Long ago, this continent flourished under the reign of an advanced magical civilization, one whose unparalleled mastery of arcane arts allowed them to command the very forces of the infernal. These sorcerers bound powerful demons to their will, using them as tireless servants and conduits for their magic, reshaping the world with an almost godlike touch. Yet, their dominance was not eternal. The heavens shifted in a cataclysmic cosmic conjunction—a rare and chaotic alignment of celestial bodies that unleashed devastation upon the land. The intricate bindings that held the demons in servitude shattered like brittle glass, freeing these vengeful entities. With a fury born of centuries of bondage, the demons tore through their former masters and their grand cities, leaving only ruins and death in their wake. The continent, once a beacon of wonder, became a forsaken wasteland haunted by demonic predators.In the vacuum left behind, other civilizations across the world began to thrive. No longer overshadowed by the oppressive might of the sorcerer-lords, they grew in strength, ingenuity, and independence. The title "Demon Lord," once signifying a mighty magician who ruled with legions of infernal minions, faded into myth.Generations later, tales of the fallen land's treasures and mysteries lured colonists from a distant western realm. Driven by ambition, desperation, or the promise of glory, they boarded ships and braved the seas to claim these cursed lands as their own. However, they were not fools—they knew the dangers that lurked. Among their number traveled a single, resolute Demon Hunter, sworn to protect the settlers and face the infernal beasts that still prowled the shadows.That Demon Hunter is you. But who are you, truly? > Duelist: You are a master of agility and precision, wielding twin blades in a deadly dance. A small crossbow rests on your back, reserved for moments of dire necessity. Armor slows the nimble, so you wear little, relying instead on your speed and skill to outmaneuver both demon and man.> Arbalest: A sharpshooter of unmatched precision, you carry a colossal crossbow capable of devastating power. Its dual firing modes allow you to strike with singular force or unleash a volley of smaller bolts in rapid succession. Close combat is not your strength, but a short sword at your side provides a last line of defense.> Peace Priestess: Blessed by divine grace, you walk unharmed among the demonic hordes, shielded by the Goddess’s Pact. As long as you do no harm to any living creature, no demon may lay a hand upon you. You carry no weapons but hold a satchel of healing potions and the knowledge to brew more. Instead of battling demons, you barter with them, offering your own blood in exchange for their magical aid. Yet, mortals are bound by no such covenant, leaving you vulnerable to human threats. > Write in
>>6172535>> Peace Priestess: Blessed by divine grace, you walk unharmed among the demonic hordes, shielded by the Goddess’s Pact. As long as you do no harm to any living creature, no demon may lay a hand upon you. You carry no weapons but hold a satchel of healing potions and the knowledge to brew more. Instead of battling demons, you barter with them, offering your own blood in exchange for their magical aid. Yet, mortals are bound by no such covenant, leaving you vulnerable to human threats.
>>6172535>> Arbalest: A sharpshooter of unmatched precision, you carry a colossal crossbow capable of devastating power. Its dual firing modes allow you to strike with singular force or unleash a volley of smaller bolts in rapid succession. Close combat is not your strength, but a short sword at your side provides a last line of defense.
>>6172535>Peace Priestess: Blessed by divine grace, you walk unharmed among the demonic hordes, shielded by the Goddess’s Pact. As long as you do no harm to any living creature, no demon may lay a hand upon you. You carry no weapons but hold a satchel of healing potions and the knowledge to brew more. Instead of battling demons, you barter with them, offering your own blood in exchange for their magical aid. Yet, mortals are bound by no such covenant, leaving you vulnerable to human threats.
>>6172535> Peace Priestess: Blessed by divine grace, you walk unharmed among the demonic hordes, shielded by the Goddess’s Pact. As long as you do no harm to any living creature, no demon may lay a hand upon you. You carry no weapons but hold a satchel of healing potions and the knowledge to brew more. Instead of battling demons, you barter with them, offering your own blood in exchange for their magical aid. Yet, mortals are bound by no such covenant, leaving you vulnerable to human threats.
>>6172535>Arbalest: A sharpshooter of unmatched precision, you carry a colossal crossbow capable of devastating power. Its dual firing modes allow you to strike with singular force or unleash a volley of smaller bolts in rapid succession. Close combat is not your strength, but a short sword at your side provides a last line of defense.Fight the coomer choice, boys. Pick the cool mini ballista user!
>>6172535>Peace PriestessOwn the demons with facts and logic.
You are the Peace Priestess!> Name feMCThe landing is tricky with those stormy seas, as if sea demons were trying to drown you before you could arrive on shore.Still, most of the fleet makes it.The men get busy setting up camp, and their leaders bark orders at them to conduct reconnaissance and look for a good place to build a temporary settlement.You hold a prayer celebrating our successful landing and go oversee the people carrying your luggage out of the ship.Night falls, and you've got a nice camp set up, with plenty of tents you brought, some lumber the men cut for a bonfire, and even food hunted from these plentiful lands.But then the first reports of demons come in.They naturally turn to you.Of course, you aren't going alone!You have 5 RP (Reputation Points), so you can recruit a few people!Spearman: carries a heavy spear and a couple of javelins. 1 RP Archer: carries a shortbow and a dagger. 1 RP Bodyguard: a big guy, carries a tower shield and a club. 2 RP Swordsman: carries a longsword and wears chainmail. 3 RP Light Cavalry: rides a horse and carries a spear. 4 RPWhich report do you want to investigate first?> To the north, there is a great tall spire amidst a ruined city glowing with evil energies. It must be the home of demons.> To the south, there is some weird kind of human-powered mill where prisoners keep walking in circles all day. At least one demon was sighted nearby.> To the east, a caravan of slaves led by a demon was sighted, transporting slaves towards the north.
