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>Previous Thread

Previously on Alola Quest, Amon G. Sus, trainer extraordinaire, and homeless boy gifted with a 60 day all expenses paid vacation, found himself in a mock Totem Battle against Totem Ribombee! It's Blissey Partner hit the field. Can your Croagunk defeat such an impossible foe?
Croagunk managed to make more of a glancing blow to Blissey but it still hurt. The two back off away from Croagunk and give Croagunk another opportunity to strike. If he's quick.

>Blissey 12/15 hp
>Ribombee 16/20 hp

>What next?
Rolled 43 (1d100)

>>6171943 (OP)
Lets continue blasting it with Poison stings and occaisionally attacking the Blissey if we start getting low on energy. its got more than enough for us.
Rolled 67 (1d100)


We could try astonish next turn to flinch both pokemon and use mud slap on ribom's wings to ground her. Those thin wings look like a pain to clean and gives us options later.
>>6171943 (OP)
Our pokemon

Foongus: Timid and cowardly, you met him at age 7 when foraging for food. You thought he was a Pokeball due to hunger and he ended up crying due to being afraid. You gave him a last morsel of food to calm him down and he followed you into the city. Now your bros for life. He's more brave during battles as long as its not TOO rough.
Ability: Effect Spore, Mega Drain, Stun Spore, Sweet Scent, Clear Smog

Was met a few months after Foongus. Some faggot with green hair saw you looking for shelter in the rain and offered you Castform to turn the days sunny after "hearing the voice of your Foongus...you meet weirdos amongst the homeless. It worked too! He gave you your original 6 Pokeballs too as means of apology for not being able to do more. You never saw him again. Castform is chipper and sunny! Which is odd given how much he feels like a bag full of water. He always tries to cheer you up! He is pretty bad at battles compared to the rest of your team. He lacks the "killer instincts" but he's loyal!
Ability: Forecast, Weather Ball, Sunny Day...that's about it.

A spacey chill Pokemon you met him during training Castform and Foongus. You tried to battle him but he kind of just...laid on his back. You tried catching him and it worked. Then when a wild Purrlion tried to steal the berries you scrounged up he Low Kicked the fuck out of it and sent it running for the hills. He seems...odd. Very much at his own tempo and logic. You haven't exactly figured it out yet but he's still a loyal companion.
Ability: Poison Touch, Poison Sting, Drain Punch, Astonish, Mud Slap

Flew into town after a particularly bad storm hit through the desert region. Which happens from time to time. You rescued him from being stuck in a tree and he joined you in gratitude. He's the most protective and on guard of your Pokemon. His Whirlwind attack has kept wild pokemon at bay and Hypnosis has kept would be scroungers from taking your shit.
Ability: Wonder Skin, Hypnosis, Whirlwind, Gust, Confusion

A sweetheart Pokemon who loves to fuss over you being clean. Was met as an Azurill who smelled Foongus' Sweet Scent and tried to suck on its head only to find a lack of nectar. You tried to fight it but oddly Foongus' grass type attacks did nothing. Clear Smog however knocked her out in one shot. She was a bit slow to befriend but she came around once you shared a soda you found. Has a huge sweet tooth and uses Water Gun to keep you clean. Unfortunately Water Gun doesn't make for good drinking water. She fusses over you appearance too making sure your clothes don't look TOO scraggly even though your wearing donated clothing. Evolved one day after successfully knocking out a wild pokemon.
Ability: Sap Sipper, Water Gun, Helping Hand, Bounce, Charm
You caught him after defeating it with Azurill. Its a trickster and loves to play pranks. Very easygoing trusting in its luck and not really...really thinking things through. When the going gets rough though he can't be intimidated and doesn't flinch!

Evolved during the first Battle Royale Amon entered!
Ability: Inner Focus, Incinerate, Psychic, Work Up, Headbutt

Spaghetti levels 3? is this correct QM?
How the fuck did I forget to post that? Yes. Thank you.


Roll a d100 for the Astonish/Mud Slap combo. Its an out there plan and Ribombee is nimble so beat an 80.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

By the power of.... i dont know Arceus
Rolled 100 (1d100)

power of spicy peppers
Oh man. That is an Awesome full 100!

Lets rock that fairy bees world
Since this is like our first hundred in months I'll let you guys swap a move with something else mid battle like in the anime. What would you like?
so like a new move we get to replace?

If so then i think swapping poison sting for Sludge Bomb? I would probably prefer Poison jab but Sludge Bomb would make more thematic sense.

what do you think?
Yeah sludge bomb sounds good to have another range option.
so instead of Poison sting? or Astonish

i dont wanna give up Mudslap. its such good utility.
Get rid of poison sting as we got the poison bomb to replace it.

Astonish as we just saw has utility and combo ability while sting is not varied.
When Croagunk eventually evolves I was gonna give him Cross Poison for free if this influences anything. So final confirmation for Sludge Bomb?
ye get rid of sting for the bomb
This +1 bombs over stingers

"Use Astonish!" Croagunk shoots out his scary face. "Mud Slap! Aim for the wings!" Croagunk conjures up some mud from his arms and slaps the wings of Ribombee causing her to fall. "Now Poison Sting!" Croagunk shoots out a blob of sludge that bursts upon impact with Ribombee. "Hey that's Sludge Bomb..." Mina notes. Suddenly Ribombee lunges at Croagunk with surprising force!

>Beat a 80 to dodge

>I'll say Ribombee is at 10 for that. But it aint over yet.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Come on dice. Dont disappoint me like in Bushido yesterday
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Rombie is suppose to be fragile how did it turn into a rocket?
Its got an Omni Boost running roght now. So 50% increase to everything except accuracy i think
>Totem Pokemon have a boost in stats and Ribombee was an endgame Totem Mon so she gets a big one. Responding tonight

Ribombee lands a kiss on Croagunk's head and it begins to glow. Croagunk cries out in pain as Ribombee glows with energy. "Oh that's Draining Kiss. Ribombee can use it to restore her health."

>Ribombee regains 2 health points.

>Croagunk is at 7/10 now
>Ribombee is at 18/20
>Blissey is at 12/15

May I recommend taking on the Ally Pokemon first by the way? You have a perfectly good fighting type doing nothing here against the Normal type...
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Yeahm what Ribombee can do we can do as well. Only with our fists!!! Come on buddy. Lets pulverize em with the Drain Punch
Rolled 94 (1d100)

I assumed ribombee was able to block our routes to blissey
>I didn't wanna make it easy lol.

Croagunk charges at Blissey and collides with a powerful Drain Punch. Sending her flying back and recovering 3 points of health. Blissey sends out another Egg Bomb and Ribombee uses Bug Buzz from behind sendings out shockwaves of green energy.

>Beat a 70 to dodge and a 90 to do something really cool.
Rolled 28 (1d100)


Come on RNG Gods. We can do this.
Rolled 94 (1d100)

we aint going to make it
i wanted to say. not with that attitude. but that attidude did get results.

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