore a little
> Send your militia down the tunnels, maybe there's something worth looting
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Supreme Leader Murlon The Fierce Wanderer (lv 2 scout - free scouting action now and then)
Miklas the Sage Shaman (lv 3 halfling shaman - +200 research per action spent)

Population: 300 halflings (200 farmers, 100 workers)
Food: enough for 400 people
Materials: Lumber 100; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: Researching Pottery 300/1000 (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Hills Biome
Nearby River
Sparse Trees
Plenty of Rocks
Woodland Animals
Ore Rich


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers
Supreme Leadership


Trade Goods
-Wool Fabric (100)

Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)

Militia Equipment
-Pointy Sticks (100)
>The underground is off limits, leave the ruins be
These damn ruins have caused enough problems.
>Increase Knowledge
Rolled 2 (1d3)


You continue to research pottery!

600 out of 1000 progress!

You decide to stay away from the underground for now.

The tribe of orcs seems to be:

1 - smaller than yours
2 - about the same size as yours
3 - bigger than yours

A human merchant shows up! He offers to sell us Canvas And Rope for us to make Tents with.
Each Pavillion tent costs us 30 silver and houses up to 20 people.
> Buy Pavillion tents
> Don't buy them
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Supreme Leader Murlon The Wanderer (lv 1 scout)
Miklas the Battle Shaman (lv 2 halfling shaman)

Population: 300 halflings (200 farmers, 100 workers)
Food: enough for 400 people
Materials: Lumber 100; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 200
Knowledge: Researching Pottery 600/1000 (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Hills Biome
Nearby River
Sparse Trees
Plenty of Rocks
Woodland Animals
Ore Rich


Wooden Huts

Share Best Wine With Travellers
Supreme Leadership


Trade Goods
-Wool Fabric (100)

Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)
Orcish Tribe (hostile, nearby)

Militia Equipment
-Pointy Sticks (100)
>Buy Pavillion tents
>Increase Knowledge
Keep grinding pottery.

You continue to research pottery!

900 out of 1000 progress!

The tribe of orcs seems to be about the same size as yours. It is a matter of time until their patrols find yours.

You buy 5 Pavillion Tents for 150 silver.

A necromancer shows up offering protection in exchange for loyalty. He seems to be alone, so you're not too sure what kind of "protection" he is talking about.
> Accept the necromancer offer
> Decline the necromancer offer
> Murder the necromancer to show we aren't helpless
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Supreme Leader Murlon The Wanderer (lv 1 scout)
Miklas the Battle Shaman (lv 2 halfling shaman)

Population: 300 halflings (200 farmers, 100 workers)
Food: enough for 400 people
Materials: Lumber 100; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 50
Knowledge: Researching Pottery 900/1000 (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming)


-Hills Biome
Nearby River
Sparse Trees
Plenty of Rocks
Woodland Animals
Ore Rich


Wooden Huts
Pavillion Tents (5)

Share Best Wine With Travellers
Supreme Leadership


Trade Goods
-Wool Fabric (100)

Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)
Orcish Tribe (hostile, nearby)

Militia Equipment
-Pointy Sticks (100)
>Decline the necromancer offer
No necromancy.
>Increase Knowledge (pottery)

You finish your pottery research!

You now can build a Granary (500 lumber 500 clay; food surplus is stored automatically).
You can also make (and sell) clay goods.

You decline the necromacer's offer.

Orcish scouts are sighted near our tribe!
> Search for an ally for protection
> Drill our militia, prepare for a confrontation
> Do a preemptive strike on the orcish village
> Send someone to parlay with the orcs seeking peace
> Write in

What do you wanna do next?

> Improve Population
> Improve Food Production
> Improve Materials
> Enhance Mana
> Increase Silver
> Increase Knowledge
> Improve Resources
> Write in

Supreme Leader Murlon The Wanderer (lv 1 scout)
Miklas the Battle Shaman (lv 2 halfling shaman)

Population: 300 halflings (200 farmers, 100 workers)
Food: enough for 400 people
Materials: Lumber 100; Stone 100; Metals 0
Mana: 100
Silver: 50
Knowledge: (fire, basic tools, clothes making, farming, pottery)


-Hills Biome
Nearby River
Sparse Trees
Plenty of Rocks
Woodland Animals
Ore Rich


Wooden Huts
Pavillion Tents (5)

Share Best Wine With Travellers
Supreme Leadership


Trade Goods
-Wool Fabric (100)
-Clay (0)

Dwarves of Forgehold (Friendly, north)
Orcish Tribe (hostile, nearby)

Militia Equipment
-Pointy Sticks (100)
>Search for an ally for protection
We’re gonna need allies anyways.
>Improve Materials
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>Last time I voted we had 700 population
>Now we have 300
What even happened here? These halflings have nothing but bad luck. Do even traders still visit us, with all the constant carnage and conflict?

>Ally with the dwarves, whatever it takes. Seek to become a protectorate of sorts
>Improve materials
We gotta up our berry production for wine, to give to the dwarves

The orcs show up with a bunch of necromancers! The necromancers have a large army of halfling skeletons, hundreds of them!

"Surrender now or we will kill each and every single one of you!", says the orc leader.

> Surrender
> Fight to the death
> Flee for your lives
> Write in
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>Fight to the death
Rolled 73, 69, 49, 69, 47, 32 = 339 (6d100)


You decide to fight to the death!

Roll 3d100 for success!

I'm rolling for the enemies.
Rolled 27, 40, 69 = 136 (3d100)

Check this 300.

You fight bravely but the odds were overwhelming.

Whoever was not killed was captured and enslaved by orcs.

Your corpses fueled the armies of Ktulon, the Devourer, an ancient evil that lurked in the ruins near your original base, home to many necromancers and undead.


I just don't get why you didn't increase population throughout the gameplay. I think next time I will call the option to increase population "Breed" like in old times, maybe you'll pick it more often.

I'll start another later.

Thanks for playing!
>I just don't get why you didn't increase population throughout the gameplay.
There is other more interesting things to do than "press the population button", when this SHOULD be automatic (in my humble opinion)
Like come on, halflings MUST be told to have kids?

AND we did right here >>6168989
Here >>6169007 you said:
>Next turn population will increase.
Yet it remained at 300 ever since

I get you want to have a "numbers go UP" game, but certain things should be automatic.
It was fun while it lasted, but I do get a feeling you didnt want to continue running this quest, and thus decided to push overwhelming odds.

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