>>6172581> Name feMC Arabella>To the south, there is some weird kind of human-powered mill where prisoners keep walking in circles all day. At least one demon was sighted nearby.Take 1 Bodyguard, 1 Archer and 2 SpearmanAlso dress like this to meet the demons
>>6172570Sad but truuuuuue!>>650
>>6172581Support >>6172586
>>6172586>>6172592>>6172596>>6172599You are Arabella, the Peace Priestess. As the heat of the day becomes unbearable, you decide to change into something more comfortable. The long dress you had been wearing clings to your skin, making the air feel even heavier. With a sigh of relief, you slip out of the dress and reach for your alternative attire—a lightweight, revealing two-piece set. The fabric is loose and flowing, offering plenty of breathability while still providing you with freedom of movement. The top is a delicate, yet form-fitting garment that leaves your midriff exposed, and the bottoms are a flowing skirt, light enough to allow a breeze to pass through as you walk.You adjust the attire, feeling much more at ease. The fabric ripples slightly in the wind, and while it leaves more of your skin exposed than you're used to, the comfort outweighs any modesty concerns. The bright colors shimmer in the sunlight, giving you a sense of refreshment and confidence, as the loose clothing moves fluidly with your every step.Your entourage stands in silence, unsure of how to react. The Bodyguard, ever stoic, glances over at the Archer, who raises an eyebrow but says nothing. The Spearmen, a bit more open in their reactions, exchange a quick look, unsure of what to say, but you catch their fleeting glances.You go investigate the plantation, standing at the edge of a grim scene. Before you, a vast sugar plantation stretches out, the air thick with the scent of molasses and the heavy weight of suffering. A group of twenty slaves, their faces worn and hollow, toil endlessly, carrying sugar cane and working the massive mill. The overseer, a woman with a cruel whip, stands nearby, watching them with a detached cruelty. Nearby, a huge demon sits, its form composed of swirling smoke and shadows, its body shifting and twisting like an ever-moving cloud of darkness. Its glowing eyes are shut, seemingly oblivious to the suffering of the slaves. The demon’s presence pulses with an eerie, otherworldly energy.> Approach the overseer> Sneak past the overseer and demon> Confront the demon> Reason with the overseer> Attack immediately> Write in
>>6172601>Confront the demonWe are protected after all
>>6172601>Reason with the overseer
>>6172601> Reason with the overseer
>>6172535you have my interest, OP>>6172586interesting choice for a priestess, to say the least>>6172601>Reason with the overseer
>>6172604>>6172608>>6172610>>6172622You go to talk to the overseer. As you approach, she notices you, and her men corral the slaves into a group. She gazes at you with a calm yet unsettling confidence. "You're not from these lands... nice clothings by the way... Who are you?" she asks in the local language. "Thanks, it's very hot in here so I'm wearing these. I'm Arabella, a peace priestess. Release these prisoners at once," you reply firmly. She cackles, the sound sharp and mocking. "We bought these slaves to make Rum for us. I even have the paperwork... somewhere," she says, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Enslaving humans is wrong!" you declare, your voice steady with conviction. "Says who? In this land, it is perfectly right. And if you don't leave at once, you'll end up just like them. Unless..." "Unless?" "Unless you want to buy some Rum, of course." > Offer to buy some Rum > Inquire about the demon > Have your men attack the overseer > Leave and report your findings > Write in
>>6172627>Offer to purchase the demon
>>6172627>Inquire about the demon
>>6172629>>6172630"What about that demon over there?""Ah! This is Thestowrath! The rightful owner of this land. In the distant past, he was enslaved by a bunch of humans using magic.""I thought you were the owner of this land.""Well, it is a bit more complicated than that. The entire continent belongs to demons and demons don't sell land. But the demon king, noticing that his demons weren't doing much with their alloted land, decided to lease it for those who want to do something with it. We are forced to feed the demons that live in the land we lease and to pay heavy taxes to the demon king. But it can be a good life, you know? Better than running around aimlessly risking getting caught by slavers.""What does Thestowrath eats?""The burnt remains of his foes. Or, whatever burnt remains actually. Just burn down anything and he will eat that. So we just feed him whatever byproducts we can spare burning. He's very reasonable, provided he's not hungry, then he gets mad as hell.""And where does this demon king lives?""Well, there are lots of them, they usually live in the ruins of cities. The one I lease land from lives in a spire north from here. Do you have shelter nearby? It is getting dark...""We came from overseas, we have camp nearby. What's with the dark?""It is when the shadow demons go out to hunt. They eat anyone they find outside at night. You gotta light a fire to keep them at bay if you're going to sleep in the open. Also, it is really cold around here at night. From overseas, you say? You could stay the night if you want. Common courtesy. Also, I want to hear stories from your land."You think you can make it back to camp before nightfall.