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File: TROUBLESHOOTER HEADER.png (50 KB, 615x703)
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Have you ever heard such an eye-catching phrase? The poster before you certainly draws the attention of anyone who notices it. It's endearing, even. Yet you are filled with regret every time you look at it --- the landmine loaded with high-explosive cynicism could blow up in your face if you let your gaze linger upon it for too long.

You walk backwards, plunk yourself down into your office chair, and let out a long exhale out of deep relief, having finished moving the last of the boxes to your new Office in District P. Your wandering eyes drift upwards, following your invisible breath as one would follow a rising trail of cigarette smoke. Sometimes, it's important to mindlessly contemplate the eroticism of ceiling tiles. And some other pleasant-sounding nonsense.


You suppose you should introduce yourself.

OFFICE CALM (Atrium Carceri, Cities Last Broadcast, God Body Disconnect - A Thousand Empty Rooms) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jfU1HN2pSQ

You are JOHN SMITH or, to put it another way, MISTER ANONYMOUS. Your name is not terribly important these days.

But, in the gaze of others, the work that you do has earned you the moniker of a TROUBLESHOOTER. Someone who finds trouble, and shoots it.

You do not have problems, but you have solutions.

So your sought-after peace of mind is fleeting. There are clients to be heard, work to done, rent to be paid, and you hate the future for holding the power of expectations over you.

Let's get to work.
File: JOHN.jpg (40 KB, 504x717)
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You adjust your tie, open the Manila folder on your desk, and review your latest Missions...
>Locate and beat the living shit out of a missing debtor somewhere in your strata of District P. "He. Must. Be. Punished." (Client: Headhunter Ratchet, H company; scrawled letter, cam recorder provided. Rewards: $500, ++Goodwill (TYRANT'S CROWN))
>There's a trade deal being brokered between a few Minor Powers. Deliver sensitive documents to the representative of Toha Heavy Industries. (Client: Unknown, blood-stained manila folder. Rewards: $800, Major bionic implant)
>"TROUBLESHOOTER, pretty please: 1. find the anomaly known as 'ATOM BOMB BABY' 2. secure it using the provided containment cube 3. deliver to dropoff point 4. proceed" (Client: Acquisitions Department, P Company; formal letter of request on printer paper. Rewards: $2000, +GOODWILL (POWERHOUSE))
>KITTY. CAT. RESCUE. (Client: Unknown; photo, crude crayon drawing on the back of a greasy Beetleburger coupon, and a phone number of... an M Company Administrator? Rewards: $???, ???, ???, ???)
>[TIME SENSITIVE] "Recover my stolen bottle of 2000 Caymus Cabernet Sauvignon. Its location is at this District L Nightclub. Thank you." (Client: Mr. Mochizuki, T-Company; high quality memo written in cursive. Reward: $350, +GOODWILL(TICK-TOCK TIME), +2 Bottles of Free Time)

Hmmm... You tap the assortment of orders, once, twice, like knocking on your Office door.
- The first request sounds low risk, lowkey, and to be frank, this gentleman is certainly better off in your hands than in H Company's. However, Shivers work --- the art of finding things or people in a City --- isn't exactly your forte.
- Corporate affairs are where things start to become a little dicey, but as long as you've got your gun and a faster hand, you'll come out on top.
- An ANOMALY... That which breaks with the coherent logic of the waking world. It's a tall order but yowza! That's a few months worth of rent and then some.
- Well... a request is a request, isn't it? There's a reward if an Alphabet Company is involved with this, right? (You're no good with kids, admittedly.)
- This last job is the most straightforward of the bunch. No further comment.
Because you are just one man, and there are eight million just like you in the marvelous City under the earth, please choose ONE MISSION to undertake.
>[TIME SENSITIVE] "Recover my stolen bottle of 2000 Caymus Cabernet Sauvignon. Its location is at this District L Nightclub. Thank you." (Client: Mr. Mochizuki, T-Company; high quality memo written in cursive. Reward: $350, +GOODWILL(TICK-TOCK TIME), +2 Bottles of Free Time)
JOHN, you must DO A GOOD JOB.
>KITTY. CAT. RESCUE. (Client: Unknown; photo, crude crayon drawing on the back of a greasy Beetleburger coupon, and a phone number of... an M Company Administrator? Rewards: $???, ???, ???, ???)
Let’s go gambling!

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