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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.


You are a crew member of the Claymore Class corvette, the Emperor’s Glory, one of the thousands of unsung workers on the mile long ship.

The Glory was part of the fleet of sector Zeta-Zeta, one of the many sectors on the wrong side of the Great Rift, and among those who was left with no choice but to try to flee the doomed sector.

The fleet was supposed to try to go through a thin part of the rift- but as many things had in this dark era, it gone terribly wrong. The storm scattered the fleet. Sensors and auspex failed, riots broke out as half the ship gone mad, you survive the week of hell.

We just dropped out of warp. From what you heard is that the Vox is down and that the Astropath is unable to reach anyone.

May the Emperor save us.

You are a


Your name is;

>>write in name

You are a;

>>Void worker
>>Auspex officer
>>Ship scribe.
>> =][=


>be prepared to boldly go where no man had gone before
Swards and Stripes is not dead, just taking a brake from it to do a idea I had, also the thread archived itself earlier than I expected
>Agnus Crag
>Bruce Dauterive
>Void Worker
>Casimir Radwan
Mal Azeh
>Auspex officer
Ah okay, have fun with this one Orth
thanks, I also needed time to prepare some stuff lol
+1. A man of the people.
Take what you need

Votes counted.

You are Bruce Dauterive, Void Worker.

A man jolts himself awake from a nightmare right when he can feel the ship leaving the Warp. Thankfully only a moment before the alarm go off to wake up he’s shift so that the previous shift may rest.

‘’Praise the Emperor’’ he says to himself in the cramp barracks as he prepares for the work shift, in the purification room he can see himself in the old cracked mirror.

25 Terran years old. Bruce Dauterive is pale from lack of sunlight and only slightly malnourished. Reasonably healthy for a human man who never knew life not on the Glory, he’s brown short hair had managed to avoid the worse of an inadequate diet with still a full head of hair. With hem being 5’3 and a full set of OKish teeth- one could call hem handsome among the Void workers.

After a quick 15 minutes of getting ready the man rush to the cafeteria for he’s ration, the cafeteria is packed with midship crewmen, the grimy room is filled with the sent of stain corpse starch and protein bars made into a almost-edible gruel.

‘’They are giving out extra starch’’ says one of the fellow crewmen. ‘’they must had put down that riot by the Alf-guns’’ is heard as Bruce eats he’s morning ration.

The alarm sounds indicating that the work shift. With hast Bruce rush to he’s work station, Void-Maintenance Bay 13.

while there he sees a group of cogboys preparing for a void walk. One of the bigger cogs step forward.

‘’Rejoice feeble loyal servants of the Omnissiah, for today we will sooth the machine spirits of the main Vox arrays’’ says the metallic man as he lay out the shifts’ task.

Void work, despite doing it for years Bruce Dauterive;

- is always amazed by the grandeur of space, the colors, the planets, the moving space ships, whenever possible he try to steal glances of the beauty of the Emperor’s realm
- still feels a tightness in he’s chest. Living he’s entire life on the ship being in open spaces never made hem feel safe, most of the time when he is working he keeps he’s eyes to the ship.
- still enjoy soothing the machine spirits. This isn’t the first time the Cog boys had taken hem to fix one thing or another- out in the void Bruce has become adept at fixing devices, a skill that had translated to fixing he’s own equipment.
- still enjoy soothing the machine spirits. This isn’t the first time the Cog boys had taken hem to fix one thing or another- out in the void Bruce has become adept at fixing devices, a skill that had translated to fixing he’s own equipment.
- still enjoy soothing the machine spirits. This isn’t the first time the Cog boys had taken hem to fix one thing or another- out in the void Bruce has become adept at fixing devices, a skill that had translated to fixing he’s own equipment.
Votes counted, writing.
At hearing that they were to sooth the Vox array, Brian gives a small smile. He always been handy at soothing machine spirits, even in the weightless void. Often the Tech Preasts would have hem help them fixing all sorts of machines on the surface of the Glory which allow hem to meet more of them than most normal void-workers

The Void Worker gets into he’s suit, the only good thing about warp travel is that it gives more time to clean them. Instead of the putrid smell of sweat, antiseptics, and whatever they used to patch it up this time, Bruce only smells the last two of those foul odors.

In the claustrophobic apparatus the void worker with a hundred of he’s shift mate, a dozen tech Priests, and their attending servitors. All carrying tools, equipment, supplies, and spare air bottles. The air reclaiming process begins making the entire room shake a little.

One of the lower Tech Priestess look at Brian and speak with her suite Vox, her name was ZA281NA, but often just go by Zana to those close to her, she still have her long red hair and most of her freckled face outside of her left eye form the few times Brian had been able to see it without a mask. Currently she is in her own model of Void suit, with her hair pulled back and her ubiquitous face mask seen through its glass window.

‘’Having you here will likely increase our efficiency by 0.15%’’ says the Cog-girl in a feminine electronic voice, her facial expression hidden by the same mask that helps her breathe.

>>’’And if you let me borrow a cogitator, I can tell you how much working with you will increase our efficiency’’ Brian reply to Zana ‘’maybe after shift you can show me how to calculate that?’’
>>‘’it’s a service to the Emperor’’ Brian reply to the Tech Priestess ‘’May he be with us in the void’’
>> ‘’its always good to work alongside you’’ Brian reply to Za281Na. ‘’I hope this will go better than the time we had to replace Airlock 2319’’ he jokes to one of he’s friends.

The lowing air-presser can be felt on the shoulders as the humming of the air pumps can be felt through the rusted decks. Finally as the last of the life-giving air is reclaimed the doors open, exposing the group to the harsh emptiness of the void, centimeters of scratched glass being the only thing keeping Brian away from suffocation and a old power-pack keeping hem form freezing or burning.

Every void walk can be your last if your not careful.

Roll a D20, DC of 11.
forgot the image- thanks to one of you mad lads for making this
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>’’And if you let me borrow a cogitator, I can tell you how much working with you will increase our efficiency’’ Brian reply to Zana ‘’maybe after shift you can show me how to calculate that?’’
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>>’’And if you let me borrow a cogitator, I can tell you how much working with you will increase our efficiency’’ Brian reply to Zana ‘’maybe after shift you can show me how to calculate that?’’

Surely our boy can score
>> ‘’its always good to work alongside you’’ Brian reply to Za281Na. ‘’I hope this will go better than the time we had to replace Airlock 2319’’ he jokes to one of he’s friends.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>’’And if you let me borrow a cogitator, I can tell you how much working with you will increase our efficiency’’ Brian reply to Zana ‘’maybe after shift you can show me how to calculate that?’’

Votes counted- For the Emperor.

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