> Accept the offer to stay the night> Return to camp and report your findings> Offer to buy some Rum> Have your men attack the overseer> Write in
>>6172640> Accept the offer to stay the night> Offer to buy the slaves from her
>>6172640> Return to camp and report your findings
>>6172641+1We're here to bring peace, not more suffering
>>6172641>>6172642>>6172648>>6172685You accept her offer to stay the night. "Great, now you can tell me all your stories!" she exclaims, grinning. Her workers herd the slaves into a large building and lock it up tightly. "Don't you light a fire in the slave quarters?" you ask, concerned. "Nah," she replies casually. "It could kill them or set the place on fire during the night." "Don’t they die from the cold?" "No," she explains, waving a hand dismissively. "There are lots of them, and they huddle together for warmth. Plus, I’ve got a bunch of wool—they made blankets for themselves." "What about shadow demons?" "They don’t attack people inside homes," she says confidently. "It’s a different kind of demon that does that, but that one only goes after people who are alone." "Wow, there are all kinds of demons." "Yeah," she agrees. "But I wanna know what it’s like to live in a demon-free land!" "It’s great," you reply with a wistful smile. "We don’t need to worry about any of that." "Can you sleep outside there?" "I mean... that depends..." "Depends on what?" "Some regions have wild animals or bandits." "Well, then it’s not all that different here. Why did you learn our language?" "I’ve always been fascinated by this continent, but there’s so little information about it. Almost no one returns." "Yeah," she says with a shrug. "It’s hard to make a living here." "Would you sell me your slaves?"She looks at you with a puzzled expression."Sure, at a profit. But then I would just buy more later and pocket the difference.""Are you some kind of elf?"
>>6172725"Elf? No, no..." She smirks. "I’m a half-succubus." "Succubus?" "Yeah, the sex demon. It’s the one that attacks people who are alone inside a building. By attack, I mean they use mind magic to have sex with them." "Why?" "That’s how they feed. They need sex energy. All demons feed on something or another. The most powerful ones require constant sacrifices." "Is that why slave caravans are headed to the demon king’s spire?" "Yes," she replies matter-of-factly. "The big demons require sacrifices every day, so the caravans constantly bring in more slaves. There are human breeding farms to the south—it’s a common business. I used to work at one." "You did?" "Yeah," she says with a mischievous grin. "I used mind magic to make the humans really horny so they’d make babies." "Can you do that?" "Of course! Check it out!" She tries to use her power on you but fails. "Huh? It didn’t work? Strange. Oh! Is that because you’re a priestess?" "Yes. The Goddess’s Pact doesn’t allow demons to harm me. I suppose a mind control spell counts as harm." "I’m not sure it’s a spell... It’s just an ability all succubi have. As natural as breathing." "Still, it doesn’t work." "Really weird," she says, looking at you with growing interest. "You’re the first human it’s ever failed on... It kinda turns me on... Would you want to... do it... willingly?" > Have sex with the half-succubus > Don’t have sex with the half-succubus> Write in
>>6172726>Don’t have sex with the half-succubusdunno what direction QM has been planned for this quest, but despite the sexy clothes vote I wanna play the priestess straight and be chaste.
>>6172726>> Don’t have sex with the half-succubusA trick and we get to feel smug we have self-control.Totally gonna slick herself at night, though.
>>6172726> Write inWhat's in it for us? Is she willing to make a pact with us, to aid us in understanding and surviving this place?
>>6172726>Don’t have sex with the half-succubusFree the slaves and we'll do it
>>6172726>Don’t have sex with the half-succubus
>>6172726>Don’t have sex with the half-succubusand>Write in"I don't think you understand that it doesn't work that way... And I have a mission here, which is to free all enslaved, and bring peace to these lands."
