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The porcelain hordes are pushing from the north, east and south while the ever dwindling numbers of defenders, still loyal to the four, die, one by one, to stem the unending tide.

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The western forces of the four are slowly being squeezed from all directions, the porcelain tide in the south gaining a definitive foothold, anchored by hills and charred remains of kislevite villages, cleaned out of Magors ungors, ready and determined to press northwards towards Chamon as their allies pour in from the northern passes, passes purchased in fierce clashes with Ivans men.
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To the east, Hangar preserves his forces and flees further westwards, while Rue'Vahn's forces are slowly getting outflanked and left behind, perhaps because of Mulrog's fierce demons which few, both amongst the allies and foes, dare approach.
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And in the far east, the great cow-beast's forces are slowly being ground down and with the appearance of the foes in the south, pressed from all directions.
Magor's half-demon horde, unleashed from the depths of Chamon, now bound to his blood and flesh, stands before him, ready to obey his commands.
HP6, D3, M2
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Can anyone tell how much HP & Damage the lesser White Husks™ are statted with? If they only have 2 my Fimir could do some hunting.
That is something i would like to know as well. Since my beersekrrs could oneshot them as well and sending them into the breach with my Knights could allow us to shatter the enemys southern advance and kill the witch
2H and 2D, from what you've seen so far.
The Fimir move along the river towards the sea to strike at the nearest foe as well.
Fimir = Rooks/Bishops if you think about it
Brothers, it seems as though we have the opportunity to attack from multiple angles and thus, wound the foe a lot while more of them are yet on the otherside of the river.

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