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1: A Dangerous City

You are a Private Detective living in Victorian London.
Crimes are common and you are frequently called upon to assist the policemen in Scotland Yard. You have been a Detective for a few years now and by combining hard work with intelligence you have had a few successes in uncovering the information that has enabled the Police to arrest wanted criminals. This has earned you a good Reputation but you must be careful not to lose it: if you do Scotland Yard will no longer trust you to help them.
One evening you are at home when Commissioner James Monro, an experienced Policeman, visits you.
"We would like your help again," he tells you. "A lunatic murderer called James Kelly escaped from Broadmoor Asylum for the Criminally Insane ten days ago. My detectives have investigated and found no trace of him. Perhaps if you look into the case you might be able to find something?”

What do you do?

A) Search for the escaped killer
B) Turn down this case
>A) Search for the escaped killer


"I'll see what I can do," you tell Monro who nods.
“I’m glad you can help," he tells you. "I’ll send a telegram to Dr Orange, the Superintendent at Broadmoor, asking him to meet you tomorrow. He can tell you more about Kelly.”
The next day you take a train out to the Asylum in the heart of the Berkshire countryside. A servant from the Hospital meets you at the station and takes in a horse and carriage through the sleepy village of Crowthorne and up to the gloomy and looming concrete walls of the Hospital. You are shown directly into Orange’s office where the Doctor shakes your hand. He is a middle-aged profession with a no-nonsense manner.
“I got Commissioner Monro's telegram and I will be glad to help you in any way I can,” he tells you. “We are all rather concerned here: James Kelly was one of our most clever patients and I believe him to be a real danger to the general public, especially women.”
You nod and consider which questions to ask first.

A) What is Kelly's criminal history?
B) How did Kelly escape your prison?
C) Where do you think Kelly will go now?
>A) What is Kelly's criminal history?
A) What is Kelly's criminal history?

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