You decide against having sex with the half-succubus. You briefly consider using the promise of intimacy as leverage to see if she would free the slaves, but in the end, you outright refuse. "I don't think you understand—this doesn't work that way. And I have a mission here, which is to free all those enslaved and bring peace to these lands." "Well, if you say so..." the half-succubus replies with a shrug. Suddenly, a blaring noise pierces the night air, distant yet unmistakably urgent. "And what is that?" you ask, your voice tinged with concern. "Oh no! The spire is under attack!" she exclaims. "The Demon King is summoning all the demons to defend it. I have to go. Don't leave the house until I’m back—it could be dangerous." Without waiting for your response, she pulls a large box from beneath the bed, retrieves an enormous sword, and swings the door open. She vanishes into the night, running northward. You stand frozen for a moment, the cold night air biting against your skin. Your eyes lift to the starry sky, where you spot dozens—no, hundreds—of shadowy demons flying toward the spire from every direction. Who could possibly be attacking the Demon King? A chilling realization dawns on you: it must be your own people. They must have launched some sort of offensive near the spire, triggering this response. What will you do? > Stay inside while the chaos unfolds > Free the slaves while the demons are distracted > Rush to the spire—you need to settle this > Write in
>>6173073>Free the slaves while the demons are distracted
>>6173113You make the decision to free the slaves while the demons are distracted, an opportunity you cannot waste.With a sense of urgency, you head toward the large, imposing structure where they are held. The building looms before you, dark and foreboding, its walls marred by the weight of oppression. The gates, sturdy and fortified, stand in your way—but you are determined. You order your men to move into position, rallying them for the task ahead.Together, you push against the gates with all your might. It takes effort, grunts of exertion, and moments of frustration as the heavy metal resists. Minutes stretch on, each second a reminder of the limited time you have. Finally, after a relentless struggle, you bend the gates enough that a single person could slip through—just wide enough to allow passage for the enslaved.With the entrance now open, you step forward, calling out to the captives in the local language, your voice strong yet filled with empathy."The demons are occupied at the spire," you shout into the silence. "Come out! I am here to set you free."At first, there is hesitation. The air is thick with the weight of fear, and the slaves peer cautiously from behind the shadows of the building, their expressions a mix of uncertainty and dread. One by one, they begin to emerge, their eyes wide, their movements slow, as if expecting the worst at any moment.The group slowly grows, until you’ve managed to gather all twenty of them. Each person bears the marks of their long captivity—scrapes, bruises, hollow eyes, and the ghost of hope long forgotten. But they are free now, and that flicker of hope begins to return.With the slaves finally collected, you must now decide what to do next. The path ahead is uncertain, and their safety is your responsibility. What will you do? > Tell them to gather anything they can use as weapons. > Return to the landing site with the slaves. > Let the slaves go their own way. > Write in.
>>6173127>> Tell them to gather anything they can use as weapons.>> Return to the landing site with the slaves.
>>6173127> Tell them to gather anything they can use as weapons.> Return to the landing site with the slaves.
>>6173143>>6173154>>6173213You turn to the freed slaves, their faces still etched with the uncertainty of their newfound freedom. Though their fear is palpable, you know they cannot remain defenseless in these dangerous lands. "Gather anything you can use as a weapon," you instruct firmly. "We need to arm ourselves and head back to the landing site. Stay close and stay vigilant." The group hesitates at first, then begins to move with purpose. From the corners of the building and nearby sheds, they retrieve machetes—tools once used for the backbreaking labor of clearing sugarcane fields. Their blades glint faintly in the moonlight, a grim reminder of their past toil. When the machetes run out, the remaining individuals waste no time crafting makeshift clubs from broken furniture and sturdy tree branches, the crackling sounds of wood splitting echoing in the still night. The slaves stand ready now, armed with crude but effective weapons, their initial fear giving way to a flicker of resolve. With every passing moment, the urgency of your escape grows heavier in the pit of your stomach. As you lead them down the dark, winding path toward the landing site, the oppressive silence of the night is suddenly broken. Ahead, the faint rustle of wings grows louder, and from the shadows emerge a swarm of shadow demons. Their spectral forms hover menacingly, eyes glowing like embers as they block your way. The air around you feels heavier, colder, as if sapping the warmth from your very bones. The demons do not attack immediately, but their predatory gaze settles upon you and your group. They appear to be waiting, assessing, as though anticipating your next move. The freed slaves murmur nervously, gripping their weapons tightly, while the chill of dread washes over the group. You take a deep breath, your mind racing. The demons' presence is an immediate threat, but one that might still be navigated with the right strategy. > Tell your men to light fires, hoping the flames will repel the shadow demons. > Attempt to parlay with the shadow demons, negotiating safe passage. > Order everyone to prepare for battle, readying for a fight. > Write in.
>>6173286>> Tell your men to light fires, hoping the flames will repel the shadow demons.
>>6173286>Tell your men to light fires, hoping the flames will repel the shadow demons
>>6173310>>6173313You tell your men to light fires to keep the shadow demons at bay.The creatures continue circling us every step of the way looking for an opening to attack someone, until we arrive at the settlement, which has lots of bonfires litYou approach the expedition leader, Admiral Reevus, and tell him about your exploits."That's great, I'll have these men fed, clothed, equipped and put into the fray in no time. With their local knowledge they will be helpful for our war efforts.""War?""Yes. We just found out that massive people eating demons live in that spire nearby and we've been fighting them already. It is them or us!"You Reputation increased to 7!You sleep and in the morning you wake up to a new report - the commander wants to intercept a caravan of slavers!An advanced outpost is being built on the edge of the spire city to facilitate the war efforts.They finally unpack your cauldron and alchemical equipment! You could start making potions... if you had enough ingredients.> Offer to tag along the caravan team> Go check the advanced outpost> Take a group of men and go investigate where those caravans come from> Go look for ingredients to make potions> Write in You have 7 RP (Reputation Points), so you can recruit a few people!Spearman: carries a heavy spear and a couple of javelins. 1 RPArcher: carries a shortbow and a dagger. 1 RPGatherer: knowledgeable in local herbs, can acquire materials to make potions. Carries a machete. 1 RPBodyguard: a big guy, carries a tower shield and a club. 2 RPSwordsman: carries a longsword and wears chainmail. 3 RPLight Cavalry: rides a horse and carries a spear. 4 RP
>>6173286> Attempt to parlay with the shadow demons, negotiating safe passage. Did you not hear your king?? All hands on deck at the fucking spire, bros!
>>6173416Ah, drat.>>6173368> Offer to tag along the caravan team
>>6173368>Go look for ingredients to make potions>Spearman: carries a heavy spear and a couple of javelins. 1 RP>Archer: carries a shortbow and a dagger. 1 RP>Gatherer: knowledgeable in local herbs, can acquire materials to make potions. Carries a machete. 1 RP x3>Bodyguard: a big guy, carries a tower shield and a club. 2 RP
>>6173417>>6173368Oh right, recruits. Uh... I'll back >>6173433, sure why not?
>>6173368> Go look for ingredients to make potions
>>6173416>>6173417>>6173433>>6173440>>6173512>>6173545>>6173675You assemble your party with care: a spearman with a sharp eye and steady hand, an archer known for her precision, three gatherers skilled in identifying and harvesting herbs, and a loyal bodyguard whose imposing presence is both reassuring and intimidating. Together, you set out to gather the ingredients needed to craft potions, the weight of your task heavy on everyone's shoulders. Standing at the crossroads of three potential destinations, you pause to consider your options. Each region promises its own unique challenges and rewards, and your party looks to you for guidance. The silence is broken only by the distant calls of birds and the rustle of leaves in the wind. One of the gatherers speaks up hesitantly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "The Forest of Pangoli is closest. The locals say there are common herbs there, but serpent demons roam the area. They’re dangerous, but maybe not as bad as the others..." The archer frowns and adjusts her bowstring. "Maybe. But the Swamp of Kundal is where the best herbs are. If we're risking our lives, we should make it worth it. The problem is, there are stories of giant crocodile demons in the waters. And if the stories are true, those things are practically unstoppable." The spearman grunts, his voice calm but firm. "And then there’s the Mountain of Kizur. Rare herbs grow there, the kind you don’t find anywhere else. But the skies are thick with flying demons. They’re swift, and they attack without warning. We’d be exposed the whole way up." Your bodyguard folds her arms, her expression stoic. "Wherever we go, the risk is the same. You decide, and I’ll make sure we all come back in one piece—or at least try." The group falls silent again, awaiting your choice. The path ahead is treacherous no matter what, but the rewards could mean the difference between survival and defeat. Where will you lead your team? > The Forest of Pangoli: Common herbs are there, but serpent demons lurk in the shadows. > The Swamp of Kundal: Home to the best herbs, but guarded by giant crocodile demons. > The Mountain of Kizur: Rare and precious herbs await, but flying demons plague the skies. > Write in.
>>6173685>> The Swamp of Kundal: Home to the best herbs, but guarded by giant crocodile demons.
>>6173702You decide to venture into the Swamp of Kundal. Upon reaching its edge, you are met with an unexpected sight—a vendor standing beside a hulking giant crocodile demon, its massive, scaled body radiating an unsettling aura of menace. Despite the creature's intimidating presence, the vendor greets you with a cheerful tone, seemingly unfazed by the swamp’s dangers. "Oh, hello there, travelers!" he calls out, waving a hand casually. "I can spare you the trouble of venturing into the swamp if you're willing to part with some valuables!" Curious, you approach cautiously and examine his wares. Laid out on a sturdy wooden board are several neatly organized herbs, each with a small sign scrawled in messy writing: (3) Red Herb: This herb does nothing by itself but enhances the effects of other herbs. 200 silver(1) Swamp Rare Herb: Unmistakably the primary ingredient for potent healing potions. 300 silver(3) Blue Herb: A magical herb that boosts magical abilities, if you possess any. 100 silver(8) Green Herb: A modest healing herb, ideal for crafting weak healing potions in bulk. 50 silver(15) Kush: A herb that causes mild hallucinations. 20 Silver(4) Bakush: A much more potent version of Kush, causes strong hallucination. 200 silver(the amount in paranthesis is how many the vendor has)The vendor grins, his eyes glinting with the practiced charm of a salesman. "So, what will it be? These herbs are the best you'll find without risking life and limb in the swamp!" Your group exchanges uneasy glances, the crocodile demon's unblinking gaze adding tension to the situation. The vendor seems confident, but his grin carries a hint of greed. You weigh your options carefully. What do you do? You have 500 silver.> Part with most of your silver to buy the herbs. > Command your men to attack the vendor and steal the herbs. > Decline his offer and venture deeper into the swamp. > Write in.
>>6173730Take 1 Blue Herb and venture onwards
>>6173732*for ourselves
Rolled 17, 13, 2, 18, 10, 13, 6, 13 = 92 (8d20)>>6173732>>6173733You buy one blue herb and venture into the swamp!Rolling to see what you find in these treacherous waters!1 - a crocodile demons emerges from the water and eats one of your men20 - you find some herbs
Rolled 11, 16, 16, 12, 7, 10, 4, 13 = 89 (8d20)>>6173737Night falls and you found nothing.Fearing shadow demons, you build a fire and camp in the swamp.Rolling for random encounters in the night.2-5 - Crocodile demon1 - Something much worse20 - a native shows up
>>6173739As the camp settles for the night, the swamp's eerie ambiance grows more oppressive. The air is thick with moisture, carrying the distant croaks of frogs and the unsettling rustle of unseen creatures. Your guards stay vigilant, their weapons never far from reach, but even the most watchful eyes cannot see everything. Then, in the faint glow of the campfire, you catch movement at the edge of the shadows. A hulking form emerges from the darkness, its scales glistening like wet obsidian. A crocodile demon. Its massive body moves with deceptive grace, each step making the earth tremble slightly beneath its weight. Rows of jagged teeth glint as it opens its maw, exhaling a low, guttural growl that seems to resonate deep in your chest. Its golden eyes gleam with a feral intelligence, scanning the camp as though weighing its options. At least you saw it coming. The warning signs had been there—a subtle ripple in the swamp waters earlier, strange patterns in the night sounds—but now it stands before you, a towering force of nature. Your men stiffen, gripping their weapons tightly, their faces pale in the firelight. The demon advances slowly, its gaze flicking between you and your soldiers, as if daring you to make the first move. The tension is suffocating. You know the wrong decision here could mean disaster, but the right one might turn the tide in your favor. What will you do? > Order your men to attack the crocodile demon, hoping to overwhelm it with sheer force. > Attempt to parlay with the demon, seeking to understand its intentions. > Step forward and stand between the demon and your men, ready to protect them no matter the cost. > Write in.
>>6173741>Attempt to parlay with the demon, seeking to understand its intentions.
>>6173747You take a steadying breath and step forward, hands raised in a gesture of peace, your voice calm but resolute. "Hold, mighty one," you say, projecting confidence even as your heart pounds. "We are not here to harm or trespass upon your domain unnecessarily. Perhaps we can find another way to resolve this without bloodshed." The crocodile demon halts, its massive claws sinking slightly into the soft, marshy ground. Its head swivels toward you, its golden eyes narrowing as it studies you with an unsettling intelligence. For a moment, the only sound is the faint crackle of the campfire and the rhythmic drip of water from the trees. Finally, it speaks, its voice a guttural rumble that seems to shake the very air. "Stand out of my way, priestess," it growls, each word laced with menace. "I am hungry, and I need to feast on the fools who dared to venture into my swamp. They are mine, and I will not be denied!" The demon’s maw opens slightly, revealing rows of jagged teeth that could crush a human in an instant. Its towering form leans forward, radiating menace, as if to emphasize its point. Your men shift uneasily behind you, their grips tightening on their weapons, but none dare move without your command. The tension is thick, the line between diplomacy and violence razor-thin. You lock eyes with the beast, its words echoing in your mind. A challenge stands before you: to convince it, to divert its hunger, or to stand your ground against this terrifying creature. What will you do? > Offer the demon a trade, promising something valuable to sate its hunger. > Attempt to reason with the demon, appealing to its pride or logic. > Refuse to back down, readying yourself to defend the innocent. > Write in.
>>6173753>> Offer the demon a trade, promising something valuable to sate its hunger.>> Refuse to back down, readying yourself to defend the innocent.
>>6173756You take a deep breath, steadying yourself against the sheer intensity of the crocodile demon's gaze. Its words echo in the humid night air, each syllable weighted with primal hunger and a chilling threat: "Your blood! Give me your blood, priestess, and I will let your men remain unharmed!" The demon's massive frame looms over you, its golden eyes alight with a savage gleam as it awaits your answer. Around you, the swamp feels alive with tension, the very air thick and heavy with dread. Your men exchange nervous glances, their faces pale and their grips tightening on their weapons. They look to you, desperation and trust mingling in their expressions. The weight of their lives presses heavily on your shoulders. "I cannot allow you to harm them," you say firmly, though your voice trembles slightly under the enormity of the decision before you. "But if my blood will truly sate your hunger and end this without violence, I may be willing to make that sacrifice." The demon's maw curls into what might be a wicked grin, its jagged teeth glinting in the dim light. "Your blood will do well," it growls. "A token from one of your kind is worth far more than a feast of their weak flesh." You glance back at your companions, their faces stricken with horror at the thought of your offer. One of the spearmen steps forward, shaking his head vehemently. "You can’t do this, Priestess! We’ll fight it together if we must!" The demon huffs, a low rumble that sends ripples through the water at its feet. "Fight if you wish," it sneers, "but you will all perish."The choice looms large before you, the consequences dire no matter which path you take. What do you do? > Offer your blood to the crocodile demon, trusting that it will keep its word. > Refuse the demon’s demand, readying your men for battle. > Write in.
>>6173758>Offer your blood to the crocodile demon, trusting that it will keep its word.
>>6173761You step forward, heart pounding, and extend your arm toward the towering crocodile demon. "If this will end the threat to my people, then take what you need," you say, your voice steady despite the fear coursing through you. The demon’s golden eyes gleam with savage satisfaction as it moves closer. Its immense claws graze the earth, and its maw opens to reveal rows of jagged teeth. A clawed hand extends, surprisingly gentle, as it draws a shallow cut across your forearm. Your blood, warm and crimson, drips steadily into its waiting maws. The demon drinks greedily, the thick slurping sound filling the air. Its throat moves in deep, rhythmic gulps as the blood vanishes into its maw. You feel a wave of dizziness hit you, the swamp spinning for a moment as your strength ebbs. And then something extraordinary happens. The demon's body begins to shimmer with an otherworldly glow, faint at first but quickly intensifying into a brilliant golden aura. Its already massive form starts to expand, muscles bulging and scales hardening into gleaming armor-like plates. "Yes! YES!" the demon roars, its voice a thunderous boom that sends ripples across the murky swamp waters. "This power—your blood—it has made me unstoppable!" It turns its glowing eyes toward the dark waters, its voice rising with unbridled ambition. "I will challenge the Croc King himself! No longer shall I bow to his reign!" Without another word, the demon crashes into the swamp, its enormous form cutting through the water like a living storm. The sound of its movements fades into the distance, leaving you and your companions in stunned silence. Morning breaks slowly over the swamp, the pale light filtering through the canopy of trees. You sit slumped against a tree, pale and weakened from the loss of blood. Your companions hover nearby, their expressions a mix of concern and awe. "Priestess, are you all right?" one of them asks softly, offering you a canteen of water. You nod weakly, your voice faint. "I'll recover. But what happened here may have changed the balance of this place forever." As the swamp comes alive with the sounds of morning, the path ahead lies open. What will you do? > Leave the swamp, returning to safety while you still can. > Continue to search for herbs, determined to complete your mission despite your weakened state. > Track the crocodile demon and search for the legendary Croc King, curious about what comes next. > Write in.
>>6173773>Continue to search for herbs, determined to complete your mission despite your weakened state.We came for something and the croc demons are probably all busy fighting anyway
Rolled 6, 15, 2, 10, 5, 20, 2, 10, 12, 20, 17, 4, 14, 9, 4 = 150 (15d20)>>6173775You spend all day searching for herbs, let's see if you find any!1 - a crocodile demons emerges from the water and eats one of your men20 - you find some herbs
Rolled 10, 11 = 21 (2d20)>>6173785You find some herbs!Let's see what kind.1-2 - Swamp Rare Herb 3-6 - Red Herb 7-10 - Blue Herb 11-16 - Green Herb 17-18- Kush 19-20 - Bakush
Rolled 1, 7, 6 = 14 (3d10)>>6173787You find 1d10 blue herbs, and 2d10 gren herbs.Night is approaching!> Continue foraging all night long > Get out of the swamp (takes 4 hours)> Camp for the night (takes 8 hours)> Write in
>>6173788>Get out of the swamp (takes 4 hours)
Rolled 20, 3, 9, 16 = 48 (4d20)>>6173792>>6173796You decide to leave the swamp!Rolling to see if you find something on your way out.2 - Crocodile demon1 - Something much worse19 - a native shows up20 - you stumble upon some herbs
Rolled 5 (1d20)>>6173787You find some herbs!Let's see what kind.1-2 - Swamp Rare Herb3-6 - Red Herb7-10 - Blue Herb11-16 - Green Herb17-18- Kush19-20 - Bakush
Rolled 5 (1d10)>>6173859you find 1d10 red herbNow out of the swamp you find the trader again"Yo! Do you wanna sell some herb? I'll buy it from you."(1d10) Red Herb - 20 silver(2) Blue Herb - 10 silver(13) Green Herb - 5 silver> Sell some> Haggle> Don't sell> Write in
>>6173860> Don't sell
>>6173860>Don't sell
>>6173773>The demon's body begins to shimmer with an otherworldly glow, faint at first but quickly intensifying into a brilliant golden aura. Its already massive form starts to expand, muscles bulging and scales hardening into gleaming armor-like plates.so our blood empowers them, fuck. at least we didn't give it to that sadist.>>6173860>Don't sell
>>6173863>>6173873>>6173889You decide against selling the herbs, and return to the camp.Upon arrival you report what you discovered?"Your blood does WHAT to them? Don't go around giving your blood to these things for no reason, then. Our men are brave, they could have held their ground against some crocodile. Take some more men next time."Your Reputation increases to 10!You start brewing potions with the herbs you just gathered.You can brew:1 weak potion with 1 green herb6 weak potions with 4 green herbs, but it takes twice the time.1 strong potion with 1 green herb and 1 red herb6 strong potions with 4 green herbs and 4 red herbs, but it takes twice the time.1 mana potion with 1 blue heb1 strong mana potion with 1 blue herb and 1 red herbYou have5 red herbs2 blue herbs13 green herbsBrewing potions takes 1 day per herb used.What will you brew?> Specify
>>61739061 strong mana potion6 strong potions
>>6173906>1 strong mana potion>6 strong potions>6 weak potionssince green is not rare, let's make some weak potions as well for minor needs.
>>6173906>>6173920 +1
>>6173910>>6173920>>6173998>>6174122>>6174282The war against the Spire stretched across 22 harrowing days, each more grueling than the last. It began with the scouting party venturing too close to the Spire, where they encountered shadow demons lurking in the dense fog, their movements swift and silent. Though the scouts returned with valuable information, they paid a heavy price, losing two members to ambushes. The next day, the forward base was attacked by crocodile demons under cover of darkness, their ambush leaving supplies damaged and morale shaken. On the third day, a mysterious ranger appeared, offering to guide your forces through hidden paths to the Spire. While his knowledge proved useful, his true motives remained suspect, sowing seeds of doubt among your ranks.On the fourth day, your forces stumbled upon an abandoned outpost of a previous resistance. Inside, they found maps and supplies, as well as a diary warning of a traitor among the soldiers. The fifth day brought the first major skirmish in the forest of Pangoli, where serpent demons blocked your advance. The battle was hard-fought and costly, but your forces emerged victorious. The following night, shadow demons used the cover of a storm to raid your camp, their ethereal forms slipping through the darkness like whispers of death. Though you repelled the attack, the cost in exhaustion and fear was high.As the week wore on, a deserter from the Spire approached, offering intelligence about an impending ambush. While his loyalty was questioned, his information led to the interception of a demon battalion, temporarily tipping the scales in your favor. The discovery of a hidden grove containing rare herbs on the eighth day was a brief reprieve, though the joy was marred by an ambush of flying demons. The Spire retaliated on the ninth day, poisoning nearby water sources and forcing your healers to work tirelessly to purify the tainted wells. One healer sacrificed herself to save a critical water supply, her bravery inspiring the troops to press on.The battle against an obsidian golem on the tenth day marked a turning point. Though your forces managed to destroy the colossal construct, its collapse activated a beacon that summoned reinforcements from the Spire. The next day, a tentative alliance was struck with a neutral demon tribe, their agreement providing safe passage through dangerous territory in exchange for promises of autonomy after the war. However, the fragile alliance was overshadowed by the chaos that followed when the Croc King emerged on the twelfth day, enraged at a lesser crocodile demon’s challenge. Their battle shook the swamp, forcing your forces to adapt and evade.
>>6174489On the thirteenth day, a traitor was uncovered among your ranks, their sabotage of critical supplies nearly crippling the advance. Despite this setback, your forces endured an aerial assault by flying demons the following day, a grueling defense that left many wounded but strengthened your resolve. The ranger who had guided you earlier led a stealth mission on the fifteenth day, sabotaging a demon outpost guarding the western approach to the Spire. The mission succeeded, though the ranger was gravely injured, his fate uncertain.By the sixteenth day, the Spire unleashed a cursed fog, its effects disorienting and weakening your troops. As morale wavered, the healers worked tirelessly to counteract the effects. The seventeenth day brought a climactic battle at the Spire’s gate, where a demon general was slain at great cost. Though the gate was secured, your forces were too depleted to advance further. Reinforcements arrived on the eighteenth day, but their presence caused tension as rival leaders clashed over strategy. An ancient artifact was unearthed on the nineteenth day, its immense power tempting many, though its corrupting influence was undeniable.On the twentieth day, the Spire retaliated with its most devastating assault yet. A massive swarm of shadow demons descended upon your camp, their forms impervious to the fire that had previously been your strongest weapon. The flames flickered uselessly as the shadow demons tore through your ranks, their onslaught leaving the battlefield littered with the dead and wounded. Your remaining forces, exhausted and demoralized, regrouped on the twenty-first day, knowing they could not sustain another direct assault.By the twenty-second day, it was clear that the war could not be won through sheer force. The shadow demons’ resistance to fire shattered the confidence of even your most seasoned warriors. As the Spire loomed in the distance, its dark presence seemingly unshaken by your efforts, your depleted army looked to you for a decision. The path ahead seemed insurmountable, the cost of every step measured in lives.In the meantime you made1 strong mana potion6 strong potions6 weak potionsThe commander summons you!"I need you to investigate why the shadow demons aren't afraid of fire anymore. It was our only defense during the night, and now we have to set up massive patrols to keep them at bay, our advances halted. The answer probably lies in the spire itself."You have 10 RPSpearman: carries a heavy spear and a couple of javelins. 1 RPArcher: carries a shortbow and a dagger. 1 RP Torch Bearer: carries torches. 1 RPBodyguard: a big guy, carries a tower shield and a club. 2 RPFire Thrower: a soldier carrying torches and oil flasks. 3 RP.Swordsman: carries a longsword and wears chainmail. 3 RPLight Cavalry: rides a horse and carries a spear. 4 RP> Take the secret tunnel into the spire > March towards the spire> Contact 'friendly' half demons for clues> Write in
>>6174491>Take the secret tunnel into the spire1 bodyguard1 torch bearer1 swordsman2 archers2 spearmen
>>6174491> Contact 'friendly' half demons for clues1 bodyguard1 torch bearer1 swordsman2 archers2 spearmen
OP ?
C'mon man
Welp, a shame this was short-lived